#and wilson is still actively panicking but at this point he is so stressed that he just wants house to take care of him.
realbeefman · 6 months
how am i meant to post about toxic yaoi under these conditions
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avengerscompound · 3 years
The Tower: Family - 31
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The Tower: Family An Avengers Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Pairing:  Avengers x OFC, Bruce Banner x Bucky Barnes x Clint Barton x Wanda Maximoff x Steve Rogers x Natasha Romanoff x Tony Stark x Thor x Sam Wilson x OFC (Elly Cooper)
Word Count: 2069
Warnings:  Pregnancy, labor, surgery, breastfeeding
Synopsis: With new powers, Thor now living on Earth full time, a wedding to plan, and Natasha and Wanda expecting, a lot is changing for Elly and her large and rather unconventional family.  When Elise’s parents try to reestablish connections, Elly questions what being a family actually means.
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Chapter 31: The Whole Family
I was in full active labor seven hours after I lay down to nap with Steve.  My water broke at around nine that night, but it was just a small trickle and it took a little while for me to realize it had happened.
It was quite a strange feeling to be in labor while everything was just going on as normal around you.  We were experts at it this time, so babies were being breastfed and given tummy time.  Dinner was served and eaten together.  Riley and Pietro were given their stories and a bath before being put into bed and all the while I was getting these strong, debilitating pains that lasted barely anytime every 20 minutes or so.  There was a rotating roster of people who stuck by my side depending on what needed to be done in the house and when all the kids were down for the night Tony suggested that maybe we should just go down to the Medbay and see how things were going.  Turns out the answer to that question was; ‘not well’.
“Elise, honey,” Doctor Schroeder said, as I lay back on the bed with a bunch of probes attached to me, and one inserted inside me and attached to the crown of the baby’s head.  “The baby is in distress, we really need to do the c-section.”
“What?” I said, the alarms beeping around me as my blood pressure shot up. “No, no, no, no, no.”  Beside me, all the color had drained from Tony’s face and he started fidgeting where he stood.
“It’s going to be fine,” the doctor said.  “But he needs to come out.  We need to put you under as soon as possible.”
“But… I…” I couldn’t think straight.  I didn’t know why he would be in distress now.  I had made plans.  I’d gone into labor, I was supposed to deliver like Wanda and Natasha had.
“El, princess,” Sam said, stepping close to me and crouching down by the bed.  I looked at him, still panicking.  “Honey, I’ll stay with you the whole time.  Okay?  I won’t leave your side for one second.  We’ll get Edwin out and when you wake up, we’ll all have a happy and healthy baby boy.”
I felt tears prick my eyes but I nodded, feeling a little bit more sure about things.  Everyone backed off a little and I was moved onto a surgical bed and set up with an IV and wheeled into surgery.  Everything felt like a blur as I was given an anesthetic and oxygen and talked off to sleep.  I remember the last thing I could focus on was the light above me and Sam’s voice telling me he was right here with me and everything would be okay.
The next thing I was really aware of was my throat hurting and how cold I felt.  “Hey, El,” Sam said, gently.  “You waking up?”
I managed to force my eyes open but they fell closed again right away, I shook my head slowly.
“It’s okay, princess,” Sam said, running his thumb over the back of my hand.  “You can keep sleeping if you want to.  Everyone is fine.  Edwin was crying up a storm as soon as he took a breath.  He’s with the others now.  His feet and hands were a little blue and his pulse was a little high, but everything settled once he got used to being out in the big bad world.  They don’t think he’s going to need to be in intensive care or anything.  Just your blood pressure stressing him out.”
I relaxed as Sam spoke and seemed to doze off for five minutes or so before waking again.  A nurse came over to check me over.  “Do you have any pain, Doctor Cooper?”
I nodded and pointed to my stomach where they had cut.
“Do you want some pain medication?”  She asked.
I nodded again and started crying - though I wasn’t actually sure what was setting it off.
“Hey, El,” Sam soothed.  “It’s okay, honey.  I’m still here.”
“And you’re going to see your baby very soon,” the nurse added as she adjusted something on my IV.  The pain started to back off again, but I couldn’t seem to stop crying.
“What’s upsetting you, princess?”  Sam asked.
“I don’t know,” I cried, my voice raspy.
“Aww, honey,” Sam soothed.  “Having a bad reaction to the GA leaving your system.  It’s alright.  It’ll back off soon.”
I’m not sure how long it took to start feeling more awake but they brought me juice and crackers and checked me over before letting me go to my room where the others were waiting with Baby Edwin.  Sam stayed by my side the whole time, talking me through every little medical thing that they did so I wouldn’t worry.
I was wheeled into the room and was greeted by all the others who were seated around on the various couches and sofa chairs set up.  They all stood at once except for Tony who was holding the little bundle in his arms.
“Hey, sweetheart.  They said it all went fine.  How are you feeling?” Steve asked.
“I'm okay.  Feel weird.  I was pregnant and now I'm not anymore,” I said.  “Usually a thing that happens between those points.”
“You had a baby,” Steve assured me.  “He's right there.  Tony’s won’t let anyone else hold him.”
“Hey! You all got a turn,” Tony argued.  “But I helped make him, I’m proud of my good work.”
“Puh-lease, Tones,” Clint snarled.  “You jizzed inside her.  Who hasn't done that?”
“Hey, not in front of the baby!” Tony said, covering Edwin’s ears and looking at Clint with a scandalized expression on his face.
“Alright, alright,” Natasha said. “I think it’s time for Elise and Sam to get their chance holding him.”
Tony got up and carried the little bundle over.  He was wrapped in a blue blanket with just his face showing and he was sleeping peacefully.  He had a fine head of brown hair and a little button nose. “Look at what we made, El,” he said as he put him in my arms.
“I can’t tell who he looks like more,” I said, looking down at him.
“Well he has blue eyes,” Tony said.  “But that could just be because they haven’t settled.”
“He’s perfect either way,” Wanda said.
I smiled down at him and ran my finger over his cheek.  “Hey, Eddie,” I said softly.  “Sorry I missed you being born and stressed you out so much.”
“He’s fine,” Wanda said.  “I promise.”
“A hearty lad,” Thor added.  “You have nothing to fear, my life.”
I smiled and kissed Edwin’s forehead.  “Good,” I said.  “That’s the main thing.”
“Not to hurry you along, El,” Sam said. “But I want a turn too.”
I giggled.  “Okay, but only because you stayed with me the whole time.”
Sam grinned and took him from me, and I lay down, closing my eyes.  “Maybe we should leave you to sleep, honey.”
I mumbled something, trying to ignore the pull of sleep, but finding it hard to resist.  “Mishka,” Natasha scolded.  “It’s the middle of the night and you just had major surgery.”
“We’ll be here when you get up, and so will Edwin,” Bruce said. “You should sleep while you can and heal so you can come back home as soon as possible.”
I nodded slowly.  “I’ll stay with her,” Tony said.
“What a shocker,” Clint teased and came over and pressed a kiss to my forehead.  “You did good, El.”
“Thanks, Clint,” I murmured.
The others all came over and kissed me goodnight before leaving.  I dozed a little while Tony fussed around and eventually set himself up to sleep on the foldout next to me.
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The following day I woke up to the sound of Edwin crying.  Tony had him cradled in his arms, trying to soothe him as the nurses came and propped my bed up.  I have no idea how long I’d slept for, but the sun was up and the room was filled with flowers and balloons.
“There’s your mama,” Tony said.  “We were starting to think you were going to sleep all day long.”
“Sorry, Tony,” I said.
He shook his head.  “You’re healing.  It’s fine.”
“How’s your pain?”  One of the nurses asked as she fussed around me.
“About a seven,” I said.  “Maybe seven and a half.”
“We’ll get you something.  Are you hungry?”  The nurse asked.
I nodded.  “Very.”
“Okay,” she said.  “I’ll organize that too.  And are you going to breastfeed?”
“I’m going to try,” I said.
“Okay, let’s see if we can do that first,” she said, gesturing Tony over with Edwin.
It took a little bit of doing but we eventually had him latched and suckling.  I knew I wasn’t really producing anything much yet, the surgery would delay my milk production, but it was important to get him to suckle to bring it on.  He suckled with a scowl on his face, staring up at me with his dark blue eyes as he gripped at my breast with one little hand.
The nurse left to go order my breakfast and my pain medication and Tony sat on the side of my bed and started playing with Edwin’s hand.  “You ready to see the others?”  He asked.
“Yeah.  That’ll be good,” I agreed.
“Your mom is here.  Those are from her,” he said, pointing to a large bunch of white roses and blue irises set in a blue box with foil balloons attached that read ‘It’s a boy’.  “You okay seeing her too?”
I nodded.  “Yeah, that’s fine too.”
“FRIDAY, let them know,” Tony said.
By the time the very large group that consisted of my husbands, wives, children and mother came through the door, Edwin had stopped feeding and fallen back to sleep and I was slowly eating my way through a plate of French Toast with fresh berries.
“There she is,” Steve said, kissing me hello.  “You slept for so long.”
“I guess I was tired,” I agreed.  “I’m up now.”
“You otay, mommy?”  Pietro asked, coming over to the bed and putting his chin on the side.
“I have a big cut,” I said, caressing his hair.  “But I’m okay.  I missed you.”
“I misted you too,” he said.
Thor and Bruce lifted both Riley and Pietro up on the side of the bed.  “Be careful of your mother, she has an injury,” Thor said.
“Don’t touch her tummy,” Bruce added.
Riley immediately ignored both of her father’s instructions and gently patted my stomach.  “Tan I see?”
“It’s just a bandage right now,” I said.  “But I can show you when they come and change it if you really want.  It has stitches because they had to sew me back up.”
“Otay,” she said and promptly stole a strawberry off my plate and started eating it.
Pietro’s lip began to quiver.  “Dey sewed you up?”
“It’s okay, honey,” I said, pulling him in close.  “I’m okay and so is your new baby brother.  Did you see him?”
“Yeah, he’s borwing,” Riley said, matter-of-factly making me laugh a little.
My mom stepped forward and kissed my cheek.  “Congratulations, darling,” she said.  “He’s so beautiful.  They all are, but Edwin looks just like you when you were born.”
“Thanks, mom,” I replied.
Everyone settled around the room.  Some cradling babies while others looked over their shoulders.  Everyone was relaxed and happy and completely present as a family.  It was a little melancholy to think how back when I was born, my mother had me, and I looked so much like him, and yet I didn’t have this.  I would grow up not knowing that this deep love and devotion was a real thing.  That I wouldn’t know it until one day when I knocked over an ex-Russian assassin on the way to work and somehow that act would lead her to become fascinated by me.
In the end, it didn’t matter.  Every little thing that happened in my life led to this.  Me here with the people I loved most.  With the people who I had chosen to be a part of my life.  I wouldn’t change a single thing if it meant I would lose this.  I might not have known it growing up, but my kids would.  This was my family.
~ END ~
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spideyspence · 5 years
communication; peter parker
heya, this is (late & unedited) for @plushparker‘s 2k writing challenge. i hope you all enjoy this fic bc it was based on the prompt ‘i’ve been trying to talk to you all night’ and i got a little carried away. enjoy!
(warnings: the readers a dumbass in this fic but like,,, plot & angst. also there’s some violence bc there’s a fight scene at the end)
my masterlist
‘Peter why the hell couldn’t I communicate with you during that fight? Why weren’t you responding? I’ve been trying to talk to you all night.’ You yelled to your best friend on the top of a building in New York City.
Your best friend and you had just worked together in taking town a robbery of a bank on the Upper West Side that had been in the works of Wilson Fisk’s men for nearly a year. Peter and you had been working for hours each night, trying to plan how they were going to stop the crime. Peter was in his Spider-Man suit while you were in your own, a sleek black and purple outfit with your mask littered somewhere on the roof where you had thrown it in anger.
‘I’m sorry Y/N but I was punched, and the Bluetooth stopped working. I’m sorry that I was punched.’ Peter rolled his eyes.
He would be yelling at you too if he wouldn’t have been able to speak to you during dangerous events of that night. He was stressed because he was beginning to do more appearances at FEAST to help out Aunt May and he had a physics test the next morning he hadn’t studied for, and he was tired.
‘Those men were still stronger than we anticipated Pete. I was scared okay, I refuse to put you in danger which seems stupid because we’re a team, but you know I will always jump in front of you to save you but I can’t handle the idea of fighting on my own.’ Your lungs were starting to take in as much of the night air as they could during your angered rant.
‘No matter how much time we spent planning Y/N, they were always going to be stronger and have the upper hand on fighting. We have to rely on our ourselves and each other while they have thousand-dollar guns aimed in our direction.’ Peter said to you, his voice softer than yours.
‘You still could’ve contacted me! Karen still freaking works, right?’ You questioned sarcastically.
‘Yeah, but-’ Peter was stuck. You had a damn good point.
‘You know how important communication is, especially during a fight like that, knowing that our lives were at stake!’
‘Well if you’re going to be this panicked maybe we shouldn’t be working together!’ Peter yelled.
It was always the two of you. Worked together on group projects in school, going to go see the new Star Wars films at the cinemas (Ned came along for a couple of them), studying, working together to take down the bad guys.
It was Y/N and Peter, that’s how the world works.
You stared at Peter, struggling to believe that your best friend would say something like that.
‘You really think that that is how we should go. Work alone? No longer help each other out?’ You questioned as you walk away to pick up your mask to put it back on to hide your tears from your best friend.
‘Y/N I- I didn’t mean that.’ Peter said softly, his voice starting to shake.
‘You seemed pretty certain about it.’ You snapped.
You didn’t want to leave your best friend. You knew that you and Peter were the best team. You understood each other’s movements. You knew that what you were about to do was completely unreasonable and stupid, but you were too clouded with your emotions and Peter’s words still racing through your head.
Peter started to slowly walk towards you.
‘Y/N, I swear I didn’t mean that. We’re a team, we always work together, and we work well. I’m sorry I’m just frustrated.’
‘Don’t bother apologising Peter, just, I’ll see you tomorrow at school.’
You turned around and leapt off the room and headed back home to get some sleep.
Walking down the halls of midtown, you kept your eyes focused on your locker because there was no way that you were going to face Peter.
Grabbing your books seemed like the perfect time for Peter to go up and talk to you but when you saw his New Balance sneakers next to you, you slammed your locker door shut and turned in the opposite direction, taking the longer way to your maths class.
You knew that you had to get over Peter’s words, and you knew you would eventually, but they had hurt so bad.
It wasn’t fair that Peter snapped at you just because you wanted to make sure that he was safe.
Sitting in maths you didn’t make eye contact with Peter. You had made the mistake of looking at him once and seeing the pain in his eyes made your stomach turn.
During lunch you didn’t talk to Peter, you just sat there reading your book, not taking in any words that were on the paper. You couldn’t focus on the story when thoughts of Peter were racing through your head.
Peter and Ned were whispering quietly to one another and Ned could sense the tension between the two of you. MJ was a lifesaver however because she sat down next to you.
Peter must have told her that something was going on, but you could tell from the look on MJ’s face, she didn’t know why.
After lunch was English with MJ. You didn’t have the class with Peter which was a gift for that day because you did not want to deal with your ‘best friend’.
MJ sat next to you and she questioned about you and Peter.
You two would always sit together at lunch, discussing whether the movie night this week was going to be at yours or his, whether the book was better than the movie (which MJ usually sided with you, because the book is (nearly) always better than the movie while Ned would side with Peter) and talking about what you learnt in physics. You two never talked about your teamwork outside of school, in fear of endangering others or if anyone was listening who shouldn’t be.
‘Peter and I had an argument last night over something. Just, he got on my nerves last night because he stressed me out.’
‘Okay, but we all know that he is an idiot, sometimes right?’ MJ laughs.
‘I know, and I know that I’m overreacting but it’s just really getting on my nerves. Peter’s my best friend and I want him to keep in contact you know?’ You said, straying closely to the truth, but not too close.
‘Peter sucks at texting back. He either texts straight away or at 3am, there’s no in-between.’ MJ smirks.
You sigh and continue to work on your English assignment.
‘I’m just distancing myself and I’m gonna work my own for a bit, rather than working with Pete.’
‘Okay, just remember that Pete will always be there for you, but  I know I don’t have to remind you.’
It was a week later. You had finished your homework for the night and told your parents you were going to bed, but you snuck out onto the fire escape and went to patrol for the night.
You hadn’t heard too much of Spider-Man’s activities in helping your city, only the small things such as helping the man find his pigeons.
Jumping from building to building, you were keeping an eye out for any odd behaviour when you spied a group of people hanging around a jewellery store. They were wearing homemade masks, so you knew this wasn’t a night where these people were getting a couple of drinks.
You eyed one of the masked people and jumped to a streetlight that was across the street from the store. Even though you never admitted it to him, you always had to thank Peter for teaching you how to stay balanced on the lights because there were too many laughter-filled nights and bruised legs the next morning from when you would slip.
When one masked people pulled out a hammer, that was when you interrupted.
‘Sorry to ruin your lovely night, but I’m not too sure that what you’re doing is legal.’ As you made your way over to the streetlight on their side of the busy NYC street.
The people on the ground started squabbling and pulling out their weapons that you had managed to not see in the first place. As they were pulling out their weapons, you told them to ‘take their time’.
You hadn’t thought that far ahead. Of course, they would’ve had weapons. So you stole your moment to think about what to do.
You saw an opening and leapt onto the tallest of the masked group and rebounded onto the smallest, ready to take them on.
‘Honey, you only just missed me. What a pity. Aim better next time.’ You teased as you dodged the female masked lady and then kicked her aside. Then you spun around to kick the tallest in the group on the temple, knowing that it would only knock the guy out.
You were down to the last three people, and you weren’t even tired. You were just doing your usual patrol and you were glad that the other ‘protector’ of New York hadn’t joined the party. However, when you looked to your left, you were ready to forgive your best friend so you could make it out of the night alive.
Many black SUV’s came screeching down the avenue, a never-ending line of them.
Your guess what that the people who were planning to rob the jewellery store, weren’t just a group of bored people.
In your moment of distraction, you felt someone punch you in the abdomen but after a year of fighting, you knew not to lean down. Instead, you gasped for air and hit back twice as hard. You spun, dodged and jumped, knocking out all of the robbers, wanting to get that off your to do list at the moment.
You saw many men run jump out of the many cars when you turned around, all now holding guns that you weren’t expecting.
Now you understood why you and Peter couldn’t work alone.
You always needed each other.
When the first shot was fired and you only narrowly missed, you knew you had got yourself into a bit of a mess.
Then you heard a familiar ‘pist’ sound.
However, you didn’t let your eyes flick over to your right, because in that moment, you were going to use Peter to your advantage.
It’s strange, there was a silence, as if the world was still but then you heard a voice in your earpiece.
‘Look Y/N, I’m sorry but we were both wrong. Could I be starting more unnecessary shit by saying this? Probably but we both had our faults. I should’ve contacted you, but you also didn’t have to ignore me. We didn’t have to have a ‘fight’. Anyway, I’m not gonna have a whole big speech right now because we’re about to be in the middle of something, but are we ready to work together again?’ Peter asked?
‘Okay yeah we’re all good. I’m sorry, and here we go. Start from the back and don’t be seen.’ You said quietly to Peter.
‘Yep spectacular spidey silent.’ You rolled you eyes and you saw out the corner of your eyes, a flash of blue and red jump to the corner of the building, and start taking out the men out the back. Even you could hear the ‘thwip’ from Peter, and even though he was saving you, you still needed to help his spider ass.
‘Okay, now let’s have some fun.’ You said as you ran forward to the army in front of you.
Now that everything was back in place, everything felt a lot smoother.
You flipped over about twenty men in front of you and you met the first guy with a kick to the throat and he stumbled back onto the ground and then you kicked another one of his buddies who landed right on top.
The two of you kept in touch the whole time, working well together and when you had your last five guys, you decided to have even more fun.
Finish things up by taking one of the guys and swinging him around to take out his other four mates.
You heard Peter laugh. It was your style to muck around a little bit, even when it was a dangerous situation.
Peter was the one to muck around with words, while you were the one to muck around a little bit when fighting, and it meant that the two of you worked well together.
You smiled at your best friend after the two of you took out the last guy and you went to hug your best friend when you looked over his shoulder only to shove the both of you to the side.
You could still hear the whistling of the bullet in your ear.
That’s when you saw one more car coming towards you, except you didn’t think this was one going to stop anytime soon.
‘Pete, do you wanna lift me?’ You turned to your best friend.
Peter nodded and grabbed onto your arm and swung the two of you up to the top of the building on the corner of the street.
The new black truck was driving past you and from the back on the building, a new problem arose.
You saw more men jump out, but then you saw the leader of the masked men.
Wilson Fisk.
The big (the only word that could describe him) man jumped down from the truck and you could see the metal bouncing back from the heavy man.
‘So here we are Spider-Man and his little girlfriend.’ Fisk looked up at you with a evil smirk.
You couldn’t care less about being called Spider-Man’s ‘girlfriend’, but you weren’t happy about the fact that Fisk had only called you that.
You weren’t Peter’s sidekick, and Peter wasn’t yours.
You were equal.
Now you were ready to fight.
Peter shot his webs over to the building opposite the two of you and swung the two of you over them. You dropped from Peter’s hold and knocked out one of the men cold.
You saw Fisk load his gun and before you could say anything, webs were shot, and the weapon went flying from Kingpin’s grasp.
You nodded to your friend in acknowledgement of his smooth move and the two of you went back to fighting the men.
Take down the pawns in order to take down the king.
Peter was dodging bullets and you had taken down the last men when you turned around to see Peter held by his neck by Wilson Fisk.
Your best friend started kicking, flailing around, suffocating.
You gasped, scared but you had no time to let the panic set in.
You took a deep breath. Panic was going to be no friend here.
The fire hydrant wasn’t going to be a good distraction, but you always had some stuff up your sleeves.
Peter wasn’t the one who was also inventing, nor Tony. You worked with Peter a lot when it came to improving his suit. It also meant that you had made a few little toys for yourself.
You threw a smoke bomb in Fisk’s direction hoping that it would release his grip of Pete just a little and then you climbed to the top of another streetlight and leapt onto Fisk.
You were right and landed on the crime lord’s shoulders and in surprise, he dropped and spun around to try and throw you off which you allowed.
Peter always recovered fast and it was something that you never completely understood, but soon enough you felt Peter’s webs stick to you and the next moment you were flying in Fisk’s direction and you kicked the man in the stomach which caught him by surprise. It then allowed you to distract Fisk as Peter snuck up behind him and began to tie him up with his webs.
Once everything was handled and Fisk was not able to move due to the number of webs that were trapping him, you called 911.
‘Yeah we’re all good. Yeah on the corner where the jewellery store is. Yep that’s the right one. Yep where the bus stop is. Yep on 5th avenue. All good? Anytime. Have a good night now guys.’ You wished the police a good night.
‘Well that was fun.’ You laughed.
Now that the adrenaline had stopped for the two of you, you realise how tired you were and how much your bodies hurt.
‘Can’t wait to see the bruise tomorrow. And shit, it’s 10:30pm.’ You said.
‘Did you finish the chem work?’ Peter asked as the two of you swung across the city.
‘Yeah I did. Do you need to borrow my answers?’ You laughed.
‘Okay yeah, just this once. Thanks.’ Peter chuckled.
‘You said that the last five times dumb-bum.’
It then returned to silence, and you knew what was coming next.
‘Peter, I’m sorry. Just, I got really scared and I panicked and yes, I was kinda rude with ignoring you and I know it was a bitchy thing to do but I was so angry. Pete, I was so scared.’ You explained. You didn’t have a good reason or your actions, but you were trying to make sense of them.
‘Y/N, I get it. I would’ve panicked too if the roles were swapped but we both acted out okay. We all good now?’ Peter smiled.
‘Of course, buddy.’
‘Okay shut up.’ Pete groaned at the nickname.
‘Be nice if you want the answers.’ You shouted as you returned to the ground, as you were now going to walk the couple more blocks to return to your apartment complex.
‘Sorry. Good night, love you!’ Peter swung away.
If it were any other city, people would be annoyed at the shouting.
‘Love you too buddy!’ You shouted from the ground.
You walked home with a smile on your face.
The next morning, at school, Peter thanked you again and called you a ‘lifesaver’ for giving him the answers to the chemistry homework.
Peter maybe smart, but he sucked at remembering to do his homework.
MJ smiled and you nodded to her from across the hall.
Everything was back to normal between you and your best friend, with one lesson learnt.
Just fucking communicate.
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