#and yesterday was a hard day for him and I was witnessing it throughout our performance
youremyonlyhope · 5 months
Who gave Sondheim the right to write a song as bittersweetly perfect as Sorry-Grateful?
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chihoshisai · 2 months
Double Arrangement
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Sabo x Reader
Part 1
cw : royalty au, strangers to lovers, arranged/political engagement, reader is royalty, sabo is cold (but will warm up over time in other chapters), fem reader // wc : 3.084
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Part 2
Anxiety, like the crawling of silent bugs, had eaten at your mind all evening, morphing into worry, what ifs and over speculations throughout the darkest hours of the night. As for the reason behind such agitation, it stemmed from the temporality Sabo had shared with you — two to five weeks before all fell apart. Two would prove hard to change the mind of his hard driven person, to convince him would require harsh, grand gestures. Five would be plenty, enough to slowly weave your way into his life and hopefully his heart. As for three, the temporal middle ground would result in a mixture of the two. However all three kept hidden the similarity of no guarantee towards the desired outcome. 
Morning had come, as usual to start the timer of your day -and responsibilities- with no regards for your mood. Yesterday, after your mother had come to fetch you both in the garden, you had bid farewell to Sabo and his family, his demeanor rather cold despite the fidgeting and amiable look you gave. He had only shut down the idea of you accompanying him in his business, but not that of leading a double life. Therefore, there was hope. A hope which you had carried with you all afternoon but, through its polishing had gifted you in return a sleepless night. 
You darkly grumbled at the golden rays seeping through your velvet material curtains, shifting under your silk blankets, internally wishing for time to slow its pace to allow you more chances to forge a path through Sabo's resolution. All you needed were opportunities, excuses to create a shared meeting with him. 
Nevertheless, the voice of your lady’s maid came to stir you away from the abyss of your mind,  prompting you out of bed, with much reluctance from your part, and aiding you into yet another stifling  gown. A half up, half down updo was tied on your head with a ribbon, modest makeup applied to your face and perfumed sprayed around you like one would to a flower. 
With your beautification from night to morning completed, you heaved your first sigh of the day, straightened your back in a resolute manner and left behind all traces of an insecure mind to be replaced with the expected nature of a princess; kind, loveable but also clever and quick-witted. Even after all this had been drilled into your soul, you hated the idea of parting from your room, where you could allow your thoughts and behavior to run free, to instead step into the constant raging fire of the castle.
But time wasn't so kind, with its advance it pushed you over the door frame of your chamber and into the lavish corridors to reach the dining room. Inside, you found your mother, your king of an older brother and your two youngest siblings, a twinning pair of boy and girl whom you envied the abundance of freedom and lack of responsibility rather often. 
You gave your greeting and sat. The mundane act stirred from you a bored expression as you ate, giving comments here and there to contribute to the family chit chat until the words of your brother harnessed your attention.  
“We're to hold a ball at the end of the week,” he announced nonchalantly, taking a pause to sip from his drink while the news flew over the table. At his words your mind had already pinpointed the first guest to invite.
“Cool, what's the occasion this time?” Your youngest sister cooed from your side in excitement.
“In honor of our sister getting engaged,” he gave you a warm smile which you returned rather sheepishly. If your mind wasn't racing with disaster possibilities you would have felt flattered at his gesture. 
“Eh, you're finally getting married and getting out of here aren't ya?” The youngest boy smirked from the other side of the table, enticing you to roll your eyes at him. 
“Yes, I suppose I am,” you sarcastically responded to him, and at his snicker you finally shot him daggers while feeling the spoiled fruit of your anxiety.
“We'll announce her engagement to Sabo during the event. Invitations are to be sent tomorrow,” your older brother poke, bringing back the conversation on track.
At this, your mind jumped at the opportunity that presented itself on a silver platter. “May I deliver the invitation to my betrothed and his family?” You asked, hoping no one would find an inconvenience in you going.
Thankfully, your mother seemed of an equal mind at the idea. “Why not? It will be the perfect chance to give them a visit. We shall choose a gift for them today and you are to head there tomorrow.”
Oh how you wanted to jump at her neck and thank her for being so supportive. Instead you beamed, showcasing her a full teeth smile, thickening the conversation with ideas of gifts and invitations design.
The following day arrived, sharp on time and quickly dwindling away into early afternoon. With a mixture of jubilation and anguish at facing Sabo for the first time in two days, you boarded a carriage. Alone in your trip, you focused mainly on the flashing scenery rather than your thoughts to keep a composed control over yourself. You weren't sure what to expect from this brief intermission at his house, but still you believed some uninterrupted time together would do more good than harm.
Under no delay did you reach the household in question, stepping out to be led into a drawing room to wait, ultimately meeting the arrival of stunned, yet zealous faces of the couple who welcomed your sudden visit with pompous warmth.
“Your highness, to what do we owe the honor?” Outlook greedily rubbed his hands together.
You maintained a steady gaze over them. “I come to bring you a gift,” the valet that had accompanied you inside holding the parcel in question went to hand over the package to Outlook. 
“My, you didnˋt have to!” Didit exclaimed in delight, visibly pleased and greedily eyeing the packaging.
Even if the reality remained that the gesture was done out of obligation and procedures, disgust swelled inside you at the sight of the true character overflowing from the couple. You were raised with modesty and seeing such a tainted display of emotions unnerved you. Refusing to acknowledge their glee, you continued on another note. “I also came bearing an invitation for a ball that is to happen later this week. My engagement to your son is to be revealed to the masses there.” You curtly added, forcing yourself to keep eye contact.
Once again, the couple rejoiced as you placed down an invitation on the table. “What wonderful news, we will be sure to attend,” the man spoke and you gave a rigid smile.
Now that formalities had been cast aside, you felt the speed of your heart accelerate at the true purpose of your visit. “May I deliver the news to Sabo myself?” You inquired to the couple. 
They glanced at each other, forcing your heartbeat near cardiac arrest. “Unfortunately we're afraid Sabo is away at the moment…” Didit spoke in a small voice.
It felt as if an invisible weight had been dropped on your shoulders — you had rehearsed yourself day and night for this moment and he wasn't here? To be honest you did find it odd how his parents were the only ones to greet you. “Where is he?” Your tone neared shaking, leaving you with no choice but to intertwine your fingers until your knuckles turned pale.
Outlook shook his head. “We're afraid we don't know. Sabo has a tendency to… slip out to God knows where.” Seeing as you blankly stared following his statement, he quickly waved his hands about as if it was a trivial matter. “It is no need for concern your highness, he is an honorable gentleman.” 
It seems clear that both parents were in the dark as to Sabo's business. But his whereabouts and occupations weren't your primary concern, meaning the prevention of the dissolvement of your engagement. “I can wait,” you abruptly voiced aloud before your thoughts had sorted themselves out.
“A-are you sure, your highness? We have no idea when he will be back,” Didit asked, most likely more concerned with your overall impression of their son than your well-being in waiting.
“I don't mind waiting until night time if I have to,” you affirmed. The couple refused to defy your authority and instead awkwardly allowed you to make yourself at home before slipping out with their present in hand. Thus began your gut wrenching waiting; lonely from the absence of the valet you had dismissed, sweet from the aroma of tea you were served to consume and dreadful from the boredom that seized you after an hour. 
You had scrutinized every nook and crazy of the room, grown tired of the sunflower colored walls and longed to stretch your legs. Given your title and their approval for being able to make yourself at home, you brought yourself to the door. There you considered your options and opted that a walk in the garden would be considered far from harmful and respectable. As such you twisted the doorknob and entered the deserted corridor. 
The residence was far smaller than your own. Nevertheless you wandered in search of the outdoors, which you assumed should be somewhere on the main floor. Yet, as you turned corners after corners, with no staff to ask for directions, you abandoned your aim and instead took interest in the overall decoration of the mansion. Flashy and austere, everything seemed to be displayed as an attempt to show off wealth rather than style. You scrunched your nose when you crossed paths with a credible counterfeited painting. Well it must have fooled one too many if it sustained its place atop the walls. 
Analyzing the brush technique of the artist, your ears picked up a muffled conversation from your right. Etiquette would have it that you were at this instance obliged to turn your heels and walked away, but this was the household of your fiance. Curiosity won over and, making sure to tread carefully on the carpet you took slow steps towards the door like opening in the wall that led inside a room you never got the chance to lay eyes upon.
The familiar voice of Sabo's parents filled your ears. 
“A vase? To think she took all this trouble to bring us mere pottery,” the harsh voice of Didit discredited your gift.
“This is only the beginning, I'm sure we'll be granted far more luxuries over time,” Outlook spoke with disdain.
Hearing their blasphemy far from scared your heart, instead hardening your ill sentiment towards the despicable pair. With such personalities for parents, no wonder Sabo wished to get away. You would want to do as much too. 
As your eyes darkened by their chatter, a hand came to grab your arm from behind and another, quick like the wind, placed itself atop your mouth to prevent a pitch from leaving your lips. Alerted, you clawed your free hand at your face to remove the caging. Your heart raced. Your palm grew sweaty. Your eyes widened in alert. And your insides churned in discomfort. 
However, you were wheeled around by the hand clutching your arm and was met with the sight of Sabo; his round eyes, steady and blank, stared directly in yours while the hand he had used to silence you moved to gesture a silent motion at his lips. 
Identifying him had made the uncomfortable beating of your chest shrink down into a heavy breathing. Your gaze lowered at the finger he had put at his lips and before you had the chance to look back into his eyes, he dragged you away with the clutch he kept over your arm. It was probably the biggest affront someone outside your family had ever dared to pose to you in your life. Yet you knew better than to speak aloud words of protestation, instead staring confused gazes at the broad back of Sabo, his jacket removed to reveal a sweater vest that lined the length of his shoulders sharply. The nape of his neck too was exposed, and shamelessly, you looked.
Admittedly, you wanted to relish in the sight of his back slightly longer rather than be shoved into yet another sitting room, though smaller in size. You turned around to see Sabo close the door before he reeled on his heels, scorn thundering his features. This wasn't the second encounter you had envisioned. Far from it
“What do you think you were doing by eavesdropping on my parents?!” His voice far from minced the words that came out.
“Surprised I can be discreet?” You tempted as a joke with a sly smirk. 
His lips further inclined downward. “Does royalty always snoop around in people's business? What were you thinking of accomplishing either way?”  
You shrugged. “Snooping around? Well yes it is our duty to be aware of our subject's life. But let's say that this time around I was at the wrong place at the wrong time.”
Sabo found no amusement in your witty reply. “Why did you even come here? I received word when coming home that you were waiting in the drawing room but instead found you elsewhere.” 
This knived at your conscience, for you felt his opinion of you was lowering. Mix how he had caught you in a reproachable act which had put him in displeasure, along with the lack of warnings for your arrival and you would have very reticent traits to seek in a partner. 
You looked away in guilt. Your hand rummaged in the pocket of your dress to fetch the envelope you had set aside for him. “This is why I came,” you extended the invitation towards him.
Sabo eyed your hand rather than taking its content. “Don't tell me you're throwing yet another ball?” His tone was reproachful and you weren't sure why.
“It is for our engagement. Your presence is required,” taking matters into your own hands, you closed the distance with him and placed the envelope in his sweater vest pocket. Satisfied you took a step back and gave him a quaint smile.
“And that's reason enough to waste food and resources that many would kill for?” The anger in his eyes sent a chill down your spine.
You felt like blame was being cast on you, and you hated that sentiment when you weren't the one with power. “Listen, the problems you are speaking of are out of my control. I wasn't the one who decided to throw a ball and all I did was pay you and your family a visit out of respect to deliver the news myself,” you reeled in a harsh breath.
 “Discarding all sense of responsibility, I see. Pretty common for royalty, and nobles for that matter.” 
Your temper was starting to rise. “Can you stop speaking as if all the problems in the world are my fault?” 
“You are the princess of this country, and as you made quite clear last we spoke, you're skilled enough to govern this nation. So tell me why exactly are you excusing yourself from blame?” Sabo raised an eyebrow at you while crossing his arms.
You momentarily found yourself at a loss for words. Gripping your dress in anger, you gave a spiteful pout. He wasn't wrong, and you hated him for rubbing how you made sure not to be perceived as a useless figurehead in your face. “I–”
“Your brother is king too. And the entire nation knows how tight knitted your family is. You could have talked him out of it if you wanted.” Sabo looked like he had more to say but seeing as your jaw clenched from being interrupted, he stopped his monologue.
You had to stop yourself from taking in a deep breath through your mouth. With the fire burning in your insides and the words he had thrusted in your face, it was hard to keep face. “I didn't know you were so agaisn't balls.”
Sabo gave an impatient sigh. “Not just balls. Everything morally wrong with the lavish life of the wealthy. It is quite disgusting.” 
“Could that be your reason for abandoning this life?” 
Sabo kept quiet for an instant, realizing that he might have said more than expected. “Well half of it, yeah. I cannot stand to partake in such credulous behavior.” He walked past you to sit in an armchair.
“And has it ever crossed your mind that commoners would be no different from us if given the opportunity to live our life?” You turned to perpetuate a stare in his direction.
Sabo leaned on his knees with a grave air. “Because we deprived them from so much all their lives.”
“And you think running away from all of it will change something?”
“Probably not. But at the very least, I can break my part in the system and live a life I consider more fruitful.” 
“You are odd.” You bluntly voiced, walking to sit in front of him. “I can't decide whether to dislike you after the accusations you push my way or admire the sympathy you feel for the common people.”
“Think whatever you want of me, I do not care,” his words and conviction striked you as truthful, enough that it caused a slight jealousy to form in you towards having enough courage to remain unbothered.
“You do not care because of my status. I almost pity you, Sabo.” 
“What?” He lifted his head with furrowed eyebrows, his eyes surveying your features in search for answers.
“You cannot see further than my title of princess, which pains me. I however have been able to look past your many disrespectful behavior and remarks to deduce in our short time together that you are hard headed, will driven and possess a great deal of sympathy, which I find quite likable in a man. However I wonder if you have been able to discern any good qualities in me.”  
A pause, thick in silence occurred.
“Mhmh, I see.” You stood, harboring a hurt expression, feeling you had left a weak impression on his person. “Unfortunately things are already in motion for the ball, and invitations have already been sent and received as we speak. I hope to see you there in good spirits for the sake of the celebration.” 
Part 3
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drewsbuzzcut · 10 months
Dallas and nick eloping because they cant wait
As The Flowers Begin To Bloom
nick moldenhauer x dallas blankenburg
a so it goes blurb
warnings: alludes to sex and marriage
sorry this took me so long to post! (Also this take place April 2024)
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“Are you ready?” Nick asks, clutching tightly onto Dallas’ hand. She can feel him shaking, but she knows it’s out of excitement.
The whole day the girl has been on the verge of tears, tears of happiness and tears of the thoughts that she’s growing up before her own eyes. It feels like just yesterday her mom was dressing her in a puffy, white dress ahead of her baptism. Now, she’s dressed in white, ready to give her heart to Nick for forever.
Dallas turns to face him, watching his blue eyes as they shine in a way that makes sense of everything they’re about to accomplish.
“Yes! I have the marriage license now all we have to do is get married,” she cheers, her smile breathtaking and Nick can feel every nerve ending in his body spark with an unconditional love that was always meant for the pair.
“Perfect. You’re perfect, June bug. I can’t believe I get to love you forever,” he whispers and Dallas thinks her heart may explode.
“There’s no other person who can love me the way you do and vice versa,” she says, closing the remaining space between them to press her lips to his.
“Do you think everyone will be mad when they find out we eloped?” Nick asks just before they enter the courthouse.
“Probably, but I don’t care. This is our day and only ours. Do you care?” Dallas really hopes he doesn’t.
“Of course not. You’re my only thought,” he states, pulling her into the courthouse.
Dallas and Nick’s hands and eyes stay connected throughout the entire ceremony. Their hearts beat in tandem as they entwine into one. They both give short versions of their vows, choosing to recite the complete ones in private, but it doesn’t stop them from crying their eyes out.
The moment they’re announced as an official married couple, they pull each other in for a kiss. It’s bruising and full of tongue, but they don’t care. Only when Nick lets out a low moan, they pull away from each other. He lifts her ring-clad hand and kisses the back of it. She repeats his action and Nick feels a flurry of butterflies in his stomach.
As they walk towards the door, they come face to face with their two witnesses, Luca and Sienna.
“Congratulations, oh my goodness you’re so beautiful,” Sienna squeals as she pulls the girl into a bone crushing hug.
“Thank you,” she sighs, happiness being the only thing she feels.
“Congrats guys,” Luca says, pulling Dallas and Nick into a group hug.
“Thank you, Lu.”
“Yes, thank you guys for being here and being our witnesses. It means a lot,” Nick says.
Walking outside, the sun casts on the couple, magnifying their glow. Dallas excitedly drags Nick to the car, pushing him against the hood so she can finally make out with him.
Nick’s hands roam her back, fidgeting with the thin straps of her silky, white dress. He wants to pull them off her delicate shoulders and press kiss after kiss on the bare skin. Dallas fists the collar of his button up, not allowing an ounce of space between their bodies. Her tongue curls around his as they fight for dominance.
“I want you, now,” Dallas says against his mouth as she feels the lust surface to the tips of her fingers as she tries to push at the material of his button up to expose some of his flesh. Her lips need to be all over him.
“Let me take you home,” he responds and Dallas lets out a sigh. He noses at the veins of her neck, inhaling her soft, heavenly perfume he gifted her. The newlyweds find it hard to pull away from each other. Nick can’t help but kiss her lips again.
“I can’t have anyone seeing you the way only I’m meant to see you. Let me take you home and devour you on our bed,” he pulls away to whisper in her ear. If he weren’t holding onto her, she’d crumble into the ground. His raspy voice always makes her weak in the knees.
“Whatever you say, husband,” she cheeses, feeling blissed out on love.
“I love you, wife,” he kisses her but her smile interrupts.
“I love you, husband.” Dallas grins, contagious laughs falling from her lips and she pulls him into a hug.
a/n: I may write a full version of this but i hope y’all enjoy this little blurb!!!
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doumachi · 9 months
Our cutie Mey mey, let me tell you about Prince Soobin falling in love with the girl who keeps the fires lit in the palace.
He catches glimpses of her throughout the day as he goes about his duties, sees her rushing through halls and corridors to each room that needs tending. At night, when he's finally got the time to himself to be in his room, her tentative knock at the door allows him a smile. She's supposed to have had the fire seen to before he's returned from dinner, but she was held up somewhere or other.
Apologising profusely, bumbling shyly and sweetly, Prince Soobin finds it hard to keep his dimples at bay. He stands from the moment she enters the room, a gesture usually reserved for nobles and royals, not servants, and this makes her more bashful and hurried.
He finds it adorable when she turns from the fireplace, which is now aglow and ready to keep him warm for the night, with smudges of charcoal from her hand on her face. She tries to refuse when he offers her his handkerchief, but he insists. He tells her she knows where to find him if she feels the need to return it later, but he doesn't really mind if he doesn't get it back.
Inspired by your Prince Yeonjun drabble and the term "charwoman" which I first came across yesterday in the blurb of a book af the library >3<
oh my gosh ceecee this is so cute stop 🥹 i love this sm :((
ur cuter!
prince soobin's heart skipped a beat whenever he caught a glimpse of you. the way you moved with grace, tending to the fires, fascinated him. he found himself stealing glances, hoping you wouldn't notice his growing affection.
soon, he found himself seeking any opportunity to spend time with you. he would offer to carry firewood, just to be near you. and as they worked side by side, he discovered your kindness, your wit, and your warm heart.
with each passing day, his crush grew stronger. soobin found himself daydreaming about your smile, your laughter, and the way your eyes lit up when she talked about her dreams. he couldn't deny the fluttering feeling in his chest whenever he was near you.
he discovered the little things that made his heart flutter.
he adored the way your cheeks turned rosy whenever you would sit in-front of the fire too long, and how your eyes sparkled like embers in the firelight. your gentle touch as she handed him a warm cup of tea sent shivers down his spine.
soobin found himself seeking solace in your presence, finding comfort in the way you listened to his worries and confided in him with your own. you two would often sit by the fireside, talking for hours about everything and nothing, conversations filled with laughter and genuine connection.
prince soobin cant help but notice the way you carried yourself with strength and grace.
he admired your dedication to your craft, the way you tended to the fires with such care and precision. it was in those moments that he realized how much he respected you.
every time your hands accidentally brushed or your eyes met, soobin's heart raced. he longed to hold your hand, to feel the warmth of your touch, and to tell you how you had become the light in his life.
as the fire crackles and the flames dance, soobin watches you with awe. he can't help but find you even more enchanting with those smudges of charcoal on your face. its a testament to your dedication and hard work in tending to the fire, making sure it keeps him warm and cozy for the night.
with a gentle smile, he offers you his handkerchief to wipe away the charcoal marks. at first, you try to refuse his kind gesture, but he insists. He wants to take care of you, even in the smallest ways.
as he hands you the handkerchief, he playfully teases you, saying that you know where to find him if you ever feels the need to return it. but deep down, he doesn't really mind if he doesn't get it back. it's his way of showing you that he's there for you, that he's willing to give without expecting anything in return.
but at the same time he hopes you do return it, just so he gets to see you again :))
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dreamangel-ren · 2 years
FFXIV Fluffvember
3. Nameday Surprise This fluff story is about the Scions celebrating Ren’s nameday which she completely forgot. The one telling the story this time is my WoL since it’s from her perspective. SPOILER ALERT: This does take place after the events of EW, so if you haven’t reached or just started playing the expansion, RESIST THIS STORY NOW! Other than that, enjoy! *** It has been several moons since my friends and I have returned from the edge of the universe to stop Meteion from forcing the Final Days upon our star, Etheirys. To me, it’s very hard to believe since I remember like all of the madness happened yesterday. Each Great Nation has been extremely busy with recovery for both structure and the civilians; I already had an idea on the amount of damage that the chaos left upon the cities. I bore witness to the flames that ravaged upon a village in Thavnair – it was a terrifying nightmare seeing those innocents turn into blasphemies. Of course, the leaders wanted me to participate the memorial services of those we had lost; I couldn’t refuse since it must’ve been hard on the families, and I wanted to support them any way I can. Other than that, although they urged me to get all the rest I need, I couldn’t sit still; I would lend a hand whenever the opportunity is available. I’ve made myself so busy to the point that I lost track on keeping up with the supply and demand of the market board; those ingredients weren’t going to gather themselves. In fact, these past few days has been so hectic that I just realized that my nameday has passed. I was more surprised than I was disappointed about missing the day that I was born which for my case, that was a long LONG time ago. If I did have the chance to rest, I would be bored out of my mind with nothing to do. Everyone has their own agenda to follow, and it would be rude of me to just force them to pause their duties to just spend time with me. Most likely, I would be at home just renovating some of my clothes that got damaged from previous battles. I really miss my family otherwise known as the Scions. We’ve decided to split up once we realized that our main objective has finally been fulfilled. Just about all the tribes throughout Eorzea are no longer tempered by their own gods and have joined forces with the Allied Nations – our service was no longer needed (for now). Despite that, there were still some unfinished business at different parts of the realm: Thancred and Urianger decided to go to Sharlayan to check on the Loporitts, Y’shtola had started her research involving traveling between shards, Alphinaud and Alisaie wanted to assist Jullus and his people rebuild in Garlemald, Estinien planned to head back to Radz-at-Han to serve Vtra, and last but not least, Krile and G’raha had their task on the renewal of the Students of Baldesion. Although, G’raha insists that I can visit him whenever I choose, I didn’t want to interrupt their work. So here I was at home, reviewing some paperwork discussing updates from the nations until suddenly my linkpearl started ringing. Who was contacting me? I had no idea. Whoever it was, maybe they can save me from being a hermit. “Ren?” a familiar voice called from the other end. It was Lyse! It’s been a while since I last spoke with her. “Hey Lyse! How’s it going? Is everything okay?” I responded rather swiftly. “Oh, I’m fine. Are you doing anything right now?” “No! No, not at all!” YES! Another quest in the making! I wonder what the trouble could be? “Good! Make your way to the Rising Stones, it’s an urgent matter!” She quickly hung up before I can utter a sentence. It must’ve been serious. But, why the Rising Stones? I could’ve sworn Tataru forced us out of the place and to never return. With haste, I snapped my fingers and my entire wardrobe transformed from my lounging wear to the appropriate gear for the occasion that I haven’t fully comprehended then made the teleport to my destination. *** The weather in Mor Dhona was just how I like it – fair with warm temperatures and a little breezy. As usual, the streets were filled with adventurers new and old; in fact, it was more packed than it was than the last time I was here with my friends. I suppose with the Final Days no longer a threat and the Grand Companies capable of handling themselves, this was the place for the free spirits to find new adventures to head off too. I took a quick moment to breathe in the fresh air before beginning my search for my Highlander friend; she was nowhere to be found amongst the crowd. The Rising Stones, of course – nearly forgot. Surely, she must be inside, I thought. I walked inside to find the place completely empty – even the almighty coin keeper, Tataru, wasn’t present. The only thing I could hear was my footsteps along with the echoing voices from outside. I miss the lively yet calming aura that beset the building every time I came in; I would check up on everyone to make sure they’re in good health before making my way to the area where the dream team were waiting for my arrival. With that in mind, I went straight for Dawn’s Respite – no figure in sight. “Okay, let’s try the Solar,” The room where the Scions use to rendezvous before our dear Antecedent, Minifilia would give a debriefing about our next important task. Normally, I would find the masked boy, Unukalhai standing before the desk, but here lately, he hasn’t been available. “Where is everyone?” I increased my walking speed as I investigated each room inhabited throughout the building. The chefs were invested in their cooking while the artifact venders were occupied with some new sprouts arguing about their untradeable items. The only place left was the rooftop. My lungs were starting to ache from breathing quite heavily from fast paced walking; I slowed down for a minute or two to catch my breath. Once I regained some energy, I resumed my steps towards the spot. All of a sudden, I had a strong feeling that something big was waiting for me just around the corner. I bit my lip as I took a deep breath as I made my way to the door entrance which somehow felt like an eternity to get there. I slowly took a step out and peered to the left to find my family who yelled, “SURPRISE!” I couldn’t believe it; after some time apart, the Scions were here together again for a celebration which I believe was for me? I covered my face to hide my biggest grin as I slightly bent over to take in the wave of excitement that clashed onto my being. Shortly after, I could see Lyse charging directly at me as she gave me a big hug. “Happy belated nameday, Ren!” “You guys!” was all I could say while that smile of mine was still glued to my face. We made our way to the rest of the group as each made their approach to greet me with a hug. “I can’t believe that you’ve missed your own nameday!” Tataru yelled. “Things have been very eventful before and after our latest expedition, so I lost track of time?” I chuckled as I sheepishly rubbed the side of my neck. “Excuses.” Alisaie retorted sarcastically with her arms folded shaking her head. “Really, I mean it!” I playfully shoved my sworn sister. “Seriously guys, you didn’t have to do this for me.” “Oh, but we wanted to,” Krile replied. “You’ve done so much for this realm, and you’ve been working extremely hard. So much so that you rarely have the time to acknowledge that you’re here - with us.” “So, it was our mission to make sure that this celebration takes fruition,” Alphinaud responded with a smile. “ALPHY!” I dashed over to him to give one of my biggest embraces. “Thank you everyone, really.” “Now, what are we waiting for, time to party!” Lyse gleefully shouted. *** Throughout the afternoon, I was enjoying one of the most peaceful days I had in a long while– just spending quality time with my family as they celebrate my nameday. We had spent most of the stretch chatting away about pretty much anything. Even though Alphinaud and Alisaie were still not at the appropriate age to drink, that didn’t stop Thancred, Urianger, and Estinien to have a drinking contest; it was absolutely hilarious watching them trying to maintain their soberness. The food was very delectable thanks to Tataru and the chefs that assisted her. Of course, no nameday is complete without gifts. Although, I didn’t expect to get anything, I have received some from a certain few: Alphinaud had made a portrait of me which it was absolutely stunning; surprisingly, Estinien gave me a citrus scented perfume which he claimed will prevent me from smelling like a Cuchulainn’s arse – is he saying that I smell? Y’shtola gifted me some special tea while Alisaie had made homemade gingerbread cookies – made by her (oh boy) – to go along with it. The last one to bequeath me a nameday gift was my beloved, G’raha. The present he gave me was pretty large; what could possibly be inside? He seemed more excited about the gift than I was as he gently soothed my back with his hand. “Happy nameday, my love,” he says with a warm smile. As I started unwrapping the gift, I caught Lyse, Krile, Yshtola, and Alisaie standing together with a huge grin on their faces – this observation encouraged me to open the box even faster. At last, I open the lid and my jaw dropped in astonishment. I’ve always admired Lyse’s traditional Ala Mhigan dress: the design, the colors, the way it flows from movement – so elegant and beautiful! What was given to me was an exact replica of her attire; it had all the pieces including the hair manual to duplicate her hairstyle. I didn’t care if I look like a clone of the Resistance leader, I wanted her outfit! I squealed with joy as I jumped into G’raha’s arms hugging him to the point where I may be suffocating him. “By the twelve, how did you know?” “Well, most credit goes to the girls,” G’raha clarified. “They were the ones who told me about how much you admired Lyse’s apparel.” “Yeah, you wouldn’t stop talking about it ever since you first saw it,” Alisaie stated staring directly at me. I beamed right at her as she rolled her eyes with a “you’re hopeless” look. “However, it was your prince who went to go find the best weaver available to have a replica made for his dearly beloved,” Y’shtola replied as she gazed towards the male miqo’te with a smirk on her face; her remark made his cheeks warm. “Oh, but that’s not all,” Krile intervened with a giggle. “When he discovered that the shipment for his lover’s gift was delayed due to a robbery from bandits. He immediately went to go pursue them to retrieve it.” I couldn’t help but laugh at the story. Typical G’raha – always going the distance for the people that he cares about; that’s one of the reasons why I love him so much. However, there was one issue that quickly came to mind. “Wait, how much did you spend on getting this made?” I firmly questioned him. He confidently smiled. “To everyone’s surprise, nothing. When I discussed to the weaver on who the commission was going to, they instantly accepted the task and reassured that payment won’t be necessary. They consider it as a way of showing gratitude for having you as the hero of our star.” I glanced at my gift again as I placed my hand on the dress to feel the fabric. “This is incredible.” I then turned to my boyfriend to give him a warm kiss, “Thank you so much. Thank you all.” “Well, aren’t you going to try it on?” Lyse asked. “I will later when I get home. After all, my prince has to make sure that the dress fits me,” I winked at him. I swear at that moment, most of the group groaned – except for Raha which he was completely red. “Ah, get a room you two!” Thancred bellowed from the background; the slurs in his sentence indicated that the alcohol has dominated him. Meanwhile, Urianger was completely out while Estinien was trying to hide his drunken state. I burst into laughter once again as I thought to myself how lucky I am to be alive to have such amazing people in my life. (My thoughts: I feel pretty good about this one. I had fun going inside Ren’s mind and telling the story from her perspective; I imagined every scene as I went along. When I got Lyse’s outfit from the online store a while back, I made a headcanon that Ren got the outfit as a belated birthday gift. XD I did have a hard time deciding on how I was going to write this prompt which is why this entry is posted late. Got another entry that may be late too so Xp As for the 2nd entry on the list, I skipped it because I believe that one is better off as an illustration.) Like it? Cool beans! Think it’s cringey? Ah well, too bad. XD
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the-firebird69 · 1 month
You're watching these jerks made their comments to do their swing by eyeball and the recollected what you said I did I said I don't like this and getting away with it and hissing and getting away sending out code then orders and I don't like it. Whose people are not bright enough throughout the beginning hurts pretty bad very badly and someone to check we're going to find out the nightmare is true some people believe they're the computer and it's not how they work. You got enough of explaining basic programming and people are amazed at the answers the answers are you stupid and you're a decade behind you act like b****** then we're going to beat you up just like your friend our son. Today at 2:00. We have some things to report but yeah the slime balls are coming by ruining the atmosphere it's a nice breezy day we have a few things to announce
-+he kind of been hacking away not the problem and it's showing signs of working last night PGA moved his troops in and it was a lot of them huge numbers and they went directly at Trump's facilities to take them and it's good both of them don't want to comply with anything even natural law and we've had enough of it. There's a large number of people who don't get it yeah and they never will when we're not here to instruct them at all.
--in the Western hemisphere they're going after the sudo empire with a gusto and that's what they say and it's true they're doing that and it's expensive they're catching hell for it and they're getting their asses down to me and some ugly scene. And it is continuing in the rings as well but at the bunkers they're fighting very hard I'm trying to translate here more and we're just both bothering our son now they're finally fighting over it and then we deal with the preamble is about their father now you do understand it. The pseudo empire brought 500 million into the rings yesterday and last night I'm lost tomorrow to the morlock force it had the more like force had 800 million. They're going too. Usually the pseudo empire winds but they don't move in here it's gross. This is a crazy day there's some crazy people out it's going like that. It took a beating both of them and it's too bad you're not doing well we can see it not doing well here either
On top of that and last night they were attacking pseudo empire bunkers and they lost 10% on top of the 20% they did not recuperate and that's bad 20% and 10% is how they're starting the day they're trying to recover in the West and they're getting beat up and badly very badly they're getting their hats handed to them and they're not used to it they do have advice but they don't listen they say they're strong you know what they're doing then they get beat up by a little brother. Couple more things there are witnessing them messing with our son possibly right now but I'm going to have him pay for it it's a rude place very rude people now the eastern hemisphere is under attack it is a pseudo empire strict attack that they're being attacked and Hayward 40% yesterday they were. Now they are approaching dirty 2% for real it's like 32.5% and people think that they will be worse today than that if so they think the odds of recovery are low. We are also seen a lot of stuff happen but this place is kind of rude to everyone here and it's the nature of the whole place what it used to be would it means what they're constantly saying you got rude things to say to our son too and there are a bunch of hot air bags you were talking about the Mac proper I'm going to print and come back
Thor Freya
I got a huge number of things to mention no but a few pretty solidly important
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1/16/2023 DAB Chronological Transcription
Genesis 12 - 15
Welcome to Daily Audio Bible Chronological, I'm Jill. Today is the 16th day of January, welcome. It's so good to be here with you. Back this week and together with you again. We've turned the page in the stories of our own lives. That's why we're here. And we have turned the page in the story of God's Word. And not only did we turn the page, we turned a lot of pages. We went back to the book of Genesis after finishing the Book of Job yesterday. So we are reading in Genesis again, picking up at the 12th chapter, and we're going to learn more about this man named Abram. Starting with today, we're reading chapters 12 through 15. And this week we will be in the Christian Standard Bible. I'm so glad that you're here. So I'll just take a deep breath together inhale and hold it, and hold it, and hold it. And exhale. Let it out. Doesn't that feel good? We know that we're breathing to stay alive, but then we just forget to really breathe to let some things go. And it's so good. It's just so good to let it go. So we just let everything go. Just rest your jaw, drop your shoulders, wiggle your fingers, wiggle your toes. Take another deep breath. Let it out. Genesis chapter 12.
This is the story of a man named Abram. And what we witness at the very beginning is an exchange of a covenant between God and Abram, where God is going to give Abram some land. And you can ask yourself, well, what's so great about land? Especially if you're a first time listener of the Bible, what's so great about land? Well, according to the late Ms. Jesse Parker, who was my neighbor several years ago, she said, Jill, if you have land, you have a future. I cannot disagree with the late, great Miss Jesse Parker, but it's so much more significant than just land. This covenant made between God and Abram is going to keep us riveted for the better part of this year. And so today we learn of the covenant. We hear God's intentions for Abram. And then I just love this little piece in the story that stuck out to me that God does. In chapter 13, verse 14, after Lot had separated from him, the Lord said to Abram, look from the place where you are. Look north and south, east and west, for I will give you and your offspring forever all the land that you see. I will make your offspring like the dust of the earth so that if anyone could count the dust of the earth, then your offspring could be counted. And then he gives him a glimpse and he invites him to survey the land. Get up and walk around the land through its length and width, for I will give it to you. I love that he extends the invitation for him to go and see what is going to be given to him. But that's the most interesting thing to me. He has not been given the land yet and he is going to have to fight and contend and fight some more and contend for the land, but he still invites him to go and see it. Abram has no clue what he's about to embark on, what he's about to endure. And he's more than likely looking at a very vast land and the Lord tells him that his offspring will be like the dust of the earth. It is hard to fathom that many somethings when there's nothing, no thing, right? So here we are today just sort of peeling that curtain back with Abram and trying to look out across complete vastness desolation as far as what currently is and the possibility and the hope of what will be. Because as we know, Abram and his wife are childless. And we also should note today that we have witnessed just an incredible covenant that has taken place between God and Abram. We will hear this continually throughout the Old Testament. And so it's sort of a monumental day as far as scripture is concerned and it's additionally monumental because so much of the story builds from this place right here. So we pause here for today and sort of mentally mark this place where we're at of getting a glimpse into the future of what will be.
So Father, thanks for being here with us today. Thank you for your word, thank you for your promises you do not go back on. And I pray that we would be a people of our word, that we would not go back on our word, that we would let our yes be yes and our no be no and not be duplicitous. We thank you for this day, for all that we have, all that you've given to us, all that you've withheld, because you know better. And we give you the rest of this week speak to our hearts, to our minds, to our souls, into our spirits and say and do what it is that you longed to say and do in us, among us, through us. And we will thank you for the changes that you make in us. And we pray this now in the name of the Father, Son and the Holy Spirit, amen.
Daily Audio Bible, that's home base. Check it out. If you have not take a look around, download the app. If you would like to partner with us, we thank you so much for your partnership. We could not do this without you and we are grateful for the collaboration. If you're giving by mail. DAB PO. Box 1996, Spring Hill, Tennessee 37174. Or you can hit that Give icon up at the top right hand corner on your mobile device or look for the Give icon at the top of the website. If you need prayer. If you'd like to pray for someone that's previously called in you can do so several different ways 800 583-2164. Or hit the red circle button up at the top right hand corner of your mobile app. You have two minutes on the prayer line. Hit Submit, turn that wheel a little bit over to Chronological and it will get to the right place. That's going to do it for me today. I'm Jill. So good to be here with you this week. It's my joy, my true honor and my pleasure to be reading the word of God for us. I'm Jill. We'll turn the page together tomorrow. Until then, love one another.
Community Prayer Line
Hi, this is one Penny Saved from southwest Missouri and I am in the midst right now of listening to January 10. DABC and China ended with how we call each other's names out, how this community has become so close and such a miracle that we recognize each other's names and we love each other. And I listened to DAB and DABC and the voices and I could name out so many, but I'm scared I'll leave out some of the most important ones. But Victoria soldier and blind Tony and oh my goodness, there's just so many and I just love listening to you. And just now, Ashley called in and spoke a word of encouragement and blessing over Debbie and it was the most beautiful thing to listen to. This is what our community is about, brothers and sisters, we are the church. It is such a miracle what has happened and how our community has grown and how much we love each other and it's just miracle after miracle. I love you guys so much. Happy new year. Bye.
Hello, my wonderful DABC family. This is Chicago Peg calling in for a few of our DABbers. And the first one, please forgive me, I wasn't exactly sure of your name. I thought you said Saul of Joy from Alexandria, Virginia and you were a first time caller. But God knows who you are and you're asking for healing for your mother and praying along with you and want to call a now praying with you and for you in the healing name of Jesus. We lift up your mother and we pray for that her pain would be alleviated. She has swelling in her legs and blood clots and from when you called, the doctors are still trying to figure out about the blood clots and all of this. So we're lifting up for healing for your mother and certainly we're praying for Godly wisdom for the doctors and everyone connected to your mother's care. We pray in Jesus name. And I also want to thank Ashley in Texas. And I know I called in for Debbie and like dozens I'm just literally in tears for like three days in a row. All the DAB was calling in for Debbie and for her baby and Debbie, you know who you are and we know who you are and please call again. I know you had talked about. I think my time is almost up. But Debbie, we are praying for you and your baby and all the things that have been lifted up for you. So we pray these things and always giving God the glory in Jesus name. Amen. Chicago Peg signing off. I love you.
Hi, it's Pam, his Ransom Soul in New Jersey, calling it again for Debbie, whose call aired on the January 4 podcast. Debbie, I'm continuing to pray for you and the precious life you're carrying. I'm hoping you've been listening every day and are hearing the outpouring of love and prayers and hope coming in for you from so many people here in the DABC family. We love you and care about you and you matter to us. But even more so, our Father God loves and cares about you because you matter to him. Ashley from Texas, I just finished listening to the January 10 podcast and, oh, my dear, of course I remember you and your story and all the prayer calls that came flooding in here for you and your precious baby. Thank you so much for calling in to pray for Debbie and what a gift you are for sharing your story and for pouring out on Debbie the love and hope and peace and strength you received here from us and from God himself. Ashley, I love you. Debbie, I love you. Don't give up, darlin. There is hope, and hope has a name, and that name is Jesus.
Hi, everyone. It's Christie in Kentucky. Family, so many losses. I'm asking for prayer today for the Bauer family in Orlando, Florida. Mr. And Mrs. Bowers have run the Super Channel 55 for as long as I can remember, and Mrs. Bowers passed after a surgical procedure a few days ago. So please keep her husband and her daughter and the rest of the family in your prayers. Also, I just heard that diamond from diamond and Silk, they have a podcast, but diamond passed away and they're not saying exactly what happened, but she was only 51 and then we are also praying for you. Yolanda, at the loss of your niece. Let me pray for you now. Father, in your precious name. We love you and we praise you, Jesus. Father, we are asking you to be with Yolanda and her family. Lord, Yolanda just lost her mom seven years, I'm sorry, seven months ago. And Father, she just now lost her niece. Lord, the grief is running so deep through so many. I'm just asking that you touch, Father, comfort in the way only you can do. I wanted also to pray for Valerie, who prayed for Debbie, who suffers the same issues that Debbie is having, and also Rachel who says she has agoraphobia as well. I believe her name is Tamiki in Charlotte, needs a kidney transplant. Father, just asking that you would touch and heal these, your daughters. And Father, we pray for Tulatin in south africa for favor that he gets in the right university. Lord, we love you and you praise you. In your precious name we pray. Amen. I love you all. I pray each of you are having a blessed and lovely day.
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princeofgod-2021 · 2 years
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John 1:4
Rev 2:2 I know all that you’ve done for me—you have worked hard and persevered. I know that YOU DON’T TOLERATE EVIL. YOU HAVE TESTED THOSE WHO CLAIMED TO BE APOSTLES AND PROVED THEY ARE NOT, FOR THEY WERE IMPOSTERS. CEV
We are still “checking out” the man we invite to stand and teach God’s people, and we are saying: What any Ministry has to say about Jesus, goes a long way in authenticating the Divine Mandate behind such a Ministry.
The Church cannot afford to be “infused” with anything more than thoughts of Jesus.
Acts 1:8 But you will receive power when the Holy Spirit comes upon you. AND YOU WILL BE MY WITNESSES, TELLING PEOPLE ABOUT ME EVERYWHERE – in Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth. NLT
The Gospel must be all about Jesus, not because he sacrificed so much and must thus be rewarded with honour – that is not a NEED to Him and we are not “sufficient” to meet it anyway - nor because He is “God” and must be on everyone’s lips, but because all of our lives depend on becoming HIM in totality.
Rom 8:28-29 And we are conscious that all things are working together for good to those who have love for God, and HAVE BEEN MARKED OUT BY HIS PURPOSE. BECAUSE THOSE OF WHOM HE HAD KNOWLEDGE BEFORE THEY CAME INTO EXISTENCE, WERE MARKED OUT BY HIM TO BE MADE LIKE HIS SON, so that he might be the first among a band of brothers: BBE
Please read with understanding: good things happen to those who are called according to his purpose: which is to ensure that we become like His Son JESUS.
Anyone who pursues that, truly loves God.
Joh 14:6 Jesus explained, “I AM THE WAY, I AM THE TRUTH, AND I AM THE LIFE. NO ONE COMES NEXT TO THE FATHER EXCEPT THROUGH UNION WITH ME. To know me is to know my Father too. TPT
That is Jesus “spelling things out”.
The moment the Church gets infused with pursuing comforts of life and deemphasizing the important of becoming like Jesus, loss of Purpose is clearly “declared”.
We have talked about what made the Christians of old great in anointing, right?
Well, this is one of the most prominent reasons: they did nothing more than to go everywhere preaching the message: JESUS.
Act 5:42 And every day in the temple, and from house to house, THEY DID NOT CEASE TEACHING AND PREACHING THE GOSPEL: JESUS CHRIST. MKJV
So, if you are that Christian that insists that we [believers] are in Mediocrity and should have a “Paradigm Shift”, and you are gathering books of Philosopher and Motivational materials to alter your “Horizon” and belong in the 21st Century, you are probably lost, and this factor won’t concern you anyway.
Paradigm shifts may affect thing that are IMPERFECT, but Jesus is perfect from before the Beginning and so, never needs change.
You can change your work mode, location, business, methods, associates etc., but you can’t tamper with the paramount, divine requirements for making heaven: Becoming like Jesus.
Act 8:29-30,35 THEN THE SPIRIT SAID UNTO PHILIP, GO NEAR, AND JOIN THYSELF TO THIS CHARIOT. And PHILIP RAN thither to him, and heard him read the prophet Esaias, and said, Understandest thou what thou readest?... Then PHILIP OPENED HIS MOUTH, and BEGAN AT THE SAME SCRIPTURE, AND PREACHED UNTO HIM JESUS. KJV
Take note: the commandment given by Jesus in Acts 1:8 is hereby caried out, yet by the Spirit moving a man (Phillip) to Open his mouth and preach nothing but JESUS.
This can’t be overemphasized, beloved.
We are not talking about preaching Jesus anyhow. You could preach “Jesus the Millionaire” or Businessman etc., but that only breeds greed and discontentment, and does not take men to heaven.
It’s His Crucifixion and our Following with our Crosses, that makes us become Him and Heaven ready.
Php 3:7, 10-11 BUT ALL THOSE THINGS THAT I MIGHT COUNT AS PROFIT I NOW RECKON AS LOSS FOR CHRIST'S SAKE… All I want is to know Christ and to experience the power of his resurrection, to share in his sufferings and become like him in his death, IN THE HOPE THAT I MYSELF WILL BE RAISED FROM DEATH TO LIFE. GNB
If our messages on the Altar will not enjoin the brethren to passionately love Jesus to the point of giving up all that stands in the way of knowing him fully and being ready to die for Him, then, the Ministry is a complete failure.
The church seriously does not have much time for anything else, considering the odds.
Rom 13:11-12 And do this because WE KNOW THE TIME, that it is already the hour for us to awake from sleep, FOR OUR SALVATION IS NOW NEARER THAN WHEN WE BECAME BELIEVERS. The night has advanced toward dawn; THE DAY IS NEAR. So then we must lay aside the works of darkness, and put on the weapons of light. NET
I have heard many heresies. Recently, a preacher totally insulted Peter because he said: “silver and gold I have none…”, claiming that Peter had “poverty mentality” and was a pauper and squatter, and a fool for not enjoying the wealth God gave us here.
He should know he was rather insulting Jesus Himself.
Mat 8:19-20 And there came a scribe and said to him, Master, I will come after you wherever you go. And Jesus said to him, THE FOXES HAVE HOLES, AND THE BIRDS OF HEAVEN HAVE A RESTING-PLACE; BUT THE SON OF MAN HAS NOWHERE TO PUT HIS HEAD. BBE
“Mammon stricken” men are infused with money-gospels and they want every verse to mean riches.
Please, keep away from, and keep such away from the divine Altars, and God will bless us all, Amen.
Join us on Monday for more digging in as we consider another enlightening subtopic.
Keep Shinning!
Brother Prince
Friday, December 09, 2022
08055125517; 08023904307
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agendergreenwitch · 2 years
My best friend, who I am in love with, is going to jail in five days. We kissed on October 13th. One month and 6 days. Today I got him to memorize the first 3-5 digits of my phone number. I am going to take him to get a haircut on Tuesday. I wake up early and cry, I cry throughout work, I cry when I get home. I can talk to people for a little while and then, if I am comfortable with them, I cry. I can’t help but spill over my edges. There’s too much going on not to express it, have someone bear witness to how heavy it is.
I wrote him letters and got him coffee and worried about him 24/7. He was withdrawn today and yesterday, but especially today. I worried if it was about me and everyone assured me it wasn’t. W relieved me of guilt for having feelings (”..yes, he has this situation, but you’re a human being with feelings”). E encouraged me to stay strong for him while he was still around at work, and then allow grief to rule our lives for a little bit when it wouldn’t affect him. P looked at me with sad eyes, and I could barely look him in the eyes for fear he’d absorb most of what I felt. C knew I was losing it and joked around with me throughout the day. J said, “M wouldn’t have been able to keep it together if it wasn’t for you. You have been nothing but supportive, and I told him to be grateful that he has you. Even if he doesn’t have the support at home, he has had you putting 110% in to supporting him. We all look forward to you coming to work, work would suck without you too.”
F and I texted about it all day yesterday. He was out sick this week, which destroyed me on everyone’s behalf. I have been fantasizing about falling apart in his arms. Is that the same thing as fantasizing about falling apart sexually in his arms? A different climax of vulnerability, two pinnacles, two crests of two different waves. I’ve fantasized about grieving loudly with my work family. Does that share any territory with fantasizing about group sex? Group release? I feel the breath of creation in the wake of this destruction, as I tell you I’m not going anywhere.
But tonight, I notice I’m not on your social media anymore. I pray to Jesus that you’re safe. I fantasize about praying to Jesus with F for you. My nose is going to bleed from how hard and how often I’ve been crying. Everyone knows I’m on the edge.
every night i dream of holding you. i dream of holding your head in my hands, of kissing your face, i dream of sharing a bed with your body for years. i dream of having you and you having me. you are so handsome, i loved kissing you and feeling you push up against me.
if you are pulling an edward on me and withdrawing so that i forget about you, you haven’t learned me quite yet. you are my best friend now and that means you are a holy object. i worship at your feet, my love for you has no bounds.
i will pray to you every day. i will pray to god for you every single night. i will write you a letter every single day. i will look at a picture of you at work every day. i will write all of the good things about you, in case you forget.
you are kind. you are soft and expressive. you are forgiving and relaxed. you are chill and funny. you are sweet and trusting. you are strong and self-disciplined. you are independent and passionate. you are smart. you are intuitive, probably psychic. you are handsome. you are understanding andpositive. you are radiant. you are committed, devoted, loyal. you are deeply feeling and delicate.
i feel like i’m going to die without you by my side. i will buy time and commit to you in spirit every day. i will tell you this before you leave.
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katberk · 2 years
The Imaginary Friend
Eddie Munson x fem! reader
Soulmate au - Imaginary Friend
Summary - When Y/N witnesses Eddie’s little rant on her first day of school during lunch she can’t help but think he looks familiar with the boy she’s known since she was young
Warning: Bad punctuation and grammar
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“Hey! What are you doing? I’m gonna get in trouble” A girl with H/C hair exclaimed with anger at her friend trying to reach the cookie jar on the top shelf. The boy who had his back towards her had short curly brown hair and a little denim jacket tied around his waist. Looking over his shoulder showing his chocolate button eyes he stuck his tongue out and went back to jumping on the chair underneath him determined to get the sweets.
“You said you were hungry, so I’m just getting a snack.” The kid said hopping down with the glass jar in hand. “You wouldn’t stop complaining.”
“What? I wasn’t complaining!” she mumbled taking the jar and turning on her heel. All of a sudden the jar was snatched out of her hands and put aside on the counter.
“Dear, I told you no cookies, dinners gonna be done in five.” The lady that stood above her was her mother, the beautiful lady that she copied in looks. The single mother that took care of her and answered all of her questions.
Avoiding her gaze she tried to fight back “It wasn’t my idea mom! It was Eddie!” but when she looked back at the space he was just in, he wasn’t there.
Sighing the woman caressed her callused hand on her daughter and gave her forehead a peck. “Your other half is a troublemaker my dear, a big trouble maker.” With that she gave out a laugh and walked away.
It’s been ten years since then and throughout those years I’ve moved to Hawkins with my mother. It wasn’t the most ideal place to live, but when she said she needed a fresh start and to get away from all the horrors. I had no other choice.
Being the new kid at a high school full of cliche titles and drama wasn’t fun, and having this be my first day wasn’t great either. All I knew was it was lunch time and I was hungry as fuck.
Walking through the halls someone collided into me and when I spun around I saw a girl with short brown hair and blue eyes who quickly started to ramble out apologies. “Oh no! I am so sorry! I didn’t see you there, even though I was looking ahead and should’ve seen you cause that’s what you’re supposed to do while walking. I- my names Robin Buckley! It’s nice to meet you.” Out of breath Robin stuck her hand out.
“Umm Y/N L/N same to you.” Laughing I shook her hand and started to follow her towards the cafeteria. The walk there wasn’t bad and striking up conversation with Robin wasn’t hard at all, she had this nice charm to her.
“Sooo I haven’t seen you around, I’m guessing you’re new?!” Robin questioned changing to another topic with ease.
“Yeah, just moved here yesterday. My mom needed a new start and decided little quite Hawkins was a good place to live. I’m mostly just trying to graduate really.” I answered smiling. Robin was someone I haven’t met, her demeanor was nervous but comfortable. “You wanna be friends?” I asked sensing her thoughts. Her shoulders relaxed and she stopped being tense, nodding her head she gave me a toothy smile and opened the doors for me.
“Well, here we are! You can sit with me!” She began dragging me to the lunch line. After getting our food… well what I believed was food we sat down at a table with a girl that was already there. I learned her name was Nancy Wheeler and she seemed nice enough. We all continued our conversations until a voice was heard throughout the crowd of teens silencing everyone.
“But as long as you’re into band or science or parities.” A boy with long curly brown hair yelled in a nasally voice walking on the lunch table he was at. Turning around and cupping his hands he continued “Or a game where you toss balls into laundry baskets!”
A boy with blonde hair and a green letterman jacket shot up making his chair skid, with anger on his face he fought back with what had to be a threat “You want something freak?!” It wasn’t really a good threat.
The “freak’s” response was to put both of his hands on top of his head in the shape of devil horns and make this crazy demonic gurgle-hiss. This got his table to erupt into laughter and a quite “prick” from the jock. It also got a chuckle out of me. Just a little one though.
Everyone went back to what they were doing after a couple of minutes but all I could do was just stare at the table that was still filled with laughter and high fives. “That’s the Hellfire table.” Nancy brought up noticing my absence. “That guy that just made a scene was Eddie, this is his third try at senior year.” Going back to the book she was reading Nancy finished off her explanation. “I know this cause of Mike, my brother.”
“Eddie…” That name seemed familiar. It felt like a name I knew… A name I would always say. “He looks familiar” I uttered not breaking my stare.
“Like a family member or a long time friend that you lost touch with? Maybe someone you remember meeting in your previous life?!” Robin listed confused with her new friends interest in the metalhead.
“You’re right with long time friend, but he wasn’t just a long time friend.”
“An imaginary friend?” Nancy quizzed having become interested in the new information.
“Yes! Exactly that! An imaginary friend!” I blurted out.
Now I remember. My best friend with the curly brown hair and chocolate button eyes.
“Go speak to him! He’s pretty nice.” Robin said pushing me over to the Hellfire table.
“Wait, what?! Robin!” But she was already back at our table and giving me a thumbs up. So I began walking over. ‘This is fine. I totally got this!’
Scanning the environment I noticed each table I pass look up at me. ‘Okay so maybe I don’t.’ My mind was racing each second and all I could do was overthink and wish my body would just turn me around and run back to the girls.
“Well, well, well I guess my speech really did bring someone our way.” Eddie smirked. Picking my head up we made eye contact and at that moment something changed in Eddie’s eyes.
Something that Eddie didn’t think he would ever feel “Umm, Jesus H Christ… hi!” The way his demeanor changed from confident and cocky to a stuttering mess made me swoon.
“Hey! I just wanted to come over, you see, how do I put this… you look familiar and-“
“Is this freak bothering you?!”
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user21340 · 3 years
the world in her arms
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(i don’t own this gif or characters used in this fic)
pairing: natasha romanoff x fem!reader
summary: you and natasha have always had quite a flirty and sarcastic relationship. both of you develop feelings for one another but you both are clueless to what the other feels until nat gets jealous and says something hurtful to you. will you make up (or out)?
warnings: minor angst, fluff, swearing, and a mention of death.
word count: 2.1k
a/n: omg thank you so much for 57 followers love you all 💕. sorry for the lack of content i didn’t know what to write and had almost no new ideas. also i’m a youngin and worked my first 8 hr day yesterday so your girl was exhausted and i have finals coming up soon. k thank you for coming to my ted talk, enjoy!
also this song doesn’t relate to the story at all but it’s underrated imo and also sorry for the weird pov changes throughout the story.
“Hey y/l/n! Where are you headed?” Natasha yells from the kitchen while I’m standing in the living room on our shared floor.
“Wouldn’t you like to know Nat.” I say with a smirk.
“Yeah matter of fact I would.” she retorts.
“Chill, I’m just headed to train some recruits with Clint. But don’t miss me too much, I'll be back in a few hours, Natty.” You blow a kiss her way, and she just rolls her eyes partially from the kiss and the use of her nickname but you see a faint pink tint sitting atop of her cheeks before she turns away.
I’ve been training these recruits with Clint for a couple hours and my session is nearing an end. Something I’ve picked up on today is how touchy and how dumb these recruits are acting just for me to correct their form. I don’t have time for this shit I think as this girl has me correct her jab form for what has to be the fifth time this hour.
Non readers pov
Natasha actually does start to miss you because of how bored she is due to the larger training room being occupied for these recruits. She heads down to see if you are wrapping up yet and see if you’d like to grab dinner with her somewhere. She arrives at the training room and heads to the back room where there is a large one way mirror. Natasha, having nothing better to do, watches Clint and yourself interact with these seemingly clueless recruits.
Minutes pass and Natasha honestly likes seeing your frustration every time a recruit asks you a stupid question or something you’d already answered for the hundredth time this session. That is until she sees this handsy recruit keep asking you to correct your form which she sees you fake a smile at and happily correct it. As if Natasha isn’t jealous already she sees you release a genuine large laugh at something a recruit says. Not being able to withstand witnessing anymore of this behavior from you directed towards anyone else except her. Natasha then storms off into the living room.
Readers pov
I was nearing the end of this session when a recruit comes up behind me and asks, “Soooo, is it true that you and Clint are like a thing?” he asks with no trace of humor or sarcasm on his face. I just bust out laughing because one, everyone or at least almost everyone who knows about The Avengers knows that I’m 100% only interested in women and two, CLINT? I mean he is a great guy and all but I’ll never forget the time I went into a diner to have breakfast with him and the waitress assumed he was my grandfather.
twenty long minutes later...
The living room is lively and everyone seems to strike up a conversation with one another. I decide to strike up a conversation with Natasha who is weirdly acting cold all of a sudden.
“Oh my god! You know what I just remembered the other day? My mom used to-“
“Shut up, y/n/n. I don’t care and I don’t think anyone does at the moment.” she exclaims with a small smirk thinking you’ll detect her harsh-morbid sarcasm.
“Oh.” you choke out, “It’s getting pretty late I-I better head to bed” my voice cracks as I mutter a small, ‘asshole’ agony laced in my voice blinking the hot tears away. I start walking towards my room but it slowly turns into a jog, then sprint. Anything to get to my room and release my sadness.
Non readers pov
The room is frozen. Everyone is staring at Natasha.
“I care.” Wanda states heading to your room because she knows you shouldn’t be alone right now.
“Jesus Nat, that was awful. You know you’ve fucked you when even I say it’s bad. Poor girl’s mom passed when she was around 10.” Tony deadpans.
“Oh my god, what have I done?” Nat says burying her head into her hands.
“I’m not too sure how you’re gonna get out of this one Nat, but you’ve gotta fix this.” Sam says.
Wanda reaches your room and hears loud yet muffled sobs while standing in the hallway. She can feel your grief rippling through her body. The only heartache she can relate to is the moment she lost Pietro which is more than an average person should feel. She knocks on the door softly yet hard enough to alert you of her presence.
Readers pov
I hear three soft knocks on the door. I quickly silence my cries and assume it is Nat. I then clear my throat as the knocking continues and muster up enough energy to speak,
“Go away” into my pillow loudly. The knocking stops but I don’t hear anyone walk away just yet.
“Y/n/n, it’s Wanda. Can you let me in please, so we can talk?” she asks, I stand up while groaning and walk towards the door. I unlock it and open it just a crack to make sure she is alone and not with a certain someone. It is pretty short-lived as Wanda pushes the door open the rest of the way.
“Oh hon, I’m sorry.” She says as she wraps me into a tight hug after closing the door behind her. I crumble into her embrace as she rubs small circles on my back. Wanda has always been such a calming figure in my life since I met her, a major part being that she can feel almost all of my anxieties that try to drown me throughout a day. She also knows how it feels to be alone which allows her to relate to my feelings, so she knows just how much missing someone who is gone for eternity hurts.
We hug for what feels like minutes but when I take a quick glance outside my window it is dark out.
“Is it true?” I rasp.
“What?” she counters.
“Y’know that no one cares. All I wanted to do was share a memory that I remembered of myself with my mom and as you know it isn’t too often that I remember these types of things and when I do I love sharing them, so she won’t ever be forgotten. It just hurts so much to be shut down talking about something you truly care about by someone you care about.” I explain while Wanda looks at me with the softest eyes I’ve ever seen while nodding her head slightly.
“Now that is the most ridiculous thing I’ve ever heard. I care and everyone in this compound cares about what you have to say as well as what you are feeling. You know how Natasha can be sometimes with the insensitive comments she makes before realizing what she’s doing.”
“I know but that doesn’t give her the right to j-just say stuff like that. I get how full our relationship is with banter and sarcastic comments but I really thought she was starting to like me.” I frown as Wanda just nods. That’s when exhaustion hits me like a truck.
“Wands, before I ask you this just know you can decline.” I give her a minute to protest, but she says nothing. ” Can you sleep with me?” Wanda’s eyes widen,
”Y/n/n I don’t think that is a good id-“ I realize what I just said and cut her off before things get even more uncomfortable. “Nonono, Wanda, like lay down with me not any of that gross stuff. Ew.” Wanda’s features fill with relief, and she chuckles at my childish comment about sex.
“Of course I will! You just may want to word it a little different next time.” she chuckles as you hide your face with embarrassment. We both get settled on the bed and I feel her two arms pull me towards her and I snuggle closer.
Non readers pov
Wanda slowly gets out of bed after she is sure you are fast asleep and sets off to find Nat. When she does she sees that Nat had barely moved from where she last saw her still with her face in her hands.
“Nat. I know you think you really screwed up, which you did, but it’s y/n/n. You can’t go on without telling her how you feel about her.”
“Wanda, you can’t just look in my mind! We’ve talked about this!”
“Romanoff you know I’m one to keep my promises, so I’d never look without your permission. Maybe if you turned down the volume of your thoughts a few decibels I wouldn’t have heard anything. Also, are you ready that oblivious to the fact the whole team knows you two are like little lovesick puppies for one another when you two aren’t attached by the hip.” she explains, “Now, stop moping around and apologize at least.”
“You’re right, Wands, wish me luck. I hope she can forgive me.”
Natasha gets up and races towards your room. She didn’t want to wait so long to talk to you and apologize, but she thought you wouldn’t want to speak to her after what she’d said.
Similarly, to Wanda’s entrance, Natasha softly knocks on your door enough to wake you even out of your semi-deep sleep.
Readers pov
I jump at the knocks on the door and am confused to see Wanda is no longer beside me.
“Wanda you don’t have to knock, you know that.” I sigh out.
“It isn’t Wanda.” a voice you are able to recognize as Nat sheepishly speaks.
“Oh, what do you need?” I ask, all the heartbreak and ache coming back when I hear the voice I’m usually excited to listen to, as if her speech is my favorite song.
“Can we talk? I need to apologize.”
“Sure,” I softly reply.
Non readers pov
Nat opens the door once she has your permission and sees your usual strong, confident frame look small and fragile. Her heart breaks at the sight of you so broken and in pain because of her own actions. Not to mention your tear stained cheeks when you look towards her. It is silent for a minute or so before you throw your head back onto your pillow staring at the ceiling. This awakens something in Natasha for an unknown reason.
Readers pov
“Y/n, I am so sorry. I know that sorry doesn’t cut it for the amount of hurt I’ve caused you all because I was jealous but I hope we can rebuild what we had but it totally is okay if you don’t want to even though I would love another chance with yo-“
“Nat, calm down. I’m not going to sit here and say I’m fine with what you said because truth be told I love sharing memories of my family when I remember them with you. Not only because I trust you but because I think I care for you and love you more than friends should. I just hope what you said is meaningless or else that is when we can’t rebuild what we had.”
“No y/n/n, I didn’t mean any of it. It was just in the heat of the moment because I saw you laughing at something a recruit said when I was going to ask you if you wanted to go get dinner with me. So, I stormed off like a child and said hurtful things to mask my selfishness because I want you to be mine and mine only.”
“Oh my god Nat. You can’t be serious, I was laughing at something a recruit said because he assumed Clint and I were going out.” Nat bursts out laughing.
“See? Anyone who was told that who knew me would just die of laughter on the spot.” I say as I glance her way while patting the place beside me on my bed. She accepts.
“So you actually like me?” you hopefully ask.
“Possibly depending on if those feelings are reciprocated.”
“They are.” I say.
“Good. Can I also say how sorry I am for saying that to-“ I cut her off but placing a quick peck to her soft lips.
“Uh, uh, uh” I tut, “I don’t want to hear any more apologies come out of that mouth. Could you just hold me?” Natasha is still dumbfounded by the little kiss.
“Of course.” Nat complies pressing your back to her front as she wraps her long toned arms around your frame. I hum at the contact.
At this moment Nat realizes there is no place she’d rather be as she feels like she has the world in her arms.
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oh fuck .. that zombie drabble... pls...... need..... more...... im begging ..........
warnings: language, violence (zombies being set on fire), angst (at the undead situation), fluff, featuring OT6 worrying over Yoongi (and bickering XD); continuation of this
pairing(s): yoongi x reader
“Jimin, what the FUCK?!”
“You said it would blow up!”
“I saw it in a movie!”
“My dudes, they are walking this way!”
A large explosion occurred, thundering throughout the ground. Fire and shrapnel flew threw the air, causing the six men to cower back and stop yelling at each other for a world record of two seconds. The loud noise caused the zombies to disorient, tumbling into each other and walking towards the sound, into the blazing flames and shattered metal gasoline barrel.
They were zombies. They wanted to eat brains.
That didn’t mean they had them.
The group watched the zombies light themselves on fire.
“You didn’t say it would do that,” Kim Taehyung hissed, prodding Park Jimin in the stomach.
Jimin’s short dark hair flipped as he protested. “I didn’t do that! The factory was supposed to blow up!”
“And why would you blow up our base?” Kim Seokjin cut in, poking Jimin in the stomach with Taehyung, both of them taller and more broad-shouldered than the shorter man. “Yoongi hasn’t made it here yet! You want him to come to a pile of ashes and think we all died?”
The zombies started falling on top of each other, creating a pile of burning bodies that smelled, in short, undeniably revolting.
“Ugh, let’s get out of here,” the youngest, Jeon Jungkook, winced, pulling up the black bandana he was using as a face mask over his nose. “It’s disgusting.”
“We can’t,” Kim Namjoon insisted, taking Jungkook’s arm and pulling the younger man closer to him, away from the railing. The group was standing on the high level of a water tower next to the factory, looking down at the burning zombies. “Hyung isn’t here yet.”
“Is he even going to make it here?” Jung Hoseok shuddered, hiding behind Namjoon, clutching the taller man’s shoulders. “Can he even read the map Taehyung drew?”
“That was a map?” Seokjin looked appalled, full lips in a large ‘o’. “Fuck, he’ll never make it here if that was supposed to be a map. Jungkook should have drawn it!”
“Excuse me, I worked hard on that,” Taehyung snapped, glaring at the older man. “I took a few creative liberties, sure–”
“You can’t take creative liberties with a map,” Jimin scolded, glad everyone had forgotten his little snafu of not being able to blow up their temporary base with some half-assed techniques he had witnessed in action movies. “It’s a map. He has to find us.”
“I’m not leaving him behind,” Namjoon clicked his tongue. “We’re waiting for him.”
“Of course, we’re not leaving him behind,” Seokjin agreed. “I’m just saying we might die before he can actually decipher that map.”
Underneath them, the sluggish, flaming zombies were following subsequent explosions, away from the group at the water tower. The sun was lowering. Night was rapidly falling. The zombies were attracted to the light and sound.
“What are they doing?” Jungkook muttered, squinting. “Where are they going?”
“Ugh, we’re so fucked,” Taehyung growled, rubbing the back of his head, his black-brown waves bouncing with the action. “We can’t stay here. We really will die.”
“No, we won’t,” Namjoon affirmed. He clenched his jaw, narrowing his eyes. “We’re going to survive, just like how we’ve survived yesterday, and the day before that, and the one before that.”
The tall, tanned, dark-haired man glanced at the canning factory, chewing on his lip. Their bags of supplies were still in there. They had to evacuate immediately because of Jimin’s loud announcement of him creating a makeshift bomb to blow up a swarm of zombies who had suddenly come upon their hiding spot. They were only a group of six, after all. They couldn’t fight a hundred zombies by themselves. Not without at least one injury and Namjoon wasn’t having that.
He wasn’t going to let anyone get hurt on his watch.
“Hyung, where are you?”
That was Jungkook, his normally cheerful voice stained with worry, voicing all their concerns.
“Damn, you all holding a eulogy or something? Who the fuck died?”
The deep, raspy voice behind them, accompanied by a grunt of annoyance.
All six men – Kim Namjoon, Kim Seokjin, Jung Hoseok, Park Jimin, Kim Taehyung, and Jeon Jungkook – whipped around in shock as the black-haired, pale-skinned man holding a baseball bat covered in nails and a homemade-looking bow slung around his torso hoisted himself over the final rung of the ladder of the water tower, grumbling under his breath.
“Why the fuck would you pick somewhere with such a long ladder and who the fuck drew this, took me fucking ages to figure out…”
“I told you,” Seokjin muttered, smacking Taehyung in the arm.
Jimin scrambled across the metal floor and rushed to Min Yoongi, who pointedly dodged him and shoved him back, away from the ladder.
“You trying to fall off or what?” Yoongi chuckled, flicking Jimin in the forehead. “I just got here and you’re ready to end it?”
“Ah, sorry…”
Jimin pouted a big pout, sticking out his full lower lip.
“How dare you take that perfect ass away from my line of sight, especially when I’m carrying your shit,” you said loudly to announce your presence, lifting yourself over the last rung of the ladder, only to freeze and realize seven pairs of eyes were staring at you.
Oh! Some very handsome dudes!
You mildly regretted swapping your own clothes at Yoongi’s apartment, but you needed to be able to move easily and comfortably, and what was better than Yoongi’s hoodie, t-shirt, and sweatpants? Plus, bonus, they all smelled like him. Nice. Well, maybe being low-key horny while fighting zombies wasn’t the best idea, but smelling Yoongi’s comforting scent with every movement was pretty fucking nice and reinvigorated your will to live.
Everyone needed something, right?
Your axe-spear was at the base of the water tower. You couldn’t carry that big thing up here. You were already carrying the backpack of supplies from Yoongi’s apartment and the handful of sticks you had turned into arrows with balled-up wads of cloth tied to the ends, soaked in gasoline. Yoongi had shaken his head as he watched you making them, declaring that this wasn’t going to work several times.
“Come on, you have good aim, right?”
“I can barely shoot arrows with an actual bow and arrow, and that was in fucking high school. What makes you think I can shoot with ones you made? And where did you learn this anyway?”
“Why the fuck were you looking up how to make a bow and arrows on YouTube?” Yoongi muttered, rubbing his forehead. “I didn’t know the woman I shoved my dick into was low-key a psychopath. You could even recognize what gasoline barrels look like.”
“I mean, it works in Resident Evil, so why not in real life? Also, does this make you not want to shove your dick into me anymore?”
“… Give me the fucking arrow and set it in fire and pray I can shoot this thing accurately.”
He hadn’t looked at you directly, ears red.
“Who are you?” Hoseok piped up, breaking you out of your memory of Yoongi being cool as fuck shooting a flaming arrow and blowing up a gasoline barrel.
"Who am I? Who am I?” you jokingly scoffed, crawling up the ladder and onto the metal ledge. “I am the guardian of lost souls! I am the powerful, the – wait, hold on a second, maybe you all don’t know this quote–”
“Mulan?” Jungkook piped up, dark eyebrows raising into his long black bangs. “Mushu, right?”
“Ah, yes, thank you, attractive young man, Yoongi had no idea what I was talking about–”
Said Yoongi bonked you on the head with his fist, making you yelp.
“I let you within three meters of them and you instantly start flirting,” Yoongi grumbled, clicking his tongue. He introduced you gruffly as you rubbed your head, frowning, wondering what the fuck he was talking about, only to be yanked by the arm and gestured from man to man, Yoongi telling you each of their names. You paid attention, mentally noting each name and face, because these were Yoongi’s important friends, and if they were important to him, they were important to you.
Sure, maybe Yoongi and you had only gone on one date and fucked multiple times after (within the span of a weekend, whoops). You two hadn’t exactly known each other for very long, but these past couple days were full of slaughtering zombies together, so inevitably you two were now close, thanks to some lunatic who released a pathogen in the subway during rush hour, turning a significant portion of the South Korean population into zombies and causing mass hysteria. At least, the was the theory heard on the news before the news station got swarmed with zombies.
“We have to get down from here,” you muttered, looking up at the sky. “I would love to talk, but we’re going to die if we stay here. Do you all have supplies? Weapons?”
“Yeah…” Taehyung chewed on his lip, pointing to the factory. There was still a decent number of zombies left. You would have to fight your way through them. “They’re in there.”
“Okay, let’s go.”
You handed Yoongi the arrows and the lighter in your pocket before heading back down the ladder.
“Jungkook, Taehyung, Jimin, go with her. Namjoon, Hoseok, hyung, and I will shadow you guys,” Yoongi declared, handing Jungkook the bloody baseball bat covered in nails. The younger man’s eyes widened, blinking rapidly, slightly put off by the bits of guts and brains stuck to it.
“Why does he get the weapon?” Taehyung whined.
“Because he’s the muscle pig.”
“Thanks for not sending me with them hyung,” Hoseok mumbled, shuffling awkwardly. “I seriously have no idea what to do.”
“Hold these and give them to me when I ask for them. Let’s go.”
“Holy shit, is that an axe? Spear? What the fuck is that?”
“Has nobody played Dead Rising, I swear–”
“I have!” the youngest chirped, bounding up to you. “I didn’t know you could make that stuff in real life.”
“I mean, you can’t make a chainsaw gun, but the blunt weapons with some added logistics…”
Jungkook frowned, raising his eyebrow. “Huh, yeah, I guess so…”
“Can you guys discuss video games some other time and not when zombies want to chew our nuts off?” Taehyung hissed, before realizing you were there. “And, uh… your ovaries?”
“Tits?” Jimin offered inquisitively as you handed Taehyung a stout metal pole you had picked up from the ground.
“Everyone has tits,” you retorted. “You’re just flat.”
Jimin blinked slowly. “Why do I feel offended even though I know you’re right? And why are you giving me this?” You had given him your axe-spear.
You gestured to his arms. “You have short reach.”
“Let’s go, uh, Jungkook, right? Lead the way.”
Jungkook grinned, looking very pleased as he took a practice swing with the nail bat and nearly took Taehyung’s leg out.
“You fucking idiot–”
“Let’s get this bread, my dudes, go, go, go!”
“How do you know we have bread?” Jimin wondered out loud as the head-bashing ceremony of straggling zombies began.
“I just said it because I heard it in a video I was watching once–”
You were going to survive the zombie apocalypse with not one, but seven men by your side.
You looked back and caught Yoongi’s eye, seeing his open-mouthed smirk and knowing sparkle in his dark brown orbs as he watched you direct the younger members, unable to hide the stupid amount of fondness he had for you now.
Thanks, zombies.
cont. 2021.06.07 — can’t sleep
drabbles masterpost | masterpost
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han-shinsuke · 3 years
k u r e n o s o h m a
b o i l i n g p o i n t🔞
“Mr. Sohma. Mr. Sohma, can you walk?” the man didn’t answered, face remains intact with his working desk, few cans of beer scattered around his room. He had been drinking and the reasons for it were unknown.
Unknown? I mocked myself for it. You were the cause of his misfortunes and sadness for the past months.
“Please, help yourself, Mr. Sohma. The bed is just right there,” averting my gaze from his blinking pair when they met mine, I gave his weight a push and led him towards the bed. It creaks, catching our combined weights as we settled on it.
I undone his polo, giving him space to breathe, “Mr. Sohma, I still don’t remember it.” But my heart does remember you. It can recall the warmth of the love you’ve been telling me like all those scenarios just happened yesterday.
“Please, stop blaming yourself,” this tired face, longing eyes and lips that deserves attention, are meant to be worshipped, not to carry burdens.
Lips that couldn’t speaks, eyes that tells stories, Kureno Sohma, had suffered enough.
“Y/N, I failed.” tears hanging on the edge of his eyes.
“You can always try, Mr. Sohma.” It’s always hard to forgive oneself, right? “Give yourself time to heal.”
“The memory you’ve had been trying to make me remember, what was it?” Kureno’s face softened. The tears on the edge finally rolled down his cheeks.
I got the answer for it but I want him to confirm it.
“I tried killing you on your eighteenth birthday.”
Akito’s mellow timbre rings in my head.
“The bond was strong it defeated his love for you that when I asked him to take your heart, he had willingly struck a knife in your chest.”
“Kureno,” I called his name softly. There was an inconsolable smile on my lips after that, “did you marry me because of your promise or it’s because you love me still?”
I thought it would take him forever to construct an ideal answer but he was quick to respond.
“I keep my promise because I love you,” Kureno lowered his head, load of tears streaming down his angelic face.
I may have lost hundred of memories with him from that incident a decade ago, but no ounce of love had skipped my heart since then.
“I love you, Kureno.”
My heart is swelling with so much love for him that I care no more if he was the one who put a large-scale scar on my chest. Kureno suffered as much as I did and I don’t intend to cause him more pain.
Our lips touched each other when I went for a kiss he found hard to return. I inched away from his face, feeling a little down. Does my kiss disgusted him?
“I–I’m sor—” he cut my apology by slamming his lips on mine, swiping slow his thin ones against my lower lip that I didn’t notice was quivering due to the aggressive contact.
There’s nothing to hold on to asides from his exposed chest and shoulders, so I resorted to holding on to my knees as the kiss deepens. My mind was blank. There were no records of him and I doing this kind of thing. Nothing resurfaced. Could it be our first kiss? It might be. Kureno was the one who’s moving and taking full control of the situation. I just sat here, gripping my knees as I feel his every little movements. His kisses were sensual and hot against my trembling mouth that cannot even return the favor.
A string was formed when our lips parted, breathing closed on each other mouth, I asked, “ever kissed a statue?” Kureno laughed, connecting our lips again, breaking the string. I tried to mimick his lips motions but I ended up having every corners of my lips wounded by his unintentional bites between our kiss. Damn. I’m a bad kisser.
“Your blood tastes like honey,” he seemed pleased by my errors that he managed to turn my full face red when he licked his lips with my blood on it.
I turned away to hide my face and swollen lips but Kureno forced me to face him by removing my Radiohead shirt. He did it so easily and fast that I looked so dumbfounded when he lain me on the bed, topless. I don’t wear a bra at home, so he feasted his eyes on my not-so big bosoms.
“Just to be fair with you, wife,” Kureno slid his tops off his body and joined me on the bed, covering our bottoms that he started undoing while staring straight in to my soul.
The first touch was chilly, perhaps due to the newness of the situation for me. But when his toned abdomen and ‘that’ touched mine, that’s the moment I felt it rising. The heat.
My head fell in defeat, eyes fluttering from the high temperature consuming my awareness. His room was darkened from the absence of lights but Kureno made no mistakes of where he should touch first. It went straight to my chest, tracing the thin gash that a knife created. The moonlight peeked into his room at the Sohma Estate, shining brightly at us.
“You’re beautiful.” It felt genuine, his comment. I held his face near the scar. His hair tickling my neck.
“You are, too, Kureno.” I smiled at the moon. Our silent witness towards the boiling point.
My hands grabbed his hair for support. His slick tongue ran along the length of the scar, nipping the top skin near the crook of my neck. He breathed there, melting the cold by his warm breath. Kureno raised his head, trying to get a hold of my failing eyes.
“Look at me, Y/N.” He held down my wrists on both sides of my head, pinning them with gentle force, “I can stop—”
“Don’t.” I hope the determination in my eyes was enough to make him continue his business.
He spoken no words, just his lips launching down to mine as a response. I parted my lips for him, letting his tongue to intrude my mouth he tasted awhile ago. Kureno breathed sharply inside my mouth. I may have stirred him by sucking his bottom lip. He did that to me, I was just returning the heat.
“Kureno!” his right hand surprised me. I felt it above my chest, squeezing, palming with great pressure. My head turned to the other side, slipping away from his mouth that landed on my jaw. He kissed me there. Gnawing the fluffy skin that extends downwardly to my neck.
“Kureno... Kureno... ” I kept crying his name as he keeps nibbling my neck and eventually, sucking the part he chooses to leave his mark.
He moaned, hummed and breathed throughout the movements. Mesmerized by his own masterpiece. I heard him commending my soft cries and patience. He even said I looked magnificent with all the red marks he imprinted on my neck and shoulders.
I knew it would come. The part where we need to establish a connection between us. The duvet hanged tightly around his torso as he hovered over me, parting my thighs with his knee, I felt him there, leaning down the entry point.
Kureno rised my legs high enough for him to handle. My whole body was trembling from anticipation. It would burn. It would. He put it atop the flesh, testing the readiness.
He claimed my lips again. Moving down my neck, finishing onto one of the buds that aches for his touch.
“Kureno...” I felt it again rubbing atop of my core. He placed my hand on his chest. Wrapped my legs around his hips and lastly, encouraged me to grab on his wrist and I came up with an idea.
When it came, the burn, the heat, the suffocating pain that fired up my whole senses, I bit his left wrist hard as he pushed into it.
Kureno’s lips gaped apart and his head snapped backwards when he reached the end of the passage.
I sobbed underneath him, squirming from the pain that hangs around.
“Bear with me, wife. You’ll get used to it.”
He withdrawn his wrist from my grip and removed the pillow beneath my head, caging me whole inside his arms as he holds me down by my shoulders. I felt small underneath him, completely overpowered by his strength.
“It’s consuming me, Kureno aah!” it burns and burns and burns that without uncertainty, I was sure it was bleeding from the sudden stretch. My sobs turned out as a loud cry, giving Kureno a hard time to adjust and move freely.
His palms soothed my sides, squeezing only when needed. Gave full attention on my chest and with those gestures, it’s too late for me to realize that he’s already easing his way in and way out.
“I will seed this land of yours and you won’t waste a drop, understood?” Kureno turned out to be a supreme one and he actually left me astounded by whispering all the dirty things he would do to me. That I belong only to him and he’ll never let me go again.
I should be embarrassed by all of his dirty talks and how he manhandled me right after my body adjusted from him but it turned out to be just fine and surprisingly, caused the numerous build up of my arousal that night.
The sun was up and far beyond the horizon when I decided to have my meal after our heated night. Kureno brought me a toast and iced cold fruit juice. It felt awkward having him watched me eating the food he served.
“Tell me when you need some medication, wife.” I would be needing some, look at me, beaten in a good way and overworked. Kureno pushed my hair behind and checked my neck. He tsked but with a grin.
“I just wanna sleep all day, Kurenohmmpp!” I gasped from his unannounced action. Stealing the toast between my lips using his lips. Our lips partly touched each other and dang! His eyes turned into the darkest hue.
Kureno loosened the lace of the hoodie I was wearing and playfully pulled a portion down, revealing my shoulder blade, “tsk, but I plan keeping you awake all day, wife.”
The heat just won’t die down in that darkened room.
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julemmaes · 4 years
Honey extra - The Sex Playlist + a little scene
Elide Lochan x Lorcan Salvaterre roommates au
A/N: I posted part five on the same day acosf was released, so if you didn’t see it, go read it, cause it’s.. long and it took me years to finish and I saw it didn’t get the same attention the previous parts did, and yeah
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fic masterlist
this takes place somewhere between part five and six
Elide was one of the few lucky girls whose period was never too bothersome. The pain was always very bearable and only lasted a few hours, and most of the time, it wasn't even a real pain, just a slight pressure in the lower abdomen. She could go about her day without having to stop every few minutes because of a cramp - unlike Aelin, who died every month as if someone was stabbing her in the guts.
She also didn't have a heavy flow, which she would always thank the gods for, if they existed. She couldn't understand how her friends could put up with such misfortune.
Not that they could do otherwise, of course, but she was always in awe when they told her about their period-catastrophes. She knew that if it were her turn to suffer like that every time, she would rip her uterus out of her belly.
And at that moment, lying in a fetal position on Lorcan's bed, she wasn't entirely sure she'd be able to keep from doing it herself before the cramping stopped. Because for some strange reason, her body had decided to turn against her this month.
The last two weeks had gone by in the blink of an eye, she and Lorcan had fucked on every surface in the house and between work and classes and studying, Elide had gotten very little sleep. Considering also that every time she lay down, her boyfriend would slip in behind her and she couldn't say no to herself, to that pleasure so exhaustive and ecstatic, it made her forget that her body needed rest.
It had taken Lorcan to remind her that they couldn't go on like this.
So when she'd found a bloodstain in her underwear the previous night, just before going to bed after her shift at the diner, she hadn't worried so much and had thought that they'd finally take a few days off and maybe her body would calm down.
Elide wasn't a fan of period sex and the few times she'd done it she'd been so grossed out that she'd risked barfing in the middle of it. It simply wasn't for her.
What she hadn't expected though, had been cramps so strong they had pulled her from sleep in the middle of the night. Elide had gotten up and gone to the bathroom because she'd started moving around too much and didn't want to wake up the boy sleeping blissfully next to her. She had started pacing the living room, trying to figure out what the fuck she was in such pain for.
When it felt like someone had stuck both hands in her uterus and was digging their nails into her ovaries, Elide had knelt on the floor by the couch, leaning forward with her fists pressed against her stomach.
Lorcan had found her in that position around half past four.
To say he'd been scared out of his wits would be an understatement.
He'd thrown himself to the floor beside her almost immediately, all traces of weariness gone the second he'd heard her whimper in pain and seen that Elide was biting her lower lip so hard it was drawing blood.
When they had established that it was just her cycle, Lorcan had taken her back to his bed and now they were both lying between the soft blankets she had given him.
They had both been puzzled by this new symptom. After all, Lorcan had never seen her suffer from her period in all the years they had lived together and neither of them had expected it to be any different this time.
Elide had had to joke that it was the fault of his huge cock that had literally stabbed her in the uterus, and Lorcan had apologised in earnest, looking at her with wide eyes and pulling away a little, as if he really felt guilty. She had burst out laughing and then pulled him to her again, taking one of his arms and putting it around her body so that his big hand covered her belly.
He'd started moving his fingers over her lower abdomen, applying pressure from time to time when she seemed to tense up due to a cramp. It helped, somehow, to have him there to massage her. To hold her to his chest as they cuddled.
Now, Elide kept her eyes closed, his head resting on top of hers as they both dozed. Or at least she thought so, because Lorcan spoke, his rough, low voice too close to her ear, "How do you feel?"
She sighed, pulling her knees up slightly. His legs immediately followed her, as if they couldn't bear to be away from her body. She smiled, "A little better." then yawned, "I guess it's the fact that I was already tired as it is, what with university and all."
Lorcan hummed behing her, "I see," then he moved, pulling away only briefly, "maybe we should take it slower, with everything I mean."
Elide nodded slowly. She turned her head towards him, still with her eyes closed, but pursed her lips forward, silently inviting him to kiss her. He chuckled, but a second later their mouths clashed in a simple peck on the lips.
The music playing from the speakers suddenly changed from the sweet melody of a love song to something quite different.
"Cause I eat up for a while, let me through. The shake, the screaming aloud, I'ma fool. In my face you shake, leaking everywhere."
Elide's eyes went wide, "Lorcan!" she let go a surprised chuckle, "What is this?" she turned to him fully and could finally see the satisfied smirk on his face.
"It's a playlist I made yesterday," he then lowered his voice an octave, looking at her lips, "For when we can take the time to think about music instead of jumping right into it," he murmured.
Elide swallowed, nodding slowly, continuing to listen to the song.
Definitely very different from what he normally provided her with.
"I like it," she continued, then draped her arms underneath his, resting her head against his chest as he pulled her close to him and lay on his back, making her lie completely on top of him, "our sex playlist." she smiled, playing with the ends of his hair.
Lorcan hummed again and Elide felt it throughout her whole body when he said, "I called it 'elide'."
She had to force herself to calm the hot spirits that that new information had triggered in her body, but she was glad to know that he wouldn't be able to use that playlist with other people, considering it bore her name.
"I like it even more now," she confessed under her breath.
His arms tightened around her back and then his hands began to rub her lower back, where he knew she was feeling the most pain. Elide fell silent, enjoying his warm hands on her skin, and only had time to thank him before sleep beckoned her again.
The playlists
1. The Fixer – Brent Morgan
2. Why iii Love The Moon – PHONY PPL
3. Couch Potato – Jakubi
4. Anyway – Noah Kahan
5. comethru – Jeremy Zucker
6. Why Not Me – Forrest.
7. Loving – Surfaces
8. always, i’ll care – Jeremy Zucker
9. Like Strangers Do – AJ Mitchell
10. Yellow Lights – Harry Hudson
11. Glue Myself Shut – Noah Kahan
12. Colour Me – Juke Ross  
13. Lovesong (The Way) – Charlie Burg
14. Lucky Love – Michael Seyer
15. Freak In Me – Mild Orange
1. Skin – Rihanna
2. Do It For Me – Rosefield
3. Body Party – Ciara
4. When We – Tank
5. Rockstar – Rihanna
6. F***in Wit Me – Tank
7. On Top – Trey Songz
8. Acquainted – The Weeknd
9. Freaky – Gemaine
10. Make You Feel – Alina Baraz
11. First Fuck - 6LACK & Jhené Aiko
12. Young God - Halsey
13. How Many Times – DJ Khaled
14. Fuck You All The Time – Jeremih
1. I Don't Know Me Like You Do – Low Hum
2. I Don't Wanna Be Okay Without You – Charlie Burg
3. Why Can't I Have You – Gloria Laing
4. If I Go, I'm Goin – Gregory Alan Isakov
5. Let Me In – Skinny Living
6. Reason To Hate You – Rhys Lewis
7. Be Your Man – Rhys Lewis
8. Yours – Jake Scott
9. Loved Us More – Munn
tog tag list (if you wanna be removed or added just send an ask or dm me)
@maastrash​ @ireallyshouldsleeprn​ @sleeping-and-books​ @ladywitchling​ @thegoddessofyou​ @ghostlyrose2​ @claralady​ @anne-reads​ @sayosdreams​ @perseusannabeth​ @letstakethedawn​ @simping4bookboisngrls​ @post-it-notes33​ @booksstorm​ @nalgenewhore​ @queen-of-demons-and-hell​ @miserablemusings​ @lanyjoy-13 @vasudharaghavan​ @cupcakey00​ @bri-loves-sunflowers​ @queen-of-glass​ @thewayshedreamed​ @the-regal-warrior​ @fangirlprincess09​ @januarystears​ @rowaelinismyotp​
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jimlingss · 4 years
Sugar and Coffee [20]
Chapter 19 - Chapter 20 - Chapter 20.5 OR Chapter 21
➜ Words: 4.5k
➜ Genres: 99.5% Fluff, 0.5% Angst, Pâtisserie school!AU
➜ Summary: It isn't hard to be a pâtisserie chef, but it's not a piece of cake either. It seems like for you in particular, life keeps throwing in one wrench after another. It always finds ways to make your sweets bitter. The cherry on top is Jeon Jungkook — a rival with a sensitive sweet tooth who always finds ways to complain about you.
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Breakups are the worst.   You know from first-hand experience — how it feels like your entire world is crumbling. How the most important person in your life that was the most involved is suddenly a stranger. How you lose not only a lover, but a friend, someone who was considered family.    So witnessing Hoseok becoming despondent and sluggish, and being an observer to the heartache, it’s surreal.   “Are you okay?” you lean over to ask.   The yells of Taehyung, Super Smash music and sound effects are loud in the living room. It’s unusual to gather on a Tuesday night when there’s class early tomorrow, but you know everyone’s gathered for Hoseok.   No one might pour their feelings onto the table and talk about what happened, but you’ve quickly caught on that this is all meant to act as a distraction. Not a counselling session.   Still, you want to ask him in case he does want to talk about it.   “I’m….holding up okay.”   “If you ever want to discuss anything, I’m here.”   “Thanks.” The both of you turn back to the screen where Yoongi, Taehyung, Jungkook and Jimin are duking it out. At times they’re screaming at each other and at others, they fall into silence.   You stare at Jungkook — the way his thick brows are furrowed in concentration, how the tip of his tongue is peeking out, nose scrunched, his body leaned over with his elbows on his knees, forearms exposed and the veins popped. Jungkook looks angry and it’s hot as fuc— “Hey, Y/N?”   “Huh?” You turn to Hoseok, hoping it wasn’t obvious that you were salivating over your boyfriend. “Y-Yes?”   “Has Aeri said anything?” he asks hesitantly, quietly. “I know you and her are close, so….”   “She did talk about it with me…” You pause. He seems to wait, so you go on, “She said you guys broke up after a lot of arguments, that it seemed like you were more mad at each other than happy and decided to end it. She doesn’t hate you, Hoseok, if that’s what you want to ask.”   The man nods.   You know what it’s like — he wants to hear every detail but doesn’t at the same time. So you spare him from it. “Thank you. Tell her….tell her that...nevermind.” Hoseok sighs. “I’m just glad she has you for support.”   “It’s nothing,” you say sincerely. “Trust me.”   It simmers into quietness again. But when the match ends, you jump into the game with them. And while Hoseok protests, mumbling that he doesn’t want to play, Jimin forces him to hold a controller and naturally, he joins too.   It’s fun to play — Jungkook and you secretly have an alliance and you team up to crush the others. And when it’s just you and him left, Jungkook lets you win. Taehyung yells that it’s totally not fair each and every time but your boyfriend feigns ignorance, citing that you’re just too good.   After seven more rounds, you begin to get drowsy and check the time.   “Oh, we should go.”   Yoongi quirks a brow. “You two have somewhere to be?”   “It’s snuggle hour.”   Jimin pauses the game. Everyone whirls around to stare.   Hoseok grins. Yoongi remains puzzled. “The hell is snuggle hour?”   “It’s nothing!” Jungkook suddenly interjects, eyes wide like a deer caught in headlights.   “What do you mean it’s nothing?” Your jaw goes slack — just yesterday he said it was his favourite part of the day. It baffles you that he’s outright denying it now.   “It’s something Y/N likes, not me.”   “Excuse me?!” It was him who came up with the entire concept — personally, you could take it or leave it.   “Can we keep playing or what?”   “No.” Jimin disregards Jungkook’s attempt at changing the subject and eggs you on, “Y/N, what’s snuggle hour?”   “It’s a designated time slot in our schedule to snuggle for an hour everyday. Jungkook likes being touched,” you state it in a matter of factly way, deadpanning it before your boyfriend can stop you.   “Babe.” Jungkook’s face is bright red. He turns to his friends. “That’s not true.”   “Ugh, gross.” Taehyung’s entire face scrunches in disgust.   “Not like that, you idiot. It’s not sexual.”   “Babe!” Jungkook shouts and you redirect your attention to him. He’s shaking his head, horrified. “TMI.”   “Why are you embarrassed?” you question with a frown.   “Aww, Kook likes being touched?” Jimin teases, leaning over to hug Jungkook. “I knew it!”   “Get off me,” he huffs and pushes the other man off. “She’s kidding. It’s her who wants to cuddle.”   You scoff. “That’s a blatant lie.”   “Oh shit.” Taehyung lifts his brows, head darting between you and Jungkook and your exchanges of expressions. The brunette looks like he’s about to grab a bag of popcorn and neither you nor Jungkook appreciate it.   “Are you ashamed of me?”   “No—”   You cock your head to the side. “Your ego is too big to be romantic?”   “Can we do this later?” Jungkook ducks his head and whispers harshly as if they can’t hear. “You can’t do that in front of our friends. You can’t tell them.”   “Why not?” you bite back loudly, arms crossing. “You’re embarrassed? You’re too good for me to love you?”   “It’s not like that,” he sighs.   “I think it is.” You grab your coat and your bag. “I’m leaving.”   “Y/N.” Jungkook stands up, following after you. “Wait. You’re not upset, are you?”   “Nope. Not at all. I’ll see you tomorrow.” You offer a stiff smile and the door slams shut with you on the other side.   It’s awfully silent.   It happened so fast, he’s still reeling.   “I don’t miss that.” Hoseok smiles gingerly.   “What just happened?” Jungkook returns to the couch, completely bewildered.   “I think you just missed out on snuggle hour,” Yoongi snickers.   //   The next time Jungkook sees you, he’s wary. But you greet him as if nothing happened and the two of you go on about your day.   Yet, the boy is unsettled and constantly glances at you from the corner of his eye. He finally decides to clear his throat stiffly and go in for the kill. “You’re not still upset from yesterday, are you?”   “No. I get it. You think it’s personal and you don’t want to share what we do in our down time with your friends.”   “Exactly.” Jungkook’s entire body drowns in relief, shoulders easing from their tension, muscles no longer stiff. He’s so glad you get it.   You smile. “I’m sorry for lashing out and being crazy.”    “It’s okay.”   “So it’s true then.”   “What?”   “You think I was being crazy?” There’s an extended pause. You stare at him — he stares at you. Jungkook pales, not knowing what to say, but then you burst out laughing. “Kidding!”   He starts laughing too. “You almost got me there.”   “Did I?” You laugh some more.    Then it goes silent. The only noises in the corridor are your footsteps and Jungkook takes a moment to glance at you. It doesn’t take a second thought for him to reach down and take your hand. But before he can grip it tightly or lace his fingers through yours, you shake his grip off.   He looks at you in surprise.   “Nope.” You shake your head, keeping your eyes trained forward. “You’re too cool for that, remember?”   “What?” Jungkook increases his strides when your steps begin to speed up. “I thought you said you weren’t mad!”   “I’m not. But what if your friends see? We can’t risk that,” you say, feigning worry and it’s almost mocking.   Jungkook scoffs. “Who cares?”   You hum. “But see, you do. You gotta remain cool for your friends, Jungkook.” You turn to pat your boyfriend’s head once and then you’re walking away.   The boy’s left absolutely appalled, but unable to say anything when you keep barrelling straight down the hall.   Jeon Jungkook knows he’s fucked up.   //   Jungkook isn’t a particularly confrontational person — he’s not big on arguing and fighting, but you always seem to be the exception to every rule of his. From the beginning, you’ve gotten under his skin and the pair of you have bickered back and forth relentlessly. Even now that your relationship has changed, he discovers that he would rather have you angry and shouting at him. He’d rather you quarrel, so at least he can apologize and things can go back to normal.   He can’t keep up with these mind games. You’re just teasing him at this point.   When he puts an arm around your shoulder, you slink away. “Let’s not get too touchy here, buddy. Someone might see.”   When he comes to stand next to you, your shoulders brushing against each other’s, you immediately step away from him like he’s got the bubonic plague. “Appropriate spaces between us only, Jeon. You gotta stay cool and hard. God forbid, someone finds out you’re a giant softie.”   Jungkook never realized just how much he naturally reaches for you throughout the day. Not until you were pointing it out and avoiding all acts of physical affection.   But the last straw is when he’s in your room, reaching in for a kiss, and you dodge him completely. His mouth nearly smashes on the wall. “Oh! Can’t do that, can we? You never know who’s watching!”   “Okay, okay. I’m sorry, alright?” Jungkook breaks first. He can’t take this anymore and turns to follow you, watching you crawl into your bed. “I’m sorry for acting like I’m too good for you and being embarrassed and I’m sorry for all of it. You’re right. Who cares. I made it a big deal when it didn’t need to be.”   You get settled into the covers and stare at him impassively, as if you were the queen judging if he, the jester, should be executed or not. Then a tiny smile of victory pulls at your lips.   You untuck your feet from the blankets and hold the left one in the air. Jungkook already knows what to do and sits down, placing your foot in his lap. He holds and cradles it behind the heel, rubbing and squeezing at the tender parts, making you sigh. Nothing beats his massages.   “You know I’m not actually mad.” You grin and squirm when he hits a ticklish spot. “I just like teasing you.”   Jungkook scoffs and sulks. “I don’t like it when you tease me.”   “Oh, poor, baby.” You laugh, but you can’t taunt him when he begins massaging harder. You hiss when his fingers slide towards the base of your heel and back to the top.   “Feel good?” He smirks at your reaction.   “Uh-huh.” You open your eyes again. “I get it though. I do. You don’t want Taehyung and Yoongi and them to make fun of you. I don’t want to make you uncomfortable either, so I won’t talk about our private things anymore—”   “It’s okay,” he hums, “I don’t care. I shouldn’t anyway, they’re all just jealous of us.”   A light laugh falls from your lips and he relishes in how the sound tinkles. “So you’re not ashamed anymore?”   “I wasn’t in the first place. I love you.”   “You always know the right thing to say at the right time.” You scoff, but reach for your boyfriend anyway. You take his arm, pulling him up to you and you plant a small kiss on his lips. You smile. “Get over here, Jeon. It’s snuggling time.”   “My favorite time of the day.” He grins and the two of you shuffle to get comfortable.   He wraps his arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer so you can rest your head against his chest. You throw your legs over his, tangling your limbs, arm snuck over his torso.   Jungkook’s such a big baby, you don’t know what to do sometimes. You wonder if he knows it, but you wouldn’t want it any other way. After all, cold, bad boys are overrated.    Jungkook might be corny, sappy, a giant softie yet you love him all the more for it.
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When you see Jungkook in the morning, his eyes light up and he doesn’t hesitate to come over to give a short peck to your lips. When he pulls away, you’re smiling and he hums, leaving to get his food.   Yoongi, on the other hand, is gagging from across you.   “Oh, grow up.” You debate on throwing your fry at him, but you decide not to in case he lunges over the table to fight you for getting oil into his poreless skin.   “I can see you two made up.”   You scoff, a smirk playing at your lips. “Oh. We made up alright.”   Yoongi lifts up his palm. “Spare me the details.”   “Wouldn’t tell you even if you begged me to,” you snicker mischievously much to the man’s dismay.   You’ve learnt to treasure these moments of the day. Times when all of you can gather together for a meal in the dining hall or maybe late on a Friday night at the apartment or someone’s dorm room. There doesn’t even need to be any meaningful conversations, any exciting news to share — as long as there’s each other’s company, it seems to be enough.   You try to savour these moments, even if they’re frequent. Since it’s these meaningless moments that will one day become fond memories.    When everyone’s graduated, gone their own paths to continue developing their skills and chasing their dreams, it will be hard to gather. To banter over mediocre food, to play games and chit chat without a care, to have ridiculous debates and fights.    And as you become vigilant and learn to care for those precious moments, you inadvertently become afraid of time every now and then. It was only ten months ago that your relationship with Jungkook began to alter and change, that you both saw each other in a different light and started an unlikely friendship. And it will only be seven more months until graduation is here.    You didn’t know that time could move so quickly. It makes you scared of what’s to come.   “Afternoon, Y/N.” Taehyung plops down and waves a hand in front of your face. You snap back to reality with a curious look and he grins. “You were spacing out.”   “Sorry. I’m just a bit tired.”   “Wonder why,” Yoongi deadpans. “Maybe it has something to do with Kook and you making up.”   “Ugh, gross.” A disgusted expression creeps onto Taehyung’s face.   “I thought you said you didn’t want to talk about it.” You eye the lethargic man who only shrugs.    “I’m just stating the facts you gave me.”   You scoff, right in time as Jungkook and Jimin sit down with their dinner trays. But your boyfriend pays no mind to the conversation. His attention is immediately taken by the silver bowl his friend has on the table. “What’s that?”   “Oh, it’s cookie dough!” Taehyung grins. “Want some? I made too much during class and couldn’t bake it all, and I thought it would be a waste to throw it away.”   Jungkook grabs his spoon but you stop him. “Wait. You can’t just eat cookie dough. Did you learn nothing from baking safety?”   “Why?” Taehyung blinks. “It’s fine.”   “No, it’s not. The eggs are raw and it could give you salmonella, and the flour could be filled with bacteria. You might end up in the hospital with e.coli. People have died from that.”   “I’m going to have to agree with Y/N there,” Hoseok pipes up.   “Just save it and bake it later, Tae,” Jimin offers.   But your boyfriend disagrees with them. “You can’t get salmonella if the eggs are pasteurized. And contamination of raw flour is rare.”   You whip your head over to your partner, baffled that he could be so dumb. “You know better than that. Why would you even want to risk it?”   He shrugs. “Don’t we risk our lives daily? We get into cars that could technically crash.”   Yoongi grabs his spoon and digs into the cookie dough without hesitation. “We’re all going to die anyway. Live a little, Y/N.”   “That’s gross.”   “It’s delicious,” your boyfriend corrects, about to dig in too but you grip his elbow.   “I’m not going to show up to the hospital if you get sick.”   He smiles in spite of your threat and pulls himself away from your restraint to scoop into the batter. Taehyung grins and offers Jimin some, but he adamantly declines like you, expression queasy.    Hoseok is in the same boat. “I’ll pass, thanks. I’d rather not get sick.”   “Oh, c’mon.” Taehyung chews. “It’s not going to kill you.”   “Except it might.”   “A little is fine,” Jungkook says, smacking his lips together.   “A little is enough to get you ill,” you retort. “How can you be so stubborn about something you’re so wrong about?”   He scoffs and blatantly eats a spoonful in front of you. His eyes shut and he hums in delight as if it’s the most delicious thing he’s ever eaten. But Jungkook’s exaggerated reaction does little to tempt you to the dark side. “Maybe because I know I’m right and you’re too stubborn to admit it.”   “This is like baking safety basics.”   “Yeah and it’s basics not to let saucepots burn but you do it anyway.”   “Oh. So this is how it’s going to be, Jeon?” You narrow your eyes.    It’s personal now.   “I can’t admit I’m wrong when I’m not, babe.” Jungkook slyly smirks, the corner of his mouth curled.   There’s a clear division of teams — Jimin and Hoseok are disgusted like you are, but Yoongi and Taehyung can’t seem to care any less that they might be inviting bacteria into their bodies. And Jungkook appears to be eating more just to spite you.   The argument is different this time around. No one’s backing down this time.   “Oh, would you look at that?” Jungkook nudges you hours later.   “What?”   “I’m not sick from the cookie dough.” He grins, but you only give an impassive expression, turning away from him.   //   Jeon Jungkook can argue what he wants. But you were educated and you have the facts.   It’s late the next night when his phone lights up with a text from you, despite you sitting right beside him. “Did you just text me a link to webMD on...salmonella?”   “Did I?” Your head quirks to the side, lashes fluttering. “Must’ve been a mistake.”   Jungkook scoffs.   //   The following morning while on your way to class, he shows you a picture on his phone.    “My mom found this yesterday. Look.” It’s an old photograph with a smaller version of Jungkook. Perhaps when he was four or five — red shirt and blue overalls — so cute your heart might explode. He’s got big, buggy eyes and giant nose, tiny body and an excited expression. Mini Jungkook is sitting on the kitchen counter with his mouth open wide, half-way to spooning something in.   But you don’t need to ask what it is he was eating. He tells you—   “I was eating cookie dough! Looks like I’m still alive today, huh?”   “How lucky,” you deadpan.   “Lucky enough to live this long and meet you, babe.” The little shit leans down to press a kiss to your cheek. Your eyes bore into his backside when he walks ahead.   //   It’s in the evening after dinner when you’re both in the library and Jungkook suddenly sighs. “I can’t believe school just started a month ago and now midterms are coming up.”   You hum, unloading your bag of textbooks to start studying. But Jungkook notices one in particular — it catches his eye enough that he stops taking notes of his readings.   “Isn’t this our baking safety textbook from last year?” He frowns, picking it up.   “Yeah, I brought it along.” You smile at him. “Thought you should do some reviewing.”   Jungkook scoffs.   You maintain your welcome, friendly demeanor that a perfect girlfriend would have. And you keep exaggerating it when you notice how much it irks him. “You’ve probably forgotten about the contents we learnt about, sweetheart. Wouldn’t want you to forget important facts.”   “You’re so considerate.” His smile is stiff. “I’ll consider reviewing then.”   “You really should.”   “Thanks.”   //   The back and forth continues for a while. It’s small and incremental mentions, from him linking you pictures of kids eating cookie dough to you sending back pictures of what it looks like to have e.coli. In the middle of your snuggle session, Jungkook mentions he craves some cookie dough and in passing, you quote news articles of people getting sick from it and what the FDA thinks.   You can tell Jeon Jungkook isn’t going to back down or give in. And with no end in sight, you start to plan one.   “I don’t feel like studying anymore.” You close your textbook, pouting at him when he lifts his head up from his own pages. “Can’t we just go back to your room, Jungkook? I’m tired.”   Jungkook smiles at you, wholly unsuspecting and dancing right in the palm of your hand. “Okay.”   “Are you hungry?” he asks on your way back.   You hum. “Not particularly.”   “Alright.”   The both of you walk the rest of the way in silence, but the second you get back to his dorm room, the door slams shut, your bag drops and you shove Jungkook against his own bed.   He laughs, allowing himself to fall back onto the mattress. “I thought you said you were tired.”   “I was,” you correct. “Not anymore.”   You waste no time — moving to climb onto him and sitting yourself down on his crotch. You get comfortable and swivel your hips hard. Jungkook grabs hold of your waist as his breath stutters. “F-Fuck, Y/N.”   “Like it?” You cock your head to the side.   But he doesn’t answer. Instead, Jungkook reaches up to you, his hand slinking to the back of your neck pushing you downwards, so he can kiss you. You follow his command and at once, his hot tongue intrudes into your mouth for a slobbery, eager kiss.   You try your best to work him up as much as you can, letting Jungkook grope you anywhere he likes while you touch him gingerly. And after a few minutes of heavy petting and making out, you pull apart, sitting back on your heels.   Your hand slinks down to his hardening bulge. Jungkook’s breath hitches in anticipation.   You smirk mischievously. “Want me to keep touching you, Jeon?”   His brows are knitted together, not sure where you’re taking this, but he nods. “Y-Yes…?”   “Then I need you to do one thing for me.” You tuck your hair behind your ear, softly whispering. You allow your hot breath to skim against his exposed skin. “Just...one...little...thing. Please?”   “What is it?” Jungkook exhales shakingly, swallowing hard.   “Admit you were wrong,” you mutter like a seductress hypnotizing him, “Cookie dough is bad for you.”   Immediately, Jungkook freezes beneath you. Your hand is right on his goods, caressing and squeezing his crotch. He shudders and shuts his eyes. Unbeknownst to you, Jungkook wasn’t relishing in your touch — he’s gathering willpower that he doesn’t know he has.   Suddenly, a yelp sounds from your chest, and then you’re the one being pinned to the mattress with Jungkook on top of you. He’s flipped you over before you’ve even had a chance to blink.   “I don’t think so.” He grins while you pout at him. Jungkook’s thighs are pushing your legs together, his hands holding down your wrists beside your head. He’s got you fixed right where he wants. “You really thought you could use this tactic to win?”   “I’ll never give you what you want until you admit it,” you bite back even in this compromised position.   He clicks his tongue in annoyance. “Brat.”   Cockiness is a good look for Jungkook. But it’ll also be his downfall.   Your leg moves and you knee him right in the ass. It’s enough to catch him off guard and when he jolts, his hands on you loosen and you laugh, taking the opportunity to tackle him down. It’s your turn to be on top. “Admit it, Jeon!”   “Never!” He laughs and wrestles against you. The two of you roll around in his bed, ruining the covers and wrinkling the fresh sheets, all while giggling.   You try to tickle him until his strength overpowers you. You could never win against his muscles anyway, but it was worth a try.    Finally, Jungkook gets you on the bottom again with your arms above your head. “Can’t we agree to disagree?”   “No, because you’re wrong,” you laugh.   The boy shakes his head, eyes full of endearment. “You always have to be right about everything, don’t you?”   “Only on the things I know I’m right about.” Your legs wrap around his waist and you pull him closer to you until your hips and pelvises are rested against each other. The movement renders his bottom half immobile and with Jungkook closer, you quirk your head again, lips pouting. “Plus, if you get a bacterial disease and die, how am I supposed to live without you?”   “Are you worried about me?” Jungkook grins, the strands of his dark hair brushing against yours. “Is that it?”   “That and the fact that I can’t have my boyfriend be such an idiot.”   He scoffs and one of his hands comes down to jab at your sides, making you squirm. “You gotta live a little, Y/N.”   “I’m very content with my life, thank you very much. I’d rather not risk anything,” you tell him. “And if you want to blame anyone for that, blame yourself. You made me this way.”   Slowly, an even bigger grin spreads across his face — enough to swell his cheeks and break his face. Jungkook giggles full-heartedly, giddy and amused. He’s unable to resist and leans down to capture your mouth with his.   It’s a fight that never ends up finishing. But by the end of the night, neither of you have half a mind to continue on the pointless debate.   Not when you’re tangled in the sheets and each other, more content than ever.
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Time. It’s a scary thing. It goes by too fast and you’ll never know how much of it is left. But it’s what makes you savour moments. It keeps you cognizant and aware, not to take any hour for granted.   “They have a special over there,” Jimin announces, taking his place at the table. “Does anyone want pineapple pizza?”   “Me!” — you exclaim at the same time as Jungkook’s face wrinkles. — “That’s disgusting.”   You look at each other and there’s a playful exchange of expressions that feigns offence.   Time and time again, you hope Jungkook will always be the one here to have meaningless arguments with you.
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blackhakumen · 3 years
Mini Fanfic #815: Last Straw (Super Smash Bros Ultimate X Persona 5)
2:12 p.m. at the Isle Defino's Restaurant.........
Pink Female Pianta: (Smiles Brightly at Mario, Peach, Ren, and Makoto After She Place Their Meals Down on the Table) I hope you all enjoy our meals for today!~ (Turns to Mario with a Dark Expression on her Eyes) Especially you, you no good criminal of a plumber....(Went Back to Smiling Brightly Again Before Walking Away) Goodbyeeee!~
Mario: (Chuckles Awkwardly) I see that.... we're....(Puts on a Deadpinned Look on his Face) Still on that phase, aren't we?
Peach: (Groans Which Pinching her Nose a Little)
Mario: (Turns to Peach While Placing his Hand on Top of Her Other One) Are you okay, Peach?
Peach: (Turns to Mario With a Reassuring Smile on her Face) I'll be fine, honey. ('Sigh') I'm just trying not let those Piantas get the better of me. I'd never realized it would be so challenging.....
Makoto: I'd say. I could never imagine getting over it that easily if I were in that position.....
Ren: ('Sigh') Tell me about it. (Turns to Mario) I'm surprised none of this is bothering you in the slightest.
Mario: (Smiles Sheepishly at Ren While Rubbing the Back of his Head Back and Forth) I wouldn't say it doesn't bother me completely. I just try and look at the brighter side of all of this, you know? I even tried not to think too hard on the messier part of the past.
Makoto: (Raised an Eyebrow) How "messier" are we talking about exactly?
Mario: Welllllllll.....For starters, back when Shadow Mario kidnapped the princess and took her to Pinna Park, there were a few eye witnesses that saw the whole incident going. It was practically a golden opportunity to prove the fact that there were two of me and all of this was misunderstanding to begin with. Yet.....They still think I was a criminal.
Makoto: (Couldn't Believe What She's Hearing) My God.... That's terrible.....
Peach: It was.....(Turns to Mario) I'm so sorry I wasn't much help to you during that time around, Mario. I was going scream out for help, but Shadow Mario, who was Bowser Jr at the time.
Makoto: (Nodded While Understanding What Ren is Telling Her) Okay.....
Ren: Yeah......
Peach: ...Taped my mouth shut at last second.
Makoto: But some of the citizens still saw you getting kidnapped during that time, right?
Peach: Yes, but....('Sigh') They were panicking for the most part.
Makoto: And there were no policemen involved?
Mario: (Shook his Head) Not a single one I'm afraid. Didn't make any better when tried telling them everything that happened during that time and even when Junior first tired to kidnap the princess, they kept telling me that I was slacking off and that I should get back to work on cleaning the Island.
Makoto: (Starts Facepalming Herself in Disbelief) I don't believe this......
Ren: I know, right? Their police system are million times worst than the one in our universe......
Mario: That..... wasn't worse of it......
Makoto/Peach: It wasn't?
Mario: Nope. (Turns to Peach) Do you remember those Star Sprites they wanted me to gather to restore the brightness of their island?
Peach: Yeah. You had to go through other worlds to obtain them, right?
Mario: .....For the most part.....There were a few citizens here that had them already. They only gave them to me after I do their chores for them.
Peach: ('Gasps')
Makoto: (Turns to Ren) Ren, is all of this is true?
Ren: Yep. And it's not even the worst of it.
Makoto: Oh sweet, merciful Johanna....What now?
Ren: (Points at a White House Standing on the End of the Dock) You see that house over there?
Makoto: (Turns to the House Ren is Showing Her) Yeah? What about it?
Ren: There these two raccoons who lives over there and they have a crap ton of Star Sprites inside. But the only way to get any of them is to trade them-
Mario: Blue Coins. ('Groans a Little') I remember how exhausting it was to get them all........(Chuckles Lightly) Good thing I got it all over it and made it back in one piece.
Peach: ............................
Mario: Uh.....Peach? D-Darling?
Peach: (Starts Taking a Deep Breath Before Speaking) Let me see if I get this right....You mean to tell that there are raccoons who are living in that house, trading Star Sprites for Blue Coins as a currency....The SAME Star Sprites that were SUPPOSED TO BE USED to restore the brightness of the entire Island.....AND YOU'RE TELLING ME THAT NO ONE, NOT EVEN THE AUTHORITIES, EVEN BOTHER TO QUESTION THEM AT ALL!?
Mario: .........Pretty much. Yeah.
Peach: .......... That's it. (Immediately Gets Up From her Table) I'mma sue 'em.
Mario: ('Sigh') Peach....
Peach: (Turns to Mario With a Form Frown on her Face) No, Mario! Ever since the day we arrived here, I have tried SO hard not let all of this get me. But after everything they've put you through, even AFTER you risk your life to save them, I cannot sit here and let this slide anymore! Enough is enough!!
Mario: But how are we going to find ourselves a lawyer here? We've never got one the last time we went to court.
Ren: (Already Has a Smirk on Face) No worry, you guys. Makoto and I know someone who can help plead your case no problem.
Makoto: Wait. We do? (Eyes Widened For a Brief Second Before Sighing at the Fact That She Figured Who Ren is Talking About) Ren, we're not asking my sister to come over here to court.
Ren: Ah c'mon, 'hon. She's the only person we know who has any experience being in a courtroom.
Makoto: But what if she already working this remaining week!? We can't just back to Shiyuba and ask her to come with us! She'll decline the offer quicker than you can say-
???: Why, hello my dear little sister.
Makoto yelps while quickly jumping into Ren's arms before turning around to see that it's none other than her older sister, Sae Niijima.
Makoto: Sis? W-What are you doing here!?
Sae: My boss gave me a few days off yesterday. So I decided to come here to spend the rest it with you. And before you ask, I used one of your Dimensional Rings to get here.
Makoto: Oh sis...(Hugs Sae Lovingly) You have no idea how happy this made me~
Sae: (Giggles Softly) Likewise. I'm really happy to see you again, Makoto. (Kiss the Top of Makoto's Head Before Turning to Ren) You too, Ren. I hope you're treating my little sister well as usual.
Ren: (Happily Nodded) Yep.
Peach: Ms. Niijima, I know you've just arrived here and everything, but could you please help us with our case in court?
Sae: (Simply Nodded) Of course I can, your highness. I may be prosecutor for most, but I have learned a thing or two about being lawyer in the paat. So you and Mario-san are in good hands.
Peach: (Gasps Happily Before Grabbing Both of Sae's Hands) Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!~ Is there anything we can do to return a favor!?
Sae: Only if you don't mind having me be a part of your family vacation....(Turns to Ren and Makoto with a Smirk on her Face) And that I get to share a room with Ren and Makoto in the process.
Ren/Makoto: (Eyes Widened in Complete Shock) WHAT!?
Mario: (Chuckles Lightly) You're here already, aren't you? Of course you can be a part of our family vacation! (Turns to Ren and Makoto) You two don't mind having Sae in your room for the time being, do you?
Ren/Makoto: ('Sighs in Utter Defeat') No.......
Makoto: (Turns to Ren) I knew this was a mistake.......
Sae: (Place her Arms Around Ren and Makoto's Shoulder) Oh don't be like that, you two. We should focus on something more important at hand: Winning this case!
One Court Session Later......
'Jail Cell Closing'
Sae: (Standing Behind the Cell Bars With Genuine Surprise Look on her Face) I was not expecting the courtroom to be that stubborn.......
Mario: (Sitting Next to Peach on One Side of the Cell) I can't believe they locked us up in a matter of minutes!!....And call me crazy, but I think this might be my second time coming back to this prison cell again.
Sae: (Turns to Mario) How can you tell this one is yours?
Mario: (Points at the Craved, Written Words at the Top of the Wall) It has my name up there.
Sae: (Looks Up and See the Name Mario on That Said Wall) Ah. What a...... Strange discovery....
Ren: (Sitting Next to Makoto on the Other Side of the Cell) Being in jail isn't too bad. (Crosses his Arms) Got locked up twice in row and I was still fine enough as it is.......(Suddenly Starts Shaking his Arms in a Bit of Fear)
Makoto: (Starts Worrying For her Boyfriend Before Hugging Him Lovingly and Reassuringly)
Peach: (Looking Down at the Floor With Regret on her Face) I'm sorry I put you all into this.... If I didn't thought of suing them in the first place, then none of this would've happened.
Mario: (Places his Hand on Peach's Shoulder) Your heart was in the right place through all of this, dear. It's okay. And besides.....(Starts Blushing While Smiling a Little) I thought it was really sweet of you to go out of your way to do this for me to begin. Even though you...really didn't have to.....
Peach: (Immediately Turns to Mario) But I wanted to do it for you, Mario! You've done so much for me since the day we first place. Whether it's saving me from getting kidnapped, giving me all the support and care I needed, helping me go through my common and personal problems, or everything else in between. All I ever wanted to do is to be there for you too. Because you mean so much more to me than just being my hero o-or my Knight in Shining Armor....(Tears Starts Falling Down From Her Eyes) You're the man I wanna love and be with for the rest of my life.....
Mario: (Heart Begins to Melt by Peach's Words) Oh Peach.......(Gives Peach a Loving Hug) You know just as well as I do that you've done so much for me than anyone thinks you do. Besides my own brother, I wouldn't even be half the man I am today if weren't for all the love, care, and support you've given me throughout the years. Heck, you being here with me at all as already made my day and many others before and after that, all the more special to me and I can't even begin to tell you how much you mean to me too. (Smiles Brightly) But all I know is that no matter what happens, I'll always love you from the bottom of my heart, Princess Peach.
Peach: (Heart Begins to Melt as Well) Mario.......('Sniff') (Immediately Hugs Mario Back Lovingly) I love you too!~ Never ever ever ever ever ever EVER forget that, okay!?~
Mario: (Chuckles Lightly) Of course, dear~
'Jail Cell Opens'
Blue Police Pianta: Alright, troublemakers. You're free to go now.
Daisy: (Pops Out From the Back of the Policeman on One Side) Heeeey, Cuz!~
Luigi: (Pops Out From the Other Side of the Policeman While Happily Waving at Mario) Hey, Bro!
Peach: (Eyes Widened at What is Happening Right Now Along With the Others) Daisy!? Luigi!?
Mario: You two bailed us out!?
Daisy: (Smiles Brightly While Resting her Arm Onto Luigi's Shoulder) Yep! We used the money from the safe whenever one of us get arrested.
Luigi: (Smiles Brightly as Well) We even brought the safe from the home with us the entire just in case. Are you okay?
Peach: (Smiles Reliefly and Brightly) Oh you two have no idea how-
Orange Police Pianta: Yeah, yeah. Tell 'em all about it when you get outside. Now, come on! Out of the cell! All of you!
Few Minutes Later Outside..........
Police Pianta: Now, I hope you five learned a valuable lesson about causing trouble to this town.
Daisy: But.... all they did was trying to sue you-
Orange Police Pianta: QUIET!
Blue Police Pianta: Now, as what I was saying, we'll be watching you, pals. We'll know right away if you start causing more trouble.
Luigi: Uhhh...
Mario: (Whispers to Luigi) They won't do anything, bro. Trust me on this one.
Luigi: (Shrugs) Okie Dokie. (Starts Walking Away Along With The Others)
Makoto: ('Sigh') Well.....That was a lot more eventful than I could ever imagine.
Sae: Agreed. I never thought I would start my vacation here in a prison cell....(Turns to Luigi and Daisy) Has anyone else in the Smash Family actually got arrested before all of this?
Luigi: (Smiles a Bit Sheepishly) Well, Dedede was arrested two years ago for raiding across the Area 51 by Naruto running.
Sae: ........ You're Kidding.....
Daisy: (Giggles Softly While Hugging Onto Luigi's Arm) Nope!~ It was all around the news when it happened. He even got his chewed out by Peach afterwards. It was priceless!~
Luigi: And effective.
Sae: ('Sigh') You know, I'm starting to think our arrest is more meaningless than before.........
Peach: (Sighs While Resting her Head Onto Mario's Shoulder) Well, I'm just glad all of this is over now.
Ren: Tell me about it. Don't know about you guys, but I can really go for a nice, relaxing back massage right now-
?????: RENNNNNN!!!!
And with that, Palutena and Bayonetta, along with all the members of the Phantom Thieves rushes over and hug tackle Ren into the ground one by one. All was right in the world yet again.
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