#and you realize
crustaceousfaggot · 2 months
Disco Elysium is copaganda in that the track Precinct 41 Major Crimes Unit is so good it can briefly trick me into thinking police are cool.
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kdramaxoxo · 10 months
Ahahaha I just saw your post about asks declining as a phenomenon and......i used to LOVE sending asks to you esp in the covid period bc I loved talking to you- I still would love to talk to you tbh, but idk why it feels like you're not so much into k-dramas anymore lol...or maybe I'm not bc college and all that but....i hope you still like receiving them bc I'm planning to going back to sending frequent asks to you XD
Awww.... I am very much into k-dramas still!
It's true that I go in phases when I post because I have two jobs so I haven't been reviewing or making lists (I WANT TO THO), but I love chatting about blorbo from our shows! :) If an ask is a really hard one, sometimes I'll sit on it for a week or two lol--Maybe I should be faster :P
HUGS and thanks so much for reaching out! Good luck with school! <3
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spacedace · 1 year
Must one write a fanfic in order with all the relevant details for the story to make sense?
Can't it just be vibes and a collection of scenes and moments from the vague idea of a plot in whatever order they get written in with some of those scenes being the same scene but Different This Time or actively contradicting other scenes?
Next you're going to tell me I have to actually WRITE the fic for it to be written
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sarking · 3 years
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syssyadmin · 3 years
tfw you're playing dark souls in a boss fight and you start to feel the w**d
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nanami crying while asking juri why she told them the story of the boy drowning in an act of self sacrifice
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casismymrdarcy · 5 years
Alright alright alright
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baronessblixen · 5 years
I just wanted to get this off my chest, but the worst kind of pain to be in for me personally is the emotional kind. It’s like when it’s bad enough, it’s a heavy feeling in your chest that has no tangible way of being removed. If you’re in physical pain, you can do something but what about that heavy, sinking feeling when you realize that someone you used to be friends with was just using you and now likes to pretend you don’t exist because they’ve found someone to replace you?
I feel you, anon 💙 in every way. Physical pain is so much easier to deal with. There's nothing you can do about emotional pain. I don't know about you, but sometimes the emotional pain gets so bad that it's ALSO physical.
I'm so sorry you're going through that. I'm in a similar situation and it just hurts. You know, when you have a physical injury, you're supposed to rest. Do that. Pamper yourself - or let someone else, if you have someone. I hope the heavy feeling in your chest will become lighter soon.
All the best to you, anon 💚
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boygirlbowie · 5 years
self-improvement is almost dying over and over again until you realize the thing that is almost killing you is getting worse each time which means current you could deal with the thing that almost killed you at the start and not bat an eye
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laurbyboom · 5 years
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ughomgwhatever · 5 years
Have you ever watched a show for so long, you started to witness the creators roast their own characters and self-expose their own flawed logic?
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boltforged-blog · 6 years
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The flat is worn, with peeling paint and a ceiling fan that seems to work maybe every other day. It’s not home, but it’s a roof, and it’s a place to keep his belongings, what meager amount he has. 
He walks to work and he walks to the store, he gets paid and he buys too little food. Acquaintances come and go, a drink here, a movie there, but no one comes to warm his bed, and he to no one’s in return. 
It’s a life in greyscale; livable, but joyless. 
Sometimes he hears his father’s anger when he’s left to the quiet (you are a vain, greedy, cruel boy!), other times it is Loki’s bitter sadness (I only ever wanted to be your equal); most often, it’s his mother’s quiet sorrow (you will be a beautiful and merciful King one day) and he regrets proving her so wholly wrong.
Thor has no title, no land, no family to call his own. He is well and truly alone, and the thought would break his heart if he could feel much of anything at all anymore. 
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poeticdump · 6 years
Is like a wounded spirit
Wandering the woods,
Always visible to me
But never quite there;
Yet still it steals the joy from even the happiest moments.
It claims them,
Burns them like frostbite scars on shallow skin.
It enslaves them
Until is has selfishly stolen any form of hope.
Until there is no light in a laugh
No dance in your limbs
No song upon the wind
No color in your eyes.
It tells me I cannot
That I never will
And I believe it.
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psychoafricana · 6 years
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1270 OP: IG @middleclassfancy Date Posted: 2/4/18
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dancing-coyote · 6 years
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