#and yes in that icon he is eating a spider leg-
crcta · 3 years
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S P I D E R.
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gentlemancrow · 3 years
jonmartin, pre-romance, #15/28??
I did manage to get BOTH of these in! So we have a combo of "You called me, remember?" and "It's too early for this". Much like the others, the MINUTE I read this prompt an idea popped into my head that I just HAD to go with! This is actually based off a real life incident I had with a friend (They know who they are...) but it fit both Jmart and the prompt PERFECTLY! The names have been changed to fictional characters to protect the innocent. (Hint I was the Martin in this situation) Anyway this was super fun and cute to write and I made myself all squishy a lot. HOPE YOU ENJOY! <3
There were precious few reasons why Martin’s mobile should be ringing at exactly 5:47 am on a Tuesday, and precisely none of them were good. Still, the anxiety inducing sound alerting him to something ominously, ambiguously amiss struggled to worm its way through a rather lovely dream of his acceptance speech after being awarded poet laureate. The poem he had prepared for the occasion was marrow-deep and hauntingly beautiful, or at least he remembered it that way until suddenly he was reciting the lyrics to Abba’s ‘Waterloo’ instead and sweating profusely as the audience began to murmur in disgust amongst themselves. Waterloo was indeed blaring, but from the ringtone of his phone, not from his lips, and his stomach performed a cold somersault with the force of the wave of anxiety that had begun in his dream and crested up to lap at the base of his barely functional brain. The few synapses he needed for basic motor function and reading comprehension crackled to life as he clumsily batted the buzzing device on his nightstand into his hand and squinted blearily at the name.
It was small. That was an immediate relief. If the care home had been calling about an incident with his mother, either her health or the staff’s as a result of her, it would have been the full moniker of ‘Sunrise Acres Care Home’ ticking across the caller ID. Yet small implied a name, a person, someone he had in his phone and not just a random spam call, and anxiety spiked again as Martin scrubbed at his eyes until ‘Jon’ appeared in white hot letters on the screen. Sleep dissolved from him in an instant and he sat bolt upright in a tangle of covers as he smashed the green answer icon with his thumb and threw the receiver to his ear.
“Hullo?! Jon? R’you okay? What’s happened?” he demanded, voice still slumbery thick and groggy.
“Martin!” Jon’s silky, prim voice, thinned out to a tin can vibrato over airwaves, answered, “Good, you’re awake. I need your help. Urgently.”
Martin was already out of bed by the time ‘need’ reached his ears, yanking on the first pair of jeans he spotted in the laundry heap on the floor and hopping on his free leg to the en suite with his phone pinched between his cheek and shoulder.
“I’m on it!” he assured him despite having no clue what ‘it’ was, exactly, “I’m coming to you as soon as I can. Where are you? Are you hurt? Should I bring a first aid kit? I don’t think I have a first aid kit… should I buy a first aid kit? There’s a Boots just down the block from my flat, I could-“
“Martin, stop! What the hell are you on about?” Jon’s annoyed tone cut through his panic like a scalpel.
Martin stopped in the doorframe of the bathroom, brows knitted, jeans puddling around the one leg he’d managed to get through and left once again in naught but his boxers as he gripped his phone back into his hand.
“Huh? What are you on about? You said you needed help!” he snapped.
“I do! But not like… not like THAT. What kind of mortal peril do you imagine I would find myself in at a quarter to six in the morning?”
The initial surge of adrenaline fizzling out uselessly in his veins the more Jon talked, Martin sagged against the doorway and pinched his temples as he strained his words through a colander of civility.
“I don’t know, Jon. You called me, remember?”
“Right, right…”
A terse, lowly hissing silence of dead satellite replaced Jon’s voice, twisting Martin’s nerves as acrobatically as he twisted to avoid the point. He kicked off his jeans and stalked grouchily back to bed where he threw himself face down and unmoving.
“So, what is it then? Wi-Fi gone tits up? Forgot how long to steep Darjeeling?” he hissed into his rumpled duvet, a little nastier than he would have liked given the deadly combination of interrupted slumber and primordial biological survival instinct.
“I uh…” Jon’s voice deflated over the speaker, “I have a… problem.”
“Yes, we’ve so very, very clearly established that. What kind of a problem, exactly…?”
“A problem of an upsettingly… Arachnid nature.”
“A spider…?”
Martin propped himself up on one elbow, eyes narrowed with genuine and curious concern.
“Wait like a… like a spooky spooky spider? Or just an ordinary kind of spooky spider?” he inquired with as much levity as he could muster, given one of the likely options.
“Stop saying spooky. And the ordinary kind. I think. No, I’m sure of it. It’s merely the sitting on my kitchen wall like it owns the place and staring at me rudely with all eight eyes, judging me for skipping breakfast again, kind,” Jon answered with clinical pointedness.
“O… kay…?” Martin drawled, suppressing a giggle, “So, what’s the problem then?”
“What do I do?”
Martin opened his mouth to answer, but closed it again as he doubted that he had actually heard Jonathan Sims, the irascible, pompous, only capable of truly looking at him down his nose Head Archivist Jonathan Sims, ask him, a lowly assistant, what to do. With a spider. It would have been almost adorable, had he not scared the life out of him initially, but even that knocked it only down a single peg to helplessly charming.
“I-I mean, the normal thing one does when encountering a spider in one’s home? You kind of only have the usual two options? Er well, three, if you count just leaving it be, but I doubt you’re amenable to that one.”
“No, absolutely not, out of the question,” Jon declared swiftly.
“Didn’t think so,” Martin chuckled, rolling onto his back and sagging in relief into the mattress.
“So?” came the impatient invitation to continue.
“So what?”
“So, then what do I do?” Jon repeated brusquely.
“Well, you either kill it or let it go, of course! What else is there to do? Invite it to brunch?”
“I know that! I’m not an idiot!” Jon erupted furiously, “Good lord, Martin! Do you really think I would have called you because I didn’t know the only two options for dealing with an eight-legged criminal invading my home were kill it or let it go? Really?! Did you suppose this was the very first spider I ever encountered in my life? Is that what you thought? Or perhaps I had my own personal valet to attend to all of my insectoid tribulations, hmm? Just call the bug butler, he’ll attend to it straightaway! Do you ever stop to think before you open your mouth? Or do you customarily just air out whatever inane notions blow through your ears, no matter how puerile? Christ!”
Martin let the phone drop onto the bed beside him, away from the verbal darts hurled directly into his eardrum and taxing the output matrix of the speaker, as Jon launched into an affronted, mortified tirade, smirking and shaking his head.
“It’s too early for this…” he mused to himself ruefully, rubbing both hands over his face and eyes.
Once the phone stopped humming and glowing white hot with remote rage, Martin scooped it back up and yawned into the receiver.
“You alright there, Jon?” he asked in a gentle tone.
A ragged sigh crackled into a blip of feedback from lips too close on the other end of the phone.
“…Not really?” came Jon’s tremulous reply, “Listen, I’m sorry I went off on you. That was unfair of me. I-I just… I really… really hate spiders.”
Something squeezed in Martin’s chest, something about the confident bass flayed neatly out of Jon’s usually assertively solid mannerisms, leaving it abnormally thin and rickety. He sat up on the bed, cradling the phone much more gently to his cheek.
“Hey hey, it’s okay,” he assured him, “If anybody sympathizes about being afraid, you definitely called the right person. Need me to stay on the line with you while you whack it? A good heavy book will probably do the trick, or if you need speed and agility a rolled-up newspaper or a magazine might be better?”
“No! I wasn’t calling because I needed advice on how to murder the damn thing! I’m quite capable of doing that on my own. Frankly, I’ve taken rather a vested interest in honing my spider termination methodology over the years. I called you because… well you were going on about how you thought they were…” Jon trailed off in a series of garbled sounds of disgust, “Cute… of all things.”
Martin grinned and had to put the phone on his bare chest a moment, as if Jon might somehow perceive his giddy glee through the receiver.
“To be fair I’m a little odd that way. Most people feel much the same as you do about them,” he commented as he picked it back up.
“True, but that’s not even the whole of it!” Jon went on exasperatedly, “I also overheard you talking… must have been to Tim or Sasha but… you were explaining about how helpful they are to the ecosystem and what a vital role they play in that natural order of things, and how we always see images of them eating butterflies and beautiful things that make them look sinister, but how really they mostly control pests and the like… how you thought they got kind of a bad rap?”
“Wow I uh… I can’t believe you remembered all that,” Martin muttered, freckled cheeks dusting a light pink, “But what does that have to do with your unwanted houseguest in particular?”
“It was the last part, mainly. That’s what got me. The part about fear. That they’re afraid, too… You said there had been studies that showed a clear fear response in spiders… to us. They’re afraid of us, demonstrably more so than we are of them…”
One word of all of those slipped between Martin’s ribs and into his heart. Too. They were afraid, too. His thumb stroked and consoled the edge of his phone unconsciously as Jon blustered on, unbothered by his own unconscious admission.
“And now I can’t do it! Now I have to set this bloody spider free because you think it’s cute and want to make friends with it, and I can’t make it an innocent victim of my fear and I have no idea how!”
Martin couldn’t help but smile, imagining how Jon must be in his flat on the other end, scrunched in a corner all hunched up shoulders and furrowed brow with hackles bristling, squaring off with a creature who was possessed of no knowledge of the fear she symbolized, or the grace to understand the iconographical divorce to her salvation. Only Jon, quivering and still bed-rumpled and frazzled, could understand the magnitude of cupping that fear in the palm of his hand while reaching out to him with the other. And now Martin understood it, too.
“Hey alright, I’ve got you. Steady on Jon, we’re gonna get through this together. I’ll talk you through the steps, you just follow what I say, okay?” he instructed in his best 999 operator performance.
A beat of silence ensued, followed by a much more robust and emboldened, “Okay.”
“So, what you want to do first is get a glass.”
“A glass?”
“Yeah, like a water glass. And a stiff piece of paper or cardboard or something. If you’ve got a bit of post lying about, flyers and coupons and the like, those usually work well.”
There was a period of distant shuffling, clattering, and indecipherable muttering as Jon gathered his weapons, then sucked in an audible breath through his teeth.
“Alright I’ve got them, now what?” he asked, sounding a bit winded.
“Now you very carefully put the glass over the spider, then slide the paper under the glass so you trap it inside. Then you can take it out without touching it or worrying about it scuttling off on you and set it free wherever you think it’ll be happy!” Martin answered sweetly.
“Okay, okay. I think I can do that,” Jon chanted for steadiness, “I’m putting the phone down so I don’t louse it up, but d-don’t hang up, stay on with me, okay?”
“I’m not going anywhere, Jon. I promise. You’re okay.”
“O-Okay… Okay… Okay…!”
Martin listened as Jon’s voice grew distant, but somehow stronger, more like a war cry, with the soft pad of socked feet on tile, then a short stretch of silence, and then a chorus of oaths and yelping, rising to the crescendo of a door being messily flung open, shut, then opened and shut again. A drumbeat of returning feet rolled mutely close and melded into the scratchy rustle of the phone being picked back up.
“I’m back,” Jon announced.
“Is it done?”
“The deed is done… your little friend is enjoying some lovely pink dahlias out front as we speak.”
“I’m pleased for her! And… for you, too,” Martin said, voice melting into lilting tenderness, “I’m honestly really proud of you, I know that wasn’t easy for you.”
“I… Ah… No, it wasn’t. Thank you, Martin,” came the sheepishly measured rejoinder.
“You’re very welcome.”
Martin smiled privately to himself, and ran a loving thumb down the edge of his phone once more.
“So then may I rightly assume I have permission to come in an hour or so late today so I can go back to sleep?” he continued, already knowing the answer as he flopped back down on his pillows and rolled up into the covers.
He was relieved to hear a husky chuckle rumble through the phone.
“Yes, yes. I think you’ve more than earned it.”
“Brilliant, see you in a bit then? And for lunch?” he added hopefully.
The brief silence as Jon calculated his response hung thick and palpable in the digital airwaves.
“Lunch sounds good,” he replied at length, “See you then.”
“G-Great! Great! See you!”
Their phones clicked mutually off without the awkward jumble of sign-offs, pleasantries, and accidentally stumbling over each other’s words. Martin thought glimmeringly of the spider hunting free in plush pink petals, none the wiser, and of Jon, with new and irrefutable proof that not everything ugly or quietly cunning in the world lurked behind to cast its shadow over him. A spider could be just a spider, and Martin back asleep with both hands still clutching his phone to his chest, dreaming of singing Waterloo again, but this time to a rapt audience and thunderous applause.
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khaleesiofalicante · 2 years
"You are always haunted by the idea you're wasting your life" Chuck Palahniuk
The curses I let out in 4 different languages may give you an idea of how much I want to murder Zara Dearbitch!!! Lets get into this:
What are the meds for??? Please, I just want answers😭😭
Fuck Asmodeus and Shinyun😒
“Everyone should be scared of spiders! They have eight legs for fuck’s sake!” I relate to Alec bc I'm also, fucking scared of spiders!!!! AND WE ALL SHOULD!!
Istg there are no words to express how much I want to punch Zara!!!
"Because safe sex is important,” I like her 💙
“Homosexuality is an ugly sin, Alec!” she yells after them. “So is your face!” Alec yells back. SAZZY ALEC IT THE BEST😎
Because unfortunately, the world has more Zaras than Alexanders. The world is a bitch sometimes tbh...
People who know what a mango looks like + Jace THIS TITLE OMG😂😂
Simon being the only one who knows how to BBQ is so canon!!!
Young Mavid have my heart😭I miss them!!
Fucking Zara indeed
Max is obviously her favorite one😂
“Let them look,” Alec shrugs. “That’s all they can do anyway.” THATS GROWTH
My Rafael 🥺🥺🥺
Catarina is the best honestly 💙✨
I want to protect this man with my soul!!!
Wow. I need to know did he get that statement from Asmodeus
I wouldn’t mind sinning if I can get rid of Zara that way 🔪🙂
Fuck Valentine, Shinyun and Asmodeus!!!
I would pay to be in that pride party😍😍
THE tarantula scene omg jdhsijslausk
I also love Max with my heart, but I wouldn’t cuddle with that thing if my life was depending on it. RIP to you Alec, but I'm different :)
"Because justice didn’t have prime delivery like Amazon did." Unfortuately😔
I draw the line at Mavid, Zara!!! THATS WHERE I DRAW THE FUCKING LINE!! AHHH. I was trying not to scream here bc my parents were sleeping right beside me and it was so hard kdjdjdj
Now I'm curious bc in Part 2 Jace wasnt "In NYC" but now Zara said he returned?? When? How? Why? MORE QUESTIONS 😭
“You spat on her face outside the supreme court,” he deserves and award for this tbh
Max changing the hashtag to #aleclightwoodissexy is a mood 😎
Magnus calling her out was the most satisfying thing ever. It cured my anxiety, cleared my skin, gave me peace-
Alec being like: He is hot. And angry. Guess I'll be turned on by this 😔
Of course it was Shinyun😒
Yesss babes, you raised two beautiful boys🥺🥺
Max, even with all his anger and recklessness, only hurts himself. MOOD. honestly tho, are you ok, bro??
Max is neither a predator nor an idiot. @zaradearbornofficial Kindly fuck off. HIM>>>>>
THE RINGS!!! MAGNUS RINGS!! Now I WANT them too. One day I'm gonna buy them and its going to be the best and most bisexual thing ever 😎
@zardearbornofficial if you want to call someone out I suggest you call out what Valentine is doing to trans kids in Texas. #whereisjusticeindeed HE IS A LEGEND, HE IS AN ICON, HE IS THE MOMENT💙💙💙
Conclusion of this chapter: Zara, not kindly at all, fuck off!!
Now i have to go bc today will be a hella busy day😂 Byeeee. Remember to eat healthy💚
That quote is 🥺🥺🥺
I hope your day goes well, love.
Here is Max in the last chapter 😎
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etoileholland · 4 years
Love showed up at my door
Based on the iconic Jonas Brothers song
Pairing: Tom Holland x female reader
Warnings: none, but it’s cheesy ;)
Word count: 1.3k
Summary: Tom and Harrison fell in love with the pizza girl, and now they’ve been eating a lot of pizza
A/N: Yes I have uploaded this about six times because the tags are not working and I am sorry. 
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It started one unsuspecting Thursday in New York, when Marvel was filming a scene from Spider-Man 3 off of 86th and 2nd Avenue in Manhattan. Tom was busy filming, and half a day and a lot of filming later, he and Harrison trudged to their trailer before collapsing on the couch.
“I swear man, I’ve never been more exhausted and famished in my life.” Harrison remarked as he slightly turned his head to see Tom sprawled out. “You know what sounds really good? Pizza. I could go for some pizza right about now.”
“Good idea. Hey, let’s order pizza from Vinnie’s down the way. It’s suspiciously cheap but super good and quick.” Tom suggested as he flipped himself over onto his back.
“Is that how you would be described if you were a male escort?” Harrison smirked and was met with a pillow being thrown at his face.
“Shut up and order the damn pizza.” Tom groaned as Harrison ordered online.
“Okay it’ll be here in about 10, so we just need to hold out until then.” He stated while Tom nodded his head.
“Wake me up when it gets here.” He added and Harrison agreed to do so.
About eleven minutes later there was a knock at the door, and Harrison mustered up the last bit of energy he had to walk to the door. He opened it up to see you, and his jaw dropped.
“Oh hello.” He ran his fingers through his hair, while lightly clearing his throat.
“Hello to you too. You ordered two large pizzas, one pepperoni with extra cheese and the other Hawaiian, correct?” You asked, while he began to nod his head profusely.
“Cool, it’ll be $11.56 please.” You stated as you handed him the pizzas, but he stood there frozen.
“Oh I, um, don’t have any money on me. Hold on a second.” He closed the door slightly and ran over to Tom before pushing him off the couch.
“What the hell-”
“Shut up, the pizza delivery girl is super pretty and I don’t have any American cash so give me a twenty.” He begged and Tom jumped up to open the door to see what you looked like.
You were standing there looking like an angel, and your hair was in a ponytail with little tendrils of hair framing your face. He began to choke on air as he saw you smile, and he knew that he would be ordering from Vinnie’s more frequently.
“Hello, um hi. I have twenty pounds, erm dollars for the pizzas.” He said and you smiled.
“That’s good, otherwise I would have to eat these pizzas by myself.” You laughed as Tom guffawed.
“Wow you are funny, and extremely beautiful.” He gasped, holding his hand over his mouth.
“Thank you, here’s the change and enjoy the pizzas.” You waved, making your way down the steps of the trailer.
He closed the door and leaned against it, before letting out a sigh. “God must be real, because she is clearly an angel among us mortals.” He said longingly and Harrison laughed.
“Did you see the way her eyes flickered under the trailer’s fluorescent lights? She’s gorgeous.” He added and took a large bite of a slice of pizza.
“I never thought I would say this but I think Vinnie’s may just be the best pizza, to like, ever exist.” Tom said as he grabbed a slice of pizza and folded it in half, before taking a large bite.
“Wanna have pizza tomorrow night?” Harrison asked with a grin and Tom agreed.
“Oh well be having it every night.”
“You know Holland, your suit is getting to be a tad bit too tight, and is that a pot belly I see?” His personal trainer Matt inquired. Everyone had noticed how sluggish and out of breath Tom had been recently, and it definitely didn’t go unnoticed by Matt.
“Maybe, I’ve been eating a lot of pizza recently.” He added as he patted his stomach and let out a burp. “Oh god I feel sick.”
“Yeah you don’t look good, why are you constantly getting pizza then? You know you’re supposed to be on a strict diet.”
“I-” burp “know. It’s just that the pizza delivery girl from Vinnie’s pizza is so gorgeous so Haz and I have been ordering from there every night to see her for a few minutes.”
“Suddenly that makes sense. Okay well do you even know her name?”
“It’s Y/N and gosh she looks like an angel. She smells like vanilla mixed with pizza which sounds utterly disgusting but she’s beautiful so it’s okay.” He rambled as he took a seat on the bench press. “Do you mind if I sleep here for like an hour because whew am I already out of energy.” Tom wiped his hand across his forehead and Matt laughed.
“We haven’t even done anything, you just walked in here a few minutes ago.”
“And that was too much physical energy for today.” He held up his pointer finger and Matt rolled his eyes.
“Whatever, just no more pizza for like the next year, you got it?” Matt crossed his arms in front of his chest and Tom did a thumbs up.
“You got it dude.” He replied as he curled up in a ball on the bench press.
“You know Tom, I’m starting to worry about your health. You now have acne, and your face is red and puffy. Also do you have a pot belly now?” You remarked as you stood in the doorway of the trailer.
“Maybe. But it’s okay, I’ll burn it off eventually.” He patted his stomach and let out a groan. Harrison was sprawled out on the couch and you could see that he was wearing sweatpants that accentuated his newly acquired love handles.
“Right, well for the safety of you both, I’m not going to give you the pizza.” You shifted your weight to your right leg as you continued to hold onto the boxes. “Actually, why have you been ordering pizza every night for the past two weeks?”
“Because we wanted to see you.” Harrison replied, but it was muffled due to the fact that his face was buried in the couch.
“Really? That is the sweetest thing I’ve ever heard.” You put your hand on your heart and gave a little pout, which only made Tom melt. “But you know that this isn’t the best quality pizza, and you may need a coronary bypass surgery after this.”
“I know, but we wanted to see you, even if it meant putting our health on the line.” Tom rubbed the nape of his neck and you smiled.
“I care about you both, so if you want, you can call me, but not for pizza. Just in general.” You set the boxes of pizza down and pulled out a business card from your pocket. You then grabbed a pen from the end table and wrote your number on the back of it. You handed Tom the card as he looked down at it like he won the golden ticket.
“Thank you. Hey would you, um, want to go on a date with me?” Tom hesitantly asked and you only smiled.
“Oh honey you’re adorable, but I’m already in a relationship. However, I would love to be your friend.” You stated while Tom looked down and nodded. “And besides, I only took the job to help pay for school but I’m graduating. I’m moving out of New York next month anyway.”
“That’s fair, thank you for everything, and good luck with your post graduation life.” He added and you smiled.
“Thank you, I would love to hang out with you guys soon, but now I’m going to take this pizza back. Trust me, you’ll thank me later.” You took a few steps closer to the door and stopped. “Try eating a salad for a change.” You reached for the door handle and waved, and Tom waved back.
“Will do, bye.” Tom closed the door behind you and let out a sigh. He turned to look at Harrison, who was halfway off the couch.
“It wasn’t worth it mate, was it?” Tom asked and Harrison groaned. “It might sound cheesy, but I wanted her to stay.” He replied, his voice still muffled.
“Me too mate, me too.” He walked over to Harrison and patted him lightly on the shoulder. “Let’s order from that vegan place from down the street.”
Additional A/N: as always, requests and prompts are open! And let me know if you want to be added to the taglist 💛
Mes anges (taglist): @scarletxwidow @starkissedholland @fangirlwithasweettooth @lmaotshollandd @musicalkeys
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luvknow · 5 years
entangled | kim seungmin
genre: spider-man!seungmin x radio dj!reader feat. 3racha & kim woojin | spider-man au ; radio dj au ; college au ; friends-to-lovers  summary: you hate spiders and you hate man and the gods above blessed you with spider-man. wc: 17.3k
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It was 10:00 pm on a Wednesday - just after your weekly broadcast of the college town’s beloved radio show, Moonlight Radio. You’re backed up in the corner farthest from the door and it seems there’s no way for you to escape your current situation. With your hands shaking, goosebumps crawling over every inch of your skin, and having absolutely no weapon to save yourself, you thought about how your plants were going to die now that you were one hundred percent certain that you, too, were going to perish.
“Hey, ready to go -?” Seungmin entered the studio, raising a curious brow at your jittery form on the opposite side of the room. As his co-host and close friend, of course he knows you quite well and he knew you were a bit, um, unique but this was beyond his scope of knowledge filed under your name in his mental filing cabinet.
“What the heck are you doing?” he asked.
“S-Spider,” you stuttered, shakily pointing in a direction that lead him to nowhere.
“Another one? That’s like the fifth one this week. Where?”
“N-Near this mic stand.”
“Really? They keep getting closer to you... Maybe they like you ~”
Your glossy eyes glared at the playful brunette. “I hope it bites you when you kill it.”
“Well, I’m not going to kill it, so either way you lose.”
“You’re such a spider sympathizer.”
“Hey, spiders play a vital role in our ecosystem! They’re excellent at regulating insect populations. Would you rather have an overpopulation of mosquitoes and other bugs that can fly and easily jump on your face?”
“Ok then, let me do my good deed for the day and set this little guy free.”
Seungmin took one of your script papers that sat next to the eight-legged demon and scooped it up without a problem. It was moments like these when you thought he was the bravest boy you’ve ever met and you hated how often those moments came because one day, without thinking, you’d slip up and say it out loud. He cracked one of the windows open and gently shook the spider free from the paper.
“Can spiders survive a ten-story drop like that?” you asked once the waves of relief calmed your body, mind, and soul.
“I’ve seen a few that have,” he answered simply. “Now are you ready to go? I’m starving.”
“Yeah, let me get my stuff. Where are we going?”
“Where do you think?”
“Five-star restaurant where the bathrooms have those people that hand you a towel after washing your hands and you should tip them out of courtesy.”
“How about a five-piece fried chicken meal with a grumpy Woojin who demands a 25 percent tip?”
“Not quite as luxurious, but seeing Woojin makes up for that. Lead the way, my trusty steed!”
“I should be the knight riding the steed after saving you from spiders all the time, not the steed itself!”
“Same difference.”
Wednesdays followed a very strict schedule: your morning routine, classes until late afternoon, studying and a snack, meet up with Seungmin to go over the script and listen to what music he and the boys picked out, run through the show, and finally end the night with a super late dinner at the chicken place Woojin worked at. Sometimes you and Seungmin would spice it up and eat somewhere with vegetables, but that was only when consecutive Wednesdays at Woojin’s Work made you both feel gross. Even though you were in the last stretch of college and your courses were piling on the difficulty and workload, the weeks were bearable when it was spent in the studio with Seungmin and the town listening in for a couple of hours.
The idea of co-hosting a radio show together sounded ridiculous when him, Chan, Changbin, and Jisung first proposed it to you. The show was already super successful without you, so what was the point? What would three up-and-coming producers and Seungmin with his superstar personality want with someone like you? You had no idea how to work a Launchpad or whatever applications they used to make music. Hyunjin was already in charge of the social media aspect and Jeongin took care of the website and design stuff. Their team was pretty much complete and ready to go on-air - really, you’d just be taking up space.
“Don’t think of it like that,” Seungmin reassured that night. “You’d be like a co-host!”
“Wouldn’t you three be the co-hosts?” you asked the oh-so internet famous 3RACHA.
“I’d love to, but I already have a ton on my plate,” Chan sighed. “It’d be too much for me to handle.”
“I don’t like doing that corny radio talk,” Changbin wrinkled his nose.
“I just didn’t wanna do it,” Jisung admitted shamelessly.
“Ah, so I’m your last resort?” you teased.
“Yes, but you’re our first last resort ~”
“Well, when you say it that way… What exactly does being a co-host entail?”
Seungmin pulled up the radio show’s website on his laptop that had an unthinkable number in bright red located near the envelope icon. “All the questions in the inbox on our website are overflowing and it’s getting harder for me to answer all of it. It’s hard for me to answer them when we’re on-air, too. And these three aren’t exactly the best when it comes to the more relationship-centric asks… You were the only one I could think of that I could trust handling and answering these properly.”
“Wow, really?”
“Of course! I’d come to you for advice all the time in high school, remember?”
Yes, you remembered Seungmin would come to you now and again ask for advice on college, or dating, or even what he should have for dinner, but you never thought much of it until now. To have him ask you to handle such a heavy role on a radio show all because he treasured those late-night phone calls with you made your heart do that weird fluttery thing you didn’t dare try to decipher.
Curse Seungmin and his weird poetic way with words… Who allowed him to read fiction after high school?
“Is that the reason why you asked me?” Clearly, your cheeks were blushing only because the sun was shining brightly on the Quad and not because you were flattered he asked you first.
“I truly can’t think of another person who would be more capable of this job than you,” he told you sincerely.
“So will you join our shit show?” Changbin begged with his big, puppy eyes. Now how could you refuse after that?
“Fine, but the second I get hate mail, I’m tapping out.”
“Deal. We’ll make sure that doesn’t happen.”
Surprisingly, it didn’t happen, at least not in the past six months since you’ve joined the show. The audience welcomed you with open arms the second they heard you answer their questions with such honesty and care. There were some questions that you’d struggle with, like very boy-specific questions that only a dude could answer, so Seungmin took care of those. But together, you and Seungmin were an unstoppable duo with great chemistry and everyone could hear it in the way you’d giggle at his lame jokes or the way he’d ‘wow ~’ at one of your more profound answers.
The only questions you both struggled answering were ones that delved into either of your love lives. You both would get tripped up just a little bit when asked if either of you were seeing someone or were interested in someone, but the questions that had you both stuttering like the air was below freezing to the point that no coherent sentences were being formed?
“Are you two dating?”
“Have you two ever thought about it before?”
“You guys fit the friends-to-lovers trope so perfectly!”
“N-No, that’s not how it is at all…!” you argued to the callers after the millionth time. No matter how many times you’d get asked this, you don’t think you’ll ever overcome the embarrassment. “We’re just really good friends!”
“I don’t know, _____, maybe we should face the inevitable,” a flirty Seungmin winked.
“Seungmin!” you hissed while a giggling 3RACHA fell out of their chairs. Well, he clearly got over the embarrassment...
Almost every show, the chatroom and inbox had sprinkles of comments about how cute you two would be if you ever got together. Because you see those same sentences nearly every single time you opened up the inbox, the thought of it was hard to ignore and push to the back of your mind.
What would it be like if you two actually dated?
“Yo, _____ ~” Seungmin sang across from you  at the table.
“Spider got ya that spooked?”
“Nah, I’m ok now. Thanks to my hero.”
“That’s right, I am your hero,” he boasted proudly. “But really, is there something on your mind? You seem a bit spacey-er than usual.”
“It’s nothing bad. I was just reminiscing about my up-and-coming on the show for some reason.”
“Well, if it makes you feel any better, you’ve improved a lot since then.”
“You think so? I feel like I haven’t done much… Like I haven’t made an impact yet.”
“You’re crazy! The show wouldn’t be where it is now without you. You know, Minho did the math for fun last week -”
“... and calculated how much more often people are sending stuff in since the day you joined, and he said it’s increased by like 100 percent since then!”
“That’s just double, isn’t it…?”
“Yeah, but a bigger number sounds better, so that’s what we tell the department heads when they ask. So don’t think you haven’t left an impact on this show - it wouldn’t be the same without you.”
Really, when was he so poetic!? It was a dangerous trait. “Thanks, Seungmin. I wouldn’t be as confident if you weren’t my co-host.”
“I’m sure you would have done just fine if it were Changbin or anyone else.”
“Maybe so, but it wouldn’t be as fun or memorable.”
“Stop being so soft and order your chicken.” He was terrible at faking being grumpy because his cheeky smile shined brightly anyways.
“Hey, moochers,” a tired Woojin greeted before falling in the seat next to Seungmin. “The usual?”
“You know it.”
“Ok, let me just sit here for a couple minutes.”
“Go do your job!”
“Hey, while you guys get to sit on nice comfy chairs in the studio for a couple of hours, I have to stand for six while waiting on people!’
“It’s not even that busy today!” Seungmin was right - you two and another couple were the only ones in the restaurant at the moment.
“It was busy earlier, ok.”
“Earlier today around 5:00 pm, during the city’s busiest hours, Spider-Man has yet again saved a citizen from tragedy -”
“Ugh,” you shuddered in disgust at the sight of the famous vigilante popping up on the screen.
Seungmin tried not to look too offended. He’s known your incessant fear of spiders for how long now? And he’s been Spider-Man for what, a hot minute? And he had no idea you felt this strongly about him? He’s not that surprised, but at the same time he is because it’s not like Spider-Man was a real spider… His suit didn’t even really resemble one! Maybe it was the big, buggy eyes that haunted you. He’d have to consult with Woojin about that later.
“You don’t like Spider-Man…?” he dared to ask.
“Not really. He has spider in his name, for Christ’s sake. Doesn’t he know how common arachnophobia is? How is he supposed to save the town when a hefty chunk of citizens are probably scared of him!?”
“But he doesn’t even look like a spider?”
“He doesn’t need to when he has a huge black one on his chest.”
He’ll consult Woojin about that, too. “So if you were in danger - like, backed up against an alley with a gun pointed at your head, or something - and Spider-Man swooped down, scooped you up, and jumped far away from the gunman using his web, you’d be more scared of Spider-Man than the bad guy?”
“Of course! I hate heights, too, remember? A man dressed like a spider capturing me in their arms and swinging from skyscraper-to-skyscraper is literally my biggest fear.”
If that was really how you felt about Spider-Man, then Seungmin prayed you would stay out of trouble. He couldn’t even imagine how loud you’d scream if he ever saved you from a situation you got yourself stuck in, not to mention how hard it would be to not tease you about it face-to-face. But knowing you and knowing his terrible luck, one of these days he was going to have to save you from God-knows-what. The only possible situation he could think of was you getting stuck high up on the fire escape, or something stupid like that.
Up on the television, the city’s hero was recorded swinging down using his web thingies like some man spider hybrid pendulum kicking one of the several armed robbers right in the chin. With the second robber, he used his weird webby thing again, but this time used one hand to aim it at his gun and yanked it away from him while using the other hand to trap him between the webs and concrete floor. The other robbers tried to run away, but not before Man-Spider-Dude flung himself forward like some alternate universe Tarzan and used his webbing to cuff their limbs together.
“See, that was kind of cool, wasn’t it?” Seungmin asked, hoping the reporters recorded him cool enough for you to change your mind.
“Eh. Kind of showy, if you ask me.”
Just as you said that, you had to suffer through witnessing Spider-Man finger-gun at the phone camera and salute the citizens of the town before swinging deep into the concrete jungle once more. Was that necessary? Sheesh, what a dramatic exit.
Your co-host watched you roll your eyes at his showboating and turn your attention back on the totally normal boys. Beside him, a snickering Woojin teasingly nudged him with his elbow. He wasn’t that cringey, was he!?
“Well, he saved some innocent people and a lot of money, at least,” Seungmin frowned, so desperately trying to redeem himself.
“That’s really the only upside to superhero-wannabe vigilantes. Otherwise, they’re totally cocky. They’re like a bunch of frat bros.”
Woojin audibly laughed at that one and that’s when Seungmin knew there was no hope in trying to persuade you… But Kims never backed down! That’s what made him and Woojin so unstoppable!
So it couldn’t hurt to try anyways, right?
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On a warm and early Sunday evening, when the night was still young, the sun fell between golden hour and dusk. This was when walking home was a pain in the ass because the rays would hit building windows at all the right angles and attempt to burn your retinas. Even so, you couldn’t be mad in the least, because the paper bag filled with crispy french fries cradled in your arms was going to be inhaled in just a couple of blocks once you reached home.
It was beautiful nights like tonight where you felt a little lonely. Yes, living and being alone was calming after a stressful week at school and your social meter was at an all time low, but sometimes you just wanted to share a night in with someone special. You first tried to hang out with Seungmin to avoid the pressure of actually finding a significant other, but when he told you that his internship scheduled him at ungodly hours, including Sundays, you now had to find someone to take his place if you ever wanted to.
Kim Seungmin… your co-host, confidant, and the only boy you wanted to spend your Sundays with. What did that say about you? Were you desperate? Missing him? A typical friends-to-lovers trope, as your audience had put it? You’d worry about that later.
The sun wasn’t so blinding anymore when a shadowed figure blocked the light. Before you could make sense of who or what the figure was, you were promptly knocked down by said thing onto the very hard, very cold sidewalk.
Ginormous, white bug eyes with no pupils stared deep into your frightened soul. Spider-Man, dressed in all his spandex glory, scuffed up and a little disheveled, hovered over your heavily breathing form. From behind the mask, Seungmin froze when he realized that yes, this was definitely you he had knocked down and he couldn’t tell if you were terrified, surprised, furious, or all of the above. He felt so bad that he almost gave you a heart attack, but he had to admit you looked kind of cute looking at him with your big, curious eyes like you wanted to swat him off of you with an over-sized fly swatter. He had to hold back wanting to brush your hair that stuck to your face.
What a coincidence for him to have run into you, huh? It must have been fate, or just really bad karma on your end.
“Hi,” Spider-Man greeted you casually, his face hovering very close to your own. “I didn’t hurt you, did I?”
“Good. Hurting citizens is kind of against my mission.”
“He went this way!” you both heard off in the distance.
Spider-Man groaned loudly before hopping off of you and extending a hand to help you up. Before you could verbally reject, your body was already moving before you knew it and you took his hand graciously.
He leaned in closely and you hoped his spidey sense couldn’t detect the goosebumps erupting all over your skin.
“If those journalists ask, you didn’t see me,” You could only nod silently. “Thanks. I owe you one.”
In a blink of an eye, the town’s hero shot his web to some random building and flew away, but not before giving you a little salute. The last two minutes didn’t seem real - had you really just met Spider-Man? Well, more like did Spider-Man really just knock you flat on your ass? You were standing in your spot not moving a single muscle as the entire block took pictures and videos of your wide-eyed face staring blankly at where the hero you feared most once stood. A swarm of journalists turned the corner and following the audience’s attention, going straight to you.
“Did Spider-Man fly through here?” one of them asked frantically.
Mindlessly, without blinking, you pointed in the opposite direction he flew to and that’s when you watched the parasitic flock search for the town’s hero.
From up above on a rooftop of a corporate building not too far away, Seungmin watched you keep your word about not revealing his location like he asked, despite your fear of both spiders and man. Did he scare you even more? Or maybe you were just being nice. Either way, something about you protecting his location was kind of adorable… like you might kind of like his other self now.
Oh, but that wasn’t the case at all.
“My french fries!” you cried out to the Gods above.
Every single french fry you were dying to devour from the paper bag scattered in an artistic gradient behind your shadow, with fat pigeons picking at what once was yours. Seungmin sighed tiredly, watching you sadly walk away from the kit of pigeons. His wishful thinking barely lasted a second and now not only did he owe you ‘one’ of something, he now owes you a bag of french fries, too. Maybe if he got the extra large size, you’d hate him a little less.
Your fear of Spider-Man because he had ‘spider’ in his name and a silhouette embroidered on his suit? Nonexistent. Hatred for Spider-Man because he was clumsy, insensitive, and most definitely A Man? Absolutely.
‘I owe you one,’ was what he told you last, and you’d make sure that he’d owe you one big time.
You spent the entire walk home trying to process if what just happened actually happened. Let’s rewind and review: you were studying at the library until you got too tired and too hungry to care anymore; got the freshest, crispiest bag of french fries you could find; happily made your way home; got the shit knocked out of you by Spider-Man; and now you were walking home french fry-less. It sounds like a poorly-written fan fiction, but yup, that’s truly what happened and there was no denying it
The night was no longer young or beautiful now that you didn’t have a bag full of golden, crispy deliciousness. It was miserable.
Seungmin, while still in his suit and hiding in a random alley from the journalists, felt his phone buzz that was tucked away inside of the suit. After taking it out, he was too afraid to answer once he saw your photo glow up the screen. The picture was from your eighteenth birthday, your last birthday before you both entered college. Seungmin booked a reservation at this fancy restaurant that you two would promise one day, when you both had money, that you’d dine there like it was no one’s business. Little did you know, he planned a small get together with a handful of friends and ate like kings! When it was time for dessert, Seungmin brought out your favorite cake, sang happy birthday with everyone, then smudged a whole bunch of the cream frosting onto your cheeks and nose. Normally, you’d be mad, but how could you when he planned all of this?
With the dark surroundings and the only thing lighting up your face was the candles, he captured the perfect moment of you laughing and tasting the cake.
After taking off his mask, Seungmin answered awkwardly. “Hello?”
“Guess what the fuck just happened to me!?”
“You saw a spider?”
“Worse! I saw that no good Spider-Man!”
Seungmin could only pout at your response. “Why do you sound so bitter?”
“That asshat swung down like a vulture and landed on top of me!”
“Sounds like a dream come true, if you ask me.”
“No, because that clumsy, pompous vigilante made me drop all of my french fries from my favorite place!”
Although you were complaining to Spider-Man about Spider-Man, said Spider-Man always thought your whining was adorable. “The place next to the bakery?”
“The very same! Ugh, I just wanted to call you to complain.”
“Seems like that’s all I’m good for these days.”
“Hey, that’s not the only reason I call you.”
“Besides discussing the show, for what other reasons do you call me?”
“I…” In retrospect, maybe he had a point - when was the last time you asked your dearest friend how he was doing? “Seungmin, my favorite friend, how have you been lately?”
“I’m sorry. I promise to call and not complain to you more often.”
“Thank you. And to answer your question. I’ve been ok.”
“Just ok? Do you wanna talk about it?”
Did he want to talk about how Spider-Man, the show, school, and how his lack of love-life was consuming his entire life to his closest friend? Not really. “Maybe another time. Are you free to hang out, though? I could use some company.”
“For you, of course. At what time?”
“Hm…” Seungmin took a quick second to listen to his surroundings. It seemed that the reporters and passers-by stopped looking for him by now, so maybe he was in the clear. “I can be at your place in half an hour?”
“Sounds good, I’ll be waiting. Can we get food? I’m hungry ~”
“Sure thing. I’ll see you soon.”
After hanging up, Seungmin dared to put his mask back on and swing as fast as he could all the way back to his apartment. It was unavoidable that a couple citizens were able to sneak in a few pictures as he was swinging, but as long as they didn’t see him land on his apartment complex rooftop and run inside, he was in the clear. After changing, there was one stop he had to make before heading over.
You waited patiently for your boredom-saving, famished-fulfilling hero to arrive at your doorstep. It’s true that neither of you had the time to hang out outside of planning the show. Other than that, there was not enough time in the day throughout the school week to see each other. With your classes piling up and his internship, neither of you could match up your schedules or make enough time to grab some dinner. At least tonight would make up for lost time.
You happily greeted a sneaky Seungmin when you heard him knocking. He was holding something behind his back and had his creepy, mischievous smile on his lips.
“What are you hiding…?” you hesitated.
Without a word, he pulled out an extra big paper bag full of french fries from your favorite restaurant - the very same french fries Spider-Man had knocked out of your hands. Only this time, there were more and it came with a handsome boy on the side.
Seungmin adored the way your eyes lit up at his little gift.
“You didn’t!” you gasped, clutching your heart to your chest.
“Do you love me or do you love me?”
“I love you ~!” you sang, welcoming your beloved guest into your humble abode. “Ah, what did I do to deserve you, Kim Seungmin?”
You didn’t do anything. You already had him wrapped around your finger the moment you two met.
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Another Wednesday had arrived and that meant another show was to air. Tonight, the moon was so full that even at the darkest hour, the town was still brightly lit. It was the perfect night for Moonlight Radio.
“And we’re back!” you cheered happily into the microphone. “For those of you just joining in, you are listening to Moonlight Radio with me, _____, my partner in crime Seungmin, and our city’s version of Migos, Djs 3RACHA ~!”
“Our city’s version of Migos…?” Seungmin asked, quirking a brow.
“Yeah, you know… The American rappers?”
“I know who they are, but what makes them like the Migos in any way?”
“There’s three of them and they rap, what else is there to compare?”
“Multi-platinum album sales.”
“They’ll get there someday.”
“At least someone believes in us,” Jisung pouted.
“Speaking of beliefs, you guys wouldn’t believe who _____ ran into last Sunday.”
You squint your eyes at your smirking co-host. “The listeners don’t need to know.”
“Of course they do! Who doesn’t want to brag about meeting Spider-Man?”
“I didn’t even meet him, he body-slammed into me!”
“Ah, you’re just being dramatic. What do you guys think?” But in his mind, Seungmin knew you were totally not being dramatic. Was your body still a little sore from that night, too?
The phone lines were lighting up at the mention of the oh-so famous and widely-beloved superhero. Now you had to spend the remaining half of the show talking about how you met the hybrid of your two worst fears.
“Caller on line nine, you are on-air,” Seungmin answered.
“Holy shit, did you really meet Spider-Man?”
You sighed heavily into your mic. “If that’s what you call meeting someone these days, then I guess I met Spider-Man.”
“Whoa, that’s so dope! What’s he like?”
“He’s… charming… I’ll give him that.”
Seungmin’s ears perked up, his ego already escalating into the clouds before he could stop it. You, the first person he’s ever met to admit that they don’t like his alter-ego aloud, thought he was charming? You should have said so earlier!
“Really?” he asked.
“Yeah, I guess. He was like, ‘I didn’t hurt you, did I?’ and I was like, ‘No?’ and he was all like, ‘Good, ‘cuz hurting citizens isn’t in my agenda’ or something corny like that. I guess it comes with the whole superhero package.”
Hey, that was not corny… “He sounds like a pretty cool guy.”
“Yeah, until he made me catapult my french fries behind me.”
“Is that literally the only reason why you don’t like him?”
“No, it’s mainly because I hate spiders. But also yes, because he said he owes me one for chasing away those pesky journalists that were hunting him down. Spider-Man, if you’re out there listening, this is my reminder to you that I’ll be waiting on my ‘one’ that you owe.”
Oh, great. Seungmin thought that if there was anyone he wouldn’t have to see again as Spider-Man, he thought it’d be you, but now you were actually waiting for him to find you! And for what, because he ‘owed’ you something? Although those journalists were annoying and he was very thankful you got them off his back... But what exactly were you expecting from him? What were you thinking he owed you?
Seeing you for a second time posed some high risks. You’re not dumb, and Seungmin knows that. If he were to slip up and give away his identity in some form just once during his interactions with you, you’d figure him out in an instant! But this was kind of exciting, wasn’t it? You not knowing it’s him behind the red suit, scaring you a little, pretending he doesn’t know who you are - it was kind of like a game to him. So fine, he’ll give you whatever you want the next time he meets you to satiate his excitement that isn’t fighting crime, but after that, he’ll stay as far away from you as possible.
“No matter where I go, spiders somehow always find me.”
“Isn’t it scary to be around something you fear all the time?”
“It’s absolutely terrifying. I guess it’s time I face my fears of spiders, man, and Spider-Man superheroes alike.”
“You’re so brave. I don’t know how you do it.”
“Hey, I hear that sarcasm,” you scolded at your chuckling partner. “But I hope this encourages you all to do the same one day. Go skydiving, ask out that cute person in your class, try something different from the menu! Whatever your fears may be, Moonlight Radio will always be here to support you. And with that, we bid you goodnight.”
“Stay safe out there, everyone! This is Moonlight Radio, signing off.”
When the glowing red light shut off, both you and Seungmin sighed in relief. This concluded the most stressful point of your week and you could relax a little until next time. Per usual, you and Seungmin were supposed to eat with Woojin at his chicken restaurant, but you noticed how he was packing up his stuff in urgency.
“What are you in a rush for?”
Shit. How was Seungmin supposed to tell you that he had a sixth spidey sense and sensed someone nearby was in big trouble and he had to change into his spandex right away? “Uh, I forgot I have an assignment due at midnight.”
“Aw, so no chicken tonight?”
“I’ll make it up to you next time, I promise.”
Your favorite boy ruffled your hair into a clumpy mess in front of your face. If he were to see the tiny pout on your lips, then there was a chance he’d give up being Spider-Man tonight just to be with you and what kind of hero would he be if he did that? Not a very good one.
He’ll see you later, anyways.
Before you could object, he was already out the door.
“Hi hello, we would like some chicken, too,” a whiny Changbin noted.
At least you’d have some company tonight. Hanging out with Seungmin versus hanging out with 3RACHA had two totally different vibes. One was chill, relaxing, and comforting while the other was loud, exciting, but oh-so tiring. So much so that you had to tap out early, luckily right before the news came on with yet again another segment on Spider-Man.
On the walk home, you wondered what kind of hours he worked. Was he fighting crime right now, at the peak of darkness? He couldn’t have been a nine-to-five kind of man because crime didn’t have an hourly paycheck. Maybe he strictly worked the night shift and slept in the daytime? That couldn’t have been very fun though, everyone needs a little sun to feel some sort of joy, even if he was a nasty, buggy, creepy little crawler -
From the street lamp above, the bug of the hour dropped just inches from your face, hanging upside down on a thin string of web from his wrists. He was so close and came down so fast that you screamed and fell backwards. Was this it? Was this how you were going to die? From a heart attack and choking on air?
Seungmin mentally slapped himself for not knowing you’d react that way. Idiot-min, of course they would! They practically cry at the sight of a real spider! Now he probably owed you 'two' of whatever you were going to ask...
After getting down from the streetlight, he rushed over to help you up. “Are you all right?”
This time, you swatted his hand away and got up on your own, just as you wished you’d done to the damn arachnid the first time. It took a couple more moments to catch your breath and ease your heart rate, like you just finished running a marathon. If you didn’t hate Spider-Man before, Seungmin’s sure as hell you do now.
“I think I just had a mini heart-attack.”
“I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to -”
“Aren’t you supposed to help citizens, not crash into them or fall from the clouds and be all up in their faces!?”
The masked man scratched his head sheepishly. “There’s a bit of a gray area between ‘help’ and ‘harm’.”
“Yeah, clearly!” Now that you’ve come to your senses, it just occurred to you that Spider-Man recognized you from the first time. Why else would he pop up on you specifically just to say ‘hey’? “Wait, do you remember me?”
Time to turn up that charm _____ talked about so much, Spider-min! “It’s hard to forget the people I crash into.”
“It must not happen often then.”
“I promise you, it doesn’t. Otherwise the town would be wiped out… Literally.”
“Wow, lucky me, huh?”
"Of course. And it’s not everyday I get to crash into someone so cute."
"Oh, don't you try and flatter me!"
It was rare for Seungmin to see you so bothered just by one person. Normally, you'd let it go and move on, but with Spider-Man, it seemed like all current and future interactions would be a lot of bickering and furrowed brows. If you were anyone else, he'd be a little hurt that someone could hate him so much, but you weren't just anyone else. You were you, and even with your annoyed expression, your blushing cheeks gave you away. You didn’t hate him.
Oh yeah, this was going to be a lot of fun for Seungmin.
"I'm not trying to flatter you, but it seems to be working regardless," he teased.
"Why are you stalking me?"
"Whoa, what do you mean!? I'm simply taking a break from saving a citizen in trouble! You and I just happened to cross paths once more, like it was fate. Didn't you want to see me again, anyways?"
"Who said that?"
"Well to paraphrase the famous _____ on Moonlight Radio, you're waiting for me to 'owe you one', isn't that right?"
You didn’t have to see his face to know that he was smirking. Regardless, you were quite starstruck - when you said that he owed you one, you didn’t think he’d actually hear you! But it was kind of cool that someone so famous listened in, even if it was him of all people. “You heard that…?”
“Of course I did. It’s my favorite radio show. I also heard you think I’m charming.”
Spidey-Boy took a step forward, but you didn’t dare take one step back. You weren’t about to let some spandex-clad dude intimidate you with his flirtatious wording, even if you were totally embarrassed and wished you could go back in time and stop yourself from saying that. Really, it was so cute the way you tried to stand up to Seungmin, but again, the pink gracing your cheeks put your effort into your unwavering persona to waste. You couldn’t make eye contact with his huge, buggy eye mask, so you focused on the creepy crawly spider right on his chest that kept on growing the closer he came to you.
Then it stopped. Now you’re no longer looking at his chest, but looking at those things he called eyes. They were reflective and you could see clearly how terrified you actually looked.
He leaned in.
"Is that true, _____?" he asked. "Do you think I'm charming?"
"I-I think you're terrifying."
"But also charming, right?"
"If I say yes, will you step back?"
"Oh, sorry." Awkwardly and boyishly, the hero cleared his throat and took a step back. From a safe distance, he wasn't so bad - it's when he's ten centimeters away from your face that scared you.
"You… have a way with words."
A cute laugh came from Spidey. "That's one way to put it."
There's a short silence in between. He knew you wanted to say something by the way you were awkwardly avoiding looking at him. Seungmin would patiently wait for you, but Spider-Man…
"What is it?" he asked.
"Nothing, I was just wondering… Is Moonlight Radio really your favorite show?" you asked shyly.
"Of course. I wouldn't lie about something like that."
There was a little twinkle in your eyes like they held all the stars and your expression finally softened. Seungmin watched you struggle hiding your sweet smile while you stared at your shoes.
With the help of his masked identity, Seungmin could finally say the things he always wished he told you in the moment, from infinite moments before.
"You have a pretty smile."
"Huh?" Did you hear that right? Did the city's superhero call your smile pretty?
"I said…" Spidey-boy took a step closer, but kept his distance. "You have a pretty smile."
"Do you say that to all the people you crash into while running away from paparazzi?"
"No. Just the cute ones."
“Oh, my God, you are so corny! ‘Just the cute ones’, how many is that exactly? A dozen? Several dozen?”
“You know, most people would say thank you after I call them cute.”
“Well, I’m not falling for it! I’m not like most people!”
The boy chuckled again, and it sounded so sweet. “You most definitely are not.”
If this… this boy thought he could just flirt his way into your heart and forget nearly breaking your ribs, he was dead wrong! How dare he be so friendly and casual with you! It’s not like you were friends! What was his deal!?
You straightened your back and smoothed out the wrinkles in your shirt. “If that’s all, I’ll be on my way now.”
“Already? What about the ‘one’ I owe you?”
“Forget I ever said that. You’re off the hook.”
“No, that’s not right. I feel bad.” He wasn’t about to let you go that easily.
“I don’t even know what you’d owe me.”
“How about you think about it until we meet again?”
“Again? When would I even see you?”
The boy in red and blue shrugged. “By circumstance? Or perhaps you’ll get into some trouble? You seem like the type to pick fights.”
“Even if I was in trouble, who says I’d call you?”
“You wouldn’t have to. I’d come flying to your side the second I sensed something was wrong.”
You didn’t understand what that meant, but you really didn’t want to open a can of worms past midnight. “How chivalrous.”
“Thanks. So I’ll get to see you again?” he asked. Seungmin hoped he didn’t sound too desperate. He was just a simple boy who wouldn’t allow his best friend to hate his alter ego they knew nothing about, that’s all.
“If the opportunity arises ~” you sighed casually, walking past the stunned hero.
This was a side of you that Seungmin didn’t know how to handle. Never have you been so standoffish and awkward, but weirdly confident around him before. You were always your cutesy, dorky, loving self. Even when you weren’t talking to him directly, you were just as yourself around other people, even to strangers. But to Spider-Man? He didn’t know this side of you - the one that looked at him like you couldn’t tolerate breathing the same air as him. It was like he was meeting you for the very first time.
You may not like Spider-Man now, but the way you smiled for that split second and the way you entertained his stupid words with your witty responses, somewhere deep inside your cold heart, there had to be a chance that you’d come to like him. Maybe then he’ll reveal himself to you, but for now, he had to figure out how to stop his heart from beating so fast as he watched you walk away. Only you could affect him like that.
He’ll get you to like him, whether you like it or not.
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It took you three days to crack and spend Saturday night researching who the fuck Spider-Man was. Thursday was spent being pouty and bitter about the night before. (“What’s up with you?” Seungmin asked. “Nothing, I just hate everyone.” “Sounds about right...”) Friday was spent playing as your own devil’s advocate trying to justify why he was the way he was. (“I guess he wasn’t so bad. He wasn’t mean to me, or anything. And he did want to pay me back for the french fries…”) And Saturday morning and afternoon was spent resisting the urge to care enough that you’d really spend a night on a weekend looking him up while texting Seungmin the entire time.
He loved every second of it.
you [6:05 pm]: did you know his suit doesn’t have any pockets? what genius designed that!?
seungminion [6:08 pm]: maybe they just forgot?
you [6:09 pm]: rookie mistake.
you [7:56 pm]: god, i really don’t like the blue and red... 
seungminion [7:59 pm]: have you just been judging his uniform for the past 2 hours?
you [8:04 pm]: yeah? can’t be a great hero if he doesn’t look cool or have pockets.
seungminion [8:06 pm]: red and blue is cool!
you [8:07 pm]: if you’re 5.
you [9:42 pm]: ohhhh he visits children at the hospital! that’s actually super sweet.
seungminion [9:47 pm]: see, he’s a good guy.
you [9:54 pm]: i didn’t say he wasn’t, i just didn’t like him.
seungminion [9:55 pm]: “didn’t” like him? do you like him now?
you [9:57 pm]: i didn’t say that.
seungminion [10:01 pm]: just admit it, _____! life will be less stressful if you admit your faults.
you [10:04 pm]: i’ll never admit my faults because i’m always right.
seungminion [10:10 pm]: you’re so difficult… just open the door.
you [10:11 pm]: huh? are you here?
Seungmin couldn’t hold back his smile when he read your message. Something about you taking the time to look up what Spider-Man was all about made him miss you. It didn’t help that this gig felt like a full time job on top of everything else, taking time away to spend with you. 
Things were different now that high school was over - no longer did either of you have free time after school to hang out in his car listening to music he picked out for you, or to eat at your heart’s content at whatever fast food place was open past midnight. Nights like those only come once in a blue moon nowadays. One of his biggest fears is that one day, you two would grow apart so gradually that the show would stop, spending time with you would stop, and your friendship would stop, and he wasn’t going to let that happen just because he was Spider-Man.
Seungmin was tired. Because he stayed up late on weekdays to save the city from chaos, his only time to catch up on sleep was sleeping in on the weekends and even afterwards, he felt like he could barely keep his eyes open. But when you opened the door with that adoring smile on your face, he thinks staying up for a few more hours to be with you would be worth it.
Seungmin looked tired. His hair was messy, he had dark circles under his eyes, and his shirt was missing a button. He looked like an absolute hot mess, but his warm smile said otherwise. For him to make the surprise trip over here in this state made your heart hurt.
“Are you ok?” you asked, deeply concerned.
“Yeah, I just had a rough morning… Rough week… Month…”
“Do you want to talk about it?”
“Maybe another time.”
“Oh, ok.” That was the second time he rejected talking about how he was feeling. You knew he wasn’t one to open up and show his vulnerability, but this couldn’t have been healthy. You would argue if you could, but his tired eyes told you he wasn’t in the mood.
You widened the door gap to let in the tired puppy and he went straight for the couch. There was a little space between his feet and the opposite arm rest and you took your spot there. Soon after though, the sleepy puppy named Seungmin took one of your couch pillows and set them on your lap for him to lay his head on.
Whoa, this was new.
“Wh-What are you…?”
“Can I just rest my eyes for a few minutes?” he mumbled.
“Of course.”
With that, and your hand gently running through his messy hair, Seungmin fell into a deep sleep within seconds. You learned that night that Seungmin snored softly, like an unworried child tucked under his blanket. This boy was such a hard worker and always put everyone before himself that it was no wonder he gets burned out so easily, but this was the first time you’ve ever seen it to this extent. Normally, he’d yawn here and there and flake on hanging out once in a while, but never had he come to your home unannounced just so he could fall asleep on your lap.
Why he found solace in a place like your couch and your lap, you had no idea, but it was nice. It felt so right, but at the same time it didn’t, but neither of you were going to question it after tonight. You would let it take its course and move on with your lives like it didn’t happen because that’s what friends do in situations like this, right?
You’d let your racing heart calm down and erase it from your memory in the morning.
Seungmin woke up with the sun and his head still on your lap. Oh no, had he fallen asleep through the whole night!? Looking up, he saw how awkwardly your neck craned just so you could sleep semi-comfortably in your position. You stayed with him the entire night. You could have woken him up for a few seconds, got off the couch, and sleep soundly in your own bed, but no, you decided to stay here with him instead.
If he could spend the entire day napping with you, he would, but not today. Today he had to get fitted into his new Spidey suit that Woojin designed.
After getting up and carefully laying you on your couch, he did the unthinkable and kissed your forehead. He’s not sure why he did that… Actually, he didn’t even realize he did that until a few seconds after. Maybe it was how cute you looked that prompted him to do so. Maybe it was a thank you for putting up with him all these years. Regardless, it felt good but it made his heart flutter, causing him to smile like an idiot. He probably shouldn’t have done that and he hoped you didn’t feel it, but it felt so right. He left your apartment with his face buried in his hands trying to stop his face heating up and massaging his cheeks because he kept on smiling too hard.
When the front door closed, you rubbed the spot on your forehead and screamed into your pillow.
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You haven’t seen Seungmin in a couple of weeks. You avoided seeing him, you called in sick and skipped the show, hell you even tried going to your hometown for the weekend all because you’re sure that you were going to make a fool out of yourself the second you saw him. This was so stupid - one boy laid his head on your lap, stayed the night, then kissed your forehead and suddenly you didn't know how to act!
The only communication you two had was over text. No phone calls or facetime, hell, not even Snapchat. Just short texts of you saying you were sick, stressed, and needed your space. This wasn't so unusual, as Seungmin experienced this side of you a lot throughout college, but this happening after that night was too coincidental. Did he do something wrong? Did you know he kissed you? Fuck, he knew he shouldn't have fallen asleep!
It’s a Saturday night once more and you’ve yet again bailed on him for not feeling well. Of course at this point, he knew you were avoiding him, but were you avoiding him because he overstepped his boundaries and you were fading him out, or because you were just being your awkward self and weren’t sure how to handle this weird limbo in your relationship? He really really hoped for the latter.
Since Seungmin wasn’t going to see you tonight, Woojin had put him on duty to test out the finished version of his new all-black suit - with pockets! The spider on his chest was still just as big, but he hoped that it blended in with the black enough that you wouldn’t be so spooked when you see it, whenever that would be.
On a Saturday night, you’re stuck on the balcony of your apartment flipping through old photos of you and Seungmin. From high school to just a couple of weeks ago, you lazily flipped through the memories like you were playing with a rolodex. You’re not sure how you got here, all by your lonesome - maybe it was because his stupidly cute smile that stuck in your head even while avoiding him, or because your forehead still tingled from his lips, or because even after all your ghosting he still put in the effort to want to see you that made you miss him and go through your mobile rolodex of pictures. Seeing him in person was way too risky, so you’ll stick to this for now.
Was this it? Was this the end of the dynamic duo, live on Moonlight Radio? The two doofuses who got a little too turnt at Prom together? The two idiots who couldn’t form coherent thoughts around each other?
The night was dead silent until a black upside down figure called your name and popped up from behind the branches of a nearby tree. By some weird instinct, your startled self dropped your phone in case you had to defend yourself from the over-sized arachnid, all the way from your fifth floor balcony. You were thankful to Spidey-Boy for once in your life, who had caught your phone using his web thingies just before it hit the floor and shattered to pieces.
Seungmin got a hold of your phone and noticed all the pictures of him cluttering in an album dubbed ‘Seungminion’. There were pics of him with his braces, him smiling, him eating, sleeping, crying - you name it, you had it, and he remembered every moment of every picture.
What were you doing just now? Were you thinking about him? His blush couldn’t be seen through his mask, could it?
“Can I get my phone back, please?”
Your balcony railing didn’t look like it could hold a fat squirrel, but somehow a superhero was able to balance on it, squatting like a mischievous cat. Seungmin ignored your tired plea and teasingly shook the phone in front of your pouty face. 
“Who’s this ~?” he asked in a sing-songy voice.
“No one, now give it back.”
“Is he your boyfriend?”
Even in the dark, your blush burned brightly. “No!”
“You have a lo~ot of pictures together ~”
“It’s…” you sighed, feeling your heart sink little by little. “It’s not like that.”
And his felt like it was sinking, too. “Do you want to talk about it?”
It’s funny. You would ask Seungmin that all the time and wished he’d answer you, but now that the tables have turned, you realized why he wouldn’t - you didn’t want to burden anyone with your worries.
“Maybe next time.”
“Why not now? I’m not busy, or anything. Besides, it can’t be healthy holding in whatever you’re feeling.” Seungmin was the epitome of a walking contradiction.
“I’m ok, I promise.”
“Your face says otherwise.”
“How would you know? We’ve met only once before. One and a half, if you count the first time, and both were very short encounters. I don’t think you’d know how I’m feeling based on that and how my face looks.”
“Then let me get to know you.”
“I know you don’t know me very well, and it might be weird talking to me, but I don’t like you like this.”
“Like how…?”
“When you’re not smiling.” Of course, your body failed you and you smiled softly at his corny-ass words. Fine, you’ll give him that one… “There’s that pretty smile.”
“Shut up.”
“I’m serious by the way - do you want to talk about it? I’m not busy for a while.”
Were you really about to tell a stranger in black spandex that you were crushing hard on your friend? What has this world come to!? But you had nothing better to do and neither did he, so why not entertain the town’s hero for a little bit?
“Have you ever liked someone before?”
“Sure,” he shrugged casually. “I like you.”
Your eye roll could not have been more dramatic. He must do this with all of his damsels he saved, right? Clearly, he's had practice trying to woo others before.
Seungmin’s favorite color was the color of your cheeks.
“No, idiot! I mean like… you know… like-like.”
“I didn’t know our beloved radio host was in middle school.”
“Ok, I knew this was a bad idea -” you said, turning to the sliding door.
“Wait, I’m kidding!” Before you could head inside, Spider-Man grabbed your hand. “I was just trying to get you to smile again. Don’t go.”
When you squeezed his hand so he wouldn’t let go, Seungmin’s confidence and ego launched into space. You definitely were starting to like Spider-Man, whether it was school-girl crush type of like-like or you just tolerated him a little more. Seungmin was living the best of both worlds with you, but by the way you were avoiding the real him because of that night and the way you blushed at every word that came out of his masked mouth, was it possible you were starting to like his other self more?
He’ll find out right now.
“So what is this about like-liking someone?” he asked, tugging your forward a bit.
You're much closer to him than you have ever been before. Not considering the first time you met, of course. You've only met less than a handful of times, but somehow the distance in between wasn't so weird.
Seungmin felt your fingers run over the webbing design on his hands. “I’m… confused?” you questioned. That’s one way to put it.
“It’s just… I don’t know, it’s weird because I’ve known him for a long time.”
You and Seungmin have known each other for a long time: check.
“Shouldn’t that make it easier on the both of you?”
“No, that makes it harder! With any hot guy on the street, I could go up to him, confess my undying attraction to him, and if he rejects me, then fine, I’ll just never see him again. But with a friend, I gotta consider all possible outcomes if I ever had to confess to him.”
“What’s there to consider?”
“Outcome number one: he could return my feelings, we kiss, and live happily ever after.”
“Sounds promising.”
“Outcome number two: he admits to not returning my feelings, says he would like to stay friends, but it’s too awkward now and we both drift apart until we no longer can stand in the same room together.”
“Now you’re just listing the extremes.”
“That’s not extreme, outcome number three is extreme: he doesn’t return my feelings, says he would like to stay friends but only said that to be nice and he turns up at the next hangout with his new boo thang.”
“Oh, come on, you really think he would do that!?” he whined, completely insulted you’d ever think so.
“It’s a possibility! And I’m not ready to take that risk yet.”
“So you’re stuck in some limbo now, is that it?”
“Yeah… we haven’t really talked since…”
You were this close to talking about the night Seungmin blurred the black and white between friends and more than that with an eagerly-awaiting Spider-Boy, who had moved from squatting like a cat on your porch to standing like a human for once. This was the first time you've seen him posed like a human and for once, goosebumps weren't crawling on your skin at the sight of the spider on his chest.
Seungmin awaited patiently for you to continue on, but you seemed more preoccupied with his chest than your story.
"I just realized your uniform's different," you noted, taking a step back to appreciate the new color.
"Ya like? Black's pretty sexy, huh?"
"Yeah, it's much better than the red and blue."
"And look! Pockets!!"
Spider-Man shoved his hands into the depths of his pockets and you thought to yourself that your FBI agent listening in on your devices must work for Spider-Man, considering he altered his uniform per your suggestions.
You tried to play it off like you weren't creeped out. "What the heck do you need pockets for? Your Spidey-Cell?"
"Ha-ha, there's no such thing as a Spidey-Cell. It's to hold my snacks. But it can hold your phone, if you'd like?"
"Why would I want you to hold my phone…?"
"When I take you on a tour through the city tonight."
You took a big step back and wiggled your finger at the mischievous hero. "You're crazy if you think I'm consenting to that."
"What, jumping around buildings and having citizens take videos of you during the busiest night of the week doesn't sound appealing to you?"
"Not at all!"
"C'mon, you look like you need some excitement and cheering up right now! What else do you have going on tonight?"
"I… have laundry to do…!"
"Just throw it in and come with me! It won't take that long."
"I also have homework."
"That's what Sundays are for."
"I also have to answer some questions listeners sent this week, and make dinner, and oh my God, my blinds are so dusty, and -"
Spider-Man took a step forward and held his hand out. The night was alive, and you both could hear it coming deep within the city, where close friends and couples in love enjoyed each other's company. It's been lonely the last couple of weeks and you'll admit seeing Spider-Man tonight was the most exciting thing that's happened for a while, but…
Somehow, this felt like you were cheating on Seungmin.
"Give me thirty minutes," Spidey pleaded. "That's all."
You held his hand once more. There's something about the mystery man behind the suit that painstakingly attracted you to him. It was like fate had plans in stored just meant for the two of you.
"I'm scared of heights," you admitted shyly.
"I'll hold you tight."
"I promise. I'd never let anything happen to you." And he meant it.
"Ok. Thirty minutes."
Seungmin pulled you in close to his chest and instructed you to wrap your arms around his shoulders. This was the closest he's gotten to a hug for a couple of weeks and he missed it, but he'll deal with your mess of a friendship later. What mattered most right now was how cutely and innocently you looked up at him while clinging on to your dear life like he was already swinging through the concrete jungle.
"Are you ready?" he asked, taking hold of your waist.
"On the count of three, we'll go, ok?" You nodded nervously. "Ready? One… I lied!"
On the second count, Spider-Man stuck his webbing from the tree he was on and swung from branch-to-branch like some modern day Tarzan. Your shrill screams were the soundtrack to his flight and his boyish laughs mixed in between. 
"You're such an asshole!!" you cried out, burying your face into his shoulder.
"I know and I'm sorry, but it was too good of an opportunity to pass up! But you'll take it back if you open your eyes."
“No way!”
“C’mon, don’t be such a baby!”
“I will cry.”
“No, you won’t. Now please, open your eyes!”
So you did, and your world in the arms of Spider-Man was filled with nothing but color. In a city you often saw as black and white, tonight was like seeing color for the very first time in shades you haven’t even heard of. Every color of light - from the tri-color street lights to the infinite shades of neon - all bounced off of every skyscraper the city held, reflecting off of every square of glass. The lights made your eyes twinkle like there were billions of rainbow stars stuck inside.
Seungmin was so glad to have you here with him.
The people below, as cliche as it sounds, looked like tiny little ants with cell phones recording every swing, every scream, and every smile. The idea of this going worldwide was absolutely terrifying, maybe even more-so than this, but it was so worth it. Never had anyone convince you to do something this crazy before. It seems like you’re sharing a lot of weird firsts with Spidey-Boy.
Seungmin took you to an empty rooftop that was thankfully not too high up, but high enough so that neither of you could be seen. As soon as your feet touched the concrete, your body turned to jello and fell to the floor.
“Oh, hey-!” Seungmin began, worried that you passed out.
But instead, you were in a fit of giggles, clutching your sides and covering your face from embarrassment.
You’re so, so cute, but so… so weird… 
“Uh… are you ok?” he asked, hovering over your still-giggling form.
“No! I feel like I died, went to the seventh layer of hell, and got resurrected twenty times!”
“Then why do you look so happy?”
“I don’t know!” A long, content sigh left your lips before you grinned at your reflection through spidery lenses. “I am happy.”
Seungmin already knew he loved you. But now, he was in trouble - he was in too deep, and there was no way out.
He was crazily, unapologetically, immensely in love with you.
After you collected yourself from the floor, you joined a patient and careful Spider-Man at the edge of the roof. The fearless boy swung his legs freely overboard, and though you weren’t at that level yet, you were brave enough to straddle the parapet.
“Wow, I’m kind of proud of you,” Spidey snickered.
“Sh-Shut up.”
“Don’t fall ~”
“No promises, so you better catch me ~”
“Of course I will.”
For a moment, the two of you enjoyed each other’s company in silence, watching over the city folk who were either trying to get home after a long day, leaving home for a night out, or simply spending it with someone else. The perspective made you feel small - like your situation with Seungmin, the radio show, all the stress of school meant nothing because this, right in front of you, was the bigger picture. It didn’t make sense though, how none of your personal problems mean nothing in this moment.
Maybe Spider-Man had powers other than shooting webs.
“Hungry?” he asked, distracting you from your thoughts.
“Kind of. Are you?”
“I’d ask if you want to get something to eat, but I don’t know how that would work.”
“We can still get something to eat. See that skewer stand over there?”
Spandex-Man pointed to a busy stand full of chicken, beef, pork, fried tofu, veggie, you-name-it skewer stand. You could smell the delicious spices all the way from the roof. “Mhm.”
“Watch this.”
In the blink of an eye, the webs from his wrist grab onto several sticks and he yanked them back, handing you several scrumptious, juicy skewers faster than you could blink. Then, he took out cash from his wallet (which he kept in his new fancy pockets) and shot back enough bills to cover the tip jar.
“Wow, I bet that’s handy at home when you’re couch potato-ing.”
“You have no idea - I barely get up on my days off.”
The skewers taste better with a side of company. “By the way, you never answered my question.”
“What question?”
“Have you ever like-liked someone?”
“Ah, that one,” he sighed, unbothered. “Of course I have.”
“Oh? What were they like?”
“Where should I begin? They’re quite spunky. They have that no bullshit attitude that’s very attractive. They’re very smart, too, it’s hard for me to keep up sometimes. Most of all they’re so dorky… Dorky like they get scared over the littlest things like bugs and they get excited about things like free snacks in the library. But they’re also kind. I can’t recall a time when they weren’t thinking about others before themselves. And oh man, they have that little twinkle in their eyes whenever they see me - that’s what I love the most.”
“Did you ever tell them you like them?”
He shook his head lazily. “Nah. I didn’t see a point at the time.”
“You’re crazy! You should have told them!”
“Why, so I could get rejected!?”
“But what if they would have returned your feelings!? You just lost something great!”
“Eh, that was a long time ago so it doesn’t matter anymore,” he lied.
“You’re so lame…”
“Says the one who’s making made-up scenarios in your head to avoid your own jump to the death confession!”
“Hey, those are completely possible!”
“And you call me crazy…”
“Bet you won’t tell the next person that comes along that you like them ~”
“Jokes on you because I already did ~”
“Twenty minutes ago. I said I liked you, remember?”
Soon, blushing cheeks would become permanent on your face. “Shut up.”
A loud crash was heard far in the distance, just north of where you two were. You and the citizens below halted for a couple of seconds, like someone had pressed the pause button on the country. Another loud crash was heard and the rumbling of big, heavy footsteps echoed in the night. It was coming in your direction. Then, all warning sirens within the entire city went off, blinking a bright red.
“Please evacuate immediately,” the intercom said robotically. “Threat level: Demon. Please evacuate immediately. Threat level -”
“Demon?” you muttered to no one in particular. “There hasn’t been a Demon-level threat in over a decade -”
“I’m taking you home.”
“Wait -!”
There was no time to wait. Seungmin had to get you out of here and swing back to the city to find out whatever this thing was that made it so dangerous. Instead of flying through the buildings on the busiest and plugged-up streets, he detoured onto the smaller buildings on the safer routes near the outskirts of town where no one could see you. If that thing caught a glimpse of you, kidnapped you somehow, and made you a pawn in its game just to lure in Seungmin, he would never forgive himself. In fact, meeting you as Spider-Man was a complete mistake in the first place.
You made it back to your balcony in no time. The brave boy held you close by the shoulders and even if you couldn’t see through his reflecting eyes, you knew he was staring into your soul.
“Stay inside, ok? “ Spidey demanded.
“Don’t go. Stay with me.”
“You know I can’t do that.”
“Can’t someone else go instead!?”
The footsteps got louder - closer.
Seungmin took your face in his hands, drawing tiny circles with the pads of his thumbs. When that didn’t help you calm down, you watched him carefully begin to remove his mask. What the hell was he doing!? Was he going to reveal himself NOW, of all times!? But no, your panic subsided when he only revealed just below his nose. Then, as if your life was a fairy tale, your prince pressed a soft, loving kiss to your forehead. Time slowed.
“I’ll come back to check on you.”
“Wait -!”
He had already jumped off your balcony before you could grab him and pull him back in the safety of your home. Whatever the thing was, you had no doubt he could stop it. Tomorrow, everything would be back to normal.
There was a shelter in the basement of your apartment complex whenever supernatural things caused the sirens to go off. You’ve lived through multiple Snake-level threats, Tiger-levels, hell even Dragon-level, but never Demon, the highest-level threat to exist. In the dusty and overcrowded basement, all of the panicked residents crowded over the television that hung on the wall.
Before you joined the crowd, you texted every possible friend to check-in and make sure they were safe. Seungmin was the only one who didn’t respond right away. You tried calling, sending multiple texts, snapchats, but received nothing, and you felt like your heart was collapsing in your chest.
seungminion [10:07 pm]: i’m ok, i promise.
You were about to cry on the spot. Slowly, your whole world would come back together, and everything would be fine.
The news reporters were showing live footage of what was out there, with the recording crew bravely hiding in the bushes and rubble of what was left of some buildings. The camera couldn’t get a full view of the thing because its appendages were too long. It looked like some big mechanical spider with claws on the ends of its legs. Just the sight of it on the screen made your skin crawl… why was this city so obsessed with spiders?
In the corner of the screen, a teeny tiny Spider-Man faced the enemy.
Oh my God, he’s doomed! He’s so tiny compared to that thing! And it has claws that could probably cut through the webbing! Every doubtful thoughts and whispers from your neighbors flooded your brain and you couldn’t stand to watch without peaking through your fingers in front of your face.
Seungmin was face-to-face with some other spider-wannabe being. He had no idea who or what this thing or person was other than it looked like it was crafted in an underground laboratory. With long, heavy, and sturdy appendages, it was hard for him to make out the pilot in the cephalothorax. What seemed to be human really didn’t look human at all - more like a crazy, power-hungry scientist on crack.
“Spider-Man! What a coincidence, I was just on my way to see you ~” the man sang. “I’ve been watching you.”
“That’s not creepy at all…”
“But it’s only because I admire you so much! Look, I even made myself a big spider to impress you!”
So he was just some crazy super fan. Seungmin wondered if his intentions were to hurt any citizens at all, or if the pilot didn’t even think about them as he made his way to show Seungmin his creation.
“Do you like it?” he asked desperately. “It’s an homage of sorts - like a sculpture! It’s art!”
“Um… I don’t fully understand it? It doesn’t look anything like me at all.”
There’s a short, eerie silence that followed. Everyone watching in their shelters embedded into the Earth’s crust held their breath, waiting for how the super fan was going to react. If you could hit Spider-Man across the television screen, you would until he was sent into the next dimension. Spidey, you idiot, entertain him a little, would you!? Are you trying to doom us all!?
“So you hate it…”
“No, that’s not what I.”
“I knew it! I knew you would hate it!”
The mechanical spider threw an obnoxious temper tantrum like an angry child without his nap time, swinging its appendages in every which way, hitting everything in its path like a lethal tornado. Nothing was left but dust and gravel by the time the spider sliced through a building. Seungmin did his best to dodge and avoid getting hit, but it wasn’t easy when there were eight things to dodge all at once. Between jumping from buildings to running on the ground, while trying to transition from one platform to the other, one of the legs hit him and sent him flying through a cement wall.
You could practically hear the whole city gasp in unison, with your soft one mixed in as you hide your face in your hands. Oh my God, he was going to get crushed!
But as if nothing had hit him just moments before, the city’s hero jumped back on his feet and went back to the demon.
First, Seungmin tried to tie up his legs together with his webbing. That didn’t work even though the chemical make-up of the silk was comparable to woven steel. The claws were still able to cut through every strand like it was cutting though tissue paper.
“I spent countless hours…! Endless months...!! Sometimes without food or sleep, and you ended up hating it!! I made this for you!”
Another blow to Spider-Man sent him through several concrete walls this time, crumbling the foundation of the buildings as he passed. At this rate, the entire city would be destroyed in no time.
“Come on, you can do it,” you whispered to no one in particular. You hoped his spidey-sense, or whatever, could hear your thoughts.
The more buildings that were destroyed, the more the enemy moved forward, looking for other things to destroy and toss like they meant nothing. Seungmin did his best to follow and try to lure him in a direction that was mostly rubble, but it was no use. Before he could be stopped, the two of them were already at the city’s main bridge that connected it to the other city. It was clear they didn’t get the evacuation memo quick enough as people parked their cars in the middle of the highway and ran in the opposite direction.
The view of the fight could now be seen thanks to two brave men recording in a helicopter. You saw the thing toss cars behind him, at Spider-Man, into the river, and to panicked citizens. Luckily, Spidey was able to catch the cars with ease and you think to yourself that maybe you don’t know him as well as you thought you did, even after all that research. Truly, this man was absolutely incredible in action.
“You hate it, everyone else hates it, where is the culture in this town!? The artistic knowledge!? Lack thereof is absolutely mortifying!” Another car tossed into the river. “No city can thrive without appreciation of the arts! I’ll do you all a favor and rebuild this city from the ground up!!”
You assumed that meant he would eliminate everyone in the city and start with nothing. That was comforting…
A car filled with a small family and a baby were lifted overhead. “I’ll start with them!”
He tossed the car over the bridge like they were just one of many to end up with an unfortunate fate in his metal claws. Spider-Man paid no mind to the cackling man in the body of a mechanic spider and used both of his web shooters to aim at the falling car. They hadn’t fallen too far off the bridge, but if Spidey couldn’t hold on to them, then the drop would be horrendous.
Maybe if the car wasn’t a huge suburban mom-van, this would be a piece of cake to pull up, but it was and no amount of leg days at the gym could have prepared Seungmin for this gnarly dead lift. Since all of his attention was on the van below, Seungmin had a hard time multi-focusing on the demon threat that was aiming a car at him.
“You’re next ~!”
Then there’s a beam of… light? Fire, perhaps? That blinded the television screen. A flying, red and gold-colored armored man swooped in and saved Spider-Man’s and the family’s ass.
“You ok?” he asked, flipping open his helmet to get a good look at him. “No, the suit! I was so sure the material would hold this time!”
Wait a minute… “Is that Woojin!?” you screeched on your end. “What the fuck -!!”
“Eh?” Seungmin looked down at his suit. Only parts of it were torn up and scathed, but otherwise he thought it was holding together rather nicely. “I mean,I think it’s still ok.”
“We’ll discuss that later. Do you need some help with this guy?”
“That would be nice, yes.”
“Bet I can beat him before you pull up the car.”
“Oh, you’re on.”
Once Seungmin got into competitive mode, there was no going back, and Woojin knew that. There was no way he’d beat this super fan, but he needed Seungmin’s help fast because this heavy iron suit could only dodge for so long.
You’re on your tippy toes as you watched Woojin tease and fight the demon-threat. There was no way that was really him... But when you saw his fluffy brown curls and his mischievous smirk before he closed his helmet, you were positive that was the one and only sexy fried chicken master himself. It was just so hard to believe because you’ve never seen him move so much before. You were so used to him slouched over in your booth every Wednesday night.
The car was brought up with some struggling, but nonetheless, the family was safe. Seungmin would feel this in his legs and biceps tomorrow morning, but that was for him to dwell on tomorrow. While Woojin kept distracting the enemy, Seungmin jumped in to help.
“If you can pin him down, I’ll incinerate the appendages.”
“I can’t, I already tried that.”
“What? He can still cut through them? Dammit!” Woojin sighed loudly. “Make sure I modify that along with the fabric.”
“Duly noted. I could try tying the legs together?”
“Let’s try it.”
It was a cat and mouse chase, where Spidey-Boy played the sneaky mouse Jerry and the spider droid was Tom the cat. You watched the clever man weave in and out and in between all the legs, with an appendage following closely behind. With a quickness, he shot his webs towards the limb and pulled close. With his free hand, he took another hold of a limb, and brought it close also. Then the tying ensued, trying to bend and twist the unforgiving metal into what was almost a knot.
“Close enough,” Woojin shrugged. “Step aside.”
You watched a floating Woojin blast a beam of light from the palm of his hand. At the joint where the limb met with the thorax, the mass of energy blew them off one-by-one as Spider-Man did his part. Two legs fell to the floor. Then four, then six, but the seventh and eight limbs were able to fight back. The tips of the claws acted like the tips of knives, piercing and poking everything it came in contact with. Seungmin got hit on his side, the spidey suit ripping along with his skin, and dark, crimson blood flowed freely.
Another eruption of gasps were made in your basement, this time yours being the loudest. You covered your mouth and tried to stop the worrying tears from forming.
“F-Fuck,” he cursed painfully, jumping back to hide behind Woojin.
“I can handle two limbs. Just stay back.”
Seungmin didn’t hear what his boss said. He was too focused on the blood pooling in his hands. It hurt like a bitch, but luckily he wasn’t losing too much of it that he was going to pass out. It was just harder for him to move. In the background, Seungmin could hear the maniacal laughter from the crazy scientist who was having fun playing with his toy. Woojin, on the other hand, wasn’t having any of it today and opted to just incinerate every piece on the spider until there was no more. For a moment, it rained shards of metal, distracting everyone from keeping their eye on the demon-threat. The super fan was able to miraculously escape the explosion, but not before Seungmin tied his defenseless body up like silken chrysalis.
“It’s Spider-Man’s silk…! The intricacy of it! It’s phenomenal, Spider-Man!! Truly, modern art in its final form!!”
“Seungmin, you good?” Woojin asked, bending at his level.
“Yeah… Can you stay with him until the cops come? I need to go somewhere to fix this.”
“Do what you gotta do, but text me once you’re there.”
A drowsy, light-headed Spider-Man nodded before jumping off to God only knows where. There weren’t many places where he could hide from citizens once the word got out it was safe to come back again, so he had to make his way to someone fast, but when the trees looked like clouds and the street lamps blurred to nothing, that might take longer than he expected.
The ‘Threat Level Eliminated’ alarm popped up on everyone’s phones, meaning it was safe to go back to your apartment. Luckily and conveniently, your apartment was one of the few buildings located on the outskirts of the city that was left unscated, so you thankfully still had a home. You’re not sure how you’re going to sleep without knowing if Spidey was ok or not, but you were so tired that your body was sure to forget about it once it hit your mattress.
In the midst of all the chaos, you were so happy that Seungmin was ok. You hoped he was thinking about you, too.
A place for everything and everything in its place - nothing was scathed or shattered or touched, and for that you’re thankful. After a quick scan of your apartment, you headed to bed feeling empty, like you should have someone here to be with and distract you from all the evil in the world.
As if on cue, a knock on your balcony window startled you to death. Outside was a heavy-breathing silhouette of Spider-Man clutching his side from when he was almost cut in half by that thing. You never ran to the window faster.
“Hey,” you whispered worriedly. “What are you doing here...?”
“Please help me...”
Your eyes widened at the size of his wound. It looked much smaller on the television. “You need to go to a hospital!”
“No! No one else can see this.”
“But -!”
“_____, please.”
Reluctantly, you helped the poor boy into your home. He collapsed on one of the chairs in your kitchen while you ran to the bathroom to find anything that would stop the bleeding. Several damp but clean towels and soap were in one hand and a roll of gauze was in another. WebMD said to first apply gentle pressure to stop the bleeding. You were ok with baby wounds and small paper cut drips of blood, but being up close and personal with a gashing, open wound with lots of blood made you lightheaded. Oh my God, why did humans have so much blood!
The next step was to clean the wound, so you used a new towel and some soap to clean around, but not on the open cuts. At this point, Spider-Man’s breathing was slow and steady.
“Hey,” you said, gently patting his masked face. “Stay with me.”
“Don’t fall asleep.”
“I’m pretty sure that rule only goes for head injuries.”
“Just don’t, ok? For me? At least not yet, because I’m scared you won’t wake up again.”
You felt like such a whiny baby for not wanting an injured hero to rest just yet, but Seungmin knew you were just worried. Even in disguise, you were always so thoughtful for him, and it was just one of the many reasons why he loved you.
Spidey-Boy ruffled your hair playfully. “Ok. For you.”
Cleaning the wound took a while (“Ah, that stings!” “Then sit still!” “No!”), but regardless, you think you did a pretty swell job and almost considered a change in your major (NCLEX, anyone?). The difficult part was patching up the wound.
Your cheeks blushed for the millionth time. “Hey, uh…”
“What’s up?”
“Can you, uh… Take your uniform off…?”
Seungmin’s heart jumped. “I can’t do that.”
“Why not? How am I going to wrap up your wound?”
“I’ll do it myself. Can I use your bathroom?”
“Sure… First door on the left.”
Spidey nodded, taking the roll of gauze in your hands and slowly making his way towards the bathroom with whatever strength he had left in him. After taking off his suit and mask, he used the door as a means of support while he messily wrapped the gauze around his torso. It thankfully stopped the bleeding, but the problem now was how he was going to get home when he could barely walk.
He felt a knock on his back and panicked, pressing up against it more so you couldn’t open it.
“Y-Yeah?” he asked.
“Are you ok in there? Are you sure you don’t need any help?”
“I’m fine…!”
You left it at that, going back to your seat in the kitchen as you impatiently waited for his return. You knew the reason he wanted to do it himself was so he could hide his identity, but you couldn’t help but feel a little hurt that he didn’t trust you like that yet. I mean fine, this was only technically your fifth time meeting him, but this situation was different - he needed your help.
After half an hour of wrapping and trying to catch his breath, a fully-costumed Spider-Man came out of the bathroom with the gauze sticking out where the cut used to be. You smiled up at him and Seungmin thought that everything would be all right.
Then he collapsed.
With a loud thug, your hero fell to the floor and didn’t move. You ran to him, fell to your knees, and laid his head on your lap.
“Hey hey!” you cried out, lightly slapping his masked face. “Come on, wake up!”
“I’m going to take off your mask, ok?”
“No, don’t…!” He tried to object, but the more he talked, the more he lost his strength.
You didn’t listen because how could you just let him slowly suffocate under his mask!? You didn’t care if he’d be mad at you and you didn’t care if Woojin or whomever the fuck his boss was barged in and blasted some memory-wiping light in your eyes because you cared about Spidey-Boy too much for you to just let him do this on his own.
After removing his mask, you felt the walls of your home begin to crumble.
A sweaty, exhausted Seungmin laid in your lap, barely breathing. Seeing him like this brought back every memory you’ve ever shared with him, from high school until now. You’ve only ever come to know the adorable and sunshiny Seungmin, never the one that’s been saving the city from chaos and destruction. You thought you knew everything about him, but it was clear you really didn’t know him at all, and it broke your heart.
It wasn’t fair. He knew everything about you, from your odd habits, to your favorite everything, and now he knew how you felt about being in love. Granted, you never explicitly told him it was him, but he wasn’t an idiot, he knew it all along. Tonight, you trusted him as Spider-Man with your heartfelt feelings thinking that the real him would never find out until you were ready, but that trust was already broken the moment he flew into you on that fateful Sunday evening.
Your entire friendship was a lie.
Seungmin tried opening his eyes after feeling your tears fall on his cheeks and forehead.
“_____…” he mumbled.
You shook your head, unable to look at him as you quietly sobbed.
“I hate you, Seungmin,” you whispered.
His vision goes black.
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When Seungmin passed out, you kneeled there until you could no longer feel the blood flowing below your knees and you sobbed. You were heartbroken, you were furious, you were absolutely terrified, and everything came crashing down like every other building in the center of the city tonight. But at least Seungmin (slash Spider-Man) was here with you, right where you needed him to be, so could you really be mad?
There was no way you were able to carry him to your bed or even the couch, so you did your best to make him comfortable as he laid on the floor. A few pillows and several soft blankets would do the trick. Afterwards, you headed to bed yourself, unable to deal with everything that happened today. Somehow, you’d deal with it in the morning.
But you couldn’t sleep. After tossing and turning and flipping through old memories shared with the boy practically dead on your floor outside, sleep would not have you, as if you were cursed until you dealt with your feelings head-on. What the fuck were you supposed to do, though!? He was unconscious, for God’s sake, he wouldn’t even hear anything you’d say! And it would make you seem weak, wouldn’t it? Caving into what your heart wanted and going to him… That would mean you’d forgive pretty much anything Seungmin was at fault for, and that was not going to be the case!
It was four in the morning when you decided that yes, you were a weak, weak person, but only for your best friend.
On your sixteenth birthday, Seungmin gifted you the stars. Literally - there was this lamp thing on Amazon that had a slow-spinning black dome with a bunch of holes in it that mimicked the stars above. When the lights turned off and the glow of the lamp was on, the entire room was filled with constellations and stardust and it was like he gave you the universe and everything that was beneath it. In retrospect, he’d always go above and beyond, not just with gifts, but with anything that involved you just to make you happy.
Maybe it was time for you to do the same. The least you could do was try to understand his side. You wouldn’t even let him explain earlier… You told him you hated him.
So in the midst of heartbreak, you brought the lantern, a pillow, and a blanket and laid beside him until he would wake again. As the stars twinkled and twirled like a mobile above a crib, you watched a sleepy Seungmin beside you breathe softly. You counted every eyelash, every breath per minute, and traced his silhouette.
Even when you should be mad at him, how could you be? The moment he wakes up, you'd forgive and forget about everything - you loved him too much to stay mad for so long.
Before you fell asleep next to him, you made sure to hold his hand so he wouldn't slip away.
Nine in the morning was when Seungmin woke up with enough strength to leave you alone. He awoke beside you, with his hand entwined with yours, and he thought to himself how there was no way he deserved you. You stayed with him the whole night, healing him, making sure he was ok, and even after his identity was revealed - even after you told him you hated him - you stayed by his side on the uncomfortable hardness of the floor.
You hated him. Even with you by his side and your hand in his, he lied to you and kept his identity a secret and you hated him for it.
Seungmin tried to get up, but his side stung too much. Looking at his gash, his blood had soaked through the gauze and he knew he needed Woojin's money to help him with this one.
Your best friend pressed one last kiss to your forehead before leaving.
"I love you," he whispered. Then he hopped out the balcony and journeyed to Woojin.
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When you woke up alone and with Seungmin nowhere in sight, you panicked. You called his cell phone, left text messages, called Woojin's cell phone, called all of 3RACHA's cell phones, anyone who you suspected to be a part of this super secret Spider-Man Team of Friendship, but no one would answer or knew where he was.
First he hid a whole alternate persona from you, even after you grew a connection with him, and then he injuries himself and then he falls off the face of the Earth!? How was that fair to you!? After everything you do for him!?
You needed answers. You needed him to be safe, with you, and to answer every question you had. He owed you that much.
Desperate times called for desperate measures, so went live on the radio straight from home.
Seungmin slept on Woojin's couch for hours after he arrived. He was drugged with some weird shit Woojin's brother concocted, patched and stitched up by said brother, and was instructed to stay bed ridden until the drugs took on its full effect. Something was working because his side felt numb and wasn't bleeding out anymore.
As he waited for the medicine to work, he passed the time by reading and listening to all the messages you left him.
you [9:23 am]: hey, are you awake?
you [9:38 am]: please answer me…
"Seungmin? Where are you? Please call me back."
you [10:56 am]: seungmin please
you [11:21 am]: i'm not mad, i promise!! i don't hate you!!
you [12:03 pm]: you're so mean.
you [12:52 pm]: i'm sorry.
He'll never be able to face you again. Not for a very long time.
'Moonlight Radio is now live!' his phone screen read.
Today was Sunday. "What the…?"
Even when the city barely started to recuperate from mass destruction, a good chunk of your regular listeners still tuned in to Moonlight Radio.
"Hey, guys!" you greeted cheerfully. "It's me, _____, going solo at the mic today. How are you all doing this Sunday afternoon? I hope you're all safe and sound, resting from last night's chaos. Team Moonlight is just fine, so no need to worry about us.
"Now I know, it's not 8:00 pm Wednesday, but I have a really good reason for this surprise short broadcast. I… I need your help."
There's a long pause on your end. How were you going to word this?
"So there's this guy, right? There's always a guy, that's how stories like this start. He's a really close friend of mine and I've been battling with some weird feelings for a very long time. You guys know how it goes, right? You think you like them, you're in denial, things get kind of awkward, then you're avoiding each other, and now your friendship is ruined, all because you're avoiding these… these stupid feelings! And you haven't even told him yet!"
Seungmin heard you sniffle through his phone. You were crying. All because of him.
"So I need your guys' help," you cried out. "I hate feeling this way. What should I do…?"
On your laptop, tons of answers flowed in through the group chat and inbox on what you should do. There were only two answers, and one of them was a question.
"You guys are so funny," you said, genuinely happy that your listeners knew you so well. "The only options are variations of 'just tell him!' and 'is this about Seungmin?'"
The tired boy's heart felt like it was aching when you said his name, but why was he so happy?
"You guys are right - I should tell Seungmin I love him. Seungmin…" you paused, choked up on the tears that were ready to fall. This wasn’t going to be easy. "If you're listening, please answer my calls… I-I'm not mad at you! I just can't help but worry about you sometimes. You mean so much to me, and I don’t know what I’d do without you. So please, just let me know you’re out there and safe somewhere. I love you, ok? I love you."
Seungmin cried a little, too. His heart ached, his whole entire body, mind, and soul ached, but he was so, so happy.
"Ok! Enough sad sappy stuff! I'm going to eat tubs of ice cream and maybe cry a little until I hear a response. Stay tuned on Wednesday to find out the results of my undying confession to my co-host. Oh, also! While I have you all listening, could I ask you all for another favor? If you guys see Spider-Man today, could you drop the location in our inbox? I know I know, I used to be disgusted by that vermin, but now I'm kind of a huge fan. Spider-Man, if you're listening… I guess I like you, too. Have a good Sunday, everyone. This is _____ signing off."
Seungmin had to find you. He had to run to you, hold you in his arms, and kiss you until you were out of breath. But when he tried getting up from the bed, he couldn't.
"Hyung!” he called out. “Why can't I move!?"
"The sedative isn't going to wear off for a couple more hours," Woojin explained.
"Hours? No, I need it to wear off now!”
“Sorry dude, I can’t just reverse it like that.”
“Can’t you just call _____?”
“No, I have to see her in person. They deserve that much.”
Woojin ruffled his comrade’s bedhead adoringly. “Ah, young love.”
Seungmin was bed-ridden for another six hours until he was fine to move again and leave to do his ‘young love activities’, as Woojin put it. Throughout the entire six hours, he recited and played in his head all possible scripts and scenarios of what it’d be like when he saw you again, asking Woojin for some input on how likely each of them would happen.
“Scenario one is that they return my feelings and hug me ‘til I can’t breathe and maybe we kiss and live happily ever after as Spider-Man and _____.”
“Sounds fake, but ok.”
“... Scenario two is that they’re mad at me for a little while, the show goes on hiatus because it’s a little awkward, but in the end we’re together and live happily ever after as Spider-Man and _____…?
“What is with this happily ever after stuff? Do you really think it’ll be that easy?”
“No, but a man can dream.”
“Instead of dreaming about it and stressing yourself out, just wait until you actually do it. You always overthink things, it’s not good for you, dude.”
“I can’t help it ~!” the injured boy whined. “I’ve never had this problem before!”
“Neither have I, but I’m always right, so you should listen.”
Six and a half hours, a tub of ice cream, and half a box of tissues later, you were still alone in your apartment watching sappy romances to cry your eyes out to. After you ended your pop-up broadcasting, you waited by your phone hoping that the message got to Seungmin. It had to have, because there was always an alert whenever the show went live. Unless he didn’t have his phone, but that was unlikely - didn’t he need it for superhero-y Spidey things? The first hour of waiting was the worst because every time your phone rang with some notification, your heart would jump in your throat and it was hard to breathe, but it wasn’t him, it was always some listener congratulating you on your confession or that they haven’t seen Spider-Man all day. The following hours were just you wallowing in your sadness knowing that Seungmin probably wasn’t going to respond anytime soon.
A knock on your window sent the spoon in your hand flying. You clutched your startled and fragile glass heart when you saw Seungmin standing on your balcony in his torn-up suit without his mask on. Your long-time friend looked so tired - tired of hiding from you, from protecting the city, and from being a normal college kid. Your nurturing instincts silently scolded him and wished he’d just gone home to rest instead, but truthfully, you’d much rather have him here with you.
You ran to your balcony door, opened it, and jumped right into his arms.
Seungmin didn’t say anything about how you were squeezing his stitches or how he wished you weren’t crying because of him. He simply held you in his arms and stroked your hair while you buried your head in his shoulder. Your body shook as you sobbed and it damaged Seungmin’s heart to an extent he couldn’t describe, but he hoped the kisses he planted on the side of your head healed you even just a little.
After an immeasurable amount of time, you broke away, and hit his chest.
“Ow, hey! What was that for!?”
“That was for crashing into me when we first met. If I could hit you for everything that’s happened to us over the past few months, you would need more stitches.”
“... I guess I deserve that…”
“Why are you here? You should be at home resting, not flying around dressed up in this cursed suit. What if another threat pops up!? And why do you have your mask off, what if somebody saw you!? And -!!”
“Shh,” the grinning boy hushed, pulling you back in for another hug. You should be pushing him away and scolding him some more, but your body failed you and you wrapped your arms around him once more. “I am home. You’re my home.”
“Don’t pull that cheesy shit with me, Kim Seungmin, I’m not buying it.”
“I know. I’m so, so sorry.”
“You better be!”
“Do you still hate me?”
“Kind of, you ass.”
“Do you still love me?”
Your cheeks burned. “... You heard me on-air, huh?”
“I love you, too ~” he sang, showering you in little kisses.
“Ew, stop it!”
“Ha ha, you love your best friend ~”
“Shut up!”
“You love spiders ~”
“No, I don’t!”
“C’mon, kiss me. Kiss your favorite spider.”
“Kim Seungmin, you’re so gross!”
You kissed him anyways. Then, for the entire night, you both sat on your couch and made him apologize for every single thing he’s done to you as Spider-Man, from spilling your french fries (“But I bought you some the same night!” “That was Seungmin, not Spider-Man.”) to flirting with you, and to when he left without waking you up. You forgave every single incident by kissing him and Seungmin tried to think up a hundred little things to apologize for.
“I’m sorry that you fell for me twice,” he teased.
“What kind of apology is that!? And I didn’t fall for you twice!”
“Admit it, you started to really like Spider-Man.”
“You’re so cute when you’re in denial.”
“I hate you.”
He held your face in his hands and pulled you in for another soft kiss. “I love you, too.”
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cake-in-a-tin · 4 years
My thoughts rewatching all the Harry Potter movies back to back
forgive typos, and be warned - there's a lot...
the first two have a smaller amount of thoughts for some reason, idk why
 Philosopher’s Stone
teeny harry haha
that snake is so beautiful
no post on sundays bro
hi hagrid
how did the dursleys get off the island tho
aw harry is so teeny and innocent
ollivander’s entrance is so iconic, like i want to enter every room like that
hermione is so great already
and you are…
‘you’ve got dirt on your nose by the way, did you know?’
haha tiny malfoy
TREVOR! + neville
that death glare mcgonagall omg
oof snape really hates harry
it's leviooosa not leviosaaa
troll in the dungeon!!!
hi fluffy
ew norbert is gross to be completely honest
creepy malfoy staring at the window
malfoy being sassy wow
‘nighty night…’ whyyy filch?
oof ron are u ok
bye hermione
voldemort is kinda cute with his big eyes
harry really just killed quirrell jeez man
alas earwax
Chamber of Secrets
ah go away dobby don't be weird
yes the car with fred and george
oof bye uncle vernon haha
ah awkward let go of harry lockhart we hate u
haha ginny is iconic
rons face when the train comes omg
ron can drive? that's impressive…
ooh a voice scaryyy
hey colinnn
eat slugs - yas
let go of his arm lockhart
uh oh colin is petrified
hahaha snape annihilated lockhart wow
gosh moaning myrtle is annoying
tom riddle is such a weirdo hgh
ew spiders
lockhart is hilarious when he has lost his mind wow
yas fawkes
ew he just stuck the sword right through its head didn't he...
powerful sock…
go away lucius ur annoying
Prisoner of Azkaban
ugh aunt marge blow up already
sassy harry tm
tom is iconic
so is crookshanks tbh
the knight bus kinda sucks in the movie tho
yess lupin hi
ugh shut up trelawney
ah the best scene aka harry and draco being sassy towards each other
‘it’s killed meh!’
the other best scene: lupin, boggarts and the record player
love when they are eating sweets and just being good friends
yay marauders map - iconic fred and george
nice snowman also
my dad didn't strut and neither do i - yeah right...
yes leave hermione
trelawney stop being creepy
take that malfoy
harry third wheeling
yas remus save sirius
"old married couple" haha snape knows what's up
die peter lol
haha yes they will chop your leg off ron definitely
ugh harry stop being noble
haha yes mentioning the marauders
ew stop peter
oh no werewolf
sirius is so dramatic haha he cant stop turning into a werewolf my dude
bad idea yes ron i agree
oof fight him sirius
no sirius!
the dementorssss
no harry that's not a real patronus dude
nom eat the little soul nugget nice
ah no they're gonna kiss sirius nooo
scabbers did it ok... shut up ron
dumbledore just smacking ron's broken leg and being mysterious
and enter many time paradoxes
‘this is not normal’ hahahah wow harry
yess save buckbeak dudes
yas beautiful patronus dude
this music tho wow
au revoir sirius
I wonder how many stairs they ran up...
poor ron so confused
that bird just got squished no
don't leave lupin
please tell harry about the marauderss
i love lupin omg
ooh a firebolt thanks godfather
the ending face wow
Goblet of Fire
ooh nagini hello
yay frank you will die soon so enjoy your tea
dr who!
ah voldemort's creepy little hand tm
yes ron is covering his non existent boobs wow
hermione's so mad 4 some reason
yes cedric diggory in a tree
everyone has long hair why
isn't just any manky old boot mate
cedric amos and arthur are show offs
feet off the table!
i luv magik
wow krum is enjoying himself
Why is draco wearing a suit?
lucius is very ominous
think ur in luvvv ron
is there no winky in this? sad
harry is so awkward omg
bye hedwig find sirius even though the ministry cant
oh bonjour beauxbatons
wow so dramatic here come the durmstrang peoples
wow run filch ao athletic
ew the beauxbatons entrance is so weird and compared to the durmstrang one is kind of sexist
ow poor flitwick a fork to the hand that's gotta hurt
moody is so dramatic
dumbledore already shouting nice
why does he have so many bugssss
ah that is a creepy spider
poor neville he has to have cuppa with moody that sucks
yess fred and george back at it again
hermione ruining the vibe
what would happen if harry was just like "nope"? would he die that would be interesting
igh rita skeeter go away ur creepy my dude
hate it when ur eyes glisten with ghosts of ur past
yas sirius in a fire
"who are u talking to?" "im vlogging ron" (how it should have gone. harry should have a youtube channel just saying)
poor harry a third wheel yet again between madame maxime and hagrid ew
wow draco in a tree, why? so many people in trees this movie
malfoy as a ferret is my favorite character
my father will hear about thissss
omg rita get outttt
fight the dragonnnn
feel like someone should have stopped the dragon after it broke free... idk *shrugs*
it would be so boring if u were watching the tournament because you can't see anything that's happening most of the time, only for the 1st task and a bit if the 3rd task.
knew u wouldnt die harry, lose a leg - or an arm -pack it in all together? nevaaaaa
god just open it harry
ron ur so awkward...
harry spitting out his drink will never not be funny to me
oh yes the gorgeous dress robes
poor ron has it tough, having to dance with mcgonagall and having ro wear those robes...
*babbling bumbling band of baboons*
the twins are hilarious in this haha
aw neville!
snape is really violent can't 2 boys discuss their love lives or lack thereof in peace
ron's jealous of viktor krum haha
love harry just being so confused and saying "spectacular" when cedric speaks to him.
given the fact harry literally told him the task cedric didn't do that much to help.
ugh no myrtle stop
harry going "do i" when neville tells him he seems tense is such a mood
harry's hair when he was swimming haha
just leave them harryy omg too noble
harry holds his breath for a long time after his gills go away - longer than i can
fred and george making fun of harry having 'moral fiber' is exactly what i would do in the situation
mr crouch stop being weird
yes finally singing hoggy warty hogwarts
oh hi mr crouch, taking a nap in the forest are u? cool
i would say do not stick your face in the pensieve but that's just me
Dr Who changed a bit since i last saw him, he's a bit mental now...
snape is so iconic wow
"bubble juice sir?" bahaha sassy harry back at it again
this music is so great
i would freak out if i had to go in that maze it's so creepy and feels like it would be so filled with jumpscares just nope
"a cauldron? What are u guys gonna do - eat me? that's gross!" feels like it should be in the movie
aw baby voldemort is so cute
ugh just chop off another finger or something wormtail jeez so much drama
how is voldemort still alive - the cauldron is on fire??
the movie is also really missing voldemort dancing with the death eaters
u dont have hair my dude stop caressing ur bald head
voldemort has lovely long fingernails
lucius' blonde hair poking out from beneath his hood is so funny 4 some reason.
"i can touch u now" is really not a good sentence
bit awkward to return with a dead body...
its alright harry *shakes his head violently*
uh oh that's not professor moody its barty jr
Order of the Phoenix
halfway done woo
the intro music is still a jam the 5th time
that is big whinging not little whinging
hi big D what a great nickname...
uh oh dementorrrrr
yes mrs figg the most iconic character in the movies
harry looks a lot like frodo baggins
yay the order is rescuing him finally
yes remus and sirius and mrs weasley and everyone
ooh kreacher
jeez hermione attack him
crookshanks attacking the extendable ears is just what my cat would do
cute godfather godson moments yeass
arthur weasley trying to function as a muggle is just so wholesome
ugh not umbridge ew
yes clear those charges
aw padfoot yess
wow that's a lovely coat sirius
voldemort looks great in a suit wow
didn't harry see his parents die? why couldn't he see the thestral before?
yes luna!
oh shut up umbridge oh my goddd
yes ron u tell seamus like a good friend
sassy harry reaching full potential
ugh umbridge sucks wow
so evil torturing harry
yes weasleys wizards wheezes
luna is so pure and perfect
the friendship between her and harry is so amazing
yas tell umbridge, mcgonagall
trelawneys bad but she doesn't deserve to be kicked out by umbridge
oof professor dumbledore just straight up ignored harry
yes harry just say you're rubbish that will make people think your sane
yes hermione break the rules!
oof ginny is jealous of cho liking harryyyy
yay the room of requirement!
dumbledores army is so fabuloussss
nigel is amazing and i love him
wow hermione just knocked out ron haha
harry potter the boy who made cheesy inspirational speeches
wow ginny is so powerful
harry and cho are so awkward eeehhhh
just because you’ve got the emotional range of a teaspoon *cringy forced laughter*
occlumency lessonnssss yay what fun
cute christmas scenes wow
ooh the family tree and sirius' backstory yay
harry u aren't becoming like voldemort u are going through pubertyyyy its hormonesssssss
yay hagrid finally
oh no it's bellatrix get ready for crazinesss
poor sirius he keeps getting the blame for everything that's so unfair
is neville tall or is harry short, because there is a huge height difference
aw all the patronuses are so cute
uh oh here comes umbridge...
noo they are captured and dumbledores lying waaa
oof dumbledore is as sassy as harry at some points - "dumbledores got style"
no umbridge is heaf and shes fricking evilllll
grawp yess. hes kind of cutee
ron is jealous of grawp bahaha
sheesh snape chill
yes a bit of maraudrrss aahhhh
thats it? noo
aw fred and george comforting a little boy is too cute!
yes fred and george!!! disrupt those OWLS!!
no harry! he doesn't have sirius nooo
yes hermione fake it till u make it ( or until u get umbridge attacked by grawp )
yay the centaurs are here as well get herrr
'i must not tell lies' the sass omg
jeez how many prophecies are there wow
pranked, harry dude ur kind of rubbish
well done ginny you've made all the prophecies fall
yh id rather watch my friends die than give u the prophecy, don't really like them tbh
yas sirius!
the order yes
you're beautiful sirius
noooooo siriusss 😭😭😭😭
yooo voldemort my dudeee
hope the ministry has a massive roomba
the DA just come in to see harry writhing on the floor and are like 'cool'
nice one fudge finally realised he's back cool, cool
ah yes angsty harry tm
aw poor luna, her shoes are all stolen.
luna is an icon though
we have something voldy doesn't - noses hahahaha
Half Blood Prince
uh oh the dark mark is here
death eaters as well fun
fenrir greyback!!
oh no not this bridge! i went across it and i was scared af
dumbledore appearing out of nowhere is so funny
ew slughorn no
wow i need dumbkwdored tidying spell so badly
slughorn collecting people is kind of creepy tbh
im so glad i dont have as many staircases as the weasleys
oh yes narcissa and bellatrix being shifty
oops snape u probs shouldnt have done that
yess fred and george!!!
weasleys wizard wheezes looks amazinggg
uh not cormac mclaggen
oooh its "draco and mummy"
no fenrir we wanted to look at draco stroking a cabinet
yes arnold!
yes draco malfoy is a "creepy bloke" ronald
why is draco always wearing a suit??
yes draco is going to pigfarts!
ouch why would u stomp on his nose??
yez luna save him
noo dont let snape teach defense against the dark arts!! i miss lupin...
poor harry having to do potions again ugh
dun dun dunnn the half blood prince
poor seamus stuff is still exploding
haha dumbledore ships hermione and harry lol
baby tom riddle is creepyy
tom riddle and slughorn were bffs wow so cute
edgy draco in his loki suit
aw rons the only one listening
ugh cormac mclaggen is so gross nooo
haha ron is so rubbish at quidditch id be just like him
'the binding is fragile' hahaha excuses
harry sleeps with his potions book hheehe wow
wow sneaky draco
rons face when hermione mentions her snogging him haha.
uh oh cursed necklace alert
harry pottrr the boy who just knew
snape is so sarcastic wow icon (not really tho ew)
oh god they're talking about skin aahhh
noo harry stop being awkwarddddd sit downn
ew cormac stop eating profiteroles so suggestively ugh
haa rons outfit
ew lavender stopp
oh yes "felix felicis" makes ron great at quidditch
poor hermione she just loves ron thats all
aw hermione and harrys friendship is so nice
angsty draco standing in a tower
"bUt I aM tHe ChOsEn OnE" god harry so pretentious
luna is the coolest person there is, nice work harry
draco in a suit again looking sad he does that a lot
no draco ur apple!
oh nvm its back dw
ugh cormac sucks.  hermione why??
at least cormac did 1 good thing and vomited on snapes shoes
draco was lurking omgggg thats his vibe now
cant break an unbreakable vow - figured that out for myself thanks (sassy harry)
ew lavender stopppp
ooh noo ginny dont feed him a mince pie awkwarddd
thanks ron
stoppp ginny. harry can tie his own shoelaceee
why do they need to burn the burrow this doesnt happen in the books #not canon
wow everyones sassy including hermione now
also lav is an awful nicknname
aha tom riddle is still creepy
okay thats a lie slughorn u told him about horcruxes
uh oh ron loves romilda vane oop
harry thinks the moon is divine haha
Ron hugging a pillow then falling off the sofa in the background oh my gosh
slughorn is so useless
haha snapes face while rons saying hermiones name
draco being edgy again woowwww
lavender that is a death glare if ever i saw one
oh no draco is crying in a bathroom now like a moody teenager
let him cry in peace harry god man
'nyaaah' is dracos go to dueling sound
oops harry u kinda killed him a little bit.
no this is so awkwarddd ginny dont
just kiss like in the books after the quidditch match thats way better
yes the felix felicis
love harry potter like this its so funny
‘harry!’ ‘sir!’
not to mention the pincers *gestures awkwardly*
nice speech harry, now u have answers on the horcruxes
ooh back to tom riddle being creepy
yas harry and dumbledore field trip quality student teacher time
snape being edgy now wow everyone is in this movie
oops foreshadowing...
harry has precious blood apparently?
yay boat ride and smoothie
harry potter not harry water bro
noo bad just aguamenti right into his mouth Harry
yay new friends!!!
dumbledore ur gonna set harry on  fire careful my dude
ooh death eaterz
did draco change intot hat suit to impress the death eaters?
oop bye dumbledore
harry brooding in dumbledores office
yess RAB get wrecked voldemort
harry ur thick apparently?
aw cute friendship
Deathly Hallows Pt. 1
rusty logo wow
‘ello whoo are u
oh scrimgeour hi i dislike u dude
veey dramatic
aaawww hermione no
yas dudley being nice to harry and vernon listening to him and leaving
ron brooding wow
bye parents sad face
wow vernons old man
ooh its snapeee he looks loke he has a lot of contpur on
yay snape has a savey seat
pius is a great name
uh oh i dont wanna give u my wand voldy
dracos face haha
ugh do they have to watch nagini eat professor burbage gross
the dursleys house looks so empty
yay the cupboard happy memories and his baby toys cuteee
moody thinks that harrys gorgeous.
yay remus and tonksss
shut up mundungus
blimey hermionee
'just trying to diffuse the tension' hahaha lol
wow so many harrys lol
yh  wouldnt want to go in the motorbike tbh
uh oh death eaters
wow parkour harry
nooo hedwig - the saddest bit of this movie
yo voldemort wassup
oops the pylons fell down... just fly away good idea
nooo george's ear
jeez lupin y are u being crazy dude
george is saint like and holy aw so cute brother moments
uh oh bye moody u were a bit creepy tbh
ha lol harry a lot of people are going to die for u
harry stop being moody omg
wow george way to ruin the vibe dude
yo minister leave pls
ron just being ungrateful - u can turn out lights now ron lucky u
yay hermione you get a childrens book thats great
wow a snitch lucky u harry. hes so pleased with that. little does he know.... its a resurrection stone bro
give him the sword man
yay nice wedding
luna interrupting deep thoughts casually
xenophilius is creepy
ron and hermione staring at each other is a mood.
way to crash a wedding dude
hermione is the most competent out of all three it has to be said
i really want that bag of hermiones
shouldnt have said voldemory now the death eaters are here whoops
"hermione" *strokes face awkwardly*
sassy harry yas
oh yes grimmauld place
oof voldys having wand struggles
hi kreacher please leave ur creepy thanks
aw siriuzz room so cute sad hes dead
regulus arcturus black yay
ugh mundungus fletcher u suck dude
aw neville
oh no pie dude is the minister if magic now
uh shut up umbridge
feel like u dont need that many posters
sentimental piano playing wow
yo dobbyyyy
umbridge ruins everything omg
ron - u dont have a wife
haha harry getting out of the lift and walking in such a weird wayyy bahahaha
ew umbridge has moodys eye groosss
yas the ugly plates are still in her office
oops ron u just kissed that random dudez wife
nice suit harry
ouch splinch
lovely tent
kill the locket dude
dean thomas is on the run ooh fancy
yh harry stop letting voldemort in dude
harry stop being so moody bro
ooh watch snape on the map thats not creepy.
oh no snatchers...
ah u almost got caught dudes
ron ur so weak wow cant apparate or anything
lot of missing people...
haha a quarantine haircut
yes hermione ur brilliant
oh god ron stop chill
bye ron i guess lol
poor hermione
yas awkward dancing timee
awkward stares
kissy for the snitch. he must really miss ginny
uh oh its opening at the closee
vfd!!! an eyee!!!
ooh godrics hollowwww
oop its christmas eve whoopssss
oh a deathly Hallows
parents grave yay!
ur bathilda? nope im a snake boiii
bathilda is 1 creepy lady
what are u saying my dude????
ew snake lady
chaira are good defences agaunst snakes definitely
ah she jumped at them
looks like a nice campsite
wow now hermiones being sentimental
oop she sat on harrys wand
wait nvm
oooh a doe a deer a female deer
dont drown harry that would be awkward
omgbharry stop undressing
oof the locket strangling him
yay ron saved him yas dude
ron kill the horcrux
u tell him hermione
nice ron tell them u have been hearing voices
yes go see xenophilius the crazy dudee
aw ron ur so awkwsrd bro
their house is so cute
shut up ron god
yay we know about the deathly hallows now
xenophilius is so suspicious tho
why would you say his nameeee
noo snatchers
ooo ominous malfoy manor
draco dont doo ittt
yay dobby!
ah no hermione
aw draco looks sad in his little loki suit
yay dobby 'maiming and seriously injuring'
nooo dobby! he deserved so much better 😭
"hey guys welcome back to my unboxing video today we are opening dumbledores grave"
yay the elder wand wow
giving away ur position a bit dude by shooting stuff in the air
Deathly Hallows Pt. 2
snape hi ur brooding
lots of dementys
dramatic music
waaa dobby
yay bill and fleur
yo griphook what up
the sword was in a river bro
madam lestrange? no!
oops thats not dracos wand anymore wowww
wands are just like 'ya hiiii we have feelings too'
oop ollivander knows about the elder wand bros
ron looks great with a moustache tho
harry just broke the law jeez...
wow that cart looks fun
wow they fell from the cart nice
oh no ron broke the law too whoops
yay a dragon
lots of gold nice
yay the cup
oops they messed up nkw everything is multiplyinggg
griphook y are u evil my dude
yay ride a dragon
oops they fell no
yas they escaped
uh oh voldemort is onto them
that's a lot of dead people
oh no everyones looking for them
ah aberforth hi!
the other part of harry's mirror!
oop dumbledore was a secretive dude
ariana yas
i love neville hes so great now
yay all of the DA
ginny is being awkward
'shut up seamus' hhaha
aaa snape yooo
snape stop being a meanie
stop being angry harry
yas queen! mcgonagall!!!!
uh oh voldemort is whispering to harry again
stop voldemort you need a cough sweet
yes everyone protect him
haha filch is a blithering idiot wow
i love mcgonagall
run harry
boom! seamus blow stuff up!
yay the knight peeps
uh yes theyre protecting harry and everyone
yes luna is so smart and iconic
go talk to a ghost harry
thats a lot of death eaters
go away voldemort no one likes u
yes go stab a crown harry
yay remus
fred and george aw
ron fake parseltonguing lol
nooo quidditch
lol peeps got disintegrated
go hermione stab the cup
yessss kisss!!!!
tonks and remus together wow
wow i hate voldemort's bald head with the weird veins
run neville!
yay ginny and neville
yay a little kiss for harry!
ooh the room of requirement
edgy draco back at it again
ooh the diadem
no dracooo
yh draco y didnt u give harry away?
aw ron loves hermione
uh oh fireee
nice work goyle
bye crabbe lol
yay hes saving draco
nice killed the tiara
oops voldemorts getting angry
snapes gonna dies dudes
runnnnn guys
lavenders being eaten
yay aberforth
yeet snapes dying
gosh naginis violent
“ew snape sorry i dont like u even tho u loved my mum” - what harry should have said
woops bye snape
freds death is too sad
nooo remus and tonks
go watch snapes life my dude
yess the always bit (i dont like snape but its iconic)
poor harry
its so sad that hes just sacrificing himself
his eye contact with ron omg im cryinggg
ooh yay his familyyy
he should have said 'its muffin time’ to the resurrection stone and it would be like 'cool bro here's your dead family'
u got this harry
yay teddy mention
"until the end" yas james
lets do this harry
wow voldemort why are you standing like a weirdo
yes harry be a brave man
byee harryyyy
oooh hes alive still
hi dumbledore
yes harry is a brave brave man
cool explain it to him dumbledore
bye dumbledoreeee
wow voldy u weakk bro
yas dracos alive get off me
aw neville u got this man
voldy yeeted that dead giant wow
ew snakey boi
nooo hes dead waa
poor draco such an awkward hug
oop neville what?
ok ur just making a speech that fine carry on
voldys very polite for a villain
yay harrys alive
haha dieee
run lucius wow
oof destroying the school harry really
naginis coming run hermione
u got dis neville
noo ron
yes molly!!!
y r u hugging dudes u arent friends... did u forget? oops..
bye snake boiii
neville is so iconic omg
kill him HARRY
haha disintegrate voldemort
dont breathe in voldemort guys
wow harrys a mess
yay hagrid
hermione and ron are so sweet aw
harry yeet the wand
wow draco owns the wand and now harry has it
aw the friendship
yess 19 years later
wow that hair harry
all of their haircuts are tragic tbh...
should be albus remus potter... just sayinggg
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rhetoricalrogue · 4 years
Character Study
I was tagged by @chuckhansen​, thank you! Leaving this as an open tag for whoever wants to join in!
(icon by flaticon.com)
Tumblr media
NAME: Aubrey Rene Miller
EYE COLOUR: steely grey
HAIR STYLE / COLOUR: Coppery red/gold in a short Audrey Hepburn, Mia Farrow style pixie cut
HEIGHT: 5′7″
CLOTHING STYLE: (book 1) Very professional slacks with a pressed blouse in a lot of blacks, deep greens, or dark blue colors. Her slacks are usually black or dark gray, sometimes with a subtle houndstooth pattern. She always wears sensible shoes that offer a lot of ankle support and can make standing or walking for long periods comfortable. Most of her dress shoes have a slight heel, but nothing she can’t run in, and the style tends to run towards ballet flats.When she’s not at work, she’s more casual and likes to wear leggings and t-shirts around her apartment. (book 2) More of the same, except the colors are softer and her blouses have a super subtle turn towards being more feminine vs. purely professional not that she’s trying to get Adam to notice her or anything. She starts wearing her old dance workout gear when she goes to the Warehouse to practice, which is a lot of wrap tops or tank tops and either short circle skirts or bullet point skirts over her leotards. She hadn’t worn any of her gear for the past four years, but she’s thrilled that everything still fits as if she’d worn them the day before. She’s hesitant to practice in her pointe shoes for fear of aggravating an old injury, but she has them in her bag, just in case she gets the nerve and sticks with flats.
BEST PHYSICAL FEATURE: the overall confident and graceful way she carries herself.
FEARS: spiders, not being able to do the things she was once good at, if she does the things she was once good at that she won’t find the same joy in them
GUILTY PLEASURE: making a pot of spaghetti with her best friend’s nona’s recipe for homemade marinara sauce and eating the entire thing by herself
BIGGEST PET PEEVE: Overconfidence and arrogance, or people using others for their own gain
AMBITIONS FOR THE FUTURE: Wanting to be the best liaison between the Agency and Wayhaven that she can be, getting back to dance, even if she isn’t performing any longer
FIRST THOUGHTS WAKING UP: Mental checklist of things she needs to do for the day, if she has time to do a quick stretching routine or if she wants to roll over to get 15 more minutes of sleep in.
WHAT THEY THINK ABOUT MOST: Her new friends and the changes that have happened in her life over the past few months
WHAT THEY THINK ABOUT BEFORE BED:  Things she needs to get done for the next day, a brief mental recap of the things that happened during the day, mindful meditation to unwind and fall asleep.
WHAT THEY THINK THEIR BEST QUALITY IS: the way she connects with people
TO BE LOVED OR RESPECTED: both. She believes you can’t have one without the other.
BEAUTY OR BRAINS: brains though a bit of brawny eye candy doesn’t hurt either
LIE: Sometimes, but mostly it’s the “I’m okay, I promise” types of lies or the omitting information to keep the Agency a secret
BELIEVE IN LOVE: She’s afraid to again after what happened with Bobby, but at the same time, she’s ready to take a leap and hope that the person she’s jumping towards catches her.
WANT SOMEONE: Yes, though the hot and cold act is confusing as hell. She’d rather be direct, but she doesn’t want to push him away more than he’s already doing himself.
BEEN ON STAGE: Numerous times. She was a professional ballerina for a company in the city for ten years before an injury had her retire. She still keeps up with her old friends and her partner, and when she can she’ll help with Wayhaven’s small dance studio, but she hasn’t been on stage since. 
DONE DRUGS: no, only doctor prescribed painkillers
CHANGED WHO THEY WERE TO FIT IN: a little? Bobby was big on dating a certain type of girl, so she may have changed a few traits to fit his ideal image better, but nothing too critical or anything inherently “her” at her core.
FAVOURITE COLOURS: Pinks, blues, silvery grays
FAVOURITE ANIMAL: foxes. She has a collection of fox things, her favorite being the pair of practice tights she owns with foxes on the kneecaps
FAVOURITE BOOK: a very old, very worn copy of a biography of a principal dancer she’s admired since she was a girl. Reading about her was what got her inspired to become a ballerina and it’s her most prized possession after she had a chance to meet the dancer in person and ask her to autograph the inside cover.
DAY THEIR NEXT BIRTHDAY WILL BE: April 25th. Once Miss Congeniality aired, her best friend would always get her a cake with “Happy Light Jacket Day” written on it instead of “Happy Birthday.”
LAYER 09: I…
I LOVE: my friends, my family, my extended family
I FEEL: hopeful in the future
I HIDE: my insecurities
I MISS: the City, the stage, that little restaurant my partner and I would go to after practices 
I WISH: relationships didn’t have to be so complicated 
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jq37 · 5 years
oh WOW that new bloodkeep ep
**spoilers for family in freefall bloodlines and lifelines**
Man this episode was a lot. Probably my fave of the season so far.
Brennan seems to have an M.O. in terms of plotting things. They way we got a focus on each character in a stressful situation reminded me a lot of Family in Flames from the FH season which came at about the same point in the story.
Anyway, we start with Brennan giving the most unnecessarily verbose description of falling ever.
I am actually not sure how big Lilith is supposed to be in relation to everyone else at this point. Or how big her kids are supposed to be. I thought the really young ones were like straight spiders but like Jessa and the boy who’s name I’m forgetting were centaur style like her. But like, idk. 
Efink insisting that she’s still holding the wheel (even though it truly means nothing) was so funny.
Both Matt and Brennan do very good re-entry sound effects.
Brennan: Feel free to do nothing.
Rekha: *SLAMS that induce labor button with no hesitation*
Truly amazing
“You feel your fire break.”
Leiland falling to his doom while bossa nova music plays in the background and rolling his eyes at Maggie is iconic.
Everyone is dying and Sohkbar is just like, fine.
Lilith polymorphs into a full ass spider.
Even though it ended up going sideways (literally) not a bad plan from Markus.
Brennan is so good at scene setting exposition.
Erika acted the hell out of that moment when she and Sohkbar share a look before she tells Russel everything is gonna be OK. She didn’t have to but she did that for us.
The wheel that steers nothing metaphor was such a good turn of phrase from Bren.
Rekha goes, “THIS is the bad day,” with Kristen Bell’s inflection and I am reminded that it has not even been a full 24 hours in game since ep 1. Wild.
Anyway, Efink’s norn spirit things disappear which is what happens when you roll snake eyes I guess. Amy is legit tearing up.
Brennan’s throwaway joke of explaining story structure low key killed me.
Leiland gets advantage on perception and rolls a nat 20!
Are all of the Vingury just gay for the next person in their chain of command? Because that’s what it seems like.
Matt’s flustered Leiland as Miles implies ~things~ is adorable.
Animal handling 2, electric boogaloo. I love that joke.
Maggie is so OP. Maggie hits the ground and isn’t even at half HP. Leiland is knocked into negatives though.
His first death save is a nat 1. WHICH IS 2 FAILURES. I was so stressed.
Then J'er'em'ih rolls a nat 20 to go save him!
I love the phrase, “J'er'em'ih’s normal form” as if he has a normal anything.
“J'er'em'ihdeserves the credit.”
Anyway J'er'em'ih(w/ an assist from Sohkbar) saves Leiland!
Rekha was so concerned for John. Like, not even Maggie. Rekha.
“It’s gonna be an egg!?”
Samantha Eagles. (Of the Philadelphia Eagles?) I died at that line.
Maggie levels up and gets healing magic. (“Fuck yeah!” says Maggie.) John stabilizes.
The fact that Maggie thought it might be an egg makes me concerned that she maybe isn’t ready to be a mom.
I love that Maggie just wordlessly presents her baby to Lilith (the alpha mom of the group) like a kid showing their mom and art project.
OK, this is such a tiny moment but I love, love, love that Maggie has a good enough relationship with Lilith that when she heard what she thought was a threat to her baby, she just asked, “Is that a threat to the baby?” instead of attacking her or going *Maggie will remember that* and harboring mistrust. The way she asked was so adorable. Also, Lilith would never.
Markus floats basically the exact same plan as Lilith (defect to good, get pardons) but at least he uses it as a plan of true last resort.
Lilith being the keeper of basically all of Efink’s self esteem is great. Also, everyone has to keep reminding her that she is queen.
“As the resident magnificent failure.”
“Allow me to be the basis for your self comparison. That’s the best I can offer you.” LEILAAAAAAAND.
Anyway, Leiland gives a great pep talk to Efink who throws her spell cards over her shoulder irl (”it’s an RP episode. it’s fine”).
Amy to Brennan who is about to start roasting Efink’s entire life: Don’t do this.
So when Brennan said, “Efink gets to decide right now if she’s good at magic.” I was thinking, that’s a big thing to put in a PC’s hands unless you want the answer to be yes. Because, in another story, “No,” might be the better answer narratively, but who’s gonna voluntarily nerf themselves like that?
So Efink dips into an episode of Friendship is Magic which Brennan beautifully picks up the narration for and gets the info they need without rolling for it. She also has some major self actualization and is now dry, less vain, and less dramatic.
It kinda seems like this was leading towards Lilith being the new leader what with her thoughts while she was falling and her being passed up for the promotion but, come on. She would have to make a crazy soul rending deal to just take the crown normally and she has kids and common sense. Otherwise, I think Erika would have made that play.
“Is my son a different player than me?” I love Rekha.
Like Leiland, I fully thought she was gonna name the kids John at first. (Are you ‘allowed’ to jr. a kid who isn’t named after you or your spouse? I’ve never seen someone do that. As in, add the jr., not name a kid after a friend).
I love that Matt roleplays Leiland into so many awkward moments. A good RP-er doesn’t care about their character being cool all the time.
“I’m naming him after the name of yours that I prefer.” That was so sweet.
“First of all, J'er'em'ih’s an excellent judge of character.”
Everyone coming together to make Leiland feel better was so so sweet. These guys are like the exact opposite of murder hobos in a game where they 100% have the right to be.
The baby tells Leiland to kneel and he just does it because of course he does. (Leiland later: I HAVE A VERY PARTICULAR SET OF SKILLS)
Maggie after Leiland swears total fealty to Leiland Jr: Can’t you keep anything at like 80%?
Efink rolls a nat 20 on her check to navigate the Bloodkeep, basically completing her self actualization arc.
Leiland resists the urge to chase Hamhead, completing a portion of his arc.
The running thing of people giving Maggie biologically incorrect info on kids because of their drastically different biology.
Aww all of Lilith’s kids.
Lilith dispel magicking the book golem, implying she could have done that at any time and just chose not to.
Leiland apologizes to Maggie for being bitchy to her out of jealously, which I thought was sweet but was just the warm up act for what was about to happen.
But, before that, Maggie’s dad calls and Efink hangs up on him for her. For a second I thought that cutting off the call meant we wouldn’t get to see what was behind the doors but, luckily, that wasn’t the case.
(Also Sohkbar and Lilith eating popcorn as Maggie and her dad fight).
Did Efink appoint herself high adviser?
“Please don’t bite him,” *Leiland Jr. bites a spider*
So, anyway, Leiland and Maggie go into the portal and see visions of (1) weird sex between Zaul and Lilith and (more importantly), (2) Zaul bagging on Maggie when she’s not around/thirsting after Leiland when he’s not around.
The simile about winning the lottery after you find out money can’t buy you happiness was so good.
“What a fucking pig!”/“I agree.”/“Oh, do you?”/“Actually I do.”
Instead of being mad at Leiland (or Lilith for that matter) she just doubled down on being mad at her dickhead ex. And Leiland, instead of being all winner winner chicken dinner just felt bad for Maggie and Decklan.
“Was this something the baby should have seen?”/“No.”
“This is one of the lesser times it’s bad to say your father’s name.” Yikes Leiland.
Anyway, the whole hang makes plans to take Sohkbar shopping and it really fits in with the theme of this ep of everyone boosting everyone’s self esteem. This ep has a lot of genuinely heartwarming moments.
“Sohkbar yes. Sohkbar yes. Sohkbar yes.”
“What did you roll? [28] You see everything.”
Leiland Jr. as new king seems like a questionable decision imo but I’m not gonna backseat RP.
“You guys start engaging in a fun conversation about statecraft.”
“Lilith, I’d like a hug.” Lilith hugs her and kicks her legs up like she’s in the climax of a romcom.
The whole group hugs and Brennan calls them out and has a NPC call them out, even though he’s the person who led them to this path!
Man, the promo for this ep really made it sound more dire and less heartwarming that it actually was.
“Imagine there’s 9 squares in a grid.” TRAPP
That like 20 seconds had so many good lines. “We’re cutting out the middle man and taking evil straight to you.”/“We’re evolving evil.”/“We’re disrupting evil.”
Now that I think about it, they really haven’t escaped the bloodkeep so far, have they? They’ve been going back and forth between it but not really trying to escape it per se. 
Olag is back because, again, of course he is.
Final battle y'all!
Sounds like we’re getting actual Gollum next week so that should be fun. Also, very curious to see what that last, “No,” is in response to. These guys are good at cutting trailers so it could be nothing serious, but who knows?
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theoutsidies · 6 years
Dating Fionn Whitehead Headcannons
•spoils you so much
-he takes you to get your nails done, takes you shopping, takes you to the salon, buys you food, whatever
“This is such a cute shirt!” You hold the piece of clothing up to your body.
“Okay, lets get it.” Fionn says already walking towards the checkout line.
•complimets daily!
“How did a bloke like me end up with such a pretty girl like you?”
“You look very cute in my sweater.”
“You’re so adorable!” He says as he pinches your cheeks, “my little princess.”
-and if you deny the compliments, he will not stop repeating it until you do accept it
“You’re so beautiful.”
“Not really.”
• G E N T L E M E N !! He’s opening doors for you, pulling the chair out for you, kisses your hand, takes your coat, and just respects you.
- but he’s also a geek
“I’m sorry, Y/N,” he sighes, “I can’t protect you. I’m not a tough,macho man.”
“What? We’re just watching Coraline”
-he also loves to tease the crap outta of you
-he likes to pick you up a lot. He likes to come up behind you and pretend to be a kidnapper, which terrifies you, but Fionn thinks he’s absolutely hilarious. He also likes to hold you like a potato sack and spin you around until you get dizzy, again he thinks he’s so hilarious.
-Aww he’s such a cheeky monkey :)
Fionn does this thing where he acts like he bite his tongue or cheek, and makes you check inside his mouth. But when you get close enough to his mouth he just kisses you, leading to a heated makeout session. Which was his goal the whole time
-your hands are always inside his
•DATes are soooo Romantic
-the first few ones were nice, usually at a restaurant
-but the deeper into the relationship, the usual date is cooking something at home, snuggling on the couch while watching a movie.
•speaking of cuddling, Fionn kinda hates it
-his arm wrapped around your shoulders while watching a movie, that’s GREAT! But when his arm loses blood circulation, and his face is covered in your hair, that’s when he wants to stop
-the only long cuddling position he accepts is him laying on his back while you lay on top of him. Your head pressed against his chest while your legs are intertwined.
“Y/N,” he shakes you, trying to wake you up, “I can’t feel my arm anymore.”
• the relationship was a secret
-so y’all were at a grocery store in the fruit/veggie section. You were busy looking at the shopping list when Fionn went up to you, squeezed your boobs, and said “These melons are ripe.”
- and you knew if someone caught Fionn touching you or caught you displaying affection to each other the relationship would be exposed, but you just had to kiss him. I mean, one lil kiss shouldn’t hurt. Boi were you wrong
-a friend texted you a photo of you & Fionn kissing at the store, it looked like it was taken by some paparazzi.
-like you know that iconic “oh oh oh ohhhh” in Big Time Rush when something goes bad, that’s basically what happened.
-you did get some backlash from fans, but when all the comments got to your head, Fionn was right there next to you, comforting you. Whispering sweet things into your ear.
•Kissing is amazing!
-Fionn absolutely loves putting Lil kisses all over your face when your busy doing something
-he’s so adorable, ugh, you both blow kisses to each other ,he catches the kiss in his hand and puts it in his pocket
-you’ll never admit it to yourself but one time you were laying on the couch( your head dangling off the couch) and he came over and did that iconic Spider-Man kiss, and you really liked and you both couldn’t stop giggling after
-holds your face when kissing, he likes to know that he’s got you and he’s protecting you
-making out is hot, so hot
-he gets really adventurous when in the mood
-Fionn loves making you flustered, and will study every different technique on kissing just to learn how to make you have more pleasure
-one time y’all were making out and he SUCKED ON YOUR TONGUE
he saw how your eyes went wide and was satisfied with himself
-if you play with his hair while making out he will groan into your mouth
-Also if you kiss his chest or collarbones he will cum in his pants
•Supportive Couple? Very much,Yes
-When you force him to watch his movies with you, he never pays attention to the film. But he watches you, and finds it adorable how you admire him
-you sometimes vist on set and stand to the side as they film
“How did I do today, love?” He asks wrapping his arms around your shoulders.
“Amazing as always.” You pucker your lips up for a kiss as he leans toward you
-one time He got very self conscious of his smile.
“My teeth are so gross.” He shared as studied his smile in the mirror again.
“No. You have a very pretty smile.”
“Do I really?” He flashed smiled at you. One that made you heart swoon.
“Yes. I can hundred percent confirm you do!”
-Fionn also supports you through thick and thin. He supports you through stressful times and times when you feel like shit.
•he gets weirdly turned on when you take off your bra without taking off your shirt
•Will do anything to see you smile
-your shoulders hurt? Bam! Done, you’re getting a back massage from Fionn
- it’s 3 am and you want a candy bar? BAM! Done, he ran to the nearest store
-you want him to sing to you? bam, done, but sung very hesitantly and very shyly.
-You wa
•he really likes baking!
-cookies? His favorite
-and I know it’s super cheesy but flour fights are a common thing.
He’s also very corny, one time you had frosting on ur lip and he did the cliche thing but saying “you got something right there” and kisses off the frosting.
-he loves making stuff from scratch cuz he can say that it was, and I quote “It’s like our lil baby. We made them.”
•Babies? Yes Fionn loves them
-if anyone has a baby he wants to hold em
-if you have lil baby cousin/siblings/relatives if he snatch them and play legos with them
“I want Fionn to be on my team!!!” The child demands as they point at him
“No! Fionn is playing with me!” The other one bickers
“guys, t-th-there’s no teams in twister.”
-He also knows how to comfort a child and just make them laugh
Tumblr media
(This photos makes me uwu so hard)
-he really wants kids and wants to start a family <3
But of course, he doesn’t want em right now, in the future
He thinks he’ll be a great daddy.
•Christmas is his favorite holiday
-he’ll go sicko mode during the holidays
-he legit put up Christmas lights right after thanksgiving
-hangs mistletoes everywhere cuz he wants your kiss
You’ll have like 30 gifts under the tree,
-don’t get me started on him Christmas shopping
He will spend hours inside a store,looking for a gift for you, and come out of the store with no presents.
Fionn says he wants to find the most perfect, and wonderful presents for you.
-you try to make a gingerbread house together but end up just eating all the frosting and candy
“So, we have 1,2,3,4,5, 5!” He says counting, “I think we’re missing a gumdrop.”
He looks up from the candy only to see you chewing on the sixth gumdrop.
“oH! My lil cheeky girlfriend stole it!”
Okay I’m done
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ak-spra · 6 years
Spock and Uhura
Send a ship & I will answer….
• Who is a night owl: Both! Late nights reading on their PADDs quietly sharing a blanket on the couch, reading sections aloud and debating if they disagree with it.• Who is a morning person: Spock is surprisingly terrible at mornings, but years of training has got Nyota really good at “get up and go”.• Are they cuddlers: It’s on and off. Sometimes yes, sometimes Spock just can’t get to that headspace and they have to settle for being close but not that close.• Who is the big spoon: Almost always Nyota.• Who is the little spoon: Almost always Spock. He needs to be held, you guys.• What is their favourite sleeping position: Nyota curled up under Spock’s arm, laying on his chest bc he’s so warm. Bonus points if their legs tangle.• Who steals all the blankets: Spock, he gets cold if they use Nyota’s room. If his own, Nyota tends to shrug them away to keep cool.• What they wear to bed: Spock is a NERD. I can’t see him in anything less than a shortsleeve tee and thin trousers, both made from a special material that doesn’t aggravate his sensitive skin.• Who likes seeing the other wearing their t-shirt: Spock in Nyota’s clothes? A whole world I need to explore. But yeah, Nyota in one of Spock’s shirts, maybe adding a belt so it’s like a short dress? Iconic.• Who falls asleep mid-conversation: Spock frequently. He stays awake far too long and Nyota learns to talk him into sleeping – literally. She’s too practical and knows when to send herself to sleep.• Who wakes up in the middle of the night with nightmares: Spock 6/7 times a week. Nyota sometimes, it’s hard not to have nightmares after what they’ve seen.• Who accidentally punched the other in their sleep: Spock doesn’t move much when he gets nightmares, but Nyota absolutely strikes out.• Who can’t keep their hands to themself: Both, depending on the situation. But they’re professional before anything else (one of the reasons they keep having to start over)• Who said “I love you” first: Nyota. Spock didn’t say anything back. What a jerk.• Who would have the other’s picture as their phone background: Neither, I feel? They’re both too independent to need that. Also, like Captain Raymond Holt says, if you love them you don’t need to be reminded what they look like• Who leaves notes written in fog on the bathroom mirror: Nyota writes things like “don’t forget to eat” and “I took your shirt mine is dirty” and “shabbat shalom” and Spock writes stuff like “Sorry I was rude yesterday” or “Your jewellery is really nice” or “Dinner at 2200?”• Who buys the other cheesy gifts: Nyota gets really bad things on shore leave and Spock collects them in his office.• Who initiated the first kiss: Surprisingly, Spock. But not before he was certain, and even then he asked first.• Who kisses the other awake in the morning: Varies. Spock isn’t good at mornings so he has to already have been awake, otherwise Nyota, along with some green tea.• Who starts tickle fights: G-D CAN YOU IMAGINE. A BLESSING. I CAN’T EVEN ANSWER IM JUST THINKING OF SPOCKS GREEN BLUSH GIGGLES AND NYOTA’S SHAMELESS SHRIEKING.• Who asks who if they can join the other in the shower: Mutual agreement, mostly. They can read the room, you know? Sometimes it’s not appropriate, sometimes they don’t want to be alone. It’s rarely sexual so much as it is about the contact.• Who surprises the other in the middle of the day at work with lunch: Always Nyota. Spock sucks.• Who was nervous and shy on the first date: BOTH. Spock was more obvious though bc Nyota had already learnt his tells and she was going for “fake it till you make it” so she seemed fine.• Who kills/takes out the spiders: Spock respects them but doesn’t like to look at them too long. Nyota removes them, but if she accidentally kills it and tells Spock he mourns for days.• Who loudly proclaims their love when they’re drunk: BOTH. Spock more than Nyota, which is endless fun for everyone else but a source of anxiety for him.
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ninjakirkki · 7 years
Tagged by @broomhattery​ thank you! ✨
1 - Any E3 games you looking forward to?: Mario&Luigi superstar saga + bowsers minions! I never finished the original one on my phone so I’m more than glad to play it with actual console! also that game series is one of my absolute favorites! ^0^
2 - What’s the first memory you’ve had of playing a video game?: When I was pretty young and tried to play some mario with NES haha, usually me and my sis just watched our mom play it tho x>
3 - What’s an obscure fact you know? (about anything): Human eats on the average of 8 spiders while sleeping in their life? 
4 - What’s the most disappointing game you’ve played/show or movie you’ve watched?: Yoshi’s new Island, I was so excited about it but... MEH
5 - If you could change a movie/game/show that is flawed so that it won’t be flawed, what would you change?: I’m unable to think any atm 💦
6 - What’s your favourite villain from any medium?: Bowser or Dedede, no wait Dedede totally wins on this one
7 - What’s your favourite… word?: well I don’t have one but I have favorite saying which is, ei tästä tuu lasta eikä paskaakaan, which translated to English radically is, this won’t come out as a child nor a shit x’D
8 - Take your username and change it into the edgiest username you can think of (while still retaining elements of the original, like mine would be xxxxbR00M-HaT<Rxxx or something like that). You don’t have to actually change it, physically, just type it out: xX-NiNjA-KiRkKi-Xx ((is this edgy enough pff))
9 - Are you a fan of anything underrated or underappreciated? (any medium) Does haunter count?? like you can see Gengar everywhere but rarely any Haunter or gastly >: CCC *mad* ((or any other ghost types really hhhhh))
10 - Which of the 7 deadly sins would best describe you?: probably sloth haha
11 - What is your icon supposed to be?: It’s Kirkki--- it’s a keychain I won at new year’s lottery years ago when we were visiting Thailand haha. He has become my imagination friend actually, later tho I found out he was suppose to be an alien from some korean movie but... he’s still Kirkki to me x’D
My questions for the next ones!
1. If you could marry any fictional character who would it be?
2. Oh no! you mysteriously got into a desert island! the closest thing besides you is what you’re gonna be stuck with, what will save you/be your doom?
3. do you own stuffed animals? if yes which one is your favorite/has the biggest place on your heart.
4. favorite show you watched when you were young?
5. You’re send on a mission to defeat a horrible beast, your armor will be colored like your current pillowcase. How fancy will your armor be?
6. Is there any food you hate but would love to like?
7. what are your favorite complementary colors? ((yellow-purple, green-red, blue-orange))
8. favorite game of all time?
9. you hear a knock on the door and go open it, there’s big mutated spider, what do you do?
10. do you prefer digital art or traditional art?
11. which leg is your favorite one?
I’ll tag: @rag--tag @jazzhands966 @notashrew @sao801 @sansbytrashbin aaand anyone who wants to do this! ✨ also those I tagged, no need to do if you don’t feel up to it!
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verdigrisprowl · 8 years
Feb 13 Lost Light Stream - Soundwave’s Bar - Transformers Prime 60-62
To Soundwave’s shock and amazement, not a single person commented on the fact that his alternate spoke.
It wasn’t much commented on, but Prowl was more struck by the fact that Ratchet said “Soundwave is no ordinary Cybertronian—inside or out” and advocated dissection. His opinion of Ratchet plummeted.
ItsyBitsySpyers: ((lemme grab a quick drink and i'll start preshow)) Shockbox: I see we are back again with these...choreographed videos. Windchill: *Walks in at exactly the wrong moment, as usual.* Shockbox: *As disturbed as he is capable of looking.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave's just setting out snacks. He may or may not have taken to doing these mostly because he knows it confuses people.* Shockbox: *Snacks, you say? Now, that sounds much more interesting.* Windchill: *He won't be eating after a display like that, thanks.* Shockwave: ((hm. taking a long time to load in for me)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((is anyone else having trouble)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i paused it)) FakeProwl: *oh good. megatron dancing. just what prowl was hoping to see when he arrived* Bruin: *((nope)) FakeProwl: ((i just got here so idk.)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((give it a sec txen. sometimes it needs a moment to get goin)) Windchill: (( I didn't notice any trouble thus far!)) Shockwave: ((hrm.)) Shockwave: ((i hope its not being adblocked or something)) FakeProwl: ((i've got adblock on and it's okay for me)) Shockwave: ((ah, a refresh fixed it)) Primus: [I should reset my icon. >u> Shockwave: *if he could squint at the screen, he would* Shockbox: *He shares that sentiment.* boomtank: ((whaaaat the frickfrack ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Greetings. We will start in a little bit. He is waiting for something to resolve itself.]] Primus: [Think that did it] boomtank: -Blaster would like to know what that was because what the Pit- Primus: [I'm either a chaos god or a warbird] Primus: [orprimus] FakeProwl: *ah. and now it's prowl's alternate that knows how to dance.* Buzzstrike: Thank you, Soundwave. Shockwave: ((how do you change your icon again...)) boomtank: -mild concern now- ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Mmhm.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i'll start at 9) Whirl: Of course. Why did I think anything else would be playing. Whirl: Why did I fool myself with that small glowing shred of HOPE... Shockbox: (( I think we're stuck being rabbits for the night, txen.)) FakeProwl: Look on the bright side. You missed Megatron. Whirl: Oh, thank god. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Show something else? And miss out on all these complaints? Ha.* Primus: *Is amused* boomtank: Uh...what? Starscream: ((lurking ooc for now, working on a sculpt Buzzstrike: *blinks* Starscream: ((Also my bun is the cutest Windchill: *Oh look, Whirl, his arch nemesis, has arrived.* Whirl: *stops in the doorway and POINTS at Windchill* YOU. Windchill: *Points at himself.* Me? Whirl: You. Prepare to have your ass kicked. Windchill: Finally. Windchill: My entire life has led up to this moment. Primus: *Will just be off somewhere else away from the cluckoos* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Do not worry. No other Prowl alternate recordings possessed. Airachnid: [she isn't even phased by what's on screen anymore] Primus: *Kinda tempted to show Soundwave something* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «I'm not really bothered by them. I just feel like they set up unrealistic expectations for my capabilities.» Shockwave: ((oh is guest puff) Shockwave: ((i was like i dont see puff here)) Bruin: *clomps on in, Spotter on a shoulder, and look at that Specter finally decided to come along too* FakeProwl: ((wait does my name say guest. why.)) Starscream: ((u a guest FakeProwl: ((:T rabbit i TOLD u my name)) Whirl: *advances, clicking his claws* Also, I found that thing you sent me. You maniac. What were you thinking? Starscream: ((Tonight Prowl wears a Guy Fawkes mask Windchill: Are you menacing me? FakeProwl: ((fixed?)) Whirl: Do you feel MENACED? ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): That skill not expected. Windchill: ...A little. Whirl: ((Yes! I see prowlbun)) Primus: *Spider lady here. Nope. Going to avoid her to avoid spooking her* Shockbox: *Watching his iteration of Soundwave dance is....interesting, for him.* Whirl: I can tell this guy what I want to do with his body. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave settles in on a chair and steeples his fingers.* Whirl: I bet none of you can guess. Shockwave: Darksteel: Punch it? FakeProwl: *dryly* Does he survive it? Guest: Oh primus Whirl: He does not! Windchill: *Snorts& Whirl: It involves immolation. Windchill: Nice. Whirl: Hey, look, Blaster! You're famous! Shockwave: Darksteel: Immo-what? Whirl: Set him on fire. Shockbox: *He's grabbing snacks during this one.* Txen: Darksteel: Oh!! Hey! -We're- good at that. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Blaster appears to be a popular choice for dancing with his alternate. He is still investigating why.]] boomtank: Sorry, can't dance like my alternate FakeProwl: *is there space next to Soundwave? If so, sits next to.* Infinite: look at these sexy boxes Infinite: look at them dance Shockbox: Excuse you. Airachnid: [she sees you Primus, she sees you] ItsyBitsySpyers: *There is space for whichever allies feel like parking there.* FakeProwl: *... he's not sure if he and Primus are still on speaking terms, so he just nods as he passes* Whirl: A likely story. *sets himself down at Windchill's table, sprawling comfortably* Councilor: that was a crotch zoom Txen: *Shockwaves a creature of habit. what's he going to do, go sit on Whirl?* Councilor: if I ever saw any Whirl: I'm sensing a theme here. Councilor: yonCE ItsyBitsySpyers: *Poor Whirl's legs. We hardly knew ye.* Primus: *Prowl can still talk to him. Just avoiding others to not cause trouble* Whirl: *buck the trend, come sit on me, Worm Guy* Windchill: *Was going to say something, but wasn't expecting that crotch to the face. Sorry.* FakeProwl: *given how their last conversation ended, Prowl doesn't know that. so a polite nod it will be.* Txen: *alas. soundwave > worms* Whirl: ((whop brb y'all)) boomtank: -Oh. Primus is here. He should...probably apologize for running out during the card game?- Councilor: I don't want to be a rabbit anymore Councilor: how do I fiX THIs Txen: ((oh, havent seen a kaon before i dont think)) Buzzstrike: (I think you have to register for an account to stop being a bunny?) FakeProwl: ((that's a nice looking model. good glowing bits.)) Councilor: (( it would seem so )) Primus: *Blaster is fine, btw* Airachnid: yeah you have to have an account to be not a bunny)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((one more after this and then start, so get what you need and get settled)) FakeProwl: ((I always like when they take the extra step to give the TFs glowy bits or metallic paint)) boomtank: -Blaster still feels a bit bad about his reaction though- Primus: *Not the worst thing he's had happen* Windchill: Who are these nerds? *He means the ones on screen, not you lot.* Starscream: (( *sigh* against my better judgement- Roddy was looking forward to showing Thirst IC as Rodimus, and was wondering if that ep could be skipped Councilor: ugh Councilor: there Starscream: ((Or idk if shed prefer it skipped or just no TFP at all, i didn't ask Whirl: ((sorry, internet died)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i am literally 30 seconds from starting man)) FakeProwl: ((she decided to bail)) Councilor: so many soundwave animations ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i will watch it again next monday if wanted but i gotta get goin)) Starscream: ((was just letting you know so you didn't get back to skype in a few hours and then see it Starscream: ((rodger that Councilor: *kicks back* Whirl: ((INTERNET. PLEASE)) Whirl: ((if i vanish for good, my internet died. Whirl tipped his chair too far back, despite warnings, and fell into another dimension)) ItsyBitsySpyers: [[All right. We will begin. Please, do not run screaming into the outside world if you are frightened. There are tables for hiding under.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((lmao okay snif)) FakeProwl: So it's THAT kind of episode, is it. Whirl: You already showed the most frightening thing BEFORE the episode. Councilor: *Lazy boy footrest flies up with destructive force* boomtank: -does the Primus mind if Blaster sits beside him?- Txen: *tsks* Windchill: What an awful sound. Starscream: ((somehow i forgot about that fukkin accent save me Councilor: HA Airachnid: What an awful sight. [gestures to CYLAS] Primus: *Isn't really sitting anywhere. More like back over by the bar. Possibly sitting on it or at least on a bar stool* Councilor: I like the color green a lot less now Whirl: ((...test)) Windchill: Gross. Windchill: (( What u testing my dude. )) Councilor: oh my god its our lord and saviour Airachnid: there they go)) Whirl: ((to see if i was still yup, Rabbit is freakin out)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble comes slowly trudging downstairs and crawls on to the back of the couch behind Soundwave. He drapes himself against a shoulder and stays there.* FakeProwl: *nods to rumble* Airachnid: And he already has one Starscream. ItsyBitsySpyers: *The barest handflap hi.* Whirl: *tilts his head when he notices Rumble* Councilor: *silently hopes the minicon comes over to lay on her lap* Windchill: *Shakes his head.* Primus: *Looks over* ItsyBitsySpyers: *That one won't, but Laserbeak will perch on the new bot's helm* Buzzstrike: *watches fellow Mini-Con with a worried frown* boomtank: -okay, gonna sit nearby-ish then. This set looks to be a bit...no- Councilor: *sits completely still* Primus: [*guesswhostillhasntseenprime*] Shockbox: (( But. You're Primus.)) boomtank: ((-pats- Shockbox: (( Mind: Blown.)) Primus: [I know. I've never sat down to see it.] Whirl: Oh yeah, I've seen this stuff before. I wonder what would happen if we gave some to Frenzy. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\I'M ALWAYS ON IT.\\ Airachnid: Yes, you are. Whirl: *laughs* boomtank: ...... Councilor: Daaaaaark energon Airachnid: [referring to Sarscream on screen] Councilor: there goes rule number one Councilor: don't bring dark energon Whirl: I wonder how *I* would handle it. Txen: Shockwave: *mutter* The only thing that is 'frightening' about this installment is their 'scientific' methodology and lack of safety procedures. Councilor: they're just talking ship gossip ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave huffs softly, amused. He overheard that.* Primus: *Vents* FakeProwl: How desperate is Starscream to think this is a good idea. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Very.]] Airachnid: Very. FakeProwl: Tsk. boomtank: They're...kinda...wow, no Councilor: ew Airachnid: [just thinking about this makes her cringe] Councilor: purple and green go AWFUL together boomtank: They actually did it Whirl: Y'know. I'm not necessarily known for my good ideas, but... ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave sits up straight and tries to keep calm. No twitching. No fluttering.* Airachnid: [so glad that this didn't happen in her universe] Councilor: horrible fashion sense Primus: And it broke free. Primus: *SIGH* Windchill: *Scratches his chin.* Bruin: Its also a terrible plan Windchill: Well. Txen: Shockwave: *excuse him? super soldiers aren't his area? what do they think he was doing for most of the war* Windchill: That was to be expected. Councilor: silas how many drugs have you eaten in your life agooddistraction: what'd i miss agooddistraction: w???? Councilor: OH Councilor: OH Whirl: Oh, hey. Councilor: EW Whirl: Neat! agooddistraction: wtf? Buzzstrike: *abrupt twitch of blade-wings* Windchill: I've seen prettier. Councilor: Oh god I didn't know this was a HORROR flick Airachnid: A prime example on why to not dabble in dark energon. Windchill: *He's used to faces like that by now.* Councilor: rather... insect like boomtank: ....-hiding face behind data-pad now- Councilor: *looks at windcill* Whirl: Yeah. If I bothered to give myself a mouth, I'd like something like that. Windchill: *Avoids Infinite's gaze on purpose.* Whirl: I've already got half the prongs for it. *gestures to his helm* Windchill: *Cackles* Whirl: ((PFFT) Windchill: (( This ep. <3 )) Primus: Poor Vehicons Buzzstrike: ...mhm Councilor: (( this episode is probably the funniest )) Bruin: High;y traained??? Pf Airachnid: That hardly looks like "problem solved". FakeProwl: He's going to tear through the Vehicons. agooddistraction: wow ItsyBitsySpyers: *Okay. Maybe a little twitch. This is not a favorite. And now he's thinking of where he was at the time.* FakeProwl: ... Like that. Councilor: I'm a highly trained critic Whirl: Anyway, thanks for the gift, mech. *to Windchill* I'll always take and all figures of Heqet. Whirl: Praise. boomtank: That....did not go well.... Whirl: Even squishy ones. Starscream: *FLOUNCES IN* Windchill: *Nods.* You're welcome. Primus: None of this will end well boomtank: It's UP! ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Dark energon never does.]] Airachnid: Of course it didn't. IT was a result of dark energon and bad ideas. Starscream: Oh. It's /this/ again. Councilor: oh wow this iS predator Councilor: that was definitely the predator noise Whirl: Oh, so it's kind of like a sparkeater. Whirl: Except it drains energon, instead of eating sparks. Primus: [*shrieks*] ItsyBitsySpyers: \\LIKE WEDNESDAYS! HAHA\\ ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Yes. Though the spark is extinguished as well.]] Councilor: oh god a tongue on a body Windchill: ...Fascinating. Councilor: .... kinky Airachnid: Hey, human horror films are actually amusing. Windchill: *He can agree with that at least.* Whirl: *slowly swivels his helm to stare at Infinite* Councilor: TWO DIFFERENT types of bots Starscream: *will find himself a seat near the back to watch from. What even IS this nonsense.* agooddistraction: what was that boomtank: ((you okay Pri-mun? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[A Terrorcon.]] Councilor: *points at windchill* it was him Primus: [I'm laughing] Windchill: Who, me? Whirl: *slowly turns his helm to regard Windchill* I dunno what she's blaming you for but I believe her. Windchill: Oh, well. boomtank: ((oh good Windchill: Fair enough. Councilor: *sighs in relief* Primus: This is quite the nightmare Airachnid: [now if you'll excuse her, she's just going to go by Whirl] Whirl: He will nod to her as she joins the table* agooddistraction: is this really real Councilor: GA Y ItsyBitsySpyers: {{Now kiss~}} Windchill: I... Airachnid: [gives a chirp in greeting] ItsyBitsySpyers: {{Keheheh.}} Primus: *Laughs* Whirl: *so, whirl is sitting with Airachnid and Windchill--who else is at this table?* Windchill: *Pretends to swoon.* Councilor: AWKWARD GA Y Txen: Skylynx: Awwwkwardddd. Whirl: Ugh, Knock Out can do SO much better. boomtank: ...wow Whirl: Hell, even *I* could do better. And I'm ME. Starscream: *squints* FakeProwl: *wow. decepticon friendships are more awkward than prowl friendships. who knew.* Councilor: fUNnny Starscream: *Yup, that's MEgatron* Whirl: *he'll pause, look to Airachnid, and then imitate her chirp back at her* Windchill: Oh my god. Airachnid: [Decepticons are emotionally constipated mecha, of course it's going to be awkward] Windchill: *Sticks his tongue out at Soundwave.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *NOT LOOKING* Whirl: *reaches up....* Whirl: *grasps it in his pincer* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He notes that he was on board for this, but not as a Decepticon. Or with anyone else's knowledge. From what he understands, a Vehicon took his place.]] Councilor: LOL Windchill: *Immediately begins to wail like a siren.* Councilor: keeep it downnn ItsyBitsySpyers: \\YO! QUIET DOWN FRONT!\\ FakeProwl: ... A Vehicon took your place? *talented Vehicon* Councilor: some of us are watching historcal documentaries Whirl: *holds the tongue. Gently. But still holdin* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[There were a few who were passable in emergencies.]] Windchill: *Still wailing.* FakeProwl: Hm. agooddistraction: I can't believed I fragged that Councilor: whIRL ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Not near his level. But passable.]] Starscream: *snorts* Perhaps with a welder and an industrial accident. Primus: *Clears his vocals* Windchill: *Swats at Whirl, let him go so he can talk properly!* FakeProwl: *ugh. bugs.* Windchill: *If he talks like this it might disturb people.* Airachnid: [chirps at screen] Whirl: *IS SWATTED* Councilor: bara Whirl: ...*lets the tongue go* Airachnid: [happy to see something familiar] Starscream: Are those... throat appendages? Standard? Councilor: *points* Councilor: It you Windchill: *Sucks it back into his head and shuts up, finally.* ItsyBitsySpyers: \\YEP.\\ ItsyBitsySpyers: \\UH, FOR OUR PLANET.\\ ItsyBitsySpyers: \\DUNNO 'BOUT NOBODY ELSE.\\ agooddistraction: primus Airachnid: Not in mine. Primus: Well.. Whirl: Oh. Tough break for your alternate, mech. *looks to Airachnid* Airachnid: Oh. It's my alternate. Councilor: spider karate Starscream: *not... sure how he feels about that* Whirl: Nice moves, though. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\'N YOU CAN CALL IT A MLAH. 'S AN ONNER... ONNAMO...\\ Airachnid: It was her fault for being captured in the first place. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Onomatopoeia.// ItsyBitsySpyers: \\YEAH.\\ Starscream: Huh. Strange adaptation. *Snorts* 'Mlah'? agooddistraction: what the frag Txen: *has his thoughts about them being 'standard'. not going to talk about them here unless he has to* Councilor: ohhh... Windchill: Finally. Whirl: *SNRKS* Starscream: ...there was a human inside of it. Councilor: one of like Whirl: ((airachnid omg)) Starscream: Please tell me THAT isn't standard. Councilor: the most serious moments from this show FakeProwl: He's a unique model, thankfully. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Negative. The human stole a dead Cybertronian.]] boomtank: ... Starscream: (('Dang. Going to need the big mop and the bug zapper.')) Councilor: daaaAHHH ItsyBitsySpyers: [[*This* was him.]] Windchill: *Frowns.* Airachnid: The human thought they could be a Cybertronian. It's cute but sad. Airachnid: But mostly sad. FakeProwl: *ugh, the noise of them* Councilor: love this part Windchill: *He senses this isn't going to go well.* Starscream: Extremely sad. Txen: *that vow did not amount to much* Whirl: HA! Starscream: !!! ItsyBitsySpyers: [[And he did not send her to the moon.]] Primus: ..... FakeProwl: *snorts* Starscream: *gonna look at Sounwave* Whirl: Nicely done, Chatterbox. FakeProwl: Where DID you send her? Airachnid: I certainly wasn't. Windchill: What. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[The smelter, of course.]] Bruin: Impressive portalling FakeProwl: Practical. Airachnid: [laughs at her alternate's misfortunes] Primus: *Yeah.... Doesn't like seeing his shell* Councilor: now you're thinking with portals Airachnid: [both on screen and the one from Soundwave's universe] Windchill: He could have sent Airachnid alone. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Records the laugh. It is a good laugh.* Councilor: he just ItsyBitsySpyers: *Is also carefully avoiding Starscream's glance... for the moment.* Councilor: he just likes kicking his aft Starscream: *glares at the screen. He still needs to put a bullet through Megatron* Windchill: WHAT. Whirl: Damn. agooddistraction: that's kinda hot Primus: *Covers his face* Windchill: *Folds his arms.* Starscream: .. Primus: *Nope. Shell. Nope* Starscream: *now looks at Airachnid* Starscream: So. Is THAT standard? Windchill: *Offended.* Airachnid: No. Not in my universe. Buzzstrike: That's... disturbing. Councilor: One is enough eps for me boomtank: ...you okay? Airachnid: And I would never do that to my Insecticons. Councilor: Councilor out boomtank: -to Primus- Windchill: Bye, sucker. Whirl: *nods to Infinite; he has no idea who she is, but she seems to no Windchill* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Farewell. Perhaps they will be more to your handling ability next time.]] Primus: No... I'm not... That was Cybertron. Councilor: *blows kiss* Whirl: *And Windchill is good people* Windchill: *Windchill is bad people don't lie.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Will let Blaster handle Primus for now.* Whirl: *compared to Whirl you're good people* Starscream: ((Starscream be like COULD WE NOT)) boomtank: Yes. It was. Windchill: *Okay, I'll accept this...for now.* Primus: *His field would be quite uncomfortable to be around* Txen: *antennae perk* Whirl: Camera. I could use. Less of the extreme close-ups of Megatron's ass. Windchill: Aw. Windchill: Look at them. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave nudges Shockwave's knee. He likes your work, you know.* Airachnid: Likewise. Buzzstrike: *shudders at the tubes* boomtank: -well, he's gonna tough it out, so...fun- Starscream: *siiiiighs. These are the worst people to be watching* agooddistraction: hey butterball FakeProwl: *it's almost impressive, how Megatron continues to get worse.* Txen: *likes it, too. misses the days when he had more than three cobbled-together vats* ItsyBitsySpyers: \\SOMETHIN' WRONG, SCREAMER? UH. STARSCREAM? LORD SCREAM? WHAT IS IT?\\ Whirl: Oh, hey. *gestures to the screen and looks to the Peds* Is this you guys? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy scratches his helm together* ItsyBitsySpyers: *...I don't know why I wrote together. Just go with it.* boomtank: Hey, hey, you're okay Windchill: *Snorts.* Primus: [THATEXPRESISON] Whirl: *SNRK* Starscream: *points at the screen* /Guess/. Starscream: ..by the way, which one ARE you, anyway? Whirl: *drapes a hand over his cockpit* What a sweet-talker. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy jerks a thumb toward his chest.* \\FRENZY.\\ Primus: *Shifts and pulls his field in tight* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[And do not fret so. Here, your alternate leads.]] Txen: Darksteel: *wriggling excitedly* What, you couldnt tell? It was the one that looked like ME. Whirl: Kinda hard to see all of you in those tubes. FakeProwl: ... He's in charge?? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Of the Decepticons only.]] boomtank: -going to stretch his own field out to offer comfort- FakeProwl: *grimaces. could be worse.* Shockbox: (( But-- didn't shockwave use predacons before at some point during the war?)) Shockbox: (( Continuity error? )) Txen: ((yes lol shhh writing bad dragons good)) Starscream: ((shhhhh Starscream: ((dont look too closely FakeProwl: ((not long enough to see them transform apparently)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((He sent them off to Earth, don't forget.)) FakeProwl: (("earlier in the war, I used the Predacons. ... For two weeks.")) Shockbox: (( But the flashback showed that he was there with them.)) Txen: ((yeah they might have never gotten 'woke')) Starscream: ((Does this mean he's like 'Wait wait what they transform??? And I didn't get to test this first?!")) FakeProwl: ((like a mom dropping them off at school. 0v0)) Starscream: ((...though i think we decided there's no way HE didn't know they could transform FakeProwl: ((he dropped them off and then went off to work)) Txen: ((there are theories shockwave suspected but is just bsing megs there lol)) Airachnid: you think they would scan for something like a t-cog)) Whirl: *loud, exaggerated groaning noises the moment Ultra Magnus shows up* Whirl: Windchill, put me out of my misery. Shockbox: (( I accept the bs'ing headcanon.)) Primus: *Rubs his optics* Windchill: *Mimics Whirl.* Starscream: ((yeah he built them, he should know if they have a T-cog. clearly )) Starscream: Frenzy. That won't be hard to remember. Windchill: *Snorts.* agooddistraction: wow he's the same everywhere FakeProwl: ((since they're so ancient, maybe they didn't have t-cogs. maybe they transform via some other mechanism.)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy points at the tired blue lump with his face buried against the thin side of Soundwave's shoulder. That's his brother.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Then points around the room at all the others in turn.* Txen: ((yeah ive dabbled in headcanons that their spark and stuff is somewhat different)) Windchill: *That's such a dumb name.* Windchill: *Frowns again.* Airachnid: [she would say the same, but he's in the room] Whirl: Ugh. "Master." ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He should also note that none of this tape happened. Megatron was destroyed.]] Windchill: *There's plotting afoot and he doesn't like it.* Whirl: No offense, big guy, but you used to be a chump. FakeProwl: Oh? He's dead by this point? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Yes.]] FakeProwl: Good. Starscream: /Good/. Windchill: *Squints.* Txen: Predaking: *snorts* I was newly-aware and naive to the -deceptive- nature of your kind. Airachnid: For once, Starscream has a good plan. Starscream: ((also: good. Starscream u work it)) ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Any answers he can give from here are only what he has learned. Shockwave may know more, regarding some things.]] Whirl: Not MY kind. I'm neither a 'Con NOR from than dimension. I'm an honest mech. Txen: ((ARE U WHIRL)) Windchill: *Snorts.* Whirl: I never pretend to be a GOOD one, but I AM an honest one. Starscream: *Starscream keeps track of the mechs introduced. Maybe they'll be useful* Whirl: ((HE ISN'T HE'S JUST Bad)) Whirl: ((but he's .... forthright 80% of the time)) Txen: Predaking: *eyes Whirl carefully for a moment before giving a tiny nod. if you have to be crude, the least you can be is honest about it* Whirl: *he is the crudest. and the rudest* Whirl: *and the 'tudist* Windchill: *Is just. Tensing his jaw.* Txen: *shockwave begins to eminate a faint aura of pure salt* Primus: *Vents slowly* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Feels that aura. Presses knee against harder. He agrees with the salt.* Windchill: *If he squints any harder his optics will implode.* Whirl: *looks to Windchill* You constipated or something? Txen: *such a brief time to revisit his lab as it should have been... curse starscream and his meddling* Windchill: Hush, I'm getting angry. FakeProwl: ((I love those rare moments when Starscream is confident in his absolute shittiness.)) Whirl: At what? Txen: ((yeah it is a good moment. even if he make me boi sad)) Starscream: ((ikr? boomtank: -fluffs and attempts to provide some comfort to the avatar- ItsyBitsySpyers: @Predaking: [[Your protectiveness does you credit.]] Windchill: *Shakes his head.* Starscream: *snorts.* That was /painfully/ easy as far as manipulation goes. Whirl: Wow, what a smart idea, waiting for them to WAKE UP. Primus: *Don't mind him not paying attention at all* Whirl: *waves a claw at the screen disgustedly* Shoulda started snuffing them earlier. Airachnid: Well, they had to talk first apparently. Starscream: Agreed. Windchill: *Rubs his face. Nope.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Tiny helm shake on Soundwave's part.* boomtank: -oh, he won't, all good here- FakeProwl: *... small sigh* Whirl: *there's not a trace of remorse or pity in Whirl's expression or his field* ItsyBitsySpyers: *A waste of life. He is glad they were protected here.* ItsyBitsySpyers: \\OH FRAG YEAH, I LOVE THIS PART.\\ Airachnid: [likewise] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave sends Prowl a curious ping. Why sigh?* Txen: Predaking: @Shockwave I deserve no credit. I was fooled, and my bretheren suffered for it. Airachnid: [she doesn't exactly having them around] Windchill: That's just wrong. Txen: ((oops soundwave)) Txen: ((not shockwave bgbghgbh)) Whirl: What is, exactly? agooddistraction: umm Starscream: ((just talk in that general direction, someone will hear you ItsyBitsySpyers: ((LOL)) Airachnid: doesn't like god I can't type tonight)) Primus: [Sounds seems off] Airachnid: [she does enjoy the fight though] Txen: ((its ok for me)) Whirl: ((me too!)) FakeProwl: @Soundwave «The deaths are unfortunate. They were, at that point, innocents.» FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Admittedly, innocents that were a few hours away from becoming absolute hell for the Autobots. But it still isn't pleasant to watch.» Windchill: *He's not going to say anything more, actually.* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Predaking: [[You did not know. You would not have saved them trying, or not trying. That you did try is what credits you.]] Windchill: (( Brb. )) Txen: Shockwave: *still salty. a little proud of his dragon son though. shh dont tell* Primus: *And this is why he doesn't watch "archived" collections of the past* Whirl: *watches Windchill's face, but seeing as he gets no response, shrugs and falls silent* agooddistraction: scrap ItsyBitsySpyers: *Small nod at Prowl. He is glad you see that, at least.* agooddistraction: what Whirl: *isn't going to pretend he wouldn't do the same to his enemies* Airachnid: Now that's just rude. Txen: ((LITERALLY OUT OF NOWHERE)) Txen: ((i hate s3 optimus)) Airachnid: same)) ItsyBitsySpyers: \\GOT THE SCRAP KICKED OUTTA YA, HUH JACKO?\\ Txen: ((hes just an 'autobots win' button)) boomtank: -all good, don't worry, it's fine- Airachnid: pretty much)) Whirl: ((ye for real 8/ )) Primus: *Nope* Starscream: ((just focus on his disproportionally tiny head)) Airachnid: He's not very /handy/ anymore now is he? boomtank: -just don't think to much about it all- ItsyBitsySpyers: ((FRICK i meant to warn whirl ic)) Whirl: ((whop)) Starscream: ...oh, looks like that cave-in packed quite a punch. ItsyBitsySpyers: ((well, i can salvage it a lil bit)) Whirl: *if he was also uncomfortable, he hid it well* Primus: *Now he remembers why he doesn't come to these* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Whirl: [[Do you require distraction?]] Txen: Predaking: *doesnt have a response for Soundwave; just rumbles discontentedly in his chest.* Starscream: Good thing the rest of the Autobots were there to lend him a hand. Starscream: ((WHIRL IM SORRY Starscream was literally founded on hand/arm puns) Airachnid: [cackles] Whirl: Nice moves, Big Guy. *that is Predaking;s nickname* Can't say I wouldn't have tried to snuff the lot of you, if it'd been me, but still. A good fight. Windchill: * Sorry Whirl, he's already wrapped this one up and labeled it "to be dealt with later." This isn't the place.* Whirl: *starts and looks to Soundwave, tilting his head slightly; he's taken aback* ... @Soundwave: I'm fine. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Confirmation ping. Very well.* agooddistraction: does every timeline have fraggery with synth en? FakeProwl: *... so not only do they have, essentially, bombs that spontaneously make stuff.* Whirl: *nods; he's grateful for that* FakeProwl: *but they didn't even do it on purpose. they discovered it by accident.* Whirl: *and you can talk to him about it later, Windchill; like Whirl said earlier, he never said he was a good person. Just an honest one* FakeProwl: *this universe. prowl swears.* Txen: Predaking: *hmphs in acknowledgement. now isnt a time to feel pleased with himself* boomtank: -reaching over to pat Primus on the nearest part he can- Hey. How are you holding up? Whirl: *...and even that's only partially true* Starscream: ...what sort of bomb was that? Windchill: (( Omg. It was looking shitty so I changed it to HD and that's when everything inverted for a second. I was not fast enough to screencap.)) Whirl: Ohh, beat him up, Shockwave! agooddistraction: oh scrap Whirl: *clicks his claws eagerly* Windchill: *Rests his elbows on the table, so uncouth.* agooddistraction: glitch fight FakeProwl: ((megstron's frickin "I'm thinking" tho)) ItsyBitsySpyers: [[It was a mere grenade.]] Airachnid: Impale him. Do it. Bruin: *snickering* Starscream: Then what caused all of that? Windchill: *Has mixed feelings about this.* Txen: Shockwave: I should not have stopped. *taps claw on knee* Starscream: *ugh. Megatron* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Perhaps you should ask him.]] Primus: *Vents* This was a poor decision choice. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Motions to his purple seatmate* Starscream: */ugh. Shockwave/* agooddistraction: You can impale my optic on somethin' sharp anyway, Daddy Whirl: *whirl's never gonna admit it, ever ever EVER, TO ANYONE, but Shockwave is kind of attractive when he's being menacing* Primus: *NOPE* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave would agree, if he heard it.* Txen: ((hah)) Whirl: *No One Must Know* Windchill: *Don't be silly, Shockwave is attractive all the time.* Windchill: *...Depending on your type/* boomtank: -pats a bit more- Heeey, hey no, it's okay, only a recording ItsyBitsySpyers: *Are you sure? Because he has some delightful footage of Shockwave beating up Wheeljack...* Primus: *At this point his thoughts are pretty damn loud* Whirl: *don't u DARE* Starscream: *Starscream prefers partners with depth perception.* Airachnid: [type is very important, and he is not Airachnid's type at all] Txen: Shockwave: *didnt do it to be attractive, anyway* Primus: *Looks at Blaster* This /happened/ Blaster Whirl: *we all know your type Airachnid* Whirl: *and THERE HE IS* boomtank: Yes, it did Airachnid: [YOU SHUSH YOUR NONEXISTENT MOUTH] Whirl: * O) * Windchill: *Raises eyebrow* boomtank: But you're still here, despite it Whirl: ((ok brb guys)) Primus: Barely Primus: That is not my shell agooddistraction: ouch FakeProwl: *dutiful assistant that he is, pings what he knows about the material to Starscream. That basically amounts to the name "cybermatter" and the fact, it involves blowing up synthetic energon, and it makes stuff. For the rest, yes, he'll have to ask Shockwave.* Windchill: ((It get quieter every episode what are you doing rabbit.)) Airachnid: Smokescreen, I see he's still a bumbling fool. FakeProwl: *... and a video of the Nemesis blowing up and instantly reforming.* Txen: ((i just keep turning up the volume lol)) Starscream: *...don't they have synthetic energon of their own? Has anyone tried blowing it up yet? The inquiry is pinged back.* boomtank: Barely still means you are FakeProwl: *to prowl's knowledge, nobody has blown it up yet.* boomtank: You can still pull yourself up FakeProwl: *......... adds--very reluctantly--that Shockwave has demonstrated a willingness to trade the recipe for cybermatter.* FakeProwl: *adds much more emphatically that he does not recommend agreeing to Shockwave's terms. but. it IS an option.* Primus: No, Blaster. My shell is dead... Literally broken Txen: (( OwO whats dis )) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Slow pull in of his armor.* boomtank: ...oh Starscream: *raises an eyebrow and- very non conspiritorily at all this is as obvious as this abomintation of Optimus- points at the mech next to Soundwave. This Shockwave?* Windchill: Not this fool plan again. FakeProwl: *affirmative ping* boomtank: No way to repair it at all? Primus: The one we're on now is alive... fortunately, due to other events. FakeProwl: ((had to make up for Prowl bailing on the bargain. o/)) Primus: No, Blaster. There is no repairing. Starscream: *Huh. A request for Shockwave's terms. He doesn't have to agree to them to review them* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Primus: [[Why is there no repairing?]] Yes. He's been listening. Txen: *brushes a bit of Soundwave with the back of one digit* ItsyBitsySpyers: *They repaired theirs, didn't they?* Txen: ((thank you, i was going to ask soundy to hook him up with stars digits but this works too)) boomtank: You're sure? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Quiet vent. Thank you, Shockwave.* Primus: ... *Does Soundwave really wish to know?* Primus: I'm sure, Blaster. FakeProwl: *for a sample of the substance? innermost energon from... Prowl forgets if it's 3 or 4 outliers, or sufficiently strange mechs.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Yes.* boomtank: But...why? ItsyBitsySpyers: {{PEH! Dumb Prime.}} agooddistraction: *throws a candy wrapper at Shockwave's arm* Whirl: ((and back)) ItsyBitsySpyers: {{It good thing Bird never punched.}} Primus: What planet can support life if there is no life? Whirl: Oh, damn. ...HELL. agooddistraction: uh oh Whirl: Tough luck for YOUR alternate, Soundwave. Windchill: .... Windchill: *Winces.* Txen: *catches it, and stares at jackie for a full second before letting it fall into the trash can nearby* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Mm.]] Bruin: *cringing* yikes FakeProwl: *for the recipe itself, lab time with the Engima of Combination. Prowl STRONGLY recommends talking him into lab time with a different artifact.* boomtank: .....oh agooddistraction: *sticks out glosssa* Starscream: *Well that's not so- oh. Yeah, no, that is indeed a sticking point.* Airachnid: Way to vocalize that Autobots. Primus: *Sends Soundwave an image of what Cybertron "currently" looks like* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Lifts chin. He will meet this tape head on.* FakeProwl: *... hm. is soundwave bothered by watching his alternate in prison? glances at him.* Windchill: *Snickers.* Whirl: ...pfft. Primus: [Soundwaveplz] Whirl: *SNRKS* Starscream: *snrkj* Bruin: PFFF Windchill: *He feels a little better now.* FakeProwl: *... not sure. offers soundwave's hand a light knuckle brush anyway, just in case.* Txen: *the past is the past. alternates are alternates. this is but imagery upon a screen. it will pass* Shockbox: /Finds this Soundwave's sass to be amusing. Airachnid: [claps hand servos together] FakeProwl: *winces. RUDE, Ratchet* Airachnid: [she would like to see that] ItsyBitsySpyers: *It is not the imagery which worries him. But he will take both knuckle brushes.* agooddistraction: ??????? Whirl: *tilts head* Whirl: *well, whaddya know* Primus: [wAT] Shockbox: /Taps "chin" thoughtfully. FakeProwl: *that wasn't the voice Prowl expected, but okay.* Airachnid: Well then. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Oh so damn calmly sends Primus a thank you for the information.* Whirl: Gotta say, trashing your own brain so your enemies can't have it is the ultimate fuck-you. Whirl: Nice. Windchill: (( Whirl u infected me with your poopy internet. )) Whirl: ((OH NO)) Windchill: *Nods.* agooddistraction: Why d'ya think I drink so much? FakeProwl: *did other-Soundwave survive the experience? breaking a vow of silence sounds a lot like a "I'm about to die" gesture* Primus: *Dims his optics. Sends a... cautionary return nudge. Once he's feeling not like slag, talk?* FakeProwl: *will wait and see* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[It helps to have excellent knowledge of one's own systems.]] Whirl: And telepathic abilities, I'd wager. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...Yes. That too.]] Whirl: Ohh, is this a grand rescue? Is Laserbeak gonna save the day? Bruin: Thats a spectacularly effective strategy Txen: ((see soundy that wasnt quite so bad!)) Txen: ((also wow megs what the fuck was that gesturing)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Yes, once Primus is more capable of talking, a talk.* Txen: ((who animated that)) Whirl: *that. Is legitimately precious)) Windchill: I get the impression that ol' Megatron doesn't much enjoy being the short one. Primus: [I love the animation team.] Whirl: ((yeah he turned into a character from Foodfight! for a moment* ItsyBitsySpyers: \\HA!\\ FakeProwl: ((megatron's furious posturing over the fact that predaking might dare be stronger than him gives me life. spiteful spiteful life.)) Airachnid: Of course he doesn't. Windchill: Good. Whirl: I mean, I can sympatize. Txen: Predaking: *draws self to full seated height* Windchill: Screw that guy. Starscream: ((such a giant petty warlord Windchill: *Not in that way you pervs.* Whirl: I get really annoyed when I meet mecha taller than ME. *slowly swivels his helm to stare at Windchill* boomtank: -Blaster is attempting to help calm him down- Starscream: ((at least TFP MEgatron is consistantly written as a petty wall of metal)) Windchill: *Puts on his most innocent face and bats his lashes at Whirl in return.* Windchill: I don't know what you mean. Primus: *He isn't "upset." Just... currently kind of out of it* Whirl: *SNRKS HE CAN'T KEEP A STRAIGHT "FACE" WHEN WINDCHILL DOES THAT* Whirl: But you get used to it. Airachnid: [can't help but smile, he's so cute when Ratchet does that] Windchill: You sure do. Whirl: *gestures to anyone else in the room who might happen to be taller than him--Predaking is one definite, but the others are a maybe* Windchill: I meet people taller than myself and I don't complain. Windchill: You're just whiny. boomtank: -Well, still trying to help him- Whirl: Hey, I never complained. I just admitted to being annoyed. Whirl: I can't help it. It's like... *waves a claw* Involuntary. It's annoying. Buzzstrike: *will never be accused of being tall* ItsyBitsySpyers: \\BOY, ALL YA MECHS TALKIN' 'BOUT, BOOHOO, I AIN'T THE TALLEST IN THE ROOM. 'BLIVIOUS MUCH?\\ Whirl: Oh. Hell of a shot. Windchill: You gripe about it all the time. agooddistraction: Hahahahha Starscream: ..if you stack enough minibots on top of one another, they're technically the tallest... Whirl: ...*draws self up* ExCUSE all of you, I never talk about it at all! Whirl: (9BUTTERRS__ Starscream: ((WHIRLS KINK Starscream: ((I JUST REMEMBERED FakeProwl: *looks at starscream.* ItsyBitsySpyers: \\FLATTERIN' ME 'N MY BROTHER AIN'T GONNA GET YOU NO COMBININ'. HE'S TIRED.\\ Windchill: Oh, no you're right, my bad. Airachnid: I look at my commanding officer's pelvic plating all day, I've learned to not complain too much. FakeProwl: *it's true. leave decepticons alone long enough and eventually they start standing on each other.* Starscream: *is sort of staring off into space* Windchill: It's being at eye level with my butt that you gripe about all the time. Txen: ((thanks SWERVE)) Whirl: *NOW IF YOU'LL EXCUSE HIM he's gonna admire Predaking's flying* Windchill: Hmph. *Turns up his noseless face, pretending to be put out.* Whirl: *well that was short-lived* Whirl: *OR NOT* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave takes a small, secret moment to admire Predaking's maw.* Windchill: *Mandibles are a good and wholesome thing.* Whirl: *they are Cool* ItsyBitsySpyers: *As are teeth like his and splitting jaws.* Txen: Predaking: *doesnt blame them. he is the pinnacle of his species after all* Whirl: Anyway. As I was saying. It shows remarkable restraint on my part by not giving in to my instincts and incessantly complaining, all the time, about other mecha being bigger than me. You should THANK me. Windchill: Sure, sure. Whirl: Ha! ItsyBitsySpyers: *Bird's glad she didn't get punched, but she wishes she could've had a moment like this* Whirl: Look, there she is! FakeProwl: *impressive aim* Windchill: *Steeples his fingers.* Airachnid: [is lowkey rooting for her] Windchill: (( Laserbeak: officially one of the few people on this show who can legitimately aim. )) Whirl: Well, damn. Primus: [And Soundwave being creepy FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Do you typically keep backups of your memories with your deployers?» ItsyBitsySpyers: [[We will leave it here for the night. You will find out what happened to Ratchet's alternates next time.]] Starscream: He dies. Whirl: Fair enough. *streetches* Airachnid: ...[she does not like this cliffhanger] Windchill: I'm good with this. agooddistraction: *throws two more candy wrappers* boomtank: ...oh, it's over? agooddistraction: Fuckeye boomtank: -wasn't paying attention- boomtank: -at all- Txen: ((next episode has a good magnus vs shocky fite i cant wait)) Whirl: ((o boy 😎 )) Primus: *Good* FakeProwl: ((ahhh yes, it is a good fight)) ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): All deployers contain assorted memories. Soundwave contains many deployer memories. Other backups utilized. Windchill: (( YE I couldn't remember what ep it was. )) Buzzstrike: Thank you Txen: Shockwave: *does not answer to things that are not his designation* Whirl: Anyway, if you wanna talk about whatever peeved you, we can go talk about that. *nudges Windchill* agooddistraction: Uughhh Buzzstrike: *gives a worried look to the traumatized-looking stranger* Primus: *Rubs his face* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[You are all welcome to take what you need of the fuel on the counter.]] boomtank: It's over now, see? Primus: Hnnn Windchill: Hmm, I dunno. boomtank: -does he need a hug?- FakeProwl: *nods. good to know.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave reaches a feeler back and gently pats Rumble. Thank you for coming down here.* Windchill: Seems to me that this is an attempt on your part to distract me from the fact that you were gonna kick my butt. Whirl: Oh! And you. YU. *turns dramatically, swinging his claw at Predaking* We need to set up a time and place. Windchill: *Wrong, it's the opposite.* Whirl: *looks to Windchill* I'm fight-cheating on you. Primus: *No. He may just go upstairs if Soundwave permits to be away from everyone* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Information share purpose: medical emergency. Not public record. ItsyBitsySpyers: *If he asks, Soundwave will let him.* agooddistraction: *lighting up* Primus: *Sends a tired request to do just that* Bruin: *oh yes free food, Specter's gonna scamper on over and just shove his head into a plate* Buzzstrike: *needs to go, gives a slight bow to the other attendees* Windchill: I know, cheater. Windchill: *He's been aware of this for a while, THANKS* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Farewell.]] *To Buzzstrike* Whirl: Don't worry, I'll still get to you. Soonish. Txen: Predaking: *toothy smirk* As I said, Autobot-- any time, any where. My planet of residence is currently in the midst of an acid monsoon; some manner of neutral territory seems the most appealing option. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave uses the feeler to motion to Primus. He is allowed to phase through the sealed door to the second floor.* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Understood. That's why I asked.» Windchill: Acceptable. Whirl: *clunks his claw comfortingly against whichever part of Windchill is easiest to reach* Windchill: *I can only promise that it's not his butt.* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Although I suppose if we get as far down as me on your emergency contact list, that will mean your deployers can't be contacted anyway. Still, I'll keep it in mind.» Primus: *Nods to Soundwave and goes to just that. Gives Blaster a small pat* Whirl: All right! My world's mostly a wasteland, but if that doesn't work out for some reason, I'll ask around. SOMEONE'S gotta have some free space for us to fight. Primus: *Pauses by the door and glances behind him at Prowl* . . . Whirl: *shockingly, the powers that be might have a problem with a rampaging Predacon dragon in their countryside* agooddistraction: *rolls a handful of candy at Shockwave's leg* Txen: *shockwave steps upon it, crushing it* Whirl: *this time. But next time, who knows? Whirl might DO IT* Windchill: *Watches the room out of the corner of his optic, gleefully anticipating Primus' exit.* Whirl: ((OJ DAMN SHOCKWAVE)) Txen: *shockwave doesnt even look over when he does it* FakeProwl: *isn't paying attention to the door. if primus wants to say something to prowl, he'll have to do more than look at him to get his attention* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Still useful if data accessible. FakeProwl: *small nod* agooddistraction: 😢 ItsyBitsySpyers: *Is slightly amused by Shockwave's responses to Wheeljack's antics. Pings him to let him know this.* agooddistraction: 😢 😢 😢 😢 😢 Primus: *Have a bucket of water on your helm, Windchill. Sends a short ping to Prowl* Starscream: It was enlightening. *Gonna call himself a Shockwave. MAybe. If he can get past it being SHOCKWAVE* Windchill: *I don't know what you mean.* ItsyBitsySpyers: \\QUIT THAT CRYIN'. KNOCK OUT'S THE CROC, NOT YOU.\\ FakeProwl: *ping? looks around for—ah. there. pings back?* FakeProwl: ((croc out)) ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Perhaps you will see fit to join us for the final two weeks, Starscream.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[It has information you should see.]] Starscream: We'll see if my schedule permits it. Whirl: Ugh, why you gotta encourage it, Soundwave? Whirl: I'm gonna hafta SPRAY for Starscreams if you keep this up. boomtank: Ah. G'night, then. -because it seems that's where Primus is going- ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Because these are educational documentaries. All who wish to learn and will not abuse the knowledge may attend.]] FakeProwl: ... If your schedule doesn't, I can forward the footage. *if Soundwave thinks Starscream needs to see it...* Starscream: ..*what defines abuse* Primus: *How about it upside down because he's not in a mood to be nice. Now you can't see him. @Prowl, contact when in better mood?* Whirl: *stands up, walks over to Starscream, and the POSES LIKE WILL SMITH, gesturing to all of him* Windchill: *Raises hand. He doesn't remember that disclosure.* Whirl: THIS GUY. THIS guy, you're trusting not to ABUSE information. Windchill: *He's an abuser of information.* agooddistraction: *on floor with candy and a cygar* Windchill: *And memes.* FakeProwl: *is primus asking prowl to contact him? ... okay?? sure. he can do that.* Airachnid: [she's going to sneak off now, she has somethings to think about because of a certain god that was once in this room] Starscream: Now Whirl, can't we all get along in this neutral space? Whirl: I absolutely cannot, and how dare you insinuate that I CAN. That's slander. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[You will or you will be phased into the wall.]] Whirl: *he will look over and bob his head at Airachnid as she leaves* Airachnid: [gives a wave before slipping away] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Nods to Airachnid.* Whirl: And now my host is threatening to turn me into a WALL ORNAMENT. Innocent ole me! Txen: *is there a return ping that indicates a shockwavey sort of dry, mildly fond acknowledgement?* ItsyBitsySpyers: *There is now. He'll take that.* Whirl: Also, seriously, I'd be a horrible wall ornament. Typically you want those to be aesthetically PLEASING. Starscream: You'll make for a horrible arrangement, I'm sure. Primus: *@Prowl, he meant vice versa, but, yes. Turns and phases through the door to the upper level* Starscream: *just gonna scoot past Whirl bye lol* Whirl: I'm not even gonna argue that. Windchill: Oh please. *Turns enough to regard Whirl and his antics.* Windchill: I'd stare at you all day. Whirl: You have horrible taste. Whirl: *there he go... Starscream free as bird* boomtank: -And there Primus goes- ItsyBitsySpyers: *Also, the disclosure was made before the documentaries began. Discovery of dark energon use means Soundwave gets to deal with you. It won't be pleasant. Don't snort space cocaine.* Windchill: *Winks. You know it.* Txen: ((....i bet the predacons dont even know star's an alternate of THEIR star.. they're bebs they dunno)) Whirl: *makes an exaggerated noise of disgust& Whirl: Either way, it'd be terrible for business. Starscream: ((And Starscream doesn't look anything at all like that one. Windchill: *Don't pretend you don't like it.* Txen: ((precisely! they dont have any reason to know haha)) Starscream: ((NOT YET) Whirl: *in some small corner of his spark Whril appreciates it* Windchill: *Acceptable.* Whirl: Soundwave. Whirl: You have to. Whirl: *points at the screen* Txen: ((probably for the best.... they murdered our native one)) Whirl: Shockwave Tribute. He's your GUY. Whirl: You gotta. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He has seen that one. It is not good. But if Shockwave has a request, he will honor it.]] Windchill: *Is a little distracted by the belly on screen.* Whirl: Foreigner is also acceptable. Windchill: *He's jealous.* Whirl: *DROPS INTO A AIUR GUITAR STANCE ON THE FIRST POWER CHORD* Windchill: *He should have expected this.* Whirl: *and he's gonna start singing at the second "ONE GUITAR"* Whirl: *you're getting serenaded, Chill, you did this to yourself* Txen: *looks at whirl, then soundwave, then the ceiling, thinking. does not want to see a subpar tribute* FakeProwl: *ahhh... good music.* Windchill: *Shakes his head, but fondly.* Whirl: *duing the break* Okay, You've gotta be my backup, here. Whirl: Backup vocals. *points* Windchill: Who? Windchill: Me? Whirl: YOU. Whirl: *and he launches back into it* Windchill: I don't know this one. Windchill: But okay. Windchill: *SCREAMS ALONG.* Windchill: *Ruined* Whirl: *100% Ruined* Whirl: *whirl does not mind* Windchill: *He thought as much.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave cringes ever so slightly.* boomtank: -owowowowww, okay, that's his cue to leave now- Txen: *finishes thinking and pings soundwave a link to Black Mambo by glass animals* Windchill: *Just be grateful he has chosen to remain seated, okay.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Pings Blaster a farewell.* Whirl: *at least his contributions are pleasant enough* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Nods. Will play the one he has queued next, then that.* boomtank: -waves back, g'night- Whirl: *returns to his seat as if he didn't just belt out an 80s rock song in front of a whole bar* Windchill: *Slowly, sneakily, snakes his arm in Whirl's direction.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave nods to both Shockwave and Prowl.* [[One moment.]] Whirl: *looks at the arm with his BIG OLE EYE* Windchill: *Prepare for either a fight or bodily contact.* Shockbox: (( Hey, goodnight you guys.)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *He can feel Rumble's vents slowing. His deployer is falling asleep. So he picks Rumble up in his feelers, carries him over to the door, unseals it, and moves Rumble all the way upstairs and to his room. It'll take him a minute.* Whirl: ((gnight!)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((night shockbox!)) Windchill: *Drapes his humongous orangutan arm over your shoulders, Whirl.* Windchill: (( 'Night! )) Whirl: *allows* Windchill: *Now they're even for all that foot resting.* FakeProwl: *will wait* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Withdraws his feelers, closes the door, and takes his seat again. Will arrange himself so he's sort of got a shoulder on one ally and a knee against the other.* Smokescreen: Okay frag I did miss it didn't I ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Greetings, Smokescreen. You're a bit late.]] Txen: ((how is this still a 'secret' tbh)) Smokescreen: how does this keep happening Txen: ((OH NO SMOKEY lmao)) Windchill: Next time, *He lifts a claw.* Next time, I'll do the Nicki squat, just for you. Whirl: ((omg SM-SMOKEY...)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((people are spectacularly unobservant and/or haven't cared and soundwave will bend rules where he can lol)) Starscream: ((Thanks for the stream, dude- omg SMOKEY Windchill: *Is that a threat or a promise? YOU DECIDE.* Smokescreen: ... Well, what'd I miss? What embarrassing stuff did I do this week Whirl: I don't even know what that is, but I'm a little afraid. Windchill: (( OH NO. )) Txen: Very little, surprisingly. Robustus: ((peeks in out of curiousity)) Windchill: You should be, pal. FakeProwl: *accepts the shoulder-or-knee* Smokescreen: ((asdfgbn i was at work extra late and was on the phone for a while ;;)) ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Have you considered checking your chronometer?]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i'm sorry ;; there's always next week)) Windchill: *Looks up at the annoying sound that is Smokescreen's voice.* Smokescreen: I lost track of time! Happens to the best of us, right? Whirl: *glances over veeeery very, INCREDIBLY SUBTLY in that direction the moment the word "chronometer" is utered* Windchill: Sure. ItsyBitsySpyers: ((Also, hi Robustus - you missed it this week but it usually starts in the 8 to 9 CST area)) Smokescreen: ... Also, sounds sounds I have a gift for you- I meant to give it yesterday, but today works. Whirl: Anyway, I'm gonna bounce. I've got plant husbandry to take care of. Important stuff. Windchill: Hey, Smokescreen. Smokescreen. Smokes. Hey Smokescreen. Robustus: ((ah okay)) Smokescreen: Windbutt Windchill: *Lifts his arm so Whirl can escape.* Smokescreen: Aww- bye! ItsyBitsySpyers: \\HAVE FUN WITCHER PLANTS.\\ ItsyBitsySpyers: [[What gift.]] Windchill: Yeah, I got some husbandry of my own to do, sometime tonight. Whirl: *before he goes, he's gonna rock to the side and bump Windchill's helm with his own. There. Adequate thanks for the gift* Windchill: *You left it wide open.* Whirl: *hops up and nods to Frenzy* Seeya, mech. Wednesday, yeah? ItsyBitsySpyers: \\YEP.\\ Whirl: ....I can't believe I just. Let you do that to me. Smokescreen: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2lq34Ob7Gsg&list=PLSRaJSzWdVm0OTdtE9J7aT5dYN3NvvFZZ This- I figured you'd like something like this! I got music that I thought you might like. Whirl: Let me say that. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave likes this bit of music. He adds it to his files.* Txen: *you know helm bumps are kissing where he comes from right whirl* Whirl: I'm going to have nightmares. Whirl: *helm bumps are kissing, for whirl, period* Whirl: *it wa s apeck* ItsyBitsySpyers: *The one Shockwave suggested, anyway.* Windchill: *Nods.* Whirl: And I'm gonna fight-cheat on you extra-hard now Windchill: I look forward to it. Txen: ((little kid OOOOOOOOOOOOH)) Whirl: All right, later losers! ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Farewell.]] Windchill: Bye, sucker. Whirl: I'll get back to you, mech. *salutes Predaking* Windchill: *Shoos him away, begone.* Smokescreen: Night! Txen: Predaking: Mmmh. Smokescreen: .... /Gonna go over to offer Predaking his servo- an opportunity for friendship would be awesome!/ Smokescreen: Wait come on sounds we don't need to listen to it here Smokescreen: it's 44 songs ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He merely wants to test i--]] Windchill: *Too late now dude.* Whirl: ((Danny Trejo wants u to stop paying too much for TV)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *LEANS FORWARD* Windchill: (( Thank u Danny. )) Windchill: *Whispers.* Smokescreen. Txen: Predaking: *raises eyebrows at this forward greeting* ...Have I battled you before? FakeProwl: *... that sounds painful* FakeProwl: *very clever, yes, but also painful* Whirl: ((MAN THIS IS GORGEOUS)) Txen: ((its ok prowl. theyre floppy drives, they're already as good as dead)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *They're detached drives. Whoever they belonged to probably can't feel pain anymore.* Whirl: ((music player is 1000% into but character wouldn't like, sob) Smokescreen: Haha-- probably a version of me- I don't think we've fought specifically, though. The name Smokescreen ring any bells? Smokescreen: ... /Hey he figures Soundwave probably would like kinda morbid stuff/ Primus: *A mental slap backside the helm for Smokescreen. Don't get killed* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave plays with head puppets. Smokescreen figures right.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave shakes his helm slightly. Okay. He's back to himself. That was fascinating.* Windchill: *Doesn't seem bothered either way about what he just saw.* Txen: Predaking: Ah, yes. *vague hand gesture* The 'versions' I have heard so much about. *still new at this* Smokescreen: /Also giving Primus a sad sad look. Awww come on/ Primus: *Primus is upstaaairs on the second floor. He just KNOWS OYU* Smokescreen: Yeah! I'm like-- Smokescreen, but probably a different one? ... Anyway- you seem pretty cool! Primus: *Don't make him come down there* Txen: *don't worry primus, predakings -mostly- mad at starscreams these days* Windchill: *Stretches. Time to head out, he'll try bothering Smokescreen again later.* Txen: Predaking: *decides this is an acceptable compliment* Thank you. Windchill: All right, I've got some animal husbandry to attend to. Smokescreen: Animal husbandry? Windchill: Thanks for the emotionally scarring videos, guys. *He gets to his feet with a grunt. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[You're welcome.]] Smokescreen: ... Have fun? Yeah! Have fun! Bruin: *Specter has reached maximum snackage capacity and will just slink back over to Bruin* Windchill: ...I'm not telling you what that means. Smokescreen: You marry the animals? Smokescreen: /He knows what it means but he's not about to mention that/ Windchill: You're not wrong. Windchill: Anyway. Windchill: Bye, losers. *He waves, and lumbers out.* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Goodbye.]] Txen: Darksteel: *accidentally knocks over an empty dish while sniffing for spicy snacks... it rattles loudly on the ground* ...Wasn't me. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Fourth bowl, second tier.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *He knows what you're after, sir.* Smokescreen: Also, Preds, You're welcome! So- what's your world like? Things have been pretty okay for you, right? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Stay away from the chairs.]] Txen: Darksteel: *gleefully locates the correct bowl and tucks it into his claws* No promises, hehe~ FakeProwl: *notices--belatedly--that the person through whom he was bouncing his holomatter program has left. he's been hologram for a bit now* FakeProwl: *well. that explains why he stopped feeling soundwave.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Did not fail to notice; chose to carefully keep contact with the hologram anyway. Good thing he has fine balance.* ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i'll keep this going for another 15 so y'all can wrap up conversations and stuff but then i gotta stop, my computer's slowing down)) Txen: Predaking: The rains render our current circumstances somewhat... -claustrophobic-. *the chance to stretch his wings on a dryer cybertron is an appealing one* Txen: ((i noticed some... oddly slow music at points lol)) boomtank: ((g'night! Smokescreen: Ohhh- it's the rainy season over there? That sucks- you guys have been staying dry okay? ItsyBitsySpyers: ((night boom!)) Bruin: *time to head out, bird on one shoulder and one octopedal bot on the other* Thanks for the show ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Quite welcome. Be safe.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *He sends Laserbeak to follow Bruin out... just in case.* Smokescreen: Thank you for the music- I hope I can come sooner next time! And also- thank you for those math videos. I've been working through 'em- they're actually really helpful. FakeProwl: ((i still associate this song with that tfa jazz)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((same)) Bruin: *concern noticed and appreciated but unessisary tonight, he only trips ove one thing on his way to a groundbridge portal* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave nods at Smokescreen. Anything to help keep you from pestering either ally with silly math questions.* Txen: Predaking: *nods* Our den is secure and comfortable. It is simply difficult to stay inert when so much remains to be accomplished. Smokescreen: /Hey, that's fair. But he still might but you with math questions./ ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): If Starscream schedule forbids attendance, times: next two weeks, ensure videos: transferred. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Will do. What do they contain that he needs to see?» ItsyBitsySpyers: *... A belated thought.* [[If you require an arena for your battle, or a place to stretch your wings, he can arrange something.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[There -is- a deep canyon outside, and he believes the old Slaughter City pits are not taken by your brethren.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Megatron's death, resurrection, enslavement beneath Unicron, result. FakeProwl: *prowl hates everything after the first two words of that sentence* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Right. Noted. He'll probably enjoy it so much he won't even realize he's watching something educational.» Smokescreen: sounds noooo do we have to see this ItsyBitsySpyers: [[It's his queue. He can entertain himself if he wishes.]] Smokescreen: Fair enough... But feelers ItsyBitsySpyers: *Lifts both of them.* [[Yes?]] ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Good. That, best Starscream instruction method. Smokescreen: /Iiinching away some/ Smokescreen: Look-- I can get you some of those dancing videos if you want- come on. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Perhaps next time. It is time you were going.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: [[His deployers do have work shifts to resume soon.]] Txen: Predaking: *turns to Soundwave and offers a shallow, but gracious bow* Your continued assistance in these matters is appreciated. The belligerent one may also benefit from knowledge of this offer. *means Whirl; i dont think he bothered to introduce himself before challenging him to a throwdown* Smokescreen: ... Fair enough- I've got to check on Megatron anyway. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Disgusted huff at Smokescreen.* [[Very well.]] Smokescreen: ... What? I'm working with what I've got here. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Predaking: [[It is his honor. He will tell ... Whirl.]] For a moment he was tempted to call him The Belligerent One. Just for a moment. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He is aware.]] Txen: Predaking: *nods. it is good to know a mech's name before besting them in combat* Darksteel! Skylynx! *bark snaps them both to attention, and they drop what they're doing to clumsily assemble in something resembling readiness to leave* Smokescreen: ... WAIT WAIT isn't this the part where you beat up Airachnid ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy giggles.* Smokescreen: hold on can I stay for this ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Fine. Depart when it is complete.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((i'm just amusing myself at this point lmfao)) Smokescreen: Okay, okay, I will- This is probably the best video I've seen of you! ItsyBitsySpyers: *Acknowledging nod.* Smokescreen: can. can you do that again sometime. Could I pay you to do that maybe Txen: ((dramatic boob zoom)) ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Perhaps. A discussion for another time.]] Smokescreen: Okay, night Sounds, night Preds! ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Farewell.]] Txen: *shockwave stands and takes a few steps away from his bench, preparing to leave with the predacons. first, however, he pauses and half-turns back to Soundwave* Farewell. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave rises and gives Shockwave a deep bow.* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Thank you for coming. He appreciates your attendance.]] And your assistance. With some things. Txen: Of course. *after a moment, he turns to walk out with the preds-- but a small message is sent to Soundwave's channel before the door slides closed* ItsyBitsySpyers: *???* Txen: *its simply a screenshot of the scene where his feelers are crackling and he's advancing on Ratchet. Soundwave isn't the only one who appreciates their viewing material, every now and again* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Oh! Well then! He'll simply send back a small text smile. So noted.* Txen: ((thanks for streaming lol, ill get outta your poor computers hair)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((lol XD no problem, it's fun <3 see ya elsewhere)) ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave also nods to Prowl, if he's still around. Will place a "Prowl rests?" in text on his screen.* FakeProwl: *shakes head* Just switched to night shift. I'm heading to work. FakeProwl: I'm nocturnal for the forseeable future. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Nods helm. He thought it was getting around time Prowl usually departs.* ItsyBitsySpyers: (txt): Suggestion: block balcony windows during sleep time. ItsyBitsySpyers: *It'll cut down some noise.* FakeProwl: *nods* We've started keeping the blinds drawn during the day. ItsyBitsySpyers: (txt): Good. Exercise caution. Frenzy notes construction more dangerous when recharge schedule changing. FakeProwl: ... Hm. Noted. ItsyBitsySpyers: *A small nod and a bow nearly as deep as Shockwave's.* (txt): Rest now. Soundwave will encounter next opportunity. FakeProwl: *nods back* Next time. FakeProwl: *flickers and disappears*
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