#and yes i'm obsessed with this song and mv
btsiu · 5 months
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Come back to me Like you used to Be what you be I will roll you to the moon
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morgana-lefay · 8 months
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Uuuuuh! 🤘🏻
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livingformintyoongi · 4 months
Call It What You Want | Yoongi
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I've been obsessing over this idea for like three days now and I NEED to share it just because. It's part of the activity for 300 followers, and since Yoongi is one of my ultimate biases I'm going to self-request to do this for my sake 🙃. So, reader here is bisexual, I don't consider it a warning, but if it's something that bothers you I'll leave it here just in case. taglist: @thunderg @minjianhyung @queenv1997 @yoongtism @lizzymizzy-blogg @superbbananananana @drpepperobsessed @themwordsblog @taekritimin123 @bluecloudss
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Imagine being a third generation idol, you have had years of career, you are a woman full of talent, with good music, good vocals, good dancing skills and your stage presence is no slouch either. Despite that, the media and people on the internet simply downgrade you to a “too thin” or “too fat” body, only focusing on your physique and not on your talent. 
You feel totally frustrated by that, but you try to go on with your life, vent with your friends, have a drink or two and, at some point, you end up secretly dating a female idol with whom you had really good chemistry. Everything in your life seems to be going uphill until dispatch brings your relationship to light and a wave of hate comes your way, homophobes covered in so-called fans screaming at you every time you leave your house, saying how disgusting you are simply for not dating someone with a dick. The frustration gets bigger and bigger, and just when you thought you couldn't sink any deeper into your misery, your girlfriend breaks you overnight, coming out to the media to say that you were just friends and that she would never date a woman.
Yes, you felt your life sucked, but it was okay, you could get through this, you were a strong woman. 
It took you months to recover from that breakup, same months in which you were forced to take a career break because your company didn't want someone so “problematic” working with them. Still, you used that time to recover, to work on your next comeback, to do what you were most passionate about. It was then that you contacted a well-known rapper in the industry with the intention of doing a collaboration together, something he happily accepted, willing to hang out with you whenever he had free time. 
To your bad luck, you end up hooking up with this guy, something you obviously hadn't thought through clearly. You were only with him for one night, but again the news fed on your private life, making public each of your encounters, even though only one of them was “something more”.
Again the company, this time from the guy, totally denies the story that was made public, claiming that you have just work meetings and that both had been working on a collaboration, insisting that they would take legal action for defamation. And yes, again they dragged out your hiatus, and again you had to put up with hundreds of people outside your house, filming you, photographing you, shouting horrible things about you and how promiscuous you were. 
If you had been in misery before, at that moment you had been in hell itself. 
It was right then, at your worst moment, that Yoongi made his stellar appearance in your life. He went straight to your manager and asked (demanded) to do a collaboration with you. According to him, your voice was perfect for his new song and he needed you to make it happen, and who were you to deny Yoongi?
It took hundreds of sleepless nights where you both worked on the final touches to the lyrics of the song, Yoongi had asked you to help him also with the backing track, with the recording of the MV, basically he wanted there to be a part of you in absolutely the whole process, and so it was.
The two of you inevitably became close, to the point where he became your best friend, someone you talked to every night before going to sleep and every morning when you woke up. Little by little you began to fall more and more in love with him, and it wasn't at all like anything you had ever felt before. Yes, you loved your ex-girlfriend who practically ignored your existence as soon as she could, and you had also felt something for the rapper from almost half a year ago, but Yoongi? He was just different, he... he listened to you, and not only did he do that, he understood what you were telling him and took the time to prove it with his actions. 
He had taken the trouble to get to know you, he had given you his time. To explain it in a better way, your other two relationships were like a tornado, it happened fast, it was destructive and scandalous; with Yoongi it was more like a bonfire, he had to make it little by little, give it some wood, blow air on the small flame that little by little grew more eager, but he kept himself in check, he kept you warm even with the cold of the night, he illuminated your darkest moments with his orange light, that was Yoongi for you, and every day that passed you felt it even more real.
It was only a matter of time before you both fell for each other and ended up dating. Your hiatus was coming to an end and the song you released together with Yoongi was a hit, but the best part had nothing to do with that, but with your relationship with him. You had managed to see each other on the sly in such a successful way that neither of you could believe it. You spent most of the day at his house, waiting patiently for him to arrive only to greet him with a big hug that he would reciprocate with laughter as he carried you to the couch, where you would spend at least half an hour talking about each other's day. 
You even went so far as to buy some chains with each other's initial, it was a stupid impulse, you knew, but when you told him so he didn't hesitate for a second to put it on and leave it on every day since then, only taking it off to take a shower for fear that it would rust. 
He made you feel so safe that even when a fan posted a picture of the two of you together kissing at his house, you weren't afraid of the comments, neither you nor him, how could you focus on those lifeless people when you had Yoongi by your side, hugging you by the shoulders, whispering in your ear how he was going to stay with you even if his company demanded otherwise? 
This time you weren't abandoned by your partner, quite the opposite, he asked you to wear the kind of clothes you wore at home, baggy clothes in vibrant colors, something that represented you, he arranged his necklace with your initial so it was in plain sight for everyone to see, took your hand, and walked out of the house with you, intertwining his fingers with yours and giving you a gentle squeeze every time some idiot yelled shit at you. His gaze was almost always downward as he walked, trying to shield his eyes from the camera flashes. Still, he always had his attention on you, and despite the annoying light from the cameras he looked at your face to make sure you were okay before opening the car door for you. 
And it was only then that you thought you hadn't screwed up your life with your decision. For the first time in your almost thirty years you had managed to take the right path, and being there, sitting next to him as he caressed the bare skin of your leg, seeing his comforting smile and his gaze soften in your direction was enough to make you understand that no matter what happened from now on, he was with you, and he was willing to give up everything of himself in order to take care of you, even if it ruined his reputation. 
And just for that you were willing to go through all the shit you went through before, because if you needed that to have been able to meet Yoongi, you would go through it a thousand times more.
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300 followers event.
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Wednesday x Kitsune!Reader
A/N: I've been obsessed with this song and dance lately. Please do yourself a favor and watch either the MV or dance practice if you haven't.
Enid squeals excitedly as she and Wednesday make their way to the little stage set up in one of the Nevermore courtyards. There was going to be a talent showcase and it was all the wolf could talk about for a week. She starts to hammer on about the performances she knew about, including yours.
"The choir is doing a medley of classic rock stuff. There's some flag spinning thing, a juggling thing." Wednesday was hardly listening. At least until your name comes up. "Oh! And Y/N! They're doing a dance and oooohhhh it's so good!" Dark eyes glance over at Enid.
"You've seen their performance already?" The implication made Wednesday feel a little hurt, but she wasn't going to show it. She knew you were self conscious about learning choreography. As much as she wants to see your process, she respects you enough to leave you be.
"No... You know how they are with their process," Enid replies. "But I've seen the video of the original performer and oooohhhh man. It's so good." She wiggles her eyebrow at Wednesday. "Really sexy too."
Wednesday scoffs. "As long as it's entertaining enough."
Sexy wasn't a thought she ever had when thinking about you. You were considerate, kind, mischievous, and willing to kill for her. It was all she needed. Yes, you were attractive to her, but sexy? Too far from her mind to even consider.
Before finding seats, Wednesday and Enid make their way backstage to find you. As soon as they see you, Enid heads straight over for a hug. Wednesday freezes, on the other hand, at the sight of you. You were wearing a pair of black, baggy, destressed jeans. Your legs poke out each time you bend your knees or stretch your legs. In contrast, a tight, red tank top adorns your torso, nearly showing the definition of your muscles. Your arms are exposed and bare aside from your dominant forearm, still wrapped in its ropes and beads of your spirit. It was different from your usual style, but it wasn't bad to Wednesday. In fact, it was very attractive.
Very... Sexy?
This was a new feeling for Wednesday. Eyebrows furrow in confusion but she hides it as soon as your eyes are on her. Your smile lights up and you're at her side as soon as you could.
"I'm glad you could make it, dark soul." You take her hand and kiss it. "I know these things aren't your favorite." Her eyes soften only for you.
"Of course. What kind of partner am I if I don't support you as you do for me?"
You spend a few more moments together before the call for showtime is heard. With a smile and quick kiss, you head back to your back-up dancers. Enid joins Wednesday and they go to find seats.
The showcase was far too long for Wednesday. Your performance was the last one on the docket. The wait was torture for the goth and definitely not the good kind. While some acts were entertaining, like the knife juggler, others were atrocious, like the so-called comedian. By the time you arrive on stage, Wednesday was near ready to gouge her eyes out. You were a godsent.
You and four others walk onto the stage. You kneel at the stage center and the others, dressed in various navy blue outfits and veils, sit around you. As soon as you take a breath and sink into your stance, the music begins. You lean forward and sweep your arms out in front of you while your dancers breathe in time with the beats. When you're upright again, the dance begins in earnest.
Baby dance, dance, dance
Wrap me up in your devotion
You brought an arm up and around your head, starting there before moving down. The dancers follow your movements with their own bodies, as if your hands controlled them. Then suddenly, you press yourself on the floor and slide yourself over, rolling into your back only to twist around, lift a leg up and body roll against the floor. Your hand reaches out then to grab one of your dancers' as they pull you onto your back and you roll your body once more, using their help to lift your body into the air as you curve.
The crowd reacts wildly at the move, amazed at your body control. As your moves progress into the dance, people are starting to realize that you're also singing the song. Your breathing is getting heavy, but the sound of your voice is still clear. That said, it made your performance that much more seductive. Especially when the dancers crown around you and wrap their arms around your torso.
Enid is practically wiggling in her seat, excited at how well you were doing. Wednesday, on the other hand, was rigid. Her eyes couldn't leave you and the bats in her stomach were going ballistic. Her heart was pounding and her breathing was slightly more labored. On the outside, she seemed unfazed. On the inside, there was chaos.
Pull my hands, hands, hands
When I know you wanna hold them
I wanna be in so deep, baby
Floating like we're deep inside the ocean
The back-up dancers moved to the side stage to let you have your first true solo part. Your dance melds with the beats of the dance, alternating between pops and fluid movements. You then travel up the stage, steps sliding as if you were floating, caressing your own body as it rolls in time with the music. You spin and fall to your knees, before swinging your arms again to roll against the ground once more. When you're up again, your dancers return and circle you for the second chorus.
I've been blinded by you
Baby, you got full attention
So let us take it slow, yeah
I never say this but girl,
You deserve the best
You're alone again at the bridge, your dancers standing still in a wide circle around you. Your dance is more fierce here, your moves sharp and spins quick. In the single point during this moment where you do slow down, it's to roll your head back seductively, exposing your neck to Wednesday, making her lick her lips.
At the end, everyone dances in unison, leaving you to embellish how you want in the center. As the last of the music dies down there is some light tutting before you end the song, staring right as Wednesday as you breath heavily at the performance.
The audience erupts in applause, almost startling Wednesday. Enid shakes her roommate in excitement and gushes over your performance. When you bow and leave the stage, Wednesday is immediately up and heading backstage, leaving her wolf friend behind. As soon as she finds you, she grabs your arm and drags you away from your celebrating friends.
"Whoa! Hey, Wednesday? Wha- Where're we going?"
When Wednesday finds darkness and quiet, she whirls around and is on you like a panther. Her lips hungrily attach onto you as she pulls you towards her. It throws you off enough that you had to brace yourself against the wall behind your lover. A soft hum erupts from your throat and it spurs Wednesday further. She grips at your shirt, trapping herself between you and the wall. There's a need for you to be closer to her and it seems to be never enough.
Air calls for you, but when you part, you duck your head to latch onto the goth's neck. You hear the girl inhale deeply and it makes you smirk.
"Enjoy the show, did you?" She grabs at you and growls softly.
"If you have enough time to talk, you have time to attend to me more."
You let out a soft chuckle and continue your affection. Wednesday claws at your back before gripping it tightly when you suck at her pulse.
"What are you doing to me?" She breathes out. "You will be the death of me." You nip at her skin before trailing your tongue soothingly across it.
"What a death it'll be."
Wednesday doesn't care that she has dark bruises on her neck later. You don't care that your back is streaked with red. It was well worth it.
@screechcat @trishatheotaku @halleest @ashlynnmalfoy @a-trash-person @rainbow-love4ever @ognenniyvolk @spadesinfodump @maria-403 @simonsbluee @awolfcsworld @wizardofstories @alexandra-001 @leafanonsforest @daddy-jareau @aroaceanxietylemon @tundra1029
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visualtaehyun · 5 months
Tagged by @thegalwhorants here, thank you dear ✨ I love musical tag games but this might be the first time I've answered one where the results are extremely telling about me lmao
Shuffle your On Repeat playlist and then list the first ten songs!
Next Love by BADMIXY
P'Mix's MVs are always super fun and unapologetically queer and I love her as a songwriter! This song is actually over two years old but I first listened to it after ฟ้ารักพ่อ (DILF) went viral and she came out with her debut album that included this song. But I'm pretty sure I became properly obsessed with it after hearing the RnB arrangement that (surprise surprise 🤡) ZeeNuNew performed during the DMDLand2 concert. Also wanna shoutout that time New and P'Erk Chrrissa covered it together during a live session because it made me hope P'Mix might one day write a song for New!
ไหล่เธอ (You've Got Ma Back) by Fourth Nattawat, Ford Arun, Satang Kittiphop, Winny Thanawin
I love this show and the entire OST! Could I have just linked the official MV? Why yes of course, but that wouldn't showcase the chaotic energy of the MSP gang as well lol (if the video doesn't start at the timestamp, it begins at 8:45!)
Get A Guitar by RIIZE
Now this one's a real wildcard lmao It is literally the only song on my On Repeat that isn't written or performed by a Thai artist! I came across it through a KPop random dance vid so obviously I had to link the Studio Choom performance. The choreo is so fun and, to this day, some of my favorite KPop songs are funky just like this one. I don't know who this group is btw (like I literally only found out through this tag game that they're an SM group lol) since I stopped following KPop artists and trends when I fell into my lil Thai and QL corner here so sorry if I sound like your typical clueless local now 😂
รักแท้ (True Love) by NuNew
He's performed this song countless times by now but I chose this one in particular because it was such a huge stage and opportunity for New 🥹 The official MV currently sits at 68 million views btw
ภาพสุดท้าย (Last Twilight) by William Jakrapatr
Y'all. I was so obsessed with this song. Like I literally know the entire lyrics by heart. Since Pal reminded me of Piano & i, I had to go with this performance! :) I'm really looking forward to William's upcoming series - I love LYKN and Est Supha and am sure the OST is gonna be incredible.
꽃이 피는데 필요한 몇 가지 (Blooming Just For You) by NuNew, Paul Kim
The first time he performed this song live 💕
How You Feel by NuNew
Have I mentioned NuNew is my favorite artist 555 This is the song that did me in - it's the first song by a Thai artist that I added on Spotify after getting into QL via KPop -> DKZ -> Semantic Error -> other KBLs -> "Oh, let's watch another popular BL on Viki"... and now I'm here waffling on about Thai language and music lol
ใจรัก by Zee Pruk
P'Zee recently said he didn't enjoy singing before he met New but that he's found joy in it after singing with him a lot. And he's improved so much! My favorite will always be when he sings ballads and love songs like this one though. (fyi this song is like 40 years old so you might have heard it covered by other artists before)
ประตูวิเศษ (Better Days) by Jimmy Jitaraphol, Sea Tawinan
Aaaand check for another song off the Last Twilight soundtrack that I was obsessed with! What can I say, I'm a P'Amp fangirl lol The lyrics are lovely, it's easy listening, and this show occupied my brain for months.
ก้อนหินกับดวงดาว (Rock & Star) by Fourth Nattawat
Love this scene, love Chinzhilla, love these lyrics, I'm repeating myself lol you get the gist, it's a banger!
To sum up- 7/10 are OSTs, 5/10 were written by Amp Achariya, and 3/10 are by NuNew (+2 more made me talk about him). So now that I've been publicly clowned by my own Spotify, I'm tagging (no pressure ofc): @zimmbzon @pharawee @airenyah @telomeke @rocketturtle4 and whoever sees this and goes Oh hell yeh an excuse to talk about my fav music!
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petruchio · 4 months
guts ranking part 2 (bonus tracks)
me when i hit the character limit and tumblr says. SHUT UP! but here are my bonus track rankings:
13. obsessed - A GREAT SONG!! oh it's so clever and fun and haven't we all felt this way about our ex's ex?? i loooove the way she delivers "i can't help it i've got ISSUES" and i think the internal rhyme of obsessed and ex is a really catchy hook and i love the chorus. i think this was a great bonus track, i know people said it should've been on the standard edition but i actually think it works better as a bonus track. my one beef with this song actually is that i don't like the music video. i don't understand why it doesn't have more of a story, i feel like this song could've had such a great video with a great narrative (maybe olivia is, like, stalking the ex and trying to imitate everything she does but she plays both roles or something? i guess that might be too similar to deja vu but i feel like the obsessed mv just doesn't feel interesting enough because it's just random clips cut together with performance shots. i wanted more from this video. it was good but i wanted it to be great.)
14. girl i've always been - C i'm sorry i find this song extremely juvenile. it sounds like the kind of song you write when you're like 13 and you want to be the next taylor swift but you don't actually have anything to say. i don't like the vocals, i think the lyrics are all pretty cliche and boring, i really just don't think this needed to be released. if it was one of her instagram videos i think it would be super cute but i just don't think it is album worthy even as a bonus track. plus it's so short it just feels half baked anyway. i think it should've stayed in the drafts.
15. scared of my guitar - C+ i also don't like this song. i don't know it just doesn't do it for me at all. it's not catchy, the metaphor/concept doesn't interest me and similarly to giab it just doesn't feel like it's done. i'll say it, i think teardrops on my guitar does a much better job of integrating the concept of songwriting into the lyrics in a way that feels natural whereas this one just feels cheesy and underdone to me. (and even olivia herself has done better at fourth wall breaks, for example in "can't think of a third line" or "i hate every song i write" -- like those are so much better and well integrated than this song, so i just find this song to be... not that good.) i added a + to the grade for the line "stringing you along" though because i think it's clever.
16. stranger - A I LIKE THIS SONG!! i saw someone saying it felt musically similar to her stick season cover and that the sort of folk/rock influence works really well with her voice and i was like YES! i love her rock delivery but i think her vocal timbre really shines on the more stripped back folksy sounds (see also: my love for can't catch me now) and i think this is an example where the concept of the song is good and she does it really nicely. it's also catchy and can't overstate how much i love "you're just SOME. GUY." this is a really good song in my opinion.
17. so american - B+ this song feels almost exactly like all american bitch to me in that i'm like, it's GOOD! i don't buy it as authentic to her though. like it just sounds like "olivia rodrigo does 90s gwen stefani" which she does WELL but it just feels a little too self-conscious. and the studio chatter at the end actually really bothers me in this song, when i heard the ending i was like ok no dan nigro, STOP. it was cute a couple times but like cut it out. just play the song. but i do like the way that the album opens with all AMERICAN bitch and then the bonus edition closes with so AMERICAN like what can i say, i'm a sucker for a callback and an album that tells a complete story. i like that it's the first true love song we've gotten officially released from olivia and it feels like a bright light that illuminates the way forward after all the pain and insecurity on GUTS and so i APPRECIATE it, and i do think it's cute and catchy, it's just not a 100% slam dunk for me. but it's good.
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knightzp · 4 months
Hey Miki ^_^
Sorry for taking so long to get back to you about the songs! I like to take my time to listen to songs atleast a few times because the more I listen to it the more I like it so I waited for a bit to tell you haha :D but anyways...
I loved the Knights Trip album!! It has such a wonderful vibe to it. I played it while cleaning my room and I think I spent more time dancing than actually cleaning lol I had a huge smile on my face while listening to the entirety of it :) Will a 100% play this during dance or gym workouts!
Honestly I liked all the songs, all of them were upbeat and very cheerful...here's a little about a few of the songs ->
Little romance is the absolute cutest song - made me go "awww" on multiple occasions - has the power to cheer me up :)
We'll be "Knights" has a special place in my heart...maybe because that was the first song I heard from the album idk but it has a "Finale group song" vibe to it that I just really love <3
My sunshine, you're moonlight 🥺...Is this Ritsu's song? I loved it <33 The beats at the beginning + the voice (i loved the voice very much) + the melody! I liked it (maybe...my favorite? 👀)
Wonderful Happiness...Now this song...I don't really know why but I have caught myself randomly humming the song out of nowhere so it's just kinda stuck in my head atp lmao - Love this one too <3
Special mention to Mystic Fragrance and Luminous Crown...I liked both of these songs!
Like I said all of these songs were very good <3 I am actually a huge Lyric Nerd so I love analyzing the lyrics for any song. Unfortunately I wasn't able to find the English translations for the lyrics so I had to miss out on that step this time T-T (I have a feeling the lyrics are really sweet so that's a bummer on my end)
I'm sure as a fan you might have a deeper understanding as well as love for the songs, characters, and singers...but even as a "not (yet) fan" I still found the album really enjoyable to listen to!
So a big thanks to you for recommending these songs Miki <3 I had a lot of fun and feel free to recommend more in the future too!
(This became a veryyy long reaction post omg I will stop now haha 😂)
LEX aaaa thank you for the long reaction!!! ive been screaming here abt the album sm these last days and you know how obsessed im with it so it makes me SO happy you liked it that much and that it made you smile <33
abt the songs, little romance TOTALLY IS THE CUTEST SONG EVERRRR full fairytale vibes and with such an adorable and happy rhythm that makes me smile every single time. its so perfect for ritsus center song and it holds a very special place in my heart <3
well be knights is another very dear song to me and a curious case as well bc for months we only had the mv version of the song which is shorter and i feel like they only left there the slower more emotional parts of the song (i really recommend you watch the anime mv) and when i listened to the full version the first time i was SO SHOCKED bc i didnt expect the quicker rhythm or That instrumental dubstep in the middle????? it felt like a completely different song to me but it goes SO hard and i love the full version so much too well be knights my beloved forever. also i find it funny how you say it gives finale group song vibes bc its true its one of the last knights songs weve got and so can give that impression but well be knights is actually knights debut song! its the very first song they ever sang together on a stage (even so that one of the members, tsukasa, hadnt joined them yet and so doesnt sing in this song)
MY SUNSHINE YOURE MOONLIGHT YES YES IT IS RITSUS SOLO im very very happy you liked it that much even saying it might be your fave too !!!! ritsus voice is so soft and sweet and beautiful and lovely and EVERYTHING TO ME and along with that cute melody and THE LYRICS OH MY GOD THE LYRICS its just so absolutely PERFECT FOR HIM im forever grateful at happyele for giving him such a great solo song <333
abt wonderful happiness i Totally get you!!! this song is so cute and happy and has such a catchy rhythm it is often playing in my head as well and i love it. and im glad you liked mystic fragrance and luminous crown too!!! both are such good center songs for each of their characters, arashi and tsukasa respectively, and i love them a lot too !!
oh and if you want to read the translations to the lyrics im pretty sure you can find almost if not all of them on youtube! just search "enstars [title of the song] lyrics" and youll get any you want!
and aaaa thanks to you for listening the album!!!! it made me really happy that you listened to my recs and checked all the album out and enjoyed listening to it since i myself love it so much <333
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good-beanswrites · 11 months
Same Lights, Camera, Sing Your Sins anon here (you know if I'm gonna keep sending anon asks because of ideas, I need a shorter name...) Glad they're getting time to cool off on what happened during the trial. This project is hard on them all QvQ
Okay another thought! While working on the Trial 2 MVs, you think the prisoners get to watch everyone's first MVs? Like, maybe praise how each video looks ("Oh my gosh, Amane you look amazing!"), making comments with Jackalope's artistic choices (Shidou's flower mummy) and how stiff some of the prisoners look ("Fuuta you're walking like a tinman." "Shut up!"), some singing along to songs they've overheard earlier (Kotoko singing Weakness), and...er...shirtless Mikoto ("Amane don't look!"). Idk, this makes their filming for the next MVs sound more fun as they hang out.
Hello again!! omg Thank You for sharing once again, I’m obsessed with that 🥺🥺🥺 That's so wonderful picturing a little movie night... (And yes, feel free to pick a name :D else I will dub thee 🎬 next time given the theme lmao)
Okay so my original idea was that those first videos were actually watched on the down-low. There were a few days of nothing going on while the prisoners debriefed, made plans, and communicated their song ideas to the writers to start working with. (Minor detail but I think they’re cut off from the world still, no internet access though they can exchange a few messages/visits with family). They do, however, get access to the others’ T1 videos on their phones/ facility computers. Everyone gave permission to watch them, but there’s a bit of hesitancy. They haven’t started filming their new videos yet, so no one has gotten a look that deep into anyone else’s hearts. Just because they’re closer in this au doesn’t make them better communicators -- there’s still a lot that’s been left unsaid regarding near-murders and their true selves. So they only watch them in secret out of respect.
Haruka hides under the covers to watch After Pain on loop late into the night (going “she’s just like me fr”). Fuuta doesn’t care much for the others’ songs but tries to decipher the crimes as best as he can. He probably gets one stuck in his head the next few days that he finds really embarrassing. Mahiru gets very emotional over the other lovers, doing a poor job of hiding her sympathy toward Yuno, Shidou, and Kazui in the following days. Kazui is embarrassed to watch Throw Down so often, but Shidou is such a subtle man and it’s nice to see a more open side to him (who admits to lying as well). Amane takes a while to watch them -- they’re videos supporting murder and sin, after all -- but once she convinces herself it’s to help the experiment, she allows herself to enjoy  them. Kotoko does the same as Fuuta but jumps straight into Fandom Mode and starts taking notes and analyzing the others’ videos. She keeps a secret folder on her phone of theories and symbolism and screenshots for reference. 
You have opened my eyes to Milgram Movie Night 👁️👁️
Everyone realizes they’re going to need to get comfortable with a lot of personal info really quickly, since T2 filming starts in a few days. Rather than Jackalope’s suggestion of undergoing a painful group circle talk, they go with Mikoto’s idea to all sit down to watch the videos together. This keeps the atmosphere up while they watch, allowing for many compliments and encouragement. It also lets the singer defend things in their video if they see fit, though most let it speak for itself. (Fuuta: “ah, back when I was a menace online.” “You’re still like that Fuuta.” “I’m a changed man!” “You got one guilty verdict and nothing’s even happened yet.”)
I love all of those reactions so much ahhhh! Amane getting showered in compliments like she deserves. Honestly, all of them getting showered in complements because it's what they deserve ;-; Playful teasing getting thrown around for everyone. Not even Jackalope is safe from their heckling (see: Throw Down flower person), and he's not even there to defend himself. There’s lots of blushing and eye covering during MeMe. And a singalong aspect!! I don’t know I didn’t think to incorporate that into the fic so far -- there’s nothing quite like heckling your friend onstage by echoing their lines really loud from the wings asdfsdfsd. Mikoto recognizes the video game from Fuuta’s and makes his whole day. Mahiru and Shidou realize they have both flowers and food in common, and get to talking. All at once, everything clicks into place for why Amane hated Shidou him so much.
I'm also realizing Kazui would have a Moment TM while seeing all the prisoners talking so comfortably about their deepest selves and struggles. I don't think he'd break down and open up just yet, but I bet it's be a pretty big change of heart for him to see such honesty/vulnerability...
Plus, most of my original ideas can still stand after the fact! There's no shame in seeing too much personal info about another prisoner, the only shame comes from just how many time the video was looped in private lmao
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literaryconneseiur · 1 year
I'm always doing this when I want something to do that'll occupy my mind. There's a lot of it, and none of it may be accurate. Art exists for interpretation, though, right? So I'll see what I can offer. Be warned, my thoughts will be haphazard because it's past two in the morning and I have a headache.
Now let's start with the obvious. I think we've all clocked that Social Path is a play for the word Sociopath. Stray Kids do that a lot, right? Bend words to wrap around themselves because maybe they feel imprisoned by what the original word represents? Maybe they feel it is a label, and if they must carry one of those, they'd rather design it themselves.
The opening is "gave up my youth for my future"😭😭
An alien (foreigner) in the town.
All the hate, all the broken lines. All the anger and the resolve.
Oh my God, there are so many layers to this song😭🫠.
Their voices meld so well together. Not to mention the instrumentals, which sound genius, yes, but a bit light and excited too. The lyrics though—
It makes so much sense, at least from the perspective I'm looking at. Them being adrift, like comets, with the possibility of crashing or continuing to float.
Being lost in a sea of bodies, just giving up. Hands and words and chains reaching for them, people telling them to give up, trying to hold them down.
I don't know if it goes this deep, but felix has only one wing, the pain it must've taken to loose the other but still hold on to that one side. Did it get ripped out? Did he stumble and decide to "rise up stronger"?
And in the end, they stand as if they have won a battle, Bruised perhaps, but they've victorious. And a war still awaits.
There's more people...
A different line of thought, I'm thinking the part Lee Know is on his bed, a place that should be one of comfort and rest and privacy for him, and hands are frantically reaching for him despite how much he's curling into himself might have something to do with fans and their mega obsessions and lack of respect for their private lives.
Not to mention the same faceless people made bang chan feel choked, and he never did escape them in the video. But then there's a part where they stand and lift him up, till he's floating.
I don't know. There is so much hyper-symbolism in everything that I'm getting wrapped up in it, too.
If we begin breaking down the MV scene by scene them you will get to see the full picture and not fragments of the message they trying to pass on
The M/V fits the lyrics totally.
The scene where Han was chained??
Where the chains fear?
Was it doubt? Was it pain? Was it the endless dread of the future?
And the fact that he was chained alone, in a fortress where he saw nothing but himself. Was that a way of showing how he kept all the pain, the negative emotions locked away inside of him, how he projected it onto himself?
Life isn't easy, neither is any of this simple, and they showed it in rock and roll😌🫠 how amazing is that!!!!!!
When everyone ignored I.N? Why?
Others debuted but not BangChan....it was like he wasn't seen,he wasn't heard...in the midst of everyone,he stood alone with no one to hold
Then them pushing through all those throes of faceless people that signify not just people but every single hurdle they have had to overcome and come out stronger just to keep this dream alive.
I cannot even begin to unpack all this. Making them laugh while they feel empty? It echoes, it's loud. Having to appeal to a world that barely even wants them. And the line "meant to be my dream". I'm sure no one expected dreams to hurt this much, especially not people who were barely more than children, reaching for something they could never imagine having. Like I said, their life in a nutshell. They said, "It was supposed to be their dream," not something to expand their worries.
And I feel like that space simulation is a safe space, the chorus happens there, maybe its each other.
That scene was a lot. The m/v was so intense that at first glance, one would assume it was nothing but chaos, but isn't that what life looks like from the outside? There is so much to unpack about it and it's so easy to judge another.
There's more everyone but I feel I should save it for another day.
Before I stop though, I'll have to mention the theory I keep seeing from other people on tiktok and Instagram. They say each scene depicts a members fear, Here it goes:
Changbin: Nightmares.
Lee Know: Fear of Heights
Felix: Overthinking
Seungmin: Fear of small spaces I.e Claustrophobia
I.N: Fear of being ignored
Han: it think ita fear if being forgotten/ Anxiety.
Hyunjin: Fear of being alone.
Bang Chan: I think its him loosing his voice.
There's the whole Lisa aspect. Does she represent their dream? Is she a villainous character in the M/V? Am I just a crazy human? Yes.
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dipplinduo · 8 months
I'm so sorry this isn't pokemon related at all but I gotta know which t swift albums are your faves lmao 👀 (I'm forever stuck in the folklore/evermore days 🤎)
Okay. I am pretty rigid on keeping the blog pokemon-related, but you, dear anon, have asked me about something that I love more than anything else.
So I'm gonna just go wild with this and give you more than you asked for because frankly I am one of the biggest swifities on this Earth and honestly squeal any time I get the opportunity to talk about Taylor's music because of how much of a massive impact it has had on me. I get nervous with each drop but, without fail? Each and every album, in order, tends to follow themes in my life and somehow encapsulates a lot of what I'm going through in some way. I love each of these albums in their own way, and it's a bit hard to give them rankings. Less favorites are still very much favorites though!
1 - reputation
Holy trinity: I Did Something Bad; Don't Blame Me; New Year's Day Honorable mentions: literally every other song
This album was a torniquet for me, and even when I'm not fully relating to it emotionally as much it may just be permanently cemented in my heart and soul as the top dog because of how monumental it was to me. It dropped at a time in my life when I was reallllyyy going through it, and a lot of the overarching narrative of "I will survive this tooth and nail for better days, even if my dignity is lost" resonated hard. I think the presentation and marketing of this album was utterly genius (reclaiming the narratives, sound production/lyrical risks and imagery that were executed JUST right, the MERCH REFERENCES, the "bombastic, external persona" that transitions to "this is the real me behind closed doors; I found and cherish what's truly important and that's all that really matters", etc.) was just perfect. Perfect, perfect, perfect. IDSM AMA 2018 performance is also the best live performance ever, forever obsessed. Overall, this album is the one I turn to whenever life is hard and I want to fan the flames of resilience.
2 - evermore
Holy trinity: coney island; tolerate It; 'tis the damn
Honorable mentions: champagne problems; gold rush; long story short; Willow
God, I love evermore. Didn't even realize how much I did until the past year or so. I have a lot of deep cuts on this album, and like folklore, it was just SO awesome to have albums where the general public could see more of Taylor's quill pen songwriting on full display (although glitter gel pen songs are EQUALLY cool). I love the maturity behind this album and it actually taught me how to fall in love with the colder seasons and weather. Coney Island specifically lowers my blood pressure like no other song has ever done and I can't even tell you fully why; it's so surreal and serene to listen to on planes. And tolerate it? CHRIST. When I revisited it as I went through some of it in real time, OOOF. DIFFERENT LEVEL OF RESPECT. It is def in my top 5 songs. 3 - folklore
Holy trinity: caridgan; the 1; hoax
Honorable mentions: my tears richochet; mad woman; the lakes; peace; invisible string; august
CARDIGAN. CARDIGAN. Rep is my favorite album, but cardigan is my favorite song ohmygooood. Never have I ever felt something epitomize my life experiences and personhood - it quite literally feels like an encapsulation of my soul. I feel very spoiled that it got to be a single and mv - just absolutely stunning. Personally, I connect this song to a return to lost childhood innocence. And I am proud to say I own one of the original original cardigans and the only way you can separate it from me is by prying it from my cold, dead hands. BUT YES, FOLKLORE IS ELITE. The storytelling on this album is next level and the surprise drop of such intricate thought during the height of the pandemic was very needed. Hoax is an oddly specific lullaby for me because it was a specific comfort to me at one night. The 1 is just ooOOOOF also.
4 - Lover
Holy trinity: All Of The Girls You Loved Before; Miss Americana & The Heartbreak Prince; Cornelia Street
Honorable Mentions: False God; Cruel Summer; I Think He Knows; Daylight
I honestly don't give this album enough credit because I resonate a lot with its visuals and messages. It is def a bit more slapped together than others, but I do like the symbolism in that. Lover is about all forms of love (romantic, familial, platonic, self-based) and I often times get told by irl peeps that this alongside the folkmore albums are the kinds of energies I tend to emit lol. Daylight in particular has one of the most fire TS quotes at her adlib at the end with the whole "You are what you love" thing, and GOD. Any time I think of it or hear it I re-evaluate a lot to make sure I can live by it. Fun fact: revisiting the song is how I ended 2023, and it was the trigger that made me decide to write fanfiction & start this blog, because it's important to follow all sorts of things that make you happy! <3
5 - 1989 (TV)
Holy trinity: New Romantics; Say Don't Go; I Know Places
Honorable Mentions: Bad Blood (both versions; fight me); YOU ARE IN LOVE UGH; Is It Over Now?; Style; Clean
This album is pop perfection and I think every Swiftie can agree on that universally even if you're not a big fan of 1989. But ooohhh my gosh, this album set me free when it came out. There are so many positive messages about expressing yourself, leaning into the messes of life, and also, just letting yourself loosen up a bit. I was in a bit of an angsty emo phase when the og came out (lol) and Taylor's bubbliness challenged me in a great way and helped me get a bit of my sunshine back. It was my second most anticipated TV re-release, and the vault tracks DID not disappoint. Now that I'm more in the range of what Taylor was reflecting on at the time, too? OOF. DO I FEEL MORE CONNECTED THAN BEFORE.
6 - Fearless (TV)
Holy trinity: Mr. Perfectly Fine; The Way I Loved You; Forever & Always (Piano Version) Honorable Mentions: Change; You're Not Sorry; White Horse; Fifteen; The Best Day; You Belong With Me
Gosh. Fearless. FEARLESS. This album just stands out to me as such an homage to my childhood in a lot of different ways - but more so of the braver side of me in it. I absolutely love the imagery and dramatics of this album and feel like its just a bucket of sunshine and golden stars and warmth. It takes me back to simpler days, and I love love love how Mr. Perfectly Fine leans straight into some of the bangers I really loved on the og. This is more of a sunshiny fire album to me.
7- Midnights
Holy trinity: You're Losing Me; Dear Reader; Bejeweled (new! lmao)
Honorable Mentions: You're On Your Own, Kid; Would've Could've Should've; Lavender Haze; Anti-Hero; Midnight Rain; Mastermind; Snow On The Beach (feat. More Lana Del Ray)
This album is very dreary in a lot of ways, and jeez, I needed it when it first came out. Happy to say I went from more of a "Dear Reader" vibe to a "Bejeweled" vibe from release to now. I love the concept behind it so much and it's interesting to be able to relate to the "coming out of the dread" side thats sprinkled in here and there. It speaks to the more "stormy" parts of me that I tend to hide from others, and I really relate to TS's portrayal of it given her own general outward disposition.
8 - Red (TV)
Holy trinity: All Too Well 10 Minute Version; I Knew You Were Trouble; Begin Again
Honorable Mentions: Better Man; Girl At Home (fight me); Nothing New; Sad Beautiful Tragic; Treacherous
Okaayyy, THIS is the fall album. And we're getting to the point where these beautiful albums LOOK like they're ranked low, but the favoritism is still very much high regardless. God, ATWTMV took ATW and added a whole MAGNITUTE of maturity and retrospect that really speaks to a personal experience that I've had. I am beyond grateful that we finally got it and younger me would be screaming in disbelief!! LOL. But yeah, this album is what I turn to for heartbreak at times (more so of messy, fast and quick kind of feelings), and Begin Again is very relegable as a spiritual palette cleanser. The red scarf is one of my other favorite merch items I own.
9 - Speak Now (TV)
Holy trinity: Castles Crumbling; Mean; Haunted
Honorable mentions: Foolish One; Back to December; Enchanted; Better Than Revenge (lol og lowkey); Ours (MH ruined this one for me temporarily); I Can See You
This album is another childhood reminder type of album because of how whimsical and fairytale-esque it is, but I'll admit that Fearless (TV) is a little closer to my heart. Castles Crumbling though???? OH. MY. GOD. That had my jaw to the ground and is def in the top 10. What a tragedy to add to SPEAK NOW of all albums, and what nightmarish foresight Taylor must've had to compose it way back when. Haunted also speaks to my soul but more in a familial kind of way, and Mean? Mean is the spiteful little child in me LOL.
10 - Taylor Swift
Holy Trinity: Should've Said No; Tied Together With a Smile; Cold As You
Honorable Mentions: The Outside; A Place in This World; Picture To Burn
I'm ngl! This album I'm probably much more disconnected with compared to others despite me being a big Swiftie. Most of this is because I wasn't fully a fan when this came out, and country music isn't really my kind of jam. I'm very curious about how the TV is going to be handled and I think it's going to grow on me a bit more. Nonetheless, the holy trinity is elite and Should've Said No/Bad Blood mashup during the rep tour changed me as a person. One day I shall yee the haw here.
This was a lot of fun to share (and I know you didn't fully ask for this but HERE YA GO LOL), TS is my kryptonite and my everything and I hope you enjoyed. :) <3
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sanstropfremir · 10 months
hey i think you said a couple of times that blitzers had theatre kid energy and i really love it (i discovered them through macarena a couple of weeks ago and have been obsessed with it since then) !! do you by any chance know any groups/soloists (regardless the generation or gender) who have some songs with this theatre kid vibes ?? i think we just need more goofy songs in our lives. all in all thank you for making me take an interest in blitzers and i hope you have a very nice day 🤍
MY AGENDA REVEALED!!!!!!!!! yes i DO have some recommendations for you!! firstly i MUST recommend my other stupid boys trendz, their actual performances aren't as goofy as blitzers but they are excellent performers and goofy as hell offstage in the dumbest ways you can imagine. my favourite thing is that they started doing 'c' versions of their mvs where they just. do stupid shit filmed on like, the manager's iphone. the c ver for my way actually just dropped a couple of days ago actually here i will link it so you can watch them be stupid:
obvs there's orange caramel but you likely already know about them. there tend to be less goofy releases from ggs in general but also the ones that do exist are kinda.......teehee i'm just a dumb girl and personally i do not like that. others: yena (her first two releases are fun and silly), dkb (laddest of lad energy. watch their peak time performances they're a very good intro into them (team 08:00)), a.c.e (it's always a.c.e promo hours, take me higher is THE summer song, also down), onewe (they're a band sshhh but they did a 2pm heartbeat DANCE cover for some reason and went so much harder than they needed to), onf (truly a group of losers (complimentary)), golden child (not always so goofy BUT they still do story mvs!), ghost9 (also on peak time, team 14:00), cravity (excellent roster of banger songs with stupid names: party rock, boogie woogie, groovy, and now dilly dally! also some really unhinged tiktoks of that's your thing). i mean there's also like. shinee and exo, but we all know about them. back in the olden days most groups were much more loser-ish (complimentary) bc they were actually composed of theatre kids, instead of all these wannabe influencers that debut now. we used to be a COUNTRY smh.
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rudegizmo · 2 months
I just looked at your Joseph MV and the 2? higurashi videos I know Jojo but not higurashi it made me want to learn it tho c: you did good, they're were very fun and entertaining to watch. But Joseph video was so good on the plot and lyrics it made me cried 😂 oh god "too soon" I say!
Thank you!! I poured a lot of my heart and soul into them all even though I think I could have poured more time into them, I'm proud still!! Higurashi has been one of my favourite anime for over a decade, if you have the time for it I recommend the visual novels!! Become completely obsessed and then continue on to Umineko!! Yes yes, I highly recommend if it's your thing!!
I almost wasn't going to make the Joseph AMV because of the meaning that the song has, but I thought Nah, I'm not being disrespectful and I'm creating something meaningful too. So I like to think that the artist wouldn't be upset about that mhmhm
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ladychlo · 2 years
I still can't believe louis decided to bless us with us the masterpiece that is FITF. It's truly an album with zero skips.
ZERO SKIPS. The greatest? The chorus is a hero anthem. WAOYF? pwp if it was a sound, the guitar riff do stuff to me I can't confess. Bigger than me? Gay. Lucky again? I'm riding through city lights at night then I'm on the roof of a building looking at starry sky, at satellite instalments from other building, someone is beside me, we're smoking. Face the music? Probably contain one of the best liners I've heard, but also the chorus sounds like a movie I desperately need. Chicago? Zouis. All this time? Im putting on a green sweater, I'm floating in space. OOMS? I'm punk so duh. Headline? She is dangerous, once you get to the chorus you're stuck forever, no escape you have to dance, very abbaesque, lyrics sad, sound? the cheers, my fav. Saturdays? Through my cigarette a shadow of you sticks me to the carpet???????? I lost people, that song stick a knife into my heart and twist it with pitifulness. Silver Tongues? First of all, the mv yes. Second of all, I was a teen who grew up screaming their voice off in stadiums, obsessed to fit with the mates with their air max's and casual wear of knocked off stone island & lacoste jackets and wracked adidas creps and smell of cheap ciggies and Hashish so yeah she gets me. SIBWAWC? That song is a trip not the literal one. Common people? nostalgia, the persistent wish to see someone is no longer in your life, the irresistible wish for places to feel the same as it was, burning yearn to relive something you know damn well its gone but it still haunt you, like your childhood home or a friend. Angels Fly? i know there is hope but sometimes I'm not always hopeful. Holding On To Heartache? He wrote a poem and sung it. That's the way love goes? Made me cry like mad, stunk me in the heart exactly how I wanna write a song did when I first heard it.
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suns-blood · 4 months
First impressions ratings of the new (and old) songs
Overcompensate- Still a really fucking good song. out of the singles it is by far my favourite
Next Semester- not really my usual taste, however this slaps extremely well. it is THE song made for live shows.
Backslide- aaaughh.. 10/10. a close, and like a REALLY close second
Midwest Indigo- i LOVE the instrumental, however the vocals sounded weird to me at first. i'm sure i'll get used to this though, i just can't comprehened new music at the moment. i have absolutely no idea what this song is about.
Routines in the night- the chorus sounds REALLY fucking cool. obsessed with the instrumentals as always- also it sounds very top? idk how to explain it but some parts of this song are very much twenty one pilots. like yes, tyler joseph and josh dun ARE definitely the authors of these songs. also the piano at the end. FUCK
Vignette- WHAT THE FUCK. WHAT. THE FUCK. HWUH??? okay first of all does not sound as top as ritn does. however- this goes so well???? what the fuck did they put in this song? heroin??? the weird ass synth riff?? i want this song tattooed on my brain
The craving- immediately not a fan of the whispering but that's my misophonia speaking not me. it sounds. different. than the single version, but maybe it's not? was the single also acoustic? nevertheless whenever they make an acoustic song a part of me dies /pos
Lavish- WHAT THE FUCK 2.0. HOW CAN THERE BE SO MANY TOP 1 SONGS IN A SINGLE ALBUM. THIS HAS NO RIGHT TO GO SO HARD. WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU, MR TWENTY ONE PILOTS. this will absolutely get stuck in my head and i am not opposed to that. the vibes are so weird in this one. insane. also how can a mood be androgynous
Navigating- not to sound like a broken record but wHAT thE fuCK. this might be like the ONE song i ACTUALLY relate to on a level DEEPER than the mariana trench. can't wait to lose my shit over this while it's blasting on max volume. aslo who let tyler sing that well? who is responsible for that? WAIT HOLD ON THAT WAS THE SONG THEY WERE PLAYING AT THE START OF THE NEXT SEMESTER MV
Snap back- okay now i'm DEF a broken record bc WTF but also how can they keep outdoing themselves on a single album? i'm def just high on emotions rn but it usually takes a few listens to get me THIS on board. like holy shit the range this man has i am going to throw up. THE MELODIES. THE BUILDUP.
Oldies station- the song is good, don't get me wrong, however right now not LOVING this as much as i am for example vignette or lavish. wait hold on the weird distortion and instrumentals during the bridge are kinda fire tho. hold on this might just win me over. and at the end also. but OH how i wish they would've used samples from rab songs (or maybe they did and i didn't notice)
At the risk of feeling dumb- this sounds. weird. just weird. or like. unique. or unusual. BIG FAN tho. like this is incredibly catchy and OH MY GOD THE BRIDGE AND VERSE 2. I AM GOING INSANE, okay yeah this is quickly climbing the leaderboard
Paladin strait- okay okay okay so this is. this is gonna be it. nothing can prepare me for this. oh my GOD THE HARMONIES IMMEDIATELY HAVE TAKEN ME OUT I FAILED: I PERISHED. also can you guess which part of the song is my favourite. yes it's the bridge, of course it's the bridge.
the ending. okay yeah what the fuck.
final thoughts: no screaming, no sad piano song, the ending was not the hds intro, 0/10
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visualtaehyun · 8 months
When you get this you have to answer with 5 of your fav songs and then tag your mutuals to do the same :) (no pressure <3)
Tagged by @chickenstrangers @twig-tea @thegalwhorants - thanks y'all ☺️ please never stop tagging me in music games, I love discovering and sharing music <3
I'm cheating here but a lot of my fav songs are OSTs so to not give myself a headache give the rest a fighting chance, I'm gonna choose 5 favs, excluding OSTs, and 5 only-OST favs!
ดาวหางฮัลเลย์ - fellow fellow
/daao haang Halley/
This song has not released me from its clutches since I first heard it during the musical portion of the ZeeNuNew concert last year. I love the lyrics and the vibes so so much. 🥹
ติดฝน - PiXXiE
/dtit fon/
I. LOVE. THESE. GIRLS! They're so talented! I legit struggled with which song of theirs to choose but I'm most obsessed with this one these days and, recently, I keep hearing people I follow sing it or play it as background music. Case in point: Keng Harit, Domundi gen 3, singing it on an IG live.
ฉันมันเป็นคนแบบนี้ - Boom Saharat
/chan man bpen khohn baaep nee/
The weirdest thing happened: I was listening to NuNew's cover of this song (listen- I'm aware I discover a lot of songs through him but he IS my favorite performer dsjshdhhs) and got real confused because I was able to sing along right away but cannot for the life of me recall how I knew this song already! I hadn't seen the MV, no one I follow seems to have covered it, and I didn't know the artist at all?? It remains a mystery to me but I've played it endlessly since then. New Thitipoom stars in the MV btw!
ต่อจากนี้เพลงรักทุกเพลงจะเป็นของเธอเท่านั้น - No One Else
/dtaaw jaak nee phleng rak thook phleng ja bpen khaawng ter thao nan/
I don't remember how I originally found it but it's one of those songs that routinely has me singing along. The title translates to 'From now on every love song will be yours'. I love the lyrics a lot!
Complicated - MATCHA
This is one of many songs and artists I discovered on that one afternoon-turned-evening-turned-night when I decided to start tracking down every song Amp Achariya has had a hand in (I then realized I was in over my head and that she'd worked on so. many. more. than I ever expected and that my spreadsheet skills weren't sufficient to catalog them lol). Needless to say, Matcha is incredibly talented and I've so far only scratched the surface of her discography.
Onto 5 of my fav OSTs!
ร้อยฤดูหนาว - Pond, Phuwin
/raawy reu duu naao/
I love the way this song builds with the instruments coming in one after another. I love their voices. I love the lyrics. This song was written by ณกมล ปุคคละนันท์ aka PEPPERY P who penned a lot of the My School President songs - อีกนิด (Come Closer), รักษา (Healing), พูดได้ไหม (Let Me Tell You), ก้อนหินกับดวงดาว (Rock&Star), and รักคู่ขนาน (Multi-Love). Yes, I am in fact sneakily rec'ing the MSP OST here too lol
คือเธอ - Zee, NuNew
/kheuu ter/
I could've chosen so many songs among the Cutie Pie OSTs but ended up deciding on this one because P'Pin truly wrote this song to highlight both their vocal talents and it shows. ✨️ He works a lot with Domundi artists (especially ZeeNuNew) and FreenBecky, writing songs and OSTs for them and arranging songs for them for concerts - his IG is full of song insights and singing snippets if you like any of these artists!
ภาพสุดท้าย - William Jakrapatr
/phaap sut thaai/
Do I even need to explain? It's an Amp Achariya song, the lyrics are beautiful, the meaning within the show is so !! and this LYKN boy right here kills it with his performance. 👏
แค่เธอ - Jeff Satur
/khaae ter/
I'm not a KP girlie and this song wasn't even on my radar when I watched the show. I kinda rediscovered it a few months later, most likely either by going through Jeff's discography or maybe through Joong Archen singing it on an IG live (I realize it must look like I sit and watch a shit ton of IG lives but the honest truth is that I don't even use IG, I just stumble upon clips on twt and YT a lot lol). And boy howdy did Jeff's writing strike a chord! Don't get me wrong, the English version is nice too and all but it doesn't come close to the Thai lyrics and how well they flow with the melody, Jeff really outdid himself there!
คู่คอง - Kong Huayrai
/khuu khaawng/
นาคี is not a drama I've seen and, yes, I again know this song through a NuNew cover lol but I really wanted to make sure to include a ลูกทุ่ง (Luk Thung) song because I love this genre. This song is extra special because the lyrics are in Isan, which is a Northeastern Thai dialect (though it's actually far closer to Lao than Central Thai). I routinely get this song stuck in my head.
/end of Thai music ramble
I'm sure I'm late to the party again so if you've been tagged already, please kindly ignore this or point me towards your post. ✨️ Tagging @raktae @sunshinechay @btwinlines @zimmbzon @airenyah @rocketturtle4 @telomeke and whoever sees this and wants in on the fun~
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yoon-dowoon · 7 months
thanks so much for the tag @cosmicdreamgrl <3
who is your favourite k-pop group?
if you can't tell from this blog already it's bts. I listen to many other groups and love others too but there's just something special about bangtan <3
which member sparked your interest first?
it was actually namjoon! @livelocks sent me the wildflower mv when I didn't listen to any k-pop and I was like "damn, that's a piece of art". I WAS RIGHT.
who was your first bias?
jimin (and then yoongi) and they still are oops lol
what makes them your current bias?
ok so if I had to rank them jimin would be my ult and yoongi right behind but I was just drawn to his kindness and just general brightness and gosh was I right cause if love was personified it would be park jimin (see his last weverse posts for proof). also, his love & passion for dancing, it literally shines through him and I just!!!! love him so much
who is your bias wrecker?
mr kim namjoooooooon. first member I noticed and bias wrecker to this day.
which members are you currently obsessing over that aren't your bias/bias wrecker?
definitely jin, COME BACK OUR MOON! 100 DAYS!!!
when did you first discover this group?
I'm a suuuuper baby army like I had heard of them for so long but my first official k-pop group was seventeen (still one of my faves). then in July 2023 I got dragged into bangtan and never looked back. so yes I haven't experienced the full 7 discharged and it HURTS.
have you ever been to one of their concerts?
for obvious reasons I have not but I swear to god I will sell all my organs to see them when they come back.
what are some of your favorite songs by the group?
OOF if I start LOL: paradise, intro: nevermind, zero o'clock, blue&grey, save me, ugh!, dionysus, butterfly, autumn leaves, 2! 3!, spring day, blood sweat & tears... I could keep going LOL
tagging the one and only who dragged me into it all my love @livelocks, also @cheesiebee, @hopeinthebox and whoever else wants to do it!!!
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