#and yet he's bill hader
redwylde · 17 days
Who wants to sign my petition to get Silver into Movie 4 so we can force Jeff to cast Bill Hader as his voice actor?
Close your eyes, can you HEAR my vision?
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bassboosted-moon-chao · 8 months
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monika t-posing over sans but it's flint lockwood t-posing over barry berkman. that's all.
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chompachompa · 1 year
Hank seen Isiah and forgot about Cristobal IMMEDIATELY
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theteapotofdoom · 1 year
Still thinking about the masterclass that was Barry and its final episode. I’m especially thinking about that line in season 2 when Gene told Barry “I pray that human beings can change their nature, because if they can’t then you and I are in deep trouble.” Because like FUCK this is what the show was all about, wasn’t it? This was about Barry, Gene, Sally, Fuchs, Hank ...
But I’m mostly thinking about what this line means for Barry and Gene specifically and in the light of the final episode. I’m thinking about the parallels that this line established between them until the very end. 
They went on a reversed journey. After the time jump, Gene had changed and Barry hadn’t. Gene came back to LA to stop the movie because he no longer cared about fame and wanted to protect Janice’s memory. Barry lived a fake life as a midwestern christian far away from everything while being the same man he always was. But then, just for a few minutes at the very end, it reversed and it doomed them.
Gene had changed until he hadn’t. He was coming back with a real desire to be different and to stop the movie, but for just a few hours he was tempted by the spotlight once more and went back to his old ways and it doomed him. It doesn’t matter how honest and true his change of nature had been in the past 8 years because he slipped back for a bit and it was enough to ruin him.
Barry had not changed until he had. Barry spent the entire show incapable of changing. We saw him trying times and times again, sometimes with good intentions and he came pretty close a few times, but he never truly did. He always slipped back into his violent ways easily. When his back was against the wall he was always deeply selfish. And yet in the end, in the last few minutes of the show and the last few minutes of his life, he DID change. For the very first time in his life, he was ready to be selfless and to take a step in the right direction. To help Gene he was ready to turn himself, which is something that he never ever considered doing at any point in the entire show. In fact, it was the initial incident that ruined him because he could have let Janice arrest him back in season 1. He could have taken responsibility do his time and start over. But he was never willing to do that UNTIL THAT FINAL MOMENT. 
But it was too late. His one moment of actual growth in the entire show got him killed.
Barry is a show asking if people can change their nature or not and I find it fascinating that Gene was doomed by the one moment when he couldn’t change and Barry was doomed by the one moment when he could. 
What an absolute CHAD of a series finale. Barry will be studied in movie schools and Bill Hader will always be famous.
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badgerhuan · 11 months
JESSE THORN: What was it like to actually interact with him professionally; especially when he’s doing something as ridiculous as his character Les Grossman in that movie?
BILL HADER: He was great. He was really collaborative and was like, oh, do you want to come in on this, or maybe you say this and I say that.
I'VE ALWAYS WONDERED IF THEY EVER TALKED ABOUT IT!!! like the energy and chemistry they had between them, whatever little screen time they shared, always spoke to me like it's an interaction that was discussed about. you wouldn't get that kind of thing if it was just Tom doing his thing and Bill doing his best to keep up. they talked about it!! Tom asked for Bill's input!!!! I WAS RIGHT
He’s a very committed guy. He works incredibly hard, especially at those dances that he would do, and he would have these long monologues in the movie, mostly directed towards Matthew McConaughey’s character that were really funny and hard to get through, but he was so focused on making it a character; like a person. He looked so crazy in it, but making Les Grossman a real force.
YES god I'm so glad Bill talks about it here. like whenever people bring up Les to Tom they only ever ask about the dancing, but never about the CHARACTER WORK. that's what I love about Les honestly. that he so easily could've been a one note character played for laughs. but you can TELL that Tom put thought into his character and motivations, keeping Les grounded and more human. I love it so much.
He played it very real, like when he would get really angry he would actually be angry. He was really committed to it. But working with him and hanging with him in between scenes and stuff he was the nicest guy on earth. It helped that he was in that makeup, because for me after a while you forgot, oh, that’s Tom Cruise, and then at the end of the day you’d be walking to the van or your car, and he’d be like, “Hey Bill, great job today!” — Oh my god, that’s Tom Cruise!
more points for Tom being really nice 🥺🥺🥺 and him complimenting Bill oueghdgdhh I'M NORMAL ABOUT THIS
JESSE THORN: Bill, you’re a married man with a child; I am too. I would be worried if I ever met Tom Cruise that I would accidentally kiss him or something.
BILL HADER: When he’s dressed like Les Grossman, you don’t.
this part made me laugh honestly dhkfhdj DON'T LIE TO ME BILL
(thank you for playing Rob like he wants Les to rail him anyway)
That is an interesting thing. That’s the kind of guy who will sit there and talk – – like, between doing the movie and doing the MTV Movie Awards thing, like, I had a kid and stuff like that, and he definitely was like, “How’s that going?” Very legitimately interested in what was going on in your life and just very cool. Telling me stories about making The Outsiders, he’ll sit and tell you stuff and it was really cool.
we've all heard about how people talk about when Tom talks to you he always gives you 100% of his attention and is very genuine so this isn't a surprise but it's just so good to see Bill confirming that yet again 🥺
but also ohhh my god Tom telling Bill about making The Outsiders. just telling him stories about movies he's made!!! BILL DID YOU EVER TELL HIM YOU LOVE FILM THE WAY HE DOES!!! DID HE KNOW ABOUT YOUR DREAM TO BE A DIRECTOR!!!!!
I'm so happy this interview exists. and I'm so happy to have confirmation on things I've wondered about for years (did they ever discuss their characters while filming the movie, did Tom and Bill ever talk about films, etc). I can't believe this information was out there for over a decade and I only just learned about it!! thank you Blu so much for sharing this 🥹🥹🥹
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it-one-line-at-a-time · 3 months
What do you think about the nickname "Eds" being used by literally everyone but Richie in the 2019 film? 😭
It's just a little interesting because they were going down the Reddie pipeline yet didn't include one of the biggest parts of their relationship. Especially in the novel when Eddie says he felt like the nickname was like a secret identity!
Oooohoohoohoo it frustrates meeeee sooooooo muchhhhhhh...
You're right that it's interesting, because it's one of those times where there was, just, no reason for them not to have Richie call Eddie 'Eds'. As you say, particularly when they were going through with the idea of a romantic relationship between them. Like, it wouldn't have diminished anything in the storyline to have Richie use the nickname. I wouldn't even have minded if it was alongside the other Losers using 'Eds', because I do think it's a cute term of endearment no matter who's using it, but it seems almost purposeful that they had everyone BUT Richie use it, yaknow? Which only ends up frustrating me more, because I end up wondering WHY!!!!!
There were so many Reddie-centric times when it would have been perfect for Richie to use it, and for a half-hearted "Don't call me that, dickwad" in return from Eddie. I'm thinking mostly for the "You're braver than you think" scene; I can just imagine the way Richie would look at Eddie with so much fucking tenderness when he hears the insincere hostility of Eddie's response. It would have been even better if they'd introduced the idea of Eddie 'hating' the nickname in the first movie, as then it could have been a callback in the second movie, but either way, god I wish they'd done it.
I can also imagine them using it in Eddie's death scene (which, again, would have been even more poignant if they'd introduced it in the first movie at some point). Even if Eddie never heard it, I would pay so much money to see how Bill Hader would convey the desperation, and show how much Richie wishes that Eddie would chastise him about the name.
It's even weirder that they didn't do it, as you say, considering the whole paragraph in the book that talks about how much Eddie pretended to hate the nickname, but really didn't. I quote: "Man, he had hated when Richie called him Eds... but he had sort of liked it, too. [...] It was something... like a secret name. A secret identity. A way to be people that had nothing to do with their parents' fears, hopes, constant demands." This only gives more reasons as to why it would have been perfect for Richie to call Eddie 'Eds' - it's almost a direct reference to the book, and it kinda gives gratification for those who have read the novel and know how significant the nickname is. But also, it's important outside the Reddie pipeline; of course, one of the big parts of the IT storyline is that it's a coming-of-age, bildungsroman story! There's constant emphasis on the differences between the kids and their parents, and the fact that the nickname 'Eds' acts (at least for Eddie) as a significant barrier between the generations only increases its significance.
Ahhh, I ended up rambling unsurprisingly, but basically my bottom line is that I think they should have had Richie call Eddie 'Eds' and it should have been amazing and I still cannot believe that they let literally everyone else BUT Richie use the nickname deuwreiuxiuw
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The Year of Us
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Request: Holiday fic request: new years w/Jason first new years together fluffy or spicy whichever you prefer ♥️
Description: When Jason invites you to a New Year’s Eve party, someone’s jealousy runs wild but honestly? Might be the best for everyone.
Warning(s): angst, jealousy, smut, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it, i just forgot to include them talking about contraception lol, reader is on birth control)
Pairing: JRU, Jason Sudeikis x reader
Word Count: 3.6k
A/N: and here it is! angst, smut, and fluff to ring in the new year. the origin story of our beloved JRU couple! while these are not published in chronological order, this shows how Jason and Y/N finally made it official! i think the order of reading the JRU and everything may be a little confusing, so maybe i’ll make a little reading guide? if you’ve read all of JRU, i hope you pick up on all the little callbacks, such as finding out where their little phrase comes from! anywho, happy happy new year, friends! 2022 has had some really sucky things for me, but it’s also had some absolutely amazing things like discovering ted lasso and the light it has brought into my world (plus jason, thank you god). ted and jason have then brought me all of you, my beautiful friends! i am so thankful for all of you and can’t wait for us to grow even more together in 2023!
To say Jason’s invitation surprised you would be a massive understatement. Sure, the two of you had hung out multiple times since his appearance on SNL at the end of October. But no one had truly made any moves and it was absolutely infuriating. Maybe you understood his hesitation at the beginning, he was in his late 40s and you were a young PA for SNL, he likely didn’t want to abuse any power someone could perceive him as having over you. However, after his flirting with you during your first real conversation, you didn’t think he would instantly dial back,
But alas, that’s exactly what he did. He spent probably an hour with you at the after-party, apologizing over a drink as promised, and he most certainly let his eyes gloss over your figure more than once, but that was it. You two had hung out almost once a week since then, yet no moves had been made. Could you make a move? Technically, yes. Realistically, hell no. What if you ruin this amazing friendship the two of you had formed just because you had the hots for him? What if he complained to his friends? And by friends, you mean what if he told people like Bill Hader? You’re pretty sure that means your life would be over. So pushed aside feelings and friendly touches on the arm were all there was.
That’s not to say you didn’t do certain things to perhaps prompt Jason to act on his flirty comments. Every weekly hangout, your pants got a little tighter and your neckline a little lower. And not that anyone could prove it, but any onlooker would think you were the most clumsy person ever considering the couple of times you spilled your drink on yourself, specifically spilling on your chest, drawing a certain someone’s attention to the area. Much to your dismay though, it seemed as if your efforts were failing, Jason flirting with you in almost each of your interactions but never following through to show you that he was serious.
So when he texted you to ask if you had any plans for that evening, New Year’s Eve, you were surprised. If he was asking, he must not have the kids, but wouldn’t he want to be spending the holiday with his friends? Ignoring your confusion, you tell him about the wine and leftover pizza awaiting you in your kitchen. After expressing his disgust at the pairing (though you know it's bullshit, the two of you had shared that exact meal at his place before), he tells you to be ready by 9 and then responds to none of your follow-up questions. “Geez, thanks, Jas…” You roll your eyes at the man, how were you supposed to even know what to wear if you didn’t know what you were doing? Surely he wouldn’t want to go out, New York is packed on any given day, nonetheless New Year’s Eve. Plus, you know how anxious he feels about paparazzi seeing you two and reading into things. Not that he had told you such, but it was easy to put two and two together when you only ever hung out at one of your places or a hole-in-the-wall bar with a back entrance.
By the time nine o’clock rolled around, you were anxiously pacing in front of your door, ready for Jason’s text that he was outside. You were dressed up more than normal, in a sparkling outfit that fits you just perfectly and definitely showed skin in all the right places. Were you too dressed up? You put on white Jordans to try and dress the outfit down, knowing heels likely be too much and would leave you regretting it the next day. But what if you still went overboard? Your anxious thoughts were cut off by the buzzing of your phone,
Balls Man: Here :)
If it were any other man or you lived in any other city, it would be a red flag that Jason didn’t come up to your apartment to get you, or at least meet you in the lobby. But with the busy and full streets of the Big Apple, plus the risk of fans, you understood Jason’s hesitation when he explained his texted arrival the first time he picked you up. Rushing out of your apartment and down the stairs, hopefully burning off some of your excited energy, a bright smile crosses your face when you see Jason’s car stalled in front of your building. Opening the passenger, you slide in, not surprised to hear a Mumford & Sons’ song playing, “Hey there, stranger.” You roll your eyes and look at him with a cocked eyebrow, “Really? Could you be anymore midwestern white dad in his 40s?” 
Letting out a hearty laugh, Jason nods as he focuses on the road, pulling into the street when the opportunity presented itself, “Alright, I asked for that one.” You chuckle in response, subtly glancing over to check him out, letting out a small shaky breath at the image of his flexed left arm out with his hand holding to the wheel, his right hand relaxing on the gear shift in between your bodies. You quickly have to ask him something or you may do something drastic and regrettable, “So, what exactly are we doing tonight?” Jason casually shrugs, looking over his shoulder as he merges left, heading in the direction of Manhattan from your Brooklyn apartment, “Thought we’d head to a party my friend’s having at his place. Unless you wanted to do something else, of course.” You hold in a laugh at the second part of Jason’s response, the man seemingly getting nervous over the idea of him just deciding your plans for the night. “That sounds great, Jason. Honestly, I’m fine with whatever, I’m just happy to spend the new year with you.” 
A blush rises to your cheeks as soon as you realize what you say, quickly turning away from Jason to look out the window at the passing buildings, a small smirk appears on Jason’s face, both at your words and your reaction. A silence falls over the car, save for the music playing, though the silence is comfortable, almost as though you and Jason had reached a spot where you don’t need to worry about filling the empty space, you can just sit, together. After about thirty minutes of anecdotes and stories from the week, your’s mostly about the SNL PA group chat and Jason’s mainly about his children, you arrive at a swanky apartment building. Jason pulls into the parking garage, presenting a guest pass to the attendant, hm, okay, this must be a pretty close friend if Jason has a parking pass rather than having to find street parking. 
The two of you get out of the car after he finds a spot and head towards the lobby door, walking close enough that the back of your hands brush against each other, though neither of you attempt to make a move. Clearing your throat, you look around, noticing how nice the cars are in the parking garage, okay, so everyone here is rich, “Um, Jason, how fancy of a party is this? Am I gonna be shunned for how I look?” Jason looks at you like you’re crazy and laughs, stopping when he realizes that you’re seriously asking, “Y/N, what, no, you look…” Jason looks you over, under the guise of examining your outfit though anyone would be able to see that he’s taking in your body, anyone but you apparently, “What? I look what?” Jason clears his throat, looking forward as he holds the lobby door open for you, speaking softly as you pass him through the door, “Perfect, you look perfect.” 
The elevator ride is silent, though it is a different kind of silence than the one in the car, the tension could be cut with a knife. Jason is positive that the tension is one of anger from you, that he crossed the line, meanwhile, your thoughts of mounting him then and there surely mean the tension is sexual. Before either of you can say anything, the doors open to reveal an apartment, your eyes widening slightly when you are reminded that some people have enough money that elevators can just open into their homes. You suddenly realize you have no idea whose house you’re even at, but before you can even ask Jason, a familiar face makes his way through the small circles of people talking, “Sudeikis! You made it!”
Jason Sudeikis was a fucking dumbass. Seth Meyers, that’s who lives here. Sure, working at NBC for a year and a half, you had passed him a couple of times in the hallway, but you had never had a conversation and you sure as hell have never been in his house. Jason and Seth meet for a hug before the two pull away, briefly catching up before Seth not-so-subtly points his eyes in your direction. Jason laughs at himself as he turns to you, putting his hand on your lower back, “Oh, duh, sorry. Seth, this is Y/N, Y/N, Seth. She’s fit so perfectly into my life, I forgot that not everyone knows her.” You’re 99% sure that you got whiplash from turning to look at Jason, but his attention has been caught by someone else and he’s telling Seth they’ll talk later, interlacing your fingers to pull you towards his friends. 
What the actual fuck is happening. Is this what heaven feels like? Or is this hell? Yeah, you’re holding hands with Jason, but it’s surely just so he doesn’t lose you in the crowd. There’s no meaning behind it, there never will be. Jason introduces you to the group, many of whom you recognize as different writers from NBC, including your idol, Amber Ruffin. Not wanting to make a fool of yourself, but also needing some liquid courage if Jason is going to keep touching you and breaking your heart, you slip your hand out of his, turning to head where you see a bar set up. As soon as your touch leaves him, Jason stops talking and turns to you, “Are you okay?” Turning back to him with a tightlipped smile, you give him a nod, “Yeah, just getting a drink. Enjoy your friends.”  Jason nods, though it’s apprehensive, wanting to catch up with his friends, but also not wanting to lose track of you in the crowded living room. 
At the bar, you make yourself a drink before hearing your name called, turning around to see Mark, a fellow intern from when you started at NBC. The two of you greet each other with a hug, “Mark! What are you doing here?” He fills you in on his job as a PA for Seth’s show while you tell him about working at SNL, “Wait, so how do you know Seth?” You shake your head as you take a sip of your drink, setting it down on the bar, “Oh, I don’t, just came with a friend.” Mark nods and you two catch up, laughing about your intern days and sharing stories from your current jobs. 
About twenty minutes pass before you feel a hand wrap around your hip and a chest meet your back, “There you are, I’ve been looking all over for you.” Mark’s eyes widen when he sees who you came with, you didn’t think to mention that it was an NBC legend. “Y/N, you didn’t think to mention that you came with SNL royalty. Or that he’s your boyfr..” Before he can finish, Jason cuts Mark off, “Sorry, where are my manners? I’m Jason, and you are?” Jason lets go of your hip briefly to shake Mark’s, squeezing a bit tighter than necessary, though you are none the wiser, “M-Mark, Y/N and I were interns together when we started at 30 Rock.” Jason nods as he takes his hand back, putting his hand back on your side, a bit lower this time, resting just above your ass. “Oh great, well it was wonderful to meet you, but we really should be going. We were just stopping in.” 
You look to Jason in surprise, what was he talking about? He didn’t mention any other plans, you only got here like half an hour ago, why do you have to leave? Mark nods, the two of you wishing each other a happy new year before Jason’s fingers intertwine with yours, heading towards the door. After thanking Seth for having the two of you, Jason and you take the elevator down to the lobby, which oh my god, you’re just now realizing is the lobby of lobby baby. You cross the parking garage, only letting go of each other when you reach the car. 
This time the silence of the car ride is thick with discomfort. You are not quiet due to imagining sinful acts with Jason and you’re not enjoying peace with your company, you’re practically grinding your teeth out of annoyance. After an hour and a half in the car, your drive time tripled thanks to holiday traffic, Jason pulls into a spot surprisingly open in front of your building. “Y/N, I…” Jason is cut off by you opening the door, “Goodnight, Jas.” You get out of the car and slam the door, so frustrated that you didn’t even notice that you let your nickname for him slip, a nickname you hadn’t used to his face in fear it would cross the line. As you walk up the outside steps of your building, Jason chases after you, “Whoa, Y/N, wait please.” You whip around to look at him, tears of anger and confusion welling in your eyes, “What, Jason? What can you possibly say that will explain how you’re acting?”
Your raised voice catches the attention of those walking past, something you and Jason both notice. Looking at you with desperate eyes, Jason steps closer to you, though you still have the upper ground thanks to the steps, “Can we go inside and talk? Please?” Jason’s plea is dripping with emotion, how can you say no to him? It’s not like he actually did anything wrong, you just need to get over yourself and your feelings for him. Obliging his request, you enter your building, walk up the steps, and enter your apartment, Jason a few steps behind. He walked next to you, always. The only time he wasn’t with you was when he walked a few paces ahead of you to open a door. The man never left your side, and yet here he was, behind you. 
Kicking off your shoes, you walk a few steps out of the entryway so Jason can do the same before turning to him, your arms crossed and an angry expression on your face. Jason looks at you, the guilt in his eyes almost makes you break, but first, you needed to know why he was guilty and what he thinks happened. Jason takes a deep breath, looking down at his socks before looking back to you, “Y/N, I am so sorry. It was not at all okay for me to take you away from your friend. I don’t know what happened, I-I just saw you talking to him and I got so anxious and, and…” Jason cracks his knuckles, obviously regretting what he was about to say, “…and jealous, I was jealous.” 
Your jaw drops slightly as your eyes widen, “What the fuck are you talking about?” Jason runs his hand through his hair, the other on his hip as he starts to pace, “I know, okay, I know I have no right to be jealous. And you have every right to be mad at me for acting like a jealous psychopath. I know, we’re just friends and I’m a fucking grandpa compared to you and you would probably be so happy dating someone your age like Matt…” You hold in your snicker at Jason’s error of your friend’s name, also having to hold back from snorting at his stupidity, “I know, okay, I know that I am the worst and just ruined the entire fucking thing, okay? You just, I swear to god, every fucking time I see you, your shirts are lower and lower and it’s all I fucking see and it’s goddamn torture and now I just admitted to being a fucking pervert, oh god.” Jason sits on your couch, burying his head in his hands, freaking out over everything he just revealed meanwhile, you stand a couple of feet away from him, just watching him before you can no longer hold your laughter in. 
Jason lifts his head, looking like a mix of a sad puppy and a confused toddler, “Wha…” You round the table in front of the couch, sitting on wood furniture in front of him, your knees touching, “I know they say comedians can be dumb, but damn, you’re a fucking idiot.” Jason’s head tilts slightly as his brows furrow, “Okay, not the yelling I thought would happen, obviously you’re going for emotion warfare instead…” You stare at the man with love in your eyes as you chuckle slightly, here he is thinking he ruined everything and yet he’s still cracking jokes, he absolutely amazed you. “Jas, I’m not mad at you for being jealous, if anything, it’s actually really hot.” Jason’s eyes widen, obviously about to ask what you mean by that but you continue before he can say anything, “I’m mad that - well, not even really mad but - that you were fucking doing all these things and, and I knew you didn’t mean them. And holy fuck, I want you to mean them.”
You look down at your legs, anxiously rubbing your hands up and down on your thighs before Jason places his finger under your chin and lifts your head so you’re looking at him, “Y/N, I meant every single one of those things. When I said you looked perfect I meant it, I mean, fuck, you always look perfect. When I grabbed your hand because of the crowds, I wished I was doing that for the rest of my life. Everything I do, every act, every touch, I mean it. I just never thought it meant something to you.” You’re not even sure what to say, for the first time in your life, you’re speechless. To make up for what you can’t put into words, you kiss him. You wrap your hands around the back of Jason’s neck and pull him into you, your lips meeting in a sweet kiss. Jason’s hands grab onto your hips, holding on so tightly that even through your clothes, you wouldn’t be surprised if you have a finger indentation tomorrow.
Running your fingers through the hair at the base of his neck, you pull away just enough to speak softly, “Bedroom.” Jason nods eagerly as he meets you in a kiss again, both of you standing and messily stumbling to your room. Never breaking the kiss, Jason messes with the zipper on the back of your outfit as you stand at the end of your bed, “Fuck, need this off.” You whimper at Jason’s words, the easiest way to agree given your current situation. Finally, Jason pulls the zipper down, groaning when he sees your lacy set as your one piece falls to the floor, “You're telling me I could have seen this two months ago?” You giggle, attaching your mouth to the column of his throat, sucking deeply, as you mess with his belt. As your palm passes over his erection, Jason lets out a groan that you’re pretty sure is the sound angels make when you ascend to heaven. 
You begin to sink to your knees but Jason quickly stops you, grabbing onto your hips, “That sounds like a fucking dream, but right now I need to be inside you, is that okay, sweet girl?” A whine slips past your lips, tugging at his sweater before he pushes you onto your bed. Jason strips off all of his clothes, a moan leaving your mouth when you see his size and the precum leaking from his tip, “Holy fuck, Jas.” Jason practically growls at your comment, crawling onto the bed and laying over you, keeping himself high enough that he isn’t touching any part of you, “I need you to call me that for the rest of my life, honey. I’m all your’s.” A gasp leaves your lips as he slides into you, pausing to allow you to adjust. 
Your core clenches around him as you feel his cock throbbing inside of you, “Fuck Jas, need you to move.” Happy to oblige, Jason begins to rock in and out of you, bringing his thumb down to rub at your swollen clit, “Ya feel so good around me, honey. ‘s like you were made for me.” Jason pulls all the way out before plowing back into you, a cry erupts from your throat, your noises pushing him closer to the edge. “Hm, what’d you say, sweetheart?” As he asks you, Jason increases both the speed of his thrusts and the speed at which he’s rubbing your bundle of nerves. His lips attach to your collarbone, nipping at your skin and leaving marks, to which you bring your hands to the nape of his neck, pulling at his hair, “Y-yes, Jas. All yours.” 
Jason moves his head down slightly, bringing his nipple into your mouth right as he hits your g-spot. You cry out his name as you reach your peak, clawing at his back as you do so, your tight core seemingly holding him in a vice. Pulling off of your nipple, Jason watches you, in a trance, as you cum, “Never seen anyone look so pretty.” Jason continues to work you through your climax, his own groans coming out as his brows furrow, concentrating on reaching the finish line, “Come on Jas, need you to finish in me, bubs, wanna feel all of you.” Your words push him over, Jason filling you up as his movements still, his forehead falling to rest in between your breasts, both of your bodies covered in sweat. 
As your worlds seem to still with this change of your relationship, the world outside begins its countdown, the streets filled with cars and drunk New Yorkers yelling out starting at 10. Jason pulls out and lays next to you, the two of you staring into each others’ eyes as he pulls you close, your legs intertwining. As the crowd outside hits five, Jason places his hand on the side of your face, swiping his thumb across your cheek, “We doing this? We starting the year with us?” You smile softly, giving a small nod as your faces grow closer, “I’m in if you are, Jas.” 
Jason returns your smile, “You and me, baby.” Your lips meet just as the fireworks go off outside, your heart feeling similar to the entire east coast right about now. The two of you pull apart, resting your foreheads together as you repeat the phrase back, “You and me, bubs.”
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kimkimberhelen · 1 year
Gene Cousineau: “Little Sally Reed from Joplin, Missouri. What do you want?”
Sally Reed: “To be an actress … it’s all I ever wanted in the whole world.”
This quick exchange introduces Barry’s audience to Sally (Sarah Goldberg) in the series premiere. Her passionate, teary plea rings normally at first glance; she’s a small-town girl with wide-eyed Hollywood dreams. Aw, shucks. Over four seasons, HBO’s grim comedy ingeniously peels back layers to unveil Sally’s discombobulating, deeply human personality. Her unlikable traits—selfish, gravely insecure, a knack for walking over people (including seemingly naive aspiring actor Barry Block)—remain intact as the show nears its end.
By now, though, we know these qualities stem from a marred past: a rotten home life, previous spousal abuse, and a gnawing lack of confidence she desperately wants to cover up. Barry rarely excuses her entitled behavior but slowly sheds light on how her illusory front is a coping mechanism. No wonder she makes the short-lived Joplin as an outlet to process her tragedies. What’s worse? She barely gets time to exist in the world she creates after working hard to achieve it. As it turns out, Sally is the ultimate portrait of trauma in Bill Hader and Alec Berg’s stellar series, which wraps on May 28.
Sally Reed was probably never going to have a happy ending. It’s not because she prioritizes her lofty career ambitions, pushing away anything that gets in the way. Goldberg plays Sally’s goals with such enthusiasm it usually borders on mania, even when she’s sympathetic. It’s a shame she hasn’t won an Emmy for her wrenching yet funny performance. Remember her season two monologue when Barry (Hader) auditions for Jay Roach? Or her season three “entitled fucking cunt” breakdown in the elevator that Natalie (D’Arcy Carden) shares with the world, leading to her downfall? But the professional blinders Sally’s had on for most of Barry’s run is what limits her in the end.
As if her traumatic history wasn’t enough, her entanglement with Barry Berkman worsens everything. He breezes into her life one fine day, drawn into her safe space, when he catches her rehearsing outside Gene’s (Henry Winkler) studio while on a mission. Barry finds solace in it, attracted to the idea of shedding his skin to inhabit somebody who doesn’t have PTSD or a laundry list of crimes. It’s enough to get him hoping for a fresh start. That’s also what Sally hoped for when she moved to Los Angeles after finally leaving her abusive husband, Sam (Joe Massingill).
Season four delves into why Sally deserved to leave her Joplin jail. Sam isn’t the only reason. Her mother is dismissive, flat-out refusing to believe her ex abused Sally, nor does she care that her daughter’s boyfriend is arrested for murder in L.A. “Big whoop” isn’t exactly the expected maternal reaction, and her nice-guy father doesn’t have anything valuable to add, either. It’s clear from the final season’s early episodes that Sally doesn’t have anyone—anyone except for an imprisoned Barry. Her admittance to him in this season’s “bestest place on earth,” that she feels safest with him, is a devastating reality chec
Hader and Goldberg, sitting feet away, separated by a glass barrier, deliver a potent performance in a scene that sells their toxic attachment. She can write all the one-act plays and TV shows she wants, but Barry’s grievously absorbed her identity just when you (and everyone around her) thought she was free of it. Their confrontation in jail is a turning point for the show’s final installments. Her shaky confession sets Barry’s brain aflame. He teams up with the FBI, makes an enemy out of NoHo Hank (Anthony Carrigan), and escapes prison during a shootout. Ultimately, it launches a new life for the duo in the middle of a barren landscape where they don new identities and shed their skins. Just like the dream, huh?
Barry’s final season jumps eight years ahead with a full picture in episode five, “tricky legacies.” It glimpses into the dreary monotony of Barry and Sally, who go by Clark and Emily now. They shield their child from the real world. It doesn’t mean Sally’s not seething under Emily’s mask. Her pain follows her because she chose to give up the one thing that mattered: her acting dream. Having experienced a shitty upbringing, she passes along the intergenerational trauma to John by parenting similarly to her mom—indifferent, indignant, and inebriated. She doesn’t know where to start nurturing.
It’s not like Barry’s childhood was a prize, so neither of them is good at this, but Sally is on a whole other level. She drops alcohol in his juice to put him to sleep, serves up burnt lunches, and generally wrestles with how to love this human being she gave birth to. In Sally’s expressions, Goldberg displays a tangible aversion to motherhood, a full-bodied disdain for the life they’re responsible for creating. So yes, in a twisted way, she’s a copy of her parent now. It’s a full circle.
Everyone on Barry is haunted by their actions, especially with the time jump, so Sally isn’t an exception, of course. Barry wreaked absolute havoc. Gene lost Janice Moss (Paula Newsome), ruined his legacy, and now reappears to chase fame again. As seen in episode six, “the wizard,” Hank has grown a successful business, but had to kill the love of his life to do it. Fuches’ (Stephen Root) friendship with Barry turns sour as he morphs into the Raven. Yet, Sally’s regression is agonizing because she was a lick away from gaining everything she wanted. Instead, she ponders torturing her network boss, kills a man in self-defense, and runs back home, only for everything to crumble again. All this while witnessing Oscar winner Sian Heder work with her mentee, Kristen (Ellyn Jameson), and watching Natalie soar.
Now, she’s drunk and being tortured (note Hader’s prolific direction in “the wizard”) as a man in a ski mask figure shakes up their trailer home. She’s permanently haunted. Janice’s father has captured her partner, and all she can do is call him repeatedly, begging him to come back. With two episodes of Barry remaining, Sally is left alone in her cage to care for John. Does she head back to her hometown to complete the cycle? Or will she return to the city of dreams to find Barry and maybe accomplish the only thing she wants to be in this world? Either way, Sally might not realize it, but she’s already played the role of a lifetime now. It’s wish fulfillment in the worst and most tragic possible way.
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courtneysmovieblog · 3 months
"Inside Out 2": It's okay to be *not* okay
Critics can gripe about Disney/Pixar making endless sequels and how their original stuff isn't as good as it used to be. But if you spend too much time nitpicking about everything, you'll fail to truly enjoy anything that's good.
And that, ironically, is a perfect parallel to the lessons we get in Inside Out 2.
We all knew what was coming at the end of Inside Out when we saw the big red "puberty" alarm. Joy (Amy Poehler), Sadness (Phyllis Smith), Fear (Tony Hale), Anger (Lewis Black), and Disgust (Liza Lapira) didn't think the big red "puberty" button was a big deal. But now that Riley's a teenager, puberty rears its ugly head. The control board is messed up and everything is changing. Worst of all, Anxiety (voiced by Maya Hawke) and a bunch of other "complex" emotions move in.
Anxiety is convinced she knows what is best for Riley, who is at hockey camp trying to make new friends and qualify for her high school team. But Anxiety's good intentions spiral out of control, and it's up to Joy and the gang to help Riley regain her sense of self (literally).
Maya Hawke's Anxiety is getting the lion's share of praise, and it is well-earned. We all knew from the minute we saw her in the trailer she was going to steal the show. Yet don't count out other delightful, relatable emotions like Envy (Ayo Edebiri), Embarrassment (Paul Walter Hauser) and the delightfully snarky Ennui (Adele Excarchopoulos).
Rest assured, this sequel isn't a soulless cash grab. Everyone that has lived through their teen years--or is still struggling with issues--will be able to relate to the way Anxiety just takes over everything. However, Anxiety isn't the only problem: once again, it's Joy and her tendency to repress anything that she deems negative that causes major problems for everyone. Poehler shines once again as the endlessly perky Joy, yet it is strangely satisfying when she finally breaks down and admits how hard it is to try to be positive all the time. Because yeah, it really is!
Much as been made out of Tony Hale and Liza Lampira replacing Bill Hader and Mindy Kaling as Fear and Disgust. Lampira jumps into the part so seamlessly that you can barely tell the difference. Hale, on the other hand is more noticeable. He does a good job, I just still prefer Bill Hader on principle.
And Lewis Black's Anger? What can I say, he's still my favorite!
Inside Out 2 builds on everything we learned in the first movie. We not only have to let ourselves be sad when necessary, we have to make peace with all the anxious, messy parts of ourselves. We can't stop anxiety, we have to live with it by dealing with the things we can control. And don't forget to really enjoy the little things in life.
Does it feel like the same lesson? Perhaps. But damn it, Disney and Pixar can still make us well up every time they each it to us.
9 out of 10
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bookishtheaterlover7 · 7 months
Hi booky!
Marketing anon here.
So I don’t think whether or not CE is really married is really important at this point (RE: he’s in HW where the majority of relationships…I suspect have strings being pulled in the back).
The fact is that’s the narrative they are going to with and want to sell, so he is just pushing that narrative along. He/they want you to know and think he’s married. I personally believe that’s the important part about all this. But he and others around him are intentionally keeping it vague and I think it’s working to their favor because it plays into the whole privacy thing they were going for.
Saying “my wife is from PT” basically implies he married a woman from PT. That’s not giving anything exact but it’s also implying he married AB, the woman he’s been linked to most recently and she’s from PT. But at the same time, there millions of woman in PT/from PT. Who’s to say he’s not married to one of them, especially if they haven’t come out and said it was with each other? 🤣
So he confirms without actually having to confirm and if I had to make an educated guess, I would say that’s as good as you’re going to get it. Don’t quote me on this though.
I know some team real blogs were saying it’s normal for someone to not say their partner’s name, and that’s true for the most part. Think about how when you meet someone random - and you mention your partner. Do you necessarily say your partner’s name? Probably not, especially if you don’t know the person like that.
The thing is, with CE/AB the plausible deniability and vagueness is a pattern.
It’s not just him once saying my wife in passing, it’s also him not mentioning her for two years, then suddenly mentioning a nameless GF, then eventual nameless wife.
Same goes for her.
“My husband” “my dog” “pictures of the dog but no tags of the husband even tho everyone knows whose dog that is”. Even her trolling best friends do the most and only troll by posting suggestive backgrounds and no direct tags. If you’ve paid attention this entire time it’s very easy to tell there’s a reason they’ve done this for this long. TBH, I had my suspicions at first they were just trying to protect privacy because they hadn’t gone public yet and people were already harassing them. But after they went fully public the same charades continued all the way past the wedding and into the new year? That’s when my suspicions were more or less confirmed - that this was intentional orchestration and some form of strategy. Weird, yes, but not unheard of. In fact, my suspicions are that other celebs have done something similar to this too (re: Leo DiCaprio and Gigi hadid, bill hader and Anna Kendrick). I think in Hollywood there are so many strings being pulled all the time. Nothing is coincidence. Nothing is coincidence in marketing in general. Things are planned out well in advance and I mean this wholeheartedly.
He posted two stories with her and he never says her name out loud (does everyone remember that?), he doesn’t tag her (well she was deactivated, but he doesn’t mention her name in the videos in captions either).
She never refers to him by name and the one time PT reporters tried to talk to her she refused to talk to them. She lets in tags of herself but never anything confirming or alluding to anything directly to him. Notice how before they went public she was letting herself get tagged in basically everything related to their dating rumors and she was keeping all their dating comments in but deleting and untagging others? Now she’s doing the opposite and I feel that may be intentional too. Maybe.
The one time they attend the same premiere - did you notice he didn’t take pics with her? She got her solo pics and then disappeared? She then posts a pic of herself at this premier but doesn’t tag him, the movie, or the cast? Is it ungratefulness or is it strategy? Think about it.
His friends/her friends all post separately from the same place and it’s only this most recent PT sighting he’s in a photo with Joana (weird right?)
You get suggestive follows and likes but no real interactions that can be legitimate.
I believe that’s why TMZ has been acting so shady throughout all of this. I think they know something’s up.
I think everyone knows the big thing at play here is plausible deniability. It always has been.
Wearing wedding rings - ok but anyone can wear a ring TBH? It doesn’t really say too much.
Lastly - in my line of work marketing and PR work the same in some ways but also different. My company puts out press releases (which I help write) when we announce things like winning industry awards, acquisitions, partnerships, rebranding. But we don’t do a ton of really innovative stuff and PR is pretty low maintenance here. So while the methods and processes are the same, I imagine PR in HW is much different, more complex, and more creative (lol). I don’t have any answers for why they do what they do, but I can tell you the vague wording they’ve repeatedly use definitely means something. I don’t think it’s just coincidental.
What I’m trying to get here is that marketing and PR in any industry is going to involve a bit of “fudging the truth and stretching the line to make things seem a certain way to fit a certain narrative. It’s absolutely manipulative when you put it that way but it’s also business. It’s not personal. It’s why I don’t let it get to me and I just let it be. Don’t lose sleep over it. All things will unfold as they should.
Have a great night!
Hey, Marketing An🫶n!
Good to see you again! ☺️ And as I expected, you're insightful. And gave well-articulated thoughts. So, thank you 😌
Have a good night! ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
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topperscumslut · 1 year
i’m a reality shifter (minishifted but haven’t fully shifted yet) so let’s do a lil DR (desired reality) tour!!! (i’m 20 in my CR for reference)
year: 2023
my age: 20
s/o: topper thornton
s/o’s age: 20
90s DR:
year: 1996/7 (havent decided yet)
my age: 19/20
s/o: Sal Vulcano
s/o’s age: 19/20
year: 2023
my age: 20
s/o: Five Hargreeves
s/o’s age: 20 (both physically and mentally) (i scripted he was only in the future for a day and got stuck when he was 16, not 13 and then traveled back to 2019 like in the show) (i also scripted out the apocalypse so it’s 4 years since five reunited with his family and we just vibe lol)
Hunger Games DR
year: whenever THG is set 🤷‍♀️
my age: 18
s/o: Marvel Sanford
s/o’s age: 18
Scream DR
year: 1996
my age: 18
s/o: Randy Meeks
s/o’s age: 18
year: 2023
my age: 20
s/o: Nicky Harper
s/o’s age: 19 (the quads were canonically born in 2004, HES NOT THE SAME AGE IN MY DR AS HE IS ON THE SHOW!!!!!!!)
y2k SNL/Fame DR
year: 2005
my age: 20
s/o: Bill Hader
s/o’s age: 27
Victorious DR
year: 2023
my age: 20 (i scripted Hollywood Arts is a college)
s/o: Cat Valentine
s/o’s age: 19/20
year: 1999
my age: 19
s/o: Jay Kelso
s/o’s age: 19
TVDU/Legacies DR
year: 2032
my age: 20 (scripted Salvatore School is a college)
s/o: Penelope Park
s/o’s age: 20
YouTuber DR
year: 2013
my age: 20
s/o: Jon Cozart aka Paint
s/o’s age: 21
year: whenever tbosas is set
my age: 20
s/o: Sejanus Plinth
s/o’s age: 20
yes ik my taste is immaculate u don’t gotta tell me 🥰 /hj. also most of my DRs i scripted out the plot (well at least the main plot/dangerous parts) lmao like in my Scream DR (obviously lol), TUA DR, Legacies DR, and OBX DR, and in my Hunger Games DR i scripted im still in the games but that it’s a very realistic simulation and no one actually dies
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missbabyjay · 2 years
New Beginnings - Bill Hader x f Reader
Part 1
Warnings: language! just some fluff, I'd also like to point out that Bill was never married in this dimension lmao. I'm hoping to make this a very detailed multi part fan fic. There isn't too much in this first part... i just wanted to lay out some background details for the remainder of the story! I am feeling really nervous to post this but hey! why not!
Word Count: 2.1 k
You are new to the SNL writing team and you quickly learn that it is impossible to not fall for Bill Hader at a rapid speed.
Part 2
. . .
The rain gently trickled against your window as you laid in bed, desperately trying to draw out your time soaking in the comfort of your pillows before you began your first lengthy day at SNL.
Wow. I'm really doing this.
You were nervous, and you had to admit to yourself the affect your feelings had on the motivation you so badly lacked for the day. You let out a groan, and half-heartedly threw yourself out of bed and proceeded to make your way to your washroom.
You should be excited for this.
The thoughts were rushing through your head at a pace you felt were uncontrollable, yet you continued with your morning routine. As the cold water washed over your face you felt a sense of transparency, and for the first time in the past week you felt as though this first day might not be as bad as you anticipated.
. . .
Growing up in a small town made the move to New York much more difficult. You always had an interest in writing and hoped one day you would be able to make a career out of it. Sure, you did stand up, but it wouldn't be able to pay your bills forever. You hopped between serving and bartending as it was a good way for you to make money through tips. Your family undermined your skills and that was just more of a reason for you to push yourself out of your comfort zone, and prove them wrong.
Thankfully you had spent a large chunk of time working in stand up comedy. You had travelled to many places throughout the country and wrote for not only yourself, but a handful of other amateur comedians. You lucked out while working a gig at a comedy club in New York City with a couple of your stand up buddies; John Mulaney just so happened to be at the show with the intentions of possibly scouting out a new writer for this season of SNL, as they were expecting one of the current writers to be leaving only a few months into the season.
As you finished your gig, you felt happiness wash over you. You knew that was your best gig yet. The audience had an energy unlike any other audience you had performed for.
You quickly headed to the bar afterwards, wanting to have a celebratory drink. As you stood waiting at the bar you heard your name being called from behind you, "Y/N Y/L/N?". You turned around, confused, because people didn't typically approach you after your gigs. You were still an amateur after all, and who would want to take photos with someone like yourself? But too much surprise you were face to face with one of your biggest inspirations; John Fucking Mulaney.
You felt your stomach turn while you were frozen with shock, "Y/N, right?" he spoke again with a cheeky smile, clearly recognizing your feelings of anxiousness. "Sorry, yes! That's my name! Don't wear it out!" you mentally face-palmed yourself after the words left your mouth with instant regret. But John just laughed, he was the last to judge someone with a quirky sense of humour as he was just the same.
After chatting for some time, John invited you to audition for a writing position at SNL. He enjoyed your sense of humour and thought you would be a great fit in the team, especially as he saw potential for the two of you to write together.
You could say your audition went well, as not only a week later you were contacted with the wonderful news that you were accepted on to the team. You felt so proud of yourself, knowing this is an accomplishment that many people don't get the pleasure of experiencing.
. . .
And that is how you ended up where you were on this dreary New York Monday morning.
Your apartment was small, but enough for you. As you finished getting yourself ready you quickly made a coffee, although the caffeine would most likely make you even more nervous than you already were to begin with.
I've got this. John Mulaney liked me. I wouldn't have passed the audition if they didn't like me. Snap out of this.
You were within walking distance to 30 Rock, so you began your walk embracing the cool colourless weather along the way. It's almost like nature was curing your anxious nerves. As you breathed in the cool air you felt your heart rate slow, and your mind wander to exciting thoughts, rather than nervous thoughts.
Will the members like me? I can't wait to meet some of my favourite comedians... Maybe my sketch will make it this week...
You approached 30 Rock and made your way up to the studio, not sure where to go or who to talk to. As the elevator doors opened you were met with chaos. The floor was filled with people. You assumed majority of these people were the ones working behind the scenes as you were only met with a few familiar faces. Suddenly, your eyes locked with a tall blue eyed man. Your heart rate quickly raised and goosebumps covered your body
Bill Hader. Holy Shit. He's beautiful.
He quickly rushed over to your surprise, and extended his arm to shake your hand, "My names Bill, I'm going to assume you are Y/N? John was telling me you'd be joining the team!". You quickly shook his hand, not wanting him to feel the sweat that had accumulated on your palms since you locked eyes with him. But my God, your knees nearly buckled the second you made contact almost as though you were melting to the ground.
Of course I know who he is. He's Bill Hader. Who doesn't know who he is? Holy shit we just touched.
He flashed you a nervous smile, "Here, follow me. I just saw John a few minutes ago. We'll hunt him down together" he said, followed by a cute little wink.
Just as you thought you had your nerves under control, the world around you felt as though it was spinning. You followed behind Bill through the chaos while he would glance behind him periodically to make sure you were still tagging along.
You arrived at a door that was briefly opened. Bill gently knocked and proceeded to open the door where you were met with John propped up at a desk twiddling a pen between his fingers with a concentrated look washed upon his face; "Y/N! Welcome to your first day!", he said with a big smile while wiggling his eyebrows playfully at you.
. . .
You spent your first day working alongside John, shadowing his work and learning the typical Monday schedule; everyone would settle down at a table, including the host, and sketch ideas would be thrown around. You felt quite nervous to speak up, but you and John had done some chatting beforehand and he assured you that everyone was eager to hear your ideas.
You threw some ideas out, but nothing really stuck, and that took a toll on your spirit for the week. Lorne wrapped up the jam session, and you met Bill's eyes as you looked up from your papers, you flashed him a small smile. It was almost as if he could notice the stress that had consumed you throughout the meeting. As you were grabbing your things and getting ready to meet with John in his office, you felt a hand gently placed on your shoulder; it was Bill.
"Y/N, is everything okay?", he said with great concern. What a sweet soul he has. You sighed, "Yeah, yeah, I just wish I would have been able to get a sketch into the lineup but it's okay, I guess." you said with a soft smile, "You wanna come to John's office with me?".
The two of you began walking towards John's office when Bill wrapped his arm around your shoulders and leaned in, "Seriously, don't let today get you down. You can help John and I write the Stefon sketch for this week. It'll be great". You felt like you were on a cloud. The feeling of his warm breath against your neck; the closeness shared between the two of you in that moment was never something you thought would occur.
Holy Shit. He just put his arm around me. What the fuck is going on right now... Is this really happening?
The two of you entered Johns room and from that moment on you felt a sense of relief. Being around John and Bill just felt right. You felt like a missing puzzle piece that was finally discovered; you felt like you finally found your place in the world.
The three of you chatted for awhile, getting to know each other on a deeper level. John had been working on SNL for three years at this point, and Bill had been there for six years; no wonder these two seemed so content with the regular schedule of SNL, the process was as easy as riding a bike to them. Whereas you felt the process was like a big cloud hanging over you, you were eager for Sunday to arrive already.
You told you life story to the two of them, leaving both of them to be surprised by the experiences you've had in the industry at the ripe age of 25. You felt so young and naive compared to them though. But their lack of judgement on you made you feel even more comfortable to open up to them.
. . .
The three of you finished your conversation and you said your goodbyes. As you walked down the hallway towards the elevators you felt relieved. Today went okay, maybe not exactly how you planned it would go, but it was okay. Not only did it end on a good note but you couldn't believe the instant connection you made with Bill. You tried to not be consumed in your thoughts; keeping a sense of clarity. You couldn't deny the way Bill made you feel, but it was only your first day and you needed to slow your eager thoughts down.
As you stood waiting for the elevator you heard quick paced steps behind you. You turned around and saw Bill nearly out of breath with his hands placed on his knees. "Woah there buddy, you okay?" you said followed by a few giggles, "I didn't want to miss you before you left, I was wondering if you'd maybe wanna grab a coffee and chat a bit more?" he said with almost a flustered look plastered on his face. "Yeah, sure." you managed to get out while feeling your heart rate rise.
He wants to spend one on one time with me?
Bill lead the way, flagging down a cab where he gave the address of a beloved coffee shop he would swing by before a long day at the studio. Little did you know Bill was excited to take you to one of his special places. He felt the same as you, eager to build your friendship and possibly one day be more than just friends.
The two of you conversed for a few hours. At first you felt tense, was this a date? No, no don't get ahead of yourself Y/N. Bill wanted to know everything about your upbringing. He seemed so interested in you and that made you fall for him even more.
"Do you live near by? I would love to walk you home if you don't mind", he said with a sweet, nervous smile. You felt so enamoured by the moment, "Absolutely, I would love that."
The two of you walked shoulder to shoulder through the busy streets of New York. Moments of silence would occur, but at no point did it feel awkward. It was comfortable silence. You kept catching Bill glancing down at you and you'd meet his face with a soft smile. The evening had been everything and more. And as the two of you approached your apartment complex you felt a sense of sadness. You didn't want the evening to end. You had grown so fond of him over the last few hours, your mind wondered where your relationship could possibly end up. He made you excited to be back in the office tomorrow.
"Well! Here's my stop!" you said followed with a giggle. You turned to face him and your eyes met. The both of you enjoyed it for a few moments before you smiled at Bill, "I'll see you tomorrow morning, bright and early Hader" followed by a cheeky wink. "You betcha, Y/N".
You walked into your complex, shortly arriving at your front door. You entered your living room, placed your book bag down, and plopped yourself on the couch. It was time for you to get some rest before the frantic week that laid before you.
A new beginning, I cannot wait.
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bonkwosher · 1 year
Barry Berkman x Male!Reader ~ Curious
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A/N: This is to go along with this pitch I made. I love Barry & Bill Hader so much & there's, as always, a lack of this man x Male!Reader so I decided to throw my hat in the ring yet again.
Prompt: Istg I'm writing a Barry x Male!Reader where Reader is a bartender at Residuals & when they first see each other Barry gets all confused (sexuality) & Sally tries to keep Barry to herself while Barry slowly but surely falls for Reader instead.
Featuring: Barry being even more confused than he already is, a lot of angst, Barry actually receiving the mental help he needs, etc. ~ Yours Truly
Contains: Gay!Barry Berkman, Actor Slander (HAHA, I mean nothing of what I say, I'm just setting the scene(I'm a former theatre kid)), some lines from the show but I tried to keep it as original as possible. Jealous!Reader, very anxious Barry Berkman
Word Count: 1.2k
[Part 1] |
It was the last day of your work week & you were ready to get home. You liked bartending, it was the bargoers that annoyed you. Actors in Los Angeles were all the same. Selfish, conceited, & boy were they draining to be around. You were polishing a glass when a new group walked in. They all seemed to be following a blonde woman as she listed movies. If this were your first day, you'd be curious, but that's most of what people that attend the bar talk about. You didn't realize when you had applied but the bar was meant for "struggling young actors". If that was told to you beforehand, you likely would've picked somewhere else.
The group sat down at a table in the corner of the room, opposite of you thankfully. They seemed to talk amongst themselves as the man in the middle seat, facing you, looked your way. He seemed to freeze, just looking at you. His brow was furrowed, his confusion seemingly unnoticed as the group chatted amongst themselves. That is until the man next to him tapped him on the shoulder, pointing towards the aforementioned blonde. When he broke eye contact, you tried to look away as well. It was impossible to admit he wasn't intriguing. The man quickly fumbled out of his seat & beelined for you. This time, his eyes were glued to the floor.
He made it to the bar & set his hands down on the mahogany counter that stood between you, only knowing you were in front of him when he noticed the glass you were previously polishing was still sat in your, now still, hands. You set down the glass as he let a moment of silence sit between you.
"What can I get for-"
"Three regular beers, one light, a cosmopolitan, & four bowls of popcorn for, uh-" he stopped his rushed ramblings for just a moment to look back at his table, "I don't see a table number."
You were caught off guard, to say the least, & quickly set down the glass only to replace it with your notepad to write down the order. He didn't look up at you in that moment, slowly shifting his weight back & forth.
You begin to speak as you turn to grab a couple beer bottles, "I saw your group come in, don't worry about table numbers. Here are two beers, I can bring the rest to your table. Popcorn will be ready in a minute."
The man grabbed the beers & hurried off, you followed suit at your own pace. You could vaguely hear the man next to him tease, "What's got you spooked, Barry?"
You set down the beers with a smile, notifying the group about the popcorn as well, before turning on your heel & heading back to the bar. The man next to him, Nick, now gave Barry a knowing look. Sally, the blonde woman, looked up from her conversation to see Barry, sitting in a flustered silence with a light blush forming. He quickly hid his face behind a light beer can. Sally assumed she was already growing on him & smiled to herself before picking up the conversation again.
"What if you did Robert Duvall from Tender Mercies?" She asked, the same smile resting on her face.
"Oh, yes, yes, the one where he's talking with his daughter. You should totally do that," Another woman spoke.
"Or- Or Brad Pitt from fight club!" Sally continued, pointing at Barry as she spoke.
Sasha quickly agreed as you walked up with bowls of popcorn on a tray. Barry turned to the wall, pretending to admire the different art & photos that lined it. You slid the popcorn down the table when Nick, who you knew due to regular attendance, grabbed your arm.
"Hey, Y/N, do you think our friend here could pull off Brad Pitt from Fight Club?" When Nick's hand grasped Barry's shoulder, your new admirer felt like his eyes were ripped off the wall & forced to look up at you.
At least, that's what he'll tell himself. You looked him up & down, which only made him more flustered. You began to tilt your head side to side with a light smile, signifying a maybe, something that seemed to excite Barry.
"I think you could, yeah. What's the name, new guy?"
He awkwardly pointed to himself, "Me?"
"Yeah, all these nerds are regulars. They're probably all up on the wall somewhere."
Only now did Sally process the possibility of you flirting with Barry... & it working! She glared up at you but your focus was all on Barry.
He spoke softly, "My name's Bar-"
"Yeah, I'm up on the wall! Right," she dragged her word as she looked around, "There! See Barry?"
"Yeah, I see it."
A tight-lipped smile tugged it's way into place as you realized Sally had likely already sunk her claws into the new guy, she's done so before. A barely audible sigh escapes your lips.
"Well, if you guys need anything, I'll be behind the bar," with that you returned to your spot behind the bar.
It felt stupid to be upset over a guy you just met but as you watched Sally dance on the dance floor while Barry smiled at her, sealing the night with a kiss on the cheek, you couldn't help but feel a little hurt. It was dumb. It was dumb as he smiled. Dumb as she kissed his cheek. Dumb as he made his way to the exit. Dumb as he paused in the doorway, a drunk friend in tow. Dumb as he turned around.
He turned around? He was moving back towards the bar, towards you. He reached into his pocket as he walked up. Stopping in that same spot, pulling out his wallet. Watch this man hand you some sort of business card. He held out a $20 bill.
"A tip, thank you- for being nice."
"It's nothing, new guy. New around here I assume?" You attempted to make eye contact but his eyes remained glued to the floor.
"Yeah, & I'm- you can call me Barry."
"Alright, Barry, well if you ever need help getting around Los Angeles, I can give you my number," why were you taking this shot? It felt right in the moment.
"Uh yeah, do you have a napkin or something?"
A stupid idea hit you. It's not your place to go writing your number on probably taken men's arms, but you offered anyways. He scrambled to pull up his sleeve on his left arm. You chuckled at his eagerness as you grabbed a pen out of your pocket. He jolted a little when the ink hit his skin, causing you to accidentally draw a small, black line. A breathy laugh left your lips as you began writing again.
"There ya go, give me a call whenever. I'm usually free during the day."
"Thank you," he finally met your gaze, "Y/N. Have a nice night."
"You too!"
Barry returned his attention to his drunken friend & escorted him out of the bar. That butterfly feeling hit you hard at that moment. It wasn't something you should feel, Sally would definitely be upset.
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brynnasaurus · 9 months
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Favorite TV 2023
Succession + The Bear: I can’t choose between my fucked up, messy children. Both shows were just so phenomenally brilliant this year, I cannot be held responsible for the amount of gifsets I have reblogged from both. 
Reservation Dogs: Gonna miss this show so, so, so much. I will never stop recommending this show to anyone who will listen. It’s so lovely, so warm, so funny, so human. 
Somebody Somewhere: Res Dogs might be over, but this show is here to take up the mantle of quiet celebration of small midwest communities with big, beautiful hearts and goofy senses of humor. Don’t sleep on this one, guys!
Star Trek: Strange New Worlds: Am I putting SNW this high on the list partly because I still feel bad I forgot it on last year’s list? Or because it’s an absolute delight that made me fall in love with Star Trek again? Why not both?! They did a goddamn musical episode, guys! Spock had a whole song about math!!!!!!!!
Slow Horses: Secret MVP of the Apple TV lineup. Pure pulpy fun.
Doctor Who Specials: Despite being an active part of Superwholock on this here website back in ye olden times, I fell off with Doctor Who somewhere in the Capaldi years and never checked back in. Even when it was announced RTD, Tennant & Tate were coming back I must admit I rolled my eyes a bit, assumed the worst, and didn’t give it much thought. And then approximately five minutes into the first special, when Ten Fourteen first sees Donna, I immediately started crying and realized that maybe I needed this, they needed this, we all needed this, and that despite all of its inherent silliness, Doctor Who still has the ability to be just absolutely special in a way few other shows can. I’m back in, baby, and totally psyched for what Ncuti Gatwa is going to do.
Jury Duty: Was very nervous about how this one was going to go, to be honest. The premise seemed a bit mean-spririted, and in less thoughtful hands this could have really gone a different way. But it wasn’t agonizing at all - it actually turned out to be an endearing celebration of kindness and human decency, and honestly we could all do with more of that these days.
Barry: But hey, if an endearing celebration of kindness and human decency isn’t up your alley, then boy is Barry is the show for you! It really was bleak AF in its final run but it turns out Bill Hader is an even better filmmaker than he is a comic actor (and he is an amazing comic actor, to be clear!)
How To with John Wilson: This show has always been so weird, so surprising, so surreal, so authentically New York. You never knew what kind of journey you were going to go on with John Wilson and his camera, but you always knew you were always going to have a great time - I will miss it very much.
Honorable Mentions: 
Watching Through My Fingers: Beef, The Last of Us
Sometimes a Nostalgia Play Can Be Good, Actually: Party Down, Scott Pilgrim Takes Off, Justified: City Primeval
Sometimes All You Need Are Shows that Make You Smile: Starstruck, Shrinking, Only Murders in the Building, Minx
Always a Fun, Goofy Time: The Righteous Gemstones, Star Trek Lower Decks, What We Do In The Shadows
Feels Weird Putting a Show That Hasn’t Finished Its Season Yet on a Best of List (what if gets bad at the end?!) but I’ve Been Loving It So Far: Fargo
Batshit Insane (Complimentary): Mrs. Davis
Kinda Dumb But I Love It Anyway: The Gilded Age
Special Shoutout to Billions, which never really makes these lists but I thought had a super fun final season and has always been reliably entertaining for its whole run.
Previous Years
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metalwarrior22 · 2 months
dialogue (those beginning-of-relationship jitters)
Read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/nmjNDWk by geliebtemangos "It's just – having the Avatar saying 'Lay with me' was not something I thought would happen today." A furious blush rose up into Korra's face, yet again, and she looked up into Asami's knowing smirk. "No, that's not – you're teasing me, aren't you." -- Asami and Korra learn, after finally getting together, that they can flirt with each other. (There's also some important discussions that take place in between the kissing.) Words: 22767, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English Fandoms: Avatar: Legend of Korra Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Categories: F/F Characters: Asami Sato, Korra (Avatar), duh, Pema (Avatar), she's always wildin in my fics btw, not my fault. it was the writers who originated the homewrecking mastermind, don't blame her. she's a good mom she can say whatever she wants, speaking of good moms., mentions of Yasuko Sato being one of the greatest women to grace the earth, Jinora (Avatar), Ikki (Avatar), also the airbending sisters wandered into this fic and were here to stay for a bit, hope that's okay with y'all, i just love them both so much AND they're so fun to write, jinora: oldest sister of all time, Rohan (Avatar), i guess he appears for two seconds, mako is also in here but only as a topic of conversation, this fic does NOT pass the reverse-bechdel test, men are only in here to be talked about, and only briefly so Relationships: Korra/Asami Sato Additional Tags: this is the fic where they turn from established relationship (patent pending) to, Established Relationship, (tm), so like 10k words in i realized that they were learning how to flirt, thus: the number of blushes and kisses in this fic: near catastrophic, Domestic Fluff, Fluff Bomb, yes i coined that term, also there is, Kissing, Cuddling & Snuggling, Spooning, and spooning confusion (you'll see), Making Out, and asami l____ _____'_ ___, i know. i was also surprised when the demon made me write it, Air Temple Island (Avatar), i haven't read the comics so all republic-city-related details are headcanons i guess, i did read the wikipedia plot synopsis of turf wars though before deciding i didn't really care, (giggles) lol, update since the first time i wrote these tags: i bought turf wars & read it, let's imagine that this fic happens like a week after that or something, Anyway this fic is, Canon Compliant, Post-The Legend of Korra: Turf Wars, did i steal asami's reaction to korra asking about her day from my other fic? yes. and what?, goodness forbid a woman self-plagiarize, did i make them talk about Dikes. yes, yes i did, and i don't even know how dikes work skdkskdwkrnen, also utensils. you'll see, oh yeah there’s also, Teasing, Crying, Reminiscing, that one tag i once saw on a fic:, (bill hader voice) this fic has everything, Pet Names, smh only children and their absolute lack of survival skills (re: tickling), secret sharing, mentions of delicious food (mouth watering emoji), intimate waterbending, intimate conversations in comfy clothes, playful swatting (aplenty bc i love it), OMG SUAVO, y'all are not ready for suavo. it's the funniest thing i've originated in DAYSSS, do i feel like they're ooc at times. yes. On One Cot, do i know what the pov is? hm. maybe shifting third person or something. NO i do not., hopefully the length of these tags is proportionally consistent with, the length of this massive fic (in regards to my other fics). who knows, hey it’s a 20k word one-shot leave me alone!! gotta broadcast to all the audiences, anyway here's 22k words of me literally just imagining my two favorite animated women. Read it on AO3 at https://ift.tt/nmjNDWk
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panevanbuckley · 2 years
bill hader is so goddamn precious. this man created and literally writes most of barry and yet he can't manage to keep a straight face when acting through the scenes and i love that about him
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