#and we were thinking maybe natsuo just defaults to this
inkykeiji · 1 year
I think Natsuo needs reminding who the BIG brother is around here.
HAHAHAHA i agree anon i agree!!!
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thyandrawrites · 2 years
I love how Shoto loves his brother unconditionally. He's not afraid of him, he doesn't want to run away or look away from Touya. He wants to understand him so much. He wants to be there for him and he wants to actually get a chance to be brothers together.
I love that about him. I love that his resolve to save his brother is not motivated just by a wish to do right by his own values and his definition of what a hero should be. Cause yes, to Shouto a hero is someone who doesn't trust authority to do right by default but instead will step in and put their life on the line to save others. But that's not what truly motivates him here.
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What compels him is genuinely just a wish to connect to his brother, to get to know him for the first time. Shouto never got the chance to play with Touya like his siblings. He never got to bond with him. To Shouto, Touya was just a name his father threw at him when he didn't perform well enough during training. Nothing more. He was a dead brother he never got to meet, one that he likely didn't even know how to mourn.
Since then, Shouto was able to mend his relationship with his family. He reconnected with Rei. He spent more time having meals with Natsuo. He told Fuyumi about the friends he made at school.
Up until now, Touya was the only family member outside his reach, because until now, Touya was just ashes inside an urn. All Shouto had were the stories about him that his family could offer, stories that made up an incomplete, perhaps even incoherent picture. To Natsuo, Touya was a victim, killed by his own father. To Fuyumi, he was a victim of circumstances, died as a tragic accident that their father couldn't prevent. To Enji, Touya was a failed masterpiece. We don't even know what he was to Rei. But to Shouto... To Shouto Touya was barely more than a picture and an old photograph on a frame. How can he hope to understand Dabi, when all he has as a foundation for that sympathy is just stories?
I think it's great that Shouto recognizes that he doesn't have all the puzzle pieces yet, that he's still missing Touya's side of the story.
For all their similarities, their lives weren't exactly 1=1. Touya was discarded, but Shouto was not. Touya admired his father and wanted to please him, but Shouto did not. Despite being abused by the same person, their experiences are not carbon copies of each other. And it's important for Shouto to recognize this, to acknowledge his limitations, because this will definitely come up again.
in Touya's experience as a kid, everyone always thought they knew the perfect solution to all his problems. They thought that if they just tried to force him to see all the other options he had ahead of him, he would quit his secret training. In other words, everyone always just... Assumed they knew what was best for him, without really treating him like an individual whose feelings about it mattered, too. So what if he was crying himself to sleep every night? What if he tore at his hair and crumpled on the floor in a fit of despair? Forbidding him from training was for his own good!
... Right?
Well... Not really, no. As it turns out, ignoring that Touya had a will of his own is exactly what led to tragedy. If Enji had bothered listening to Touya's cries for help, maybe he could've saved him in time. As it stands, no one understood Touya then. To an extent, Shouto still doesn't. It's not his fault since he didn't know better and he was under a lot of stress, but during the war he did say some triggering stuff to his brother that totally didn't help with Dabi's spiralling. And that's largely because Shouto doesn't have the full picture yet.
What he can understand is Dabi's self-destructive hatred. Cause Shouto experienced it too. What he didn't experience was his father's rejection, or the loss of purpose Touya did when he lost the training.
But! It's great that he admits that he doesn't know Todoroki Touya. And it's even greater that he still wants to know him, regardless.
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Shouto places a lot of importance on telling people your truth. And we see this in action multiple times. Shouto overshares. A lot. He does it with Deku at the sport festival when he's barely known him a few weeks, and he does it to a class of preschoolers who doubtfully even comprehend the full extent of his baggage. In fact, he does it every time he wants his words to have resonance, every time he feels the need for people to understand his motives.
To Shouto, this is vital. Explaining where he comes from is his way of explaining who he is. Because so much of his life has been dictated by his circumstances that he fears that all people can see when they look at him is just his father's last name. But that's not all Shouto is. It never has been. Yet, he dreads staying in Endvr's shadow cause it suffocates who Shouto Todoroki is.
Which, not coincidentally, makes him the perfect person to relate to his brother. Dabi has also struggled all his life to define his identity outside of his father. And the reason why he struggled in the first place is exactly because no one ever bothered trying to listen to Touya's truth. All they did was trying to dissuade him from pursuing heroics and from using his quirk. But no one was willing to listen about how much that rejection was crushing him. No one tried to understand why Touya was clinging to a life he couldn't have back. Heck, Enji never even listened to the pleas to meet Touya at Sekoto Peak.
But now we have Shouto, who's very eager to lend a listening ear. To hear Touya's side of the story, to understand who Touya was as a person before anything else, and how he wound up becoming Dabi. To understand that Touya needs freedom from that suffocating shadow as much as Shouto did.
I think that this will be instrumental to both of their character arcs. Dabi needs empathy and someone willing to look directly at him, to love him unconditionally for who he is, and not what he could've been. And Shouto needs to be able to address all the loose ends from his past. So much of his journey as a person has been that of facing his family and making things right with them. I think it's really important that he's finally getting a chance to make things right with Touya as well
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shoutosteakettle · 4 years
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⤷ pairing: natsuo todoroki x fem!rreader
⤷ genre: slight angst, fluff
⤷ word count: 2418
⤷ warnings: maybe ooc natsuo 
⤷ a/n: i am so fucking excited to post this fic because it is my first fic for a server collab!! check out the rest of the fics for the collab here, everyone on the list is such a talented writer and i know that they put a lot of effort into their fics. and as always, thank you @ererokii for the beautiful banner for this fic,, i love you aims 
You have memories from one year ago today!
You looked at the notification on your phone, trying your best not to let the tears biting at the corner of your eyes spill out onto your cheeks. Even though you know you shouldn’t have, you opened the app; your eyes immediately darted towards the face of your ex. It had only been a couple weeks since he parted ways with you, but you had already forgotten just how handsome he was, and just how happy you used to be.
Your pained yelp was loud enough to startle the elderly couple sitting on the bench in front of you. You got up, brushed the dirt off your skirt, and sent a bow to them as a quick sorry for your vulgar language. When you straightened your back to stand up, your shoulders still slightly hunched, you looked in front of you, losing sight of why you had come here in the first place – not sure you ever really had a reason.
It was hard to keep track of your thoughts when you were overwhelmed by the amazingly beautiful scenery in front of you. The warm colors of the wilting leaves on the autumn trees paired almost perfectly with the fairy lights strung from them, lighting the path of food stands, game booths, and street performers as if it was art taken from the pages of a fairytale book.
As you trailed the path you had many times before, though you were usually accompanied by the person you thought you would love you forever, you let the nostalgia wash over you, almost completely forgetting about the stabbing pain in your right ankle for a minute or two. But you were brought back to your less than desirable reality when you found your face buried in the broad chest of a stranger. You limped backward, fully ready to apologize profusely to the stranger, but your breath hitched, and you couldn’t find the words to do so when you caught sight of his face.
The first thing you noticed was the definition in his jaw, the bones shaped as if was done by the gods themselves. Your eyes took note of just how clear his skin was, absent of even the slightest imperfections (despite being a full-time college student). In all your awe, you hadn’t noticed that his eyes were tracing your face in the exact same way. Taking in everything from the volume of your hair to the shape of your nose. It wasn’t until your eyes met his did you finally say something, “I- I’m so sorry, I must not have been paying attention.” You sent him a curt bow before standing back up and continuing on your limped journey for the infirmary.
But you stopped your steps once again when the white-haired male that you had run into placed a hand on your shoulder. “Are you okay,” he asked, gently turning you around, noticing the way you were trying to avoid putting pressure on your right foot.
“Yeah, I just- I think I sprained my ankle,” you told him, not even bothering to hold back the pained expression on your face anymore.
“Oh? That’s perfect- this is the nurses’ booth,” he said, pointing to the sign hanging from the hem of the tent.
“So, what happened,” he asked, rummaging behind his desk, most likely looking for what he would need to get you patched up.
You cringed at the memory as it replayed in your head in response to his question. “I was, uh, distracted on my phone and ended up missing a step going down the stairs, I took a little tumble, and here we are,” you explained, still mortified by the whole ordeal, but smiling to yourself about the way he chuckled at your last comment.
You watched him rise from his squatted position, ice and bandages in hand, before striding over to the cot you had situated yourself on. He sat down his supplies on the table next to you, making small talk as he rolled over the stool from his desk to the foot of your cot. “May I,” he asked his hands hovering above your right foot. Understanding he needed to take off your pump to help you out, you gave him a shy nod. 
You felt your cheeks heat up at the sight of the chipped nail polish on your toes. You meant to get them done; you just hadn’t gotten around to it yet, what with all the self-loathing. You jumped at the feeling of his hands on your skin. 
“Cold right,” he laughed, looking up to send you a quick smile, “I get it from my mom.” His smile looked sad, like there was a lot more emotion behind it then he was letting on. 
“So why are you here instead of enjoying the festival,” you asked him. He looked pretty young, around your age, so it was hard to believe he was actually a nurse.
“I’m actually in Uni, my first year. I’m majoring in health and welfare; extra credit for one of my classes was tending to the booth,” he explained, not looking at you, but rather focused on examining your ankle. You didn’t mind though; he had the most beautiful side profile and was truly a joy to look at. Everything from the lack of color in his hair and how it framed his face perfectly, to the length of his eyelashes and how they [make blinking sexy]. He went to ask you a question in return but was cut off when you let out a sharp hiss in return to his fingers pressing a little too hard on your ankle.
“Yeah, it’s definitely sprained,” he confirmed, looking up to see your face completely drained of little positivity it had before. “Don’t worry babes, this is what we’re gonna do.” You watched with glossy eyes as he rolled over to pick up the ice pack sitting on the table next to you before rolling back over to take another look at your ankle.
“We’ll use ice to help with the swelling and hopefully some of the pain, yeah,” he said very matter of factly despite the questioning tone of his voice. He looked up to you once again, waiting for a sign of confirmation that you were following him, so you sent him another shy nod. “We’ll do this for around 15 minutes. What time is now?”
You grabbed your phone from on top of the table next to you, tapping the screen and seeing the numbers 8:53 shine across the top. “It’s 8:53,” you repeated, reading the numbers off of your home screen.
“It’s already that late,” he questioned more to himself than anyone else. “So 9:03, go ahead and set a timer, so we don’t lose track of time.” You did as he asked, ignoring the smile of your ex as you swiped out of that app and onto the clock app, putting in fifteen minutes into the timer and pressing start.
“So what are you doing here at the festival,” he asked, finally taking a good look at you for the first time since you ran into him outside.
“Um,” you started, looking for an answer you could give him. “I come here every year to celebrate my anniversary.”
“Oh, you’re married,” he asked, taking a second look at your hand, dreading that he might see a ring he missed at first glance.
You feel your cheek heat up at the thought of marriage, how nice that would be. “No, actually, I’m recently single,” you clarified for him, shifting uncomfortably in the awkward silence following.
After a minute or two, perhaps the longest in your life, you found it in you to look him in the eyes again, only to find his were already looking back at you. “It’s probably for the best. Everything happens for a reason, and all of that, right?”
“Right,” you chuckled in response. Of all the ways you looked at your breakup trying to put reason behind your ex’s sudden, I think we’d be better off apart, never had you once looked at it as it was just fate. Your relationship being simply not meant to be, but maybe that was the best way to see it.
“What about you, are you in a relationship,” you asked, not meaning to come off as desperate as you're sure you sounded.
“Unless you're asking about the intense love-hate relationship that I have with my textbooks, then no,” he said, laughing with you at his own joke. “Why do you ask?”
You felt your cheeks heat up once again at his sudden inquiry, and for what felt like the thousandth time today, you found yourself without an answer to his question. “Just curious,” were the two words you were miraculously able to get out without stuttering.
“You said you were majoring in health and welfare, right,” you asked, desperately trying to detour the conversation from the topic of relationship status.
“So you want to be a doctor,” you asked, tilting your head to the side just a bit so you could get a better view of his face.
“That’s the plan,” he answered, keeping in line with his usual jokey tone.
“Why is-”
“I think it’s my turn to ask a question or two,” he suggested, cutting you off with the most teasing voice.
“Are you in Uni,” he asked. Your face, while beautiful, was an unfamiliar one.
“Yeah, but I go to school in Tokyo,” you said, a little embarrassed at the fact that you drove so far just to reminisce a little.
“That’s pretty cool! The city life over there is pretty exciting, right,” he asked, sounding almost awestruck.
“Yeah! I don’t go out much, but when I do, I always have a lot of fun,” you gushed, unable to keep the smile off your face as the memories came rushing back to you.
“Maybe I’ll have to come up there and take you out sometime,” he laughed, playing it off as a joke, but you didn’t miss the wink that he sent your way. 
“I think I would really enjoy that,” you smiled, watching as a soft pink tinted his cheeks at your sudden bluntness.
Just as he was about to say something in return, the timer you had set went off, the sound of the phone’s default ringtone blaring throughout the room.
“Alrighty,” he groaned, taking the ice off of your ankle and rolling over to the bedside table one last time. He put down the ice and picked up the bandages before rolling over the foot of your cot once again. You winced at the feeling of pain when he reached for your ankle. You could see it in his face that he was hurting for you as he wrapped up your foot. You're sure he said something doctorly about how compression was supposed to help with the swelling but you were too focused between the delicate work of his hands and the look on his face as he concentrated to pay attention.
It wasn’t until the feeling of your pump being placed back on your foot did you finally realize that he was finished. You set yourself down on two feet, listening to his advice about not putting too much pressure on your right foot. But even without walking on it, your right foot still hurt like a bitch.
“I can help you out,” he offered, already sweeping you off your feet before you had a chance to politely decline, sure that he had better things to do than helping you for any longer.
You couldn’t stop the soft giggle that left you as relaxed in his arms, feeling like you were right at home. Like this is where you were supposed to be there. Like he was made for you and you, him.
“It’s really pretty out here in the moonlight, huh,” you questioned rhetorically, the lights that shone in the streets reflecting in your eyes just like stars twinkled in the night sky.
“Yeah, it really is,” he agreed, but his eyes weren’t on the scenery. They were focused on you. Taking in your face all over again in fear that he might forget just how beautiful you were in the time between now and whenever the next time you see him is, that is, if he ever sees you again.
As he carried you bridal style through the festivities that was the fall festival and through the parking lot to your car, silence overcame the two of you, but unlike before, this silence was comfortable, nothing but the murmurs of people indulging in conversations and the crunch of leaves under your savior’s feet every now and then. No words were needed; if anything, they would probably ruin this moment between you and him. You couldn’t remember the last time you felt this at home with someone, but you certainly wouldn’t say that you minded the feeling. Despite his cold hands on your skin, your heart was overflowing with warmth, and it was all because of him.
“Which is yours,” he asked, nodding his head towards the cars. When you pointed out yours, he took his last couple of steps with you in his arms before carefully setting you down in front of your car. You weren’t ready to say goodbye yet. You wanted a little more time with him.
“Oh my god, I never got your name,” you confessed, mentally kicking yourself for forgetting something so important.
“Don’t sweat it. I’m Natsuo, Natsuo Todoroki.” 
“Well, Natsuo, Natsuo Todoroki,” you began, playfully mocking his cliche answer to your previous question, “would you mind giving me your number,” you asked, offering him your phone.
“Of course not,” in return for your he handed you his phone already opened to the contact app, and ready for you to input your information. 
“I don’t give that out to just anyone, so make sure you put it to good use,” he winked, taking his phone from you and turning around to walk back to his booth, but not without stealing one last glance from you as you climbed inside your car.
As you suffered the pain that was driving with a sprained ankle, there was only one thing running through your mind that distracted you from it all; Natsuo Todoroki was starting to look like a person you could make new memories with.
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movedkagen · 4 years
This is mostly ripped from discord so if it’s choppy that’s why ---
Rei never necessarily dreamed of being a mother. She had a dream, once. She painted and has a profound natural talent for art, but her family was conservative and never entertained her getting a job. Girls like her were only good for getting married. The most rebellious thing she ever did was anonymously release a few paintings while she was engaged.
 Painting continued to be a coping mechanism when she was in the mental hospital, though they were much darker --- her paintings in there were very gruesome depictions of ... typically feminine things --- pregnancy, childbirth, housewife duties. She just painted them as very painful and bloody because that's how they felt to her and that's how she emotionally processed how she sees her own value as a woman. Obviously this isn’t too relevant in the grander scheme of things but I’m just providing some insight into Rei as a painter. 
Now before I start, I obviously don't write Rei as Black but i think about how in Black and poc cultures women are blamed for their abusive and shitty husbands.  If he hit them its because THEY made him mad, and if he cheated it's because THEY couldn't keep him/make him happy. And i write rei with those burdens. i say this bc i remember rei being on the phone like "i can't take it anymore i can't be around him i'm scared" right before she hurt shouto and i'm like ... if she did that then she must have called her mother before.  and like her mother obviously didn't tell her to leave so i hc her mother was always like "be a good wife and smooth things over, keep ur man happy, if ur household falls apart thats on u"
Rei struggled the most with Touya and fuyumi. She never hurt them or anything but she had weird behaviors around them...And her biggest crime w them was the "weak constitution" she had. With Touya she was still trying to make it work with endeavor so she kept excusing his abuse because she was trying to keep things smooth... like stupid shit like "don't make ur father upset" and "u know he has a temper". not intentional but honestly just how she was raised and she thought she was doing the right thing by avoiding conflict and keeping enji happy. She tried to protect him but honestly she didn’t resent Enji as much as she did later, with Shouto. 
With fuyumi....It’s more a personal hc but I told inad that like. Rei never wanted a daughter due to how she was raised. her family was very sexist and oppressive. She cried when fuyumi was born. she did NOT want a daughter and did not want fuyumi to be like her, a woman she perceived as weak. Because my rei KNOWS she’s weak. Her quirk may have been strong but her "constitution" emotionally was frail. But fuyumi is a child and doesn’t understand why her mom gets upset when she tries to help in the kitchen and Rei tells her to stop.
Touya has every right to resent Rei ---  unfortunately though, Abuse is usually a cycle… I hced Rei dealt with a lot of mental and emotional abuse from her parents, her mother especially. that's how rei's family was. and in my hc quirk marriage is just a revamped arranged marriage. like quirk marriages in and of themselves are not evil like it's just. a cultural practice basically. but rei's family w endeavor........... her abuse was most prominently her own mother, They were VERY conservative, Very “the woman should serve the man” type people. endeavor was looking for someone with the right quirk so like. It’s reasonable to think that rei’s quirk had potential to be as strong as endeavor’s, just with ice. Yet she NEVER became a pro-hero? I think it’s because her parents never even considered it. Her taking an active duty job would have been disgraceful.
And culturally, most arranged marriages are agreements. i don't think Enji stomped in and kidnapped rei. There was an agreement. He was young, too. Like. Rei probably got married at like 18-19...he was no. 2 by 20. He was so driven to be no. 1. He is 46 now, and fuyumi is 23. like he's been grinding his whole career.
So if touya’s older, they had him basically right when they got married. The kids are all about four years apart so it’s probable that he basically had a kid, waited for the quirk to manifest, and then would have another...and fuyumi is the ONLY one who doesn't have that 4 yr age gap. she's closer to touya's age than the other gaps. SO I hc Touya And fuyumi r closer in age like that Bc Touya was supposed to be the Child who Succeeded. his fire quirk WAS strong. and therefore fuyumi was actually just. a planned child. because at that time their marriage wasn't complete shit it was like. something rei was optimistic abt.
for anyone who’s seen game of thrones,  there's one scene where sb accuses cersei of hating the king and she talks almost wistfully about how she was so excited to marry him bc of how strong and famous he was and she was so nervous on her wedding night but then stannis stumbled in drunk and came in 2 minutes and said another woman's name and she quickly became disillusioned by the idea of her whole marriage. I compare Rei’s view on her marriage to that scene.
she agreed to marry endeavor and he was a desirable bachelor @ that point. she was excited to try and get to know him and "be a good wife" to him but. his focus on work was always first. and rei, raised how she was and trying to make things work how she was, did her best to maintain what she thought a good home was for HIM. to keep HIM happy. i don't actually think he started out smacking everyone around. i think physically, touya rei and shouto were the people he abused while natsuo and fuyumi never got that.
he was training touya and fuyumi was planned and that was the only "happy" part of the marriage
it was when touya started “failing” that the things got ugly. I think fuyumi has memories of the family being functional and happy because at the beginning they WERE ... they were functional and did things together and acted like a nuclear family. through a child’s perception, that’s what she wanted to go back to.
Anyways, Rei Met enji. And like., She ofc didn’t love him but she at least kind of liked him as a person. When a man like that comes and asks to marry your daughter it’s not some ogre carrying her off, he was a desirable bachelor & her parents LEAPT at it.
 Rei was hopeful @ first. She thought "he’s handsome and strong maybe this will be a good marriage". She romanticized him a little bit. She kept thinking about being “good enough” for him. She kept giving him children, cleaning the house, being subservient because she was taught that those things made a good wife. she tried to be a good wife. 
 every time he got angry or distant she just blamed herself. what did SHE do to upset him. what did SHE do that didn't make him happy enough. 
 Endeavor didn’t hit her until shouto in my hc ... I think w shouto he just seriously lost his mind bc 3 kids in and no perceived progress. But up until that point, every time he got angry or distant Rei blamed herself. Every time he didn’t want to look at natsuo or called Touya a failure she blamed herself. And like. That fantasy was falling apart.
A resentment started brewing. She was starting to really resent her husband to the point where Touya being so similar to him made her uncomfortable. i do hc that at the time touya looked the most like him / had a temper (obviously we know him being angry would be him lashing out bc he was abused, i'm not saying his temper is wrong or bad). And fuyumi was so similar to HER I think being around her made her sad. I don’t think rei was weak and a pushover at the beginning....She was trying her best and by the very end she was tired
Now going into when she had her youngest child. All the other children disappointed enji and by default were  rei’s “failures”. She didn't give him good enough children to make him happy. That was HER fault. She loved her children of course, but being a victim of abuse from her own family would sometimes get distant from them. Rei has very said, distant eyes. she's always been that way.
Whenever enji yelled at them (I don’t think he hit them @ that point in time) she would make excuses for him.  
Touya and her were developing a strained relationship bc she’d ask the wrong questions and say the wrong things... “You shouldn’t have made your father mad” and things like that in response to his abuse because in her head smoothing things over is still the best approach. She wasn’t trying to hurt him, she just...wasn’t thinking rationally. She thought she was, but she was speaking from a place of abuse herself. She was taught to keep her head down.
When Touya would get angry he’d look so much like enji she’d visibly flinch away from his yelling. It strained their relationship. Like you know how you can’t take it out on the person who makes you angry so you take it out on someone else? like that. again, 100% wrong on rei's part. she made mistakes and tried too hard to please enji. She lowkey put her fear of enji into Touya as he got older. Tried not to show it but it was so clear he made her uncomfortable. And Fuyumi. She kept thinking fuyumi was gonna end up just like her and hated that.
there's distance with both of them because of those feelings. Then she has shouto and like. He’s her whole world. He’s nothing like her or enji and he’s sweet and he thinks the world of rei...Rei ADORED shouto. Natsuo was also very close with rei because endeavor straight up ignored him.
 And the shit starts where he wants to train shouto and she’s trying to stop him. She wants to put her foot down. She doesn’t want him to take her baby and make him like himself. She couldn’t protect Touya, but she won’t let the same thing happen to shouto. SHe starts being defiant. The fighting starts, the hitting starts. 
And you remember how right before she burns him she was on the phone with her family? Saying “I can’t take this anymore” over and over...She wanted to leave. That HAS to mean she has called them before which means this entire time every time she had a problem she probably called her mother or something for advice. And like. I’m sure. SURE Her mother was always on the other end telling her to smooth things over. To fix it. To make it right. To be a good wife. Insinuating she was a bad one for having problems in her house.
Which is why rei never left, She didn’t think to. It never crossed her mind outside of being some silly intrusive thought she’d never entertain... She had mental health issues for years, Anxiety and depression that went unchecked and developed into a schizoaffective disorder. She didn’t hear voices but she would just develop this severe irrational paranoia. and it all came to a head when she burned shouto.
when she got to the mental hospital I don’t think she took it well at all, I think she got there and kept insisting she was fine, was in denial that she was sick. I think she kept screaming and begging enji not to take her kids from her. I think she tried refusing medications, Pocketing pills, Hiding shit. Thinking she didn’t need help, she’s not crazy! Trying to leave and walk out. Her first year there was hard because they had to restrain her, give her injections. The whole ordeal.
She was very resistant to care at first. I also hc like. She’s clearly fine and having worked in a mental hospital before a lot of people ARE fine while they’re there but they’re so scared of integrating back into society they just don’t want to leave. She's not so mentally unwell she needs to be inpatient for 10 years that's just. not realistic. She could have been discharged earlier, but she didn’t wanna go back home. She was afraid to live in the real world again. So she stayed of her own choice there.
REI DOESN’T WANT TO LIVE IN THE HOUSE ENJI BUILT. In fact, when she gets out, she sees natsuo and fuyumi argue about who is going to live with her (to take care of her) and rei just quietly says she’s decided not to live with either of them. She loves her kids, she wants to have a place in their lives again somehow, but she’s also ashamed of how Fuyumi, Natsuo, and Shouto all think they have to “save” her. She’s lost all the years to raise them, but if there’s one more thing she can do for them as a mother, it’s stand up on her own two feet and not burden them any more than she already has. She tells them that she’s sorry for being weak, but that she wants things to be different. And because of that, she says she’s gonna live in a group home for women until she can get a job and get her own place. She has help from the hospital and she’s going to use those resources. 
The kids try to dispute it, but Rei won’t budge. She knows she failed them as a mother and knows she can’t change her weakness in her past, but she refuses to do that to them any longer. She isn’t a fool --- she knows it will make an already hard transition that much harder, but all she’s ever been is someone’s daughter. someone’s sister. someone’s wife. someone’s mother.
For the first time in her life, she wants to be Rei. 
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voidless-screaming · 6 years
The Todorki’s quirks
(I’m mostly basing my headcannons\theorys of their quirks by the hair color (Going with Shouto’s and Enji’s ‘’hair = quirk’’ logic)
Also, I was reading this: https://midnightcomposition.tumblr.com/post/176431794798/todoroki-sibling-hcs so that gave me motivation to post this. So kudos to this person
-Enji, we already know his. He’s unimportant.
-Rei, her ice works in the same way Shouto’s does but possible that hers might be weaker or untrained. Having said that, If she has a OP ice quirk (strong enough to draw the attention of Endevour.) why isn’t she a pro hero with a quirk like that? Or at least went to a hero school like U.A. Maybe she married at 16 and didn’t get the chance too?
-Toya, He’s hair is pure red (based of the only shot we see of him) so I think its safe to assume he has fire like his dad. He possible has stronger fire than Enji (or its weaker\untrained and unused like Rei’s.) Or if you wan’t to go with the, Dabi is Toya theory than we already know his quirk is blue flames. (funfact: When a flame is blue is means it is hotter than a normal orange one. We see Enji produce blue fire to kill a Nomu, however he had to put effort into that. Dabi, on the other hand has hes fire naturally blue so by default, Dabi possibly has a stronger fire quirk.)
-Fuyumi, her hair is white with little red bits (may I note, she has blue (Enji) eyes in the manga. But the anime changed it to her mothers grey.) So we can say she has inherited mostly her mothers quirk. But she her red bits might hint that she has a little of fire thrown in as well, however its only a small amount so maybe she can create weak flames at her finger tips or something?
-Natsuo, he has pure white hair. He’s eye color is unknown and the wiki isn’t helping me out here soooo. However, here: https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/bokunoheroacademia/images/4/46/Todoroki_Children.png/revision/latest?cb=20151119003805 it seems like he has some red hair under his white in in the back? However in the anime it isn’t there so it might just be some shadows since its not seen later in the manga (though, this is from someone who has not read the manga.) he has his mother’s eyes too. So I think its safe to say he has Rei’s ice quirk 100%
-Shouto, we already have a good grasp on his quirk. Were not sure if he can turn is fire blue like Enji though.
man, this is a mess.
I like doing small writing headcannons like this? Maybe give me some prompts in my ask box and I can write with that prompt or something
Have a good day, buh bye!
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thyandrawrites · 2 years
Not to be controversial but one thing I don't understand is how is dabi wrong for his family forgetting about him in a way? In the previous chapters we see them literally treating touyas name and existence as a taboo, natsuo seems the only reluctant one when rei and Fuyumi straight up say he seems to be the only one not able to move on as if seemingly they decided to do? And rei even confirms that? Fuyumi straight up says to let the bygones be bygones about touya specifically so his family did forget him in a way he was right about it kinda
Mmh, I'd say that he's "wrong" because saying that they forgot or even moved on from him is a broad generalization, and not one that is entirely fair to his family (minus Enji, who is an exception).
I see their reactions to his death as understandable and human, and I actually like that Horikoshi showed how they all processed grief differently. I find it a realistic representation, personally. Don't get me wrong, I mostly align my own reaction to Natsuo's, but I also understand that the issue is more complex and layered than simply stating that there is a one size fits all way to cope with the death of a loved one. I don't necessarily think that trying to put your life back together in spite of that loss automatically means not caring enough about the person who died. Clinging to grief can be extremely detrimental to one's mental health, so staying angry for years and fighting back the person responsible for it doesn't have to be the healthiest reaction by default imho.
I don't know how interested you might be in this, since your reading of Fuyumi seems very different from mine, but here I wrote a much longer and better worded meta on what I think her actual feelings on the matter are, as well as an explanation of why I don't think she has really forgiven her father, either, despite being willing to give him a chance at atoning.
All that said, I also think that Touya's feelings of abandonment are valid as well, and they don't negate or invalidate the feelings of the rest of his fam. From his perspective, the family was either indifferent to his death, or moved on from it fairly quickly. I think that's only partially true. Natsuo is clearly still mourning him and misses him dearly. We've seen Fuyumi pray at his altar and be torn up about her past powerlessness, and saw Rei own up to not having done enough to be there for Touya. Shouto didn't know him well enough when Touya "died", but now that he's older, the first thing he did upon learning Dabi's identity was trying to reach out to him.
None of that is indifference. Let's keep in mind that Touya only visited his family for a handful of minutes. He didn't stay long enough to see the full picture, so he only saw a partial truth. What he saw was the family adapting to survive in a still extremely abusive environment. Should they have done more to bring justice to Touya? Or to remember him? Maybe, but Rei was already at the hospital, and Natsuo and Fuyumi were just kids.
One thing Touya is right about, though, is that his father moved on entirely too quickly from his death. Touya's completely right to call this out as fucked up. Even when faced with the loss of a child due to that insane training, Enji still trained a replacement soon after. In fact, he trained Shouto harder because of it. The abuse got worse instead of stopping. Touya's death should've been what snapped Enji out of his obsession with power, but the grief was only temporary; secondary in importance to achieving Enji's dream.
This is just my opinion though. Feel free to disagree
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