#and yes that is an ass next to dex
zimmerdouche · 2 years
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one gay two gay red gay blue gay
some expression practice with my favorite defensemen
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kafus · 1 year
how i caught entei in leafgreen in the most ridiculous way possible
SO last week i started a pokemon leafgreen file on my childhood cart i've had since my 5th birthday, and one my goals ended up being getting every owned dex entry possible in JUST the one copy of leafgreen without connecting to any other game… and i did. except i forgot one. ENTEI!!
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like probably a lot of you reading this i COMPLETELY forgot that one of the johto roaming beasts is in every copy of FRLG. i never even caught any of them as a kid. which roamer you get is based on your starter (squirtle = raikou, bulbasaur = entei, charmander = suicune) and i happened to pick bulbasaur so my roamer was entei. it does actually ROAM in kanto, aka whenever you change locations, the pokemon moves to a new route. obviously this is a pain in the ass, but it gets even more painful because roamers can flee from the battle and they will the instant you encounter them. you get the chance to throw one ball or use one move and that's it… so like in most pokemon games, you would use a trapping move like mean look to keep the roamer in the battle and turn it into a normal legendary encounter, right? HAHA WRONG
raikou and entei are affected by the ROAMER ROAR BUG in FRLG, which means if they use roar to escape the battle (yes, even in mean look, it doesn't stop roar from working) they just disappear from the game. permanently. forever. you can never capture it. suicune is not affected by this because it doesn't have roar, but my roamer was entei, so uh. the odds were stacked against me. did i want to repetitively encounter the roamer over and over, never trapping it, just throwing one ball each time? or did i want to set up a mean look pokemon only to have to soft reset every time entei used roar? neither option sounded fun and i was going to just give up and master ball it despite REALLY wanting it in a luxury ball like all the other kanto legendaries i had already caught… UNTIL!
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i am a moderator of the ribbon master discord (a different pokemon challenge) and i was just sorta liveposting my thought process about this annoying roamer when gen 3 rng manipulation extraordinaire ddeeffgg crashes into the chat and suggests this fucking bonkers idea. and his bonkers idea is galaxy brain LET ME EXPLAIN
ariados is available in leafgreen's post game by catching spinarak in pattern bush, and of course electrode is a fairly common kanto pokemon. ariados gets access to spider web, which is basically just mean look with a different name (and i completely forgot it existed), it traps the opponent in the battle. but IMPORTANTLY, it ALSO gets access to BATON PASS… which, in gen 3, passes the trapping effect! usually if you were to use spider web and swap out ariados, the opponent would no longer be trapped, but baton pass solves that! and then electrode has the ability soundproof which prevents roar from working, and it even gets thunder wave (paralysis) and sonicboom (consistent 20 damage with no chance of accidental crits) to assist in easier capture of entei! nice!! awesome!! but getting this setup in order is the most ridiculous shit i've ever done in leafgreen
PROBLEM #1: ariados gets baton pass through egg move. in gen 3, egg moves are only passed down by the father and not the mother, so i had to grab a male ledyba, grind it to a high enough level to learn baton pass, then grab a female spinarak and breed them together. unfortunately this means my ariados would be level 1 and i'd have to train it up quite a bit, which leads into my next problem…
PROBLEM #2: ariados is SLOWWW. its base speed is a measly 40 compared to entei's whopping 100! ariados needs to outspeed entei to use spider web first turn so entei can't just run away! i would have to get ariados to a very high level to outspeed entei, grinding all the way from level 1. the one plus side is that the roamers in FRLG are bugged to always have a 0 IV in defense, special attack, special defense, and speed, which means unless entei has a +speed nature, its speed would always be a predictable and relatively low 105 at level 50, which is what it's encountered at. so i had to get an ariados with a speed of 106 or higher.
to get around both these problems as efficiently as possible, while breeding spinarak, i bred quite a few to get one with a +speed nature, and ended up with a jolly spinarak. everstone doesn't work in FRLG unfortunately, so the nature was completely random each time. soon my DAUGHTER WAS BORN after like 2-3 hours of breeding because FRLG eggs are SLOOOW and i was being stubborn about the nature, which i was getting unlucky on LOL
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then i maxed out her speed EVs real quick by fighting picnicker susie on route 13 over and over, who gives 12 speed EVs per battle, 24 with the macho brace, which i was using. this was just to make sure i would reach 106+ speed as fast as possible. then i grinded her levels by repetitively fighting the two trainers right outside the weird chansey dance guy's house in sevault canyon on seven island, right above tanoby ruins. using the vs seeker on them is the best grinding spot in the game since they give 20k experience per fighting both of them and there's a healing spot Right There. i was using exp share and leading with my level 100 jolteon named Egg who i adore with all my heart. ariados, now named koolaid, ended up crossing the speed threshold at level 62! yes this took a while lmao
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as for electrode, i wanted one at as high of a level as possible so i hopefully wouldn't have to grind levels. i lucked out as electrode is found at a whopping level 64 in cerulean cave's bottom floor. a 5% encounter rate but as i had already caught numerous 5%s for the pokedex, i didn't really care. however it DOES have explosion and i'd rather not have the electrode explode on me before i could catch it which would then send me on a wild goose chase for ANOTHER 5% electrode… so i grabbed the random level 24 poliwhirl with the damp ability, which prevents explosion from working, out of my PC, and gave it a smoke ball from the celadon game corner so i could lead with her and easily run from each encounter that Wasn't Electrode.
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now you may be wondering how i was going to handle capturing electrode once i was actually in the battle because SURELY it would just use thunderbolt or something and instantly murder my poliwhirl. however funnily enough electrode only has two attacking moves at level 64, swift and explosion. explosion obviously doesn't work, and swift is a physical attack in gen 3 due to all normal type moves being physical, this was before the physical/special split in gen 4. electrode's physical attack stat is a garbage 50 and swift only has a base power of 60 so i honestly wasn't concerned. and best of all, poliwhirl gets the move hypnosis, so i could easily put electrode to sleep and start chucking ultra balls… and the smoke ball ended up being useless because i somehow ran into electrode first try what the fuck LOL
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anyways i named them gatorade to match with koolaid. truly the dream entei capturing team. i didn't even feel the need to grind any levels on gatorade, level 64 was more than enough, so i just slapped the two moves i wanted on them - thunder wave through the one-use tutor in silph co, and sonicboom through the move reminder on two island, costing me two tinymushrooms which i thankfully already had and did not have to go out of my way to grind.
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however the hours worth of prep ISN'T DONE YET! because uhh…
PROBLEM #3: ariados has to be above entei's level to outspeed it (yes, even if it had a 31 IV in speed AND a speed boosting nature AND maximum speed EVs, it still wouldn't be enough at level 50), which means the repel trick can't be used to encounter it. tracking down the roamer is practically impossible without using repels to cancel out all other wild pokemon, and in gen 3, unlike later gens, you can't put a fainted pokemon in the front of the party for the repel trick instead. and if i DON'T lead with ariados, entei will run away when i try to swap into it. SO i decided i would have to run into entei once first through the repel trick method, which marks it as "seen" in the pokedex, and then i would track its location through the pokedex to encounter it while leading with ariados.
to accomplish this, i simply ran in and out of the building on route 16, going in and out of the grass in the process, which would constantly be randomizing entei's location until it happened to randomize onto route 16. i caught a staryu with illuminate as an ability to raise the chance of entei appearing, which does work while staryu is fainted (wouldn't want to go in and out of the grass while entei was on route 16 without encountering it!) and otherwise led with my level 50 magmar that was on my elite four team named Torch for the repel trick.
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i bought a whopping 100 max repels for this task but i ended up getting entei within just a few lol. torch was holding the smoke ball just to be able to run away safely without any shenanigans!
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and now entei was in the pokedex and able to be tracked that way!
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however, there was still ONE more problem...
PROBLEM #4: luxury balls are a pain in the ASS to get in this game! they can't be bought from any shop. the only way to repeatedly get luxury balls in FRLG is to show a pokemon to selphy, a rich girl who lives in resort gorgeous on five island.
i will mostly skim over this because it's boring, but TLDR i had to continuously talk to her, fly back to the pokemon center, get the pokemon she wanted to see out of the PC because the step limit is 250 before she gets sick of waiting which is like nothing (i already had a living dex of every mon obtainable in leafgreen otherwise so this wasn't hard), surf to her, then spam A through dialogue with her butler in which i had a 70% chance of receiving a luxury ball. i did this over 40 times until i had 30 luxury balls, and sold off all the nuggets and other items she gave me. good lord this took a while
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and now with ALL of that setup i was FINALLY ready to capture entei in a luxury ball. this took me literally all day and i was really excited. to consistently encounter entei, i saved in cerulean city and tracked it in the pokedex from there, opening it over and over after changing to any of the four routes connected to the city, and moving to an adjacent route from entei's location when it was close in the hopes of walking onto the same route it moved to when i did. i was following a map made by hangarofroam, he has a video tutorial on how to shiny hunt the FRLG roamers and encounter them as quickly as possible, and i highly recommend looking it up if you want to capture these roamers yourself, but tldr this is the map i was using:
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and once i encountered entei i was finally able to use the strategy i had prepped so long to do... and it worked without a hitch!! entei can't try to use roar first turn because it wastes a turn trying to flee, which is prevented by ariados outspeeding and using spider web... then if it tries to use roar the next turn, i've already switched into electrode to block it with soundproof. so from there it's just a matter of whittling down entei's HP to the red with swift/sonicboom and paralyzing it with thunder wave, then tossing luxury balls until success!
and i GOT IT after 3 encounter attempts and 73 luxury balls thrown. and FINALLY i have all 171 national dex entries possible in a single copy of leafgreen with no connection to other games, and all the legendaries are in fancy ass luxury balls. i am winning.
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this was ridiculous. please be proud of my accomplishments. i've had this file for less than 2 weeks and i already have over 70 hours of gameplay in it after doing all this AAAAA
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also barely related but look at Egg my jolteon he had like no purpose in this story but i took a pic of him in front of entei before going on to capture entei because i love him so much pleas
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thanks for coming to my fucking ted talk i am SOOO normal about pokemonsdfjkfds (joke)
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frostbitebakery · 2 months
If I may request for gooey wan:
After reading the snippet about Rex' reaction, I'm just curious how different groups of people react to the craziness of Obi-Wan's powers and how unfazed the 212th is.
How does his powers act when they're on shore leave and he and Cody go to Dex's for lunch.
Anyway keep up the amazing writing, can't wait for the next part of the loud!au it's so good ❤️
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“Come out, come out, wherever you are,” a child-like voice sings and Fives tries to become one with the wall immediately.
“You cannot run! You cannot hide!” The following giggling turns up the goosebumps on his arms to the max, and he indulges in a shiver.
“I hate horror holos,” he whispers to himself before switching on internal comms. “Weren’t we supposed to be inconspicuous about this?”
“Change of plans,” Rex tells him from somewhere on the northern side of the command center. “He’s stopping them from calling reinforcements.”
The child-voice suddenly shrieks in glee and Fives’ goosebumps reach new heights. “Found you!”
“Squad Esk, change position to point 5-7-Krenth,” Commander Cody orders over comms, and, naturally, they haul ass.
Squatting down on the gangway opens up quite the view in the bubble of disturbing silence that apparently surrounds General Kenobi when he does his thing.
It’s a void of nothingness. Not actually harmful to living beings, though the sparking droids let Fives theorize that some electronics don’t have much to buffer against whatever the General… exudes. Pardon his Coruscanti.
The enemy commander scrambles against the wall, trying to get away from Kenobi who’s standing still in front of them. The black smoke is thick, covering the entire floor and crawling up the corners nearby.
The enemy is caught up in the General’s look, the Galaxy black holes that are rumored to hide behind the pleasant smile.
Fives clicks his knee guard against the gangway just to break the suffocating silence but no sound rises up.
The enemy collapses to their knees and Kenobi steps back. Not physically but his sheer presence seems to decrease in intensity. Fives clicks his kneeguard again and this time, the sound is allowed to reach his ears.
“Cody,” Kenobi says quietly, “the hostages are about to be transported off planet. I don’t know from which port.”
“On it,” Commander Cody answers and immediately barks orders over comms to shut down all spaceports.
“Do you surrender,” Kenobi asks, still quiet. Tired.
Fives feels his brow furrow involuntarily.
“Yes,” the enemy replies, pale and shaking under the General’s gaze. “Please…”
And that’s how Fives’ first joint mission ends. Not with a bang but goosebumps that fail to disappear for a few good hours afterwards.
“It’s been rough for him,” Cody admits, absently swirling the straw through the milkshake Dex put in front of him the moment he fell into a seat at the counter like all his strings had been cut. “He’s overcompensating for the time he hid from me— us who he is.”
Dex mulls over that for a moment. Long enough the Commander glances up at him. “He’s a dumbass,” he settles on, the diplomatic route. “Always has been.”
Cody snorts, takes a sip. “I talked to him, of course,” he says, flaps his hand before scratching at the prominent scar on his forehead. “He competently ignored me to the point I benched him.” Cody shakes his head, wide eyes on the milkshake. “That was incredibly stressful.”
The diner is empty at this time of night. Quiet and reserved for all types of encounters; from distressed clone commanders to their smokey nightmare Jedi.
Dex studies Cody for a moment, weighing the possibilities what a man like that could need the most at the moment. “Grab the mop. We’re cleaning the kitchen.”
“—and then he looks at you with those big eyes and you’re supposed to say no? How?” Cody hauls the bucket out of the sink, black sleeves rolled up to his elbows. “While he tells you once again about boundaries and all the important aspects of choice, and due diligence of command.”
“That sounds like a you problem,” Dex says drily, scrubbing at a medium stubborn stain on the durasteel work counter.
“I am aware, thanks,” Cody sneers and Dex hides his laugh in the spritz of grease remover. “I want to be unaware of that but that stage has passed right to anger.” He wrings out the mop with what Dex would describe as thirst for vengeance. “Maybe I can un-love him,” he murmurs to himself like on the verge of epiphany. “What stage is that?”
“Bargaining,” Dex replies, crosses two of his arms while another still scrubs at the stain. “Those are the five stages of grief by the way. You’re falling in love.”
“Isn’t that the same in the end?” Cody mutters which is certainly food for thought.
“The first time I met Obi-Wan,” Dex starts and the Commander’s incredible attention is focused on him like a laser. It’s intimidating even for someone like Dex. “He got stuck in the darkness in the back alley.”
“Sounds just like him.”
It had been right out of a horror holo.
The alley behind the diner had always been a quiet place on Coruscant.
Dex let the trash bag fall into the dumpster but no sound came forward.
It had never been this quiet and dark.
He tapped on the ground with a foot. Nothing. Flicked his fingers against a drainpipe.
“I’m sorry,” a young voice said from the dark, right behind his shoulder, and Dex jumped. “I don’t know how to stop it.”
He spun around, squinted into the unnatural dark.
A soft sniffle from above and he looked up and into blue glowing eyes. “I’m sorry.”
Smoke rushed past him, howling and shrieking in the distance. Two of his hands were clamped around a small waist while the child and he tried their best to separate smoke from the darkness.
“I really am trying to corporeal my sense of self,” the child defended himself and Dex could only imagine the kinds of accusations thrown his way.
“Don’t worry about.” They’d been trying to untangle the child from the side of the building for close to twenty minutes with no progress at all. “You’re like a sticky womp rat,” he muttered.
“Excuse me?”
The offense taken was a bit too hilarious. Dex grinned up at the kid. “You don’t know what a sticky womp rat is? The slime toy? You throw it to the ceiling and it sticks.”
“A slime—!”
And just like that they both fell to the ground. Dex’s back would never forgive him.
“I trapped someone in their nightmares,” the young Jedi confessed, shoulders hunched up.
“Did you do it on purpose?” Dex asked, whisking hot milk into the custard.
“At first,” was the murmured reply, and Dex was surprised. The child didn’t seem the type. “I was so angry with Bruck.”
“You let them go?”
“As soon as I could.”
Dex turned around, watched Obi-Wan wipe at his eyes with the smoky sleeves. “Which wasn’t fast enough, I’m guessing,” he said, placed with custard bowl in front of the child.
“There’s no one like me at the Order,” Obi-Wan whispered. “I want to help, not be the cause for pain.”
“He took it to the extreme,” Dex says, remembers the instances too close in time where Obi-Wan visited him, looking more and more human and less and less like himself. “He put his nature into a box and forgot about it.”
“His compartmentalization is top tier,” Cody murmurs, close to awe.
Dex facepalms. “Not the point.”
Cody takes another dozen plates to the designated cupboard. “After the incident,” and Dex can hear the suppressed capitalization of the word, “he was like a newborn. Stumbling and helpless.”
“Must’ve been a nightmare.” He remembers the chill, the feeling of being hunted.
“No one slept a wink the first week,” Cody laughs, sobers. “It was like the ship was haunted by ourselves. He apologized so much. Wasn’t easy.”
Dex can only imagine.
Cody looks up, makes sure of the eye contact, and Dex doesn’t do him the disservice of looking away. “He had helped us so much. So we stepped up and helped him.”
Obi-Wan is one unlucky son of a blaster but he earns the loyalty given to him.
“Thank you, Dex,” Obi-Wan said, eyes glowing blue. Small claws clinked against the empty bowl.
Dex nodded, ruffled ginger hair. “Anytime, young Jedi. Your ride is here.”
I know, was whispered into his ear and he shivered.
Obi-Wan blushed. “Sorry.” Hopped down from the seat and into the care of the Jedi, visibly sagging with relief, coming through the diner door.
There was a small black blob on the floor. Dex wiped it away without second thought.
Cold, cold, alone. Strangling suffocating he knows—
“I know what you did and your victims will be more forgiving that I am.”
Cold. He runs. Runs runs runs—
“You two should come in together next time,” Dex suggests, shakes off the memory.
Cody smiles at him.
“I am the hungry.” Obi-Wan’s eyes rush into black. He takes a step forward, flickers. “I am the anyone. I am the everywhere.” The void spreads, consumes. “I hunt your nightmares until I become them.”
“See,” a voice whispers into Cody’s head, “deep down, deep down, they’re all like that.”
Cody nods, stands up straight. “Blast him.”
The 212th turns as one, fires. Fires and fires until the smoke screams.
“Good soldier,” the voice says.
Cody wakes.
The next day ARC trooper Fives is declared a traitor.
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bananasofthorns · 10 months
lunch break
read on ao3
In a rare stroke of luck - or, more accurately, bureaucratic alignment - Cody has leave at the same time as Wolffe, and they manage to talk Fox into taking a break for once in his life to join them for lunch.
Cody also uses the opportunity to finally make good on his promise to Kenobi to introduce him to his batchmates in a non-professional setting - Dex’s, in this case. He hasn’t yet decided if he’s going to regret this decision. Wolffe already knows Kenobi, to an extent, and they at least seem to like each other. Cody thinks that Fox and Kenobi will either despise each other or get along like a LAAT on fire, on fire part emphasized. Reason: they are both pains in Cody’s ass and he, unfortunately, still loves them.
He and Kenobi arrive at Dex’s early and claim a booth in the back; they sit across from each other and Kenobi allows Cody the seat that faces the door, since he has the Force and Cody just has paranoia. Wolffe arrives a minute or two late grumbling about traffic. Cody graciously does not make fun of him for being unable to account the hell that is getting anywhere on Coruscant into his travel times.
They make small talk - about the war, of course, because what else do any of them do with their lives - while waiting for Fox. After ten minutes without even a hint of his presence, Kenobi orders them a large basket of fries. Cody gets himself a milkshake and then resigns himself to the losing battle of keeping Wolffe away from his straw.
Wolffe could ask Dex for his own straw, or even his own milkshake. He does not, because Wolffe is an ori’vod and a bastard. Cody respects Dex too much to start a fight in his diner, but he resolves to make Wolffe spar with him once they’re back in the barracks.
It hits minute fifteen with no sign of Fox. Cody shares a look with Wolffe. They reach for their comms in sync.
If Fox does not respond to their pestering by the time it reaches minute twenty, they will write him off as a lost cause and enjoy lunch without him.
Minute eighteen arrives. There is no response to either of their messages, but there is a flash of familiar red through the windows of the diner’s door. Two flashes, in fact. Cody raises an eyebrow.
Fox and another Coruscant Guard commander that Cody doesn’t recognize slip into the diner with surprising stealth, given that they’re in full armor and there’s a bell above the door. Cody scrutinizes them as they approach.
They’re both limping, though the unfamiliar commander only slightly; Fox’s is much more pronounced even as he tries to hide it. When he reaches their booth, he lifts his arm gingerly to remove his helmet.
Wolffe greets him with, “What the fuck happened to you?”
This is a fair question. There is a large bandage plastered across the right half of Fox’s face, stretching from just beneath his eye to his chin. The rest of his visible skin is so bruised it looks like he went hand-to-hand with a commando droid.
“He got mugged,” the unfamiliar commander offers when Fox stays silent. “I’m Thire, by the way.”
Thire takes the seat beside Kenobi and leaves Fox to the fate of sitting next to Wolffe. He has a mullet, but he makes it look good, so Cody doesn’t hold it against him.
Fox sits, reluctantly, and finally graces them all with the deadpan scrape of his voice. “He’s my babysitter.”
Thire’s smile is as sharp and bright as a vibroblade in sunlight. “Yes. Sorry for joining your lunch without notice - we had to make sure Fox wouldn’t get into any more fights along the way.”
“This was not my fault,” Fox growls.
It is, obviously, an old argument. Kenobi interrupts before it can begin again.
“We’re happy to have you,” he says. “Have you been to Dex’s before?”
Thire blinks at him. He does not comment on the unusual presence of a Jedi in their midst, unlike Fox had, many times, when Cody had first broached the topic. Even now, Fox does not seem very pleased that Kenobi is here.
“I’ve had his food a few times,” Thire responds, which is a non-answer. Cody has become very good at noticing them in his time working as Kenobi’s right hand. “It’s good. This is the real reason I went with you,” he tells Fox.
Fox, eloquent as ever, flips him off. 
Dex arrives to take their orders. He greets Fox and Thire with familiarity and does not comment on Fox’s injuries.
When he leaves again, Wolffe keeps the ensuing quiet from stretching into awkwardness by turning to Fox and saying, “I'm serious, vod. What in the depths did you do?”
Fox waves a hand. “Blacked out. Woke up on the lower levels. Got jumped. They got in a few lucky hits,” he gestures to his face, “before I killed them.”
“Just a normal Centaxday, really,” Thire adds faux-cheerfully. “What about you guys? What have you been up to? Besides the war, of course.”
The change of topic is not graceful. Cody exchanges a look with Kenobi. Kenobi raises an eyebrow. Cody raises one back: no, it is not normal for Fox to show up looking awful - this awful, at least. Something bigger is going on here.
“You blacked out?” he asks for both of them.
“It's fine,” Fox dismisses. “Happens to everyone at some point, right?”
He is full of shit and he knows it. Cody tells him so.
More diplomatically, Kenobi adds, “I  am curious by what exactly that turn of phrase means, at least in this instance. I’m sure you weren’t drunk, but just to be clear—”
Thire laughs. Fox sighs. “I was not drunk.”
The two of them look at each other and proceed to have a conversation that consists entirely of facial expressions. Gone are the days when Cody could do that with his batchmates; they don’t spend enough time together now, and the only people he can read that well anymore are Rex and Kenobi. He has no idea what Fox and Thire are saying to each other.
Finally, Fox says, casually, “I’ve been losing time since about six months into the war.”
All of Cody’s attention snaps to him. The war has now been ongoing for over two years. This is not what he was expecting to hear at all; Fox has never even hinted at it before. 
“Ah,” Kenobi says delicately.
“And you’re just mentioning this now?” Wolffe asks with far less grace.
“Well, I kind of hoped the problem would go away on its own,” Fox shoots back dryly. “Clearly, that didn’t happen.
“I started losing time six months into the war,” he starts again. “A few hours, a day. A few days.”
“The worst one was over a week,” Thire inputs quietly. Fox acknowledges him with another dip of his head.
“Every time, I’d wake up somewhere on Coruscant, usually in the lower levels, with no idea how I got there. If I had all of my gear still on me, it was lucky, and if I was uninjured, it was even luckier. After a few months, I realized I wasn’t the only one this was happening to.”
“It’s all of the commanders,” Thire explains. “Fox and I have them the most often, followed by Thorn. Stone only gets them rarely.”
“So that’s why you look so bad,” Wolffe surmises.
Fox chuckles, low. “Yeah. Woke up way further down than I should’ve been with half my armor gone and in the middle of some natborns kicking the shit out of my body.” He scoffs. “They should’ve made sure I was dead first.”
Cody, Wolffe, and Kenobi all grimace, though the latter’s expression is likely for very different reasons.
“You said you killed them to get away?” he asks. “How many of them were there?”
Fox frowns. “Not sure; it was all kind of a blur, and my memories are always shit after blackouts, anyway. Five, give or take.”
“And you killed them,” Kenobi repeats. “All of them?”
Wolffe shakes his head, somewhere between fond and amused. “Of course you did, Fox’ika.”
“Don’t call me that.”
“Fox and I were the top of the entire command class on Kamino,” Cody explains for Kenobi’s benefit. And, as much as he hates to admit it, “He graduated with the highest score in hand-to-hand combat sims.”
At peak condition, a handful of natborns would be laughably easy for him to take down. This time, he was injured and disoriented and obviously paid the price, but Cody still isn’t the least bit surprised that he came out of that fight on top.
“I see,” Kenobi says, nodding. “You must be a very formidable fighter.”
Fox smirks. Somehow, it just makes him look tired. “I am.”
There’s a rumble of that old, bitter anger in his voice. He hadn’t been happy to find out he’d been assigned to Coruscant instead of the frontlines they’d all trained for their entire lives. Clearly, his opinion has not improved. 
Wolffe clears his throat. “Do you know what’s causing the blackouts? Because they sound a little fucked up, vod.”
Thire and Fox exchange a look.
“Well,” Fox says, and then does not elaborate.
“We have...theories.” Thire glances around and lowers his voice. “As far as we can tell, the blackouts only happen after one of us has a meeting with the Chancellor.”
Well, indeed.
Dex sweeps over with their food. They all gratefully take the excuse to process what was just said. Kenobi looks like he’s bitten into something sour, but the expression fades as he takes the first bite of his nerfburger.
In the awkward conversation lull that’s arisen, Thire adds, “I think Palpatine is a Sith.”
Cody jerks his head up and stares. Kenobi chokes.
“Oh?” he manages, strangled.
Wolffe recovers first. “That’s a pretty fucking big accusation.”
Thire shrugs. He and Fox are both eating like they’re starving; Cody takes another, closer look at them and notes the sharpness of their cheekbones. A warning bell pings belatedly in his head.
Kenobi has recovered his dignity. “Yes, it is. I assume you have evidence, or at least suspicions, to back it up?”
“I’ve been around Sith before,” Thire explains between bites. “I was there on Rugosa when General Yoda stopped Ventress from assassinating the Toydarian king. I know what they feel like. The Chancellor feels the same way.”
Kenobi’s raised eyebrow betrays his incredulity. “Forgive me for presuming, but as far as I’m aware, none of the clones are Force-sensitive.”
“This is true.”
“So how is it that you can sense the Dark side on Chancellor Palpatine when none of the Jedi ever have?”
“Maybe he doesn’t bother shielding himself around us,” Fox mutters. He doesn’t look up from his food even when everyone’s attention swings to him. “Trust me, he drops all his other facades, too.”
Thire scoffs. “Yeah. He hates us and he’s not subtle about it. Stone jokes that he’s getting off on our misery.”
He seems to remember who he’s talking to and grimaces. “Uh. Sorry, sir.”
Kenobi does not seem to register the apology and has abandoned his food entirely, lost in thought. Cody passes him a napkin before he can press his fingers to his temples and get grease in his hair. He nods absently in thanks.
“A Sith controlling the Senate,” he murmurs to himself, with an expression like he’s connecting several dots and is severely unhappy with the picture they make. “Well, then.”
Louder, to Thire, he continues, “You do realize I’m going to need something more substantial than your word if I’m to bring this to the Jedi Council.”
Thire and Fox look at each other. Another wordless conversation commences. Wolffe, meanwhile, turns to stare at Cody; what the fuck? his raised eyebrows ask. This, at least, is not hard to understand. Cody shrugs back.
This is not the kind of bonding between the two sides of his life he had anticipated. He is honestly not sure if he’d prefer the possible-friendship possible-immediate-hatred or the sedition.
“I could just shoot him and see what happens,” Fox finally says.
Cody sighs. Wolffe presses a hand to his face. He has never looked more like an ori’vod.
“Please don’t,” Kenobi says, pained. “That could go incredibly badly if you’re wrong.”
“We could ask,” Thire suggests.
This is only marginally better than Fox’s idea.
Cody turns to Kenobi. They have done stupider things before and ended up with perfectly satisfactory results.
“I’ll turn on my helmet cam,” Fox adds. “Is that good enough evidence for you?”
Kenobi pauses and then shrugs like it hurts him to do so. He does not say no. The great negotiator has run out of will to argue; Cody never thought he’d see the day.
It is less than twenty-four hours later that Thire, Fox, and a third Coruscant Guard commander that Cody doesn’t know come stumbling up the steps of the Jedi Temple. Thire is clutching Fox’s helmet against his chest. The third commander is carrying Fox himself and yelling for a medic.
Cody does not personally witness that spectacle, but he is there a few hours later in the chamber of the High Council when Thire gives his report. The third commander - Thorn - is with Fox in the Halls of Healing, having refused to move from his sentry position by Fox’s bacta tank. Cody hasn’t even seen him yet, with how quickly the Council meeting was called; all he knows of his batchmate’s condition is how long the list of injuries is.
“Sir, have you heard of the Sith?” Fox’s voice, distorted slightly by the recording, asks.
Palpatine chuckles. It sends chills down Cody’s spine in a way it never has before. The holo wavers, once, before Thire gets control of the shaking in his hands.
“Of course I have, Commander. Who hasn’t, in times like these?”
“Are you one of them?”
It is times like these that Cody both curses and loves Fox’s bluntness. Naked shock flashes across Palpatine’s face before he can control his reaction; the mask of the kindly old man does not return. The Jedi murmur at the poisonous anger in his eyes. 
The recording stays steady. Thire does not shake, and neither does Fox, even in the face of darkness.
“An interesting question indeed, Commander. Let’s make sure you don’t remember it.”
Lightning bursts forth from his outstretched hand. Fox falls. The recording glitches and cuts on the edge of his scream.
It is only years of training that keep Cody from flinching. Thire’s knuckles are white on the helmet when he lowers it back to his side.
“Is that enough evidence for you?” he asks quietly, looking at Kenobi but directed at the Council entirely. Yoda’s ears droop. “Sirs?”
It seems it is. Cody has never seen the Jedi Council formulate and mobilize a plan so fast.
Fox is still in the bacta tank, but they let Thire take his slugthrower. The questions have already been asked, and he shoots first.
The Chancellor - the Sith Lord - dies quickly and loudly.
Afterwards, the Force is lighter than it has been in decades, or so Cody is told; he can neither confirm nor deny it, but the war is over, and he imagines the foreign joy he feels at this realization is a similar sensation.
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18catsreading · 8 months
Siobhan: yea, I'm gonna do a fourth level erupting earth over the two yorbies that are left because they're next to each other
Brennan: or the two yath-mags?
Siobhan: yath-mags, yes
Brennan: yeah, go for it
Siobhan: that's a dex check for them
Zac [quietly]: are they floating?
Brennan: go ahead and roll damage
Siobhan: 27. [Quietly to Zac]: Shut the fuck up
Brennan: what's that?
Siobhan: nothing!
Zac: nothing. Nothing at all.
Emily: nothing
Brennan: what's your thing?
Emily: nothing
Zac: nothing
Siobhan: nothing
Emily: Zac --
Murph or Lou: I thought the same thing
Murph: Zac farted, okay?
Brennan: were you talking about how they're flying?
Zac: no, I was farting! I was ripping ass!
Brennan: it doesn't matter. It doesn't matter that they're flying.
Emily: yay!
Brennan: listen, hey, I would happily go by the rules. They're gonna make their dex saves. Both fail! Go ahead and roll damage.
Ally: nice!
Siobhan: 27 damage
Brennan: describe for me as the yath-mags are torn apart
Siobhan: As they're about to explode, they both say "love is love"
Zac: yas-mag
Brennan: to be clear to the viewing audience, that does not happen. They do not say that. You can describe how they are destroyed, not what they say. The yath-mags --
Ally: Love wins!! Then they die.
Brennan: the most disturbing thing I've ever heard. Any bonus actions from Adaine?
Siobhan: I bonus action sit back down
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shadowuserannie · 1 month
KOTLC Miraculous AU
So it goes without saying;
Marinette: Sophie
Adrien: Fitz
I know, I know. (prepares to get attacked, holds up shield) BUT THINK ABOUT IT. FITZ BEING FORCED BY ALDEN TO BE PERFECT. FITZ GETTING TO UNLEASH HIS INNER ANGER AND INNER KEEFE AS CHAT NOIR (because YES, let Keefe infect all the people that love him)
Besides, I want a character journey where Fitz learns his true personality; not the jaded but joking Detruire (it means destruction in French, I like the name) and not the picture-perfect Fitz Vacker. A guy toeing the line between both. Being pessimistic but not too jaded, learning to let go of the mask of optimism and finding people still like the person underneath. Being sassy but kind and still TRYING HIS BEST BUT NOT PERFECTLY. Let him find who he is!!
So the rest are a little more complicated, but;
Alya: Dex. Let Dex create the Ladyblog and get popular as a result. Let him associate the Ladyblog with being liked and chasing Sophie's secret identity as a result. Let Sophie smack some sense into him and CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT TO MAKE HIM A GREAT BESTIE (because it'd be boring if they were all perfect at the start of the story)
Nino/Chloe: Keefe. HEAR ME OUT. Keefe growing up with Fitz because Alden approves of his family, but then Keefe becomes more rebellious and they can't meet up as often anymore BUT KEEFE REBELS. AND GETS FITZ TO REBEL MORE. AND GETS FITZ ENROLLED AT FOXFIRE NEXT TO HIM. Keefe rebelling against Cassius and accidentally becoming a bully because of it. Keefe realizing there's a line between pissing off his parents and hurting others to do it. Because THAT COULD BE GOOD. Keefe canonically goes pretty far in his attempts to piss off his father.
Also a possible Chloe: Stina. Stina got her own half-assed bullshitted redemption (wow Astruc, thanks SM) and DESERVES BETTER.
Oh but fun fact about Sophie; she's actually quick to categorize people as 'good' or 'evil'. So having Stina be mean to her and getting categorized as 'evil' as a result, but that eventually changing over time, would be a good application of her KOTLC character development to this AU.
So ik that on a surface level, Keefe fits Adrien's role better than Fitz-daddy issues, blond hair, et cetera. BUT. I realized that while it would be fun, a story with Fitz would be harder to write and thus more interesting-plus I realized that somehow I have to integrate the other characters PLUS BIANA in, so a wild ride overall! It'd be the same refresh, repeat, if they were all exactly like their roles.
(@tiana4evahh I am so sorry I got sidetracked reading the KOTLC graphic novel I might just publish the KOTLC human! superhero! AU first)
(or I may also scrap this AU entirely?)
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dr-futbol-blog · 4 months
Home, Pt. 4
Sheppard and Teyla continue exploring what is basically Sheppard's mind. They have this exchange:
Teyla: What is it? Sheppard: I was just thinkin' again -- about Doctor Weir and everyone else on Atlantis. Teyla: Of course. I am sure she is fine -- as I am sure they are all fine. Sheppard: Yeah, I'm sure.
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This once more confirms that they all have different realities: Weir is still back on Atlantis on his. But this is also an example of something we see multiple times later: Sheppard cares so much about Rodney that he's unable to put it into words. to verbalize it, but Teyla, being both observant and empathic, figures it out anyway.
There are several times when Sheppard talks about some heavy emotional stuff and just tacks Rodney on as though he's an afterthought ("Even Rodney") because he just can't deal with the thought of losing him. He's using humour, he's using sarcasm, he's using flippancy, he's using any and every technique he can to distance himself from the fact that he is actually the one called to constantly put someone he loves Rodney in danger and this fear is certainly not lessened by the fact that he loved and lost someone who served under him (Capt. Holland, as we learn in Phantoms, S03E09) for which he very much blames himself.
Viewers that don't understand what Sheppard is doing probably get whiplash from Sheppard and McKay being best friends one moment and Sheppard talking about him to other people like he doesn't even care the next. Oh, he cares ("Deeper than words, my friend, deeper than words"), he cares so much that he has to try to trick cruel fate into leaving McKay alone by talking about him like he doesn't. Like not admitting it would keep his guilt-laden ill fortune, the bad karma of past mistakes, from getting someone he loves killed. Again.
Here, he's unable to speak Rodney's name ("and everyone else"). But Teyla, being the empath that she is, picks up on this and tries to alleviate his fear with "I am sure they are all fine".
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He looks so goddamn sad.
Here he is, back home with a beautiful woman with everything a man could ever want. And he looks like he would rather be anywhere else.
The fact that we transition from this conversation directly to McKay just confirms that Weir was not who he was actually thinking about, who he was worried for.
Sheppard's frat party with the dead friends and former crushes is interesting. We see Sheppard watch a bikini-clad hot woman dive in the pool and yet he's clearly more comfortable inside, fraternizing with the dead soldiers, and all the other dudes out and about. Who are all these people? Likely, they're all people from his past. There's his sixth grade teacher (and who hasn't had a crush on a teacher?), there's someone that wouldn't date him whose name he can't even remember. Likely he hasn't invented any whole-ass people but filled the room with people from his memories.
Also? We are lead to believe he is pointing at this woman in the pink tank top as the person who wouldn't date him because she is the only woman in the frame and she's lit up. But there are four people behind Mitch and Dex here, and Sheppard could mean any one of them. He does not mention this person's gender, just says "You wouldn't date me!"
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The heteronormative viewer is going to make the obvious interpretation. But by a sheer numbers game, this person is much more likely to have been a guy. The likeliest candidate is the one to the right of the woman taking a sip of his drink since he's the one Dex actually turns to look at once Sheppard points out this person that refused to date him (and Sheppard's own eyes also look very much to the right of the frame). And when Sheppard picks up his gun, this guy cowers behind the woman in pink like he's expecting to get shot.
There are hot women in the party, yes. But there sure are a lot of good-looking guys there, too. Maybe there are too many people he's found attractive at one time or another as he seems to be getting hot under the collar:
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The last person he looks at (in fact, he looks at this guy in the striped shirt three times) before he has to open his jacket to cool down? This guy:
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But, like. The mainstream audience saw the bikinis and nothing else.
The bikini-clad women also distract from their reminiscing about how Sheppard spent half the night sitting and "talking to this guy" in Afghanistan two days before his friends were killed outside Khabour. This is clearly weighing on him. The fact that just attempting to connect with another human being always seems to lead to people close to him getting killed. Again, we transition from this discussion directly to Rodney.
It may be that the house is so full of people, seemingly completely random people from his life, that he was trying to conjure someone to turn up there but couldn't manage it (because the mist wouldn't allow it). We start from his team members who appeared just when he was feeling lonely and thinking about the people he had left behind at Atlantis (Rodney), we know there's someone really smart (Rodney) there being a teacher to a sixth grader, someone he wanted to date (Rodney?), very attractive people (Rodney?), geeky poorly dressed people (def. Rodney). We start with his team members and we end with Ford, who finally comes in the door with a bunch of pizzas. He kept trying to get something to happen, someone to appear, which began with his dead army buddies and finished with Ford. Just saying, there were a lot of people there.
In the end, the alien mist brings them all together into the gate room, suggesting that they live out the rest of their lives in a shared reality. Something pretty interesting happens. The mist tells them that they are now experiencing a shared fabrication. Rodney is shook by this, likely taking this to mean that they have access to each others' minds.
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He almost looks at Sheppard but then averts his eyes. Clearly, he wants to look. A few moments pass, he looks more and more apprehensive, and he finally interjects with "So none of this is real? The cute brunette, of course, I should have known! How do you go from, 'You're a pig, but I like your cat,' to, 'I missed you'?"
First of all, he makes no mention of the cute brunette being a woman so for Sheppard, this could mean anyone. Second, this is the thing that McKay chooses to share of his own reality quite unprompted with the others here.
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Third, Sheppard looks all kinds of unhappy about hearing him say that. Like this entire thing is in reaction to McKay, the cute brunette and the cat:
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He's looked more or less upset the entire episode but suddenly he looks like his cat just died. Weren't you just in a house full of hot people you conjured up from your past yourself, Major? Is it even possible to interpret this as something other than an acute case of jealousy?
And yet he forgets it as soon as McKay starts flirting with him again:
Sheppard: The dead people were a -- dead give a way. McKay: Dead people? What were you doing?
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This. This flirty rejoinder was more important to McKay than food and water and their bodies being unconscious on the ground on some alien planet since all of this he only realizes once he has it out of his system, once he has had the chance to reconnect with Sheppard. They actually double-team on the alien mist and when McKay steps up to him/it, Sheppard does the same apparently to place himself between Rodney and fake!Hammond if need be.
When the mist suggests that they make the most of the time they have left, Sheppard gives McKay this look:
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McKay is out of the frame, Weir is standing between them so your average Joe viewer, if they pay attention to their looks at all, might interpret him as looking at Weir when that is not what he's doing at all.
When all is well and they wake up on the planet, the episode ends with Sheppard doing something that he loves doing: watching McKay work. He glances back at Teyla and Weir to see if they can see him looking but the episode fades to black with Sheppard and McKay's back-and-forth, once more in their own little world even with these other people around them.
This scene also circles back to the beginning of the episode. There, Sheppard was very obviously trying to not look at McKay. This was emphasized by the placement of Ford and the DHD between them. In this final scene, Ford and the DHD are also placed between them but by this time, they are having a conversation right over them, with Sheppard leaning over the DHD to get closer. They are having a back-and-forth regardless of any and everything that is between them and around them.
It's so familiar. It's so domestic. All is right with the world.
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mayisgoingnuts · 2 months
OK SO PART 3 (I had to rewrite this shit >:[)
Soo basically- after that trauma dump JJD gets the idea to introduce Salem to the cult, ofc through her vulnerability and JJD’s manipulation, at first she’s weirded out by it but slowly gets a little into it- specifically one day when JJD showed her the amulet thing and how it made her a lot more happy, she hasn’t felt like that in longest time and just- loves it. Eventually after a week of staying with her JJD says ‘Yk- you could stay here in town for like, ever. You don’t have to move in with that dumb brother of yours or never deal with your aunt and Uncle again-‘ ofc the exception was that she’d *have* to join the cult- which at this point Salem was all in for, if that meant staying in town and being with her friends so he it. So now she’s an official member and the fact probably not even the next day/night she was introduced to Joy- and Salem loved joy like as a weird sister or a very close friend- and JJD and her have a mentor/motherly type of relationship since as far as Salem knew she had been so kind and ‘motherly’ to her- so she calls her mom/aunt a lot (Maybe Teivel as a father/uncle if he’s in this au and still with JJD- or Dex idk)
as far as the outside world (ie her friends like Theo Ross and Susie) she’s just been really really happy lately, which yk good for her considering lately she’s been really depressed and miserable- but they have no idea the cult or that the fact she’s even in it, not like she’s gonna try and get them involved. So pretty much she stays the same of helping everyone around town and being the therapist friend to them- but as far as they rlly know JJD is the aunt/mom she talked about being ‘moved to’ or just- that she’s her aunt/mom- cause they have no idea wtf her aunt and uncle did/do or who they even where cause she wouldn’t let them come over and they’d never go to any school junctions or whatever
To match you I ALSO had to rewrite my response ♡ (school internet sucks sm)
PARALLELS WITH THEO OMG!!! Theo definitely knows that Salem is with JJD since both of the cults are rivals and want to stay updated on their situations,, so... angst potential....
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AND YES TEIVEL IS IN THE AU!! He's like JJD's right-hand and to be honest he's almost more leader than JJD is, while she tries to get people to stay by sweet manipulation he just turns and goes "WOW YOU'RE SUCKING ASS DO BETTER!!" but I bet he'd be like the fun uncle to Salem KAHDJS
One more to the earring benefits YAY
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a-sexy-asexual-658 · 2 years
The Twin Sister Memes
(Y/N) : What doesn't kill you (Y/N) : gives you trauma! Sophie : Seriously? (Y/N) : makes life a whole lot harder (Y/N) : But you got that kick ass dark humor!! Tam : ....... She has a point. Sophie : Don't encourage her. ~~ (Y/N) after she is rescued and finds out what Sophie had been through.
(Y/N) : If anyone has hurt my sister (Y/N) : I will personally RIP out your eyes (Y/N) : and SHOVE them down your throat (Y/N) : So you can watch as MY NAILS AND DAGGERS TEAR YOU CARCAS OPEN!! Neverseen +Stina : *shivers* Sophie : that's my sister, scarier then my dad. ~~ (Y/N) thinking one of her crushes (your ship of choice -Ruy/Bianna/Tam/other)) likes someone else.
(Y/N) : I don't care. Them : Yes you do! (Y/N) : No I — Them : *grabs her face* yes you do... (Y/N) : *tense eye contact* Both : *leans in * Grady + Sophie + Keefe : OH HELL NO!! *rips them apart and punches them* ~~
Sophie : (Y/N)  what's the one thing I asked you not to do during this battle. (Y/N) : Start a tornado. Sophie : and what did you do? (Y/N) : in my defense-! Sophie : adding fire to it still counts, answer the question. What did you do? (Y/N) : *mumbles* start a tornado. Random people +neverseen : *screams in the background* Sophie : your grounded. (Y/N) : You can't-! Grady : I can, your grounded. (Y/N) : Hmph! ~~ Every time Keefe and/or (Y/N) do something stupid.
Sophie : I can't decide Sophie: whether you should live or die. ~~
Random person : How many crushes do you have? (Y/N) : whole bunch. Random person : how many have you confessed to? (Y/N) : not one! ~~ Hundreds of years in the future.
(Y/N) : *reading an article* Men will spend their entire life savings to keep you in a relationship with them (Y/N) : I did put a dude in debt one time. Keefe : HAHAHAHAHAHAHA!!!! ~~ The gang and adults annoyed that (Y/N) has a crush on a neverseen member.
(Y/N) : Well it's not like I have many options! (Y/N) : what's a girl supposed to dream about! (Y/N) : you Dex with your little dwarf biceps (Y/N) : or (person of choice) Them : YES! Grady : NO! Them: THE BANG MASTER! Grady : NO!! ~~ Keefe : girls if you had to date another girl in this room who would it be? Bianna : (Y/N) Sophie : Linh. Linh : Sophie (Y/N) : Bianna. Keefe : *starts playing that song that goes 'baby, bi bi bi' *no ships intended just something for fun. ~~
Gisela : she left you, what kind of sister is that. Gisela : she and the blackswan only ever use you, why not join the neverseen we wou- (Y/N) : No. Gisela : what? (Y/N) : what you wanna hear it in Spanish? No. ~~
Hope you liked it! Sorry the next chapter isn't done it should be soon.
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cutekittenlady · 7 months
Tumblr Plays Pokemon White 2 - Part 10
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Been running around Castelia Sewers and realized I'd never been in HERE before. Huh, maybe I should give it a shot.
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Ohhh a cave. And as we all know where there are caves there are....
Well, yes, pokemon, but I was gonna say treasure. Sweet Rich Treasure. Of money. For me to find.
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Or strange middle aged men.... that too.
After beating up the two middle aged man and one strange lady I caught a woobat and roggenrola for the dex before leaving to heal up my pokemon and get more supplies. Turns out Polux has the Run Away ability which makes getting away from unwanted wild pokemon battles way easier.
While putting Roggenrola in the box I saw it was holding an item; an everstone. I decide to pocket the thing just in case I might need it later.
((I buy some super repels to use in the Relic Passage. Drilbur won the encounter vote for this area, but they only appear in dust clouds and if I encounter a pokemon before reaching the dust cloud I lose the encounter. So I plan to use the repels to try to better my chances. Plus dust clouds can sometimes just have items like shards.))
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Ohhh a Drilbur! These guys are pretty tough!
I start off with Polux and have him use a sand attack to lower drilburs accuracy. Aries thunderwave wont work this time to incapacitate the opponent since I'm pretty sure Drilbur must be a rock or ground type or something. I use sand attack several more times just to be sure and then ahve him use bite however Drilbur still manages to dodge and still manages to hitwith a mudslap lowering Polux's accuracy.
I send in Bentley in the hopes of landing a leech seed. WIth that I should be able to chip away at Drilburs health to make them easier to catch. Once Leech seed lands I send Polux back in and have him use quick attack. This gets Drilbur in the yellow and another leech seed gets their health even lower. I decide to try and use a heal ball this tiem around so that I can add Drilbur to the team right away. I only have one heal ball though, so its a risk.
I throw the ball but drilbur manages to get free. So much for that idea. Another leech seed gets drilbur in the red. I really want to catch this pokemon so I throw a great ball. Its the highest grade pokeball I've got and in the red like this its my only chance to catch Drilbur.
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But Drilbur breaks out AGAIN! Leech Seed lowers its health a bit more. Now its only a sliver! One more leech seed is bound to take Drilbur out. This next great ball HAS to catch or else we lose the encounter!
I ready the ball.
I throw.
It shakes. Once. Twice. Thrice.
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Phew this one was quite a struggle.
I opt to name her Dusty after the cloud of dirt we found her in.
NOw though I have to check her nature! After such a long hung and a difficult catch I REALLY hope shes compatible with the rest of the team!
Here we go, check the gangs natures...
Now checking Dusty's...
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Serious! Looks like Dusty's here to stay!
I take a moment to check her moves and ability. She has Sand Rush which means she'll move even father in a sand storm! Something that is bound to come in handy in future. She also knows Rapid Spin, Mud-Slap, Fury Swipes, and Metal Claw which gives us some decent type coverage.
Welcome to the team Dusty!
Before leaving the relic passage I catch a Timburr and Onix for the Professors dex as well as a grimer out in the sewer. Checking the dex I can see that those are all the pokemon available in this area at the moment, so with a sigh of relief I had back to the pokemon center for a MUCH needed shower.
Alright after that shower I think its finally time to move on!
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Oh god its the weirdo sewer guy. Aaaaa he's standing he front of the only road out of Castelia. Well the only road I walk on anyway. (Perfect urban planning my ass)
Maybe I can just slip past him? I mean he only saw me once, surely he won't be able to recognize me after only seeing me once in a dark dank sewer right?
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SONNNOVA- Look buddy I don't have any loose change. I have some... water bottles? You want water bottles? You can't have the lemonade though. Thats mine.
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... Pokemon being a euphemism for...?
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Whoa whoa! I didn't say anything about cooperating!
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Does it? I literally just caught it.
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Hey, it's more than YOU have chump!
(Why am i getting so defensive with a weirdo sewer guy?)
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.... That has GOT to be your real name because I can't imagine anyone picking it as a pseudonym. Also putting on a lab coat doesnt make you a scientist.
And this guy just goes off talking about how the "theme" of his research is 'bringing out the power of pokemon'. I don't really know what hes talking about because I tune him out. I really really just want to get past this guy.
So I hum and nod along and next thing I know I've agreed the battle the guy! He says he'll be waiting for me on Route 4.
I need to stiff one to settle my nerves.
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I down the lemonade, get a couple of water bottles for the desert and then nerve myself up.
When I woke up today to beat up an artist and explore a sewer, I didn't think I was going to have to deal with someone wearing a weird hair piece cosplaying a scientist and living in a sewer but here I am.
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chibigo-ma · 6 months
CHAPTER ONE of Freak [Stranger Things]
Notes: This has been in the drafts for a LONG TIME as I was an OG ST fan. There were a lot of changes and the last I wrote (a chapter of the entire S1 EP 1) has Eddie from Season 4. Pls don't hate me. There's a reason why this is still in the drafts (*ahem* I'm scared of the fandom) and I'm sharing it now bc why not. This OC, Rima, is the FIRST version of her until I changed them a bit for my SF FF. She's still the same but without the trauma. I never thought I would share this so I just reuse OCs :0
Filipino characters. 🇵🇭 This starts as a Gen FF with one established OCxCanon ship (I want to experiment with the MxM genre) and maybe or not there will be a love interest for the MC in this book. Depends on me. Although, it will take forever for that love to happen. Also depends on whether or not I give my character a love life, so far, staying single.
Also, pls be nice with the DND part. I'm so unknowledgeable with it and idk if what I wrote is fine in the DND sense.
TW. Bullying, Racist Remarks, Missing Child (Will Byers)
𝙽𝚘𝚟𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟼𝚝𝚑, 𝟷𝟿𝟾𝟹 𝙷𝚊𝚠𝚔𝚒𝚗𝚜, 𝙸𝚗𝚍𝚒𝚊𝚗𝚊 𝙳𝚎𝚕𝚊 𝙲𝚛𝚞𝚣 𝙰𝚋𝚘𝚍𝚎
Late at night, a couple of teens played in the basement as a DnD campaign was going on. The aura was so thick and intense, that the members of the party were quiet as the dungeon master continued the campaign. "After your party settled for the night, one of you wasn't feeling too good at all," a younger Eddie Munson spoke as the others waited for him to continue. 
"That someone was none other than our Cleric herself," he pointed over to the only female and the youngest in the group, Rima Dela Cruz. 
"What the necromancer said to her before they died was bothering her a lot. 'A robot is amongst you.' What did that necromancer mean? But suddenly, she heard robot statics and looked over to the now awoken Tom to see that he had sharp teeth and a robotic body!" Eddie announced and the party groaned. 
"See! I told you we shouldn't let him come with us!" Sean exclaimed in anger. "Yeah, but he was THE perfect male wife as Eddie mentioned," Gareth had his hands up. "Let's not forget, he's rich," Jeff commented. "And he can make gourmet food," Rima pointed out and another one of their friends agreed with her. Sean groans in frustration as Eddie continues. 
"The others woke up and stood beside Rima as Tom stood up from his bed and went to attack Rima. Sean, what will you do?" Eddie asked. "Fireball!" Jeff exclaimed. "No, it's too risky, what if he hurts somebody that isn't Tom?" Gareth commented. "I'm about to throw this fireball at you two and shove it up your ass," Sean threatened the two. 
"What is the dexterity saving throw of the animatronic?" Rima asked Eddie, ignoring the bickering. "We're replacing them as Zombies so -2 Dex saves and remember DC is at thirteen," Eddie verifies. "Okay," she snaps at the bickering guys with her.
"We should use teleportation considering that it's Sean's turn, who knows, it could also be a distraction, and then we'll try to do Sacred Flame as it's my turn next. We simply have to hope our throw isn't lower than thirteen so we can deal damage and my spell damage is higher," Rima negotiated and everyone seemed to agree. 
Sean rolled a D100 and it rolled to 70. "To the field! To the field!" Everyone chanted and Eddie allowed it. "It would seem that the teleport distracted him," Eddie mentioned. "I cast Sacred Flame!" Rima exclaimed and was given a D20. "Please!" Sean exclaimed and everyone else pleaded as they watched Rima roll in anticipation. 
She let go of the die and it rolled to eighteen. "Yes!" Everyone exclaimed. "Minus 2 damage—leading to sixteen damage, it succeeds and Tom dealt so much damage!" Eddie shouts. "Aba! (Oh!)" Rima smirked as she felt satisfied. "Rima, Sean!" Everyone looked up the stairs to see Mrs. Dela Cruz standing by the door. 
"Ilang beses ko na kayong tinatawag! (I've been calling you two so many times!) It's a school night," Mrs. Dela Cruz, also known as Anna, scolds the siblings. 
"Opo, opo, ma! Mag-aayos na kami! (Okay, okay, ma! We'll fix up now!)," Sean stood up from his chair and the others sighed as they were getting to the good stuff. Rima stood up from her chair as the other guys grabbed trash and empty pizza boxes to throw out later. "Awesome that you made Fredbear's Family Diner inspire this campaign," Rima mentioned to Eddie as he helped Sean fix the D&D set. 
"Hey, you're the one who mentioned it. The poor kid though," Eddie sadly remembers that detail she told him. "Yeah, I hope the family is doing alright," Rima comments, and she grabs a wet rag to clean up the table. "We're gonna go ahead," Gareth points up the stairs. 
"See you in school!" Their other friend waved goodbye as the three left the basement, leaving Sean, Rima, and Eddie. 
"Finally," Eddie exclaims as he kisses Sean on the lips. Sean smiles in the kiss and kisses his boyfriend back as Rima looks at them in disgust. "You do know I'm still here, right? At least do it in Sean's room," Rima sassed them as she grabbed her walkie-talkie. 
"No bitches?" Sean teases as Eddie kisses his cheek. "I get bitches, but I don't want them," she countered back with a smirk. 
"You're lucky I'm not a snitch," she waved them off as she left the basement. Rima turns on her walkie-talkie and starts to change the frequencies. "Jonathan, do you copy? This is Rima speaking, come in, Jonathan," she calls out, and static comes on her end. "This is Jonathan speaking, how was your DnD session? Over," Jonathan Byers spoke on his walkie-talkie. 
"It was great. I dealt so much damage to our last boss before we got interrupted by my mom," she grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge and took a drink. "Good night, anak (child)," Anna greets her goodnight. "G'night ma, night pa," she kissed her parents on the cheek and proceeded to go upstairs. 
"Besides that, I think I'm scarred for life. Just saw Sean kissing my best friend again for the tenth time today," she gagged as she got to her room. "You should get used to that by now. They've been together since, what? They were fifteen?" Jonathan chuckled. 
"True, but like ever since they came out to mom and dad, and they told the two that they were ok with it—as long as they do it in private, 'cuz you know, lots of close-minded people," she mentioned as she lay down on her bed. 
"They've been at it with one another for a year now! Probably some pent-up sexual feelings they have for one another. I still don't get it. At this point, I should tell them to use protection," she joked. "Your lack of sexual desire is showing," Jonathan chuckled. 
"And how was your day? You got home safely, right?" she asked and he went quiet. "Well, I'm at... work," Jonathan replied and Rima's eyes widened. "Dude, you know Joyce doesn't like you taking shifts when she's working. You also got to know if Will came home safely," she quietly exclaimed as she lay on her side. 
"Yes, yes. I know, but Eric asked if I could cover and I agreed. I thought we could use the extra cash," he told her and she sat on her bed. 
"Just stay safe and tell Will I said hi in the morning. He's probably on his way home now or is asleep already," she mentioned worriedly. "Alright, sweet dreams, Rim," he said softly. "Sweet dreams to you too, Jon," they turned their walkie-talkie off and turned off the lights.
"Aalis na kami! (We're going now!)" Rima and Sean shout by the front door. "Baon niyo?! (Your packed lunch?!)" Anna called out. "Nandito na! (It's here!)" They shout and Eddie looks over at Anna and smiles at her. "Thanks for the breakfast again, Anna. I'll look after these idiots for you," Eddie said the same thing every day as she laughed. 
"You'll always look after my babies. Have fun and don't get in trouble!" Anna exclaims as Eddie joins the siblings. "Love you, ma!" The siblings exclaimed once more as they closed the door behind them. "See ya!" Rima salutes the boys as she drops her skateboard and rides to school. She checks her watch to see that she has a lot of time left before her first class starts. 
She decides to check up on the Party since she knows that they get bullied a lot as well. As she walks over to the middle school, she spots the boys but rolls her eyes when she sees their bullies in front of them again. "I told you a million times, my teeth are coming in. It's called cleidocranial dysplasia," she heard Dustin say from afar as she got closer. 
"I told you a million times," one of their bullies imitated Dustin. Rima jogged over to them as she heard one of them say "Do it, freak!" "Oi!" Rima placed her hands on their shoulders as Lucas, Mike, and Dustin smiled after seeing their older friend. "What did I tell you about bullying them?" Rima glared at the bullies and they stayed quiet. 
"On the count of three, I want you two to get inside the school, out of my sight. Do I make myself," she pressed her fingers onto their collarbones lightly and they instantly wince despite how lightly she gripped them. "... clear?" She continued. She said that menacingly, the Party could notice their bullies shaking in fear. 
"Yes, ma'am!" They exclaimed as she let go of them. "One," she began to count and they quickly sprinted to the school's entrance. "Two," she stopped counting as they got inside in a panic. Rima sighed as she ruffled her hair but soon gasped as she felt arms wrapping around her. "Thank you, thank you, thank you so much, Rim!" Dustin exclaimed as that alone made Rima chuckle. 
"No problem," she patted his back and turned to the others but noticed someone missing. "Where's Will? He's always with you guys, it's practically weird not to see him with you three," they commented. "His mom said that he went to class early again and I think she's right," Lucas answered and Rima shrugged it off as a valid reason. 
"Alright, you boys take it easy now, alright? I don't want any of my little brothers getting hurt. Because remember," the Party began to smirk, "Freaks stick together," they finished her sentence. Rima ruffled Mike's and Lucas' hair and gave Dustin a huge hug before going back to Hawkins High School. "See you, Rim!" Dustin shouted and she held a hand up to acknowledge him. 
She dropped her skateboard and road down the slope. By the time she got to the entrance doors, she kicked off her skateboard and carried it as she walked the hallways of her school. She got to her locker to see the word ❝freak❞ written on her locker door. She huffs as they unlock her locker, grabs a spray bottle of rubbing alcohol and another old rug, and proceeds to remove it. 
"G'morning, Rima!" They looked behind them to see Barbara waving at her with Nancy to which she smiled. "Morning, girls," she greeted the two as she finished up cleaning. "To continue," Nancy began to speak. "We just," she proceeds to unlock her locker, "made out a couple of times." 
"We just... made out a couple of times," Barbara mimicked her and Rima giggled. "Nance, seriously?" Rima chuckled, but at the time same time felt worried for her friend. "You're gonna be so cool now, it's ridiculous," Barbara commented. "No, I'm not," Nance disagrees with her. 
"You better still hang out with us, that's all we're saying," Rima added to which Barbara nodded. "If you become friends with Tommy H. or Carol—" 
"Oh, that's gross!" "That's disgusting!" Both Nancy and Rima reacted negatively as Nancy opened her locker.  "Okay, I'm telling you, it was a one-time—" Nancy stopped talking as she watched her friends raise an eyebrow at her. "Two-time thing," she adds, and the other two chuckle as Nancy spots a note inside her locker. 
She opens it and it reads, "Meet me. Bathroom -Steve." "You were saying?" Barbara asked and Nancy bites her lips as she looks at her best friends. "Just go," Rima nudged her shoulder to encourage her friend and they watched her smile as she speed-walked to the bathroom. 
"She sure is in love with him," Barbara commented as the two watched Nancy and Steve meet with smiles and walk to the bathroom. "I don't get the whole... whatever they're having. Why is Nancy denying whatever her relationship is with Steve? Everyone can tell that they like each other," Rima mentions as she grabs her books. 
"If I got to be honest," the two looked at each other. "I'm not sure," Barbara continued and Rima shrugs. "Maybe it's because he had so many exes and possibly had sex with them. I think she's worried about it," 
"Well, I have to go to English class," Rima groans as she closes her locker and locks it. The two walked down the hallway as they spoke to one another. "I still don't get why you have to take that class. You're good at English. Better than me and Nancy," Barbara commented. 
"I don't know. It's just the whole system with immigrants needing to learn American English. The good part is I'm bilingual and I'll probably have my head explode if I learn another language," Rima placed both her hands near her forehead. "Pftshhh," she opened her fingers and moved her hands away in a "mind-blown" motion—Barbara giggled as they separated their ways. 
During school hours, she hasn't seen Jonathan or him going up to her. It was like he wasn't in school. Could something have happened at home? Rima thought about it as the bell rang for lunch. Rima stood up from her desk and grabbed her bag as she left the classroom. 
She was minding her business while walking to the cafeteria until she got pushed into a wall. 
"Hello, Ching-chong," Tommy Hagan smirked as Carole Perkins giggled. "Wrong type of Asian. We talked about this. Get it right next time," Rima sassed, and people who heard laughed. Tommy got pissed and slammed Rima again to the wall. "Don't you think this is getting old? Is this going to be our routine?" Rima asked and it was just making Tommy more frustrated. 
"Stop that!" Tommy demanded. "Hey!" The two looked over to the side to see Steve "the hair" Harrington and upon seeing him made Rima's eyes roll. "Hey, lover boy," this got Steve's attention, "can you tell your idiots to let go of me? At this point, I'm starting to think that these two are in love with me," after she said that, Tommy lets go of her and looks at her in disgust. 
"We are not in love with you," Carol answered. "Then why bother me every day? You can clearly see that I'm uninterested in whatever you guys are saying," Rima kicked Tommy in the crotch and he heaved as he dropped to the floor. She quickly got away from them and ran to the cafeteria. "Rim!" She looked over to see Eddie waving at her with Sean beside him.
She quickly went over to them and sat across from the two. "Were they holding you back again?" Sean asked to which Rima rolled her eyes. "They keep on bothering me when they can see that I'm uninterested in whatever they say about me," she pulled out her packed lunch and smiled to see that lumpia was her lunch for the day.
"They're quite annoying, not going to lie," Eddie answered but raised an eyebrow when he watched Rima looking around. "Who are you looking for?" Eddie asked and Rima looked more confused. "Jonathan didn't come to school today," she pointed out and the two boys raised an eyebrow. "Really?" Sean asked. 
"She's just sad that she isn't with her boyfriend, at the moment," Eddie joked and laughed.
"For the thousandth time, he's not and will not be my boyfriend. We see each other as siblings," she pointed out. "Walkie-talkie him later after school. Maybe something happened at home," Sean pointed out and Rima nodded. "Yeah, I'll do that later. I just hope those nasty lovebirds don't bother me again. It's getting so annoying," Rima mentioned and ate her lunch.
It was finally after school, and Rima quickly got on her skateboard with her walkie-talkie in hand. She turned it on and stopped riding her skateboard when she was far from her school. "Jonathan, do you copy? Jonathan Byers, do you copy?" She called for him and waited for a response. "Hey, Rima," she heard Jonathan sniff. 
"Hey, you doing alright? I was wondering why you weren't in school," she answered as she rode the way to her house. "Will's missing," Jonathan tells her, and she stands still as her skateboard keeps going. "What...?" Rima felt frozen and didn't realize a dip in the curb and fell off her board. She groaned in pain as she held her arm. 
"He... He's missing," Jonathan sobbed softly, "I should've been there for him," his voice broke. "Shit," she rolled slowly and looked to where her walkie was. As she tried to get her walkie, she was hit with her skateboard, and her walkie was taken. "Aww, little ching fell," Carol mocked her, Boo hoo!" Rima groaned more as Tommy was beside Carol and Steve was behind Rima. 
"Can you shut the fuck up? I've just been hit with bad news," Rima said as she stood up slowly, staggering back with Tommy pushing her. "What? Your boyfriend broke up with you?" Tommy smirked. "No, my little brother is missing," she glared and the two were stunned. They looked at one another and wondered what they would do next.
Steve sighed as he grabbed Rima's skateboard and took her walkie out of Carol's hand. "Here," Steve handed her her stuff. Rima looked between her stuff and at Steve as she didn't trust what he would do next. "I'm not going to do anything. Just get home safe," Steve stated and she slowly grabbed her stuff. "Get yourself patched as well," he told her and he watched her nod slowly.
She sped-walked away from them as she quickly turned the corner out of their sight. She inspected her walkie for damages before pushing the button. "Jonny, I can go to your house and help you and Joyce out. Sorry, I didn't reply quicker, I had some trouble kanina (a while ago)," she said on the walkie. "Hey, it's okay," he sniffed, "is it ok if you sleep over?" he asked.
"Yeah, I'll ask my mom. She deeply cares for you two and Joyce. We'll be with you guys every step of the way," she reassured him as she finally got home. "I'll update you soon. Over and out!" She turned off her walkie and got inside. 
"I'm home! Mama, nasan ka po? (Where are you?)" Rima called out to her home. "Nasa kitchen po ako! (I'm in the kitchen!)" Anna shouts and Rima goes over there. "Ma, may emergency tayo (We have an emergency.)," she tells her. "Ano nangyari? (What happened?)," Anna stopped what she was doing. "Will is missing," Rima states, and Anna's eyes widen. 
"Really?!" Anna looked heartbroken. "I contacted Jonny kanina and he told me the news. He also asked if it was ok for me to sleep over," Rima shared. 
"Oh, we will cook them dinner and eat with them. I'll call your father about it and tell Jon about it. Tell him that he'll sleep over with you two as well," Anna told her. "Noted," Rima saluted and went to fix her stuff while using her walkie to contact the two boys.
Night came and Anna finished cooking dinner. Sean Sr. was informed about the plan and is willing to go with the plan. Sean Jr. was also fine with the plan as he took Eddie home. "Are your bags ready? Papa is coming home soon na (now)," Anna informed her children as Rima watched TV with Sean going down the stairs. "Yup," he replied and sat beside Rima.
"I can't believe Will is missing. This feels surreal,"  he mentioned with a frown. "It is. Let's take note to be with someone when it's nighttime," Rima concluded as a car horn was heard. "That must be Papa," Anna quickly grabbed a few of the food as the two opened the door to leave their bags inside the car. "Hey, you two alright?" Sean Sr. asked as he popped the trunk.
"Yup! Mama made a lot of food so we have to try to fit them all in the back," Rima informed him. "I'll go help," he quickly got inside as the siblings fit their bags in the trunk. "Poor Jon," Sean sighed as he leaned on the car. "Let's try our best to help him, yeah?" Rima reassured him. "Let's help with the food for now," he said as they got inside after their parents came out.
After all the food was secured and safe, Sean Sr. backed up and drove to the Byers Abode. As they got there, Joyce quickly got out the front door and ran to her best friend. "Anna!" Joyce pounced on her friend as soon as Anna opened her door. "Will, he's there! It-It—" "It's ok. It's ok," Anna comforted Joyce as the remaining three took out the food.
"We got some goods!" Rima tried to get the mood up as she lifted two servings of food. "Rima Joy Dela Cruz, if you drop those," Anna threatened with a glare as Rima ran inside. "Rim," Jonathan helped her with the food. "Hey," she patted his back as they brought it to the table. 
"It's gonna be okay. I'll be right here. No matter what," she reassured as she still had her hand on his back. Jonathan looked like he wanted to say more, but kept it in. "This is all so very nice. Thank you so much, Anna," Joyce said as the two friends let go.
"I'll be with you throughout this investigation, no worries; I am a retired policewoman," Anna smiled. Anna Dela Cruz worked as a policewoman for years before she retired. It was only recently that she retired due to a case where it got her injured. It was issued to the doctor that exerting more than she usually has would earn her some permanent damages in the long run.
She reluctantly left her job, but it ended on a good note. "What is the update with everything?" Anna asked Joyce as the mothers stayed outside while the rest went inside to prepare the food and leave their bags inside. "He's close. I feel it in my heart," Joyce sniffled. "There was a call and...and it was his breathing," she broke down again as she held onto Anna.
It hurt Anna to see Joyce like this. She was like that when Ronnie was being an ass to her. "Don't worry. I'm here, I'm here," Anna reassured her friend as she felt a drizzle. "Shit, I think it's about to rain," Anna, who still held Joyce in her arms, ushered her inside before they got wet. 
"It's raining hard tonight," Sean Jr. mentions as plates and utensils are placed on the table. "Hey," Rima whispered to Jonathan as she got his attention. "Let's watch a movie later. I've brought tons of CDs," she tells him to try and cheer him up. "Alright," Jonathan smiled and felt his heart skipped a beat for the girl beside him. 
She has always been with him through the ups and downs of his life. He's grateful that she doesn't push him to express himself, which makes him more open to her than with anyone else, sometimes his mother. They've eaten their dinner and Rima went to change as soon as she finished her dinner. 
"Thank you Anna and Sean for letting Jon and Rima stay over," Jonathan thanked the two. "It's no problem. You and Joyce need support right now," Sean Sr. held Jonathan's shoulder. "Thank you, Sean," Jonathan smiled and nodded.
Finally, late at night, the parents decided to stay at the Byers to be there for their friend as the teens stayed in the living room. Sean Jr. had passed out earlier as the remaining two watched their fifth movie. Rima was invested in the movie while Jonathan was half listening and looking at the girl.
They had talked about Will before the movie marathon and Rima smiled at the picture he and his mom picked for the missing person poster. He had been reassured by his mother that it wasn't his fault, but the guilt still sinks in him. He's thankful that Rima doesn't push him to open up, but it makes him weirdly nervous to share on his own without her acknowledging it. 
Was it due to liking the girl for the past few years? Maybe, but he doesn't want to think about it. It still hurts to hear that she sees him as another brother and it makes him feel restricted to share the majority of his feelings with the girl. He sat still as he continued to watch the movie and his thoughts stayed put in his mind. 
Translations & Pronunciations: Aba! (Ah-bah) - Oh! To express surprise, admiration, and proud expression.
Ilang beses ko na kayong tinatawag! School night pati. - I've been calling you two so many times! It's a school night.
Opo, opo, ma! Mag-aayos na kami! - Okay, okay, ma! We'll fix up now! Adding "po" and/or "opo" makes the sentence more polite and respectful. "Po" doesn't have any equivalent word in the English Language, but "Opo" usually means "Yes, Okay, etc." in a more formal and polite term. 
Anak (Ah-nak) -Son/Daughter/Child There are no specifics. "Anak" literally means "child" of any age and gender.  
Aalis na kami! (Ah-ah-lis nah kah-me) -We're going now!
Baon niyo?! (Bah-on knee-yo) -Your packed lunch/pocket money?! Depends on the context if it's either packed lunch or pocket money. In this case, it's a packed lunch.
Nandito na! (Nan-dee-toh) -It's here!
Kanina (Kah-knee-na) - A while ago.
Nasan ka po? (Nah-san kah poh) - Where are you?  "Nasan" is a shortened word from "Nasaan", which still means "Where is/are." Either "Nasan" or "Asan" works.
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dorthrakidex · 2 years
Day 6: Secrets Revealed
John Sheppard sat in his office. He had been staring at his blank computer screen for a while. He knew that there was something up with Ronon; he just had no idea what it was. The Satedan had been acting weird around him for a couple of days. He was determined to get to the bottom of whatever was bothering the bigger man. He closed the lid on his laptop, having made up his mind. He decided that he would go find Ronon and he had a pretty good idea as to where he was.
A few minutes later he was standing in the doorway of one of the sparring rooms. He was watching Ronon put a few of the new marines through their paces. Ronon was one of the best fighters he had ever seen. He wasn't like the recruits that John saw come off the Daedalus. He could use any weapon with deadly accuracy but he was also good at hand to hand combat. That was why John put him in charge of training the new marines in the first place. He knew that when push came to shove Ronon could tangle with the best that Earth had to offer, usually multiples at a time. He had yet to meet a marine that could beat him. In fact John had a little competition going on. Any marine that could take Ronon down would get an entire weekend to do as they pleased, that included getting a jumper and leaving the city. In the two years that Ronon had been with them no one had completed the challenge. It looked like today was no different. Within minutes all of the marines were on the floor, huffing and sweating meanwhile Ronon hadn't even broken a sweat/
John had found that he had enjoyed the play of Ronon's muscles. The way they moved, sleek under his skin, the way his biceps bunched when he had picked up one of the marines, only to slam them on the ground minutes later. And the way that his leathers show cased his ass perfectly as he bent to help some of the men up. John shook his head to clear those thoughts. John was straight....but with those thoughts in his head, maybe he wasn't as straight as he had previously thought he had been. He cleared his throat to alert the room of his presence. He mentally sighed when he saw the way that Ronon's shoulders slumped, unless you knew the man you never would have caught it. He probably thought that he was in trouble for beating up the marines, seeing as Keller had warned him to take it easy on them. John had no such reservation, the wraith weren't going to take it easy on them, nor would the Genii or any number of natives so why should Ronon?
“Ronon, can I have a word with you?” John kept his tone light.
Ronon tossed his dreads over his shoulder. “Of course.” He turned to face the marines. “I expected better from the people who are supposed to be the best. The next time I spar with any of you I want to see improvement.” They all nodded, John almost expected to hear Sir yes Sir. But chances were that since they were new, they had no idea what to call Ronon. Dex walked over to where John was standing.
John uncrossed his arms. “My room.” Ronon cocked an eyebrow but remained silent. John turned and headed toward the transporter. He didn't check to see if Ronon was following him, he just trusted that he would. Once they were in his room, John thought the door locked and gestured toward his desk chair. Ronon took a seat as John sat on his bed.
“I want to know exactly what is going on with you? I feel as though you've been ignoring me. I am a strong believer in the principle of if one member of my team has a problem then we all share that problem. So,” John placed his hands on his knees and leaned forward, “What is it?” He made sure that he never broke eye contact with the younger man.
Ronon licked his suddenly dry lips. He knew that this was a conversation that was going to happen eventually but this was not the way that he had envisioned it happening. After all, he had thought that he was being subtle when it came to his attraction to his new taskmaster. Now as he watched John trace the movement of his tongue with his eyes, he knew that he had been wrong. He had not been as subtle as he thought. He knew that there were two ways that he could go about this, he could verbalize his desires or he could show John. Ronon was used to not talking and he had always been a man of action. So he got up from his chair, knelt in between John's knees, leaned forward and kissed him. It was just a soft brush of lips but he figured it would get his point across. He sat back on his heels as he waited to see what would happen.
For a moment John just sat there, his hazel eyes wide. Then he grabbed a fistful of Ronon's dreads and dragged him forward. Their next kiss was full of teeth and tongues. Normally Ronon would be fighting for dominance over the kiss. But this was his Taskmaster, his Commanding Officer, so he went pliant in John's hands, gave himself over to John completely. When John pulled him to sit on the bed, he went without resistance.
Once Ronon was sitting John straddled his waist. His ass was rubbing right against Ronon's erection. The moan that Ronon let out was so deep that John could feel it vibrate through the other man's chest. As Ronon grabbed John by his hips and tossed him so that he was now on his back, with Ronon looming over him John smiled. He was tired of not getting what he wanted and now with Ronon's secret revealed he was sure he could finally have that.
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error-area · 3 years
Me and my brains conversation about making a video game.
Me: Oh! I got an idea how about making a horror game
My brain: Yeah but you gotta have a plot, reasoning, and theme for it...plus characters and backstories and ya gotta make everything look good and much more ideas develop on an-
Me: Fuck this
0 notes
bellafragolina · 2 years
Hello I’m curious for self aware guzma and nanu x reader headcannons, the reader gets lonely and goes back to playing ultra moon? Only for the reader not to know guzma and nanu are self aware and can hear and see the reader?, also love your work
Hello! Thank you!! :D
He notices the code first, how it weaves into every single thing in the region. He doesn't know how to take it, and honestly freaks out about it. He hides away for a while, off on some remote beach, trying to understand what this all means. All these numbers. . .
He notices you next, up in the sky, smiling down at him like an angel. He shouts at you, demands to know what's happening, but you don't respond. You can't seem to hear him, focus on something else
Then you speak. Your voice is nice, he guesses. You're kinda cute too. Wonder who you are.
Guzma watches you coo at your team, try to cheer on Hau and Lillie as you travel with them. When you meet him, or when your little character meets him, you smile so widely, and call him your favorite boy. Guzma has a bright blush the entire time he's threatening your buddies. He hides for a while afterwards. Your favorite?? Really??
Guzma waits until the end of the games events to approach you. Your busy searching for Pokémon to fill out your dex, so he walks over and introduces himself. Your confused smile makes him smile, just a little, and he talks to you. Tells you he knows what all this is, has an idea of who you are, knows nothing is really. . . well, real here.
Is he really your favorite? When you eventually answer yes, he is, he gets a little giddy. But he tries to play it cool, asking if you wanted to hang out. You agree with a giggle and Guzma knows he's in too deep. Maybe. . . he could join you? And you two could hang out for real. Or something.
Nanu isn't bothered by the realization that the world isn't real. He's already apathetic about most things, and he can't do anything about everything being fake, so he doesn't bother. He notices you in the sky and maybe does a double take, but nothing else.
He hears you talk, but whatever. He doesn't care you think he's attractive, or think he's kind, or think his Meowth are cool, or think he deserves some nice company
You mutter to yourself as you go about this world, determined to help everyone you meet, him included. He deviates a little, asking you to catch him a shiny Meowth if you can, and you spends hours hunting. Just for him. He doesn't know what to feel
He considers asking you if you'd like to be the nice company he keeps, then shake his head. You'd never want that.
It's when the game is ending, you're close to finishing everything, getting sad to be done, that he kicks his own ass into gear. He doesn't want you to leave, so he approaches, reveals himself, asks you to stay, with him
You're shocked, understandably so, but he keeps the little hope he holds. When you smile, he does too. You've agreed to stay, and he's so relieved. Finally, he jokes to you, some nice company. Your blush is cute, so he makes sure to tease you more, feeling more relaxed than he has in a while
I feel like Guzma would be like, pfft, whatever, it's not like I like them or anything. Then realizes literally no one is seeing him be like that, and just go fuck it, and confess lol
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eah-marvel-trolls · 2 years
You’re my little sister
A normal day at Ever After High wouldn’t be the same if someone wasn’t sleeping in class or glaring daggers in someone’s soul. She was known as the schools toughest person but there’s was one person she had a soft spot for and that person was non other than her little sister, Cerise.
Ever since they were little kids, Ramona made Cerise a priority in her life, only she could hurt her and everyone else was fucked.
So imagine her surprise, when Cerise walked in her dorm and threw herself into her big sisters arms.
They didn’t speak for awhile because it was normal for Cerise to just want to be in her presence ever since their secret got out but Ramona got suspicious when she heard Cerise sniffing and her shirt was drenched.
She was immediately alarmed, because Cerise doesn’t just cry over anything.
“Cerise, what’s wrong”she asked as she lifted Cerises head
Cerise stared at her for a minute and finally spoke.
“More rumors again”said Cerise
“What rumors, I haven’t heard anything”said Ramona
“Rumor has it that Dex and I are secretly dating and if that gets to Raven it’ll ruin our friendship”Cerise cried
“Do you know who started it, I bet it was Lockes she always has something to say”said Ramona with her eyes glowing
“Actually it was surprisingly Sparrow and he’s never started something like this”said Cerise
“I’m gonna kill him”said Ramona getting up from the bed
“Mo, it isn’t gonna change what he does”said Cerise following her down the hall
“Yeah, I’m gonna make his scrawny ass fess up”she growled
They turned the corner and ran into Darling Charming, the actual person Cerise was dating.
“Hey C, I heard what happened and I’m gonna slit Sparrows throat”Darling said
“Not you too”said Cerise
“Yes I refuse to let that idiot harass you”said Darling
“That’s not gonna change his hitting habits guys”said Cerise
“So he hits you”said Ramona
Cerise didn’t answer and that was more than enough for them to continue to beat Sparrows ass.
“Oh hey cuz”said Sparrow as Ramona walked up to him
Ramona simply punched him square in the face as Darling drew her sword on him.
“Please explain to me why you are starting rumors about the dumbest stuff”Darling asked
“What are you even talking about”Sparrow asked trying not the get struck by the sword
“We mean why did you start the rumor that my little sister is messing with her best friends boyfriend”Ramona growled
“I was just bored ok, I thought it was a harmless joke”he cowered
“I want you to remember this because the next time you decide to mess with my sister, it’ll be worse than a beating”said Ramona grabbing his shirt collar
“Ok ok, I’ll stop”he screamed as Ramona dropped him
Later that night Cerise walked back into Ramona’s dorm and watched her.
“What ever you did to Sparrow was gold he was flinching from me all night”said Cerise laughing
“Yeah well, you’re my little sister and I’d do anything for you”
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billowypantss · 3 years
i just want drunk obi wan!!!
Obi-Wan, drunk off his ass in a bar and seeing Anakin walk in and his face lights up: “ANAKIN!!” (to the rest of the bar, his voice full of joy) “Anakin’s here, everyone!!”
Of course, no one cares. Anakin, rolling his eyes: “Yeah, it’s me, old man. It’s time to get you home”
“Anakin’s here,” he repeats, smiling dazedly at him and stumbling forward.
Anakin just sighs and walks over, slinging an arm around his former master’s waist to steady him. To his surprise, Obi-Wan leans into the touch and relaxes.
Okay... he must be really drunk.
They stumble out of the bar together, Obi-Wan sending off muted waves of happy in the force. It’s strange.
“Anakin, Anakin, Anakin,” he mumbles into Anakin’s chest.
“Yes, Obi-Wan?” Anakin asks, smiling despite himself.
Immediately, Obi-Wan trips and Anakin catches him, letting out a grunt. At the noise, Obi-Wan looks up, his glassy eyes widening in surprise.
“Anakin! You’re here!” he says, overjoyed once again at his discovery. Anakin has to laugh.
“Okay, you’ve definitely had enough to drink,” he replies, shooting Obi-Wan an amused look.
Obi-Wan nods, almost to himself, “Best friend. Best friend in the world.”
Anakin snorts softly. “Oh, yeah? Who’s that? Windu?”
Even in his inebriated state, Obi-Wan still manages to correct him, “Master Windu,” he says emphatically, almost falling down again.
Anakin let out another grunt as he caught him. Force, this would be easier if Obi-Wan wasn’t so heavy. But after a few minutes of struggle, with Obi-Wan even going limp at one point and then laughing hysterically when they landed in a heap on top of each other in the middle of the street, they were back on their merry little way.
“Not Mace. Nope, nope, nope,” Obi-Wan says suddenly, and Anakin has to mentally rewind the conversation in his head to figure out what he’s talking about.
“I thought you guys were pretty close,” he says, only half-expecting a coherent answer from the man beside him.
Anakin felt more than saw Obi-Wan shrug.
“He’s my friend. But he’s not my BEST friend.”
Anakin thought for a moment.
“What about Vos? Didn’t you grow up together?”
Obi-Wan laughed. “Quinlan?” he says, tipping forward a little bit, “Nooo.”
Anakin was surprised. He had thought Obi-Wan was very close with them. He couldn’t think of anyone else, besides maybe Dex? Or Cody? But that would be too depressing.
“Oh,” he finally said.
“Duh.” Obi-Wan said, sighing again and burying his face in Anakin’s shoulder, causing him to shift again. He mumbled something that Anakin couldn’t hear.
“What was that, old man?”
Obi-Wan lifted his head briefly, giving Anakin a lopsided smile.
“Smells good,” he said, his words staring to slur a little more, “Smells like Anakin.”
Anakin laughed a little. “Glad I don’t smell bad, Master.”
Obi-Wan’s head lolled back onto his shoulder, and as if he hadn’t heard him, just mumbled a soft, “Smells like home.”
Which made Anakin blink. This was quite the night for his master. He was pretty sure it was just the alcohol talking—Obi-Wan didn’t talk like this. He didn’t say things... didn’t feel things like that.
“We’re almost back to the Temple, if that’s what you mean,” he said instead, swallowing a lump in his throat.
“No!” Obi-Wan suddenly said, straightening and trying to push himself away from Anakin, “Don’t wanna go there.”
Anakin frowned. “Obi-Wan, we have to get you to bed.”
Obi-Wan was shaking his head vehemently, “I don’t want to go. Not alone.”
Anakin crinkled his nose. “You won’t be alone,” he said, grabbing Obi-Wan’s arm tighter even as he tried to rip it away, “The temple’s full of Jedi, and me and Ahsoka are right next door.”
At this, Obi-Wan’s face crumbled. “But I’ll be in my apartment,” he said, quietly, “Alone. And I cant—they come in my dreams and I can’t—I’m so tired.”
Anakin was worried. He had never seen his Master like this—on the verge of tears, admitting vulnerability, and staring at him like Anakin held his heart in his hands.
“I—What do you want me to do, Obi-Wan?” Anakin asked, desperation clouding his voice. He immediately wanted to take it back—his master was clearly the one who needed help right now, his comfort, his reassurance. He was drunk out of his mind. But even when it was Anakin trying to do the comforting, he still had to seek out the advice of the man who needed it from him.
Obi-Wan suddenly sunk to the ground, slipping from Anakin’s fingers.
“I don’t know,” he said, “I don’t know.”
Anakin sat down next to him, not sure what to do.
“I think I’m broken.”
Anakin whipped around. “Obi-Wan, you are not broken!”
Obi-Wan laughed a watery laugh, and Anakin, to his horror, saw his eyes glistening with tears and suddenly looking a lot more sober than he had a second earlier.
Oh, sithspit.
“I’m so tired, Anakin,” he said, his voice soft, “So, so tired.”
that’s all lol
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