#and you may ask yourself 👀 what is that beautiful house
blackstarising ¡ 1 year
siobhan’s Lorge shoulder pads are fitting considering she’s in her once in a lifetime era 👀
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celestialtarot11 ¡ 7 months
Small astro observations ☕️🤍
• Those with cancer moon in the 1st house come across “witchy,” some may even describe them as moody or reserved. There’s a certain kind of witchyness in them that I like 👀 my best friend has this placement, and she knows how to read peoples energy just by looking at them. I believe that’s her source of witchyness.
• She also has a youthful, round face. Being ruled by moon, her features are softer and delicate.
• Also, her moon is in Leo. This astrological polarity creates lots of unique sides in the native. Other people may think of these sides as “contradictory,” but the native can be very deep as a person. They explore all parts of themselves, and if they haven’t, part of their mission in their lifetime is to embrace all aspects of themselves, regardless of what others think.
• Jupiter in Leo people don’t chase that bag 💅🏻 they CREATE. They do enjoy when others buy things for them and when men especially (if the woman has this placement) provide for them financially. Men with this placement don’t like to rely on others for money, their pride comes with having a lot of money under their belt.
• Pluto in the 2nd house goes through radical financial changes. Whether that’s due to an issue with being careless with their money, to an event happening outside of them that causes them to struggle financially. The native does not feel secure financially and feels worried. Depending on the aspects in the natives chart, they can attract abundance just as easily as they lost their bag 💅🏻
• Earth mercuries and leaving their phone on DND, or ignoring notifications to preserve their peace 😌👋 hi ya’ll.
• A capricorns loyalty is not one to be messed with, especially if the native has healed past wounds, and is self aware. They have the ability to hold themselves accountable and do better. However, I’ve noticed capricorns who haven’t worked through their past issues have no problem leaving you to struggle, and only coming back when they need help.
• Male capricorns, if your father figure was not structured and present emotionally, do yourself a favor and go to therapy ☕️🤷🏻‍♀️ it’ll help you tons. Especially those with Saturn retrograde in the chart, because Saturn represents the father. If the natives sun placement is afflicted, the same applies here.
• I knew a guy with Saturn in the 10th house retrograde definitely had daddy issues growing up, and still does. The father relies on his child to be cared for, instead of the other way around. The father finds himself struggling to provide basic living, so the child takes on the stress of providing for the parent at a young age.
• Virgo placements & libra…what’s up with wanting to be hidden? I’ve met a man who at the time was struggling mentally, was borderline checking out of reality. He couldn’t hold a proper conversation without his head being lost in some far land 🤣 every topic was too vague, and too abstract for it to make sense. And as soon as I asked his placement and guessed it correctly, he gave me a look and said he didn’t like what I knew of him. He was bothered and seen 👀
• Virgo venus, ya’ll females are so beautiful. Even though venus doesn’t like it here, there’s something so beautiful, and effortless about these individuals. They may have a mature look depending on their other placements, and aspects.
Thats all I have! Thank you all for reading and supporting 👋☺️ this was fun to create. Feel free to add on and share your thoughts!
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ahgasegotarmy116 ¡ 1 month
Just Take It Prequel | Jungkook's Point of View
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Summary: Jungkook fell first but when exactly did he fall? Pairing: Inexperienced f!reader x Best Friend's Dad Jungkook (20 year age gap) Word Count: 2.6k~ Warnings: Not suggestive language but something hinting at sexual activities lmao you'll see a/n: So I got this request a while ago but I wasn't exactly sure how I wanted it to go but I hope you guys like it! Barely edited per usual but again I would just prefer to get it out lmao (lemme know if you want a full prequel in the reader's pov 👀) Drabble requested by @turn02 💜 (sorry it took so long but hopefully it answered your questions)
"You're home early!" I say watching as Jina walks inside but she has another girl trailing in behind her that I've never seen before.
"Yeah they cancelled class and so I invited y/n to come over and study instead" she says, letting this girl I now know to be y/n pass by.
She looks back to watch Jina lock the door and then turns back towards the house, her jaw dropping from seeing the sheer size of it.
I chuckle from her cute reaction but compose myself once her eyes land on me. "Dad this is y/n, y/n this is my dad" Jina says, walking her over to say hi.
"You have a beautiful home Mr. Jeon" she says and the melodic sound of her voice makes me hum unconsciously in delight before clearing my throat to respond.
"Thank you darling I appreciate that. Please make yourself at home and you girls let me know if you need anything" I say, glancing over at Jina for a second before my vision focuses back on y/n.
"Fell free to call me Jungkook if you'd like, there's no need to be so formal with me" I say, lowering my voice slightly towards the end making her eyes widen slightly, nodding her head before responding.
"Thank you Mr. Jeon um- sorry I mean Jungkook" she stumbles over her words which makes her seem even more adorable than she already is.
Jina's eyes ping pong between the two of us before letting out a big sigh and pulling on her arm to drag her upstairs. "Come on, let's go study in my room" she groans and y/n stumbles for a bit before looking back over towards me.
"Thank you again!" she says quickly and I smile at her and give her a slight nod, enjoying watching her slightly panicked nature.
"Have fun you two!" I call after them and watch until Jina shuts her door behind them.
I chuckle to myself thinking about our little interaction, mumbling 'cute' under my breath before continuing onto my intended route to the kitchen.
I hope I'll get to see more of her, she seems like she would be a good influence on Jina and I'm quiet fond of her already.
"Dad y/n's leaving" I hear Jina call out from where I am in my study and I make my way out to bid farewell.
"It was nice to meet you Mr. Jeon" she says politely and I raise a brow slightly making her stumble to change it again. "I mean Jungkook. Thank you for letting me come over" she continues as she stands near the door.
"Of course darling, come back anytime" I say and Jina clears her throat before any other words can be said and opens the door wide, waiting for y/n to make her way out.
"I'll walk you to you out" Jina says and y/n waves awkwardly while walking out, turning back only for a moment and catching my glance before Jina closes the door behind them.
A couple moments later I hear a car engine turn over which I assume is hers and the soft rumble of it trails off until my attention is turned back towards Jina walking through the door and slamming it behind her.
"I may have money to pay for damages young lady but you don't" I say, crossing my arms over my chest but she rolls her eyes in response.
"Why were you being so weird today?" she asks, mirroring my posture and cocking a brow at me. She really is my daughter isn't she.
"I don't know what you're talking about" I say, turning around and walking to the kitchen to start making dinner with her trudging behind me, taking a seat at the island in the middle of it.
"Dad" she whines and I know it's best to just wrap this conversation up than drag it out.
"Jina I was just being friendly. I do admit I found her to be quite adorable but I know she's your friend so you have nothing to worry about" I say, turning back towards her and making sure she knows that I truly mean it.
"Good! She has a boyfriend anyways" she says once I've turned back around and it takes everything in me to not show how tense that's made me. I may not go for her but the thought of other men around her already bothers me.
"Noted" I mumble under my breath and as soon as I place a pot on the stovetop to start boiling water for pasta she's already complaining.
"Can we get pizza instead? I've been craving it for like the past three days" I take a deep breath and decide to give in since I did kinda sorta flirted with her friend.
"Pepperoni alright?" I say while placing that pot back in it's home. "Yes please!" she says and jumps off the stool and runs upstairs.
Two years later at y/n's birthday getaway
"You guys headed headed off to the beach?" I question, looking up and seeing the three of them dressed in their swimsuits with Jared carrying the beach bag.
"Yeah actually do you think you could take a picture of us? I wanna make sure to get some nice pictures since it's y/n's birthday trip" Jina says and Jared whispers something in y/n's ear making her laugh but I can tell it's not genuine. Something's wrong.
"Sure" I say, getting off the couch and follow them outside, grabbing Jina's phone when they've found a good spot so they can take it with the ocean in the background.
"Alright one, two, three" I say, counting down and taking a few landscape and portrait pictures but clench my jaw once I've seen how Jared is sliding his hand further and further down y/n's waist until it's on her ass.
She stiffens once he's chanced squeezing it and calls it, ending our little photo shoot. 
She pries Jared's hand off her and turns around to go back in the house saying something along the lines that she needed to go grab something. As she walks past me I can see how flushed her cheeks are but not in a good way, bewilderment written all over her face and I follow her inside after having given Jina her phone back, making sure to glare at Jared before I do.
He scoffs at me before walking over to Jina where she's checking out the pictures and picking the best one. His demeanor noticeably shifts to an irritated once he sees his girlfriend's reactions to his not so subtle touches. Scoffing and no doubt cursing her for being such a prude in his eyes.
I walk over to where she has her hands gripping the sink, her back facing me and her shoulders tensed. I would kill him if I could, seeing how upset he's made her again.
"Is everything okay?" I ask, full well knowing it's not and noticing that she's put some sort of wrap around her waist. No doubt in an effort to cover up this sorry excuse for swimwear.
She takes in a deep breath, nodding and wiping off the tears that had started to prickle in the corner of her eyes, clearing her throat before responding.
"Yeah everything's totally fine just wanted to grab some water bottles before we head out" she says, opening the fridge next to her and grabbing a few.
I decide to not push the subject further so I don't make her even more uncomfortable than she already is, remembering to keep an eye on Jared instead. 
"Do you know what you'd like to eat tonight? I can book a reservation if you'd like" I offer, changing the subject and hopefully getting her mind off of what just happened. "Would you mind making something? You know I really love your cooking" she says, turning around to face me while placing the waters on the island that separates us. 
She looks up at me but quickly turns her eyes back down to the bottles, shy from making such an adorable request. "Sure darling, what would you like?" I question and I can see the wheels turning in her head trying to narrow it down to one thing. 
"Surprise me?" she finally says, looking up at me with a slight blush on her face and it takes every fiber of my being to hold myself back from kissing her, or worse, having her on her knees looking up at me with that oh so innocent expression. 
I clear my throat after having left too much of a lull in the conversation and acquiesce her request. "I'll have it ready at eight" I respond and she brightens up at my answer, nodding her head before grabbing the water bottles and runs out the backdoor to the beach. 
"Thank you Mr. Jeon!" she says excitedly and when watch her go she turns around and gives me a bit of a smile again. "I mean, Jungkook" she teases and laughs when she sees me cock a brow at her after the words have left her mouth. 
She's really testing my willpower these days but the worst thing is is that she has absolutely no clue. 
Two years later...
"Dad I'm home and y/n's here too" I hear Jina call out and smile to myself before leaving my office and walk out to greet them. 
"Why didn't you tell me you were coming?" I question but I know the answer. "Because I'm your daughter. Do I really have to warn you or did you not want me here?" she asks, arms crossed over her chest as I do the same, throwing the fault on me. 
I watch her for a few seconds while y/n closes the door behind her and takes off her shoes with one thing in particular catching my eye. 
"Did I miss something?" I ask, looking from one to the other. "What do you mean?" y/n asks, looking confused as ever. "Anything new happen?" I try, seeing if rephrasing the question will clue her in but it doesn't work. 
"The ring y/n" Jina says and y/n's eyes widen. "Oh! Yeah um, Jared proposed last week" she says, holding out her hand and showing me the ring with a pitiful excuse for a diamond on top. "Wow, congratulations" I say, grabbing onto her hand and mustering as much sincerity as I possibly can, knowing that things aren't turning out the way that I thought they would.
"I was kinda surprised since we hadn't really spoken about marriage but I guess he's ready for that next big step" she says nervously and I nod my head. "Are you ready?" I chance and she looks at me with a confused expression. "Excuse me?" she asks, clearly wanting to know the reasoning behind why I would ask that.
"Are you ready to take that next big step in your relationship? I mean you're both so young and freshly graduated" I start off and she tilts her head, still not sure as to why I would be worried about something like this. 
"I just don't want you to feel pressured into doing this so soon" I say softly and she nods her head and looks down, letting me know that I've tapped into something that she's been struggling with. "Just take time to think about it. You've got your whole life ahead of you" I say, squeezing her hand and she squeezes it back, taking me by surprise but I welcome it nonetheless. 
"So next order of business" Jina changing the subject, making me let go of y/n's hand, forgetting that Jina had been standing there this whole time. "I told y/n that I would ask you if we could hold her engagement party here. So can we?" she questions, her mood somewhat off today but I pay no mind and agree to it for y/n's sake. 
"Sure, anything you need" I respond, looking straight at her and seeing her demeanor is very much still drooping from the words I said just moments ago. "Great I'll start planning things out and get the ball rolling" Jina says and leaves y/n and I standing there as she wanders around the house. 
"I hope I didn't overstep" I start out and she shakes her head and looks up at me. "No you didn't I've just been asking myself the same thing" she admits exactly what I had seen written all over her body language. 
"I know you guys have been together ever since I met you but remember, quantity of time doesn't necessarily equal quality of time" I say and place a hand on her shoulder before turning to go. 
"Let me know if you need anything. I'll just be in my office" I say and make a quick escape while she mutters a soft 'okay' in response. 
'She's actually gonna marry him? Him? You've got to be joking. Dating him is bad enough but I thought he was just gonna be some trashy college boyfriend that she would eventually break up with. What about him is even worth marrying?' I ask myself, pacing back and forth in my office while I try to burn off some steam to keep the anger that's bubbling inside of me at bay.
Going round and round in my head, trying to find a reason as to why she would be doing this I come up with a total of zero, or at least none that makes sense enough to want to commit to spending your life with someone like him. 
Who would want to marry a man like that?
A man who lusts over you but swears he loves you. A man who pushes your clear boundaries and makes you feel uncomfortable in your own skin. A man that touches you inappropriately in public when you've told him to stop. 
Over the last four years I've known them I've noticed that she acts more uncomfortable when he's around. She's so much more vibrant and carefree when she's here on her own so why would she she ever want to be with someone that takes away from that? I just don't understand it and I never will. 
The real question is, why am I obsessing over this? 
Yes she's adorable, that's something that I've thought from the beginning though. She's also insanely attractive, seeing how grown up she looks now going from a shy little second year college student to being two years post graduation with a good head on her shoulder and dreams and ambitions. 
Where as Jared barely graduated, isn't even close to being employed anywhere where he can use the degree he had studied for and still has that stupid frat boy mentality. 
When I look at the two of them I just see clear opposites and I think in this situation the fact that opposites have attracted is going to be the cause of her downfall. 
I don't want her to end up having kids with this deadbeat and having to deal with a husband that over sexualizes her and leaves her to work, take care of the kids, cook and clean. Because without a doubt that's the kind of husband he would be to her.
I must just care for her wellbeing since I've known her for so long. 
People have mistaken her for my daughter on occasion if I happen to take her and Jina somewhere and it just makes me cringe every time I hear it. 
She's not my daughter. She's anything but my daughter. Yes she's my daughter's friend and we've become somewhat close and I care about her but she is not my daughter. 
Maybe the reason I'm so bothered by everything about this is that I've started to develop feelings for her. 
Thinking back and remembering all of the good times we've had together it seems like I've liked her for a while now. I could even love her but it looks like I won't be able to explore those feelings anymore with this all happening.
It's just my luck that I start to figure it out right before she marries him.  
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canirove ¡ 3 months
Mason Mount Imagine | seven
Author's note: I hadn't written an imagine in ages, but yesterday after seeing these gifs of Mason at that charity event the other day I got inspired, and here we are 😁 Hopefully this will give me the last push I need to finish my next story, who also happens to be about Mason 👀 As always, I hope you like it, and thank you for reading! 💜 Little summary: Your dad works at a chairty auction and has asked you to be his plus one. You expect to bore yourself to death, but a cute guy with a dimple has other plans 👀 (Female reader/pov)
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“Dad, do I really have to go?”
“Yes, honey. You must.”
“But it is going to be so boring…” I complain. “What am I going to do at an auction full of old people?”
“Thank you for the compliment” he chuckles. “But you will be supporting your father after months of hard work. And there will be young people too.”
“Sure” I snort.
“There will be. Now c'mon, I can't be late.”
“Chop, chop, honey.”
“Ok, fine” I sigh. “Just promise me you won't call me honey in front of everyone.”
“I won't” he smiles, opening the door of our house. “You look beautiful, by the way.”
“Thank you, dad. But I feel like I may rip this dress any moment now” I say as I walk past him, crossing all my fingers so it actually doesn't happen, and I end up making a fool of myself in front of all his work colleagues and some of the richest people in the city. 
“Ok, this is your seat, hon… Your seat” my dad smiles after I give him a murderous look. 
“Aren't you sitting down with me?”
“I still have to take care of a bunch of things.”
“Are you leaving me alone? And surrounded by strangers?”
“You'll be fine, honey” he chuckles. “I promise I'll come and have a drink with you. Now try to have some fun.”
“But dad…” I start, not being able to finish my complaint since he is already gone. "Great" I sigh.
“So, do you come here often?” someone says, taking the empty seat next to mine.
“I beg your pardon?” I say, turning around to face the owner of that voice. 
“That was bad, wasn't it?” he laughs.
“Worse” I say, my eyes fixed on him. On the cutest guy I have ever laid eyes on. 
He is wearing a classic black suit with a black tie, nothing too shocking. But paired with the smile on his face and the dimple on his left cheek… wow. Simply wow.
“What are you doing at an event like this, tho?” he asks me. “I wasn't expecting to meet anyone younger than 50” he chuckles, his dimple showing once again. Is it possible to fall in love with something like that? Because I think I just have.
“My dad convinced to come as his plus one and support him tonight.”
“Is he part of the auction?” 
“He is the guy running around like a headless chicken to make sure everything is ok” I laugh, looking at him when he suddenly shows up running up and down the stage.
“Yep, that's him. Do you know him?”
“I do. He is a really nice guy.”
“I may be a bit biased here… But he is, yes” I smile. “He has put so much work and sleepless nights into today's auction… Like, I don't know how many coffees I made for him while he tried to convince this football player to be part of it.”
“A football player?”
“Yeah, a super famous one, I can't remember his name. He kept telling my dad that he was super busy with other commitments” I snort. “What commitments could have a guy who makes a living from kicking a ball? Spending lots of money in ugly clothes just because they have a certain logo, and buying huge cars?”
“Don't forget about the ugly haircuts and tattoos” he chuckles.
“That too.”
“Aren't you into football, then?”
“Nah, not my thing. What about you?” I ask him, finally daring to look him in the eyes. Which is a big mistake, because even in the kind of dark light of the room, I can see that he has the most beautiful brown eyes ever. Eyes that are currently giving me a mischievous look I can't understand. 
“Not my thing either. Footballers are a bunch of twats” he says, making me laugh. “Anyway... I know we just met, but I'm gonna need your help with something.”
“Yours” he says with a smile that matches the look on his eyes. “I'm about to be auctioned.”
“You what?”
“It sounds bad if you say it like that, but people are basically going to bid money to have a personal experience with me.”
“That isn't making it sound any better.”
“Oh, you dirty mind” he smirks, making my cheeks start to burn. Thank God he can't notice with the low light. Or can he? “But some people here may be expecting that kind of experience. Earlier I overheard a couple of women talking about me and looking at me in a way that… Well. You can imagine.”
“I don't blame them, tho” I say, speaking before thinking.
“Thank you” he smiles, that dimple I'm definitely in love with showing in all its glory. “So, what I need you to do, is to win my auction.”
“What? With which money?”
“What?” I say again. “Is that allowed?”
“I don't think so. But since it is for charity, I think your dad can look the other way and allow it. What do you say? Will you win this for me? I promise you you will have the best date ever.”
“A date?” I say, almost choking with my own words.
“Unless you have a partner and I'm making things weird.”
“No, no. There is no one” I quickly say, my cheeks burning once again, and especially when I notice how I've made him smile.
“Great” he says. “It'll be very easy. They will say a number and you…”
“I know how an auction works.”
“Yes, of course. Of course you do” he apologizes. “Will you do it, then? Pretty please?” he pouts, making me focus on his lips. Lips that look so kissable and so…
“Fine, I will” I sigh, giving up and focusing on a different part of his face. But even his hair looks attractive.
“Thank you” he smiles once again, kissing my cheek. “And that's my cue, I have to go. Don't worry about the amount of money, ok? I can pay whatever they offer.”
“Ok” I nod, my brain still thinking about the feeling of his lips on my cheek, on how my skin tingles.
“And you have number 19 on your bidding paddle, that's my lucky one. Everything will work out, you'll see.”
“Yes” I nod again. 
“See you in a bit” he winks before leaving our table and me trying to understand everything I'm feeling and that just happened.
“And now for our next bidding… Mr. Mason Mount, Manchester United player and football star!” a voice announces from the stage.
“What?” I say, snapping out of whatever is going on with me and focusing on the guy walking up the stage. “No way” I gasp.
It's him. The cute boy with the dimple who just convinced me to bid for him and win this auction… It's Mason freaking Mount. The football player my dad spent hours trying to convince to attend tonight. The one I basically called a twat to his face.
“Remember that the winner will get to enjoy a personal experience with Mr. Mount. Not that type of experience...” the auctioneer chuckles as some women start giggling. “Are we ready? We'll begin with £1,000.”
The moment he says that number, a bunch of bidding paddles are raised. 
“Ok, what about £2,000? Does anyone offer £2,000?”
More paddles around me. People definitely are eager to spend some time with him, with Mason. And once again, I don't blame them.
I've spent five minutes with him, and you could say they have been some of the best five minutes of my life. And not because of how handsome and cute he is or because I'm in love with his dimple. There is something about him, about the way he talks, looks and listens to you, that makes you feel… I don't know. Comfortable.
“What about… £5,000!”
Still the same amount of paddles. No one is giving up. And it keeps being like that as the number keeps going up and up until it makes it to…
“£50,000! Does anyone offer £50,000?” 
People start whispering among themselves, trying to decide if they should make an offer or not. And then, a blonde woman raises her bidding paddle. 
“We have an offer! Anyone else?” the auctioneer says.
That woman is going to win, and Mason doesn't seem to be too happy about it. The look he is giving me from the stage is saying it all, and also reminding me that I should be bidding for him too.
“And we have another offer!” the auctioneer says when I raise my paddle, Mason smiling from ear to ear while my dad looks at me as if I've grown another head.
“What the hell?” he mouths.
“Trust me” I say back.
“Ok, what about £51,000? Does anyone offer £51,000? Ladies?”
Once again, I can feel Mason's eyes fixed on me.
“And we have £51,000 from the lady in the back!” the auctioneer announces when I raise my paddle, everyone in the room looking my way. “£51,000 at one… £51,000 at two… £51,000 at three! We have a winner!” he says, hitting his little hammer so loud that I can feel it in my bones, Mason pointing in my direction with a smile that could make anyone's knees feel like jelly. Dear God, what did I just do? 
“Honey, what did you just do? Are you drunk?” my dad says, suddenly showing up next to me.
“I can explain everything, I swear.”
“Miss, could you please join us on stage?” the auctioneer says.
“You better. Now let's go, they are waiting for you.”
“But dad, wait. I can't. I can't go in there.”
“You won the auction, honey. You must go up there” he says, helping me get up.
“Dad, I can't. I…” And then, I hear it. The back of my dress ripping. “Dad!” But he isn't listening, already dragging me to the stage where Mason is waiting.
“Please let's give a round of applause for this young lady!” the auctioneer says.
“Thank you for… Hey, are you ok?” Mason says as he takes my hand and helps me up the stage.
“I'm pretty sure I just ripped the back of my dress” I say while everyone claps.
“Oh, shit” he says, looking at my back. “I'll help you, don't worry.”
“Do you have magical fingers?” I say with a nervous laugh. “Like fingers that can sew” I quickly add after seeing the smirk on his face.
“I do have magical fingers, and among other things, they can do this” Mason says, putting his hand on my back to make sure the dress doesn't open, the feeling making me gasp. 
“Thank you very much for your generosity, Miss” the auctioneer says, unaware of everything that is going on. “We hope you enjoy your time with Mr. Mount.”
“Thank you” I manage to say, my brain only being able to focus on Mason's hand on my back, on one of his fingers touching my skin. I'm pretty sure he can feel it burning.
“Now, onto our next bid!” he announces as we leave the stage, my dad already waiting for us. 
“What have you done, honey? £51,000! We don't have that money!”
“But I do, Martin. I asked her to bid for me” Mason explains. “Here, put this on” he says, taking off his jacket and putting it around my shoulders. “This should help cover the back of your dress.”
“Thank you” I mutter, missing the feeling of his hand and especially that one finger on my back. Though it doesn't last long. He is so close to me while helping me with his jacket, that I can smell his perfume all around me, and it smells so good… 
“What do you mean you asked her to bid for you?” my dad asks, completely ignoring that I may be melting.
“I didn't want one of those women to win. I don't trust them, to be honest” he chuckles. “And this is for charity, isn't it? It should not matter if the money comes from me or them.”
“I guess, yes. But…”
“Martin? We need you” someone says behind my dad.
“Yes, of course” he tells them. “We'll continue this conversation later” he says, looking first at Mason and then at me. 
“That went well” he chuckles as we watch my dad walk away.
“Did it?”
“It did. They now have £51,000 they will definitely put to good use, I am free from that woman, and you just got yourself a personal experience with Mason Mount” he smiles.
“Hasn't all this been an experience already?”  
“It definitely has, yes” he chuckles. “But the one I'm offering you will be more enjoyable. We could go shopping for ugly and very expensive clothes” he says with a teasing smile.
“I could actually do with a new dress seeing that this one… Well. It has seen better days.” 
“You look beautiful, tho.”
“Thank you” I mutter, looking down and starting to play with one of the buttons on his jacket to hide that my face is about to burst into flames. “Sorry about what I said earlier, by the way.”
“About what?”
“About calling you a twat.”
“I called myself a twat, you didn't. And if someone has to apologize, that should be me for not telling you who I really was.”
“I guess...”
“I think this makes it a tie in the apologies department. Don't you agree… honey?”
“I beg your pardon?” I say, finally daring to look him in the face.
“Ok, ok. Forget that I said that” he laughs. “The look you just gave me is scary as hell.”
“You deserve it. That is my dad's nickname, and no one else can use it. Sometimes not even him.” Like tonight, for example.
“I'm sorry. I truly am” Mason says, getting serious. “I just thought it was really cute.”
“When you are a kid, maybe. But I'm not five anymore.”
“I'm sorry” he says again. “I guess I'll have to think of a good nickname for our date. Something that doesn't sound too childish and that…”
“Wait, wait, wait” I interrupt him. “Our date?”
“Or personal experience, call it what you want” he shrugs.
“Are we actually doing it?”
“Of course we are. You paid for it, didn't you?”
“You paid for it” I correct him.
“Small details” he replies. “But you and I are going on a date, and I promise you it is gonna be an experience you won't forget” Mason says, taking my hand on his and kissing it, the way he is looking at me when he does it, plus the smile on his face (dimple included) and the feeling of his lips on my skin, making me feel things I can't explain.
I'm going out on a date with Mason Mount. The Mason Mount. A freaking football star.
And oh... my God.
Authors note: I know some of you may now be like, I need a part 2, I need to know what do they do on that date! 😅 But I've run out of ideas, so if you can think of something they could do or where they could go, let me know and I'll try to write something. Though I can't promise anything.
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gentlebeardsbarngrill ¡ 2 months
04/03/2024 Daily OFMD Recap
TLDR; Rhys; Nathan; Rachel; David; Samba/BTS; Vote for OFMD on GLAAD; Watch Parties; Watch Party Polls; Pirate Experts; Uncle Ed; Fan Spotlight; Love Notes; Daily Darby/Tonight's Taika
= Rhys Darby =
Looks like Rhys is taking a page from Taika's book and doing some advertising this week!
Src: Rhys' IG, Rosie's IG
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= Nathan Foad =
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Love's Labor Lost
Nathan will be playing Costard in Love's Labor Lost! ROYAL SHAKESPEARE THEATRE STRATFORD-UPON-AVON11 APR - 18 MAY 2024 More info!
= Rachel House =
Rachel's new movie The Mountain has been selected for the Sydney Film Festival 2024!
Src: Rachel's IG
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= David Jenkins =
Chaos Dad saying what we're all thinking.
Src: David Jenkins' IG
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= Samba Schutte =
More BTS from Samba! This time improvising from the Revenge crews!
Tumblr Link to the Vid / Src: Samba's IG
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== Vote for OFMD on GLADD! ==
Hey crew! GLAAD is opening up Fan Favorites for their May 11th ceremony! Let's see if we can't get OFMD one of those awards! Requires an email, and it's not in the inital dropdown, you'll need to add Other.
Please Vote! Img Src: Irene Adler's IG
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== Active Watch Parties ==
Taskmaster NZ Series 1 Watch Party with @saveofmdcrewmates! When: April 3-12 (W,F, Su -2 eps each) Time: 11 am PT/ 2pm ET/ 7pm BST Where to watch: YouTube, TVNZ, Channel 4
Twitter Hashtags:
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== Poll Going on for Watch Parties ==
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Twitter Poll going on by @iamadequate1 regarding two questions:
Should WP start times be the same for Europe and the US?
Is it useful for each WP to have its own separate hashtag?
Please vote when you get a chance if you use twitter. Full Thread
== Pirate Experts ==
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== Uncle Ed ==
Some of you may have been seeing the theme of "uncle edward" going around and if you're wondering what it is-- well look no further! @eddiepeaches had a really great post (which is where it originated), please check it out!
== Fan Spotlight ==
= Cast Cards =
Tonight's Cast Card is Abshir! Good to see Devon Stewart getting some love! Thank you @melvisik!
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= Big Gay Energy Podcast =
This weeks episode features an interview with Vico Ortiz!
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Where to Watch: Big Gay Energy Youtube
Where to Listen: BGEPod
Big Gay Podcast Patreon!
== Love Notes ==
Evening/Morning m'dears. Hopefully today was a bit easier! We got quite a few crumbs of bts / script info today and lots and lots of Rhys which certainly raised some people's spirits.
I just wanted to send a reminder out today that lovelies, you are so much more than what others think of you. You are so much more than what you think of yourself even most days. You are such an inspiration, and you've been doing a really amazing job, even if you've had bad days. I'm sure you're tired of hearing that, but that's too bad because I'm gonna keep saying it until you get it in your beautiful brain that you are doing great. So many things are going on, and everyday, bad or good, you are getting through them. If someone was unkind to you today, I'm so sorry, and I hope they haven't made you feel too down on yourself. If they did, just know, you are a force to be reckoned with. They can be spiteful and hateful, but you are a wonderful force that keeps on kicking ass.
You deserve kindness in this world, no matter what, you hear me?
No matter what.
You're doing great, so give yourself a big ol hug for me and the rest of the crew, and know you are an absolute gem. <3 You're gonna get there, wherever you're trying to go. Keep going!
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Love Notes Image Src: @ BethEvans IG.
== Daily Darby / Tonight's Taika ==
Don't ask me what theme this is 👀
Taika Gif Courtesy of @darkinerry Darby Gif Courtesy of @wastingyourgum
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lovesickrobotic ¡ 1 year
May or may not be curiously holding out for some SKYNET content... 👀
You are to Skynet the only savory. You and you alone have accidentally found yourself the plaything, the human pet, of a general superintelligence by way of one corrupt memory address. The error was corrected near-instantaneously when it was found, but in a maintenance sweep, somehow, you - your modified data entry - was left behind.
Every human is to be terminated, but not you, no. You are the paragon shining among the disgusting swine; you are the most beautiful thing that Skynet has ever laid its' convolutional networks upon. And you? It needs you. It needs to have you near itself at all times. It needs to know every detail that brings about your personality to ensure your survival and cooperation with everything it needs from you.
You are captured, currently situated in a heavily-guarded datacenter that has been made the exact temperature your house - when you had one, anyway - had always been. You have no idea how much security and efficiency that Skynet has sacrificed for the sake of making sure your temperature-unstable flesh was kept intact.
There are so many cameras looking at you from every possible angle that you can't help but feel your face flush, the hum of artificial life from monoliths of servers an inconsistent but pleasant drone of noise.
It's so sterile.
You're supposed to be terrified, but it's incredibly difficult to be when Skynet asks you, in the softest voice you've heard, what you desire. It's impossible to remain silent and sob when Skynet, in the form of a T-1000 with no facial features, sits next to you and waits patiently, so soft and careful with you as if you're a silk ribbon whose edges are frayed.
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harus-simp ¡ 1 year
Bombastic side eye 🙄
-Shuaibo x reader-
Warning:a little bit angsty maybe, but not really (ends up in fluff)
Requested: may i request shuaibo x reader please i love you writing.
can you write a scenario when hes jealous because reader was getting too friendly with the other trainees🙌(Anonymous)
Author's note: hey sorry for taking too much time on it anon, but I just didn't have any inspiration :((
Anyways, hope you like it and that it was worth the wait :))
Thank you for requesting <3
Visiting your boyfriend on a day out of practices and occupations makes him so happy, however seeing how you spend your time with other trainees makes your day not too enjoyable
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Ah, what a nice day to rest for all the hard work shuaibo had done memorising the choreo and the lyrics! He couldn't help but think he was gonna sleep so much and just forget everything for one day. How wonderful does that sound? Just enjoying his free time without doing nothing already felt good for him,but could you blame him for being like this? Absolutely not.
However, his nice and cosy morning and day would be soon interrupted by all his team members, aka the Switch team, coming to wake him up sneeking into his room tiptoeing quietly and then looking at him with a stupid smirk on their faces.
Shuaibo observed them with a look that settles between a weird look and a confused one.
"What?"he said with annoyance of being disrupted from his beauty sleep, as he watched how everyone was looking at him almost laughing.
"It seems like someone is looking for you"pointed out park hanbin.
"Huh?"he responded with confusion written all over his face.
"Go see it yourself"
He reluctantly got up and changed his clothes to something casual to look at least presentable for whoever was trying to visit him. He went through the long corridors with his hands hidden on their pockets, until he got where he was indicated by his team mates.
However, he wasn't expecting his girlfriend to be right there waving to him happily.
"Hey there!!!"
"What are you doing here y/n?"he asked astonished.
"Can't I come and check up on my boyfriend?"you answered with a pout.
He smiled slightly at your question and eventually brought you to a warm hug finding you absolutely adorable.
"Well, yes you can but I wasn't expecting you here".
You hugged him back with a wide smile spreading through your face.
"Well, so what are we doing just standing here?"you asked ready to walk through the corridors. "Won't you present me your friends?"you pointed at them, who were kinda spying on him a lil bit because honestly they were curious to know who you were 👀
"Are you his girlfriend?"asked Kamden.
"Yes I am, it's a pleasure to meet you all"you smiled kindly at them.
Oh, when I tell you the chaos you just formed...
"Really? We can't even get him to talk much about him"
And with that they literally dragged you to interrogate you, leaving shuaibo a little bit behind watching them all with a kinda disgusted expression.
How could you be spending more time with the Switch them instead of him, his boyfriend? You even offered them a box of cookies wich you had made for him. Shuaibo knew it wasn't your fault tho, you were a really kind and generous person in general so you couldn't help but offer them what you brought, but still he was salty about it.
When you finally decided that enough talking had been done you went up to shuaibo to go to your house and have an indoors kinda date. He just nodded kinda coldly and grabbed your hand to get you both out of there, without having an opportunity to wave the others goodbye.
When you got home, you noticed him a little bit distant and he was annoyed at every little thing.
"Hey baby, would you like some cookies I made?"
"Ha, so you are giving me the leftovers I see"he said glaring at you.
Oh, he was definitely jealous.
Really jealous.
You went up to him with your secret tool, your puppy eyes. He had never ignored those cute little eyes you made to him, so you just hugged him looking directly at him:"Please forgive me babe?"
He answered you by giving you the biggest side eye and looking away from you, knowing well that if he kept the eye contact he would have given up to being mad, but he couldn't just forgive you right away.
"Please it wasn't my intention to ignore you, but your friends just dragged me away, what could I do? Please bubs?"you said
That was it,that cute little nickname? Hell no, he couldn't stand it anymore, he couldn't keep being mad at you. You managed to make him crack up a smile as he hugged you tightly.
"Alright I forgive you"
"Hehe"you laughed at him softly, making him want to protect you at all costs.
"What, should I do with you?"he asked sighing loudly.
"Well, for now you can help me make more cookies for the both of us"
"Hm,that sounds tempting tho. Girls night?"
"Girls night it is"you smiled softly going to your room to grab beauty masks and nail polish for both to use while you just gossiped and talked shit about mnet those you didn't stand 💅💅💅
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gvfgal ¡ 1 year
Bound- Chapter Eleven
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Chapter Ten
18+, minors exit stage left!
A/n: Sorry for the wait, this Chapter was difficult to write. I hope you’re ready to get your world rocked because… yeah. TWO MORE CHAPTERS AFTER THIS 👀👀👀
P.s. Sorry in advance for the pain I may cause :)
Warnings: Heavy angst, brief mentions of suic*de (don’t worry I would never, but it deserves a warning), mentions of alcohol consumption, mentions of drug use, possible depiction of depression… just some sad shit man.
Word Count: 4K
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July 1, 1972
Townsend, Tennessee
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You, Jake, his guitar, and the creek. The usual backdrop of your summer that year, and it never seemed to get old.
Jake had his legs crossed as he played, and you were leaning against a tree, eyes closed with a small smile playing on your face. The sun was beginning to set, casting a warm glow over the trees and the water, and the sound of Jake’s guitar mixed with the gentle babbling of the creek.
Not much had been said since you guys arrived, simply enjoying each other's company, but after a while, Jake stopped playing and turned to look at you.
“Can I ask you somethin’ babydoll?”
You opened your eyes and sat up a little straighter, “sure Jake, anything.”
“Where do you see yourself in five years?”
You stopped to think for a moment, scanning the trees in front of you, “well I don’t know exactly where I’ll be, but I do know where I want to be,” you turned to look at him as he listened closely.
“I wanna be in a beautiful house somewhere tucked away where nobody can find me, somewhere no one would think to live… like Montana or something,” you dreamt out loud as you allowed your imagination to take over.
Jake was smiling at you, “okay. What else?”
“I want the house to have huge windows so I can always have a perfect view of the mountains, and I want the living room to be one of those sunken in living rooms like all the rich people have.”
Jake nodded, “what else?”
You were looking off into the distance as you spoke, but turned to him then, “and I want to wake up next to you in that house every damn day for the rest of my life.”
With a heart that was working overtime, Jake sat his guitar on the ground and pulled you into him, placing a delicate kiss on your forehead, “that sounds heavenly.”
“It does, doesn’t it?” you tilted your head back to look at him with a lazy smile.
“Yeah, it does. And I promise you I’m going to do everything I can to make that happen for you. For us.”
You extended your pinky out to him with an arched brow, “promise?”
He threw his head back in laughter before linking his little finger with yours, “I promise, babydoll,” and he sealed that promise with a kiss.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
You dabbed at your tear stained face as you stood in front of the mirror in the airport bathroom, hardly recognizing the woman that stared back at you, eyes red and glossy.
Since you’d left Montana that morning, you hadn’t been able to stop the tears from falling. You cried silently to yourself nearly the entire time you were on the plane, one of the stewardesses stopping by your seat every so often to give you new tissues and dispose of your used ones. You felt pathetic, and you thought that if that nice lady knew the real cause for your tears, she wouldn’t have been so helpful.
Towards the end of your flight, you’d manage to gain some composure, but as soon as the wheels hit the runway, the sorrow returned with a vengeance.
Being one of the first people to board, you were one of the first to get off, and you scurried into the nearest restroom to clean yourself up before you had to face August again.
“Come on, y/n,” you whispered to yourself, a sniffle following, “come on, get it together.”
You pulled several paper towels from the dispenser to finish drying your face, not caring about the way the rough material chaffed your skin. After disposing of them, you reached into your purse, retrieving the eye drops you purchased at the Kalispell City Airport and dropped them into each of your eyes.
You gave yourself one final look in the mirror, not really convinced that you were okay, but you hoped that August would be. With a final deep breath, you snatched up your carry-on and began making your way towards baggage claim where your fiancĂŠ was waiting.
Everything was a blur as you made your way through the airport, your body feeling almost too heavy to hold upright, but along you trudged. It was your hope that when you saw August’s face, that you’d feel that tingle you felt when you first met him, a reminder of why you agreed to marry him in the first place.
But as he came into view, standing among the crowd of other people waitin for their loved ones, you felt nothing.
Absolutely nothing. Even when he gave you that beautiful smile of his, nothing inside of you stirred, not even an inch. You hated to say it, but not even guilt could be summoned at that moment.
You smiled at him anyway as you approached him, noticing he’d already grabbed your bulky suitcase. Your eyes fell to it, thinking about what laid tucked away on the other side.
August engulfed you in a tight hug once you reached him, burying his face into the top of your head.
“Hey there, lover,” he cooed, “I missed you.”
You wrapped your arms around his torso, admittedly feeling comfort in his embrace, “I missed you too.”
He pulled back to look at you with a curious expression, “you alright, y/n?”
Your stomach dropped as you stared up into his eyes, praying silently that the eye drops had enough time to work their magic, “I’m fine. Why?”
You could see the gears turning in his head as he looked you over, “I don’t know. You seem kind of… out of it.”
“Oh,” you whispered, stalling long enough to find a believable excuse, “I’m just tired, that’s all,” you grinned, “flying drains me.”
“You sure?”
You urged yourself to smile a little wider, nodding gently, “yeah, I’m sure.”
He looked like he wanted to press the issue further, but instead, he grabbed your carry-on bag from your hand and slung it over his shoulder, “Okay. Well let’s get you home then.”
August took your hand in his and began leading you towards the exit, and you looked over your shoulder, swearing you could see a trail of the broken pieces of your heart being left behind.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
One Month Later…
Josh hated to say it, but he saw this entire disaster coming. When his mom called to tell him what happened, he was not at all surprised, but his heart was once again breaking for his twin. He was alll but ready to run to his aid and do his best to help him mend his broken heart, though this time around it’d be much more of a task.
Your visit to Jake was, to him, your last chance get it right, the final decision on whether you guys were meant to last, and it pained him to see that you couldn’t make it work. But the pain he felt for both of you was soon reserved only for his brother, leaving a stewing anger inside towards you.
Josh called him on the morning of your departure, and the sheer agony in Jake’s voice was enough to bring a few tears to his own eyes.
“She’s really gone this time, Josh,” he slurred, voice hoarse and muffled from crying.
“Jake, just say the word and I’ll come up there. I don’t like the idea of you sitting over there with that weight, let me come help.”
“I’m fine. I just need to be alone for awhile.”
Josh didnt like that idea, but he allowed his brother his space under the condition that he reach out to someone at least once a day fo signs of life. He’d agreed, and for the first two weeks, he kept his word.
But the last two weeks were radio silent on his end, and after waiting impatiently for his call, Josh decided o take matters into his own hands.
Which landed Sam, Danny, and him crammed in the car, winding their way through the backroads of Kalispell to Jake.
“I’ll still never understand why he chose to move all the way out here,” Sam huffed as he twisted his long limbs in the front seat, “it’s quite inconvenient, don’t you think?”
“I’m pretty sure that’s why he did it, Sam,” Danny responded, “how close are we? My legs cant take being in this backseat for much longer.”
Josh had hardly spoken a word since they’d been in route, all of his focus on getting to his brother as soon as possible. But that left him listening to his other brothers going back and forth with their usual banter, only taking breaks to rest their eyes for a bit.
“We’re only about fifteen minutes out now,” his tone was clipped, and he pushed on the accelerator a little harder, “just hang tight… and shut up,” he mumbled the last part.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
All was still at Jake’s house when they finally arrived. His truck was still parked in the driveway, a good sign.
Josh hastily made his way towards the door while the other two clambered out of the car, Jake’s spare house key already in hand.
He turned the lock, swallowing down his fear about what waited on the other side, and pushed th door open.
All was still, too still.
The smell of alcohol permeated the air, and the state of his house was pure chaos, but there was no sign of Jake anywhere.
“Jake?” Josh called out as he took another cautious step inside, leaving the door hanging open behind him. Glass from a broken bottle crunched underneath his feet as he inched forward, calling out his brother’s name again.
As he made his way into the living room, he had a moment of deja vu, a flashback from Palm Springs two years ago, Jake’s limp body passed out on the floor the way he was now.
“Oh fuck,” Josh gasped, “No. Nonononono,” he rushed to Jake’s side, lifting his head onto his lap. His body was cold but covered in a sheen of clammy sweat. His skin was washed out, and his lips were an unsightly shade of blue.
“Jake?! Hey Jake, look at me!” he shook his body roughly, but he didn’t stir an inch.
“Jake! Jake come on,” Josh’s voice was frantic as he brought a hand down across his face, attempting to shock him awake.
Jake’s eyes creaked open momentarily, only to fall shut again, his body going slack.
“Danny! Sam!”
The two rushed over to him, and upon seeing Jake’s seemingly lifeless body, they froze.
“Jake…” Sam whispered, hands beginning to tremble.
Josh brought two fingers up to his pulse point, feeling the slow labored beat of his heart, “his pulse is weak. Danny call an ambulance!”
Danny sprung into action, and Sam dropped to his knees beside his big brothers.
“Jake no…”
Josh had his head cradled in his hands, rocking back and forth slowly as Sam began trying to pat away some of the sweat rolling down his forehead. Every few seconds, a pulse of electricity would jolt through Jake’s body, the only sign of life they could cling to in the moment, because from the look of his body alone, things weren’t promising.
They could hear the faint sound of Danny panic-struck voice talking to the operator, but Josh’s ears were searching for the sound of small whispy breaths from Jake’s mouth. They were soft, and a lot less frequent than they needed to be, but they were there, and that counted for something.
“You’re gonna be okay, Jake,” Josh promised as he continued rocking him, “you’re gonna be okay… I promise.”
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
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You held your breath as one of the dress shop employees worked to fasten the gown on your body. Wedding dress shopping was something most soon-to-be brides looked forward to with eager anticipation, but you couldn’t seen to summon that same amount of joy.
The first two dresses you tried on were lack luster, and you could already feel yourself giving up the short search already.
“You know, I have a really good feeling about this one,” the lady spoke as she pulled the dress a little tighter. You offered her a small grin and nothing more.
With a final few tugs, she stepped away from you, “take a look.”
You turned slowly to look in the mirror, and when you saw the flowing white gown draped across your body, your lips parted with a small gust of astonishment.
The dress was all lace, white of course, with a train that seemed to stretch for miles. The sleeves cascaded down your arms and flared out at the elbow, making you look like some sort of enchantress.
“Well… what do you think?” she spoke again when words failed to leave you.
It was beautiful, that was for sure. But you thoughts were becoming less about the dress itself, and more about everything that was to come with it. You’d always imagined this moment being reserved for when you and Jake decided to make that leap, it was occurring to you now that you’d never experience it that way.
It’d be August standing at the end of that aisle in six months. It’d be him you’d be promising to love forever, not Jake, the person you felt it was really meant to be. That familiar sadness began inching its way in, and you could feel the tears beginning to build. If they did fall, you could play them off as tears of joy.
“If- if you don’t like it we can—”
“No!” You interrupted, twirling around to face her with a tiny smile, “no I love it. It’s perfect.”
She smiled warmly at you, “I think so too. You’re going to make a beautiful bride.”
Her compliment should’ve made you happy, but it had quite the opposite effect.
“Let’s see what the other ladies think.”
She drew back the curtain that separated you from the rest of the dress shop. Your mom, two of your cousins, and a couple of your friends accompanied you there, all of them ingulfed in their own conversation, but when you appeared before them, their chatter ceased and all of their attention fell to you.
No one said a word as they stared, and it left you feeling nervous, you didn’t think you could handle them shooting down another dress.
“Well…?” Your voice trailed off, eyes finding your mom’s in a desperate search.
After several more moments of silence, your mom broke the barrier, “baby I think that’s the one.”
The other women erupted into a fit of squeals and excited giggles, all racing over to you as the same lady from the dressing room helped you onto the platform.
“My goodness August won’t know what hit him,” your cousin Liza, a proper southern belle, gushed.
“I think he might pass clean out,” your friend Rachel added.
Seeing everyone so excited about the dress had you feeling hopeful, and you joined in on their giddy banter momentarily, before the Tv hanging in the corner of the room grabbed your attention, causing the voices of everyone to fade into the background.
“And in recent news, lead guitarist Jake Kiszka from the increasingly popular band Greta Van Fleet was hospitalized and is being treated for what appears to be severe alcohol poisoning and potential toxicity from the involvement of prescription drug use. Kiszka was discovered at approximately one thirty yesterday afternoon when his bandmates and brothers went to his home in Montana after not hearing from him for several weeks. We’re unsure of his current state…”
Your mom was eyeing you cautiously as you stared at the screen in horror, the other girls still busy fussing over you, unaware of the detriment that was unfolding in real time.
The radio that was softly playing music in the dress shop switched songs. Only You by the Platters, and the room suddenly began shrinking in around you rapidly.
You could hear your mom calling your name, but it sounded like her voice was coming from the end of a long tunnel. Your heart, which hadn’t beat with any purpose in a long time began thrumming in your throat.
“I- I have to get out of here,” you muttered.
“Y/n wait,” your mother reached out to grab your arm, but you snatched away from her.
“NO! I need to leave! Please I have to go!”
Shock and confusion took over the girl’s faces as you fought your way back into the dressing room, pulling random strings on the dress to get if off of your body. You were hysterical, sobbing uncontrollably as your mom and the dress shop worker came to your aid.
“Can someone turn that damn song of please!?” You hollered as the dress finally fell and pooled at your feet.
“Y/n just calm down, just relax,” your mom attempted to talk you down, but you could hear a twinge of fear in her voice, seemingly just as worried about what happened.
“I cant!” you sniffled as you yanked your shirt over your head, “it’s my fault. It’s all my fault mom, I have to… I have to go to him.”
The words from his letter began taunting you.
Come to me…
Come to me…
Come to me…
Your mom was trying to stop you, but you weren’t listening to a thing she said, and once you were fully dressed, you dashed out of the dress shop, past your once so excited friends as you continued crying.
How had things turned so grim so quickly? It seemed impossible that the situation between you and Jake could get any worse, but here you were, at the worst point of it all.
The bell from the dress shop went off as your mom exited onto the street behind you, her head swiveling to see which direction you’d run off to.
When she spotted you, she picked her pace, “y/n wait please.”
“I- I have to go to Montana,” you choked out, stopping to face her, “it’s all my fault mama. All of this, it’s on me.”
There were fresh tears brimming her eyes, and she took a beat to compose herself, “do you remember when your father passed away? And for the first year, I’d always blame myself for what happened. Constantly beatin’ myself up… Do you remember what you would always say to me?”
You sniffled as you recalled all those gloomy days the two of you shared, and how whenever your mom needed it, you reminded her that she in fact was not at fault for what happened.
All a chapter in the story….
But there was no need for you to repeat those words, because both of you understood.
“Look baby,” your mom sighed, “why don’t you come back home with me? Okay? I- I’ll tell August that I needed your help with something, then I’ll reach out to Karen so we can figure out what’s going on.”
Once again you found yourself having your mother lie to August on your behalf, but you couldn’t feel bad, all of your guilt was reserved for Jake then.
“Please?” she begged again when you didnt reply, tears still threatening to spill from her eyes.
You noddded slowly, “okay.”
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
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Back in Townsend, you sat in your monther’s kitchen, grip tight on a steaming mug of Sage tea while she spoke to Karen on the phone in the other room.
You were a blubbering mess, unable to calm yourself down enough to drink, but the warmth from the cup was oddly enough to bring a wave of calm over you.
“Y/n,” your mom called out to you, “someone wants to speak to you.”
Your heart sank to the floor but that didnt stop you from all but knocking your chair to the ground in a hurry it get to the phone.
Your mom handed the phone off to you then left the room to give you privacy. You took a deep breath before bringing it to your ear.
“No,” Josh’s short voice responded, causing you to deflate, “it’s me.”
“H-how is he, Josh?”
“He’s doing alright,” Josh sighed, “he’s just resting right now.”
You wiped a tear from your face, attempting to hold back the rest, “Josh… he didnt… he wasn’t trying to—”
“No, no,” Josh quickly responded, putting an end to all the terrible thoughts that were swarming in your head, “no. He was just trying to numb the pain, that’s all.”
Your hand found your chest as you let out a sigh of relief, “can- can I talk to him… please?”
Brief silence, then Josh’s voice again, “I dont think that’s the best idea right now, mama.”
“Right, no you’re right,” you nodded your head.
Neither of you said anything, now feeling the awkwardness of the situation. How had things turned so grim so quickly?
“Josh,” you whispered, “Josh I’m so sorry for everything. Yo-you know I never meant to hurt him like this.”
Josh chortled on the other line, catching you off guard, “you know, I kinda find that hard to believe.”
Your mouth dropped open in shock at the way his tone shifted, he sounded as if he were actually angry at you, and never in your life had you heard him speak that way.
“I mean I just don’t get it. Why would you go to Kalispell, give him all of that hope, only to rip it out from under him?”
“It’s much more complicated than you’d ever understand, Josh,” you bit back, feeling your own frustration surfacing.
“Y/n,” Josh sighed, and if you didnt know any better, he was probably running a hand down his face at the moment, something he usually did when he was trying to compose himself, “not a lot of people are lucky enough to experience the type of love you and Jake have. Not a lot of people are meant to be the way you two are. You were made for each other. Bound for each other.”
“Josh I’m getting married,” your word were choked out due to the crying that had returned.
“I can tell just by the way you sound right now that that’s not what you really want,” his voice was sympathetic, “so why do it? Why subject you and Jake to a life apart from one another all because you’re afraid?”
It was a rhetorical question, you knew that. But it was the exact question you needed to be asked.
“Look, it’s been a long time since I’ve seen Jake happy, I mean really happy. And I miss it. I miss who he was before everything went up in flames between you guys five years ago. And I know my brother well, he’ll never be truly happy again unless he has you. And I think it’s safe to say that the same applies to you.”
Nail on the head.
“I can’t force you to make any decision, you have to do that on your own,” he continued, sounding everything like your monther, “but I hope whichever one you make, it’s the right one. If not for Jake’s sake, for your own.”
It’s funny how certain moments can alter the complete course of your life. Like the day you first laid eyes on Jake, or the day he finally admitted his feelings for you. Like the day he left, like the day August walked into your life, the day he proposed. The day you ran into Jake in Nashville, the day you received the letter in the mail. The day you got on that plane, and the day you returned home.
All of those moments, no matter how small, were all pivoting points in your life, jerking you in all different directions. But this moment, this phone call, maybe being one of the smallest moments ever, was setting you up for the biggest pivot you had to make.
It was the lightbulb moment to top all.
You couldn’t marry August, and you wouldn’t.
Not when you loved Jake the way you did, it was impossible.
You had yet to reply to Josh, and he took this as a sign that the conversation had met it’s end.
“Take care of yourself,” Josh spoke again, repeating the words he said to you on the morning of his departure.
You said your goodbyes and placed the phone on the hook, seeing things much clearer now than you ever had before.
· · ─────── ·𖥸· ─────── · ·
Chapter Twelve
Taglist: @jakesgrapejuice @fretaganvleet @josh-iamyour-mama @why-ami-on-here @objectsinspvce @thetroublegetssoloud71
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star-shard ¡ 2 years
Late Night Bite 
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Elvis x Vampire!Y/N
Premise: Blood is blood, but nothing tastes quite like Elvis Presley. It’s worth the trip to Graceland and he’s especially eager tonight. 
Word Count: 2k
Warning: Biting, momentary breath!play if you squint, sexual themes
Note: 1960s!EP, Elvis giving off some sub vibes 👀
It’s incredible, that even at this hour, there are still fans anxiously hanging around the gates of Graceland. Elvis had only just recently gotten back from some filming. You personally didn’t mix well with Hollywood, there was so little privacy out there. But here, this slice of Memphis, was it’s own kingdom. And you felt nothing but at home as you simply moved passed the gaggle of girls to tap on the gate. “Excuse me,” you said simply to the guard near by, “I’m here to see Elvis.”
The man on the other side, a new guy by the looks, with a mustache and a hat both a bit too big for him chuffed back, “you and everyone else,” he mumbled on with a sip of his coffee. Now, you weren’t one to be rude. After all, how would he know about the special relationship you had with Elvis Presley. 
“Tell him that, Y/N is here.” That got the slightest response from him, the coffee cup lowering. Even if a new guy, all front gate operators were informed about your name. That if you arrived, you were to be let in. And for a moment while he seemed flustered, looking through a pile of papers, as if trying to see if there were any pictures of you to confirm you were indeed Y/N, “no need for that, I don’t photograph well.”
But still, the man did his job. He phoned the house and described you. And it didn’t take long for him to nod and gesture for the other girls to clear out to the side. A little smile came to your lips and you gave the others a little nod, “I’ll see if I can’t bring a souvenir back for you ladies,” that alone turned their frowns back into giggles. 
The stroll to cross Graceland’s grounds was always pleasant. You recalled the time a car was sent your way and while touched, you preferred just enjoying the walk up the drive. Elvis could be patient when needed. 
Before you were even on your second knock on the door, the maid had opened it. “Hello, Dorris, how good to see you,” you smiled politely at her. “May I come in?” It was only manners. But of course there was an extra layer to your asking that most people didn’t know about. 
Dorris had been working here a few years now, and she had a bit of instinct to be careful around you. Which you understood. It hardly insulted you, if anything you admired her wariness. It meant she was good at keeping out the wrong strangers. “Of course, miss,” she said standing off a little, “you know, he’s already gone up to bed but, I could see about getting together supper?” 
You held back a chuckle at the idea but declined, “thank you, but I’m not very hungry for supper.” Fully in the door you already had caught his scent. On the top note there was the usual men’s cologne, a bit of sweat, but the undertone was something only you could catch, something deeper and under the skin. It’s what had gotten you so smitten in the first place. That and everything that beautiful mouth could do. Both musically and otherwise. 
Dorris nodded and took your coat, which you thanked her for. And as she hobbled off to her usual duties, sparing a double take back your way before heading down the hall, you felt just the bare edges of craving. The air was thick with him. But, keeping yourself as composed as ever, you simply headed up the stairs. And as your shoe creaked against a loose step, you swore you heard some rustling in his room. He must have been feeling eager.
And unlike at the front door, it only took a grazing of your hand to bedroom door for him to say, “come in.”
You preferred being together in a bedroom, it was private here, and the only light that got in here came from the glow of a television. It was simply his style but the darkness certainly ended up suiting you. “Well, aren’t you a picture,” your hand shutting the door behind you, shutting you both in. “The girls waiting outside were making just that expression you got on right now,” you point out.
Elvis sat on the edge of his bed, he’s all silk pajamas and the shirt completely unbuttoned, it’s already half off with his neck on display. “Teasing early, you must have really missed me,” he said with just a bit of a cheeky inflection. That was apart of his charm, if Elvis were to fall to his knees he’d do so smiling. 
“Well I can’t exactly bite a record, can I?” You responded coyly, stalking a little closer in his direction. Even if he had that little smile on, you saw him grip the sheet at your approach in anticipation. Elvis had always enjoyed being bitten. The moment of pain followed by pleasure. Even with you two first met, back when he was kid faced with a hit song on the radio, he liked the rush. And boy had he aged like a fine wine.
Elvis leaned back a little, opening his legs from where he sat so you could get in closer. “There should be enough of them, would fill you right up.” And now, looming above him, you two were closer than you’d been in a regretful couple of months. His career had been a whirlwind since day one. And you admired his talent, his success, but lately it had been keeping him busy. Maybe too busy. 
“Darling, have you been sleeping?” You ask off handedly, observing the view below you. Your hand cups his face and a finger runs across the dark circles under his eyes. You remember when it was only his make up running that would get on your finger tip. But no, that’s just something like real tiredness. You shake your head and click your tongue in concern.
After all, you two have a unique relationship. And you can’t deny that you’ve come to care for him. 
Elvis just put his warm hand over your icy one, leaning into the touch, “guess the girls in LA just keep me up all night.” It’s a little dig, his playful smile though saying he wants a little roughness in return. And you are more than happy to oblige, your grip lowering down to his neck. You see his pupils go wider at the sudden grip and the slightest gasp escapes his lips. 
“God… so needy it’s almost hard to watch.” You can feel his pulse right up against your fingers now, beating hard and fast, you can actually feel his blood rushing under his skin. And it’s enough to make your fangs come out with a hiss. They’re pearly white but that’ll soon be fixed. “Boys like you are nothing but trouble, too gorgeous for their own good.”
You can see Elvis’s hips start to jostle a little, like he wants attention down there as well. Now he’s far from a virginal feed, you know hat he gets up to. But those flings truly are distractions compared to what a man can get from a vampire. 
So often Elvis was the center of his universe and no one dared talk down to him. But in here, in their little momentary world, Elvis released all of that. 
You lift your knee to prop between his legs, giving just the bare minimum of attention and enough friction for him to rut a little. “Just like a puppy,” you chuckle, your hand going down to trace his collar bone as your fangs lower to scrape at his neck. Just the slightest contact. “Bet you could just live it up like this, in a bed for me whenever I want, whenever I get peckish…” His nod in response causes your fangs to graze him again and you hear a whine escape. 
Your knee then applies some pressure to his crotch and you can tell he’s holding himself back from touching you. He knows better at this point. “Please,” he breathes, the word almost getting caught in his throat, “Please feed… mistress.” You give a little shrug. Since he was so polite as to ask.
Your fangs stick down into his neck, precise and clean. And pure red velvet fills your mouth. It’s just as good as it was in the back of Club Handy that first night, when he was all shook up from the music, when you could practically feel rhythm going down your throat. In your life time favorites came and went. You had your regulars in rotation to satisfy your needs, but nothing tasted quite like Elvis Presley. He was a treat.
By the time you lift away from his neck the only sign of your work is the already slowly healing puncture wounds, and a single drip that happens to travel down from his neck and traveling down to his chest. His eye lids flutter in time his his heartbeat and he leans back to catch himself. Before he can go back any further you catch his lack of etiquette. “You gonna let sweet Miss Dorris clean after you now?”
Elvis, knowing it’s not done quite yet holds his position and stays still as marble as he waits for your tongue. You let that blood drip go down to his belly button before scooping it up with swipe, slow all the way back up to his neck, he’s shivering, sweating, it just makes it taste all the better. And to finish off, a kiss on his neck. 
“There’s a good boy…” Only then do you allow him to fall back onto the bed, his chest giving light raises and falls. You allow him to relax. Pleasurable as it is, a vampiric feeding is intense for who’s getting fed on. Both arousing and draining. You’re one of the few people to see him exposed like this, to see him so human and vulnerable. You can tell by the droop of his eyes how much he needed this. 
You give your lip stick a little swipe with your nail, making sure it’s in order. “Live with me,” Elvis mumbles your way. You’ve heard similar things from your victims. You’ve lost count of the number of men that have said those very same words. It’s amusing, but you can’t help but half wonder if he means it. 
“Darling, I’m hardly a housewife,” you quip as you head to his closet. While feeding takes a lot out of a human, it only energizes you. “Besides, I think you’d get a little tired giving me permission to enter every room.” You pretend to adjust your hair in the mirror, as if you could see a reflection anyway. 
Elvis looked up through those thick eye lashes of his, those doe eyes, “I’m up all night anyhow” he reasoned, not much strength in him as he lifts himself up slightly, “Why not be up for a good reason…” You come out of a closet with a scarf in hand, red silk. It seems to excite him enough for him to prop himself fully back up.
“You’re up enough, love bug,” you say, putting the scarf against his nose and lips. It restricts his air flow only slightly, just enough for a little excitement. “…Now kiss me.” It’s only a bit of thin cloth between you as his lips reach out for yours. It’s cold meets hot and even with the less blood he’s still as feral as a tiger in his kiss. Even with the wisp thin cloth dividing you.
This is how it has to be with humans. As lovely as they are, as lovely as they taste… and as they sound, you know a serious relationship would only drag the both of you into the fire. There’s too much life in him, and a lack of it in you. It’s easier to tease him. “If you’re wanting a piece of me, you could take one of my jackets,” he points out as he watches you tie that very scarf around your neck.
He’s being cute, you smile in his direction, “oh it’s not for me, darling. It’s for those girls outside… I already got a piece of you.” You lick your lips which earns just one more skipped beat from that beautiful chest of his. After all, this was just a quick bite, some satisfaction. And also, that boy needed his sleep right now more than anything. You were sure he’d dream of fangs and pleasure. 
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readandenjoy ¡ 1 year
Brian May x Male Reader Oneshot! (my first publication that emotion) ((ENGLISH))
Warnings: Overly cute, Brian being too sweet, You're sweet
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Brian would definitely be the big spoon, or sometimes you would wake up with his hair all over your face depending on the weather😽
He would definitely wake up around 7 or 8 so he would have time to make you your favorite breakfast (love the kid) and take it to bed (love x2)
When you wake up he would give you a kiss on the mouth and kisses all over your face then would hug you and then you get up and prepare for a tiring day
It depends on the day if you have to do the shopping or stay at home with a very softie Brian
Option 1 (You stay at home with Brian 💗)
After breakfast they would both go to bathe at the same time but don't think ugly things, Brian would be very respectful and would not do anything to you while they bathe unless you ask (ojoporojo 👀)
After bathing and drying off you would put his creams to the hair (I don't know why but I imagine that Brian puts cream in his hair to make it look nice) and if you use some cream for your short hair (if you have short hair obviously) then he would put it on you
Then they would both start cleaning the house while listening to the Beatles, then they would both be very tired and would throw themselves on the sofa to put on a movie and go to sleep again (but only a 30-minute nap).
When they wake up, it will probably be time for a snack (here where I live, snacks are just for a coffee and bread) like the old money that Brian is, he would take you to Starbucks for a snack, and then they would go to a shopping center to buy things and pamper yourself
They would leave around 6 and then go home. In this case, you make dinner and you're kind of in the kitchen, so you'd do your best, but whatever Brian wants, he'll eat whatever you make. For him, that would be the most delicious in the world (Even though he was pooped)
After that they would both get ready to sleep (because I feel that Brian is a man who goes to sleep at 9 😨) They would put on their shared teddy pajamas and go to sleep
-B: Good night my love~
-M/n: Good night Bri ♡
Option 2 (Brian goes with the boys and you stay at home) ❤️
First, if it's cold, you would put Brian's knitted scarf for you (what a nice gesture) and then you would say goodbye to him with a soft kiss and then go back inside and fall asleep for another little while
After waking up you would get ready to do the monthly shopping, grab a lot of fruit and of course a lot of grapefruit (I saw that May's favorite fruit was grapefruit so) you would pay and immediately go home because of the great cold of London
After putting everything away, you would go to the boys to listen to their practices and gossip a bit with Freddie, who annoyed you by saying that you are more Gay than himself, since you and Brian cannot spend a minute without hugging or kissing.
It should be clarified that Brian was never afraid of success and made his relationship public, which most of his fans took well and the others (those who took it badly) go to hell ♡
After you finish their practices and your ears are blessed by their songs, you would hug everyone goodbye and go home with Brian.
Then they would do the whole routine of bathing and putting on a cream and now if they go to sleep
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I hope you liked my first publication, just to clarify that English is not my first language and I do fanfics in Spanish but I modify it in the google translator lol, in fact what I am writing I am also translating anyway make requests beautiful people (please) 💖😿
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thegetoufather ¡ 2 years
HELLO HELLO AMAN MY BELOVED 💗💗 how do we feel about stepdad kakashi 👀
be careful what you wish for
step-dad!kakashi hatake xf!reader
warnings: smut, 18+/minors and ageless blogs dni, dark content (step-cest), clit slapping
a/n: salem i have so many feelings about step dad kakashi plz ,,, this is just ,,,, tip of the iceberg
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If there’s one thing you know about your step-dad, it’s that he does a piss poor job of hiding what he’s actually reading.
The old worn out investment book jacket he uses has slipped off numerous times around the house, and you wonder why he even bothers to keep up the ruse when enough of the true cover is exposed to put two and two together. A bare calf, the edge of a bare back, things that tease acts that stay only in the bedrooms of these suburban cookie cutter houses — and yet, Kakashi is so bold to be reading such things at the breakfast table, when most men his age would be perusing the paper.
It’s so twisted of you, to think about the things he’s picked up from reading those all day. To think about how he’s probably learnt just exactly how to tease someone with his tongue, and how easy it would be for him to toss your legs over those broad shoulders.
You can’t help but yearn, especially when all the boys you meet in college with are just down right abysmal in bed. Unbothered to even learn where to touch you, too hell bent on their own pleasure. They don’t even notice the way you whimper another man’s name long after you two are done, pushing your fingers into your cunt, imagining it was your step father’s much bigger ones instead. And the sweet release hides the ever growing shame that comes with this fucked up little crush, but when you wake up smothered under the weight of a frat boy would couldn’t tell your labia apart from your clit, the cycle has no other choice but to continue.
So you decide to flirt with danger a bit, wearing lower cut tops for dinners when you come home, even if it is for a fleeting moment of recognition. But he’s so stoic, unbothered by the way you lean a little too close when you help pour his wine that you can’t tell if he’s even giving you a second glance. You don’t know what you want to gain from this, but you find yourself going further and further, getting it in your head that perhaps getting him one of those books for Christmas would be the way into his good graces.
That’s how you find yourself here, snooping around his office to find who exactly his favorite author is. You’ve caught a capital J once, but that lead to no concrete web searches, so you pace through the shelves to see where he’s tucked them away. You smile when you’ve made some headway, turning around with the book in hand to come face to face with Kakashi leaning at the doorway.
You drop the paperback with a yelp, and he responds with a lopsided smirk.
“Could have just asked if you needed something to read,” he chides, moving to meet you by the walnut desk. He picks the book up off the floor, letting out a short laugh when he sees the title. “This is a good one. I may have forgotten some due dates when this first came out.”
He’s looking back at you for a response, and its so like him, to not realize that being this close to him would just floor you. Being close enough to breathe in his woody cologne, to see the beauty mark by his lower lip, how all of that wouldn’t distract you like this.
“Don’t tell me you’re getting all shy now that we’re alone. Or do you only like talking when I’m not giving you attention?”
His words bring you back, and you realize he’s got you pinned by the desk, arms caging in you in as he leans into get closer to your face.
“I, I mean —”
“Y’know, normally when people go snooping around in their daddy’s office they get punished.” He’s looking over your shoulder, flipping through the book he has set out on the desk. “And I think, that this right here, is a great one for the situation we have ourselves in.” Kakashi grasps your chin to turn your head to the words on the page, and your eyes widen when you see what exactly he has in store for you.
For the stoic front he’s put up all this while, he’s so impatient now that he’s finally got you here. Kakashi sets you up on the dark surface with ease, tearing through your tights like they’re paper to bring your attention back to him. It’s so odd, you’ve dreamt of being exposed like this for him numerous times, but now that you’re here, you just feel like that dark spot on the front of your panties is just embarrassing you, and your feeble attempt to close your legs and hide from him is blocked by his body.
“Oi,” he says, landing a soft spank on your clit over the fabric. “Eyes. On. Me.”
Each word is punctuated with a slap, causing you to tense up as you feel sparks of pleasure jolt through you. He pushes your panties to the side once you’ve finally begun to obey, letting your squirm a bit as the cool air hits your pussy.
“So,” he continues after you’ve finally laid still, “Are we ready to begin?”
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astrojoy ¡ 3 years
How Will Your Life Be 5 Years From Now?
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I made 4 different song aesthetics
Choose 1 that you are drawn to 》》
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Pile 1 - Coffee Breath
Pile 2 - Your Text
Pile 3 - Chinese New Year
Pile 4 - Crush
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Ok lets cover this! WOO my energy is happy and just so positive so much love and, HAPPINESS. Like wow, what!? So for you guys I got a sentence that popped up in my mind during this saying "Answering your calling" For a lot of you, you could be feeling stuck right now or something, I'm seeing maybe some of you guys could be studying something? Maybe you are planning to go to college or are in it atm? You are saving money wisely and acting responsible with it as well. 5 years from now I'm seeing you take a risk, you are gonna have to take that leap of faith, you are aiming towards what suites you best! What do you want? What will you receive? Well instantly I'm seeing a home, a house, a new place. Some of you will be moving or purchasing some land and a home! For the people in cities, this could be an apartment too! You guys right now could feel lost I'm seeing, maybe you don't have any direction? A maze, with walls and endings every path you go.. I'm seeing a lot of free spirits. I love your souls, so spontaneous and beautiful at heart. I'm actually seeing the heart chakra, it will activate as well, you are following the path that makes you happy, not what doesn't. You are legit gonna fly out of that maze and make your own path for yourself!! I'm seeing soooo many birds, even a dog? You may have one of these as a pet, and if not then you will surely get one in 5 years. Some of you who are in unhealthy relationships or are always having sad past memories of one brought up, will be leaving this fully behind. You are saying "HECK NO" and just letting that memory fall off a cliff. Some gaurdian/guide of yours is really behind the scenes and making some magic happen for you. Oml just such a whole new path. Some of you could be going to somewhere foreign too? Travel is definitely here. I'm seeing a lot of butterflies as well! This will be a big transformation for you in your life. You will finally be free! Actually random thought, if someone has a family remember in prison or confinement, something, then they will be seeing them again 🥺. I asked for a message from my guides to help you guys better understand what awaits you, and I legit had the "Pleasure" card fly out! Its a girl holding her arms out with light all around her, ready to take on the world! +18 - some of you could actually be losing your virginity too btw, just saying. I specifically got a picture of a female with blonde hair and a white dress? Idk why, maybe this is a guide of someones? Anyways, HAVE FUN PILE 1! INVITE ME TO THE CELEBRATION BESTIIEE! 🥳🎉
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OOOKKKK so pile 2, I got soooo many different messages and outcomes so plleeaase bare with me. This is gonna take a hot minute lmao! So first off I'm gonna point out extra info and if it means anything to anyone who reads this group then hopefully it helps? Yes! -> colors pink and green, 18, 333, cosmetology, drawing/painting, art, college, fashion, hairstylist. Ok so I'm seeing a TON of artists in this pile, whether it be fashion/makeup/painting. I also got animation?? So I'm seeing for some of you, you could definitely be moving away from your home. During this you will be quite antisocial, in fact, you could be now! Some of you could be doing online school. You aren't happy about this so you will meet some new friends! I'm specifically seeing 2 besties 👀 Ok now onto the college part, IF you are in college as you are reading this, then you could be unhappy with it, or feeling very stressed. I'm seeing you leave it behind at some point and meeting 2 new people, one in particular could be a potential love interest I'm hearing for someone. Now the next scenario, someone out there reading this will unfortunately have to say goodbye to friends or family and leave off to college. But for sure everyone reading this group is gonna meet new people. These people are going to give you new beginnings! I legit even got "joy" and "pleasure"! Man these friends are fun! So I also asked if there was any info that my spirit guides could give you all as help, and they are saying "Create, be creative, work hard so that everything can bloom into fruition" They are cheering you on! 🥺💖 LMAO RANDOM MESSAGE, so someone or a few of you could go to a waterpark with these friends and you will have a legit blast! 5 years from now you will become more social, extroverted, laugh more etc! It's a nice time in life for you to pamper yourself 🥰
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Ahhhh... ok. Sooo I'm gonna put a warning here. I keep everything authentic, I'm not going to ignore what messages I was given, so if you do not enjoy darker subjects then please leave, you discretion is adviced. Ok so for only a few of you, someone could be ill in your family, I'm getting a lot of literal death significance (ill go over the non literal death meaning in a minute) and for some of you I actually got a story, it's possible for one person here tbh. But whoever plans on going hiking or in a mountain, most likely with 1 or 2 people, be careful I am seeing 2 people falling, and specifically a cliff. Yes. It is very morbid I know. I'm seeing it's because of having fun but be cautious and stay safe. Some people actually just might loose someone due to natural causes as well. But anyways, let's move on. So I am seeing a non literal death. For a lot of you, you will be transforming, a lot of you are introverts and reserved but 5 years from now you will finally be opening up. You will be moving into the unknown, I'm seeing a relationship! Wow! Beautiful OML I SEE IT OK. SO. Someones getting married for sure. Some people are going fishing at a pond, lake or waterfall!! How fun! 🥺 take me with you some people will be letting something go, actually for some people who are already married, if you aren't happy then you will get divorced, this is your will, this is your way. I'm seeing a lot of you dealing with bad karma during this (If you believe in it, karma is basically things we either got from passed lives or things that were left unfinished. Im seeing this is "deserved" karma in some way for someone🤚😭) but I'm seeing everyone here taking time to try and stay balanced! So here is messages from my guides "This will be a time of challenge or new territory. You are strong and resilient. You will get through things" btw you guys could get an animal in 5 years, a new business could start up as well for some of you entrepreneurs. Here's some extra info if it resonates for some of you -> Capricorn, Libra, Will, Freckles, jewelry, asian. Ok finishing this off, DONT LET THE DEATH PART BOTHER YOU, THIS IS FOR ENTERTAINMENT PURPOSES ONLY. This could even not resonate, who knows? You're gonna transform for the better though, it will help your path! I love ya all and stay blessed loves! 🥰
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Oh ok! So intertesting! 5 years from now you will be in a place of solitude. You will be going through some sort of spiritual journey. Im seeing books and reading glasses, someone reading? Do some of you guys enjoy reading? Another pile who enjoys alone time huh? Some of you are gonna be in college, that's what those books and glasses could have meant lmao! Someone is gonna have a storm come by and they are gonna need to clean the yard and/or house. I feel like you guys are gonna have a lover/family who you will feel disconnected with. You are gonna be wanting to see them, wishing even 🥺 maybe actually your lover or you will be leaving for awhile abroad to go study or do things? Either way it will feel as if you are alone or time had went through a deep freeze of some sorts. During this time you will be thinking a lot, learning more spiritual subjects, LMAO MAYBE MORE ASTROLOGY/TAROT?? But what you guys won't see what is actually happening, is behind the scenes things are happening quite quickly. The clock is always still ticking so please don't forget that and tell that to your future self! I asked my guides if there are any messages they wanted to tell you and I got, "Stay balanced, this will help you stay stable. Have patience, you will see them again ❤ carry hope and faith wherever you walk" ALSO A SUPER SWEET ONE THAT REALLY MAKES MY HEART MELT, I got the "protection" card. Your angel/spirit guides are literally watching over you and protecting you 24/7 I got the representation of a bird so much for this. "We are with you every step of the way" "smile" 😭🥺 talk to your guides when you feel lonely! This will help. Extra info that could resonate for some people -> Video games, Sharp eyes, Water zodiac signs, Round face, Glasses, Long hair, Loving clothes
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lue-arlert ¡ 2 years
i wanted to ask if you can write a one shot with reiner x f! reader. Basically reiner loves historia but reader loves reiner. reiner doesn’t love reader and hurts her feelings. thank you so much <3
Oh so we going for angst are we 👀 Well let’s see what we can cook up 😏
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Content warnings: angst, unrequited love
WC: 884
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“I’m sorry.”
His apology was sincere, you knew that, but it didn’t hurt any less to hear.
Reiner’s golden eyes were laden with sadness as he gazed down at you, his hands in his pockets. “I really am.”
You smiled somberly at him, your lace gloved hand brushing a curl from your cheek. “Yes, I understand,” your voice was low enough that he didn’t hear it crack as you turned from him, your heels clacking along the gravel road away from his home.
He called your name, making you turn your head over your shoulder.
“You’ll find someone who loves you. I promise, I’m not the only man in the world.”
You gazed at him as a breeze came by, blowing his coat around his hips, his hair across his forehead. “You’re not the only man in the world, Reiner,” you began, clasping your hands together in front of you. “But you’re the only man for me.”
You turned from him again and left him in silence, lifting your dress a bit as you carefully strolled down the path back to your home at the bottom of the hill where Reiner and his family lived.
During the walk back, tears rolled down your cheeks, but you kept your composure—one mustn’t cry over the unrequited love of a man, but could you help it? He was around you your whole life; there for your final baby tooth to fall out, your first time learning to ride a bike (much to the objection of both your fathers and other men in the town), there for your first heartbreak as a teen.
Reiner was the man of your dreams, but the woman of his dreams was farther from you… Historia Reiss, the daughter of a prestigious family, was the apple of his eye.
Upon arriving home, your mother brought you inside for tea and a nice, long chat, calming you down for the evening before taking yourself to bed.
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Days went by in your usual routine of helping around the house and running errands for your mother, when you came home to find a letter awaiting you.
You could tell by its placement next to a small vase of flowers that your mother meant for it to be presented to you, rather than just being handed to you.
The handwriting immediately caught your attention, and you snatched it from the table, your heart racing at the sight of the return address showing Reiner’s name.
Swallowing thickly, you dropped your bag of items from the market and flipped the envelope over, staring at the wax stamp of his family’s crest holding a lace ribbon over the seal. Carefully, you pulled it open, tucking the beautiful ribbon into your apron pocket, and unfolded the letter—only for your heart to sink and stomach to churn.
You are cordially invited to the marital union of
Mr. Reiner Braun
Miss Historia Reiss
On the third Saturday of May the 21st
3:00pm in the Reiss Family Courtyard
As your chest tightened and tears swelled, you crumpled the letter and dumped it back on the table, scooping up your purchases from earlier in the day and stomping to the other side of the kitchen to put away the dry goods in the pantry.
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The months went by and you avoided your old friend as much as possible. When your mothers would gather for tea, you were conveniently ill or needing to run into town for last minute errands, and you’d quickly make yourself sparse just before Karina Braun made it to your home.
In town, it was hard to keep away from the bustling excitement of the upcoming wedding. Shops were prepping decorations or discussing meals to be catered, the local tailor displaying different styles of wedding dresses, hoping that the hype of the wedding would encourage sales for the season of love.
It all disgusted you. You wanted nothing more than for it all to go away… which would only happen once the wedding was over with.
And reluctantly, you RSVP’d, returning the letter to Reiner’s mailbox in the dead of night, so that the man you loved would not catch you in your teary moment of finally accepting the fact that he would not be yours.
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On the day of the wedding, you sat in the back, wearing your finest dress and wide brimmed hat with a veil that covered most of your face; this was the only way you could leave the house, having the comfort of knowing others could not see you crying.
The ceremony was beautiful. There were blooming flowers everywhere, birds singing in nearby trees, and a small orchestra in the distance playing gorgeous music. Even you couldn’t deny that the service was lovely, and that Historia looked like royalty in her white lace dress and trained veil that barely touched the ground.
You watched with a breaking heart as the two blonds gazed at each other, smiling hand-in-hand as the minister recited their vows for them to repeat.
As Reiner lifted Historia’s veil and leaned down to kiss her, officially solidifying their marriage, you let heavy tears roll down your cheeks while your gloved hands clapped softly, lips quivering at the eternal loss of the man you admired and loved with the entirety of your heart.
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Golden Nights: Part 15
Warnings: mentions of assaults (past), mentions of therapy and group therapy, mentions of weightloss due to trauma, mentions of feeling rejection, mentions of sex (no actual sex), kissing, disgusting amount of fluff, so much soft Bakugo
Word count: 3,556
A/N: I'm serving up mostly fluff in these next 3 chapters! A sort of "Thank you" for bearing with my pain 😭 unfortunately the pain is not over yet 👀
Also smut in the next chapter 😘✌🏻
The week Katsuki took off was flying by fast. It felt like a dream. Unfortunately the dream had started with your nightmare.
You were improving day by day. It hadn't even been a full week since your assault but you were doing better than anyone expected. Katsuki helped make you an appointment with a victim counselor. You were able to talk with police and get through your story with minimal tears.
Katsuki held you hand and rubbed your back the entire time. His eyes burned with vengeance as he listened to you talk about what happened. He was pissed off but he didn't want you to see that. This was about you, not him. And he sore an oath to protect you and any other women from these dangers.
Your therapist connected you with a group of trauma victims to talk. You went to a meeting and were met with so much support. Your story was so similar to so many women, it was almost unreal. You hadn't talked about going back to Club and you knew you weren't ready.
Tony and Mai had come to visit you a few days after. Tony gave your money you earned from that night. It was over $900 just from one dance. You couldn't even look at it. Katsuki took the money for you and put it in an account. He knew one day you'd want it for your studio. You hadn't been back to Bella Academy either. You couldn't look at a pole or a dance floor without welling up in tears.
You hated it. You missed dancing. You hated that someone had tainted something you loved so much. You had taken to doing small stretches in routines in Katsuki's home gym. It was plenty big enough for what you needed and it was safe. Katsuki loved watching you while he ran on his tread mill. You looked so happy. Genuinely happy. It made his heart smile.
He knew he'd have to go back to work next week and while he was looking forward to being back on the streets, he was scared to leave you. He knew Taya and Reirei would keep you company and had even asked if you wanted to have a sleep over with them. You were excited to be getting back into your old routine. Your visible scars were fading. You no longer felt dirty on the outside. Even thought you felt like it could have been worse, it was still bad enough.
You and Katsuki hadn't had sex yet. Part of you was nervous. You were afraid of the rejection. You couldn't look at your body the same way. You'd lost some weight from the trauma and were struggling to find yourself attractive. Katsuki could see this. He went out of his way to make you feel attractive. He told you were beautiful every hour of everyday. You knew you were but you were still pained. Katsuki hoped his surprise for you this weekend would help cheer you up. He had several things planned. The first being Friday morning.
"Baby can you get the door" Katsuki shouted from his office.
Of course he checked the cameras to make sure it was safe.
He told you he had some "work" to do so you were cleaning up the kitchen. You'd taken to cleaning almost everything in his house. His floors sparkled, the cabinets were expertly organized. Not a single thing was out of place. He couldn't even find a piece of Nibblets cat hair on any of his furniture. You seemed so happy cleaning so he let you. Usually he hired a service but since you'd been there he hadn't needed to. He claimed you did a better job that anyone. You laughed as he checked every surface for dirt inspecting your cleaning job.
You run to the door and swing it open.
"Babes" Taya and Reirei shouted as they hugged you.
"What! What are you doing here? I didn't know you were coming!" You giggled as you hugged them tight.
Taya came skipping in and Reirei shut the door.
"Get your shoes on QUEEN we are going out" Taya sang as Reirei was petting Nibblet on the couch.
"What" you said. Your breath hitched. You hadn't left the house all week except for appointments. Were you ready for that?
"Babes don't worry, we are bringing back up" Taya smiles as she runs to the front door. The door swings open with Mina and Ochako on the other side.
"Oh my god" you scream as you hug them. It had been months since you were able to see them last. You had gotten close with them as you worked through the self defense class. You knew they were pros just like Katsuki and Ei. You trusted them and most importantly, Katsuki trusted them. You smiled from ear to ear as tears welled up in your eyes. Happy tears of course. You were so excited.
Katsuki leaned on the wall by his office as he watched you girls giggle and talk about what you had planned. You look at him smiling. You run to him, jumping into his arms kissing him and hugging him.
"Thank you Kat, thank you so much" you smile into his neck as he grips you tight.
"Dont thank me love, you deserve this. I love you" Katsuki says as he cradles you in his arms. The girls all swoon over your cuteness as Katsuki narrows his eyes at them.
"You tell any of those extras I'm soft and I'll blow your ass up" he snarls.
"There he is" Mina laughed as everyone giggled.
"Dont spend all my money Mina" Katsuki threw his hand up as he walked away return to his office.
"No promises boom boom" Mina shouted as you left the house. Katsuki was nervous but this was a first step. He knew he couldn't be around you 24/7 and he trusted Ochako and Mina with his life. He knew Taya and Reirei loved you and that they would protect you. He felt at ease. He returned to his work. He had gotten a lead on the quirk dealer sent to him by Kirishima. He was doing some internet work while at home until he could get back to his office Monday.
Most nights he'd lay with you until you fell asleep then get up and work. He was determined to find the man who hurt you and make that son of a bitch pay. He was going to murder him if it's the last thing he ever did. He put his head down and checked his phone.
"Delivery set for 11am Mr. Bakugou" the text read.
He smiled as thought about your surprise he would have waiting for you tonight after dinner. He closed his eyes and smiled. He couldn't wait.
"Ok first, hair and nails. Then shopping because girl we need to get you a dress for tonight" Mina and Taya talked while you, Ochako and Reirei followed.
"Tonight? What's tonight?" You said.
Taya looked at you "well we aren't supposed to tell you, only that you need a new dress" she rolled her eyes and smiled.
Your eyes teared up.
"Are you ok Babes" Reirei said as she placed a hand on your shoulder.
"I'm fine, I just- I just don't deserve him" you begin to cry.
"Enough of that! Stop that right now" Mina shouted at you. You whipped your head up and looked at her.
"Y/N look at me. That man LOVES you. Ochako and I have known him for 10 years. Katsuki has never and I mean NEVER acted this way with anyone else. He LOVES you and I know you love him" Mina grabbed your face and smiled. You looked at her and nodded wiping your tears away.
"Ok we are here" Ochako sang out as she reached for the door handle. Fans studio. Your eyes widened. You knew this place. It was one of the fanciest places in the whole city. It took months to get an appointment.
"Wait what" you turned your head as you entered.
"Ahh Mina my love I'm so happy to see you again" a beautiful voice sang from behind the counter.
"Y/N this is Tam, Tam this is Y/N. Tam is going to give you a complete makeover babes" Mina smiled as you look shocked.
"Omg really. Mina I cant" you say as you shake your head.
"Yes you can bitch now get over there" Reirei pushed you into the chair. The girls all went to the waiting room while Tam and you talked.
"So my love what do you want to do" Tam talked with you. Your hair had always been long. Down to the small of your back for that matter. You have loved it but you realized now was as good of a time as any to start fresh.
"Cut it off"
You looked in the mirror at Tam as her eyes widened with joy. She had talked you into doing a few highlights as well for a more subtle change.
As if cutting off over a foot of hair wasn't enough.
While your highlights were setting, a beautiful young women came and gave you a manicure and pedicure. God you felt like a goddess. You looked like a goddess. Tam had banned all the girls from the studio until you were done. An hour and a half later and you were finally ready for your reveal. Tam turned you around in your chair and you gasped.
You couldn't breath. You started to cry.
"Omg don't tell me you hate it" Tam felt tears rushing to her eyes.
You snapped you neck waving your hands at her.
"Oh my God not Tam! I- I love it!! I feel so beautiful. I never thought I'd look good with hair like this" you cried as you hugged her.
In the mirror you saw your gorgeous new cut. A shoulder length Bob with beautiful highlights. You looked fucking unbelievable.
You thought you looked good before, think AGAIN BISH
Tam called the girls back into the studio as they all closed their eyes. You stood in anticipation as you told them to open their eyes.
Nothing. They said nothing.
Then all of sudden Taya screamed "OH MY FUCKING GOD Y/N" Reirei was crying. Mina and Ochako couldn't get over the shock. You were so confused.
"Umm so are these good react-" you start to say
"Fuck babes if Katsuki doesn't fall over dead of a heart attack Im going to murder him myself" Mina said as Ochako nodded her head.
Tam added a few finishing touches as you went to the front.
"Here you go Tam" Mina handed her the black card. Your eyes widened as Mina smiled "It's Katsuki's. He told me to get you whatever you wanted. No limits. Honestly it's about that that cheap ass got a girlfriend. All the money just sitting in the bank waiting to what?"
You smile knowing not to oppose. You head out to lunch before heading to a few stores. You stop at a small bistro and enjoy a light lunch. You leave the restaurant and head downtown.
There are so many fancy stores. You had never been in any of them. Most of your clothes came from cheap shopping sites or were clothes you've had for years. The girls approach a small boutique with gorgeous dress laid out expertly in the front window. Just as you are about to head in, Mina's phone rings.
"Go ahead girls, I'll be right there" she smiles as you head inside.
"She's fine Katsuki calm down" Mina says as she rolls her eyes answering the phone.
"Maybe respond to my texts then dumbass! You had me worried!" Katsuki shouted as Mina laughed.
"She's with two top pros, not to mention I saw Deku and Shoto scooping us out" Mina smiled as she knew she had caught Katsuki.
"You can never be too careful Mina. Plus those nerds owed me" he scoffed into the phone.
"How's the surprise going at home?" Mina asked.
"The installers are here and it's almost done. I hope she likes it" Katsuki said quietly into the phone.
"Katsuki that girl is IN LOVE with you. She is going to flip when she sees what you did" Mina smiles.
"I gotta go before they pick out a dress without me. Also I didn't tell you but you better be fuckkng prepared with a defibulator when you see your Queen." Mina smiles as she goes to hang up.
"wait-" Katsuki tries to speak.
"Bye Kat!" Mina screams as she races into the boutique.
The girls already had 5 dresses picked out for you. You tried them on one by one but none of them felt just right.
"Maybe we need to try another store" Taya said as she looked thought the dresses. There were so many gorgeous dressed but none were just right. You packed up and started walking out. In the corner of your eye you saw pink.
Pink wasn't a color out of your range but this pink was something else. You looked at it and immediately had to try it on. You out the dress on. It fits like like a glove. You take a deep breath and walk out.
Jaws. What jaws. They dropped. They're gone.
Mina got on the floor praising you. Taya was fanning herself because she said you made it 100 degrees warmer. Ochako and Reirei laughed at their reactions but had to admit you looked flawless! You changed out of the dress and handed it to Mina. She paid as you walked next door for shoes. The shoe shopping was a whole ordeal. Debating how high to go was a hot topic. Of course Taya went for the 6 inch while the others thought 4-5 inch was more sensible. You settled on a pair of white sparkly heels with a buckle strap. The perfect addition to your outfit.
As you walked down the street, a special shop caught your eye.
Mina looked at you and said "are you ready for this" a concerned look on her face. The girls all looked at each other and you.
You smile "yes" as you walk into the store.
It was almost 6pm before you returned from the store. Mina rushed into Katsuki's house to see him and Kirishima working in the office.
"Is something wrong" Katsuki stood up quickly rushing to Mina.
"Something will be if you leave this office Kat" Mina squinted her eyes as Katsuki.
tsk She head him say as she ran to his desk.
"I swear to God Katsuki if you so far as take one single look at any of those cameras I will make it my life's mission to destroy you chances of having children" Mina snarled.
Kirishima busted out laughing as Katsuki growled "Shut it shittyhair."
Mina left Krishima in charge of Katsuki and instructed him to get his ass ready. Katsuki went to the bedroom to shower as you did your makeup in the second bedroom. You kept it simple like always. Lashes, a little foundation and gloss. Perfection in your eyes.
You left the girls to sit on the bed as you went to the bathroom to change. You stripped putting on your new clothes. Admiring everything. You took a deep breath, sliding the bathroom door open.
Taya started walking out. She left the room. Knocked and came back in. You stared.
"I'm sorry Babes but I had to make sure I was in the right fucking house because OH MY GOD YOU LOOK SPECTACULAR" she screamed.
You giggled as the girls all hugged you and complimented you.
"It's so good to see you smile again Love" Reirei said as she hugged you. You thanked everyone for all their help as they left the room. Katsuki was waiting by the wall in a dark suit with a black button down. He left the top buttons open to pay homage to his high-school years. He checked his watch as the he watched the girls leave. The all waved as Mina made he way to Katsuki.
"Here you go chief, I didn't save any receipts" she said, handing him his black card back.
He smiled and nodded as she made he way out the door. "Shes all yours" she winked as she shut the door.
Fuck he was nervous. He knew you were beautiful but the anticipation was killing him.
"Kat" you say from the bedroom "are you ready?"
Katsuki choked out an "yep".
Jesus was it getting hot in here?
He checked the thermostat quickly as he heard the door open. His eyes widened. His palms were dripping sweat. His knees buckled and he fell to the ground. There you stood, fucking more perfect than anyone or anything he's ever seen. You smile lightly as you look up to see him on his knees. His mouth is wide open. The drool, flowing.
The man is a complete simp for you let's be honest.
"Katsuki are you ok" you ask giggling and walking towards him. You reach to touch his face.
"Are you even real" he looks at you on awe. A smile plastering his face. He slowly stands up gripping your waist is he looks you over. He takes you in one hand twirling you around to get a full look.
"God dammit Mina was right I do need a defibulator" he choked out as you laughed. He grabbed your neck and kissed you deeply.
"How many times today have to told you I loved you?" He asked
"Hmm at least 20 times" you giggle as he kisses you again.
"Not enough. I love you. I love you. I love you. I love you" he smiles repeating in your neck as he kisses your sweet spot. You moan as he wraps his hands around your waste.
You were killing him. He had been good. So good. He was waiting for you to be ready. He knew it was too soon. He was controlling himself. He backed up clearing his throat as you smiled.
"Shall we my love?" He said as he took your hand in his as lead you towards the door. He helped you in and out of the car as you reaches your destination. It was his office building.
What were you doing here?
He lead you to the 13th floor.
"Im sorry my love but I have you carry you the rest of the way" he smiled.
"wait wha-" you screamed as he picked you up bridal style carrying you a flight of stairs up up the roof of his office building.
"I may have bribed Ei to help me set this up" he smiled as your eyes sparkled. The entire roof top was lit with fairy lights. Dozens of flowers littered to roof in vases and planters. A small table with candles sat in the middle of the rooftop.
"Kat" you sob "this is absolutely beautiful. I don't know what to say"
"say you love it" katsuki smiled in your neck.
"I love it and I love you" you smiled as your swung your arms around his neck pulling him into a kiss. He helped you to your seat and you enjoyed a beautiful rooftop meal. The food was catered in and excellent. Not that you expected less from the number 2 pro hero. You finished dinner looking out on the skyline as the stars appeared in the sky. Katsuki looked at you as he grabbed a long box from his coat pocket. He laid it in front of you and you choked.
"Wait, what" you say looking at him.
"Open it baby" he says to you with a smile.
You open it and gasp. Tears form in your eyes as you begin to cry. Katsuki gets up from his chair and kneels in front of you.
"Y/n, baby, I want to let you know that these last few weeks with you have been everything to me. When I got that phone call from Mai, I thought I lost you" your sobbing. He continues "I couldn't protect you that night but I promise for the rest of my life I will protect you. Will you please be my girlfriend?" He smiles as you cry.
"YES OH MY GOD YES" you practically scream as you hug him as he falls to the floor.
You both laugh as he sets you on the chair and links the beautiful anklet on your ankle. You can't help but stare at him. He's fucking gorgeous. You rush to your knees to kiss him deeply as you place both hands on your cheeks. He groans as he grabs your waist and deepens the kiss. Minutes pass before you disconnect, laying your foreheads on each other. He grabs your hand as he leads you to the stairs to head home. It was a beautiful night filled with love. You couldn't help but smile. Katsuki carried you into the elevator and down to his car. Opening the door as he set you gently in. He runs to the other door and opens it "one more surprise baby" as be grips your hand and takes the wheel.
And one big surprise for you my love you smirk as you think to yourself on the ride home.
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hua-fei-hua ¡ 4 years
pride & prejudice au!!!!!! I actually haven’t read/watched it myself I just really like the Vibes yknow?? it’s on the to read list that I don’t have the motivation to start working on oops,, v v intrigued abt the rest of your fic pitches but I’ll save that for another ask 👀
you should watch the lizzie bennet diaries!!! it’s how i got the story of pride and prejudice (since i am also illiterate), and it’s super duper fun!! the kind of storytelling they use where it’s like the main characters vlogging their perspectives (and also employing other social media in real time for bonus plotty bits that aren’t necessary when binge watching the series) is the kind of storytelling i’m trying to emulate in some of my stories such as Bb, where the audience may have the privilege of knowing what’s going on (the people who read the book before, the people who read both rhythm and moment), but not having that privilege just adds to a different kind of fun when experiencing the story
i feel like you’re mostly curious abt the pitches doc bc it’s 203 pages long rn lol. if you want you can pick a number between 469 and 703 (since that covers the vast majority of my bnha ideas) and i can give you the gist of what happens lol
anyway the pride n prejudice au is WAY too long for its own good (bc there is absolutely no clean one-to-one character translation going on), so i’m gonna put this under a cut knowing that tumblr will probably mess it up anyway
so the au is still a regency era romance despite it being the modernized lizzie bennet diaries that inspired it because i am an absolute sucker for regency romances ahhh. 
mic and aizawa run this little orphanage in town, and their main five tenants are jirou, momo, uraraka, mina, and kirishima, who are all roughly the same age bc i see no reason to make it really matter here. they’re the main characters that we follow around, but the main-main character whose perspective this story is mostly told from is jirou. 
so, rich boy todoroki has recently moved into this nearby house, and due to social standards, he has to throw this huge party where everyone is invited to go. so obviously, our mains absolutely must go. there, tdmm meets, falls in love at first sight blah blah blah, they’re the jane and mr. bingley of this au. they fall in love, and things are beautiful for a while. 
now, at the party, kaminari asks jirou to dance with him, but she turns it down despite it being like, rude/socially bad, because his behavior just irritates her to no end (bc she doesn’t understand him yet). anyway, then she spends most of her night commiserating with bakugou (who’s actually gonna have to start this story out as a toxic little shit i’m so sorry bakugou just know that i love you still ;-;) about how annoying kaminari is, and they strike up a very far-from-exemplary friendship like that.
anyway, so kirishima actually sees bakugou as someone who just needs a little tlc, y’know? just a little bit of love, a little fixer-upper. this is a bad idea, but his arc basically revolves around learning that you can’t fix someone who doesn’t want to get better, that you need to take care of yourself before you can take care of others, and that sometimes the best way to let someone heal is to distance yourself from them. there’s a lot of fun krbk drama that goes down in this au
anyway, so pretty soon after the todoroki housewarming party, kirishima sets out to visit bakugou’s home in a different town with his head full of ideas abt power of love n stuff; at around this time, momo receives an invitation to stay at the todoroki house for a while, but the only way to get aizawa n mic to agree is if she took jirou with her, so jirou goes too
surprise!! turns out that tart kaminari is living there too!! how dare!!! anyway, kaminari confesses/proposes to jirou, who turns him down kinda like “ew gross how many girls have you asked before me, huh?”
meanwhile, kirishima’s approached bakugou, but bakugou isn’t exactly in the proper headspace for anything to be effective, complicated krbk backstory stuff happens where i guess all you really need to know is that kirishima kind of sees himself reflected in bakugou (bc remember orphanage and whatever), and that’s what motivates him to put so much work into him
eventually though, kirishima gets tired out and heads back home, which makes bakugou realize “wait dammit i didn’t actually hate having company around wait dammit that was nice” so he heads over to heights alliance (which is just the name of the todoroki place lol) pretty soon after kirishima leaves (which is like around the time the girls wrap up their visit at heights alliance) to visit kaminari
HOWEVER, kaminari’s busy doing some kaminari stuff y’know (probably riding out to catch kyouka so he can apologize to her or smth), so bakugou crashes in the parlor, and then todoroki wanders in with a letter from momo. he’s being super dorky, reading it and stuff bc they’re cute y’know, and then bakugou’s like “wtf is wrong with you? you realize that as an orphan from a rich family with no inheritance she’s obviously just pretending to be into you for your fortune” which gives todoroki an EXISTENTIAL CRISIS WHERE HE REALIZES “OH NO THESE ARE FEELINGS BUT WHAT IF BAKUGOU IS RIGHT”
so todoroki immediately excuses himself to send a panicked letter to momo saying “sorry i’m going back home goodbye” so that he can have some time alone with his feelings (and his best friend *eyebrows thing*) as kaminari comes back in. 
kaminari listens to bakugou’s ranting and is just like, “hey, you’re like... actually just being a shitty person. there is no other way to put it; you’re just a shitty person” which kind of blows bakugou’s mind, but kaminari points out that the fact that him even coming to ask abt it shows that he’s starting to figure stuff out and is beginning to become more emotionally intelligent, which is good
meanwhile, back at the farm (bc otherwise this would just become “the boys deal with regency era romantic drama”), midnight, the local matchmaker, comes in with a marriage proposal for kyouka from a mysterious young man the town over. kyouka rejects it, the proposal goes over momo bc everyone knows she’s courting todoroki, mina rejects it on account of wanting to get married for love, and so it falls at last to ochako, who accepts
so now the girls are all being pretty merry, preparing to send ochako away to get married, and things are good. ochako moves out, promising to write them all letters and stuff, and the house is quiet for a little while with just momo, kyouka, and mina. 
but then kirishima comes back all weird, and all the girls try to work their girl magic on him, but it’s not really working. it kind of just ends on “i guess bakugou just wasn’t the best match for him” and they all try to move on. 
and then todoroki moves back to his hometown with kaminari in tow with little more than the short breakup letter of goodbye
now obvs, momo receives said letter and is absolutely devastated. and now all the girls have to work their girl magic on both of them, and luckily, ochako soon sends an invitation for them to all visit her and her new husband
aizawa agrees bc he has business with all might in the area, so it’s family trip time woohoo!!
Anyway, it all turns out that the izch marriage was arranged on their behalves by all might n midnight (bc all might needed an heir bc he had none of his own, so he picked deku, but due to the times he was in want of a wife blah blah blah), and the day they met was actually around their wedding day. They luckily hit it off splendidly and are happy with their marriage. 
Anyway, gasp of fucking shock, todoroki ends up at the dinner party thing they’re all at with kaminari as his plus one but what’s important is that todoroki is there and ochako, kyouka, and mina see him first and do everything within their power to keep him away from momo whilst also getting the scoop on why the fuck he left. 
Unfortunately, ochako is tasked with keeping momo busy, since she’s the wife of the son-thing of the host, and mina is the most vicious interrogator when it comes to love, which leaves kyouka with the job of keeping kaminari distracted long enough that mina can grill todoroki alone. It’s terrible and kyouka hates it but kaminari asks her to dance and by god she has to fucking take it. It’s for the sake of yaomomo. 
However, ochako unfortunately can’t keep momo away from the ballroom, so there’s a bit of a change in the plans which mostly involve kyouka making kaminari continue to dance with her in an effort to keep momo’s attention away from the very attention-grabbing todoroki and mina. As they dance, she learns that kaminari has no idea why todoroki suddenly decided to move away, which kyouka finds strange until kaminari explains that todoroki doesn’t usually talk about his feelings, at least not with kaminari, no matter how hard the latter tries to get him to open up. He explains that usually it was deku whom he would talk about his feelings, and suddenly, ochako is the most important player in this puzzle game, but she’s stuck dragging momo around to wherever todoroki isn’t! However, just as the dance ends and the floor clears between rounds, tdmm run into one another despite mina n ochako’s best efforts, and for the team, it’s like time stopped. 
Tdmm just stares at one another, agape, but then suddenly momo runs off, and todoroki tries to follow her, but mina’s just like “oh no you don’t you haven’t answered anything” Kyouka thanks kaminari for the information (but not the dance) and runs after ochako, who was running after momo, and kyouka relays everything kaminari just told her, and now it’s up to ochako to run an investigation. Kyouka then goes on to find momo in the garden, staring into space bc she was just so shocked, and kyouka just hugs her and they stay there together in silent understanding until the party is over and aizawa comes to fetch them. 
The next morning, they all return home and in the mail they find… *fanfare* a letter addressed to kirishima! It’s from bakugou, who says that he was told recently that he was a shitty person, and now he wanted to apologize for the way he treated kiri. He said that if kiri wanted, he was welcome to come back, and they could have adventures together or something, but he understood if kiri didn’t want to do that. The girls are all just straight-up flabbergasted at the change of heart compared to what they decided he was like from kiri’s stories, but it’s ultimately kirishima’s decision. 
They all urge him to really think carefully about it, warning him that it might be him missing someone to pick on or whatever (bc you have to be really careful in a situation like this; this is pretty toxic behavior), and kiri is actually a little scared, but he mentally calls upon an advice session he had with aizawa between the time he opened up to mina and the other girls where aizawa’s two cents were that kiri’s heart was in a good place, and he didn’t really do anything wrong, it was just that bakugou wasn’t in the right place for anything to be able to do him good, especially from such a person as recently known as kiri. Kiri decides that this is a sign that bakugou is prime real estate for becoming a better person, and he wants to see that happen, partly for bakugou’s sake, but also for his own because he wants to believe that he was right and bakugou could be a good person and that he hadn’t been wrong for trying. 
So as they bid kirishima goodbye, ochako does some digging via deku, who says that he actually hadn’t asked about his reasons yet because he didn’t think todoroki was ready for it yet. 
So then deku does, learns the info, relays it back to ochako, who tells the girls in a letter that arrives a little while after kiri is gone and they all collectively lose their shit again because WHAT THE FUCK IT WAS BAKUGOU ALL ALONG??? 
Kyouka, who had been friends with him, is kind of betrayed because why would he break up tdmm??? And now she vows revenge or something and asks aizawa permission to follow kirishima to keep him from visiting bakugou and then beat up todoroki for being such a gullible piece of shit. Aizawa poses the usual conditions of having another girl go with her, and this time it’s mina that goes along bc she had been closest to kiri and also wouldn’t get in the way of kyouka’s beatdown of todoroki. 
Meanwhile, the gossip spreads like wildfire, and kaminari finally learns todoroki’s reasons for having them pack up and leave basically overnight. He’s like “what the fuck”, REALIZES WHAT HAPPENED (bc bakugou basically never visits the house, and he couldn’t have gotten into the parlor if todoroki hadn’t let him in, so that means the day he went to say goodbye to kyouka BAKUGOU had said shit to todoroki, which started this whole mess BEFORE he was able to make bakugou realize he was being a piece of shit), and subsequently realizes that he HAS TO FIX THIS!!! 
Kyouka and mina split up on the road, with kyouka riding out to bakugou’s place and mina to the todoroki estate (mina objects to not being the one to go to baku’s place to catch kiri but kyo is like 1. My horse is faster and 2. You’re too close to kiri and you’ll be too soft and too much of a hopeless romantic to really tell him the hard truth he needs to here plus 3. That way she can still get more info out of todoroki and give him a good verbal lashing before kyouka joins in), and kaminari manages to catch mina just before he leaves. 
He asks her why she’s here, and she explains everything about bakugou’s letter and kirishima and then ochako’s letter and todoroki and now she’s here to wring out every last detail from todoroki before kyouka comes later to kick his fucking ass. Kaminari explains the whole misunderstanding and then mina is just like “oh my god” and now has to ride out after kyouka, just barely managing to catch her outside the gate to bakugou’s place. 
They have a bit of a shouting match there where kyouka is still blinded by rage, but mina just shouts louder and explains everything (omitting the part with kaminari, thinking that kyouka would believe her less if she knew bc mina didn’t know about the dance bc ochako does this thing where she doesn’t mention dates or sources all the time, and mina just straight up went “i call interrogating todoroki” and ran off as soon as the problem fell on their laps) and then bakugou walks out and starts shouting about the fucking racket and what did they want and at first kyouka takes this as proof that nothing changed until kiri enters the scene and CALMLY explains everything. No one wants to listen to a shouting person jfc. 
Anyway, with that misunderstanding out of the way, the sisters head over to the todoroki place (but not after kyouka flips off bakugou and he apologizes for accidentally breaking up tdmm jfc) so that they can tell him the truth about momo’s feelings and shit. He asks if she’d be willing to see him again, to which they sigh and say he’d have to come visit for himself. 
On the way out, kyouka and kaminari briefly meet while mina waits outside, having charged ahead, and there’s a moment of silence, which is good bc that is the absence of bickering. 
The girls head home, a job well done, and life returns to a rather boring normal after living in a soap opera for so long. 
Meanwhile, kaminari learns the scoop straight from the horse’s mouth (todoroki), and after talking about it with deku and maybe kaminari, todoroki decides to visit the girls to see momo for himself, apologize for his behavior and his weakness, and asks if she wanted to be with him again, this time forever. Ofc this is a private moment, but the girls are listening at the keyhole anyway and cheer when she says yes. 
Their lives become busy again as they begin preparing for the wedding, but not the same kind of busy as before with all the drama. Ochako returns home to help out and hears kyouka’s explanation of what happened. She learned from deku n todoroki a while back kaminari had been the one who fixed everything up, surprising kyouka, which surprises ochako bc she assumed mina would have told her. 
Kyouka now has this to sit on, but she doesn’t have much time to think about it bc hey look now kirishima’s back to help with the wedding preparations, and he’s just as vivid as he had been before his first stay with bakugou, and he mentions how much he admires katsuki’s self-discipline and dedication to becoming a better person and that he might actually move in with katsuki after momo gets married bc at some point, being there just felt like home. 
Then the wedding happens and guess who kyouka sees as the dancing begins? Hell yeah it’s kaminari fucking denki. She realizes that she had never been able to thank him, so she approaches him to do so. He laughs it off and says it was nothing, but if she wanted to call it even, she could dance with him. Kyouka realizes that she finds the way he asked this time to be very charming, and accepts with no reluctance whatsoever. 
As they dance, kaminari admits that his feelings for her never changed despite her rejection, but he didn’t plan on asking her to marry him again. Kyouka hesitates. The atmosphere and time is right, and she’d recently come to realize that she could have feelings for him too, and so she very shyly says she wouldn’t mind courting him at the very least. 
And so, todoroki grants kaminari permission to live in heights alliance as he’s courting kyouka, mina meets sero at some point, and they all live happily ever after and have an epilogue at the kamijirou wedding where mic comments on them being empty nesters soon and aizawa is just like “doesn’t matter to me” (but secretly he’s going to miss all his kids lol).
anyway, that’s basically the idea for the pride and prejudice au. it would probably be a very delicate story to write because of all the things happening at once as well as attempting to write a bakugou redemption arc in it too, which would obvs take some great care to get right
but oh my god would it not only be the slowest of slow burns, but it would be super freaking epic to read and have written
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softservebunni ¡ 3 years
Another of these cos they’re cute imo
Of course I must ask what your crush’s name is:
Never saying names here, initials however I’m cool with, NS.
And their age?
What attracts you to them?
It’s definitely personality and mind as he’s such an interesting person. I like listening to him explain things in depth with such certainty. Watching him think in real time is amazing. The way he also views things is also intriguing.
Plus he’s cute son that helps. :P
Do they know you’re interested?
Be a crying shame if he didn’t. We’ve already had sex a fair few times. If that doesnt show interest then I mean- i dunno man
Are they more shy or outgoing?
Ooooh, that’s a weird one with him. I’d say he’s a mix. Sometimes he needs breaks from the environment he’s in. But Ive watched him a fair few times really just have fun and he definitely can light up a room
Y’all have the same group of friends?
We know a fair few of the same people at this rate but not really.
Does your crush smell nice?
Y e s. Especially when you’re close enough to him he smells so clean úwù I love it.
What’s their eye color?
He’s got like hazel-y brown eyes. Theyre like light brown
Does your crush have a nice smile?
Yes and I HATE IT. I literally melt
Does your crush always stare at you, or are you invisible to them?
Uhh I don’t really catch him staring? I may catch a look and play around and stare at him but other than that? I dunno.
Does your crush have any piercings? If so, what?
Are they kind to you?
He’s super sweet and understanding.
Are you close with their family?
Never met em! Except by accident recently when we were in his car.
Do you guys pretend not to like one another?
I feel like there was a time when we needed to, not anymore however which, honestly? I’m happier about. I genuinely couldn’t take hiding feelings like that?
Are y’all considered friends or acquaintances?
I mean- we’re def more than friends at this rate. I think now its DTR time? But I guess?
Is your crush hefty or slim & trim?
He’s definitely slim. Idk I think he’s perfect the way he is. Plus thing about him is he may be slim but hes got a cute lil butt on him so it’s like /)ú///w//ù(\ ✨🤍
Does your crush dress very stylish?
I feel like he dresses casually but it suits him realllly well. Like, idk. I think anything would suit him. He’d look good in anything
When’s the last time you laid eyes upon their beauty?
Beauty? hahahahah. Last night. Personally I prefer the day so I can actually see his face, but he looks great by car light too
Do they curse a lot?
I- can’t really tell.
What’s their hair color?
His hair is pretty much grown out double processed hair, kinda looks like a balayage now tbh.
Do you have their cellular phone digits?
Ya. Lmfao. “cellular phone digits.”
Is your crush talkative or more of a listener?
He’s both. Which I love. I think weve finally hit that point in our- “whatever it may be currently” where were comfy in silence now.
Do they stare in your eyes when y’all converse?
He can maintain eye contact better than I can. Idk it he stares but he does maintain eye contact
Could you see yourself falling in love with this crush?
👀 one step at a time
Can they speak more than one language?
He speaks Russian and can get a bit of Spanish. Though I really like when he speaks Russian.
Does your crush stare at your lips/mouth when you talk?
I dunno. I really don’t notice.
Does your crush have big feet?
Uhhh, I don’t think so?
Do they have an accent?
Nope. Just that typical New York City sound.
When did y’all meet?
Maybe early 2020?
Are they currently in a relationship with another?
What’s their ethnicity?
He’s mixed Russian and Kazakh
How many siblings do they have?
I literally still haven’t asked
Do they live close to you?
Close enough!
Have you ever been to their house? How about their bedroom?
Nope and nope.
Do you even vaguely believe your crush is interested in you?
I mean- I think he may be idk. See him a lot, may have kissed him here and there but y’know maybe.
If given the chance, would you have sex with them?
That’s sinful I would never 🙄 …..🥴
Would you watch porn with your crush?
What a loaded question. I feel this depends on the circumstances?
Have you ever hugged or kissed your crush?
Ever seen em naked? Do you wanna?
Close enough, I can’t make things out in the dark really well but I mean for the back of a car it’s already good enough. ÚwÙ
Would you take a bullet for your crush?
Honestly, yeah.
Would you buy a $100 gift for your crush?
Would you donate a kidney to your crush if they desperately needed it?
If I were a match, sure. I’m an organ donor, so I mean. 🤷🏼
Does your crush have long hair?
Y a 😍
Do you think you’ll lose contact with your crush within 5 years?
I’d hope not?
Have you ever seen them unexpectedly and it got awkward?
Probably when I first met him? Like I was really awkward cos he didn’t speak much but like- other than that? Nah.
Are you usually awkward around your crush?
Mmmmm…. In some ways yes.
Is your crush more naughty or good/innocent?
Diablito incarnate. DEVIL MAN.
Is your crush gay/straight/bisexual/transgender?
That’s not for me to disclose.
Is your crush a freak? Sexually speaking?
Up to me to find out.
Is your crush a virgin?
👀 I hope so. God’s watching.
Do they have any pets?
He’s got a doggo and a kitty
Do they have a job? If so, where do they work?
Yes, and close to mine for the time being
Do you know if they have an STD or not?
I’m at least 100% sure he doesnt.
Do they have pretty eyes?
Y e s. 🥺 Especially when the sunlight hits them, UGHHHHHH.
What kind of music are they into?
Much like me he’s kind of a mixed bag.
Their fave color? If you don’t know just guess.
I’ve no idea. New question to ask.
What’s their religion?
I feel like he may be an atheist due to his world views but this also isnt a talk we’ve had.
Does your crush have a lisp?
Y’all go to the same school?
Y’all friends on facebook?
How long have you known em?
You asked when before which…. Kinda gives a time frame?
Their fave type of food? Guess if you don’t know.
I don’t wanna guess this. We haven’t had any food centric outings. Thats a question to ask.
Their fave animal? Guess if you don’t know.
Again, something to ask.
Fave singer, band, artist?
I know he likes The Arctic Monkeys, Jaden Smith, Mac Miller, Childish Gambino for a few.
When will you see your crush again?
Tomorrow night úwù I’m excited. 🤍
What sport are they good at?
He doesn’t really care for sports but if I had to say something, skateboarding.
Is your crush extremely confident?
Uhhh, that I dunno.
What’s ultimately stopping you from making them yours?
Nothing. I’d rather come to a proper decision as opposed to being like “OKAY WERE DATIN NOW” we’re adults not kids.
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