#and when you talk in a reblog is just a qrt
mayhemory · 1 year
slowly learning this app. still so lost but im getting there
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itspyon · 10 months
how to adapt into dtblr culture for twitter refugees
so you've decided to move here from twitter. welcome and congratulations. this post is basically a big warning that goes THIS ISN'T TWITTER, DON'T BEHAVE LIKE IT IS, LEAVE THAT AT THE DOOR
i'll be teaching you two things, how the site works, and how to adapt your behavior to tumblr ( and really, normal human being ) culture. believe me, it's not that hard and it will actually feel very productive
let's start with the basics and frequent questions
your username can be anything, don't stress about it
your picture can be anything. a lot of us don't even have dteam related stuff up on our profile
your display name doesn't have to be your name. nobody is going to see it when you post, only usernames are visible
check your settings. do it. get familiar with them. turning on and off asks, turning anon off, turning submissions off. click on your blog, go to blog settings, check things there, go to account, your muted things will be there, go to dashboard and customize that. use your settings !!!
yes, pinned posts are fairly important and they tend to be pretty extensive. name age what you post about ( a lot of people here are multifandom !), just don't overshare ( no locations no trigger lists i beg you ). they also usually have a breakdown of your tags at the end
it's a whole thing. some are actually useful. some are just passive commentary
the tags you put on posts ( both when you made the post and when you're reblogging something ) are both global and hosted on your profile. it's why you'll see things like "nameofperson art" rather than just "art". using just "art" will put you in the promoted tag, in this case
you can use spaces on your tags
usually you will tag what type of post you're making ( art, text post, ask post ), and then the contents keep in mind this is how people often mute things, some people tag the current situation, people use and mute ship tags. but this is also how people find things, like the specific asks from one person to another, so "username ask" is commonly used, "irl person ( dream, dnf, etc )" is also seen a lot just watch how others tag things and copy them. nobody will get offended you took their tag formatting, most of us will appreciate properly tagged posts
you do tag when you reblog people. you use tags to comment on things. don't really use replies unless you're, saying thank you to someone or pointing out a spell mistake or asking to add an option to a poll, etc. we don't do replies, just rb your reply
quick reblog and like deets
post popularity is measured in "notes" which is the sum of replies, reblogs and likes. we don't really care much about numbers here and if you start getting crazy about it people will not like it. this is more of a talking and showing site
you can reblog without tags, feel free to
you can hide your likes. you can and should like as many things as you want. they don't alter any algorithm, since there's none. a like is a "i saw this post" notification to the poster
actually posting
people talk a lot. a fucking lot, and it's something you will have to get used to, because it's very different from twitter
there are no qrts. callouts are looked down upon. breathe. if you don't like something MUTE IT DON'T POST ABOUT IT, because no one is going to listen to any callouts. you will have to learn to live with the fact people like things you don't. this will, with time, make you feel very free
the bulk of posting here is asks, as you might notice soon. asks are fun and encouraged. just don't name drop if you're talking about drama please ?
don't be scared to send asks off anon, this is how people will find you and get to know you really. people are also more likely to reply to you
block bait anons. yes you can block anons. yes it will block every blog they make
culture time
i've said this. tumblr is unserious. drama here is approached very differently and with several less layers of panic. you will see death threats. you will see slurs ( said in non derogatory ways ). you will see jokes about serious topics. you will see people say "i didn't like this" and nobody will care
tumblr is a community of individualism. you will like your own things within the thing we share we like. you might not like dream's music, you might not find irl streams entertaining, as long as you're fucking normal about it ? nobody will care and you're free to express your opinions. people will even come ask you about it and just have a chat. we're here for the same content to some degree
tumblr is also a bunch of people who understand they like another bunch of people. that none of the streamers have stopped being human. so you might see people defend things that, maybe, you'd not have thought to defend before. maybe you're even uncomfortable seeing them defending it. this is something you will experience a lot, and you'll learn to properly deal with it as time passes
because again. no one does callouts here unless it is extremely bad. no one cares if you don't really like them. and they also accept people might and will not like them. and that is fine. and that doesn't make either person horrible. you're just different people. and you don't even have to interact
you want to make friends ? ask people things, compliment people's work, genuinely attempt to make conversation. this is not an impersonal website the way twitter is. people don't care about your opinions because they care about you, and you are more than what you don't like
the more positive and jokey and interactive you are the more people will talk to you. there's no "hitting the algorithm", there's no "engagement", it's just people talking to people. so don't be a neg posting bot, and be a person
you will learn to be less miserable. you learn to stop giving a shit and just do what makes you happy. they cannot get you here. there's no qrts. the few antis you'll find can be blocked and you'll never have to directly interact with one. don't be mean to the people in your own community, even if you disagree
again, you are more than what you don't like. learn to be what you like instead. and leave the dooming at the door
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junktastic · 10 months
I had a drawing months back that went kinda viral I guess, and it getting out of my normal sphere of followers meant that I got to observe how folks far outside of my twitter sphere interact with twitter and others. For reference, I am talking about this image:
Tumblr media
The context, besides getting to draw my friend Jenny, was that I saw a picture that was of an anime girl that said "lets be in our early 30s together" and I was like "haha, I will make my own version of this." Part of it was also that I think aging is fine, and we need to stop stressing so much over staying young. "Lets be in our mid-thirties together" is not a joke, I sincerely wanted this image to be warm and inviting, to maybe give people hope that there will be friends and people who love you once you get to that age. I never thought I was going to make it to 30, and I just turned 35 this year, and I'm the happiest I've ever been.
Some responses were obviously teens/early 20s people saying they don't want to get that old, which is whatever. When you're that young the dirty thirty sounds so ugly. No one cool is in their 30s! Well, if you ignore the people who make all the things they like. These responses I waved these off.
I saw the typical twitter experience replies of "this doesn't apply to me?" Ok bitch! Go make your own like I did! And show me when you do, I'd love to see it!
There was a handful of people who were saying "retweet to scare a twink" which I felt was kind of rude. Not to me, but to the twinks out there. Aging doesn't make you less of a twink.
Lots of people were sending it to their significant others or saying they hope to find someone to be in their mid-thirties with, which I love. :3 It makes me happy!
The one kind of response which is what I made this post for and I'm so sorry that I've been rambling, that I found weird was the people who will reply to just you. The OP. As if they are replying to everyone in the thread. I'm not talking about in QRTs, just straight in the replies. "Don't forget how tired she looks in this." Brother I drew the picture. I know. And ever since then I feel like, as someone who loves to read the replies on other people's tweets, I notice this a lot more often. Who are they talking to? Is this what people are referring to when they say "Main Character Syndrome?" Or should I be lumping these together with the "why isn't this about my exact personal life situation" people?
My fiancé says I'm thinking about this too hard (I got engaged last month btw), and he's probably right. I can't help but be curious about how other people choose to interact with the internet and images and people on it. And, I guess, am I supposed to reply? How should I feel about these. I guess I have to decide that on my own.
For the record, you are all very normal/understandable when it comes to what you guys tag my stuff with. That you love the girls (same!), that they're very gender (love this), or wow is this [insert fetish](not my intention but that's the internet). I feel like the slime girls get the "gender" comment the most and you are all so right for that. Every time I see people reblog my ocs I think "Thank you for loving [name]."
That's all! This was a pointless post but I'm unemployed right now so I have too much time to overthink things for no reason. How do YOU feel about how people interact with your posts? Are they weird? Or are they normal about it.
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faemytho · 6 months
some social media interaction culture breakdowns, as far as i can tell this is how these things work :3 i did this for fun and for my own amusement, so i probably got some of these wrong. please do not bite my head off. im willing to make corrections!
the differences between tumblr, twitter, cohost, and pillowfort! as far as i can tell, bsky is a twitter copy/paste, just with better site usage quality.
tumblr: do nothing. most people use this as either a bookmarking system or a "hey i saw your post and i like it". you can hide them; most do.
twitter: influence followers homefeed and algorithm. you can't hide them.
cohost: do nothing. this is for specifically "hey i saw your post and i like it". they can only be accessed by you; there's no way to make them public.
pillowfort: do nothing. this is for specifically "hey i saw your post and i like it". there is no way to access your own likes at all.
re- blog/tweet/share
tumblr: called a reblog. you can reblog with tags AND commentary, though most only reblog with tags instead of reblogging with commentary (ive seen this described as the difference between whispering to someone in an auditorium vs shouting something in an auditorium for everyone to hear)
twitter: separated into retweets and QRTs. a retweet is a direct share to your followers on their timeline with no way to add commentary, and a QRT is an embed of someone else's post with your commentary at the top, which makes it an original post.
cohost: called a share or a rechost, similar to how tumblr's system works, but the commentary culture is different. it's more common to add commentary in the post body, and discouraged to talk in the tags (based on how tagging works sitewide)
pillowfort: called a reblog, similar to how tumblr's system works, but the commentary culture is different. it's more common to share with no commentary before adding commentary, and not really common to talk in the tags. pillowfort replies are mostly where commentary happens.
tumblr: unlike twitter, tumblr replies ARE NOT their own posts. they're like DMs between you and the OP, except everyone can see these messages and join in on the conversation.
twitter: replies are their own post! they function similarly to how tumblr reblog threads work, but with more limited visibility
cohost: called comments and work like tumblr replies, BUT, are able to be threaded like AO3 comments. these are actually the ONLY interactions visible for anyone to see on a post!
pillowfort: called comments, and work like tumblr replies, BUT, are able to be threaded like AO3 comments.
tumblr: TAGS ARE VERY FREE. tags are both a sorting system BUT also a way to whisper your thoughts on someone's post that you've reblogged. you can make up your own tags for your own personal blog sorting system, or keysmash your reaction to cute art. tumblr culture involves a LOT of "tag talking", in which people don't actually put their overall commentary in the body of a post, but the tags of it when they're reblogging it. when making an original post, only the first five tags are counted. tags on reblogged posts do NOT show up in tumblr search.
twitter: tags are more formal from what i can tell. they go directly in the body of a post and are an explicit way to sort posts into topics and categories. tags on replies and QRTs DO show up in twitter search.
cohost: tags are more formal like twitter, but function visibly similar to tumblr tags. they go beneath a post and are the only way to search cohost (so its not common to talk in the tags). however, unlike tumblr, all tags from every user in a rechost chain are visible and searchable in shared posts. tags on rechosted posts DO show up in cohost search (from what i can tell, it's discouraged to re-tag a share of a post to prevent accidentally spamming a tag, since the tags of the OP will transparently carry over into the rechost).
pillowfort: exactly like tumblr, without the five tag limit and without the tag talking culture. tags on reblogged posts do NOT show up in pillowfort search.
tumblr: mean nothing. if you have a lot of followers that's probably bad actually because it means you're infamous. you're the tumblr clown and everyone's watching you flail around. clout doesnt exist. you can also hide who you're following on tumblr like with likes, again, most do hide this.
twitter: clout. clout clout clout. followers is good. followers means you're famous. you can't hide this information, nor can you hide who you yourself are following.
cohost: mean nothing, but doubly so. there is absolutely no way to see how many followers you have, nor how many followers anybody has, nor who is following who. you can view your own followers, but there's no number count and nobody else can view this.
pillowfort: an odd mix of all three of the above. hidden entirely like cohost, viewable numbers like tumblr, and some sense of clout-dignity like twitter. in actuality, most users follow Pillowfort's user-created communities rather than other users specifically.
tumblr: if you're an old user, your default is called your dashboard, in which you only get posts from the people and tags you follow. if you're a new user, (allegedly) your default is the "For You" feed. there are separate feeds separated into tabs at the top; other than the "For You" feed, you're able to customize what tabs you want to see and switch between. a half and half compromise between algorithm/no algorithm. it's there if you want it, avoidable if you don't.
twitter: you've got your "For You" and your "Following" feed (also called TL or timeline). im unsure which is set as the default, but "For You" is listed first so it's probably that. while the following feed is self-explanatory, the "For You" feed shows you posts that users you follow have liked as well as posts based on an algorithm around that. the algorithm knows all.
cohost: you also have two feeds here - "Latest Posts" and "Bookmarked Tags". Latest Posts are from those you've followed, while Bookmarked Tags is a feed you can build based on which tags you've bookmarked. there's no algorithm at all!
pillowfort: only one feed, composed entirely of posts from users you follow and communities you're in/following. no algorithm!
tumblr: only the tumblr wizards know how this fucking thing works (affectionate). sitewide search brings up both text in the body of the post as well as tags. clicking on a specific tag will give you posts that have been specifically tagged with the tag. blog search is similar but it breaks often.
twitter: hell. sitewide search brings up both text in the body of the post as well as tags AS WELL AS every post made by a user who has the searched term in their goddamn handle. clicking on a specific tag will give you posts that have been specifically tagged with the tag. profile search does not exist unless you know the secret codes to put in the url.
cohost: the site can ONLY be searched via tags that exist already. blogs here can only be searched via clicking on a specific tag. however, cohost provides toggles within every blog so users can toggle on or off a user's shares, replies, and asks to their hearts delight, which makes blog scrolling customizable to the users preference
pillowfort: sitewide search is how tumblr's search is supposed to work, AND way more stable. blog search can be searched only through clickable tags, but you're also able to view only original posts or only reblogs on someone's blog.
blacklisting, blocking, muting, muffling, making posts with sensitive content
tumblr: you're able to build a blacklist based on tags, and you're able to block users. "community labels" are a predetermined set of labels users can apply to both their posts and reblogs of other people's posts, and can be toggled to the user's preference
twitter: there is no blacklist, but a "muted word" list that you can customize. there is sensitive content filtering, but it's only under a generalized "sensitive content" warning. you can mute a user if you'd rather not block, which means you won't see their posts or when they interacting with you. you are also able to block users outright.
cohost: you can set a customized "content warning" on a post for others to click through, similar to twitter's sensitive content warning, but able to be customized as needed. you can blacklist OR whitelist content warnings. for tag filtering, you can muffle (requiring a click-through) or silence (hide completely). you can mark a post as 18+ very easily. you can toggle and customize the way posts on your feed display.
pillowfort: filters and blacklist are easily accessible on the sidebar rather than hidden in the settings. however, 18+ posts can only be toggled on or off (shown or entirely hidden), there is no click-through option. you can blacklist "words and tags" all at once, or just blacklist tags, to your discretion.
tumblr: as long or short as you want. tons of different ways to post, images, videos, audio, links, ect. some VERY basic code is allowed. it USED to be go nuts show nuts, but...
twitter: theres a 300(?) character limit and a four images per post limit. you can pay money for more post characters. 18+ is more limited than other sites, but allowed.
cohost: very basic posting editor. you can code html, css, and basic markdown straight into the post if you want to. there's even a preview toggle in the posting editor to see what it looks like before you post it. literally the sky is the limit. YOU DON'T HAVE TO KNOW CODE TO POST ON COHOST, but if you do you can make your posts look cool. there is a "readmore" like on tumblr, but it's a soft readmore based on the post length instead of tumblr's hard readmore. 18+ is allowed.
pillowfort: a rich text editor that's built to support images, videos, links, ect. as long or short as you want. 18+ is allowed.
tumblr: the ability to send asks and submit posts, polls, limited profile badges (most need to be bought), blog coding customization, post blazing, sideblogs
twitter: lists, spaces, circles, and polls
cohost: the ability to send asks, user funded, no ads, anti-AI stance, range of options for profile customization, private notes (able to be left on a user's profile for only you to see), sidepages (built-in sideblogs that function as their own main blogs)
pillowfort: communities (these are in tumblr beta testing currently), user funded, no ads, anti-AI stance, a WIDE range of profile badges (99% are free, 1% are rewarded for donating to the site during specific fundraising periods)
site sign-up and apps
tumblr: free and easy, app in the appstore.
twitter: free and easy, app in the appstore
cohost: free and easy, but posting is limited for a small period of time at first sign-up. you can browse, follow users, and like posts during this period of time, but cannot make your own original posts until cohost greenlights you (they'll send an email when you're able to post; mine was just under 24 hours). they have a progressive web app hosted by chrome that functions and appears as a regular app that bypasses appstore restrictions.
pillowfort: free, but unlike the other sites and more like AO3, sign-up puts you on a waitlist for an invite code, or you can sign-up with an invite code from a user already on the site. no mobile app, but a progressive web app like how cohost has is in the works.
bsky: the twitter copy. sign-up is free, but there's a wait period before you're fully invited to set up your account unless you have a bsky invite from a user already on the site. there's an app in the appstore.
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alittlefrenchtree · 2 days
As a black girl it's indescribable to explain the constant pain of seeing all this racism online, it's like a stab in the heart every time and it hurts just as much to always have to read things like "ignore, if you see hate it's because you choose to interact with hate, It's up to you"
no, unfortunately it doesn't depend on me and it doesn't depend on any of us poc, because it is everywhere and constant and racism is not just the insult with the slur but it is in the way they talk about us, in the way they choose to mock us for everything, in the way that we are never considered on the same level as other people and we cannot ignore it. It's painful and exhausting.
I hug you and wish you a good day.
That's why i tagged the post you're talking about with my reblog.
Tumblr media
As shown in the tags, I wasn’t denying what you said. Racism and fandom hate are two very different things even if it sometimes overlaps.
A large part of the hate and/or drama that happens in the RWRB are just patterns that happen in every fandom, even the very white ones. Putting the two leads up against each other, comparing them, comparing acting skills, careers, saying one is sold to hollywood and/or the other is talentless, saying fans aren’t supportive enough of this or that, that fans should move on from this or that, hate and bullying happens in every. fandom. ever.
And many times, the hate and/or drama is amplified by people trying to fight it. How many times did you scroll your timeline seeing people complaining about hateful messages but seeing none of the actual hate message unless you really look deep for it?
The idea is not to compare that to racism but to say that that unlike racism, this could be ignored. You don’t go on in life stopping people in the street asking for their opinions about your favorite actor or movie or book and insult them if they disagree and no one is doing that to you either. So I think that what the original post was about. The Internet expose us to too many opinions we shouldn’t have to deal with on a daily basis. The best answer to that specifically is to ignore.
As for hate messages rooted in either racism, queerphobia or misogyny or something equally revolting, I still think there are specific situations when the best way to fight is to ignore.
Let’s say I receive a queerphobic message in my inbox. 
What could feel right is to answer "fuck you, stop being queerphobic". But even if I’m calling out a queerphobic behavior I’m still amplifying that message by sharing it. I would expose 1,700+ (or more (or less if you count the bots)) people to a queerphobic message while trying to fight against it. I probably wouldn’t have changed the mind of the person writing this in the first place but I made several (maybe hundreds) people feel insulted.
If I ignore the message and put it in the trash where it belongs, I made a total of 0 person feeling insulted. The queerphobia hasn’t been amplified, the message doesn’t exist anymore. That what the original post was about in my opinion. Sometimes, the choice is up to us however we deal with it.
Instead, I’m sharing other messages. Yours. The stories of many actors and actresses of color starting their own producing companies because Hollywood doesn’t give them the same opportunities. Matthew’s voice talking about the rating of queer movies. Taylor’s accomplishments. Casey’s successes. Whoever.
On Twitter, it’s different. More difficult. We know algorithms. If 100 people answer to (or QRT) a racist post saying it’s racist and stupid, the algorithm doesn’t think it’s stupid, it thinks it’s relevant because 100 people interacted with it. If moderation and report and ban were efficient, it would be easier but Elon thinks it’s fun and social medias want more interactions not less so they’re built that way. So saying we should leave this hell hole isn’t actually a bad advice.
Long story short, it’s complicated. Ignoring things is not saying it doesn’t matter or that it’s unimportant. My personal belief is that we achieve more with pushing voices we want to make powerful and heard than by trying to convince people online we actually don’t know and we might never interact again with.
But ultimately it isn’t an easy topic and it’s unfair for too many people. 
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literaphobe · 1 year
[i'm the anon from earlier] tbh I have no idea how I found you or if I followed you before I started watching mlb!! I follow people rather impulsively and I’ve been on Tumblr forever so it’s hard to tell sometimes but your posts are bangers and I’d reblog them all if I weren’t shy
I started watching mlb because I was binging another show that had come out earlier this summer and I wanted it to last me a bit longer so I thought “oh, mlb is on Netflix, I once had a mutual obsessed with it in 2016, might as well watch a few episodes in between eps of the other show” and well, here we are, three months later 🤠
It had nothing to do with the movie coming out or the Season 5 finale, I only found out about the recency of these when I tried to watch the entirety of season 5 on Disney+ and. there were only 8 episodes. it was two in the morning. I was upset
But how/why did you start watching the show!!!! I assumed you’d also been one of the “company founders” asdfsgsg (1/2)
HI ANON!!!! Oh my god we’re both new-ish??? this is so crazy. i love how u started watching the show. i should think about what random mutuals of mine were into in 2016 too and randomly decide to watch those shows. SPEAKING OF NETFLIX i saw the show summary they gave once like yknow ‘as teenagers, she’s in love with him and he’s oblivious. as superheroes he’s in love with her and she’s annoyed’ LIKE I WONT LIE. i think they slayed that!!!!! mlb is not on netflix in my country btw. its on disney plus tho!! which is where i first binged the show HEHE like july 2022!! been over a year since i first started watching time truly does fly
i started watching mlb because i saw people talking about the s5 lovesquare flip and this was before it happened (ultimately it did not turn out how other people were discussing it) i was seeing tweets like OLD LOVE SQUARE -> NEW LOVE SQUARE and it went from omg chat noir loves ladybug and marinette loves adrien and well all the damn arrows to um marichat being a thing?? and i saw a mutual of mine qrt like ‘yeah tbh marichat is prob the healthiest dynamic in the lovesquare so they should be dating’ and um. well. i wont give my opinion on that but I WAS UNDER THE IMPRESSION THAT MARICHAT WAS DATING OR SOMETHING AND THAT ID SEE A LOVESQUARE FLIP. so i was like. man this show sounds absolutely insane. and so i clicked on it
AND I LIKED IT A LOT. so i kept watching. and here i am now. june-july 2022 michelle was tricked. marichat is not an established couple. its adrienette. which well. it is what it is. me being me i dont want any pairing established bc i think complicated situations are fun ^_^
i totally get u being upset when there were only 8 episodes in s5 tbh. BUT IMAGINE ME REALIZING S5 HAD STARTED BUT THERE WERE ONLY TWO EPISODES AND GLOOB WAS THE ONE WHO DROPPED THEM. i was like. what the fuck is this. i mean im watching them they are so fun but. why am i suffering. and here i am now!!!
i wish you would reblog my posts but honestly i far prefer having fun little convos like this on anon 😍😍 so i completely love and accept u and encourage u. as long as u drop by my askbox i am already the happiest blogger girl alive !!
also NO im not a company founder no. im the intern who runs into the break room every day and screams ‘WHOOOOOO WANTS COFFEEEEEEE’ and most days no one’s in the break room some days people are there but ignore me because there’s coffee in the damn pot so what’s this bitch on about BUT sometimes someone’s like oh hell yeah ill have a cup and then i start grinding beans on the spot to make bean juice or i like hand out instant coffee packets and smile like i just solved a problem. does that make sense
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kokokulto · 2 years
hi ! long time fan of your work Koko :) i wanted to ask you what your experience has been like delving into each social media platform, trying to get a feel for each, and now settling on tumblr ? how would you compare each of them, and why do you feel that tumblr has been your best experience so far? thank you for your time <3
[really long post lol]
There are so many things going on in my mind that I want to be able to articulate into words as I read this question lmaooo.
To have a fuller understanding I've talked about quality over quantity of social media interaction here and here. To summarize, I did some reflecting after attempting to 'reboot my art accounts' earlier this year. I realized that attempting to spread myself thin doesn't make me happy and I should only focus on a platform that encourages meaningful feedback and thoughts from other people. To me, Twitter and Instagram was not a place for it due to the nature of its design and algorithm.
I prefer comments over numbers. Something that in my experience isn't super common on Twitter or Insta (unless you're a really big account, or your post blown up to a massive audience). Most interactions there start and end with a like, and perhaps if they are generous enough, maybe a Insta Story share or retweet. The stories are just plain, and it's not often one get's a quote retweet (if you have more qrts, then you are being ratio'd LOL). It's a numbers game. The only parameters you base your "success" on these platforms is through the amount of likes or retweets you have. I am not saying it is impossible to have a good experience on these platforms, nor saying it's impossible to get mutuals there. However, I personally did not feel that people are actively encouraged to actually say something about the artwork if the person isn't a mutual or someone they already know. One experience that put it into perspective was when an old FNAF painting I did got around 1,500 likes despite the account being new and bare. Flopped on Insta but blew up on twitter; it dawned on me how meaningless and based on luck these large numbers were.
Now, here is where tumblr kicked in! Tumblr was part of the social media 'i tried to reboot'. I know that the growth here can be long (the ban, and people left blah blah yeah), and honestly did not expect much from it. But, I channeled my familiarity with tumblr from 2014 and remembered: "hey! In the tags, guys". Posting and reblogging made me enjoy the "tag culture" of this hellsite—even WAY more than before! The "comments via tags" thing is almost a way to give your thoughts and prayers remarks without the expectation for direct social interaction. Some people prefer this over the actual comment section, and it makes them more comfortable to say something about the work! I value every reblog that has comments and tags. Being able to hear your thoughts about the piece, why you like it is 1000% better than tons of likes. I get to actually see why people interact with the post; I'd describe it as having a touch of humanity in the interaction. Actual quality!
This is inherent to Tumblr's design from the beginning. There were no likes on this site before. At its core, people must reblog. And with the whole craze back then on this site with fandoms and such, people just started blurting out comments via tags. Even when likes were first introduced, the number reblogs often out weighed the likes. Because tapping a singular button and ending it there doesn't actually show much appreciation! Being on a platform where the community is encourage to use the tags beyond blog organization is amazing. Input and thoughts, are valued here and I think that's pretty cool. I look at the type of interaction the platform can give, not its quantity. I had fun time here at 40 followers, am still having that same fun at 200+. Probably will be the same throughout! (hopefully)
At the end, this place is still social media and one's relationship with it should be monitored. All comments (good and bad) shouldn't go to your head too much. But, at the very least, Tumblr's design and community allows a bit more of a humane touch when interacting with someone's work.
In terms of design though, I like that tumblr allows for different types of media (videos, audio, image sizes, long posts, asks + answers). Its archival system and the ability to open different blogs is also cool. Customization and markups are really nice! I love how personalized this place can be.
Hopefully this answers your question, and is comprehensive enough LOL . Again, this is my experience, and my journey. It may be different from yours. Just remember to go where you grow while having fun!
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silbermond-s · 2 years
Thank you so much you all who have been reblogging my stuff, it's truly appreciated 😭💕
I just don't know how to properly thank when people reblog with additional comments and tags (as I thank on Twitter qrt's), so I feel I'd be talking alone if reblogging my own post 😩🤡
A friend already explained me about it but I didn't understand and felt too dumb to ask again 🙈 being old sucks lmao
Anyway, thank you so much, guys for your support 🤲✨️
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hoedameron · 5 months
hi sorry this might be so irrelevant to you and if it is you can delete this but i just happened to see a reblog you made and that started me down a rabbit hole so i was wondering why you,,, hate? bryan dechart? i think you hate him?? i honest to god cant tell and after looking up his name on your blog i didnt really find anything about it 😭 but like did he do something bad or?
this ask has been sitting in my inbox since JANUARY and i do want to apologize bc, well, it's been awhile since i've thought about him and his community to that extent.
glad that post (idk which one...i made a lot back in the day loll) led you to your discovery bc it's been years yet he still has his "career" and his fandom.
hate is a strong word; i would rather use despise.
it's the fact that bryan keeps perpetuating this level of ignorance that drives me to chew on live wire. he tries to show that he is some "liberal" who cares about everyone yet he remains neutral and dangerously silent when it matters. now, i know online activism (sharing posts, rt/rbing them, the like) does not equate to be 100% about the cause (any cause) and some celebrities who are quiet have donated money to charities but it's the lack of acknowledgment...that's the part where it's like, okay, you should at least make some sort of noise. actual well known people have risked their careers by speaking out yet when he was in a game that steals the actual histories from various minority groups, you would think? but no, he's a white man after all. profit off a game that isn't all about you yet feeds into the narrative....fucking prick. i saw you wear a standing rock shirt six years ago put your money wear your mouth is, white boy.
now, that's more a "recent" discovery since i am kinda tired of rehashing the same talking points but this kind of ignorant behavior has been going on for years. he is also notorious for being a real snob which is funny as hell bc he has no leg to stand on to. plus his toxic positivity, microaggressions, and the fact that he blocked me bc i made a funny qrt in response to how tonedeaf his tweet was...like girl grow a backbone we can't keep doing this -_- idkkkk bryan dechart is just like any other privileged white cishet man and he puts it out in display with his neoliberalism that masks as "progressive". annoying as hell, profits off the ignorance of his viewers, and just....he's a load of horseshit. what else is there to add...he's a prime example of how mediocre people get away with too much and how he programs his fans to defend his actions
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heartscaffold · 1 year
A big thing I like about tumblr is that I can talk mostly nonsense without feeling like Im detracting from the point of my blog. because I can always make more
It's also why I refrain from posting random shit on my main since I use it exclusively for art and occasional unobtrusive update posts so people know Im not dead or away. I like organization and I dont like things bleeding into other things so I have a decent amount of blogs dedicated to certain spheres of interest that I dont think would be appropriate to put on one blog.
I think its mostly because I myself appreciate it when other people employ this approach because it makes it easier to enjoy specific parts of their content without being subjected to the rest of their person as they are, most of the time, just an internet rando to me and unless theres some personality beyond their art that I happen to enjoy looking at I usually prefer when its separate. Sometimes its for the best.
It's especially useful if the person in question Really Enjoys Getting Into Beef With Other People for some reason because then I dont have to see a morbillion discourse posts or qrts or reblogs or something or millions of Hot Takes on my feed when Im specifically curating it to be a fun and mellow experience.
The thing about twitter is that unless youve cultivated an audience that enjoys watching you being you they will likely protest whenever you as an Artist or just COntent maker in general show more personal parts of yourself as it obstructs their enjoyment of their, likely also curated content conveyor. I want to respect that personally, but due to me being a big Dumb Dumb who forgets passwords to his alts and other things outside of my control atm I can't afford to Just Make Another Twitter account, as much as I would like to.
Also Twitter is more conducive to quick spurts of funnymanism rather than discussions of things that interest you. It's easier to quickly qrt someone with "this you?" or a shitty reaction gif than to try and build an actual serious discussion about things. It's what it was built for and as I've grown I've realized that I;m not exactly the perfect kind of person to use that platform.
I'll still be using twitter to post art as it's been my established platform for a while but tumblr is probably best for showing me as I am as a person. It's also why I dont have much of an interest of plugging my tumblr there as I dont want to carry over that same vibe to my much comfier and earnest corner of the internet.
Thats about what I have to say for now. Expect more odd longwinded rambles like this one.
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getvalentined · 2 years
PSA That I Shouldn't Have To Make: If Person A goes public with how they've been abused long-term by an outside party, and your friend Person B has lied so viciously about them that they have people claiming Person A is an abuser in the comments on the post detailing how they suffered, you should care.
I'm Person A, by the way. A friend gave me some very disappointing information about an exchange they had with an acquaintance of mine, someone I believed was just unaware of the situation. It's not like I bring it up with people I'm not reasonably close to, so I assumed they just didn't know.
See, I like to think that most of the time, when someone associates closely with someone like Person B, it's because they just don't know. If they knew, I reason to myself, they would care, and they wouldn't associate with them.
I keep getting proven wrong.
No lie, it hurts pretty badly. Almost as much as seeing someone call me an abusive liar in the comments of a QRT/reblog from when I finally pulled the sheet off and laid bare the abuse I'd been going through with my ex. (Not quite that bad, but honestly it's pretty close.)
Most people are good. I have to keep believing that. There are just a lot more people than I want to think about who believe that "neutrality" in a situation like this somehow isn't just siding with the abuser.
But the thing is, "neutrality" in abuse situations where you are not ignorant of what happened is always on the side of the abuser. Always. Even if you don't know them, even if you don't like them. If you don't think it matters when someone you do know and do like calls another person an abuser in the same conversation where that person came out as a victim of abuse, you're not just siding with your friend—you're siding with the abuser.
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It's been months and this still haunts me. It still makes me sick. I think about it every fucking day and I probably will for a very long time. Because for some indiscernible reason, some fandom bullshit that I was only remotely involved in because someone jumped to the wrong conclusions was deserving not only declaring me abusive, but of doing so in public, on a post about the real abuse that I had been experiencing with increasingly intensity for over a year.
It took me most of that year to even admit to myself that I was being abused at all, and months after that to tell anyone aside from literally a half-dozen people. When I went public with it, my hands were shaking, my eyes wouldn't focus, I could barely breathe. My heart was pounding so hard I couldn't hear anything else. I was so scared I thought I might have a heart attack.
But yeah, sure, this thing I didn't do to someone I was never friends with was the appropriate response to all that.
This is like standing in the hall outside a hospital room after someone finally went to get medical attention after hours of constant physical assault, very loudly talking to a friend of the victim, and saying "Yeah I don't talk to the patient, she beat up a friend of mine. I don't know why she's in the hospital, and I'm not going to check, but I'm really sorry that you know her."
And then after the fact, a different friend of the victim sees someone they know interacting with the person who started the claim that the victim was abusive in the first place. This friend tells that other person what happened, and that person responds only with "That's none of my business."
Yes it is. The company you keep speaks volumes about your own character, and when you say "that's none of my business" you're saying so much more.
You are saying "I don't care that my friend lied about an abuse victim, I don't know them so it doesn't matter to me that my friend's lies led to the victim being accused of abuse when they finally got out."
You are saying "I would prefer to be friends with someone who lies to accuse abuse victims of lying and abusing others—someone who seems to have encouraged their friends to re-traumatize a victim of abuse with these accusations—rather than think for one second that someone I like might not be a very good person."
You are saying "Abuse is fine as long as it doesn't happen to people I like, and it's okay to lie about it if you really don't like the person who was actually abused."
It is absolutely your fucking business, and by saying it's not, you've declared yourself in favor of the abuser.
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comradedream · 3 years
heard u liked the psychology aspects of fandom :0 not anon but curious on ur thoughts about the complete flip in attitudes btwn tumblr and twitter regarding sbi and dt if you have any? (as in how a lot of mcytblr loves sbi and hates dt but vice versa w mcyttwt and how it was even that way before sbi were mass-cancelled on twt back in spring)
OOOO okay i actually had to think about this for a bit but also i’ve already thought about this so this is me actually verbalizing my thoughts lmaooo
i was ON mcyttwt back in october through march ish so it was before the ‘mass cancelling’ (which i think was largely techno’s and a large chunk of ‘sbitwt’ ceasing being used as a label after he didn’t apologize) so i saw the tensions there before everything actually went down LOL
i don’t think that divide is exactly like it is on here though, i feel like large amounts of both disliked each other on twitter while on here i feel like a large portion of dtblr is actually fine w sbi/sbiblr adjacent (which i think also has a reason.) WHICH ILL ALSO TALK ABOUT this is going to be very long. like actually mega long. like dsmpblr arguing about apologism with each other in reblogs long. (super long.)
so for one, i think ‘stan’ wise (cuz majority of yt viewers aren’t on either) tumblr has more sbi stans here and twitter has more dteam ones there. that’s the obvious one, just by there being more ppl = more chances of ppl disliking ppl, etc. dream is more active w his fanbase on there than most of the sbi adjacent ccs are and he’s the creator with the biggest following out of all of them, dteam has private accounts on there, it’s easily accessible if u want a fandom that’s close to the ccs and to a large portion of ppl who like them too. it’s also a more popular social media that doesn’t have like a user ‘stigma’ LOL i avoided tumblr for a very long time for the reasons i dislike general twitter now. (the radlibs.) (also my irls know i have twitter but i feel weird saying i have a tumblr. idk okay i feel like the way the two are perceived is different.) on here if u don’t care about interacting w cc tweets and also care a ton about the lore for example, tumblr is easier to write long analyses and stuff instead of just constantly provoking each other and trying to get the upper hand and throwing buzzwords around like on dsmptwt. sbi adjacent ccs aren’t super active on there anyway, and a huge section of general twitter doesn’t violently hate one of their ccs and the want to be there to fight them/defend ur fav isn’t there LOL. there are probably other reasons large amounts of sbi fans end up gathering here but i’m more knowledgeable on why large amounts of ppl end up on dttwt 🤷
mcyttwt and twitter in general actually is also very all-or-nothing and has a black and white form of thinking. so if someone dislikes someone they like to justify it with buzzwords and make it a moral thing instead of a preference. and that goes both ways, if a fandom dislikes a cc they like to justify it, and that ccs fandom is gonna dislike THEIR cc and try and justify their dislike of the fandom and the cc. it makes the fandom super polarizing because both sides want to be right when they’re both not even WRONG. so a lot of ppl just dislike the opposing side for literally no real reason OR stay focused on and over-emphasize little things and constantly provoke and antagonize each other
ALSOOO twitters interface makes it so it’s easier for the subgroups to interact with each other, since a twitter timeline includes tweets from ppl the ppl u follow followings, the stuff they like, the stuff the ppl u follow reply/qrt to ALL ON THE MAIN DASH. you can also see follower counts/the followers themselves and likes by default, hashtags and trending things and the ppl under them are very easily accessible, the search system is super advanced, and finally qrts and the more new evil qrt function of being able to look through them is available😍😍. like actually i genuinely think the new version of qrts is a huge cause of the current issues on twitter. u not only put stuff u dislike on ur followers timeline and then everybody there also has an input, but ur also able to gather with other random ppl who disagree, and it’s very easy to end up in subsections of twitter that normally wouldn’t interact with each other. and all of this is very normalized/not looked down on, it’s part of the ‘culture.’ subgroups on that app are SIGNIFICANTLY less isolated. that’s how and why i think the divide works on there on an platform level and how it all affects mcyt fandom behavior and relations between each other
as someone who was there i feel like besides the tensions that came w being the two largest chunks of mcyttwt (the cc comparisons, the want to have an upper hand, and oneups, the justifications on why you like the things you do that/the individuality and superiority complexes, and all the stuff that twitters design made an issue like i just talked about) it didn’t get as badly polarized until the lore
which is the next big divide imo. so first there’s that distrust of each other/each other’s takes. a lot of smiletwt hates a lot of the treatment dream gets from non dteam lore mains and the treatment they get for liking c!dream, such as taking out dislike of the cc on the character and vice versa, a lack in the rp and dsmp tags dream requested, calling fans of c!dream abuse apologists, etc. and a lot of non dteam lore mains care more about fictional characters than the ‘opposing’ ccs so they’re very defensive of the characters. sorry that was too biased BECAUSE c!tommy is a victim of c!dream they feel that anyone who even remotely threatens that is a bad person, and the character’s status as a minor and an abuse victim automatically makes people defensive/protective and gives them the opportunity to use the moral high ground to anyone who disagrees w them. a lot of all of that applies to both platforms and both sets of fandoms, twitter just also has all the aforementioned interface problems that make all of this stuff very in your face, which makes the feelings/reactions to it stronger. like if u constantly see shit that pisses u off literally every day for months ur gonna hate it more and want everyone to know that u hate it a lot
okay and FINALLYYY the last thing i can think of for now is the birth of dttblr 😍😍 (/s.) it was founded by people who already hated/grew to hate dream (and later ended up influencing a lot of the problems they caused on here to end up on twitter at a much bigger level 😍👍👍👍.) this affected the way anyone joining the fandom or was already there viewed dream aka 1/3 of dteam and consumed his content, even if it was subconsciously. a lot of the ogs in the fandom were basically george solos before george solos were a thing and all of that affects the way the fandom interacts with subblrs and functions itself. for ONE several of the ogs liked georgebur cuz they hated dream even though at the time wilbur was making fun of george and the two had hardly any one on one interactions which automatically bridges the content consuming divide between the two halves of the fandom. AND it blurs the ‘the opposing side hates my fave’ divide because dttwt wouldn’t positively interact with ppl who hate dream but much of dttblr did and many of them did it themselves. this all affected the relationship w greater mcytblr
OKAY and finally gnf currently interacts w and makes content with uk ccs. gnf mains i think are still the biggest chunk out of the 3 dteam mains subblrs (SOMETHING WHICH IS UNIQUE TO DTEAMBLR) or at the very least are many of the biggest accounts on here (some of which have big followings from being here early) and that affects how their followers see things. many like the uk ccs and it creates an overlap between the two halves of the general fandom, even while the lore still has other parts divided, especially in regards to c!dream
OH OKAY AND ONE MORE THING anyone on tumblr who sees what’s going on on twitter (such as treatment of their faves) hates them for it and it affects the way they view a lot of dteam stans BY DEFAULT even if they’re mutuals w george mains who like sbi. like the whole generalizing ‘dream stans /neg’ thing. plus theyre the bigger group on here so any of that is multiplied automatically
this is so fucking long and it’s STILL not all my thoughts because there are a bajillion layers and effects on each other and i can’t talk about every single one. oh my god if anyone made it this far i’m kissing u on the forehead. also i like just dumped a bunch of my observations and didn’t always directly say the connections between them and my points LOL please ask if something is unclear !
uhhh tdlr i think the way two platforms are designed, the group sizes of users in both fandoms, the storyline of the lore, and the way the two platforms look at each other all affects the divide and how it manifests on both ends of the fandom 😊
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pleuvoire · 3 years
i don’t like posts where someone makes a point and someone does a funny thing of editing out words to be a more generalized point. like (for example) a post saying “i hate when cis people ask about your genitals but try to be coy about it and pretend that’s not really what they’re talking about” (or something specific like that) and then someone will reblog or qrt with a screenshot of the post with most of the sentence blacked out so it just says “i hate when cis people” and it’s like. sure. ok. congrats you did a funny i guess. you know op was saying the specific things they were saying for a reason
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tonyglowheart · 4 years
gggu hate realizing that being on twitter is like (1) making me more paranoid about like... idk what they’re called, “dogwhistles”? like, suspecting ppl’s intentions behind posts lmfao, bc of how twt format makes it almost impossible to have any kind of nuance, and also bc there IS a lot of ppl with policing-intentions and you! don’t always know! it’s similar to that post three--rings made about this one person they followed who would go off abt ppl and one day it was about them, and after that they couldn’t do it anymore bc they saw how easily ppl went along with it
it’s like... as bad as discourse is on tumblr at least you can make your statement in full, and if someone fighting with you isn’t reading it, at least they’re reblogging it in full
vs qrting just a tiny segment out of it, and like it could be sth that’s not even a central point it could be an antecedent point, but bc they’ve reacted to it as an individual unit by itself, and then any qrt’ing can make it just its own out-of-context bit, it just... spirals from there
it’s a weird environment to be in and it breeds a kind of paranoia to it when looking at other ppl’s twts. 
Actually. no I know what it is. Everyone seems to operate in such bad faith there. And it’s a mindset that’s gotten me paranoid lmao, esp after the last round twt thread and then seeing ppl taking indiv sections out of context and assume bad faith and then act on bad faith too, and absolutely derail issues with their own agenda while accusing you of all sorts of whatever, including of being the one with an agenda while apparently they don’t have one.
And yeah like the other thing, it’s just. so easy for ppl - esp followers of that person - to just go along with it too and it just. spirals 8)
it made me really paranoid the last time feeling like ppl were talking about me where I couldn’t see, bc in the course of looking for sth else, I found a qrt in the search that twt notifs hadn’t shown me 8)
it’s........ been a Lot I think. I need to like. literally pull myself back every time, force myself to take a deep breath and not get offended and act on that offense lmao
and it’s not always successful bc life is a lot too and there’s a lot of sht up in the air and to have one my mind 8)
also I’m using keyboard smashes so much more now lmao
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ceeyuin666 · 5 years
Some pretty obvious things but for anyone new, there’s just a couple of housekeeping things I’d like to bring up.
Do not talk about actors in any Disney Park project
Do not repost anyone else’s content from any SNS platform
Do not QRT others on Twitter
Do not confuse Disney’s Villains Recruiters with the mobile app Twisted Wonderland (details below)
Please click on the read more for more information and details.
These rules are my own opinion and how I enjoy this fandom, it is all out of courtesy. You are of course welcome to enjoy the content of the blog as you wish, but when interacting with this blog in particular, I ask that everyone respect these rules.
If nothing else, there may be times i do not answer certain questions or present content in a certain way because I myself, adhere to the following when i enjoy the fandom.
These are not things I have been particularly strict on on my side blogs, but as this blog will be focused on Disney, I’d like to establish the following:
Do not mention, allude to or talk about actors/cast members in regards to ANY of Disney’s shows
You may have heard of how all Disney’s Parks prefer to protect the illusion of magic within its parks, meaning its characters exist inside the park and there is not “a person that plays Mickey Mouse” or “someone acting as Snow White”. The same goes for Tokyo’s parks and a good portion of the fandom is actually against speaking of the actors at all (in a public space that is; many people have side accounts or locked accounts where you can follow the actors or discuss them). 
As this is a general rule of the fandom, I wish to preserve it on this blog. Please refrain from reblogging/sharing/commenting and adding comments/tags such as “[actor’s name] looks so great as this character” or sharing photos of the actors outside of costume and calling them by their character name. The topic is open to discussion within DMs, private conversations or on locked accounts on networks such as twitter.  
Please note that none of the actors in any of TDR’s shows have their roles listed on their portfolio or their online profiles for this very reason. If you do follow the actors, please do not comment about their roles at Disney on their blogs/twitter etc.
Personally, I am OK with DMs with questions or comments about the cast but only in private.
Do not repost content that is not originally yours (photos, fanart, videos etc.) on tumblr or any other social media platform
Fan content including photos and videos you will find on Youtube, Twitter, Tumblr etc should be treated with the same respect as any other fan content. Please do not collect other people’s work and post it on your own blog, even if you credit back to the original source. 
Saving photos/videos and sharing them privately with friends is OK!
This goes the same for my own content; all photos and videos I post will be my own. On the occasions that I wish to reference content that is not mine (eg videos of shows I did not record myself), you will find a link to the original material and will view it on the original content creator’s page (this may not be on tumblr).
On Twitter, please do NOT quote-RT Japanese fans and add comments especially if they’re not in Japanese
A vast majority of this fandom is on Twitter so while this does not have so much to do with this blog, I just wanted to put it out there. 
Quote-RT’ing (Retweet with comment) in general, is seen as rude within most Japanese fandoms. Of course there are many that do not mind, but it really doesn’t hurt not taking that risk. For this fandom in particular, I ask everyone to remember an original content creator will see your comments in their notifications if you QRT them. While google translate is a thing, many find it off putting to see a comment they cannot read slapped on their own work (also google translate is far from perfect and you don’t want your words to come off incorrectly)
Much like artists that check tags on reblogs on Tumblr, you’ll find a lot of artists and others check out the profiles of people that RT their work so if you RT something and then write “RT IS SO COOL, THIS ARTIST IS A GOD” as a seperate tweet, chances are your praise will not go unheard.
Tokyo DisneySea’s ‘Disney Villains Recruiters’ and the mobile app “Disney’s Twisted Wonderland” are two entirely different projects, please do not confuse them
This gets a bit sticky, so I do apologise.
While many Recruiters fans I know were overjoyed at the announcement of the mobile game, Twisted Wonderland and there have been countless comparisons between the two projects, please note they are entirely unrelated projects that have nothing to do with each other.
The Recruiters can be enjoyed as their own thing and Twisted Wonderland can be enjoyed as its own thing, some fans have said they do not wish to mix the two, and I for one am of a similar opinion. Crossover art and comparisons are fine, but I will not be posting any sort of Twisted Wonderland content here as my main focus is projects within the parks at Tokyo Disney Resort.
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