#and wonder what the hell i’m doing. like ‘why does she need a hydration pack to power walk through town’
fingertipsmp3 · 5 months
Going for a run when I don’t want to makes me feel like the most productive person alive idk
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lilkermit14 · 3 years
Jay is from the show Red Widow and unfortunately he's not really known 😅 At first I wanted to ask for Jack but I had no idea of ​​the details for the story... Maybe he had to leave reader because of his job, but he loves her too much and decides to come back and find out that she is pregnant (a baby girl) I know, it's not original but i can't imagine anything else for this charming cowboy 🥺
Whole (Jack Daniels x Fem!reader)
Notes: Idk why I struggled so hard to write this fic but here she is in all her glory........yay. Not as smutty as per usual to prove I’m not a total whore but here ya go
Summary: after your life is threatened unbeknownst to you, whiskey takes it upon himself to protect you the only way he thinks he can––by leaving you. but what his cowboy brain doesn’t for see, is that he’s doing both of you more damage than good especially after a happy little accident. 
warnings: brief description of smut and aftercare (like the La Croix of smut but still no minors), ANGSTTTTTTT, rOUGH, unplanned pregnancy, a slap, and a happy ending
Jack should have known the first time he wasn’t meant to have this kind of happiness—the kind where one could always have someone to return home to at the end of the day. No, he couldn’t have it with his late wife and he couldn’t have it with you either.
The human trafficker had somehow gotten access to personal statesmen information, because he had found out about you. Had your name. Had shown him pictures of you. Had shown that men were waiting at your doorstep if Jack didn’t back down now.
Thankfully, they were able to stop the man before it came to any of that—but it broke something in Jack. He couldn’t have another woman he loves die like his wife. He didn’t know if he could handle it. You didn’t even know about Jack’s real job, all you knew was that he was the CEO of a distillery and you never asked questions about that. Maybe it was easier keeping it like that, as Jack realized the only way to keep you safe was to leave you.
He had picked a night, picked a place to head out to after it was all over, and planned out the note. He had made love to you one last time before leaving—slowly savoring the way your skin felt pressed against him and the way it felt to have your walls drag against him when he thrusted, and finally stilled deep inside you. He made sure to take care of you before he left, clean with all sore muscles rubbed out and well hydrated—comfortable as you could be. You fell asleep so easily it somehow made Jack more guilty for what he thought was the right thing. He stayed longer than he should have after he wrote the note and got dressed, bag packed by the door, just staring at you, attempting to memorize the sound of your soft noises as you slept and the way your naked body looked covered by the sheets and pale moonlight. It was the most beautiful scene he had ever seen and wanted it to be the clearest memory he had of you. Tears sprung in his eyes, thinking that this is the only thing he will ever have of love—memories. He kissed your forehead one last time before walking out of your life forever.
Jack hasn’t felt alive since, the toll of leaving you behind eating at him more than he ever thought it could. He’s changed in a way and everyone knows it—they see the way he moves or speaks now and know something has changed. He just goes through the motions of living with no actual life in his eyes to prove he is alive. He throws himself into his work working through cases and bad guys more efficiently than ever, but it doesn’t distract him from losing you—not when he lies awake at night crying and missing you.
Everyone around him changes too—Tequila doesn’t tease him anymore and walks around him like they’re threading through a room full of broken glass. Ginger does more medical evaluations—ones that are less to do with physical health and more to do with mental health. Most of all—champ acts different, “son—“
Jack pauses from exiting the debriefing room after giving Champ a status report and picking up another case, “I’m wondering if you should take a few days off from wo—“
“No,” Jack says curt and without a single space for bargaining. Champ is stiff when Jack looks at him, “I know you're wallowing over that girl.”
“I did what I had to do and I’m going to continue doing it.” Jack reminds him, staying steadfast in his decision. Champ shakes his head, “and it’s tearing you apart—statesmen get threats like that all the time Whiskey and they don’t go deserting their relatives or loved ones—“
“Well they're not me,” Jack states his stare is cold as he looks down at Champagne, “I can’t lose another person like that again.”
“You’ve lost her by leaving her,” his words cut through him and he knows it’s the truth, but it’s not something stubborn ol Jack is willing to withstand. Jack turns to leave again, “I’ll be off on the case.”
You can’t help but pick up one of the sandwiches from the various food carts before they go out. It’s too tempting after standing for hours on your feet with a six month old pregnancy belly on your front—one you’re rubbing as you enjoy the taste of the mozzarella, pesto, and tomato together. The father of your child disappeared before you could even tell him—fitting considering you never grew up with a father in your house. So it has just been you and your baby girl, and well your best friend and business partner that was walking towards you now, joking “are the sandwiches up to your standards?”
“I needed something to eat after four hours of standing and being pregnant Travis,” you contest, taking another big bite. He shrugs with some sort of understanding, looking over the trays of food with you and approving them before they go off. Travis randomly starts, “I don’t think we should try to have this client again.”
You turn, finishing your sandwich with an eyebrow raise, “why? Did someone from the company say something to you—“
“Not that—although I was worried when the CEO invited his childhood priest—” he notes sending off the last tray, “I get bad vibes from the company itself.”
You think about it for a moment agreeing that something was fishy about the way a family-owned soap company was able to afford such a lavish event—something was a little off. You nod, “maybe not—I don’t want to get too close to a company that's a front. I doubt they would want us back because they’ve fired every event planner they’ve had before and the CEO’s wife already complained that the flower garnishes weren’t the correct shade of maroon.”
“We just have to finish the job then and we’ll be scott free” Travis mutters checking his watch, “just a couple hours left—what could go wrong?”
As though you were in a badly made comedy, right as Travis says that you hear clatter and gunshots come from the main event area, “......I spoke too soon didn’t I?”
Vincent Marsulio had tried to make a run for it once he realized his plans to run a million dollar drug business had gone to shit—I mean a soap company as a front? Really? Jack had dodged gunfire, tequila and the new agent rum covering him—allowing him to use his lasso to drag Vincent into Statesmen custody.
The scene was under control now—with agents and Ginger’s crime scene investigators gathering follow up information and evidence. Jack was just there to make sure the scene stayed secure and that no witnesses ran off that were revealed to be involved. Scanning the crowds of those being interviewed is when he saw you.
He should have known you were here—he should have seen your touches in the flower displays, the food selections, the drapery, and the table cloths. You were a party planner, he should have made note of that. You’re the same as the images in his mind—the memories that flash through his mind whenever he gets a flicker of your perfume or hears a laugh that sounds like yours. The only thing that's changed about you is your stomach—there's a sizable baby bump there, and he mumbles to himself “no…”
It had been seven months—seven months since he left you. It had to be his. He left you pregnant. As though you heard the gears turning in his head you turn and make eye contact with him—freezing in your place. He has to talk to you now, but you make efforts to move away, running towards a stairwell to get away from him as he shouts your name.
Despite being seven months pregnant you make a good chase, ducking down the stairwell and moving as fast as your swollen ankles will carry you while he shouts for you behind you. You can’t see him right now, he left, he doesn’t deserve this. Your condition must somewhat get the best of you as you end up stumbling on a landing—slowing down enough for him to catch up. You knew it was futile after all he ran faster than you even when you weren’t pregnant.
He grabs your wrist before you can go any farther, pulling you towards his body—only for you to wack a big slap to the side of his face, “how dare you—you asshole.”
“You're pregnant?” He asks quick as hell, and you frown still jabbing hits at him, “Why else am I so fucking big dickhead.”
He pulls you closer in an effort to restrain you from hitting him and from running away at any point, “is it mine?”
You had been avoiding looking at his face the entire portion of the ordeal—not wanting to see the face of the man that abandoned you. But you end up looking anyway and feel the tears spring up in your eyes. Despite the fact he left you you still feel love for him in your heart. You can’t lie to him, “it is.”
“Sugar, I’m—“ he breathes out, struck in the moment by every error he’s made in the past few months knowing he should have stayed, “I’m so sorry, please let me explain why I did what I did.”
You don’t respond just letting him speak at his own will as he settles you two down to sit on the steps of the stair. Jack tells you about his job, his wife, and the scare he had that just accumulated to him feeling like he had to leave to keep you safe. You had known about his late wife but none of the details about the affair and understood just why he was so afraid—but he still acted like an idiot. Head in hands, “why did you keep everything hidden from me Jack, I mean you lied to me about your job––no wonder I was able to find you after I found out, I was stuck looking for Jack Daniels brewery CEO instead of Jack Daniels statesmen.”
You got him there, “I should have––everyone told me I should have told you.” Silence emanates between the two of you, “I know sorry doesn’t make up for all I did––I don’t know if I can ever make up for what I did, but give me a chance because I want to be there for you and the kid–I love you sweet pea.”
Tears spring from your eyes, “I love you too Jack, we’ll figure it out I promise.”
Jack pulls you into his arms whispering what sounds like a thousand thank you’s for you and the girl in your belly, “it’s a girl you know.”
“A girl…” Jack trails off with a smile gleaming on his face and some unspoken joy in his eyes, that shifts into something of deep regret, “I was almost like him I don’t ever wanna be like him”
“You won’t.” you state firm and jack pulls away to cup your face and wipe away the errant tears still streaming down your face, “can I kiss you darling?”
“Please,” and with that the lips you have missed meld on to yours. After months, both alone and apart, both you and Jack feel a sense of security that everything will be alright––that your little family is finally whole.
I’m sorry that its bad....
@poenariuniverse @harleyamidala @yespolkadotkitty @storiesofthefandomlovers @babybelou @legally-a-bastard @computeringturtle @clydesducktape @sixties-loser @buckysalefty @april-14-blog @prettylittlegoldfish @softpedropascal
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Marry Me (Part 9)
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Ricky horror x Reader
Warnings: Language 
That's it, you're dying.
You have never felt so bad in your entire life. You were fine yesterday, out living your best life, working on cars, giving your guys a hard time --- then bam! This morning you feel like death and you're fairly sure if you even smell food you're going to barf.
"Are you sure you're okay?"
"I'm fine," you wheeze from behind the bathroom door, your voice muffled and weak. "Go to work."
Ricky frowns where he stands in front of the kitchen sink, stirring the creamer into his coffee slowly. He's pretty sure Chloe gave you her virus, although she's apparently fine according to the doctor and is now spending the rest of the week with her mother. You, however, sound like you're suffering immensely.
You haven't eaten anything this morning, or had anything to drink, but you'd looked as pale as a ghost as you'd made a mad sprint for the bathroom five minutes ago and have yet to emerge. You sound terrible, if he's being honest, and he doesn't quite want to leave you by yourself. He had plans on going to the studio today for some recording, but he kind of hates to leave.
"Do you need anything?" He calls.
Ricky sips his coffee. He could leave, give you your space to suffer alone, maybe that's what you prefer. He knows he feels that way, he'd rather suffer in silence and have some space to himself, but... well, he doesn't want you to get dehydrated. He could leave, get you some medicine, bring it back so you have it. Maybe get some Gatorade or something, electrolytes right?
"I'm heading out, I can grab you some med ---."
"Just go!"
Okay, yep, he's leaving, you definitely do not want him around. He hastily grabs his coffee, making a quick dash for the door and locking it behind him before he starts down the narrow steps. He glances through the paned glass of the office into the garage, seeing two of your guys already inside and getting things ready for the morning.
"(Y/N)'s sick, she probably won't be down today," Ricky says as he exits the office, shutting the door firmly behind him. Should he really leave you alone, not at your best with these men working on cars? "You guys got the shop, right?"
"Yeah." One of your guys says after a moment, eyeballing Ricky. They're still not too sure about him, showing up out of nowhere marrying their boss and moving in so quick like that. He doesn't talk to them much, he always looks uncomfortable, which makes him suspicious. "She good?"
"Stomach bug is all." Ricky shrugs his shoulders. "She should be fine."
He'll bring you some medicine back, ensure that you eat/drink what you can. He sort of feels bad that Chloe is the one who gave it to you, her mother should have picked her up from school instead. He has to do something to help you feel better.
Ricky: Do you need anything?
You: Not since you texted me an hour ago no
Ricky: I just feel bad since Chloe made you sick
You: I would've wound up sick anyway dont worry about it
Ricky: Are you drinking anything? Keep hydrated
You: k
Oh geez.
"She just k'd me," He says dismally as he sits on the sofa beside Ryan, who has his guitar resting in his lap at an angle as he tries to perfect the placement of his fingers. "Do you think she's alright?"
"I mean, your kid gave her the stomach virus from hell, I don't think she feels too good." Ryan replies after a moment, cutting his eyes at Ricky beneath long black lashes. "Plus you're bugging her. Let her have some rest, I'm sure she needs it."
"Is Ricky in the doghouse already?" Vinny asks where he sits across from them, the table separating the two couches in the studio. He's absently tapping his drumsticks against his thighs, playing out the beat in his head as they wait for Chris to stop recording in the studio. "Like you've barely been married a month, dude, that must be a record."
"I'm not in the doghouse," Ricky grumbles, clicking his phone screen dark. Chloe hugging him around the neck is his background, her matching eyes bright and cheeks glowing pink. It's one of his favorite photos of them, which reminds him --- he needs to text her mom and check on her too.
He's surrounded by sick women.
"Well, you'll probably be snoozing on the couch tonight if you got her sick," Vinny replies, shrugging his thin shoulders. "Bring her back some stuff when you go home. Her favorites, just no hot food that'll upset her more."
Yeah, nothing scented.
"Is she pregnant?" Ghost asks, his head slowly appearing from behind Vinny where he'd been trying to take a nap on the floor adjacent to the couch; he had a long flight, any sleep, no matter the location, is appreciated. "Like, you're sure she's not carrying another Olson?"
"I'm sure," Ricky rolls his eyes, feeling the heat crawling up his neck; the guys have no idea the two of you haven't slept together, and probably never will. It's not the kind of marriage that's... normal, by any means. He just hopes that it works out, since his court date is at the end of the week, and he's done so much to get this far. It'll have to be enough to get him fair custody of his kid, Claire can't use the excuse of an unstable home life anymore.
He's a musician, but he's not a bad father.
Ghost frowns, slowly disappearing from sight to return to his nap.
"Maybe I'll get her some egg drop soup, that should help, right? It's mostly broth." Ricky says thoughtfully, trying to think how to help. "She loves Italian, but that's not going to help her right now. Man, I feel so bad. She had to pick Chloe up from school and take care of her, and this is what she gets for it."
"The fact she picked her up and didn't bitch about it is good," Vinny offers with a shrug of his shoulders. "I mean, she's just her stepmom. Why couldn't your ex get her?"
"She couldn't get off work. She sent her boyfriend but (Y/N) already had her at that point, and I don't want that guy going to our place." Ricky huffs; he doesn't even want Claire's boyfriend knowing where they live. He doesn't realize he says "our" place rather then "your" place, but Ryan cuts his eyes at him again, his fingers pausing on his guitar strings. "I wouldn't feel comfortable with him being able to stop by whenever he wants. I mean, there's always people at the shop working, but still."
"Is it weird being married to someone who knows more about cars than you? You're the dude, you're supposed to know this stuff." Vinny asks curiously.
"Not really. I know more about music than her, makes no difference. I know how to change a tire now," Ricky shrugs, a little embarrassed. You actually took the time to make sure he knows how to do it so he's not stuck again, you sort of guilted him by stating he should know how, what if he has Chloe with him and a tire goes? "So it's fine."
Vinny drops it, turning his attention to his phone as he leans back into the cushions. A few minutes later he heads into the studio when Chris yells for him, the lead singer trying to perfect everything for the new song.
"So how are things?" Ryan asks after a moment, brushing black hair out of his eyes. Ricky hasn't come over in a bit, not since he picked up his last box of things. He used to stay over pretty frequently, he didn't stay every night at your place, considering it's just a sham and he doesn't like the mattress in your spare room. "Does it seem like smooth sailing?"
"I guess," Ricky sighs, rubbing his weary eyes. "We're getting along just fine, I think we're going to be good.  Her and Chloe get along fantastic."
"They always have, but she's been in Chloe's life for as long as she can remember. It's not like you brought a complete stranger in."
"Yeah. I just hate... that, well, all this, has affected (Y/N) so much," Ricky grumbles, still aware of Ghost napping behind the sofa. He doesn't want to say too much and give anything away, but it's been a while since him and Ryan have been able to talk.
"You married her, you knew it would change everything. Marriage isn't something you can pretend didn't happen."
"I know." Ricky is aware of all of this. "It's actually not been the worst decision I've ever made. Under the circumstances, we're gonna have to make this work. I can't back out of it, I have to do this right."
"Second time's the charm, right?" Ryan sighs, and Ricky sends him a look.
"Second time?"
"Nevermind. I think Chris wants you," Ryan gestures with his guitar, not wanting to continue the conversation. Ricky sighs as he stands, lifting his guitar off its stand and heading for where Chris stands behind the glass panel at the microphone, gesturing with his hand at Vinny who is holding his drum sticks in the air like someone has a gun on him.
Recording must not be going well.
Ryan glances over as Ricky's phone lights up, displaying your name across the screen. Ricky is busy, Chris would murder half of them if Ryan barged in trying to announce he had a phone call, so he lets it go to voicemail.
He hesitates as his phone suddenly buzzes, and he raises a brow as he sees you're calling him instead.
"Hey, (Y/N)," He says lightly as he answers, wondering what's so important that if Ricky didn't answer you would call him. You could always just text your husband so he gets it later.
"Ryan," you sound absolutely terrible. like you're three days with no sleep and have smoked six packs. "Are you with Ricky? He said he had," you pause to cough, "to go to the studio today."
"Yeah, he's recording at the moment. Do you need something?"
"No, but Claire called me looking for him, apparently Chloe got her sick and she needs Ricky to pick her up and bring her back."
"What?" Ryan frowns. "Why can't she just take care of her? You're sick too."
"I don't know," you sound frustrated. "But Claire doesn't want me to come over and get her, I think she's afraid to let me know where she lives."
"Afraid you'll beat her up for bothering you, maybe. How did she even get your number?"
"Probably from where I called her seventeen times the other day when Chloe was sick and no one would answer the school." You reply, sighing. "Will Ricky be long? Claire was having a meltdown on me, and she usually just reserves those for Ricky."
Oh, so you've picked up on that.
"Uh... he just went in, so it's gonna be a while."
You groan, and it sounds like you sit down heavily. "Shit. Fine. I'll get Chloe."
"Are you sure you're up for it?"
"Not at all, but he's busy. He has to work, and I guess I signed up for this," you grumble. "Just let him know when he's done Chloe is staying with us again."
"Can do," Ryan almost feels bad for you, you don't sound like you're in any condition to go get the little girl. "Why not have Claire just meet you here at the studio? It'll take her an hour to get here, so it'll give you time to be here and Ricky time to stop recording. We gotta finish this song up today for the deadline," he adds, just to let you know why it's so important Ricky can't leave at the moment. If they don't get it done today, their producer is going to flip his lid.
"I mean... I guess I can. Can he meet me in the parking garage so security doesn't think I'm like a bag lady or something trying to get in?"
"I'll let him know."
"You're a blessing, thanks Ryan."
Ricky is going to have a meltdown. He gave Chloe back yesterday, this poor child who needs rest and care, and now her mother is pitching a fit because she's sick? You're sick! He doesn't care if she loses a leg, he doesn't have time for this!
He can't take care of Chloe right now, and you shouldn't have too!
"Claire, you don't even look sick," he hisses under his teeth as she stands in front of him, Chloe asleep in her carseat, the doors of the vehicle shut so she can't hear her parents fighting. He's trying to keep his voice low so he doesn't wake her, and you're not here just yet. "(Y/N) has the same virus, Chloe will literally get it right back!"
"Ricky, I can't take care of her if I'm sick too!" Claire replies just as snottily, and she does have dark circles beneath her eyes she tried to hide with concealer. She looks fine to him otherwise, if not maybe a little thinner then usual, but he's not about to make her feel good about her weight. She's trying to sabotage him this week, isn't she, because of the hearing? Well, she's not going to get under his skin! He's going to be on point for that court date, and he's going to make sure the custody is fair!
"Like hell, you expect (Y/N), too? I'm working, I can't take off right now!"
"Well, you married her, she seems competent." His ex retorts, crossing her arms. Ricky glances around, but the parking garage is fairly empty on this level other than their cars this early in the morning, so there's no worry about anyone overhearing them despite the way their voices echo in the enclosed space. "She's a tough bitch, I'm sure she'll be fine."
"Watch your mouth, Claire. You don't get to insult her." Ricky snaps, narrowing his bright eyes. "Don't be pissy just because she doesn't let you have your way all the time." His eyes flick to Chloe, but she's still sleeping. "This is shitty of you and you know it."
"You have no idea what's going on in my life, Ricky," Claire snarls, bristling in front of him. Her finger suddenly stabs into his shoulder as she speaks, causing him to take a step back. "You don't know what I'm going through right now, I'm doing my best!"
"If you would talk to me, I would know, but you keep me in the dark about everything!" Ricky responds, refusing to let her guilt him. She always did that before, made him feel like the bad guy and that everything was his fault. When he finally lost his cool, when he couldn't take another moment of it, she could never see what she did wrong to set him off or maybe she didn't care, he's not sure. They just couldn't make it together.  "If you need help or something, you need to tell me."
It's like nothing has changed.
"My life is none of your goddamn business, you're not going to try to control it. Chloe is your daughter and your responsibility too, you're not going to get out of keeping her. I need you to take her today, Ricky, I can't be around her when she's sick!" Claire presses forcefully, and he hears just the lightest bit of panic in her undertone.
"I have no issue with taking her, that's not a problem. I love having Chloe around, you just spring it on me when I don't expect it! If it's going to be like this, I'll just take her for the rest of the week, instead of her having to go back and forth."
Claire hesitates, but before she can say anything else you're pulling up beside them, slowly putting your car in park. You can tell they're fighting, you could from their tense stances the moment you saw them. Conveniently you still have Chloe's carseat in the back, so you're ready to take her without having to get anything from Ricky's vehicle.
You wonder what you just drove up on.
"Oh, there's your wife," Claire sneers, clenching her fingers tightly, able to see the size of your wedding ring where she stands. She has nothing against you personally, you're just fine, but she can't miss an opportunity to snap at him. She shouldn't have had a child so young, but she loves her daughter, it's just --- maybe when Chloe is older they'll get along better, but right now... she has a hard time even looking at Ricky.
She's just tired, all the time, and he doesn't make it any easier on her.
"Hey," you say awkwardly as you get out of the car, noticing the tension thick in the air. You're sure Ricky is going to tell you all about it later, but maybe they won't keep fighting in front of you.
Claire cuts her eyes at you, and alright, you do look like you feel bad. You're wearing a dingy gray t shirt and blue jeans, hair in a bun, no makeup --- actually, now that she thinks about it, that's typically how you look. She always suspected you two would end up sleeping together, she doesn't believe in platonic relationships, but married? You're too... tough for Ricky, in her opinion.
"Chloe's been asleep, she'll stay that way on the ride home." She mutters, turning away from Ricky. She tugs open the door, and after a moment Ricky goes to unbuckle his daughter from her carseat, replying gently to her soft, disgruntled mumbles as he has to lift her out. Her arms wind around his neck, and he picks her up easily, noticing she's still in her Paw Patrol pajamas. He quickly switches her between cars, making sure to grab her bag of extra clothes to toss in the seat beside her before shutting the door as quietly as he possibly can.
You don't say anything as you lean against the hood, your face a little pale as you debate how bad it would be if you threw your guts up all over his ex-girlfriends car. If she got close enough you could aim for her, but honestly, you're not that petty.
"I'll take her for the rest of the week." Ricky says to Claire as he comes to stand at your side, crossing his tattooed arms. "I'll see you on Friday at the courthouse."
"You don't have to keep her all week ---." Claire starts immediately, but he shakes his head.
"I'm keeping her. I'm not doing this back and forth with you, there's no point. You don't want to be around Chloe when she's sick, fine, I'll keep her until she's better. Sound fair?"
Wow, Ricky sounds pissed. You know you're annoyed, but he actually sounds angry. Your eyes flick up to him almost in surprise, and you reach forward thoughtlessly, placing your hand on his arm as if to remind him to tone it back a few notches. As much as Ricky denies it, you think Claire has some medical stuff going on, she's just not wanting to tell him about it, for whatever reason.
They were always bad at communicating.
Ricky exhales heavily, feeling your touch against his arm, reminding him not to lose his cool. There's no use in losing his temper, it's done anyway. Maybe it'll just be something else he can use against this woman when it comes down to it.
"I'll see you Friday," he mumbles, turning away from her. Claire presses her lips into a thin line, her eyes flicking back and forth between you and Ricky before she turns sharply and gets into her car. You see her look back at Chloe where she snoozes before slowly starting to back up, her fingers clenched tightly around the steering wheel.
"Ricky, don't be so mean to her,"  you say after a moment, biting your lower lip. "I really do think she's sick or something. Maybe her immune system is bad, and ---."
"Don't make excuses for her, (Y/N)." Ricky interrupts you, tired of fighting. He just wants to go upstairs and finish up the song before Chris and the producer rip him a new one, and he doesn't want to argue with you.  You're his saving grace right now. "If she's sick, she needs to tell me, not hide it. I don't see why she would anyway."
He's going to feel like such a dick if she is, but it's not his fault if he doesn't know! He's not sure why you're on her bandwagon anyway, you've never liked her. "She didn't look sick at all to me. She probably just wants to get her nails done. Ow! Why'd you hit me?"
"You're being a jerk," you mutter, sending him a look where you lean beside him. "Claire doesn't look well, you're just mad at her and ignoring it. You guys seriously need to work on your communication with each other."
"I'd rather eat a sandwich in hell than speak to her again."
You roll your eyes; men are so fucking stubborn.
"I'm going home," you sigh, not going to bother with trying to convince him to see the error of his ways; when he's in a mood it's like talking to a brick wall, usually he has to stew over it for a while before he sees sense. "When will you be back?"
"Around six, maybe. Do you want me to bring dinner?"
"Liquids only, please."
"Okay." Ricky glances over, seeing Claire is about to leave the parking garage. Her car is idling, and she's looking down like she's texting before she pulls out into the road. Maybe she's clearing her schedule to take a vacation with this stupid boyfriend of hers, both of them going to enjoy their free time together while he has to take care of their sick child! "I can do that."
"Thanks." You pat him as you walk by, still feeling nauseated but not quite so bad. You've had so much medicine you're pretty sure you could swim in it, although you really just want to get some sleep. Chloe has the right idea with taking a nap.
"Hey, (Y/N)?"
"Hmm?" You glance at your husband as you tug open your door, the car keys still waiting in the ignition. His eyes flick over your shoulder before he steps to your side, his fingers curling around the top of the door. "Can I kiss you dramatically so Claire sees it and thinks we're madly in love?"
"Only if you don't mind the threat of getting a stomach virus and spreading it to your entire band." You reply, doubting he'd want to do that. You don't really feel like kissing anyone, although he is lucky you brushed your teeth before coming over. You'd sort of drug yourself down the stairs to your car, mumbling incoherently at the guys in the garage as you passed them.
Ricky shrugs his shoulders, as if the consequences don't matter before he leans over the car door, his lips sealing firmly over yours. You blink in surprise, hesitating before leaning back, breaking the kiss.
You know you made fun of him initially about his kissing technique, but he's not bad at all. Just a brief kiss like that, how warm his lips are, how soft, well... you like those. They're simple, but they get the point across.
You sort of wish you'd agreed to have kissing as a more regular addition.
"I'll, I'll see you at home," you mumble, turning away from him. You guess maybe it is a good thing you're keeping sex out of the equation, because you might have issues with getting attached; you were never much of a "friends with benefits" kind of person anyway. You like for it to mean something, not just be casual. It's been such a crazy two months, planning the wedding, being married, Chloe being over... you feel like you know Ricky a lot better.
He's a good dad, he cares --- in some way he reminds you of your own. Your dad died a few years ago due to a heart attack, and you miss him dreadfully. Your mom died when you were young, so it was just the two of you, and he did his best raising a little girl. You know he loved you, read your princess stories to you, kept you fed and taught you everything you know about cars.
Ricky is so good with Chloe, he's attentive, although he does spoil her a bit, but that's just a dad thing and because he doesn't get to see her often. He just... you just wish he could get along with Claire better, all of this wouldn't be an issue if they weren't at each other's throats all the time.
It's fine if they're not together romantically, but they should at least pretend to coexist for their daughter's sake. That's your opinion, which doesn't mean much, and it's none of your business anyway.
You're just his fake wife.
"Sorry I'm late," Ricky says apologetically as he sets the bags of food down on the counter, glancing around for his daughter. He's an hour later then what he said he would be, but they had a lot of work to do to get everything finished in time. He was more behind than the rest of the guys, he's been so preoccupied he hasn't been showing up like he should.
"It's alright, she's just slept on and off all day. I gave her some more of her medicine, which apparently conks her out, so she'll probably be up at 3 AM." You comment, pursing your lips. You wonder if you should take it, if it would give you as hardcore of a nap as it does her. "Food is appreciated though, thank you."
Ricky bobs his head, leaving you to unpack the soups he brought as he goes to peer into the spare bedroom. It's dark inside, the curtain drawn, but he can see the bundle of blankets that is his child. She doesn't stir at all when he opens and closes the door, so that's good.
"How are you feeling?" He asks you, leaning back against the couch to kick off his sneakers, letting them drop to the floor. He shirks out of his jacket, letting it rest against the pillows; you always keep the apartment a little warm in his opinion, but he's not about to mess with the thermostat.
"A little better." You say, pleased to find the soup. For some reason egg drop soup always makes you feel better, despite it has grease and the like in it. You could literally drink it right out of the container, but that might be rude. "How did work go?"
"Took forever, but we finally got it done in time. I was behind on my parts with everything going on," he sighs, running his inked fingers through his black hair, which is getting a little long. "But the song is done, we hit the deadline, that's all that matters. Chris can take the diabolical arch out of his eyebrows now."
You snort, lifting the lid off the soup and grabbing two bowls. "Hungry?"
"Starving. I also got spring rolls if you can stomach those."
Your weakness. You love those just as much as you do breadsticks. "I love them, but I might wait for the time being."
"Okay," Ricky gratefully takes the bowl you offer, following you to sit down on the sofa. You have a small kitchen table, but he's never known of you to use it. You sigh as you snuggle down into your pillows, propping your feet on the coffee table and holding the bowl close to your lips.
"Thanks for getting this."
"No problem. You're sick because of me, so I might as well take care of you. I can draw you a hot bath next, add some bubbles to it, light some candles."
"Are you trying to make me feel better or get laid?" You send him an amused look, liking how his cheeks turn a bright pink. He's so easy to embarrass, you can't help yourself.
You chuckle, taking a few sips of your soup, loving the warmth and taste of it. "That Chinese place in the best in the world, I'm sure of it."
"Nah, there's a great one in California I'll have to take you too."
"Well, doesn't California have like Chinatown? So of course it's going to be good."
"True. But we should go, you'd love their food. Even better than this."
"Nothing is better than this. Plus the likelihood of me going to California? My shop would burn to the ground," you snort, shaking your head. "I'd come back to a shell of a building."
"Your positivity is so becoming."
You cut your eyes at him, tempted to bump his bowl just to be mean, but you let it go. It's been a rough day, plus with the level his blood pressure probably went this morning,  you don't want to rile him up too much. So you finish your soup in silence, staring at the TV but not really seeing what's playing. Chloe gets up only a few times to use the bathroom, eat a single spring roll, and go back to bed.
"I'm pretty sure she ate that with her eyes closed and still asleep."
"She's good at multitasking."
"I notice when she's sick she doesn't want to stay in the same bed with us," you say after a moment, curled up beneath your blankets now, your legs pulled under. "The other night she never came in once."
"Probably didn't think about it," Ricky yawns, stretching his arms back along the sofa. Your eyes flick over his tattoos, the sleeve, the words on his fingers. You wonder how badly it has to hurt to get his fingers tattooed, that has to be sensitive. "She just likes the attention, I think, and waking up with us."
You guess.
You kind of think she's getting a little old for it, though.
You stifle a yawn behind the blanket, and boldly shift until you're leaning up against Ricky, enjoying the warmth radiating off his body. You feel cold, and he's always like a furnace. His eyes flick down to you as you let your head rest against his shoulder, his arm dropping to curve around you hesitantly.
This is new, is it because you feel bad?
"We can change the channel if you want," you say after a moment, carefully curling your fingers into his black t-shirt. "I know you're not really into this show."
"It's fine, I don't mind. You're trying to catch up, right?" he doesn't care, he's not really been watching it. He was kind of debating on getting a springroll, but now he doesn't want to bother you and make you move. He can smell your shampoo, the lotion you use every morning that reminds him of brown sugar --- women and their scented stuff. He actually doesn't mind going places smelling like glazed cinnamon donuts or whatever it's called.
You snuggle into him, and after a few minutes you're dozing, your eyes closed. He absently toys with your hair, letting it drop lightly through his fingers as he watches your show. He has no idea what's going on or who the characters are, you're several seasons ahead of what he'd seen of it, but the music isn't terrible.
He props his chin on his hand, tired himself. It's been such a long day, he's been worrying about Claire and Chloe, about you. You're sick, Chloe's sick, Claire is possibly sick --- he's not sure what he's supposed to do. If the mother of his child is not good, she needs to let him know so he can help out. He's not trying to steal her daughter away from her forever, he just wants to see her more often.
Well, lately he can't really complain, he's got her pretty much half of every week. He doesn't mind, it's kind of nice, especially having little family moments with you. Sometimes he worries that's it's not good, that he's not keeping the necessary barrier up to keep it from getting too personal. You're just friends, and it's just a guy thing for him to think sometimes there could be more. How can he not the more he gets to know you?
You can know someone, but when you start living with them, everything seems to change. You know their bad qualities --- like how you would rather leave the sink full of dishes and wait until the laundry is piled to do it --- and their good qualities. You genuinely care and you'll help someone to the best of your ability, you're great with his daughter, patient, and you offer him advice he should listen to more often. Sure, you do kick in your sleep, often smell like grease, and curse a lot more than he thinks you should, but... he can overlook all that.
You're actually one of the best people he knows. Living with you has been fine, he hasn't been back over to his old house in a while. He's still kind of fretting over the fact he's paying rent somewhere he's not staying, but he can't just ditch out on Ryan --- if only you could have reasonably moved in with him instead. But at least here Chloe has her own room, sort of, whereas she didn't at the house, even if it's smaller.
Ricky's actually not minding the soft mattress as much anymore either. Everything here is becoming familiar, homey, and you didn't care that he hung up his posters or photos, or that some of his things are lying around the livingroom. He should move his shoes, you'll trip over them in the morning since you never look where you're going, but he'll do that later.
You mumble in your sleep, shifting closer, your arm slipping around his waist. He hesitates, sinking down a little more comfortably in the cushions, propping his feet on your scarred, messy coffee table. It's kind of nice to have you like this, it's... it doesn't feel fake at all.
Little things like this, when no one is watching and neither of you are having to put on a show, he likes it. It's comfortable, natural, like it's supposed to be. Sometimes he kind of worries he's getting too okay with this, he knows it's going to end.
He's not sure when, and that makes his chest pinch a little. He likes being married to you even if you're not sleeping together. His life hasn't changed that much, except he likes coming home to find the apartment warm, no matter who gets there first. You always greet him when he walks into the garage, even if it's just you waving your wrench in acknowledgment.
He presses his lips into your hair, sighing.
Did he fuck up by marrying you?
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bran-writes · 6 years
Flashback: An Outlier Lunch
The Outliers have been together since before middle school, but these are the years they solidified as a group and stuck together for the rest of their lives.
May 12th 2025
“Yo, seriously. What do you guys think?”
Kwin McCall sat across from Zig-Zag at lunch but looked around at his friends to see who would answer first. Gabi sat to his right and was already halfway done with her food. She’d left her library class early to snag their favorite picnic table outside, while Harlo, Zig, Kwin and Jonah walked from the annex to get their food. 
“Zig with a vlog channel?” Harlo asked, opening his bag of chips and dumping them on his tray. 
“No, about starting a porn channel… Yes, the vlog.”
“Fuck it,” Kwin shrugged, twisting the cap from his water bottle. “You’re more interesting than half the people who have a lot of followers.”
Zig stared across at him down the rim of his glasses, gaging whether Kwin was being serious. When Zig realized he meant it, he nodded, “Thanks Kwin.”
“Don’t let it go to your head,” Jonah chuckled. 
Kwin’s mother always packed him a water bottle for lunch, whether he had a meal to go with it or ate from the cafeteria. Three days a week he trained at Knox’s Dojo after school- the water bottles she loaded him up with every day were a measure to ensure he stayed hydrated. In the past few weeks, she’d started packing extra for Jonah. Kwin handed the boy to his left a water, which his friend accepted graciously. Harlo nudged Zig in his side and smiled with a mouth full of pizza. 
“You can get the new celebrity here to guest star, probably pump your views up.”
“In the porn or the vlogs?” Zig smirked.
“I don’t see why you can’t do both,” Jonah suggested. 
“Oh, look at that, Zig,” Kwin nodded to Harlo with a slight smile, “You don’t even need followers, you’ve got your own biggest fan right here.”
“Oh, we’re sorry, are you not used to being all big and famous yet?” Gabi feigned ignorance.
Last month, Kwin’s grandfather brought the boy out to a red carpet premiere and to do interviews with him in support of a new movie, The Package Boy- a  horror film Sam McCall wrote and produced. The main character of that movie, Joseph, was heavily inspired by Kwin himself, so Sam invited his grandson along for some publicity and a few minutes in the spotlight. Thinking back on it, he had the sneaking suspicion that Sam pulled him out of school that week for the press run as some kind of gesture. A “Hey, sorry I’m not around much and never really talk to you, how’d you like to be on TV?” sort of gesture. Kwin didn’t care for it in hindsight. Especially since his friends wouldn’t let him forget it. 
“Oh, come on, Kwin,” Harlo grinned. “You were a natural out there. You’ve got a future, I can see it!”
“Three Pines Middle School’s first celebrity alumni,” Zig-Zag bucked his eyebrows.
Gabi pulled out her phone. “I’ve been meaning to check back on that, by the way.”
“Check on what?” Jonah leaned forward and craned his neck to get a better look. Kwin rolled his eyes when he realized Jonah was goading him. 
“To see how much attention our Kwinjamin here is really getting.”
Kwin hated that nickname, but couldn’t get mad at Gabi. Being friends since primary school got her a lot of mileage. “You don’t have to check on that.”
“Sure I do. Let’s see, I don’t wanna check the official video’s comments. The only people commenting about you on that vid are middle aged housewives talking about how much more well-mannered you are than their kids. Oh and pushy movie nerds talking about how the horror genre is dead.”
“That’s not the kind of pumping up our boy needs,” Zig agreed, staring at Kwin with an appraising look. “Yeah, go where the teenagers hang out on the Internet, see what all the hype about our boy here is about.”
“Got it,” Gabi snapped her fingers. “Kenny Mischief covered the news.”
“Wow, he did?” Kwin leaned over to inspect the phone. Zig snorted. 
“Talk about worthless vloggers.”
“I’ll have you know, Zig-Zag, that Mister Mischief has quite the teen following,” Gabi tutted. 
“Don’t remind me.”
Gabi cleared her throat and loosened her shoulders before sitting up straight. “Lisa Lee says: ‘That dude’s grandkid looks like that? Social media stalking intensifies’. Charlotte Hermes commented: ‘I wish boys at my school were that cuuuute’. She added the weary emoji face too,” Gabi pointed down at the phone and stared up at Kwin with an appraising stare. 
“I really hope these comments are from, y’know, people our age. Cause this could get weird,” Zig chuckled. 
“You made your point, yeah?” Kwin laughed. Jonah glanced up at him, able to read his embarrassment in a heartbeat. 
“Mm, I have, but now I’m just having fun. Lucky Babe commented: Does he come with the tickets? Tracey Two-Step Smith says: ‘Oh he’s cute for a white boy… And a Ginger’. A heated race debate ensued in the replies over that one,” Gabi chuckled. She set the phone down on the table. “Okay, now I’m done.”
“Told you you’re a ginger,” Harlo laughed.
“I’m not… Douchebag,” Kwin threw a chip at Harlo, who caught against his chest and popped it into his mouth. “Gross.”
“When are you going to accept your people, Kwin?” Zig asked, eager to continue this long-running debate.
“My hair’s blonde.”
“Eh, reddish blonde,” Jonah shrugged.
“Hey, you’re drinking my water, you’re supposed to back me up.”
“Just accept it so you can move on, Kwin. We need to settle it,” Harlo shrugged. “Closure once and for all.”
“You want me to prove it?” They stared at him questioningly until he stood up and unhooked his belt with a daring smile. “I swear, I will. I’ll give you some closure you’ll never forget.”
“Oh, God, please don’t,” Gabi smacked Kwin’s leg.
“Please do! Wait, I need to get the camera out first,” Zig rooted in his bag for his new DSLR. “We can get this vlog started off right now.”
“Kwin, what are you doing?” Jonah laughed.
“Whaddaya say, Harlo? Should we settle it? Get three coffins ready,” Kwin dramatically shifted his gaze to Gabi and unzipped his fly for full effect. “My mistake. Four Coffins.” 
“Jonah, you said you were gonna stop letting him watch that movie,” Zig sighed. 
“I did. Harlo, back down please. You know he’ll do it.”
Kwin knew Harlo well enough to know he always buckled first in any game of chicken. Especially games like this. Some of the other middle schoolers in the courtyard glanced in their direction, but Kwin was undeterred. In fact, it sort of thrilled him. He locked eyes with Harlo.
“Okay, okay,” Harlo held his hands over his eyes.
“Say I’m not a ginger,” Kwin smirked. 
“You’re not a ginger, geez. You are crazy, though.”
“Crazy’s okay. I can handle crazy,” Kwin zipped and buckled back up, feeling triumphant. 
“You’re the worst,” Jonah shook his head yet was couldn’t hide his smile. Knowing how to best get to Jonah, Kwin wrapped an arm around him, laying his head on his friend’s shoulder with a contented sigh.
“Yeah, but I couldn’t be the worst without my best,” Kwin patted Jonah’s shoulder even as Zig-Zag snapped a photo. 
“You guys are just so cute,” Zig lilted. 
“So wait a second,” Harlo pointed a fork at Zig. “Your mom paid you to help her out at the camp, right? The all girls camp?”
“Cool your jets, I worked in the main office.”
“Right, and the first thing you buy with your money is a fancy camera? That wasn’t a red flag for her?”
“Ha, very funny, Harlo. She helped me pick it out. I told her vlogging was gonna be my new hobby. And Gabi helped me buy it, too.”
“Yeah, so be careful what you do with, or we’ll both go down for the crime.”
“What’d your mom say about your vlogging idea?” Kwin asked around a mouthful of chips. Zig shrugged.
“She said it’s better than getting to high school and selling weed. For some reason she thinks that was my fate.”
“Still a red flag,” Harlo smiled.
“Oh! Speaking of,” Gabi pointed an accusing finger at Zig-Zag, whose eyes grew wide.
“What’s with people pointing at me today?” 
“Outlier Court is in session,” Gabi narrowed her eyes.
“Yo, can she just call a trial in session by herself?”
“I thought she was the judge,” Kwin shrugged and took a bite of pizza.
Outlier Court held a very special purpose in their friend group: It was their way of calling each other out on transgressions. “Hit us,” Jonah said, dramatically pushing his food to the side and steeping his fingers. 
“We’re Outliers, right?” Everyone agreed. “So we’re all of the understanding that we don’t do basic shit.” Gabi dramatically enunciated her words, which meant this case was already closed. Kwin looked from Zig to Gabi in anticipation, his mouth full food. Gabi set her arms on the table, lips pressed in a thin line. 
“What’d I do?” Zig shrugged.
“Oh, I think I know what this is,” Harlo laughed around food, using a hand to cover his mouth. His eyes squinted with joy. “Sorry, bud. I was gonna ignore it.”
“But that’s not how we correct the behavior is it, Harlo?” Gabi continued. Kwin was confused. Jonah voiced that confusion.
“Somebody explain it for Kwin, he’s lost.”
“If we are, in fact, Outliers, and we’re already past basic, annoying phone etiquette… Explain to me, Zig-Zag Sutter, why I’ve been woken up the past two mornings with mirror selfies from you. In the group chat of all places,” Gabi admonished. 
“That’s right!” Kwin slapped the table. Some of the other kids in the courtyard glanced back their way. 
“I was wondering what that was about,” Jonah nodded. 
“Yo, everybody relax. There’s a perfectly good explanation for it.”
“The court would like to hear it,” Gabi crossed a leg over her knee and folded her hands, the picture of professionalism. 
“You guys know I’ve lost a lot of weight-,”
“All of it,” Harlo corrected. 
“And I like to show it off - shut up- but I can’t do it just anywhere cause I’ll get clowned. Nobody cares so I gotta vent where people do care,” Zig-Zag shrugged.
“Well we don’t care either,” Jonah shrugged. 
“Sure as hell not six in the damn morning.” Gabi added. 
“There’s also, like two more reasons. One, it’s everybody’s wake-up text.”
“I’d rather have a regular text, though,” Kwin smiled. 
“Also, I kinda like showing off how much better I look by the time I get to school compared to when I just wake up,” Zig flashed a rare grin.
“You look trash when you wake up,” Kwin chuckled. 
“Yo, will you relax?”
“You look trash now, too,” Jonah added. The group’s laughter unfortunately spread to Harlo, who was in the process of drinking milk. He instantly coughed it back up and sent the liquid spraying in all directions, thought most of it ended up on his face. The group roared louder as Harlo wiped his face with his shirt, still shaking with laughter. 
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I got a bad case of lovin’ you
Taegi Doctor!Au
Pairing: Taegi, side jikook and namjin unrequited!Sope
Fluff and Mild angst
Yoongi and Hoseok are childhood friends who have a small studio together where they produce music and Hobi can choreograph dances. An accident occurred when Hobi kicked Yoongi while dancing sending him tumbling and causing Suga to get a mild concussion. Now tired and in pain Yoongi meets a very charismatic doctor that’s here to help him feel better maybe in more ways than one? With blossoming relationships, odd sex advice and miscommunication between longtime friends Yoongi find’s himself falling for the smooth talking beloved Dr. Kim Taehyung. (I might change the title!!!) 
It really was a series of accidents that landed them here. Hoseok was pacing nervously asking Yoongi if he needed anything every few seconds. It wasn’t until Yoongi told him to sit his ass down before he wore a path on the floor.
“I'm sorry...are you still in a lot of pain.” Hoseok examined the growing lump on the back of Yoongi’s head. “Well considering he basically ate shit because you kicked him I wouldn’t doubt it.” Jungkook chimed in lollipop hanging from his lips.
“Shut up! It was an accident I didn’t see him come into the room!” Hoseok defended himself against this brat ass of a child they called their friend.
“Ah! Guys shut the hell up you’re giving me a headache.” Yoongi scolded removing the ice pack from his head to see if there might be any blood before placing it back and and doing his best to feel comfortable. “Sorry yoongi..” Both boys apologized in unison sinking back into their seats. Yoongi in general was scary, but they sure as hell didn’t want to be on the receiving end if the quiet boy decided to just jump their asses. “I really do feel bad Suga.” Hoseok said quietly using the nickname he had given Yoongi when they were kids.
Initially been a little embarrassing but eventually had just stuck. “I know, it was an accident okay. I should have knocked before coming in. I knew you were dancing but I figured you wouldn’t have heard anyhow since the music was so loud.” Sighing Yoongi leaned over resting his aching head on Hoseok’s shoulder.
What had seemed like an eternity the nurse finally called Yoongi back, he motioned for Hobi to follow while Jungkook decided to hang back. The tv in the waiting room had been playing some kdrama and he had gotten really into it. Rolling their eyes they left the younger boy alone and they prayed his ass wouldn’t get into trouble.
Sitting on the uncomfortable bed while the smell of metal and disinfectant was prominent in the air Hoseok squirmed never really a fan of hospitals. The nurse had told them the doctor would be out promptly after she had taken Yoongi’s blood pressure. Disappearing behind the curtain she had been gone for maybe just a little more than ten minutes when the curtain was swished open revealing a very stout looking man. His glasses hanging on the edge of his nose. Clipboard in hand he gave a smile to the two boys. His eyes a nice deep brown that when Yoongi looked into them he felt his whole chest warm up. He hadn’t been a fan of ER’s and Hospitals either but suddenly Suga felt he was in really good hands.
“Hello boys i'm Doctor Kim, Sooo Mr. Min it's says on your chart that you were a bit of an accident and it seems you might have a concussion?” His voice was deep and smooth and was so easy on the ears Yoongi felt he might just be eased into a nice sleep unintentional on the Dr’s part.  Eyes looking over the chart Yoongi nodded giving a little noise of confirmation. “Alright, lets take a look at what’s going on here.”
Throwing on the gloves the doctor pushed up his glasses and gently removed the ice back from Yoongi’s head. Feeling around very gently and moving around the locks on blond hair delicate long fingers sending shivers down Yoongi’s back when the doctor examined him. Dr, Kim moving slowly and even softer whenever he heard Suga wince. There was a very obvious bump but also it seemed a small cut.
“Oh! Seems you managed to get a wound here, but nothing that would require stitches.” He said plainfully, a look of guilt washing over Hosoek’s face again. Dr. Kim gave the boy a sympathetic look. “No need to worry about that it really seems fine just maybe a small bandaid and some antiseptic ointment. As for your friend here is feeling over all, it does say you were experiencing some nausea and lightheadedness. Have you thrown up at all or maybe blacked out for a second.”
“No but I did feel I was going to pass out while ago?” Yoongi confirmed. “Alright then has he been slurring his words, been acting groggy? Did you ask him the date, month?” Kim turning his attention to Hobi he confirmed he felt that the other was acting a little out of sorts, but wasn’t sure if that was from a lack of sleep or it really was the head injury.
Nodding listening to Hoseok while he asked Yoongi to follow his finger while shining a light in his eyes. “Well Mr. Min you do seems to be experiencing symptoms of a concussion, I just want to go ahead and run a few tests just be sure we aren’t missing anything. Give me just a minute while I grab my nurse.”
As soon as the doctor left Hobi was grabbing at Yoongi’s hand apologizing over and over, saying he would take him out for lamb skewers whenever he wanted. Accepting Hobi’s million apology he wasn’t going to be angry at his best friend for something he himself could have prevented though he did take him up that offer for lamb.
It came back conclusive that Suga had a mild concussion, Hobi looking like he was about ready to cry. Yoongi ironically was the one consoling him when they got the results. Wheeling him out even after his protests of being put in a wheelchair as if he was suddenly incapable of using his legs. The nurse wheeling him out was a rather pretty boy golden hair and plush lips.
Huffing when he was finally back outside Jungkook had then joined them as soon as he had seen the very soft looking nurse. Apparently the two had already met while Hobi and Suga were in the back. Jimin was his name, he had waved and striked up a small conversation with Jungkook when he had walked out a little girl with a cast. Wondering why the boy was out in the waiting room all alone and had gotten a little worried.
“Okay Min Yoongi you take care of yourself now. Drink lots of water to stay hydrated, get LOTS of rest and limit the time you spend using any screens phones, laptops, tv etcetera. As well as staying home, exerting your body and mind will only worsen your condition and delay your healing.” Holding out a hand for Suga to take to help him up, begrudgingly he took it. Those cool slender fingers wrapping around his hand he felt the breath leave his lungs briefly. Taking a step back he wasn’t sure what came over him. Dr. Kim getting a good grip on him before the other might trip. “Whoa there, how about you sit just a little longer.” He said easing Suga back into the chair. Hobi looking so concerned he told them to sit tight he would bring the car around in just a second.
“I'm fine...” Suga muttered eyes casting down he hated when he was the center of attention. Hobi had been by his side during the tests worrying and fussing about every comment the doctor had made, but Taehyung they had learned his name just before he was wheeled out as Jimin spoke by accident. Not meaning to be informal, of course like he had been all day he cooly waved off the younger man’s worry. It seemed this doctor really had a way with people. All the nurses and staff had been talking kindly of him and the female staff would act very sweetly towards him.
Seeing how he had treated people Yoongi felt not as special as he had when they first started the tests but something about Taehyung’s mannerisms and voice drew him back in and made him feel like he was the only one of importance.
Hoseok pulling up in the car swiftly getting out to open the side door for Yoongi. Taehyung again held out his hand “Let’s try this one more time, huh?” He giggled, this time he took it without reserve feeling that airy laugh though his chest while the electricity rang through his fingers when they touched Tae’s. Fighting back a blush he tried to move as quickly as possible into the car to escape the doctor’s soft gaze. “I will see you back in week now~” Waving cutely to his patient he retreated back into the hospital with Jimin.
They left as Jungkook slipped into the back of the car a shit eating grin stretched onto his lips. About to pull out of the exit of the hospital Hoseok scolded their friend. “Suga almost died and your smiling???” He spoke dramatically, “I didn’t almost di-” “I got a date with that hot nurse!” Jungkook cut Yoongi off, his grin if even possible grew wider.
At this both older boys turned to look at Jungkook in the back. “How?!” They asked in unison, “Full offense, but he seemed way out of your league.” Yoongi said flatly.
His eyes narrowing, Jungkook held his hand to his chest. “I will have you know I simply used my playboy charm and he ate it right up.” “Or he simply felt sorry for your ass.” Hoseok clapped back, him and Yoongi at their friend’s expense.
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lifeafterten · 6 years
RtN 08: Bhulbule Bhulbule it’s Rocky E’rywhere
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Shut the hell up-- That title made you fucking giggle, I know it. Don’t worry I wont tell anyone you fell for one of my dad jokes.
We had to be up early. No skin off my nose-- I was already up. (Shocker, I know.) Another night of me painting mental pictures behind my eyelids as I waited for the sun to come up. Super fun. {heavy on the sarcasm}
I went down for breakfast--- the staff was ready for me. They picked up on my crackhead hours from yesterday, I wasn’t gonna catch them sleepin’ (literally and figuratively) again.
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We were a bit on a time crunch-- Hannah and Maxine were to meet us so we can split the jeep cost amongst ourselves, so we needed to have our shit together, again, literally and figuratively. 
There was some contemplation on what I should take and what I shouldn’t. I definitely needed my medical supplies (I was basically carrying a mini pharmaceutical on my back) because of my leg, so my pack was already filling up quick.  I made some rough cuts-- not everyone can make varsity.  Hopefully I was able to cover all my bases. Then again, it’s not like I’ve done this before so what the fuck did I know?  Next to nothing. I hoped to Christ my rationale and my common sense was enough.  The things we decided to leave behind would be stored at the Hotel.
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Soon enough, we were loading our packs and getting ready to skedaddle. Off to Besisahar... God help us.  
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For the second time on this trip, I longed for a damned seat belt. I seemed to have welded my feet to the car floor and was gripping the edge of the seat. I was squeezing so fucking hard my fingers began to tingle while anticipating hard turns and rough stops. 
I was not wrong in my prediction.
The driving is insane here. First off, the roads were not roads they were dirt trails that vehicles decided to drive on for what seems like funzies; shits n’ giggles; lapses in fucking sanity-- Holy cannoli-- Breathe Ashley, breathe...
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That’s the fucked up thing about anxiety: it messes with you. Bad. I can look at something and think about a million and one things that can go wrong, like that (please insert finger snap here, thanks).
Our driver was not the friendliest of the friendlies if you can catch my meaning. And he was young.  Real young. If the furry caterpillar he was trying to grow on his face was any indication-- yeah, he was definitely in his early twenties if not twelve.
The drive itself had me on edge, since we were so perilously close to the edge about 80% of the time.  My nerves were just about threadbare at this point and we haven’t even gotten started yet. But it wasn’t just driving cliff side; it was the near misses, and the constant honking (holy fuck was this kid liberal with that shit-- handing out honks like it was fucking Tic-Tacs) as our driver over took buses, jeeps, and motorbikes alike.  He was a very aggressive driver, which I was sorta thankful for. The trip to Besisahar was an estimated seven to eight hour drive.  He was able to cut it down to six. But I was almost certain the ride alone had shaved off a few years off my life. 
We stopped for bathroom and snack breaks along the way, but I was too tired mentally to muster up the strength to get out of the car. So I stayed in there, slumped at the backseat, reveling at the stillness of it before we went off-roading again.  Yes, I considered it off-roading.  During those times of rest, Adrian slid into the backseat with me. We talked about nonsense, but I had an inkling he was checking in on me.  Well not really and inkling-- the dude literally asked if I was good.
I’ll admit there were moments where I allotted a small head to shoulder touch (meaning, my forehead to his shoulder), only to convey that I was fine. Sometimes I do these things. My actions these days are more honest than my mouth is. I don’t lie about a lot of things, but somehow when it comes to my personal shit and physicality status... lying about it came almost as naturally as breathing. My body status because I was tired of the hovering, and my feelings because I’ve been doing it for so long I don’t know how to stop sometimes.  I’m working on it, okay? Half way there I was almost certain that our driver was trying to kill us. I was being dramatic, of course, but I swear to Christ the next time that little shit picks up his phone to talk to someone while he’s playing the Nepali version of Chicken with the other cars; while driving cliff side; while honking like a madman-- I swear I was gonna slap the puberty outta this mother fucker. GET OFF THE FUCKING PHONE! I would have screamed if my heart wasn’t in lodged my throat; choking me into silence.  My palms were sweating. The relief was palatable once we reached Besisahar.
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Since our driver was part Nepali part fucking Speed Racer, we arrived earlier than we anticipated. So the plan to walk to the next location came into motion. “You guys just wanna walk straight to Bhulbule?” Bhulbule was about a two and a half walk from Besisahar, and since we’ve been cramped in a jeep for the better part of our morning... I was not opposed. I had a lot of nervous energy pent up, so some walking might do me some good.
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The roads were dusty, but I liked that I was surrounded by green. I thought the rice fields were actually rather pretty. It could be the Filipino in me, but I don’t think my family grew rice-- I think it was pineapples?
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I think this mini trek to was a pretty important learning session about the personalities of our group, which had expanded plus two. 
Hannah had a very bubbly personality. Lani had dubbed her Hermoine, probably in regard to her accent and the unruly curls that donned her crown. She was short in stature, but her personality was definitely larger than life. She was an opera singer by occupation (amazing), and when she and Zach would break out into impromptu songs it was the sweetest thing. Apparently the girl had a penchant for nicknames for she went from Hermoine, to Hannah-Darling, to finally Hannahpurna. The last one tickled my fancy-- mostly because I’m a sucker for puns or any play on words, really. Hannah was a firecracker with the tendency to “wee” every fifteen steps (total exaggeration, but she did need a few stops, and it was cute). She was very hydrated. How to describe Hannah... She had these curls the color of light brown sugar, and big doe eyes that darted everywhere like she wanted to take everything; experience everything at the same time; all at once. She had a wonderful lilt to her voice that sounded almost musical-- whether it be because of her accent or her occupation-- either way it was pleasant, and made it even more hilarious when she would say some off the wall shit.
Maxine-- I had dubbed her Maxie, because... I’ve always wanted to call a someone that-- was from the Netherlands. I can’t say I know much about the Dutch, but Adrian tells me that they’re the nicest people. Next to Canadians, I imagine. From what I learned from Lani-- Maxine was involved in research for exoskeletons for paraplegics, and I am awed by... everything? Can I be awed by everything? Fuck, I guess I am. Max was quiet, but sure of herself--- The best kind of quiet confidence. I felt she had good energy. She was tall and blonde.. and apparently gets sunburned easily. I liked her high cheekbones and the strong, sharp angles of her jawline. At first she seems a bit severe, but when she smiles her eyes crinkle at the corners that’s when you really see her shine, and Max smiles a lot. Shit. We’re getting a bunch of bright people now. I’m getting nervous. Just kidding. ... Kinda-- ANYWAY!
Then we have Lani. Her optimism was infectious and you can just feel her excitement just to be here. And I’m glad we’re here-- glad I was able to see it with her; be here with her. I’ve never quite described Lani have I? Hm... She’s probably one of the most beautiful people I know. Her physical beauty is as effortless as the inner. She doesn’t need to try, she just is. She’s tall, she’s almost graceful in her movements until she remembers she has limbs and almost trips or hits something. (Why we’re actually friends.) She has her own demons to contend with, but she’s not like me and lets it fuck with her-- thanks to her optimism. It’s like she has a full reservoir of the shit. She drives me up the wall with it sometimes-- because I’m just allergic to things not fucked up apparently, but I’m glad I have her in my life. Perhaps when my bitterness dwindles as I fumble along this path of self-whatever-the-fuck maybe, just maybe, that optimism can rub off on me. Now onto the brightest of the bright-- dare I crown him the King of Sunshine, Zach. I have nicknamed him Zackerooie, because he’s just so damned adorable. Swear to Christ I have never met a more positive human being in my entire life-- and I was fucking surrounded by them back home. I appreciate the eye contact he gives when you’re in conversation with him.  All smiles and bright blues just aimed at you. It’s neigh impossible to not adore him. He’s just a genuine person-- a rarity. Back home, genuineness appears to not only a be fallacy but an actual needle in a damned haystack.  It’s like when someone calls themselves humble nine times out of ten they are anything but. When someone has to compliment themselves, that’s usually a huge red flag.
And alas there was Adrian. Adrian likes to pick on short people-- I’m not short by any means (pretty average for my ethnicity and gender-- thank you), just shorter than he is.
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I will concede that we certainly have our similarities (insert your “no shit, Ashley” here). Which makes sense on why I found him to be so infuriating. We bickered. A bit. A lot. Fuck you, fine-- we bickered most of the time. It wasn’t too bad. I only half joked / threatened him with bodily harm. Then he’d say some stupid shit like I was too small to do dick, which made me actually want to punch him in the daddy bags. Repeatedly. In rapid succession. Just to make sure such assholery will not dare procreate. But during my observations I found that he is a lot more... thoughtful than I had initially pegged him to be. And let me tell you, my initial thoughts of him were not very flattering-- he kept picking on me, okay! It’s 2018 goddammit, no bullies allowed! In any case, we can safely say that Adrian is blunt; that Adrian is opinionated, but I found that his actions didn’t often match what his mouth was saying. There was a lot of “who cares” or “I don’t care” or “that’s someone else’s problem” or my personal favorite “whatever”. These things weren’t easy to spot, but when you’re trailing in the back of the group or existing in corners... You tend to catch on to how people really are relatively quickly. 
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But I started to note these things and the more I learned, the easier he was to understand. But then again he has probably the longest eyelashes I have ever seen-- which switches me back from understanding the guy to being annoyed by him. 
I finally crossed my first bridge. I was anticipating/dreading, actually. Had a thing about heights, even though technically I’ve never really put myself in a situation where I would have to deal with heights.  So does that mean I was scared if the idea of heights? Interesting thought. Well we were about to test that theory considering now I was looking at it dead in the face.
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“You good?” Adrian asked me.. again. “Fine. Just panicking internally.” I found myself admitting honestly. Wow, that made my mouth feel weird. I don’t know what made me say it, but It felt strangely freeing, but considering I was still panicking I didn’t dwell too long. I’ll fuck with that shit later.
My ears were full of the water flowing under the bridge. I concentrated on putting one boot in front of the other, just look straight ahead. Don’t look down, if I stepped in shit (seemed to be... everywhere) I would dutifully scrape it off on a brick, or a rock, or an Adrian if he continued to piss me off. Or a Lani that kept smirking at my plight.  Plotting which person to rub my just-in-case shitty boot on helped me across. I don’t know what kind of person that makes me, but it fucking works.
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Zach was the captain of our merry band of misfits. He had the book. He had the map. He controls the futu-- Okay, sorry, that’s too much I know.  But we basically followed his lead. He was great at getting the skinny from the locals (he has one of those faces). But we appeared to be following the Book (context: he purchased a trekking guide through the Himalayas from Lonely Planet. So when I say “The Book”, I mean the guide book-- not the bible, I didn’t finish Sunday school-- don’t know how to read it). The Book suggested we stay at two places: - Thorung-la Guest House - Heaven Guest House
It was getting late, so we went to the closest one:
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Taking a shower was... Interesting.  I couldn’t get my leg wet (as was my only requirement from my wound care doctor for her to give me the green light to fly), so I was basically doing some weird lean in butt fuck cold water (until I figured out how to use the heater) while keeping my leg elevated and away from the spout. Which is why my right leg is great at balancing.  It felt nice to wash off the dirt. Took me a while to dress. My body and my leg.
I don’t think I packed enough warm underclothes. Just a few thermals and a rain jacket. I still had my down, but hardly think I can trek with that shit on.  During the day it’s relatively warm, night is what kicks me in the vajeen.
In any case I walked down to beer and Dal Bhat. 
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I had brought a notebook down to write in (it was Lani’s diary and while she took pictures I wrote) and sat down. Everyone was already finishing up their plates-- considering the size of the plates-- considering the size of the plates, they were either hungry, or the food was bomb, or I was slow af getting dressed. I would guess the latter.I was already cold as shit. During dinner I was shivering and clenching my jaw to keep my teeth from chattering. Although the teeth clenching could have been me biting my tongue whenever Adrian would remind me, for what seemed like the billionth time, it would only get colder. Or how he couldn’t believe I was already feeling that cold. Dude. I’m an island girl. The lowest the temp goes is 70 and that’s only if there’s a storm a’brewin’. So you bet your sweet ass this bitch was cold! Although I could not complain about the dude too much... He did try his best to keep my Island Popsicle ass  warm throughout dinner by rubbing my arms.  Maybe he’s not a bastard... still an asshole.  A warm asshole.It was about seven or eight when everyone started turning in. I was reluctant because one, it was early, and two, I don’t sleep.  Adrian was commenting that he couldn’t sleep too early because he’d wake up in the middle of the night. So it felt normal to agree when he asked me if I wanted to stay downstairs longer. One: it was early. Two: At this point I had buried myself under his arm and merged myself into his side like some weird warmth parasite. God that man was so warm. So we stayed up talking shit--bickering--whatever. I saw my first firefly (one of many firsts on this trip). I know what you’re thinking-- it wasn’t fucking romantical. Gag yourself. In fact I felt rather silly for admitting I haven’t seen something as apparently common. We don’t have those bugs on the island.  Adrian kept his teasing to a minimum-- thank Christ-- and we eventually made our move back up stairs. Zach and Adrian’s room was across the hall from Lani and I’s. 
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I mumbled a quick goodnight to Adrian as I turned (left) into the... empty room. The room was empty. Where the hell was Lani?
I’ve read multiple books about a “sinking feeling” in your stomach when you mentally ask a question you already knew the answer to, but you hoped that maybe this bitch was in the fucking bathroom or something and, in fact, did not stay in the room across the hall leaving a now pretty sleepy Adrian bedless. I quickly pitter-pattered my way to the other room (right). My eyes had already adjusted to the dark enough to make out an Adrian standing in at the door way. He looked like he didn’t know what to do. Fuck if I knew what the fuck to do.
I had a belly full of Dhal Bhat and I had my fill of Adiran Warmth to last me... Just a couple more minutes if I didn’t get under warm covers soon.
“Lani?” I whispered at the dark lump I thought could be her. I don’t know what kind of Zombie/sleep cracked out Lani this was, but she moved fast. Like the zombies in World War Z fast, like I Am Legend Zombie fast. “Are you okay? I’m sleepy. I’m gonna go back to sleep. It’ll be okay. Mm, love you. Night.” She had said this over my, “What? Uh. Okay. Are you-- aaand you’re laying back down. Okay.” I stood there staring at the Lani-Lump. Incredulous; unsure; mostly confused.
This. Fucking. Cunt.
Deep breaths Ashley. This isn’t a huge deal. Except that I haven’t allowed anyone to sleep in the fucking same room with me for over a year-- besides my hospital stay.
That didn’t count.
I had drugs. I, at the moment however, did not have drugs. To his credit Adrian did ask if I was okay with us rooming together.  ... Fuck it. Whatever. It was fine.
It was cold as shit outside; it was dark; I now (apparently)  had an extra bed... He may as well use it, right? I mean, he wasn’t a complete stranger-- he actually seemed pretty cool when he wasn’t busting my balls.
I told myself I was fine with it. Actually, I told myself to stop being a little bitch. He wasn’t going to bite me. And if he did I’d have a reason to beat that ass.  The possibility of violence made me strangely okay with it.
So we went to bed. It did not take me long to realize that usually bodies warm the sheets before it stays warm throughout the night. So whatever Adrian Warmth I had left dissipated once I slid under the sheets. Fuck. You. I knew I was going to be miserable the whole night. I rubbed my feet together in hopes the friction would help. No help. My feet were cold.
“You cold?” I heard the question from the bed across mine. Adrian. Didn’t trust my mouth to speak so I made a negative mouth sound of “nuh-uh.” Have you ever heard a silence that was deeper than silence...? Like someone was quietly judging your idioticy from across the room? Well, he as nice enough to not verbally call me out on my bullshit. Both he and I knew damn well I was cold as fuck-- but my stupid mouth still lied about it. Pride? Probably. 
I saw his blanket open up, motions of his hand to hurry up and get in. I hesitated. Of course I did. I hesitate about everything. Fucking Pride... Stupid. But I couldn’t resist-- my bed wasn’t doing me any fucking favors-- so I did what Lani... and Kristin... and Jessie were always fucking telling me to do.
Go with it. (I had way too many free spirited friends..)
And fuck you, once Adrian dropped the blanket around me and I was immediately surrounded by that delicious, precious warmth, I swear that man could have asked me to kick a puppy and I would have done it gratefully.  Okay maybe not-- but I would have heavily considered it. How the fucker got his bedding that comfortably warm in such a short amount of time I will never know. Or I didn’t ask. Fuck it man, I was just happy that I was warm. That’s his super power. 
I don’t remember falling asleep, but it was the first sleep I’ve had since we landed in Nepal. I knew needed that sleep. So I’ll say this: Thank you, Adrian...  You fucking asshole.  What? Gotta keep it balanced.   TBC... 
0 notes
sabraeal · 7 years
DRUNK OBI AND SUZU DISCUSSION :3 (MODERN AU) PLEASEEE (and thank u so much u rock)
Obi’s just finished laying out their blanket, weighing down the corners with the biggest stones he can find – he suspects that these are really just smoothed out chunks of concrete, probably from when they jackhammered out the original path to put in more eco-friendly boardwalks – when Shidan’s undergrad whips open the cooler and shows just what sort of liquid refreshment he thinks is appropriate for a turtle watch.
Obi goggles. “Is that all beer?”
“Hell yeah, bro.” The undergrad – Suzu, he remembers; he’s really only heard his name shouted across the suite by Yuzuri – pulls out a fancy-looking bottle. “Funky Buddha Morning Wood. And well, some Coronas. I only had enough budgeted for a six pack of the good stuff, so like, I took a page out of the Good Dude’s book and got something top-shelf to start with, and then some weak shit for when we’re too blitzed to care, right?”
Obi doesn’t know where to start with this. Is he supposed to get shitfaced off three beers? Does this guy get shitfaced off three beers?
“The Good Dude?” he says instead, trying to keep his face blank.
“You know.” Suzu shrugs. “Jesus.”
What. The. Fuck.
“Okay,” he says, because what the fuck. “Okay, but I thought we were supposed to be…turtle chaperones, or whatever.”
“Yeah, yeah, I mean…there’s a whole bunch of bottle water on the bottom too.” He waggles his eyebrows. “Gotta stay hydrated, you know.”
“Oh good,” Obi drawls, “at least I know we won’t have to get our stomachs pumped.”
It annoys him how great the beer is.
“I know right?” Suzu reaches out, plucking the empty out of his hand and replacing it with a new one. “Can’t go wrong when you pick ‘em by them stupidest name, right?”
“Right,” Obi echoes, and it’s – it’s weird, the way he feels when that kids says it, when he says something Obi’s thought a thousand times in the safety of his own skull. His heart feels strange, feels full, and he doesn’t even know this guy but…
But maybe he’s okay. For an idiot.
“Where’d you even get all this?” he asks, “Aren’t you underage?”
He turns the bottle over in his hands, just for something to do, and –
Woah, this stuff is twelve percent alcohol by volume? No wonder he’s starting to have feelings and shit. He’d start liking Mihaya after two or three of these.
Suzu waggles his eyebrows, grinning around the lip of the bottle. “Yeah, bro. But I got the hook-ups. Sweet hook-ups.”
“Right, cool.” He’s trying not to laugh at how proud this kid is, but like, what even. “But you know I’m over twenty-one right?”
“Whaat?” Suzu blinks at him owlishly. “Bro, you gotta – you gotta list that among our assets, man!”
He can’t help his grin. “What, a birthday before 1992?”
“Yeah, man!” The guys slaps him on the back, shaking him in a friendly way by the shoulder. “That’s freaking rad, dude. What do you charge? Like ten percent of sale? Fifteen?”
“What, you mean to buy booze?” College is honestly the weirdest place he’s ever been, it’s like a parallel freaking dimension for how much it makes sense on the regular. “I don’t charge friends, man.”
“What? Oh my god, bro,” Suzu gasps, hand tightening on his shoulder. “This is like a paradigm shift, man.” He shakes his head. “If only I had known! I could have gotten a twelve pack.”
They’ve broken into the Coronas when Suzu asks, “So like, ifShirayuki, Garrack Gazalt, and Yuzuri all proposed to you, who would you marry?”
“What like, all of them at once?” Everything’s a little blurry around the edges; the moon looks like one of those fuzzy pictures on instagram, like with the lights, the Christmas shit –
Bokeh. Yeah, bokeh. Everything’s all bokeh, or whatever.
“Sure, whatever, man.” He runs a hand through his hair, now all matted with sand from when they ran into the ocean two beers ago. “Wait, does that make sense?”
“Is this supposed to be like fuck, marry, kill or something?” Obi asks, though he’s really just buying himself time, trying to wait long enough that he doesn’t just blurt out how much he wants to marry Doc, how much he wants to press her into his mattress and fuck her until she can’t see straight, until she walks with a fucking limp because of how many times he’s made her –
“Yeah, like that, but I mean,” Suzu’s face scrunches up with distaste, “I dunno killing someone seems harsh, you know? How about like…wed, bed, behead?”
“Dude,” he laughs, shaking his head, “you know that beheading kills people right?”
“I dunno, didn’t Robespierre say it was more humane?”
“That’s specifically the guillotine. And I feel like zero people should take life advice re: murder from Robespierre, dude.”
“I feel like we’re getting side tracked from the original question, though,” Suzu says a half hour and another two Coronas later. “Garrack Gazalt, Yuzuri, or Shirayuki?”
Shirayuki. Always.
“For what?” he asks. “We’re calling it what? Wedding, bedding, and wishing a very nice night?”
“I guess…wedding?” Suzu shrugs and nearly falls over. “I mean, isn’t that the same as bedding? Like wouldn’t you be like, I dunno, fucking your wife? Or does that not count because you’re more like, making love –”
“Suzu. Focus.” Obi tries to snap his fingers, but he can’t seem to make them touch. “What about you, who would you pick?”
“Oh, dude, Shirayuki, totally.”
Obi tenses. Right. Okay. Friendship fucking cancelled.
“Oh,” he says, so light, so casual. “I didn’t realize you liked her.”
“Oh, I don’t,” Suzu replies easily, flopping down like a starfish in the sand. “I’m super fucking into Yuzuri, honestly. But Shirayuki seems like she’d be a good wife you know?”
He wants to punch him for giving him a literal heart attack, but then Suzu adds, so soft, “She seems really nice. Like she’d take care of you. I bet she’d be a good mom.”
“Yeah,” he agrees, hardly able to lift his voice above a whisper. “Yeah, she really fucking would be.”
“Oh, bro,” Suzu shouts, whacking his shoulder. They’ve moved onto the waters, trying to sober up before dawn. He’s not sure how long away that is, but it’s probably going to take most of the waters in the cooler to recover, so –
“Yeah?” he groans, rolling onto his belly. “Why are you hitting me, dude?”
“Over there, do you see them?” Suzu points, waving his arm unhelpfully. “It’s the baby turtles, man!”
He almost snaps that it’s not like he can see where he’s pointing if he flails about like that, but then – then –
He sees them, slowly flip-flapping down the sand, the moon full and bright on the ocean and –
And they don’t need them, not tonight; every one has this clear journey down the slope, tumbling with a brave sort of glee down to their ocean home.
“They orient by the moon,” Suzu tells him, voice hushed in wonder, “so like, the brighter it is, the more it reflects, the easier it is for them.” Even lower he croons, “Come on little buddies, you can do it! Get home, turtle friends!”
“That’s amazing,” Obi finds himself saying. “That’s fucking amazing.”
“I know right?” Suzu claps him on the back. “That’s why we do this right? Miracle of life. Making sure little turtle babies keep hatching, keep making this planet one cool rock to live on.”
Obi squints up at him, taking in the kid’s grin, and he finds himself saying, “I really like you, dude.”
Suzu whips his head around, and Obi’s ready for – for, that’s gay, dude; or maybe, what, are you some kind of –
“Oh, bro, same. You are fucking rad, man.” He grins, goofy and full. “I feel like I gotta tell you I mean that in a totes platonic way, man. Like if I was into dudes I would one hundred percent be into you, you are like a totally hot guy, but boobs are where it’s at for me. Lady thighs. So top shelf.”
Obi laughs. “Same. I mean – lady thighs are fucking great. That part. Not the not into dudes part. I’m, er…”
It strikes him he’s never actually done this. The whole talking about it thing. It’s not like guys at the gym were going to be thrilled about it, and it just never came up at Clarines. But six hours on a blanket with this idiot and he’s just…spilling out his guts.
“You like both, I get it.” Suzu eyes go wide, and he grips Obi’s shoulder hard. “Dude, is the Danny Ocean series like the best ever thing for you? Like in the second one you got George Clooney and Catherine Zeta Jones, and Brad Pitt –”
He buries his head in his hands, laughing. It’s not that funny, but – but –
God, he’s just…relieved. “Yeah, it’s – it’s pretty great, I won’t lie.”
“Man,” Suzu groans, “I’m so jealous. I always feel like I’m missing out on like half those movies, you know?”
“I can imagine.” He watches as another turtle tumbles into the surf. “I can’t wait to show Doc this.”
“Oh,” Suzu sighs, pulling the sound long. “So that’s it.”
He looks up, confused. “That’s what?”
“I was just thinking how this is like, a totally romantic thing right? Moonlight, watching the amazing miracle of nature right before us, the night is perfect.” Suzu sends him a sidelong glance. “I was just thinking about how awesome it would be if I did this with Yuzuri…and then you mention how you want to so Shirayuki, so, via transitive property…”
He should be afraid, he should be seizing up, but instead he just says, “Yeah, I…I like her a lot.” He swallows. “But she’s into my friend so…”
“That’s rough, buddy.” Suzu pats his back. “For what it’s worth, I think you two would make really cute babies together.”
Obi laughs into the sand before rolling up to his knees. “Okay, I think you need another water, man.”
35 notes · View notes
cleota-blog · 7 years
Malec: Does love trump it all? [Shadowhunters Fanfic]
SYNOPSIS: What would happen if Magnus Bane and Alec Lightwood broke up? And what would happen if they reunite after thirteen years?
CHARACTERS: Magnus, Alec, Catarina, Clary and Jace.
After three beautiful years together, things started to fell apart for Alec and Magnus. The better they were, the more their differences started to take relevance. The fact that Magnus was immortal and Alec was not, had always been the elephant in the room. Alec had had that on the back of his head for years, pushing it back because he didn’t want to face the consequences of having that conversation, but at some point he found the courage and did it.
He came into terms with the idea that he was never going to be ready to get old while Magnus stay the same. Not because he was going to get old but because he didn’t want to feel like he was holding him back, he didn’t want for Magnus to be stuck with him out of commitment. Alec had pictured himself in dreams as a creepy old man with the magnificence that is Magnus Bane and he had woken up in tears. That’s not how they were supposed to end, it couldn’t be! 
Not to mention Alec wasn’t at all ready to be just a dot on the dashed line that was Magnus life, not when Magnus had been the center of it all for him.... so, as much as it destroyed him, he decided to break things up with Magnus. They both parted ways, but not without a huge love and deep respect for one another.
Magnus was left devastated, even though he couldn’t really blame Alec… Magnus had always wanted for Alec to learn to put himself and his happiness first, and that’s exactly what he was doing. Alec was protecting his heart for what he thought was an inevitable heartbreak. But it was so damn hard for Magnus that, not many weeks after, he decided to leave New York to the unknown.
Alec had made a decision and it wasn’t long when he realized that it had been the worst decision he had made and that he would make in his entire life. It didn’t take long for him to realize it, but it was all too late. Magnus had left town and even if he could get in touch with him, what was he supposed to tell him? He knew he had broken Magnus’ heart, in the most terrible way. He hadn’t turned his life upside down to go now and act like nothing would have happen between them. It wasn’t fair to Magnus and that was the least Alec owed him. He made a choice and now he had to live with it. Instead of avoiding a suffering, he had got himself into a much worse scenario... a life without Magnus. 
Thirteen years had passed and Magnus and his beloved Catalina had been travelling everywhere, except for New York. He had avoided that place like he was allergic to it. The sole mention of New York irritated him.
As far as his romantic love life goes, post-Alec, Magnus had had many lovers, but they were just that… lovers that kept him company at night. He learned long ago that he was never going to be able to love anyone, not while Alec was still breathing somewhere on the planet. It was like an unspoken promise he had made to Alec, one that Alec probably wouldn’t care.
It was delusional of him, but he was still holding on to the idea that while both of them were still walking in the earth, there still would be a small chance for them to find their way back to each other. It was pathetic and Magnus knew it, but he couldn’t help it. There wasn’t a single day that wasn’t accompanied by a thought for Alec. He was the last thing Magnus thought about at night and the first thing in the morning. Would people have seen the worth in him? Would his family accept him for who he is?  Would he stay fed and hydrated? Would Jace be behaving nice with him? Would he have found love? Would he have a family of his own? Would he be happy?
“Would he be happy?” That one… That was the one that caused the strongest reaction out of him. He wanted nothing more than for Alec to be happy. That was the only thing Magnus really wanted in life. Alec smiling every day of his life. That smile… that concept was the thing that had given Magnus peace whenever he needed it. He even printed one of his memories and kept it inside one of his favorite’s books, a book that Alec had gave him to be more specific.
One day, Catarina came to Magnus with the suggestion of making a quick trip to New York, alleging that she needed to check some things with the local warlocks. Besides, she thought that it was about time that Magnus face his fears. He couldn’t be that afraid of a city that it had always been so close to his heart, not to mention the fact that whether he liked it or not, he was still the acclaimed High Warlock of Brooklyn. Some other warlocks may have step in as the new head of the warlock community in the city over the years, but none of them would ever acquire the level of recognition that Magnus had.
Magnus reluctantly agree to go with her, but he was committed to stay several miles away from any shadowhunter, not to mention the Institute. He was not ready to see Alec and he didn’t want to either. He may still care about Alec but he wasn’t sure to be able to bear seeing his face again after all this time and to have a conversation with him scared the hell out of him.
When he first put a foot in New York, it was when it really hit him. Everything came rushing back to him, like no time had passed since the last time he had been there. Suddenly he felt more scared than he had ever thought it was possible; this was the closest he had been to Alec in thirteen years and he had mixed emotions… His heart was jumping out of his chest about the prospect to be reunited with his missing partner, but the rational part of Magnus was afraid that he may not recover from this. Not a second time.
He and Catarina stayed at a friend’s house, Patrick, and while it wasn’t what Magnus would have chosen, it wasn’t that bad. And more importantly it was on the opposite side of where the Institute was, which was the only thing that mattered. It was past twelve when Patrick received a call from a fellow warlock that was having troubles with the werewolf pack and needed back up.
Patrick was going to go on his own, but Catarina had the wonderful idea to offer to go with him. Magnus stared at her like she was already betraying him the very first day, but the truth was that it had been a very boring day and Magnus himself needed a bit of action.
When they arrived to the street in question, the warlock’s eye looked like he had met several punches from an angry werewolf. Magnus was getting closer when he saw a bunch of people dressed in black, with shining seraph blades, coming out of a street.  - Oh no. -  Magnus was terrified. He was trembling. Of course shadowhunters were going to be there. He would have run if he wasn’t way too cool to do that. It was in that moment when a woman called him.
- Magnus…
Magnus looked at her. It was Clary. Her fired hair was unforgettable and so was her freckled face. She looked so grown up now. A true shadowhunter from head to toes. The age passing was visible on her; especially because the last time Magnus had seen her she was around her twenties. But she still looked beautiful to say the least. Magnus calculated she would be on her late thirties now. That made him immediately think of Alec. How would he look like now? He had tried not to think about that in the past, considering that had been the reason why he and Alec broke up in the first place: his immortality. He assumed Alec wouldn’t want to see him ever again and Magnus intended to respect that. Besides he wasn’t sure he wanted to either.
- Clary… long time no see – Magnus said with a big smile on his face.
- Wow! You look exactly the same. It’s fascinating! - Clary returned his smile.
- Yeah… you get used to it eventually. So… how’s life treating you, biscuit? – He asked her because he wanted to be polite and because he still care for Clary and he was in fact interested in her well-being.
In that moment, Jace came up out of nowhere and showed up from behind her. Most of the shadowhunters had gotten close to the wounded warlock, but not him. He was by Clary’s side as Magnus had thought he would always be. He was glad he hadn’t got that wrong.
- Magnus!! 
- Hello Jace. Happy to see you. – Magnus said genuinely pleased.
- We’re really good. Not that we don’t have our arguments on a daily basis – Clary said answering to Magnus’ previous question at the same time she looked playfully to Jace – but… - In that moment Clary stopped, realizing Magnus wasn’t paying her attention. He was nervously searching for something or someone with his eyes.
- He is not here. – Clary said without hesitation, like she had no doubt what was that Magnus was looking for so heavily focus.
“He is not here”. He. His Alexander. Well, not his anymore…
- Huh? – Magnus tried and failed at pretending he didn’t know what she meant.
- Alec. He does not live in New York anymore. He moved out 6 years ago. He was offered a position as the new head of the Amsterdam Institute.
- Wow! That’s wonderful news – Magnus said, trying and failing once again at pretending he was happy to hear the news. The truth was that he was deeply disappointed. He didn’t want to see Alec, not deliberately at least, but deep down in his heart he had this tiny little glimpse of hope that he may run into him, even if that hypothetical situation would terrify him. – And how is he? – Magnus asked, unsure of why he was even asking. He didn’t want to know anything about him and yet he needed to know he was doing okay. If that even make sense….
- You should ask him. I’m sure he’ll be delighted to see you. It’s been so long.- Clary said.
- Me? Ask? Him? – Magnus went blank for half a second.
- Why not? – Jace asked determined and a bit frustrated. – It’s not like you had to take a plane or anything. - Sarcastic Jace. There he was. Magnus had oddly missed that.
- Jace… – Clary said to his now husband for sure.
- It’s not that simple, Jace. – Magnus answered, obviously conflicted.
- Maybe… but if you want to know anything about Alec, you know where to find him. – Jace said and went after the other shadowhunters that were already taking charge of the situation with the warlock and the werewolves.
- Don’t get mad at him. – Clary told Magnus the minute Jace was gone. – He just wishes you guys would have solved your problems.
- We did, Clary. Alec and I… – the sole reference to a time when there was still a WE, hurt him beyond words. - We both said goodbye to each other and there was nothing but love. I can assure you. Besides, it wouldn’t do any good to either of us to see each other now.
- You sure about that? – Clary asked, defying him with her green eyes.
- What do you mean? – Magnus asked, clearly intrigued.
- You know… People change. Whatever it’s that you guys felt then it may not be the same now. There is only one way to find out. – Clary said in a friendly way.
- Alec has his own life now, a wonderful one it seems... and I don’t want to mess that up. I don’t want to be an obstacle, a bad, old memory that comes back into his life. A memory that he’s probably put behind to move on with his life. And I… - Magnus interrupted his rant. – I would die if that’s the look I get from him. That’s the one thing I can’t take. You understand that, right?
- Magnus… I’m not going to tell you what to do.- Clary said visibly moved by Magnus and how he was opening up to her. - I understand your fears, but I also know that you might be completely wrong. And I don’t think living in doubt is much better either.
Magnus was left speechless, not knowing what to say.
- Anyway.- Clary said after a couple of seconds.- Now that you’re here, I may use your help. Would you make me a favor?
- Sure.- Magnus answered, happy to team up with and old friend again.- Whatever you need.
- I need you to do a little research about shelters for downworlders, especially warlocks. We’ve been getting a lot of alarms about abandoned warlock babies  in New York. Maybe you can come up with a place we haven’t thought of.
- Absolutely. I’m sure Caterina would be delighted to help me out with this matter.
- Thank you! – Clary hugged him and whispered into his ear. - You’re still the best.
- What did Clary tell you exactly? – Catarina asked Magnus.
- She said that they need to find a good shelter to take several warlock babies there.
- Weird… I haven’t heard anything about abandoned warlock babies.- Catarina said, visibly confused and mad that she would have missed something like that.
- Well… shadowhunters have sources that none of us have so it’s not that weird-  Magnus continued at the same time he looked closely to his screen, which he had enchanted with a spell to filtrate only the supernatural related news. They both had been searching for shelters the whole night. They were by their fifth coffee at that time.
- Sorry I have to ask… - Catarina said impatiently, as she had been debating with herself for a while now whether it was okay to ask him or not. – Did you guys talk about Alec?
Magnus answered Catarina without taking his eyes off the screen.- Yes
- And? - Catarina asked impatiently, now more than before.
- And nothing, Catarina. Clary told me he’s living in Amsterdam now and that he’s happy. That’s all I know and that’s all I want to know. Can we go back to search now? – Magnus said, sounding more aggressive than he had intended to, but the last conversation she had held with Clary had left him very uneasy.
- Okay… - Catarina answered, clearly regretting having even asked.
Half an hour after, Catarina found a shelter that she had never heard of and that was quite impressive. 
– Magnus, here. Listen this. “Shelters MB is an ambitious project that intends to offer guidance and care for all the downworlders. It has plans to expand to other cities of Europe in the near future. It has helped more than 100 downworlders, 60 of them being warlocks, in the 5 years it has been opened.”
- And where is that? – Magnus asked, clearly amazed.
- Mmm… Here it says that it’s based in… Amsterdam? – Catarina was shooked.
- Amsterdam? – Magnus repeated as if he couldn’t have heard it right.
- Yeah… that’s what this says. – Catarina told him at the same time she turned around the screen so Magnus could see it with his own eyes.
Magnus didn’t know what to think. What were the chances that he would hear about Amsterdam twice the same day? Magnus believed in a lot of things but coincidences weren’t one of them.
- It says anything else? Like who developed all of that?
- Let me see. – Catarina said.- Oh
- Oh what? - Magnus asked anxiously.
Catarina started to read. - “This project was developed by the well-known shadowhunter Alexander Gideon Lightwood, currently head of the Amsterdam Institute, with the help of many friends and supporters but most noticeably her sister Isabelle Lightwood.”
Both Magnus and Catarina remained silent for a moment.
- Magnus? - Catarina called him, worried because Magnus hadn’t said a word.
- Alec… my Alec. He did that. Why? – Magnus was so confused. Was in that moment that he remembered Clary’s words. “I need you to do a little research about shelters for downworlders, especially warlocks”, she had said. Clary wanted Magnus to find this. There have never been any abandoned baby warlocks. That redhead little liar.
- MB.- Catarina repeated.- As in Magnus Bane?
- It can mean anything.- Magnus was reluctant to believe that all of that could be for him. It didn’t make any sense. – It doesn’t change anything.- Magnus said, clearly unconvinced.
- One hell it does! What? Do you think Clary has made you find a shelter named MB, developed in Amsterdam by Alec for no reason? This is exactly what you needed Magnus and that’s why she has made sure you arrive to that conclusion for yourself. You were worried that Alec didn’t care about you. Well there you have it. He does. He built a whole institution with your fucking name for god’s sake. What are you so afraid of?
“What are you so afraid of?” Yes. What was he afraid of? He was afraid of seeing Alec after so long. He was afraid of Alec’s reaction to him showing up on his doorstep. He was afraid of his own feelings once he saw Alec again. He was afraid that whatever may happen would destroy the sacred memory of what they shared in the past. He was afraid that he would come back worse than he was going. He was afraid that Alec had whatever he could have had with him with another person. He was afraid that, after everything they had gone through, they were two strangers now. But most importantly he was afraid of letting sink in the idea, for real this time, that his Alexander was no longer his Alexander.
In that moment, Magnus realized that he had built an armor for himself. He had chosen to live in the past, afraid of letting go of his safe place. But he needed to…. One way or another. He needed it to move on once and for all. There was no point on holding on to the past if there wasn’t a reason to.
- You’re right my friend. We’re leaving to Amsterdam.- Magnus simply said.
It was cold in Amsterdam that day or maybe was that Magnus felt the time of facing Alec was getting closer. He had no idea what he would say to him. He had no idea what he was even doing there. Thank god he had Catarina by her side, as always, the loyal and loving Catarina. They had rented an apartment for the whole week, just in case they had time to visit the city.
They arrived to the front door of the Institute. It was smaller than the New York Institute but it felt very antique, like it had seen it all. Magnus bet if that walls could talk they would have some amazing stories to tell. Anyway, that was just an attempt to keep his mind away from what was about to happen. Catarina knocked on the door and they both waited down the stairs in the street. A minute later, a couple of young shadowhunters opened the door.
- Hello, what can we help you with? - The girl asked with a big smile on her face. She seemed nice.
- Hello, good afternoon. We would like to talk to Alexander Lightwood. Does he live here, right? – Catarina decided to take things into her own hands, very aware that Magnus was not his usual self that day, for obvious reasons. 
- Yes, he does.- the boy answered this time.
“He does”. These words were the confirmation that Alec was right there, somewhere. He felt like he was going to faint at any moment.
- He’s the head of this Institute. Did you had an appointment?.- The boy continued, surprised and intrigued by Magnus strong reaction.
- Mmm… No. But I’m sure he won’t mind. We’re old friends of him. Let him know that Catarina Loss is asking for him.- Catarina said with a smile.
- Who’s there? - Someone asked, still in the inside.
Magnus’ eyes went wide open. He would have recognized that voice among thousands. It was him. Alec’s voice. Suddenly, someone showed up on the door. Alec.
Magnus had wondered multiple times what he would look like after all this time. Now he had the answer: perfection. They both looked at each other for a moment that seemed like an eternity; both trying to assimilate what was right in front of them. Alec run down the stairs with determination and hugged Magnus in a heartbeat. Alec’s touch on his body defeated Magnus.
When he pulled away, Magnus could see his face with all the details now. He had aged, but in the best possible way.  His bright black hair wasn’t as dark as it was before, but the biggest change was probably the small beard that he had let grown and that now surrounded his face. it suited him and his new diplomatic position. His eyes were exactly the same, those eyes that look right through you. And then... Alec smiled.
Alec smiled at Magnus and Magnus was as happy as a man can be. He was Alec, there was no doubt about it. He looked athletic and way more elegant. He seemed to have upgraded his wardrobe. Magnus would like to think that it had been one of his effect’s on Alec, but in that moment Magnus wasn’t even sure of his name.
- Magnus. Is it really you? I can’t believe you’re here.-Alec said
- I can’t either.- Magnus answered with all honesty.
- What are you doing here?
There… Alec didn’t know what he was doing there and, to be honest, he didn’t know it either. Of course, Magnus had to played it cool.
- We’re in town for a couple of days and we thought that maybe it was time to make a visit. But if we come in a bad time we can go…
- Non sense. You’re always welcomed in here. Please. Come inside.- Alec said doing a movement with the head towards where Catarina was standing.
- Thank you Alec, but I think it would be better if I let you two talk. I’ll be around.- Catarina nodded at Alec and after that she looked at Magnus. A look that Magnus knew exactly what it meant. It meant: “Don’t even dare to go out of that building without having said everything you want to say or I will kill you.”
Alec had taken Magnus to his now office so they could talk. It was so Alec. Simple, minimalist and classy. Being able to recognize these things about Alec made Magnus smile.
- You haven’t aged a day.- Alec said very thoughtfully.
- You have, but you still look wonderful so there is that.- There was a small pause before Magnus continued - I see everything is going amazing for you, head of the Institute.
- Yeah, I can’t really complain.
- And what about your family?
- They’re all doing great actually. Jace and Clary have got married. They have two beautiful redhead twins and Izzy is here with me, in Amsterdam, but she’s a free spirit. You know her. She travels all the time. Now she is in Idris with Simon.
- I’m glad to hear that. And… what about you? Do you have your own family? - That’s what he had been terrified to ask him but as Catarina had implied, he was not going to go out of there without having all the answers.
- I’ve been very busy and I haven’t had time for that. But I have six shadowhunters under this roof. Believe me, they give me enough headaches.
- So you’re not with anyone? - Magnus asked, trying not to sound very hopeful.
- No. Not that I’m looking for either. - Alec quickly answered.
- Oh...  Well, I hope you find that person when you’re ready. - It took a lot of effort for Magnus to hide his disappointment.
- Yeah…. And you? I guess you’ve been travelling around.
- Yes. Mostly South America. 
- That’s amazing.- After a second, Alec started to dig deeper - I hope you have a happy life. I felt really bad for how we ended things. - There was truth in Alec’s eyes. He still couldn’t lie. Another thing that thankfully had stick with him through the years.
- I have it.- Magnus tried to sound as authentic as he could.- And don’t worry, it’s all in the past.- Magnus answered, not sure which one of them he was trying to convince.
- I’m glad! You have no idea how nice it has been seeing you again.
- It really has been.- Magnus said, taking his time to look at Alec one last time.- Well, I guess I should get going.- Magnus couldn’t take it any longer.
- So soon? - Alec got suddenly nervous.
- Yeah. I’m sure Catarina will need my help for something soon - Magnus had what he had going for and there was no point on prolonging that agony more than it was needed.
Magnus and Alec gave each other a hand shake. A hand shake! Things couldn’t go any worse. But there was still one thing Magnus needed to ask Alec.
- MB. What does it mean?
- Exactly what you think it means.- Alec answered with a genuine smile.
Magnus smiled back at Alec and left the room.
The minute Magnus walked out of the door, Alec sat on his chair and put his hands around his neck. What was he doing? Why he couldn’t just tell Magnus that he wasn’t really looking for anyone because he had already found that person and was so stupid to let him go? Why he wasn’t brave enough to tell Magnus how miserable his life had been without him in it? But if he went after Magnus wouldn’t that be selfish of him? Maybe Magnus would slap his face this time. But Magnus had come to see him. He wasn’t mad with him, was he?
Alec realized that he had been taken too long thinking about what to do that if he waited any longer he would lose Magnus for the second time in his life and this time probably for good. He ran out of his office. He would find Magnus, and then he would think what to say to him.
- Magnus… - Alec said almost breathlessly.
Magnus, who by that time was already leaving the street, turned back.
- Alec, what are you doing?
- Magnus, don’t walk away.- He had thought more poetics ways of saying it but in that moment he needed his message to sound loud and clear.
- What? What are you saying? You’re not making any sense.- Magnus asked confused.
- I know. Look just listen to me, please...
Magnus looked at him, scared to see Alec so worried.
-  I know I don’t have any right to ask you for anything.- Alec started to talk.- I’m well aware that I lost that a long time ago. I know that I was selfish when I made that choice that I was only thinking in me. The funny thing is that it completely backfired right on my face. I’ve regretted letting you every day of my life. I haven’t married anyone simply because it didn’t feel right to marry anyone that wasn’t you. I knew that Magnus Bane was one of a kind and none of the men that came after you were able to erase the mark you left in me. I had already given you my heart and I hadn’t realized that back then. I was so scared of losing you when I started to get old, that I wasn’t as important to you as you were to me, that I didn’t realize that nothing was as devastating as living my life without you in it. I’ve never been as happy as I was with you.
- Why you didn’t come to find me then? - Magnus asked confused.
- How could I? - Alec asked, completely broken.- I broke your heart.- Tears started to run through Alec’s face. The way they do when you touch a very sensitive subject.-I knew I had disappointed you. I knew you expected a lot from me and I failed you. After everything I had put you through why would you even take me back?
Magnus didn't know what to say. Magnus knew, better than anyone, how much it hurt Alec to let people down. He had always been so hard on himself. That was just who he was and Magnus loved him for it. He didn't know whether to kiss Alec or killing him. So Alec continued...
- I knew I had to accept the consequences of my choice and I did. I did.- Alec looked like a warrior that had already accepted a defeat.- I decided that at least I would make something for you, to honor you. That’s why I started the MB project. I wanted to help the downworlders, the warlocks. Save them, the same way you saved me. I wanted to create something that last beyond my years. I didn’t know if I would see you again so I thought that maybe one day you would find out about this and it would make you smile.- Magnus couldn’t help but smile when Alec said that.-  I wanted that us… our story had a meaning because it really meant everything to me. You mean everything to me. I hated our end and I didn’t want that to be the end of our story.
- Alec.- Magnus finally started to talk.
- Before you say anything. I know this is not enough. I wish I had had time to prepare something better. I wasn’t expecting to see you today, or ever again to be honest.
- Thank god you hadn’t because I don’t know if I could have taken a well-prepared speech.- Magnus smiled.- Alec, I’ve never hated you for leaving me, how could I? I loved you. I understood you. All I’ve ever wanted was for you to be the man that I knew you were, that you put yourself first for once and that you were happy with me or with someone else. And now that I know you weren’t, I feel terribly sad.
Alec looked at him, sad for making him sad. Magnus continued.
- That’s the part of me that would want to do right by you. Now, there is this other part. The part that says that I’ve missed you every single day, the part that says that I’ve never loved anyone, because I’m still crazy in love with you. The part that was afraid of seeing you and realizing that “his Alexander” was someone else’s.- Magnus burst into tears. In that moment Alec took Magnus’ head and kissed him softly.
They stayed like that for a while. Just reconnecting. Feeling and savouring each other’s mouths. How they had missed them. There was hunger, passion and so much devotion, just like it had always been.  After pulling away and recovering for a long second, Magnus was the first one to start talking.
- Wait, Clary and Jace knew about this. They knew how you felt? - Magnus asked while Alec stroked his cheek.
- Yes, but I made them promise not to find you. I didn’t want to cause you any trouble.
- Now I understand why Jace insisted so much in that I went to find you. And why Clary didn’t tell me directly about your not so secretive project.- Magnus slapped Alec’s head playfully.- You will definitely never cease to amaze me Alec.
- Some things never change.- Alec answered looking just as young as Magnus remembered him. He felt like he was free of a burden he had had for so long.
- Thirteen years. It has taken us thirteen years to get back to each other because we both thought the other one didn’t want to see us. Tell me a more tragic love story. - Magnus said.
- It’s not perfect, but is ours. It’s Magnus and Alec’s love story. - Alec smiled. Alec’s gigantic smile was everything that was right with the world.
- It is.- Magnus felt complete for the first time in a long time, like every piece was slowly falling back into place.
He would never leave Alec’s side ever again. No matter what. He had lived without him and it had devastated him. In fact, he was ready to find a cure for immortality. He wanted this. He wanted Alec. He had seen the world more times that he could count, he had seen the atrocities that people were capable of over the centuries. He was tired of history repeating itself over and over again. He had had enough. The only thing he wanted to see from now on was Alec's smile. Magnus had tried and done everything, except for one thing.... having a family and dying. He wanted to grow old with Alec and die by his side. He was sure now that the whole reason why he had lived this long was to find Alec. But that’s the beginning of a different story...
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halestil24 · 8 years
I Wanna Be Sedated.
Pairing: Stiles x OC Rating: M Warning: Depression, isolation.  Words: 2,876.
A/N. Don’t be too harsh… K.
“You wanna know why I still look so tired Scott?”
The voice was probably louder than it should have been, but she would have recognized his voice anywhere.
“She sneaks into my room at night.”
“And does what?”
“You tell me!”
From where Brin was standing she could see Stiles lift the back of his shirt and expose something to Scott. The problem was she didn’t have to see it to know what Stiles was talking about. Derek had mentioned something about Malia and Stiles reeking of each other lately. Brin tried to believe differently but what she just witnessed was enough.
Things had been starting to be okay. The Nogitsune was gone, and with it was the threat of losing her best friend. Sure the ancient spirit, had done a number on everyone, but Brin was hoping that with the spirit fully gone and Stiles starting to get back to his normal self, the nightmares would stop. The problems she was having would stop.
But this was Beacon Hills, and she was part of a Pack and that isn’t how things work. Of course Scott and Derek had welcomed Malia to the pack, and Stiles was trying to help her adjust to life as a human. But no matter what they tried, she was always so pushy, and harsh. In fact, she was straight up rude. Allison had mentioned something about Malia complaining that it took her so long to recover from being stabbed.
Stiles had just brushed it off with being happy Allison made it, and Brin tried. She really did try to get back to normal. Yet something felt off. Deaton had said that Scott, Allison, and Stiles would have a darkness weighing down their heart when they sacrificed themselves to find their parents. Brin had to be hallucinating it, but she felt like a darkness was filling her instead.
Hearing Stiles talk to Scott about his bedroom escapades with Malia was not the best way to start her Friday. It was bad enough that when she woke up her parents were gone with a note saying they were on a business trip for a week, and that her aunt would check in on her. So she was alone. More alone than she really had thought, in fact she couldn’t remember the last time her and Stiles had a movie marathon or just hung out doing homework together.
With a heavy sigh, Brin walked into the school and straight to her locker. The whole walk there she felt a heavy pit in her stomach, and the walls were swimming around her head. Once at her locker she took a deep breath to steady herself. Not hearing Stiles as he moved to lean against the locker next to her.
“Hey.” his voice startled her. “Whoa, Brin… you okay?”
His brow furrowing in confusion. Something else flashed across his face as he searched her face.
“Uh…” Brin shut her locker. “Yeah. Fine.”
As if the world was reading her mind, for the first time ever, the bell rang giving her an excuse to get out of the conversation with Stiles. Luckily she wouldn’t see him until History.
+++ Stiles POV
Something was different. Usually when Stiles startled Brin she would smack his arm or fake yell at him. This time, there was nothing. Not even the faintest emotion in her voice, but that wasn’t bothering him as much as how she looked. She had these dark circles under her eyes, her shirt hung off of her shoulder a bit exposing her collarbone, which Stiles was pretty sure had not been that prominent before.
In fact, Brin looked skinnier than she had been. Her wrists were even smaller, by the looks of it. Yeah, you heard that right. Stiles notices her wrists. Stiles notices everything about her. How her dishwater blonde hair is tossed about her shoulders, reaching down her back. How her green eyes looked a little duller than they are supposed to. How her clothes were looser than they should be.
Many a time, Stiles heard Lydia mumble on about how Brin has the perfect shape. She is perfectly proportionate. Narrow waist, athletic frame, small but not too small breasts…. Okay Stiles was getting distracted. Something was wrong. He and Brin had been friends since 4th grade. She knew his mom. She was there when his mom died. If something was wrong, it was almost impossible for her not to spill the beans to him. Never had she just left it at “I’m fine.”
It was driving him nuts all day. She didn’t join their table at lunch, but that wasn’t something that was entirely new. Malia had pushed away a lot of their friends, and Brin was one of them when it came to seating arrangements. He would have his chance in History. Mr. Yukimura wouldn’t say anything if they talked in the back of the class. The problem was, she didn’t show, and she never came to her locker after school.
Stiles was about to head home and fester over chips and soda when he got a call from Melissa.
“Hey momma McCall, whatever it is… I didn’t do it.”
“Stiles… I need you to be serious.”
Dread filled his chest. His first thought went to his dad. Something must have happened.
“It isn’t your father. As far as I know he is fine. Maybe sneaking a few Big Burgers… but I need you to come to the hospital. I want to talk to you. Just you.”
“Y..yeah… Sure. I’ll be there in a minute.”
Stiles looked down at his phone, his brain going a mile a minute trying to figure out what Melissa would want to talk to him about, and why it was just him. Unless it was supernatural research related. He also noted her info on his dad sneaking burgers which he will have to address at a later time, but you better believe your ass it will be addressed.
It was only a matter of minutes before he was strolling through the triage doors looking for Melissa, who must have been looking for him.
“You are killing me here. What is going on?” anxiety filling his chest.
“When was the last time you talked to Brin?”
“Excuse me what?” His heart in his throat.
“Brin. When was the last time you talked to her?”
“This… this morning. What’s going on… where is she?”
“When was the last time you actually spoke with her, not just in passing?”
“I…. I don’t…. Melissa….” His hands were shaking. Stiles did not like where this was going. He knew something was wrong.
“Stiles.” Her voice was low as she lead him to a closed door. “Brin came in about an hour ago. Remember when you came to me, not long ago….”
Stiles nodded. Not really wanting to remember the time the Nogitsune made him think he had his mother’s disease, but Melissa was going somewhere with this.
“You sedated her?” His voice was calm and quiet.
“Yeah.” She swallowed thickly. “The last time she slept more than an hour or two was about the time you were possessed.”
After a quick calculation in his head, Stiles figured that Brin hadn’t really slept in a month, maybe two. If she wasn’t sleeping then she probably wasn’t eating right.
“What’s wrong with her?”
“Clinical depression. Night terrors, sleep deprivation… the only thing she seems to be is hydrated.”
“Why did you only want me here?”
Melissa just gave Stiles a knowing look. Scott would have made it a bigger deal, involving the pack, blaming someone. But Stiles would take care of her.
“She is going to be out for a while longer. Beacon County is having issues and has to send patients here. I can’t keep her here. I need you to take her, whether that is to her house, or yours… just… Stiles don’t leave her alone.”
“Yeah… okay. I can do that. Dad’s on a double… I’ll take her to mine.”
“Good. I’ll get a wheelchair.”
Stiles lifted Brin from the bed noting how she felt so much lighter than he remembered, to the chair, and then out to the Jeep. Melissa thanked him and kissed him on the cheek before he drove off with Brin propped against his door asleep. Much like many stake out nights that they shared before.
Stiles carried Brin bridal style up to his room, and placed her in his bed. Once he pulled the blanket back up over her, she rolled to her stomach nuzzling into his pillow. Stiles felt a little creepy as he stood there looking at her. She wasn’t as frail as he expected her to be after talking to Melissa.
God she was still so fucking beautiful. Even with the dark circles under her eyes. Brin had been so distant lately, and all Stiles wanted was to have her back. Now she was here, and he was taking care of her, like she took care of him and it felt right. Seeing her in his bed, relaxed, felt right. God he really hoped his pillow would smell like her.
That’s when it hit him. His room would smell of her, his bed would smell of her. Even if he couldn’t smell it himself, Malia would. And that was cause for disaster. Stiles needed to do something about it. Explain himself. Without a second thought, he stepped out of his room and pulled his phone from his pocket. Dialing Malia’s number.
“Stiles. Where are you?”
“I’m at home. Listen Malia… I… I need to talk to you about something, and no I can’t do it in person. I’m sorry.”
“I don’t care. What is it.” There was the bluntness to her voice.
“I can’t keep up our little arrangement.” “Why.”
“Because….” it wasn’t realization, because Stiles had known it for a while now, but he never said it out loud. “I love someone else, and that person needs me right now.”
“It’s Brin… isn’t it.” There was no anger in her voice like he expected.
“Yeah. It is.”
“I was wondering when this would happen. Okay.”
“Okay? No argument?”
“Stiles… what is the point of arguing? It was fun. I’ll see you later.”
Before Stiles could say anything else the line clicked. That was easier than he had expected, and he sure as hell wasn’t going to complain. When he stepped back into his room, a light whimper came from Brin. Her breathing had picked up, and Stiles was by her side in an instant.
Taking her hand in his until she calmed down. Without much thought, Stiles slide down, sitting with his back against the side of the bed, his hand still in Brin. It didn’t take long before his head was tilted back and his eyes slipped shut.
+++ Brin POV
Brin’s eyes opened and she wasn’t where she had been when Melissa sedated her. She still felt exhausted, so moving wasn’t an option. She took a deep breath, sucking in the smell of oak and fresh rain. The smell she associated with Stiles. Brin’s eyes shot open, evaluating her location. The whole room was familiar. The blues and blacks. The MacBook sitting on the desk littered with books. She was in Stiles’s room. In Stiles’s bed.
Then she realized that her hand was resting on the side of the bed, next to where Stiles’s head was flopped back. Melissa must have called Stiles, which really didn’t surprise Brin. What did surprise her was the lack of everyone else. The heavy feeling in her stomach was back, but she was too exhausted to worry about it. In fact, all she wanted to do was run her hand through Stiles’s dark hair. And she did. It was softer than it looked. Her nails scraped lightly against his scalp, pulling a groan from him.
Stiles shifted on the floor a little. His eyes peeked open, locking with hers. Then they shot open and he was fully turned looking at her.
“Brin. You… you’re awake. Don’t worry… Melissa called. I didn’t know if I should have taken you home or not…”
“Hmm.. yeah.” her voice was rough with exhaustion and sleep. “This is better.”
“I… you are scaring the crap out of me Brin... Melissa started throwing out words and I…. I don’t… how did I not know?”
“I tried not to let you know.”
“You know why Stiles.”
Brin’s eyes dropped a little. Melissa had said she would sleep a lot after the sedative, it was her body’s way of attempting to recover.
“Dad’s not going to be back for a while. You can stay here.”
“And where will you stay?”
“The floor is fine.”
With all the energy she could muster, Brin scooted over and patted the bed. She didn’t know if Stiles would accept, or what would happen next. But she wasn’t in the mood to care. Stiles slid in next to her, not hesitating at all. What he did next surprised her. Stiles pulled her into his chest.
“Malia and I aren’t a thing anymore.”
“Oh.” With a surprised expression, Brin craned her neck a little to look at Stiles.
“So… what brought this on Brin? Why did you think you couldn’t tell me?”
“I just…. Void really played me, and I couldn’t deal. I wanted to tell you but… you know… you were busy getting your back mauled. Please tell me you washed these sheets.”
Stiles tried to stifle a laugh. “Yes… I did.”
Brin scoffed, running out of energy to stay awake. “Imma go back to sleep.”
“Yeah, okay. Should I call your..”
“No… ‘heir not ‘ome.”
“For how long?”
“You’re staying here, or I am staying there.”
“I’m not letting you go again.”
“I ‘ove you… ‘iles…”
Stiles sucked in a sharp breath. He wasn’t going to get his hopes up, because Brin is exhausted and under the influence of a sedative, but dear god. He loved this.
“I love you too Brin. More than you know. Get some rest.”
Brin burrowed her face into his chest, and winded her arms around his waist. The next big bad could come in his room right now and kill him and he wouldn’t care because the girl he loves is asleep in his bed wrapped in his arms. Finally.
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skullssales · 5 years
*HUGE* Halloween Home Decor Haul Avelina De Moray
Hi there every body! Welcome to my channel .Glad October, the month of Halloween it is coming near I inspiration i’d better get my act collectively and in reality film my halloween haul n the month of Hallowee,n so it is on before …..Halloween in view that final 12 months I received my blood tutorial on a few days late….My unhealthy!!!! For those who guys have kids you realize why shit is perpetually late okay so as you recognize I used to be in LA not too long ago for 2 weeks and as an Australian living in a country that does not relatively have fun Halloween they’re opening to slowly embrace it but via include it I imply having one small little Halloween section in an complete storm so type of a letdown I used to be so excited to find out that I used to be visiting to LA across the Halloween season in view that all of the shops went nuts and i am so excited to show you what I purchased i’m gonna with one of the crucial serious decor considering there are just a few strange items in right here you understand you know what i am talking about when you comply with me on Instagram I put up reports like this about 50 reports a day so when you followed me while I was in LA you can comprehend what my husband bought anyway let’s get started with whatever serious the very first thing I need to exhibit you this is wonderful the scale of this I noticed it and that i fell in love i am like i need this on my wall no longer necessarily exactly Halloween themed however Gothic however and that i must have it it can be simply lovely so this was once from i will inform you because i do know this was from Halloween time Burbank l. A. And that i purchased a number of quite cool matters from this retailer and that is a Halloween headquartered retailer that’s open all yr circular which i suppose is rather cool we just do not have the Halloween tradition here where a store could preserve itself and be open all year circular the following is this beautiful lovely little signs crisis thingy I’ve received a lot of science i need sit luckily a excellent a big apartment however I have got to figure out where they’re going so this simply stood out to me the colours that we just had the completely happy Halloween I think it’s relatively lovable have no idea the place i will put yeah but that was once first-rate continuing with the theme of science i’ve this sign right here as quickly as I saw it i am like yeah which parking best violators will have a spell cast on them that’s pretty cool and this i will be able to tell you seeing that I don’t forget was once from Michelson yet another signal this used to be one one selected feeling lucky psychic predict the longer term knowing the prior so he bought this for the recording studio that we’re engaged on and the article that I hold noticing with the entire signs which have seen is that they’re very professional like they are not simply squares like in Australia they’ll simply do squares or rectangles where right here they they cut shapes out they usually they put the little witches broom on high there’s simply the awareness to element is impeccable so that is simply solid timber yet another lovely addition to our ever-developing facet collection ok now I want to exhibit you the 2 ridiculous things that one became out now not so ridiculous I sincerely ended up liking and it goes really good with a different object that I purchased however his first ridiculous thing and again i don’t really you ready for it large toad I mean the one factor that makes this Halloweeny is that it was once located within the Halloween section in one of the crucial outlets and it can be style of creepy but apart from that i am like why why and the children hate it that is terrified of it so yeah that is the first creepy factor that fun however the subsequent factor I can not throw considering that i’ll break it is it was Frankenstein it was once just white plaster they had different huge tremendous plaster heads and so they’re simply white yeah Mon sprayed that silver chorim nevertheless it honestly works rather well subsequent to the next thing that i’ll exhibit you which ones was a lantern I forgot to turn my mobilephone on silent whoops this has the label on it this was once from Ross Ross’s I consider it is simply Ross the identify Ross I fell in love with this I ought to perform a little shout out to jewel cher i am hoping i’m pronouncing her Instagram name thoroughly she’s a lovely mother she just had a new little one i really like following her style anyway i assume it can be her and said howdy you might have just bought she’s received graphics of decor every single day like regularly shopping i will be able to relate to that i’m like woman the place do I need to go inform me and she despatched me to all these stores so really this Halloween haul do not have kind of occurred without her so huge thanks it is right here how lovely is it adore it’s stable metallic once more if this used to be in Australia that may simply be plastic and it’s received a little bit yeah a little bit again section there so that you could pop to you like chocolates in I did are trying that beanie difficulty i have with that is motive this steel it can be most likely a conductor so it it really heats up so i’m gonna put it faraway from the children faraway from some thing that might trap hearth i am particularly clumsy wish it like that so these two together can i remind you we were touring america k so Australians you could have a suitcase restrict of 23 kilos this guy is with ease four or 5 kilos and this isn’t heavy that is like due to the fact it’s hole it but it surely’s huge and you couldn’t put something inside it so we left Sydney with one suitcase one had new smaller suitcase packed inside of my suitcase however we came we came residence with six we got here dwelling with six suitcases for have been on the brink of being oversized so full particularly huge suitcases after which two of the largest hand luggages in all probability placed on the aircraft with out you recognize moving into challenge okay carrying on with on how cool is that this also from Michaels which and noted hell yeah I simply saw that and that i thought that is going to make me appear so much cooler after I believe my youtube movies and i really like that the straw is difficult and it can be like Charlie Halloween themed like an orange stripes I simply saw that it can be actual good best it used to be pendulous rather having fun with that i’m gonna keep that right there so i can stay hydrated let’s proceed along with the consuming utensils oh okay i am again next up also from Michaels was this lovely purple you could you see that that’s a cranium within hopefully that’s being picked up by means of the camera however I just love that and i really like matters which are red and it goes by means of all of my nails which are bloody k next on the cups this was once $5 I are not able to bear in mind where this just but i’m virtually I feel it would even be Michaels I simply loved the two-toned glass to style of teal blue and fading to rain again it’s no longer displaying up loopy world yeah i will show it to you on a white heritage higher tremendous cute ok subsequent up on this epic Halloween haul are these beautiful cranium candelabras I acquired to cuz i love symmetry and i frequently buy two of the whole thing always it’s a bit of a main issue I might need help these obtained smashed to pieces on the best way right here i attempted my great to p.C. The entire breakables within clothing and blankets that I get the SI blanket um you will see that that’s absolutely fucked however bun did a quite excellent job of tremendous gluing it back collectively there is just a few matters that we bought that used to be tremendous fragile that like simply obtained smashed to smithereens I suppose it was once simply in one suitcase and i utterly blame the men and women from United airlines in view that there was once a bit ticket saying they searched our bag so all the broken things have been isolated to that one case now not completely satisfied United airlines additionally we didn’t lock the bag it used to be one of the vital baggage we purchased on the last day actually the day that we left and we did not have time to installed the I mean it only takes a 2nd let’s rephrase we could not be afflicted developing the little pet code with the numbers however after we received it again it was once locked and wager what they set the code to established on what used to be inside this suitcase i assume six-six-six and also you have to be questioning good how were you aware what the code I swear bond is like he knows how to do so so much stuff it is ridiculous like in another lifestyles he have to had been like an archaeologist that you know places together bones from tiny fragments on account that he is really excellent at this ship and the children are forever breaking matters but yeah he did that factor that they continually do in like Ocean’s Twelve but I listened to the safe something he hears the clicking like dude you are crazy anyway he heard it and it lined as much as 666 a greater story for you now for those who’ve seen my house you understand I have already got various candelabra so I really didn’t need to any extent further and this one this story behind it’s bittersweet seeing that it is not precisely the person who I wanted so this was once from a store known as Marshalls which I didn’t be aware of at the time however is apparently like a really huge reduction retailer where various they buy stuff from different outlets that do not sell in order that they’re only one offs if I had have known that i will put a photograph of the candelabra see that one significant it’s rather massive it was simplest $30 I did not like I idea it was some thing they’d have in inventory all the time so I did not buy it i am like i will simply come back that was long gone so alternatively I received this little teeny tiny variation but it surely’s still lovely I love it it used to be also Burke on some of the fingers you’ll discover right here is it way more commonly back together however you know if I did not let you know that you just would not understand that and just do not buy a ridiculous amount of Halloween shit while you journey internationally you’ll be best ok the following item was once from Russ I relatively enjoyed their decision of apartment to cool they had plenty of small print on the blanket that I bought was from there I really should have accomplished this whole postal errand you can figure it out that’s best so this is only a beautiful reflect I notion for certain this was once gonna get smashed fingerprints all over it so it’s simply very antiquey watching and it had a skull attached to the entrance of the reflect which style of makes Sameera itself really impractical but I simply liked it as a section of audit publication yeah i’ll find somewhere to have that each one proper the subsequent object I want to share with you is this little skeleton coffin if you happen to’ve watched the video that I placed on good it is today but it is not going to be by the point this video goes on the Halloween shopping video part one at Michael’s you are going to see me get fairly excited over this I consider i will movie a bit video of how these guys look at night for the reason that they’re so exclusive you know you do not get the atmosphere at all for the period of the day and i am all about atmosphere all myths so that is just a bit skeleton dude and that i i might say perspex i’m not going to assert that’s glass either method I did suppose that was once going to break but it failed to and the LED candle inside has a high-quality little go giving it a individuals realism Oh cup of tea times one cup of tea who smash he knows once I’m filming any wreck hmm watch me feel high priced lounge k this subsequent thing used to be additionally from Ross they’d a lot cool stuff if you’re in america and there’s a row retailer close you I incredibly advocate going so the sign was 399 once more so very respectable poison consumed at your possess threat one at the start hung this above our kitchen it’s kind of of a comic story because I burn everything it’s simply cool it spoke to me matters communicate to me i buy them i assume about anything quite jewellery shoes clothing nail components the subsequent object we wish to exhibit you at present is that this crimson bats heart bottle 100% glass 100% pure i love that voice I should do the whole video such as you love it okay yes this one here additionally on hand in inexperienced worry loss of life and magic pre-made character mixtures so these had been from Russ tremendous adorable so that one has a bit sparkly form of Raven going on and it’s bought a group of LEDs that seem like this strung on a copper wire so that they style of jingle about but you are not able to quite see on the grounds that the glass has this distressed look about it it this definitely looks higher for the duration of the day the only factor i do not like about this is when you know you know what ambience and the lights are off this sticky label is transparent so you can’t read it anyway to not smile it is all bonds dancing for me excellent yes sir that’s scorching back pots a hundred% pure really lovable as good these have been sitting on my bookshelf on the moment which has turned extra right into a display just for cool-watching decor rather than housing books however four of the eight shelves do have it that is thanks the subsequent object is that this little cranium looking dude who hasn’t eyeball in the flower Rose this used to be wholly smashed to portions again for now repair that rather a lot for me and again I’ve just been sitting this on my bookshelf I just preferred it rather on the grounds that of the eye with a bit of luck you see it the eye inside the Rose so that was that was creepy and the children are really lovely they requested me about it hi there mom why does our eyes have now not fall thanks yeah i’m gonna smash the whole lot if it wasn’t damaged it is going to be soon next up and this is from Michaels you saw me in that Halloween looking hall get really enthusiastic about this pieces are nonetheless shedding off it as we converse magic potions charms and poisons akin to a stack of books however this is definitely porcelain porcelain ceramic whatever tremendously breakable plaster it came in white or bronze I put the bronze most likely so the ends all chipped up all the corners broke but it surely style of offers it some realism that it did not have earlier than i’m simply pleased it can be nonetheless in a single piece and the highest also it appears relatively exceptional k next up with these coffins I suppose for them to be displayed at full abilities they have got to be sprayed a specific colour so there have been in the craft section one thing along with your raw Frankenstein head which is now watching much better now that he sprayed it so i am definite this may be the identical I have no idea what colour but am i one of a kind Nadia hi there Nadia it sent me a funny picture where she had this kind of that she bought for like final Halloween and i used to be displaying on my Instagram stories how they remove darkness from and she or he used to be like god damn I had no inspiration there was once a change on the backside and then it lit up I simply purchased it because it was once a cool Kaufmann and it does open up so that you would take me please store things within it i’ll exhibit you what matters seem like at night time pleased Halloween I was once just rather impressed with the laser etching on that i really like my lights so I obtained that one I bought trick or treat with some bats on it they might even be cool to show jewellery and you recognize I might allow them to open and up like that i’ll test round with that boots out and the final one this how so much used to be this that is five dollars shutout so this one says trick-or-deal with and once more the artwork caught my attention optimistically you’re seeing how lovely that’s the spider the cat I relatively experience silhouette paintings i have never rather ever performed it myself i might wish to considering that this might have a screen printing fairly well you understand what you simply made God works out of watercolor I do not know what i am gonna do with it it does not have putting so i guess you just sit it on a table but i’m absolutely loving that subsequent up are these adorable indicators that we bought really for our kids one every for their door so it is a little complex to show so warning do not feed the zone peace steals consistently asking about zombies and vampires and monsters and skeletons and things like that he is surely in love with the movie sequence and wishes to cover just think he said to all good he’s four years ancient and this one says element vampire dangers are in a dusk unless dawn they may be simply thicker cardboard so you know they may be now not constituted of steel or anything but it was 99 cents so who gets blended up is this cute throw rug that I purchased I do not know I fairly I do not know if I bought it for myself or pull my it my expensive old son London he’s in love with me I think it possibly south used to be his orange one we have bought with bats on it that is his blankie this is so so so we try to get a just right shot of it it has beautiful spiderweb designs so this used to be $from Russ and the opposite aspect is the most softest fabric I’ve ever felt it simply makes me need to snuggle in bed and do without doubt nothing all day so i’m gonna put that away or else i will end up very unproductive however for $I used to be like god damn that is a cut price but you realize i am no longer very good at math what i have realized is that a lot of 1299 s add as much as fucking lot you
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Source: https://skullssales.com/
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