frauleinjustice · 3 years
Present for J: suntan one-shot!!
Supriiiise~! I wanted to write up a short lil suntan one-shot for my good friend @magicalmasa for her birthday!! 🍰​​ I really wanted to post it yesterday, but I sadly became so much busier until nighttime, so I apologize for that: but I still hope this can be a lil surprise for you to see~!
Summary: Sunny and Kel spend the weekend night together, with Kel spending the night over at Sunny’s house! They have lots of fun, spending time together... and they’re boyfriends, so Sunny also loves to just... relax and be happy with the boy that he loves...
So basically, just some mindless suntan fluff! This is my first time ever writing Sunny and Kel, and an OMORI one-shot in general, so I hope it’s good, and that you especially will love it, J!! ☆ ilu homie!! And to anyone else who may read this, thank you!! Hope you enjoy as well!
Sunny liked weekends. Not just in general, but especially because he could stay up late with Kel. The other was going to spend the night at Sunny’s house. Since Mari was still away at college with Hero, it admittedly got a bit lonelier in the house... so whenever his boyfriend could spend time with him, it made Sunny truly happy.
They even made a blanket fort, bringing up snacks and drinks from the kitchen as they planned to watch some movies, play video games together, read some comics... jokingly telling themselves that sleep was the last thing they will actually be doing.
“Aww, I was so close! You really are too good at this game, Sunny.” They were currently playing a fighting game together, Sunny winning yet again as Kel dramatically sighs in defeat.
“...Get good, Kel.” Despite the stone-faced look on Sunny’s face as he says that, there’s a hint of a smirk on his face as he looks towards him.
“Excuse you? Where’d you learnt that from, huh?” He laughs, wrapping one arm around Sunny while his other hand playfully gives Sunny’s head a noogie. “If we ever play a basketball game together, we’ll see who’s the one that really needs to get good, hah!”
“Hehe....” A quiet giggle leaves Sunny from the noogie and Kel’s remark, playfully patting at his arm. Sunny wasn’t the most expressive, so it might be hard to tell if he’s being serious or not when trying to be playful or sarcastic. But of course; Kel knows Sunny more than well enough to tell. Sunny sometimes worried if he was far too quiet for Kel’s liking... but Kel always made sure to reassure him that he loves Sunny the way that he is. He doesn’t need to change anything about himself to make Kel love him more.
“Alright! Ready to make fun of some comically bad movies?” After letting go of Sunny, he holds up several DVD’s with a widening smile on his face. “I’ve got several.”
“Mmhm.” Sunny points to one of them, looking like some kind of action movie. The movie was so badly written that Kel was nearly spitting out his soda with laughter, and even Sunny almost choking when he couldn’t hold in his laughter as he was eating a slice of pizza. The sarcastic comments they’d make about the ridiculous parts of the movie, plus them sometimes mocking the characters if they said something stupid... made for one hilarious movie nights full of laughter and Sunny’s mom having to come into the room a few times to tell them to be quieter, them apologizing each time. Though she was happy to see her son having so much fun with Kel: it wasn’t often he had such a wide smile on his face and clearly looking like he was having a lot of fun.
As they continued to chat the night away afterwards while the TV was now mostly background noise for whatever channel was playing at the moment... sleepiness eventually did start to catch up with the boy as it reached 2am, them getting comfy under the blankets in their forts. “Sleepyyy... guess we failed the ‘Staying Up All Night’ objective, huh?” He chuckles, Sunny nodding in response. “But I don’t mind that. Cause...well...” Feeling his face starting to heat up, he wraps an arm around Sunny’s waist to pull him close. “I-It means we can fall asleep together...cuddled up and stuff. H-Hehe...”
“Kel...” Sunny’s own cheeks turned a light pink as he found himself huddled up closer against Kel. In the couple of months that they’ve started dating by now, they have cuddled a few times before, yet Sunny still felt his heart leap as if it were the first time they were doing so all over again. Kel felt so warm... he loves being in his arms. As he stares up at his much taller boyfriend, there’s a light smile on his face as he teases: “...Cute.”
“Ah-h-hey, come on! It’s already embarrassing saying this kind of mushy stuff. Don’t tease me!” He bashfully laughs, feeling his cheeks heat up even more. Kel really didn’t think, before he started crushing on and dating Sunny: that’d he find himself saying such intimate and romantic things. He jokes to himself that 12 year-old him would gag at the thought of saying such ‘sappy, cheesy’ stuff. But he didn’t mind that... he happily wants to get more used to it. He’s fully of love for Sunny... and wants to express that in every way, shape, and form that he can.  
A soft yawn leaves Sunny as he snuggles up against Kel some more, burying his face in his chest. He could hear Kel’s heartbeat... the sound being so soothing to him. He could listen to it all night if he could... “...You’re warm, Kel.” He softly mumbles, in a near whisper. “I like it... it makes sleeping feel even better.” And here he had thought before that nothing could beat the coziness of Mari’s former bed... but in Kel’s arms, he feels like he could drift off right away. “And your heartbeats....sound nice..”
“Sunny...” While it admittedly does fluster Kel to also be told such intimate things in turn, it made his heart warm. He initially never thought he’d be told such things before... and that someone could fall for him so deeply like this. He could still remember the day where he finally gathered the courage to confess to Sunny, and how unusually nervous he felt the whole time before doing so; and how happy their friends felt for him and Sunny when they told everyone they started dating. He could look back on it now and laugh it off, now thinking himself silly for fearing the worst if Sunny rejected him. He mostly had Mari to thank, since she of course knows her little brother more than anyone, and reassured Kel that her brother felt the same way: that he made Sunny light up in a way no one else could. And funnily enough, in turn: Hero reassuring Sunny that Kel surely likes him back, since he also knows his own little brother better than anyone else: and that Kel always looks especially happy whenever he’s with Sunny. “....I’m glad.” He mutters just as softly, smiling warmly. His other hand goes to gently comb through the boy’s soft black hair. “I wanna... be like a nice blanket for you to cuddle, you know? Kind of like how you feel like a soft pillow! Haha....” He gives Sunny a soft squeeze, humming as he softly nuzzles him more.
“...I’m happy, too.” He truly did want to feel just as nice for Kel to hold, too. He wishes he could go to sleep in Kel’s arms every night...Feeling his eyes start to droop, Sunny speaks up after a few moments. “...Kel.”  
“Yeah, Sunny...?”
“......” He could feel his heart starting to race. Even if he’s of course said it before, he was still so shy about doing so....it stil felt so foreign to him. But whenever he said it, it made him feel fuzzy inside: he was excited to eventually grow used to saying it. “....I love you.” Sleepy eyes dart up at the boy, his ears turning red.
“H-Heheh...” No matter how used to it Kel would eventually get... it still made his heart burst whenever Sunny tells him he loves him; and of course, he always wants to say it right back, too. Gently kissing the top of his head, he beams a brighter smile at him. “I... love you, too, Sunny! You’re the best boyfriend ever. Now let’s get some sleep...  I wanna continue to have lots more fun with you tomorrow. G’niiiight....”
“Mm: sounds fun. Goodni...” And just like that, Kel was already out like a light, hearing him softly snore with a goofy, content look on his face. “Falling asleep in seconds as always. Kel...” He quietly laughs under his breath, loving the dorky little traits about Kel like that. Honestly, everything about Kel, he adored. He found him to be the best boyfriend ever, too. He leans up real quick for a moment... so he can press a soft, light peck to Kel’s lips. With his arms wrapped tightly around Kel, he rests his head against Kel’s chest once more as he finishes: “...Goodnight, Kel.” Before he eventually drifts off, too. He was looking forward to the morning, to continue having more fun with him.
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starswake--archived · 3 years
your fave genshin chara(s) for the character breakdown!!
oh god i feel like my fave characters are always in rotation for character breakdown BUT this time ! i shall give it to ms walnut hu tao !
How I feel about this character
I LOVE HER????? SO MUCH???? HOLY SHIT okay so ever since I got her in Genshin, I’ve been getting more and more of her story as I play as her, and it’s just so good and not only do I appreciate her as a character, but it’s also making me grow a little more in love with life as well! 
Doesn’t make much sense lol But basically what I’ve learned is there is a reason why she is an eccentric character and all that. She isn’t all for jokes and she does come with a solemn side to her as well, especially when it comes to funerals. Otherwise, she’s super outgoing and just doing all she can, such as writing poetry, going exploring for inspiration, gardening, and tending to statues and all. 
I got a little fixated on her writing of poetry, maybe because as a writer, I always wanted to captivate the beauties of life - or try to - through means of words. So the way I see it, Hu Tao is just trying to stretch herself out to just embrace life in every possible way she can because being surrounded by death/the funeral parlor, she’s grown to be more appreciative of life and wants to take in all that it has to offer so she doesn’t have any regrets when she does finally pass on! 
So for that reason, I’ve grown to be more appreciative of life, even romanticizing more about it lol 
All the people I ship romantically with this character
Hard to say! I don’t think I really ship her with anyone but I like seeing whatever ship I come across lol 
My non-romantic OTP for this character
Oh I love her relationship with Xingqiu! Poetry friends :) 
My unpopular opinion about this character
I think fandom focuses a lot on her quirky personality,,, I wish people would see that she isn’t just the quirky personality or like why she is the way she is ya know? But honestly I’m vibing lol There’s nothing else for me!
One thing I wish would happen / had happened with this character in canon.
I wish we got to see her actually interact with Zhongli and other characters!! Not just hear about it in the voice lines ;; but that’s for every character haha 
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smarties-art · 4 years
for the omori asks: sweetheart, pluto, slime girls, and vance? hope your day is lovely!!!
Sweetheart: How would you describe your self-image?
I could be happier with my appearance and sometimes I still feel awfully ignorant on many topics, but all in all I have decent enough self-confidence, I think. Definitely don´t have Sweetheart´s level of unconditional self-love, which is probably for the better though 😂
Slime Girls: What are subjects that you are passionate learning about?
It really changes a lot! Currently I´m trying to learn more about sociopolitical topics since it feels like people in many countries are fed up with their governments and try to bring about change; at least I don´t remember ever seeing so much unrest in different places all at once before. In general I want to try and open my mind to concepts that I have prejudiced views on, especially when it's my first instinct to reject them. 
Vance: What are your favourite snacks?
Balsamico vinegar flavoured potato chips, hands down 😩
(Pluto already got answered in my previous post! Thank you for sending the ask and I wish you a lovely day too 🥰)
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scamoosh · 4 years
hello happy birthday!!! I’ve been following your for only like a day but I love your art so much and you seem very sweet and I hope you have a lovely day!!!
HI THANK U OMG!!!🥰🥰🥰 thats so nice of u tytytyty 💕
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butter-pangcake · 4 years
hi!! sweet breakfast food or savory?
hello! hmmm sweet! I’m not really a fan of savory food...
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shima-draws · 4 years
2, 8, and 11 for the ask meme!!!
2. Favorite part of writing.
Dialogue dialogue dialogue...it’s what I excel at and what I have the most fun with!!
8. Favorite trope to write.
Looks sideways at mutual pining, fluff, hurt/comfort, friends to lovers, and canon divergent AUs and sweats
11. Describe your writing process from scratch to finish.
I start out with a basic idea--I usually don’t start writing the beginning of the fic. I just write out all of the things in my head and then as I go along I add in more scenes in between and connect the whole thing! I don’t normally write entire fics in order. I don’t tend to have a written outline for it either (especially if it’s a shorter oneshot), I kinda just go where my muse takes me so I can be more flexible that way. Once it’s all finished I go back and reread it a couple times to fix any spelling/grammar mistakes, as well as rewriting any sentences or paragraphs that feel weird. And viola! That is my writing process :’D
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sai-haras · 4 years
What are your headcanons about your fave characters?? :o
saihara is trans (this headcanon means the world to me alright), and, well, this one isn't rly a hc but whenever i write an au i can't help but make he and harukawa very close childhood friends. they balance each other out and platonic saimaki is possibly my favourite thing ever (they went through an mcr phase together)
ouma is really into puzzle games and visual novels, like zero escape, ace attorney, and kimi ga shine (he doesn't like sou bc he reminds him of himself lmaO). he also likes to play dating sims. he n akamatsu are very close and she looks after him like a sister does
fujisaki is nonbinary and super confident and cocky over text (later in their school career, at least, but they're still shy irl) and plays dnd
ishimaru is ALWAYS prepared. he's always carrying around a first aid kit, saltine crackers, a calculator, hand sanitizer, anything you would need, including a morse code translation sheet
if the love hotel existed in sdr2, i think komaeda's would be INCREDIBLY normal and wholesome, cuz u know it was one of his wishes to be loved by someone else?? and i think he'd very much be a house husband. stay at home dad. the domesticity is Off The Charts
mioda is very emotionally intelligent (that's not really a hc that's canon) and a very good listener (ha), she's the one who just DEMOLISHES the middle ground bw classmates and is very pushy about getting ppl to share their feelings
after the events of dr3, hinata becomes hope's peak's guidance counsellor
naegi takes kirigiri's last name when they get married
thnx for asking!!
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hikuroo · 4 years
if you don’t mind, then I’d love to see either sonia or rantarou in your style! (also, I totally don’t mind that you��ve been drawing kokichi a lot, I love your art!)
sure thing!!! i’ve been meaning to get my face for rantarou down for a while, so this was a good oppotunity to see what worked with him!! (and aww, thank you!!! i put pen to tablet and kokichi sort of.. Happens)
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+bonus sonia!
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yume-fanfare · 4 years
4, 8, 12? happy new year!! ✨
4: movie of the year?
promare, absolutely!!! i watched it in march for the first time so it counts as this year lol i can’t recommend it enough
8: game of the year?
probably danganronpa gasjlkdkjsd i never would have guessed but really, it was a super fun experience
12: talk about a new friend you made this year
well i’ve already kinda vaguely answered this question here, but developing it a bit more, i got to meet a lot of cool people in this one discord server and they’re all really fun people! i was also able to grow closer to some classmates and also to some very cool mutuals here!!! i’ve made a lot of friends this year i think slkdskjds
end of the year asks
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minhtblue · 4 years
can I see sonia in a5 please? thank you!!
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you can! here she is \o/
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last night i had a dream about having a gun that shoots compressed ants instead of bullets
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starswake--archived · 3 years
you are... my beloved mutual 💗💗💗 every time I see hu tao now I go HU TAO!!! and every frog I see is FROG!!! hehehe... I hope you’re having a lovely day, lovely snow!!!
🥺💐YOU TOO MASA I WUV U bro its dawning on me we’ve known each other for quite a while and its just 🥰🥰🥰🥰 i hope ur having a wonderful day too my friend !! 
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danganreload · 4 years
If we’re not sure about applying, is it okay to join the server and spectate before deciding? Thanks!
I’d sadly rather say no, but I’m 100% ready to ask whatever questions anyone might be having! If you’re still unsure, dms are open ♥
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littlepurinsesu · 6 years
3 6 9 12 for the ask game? ✨✨
Thanks for sending these in, lovely! (◕ᴗ◕✿)
3. favorite anime character
It might be obvious by now, but my favourite anime character of all time is Madoka Kaname from Puella Magi Madoka Magica. Apart from the fact that she’s pink and adorable, she’s also a kindhearted friend, a person who shows incredible growth, and the living embodiment of hope. There are aspects of myself that I can see in her, and in some ways she’s also kind of a role model for what I would like to be more like as well.
I could go on for ages about why I love this character… and guess what? I have! If anyone’s interested in reading my ramblings about my love for the pink goddess of hope, I direct your attention to this post. ;)
6. popular anime you didn’t like
(Man, I really hope I don’t get hate for this one xD)
Definitely Akagami no Shirayuki-hime/Snow White with the Red Hair. I wouldn’t say I dislike it, but I went in with high hopes and plenty of excitement, and by the halfway mark, I was already thoroughly let down. It isn’t bad or anything, I just found it… underwhelming? Apart from the fact that the storyline really wasn’t all that interesting, Shirayuki is just the biggest Mary Sue to ever Mary Sue, in my opinion, and I actually found myself getting more and more annoyed at her and how perfectly everything works out for her and how much everyone loves her blah blah blah… Nothing ever seems to go wrong for her, and when they do, it’s nearly always in the form of yet another kidnapping, and she’ll always have more than a few princes rushing to her rescue anyway. None of her achievements feel very rewarding, either, because everything always works out for her and everyone’s in love with her or lining up to be her friend. That would all be okay, except for the fact that I just don’t see what’s so special about her xDDD She’s nice, she’s kind, she’s hardworking… but what else?
Sorry for ranting ^^;; Lemme talk about some positive things xD The art style is beautiful, the music/soundtrack is gorgeous, and the romance is pretty sweet if you’re not looking for something super profound or anything. There are some interesting and likable side characters, like Obi and Ryuu, but then even their potential to bring something new to the table got swept under the rug and they just became yet another character used to tell me how amazing Shirayuki is when the plot itself should be showing me this. The most interesting character for me was actually Raji, which is ironic because he isn’t really even part of the main cast xD Yeah he’s also constantly singing praises at Shirayuki’s supposed amazing-ness, but he has his own development and character arc and managed to steal the show for me, so good for him xD
Man, I sound like I really hate this show, but I swear I don’t xD I was just disappointed after hearing so many positive things about it. I love fairy tales and I love romance, but this just didn’t do it for me >_
9. favorite anime child
That depends on what the definition of “child” is, since almost all main characters in anime are technically children (i.e. teens) lololol :P So I’m gonna lower the age to super young children and pick Chibi Chibi from Sailor Moon. She’s so cuuute!!! *squeals* I just want to take her home and keep her as my own child haha
12. anime that should get more attention from others
Hands-down, without a doubt, Princess Tutu. Seriously, it makes me so upset that this anime isn’t more popular or well-known. It is an absolute piece of art in so many ways: storytelling, characters, animation, music etc. The plot is almost insanely deep and well-written for a magical girl anime targeted at children, and the characters are so multifaceted and complex and their development is so satisfying to watch. There’s so much packed into these 26 episodes, and while it’s got pretty much everything expected of a magical girl anime, there is so, so, so much more. (And this may be why I’m actually writing my MA thesis on this series.)
I could go on all day about why Princess Tutu is an absolute masterpiece, and I will always be salty that this show isn’t given the attention and credit it deserves. Seriously, if you haven’t seen Princess Tutu yet, do yourself a favour and go watch it now. You’ll thank me for it later.
ღ Send me an ask from this list! ღ
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mochabundae · 7 years
Stars! ⭐️
Personally? I’d decorate pretty simply. I’d love to get two of my coziest blankets and lay one out on the balcony while curled up inside the other. With the additions of a big bar of chocolate and all of my friends, it’d be a perfect night under the stars!Thank youh for asking, Masamasa!
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Hi, how are you today? ✨ I just have one question to ask: for your danganronpa art book character profiling, is it fine if I provide links to Kirigiri's and Komaeda's profiles (with credit) on my posts? I'm just using them as examples for my own dr character. Thank you, and have a good day :)
Oh, absolutely! Thanks for asking. Would you link me? I’d love to see! You have a great day too 💫
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