bestreviewguy · 1 month
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Fallout is an enjoyable watch at the end of the day. It’s not perfect but it’s very apparent the directors loved the game. While I don’t agree with the statement it’s “Fallout 5” and theirs a few plot holes here and there, it is still definitely worth a watch. The casting is great for starters. Not a single actor has a bad performance. To add to this, every character at the beginning has their own story that they excellently tie together by the end. While this is a plus, the best part of the show is the action. Every explosion, gun blast, and combat sequence is done flawlessly. While I wished there was a reference to the legendary V.A.T. System, it’s merely a nitpick in the grand scheme of things. Another praise is the set design, the best part is seeing the vaults. They are ripped straight from the game as the creators love the source material. Even the towns radiate Fallout energy. Pun intended. As far as the negatives the plot itself is a bit boring. If you’ve played a Fallout game, it’s pretty standard. Theirs a lot of plot holes and while the actors do a great job, theirs times they don’t have a lot to work with. The villain has very apparent plot armor that doesn’t have a very rewarding pay off. However, this is made up for visually with the stunning sets, jaw dropping action sequences and even some pretty cool costume designs. The strong suit is the visuals and action. The weakest parts are the story pieces but all in all worth a watch regardless. Not to mention I’m certainly excited for season two after the really cool teaser they set up at the end. I’m gonna give Fallout, a 7.5 out of 10!
+ Great action.
+ Really cool set designs.
+ Likeable characters.
- Macguffins that go nowhere.
- Brief plot holes
- Some tone issues.
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bestreviewguy · 1 month
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Theirs a new trailer for Joker: Folie A’Deux or as I like to call it “Joker 2” and as the first Joker is one my favorite movies of all time, I have very high expectations for the sequel. After seeing the trailer, here’s 10 things I want to see in Joker 2.
10.) Make it crazier than the first one.
- The first Joker did a great job at making society the bad guys and telling the story from a victim perspective. This being said, I want the last 20 minutes of the first film for the entire film this time around. We know the city Arthur is from is crap. In his own words “every one is awful” now what? You know what to do Joaquin, don’t let us down.
9.) Utilize Lady Gaga’s talent.
- From what we saw, the film is going to be a music eccentric theme this time around, almost like a morbid rendition of “Lala Land.” One of the best scenes in the first Joker was the bathroom dance scene where the score and acting of Joaquin are paired excellently after his first kill. If it’s truly crazier than the first one, we can have scenes 10 times as shocking as this but this time with Lady Gaga’s vocal talent. I get chills just thinking about this.
8.) Make Harley Quinn nothing like we’ve seen before.
- In the early news, there was speculation she wasn’t Harley Quinn, but as the trailer shows in the “Joker and Harley” headlights, she is most certainly the famous character. My initial reaction was they have to make her unique and just as crazy as Arthur. Throw us for a curve ball. And for the love of god, please don’t make her ANYTHING like the 2016 film. No hate to Margot Robbie, but it isn’t gonna work for this film. She needs to be crazy, not hot.
7.) Utilize the subjective filmmaking for both main characters.
- The first Joker had no scenes where Arthur wasn’t in the shot. (Rewatch if you don’t believe me.) Ideally, I’d like this with both Arthur and Harley for this time around. After all, the title is French for “shared mental illness” so share the screen.
6.) Make the antagonist hatable.
- The first shot of the trailer is, “got any jokes today Arthur?” Which tells me the city’s establishment or Thomas Wayne’s side isn’t going to pull their punches this time around. This is necessary in a film where the villain is the main character. In the first film, you can’t help but hate Murray. I really hope they keep this energy in the sequel.
5.) What does Arthur have left?
- He’s got his revenge. His abusive mother is dead. The bully is shot. The city is on his side as we see in the trailer. So what is his goal? I hope it’s not just, “to make good music” but a situation where if it was any other character we couldn’t root for him, but because we know what Arthur’s been through, we anticipate his victory as the city dons the clown masks.
4.) Please make the ending just as good as the first.
- You’ve got 2 leads this time around. This could either go really good or really mid. I hope they take a break from the musical performances to shock us and get the adrenaline going in the end as the first one did excellently.
3.) Interwove it with the first one.
- The first Joker did a great job of beginning and ending sub plots. Whether it was his mother, his name, or the 3 pricks in the subway. There was excellent resolution. This can be talked about here but with just enough speculation to keep us hooked.
2.) Make it quotable.
-“How about another joke Murray?” Is one of the most epic moments in all of cinema, not only for the pay off, but the speech and dialogue that leads up to it. Theirs so many quotes from that film and if they’re writing songs for this one, that’s an absolute win.
1.) Leave room for more.
- A dream of mine is too see Pattinson’s Batman fight Joaquin. While this might be a bit of a stretch, I’d settle for a third one. He’s gonna get his revenge on more rats in society. And it’s gonna be awesome. So why not make a third? Maybe it’s wishful thinking but one things for sure, I can’t wait. AHAHHAHAHAHHAHAHAHA
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bestreviewguy · 2 months
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Madame Webb is one of the greatest movies ever made. Everything about it is truly a masterpiece. Please stop what you’re doing and go watch this right now…April fools. This is a terrible film that is actually so bad it’s laughable. Let’s start with the positives in here. Like I said, if you want something to laugh at because of how cheesy it is, this is the movie for you. Also the actresses and actors do their best with what’s given. Which is not a lot. In this film Ezekiel Simms is on a hunt to eliminate the 4 girls (without) resembling super-humans. Although they have no powers the whole film, he has a vision into the future and decides the only way to save his own life is to eradicate these 4 girls. It does not make sense. My favorite part of the movie is this scene that also doesn’t make sense where madame Webb played by Dakota Johnson runs the villain over about 3 to 4 times, each to a snippet of Brittney Spears early 2000’s hit, “Toxic.” It’s my favorite part because it is so stupid and cheesy it’s worth laughing at. From that point on, my brain decided to turn off and treat this film as a comedy. In a cynical sense, the film became more enjoyable as it transitioned to a comedy. Also the film is far better than Morbius because it’s a lot easier to laugh at. Morbius was just boring. This is boring but so bad it’s funny. The characters don’t make sense, the writing is awful, the villain is a sorry excuse and it’s just a downright awful film. However it would make a great “bad movie night” watch. Madame Webb gets a 3 out of 10!
+ It’s better than Morbius
- Terrible story.
- Filled with plot holes.
- Mediocre at best ending.
- Lousy CGI.
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bestreviewguy · 2 months
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Blue Eye Samurai is a masterpiece! Not only does the Netflix show excel in storytelling, but the animation, characters and ESPECIALLY the action scenes are truly mind blowing. The story revolves around a samurai who wishes to stop the reign of an Irish tyrant whom is using guns to overthrow the country. (Keeping it light on spoilers) However, this is not only the conflict in the show. There is also a very interesting dynamic between the main character and an antagonist who wants to get revenge for dishonoring him as our protagonist is the one to blame in his eyes. This adds depth to the show as their relationship isn’t a typical revenge plot and more of an enemy turned friends dynamic. The best thing about this show is the action scenes. Blended with a stylish animation, the VERY violent and mature tone compliments the sword fighting perfectly. My personal favorite is episode 6 but to be quite honest, each episode just one-ups the last. Another thing that’s done excellent is the characters. Each one is different and not a single one is wasted. This show is truly a treat that you have to check out if you have Netflix, love samurai’s, or just need something good to watch. I’m gonna give Blue Eye Samurai a 10 out of 10.
+ Great cast of characters.
+ Engaging mature story.
+ Fantastic action scenes.
+ Not a single bad episode.
+ Unique animation style and beautiful graphics.
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bestreviewguy · 2 months
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Kong x Godzilla: A New Empire is a different movie entirely than the last entry. (Godzilla V. Kong) Needless to say, if you’re a Godzilla fan, it’s a good year for you. With ‘Minus One’ a few months ago and now this, it’s a good year for monster fans. However if it’s between this film or Minus One, the better film is absolutely Minus One. This is because the human aspects of this film are not there at all. As a matter of fact, it is entirely a Kong and Godzilla film, with hardly any dialogue even. While there is human scenes and a cast of 3 main characters, it felt either unnecessary or extremely cheesy. Just because Guardians of the Galaxy has 80’s music does NOT MEAN you need to add it in every movie. It came off as extremely cheesy to see my two favorite creatures fighting side by side or gearing up to fight the antagonist with Kiss playing “I was made for loving you.” Which leads me to my next point, the dialogue between the humans when apparent comes off as low effort. While the actors do a great job with what they’re given, the script needed a bit more work in this aspect, ESPECIALLY compared to the last movie which personally had a more gripping human narrative. With the negatives out of the way, let’s talk about the action. It was awesome. Seeing King Kong piggy back off Godzilla charging into battle in a hollowed Antarctica will get anyone hyped. Of course the two get in a slight altercation like the last film, it’s done exceptionally well with some surprise appearances from monsters not yet seen in this universe. Every action scene will leave you on the edge of your seat and worth the price of admission alone. Guys in the end, Kong x Godzilla is a fun action film that shouldn’t be taken too serious. Don’t go in expecting a story like Minus One and a few lore changes which throw off die hard Godzilla fans like myself, yet still is an enjoyable film that is so cheesy it’s almost good. I’m going to give Kong x Godzilla a 6 out of 10!
+ Great action scenes
+ New monsters are welcome additions
+ CGI is jaw dropping
- Very poor dialogue
- Some poor human characters and story directions
- Way too much 80’s music.
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bestreviewguy · 3 months
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It took me 10 years to finally get a copy of Sunset Overdrive. (PlayStation fan) Upon finally playing it, I can positively say this game was worth the wait. From start to finish this game is the closest thing you’ll get to a roller coaster. It’s hilarious, fun to play, and the graphics are downright beautiful. In the modern day, theirs a stigma that “the harder the game, the better it is” this game does not follow those rules. It is very simple and will have you laughing in a “this is so stupid” manner. This game is made by “Insomniac” studios. The same company that has made Spiderman 1 and 2 on the PlayStation. It’s nice to see where they got their footing for those games. As if you read between the lines, you can clearly see where they drew inspiration from on their swinging mechanics. The traversing in this game plays similar to a Tony Hawk game and the entire world is like one big trampoline. The plot is not extremely important but in the story, a energy drink has turned the world into mutated monsters as you use a variety weapons at your disposal to complete side quests and look for a way to survive. Don’t be confused however, this isn’t a typical “zombie apocalypse” “Walking Dead” style game. Instead it has numerous 4th wall breaks and a ridiculous amount of meta styled comedy. It works beyond belief. The gameplay is alas extremely welcomed. Not a single mission is boring or repetitive. The side quest are a tad over used as it falls into the “big open world” trope many games do. This however does not deter from the experience. In the end, Sunset Overdrive will be remembered as a classic that’s fun, beautiful, and unique in every sense of the word. I’m gonna give Sunset Overdrive for Xbox One, a 9 out of 10. Check it out on Gamepass, you won’t regret it. A blast all the way to the end.
+A entertaining story that doesn’t take itself too serious.
+Extremely large amount of customization options.
+Excellent use of free roam and traversing.
+Combat is easy to comprehend and enjoy.
-Some mediocre side quest.
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bestreviewguy · 4 months
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Godzilla: Minus One subverted my expectations in a welcoming and refreshing way. While the revolutionary CGI is what upon first glance, you will think is the main focal point of the film. This film actually takes a larger focus on the human stories. While most Godzilla films generally have them, they are always trying to set up the next one because people like money. However, the human tale in this one is a complete story, it has a introduction I don’t think anyone will expect, a mind blowing second act where your heart sinks to your stomach ANYTIME the beast we know as Godzilla is on the screen, and an ending that rivals even Oscar winning films. You come out of this film just feeling good. The characters are very likable. While some stand out more than others, there isn’t a single character with wasted screen time. Visually, Godzilla is the best he’s ever been, simply PUSHING THE LIMITS of any modern day CGI. This attributes to the fear that these people are seeing when viewing this beast. It is directed in a way where you can’t help but just hope it works out, and it’s awesome. There is no super intelligent main character and an unfair advantage the humans have. It is DEFINITELY not last years, Kong v. Godzilla. It takes some getting use to seeing Godzilla in a grounded format, don’t expect this to be visual spectacles and explosions for 2 hours. Speaking of two hours, the run time could have been implemented a bit better, but that being said, I can’t think of a specific scene where I didn’t enjoy watching, so could be just personal nit picking. In the end, I loved the characters, Godzilla is (no pun intended) a beast, and the ending is extremely feel good and satisfying. Check this out for something different than status-quo Hollywood Blockbuster films. This is Godzilla the way he was intended to be portrayed. I’m gonna give “Godzilla Minus-One” a 9 out of 10!
+Visually pleasing.
+One of a kind story with very interesting characters.
+A final battle that is summarizing and satisfying.
+Near perfect ending.
+Set design is amazing.
-Some pacing issues.
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bestreviewguy · 4 months
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The Marvels proves that the world isn’t tired of super hero movies. It’s tired of mediocre repetitive stories that cannot be taken seriously and are horridly repetitive. This is the last MCU film released in 2023 and I can positively say it is miles better than the 2022 Quantumania, and even better than Thor Love and Thunder. This being said, both of those films attribute to a road being paved of superhero fatigue that this film lays another brick in that road. The film stars 3 characters which you must be very knowledgeable in the side projects MCU has made to even pay this the light of day. Carol Danvers played by Brie Larson, Kamala Kahn played by Iman Vellani, and Lashana Lynch playing Maria Rambeu. The hard to follow plot follows a fresh new face “Miss Marvel” learning to work with her newfound powers as a team with two former Captain Marvels in a somewhat mentor-like relationship. Iman Vellani is the best cast in this film playing an almost fan girl like character who can finally work with her hero, Captain Marvel. The chemistry between Brie Larson and her character are the most humor filled moments in this film. It’s no secret Marvel packs these movies with jokes and as Ant Man and Thor were not funny, this film is a nice change of pace to see the humor work. Another really good thing about this film is the action pieces. The cinematography is superb and if anything else, I can absolutely say I enjoyed the visuals above everything else in this film. However, this film doesn’t quite know what it wants to be, half way in we have this unusual song and dance set piece out of no where that throws off any momentum the film had going for it self. You somewhat enjoy the action scenes and than their immediately followed by cheesy acting, one-liners that make no sense, and a boring and unnecessary plot that is hard to follow. The visuals cannot make up for the lack of entertaining material in this hour and 40 minute run time. It is not an unwatchable film and would be a fantastic rental or wait til on Disney Plus, but it is not worth the price of admission. For a great MCU film post: Endgame, I highly suggest you check out Guardians of the Galaxy: Volume 3. This film will not be remembered after a few days for the majority of viewers. I will say stick around for the after credits scene in this one, really good direction their heading with what I saw there by the way. I’m going to give The Marvels, a 3 out of 10.
+Entertaining visuals.
+Iman Vellani has a great performance.
-Forgettable and hard to follow plot.
-Uncertain what direction the film wants to take.
-No relatability in the characters
-Pointless cameos and scenes.
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bestreviewguy · 4 months
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Don’t be deceived when people tell you that Marvels new show, “Echo” is like the others. It is in a different location, the writing is paced different and the overall atmosphere are a total different change than anything we’ve seen. This is a nice change, it even somehow manages to be different than the 2021 show “Miss Marvel” which some like and others didn’t. I believe this show will have the same amount of levity in that regard. In this show, we are viewing the world as Maya Lopez played excellently by Alaqua Cox. She resides in New York. Yet under certain circumstances I’m avoiding going into due to spoilers, she travels to Tamaha Oklahoma. As someone who lives relatively close to this town, it was quite nice to see someone who lives in the same realm as the Avengers, doing Avengers things so close to where I live but that is strictly bias. Regardless, she travels their and re-connects with her heritage and culture via past lives. In prior lives, she has trained and become a warrior with the ability to use super strength. What is interesting however, is that while Daredevil has enhanced senses, yet cannot see, it is established VERY early on, Maya AKA “Echo” has enhanced senses, yet cannot hear. She is mute yet communicates with sign language. This brings up an issue I have with the show that is detected early on, as if you have seen any of the John Wick films, (while drastically different than this) I do wish it was handled in that regard where subtitles where incorporated into the film itself. This show does not show subtitles, leaving the audience to sort of figure it out for themselves. While this works in the first 2 to 3 episodes, by the final fifth episode it makes the story somewhat hard to follow. While Disney+ has excellent subtitles as always, for someone with slow internet, it would not correspond correctly and was very hard to follow. Around the 5th episode very important plot elements occurred which I did not understand at all because the subtitles where down. Something that could have been fixed easily with a CGI approach of words on the screen. Similar to what the John Wick franchise did, especially in the third film. Speaking of action scenes, every one in this show from the first episode, all the way to the final fifth episode, are done EXCELLENT. It makes the show worth the watch. If nothing else, the action scenes make this show worth watching alone. One in a roller skating rink, to my personal favorite, the battle between Daredevil and Echo in the first episode. Speaking of Daredevil, he’s not in this, their is ONE SCENE with him. It is very much Maya’s story. What is interesting however is the antagonist of the film is Wilson Fisk. Episode 3 ends with a large cliffhanger, as he at one point was Echo’s guardian. This makes a very interesting and tense approach to the hero vs. villain dynamic. A very “outside of the box” approach to the extremely over used, good guy vs. bad guy dynamic, that is saturating the super hero market nowadays via “Superhero fatigue.” I will say, the scene with Daredevil is done perfect and at the very least watch the first episode to see everyone’s favorite lawyer again. I’m getting chills typing this just thinking about how excellently handled the character is done in this show. As far as my biggest complaint with the show, it’s very hard to follow, your so focused on the plot which is derivative of the action scenes complimenting it, all the way until the final episode, which makes the ending a bit mediocre, leaving a sour taste in the audiences mouth. Every action scene is near perfect, yet every plot scene is very much not, and theirs a lot of plot points. The plot is interesting enough to hold the show together but in the end, your really just wanting to get to the next fight scene, making each interaction between the characters feel like a drag. In the end, Echo is a enjoyable watch, but not a stand out. The plot is forgettable but the action is not. I’m going to give Echo, a 5 out of 10.
+Great action
+Kingpin steals the show.
-Hard to follow
-Forgettable finale with no pay off hardly.
-Some dialogue issues.
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bestreviewguy · 4 months
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Those who don’t study history are destined to repeat it. Those who watch Napolean’s marriage problems…just watched this movie? Napoleon is a 2 hour and 45 minute historical drama directed by Ridley Scott (Alien, Blade Runner, Gladiator, etc.) starring Joaquin Phoenix who is most recently known for his work in the 2019 comic book hit, Joker. When watching a film like this, you generally expect their to be a lot of battles and essentially a love letter to the emperor in the French Revolution, Napolean Bonaparte. He had led 61 battles in his military career and infamously known for his strategy’s which guided the French to several victories. He was married to Josephine played by Vanessa Kirby in this film. As I expected their to be many historical moments in this film in the field of battle, I would have compromised with a glimpse into this characters life and mind set. I was excited to see how he thinks, and how he leads his army to victory in this film. Basically a testament to the HOW he accomplishes things and the WHY he was so well known…and we got hardly any of that. Instead, we’re given a long soap opera with no true resolve or any sort of information that will be remembered. Their is a new trend in cinema where a movie must be drawn out and long, this one is at least an hour too long. This is the biggest fault of the film, it is too long which makes the film come off as extremely boring. While the dynamic between Napolean and Josephine sounds intriguing on paper, it is not done properly in any regard. Playing off as a cliché, “what are we?” Style dynamic instead. This would have been ok if the momentum in the first 10 minutes was kept up throughout the film. We are faced with a BRUTAL first 10 to 15 minutes of the film which insinuates we are going to have a war story unlike any other based in the 1700’s era. This is not the case. Instead, most of the 2 hours and 45 minutes are a repetition of romance dialogue between Napolean and his wife and it is simply not interesting. However, the battle scenes are shot EXCELLENTLY. Their is one scene in particular in the beginning with a horse being shot blank with a canon ball and it is as gory as it sounds. This makes the audience intrigued that where in for a tale of war and strategic battle victories. The key word is ‘in the beginning’ because this momentum is not kept up throughout the film. However, it is historically accurate. The landmarks are breathtaking when viewed, ranging from Egypt, France (obviously) and a few more I won’t go into due to spoiler reasons. Also, the performances are done excellent. While the story is quite boring and you don’t really care about Napolean or Josephine by the end, it is clearly established both actors/actresses, give it their all in the role, yet the lack of source material doesn’t really make it enough to enjoy the film. In one word to summarize this film, it’s unfortunately very boring. That is the word I kept thinking of. The love story is boring and the dialogue is not entertaining at all. With a run time of 2 hours and 45 minutes, your dreading the viewing experience and trying not to fall asleep, and while the cinematography is fantastic and the landmarks are breathtaking, this movie is simply not good. I’m going to give “Napolean” by Ridley Scott, a 4 out of 10. If you want a historical epic that is a long film and also intriguing, check out “Killers of The Flower Moon” instead. Because this movie will absolutely put you to sleep.
+Historically accurate
+Battle scenes are beautifully shot
- Hard to stay awake while watching
- Boring story
- No interesting plot points
- Over saturated dialogue sequences that extend way too long
- Difficult to finish due to feeling pointless.
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bestreviewguy · 5 months
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When watching a Darren Aronofsky film, a good time isn’t exactly what you look for. More of the opposite in a morbid way, from films such as “Requiem for a Dream” to my personal favorite, “Mother” one way or another, you somewhat plan to be scarred, while most film veterans can shake this off as nothing more than extended shock value, the somewhat new project released (2021) is a different type of shock value. No unexpected message on the dangers of heroin addictions and thankfully no scenes like the ending of Jennifer Lawrence’s, “Mother” are included in this cinematic tale. Instead, we are given a view on what a heartbreak can truly do to a man. In this film, we view the final weeks of Brendan Frazier’s life. The best thing about this movie is the performances, Sadie Sink and Frazier steal the show and are well owed an Oscar. It is a film you will watch once, and never want to see again, for better or for worse. Generally speaking, most people don’t watch Aronofsky films for a casual good time popcorn flick. Instead, when faced with the ending, much similar to my time in the theatre with this one, your only response is utter silence. A rhetorical stance on if it was based on a true story or not, yet we know that somewhere in the world, a heartbreaking tale such as what you’ve just experienced is no doubt occurring. The new film in his collection is no different, with an ending just as depressing as you would come to expect if your knowledgeable on his prior work. As a matter of fact, if their is one word to describe this film, it is “Depressing” throughout the film, all your wanting to feel is sympathy. Do not expect a happy ending. Do not expect to have a hero’s journey because it isn’t one of those tales. For better or for worse, you will learn a fact of life, and what you take away from that lesson is entirely up to the audience. While I’m glad to see Brendan Frazier back in action in his career in Hollywood, this is VASTLY DIFFERENT from anything he’s done prior. I’m all for it. You cry in the last 10 minutes, and you dread viewing his dynamic relationships with the cast. Their isn’t a single performance that does not feel like they don’t belong here. The best way to describe this piece of cinema is like a play. It mirrors a rollercoaster you want so badly to get off of, yet are already strapped in for the ride; and all you can do is wait for it to be over. Unfortunately, the cinematography isn’t going to be for everyone, regardless of the tone of the film, yet the PHENOMENAL PERFORMANCES by everyone on screen drastically makes up for it. It’s (as Sadie Sinks character says) “disgusting” when it needs to be, hard to look away, and absolutely not a boring watch. Yet I would not mind watching it ever again. You can view this movie one to two times before losing interest, and what happens in those times are entirely up to you, the viewer. I’m going to give ‘The Whale’ a 7 out of 10.
+ Not a single bad performance
+Emotionally gripping throughout every scene.
+Suspenseful in a morbid way
+One of the most grounded in reality films since “Pi”
-Some cinematography issues
-Not a lot of rewatch value
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bestreviewguy · 5 months
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Got the chance to watch, “Deathproof” tonight and can’t believe I’ve slept on this movie. Quinton Tarantino sure is talented. In this film, Kurt Russel assumes the role of a psychopath killer who’s weapon of choice is a vehicle stunt drivers in action films as he proclaims it is, deathproof. It’s a slasher film yet no slashing involved. Just very grotesque and insane car wrecks. The first 45 minutes are slow but the first attack made you are SHOCKED. The dialogue isn’t as up to par as his other works. (Pulp Fiction, Hateful 8, Django, etc.) Yet that’s ok because your focus isn’t on the dialogue, it’s the suspense of what this crazy S.O.B. is going to do next. The film uses time skips in many ways I wish more films would use. It’s essentially the opposite of what the dumpster fire of Josh Tranks, “F4nt4stic” did, yet this film skips forward in a good way. It’s redundant to say Quinton Tarantino does it again, because this is a 2007 film, but I’ll shamelessly proclaim, the man’s done it again. If you want a different film with just enough disturbing and different content to keep you hooked, this might be a good movie night. But do be warned, it isn’t for the soft stomach. The aesthetic carries the flaws all the way to the end, and as this movie was made prior to any MCU films, it’s quite nice to see that Kurt Russel has always had a niche for playing deranged villains LONG before Ego the living planet. I’m gonna give, “Deathproof” an 8 out of 10! Be sure to stay tuned to this blog for more, LEGIT MOVIE REVIEWS. I’ll also soon be doing a game review of Alan Wake 2 so STAY TUNED FOR THAT! Until next time, this has been, a Horrifically good review!
+Fantastic set pieces.
+Suspense in all the disturbing ways
+Not a single poor casting choice
+Phenomenal, yet simple ending.
-A bit slow in the beginning
-Loses its momentum about an hour and a half in
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bestreviewguy · 5 months
The new Percy Jackson show, while I thought would be criminally overrated, saturated, and stale. It was millions of miles more enjoyable that one could comprehend. The cast is almost identical to the books. Not to mention the CGI is top tier! If you have a Disney+ account, you should definitely check it out, im gonna give Percy Jackson and the Olympians, season 1 episode 1, a 9 out of 10. Can’t wait for the second episode next Wednesday! Every Wednesday night you know me and my homies fr fr kicking out, shout out to Josh and Rodney for typing this up, out drinked both y’all tonight, here’s too many more Percy Jackson and Rick and Morty nights!
+good visuals
+alright acting
+follows source material closely
- some boring scenes
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bestreviewguy · 5 months
Apple Bottomjeans is a beautiful gname for a gnome
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