#and work some on that thesis xddd
xxsksxxx · 6 months
So! I started watching IWTB (20 min. in); and I can confidently say that Scully's actions COULD have been in-character (and aren't out of the realm of her actions/reactions in general :DDD), except there's some egregious writing that cripples her decisions consistently. Mulder's as well. The male agent (haven't got his name yet) as well. Probably even Father Joe (I just met him, but I KNOW it will, y'know?) Because... honestly? This movie's a MESS.
I'm putting down my salty thoughts as I watch it for the first time, so heads up. XDDD BUT I still will tackle your meta project; because, you're right-- Scully COULD have acted that way and it would have made sense. The problem is that the writers put her reactions in the exact wrong moments-- if they'd just rearranged the order of scenes in their script, it would have worked out much better. And that's intriguing for me; and I hope it's intriguing for you! :DDDDD (And if it's not, just throw another Christmas idea at me. XDDDD)
This is VERY intriguing for me! That’s exactly what I was hoping for. IWTB isn’t discussed that often and it seems a lot of people skipped it. And when I read about it, it’s usually very black and white (“I hate it/they’re ooc/the plot is stupid”) but hardly any analysis why it might not be or what could’ve made it more in character.
So I’m already intrigued by your thesis that a different order of the scenes could’ve had an impact on the quality. And that the writing is holding the characters back from being in character. I can’t wait to read your salty thoughts! 😂
And don’t be mad that I made you watch this movie.
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neonwizardheehee · 1 year
Wohiooo thank you for that tag @maschinen-mensch dw about not doing any tag thingys or so these aren't mandatory <3<3
what book are you currently reading? Around the world in 80 days! (also for christmas a friend gave away their asoiaf books and I'm so hyped to read them!!! they will be the first time i'll be reading long irl books in English :o very excited to see how it is hehehe)
what’s your favorite movie you saw in theaters this year? also going for 2022 here and it was for sure The Batman (but also special shoutout to Black Panther 2 bc it gave me Namor and finally some positive Marvel things again)
what do you usually wear? colours!!! oversized stuff!! (NYE I saw a Boy George in a 80s chart show and was like "he just looks like me fr" so now I'm braiding colours even into my hair hehehe
how tall are you? @ prev ohhhhhh you're taller than me!! not by much but still!! #short ppl gang
what’s your Star Sign? do you share a birthday with a celebrity or a historical event? Taurus eyyyy and I actually do bc I've got Robert Pattinson and Karl Marx :333 
do you go by your name or nickname? my name is too long to be used in a setting where i don't automatically freeze upon hearing it XD Getting names like "Neon" or "Wiz" for me here really warmed my heart <3<3 (and yes I might have screamed a bit too much but hey let me sound cool hehehe)
did you grow up to become what you wanted to be when you were a child? I always wanted to be an elf, but being a wizard suits me so much more!!! :D
are you in a relationship? if not who is your crush if you have one? didn't I got hurt enough when I cried today while listening to "I just wanna be loved" by Culture Club? XD
what’s something you’re good at vs something you’re bad at? good: planning, bad: working last minute
dogs or cats? neither but at least I don't jump onto tables anymore when I see a cat walking by
If you draw/write, or create in any way, what’s your favorite picture/favorite line/favorite etc. from something you created this year? oof I don't do art myself but I love looking at it <3
what’s something you would like to create content for? The Elven saga XDDD (it's a fantasy book series that I really love!)
what’s something you’re currently obsessed with? Boy George :3
What’s something you were excited about that turned out to be disappointing this year? (2022) an exhibition on trans history where it turned out I've already seen this exhibition a few years ago in a different city XDD
what’s a hidden talent of yours? During christmas my sis and I found out I'm really good at identifying the voices in Mario Kart w/o owning a Mario Kart game or playing often B)
are you religious? yes, I'm a protestant and since I've grown up in an atheist area i'm always happy and surprised when there are areas where you don't get funny looks bc you're religious (and also it baffles me even more when there are areas where it's the other way around bc you shouldn't force religion onto ppl!!) - and also I love talking about it bc it's always so fascinating to me :D
whats something you wish to have at this moment? for my thesis to either be finished or have more time to finish it bc I lost so much time for reasons beyond my control and now I'm crying T.T
(kyaa why did it have to end on such a sad note ksksk hopefully I have enough coke intus to not fall asleep on my thesis B) )
Tagging some ppl but it's not obligatory ofc <3 @shittyness @the3rddenialist @darksidelightside @sarahbordelonsblog @isadora-greenhall (not sure if anyone else likes doing these but if you do like them too pls tag me for i want to see yours too uwu)
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theladyyavilee · 2 years
tag 9 people you want to get to know better!
tagged by: @mistmarauder, thank youuuu jess 💕
favorite color: for the longest time I would have said blue, but recently it’s been this really dark red that is just on the edge of tipping into purple?
currently reading: asjkdfjasflsakjksdjkfsakddkglk the same almost 600k lotr/hobbit fix-it fanfic (’sansukh’ for anyone wondering xDD) for the third time since the new year, because literally nothing other than rereading a handful of favorite fics (from various fandoms) over and over and over has been able to spark joy this january xDDD I’ve barely read anything new at all ._.
last song: Pink - Who Knew (yes, yes it is on my buddie playlist because if THAT ONE video edit, but it’s also just a really good song xD)
last series: The Legend of Vox Machina (yes, I cried a lot and I expect to cry EVEN MORE tomorrow over the next three episodes)
sweet, savory or spicy: SWEET, I have like the biggest sweet tooth ever (tho I also enjoy savory things a lot, especially after too much sweet xD but I am an absolute wimp and baby when it comes to spicy, tho I am delighted and fascinated by spicy food xD)
currently working on: theoretically my thesis 😬😬😬 also on getting my sleep shedule back to something at least vaguely healthy 😬 and on procrastinating some Big Life Decisions 😬 and my big-ass 911 research project I guess xD 💕
I think pretty much everyone I would tag in this has already been tagged (and I’ve not super kept up on tumblr the last few days) soooo I am not gonna tag people, but if you haven’t done it yet and wanna do it, PLEASE tag me 💕 💕 💕
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araminthe-ispwitch · 3 years
I've just read your fic Your True Name Is on FF and Ao3. Then I noticed it hasn't been updated since 2017. PLEASE TELL ME IT'S NOT DISCONTINUED!!! IT'S TOO AWESOME!!
Okay, so... this is gonna be awkward to reply to because just a few posts down this is my announcement that I ain’t giving up. XD
However! You’re right, it’s been 3 years since the last update and jesus christ has it really been 3 years??? I’ve just been quietly watching this fic gather more and more hopeful readers and not even reply to any messages so I could surprise you all, but I don’t think I can go on any longer and not say something concrete just to be real with you.
Okay, so the bottom line is that the status of “Your True Name Is” is... uncertain.
Very uncertain. 
Very very uncertain because I am still writing Chapter 3 UUUUUUUUGH
I’m not gonna bore you with all the details of the past three (three!!!) years. Basically, ever since I started with my thesis, I haven’t been keeping up with BNHA’s manga or anime at all. You’ll notice it on my list of published fanfics; I even started another multi-chaptered fic for another fandom—one that gripped me for months during my last two years in college and eventually became the center point of my own undergraduate thesis. XD
After graduating, I pretty much delved into other hobbies and fandoms for a year. Even once I finally got hired, I didn’t get to come back to BNHA at all (psst I got into the MXTX novels’ fandoms for a full half-year just reading all the good fics). So at the moment, I am very disconnected from the fandom and the current story indeed. I wasn’t even here when the NSFW ban happened...
I wouldn’t mind having a long refresher course of watching the anime in order to continue Chapter 3, but at the moment, I’m not feeling the passion to do so. That’s what’s always so hard about writing for me, especially with multi-chaptered fanfics: once I lose my groove, it can be highly difficult to just sit down and write. This is why I am now actually gravitating towards creating one-shots instead—that, or just keeping WIPs to myself first until I’m actually nearing the end of the story.
This is currently my situation: I’m busy with work (9 hours every day, from Monday to Saturday, thank god for weekends) but the rest of my free time is mostly dedicated to my hobbies. I am not actively writing fanfics at the moment—my hobbies tend to circulate and I hyper-fixate on them for months at a time, so one moment, I’m into reading manga, and the next, I’m playing a game for several days. You may have seen that my Liked posts section is hella active—yep, during these three years, I got into playing Food Fantasy, watched a few anime shows, and all that.
I just didn’t fully come back to Tumblr and start reblogging stuff because it felt awkward to be active here when I’m not even posting a new chapter, and still keeping you guys very frustrated with the cliffhanger. XDDD
Segue but I can’t believe I missed @incorrectknb closing down last 2019 GODDAMMIT I HAD SAVED UP SO MANY POSTS AND MY LAZY ASS DIDN’T SUBMIT THEM
This is already getting too long so I’ll just wrap this up quickly:
Your True Name Is 
Status: Uncertain. Don’t wanna say it’s fully on-hiatus...
However, I’m half-afraid that it’ll end up like my KnB highschool AU fic bc...
GHSR (Kuroko no Basuke fic)
Status: Discontinued...
Half of the numerous things I’ve planned for this, I’ve never even jotted down. I had no clear goal of how each chapter would go unless I was ready to write them... Not a good habit...
Yep, to any readers of my KnB highschool AU fic, I’ve finally confirmed it. Not even sure if you’re actively waiting for the next chapter (because jesus this one stopped at 2016!), but I don’t know what to do with it anymore and I’m actually working on other fics for that fandom (still multi-chaptered but focuses on one ship each instead so it doesn’t get convoluted). For my BNHA fic, I still do want to continue because I haven’t forgotten how much I’ve enjoyed crafting the Secret Child AU. However, expect now that updates for it will really be few and far between. :(
Shoutout to some people who’ve sent me non-anon messages but I don’t think I got around to answering them: @jaysfandomcorner, @kateitron, and also a shoutout to @theywaitforshewho, who was the first to admit that yes, my fanfic is probably dead—but also proceeded to recc it to their list of cool BNHA fics. XDDDDDDD Sorry, my friend, for not replying. Wanted to surprise y’all with an update but... well.
Okay, that’s all I can say for now. After this post, you may see me reblog some overdue stuff and reply to some other asks not related to YTNI. For real tho, guys, you have no idea how much it gladdens my heart to see you so excited and amazed at what I wrote. “Your True Name Is” is my most popular work in both AO3 and FFNet—and all because I tried writing the one AU we have always been waiting for. Every now and then, I see notifs about people liking and favoriting it. I will try my best to get back into its groove!
For now, however, I want to thank you all from the bottom of my heart for your support! You guys rock!!! ^u^b 
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gracemyhearto · 5 years
I was tagged by @missemperor to do this com-myu-nity ask :D
1. What is your hobby?
History! I was fascinated of past times very early. When I was a child, middleages and stuff pretty much scared me but through that fear grew a deep interest and out of this interest grew an even deeper passion and here I am now studying it :D On my 2nd tumblr @renaissance-prinzessin I spam post a lot of history content :D Oh and I write. xD
 2. What is your special skill?
Special skill? Ehm maybe the way I understand animals? I am a very sensitive person. J
 3. What are your strengths and weaknesses?
Like I said, I am very good at working and interacting with animals. I also think that I am pretty good in academic writing.
 Weaknesses: as if I’d share that xP
 4. What is your favorite color?
 5. What is your favorite animal?
Omg that is hard?  I love them all! But if I have to pick one.. horses! But ALL animals are precious babys!
 6. Which food are you into lately?
My mum’s risotto and I had really GREAT herb Schupfnudeln when I was on holidays in Bavaria this month <3
 7. What is the thing you never lose to from anyone?
My own goals.
 8. What is your most treasured item?
I can’t really think of an item, of course I love my books and my merch but there is no item or thing that matters to me as much as for example my horse Poly or my dog Pauli do :D
 9. What is your cooking specialty?
Recently I brought perfection to my beloved avocado-tomato soup xD I really do enjoy cooking (veggy of course!) and tried some vegan recipes recently too!
10. What is the thing you want the most at the moment?
Oh, I wished my bachelor’s thesis would be done already ahahaha.
 11. What is the thing you are most scared of?
Nothing I’d share in the internet but I have to admit that, beside the fact that I love all animals, ostrichs somehow really scare me xDD
 12. What is the thing you were happy about this year?
I think it’s getting back to my old university after switching to another last year. It feels home again but I am still glad that I was able to collect so many new experiences at the other uni.
 13. What is the thing you were sad about this year?
The retirement of Mirio and Miyacchi! I mean on the other hand they are/will be free to be themselves now without hiding behind the Otokoyaku mask but it’s still sad because I really adored both of them
 14. What is the thing you regretted this year?
 Regret? Actually there is nothing that I really do regret atm
 15. What is the thing you were angry about this year?
Unistuff, yep yep yep
 16. What is the job that gave you a sense of fulfillment this year?
Does my studies count? xD
 17. What has changed about you since you entered com-myu-nity?
 Mostly that I don’t care anymore if other people dislike me or my opinion
 18. Which character would you play in Sera myu?
 Aw! I would want to be Venus! Venus! Venus! But I think as for playing I’d be predestined for a bitchy badass Neptune or Mars xD
 19. If you were to form a collab now, who would it be with?
 Do ya mean a song collab like the stuff we do like everyday in the com-my-nity? Actually I am doing a lot of stuff with @missemperor and it’s always a pleasure! But I also want to do something again with my first besties @sailorzakuro and @MyuToni sooooo I am open to do collabs with everyone xD
 20. What do you love about Sera Myu nowadays?
That it made me be part of something and feel welcome among my friends <3
 21. Which cast member catches your attention the most at the moment?
Hmm, at the moment it might be Kana Nakada because I really liked her performance in NogiMyu. But tbh I am more into the BaniMyu actors/actresses.
 22. Which cast member would you want as your significant other?
 23. If you were to marry a cast member, who would it be?
EDO HIDEMASA <333333333
 24. If you would go to a deserted island, which cast member would you like to go with you?
Probably Yuuko Hosaka? She is such a mum, I’m sure she would get us back to civilisation easily xD
 25. If you would be born again, which cast member would you want to be?
Ehm… Nao Inada? I could play Venus in two very good productions then xD
 26. Which Sera Myu production would you want to be a part of?
The Dracul Arc!
 27. If you would create your own kingdom, what kind of country would you want it to be?
Don’t expect a pinky, plushy kingdom with worldpeace and same rights for everyone :P. Probably something like Middle-earth. I think there can’t be light without darkness.
 28. What is an interesting book or manga you read recently?
Thanks to @vampiruchan I am totally into the Black Dagger Brotherhood books atm xD
 29. What is an interesting movie you watched recently?
I rewatched The Hobbit and I realized again how much I love Bilbo and how much of an Elve I am xD
 30. What is your favorite Sera Myu song at the moment?
Always and forever FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! *starts dancing*
 31. What is your favorite Sera Myu song choreography at the moment?
Probably Fumi’s LINK from 1999?
 32. What is your favorite Sera Myu costume at the moment?
LOL totally Lamia’s breast pad I mean sexy cape outfit xD
 33. What is your favorite Myu at the moment?
Always and forever.. Kessen or Last Dracul. Can’t decide, it really depends on my mood. As for this moment it’s LD
 34. What is your favorite Myu cast?
I go with Last Dracul, I still love KSDK too and I really wished Yuuko was part of Myu in LD already
 35. Is there something you say a lot recently?
At least I use „!s” way too often xD That’s a typical german thing I guess
 36. What would you do if you could plan a Fan Kansha?
I wouldn’t change anything from the Bandai era. Just record it, PUT IT ON DVD and and add  official subs xD
 37. What do you hope to see Sera Myu doing in the future?
Not to relate too much on the manga…
 38. What kind of person do you want to be in 5 years?
I want to be done with studying and gain ground in working life
 39. What has been a memorable concert or event this year?
I saw the ballet “Swan Lake” by the russian nationalballet and omg it was awesome!
 40. What do you want to do in your private life this year?
Private life? Does that even exist? lol
 41. What kind of job would you like to do in the future?
I want to gain ground in historical research
 42. Do you have a hairstyle you would like to try in the future?
Let’s see: Last year I dyed my hair tips blue (it stayed like 3 weeks) that was fun. And recently I managed to get my hair back into it’s original colour (medium blonde) and I am really happy with that. Wished it would still be a bit more even but hey xD
 43. What Sera Myu merchandise would you love to have?
The Death Vulcan VHS as well everything available of Miyuki-Moon!
44. Where would you want Sera Myu to come to?
It would be nice if the other country’s themselves would organize Myus. Like, Germany was one of the countrys in which Sailor Moon was just so fkn popular that we even had an own Sailor Moon band, okay? xD So Myus based on the Bandai era here in Germany would be nice (even though I had no chance I’d so apply there xDDD)
 45. If you could have a holiday with any cast member, what do you want to do?
Probably talk about their life at Sera My and ask them things especially about backstage things.
 46. Please say something to your favourite cast member.
Well, Miyuki is in heaven but I’ll still dedicate this to her: You were wonderful. You didn’t made Sailor Moon just come to life, you put love in every single performance and transmitted all feelings to the audience with such a warm energy that it is always a pleasure and honour to watch your performances. I get never tired of watching them again and again. I hope you are happy where you are now but let me tell you that you can be really proud of what you did. You were not only an enrichment for the whole Sailor Moon franchise but also for my life and I just can not thank you enough for that.
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miyakuli · 5 years
There are some moments like tonight when it’s just pretty awkward x)))
So the story is
A colleague from work (a guy), with whom I get along well, asked me if during the vacation I would like to watch a movie or something together
Since I finished to write my thesis, I was like “sure, it seems fun”
So today we went to cinema and eat at a restaurant at night. So only thing was, I’m very naive, like SUPER naive lol but I kinda felt as if he was trying to flirt with me? (I AM SO BLIND FOR THIS KIND OF THINGS, I AM WORST THAN A SHOJO CHARAC xDDD) It’s just he was pretty touchy (but at the same time, all my friends are very touchy with me so it’s not as if I wasn’t used to that), and sometimes he suggested some stuffs like “let’s go eat at my place at worst” or else, so idk, at some point I was like “oook I feel kinda uncomfortable now” ^^’’ but I was still acting naturally so I didn’t let it show to him.
While we were eating (at restaurant at the end, I stay stafe XD), we were talking about internet and social media, and I kiiiiiiinda talked unconsciously about a certain someone (who will recognize herself ;D) which whom I tend to flirt occasionally and all. And then, he had a moment of silence and he asked me THAT question XDD “wait, are you into guys or girls” x))))))) And at that moment, I was thinking, what should I say to him lol (bcs for sure I’m not hetero, but I’m still confused myself about my sexuality so I just hate respond to this). So I tried to explain quickly but I was thinking that he wouldn’t have asked me that if he wasn’t really trying to flirt in the first place xDDD
Anyway, I can say for sure that this guy, who is very sweet and all btw, didn’t interest me on this level at all...... And idk for you but that moment when you realize you are with someone that may be into you, but you don’t feel the same, and you come aware of this and then you analyse every moves or talking of the person bcs it begins to feel kinda awkward ahhhhhhhhh THAT IS SO EMBARRASSING//////
I still had a nice time though lol but I am more relaxed now I’m back home x)))
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darklightsworld · 5 years
One more Lanyon series down. This past week I devoured the four volumes of the Holmes & Moriarity series. Don’t worry, this time I won’t bore you with such a long post, but I do recommend this series :D
I was actually quite reluctant to check out this series, because I don’t like amateur sleuths as much as cops and FBI, and the blurbs of the books weren’t that appealing, but as it turned out the blurbs don’t do the stories any justice and in some cases they are outright wrong. This is a fun series with much less emotional strain than some others (the previous The Art of Murder books included). In this series of currently four books we follow cozy mystery author Christopher “Kit“ Holmes (39-40) and hardboiled mystery author and ex-cop Julian Xavier “J.X.“ Moriarity (34-35). Your brain is probably reading the name of the latter as Moriarty (I know mine did till it was pointed out in the book ^^;;), but it’s Moriarity, and this is not a fanfic or anything.
Kit is our protagonist, and we get the story from him in a first person narrative with a unique, deadpan humor. Usually I’m not really a fan of first person narratives, but for this series it’s a must, it would be a mistake otherwise. Hearing Kit’s thoughts and sarcastic comments is very funny, I was laughing out loud on several occasions XD Kit is a very complex and human hero. In the first book I was kind of annoyed by some of his things, but even those were understandable, as he’s a guy whose self-esteem hit rock bottom both professionally and romantically, not to mention his new lover is younger, hotter and at the peak of success. Later Kit’s “eccentric“ behavior turned out to be pretty much like me hating to socialize, hating having to deal with the family of others, taking it hard if others try to push him faster and/or in directions he doesn’t want to go.
So for this reason I was occasionally annoyed by J.X., who is actually portrayed as way too perfect. He’s hot, very nice, very much in love, he just shouldn’t rush and give career advice or comment of Kit’s working process ^^; He reminded me a lot of my situation with my dad, who had/has a tendency to think and say that I would sure pass this or that test easily or write this or that essay/article/thesis/whatever in a blink of an eye when I try to voice my troubles or just show discomfort. Well, even if it’s true (and often it’s not), it’s like those who say these don’t acknowledge your efforts and your hard work - makes my blood boil >< Anyway, Kit figuring out his career and also making his relationship with J.X. are the main points of the series - aside from solving murders Kit gets involved with XD;;;
As for these murders, the first two books are reminiscent of the cozy mystery style Kit writes (the Agatha Christie style), so it was hard for me to get into the first book, but it gets exponentially better with every book, and starting with the third there’s a slight shift, too. Fortunately it’s not over yet, although the last book is supposed to be published next year. I kind of hope Kit will regain some of his former success by then and can also figure out where to go from there - just cut the guy some slack ^^;;; Btw, the series is also great for publishing industry meta.
Lastly some of my fave quotes - I had to make a real effort not to howl on the bus when I read these. Beware of sex related deadpan humor XDDD
His index finger pushed inside and my muscles clenched in instant how-very-dare-you reflex.
That’s the thing about sex. So much of it is just plain awkward, clumsy, are-you-sure-this-is-going-to-fit-I-think-they-forgot-to-include-the-washers.
Insert Tab P into Slot A… And where was the instruction manual when you needed it?
So yeah, recommended =D
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takaraphoenix · 6 years
I’m glad I can help! As someone who’s scared of everything (thunder, spiders, wide open spaces, deep murky water, needles, etc.) I have found that making a scary thing fun, sweet, wholesome, or silly can take the scariness away from it. And because I’m naturally sarcastic, I usually like to personify things as being annoyed or harmlessly infuriated. I also like cute old people and innocent young children, so clueless and peaceful ghosts are one product of that.
           It’s also probably because I’m Asian. Like with our dead, it’s like “Cheongsam, why must I place food here? And burn things? Do you even eat it?”  *phantom shrug* “ I swear if you’re shrugging again I’m going to kill you again, YOU’RE INVISIBLE!” And then for other people it’s like “oh no! My best friend’s ghost is haunting us, and for some reason, even though he never showed any aggressiveness in his life, he’s going to kill us!!!! AAAAAAAHHHHH!!!!” Seriously, why would loved ones do that?Ever?            
Interesting thesis. Can’t see how that’d work on the needles or spiders though. *tilts head curiously*
I mean, clueless ghosts are valid! Imagine you’re just... there, but can’t touch or can’t be seen? You’d bump into stuff too or something because you don’t know how your not-quite-tangible body works! :O
*grins* That’s a very cute approach to the dead. Well, the first half. The thinking your loved ones are out to murder you... not so much xDDD
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littlepurinsesu · 5 years
3 6 9 12 for the ask game? ✨✨
Thanks for sending these in, lovely! (◕ᴗ◕✿)
3. favorite anime character
It might be obvious by now, but my favourite anime character of all time is Madoka Kaname from Puella Magi Madoka Magica. Apart from the fact that she’s pink and adorable, she’s also a kindhearted friend, a person who shows incredible growth, and the living embodiment of hope. There are aspects of myself that I can see in her, and in some ways she’s also kind of a role model for what I would like to be more like as well.
I could go on for ages about why I love this character… and guess what? I have! If anyone’s interested in reading my ramblings about my love for the pink goddess of hope, I direct your attention to this post. ;)
6. popular anime you didn’t like
(Man, I really hope I don’t get hate for this one xD)
Definitely Akagami no Shirayuki-hime/Snow White with the Red Hair. I wouldn’t say I dislike it, but I went in with high hopes and plenty of excitement, and by the halfway mark, I was already thoroughly let down. It isn’t bad or anything, I just found it… underwhelming? Apart from the fact that the storyline really wasn’t all that interesting, Shirayuki is just the biggest Mary Sue to ever Mary Sue, in my opinion, and I actually found myself getting more and more annoyed at her and how perfectly everything works out for her and how much everyone loves her blah blah blah… Nothing ever seems to go wrong for her, and when they do, it’s nearly always in the form of yet another kidnapping, and she’ll always have more than a few princes rushing to her rescue anyway. None of her achievements feel very rewarding, either, because everything always works out for her and everyone’s in love with her or lining up to be her friend. That would all be okay, except for the fact that I just don’t see what’s so special about her xDDD She’s nice, she’s kind, she’s hardworking… but what else?
Sorry for ranting ^^;; Lemme talk about some positive things xD The art style is beautiful, the music/soundtrack is gorgeous, and the romance is pretty sweet if you’re not looking for something super profound or anything. There are some interesting and likable side characters, like Obi and Ryuu, but then even their potential to bring something new to the table got swept under the rug and they just became yet another character used to tell me how amazing Shirayuki is when the plot itself should be showing me this. The most interesting character for me was actually Raji, which is ironic because he isn’t really even part of the main cast xD Yeah he’s also constantly singing praises at Shirayuki’s supposed amazing-ness, but he has his own development and character arc and managed to steal the show for me, so good for him xD
Man, I sound like I really hate this show, but I swear I don’t xD I was just disappointed after hearing so many positive things about it. I love fairy tales and I love romance, but this just didn’t do it for me >_
9. favorite anime child
That depends on what the definition of “child” is, since almost all main characters in anime are technically children (i.e. teens) lololol :P So I’m gonna lower the age to super young children and pick Chibi Chibi from Sailor Moon. She’s so cuuute!!! *squeals* I just want to take her home and keep her as my own child haha
12. anime that should get more attention from others
Hands-down, without a doubt, Princess Tutu. Seriously, it makes me so upset that this anime isn’t more popular or well-known. It is an absolute piece of art in so many ways: storytelling, characters, animation, music etc. The plot is almost insanely deep and well-written for a magical girl anime targeted at children, and the characters are so multifaceted and complex and their development is so satisfying to watch. There’s so much packed into these 26 episodes, and while it’s got pretty much everything expected of a magical girl anime, there is so, so, so much more. (And this may be why I’m actually writing my MA thesis on this series.)
I could go on all day about why Princess Tutu is an absolute masterpiece, and I will always be salty that this show isn’t given the attention and credit it deserves. Seriously, if you haven’t seen Princess Tutu yet, do yourself a favour and go watch it now. You’ll thank me for it later.
ღ Send me an ask from this list! ღ
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kimnatozaki · 6 years
Aww deep condolences to you and your family Jannie, it must of been a tough month, I'm always here if you need to talk about anything 💕 I am reminded everyday of how old I am by my juniors :( I guess a capstone project and a thesis are almost the same :") I think I'll focus on Middle East, wbu? I'll also wish the best for you! So many things await us after graduation its kinda hard to process lol. and Amen to a year that can make us stronger 🙏
dfskgjfd honestly thank you so much!!💕 i always feel so numb now thinking about everything, it’s hard to refocus and get things right.. OHHOHH WOWIE  the middle east! there is a lot of topics from which you can choose from especially since the world constantly changes and new issues are being continuously introduced!! ugh i don’t even want to think about my capstone and what kind of research i want to do and which professor will supervise it, just like STOP, it’s all so much but i’m that close to finishing so it’s all mixed feelings (but tbh really i’m still trying to find what i like.. i want to try to do something with makeup or food processing or maybe even polymers, the possibilities are endless)  xDDD AND SO SORRY FOR THE LATE REPLY ;_; no lies, i’m being smacked left, right and centre with group projects (like the perfect epitome of me right now is that elmo burning in flames meme as i drown in group projects in 4/6 of my courses that all require group meetings some even lasting until 10:30pm before the last bus leaves for me to go back home since i commute as well as coming to school on the weekend blech, on top of written lap reports and finding research papers.. and applying for coop and doing job interviews… i should stop droning on about how miserable my life is because this is a HAPPIE!! blog) LIKE HONESTLY?!?!? like in less than two years we’ll be real functioning adults with degrees and working and actually applying what we actually studied?? i’ll be in my future job thinking, huh so that’s why i spent 4-5 years studying this and the thought of that is just so surreal o_o
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neonwizardheehee · 4 years
okay so finally back on tumblr and boi i missed it even tho it’s been like... 3 days XDDD anyways i wanna do a brain dump bc i feel like a confused mess but also....good.
- it’s weird to live alone again... not as bad as i though bc i was alone in my dorm too on many days lol. so by now i don’t really feel it which is a good thing :D
- also i met a girl who lives on my floor and i think that takes a huge weight of my shoulders bc if anything happens i can ask her <3 
- wifi is back!!! which means netflix & skype <3<3 the first evening was bad bc i had exile flashbacks but nor it’s better :D happy for that
- i’m not drinking enough bc i had to leave my og bottle in my dorm for now :( hello headaches ><
- one thing i also needed to leave back for now is my plushie.... i am so dumb kksks i was so close to buy a new one yesterday XD but i have to stay strong! it’ll be back with me in 3 weeks <3
- another thing are my dumbbells XD but ig since i still have to write the thesis i don’t have time anyway KSKSKKSKS sooooon i wanna be strong >-<
- i’m really glad my soundsystem works <3<<3 and since my neighbours are louder than me i dont think i have to worry about being too loud B)
- corona-wise: bavaria has WAY more cases than saxony so i def have to be more careful (you can see how packed the trams are and ppl didnt hear about 1,5m ksksks u can totally see why they have higher numbers here) but since i live alone and don’t have meetings i am not obligued to visit any crowded spaces and can isolate myself :DDDD 
- i lost my fav wristband... i really really wanna cry about that... bc my baby custom made it for me... and i intended to wear it forever bc she’s that precious to me and i miss her and love her and T.T i feel so sorry for loosing it ... I’m a bad eomma... that’s literally the worst that u can do >< i really really wanna cry and I’m afraid to tell her >< but i prob lost it in the city so there’s no chance of getting it back...i walked a lot yesterday ><
- i should stop reading ffs bc I’m getting way too into it in my head and start imagining things... oh my i never thought i’d say that wholeheartly but.... distance sucks so much >< i wish we’d live closer and could see each other and idk >< my brain goes all fuzzy and into fiction and on one hand i hate myself for it bc girl.... stay in the real world but on the other hand.... they make me feel all warm and hopeful inside >< and i start to believe in this concept again and that i could feel it too ..
- i didn’t open my thesis for 8 days and boi... at this point i should be glad i got on emore corona month ksksksksk i just want to finish this and go home T.T (wherever home is)
- also ... i was so motivated to be clean and better here... but no.. i barely vacuumed my floor :( idk why i don’t have motivation... is it really just the thesis that’s draining my energy? am i eating too few again? not enough water/exercise/socializing? idk >< i just feel more tired than i’m used to and i don’t like it :(
- even tho all of this sounds prob sad.. i’m okay :) 
- i feel guilty for so many things recently :( esp bc of me neglecting my friends while they are being angels...idk why some of them stick with me tbh i’m not a good friend ...
- so yeah having said this i maybe should work on that and make a list of all the things i feel bad for recently and work on them one by one >< i wanna be better so badly and not just a grumpy thesis hole ><
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white-queen-lacus · 7 years
More tag
I was tagged by @abybweisse <3 Thank you, dear! :) Nicknames: well... some people call me Anna, short form of my name, my parents “Dedé”, my sisters “Pi”. Who knows how my cat Jack would call me... XD
Last Thing I Googled: “Crow boy” by Taro Yashima: drawings. I need to take some ispiration for my thesis project... *I have to create a book*
Last TV Show I Watched: I still have to watch the newest episode of The Originals, so... the last tv show: LA PORTA ROSSA (the Red Door), a series I’ve been in love with since its beginning. 
What I’m Wearing Right Now: white hooded shirt with Disney characters, black leggins, warm socks. <3 Ah, and a bracelet with a dolphin! XD
When I created This Blog: December 2015. <3
The Kind of Stuff I Post: mangas/tv series related (mostly Kuroshitsuji/The Originals) as well as personal opinions, artwork, quotes and Kushiel’s Legacy related stuff (how sad that this fandom is pretty dead ç__ç). Why I Chose My URL: Lacus is Lacus Clyne from Gundam Seed/Destiny and it is the nickname I also use on web. White Queen is the nickname Dullindal gave her in Destiny because she was the White Queen on his chessboard, so: white-queen-lacus. <3 Do I get Asks Regularly: Nope. Usually I got them when I post something interesting (mostly about The Originals). Lucky Number: nope. I am the queen of bad luck. Cats or Dogs: Cats all my life!! Cats are life!! Team Sebastian and cats!! Hogwarts House: never been so much into HP, so I don’t know! XD Maybe Ravenclaw. Favorite Singers: considering the amount of songs in my Ipod... Kalafina, I think. But the most important thing for me is the song. :) Favorite Characters: mh... well, this is a long thing. Kushiel’s Legacy: Imriel and Sidonie de la Courcel, Joscelin Verreuil, Phédre no Delaunay, Maslin de Lombelon. Psycho Pass: Kougami Shinya, Tsunemori Akane, Ginoza Nobubu XD, Masapapi, Karanomori Shion and my guilty thought: Crudelio de Mon aka Tougane Sakuya XD. Kuroshitsuji: Ciel, Vincent and Rachel Phantomhive, Frances and Lizzie Midford, sometimes Sebastian. XD The Originals: the whole Mikaelson family! :Q____ The Vampire Diaries: Damon Salvatore, Elena Gilbert, Caroline Forbes are my favourite three characters! <3 Vampire Knight: Kuran family (from Juuri and Haruka up to Kaname, Yuuki and Ai), Yori-chan. Code Geass: Kururugi Suzaku, Euphemia and Cornelia li Britannia, Hyuga Akito, Leila Malcal, the W-0 except Pierre XD, Eliza. <3
Number of Followers: more or less 80. Ten Random Facts About Me. 1) I am a very anxious person (I’ve been suffering from panic attacks for months... ç_ç) 2) I have a degree in Modern Literature. If everything goes according to the keikaku, I should graduate for the second time in Primary Education in October. 3) I would kill for sweets. 4) I think I am unable to love somebody. The fact that my previous and only relationship with a boy made me p*ssed off still let me think about my ability to love someone. 5) ... that also means that I am not so good at understanding people. 6) ... anyway my hidden dream is to have children... two at least. I’ve always chosen their names! <3 7) In case of difficult: I am a control freak. XD 8) I love writing my original stories. My first “official” work took 4/5 years of time to be completed but I am proud of the result.  9) I tend to imagine most of the scenes from the stories I write. Currently, I often think of my second work (which is still in stand-by because of university): a scene of truth revealing! è_é 10) I finished my last teacher-training just yesterday! <3 Five Things You’ll Find in My Bag: wallet, safety little bag (with medicines), a bottle of water, lots of cleenexes (is this the plural? o_o), my phone, my Ipod... well, they are six... basically whenever I need something there is no way I can find it in time! XD Five Things You’ll Find In my Bedroom: beds? XD A wallboard with personal photos (mine and my sisters’), tv, some peluches and I don’t know what else in particular. Five Things I Want To Do In Life: could I steal your thoughts, @abybweisse? Because it is the same for me! :) The only difference is that I don’t have any debts, for now (you know, I think that Italy is the most vexed country in the world), so... I would like to earn looots of money. Five Things I’m Currently into Right Now: my thesis. ç_ç This is the only thing at the moment. Five Things on my To-Do List: I don’t have five things: by now I’d just like to be more active outside my “personal world”. I really spend too much time at home... ç_ç Aaah, yes, also, eating a cheesecake with my best friend in Bari (the town where I study) and I should do some footing... XD Five Things People Might Not Know About Me, or Five More Random Facts About Me: 1) I use to chit-chat with my cat. 2) If I am not satisfied with my works I destroy them (ask my sister about the cover of Crow Boy I made few hours ago... XD). 3) People often say that I am well educated, sweet, caring, sometimes they said “you are the perfect girl”... let me say that my real name is Yukino Miyazawa... XDDD 4) I am fond of musicals. 5) Even though I am not so good at singing, I really like to do it! XD Again, thank you for having tagged me!! :D I tag: @thelittlestofthewolves @thetragicking and the lovely @2rsask ! <3
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isadorator · 7 years
A Fic Year in Review - 2016
It's that time again~ And I wrote so much this year, holy shit. As usual, any concrit and comments are welcome~~ (as are requests, when open lol)
what are THOOOOSE a superhero's holiday
Oh jeez. Both these fics got way more attention than I thought they would. But I keep underestimating the ML fandom tbh. The first was basically me goofing around and I somehow ended up promising to write a sequel since everyone wanted one (which I...still need to do.....). The second was a flag for both my descent into ladrien hell and also a return to my nsfw ways orz;;;;
you are gold and silver (1/2)
IT TOOK. SO. L O N G. TO WRITE THIS. Although this fic is firmly in AU territory now thanks to being beautifully jossed by canon, it helped me realize just how much I needed to grow in order to write romantic intimacy in a believable way. So, I made it my goal to work on it until it was up to my own standards.
(I...still need to finish this fic too......)
jackady ladrien drabble prompts (1/2):
fan merchandise
artistic muse
stuck in a small place
never have i ever
i want to touch them
jackady ladrien drabble prompts (2/2):
damsel in distress
beauty facial masks
visible marks
ice cream sandwiches
volpina ladrien drabble prompts (1/9):
the 4 times adrien pretended to shower to hide from ladybug (and the 1 time he was actually showering when she calls out his bullshit)
tried to kiss your lips but i missed
staring into each other’s eyes
Ah, the plan being put into action! With the release of actual ladrien eps, I had the perfect excuse to write romantic scenario after romantic scenario using submitted prompts. Which also meant I accidentally created a secret love affair AU and wrote more smut whoops. Still, they were super fun! I took a break halfway through to write some Inuyasha-inspired marichat that just would not leave me alone (also fun).
(....I promised to write a continuation of the 'never have i ever' prompt, didn't I alrjkdsflaks. AND TANGLED AU SHIT I ALMOST FORGOT)
volpina ladrien drabble prompts (2/9):
they go on a date together
soulmate au
“i love you. i’m completely and utterly in love with you. please don’t get married.”
the one time ladybug actually catches adrien in the shower
ACTUALLY in the shower
“of all the people i could’ve gotten stuck in an elevator with and it just had to be you.”
More ladrien prompts/romance practice~ The music prompt is still one the most cracktastic things I've ever written lol. Managed to make two more AUs with this batch that I've already started to expand on: the soulmate AU and the auteur AU. Lastly, in a surprise twist, the fucking elevator prompt managed to gather over 1k in notes. Probably because I ripped off Sailor Moon but. Still.
volpina ladrien drabble prompts (3/9):
another shower scene
away from home
“you have mom’s smile.” he said this to ladybug once, but he thinks it again and again and again. but ladybug is better: she is real.
calling bullshit
untitled continuation of a comic by pozolegirl
volpina ladrien drabble prompts (4/9):
under the covers
mega nachos
“i heard that the spots on your bodysuit corresponds to chakra points? so… what happens if i touch this?”
cute nose/forehead kisses
their first time
“i need you to pretend we’re dating…”
“is there anything you’re not good at?”
More Volpina prompts! Again, I like experimenting with them :D Also wrote a continuation of that Christmas comic because it was just way too cute~~
ladrien june 2016 drabble prompts (1/6):
love poem
i can show you the world
first love
everyone can see it
shower scene
it’s a trap
sins cannot be undone
ladrien june 2016 drabble prompts (2/6):
jealous fangirls/boys
“you have her smile”
gabriel | hawkmoth’s reaction
it’s not you, it’s my enemies
secret dating
window kisses
Oooooh boy. The triple whammy of Ladrien June, Ramadan, and starting my summer job. I was excited to have a month dedicated to just ladrien (as if I hadn't already dedicated most of my year to it lol) but fell behind pretty quickly thanks to my lack of free time. I aim to finish them this year!
And Ramadan. Man. It always sends my mental health straight into the toilet. Not because of the holiday itself, but because of the way my family treats it. Idk. I tried to flush away the bad feelings by punching out 'sins cannot be undone' in one night. And it helped, I suppose. It's definitely the rawest thing I wrote this year and I still have very strong feelings about it.
three sentence prompts:
ladynoir, spy au
nino and marinette, karaoke au
ladrien, bodyguard au
ladrien, superman/lois lane au
adrien and tikki, baking au
alix and kim, and the one-time-max-actually-won au
alya and marinette, vigilante au
adrienette, foreign countries
ladynoir, and the elevator game/ritual
Between work and writing various wips that I still haven't posted yet (*coughcoughconjugalvisitcough*), I only posted stuff from this meme. I had fun (the goal) and the adrien&tikki kwamiswap AU one is still my fave |D *slams fists on table* LET ADRIEN BE A BAKER!!!!
untitled continuation of a comic by geek-fashionista insomaniac and the chaton pile
UMMMM My summer job ended by this point, so my only excuse for not posting much is it's all tied up in unpublished wips and...I was freaking out about starting school next month for the first time in y e a r s;;; Just some drabbles for the sidekick AU (not mine) and my own, sleep-deprived ideas (that I...still find hilarious alkdjfhalksd I DID NOT EXPECT ANYONE ELSE TO???)
volpina ladrien drabble prompts (5/9):
embarrassing hobbies (aka: adrien is secretly a popular ladynoir fanfic writer)
mlnsfweek prompts (1/3):
make 'em blush
we've got time
"i can’t believe we survived" sex
wet dreams
STILL REALLY STRESSED ABOUT SCHOOL, which translated into a lot of writing. Did a couple of Volpina prompts, including time ≠ water. Which. Got way more attention than I expected;;;; And that I...also promised to expand on......;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;
And then #mlnsfweek hit and I'm actually really proud of myself for finishing the whole week, even if it was late~ /o/ Did some random scenarios, including some futurefic for the timebreaker AU. I still cackle every time I think of the wet dreams prompt tbh XDDD
volpina ladrien drabble prompts (6/9):
inside a video game
horror movies
“who crawls through someone’s window at 4 am to go for ice cream?!”
aching muscles from running all over the city, and then: "would a massage help?"
discovering their sensitive spots
“so close” from enchanted
As usual, more Volpina prompts in between school and wips. Not really much to say except it was around now (or maybe September? My memory is horrible) that I realized I had developed a pretty good grasp on romance and could start working on upping my daily wordcount. I really want the mental stamina to complete a chapter fic one day...
mlnsfweek prompts (2/3):
School REALLY started to pick up in difficulty and I signed up for a fic exchange and a fanzine. Despite really wanting to, I didn't have time or energy to do more than one prompt for the #mlnsfweek redux, but I plan to complete it~ I have Ideas.
oh, the things i do for you (the bubbler remix)
volpina ladrien drabble prompts (7/9):
bruises and scars
cold hands, warm hearts
I'm never, ever committing to more than one fic deadline near exam time ever again. I nearly died last month as I rushed to complete these fics, my studying, and prep for my vacation that started right after exams (I'm still recovering;;;). The remix is currently the longest fic I've written to date, including my wips! Holy shit!!!
Both were done very last minute, but I'm pretty happy with how they turned out. I tried to finish the last of the Volpina prompts before the end of the year, but alas, time was not on my side. Better luck next year~ :'D
Total Year’s Output: ....58,718 words;;;
Looking back, did you write more fic than you thought you would this year, less, or about what you’d predicted?
.......This is almost twice as much as I did last year. I actually passed the NaNoWriMo standard. Oh my god. There is no fucking way I would have predicted this last year. And that's not counting all the wips aaaaaaaaAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHH—
What pairing/genre/fandom did you write that you would never have predicted in January 2016?
Uhhhh, Bustier/Mendeleiev, definitely. Also DjWifi?? I just wasn't into it at all last year, but now I'm rooting for them. Also, I did not expect to write this much smut, but here we are. ALSO MARIE/ADRIEN/MARINETTE AKA THE OT3 AKA LOVE SQUARED (the homestuck in me will never die)
What’s your favourite story of the year? Not the most popular, but the one that makes you happiest.
Happy...? Hmmmm....There's stuff that makes me laugh, that I'm proud of...
...I know it's not published yet or even done, but...probably conjugal visit. Not only is it chock full of my favourite type of ladrien, it's...sort of my thesis on emotional intimacy? It's proof of my progress. I look at it and I can feel my determination to grow and to move on from the mental rut I was stuck in for most of my life, that I won't let my past keep my from recognizing my own emotions and learning empathy, not forever.
(Maybe that's pride and contentment and hope more than happiness, but I'll damn well take it)
Do you have any fanfic or profic goals for the New Year?
I ALWAYS SAY THIS but...I really want to finish my wips.....and I want to start an actual chaptered fic. Not a one-shot collection or a drabble collection. Long, plotty, gen or romance (or both!!), chapter fic. I want to write something that will keep people up all night, lying to themselves when they say 'just one more chapter'. I think I actually have a shot at completing one now, at my current skill and confidence level |D
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neonwizardheehee · 4 years
I’m procrastinating so lemme tell u some boring things which are on my mind rn :P
1. I hate neck pain :( i feel like a grandma XD altho I’m really glad it’s not as bad and sharp and scary like last time. so hopefully with my scarf, no pillow and heat gel it’ll get away soon!
2. elf twt really sucks, I’ve been there more than on here for the last few days and OOF why are people so pressed <_< let’s just enjoy our bands, right?
3. i wanna talk philosophy and love just to distract myself from my thesis :P
4. thesis... well... OOF  i think i have most parts by now but my prof isn’t answering me and aiish whyyyy XD there really won’t be any chill time for me this summer XD kinda wanna take a day off without feeling guilty and play games XD
5. but otherwise i have to be honest my health is okay? i don’t have diabetes anxiety or so many “wrong” levels.... so I’m happy :D
6. hopefully the dorm thing will be cleared soon - adult stuff is so frustrating!! can’t i just find a room to stay? XDDD oh boi I really hope it’ll work out and i can pack my stuff and move ksksksks
7. also i wanna go shopping for new clothes and feel stylish! but there’s no reason to go out :(
8. good thing: I’m back in my star wars spirit :DDDD and feel content again :D
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