#and you've heard from a friend - an 'assassin' - that he has accepted he will be executed soon for his lack of work
adachimoe · 4 months
How the bad endings teach us something about Adachi
I'm gonna preface this by saying that there is a "no-fun allowed" answer from Atlus. But I think you can come to this conclusion even without their no-fun allowed, developer corner, Word of God statement from the Premium Fan Book. I will do my best to hopefully express this before just posting the no-fun allowed comment at the end.
In my opinion, this is the absolute character defining line for Adachi:
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At this point in time, you've identified Adachi as the culprit, chased him into the TV, heard his insane rant on December 7th, then went back to kick his ass, and beat him in his boss fight.
Before Amenosagiri hijacks him, he has some words about his situation. Despite his ramblings about haves vs have nots and about the whole "ooh look at you you have FRIENDS and PEOPLE and BONDS", he doesn't express any of that after his boss battle. There's no, "See, the world is unfair, you guys ganged up on me 7 vs 1!!" or any kind of delulu bullshit. He just says that the world is fucked and he didn't have anywhere to go back to.
When you think about the game until now, Adachi was trying to fit in to society as a normal person. Despite what he felt about women, it's not as though he walked around town in broad daylight using Tiger Drop on random schoolgirls. He didn't murder 2 ppl then also become a cop who was like, trying to use his powers to moonlight as a Magical Assassin or something. He didn't even, gasp, suggest that you teenagers try a little underage drinking.
When Adachi says, "I didn't have anywhere to go back to", it's because by exposing him as the murderer, he thinks you've taken away his ability to fit into society. Despite his ranting, for him to admit that he has nowhere left to back to, means that he knows that he's what's "wrong" and he's what doesn't "fit"; "rapey murderer" is not acceptable in reality.
What's more is that, after Amenosagiri's boss battle, when Adachi realizes that is super duper extremely over, he says he thinks you came to kill him. And -- despite being a murderer himself -- he indirectly advises you not to take the same path as him by telling you to just leave him there.
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Because, again, he knows he's the part that's wrong. He doesn't belong in society anymore, but that doesn't mean all 8 of you (ain't counting Teddie, he doesn't have human rights) have to be on the outside of society and have murder in common.
At which point, Yosuke (and Kanji) point out that he *does* still belong to society, just in a jail cell:
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That is how it works in the "real world", the world Adachi ran away from. Can't even call it a metaphor or subtle or something; the dude physically ran away from your party and jumped into a TV to retreat into the magic TV world.
Finally, after actually coming out of the TV, he learns that not even Dojima had discarded him:
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Despite Adachi's perception that he doesn't belong anywhere, he learns that he does still belong. Not in the way he would like to belong, of course, but if he is a law abiding citizen, then there is a place for him.
Then December 23rd and New Years rolls around, and the world is fine.
And now, the bad endings
There are multiple bad endings in the game. First off, if you kill Namatame or can't convince the team to keep reaching out to the truth, then time fastforwards to March 20th and the protagonist leaves Inaba without solving the case. The city is fine, Shadows aren't running around, but the fog is still around. While the fog seems bad, it also doesn't seem *as* bad as it is in the dungeon failure ending.
If you refuse to handover Adachi's name and instead protect him, then time fastforwards to March 20th, Adachi gives you his phone number, tells you he'll keep in touch. Again: The city is fine, but the fog is still around.
On the other hand, when you do corner Adachi and are on the path for the good ending, then on December 7th, he tells you that the world will end by the end of the year, and this is why you must clear his dungeon.
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But if you fail to clear Magatsu Inaba by the deadline of December 23rd, then the fog will be quite thick, even in your bedroom. Naoto will call you as she's attacked by what I am assuming is townspeople who have turned into Shadows.
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Basically, it seems that one thing Adachi was not lying about on December 7th was what's going to happen by the end of the year.
The difference
So we have the usual bad ending and the Adachi ending where it's March 20th and even though there's fog, the world didn't end and people aren't running around as Shadows.
And then we have the dungeon failure game over where Adachi's threat about the world ending by the end of the year has come true and Naoto gets attacked.
From talking about this game with people on the internet for the past 1.5 years, I have learned that people consider this to be a plot hole or inconsistency, and is part of why "Persona 4's plot is bad and doesn't make sense".
The attempts I have seen to explain it are people who parrot Hiding in Private's video where he suggests that in the Adachi Ending, since you willingly helped cover for the murders, Izanami allows you to spend your remaining time in Inaba in peace. But this explanation makes no sense for the killed Namatame or didn't pursue the truth endings, where you fastforward to March 20th and everything is fine it's just foggy. You didn't willingly help cover for the murders there, you just gave up.
But both of these - Hiding's explanation and calling it a "plot hole because Persona 4 Plot Bad" - are both glossing over what I think is a pretty huge, key detail: In the endings where time skips to March and Inaba is fine, Adachi did not go into the TV, whereas in the ending where the world actually gets screwed, you cornered Adachi and he went inside the TV.
Which in turn reveals what is going on and why Adachi's line after his boss battle is so important: Even though Amenosagiri is the source of the power to screw over the world through the fog, the world is ending because Adachi wants it to. You revealed that he's a murderer and he doesn't belong anywhere anymore, so screw the world! It sucks now! Get rid of it!
It's selfish and it's childish, but we are talking about Adachi.
And now, a detour about Amenosagiri
I think it is a reoccurring thing in media that, even though there is some "interference" from these beings of higher power (e.g. Izanami giving people powers, and her picking a guy who represented "emptiness" and a guy who represented "despair" lol), it is ultimately humans that cause everything to go to shit, and the heroes -- who believe life is worth living even tho some humans do suck -- must fix it.
Adachi's desire to just end it all after the truth comes to light that he's the murderer fits in with this trope. Yes, he had a magic power that he normally wouldn't have and he got a bit silly, but it was ultimately him being weird about a woman who didn't know he even existed that spiraled into this chain of events that ended up with him being exposed and the world almost ending.
I have read interpretations that, since Golden also included the line about Izanami putting Amenosagiri in Adachi (it didn't exist in the PS2 version), that means that Adachi was just following a script and Amenosagiri made him kill people and end the world and all that. I'm not really a fan of this. "Adachi did it because demonic eyeball possession" feels like a huge cop out, as it would also shift blame away from him for murdering people and just generally being a shitty human being. It also raises questions like, "If Amenosagiri made Adachi evil, why did he throw up when he saw Mayumi's corpse / why did he only kill 2 people / why did he even say the line about not belonging in the world", amongst many other questions.
If Amenosagiri is so linked to Adachi as this suggests, why does Adachi even appear in foggy shopping district on dungeon deadlines to check for dead bodies??? Like, if he's linked to the observer from the TV world who has been watching the Investigation Team, and this observer has been controlling him, then why does he not already know the victim was rescued? I think the point of the line added into Golden (I don't think you even see it unless you do Marie's SLink?) seems to be "trying to explain for the player why Namatame and Adachi turn into the Sagiri dudes", cause that shit just kinda came out of nowhere in the PS2 game.
Notably, the game tries to address the "Ame controlling Adachi" thing right after Ame's boss fight, as if the writer read the player's mind, and thought you might be wondering about the same thing:
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Chie, I believe she asks this because she is trying to understand what is going on with Adachi. If you can blame it on, "He did it because he had a demon eyeball photo lens inside of him telling him what to do", then you don't have to think about this any further, do you? Case closed. Naoto does not fully dismiss this idea, but voices her opinion that Adachi must have been down to end the world too. Which then goes back to Adachi saying he has nowhere left to go; I think Naoto is on the right track here.
But why is there fog
I think what trips people up during the "skip to March 20th" bad endings is the presence of the fog - does that not mean the world is still fucked, even tho Adachi didn't enter the TV?
The game itself uses the fog as a metaphor for lies and misconceptions and assuming that humans don't really want the truth. Like, after you solve the murder case, Amenosagiri does you a solid and instantly clears the fog from the real world. In the ending where you kill Namatame, the truth of the murder did not come to light. In the ending where you didn't kill Namatame but gave up on the truth, the truth again did not come to light. In the Adachi ending, you willingly buried the truth of the murders, and the truth stayed buried there as well.
I don't think the fog is present to communicate "The world is fucked", I think it's just saying that the case is unsolved. After all, the people still believe Namatame did it and in 2 of those endings he is going on trial as the protagonist leaves town, meaning people are still under the impression he's the murderer.
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Curiously, on December 16th, Kondo brings up how Inaba gets covered in fog every 50 years. The validity of this, though, is left a mystery because he then says he heard it about on TV, which we know from the game isn't exactly the most reliable source of info lol. (I vaguely recall a different NPC, an older guy, talking about this too, but I can't quite remember which one it is. Maybe it was Daidara?)
On the other hand, despite "people being tricked by the media" being like a theme in the game, none of the other NPCs seem to have heard this TV special or news or whatever that Kondo heard because the majority of the other NPCs are freaking out and buying gas masks, assuming the fog is actually poison. One of them even believes that it's some conspiracy theory caused by Junes. Kondo suggesting that whatever he heard on TV is correct seems level headed compared to the poison gas conspiracy theories that the rest of the town is buying into.
But when you learn that Izanami is behind everything, I feel like that sequence of events gives some validity to what Kondo heard.
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It makes it seem more like, every 50 years, Izanami gets a little silly, gives people powers, and then watches what unfolds. Thus, when you stop Izanami in the true ending, you are also stopping the cycle, which the protagonist recognizes.
Lastly, the no-fun allowed answer
From the Premium lore/setting book:
Discovering the truth, the self-proclaimed special investigation team have cornered Adachi, who enters the TV and wants the world to end with reality being swallowed by the Midnight Channel. If Marie is the one who listens to human wishes, then Adachi is the one who wished for his own very self-centered wish to become reality.
I believe the purpose of Naoto and Chie's dialogue was to suggest what the meta explanation was ("I think he wanted to end the world too") while still keeping it in-universe and in-character.
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teaberrii · 1 year
Chapter 28: Home
You've been Cupid for as long as you can remember. You've brought countless soulmates together, yet you've never found love.
When you're assigned to bring two childhood friends back together, it should be simple until you unexpectedly catch feelings for the mysterious and cold Ph.D. student, Dan Heng, the man with a soulmate… the man with answers to your past.
Dan Heng/You
Chapter notes: Smut
Cross-posted on Ao3
Female reader
Chapter index at the end of chapter one
Later in the day, Jing Yuan is sitting in his study with a glass of wine when his phone goes off. He looks at the name on the screen and frowns. But, he picks up, regardless.
“It’s outside business hours,” Jing Yuan says flatly. “You better have a good reason to be calling me.”
“If you really didn’t want to pick up, you wouldn’t have,” Stelle’s father says. “...Are you going to get rid of her?”
“You know who I’m talking about. She’s the one responsible for The Withering, isn’t she?”
Jing Yuan spins his chair around, looks out of his large window, and stands with a hand in his pocket. “Don’t get involved in this.”
“Are you really expecting me to sit here and do nothing? My son is dying, and…”
The rest falls on deaf ears. Jing Yuan knows everything that’s going on, including your choice to “crawl your way back to the living" as a mercenary so eloquently put it. He senses a presence, but it’s not the god he’s so familiar with. Jing Yuan looks over his shoulder and sees Young.
“I’m not him.”
“I know,” Young answered earlier that day after mysteriously appearing in Jing Yuan’s office. “You’re my brother’s reincarnation.”
Jing Yuan heard something click, and when he spun around he saw Dan Heng leaning against the closed door. “All right.” Jing Yuan narrowed his eyes. “What is this about? Are you two teaming up to assassinate me?”
“...We’re here to talk,” Dan Heng answered.
“Gosh, that really explains things and doesn’t sound ominous at all.” Jing Yuan crossed his arms. “Don’t tell me you think I’m going to do something to her.”
Young and Dan Heng glanced at each other. “We’re here to ask for a favour, Brother.”
"What favour could you possibly need from me at this point? Isn’t the rest up to her?”
“It’s about Stelle’s father,” Dan Heng answered.
Jing Yuan looked down and smiled. Then, he walked over and plopped on the sofa. With one leg crossed over the other and an arm draped over the top of the couch, he looked at the two with intrigue. “The man might be a little crazy, but he’s not crazy enough to kill her if that’s what you’re thinking.”
“He couldn’t even if he tried,” Dan Heng said. Then, his gaze hardened. “But, he’s going to try to convince you to do it.”
“...Seems like your status in this world hasn’t changed,” Young added.
Jing Yuan sighed. “You sound so sure.”
“I grew up with Stelle and Caelus," Dan Heng said. "Our families are close, so I know what kind of man he is.”
“Well, you ain’t the only one.” Jing Yuan scoffed. “He's a man in power who cannot take responsibility for his actions. Men like that are often the ones responsible for everyone’s misery.”
“Sounds like he came to you for a lot of things,” Young said.
“You ain’t wrong.”
Dan Heng sat on the opposite couch of Jing Yuan. “...Cupid is going to become human.”
“Ah, I see where this is going.” Jing Yuan leaned forward. “Both of you don’t want her to become involved in any danger when she does because all of her godly powers will be gone.”
“The Withering will disappear,” Young said. “Luocha and Caelus will be cured, but for someone who does not understand what has been happening, it might be difficult to accept.”
“All right, all right! Enough with making excuses for Operation Save Cupid.” Young and Dan Heng looked at each other just as Jing Yuan asked with a sigh, “Why does history have an uncanny way of repeating itself?”
“No matter what, Caelus will be cured,” Jing Yuan says, interrupting the man’s rambling.
“...How do you know?”
“Look, you wanted her to do something, right? Well, she’s doing something now. So, stop your worrying.”
Caelus’s father frowns. “And she’s just going avoid responsibility? She admitted herself that she cursed my son for—”
“Well, your son tried to kill her.”
“...Excuse me?”
Jing Yuan sighs. “The past is the past, and as long as Caelus will be fine, that’s all that matters.”
“How do you know about my son, anyway? You’ve never met him.”
Oh, we’ve met, is what Jing Yuan wants to say. But, instead, he says, “I know everything about my clients. You’ve been one for years, my friend. So, if you try to hurt her… there will be consequences, and I won’t hold back. Do you understand?”
“...Doesn’t sound like money can even convince you otherwise.”
“There’s more to life than money, my friend.”
Caelus’s father scoffs. “The last person I want to hear that from is you.”
“Then, why don’t you let this entire thing go and spend some time with your children, hm?”
“...If anything happens, I’ll hold you responsible.”
And then the line goes dead.
Jing Yuan puts his phone down with an unamused look at Young who is slightly smiling. “What are you smiling for?”
“That went well, didn’t it?”
Jing Yuan picks up a pen and twirls it around his fingers. “Don’t make me throw this at you.”
“What's with your obsession with throwing sharp objects?”
Your voice catches him off guard, and he turns around and sees you standing behind him.
“...What are you doing here?”
“I’m going to become human,” you say. “I might as well use my powers while I still can.”
“So, you decided to pay little ‘ol me a visit? Flattered.”
“Young and Dan Heng told me everything.” You walk up to him. “...Thank you.”
“If I’m being honest, I think I like you better when you’re being prissy.” You lean up and give him a chaste kiss on the cheek, to Jing Yuan’s surprise. You instantly regret it, however, when you see him slightly smirk. Then, he leans down until his face is in front of yours. “You sure your ‘lil boyfriend won’t get jealous?” You frown. But before you can say anything, Young appears in front of you. Jing Yuan leans upright and sees Young’s unamused look. “Just bein’ friendly.”
“No need.”
You step out behind Young, and Jing Yuan glances at you. “...Looks like you want to say something, sweetheart.”
“Your fianceé…” you say cautiously, and Jing Yuan’s smile almost instantly fades. “You still have things left unsaid.” Your gaze softens. “...She’ll be there… in the afterlife.”
“...What is there left to say?” Jing Yuan asks, walking back to his chair. He looks over his shoulder. “If she sees you there, she’ll probably try to kill you a second time.” He sighs. “...But, if I could tell her one thing… I’d tell her that The Withering is gone. It was what she wanted.” Jing Yuan walks over to you. “A killer and a saviour… What’s up with that, sweetheart?”
“You’re asking the wrong person.”
When Jing Yuan blinks, you’re already gone. Then, when he looks at Young, he says, “...I hope we succeed this time, Brother.”
Young looks down with a little smile. “We will.”
Jing Yuan doesn’t need to turn to know that Lan is in the room. “Well, look who decided to join the party? If you’re looking for Cupid, you just missed her.” Jing Yuan turns while Young glances to his side to see the god.
“It’s been a long time, Lan,” Young says.
“Looks like her kiss separated the two of you.”
“Gosh, spare us the details,” Jing Yuan says, rolling his eyes. “What brings you here?”
Lan walks towards Young. “Cupid plans on coming back as a human… You should’ve been the first to know.”
“It’s not like you to put her in danger,” Lan says. “You should know that if she doesn’t make it back to the living, her soul will either disappear or be stuck in limbo.”
Young closed his eyes for a brief moment. “That won’t happen.”
“How are you so sure?”
“It’s not like you to interfere with other people’s affairs.”
“...She’s a friend.”
Young smiles. “Then, you can rest assured that I will not let anything happen to her… or Pom.”
When you return to the Astral Express, your shoulders fall. This will perhaps be the last time you step foot on the mysterious train you’ve called home for centuries. You never thought you’d miss this place. But that’s not why you’re here. Like always, you’re here to get some answers… but this time, it’s not for yourself. As if expecting your arrival, the door to Himeko’s compartment is open, and you walk right inside.
“Are you satisfied with what you discovered?” Himeko turns around. “I kept my promise, didn’t I?”
“...You did,” you say. “But that’s not why I’m here.”
“Well, I’m listening.”
You take a small breath, bracing yourself for the answer. “Is it possible for Pom to become human?”
“...I’m sure you know about the dangers of coming back to the living. I heard from Sampo about your decision. You will die once as a god… but if you fail to make it back, there are no second chances. Do you understand what that means?”
“...I do.”
“And you wish the same fate on Pom?”
“I want to know if it’s possible,” you say sternly. “That’s all. Whether Pom wants to take that chance… That’s his choice, not mine.”
Himeko shakes her head. “You truly are an interesting woman, Cupid.”
“So, what’s it gonna be?”
You turn around while Himeko looks past you. “...Nanook? Pom!”
Pom, as a rabbit, hops onto Himeko’s table. Though he’s trying to look serious, he can’t keep it for long. “It’s possible, Cupid.”
“We went on an adventure…” Nanook says, “did a little digging… and, well, nowhere does it say that ‘magical beings’ other than gods can't do the same thing.” Nanook shakes his head. “They really should make the rules clearer, huh?”
“Have you thought that there might be a reason why?” Himeko asks. “I don’t know where you got that information, but there’s a reason why that’s not public knowledge. We don’t know what will happen, and no one wants to be the guinea pig to find out.”
“But, what if? Yeah, I don’t know what’ll happen in there. Maybe I’ll suddenly vanish… or burn into a million pieces… but I still want to try!”
Pom turns to you. “We’ve walked together this far. I don’t see a reason why we have to separate now!”
You almost laugh. “Are you sure it’s not because you just want to stay human?”
Pom shyly rubs the back of his head. “It’s been a good experience, I have to admit.” Then, he turns to Himeko and bows his little head. “I appreciate everything you’ve done for me, Himeko.” He gives her a smile and pats his chest. “I won’t disappoint you!”
Himeko scoffs with a small smile and shakes her head. “I see your mind’s made up.” A sigh. “Well, who am I to stop you?”
Upon leaving the room, you immediately see Idrila who comes up and hugs you tightly. “I had to hear it for myself! What is this about you leaving?”
“It’s… a long story,” you say. “But, I want to be human, Idrila.”
She puts a hand on your hip. “Don’t tell me this is the cute kid’s doing?”
“...Are you talking about Dan Heng?” Nanook asks.
“Who else would I be talking about?” Nanook rolls his eyes just as Idrila chuckles. “Do you remember that one day you told me you thought it was ridiculous someone would risk it all for love?” She nudges you. “Well, look who’s doing the same now!”
“That’s… well…”
Idrila sighs dramatically. “Just goes to show that someone has to experience something for themselves to really understand it.”
“...Dan Heng does play a role in my decision,” you say. “But…”
No matter what happens, if you do make it back, you’ll be human… a chance to live out a life in a society where you’d be just like any other person. Your heart tingles at the possibilities, the things you can accomplish. There are so many things to try, and you want to do them all.
Idrila smiles. “I get it, Cupid. I get it.” She gives you another tight hug. “Hey, just so you know, you won’t be rid of us forever.”
“That’s right,” Nanook adds. “Humans worship gods, after all.” He gives you a cheeky grin. “Maybe you’ll get so drunk one day that you’ll be wishing on a star for me to help you.”
You scoff. “Riiight. Well, if that day ever comes, I’ll make sure to save some alcohol for you.”
Idrila look at Pom who is on your shoulder. She squishes his cheek, and Pom has to swat her hand away. “And little Pom is also growing up.”
“Yeah,” Nanook says flatly. “Look at him all ready to put his life on the line. It’s mindblowing.”
“Hey!” Pom stands up straight and puffs out his chest. “I’ll have you know that I’ve risked my life plenty of times!”
“For what?” Nanook deadpans. “The cafeteria food?”
Before you can stop him, Pom throws himself at Nanook, throwing punches at his face while Nanook tries to claw him off.
“...They sure come a long way,” you say.
Idrila chuckles. “They sure have.” Then, you feel her take your hand. “...Safe travels, Cupid. One day, we’ll meet again. I’m sure of it.”
You pull her into a hug and chuckle. “It’ll be like deja vu all over again.”
“You must’ve had enough of that.”
“A little, not gonna lie.”
“PomPom Punch!”
You and Idrila stop hugging and see Pom standing victoriously with his paws on his hips. Nanook's face is covered with little scratches and bruises.
“Enjoy my farewell gift,” Pom says.
Nanook frowns. “I’ll remember this.”
Suddenly, you feel a gust of wind behind you. You look over your shoulder and see Lan. Pom quickly finds your shoulder and says, “Uncle Lan!”
“...It’s time to go.”
You hear footsteps behind you, and Pom hops off your shoulder and into Idrila’s arms. She gives you a small wink. “I’ll leave the two of you alone.”
You and Nanook end up walking together behind the others.
“...You said you and Pom went on an adventure. Where did you go?”
Nanook smiles. “Curious?”
“I’m not going to keep asking if you’re going to play me."
“Well, I would, but I’ll let you in on my secret considering you’re, well…” Nanook clears his throat. “...I found out who the original owner of the Grimoire was. It was Sam… of the Stellaron Hunters.”
“So, he was the creator?”
“That’s right. It was passed within the Hunters before making its way down. They are gods who have extraordinary power. Every single spell that we know about are branches from spells that were created by them.”
“...So, every single form of dark magic is like a relative of one in the Grimoire?”
“Something like that.”
You sigh. “Still, why create something like that in the first place?“
“You used the Grimoire when you were still human. That wasn’t supposed to happen. That was with dark magic. Who’s to say the same thing can’t happen with white magic?”
Nanook stops, puts his hands on your shoulders, and spins you to face him. “Don’t say it can’t happen. As long as you exist, as long as we exist… There’s always a way to make it happen.”
You smile. “Huh… That’s perhaps the most philosophical thing I’ve ever heard you say.”
“Even Nanook has his moments, I suppose,” Pom says, finding his way back onto your shoulder and kicking Nanook’s hand away. “You’re going to make Dan Heng mad.”
“Oh, boohoo."
“...Nanook’s right.” Lan walks up. “Anything can happen.”
Idrila chuckles. “If Uncle Lan says so, then it must be true!”
You look at Nanook and give him a quick friendly hug. He doesn’t have time to reciprocate before you pull back.
“...I’ll miss you,” you say, “as a good friend.”
Nanook smirks. “Well, it’s better than nothing.” Then, he pulls you in for another hug while Pom pretends to gag.
“...It’s time to go,” Lan says.
Upon letting you go, Nanook puts a hand on your head. “Just so you know… no one can replace you as the God of Love.”
You never thought Nanook could make your heart feel as if it dropped to the pit of your stomach.
“...This isn’t goodbye.” You turn to Lan. “I trust there will be a time when we all meet again.”
“It’s not like you to agree with Nanook,” you say, forcing a smile.
Lan smiles at you. “Then, you should trust that his words have meaning this time.”
“You’ll… The two of you will be back for our trip, won’t you? It’s what’s kept me going this entire week!”
You’re standing in front of a long, dark tunnel where it’s supposedly the entrance from the living to the dead.
“I’ll be back,” you say to March. You look at Dan Heng beside her. “...I promise.”
“Might I remind you that time works differently?” Sampo says. “A day over there can feel like months over here. So, uh, sorry to disappoint, but your little trip might not include your two friends, dearie.”
“So… how long does it take to walk back here, anyway?” Gepard asks.
“Good question,” Sampo says with that annoying smile. “I guess it depends on how strong you are.”
“The way back will challenge you physically and mentally.” Sampo tosses a coin in the air. “And, well, you might’ve heard by now, but the journey back can break you.” Before the coin falls onto his palm, it bursts into flames. “You might even combust.”
March turns pale. Nanook slowly claps and says, "Wow. We can definitely count on you for reassurance."
Dan Heng puts his hands on your shoulders. You know what he’s thinking, so you say, “Hey… Don’t think I’m doing this all for you.” You hope that’ll take some pressure off of him. “...I also want to live.”
“We’ll take good care of him while you’re gone,” Gepard says, trying to lighten the situation.
March pulls you and Pom into a tight hug. “When you’re back… we’ll all go on that trip, okay? So, come back to us!”
Sampo claps once. “All right, it’s time to go, children. Let’s buddy up on our way to the afterlife, shall we?”
Dan Heng takes your hands in his after March lets you go. Then, he puts his forehead to yours. “...Please, be safe.”
Lan glances from you to Young who hasn’t said a word. Jing Yuan also does the same but looks away as if to stop himself from saying something that shouldn’t be said.
Pom and Sampo are the first inside the tunnel while you and Young travel in after them. The air is musty and gets increasingly humid as you travel further in. Eventually, small, floating lights start appearing all around you. At first, you think they’re something similar to fireflies when Young suddenly speaks.
“...Don’t touch them.”
“...What are they?” you ask.
“S-Souls? But why are they…”
“These are the souls that cannot rest. They still have unfinished business.” Young takes your hand. “...It’s best to leave them alone.”
You nod.
The further you go, the more Pom and Sampo start to fade, and you start to sweat. Is something happening? What’s going on? Soon, you see a bright light, and everything goes black…
When you open your eyes again, you’re standing before a long bridge. Above you is the galaxy, and you can see the constellations of the gods. Around you are the same floating white lights, but all of them are crossing the bridge.
You hear Young say your name and you turn to him. “...This is as far as I can go.”
“...What… What do you mean?”
Young cups your face in his hands. “If I go any further, I won’t have enough power to send you back.”
You freeze, and you force a little smile. “Y-Young… What are you talking about?”
He put his forehead to yours. “...Dan Heng is so convinced that we’re two different people.” Then, he gives you a little smirk. “So, this will be our little secret.”
The contact of his lips on yours is all glowing and sparkling warmth. It’s just as you remember. The desire. The need. The hunger. Young’s intimate kisses take your breath away and give it back in a way that leaves you in a dizzying trance. The longing. The promises. The love. Nothing had changed. Your pulse thunders, the heat pulling you closer to him until your hands are in his hair. His tail wraps around you which has your body flush against his. You can feel his every muscle and smell the mountains and forest. It reminds you… of home.
“Young…” you say breathlessly. “What is…”
That’s when you see it.
It starts at his feet and begins eating its way up. Young is disappearing. But, why? How? He doesn’t let you go as he says, “...You’ll make your way back to Dan Heng. I promise.”
“What’s happening?” you cry. “Why—”
“Centuries ago, I made a mistake by keeping you in the dark.” Young smiles gently at you. “I want to make it up to you.” Your eyes widen when he quietly says your name. “...Be happy. And…” It reaches his neck, and you hear him say, "...I love you" with a warm look in his eyes that you'll never see again.
4 years later
“Food’s ready!”
March is the first in the room as Gepard walks in with food fresh off the stove.
“Gosh, I’m starving!”
“How?” Gepard asks teasingly. “All you did was game all day.”
March points up just as the sound of rain gets louder. “Yeah, I wonder why.”
As Gepard and March continue their bickering in the living room, Stelle walks by the balcony and sees Dan Heng sitting on a patio chair underneath a large umbrella. She opens the door and peeks out.
“Food’s ready, didn’t you hear?” she asks.
“I heard."
Stelle walks out and quickly joins him under the umbrella. “Then, what are you doing sitting out here for?” She looks up at the full moon that Dan Heng is looking at. “...Are you still thinking about her?” When he doesn’t say anything, Stelle sits next to him. “It’s been four years, Dan Heng… She’s… I… I don’t think she’s coming back.”
Tomorrow will be exactly four years from the day you left. You’ve always been on Dan Heng’s mind, but it’s always this time of year that you fill his thoughts the most. Ever since you left, he hasn’t seen Nanook or Lan again either. However, Caelus and Luocha have recovered, so something happened. Dan Heng wishes he knew what. The uncertainty eats away at his sanity every day.
“...You’re coming tomorrow, right?”
Right. He almost forgot. The latest movie that Stelle stars in premieres tomorrow. Everyone said they’d be there to see it.
“I’ll be there."
Stelle smiles. “Good!”
The balcony door slides open, and Caelus peeks outside. “Hey, you two. Comin’ for food?”
Stelle is the first one inside. Dan Heng, before following her inside, glances at the full moon, and like every night… he hopes you’re safe… wherever you may be.
The next night, Dan Heng arrives at Stelle’s movie premiere dressed in a teal dress shirt and black blazer with gold stitching. There’s a bit of gel in his hair, styling it in a way that makes it look a little messier and fluffier than usual, and his expensive cologne smells like mountains and the ocean.
Gepard, who’s dressed in a white suit, nudges his friend. “People think you’re the main attraction here.”
And it’s true.
As he and Dan Heng make their way toward a VIP section, Gepard catches some people whispering to each other and looking at his well-dressed friend. Suddenly, Dan Heng stops, turns, and looks around.
“What’s wrong?” Gepard asks.
Maybe the familiar presence he felt was just his imagination.
When Dan Heng and Gepard arrive at a room with Stelle and the other actors, March immediately walks up to them in her cute, strapless dress. “You two clean up well!”
Gepard smiles and gives her a hug. “We try.”
Dan Heng looks over his shoulder but sees nothing out of the ordinary.
“Hey! Let’s get a group photo!” Caelus shouts.
It’s in the middle of taking the photo that Dan Heng sees him. A man… dressed in a butler suit with large blue eyes. The man looks at him once, smiles, and then disappears into the crowd. As soon as the photo has been taken, Dan Heng hurries into the crowd to look for him.
“Hey!” he hears Stelle shout. “Where are you going?”
Dan Heng eventually ends up in the main area where people are gathered in small groups chatting or taking photos with each other, but the man who strongly resembles Pom is nowhere to be found.
“Hey.” Dan Heng turns and sees Caelus. “You okay?”
“...Yeah. I just… I thought I saw Pom.”
“...Pom?” Caelus looks down. “Is that… possible?”
Dan Heng looks down and mutters, “I’d like to think so.”
Dan Heng sighs, knowing exactly what Caelus is going to say. It’s been four years. Why would Pom be in a place like this?
“Let’s go,” Dan Heng says. “The movie is going to start soon.”
As soon as the movie ends, Dan Heng is ready to go home. But his friends have other plans.
“Are you sure you don’t want to come to the afterparty?” March asks. “There’ll be drinks! Celebrities! Food!”
“...Pass,” Dan Heng says. He’s had enough socializing for one night. Plus with his hallucinations of seeing Pom, he needs a good night’s sleep.
“Do you need me to call you a taxi?” Gepard asks.
“I’ll be fine.” Dan Heng slightly raises his phone. “Already called one.”
The night has warmed since Dan Heng and Gepard first arrived at the venue. Dan Heng takes off his blazer and casually unbuttons the first two buttons of his dress shirt just as his taxi pulls in. Once the door closes, he's about to tell the driver his address when the man says it himself.
A small chuckle. "Oh, please don't be alarmed. A lot of people have been going to that area... I figured you'd be, too."
Dan Heng has his doubts, however.
Then, the car is off.
Dan Heng is looking at his phone when the driver suddenly says, “That looked like quite the party back there.”
Not wanting to be rude, Dan Heng says, “Ah… yeah.”
The driver chuckles softly. “Guess you’re not the type to party.” Dan Heng raises a brow and puts down his phone. But he can’t see the driver’s face. “What do you do for a living?”
“...I work as a chemist in the pharmaceutical industry.”
“Ooh.” Dan Heng slightly narrows his eyes as the voice starts to sound familiar. “So, you develop medicine and stuff? How magical.”
Then, before the driver can ask any more questions, Dan Heng asks, “...Have we met?”
“Us? I… I don’t think so.” The driver lowers his hat. “Why would you ask that?”
“Your voice. It sounds familiar.”
The car slowly rolls to a stop in front of the apartment building. Then, the driver clears his throat. “Does it?” Dan Heng decides to drop it and opens the door. As soon as he steps out, the driver says, “Hey, it’s on the house.”
And the car drives off.
Dan Heng watches the car disappear around the corner, sighs, and walks into the building. What a night. He reaches his floor and steps out of the elevator. He’s looking at his phone when he rounds the corner. Then, just before reaching his suite, he looks up, and his phone drops to the ground.
Upon seeing him, you push yourself off the door you’re leaning on. You take three steps and put a hand on his cheek.
“...Guess I don’t need a million years to surprise you after all.”
His hand is around your head, and his mouth finds yours in a heated, unrelenting, passionate kiss that sends your head and heart to the heavens. This is real. Everything he feels, he touches… is real. You’re in his arms, kissing him back with just as much intensity as he. His fatigue instantly washes away, replaced by a dire need to hug you, kiss you, and tell you…
“...You’re home."
He drowns your words with another breathtaking kiss that ignites your nerves, leaving your skin hot and your face flushed. You hear a click, and the door supporting you is suddenly no longer there. Dan Heng’s arm is wrapped around you, supporting you as he guides you over the threshold without breaking the kiss.
The door swings shut, and his mouth leaves yours just long enough for you to say, “...I’m home. Forever.”
“I thought…” his voice breaks as he finishes, “I thought I lost you.”
He kisses you again.
“I promised you,” you say.
You kiss him again.
“...I was going to come back to you…” Your breathy voice is sending his emotions wild. “...No matter what.”
“...Can I show you how much I missed you?”
Your hand is trailing down his chest, and you smile against his lips. “...Please.”
Dan Heng takes your hands and puts them on the buttons of his shirt. Then, as if doing it together, he slowly reveals his toned, lean torso. Your hands glide down, and your breath catches in your throat when you see his muscles react to your touch. Dan Heng tilts your head up and kisses you once more.
A shirt falls to the floor. Pants slide down. Boxers and lingerie are left forgotten.
With you against the wall and a hand beside your head, Dan Heng slowly slips two fingers between your thighs. One finger glides against your folds and your knees buck from that one sensual touch.
Leaning in, Dan Heng whispers, “Hang onto me… We can’t have you falling when I haven’t even started yet.”
Your hands find his broad shoulders, and you’re expecting him to slide a finger inside. But, instead, he hooks your legs around his waist, and his lips place a kiss on your neck. Lower and lower he goes… leaving behind a trail of kisses that sets your body on fire. He finds your hardened nipple, and he takes it into his mouth, caressing it with his skilled tongue that soon finds its way in between your legs. A rub. A nudge. Soon, he’s working his tongue in a giant rhythm that has you bucking your hips and your body shaking with unrelenting pleasure. Every lick, every flick causes an electric surge that has your mouth singing the most beautiful song, one that he wants to hear all. night. long.
Your legs are resting on his shoulders. His hands are against the wall. But just when you’re about to feel that final wave, he stops.
“D-Dan Heng…”
Your legs fall from his shoulders before finding their way around his waist, his weight supports you completely. Dan Heng grabs your wrists and puts them beside your head as he looks you in the eyes.
Then, with a small, teasing smile, he says, “...I've waited too long.”
In one swift, delicious move, Dan Heng goes right in, and the satisfied moan that leaves your lips makes him all the more eager to please. Your breath becomes short as he begins to move, slowly at first until you become accustomed. Then, his grip on your wrists tightens, and he pumps harder…
“Oh…” you breathe.
…Until he’s driving into you. He lets you go, and his hands find your hips while yours go around his neck. And with one last push, both of you crumble like sand.
You’re still recovering from the high when Dan Heng puts his forehead to yours. And, with a smile, he says, “Welcome home.”
No one can take their eyes off this mysterious man who’d effortlessly taken down a man almost twice his size. Stelle stands behind him, still trying to process what had just happened. She’d gone to get food, and a larger, drunk, older man started talking to her. While it was a casual and innocent conversation at first, he turned sour when she rejected his invitation to spend some “quality time” with him later in the night.
When he suddenly grabbed her, someone stepped in.
A sigh. “Gosh. Nothing has changed.” The mystery man shakes his head in disappointment. “What a waste of a human being.”
Hang on. She recognizes that voice. Slowly, she approaches him, and the man turns around. She gasps loudly as Pom flashes her a peace sign.
“Miss me?”
Upstairs, two men in suits look down at the busy venue below. A woman stands beside one of them in an elegant white dress that beautifully shows her curves.
She chuckles. “Guess he upgraded his PomPom Punch.”
“Ugh. You just had to mention that, Idrila.”
“...Come. Our time is almost up.”
Downstairs, Pom glances up but no one is there. Maybe he’s the one imagining things now.
End notes:
#Youngdeservesbetter lol
Wow, what a ride this story has been. It pummeled me to the ground, but I finished it 🥹... Let's just ignore the amount of editing this story needs and focus on some fun facts. XD
1. Pom was supposed to be your younger brother, and Welt was supposed to be your older brother.
I can't remember when I made the choice to change, but it was probably when Luocha was officially introduced. The man just won me over with how pretty he was, and he knew about medicine, so he just fit into the story. But, I still sometimes imagine the possibilities that could've happened if I did include Welt in here somehow. He would probably be the cousin... twice removed... or something lmao.
2. I was considering multiple endings for this:
You become human while Pom remains on the Astral Express. At the end, he visits you as a cat, but you don't know it's him.
You die, but Pom doesn't. Your soul is stuck between the afterlife and the living, and Pom breaks the news to Dan Heng that you're dead. Then, you witness him slowly move on with Stelle, but he still has feelings for you.
The last ending is that you and Pom both die. No one knows what happened, and everyone is stuck in limbo. Dan Heng moves on with Stelle, but of course, still has feelings for you.
The fact that none of these made it in shows I need a happy ending for everyone. LOL My heart wouldn't be able to take it. But, if enough people are interested, I could write these endings as extra chapters.
I'm already thinking about my next writing project, and I have two ideas in mind. I can't choose lol so I'm running a poll on tumblr. If you're interested, go check it out :3. But, I'm going to be taking a short writing break before starting whatever wins the poll cause I can feel the burnout coming lol
Lastly, I'm participating in Honeyfeed's monthly writing contest. If you're interested in reading something on the darker side, please check out Taste of Death and leave a like and comment if possible :)
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offbranddrpepsi · 8 days
Hi. Can I request yandere headcanons for Chamber from Valorant?
Yandere Chamber Headcanons
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Chamber is already known to be incredibly resourceful as well as has the financial power to compensate for what he isn't able to obtain with his own efforts. This becomes his main tactic to keep tabs on you once hes taken interest. Though he heavily skirts the line of stalking he never does, he is still a gentleman after all and lets you have privacy, there are some things he would rather have you give him than him take. He knows your schedule and routine perfectly. He knows your address, your parents address, what their professions are, what yours is/was (if you are in Valorant), were you like to get dinner when you want to spoil yourself, the names of your best friend and any information one could possibly find about them. Before you've even become good friends he knows your likes and dislikes better than nearly everyone you know and uses this to hook you.
Now, Chamber also knows he is attractive so in his mind he realistically doesn't have to put a lot of work into getting you. Even still he starts his pursuit by gifting you your favorite flowers, saying he over heard you talking to Sage when you ask how he knew. Then he is asking you on a date to a higher end version of your favorite restaurant, a knowing smile on his face as you rave about the food and how you can't wait to go again. Finally he starts flirting with only you, others make note of it and do his work for him by teasing you over it.
Of course his flirtations aren't where all his efforts lie. If he knows of anyone you have interest in then he pays them handsomely to avoid you and finds dirt on the ones who don't accept his bribes, causing them to avoid you or have their lives destroyed. Now he doesn't want to isolate you, he still lets your friends be your own though he does make efforts to win them to his side as well with elaborate group trips and gifts for every occasion. If someone causes you trouble they are paid off to quietly go away, if they don't then they simply vanish not to be heard from. He makes sure everyone that loves you loves him as well and removes anyone that would keep the two of you apart one way or the other.
He ensures you have the best day possible when ever he can and is always there when you dont. He listens to you vent and makes sure he is the only one to cheer you up, only sending you on little feel better trips with your friends so he can handle what ever darkened your day. You start having surprisingly good luck. He starts chatting you up more about your day to know if his efforts were enough. If they weren't he fixes that the only way an assassin knows how.
As he sinks his teeth into you he becomes possessive but subtly at first, he knows how quickly someone can pull away so he wants to let you get used to it. He buys you a pair of gold ear rings that match his own, encouraging you to show it off while telling you that you get gold because you deserve the best. Your clothes slowly start being replaced, though he is sure to keep the ones you look the most you in, by ones that match his own so you two always look like a pair in some way. Then he gets you a bracelet with his last name engraved on it, easily folding when you ask him to get one with yours so he can match as it marks his efforts coming to fruition. Its barely two months before you're moved in with him with a room of your own at his apartment though you spend most of your time in his until your room is now your office. He starts seeming to show up not long after you stray from his side, always having an arm around you or holding your hand, saying how he missed you and just so happened to find you. At times he is just silent while others he is just as part of the conversation as anyone else, no one notices just how present hes become in everything you do until its just normal for him to be there.
He uses all of his resources to make sure you absolutely never have a reason to leave him. He bares his heart to you, exposing his deepest emotions he hides from others, pulling you in as close as he can until its far too late to escape. You feel lucky, you're his only confidant, the one person he trusts more than himself, the person who owns his heart which he stresses is very hard to do. You're spoiled constantly and never have dark days. You want it he gets it, you don't want it then he makes sure you never have to see it again. He uses vulnerability like a trap, drawing you in until its too late for you to turn around and escape and then spoiling you so you dont realize just how far you've fallen.
You have a ring on your finger and a wedding date before you know it. You retire from what ever work you do, Valorant or not, at his insistence as he promises to take care of you just as he has been this whole time. Slowly most of your friends simply can't keep up which he consoles you over and eventually you meet his double, the only other man he would trust with you, and soon you too become close to his mirror. Having him becomes like having a body guard that can never stop telling you how beautiful you are and thats only multiplied now. Who needs friends when theres plenty of him to go around?
Eventually you're a caged bird but your cage is gilded with gold and adorned with the finest jewels. You have all your hobbies, you have your family, you have any friends that managed to stick around. Your every need it met and all you have to give is yourself to him. All you have to do is be his and only his. He doesn't make you serve him, you're too good for that. Instead you sit just in eye sight, being the you he oh so loves. When you're not in his sight you're in his doubles though you aren't ever sure which is which some days, they look at you the same after all and give you the same, and only, love that you've come to know.
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The Concierge & The Global Meeting (Part 47)
The Continental has ever been a multinational conglomerate of many, many Hotels scattered around the globe. You know this. You've always known this. And yet, it is hard to visualise exactly how many until one is faced with a ballroom full of management, each representing a different Hotel.
You find yourself standing behind the Manager as she mingles and greets the others, filing their names away and trying to match them to faces as you go. Some had changed since you were last an active Emissary and had the chance to travel, and some have been the same for several decades.
Ah, here is one of the few constants.
The stout, older gentleman turns from where he was busy doctoring his martini to his liking. The moment he spots the Manager, however, he smiles and salutes her with his glass. "Ah, Madam Manager."
"I'm surprised you made it," the Manager purrs to him, accepting the raise of his brow with a small smile. "Given the word on the street."
Winston Scott, Manager of the New York Continental Hotel for nigh on 40 years. A very long time for an assassin.
He makes a surprised face at her comment. "Oh? And what, I wonder, is the word on the street?"
You watch him evenly. His eyes are bereft of such surprise, instead filled with fatigue.
"You had a visit from the adjudicator recently, yes?" The Manager cups her elbows in her hands. "There are eyes upon your Hotel. I didn't think you would want to be away for long."
Winston raises and lowers his brow in a facial shrug. "Whether I am there or not makes no material difference. I trust my concierge to take care of my affairs while I am gone." There is a confidence to him. He doesn't think the Hotel will fall while he is away. Or he doesn't think anyone will bother with the Hotel if he is not there to receive them.
Then he slides his gaze to you. The shadow in the Manager's wake. "Unlike you." He smiles a pointed smile at the Manager.
She, as always, takes it into stride. And you don't take it personally.
"I keep my Heart close to me, always," she purrs. But she does lean towards you to murmur, "Why don't you mingle? I'll call you if I need you."
You eye Winston carefully. There is no danger of leaving her with the New York manager. You had secured the perimeter personally. "Of course." It is also an order, one that you don't disobey.
It is somewhat disconcerting to be left in a hall full of people - some you recognise, some you don't. But luckily for you, you needn't consider who you should approach first.
"My friend, it has been a long time."
Sharp, crisp footsteps. Softer booted feet after that.
You turn, a soft smile already on your lips. "Shimazu-sama," you bow to Koji Shimazu, manager of the Osaka Continental Hotel. "Akira-san." Then to his concierge, his daughter.
Both of them bow in turn, Akira with a deeper bow than her father.
The Japanese man, though of average height, holds himself with a regality that makes him seem a lot taller. He gives you a soft look, the crow's feet at the corners of his eyes crinkling. "You look well."
"Time has been good to me, Shimazu-sama." If you were honest, your forced retirement has done more for your health than any of the strict dietary routines and exercise had done during your career as Emissary.
Akira is stone-faced behind her father as the man continues to speak, "Good, good. I have heard that things have changed in your City as of late?"
Ah. He can only mean one thing. "Do you mean the monsters' Ascension?" you tilt your head politely in askance.
"Yes," Koji nods. "I have heard that they seek Hotel membership. Does that concern you?"
Your answer comes immediately and without hesitation. "No, it does not."
He seems mollified by the answer, if he ever seemed concerned to begin with. "That is good to hear."
But before he can proceed with what he was going to ask next, there is the gentle clinking of silverware against a glass. The call for attention.
Slowly but surely, every single manager makes their way to the long tables in the middle of the hall. Two rows of them, facing each other, with no one at the head or the foot. Everyone sitting as equals, speaking to each other as equals.
The concierges, how few of you have arrived today, move to stand along the wall. Seen, but not heard. Akira stands next to you, her back straight, her hands clasped behind her back.
When at last all are seated and settled, the Manager rises as the one who had called the Global Meeting. "I thank you all for answering my call on such short notice," her voice is loud enough to be heard by all, but not loud enough that it echoes in the room. "The reason for my call is to discuss the goings on in New York and the news of the appointment of the Imperator."
All eyes fall to Winston, sitting at the other end of the tables, who puts his hands up in a shrug.
"There is a concern that I hold," she continues once all eyes return to her. "That the Imperator will turn his gaze to the rest of us in time." After he is done with New York.
That gets some of the managers muttering and mumbling, turning to the other to whisper.
Winston takes a sip from his glass. "And you believe that his gaze falls upon my Hotel."
"The Table has already turned its eyes to New York." The Manager means the Adjudicator, who turned the New York Hotel into a warzone in an attempt to get Winston to abdicate his throne, to kill John Wick.
"They deconsecrated the Hotel to allow business to be conducted on company grounds." A consecrated Hotel is a safe haven for those that pay for passage or enter its grounds - a deconsecrated Hotel is one that has been stripped of such protections.
"They will surely do so again, given the chance. They know your ties to Mr Wick."
There is a wave of muttering - it is agreed and well-known that Mr Wick had frequented the New York Continental when he was active, and that he had a good relationship with Winston. But not just Winston, but other Hotels and their managers as well.
"The High Table," a voice speaks from the middle of the tables; a stately looking man with a thick Italian accent, "is looking at a rebellion in the making. Many of us have ties to Mr Wick." Julius, manager of the Rome Continental, is one of them. "Even if we do not, we have heard of him and his crusade." And what it stands for.
Many before John Wick have tried for freedom and failed. Having served for as long as he has, Julius who is the longest-standing manager has seen them all come and go. He knows better than anyone what the start of a rebellion looks like.
The room quietens then. One could hear a pin drop in the room. They all know what he means. Many, if not all, of the room's occupants, have seen the High Table react to any slight to their authority. If they even thought that the Continental was harbouring an excommunicated assassin or harbouring thoughts of rebelling...
You had seen but a glimpse of it in a previous Imperator. But this one...you had never known an Imperator as unhinged as the Marquis.
"Then what do you propose?" Koji speaks up now, leaning forward so he can look at Julius, and then at the Manager. "What is it that you ask of us?"
The Manager smiles. It seems that was the question she was waiting for. "A call to arms," she says simply.
In an instant, there is an uproar.
"You cannot be serious!" Hong Kong.
"Have you learned nothing from the folly of those that came before?" Manchester.
"This is suicide." St. Petersburg.
"Or would you rather roll over and show your belly when the High Table comes knocking, allowing them to depose you and install one of their own in your place?" The Manager's voice rings out above them all, silencing them. "Would you truly let the Imperator destroy your Hotel as he pleases?"
You can see fists tighten on the table and jaws clench. But none of them speak out.
The Manager looks at each of them, finding that only a few meet her piercing gaze. "Call it foolish if you like, my colleagues. But a storm is approaching. I see no reason to twiddle my thumbs and wait for it to hit. You owe it to your Hotels, your cities, to prepare accordingly."
There is a soft grunt from opposite her. Sofia Al-Azwar, a woman as wild and furious as they come. "We all agreed when we took up this position," she begins, growling, her bangles clinking as she jabs her finger into the table, "to play by the High Table's rules. What you're proposing will destroy us all!"
The Manager only looks at her with calm, piercing eyes - ice against fire. "You say that, Sofia, but you are hardly in their good books either." Many in the room know that she had led John Wick to Barrada, who then gave him the location of the Elder deep in the deserts of Morocco. She might have done it under the compulsion of a Marker, but she had done it nonetheless.
Koji speaks up again, pushing his glasses higher on his nose. "You raise a good point, Miss Al-Azwar. But it must be kept in mind that the High Table has not honoured their agreement with us either."
"Indeed," the Manager presses her fingertips against the table. "There has always been an understanding between our organisations. They brought their fight to the New York branch. Deconsecrated it to kill one man."
"After he did it first." Munich. "We all know of how he murdered Santino D'Antonio on company grounds. An eye for an eye, one could say." Of course, the High Table would take interest in one of their own members being killed on Continental grounds. However, they had certainly gone above and beyond simply killing one man. Overkill, one might say.
The Manager sighs. Shrugs. "We are all our own entities tied together in a coalition. A call to arms is less a directive and more of a suggestion. Fortify or don't, that is your choice. But it should be known that the King of Monsters has been summoned by the Marquis."
There are more than a few furrowed brows among the managers. Not many know exactly what the monsters are, but few would be remiss to notice what role they might play in the Marquis' army.
"Times are changing, colleagues. You should all look to the future."
There is little more to discuss after that note. The table slowly empties, bodies filing out of the hall, until there are only a few remaining.
"You think there will be war?" Koji asks the Manager quietly, his hands tucked into his sleeves.
"What better way to quash a rebellion than to destroy its safe havens?" Winston mutters. "Jonathan is likely to look for a safe harbour." He gives a look towards Koji.
The Japanese man had grown up alongside John Wick. Fought with him, alongside him, for a great many years. It is not widely known that they are as close as brothers could be, but a discerning tracker or a well-placed informant would know.
You catch Akira's stony expression, her lips pinched, and wonder if she knows exactly what Winston is alluding to.
"You think he will come to me." Koji voices everyone's thoughts.
"Mister Wick is slowly burning his bridges. There are few left to him and he knows you would not turn him away," the Manager says before Winston can offer his two cents. The New York manager simply nods in agreeance.
Akira's lips tighten even more and you watch her closely - would she speak up here against her father? No, is the answer, as Akira clearly bites on her tongue to allow Koji to speak.
"I shall prepare accordingly. If you should hear anything..."
"We will let you know."
Without another word, the Shimazus depart. Winston, too, tips his proverbial hat and ambles out, his heels clicking sharply on the marble floor.
You watch them go with a dead stare, feeling the Manager's eyes on the side of your head.
"That's all we can do," she mutters, folding her arms across her chest.
You blink. Look at her. Then step so you're shoulder to shoulder with her, staring at the table. "They have been warned."
The Manager sighs and drops her head so her temple rests on your shoulder. "Let's hope it is enough."
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datastate · 2 years
tracing hearts around michiru...she makes me so unbelievably sad
#imagine finally finally being given recognition for your research#and the opportunities to fully explore it regardless of ethical standards because of how closely your work is in line with weaponry#but every day you're reminded that as far as the world knows or cares - you're dead.#& it shouldn't bother you because you truly only ever did this to help advance humanity's ability to recover from otherwise fatal accidents#you didn't want or need the fame. but now you wonder if it really will be used for normal people or if it's only going to be#a healing the organization uses to draw more people into their grasp. into relying on them#and you've seen firsthand what they do to people who don't prove their worth. you've seen them gone within the day. out of commission.#executed.#you've experienced the intense pressure to abide to it. you've seen the results of emiri's breaking point#and her desperation to revive people. no matter the cost. her bitter alliance with asunaro as they promised her the opportunity to fully#pursue this. and maybe. just maybe. she'd get her husband back. as they promised in return for Her.#she was the primary driving force and quickly impressed gashu but she was so angry and upset and shallow and scary#and you've heard from a friend - an 'assassin' - that he has accepted he will be executed soon for his lack of work#and how he wishes he could apologize to the child who was murdered by her own parent - kai's aid.#who was there to finish the job if he couldn't#and the horrible fact that if michiru ever returned to her family or gave them a signal she was alive...they'd be killed just as violently#any string of asunaro's truth is to be cut. no matter the situation#whether you expose it purposefully or its a childish curiosity...#augh..#jestersvaguely#yttdposting#character death#fictional child death
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melis-writes · 2 years
hi melis! idk if this is unconventional or if it's something you might have already written but i wanted to maybe request a drabble/oneshot set during the godfather part II about what's going through michael's head while he's having fredo killed? if this isn't something you're interested in or something you've done before that's perfectly fine and I hope you have a good rest of your day!
Ooh, this prompt!! 👀Not unconventional at all, it’s a hell of a prompt idea! 💓 Thank you for requesting it!! It’s by far one of the most heartbreaking scenes in the film, so let me delve into Michael’s mind (in his POV)! 😅
One by one, death comes to take all of us either planned or natural. Everything is the way that it should be; everything falls into place, everything and everyone has their reasons.
Fredo had his reasons, just as I have mine.
“Johnny Ola told me about this place, he brought me here!”
I’ve seen my own fellow countrymen die before my eyes in the most gruesome, harrowing ways possible. I’ve lost dear friends and colleagues over the years, seen others descent to madness from what they’ve been battling in their mind.
“I know it was you, Fredo. You broke my heart.”
I wasn’t home when I heard the news that my eldest brother was killed, nor did I make it back in time for any funeral preparations. It was as we had all expected, if Santino was going to die in this life he would be slain by our enemies, not by the hand that fed him—not by his brother.
“Fredo, you’re still my brother! FREDO! FREDO!”
Father’s disapproval and overlook of the family already tells me now that if he was still with us, he would have forgiven Fredo. Father never forgot, but he always forgave and that was his weakness—a weakness he knew far too well.
It would have never mattered to my father what Fredo did, and this would apply to any one of us—his children.
Mother would have never gotten herself involved with intentions and reasons, but she would never give up her sons no matter the consequence and while I have fondness, love and respect for my parents, I cannot accept their weakness as my own.
“Where’s my brother?”
In truth, the views and opinions of those around me do not matter. When it comes to life and death—just as I had learned during the war—emotions cannot get in the way of what is right. To let this go, to pretend everything is “fine” is obscene, it cannot be allowed. I won’t allow it, I can’t.
“Tell him I know Roth misled him, he didn’t know they were going to try and kill me.”
Fredo was never misled, but he misled us all. He is still the son of Vito Corleone, whether he believed he could live up to our father’s legacy or standards. My father still loved him as a son when he knew Fredo was weak, when Fredo failed to protect him amidst assassins.
“I haven’t got a lot to say, Mike.”
My brother’s own personal weaknesses and insecurities never concerned me. They’re his problem and his alone. I always knew Fredo had an inferiority complex, he never hid it from us. It almost seemed as if he enjoyed putting himself down, like he preferred to stand in the shadows of others.
“I was kept pretty much in the dark.”
Outspoken Fredo, charismatic Fredo, the underboss of the family business, Fredo. He could always talk to me. He could be upfront and honest with me and if not me, then Tom, then Connie. We were still a family.
“I didn’t know all that much.”
Fredo made the decision to go behind my back and consort with my rivals. He was the one who decided not to tell me that Ola and Roth approached him.
“I didn’t know it was gonna be a hit, Mike. I swear to God I didn’t know it was gonna be a hit.”
He never thought about what it meant for me because he was selfish, insistent on proving himself to those who never doubted him to begin with, including me.
“He said there was something in it for me, on my own.”
There is nothing in my mind that can convince me otherwise. I know my own brother wanted me dead, one way or another.
“I’ve always taken care of you, Fredo.”
If he truly believes I was stepping over him, that I was forcing him to live a life sheltered with my “rule”, then isn’t that enough reason on its own to do what he thought he had to do?
“Taken care of me? You’re my kid brother—you take care of me? You ever think about? You ever once think about that?”
Tom wants to believe Fredo knew nothing but the truth speaks for itself. I know enough, I know what I have to know. I made my decision then. I didn’t have to see my brother again or have him come out of hiding in New York.
“That’s the way I wanted it.”
I’ve decided my brother’s own fate and it lies before my own eyes at my home now. The home I told Fredo I never wanted to see him in again—the home he almost had me killed in. It’ll be fitting now for him.
“Fredo, you’re nothing to me. You’re not a brother, you’re not a friend. I don’t wanna know you or what you do. I don’t wanna see you at the hotels, I don’t want you near my house. When you see our mother, I want to know a day in advance so I won’t be there. You understand?”
I’ve never been one to forgive nor forget. I cannot allow an attempt on my life to be swept under this weakness in the name of “family” or “love”.
Fredo is none of that to me anymore. He’s neither my family nor do I have any love for him as a brother, a friend, or otherwise. For those reasons alone, I will not regret his death but welcome it before my eyes, no matter how hard it may be to accept a brother’s betrayal.
As I watch Al Neri silently pull out his pistol and aim it to the back of my brother’s head, I’m unable to quell the sound of bullets flying over my head from the attempt on my life, and only once I see Neri’s finger wrap squeeze the trigger do I finally know I’m even with my brother.
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mercurysstars · 3 years
All That Glitters Is Not Gold (part 7)
Summary: Y/n gets hired to be the avengers chief physician and also happens to be an ex assassin.
Word count: 3.2k
Warnings: Needles, swear words, reader getting angry.
A/N: Okay y’all so maybe the reader has slight anger issues.
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𝘍𝘪𝘹 𝘮𝘦 𝘶𝘱 𝘮𝘺 𝘥𝘢𝘳𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨.
Y/n suddenly became aware of the very persistent beeping noise in her ear. No matter what she tried she couldn't get it to stop and it was starting to annoy the hell out of her. She cracked her eyes open, the light-flooded her blinding her for a few seconds but her eyes quickly adjusted.
The first thing she noticed was the white plain walls of the Med-Bay. The memories flickered through her head like a flashing light. Y/n looked down to her bandage arm she peeled it back a bit, by looking at her wound she guessed she might have been out a little over a day and a half.
She grabbed the cords attached to her body and yanked them out causing the heart monitor to start flatlining. Wanda shot right up out of a dead sleep at the sound, looking over to make sure her friend was okay. Y/n didn't even know she was there until she spoke up "Oh good you're alive."
Y/n grimaced "Very much so. How long have I been out?"
"A little over a day," Wanda said confirming what she thought. "After FRIDAY alerted us, Barnes got there first to see you all bruised and bloody."
Y/n could tell Wanda was trying to keep the conversation light which she appreciated. She rolled her eyes and chuckled "You should see the other guy."
"Oh trust me I did." Wanda grinned. "I should probably go get bruce though so I'll be right back."
Wanda left her room. Bruce came in and checked her vitals and drew some blood just to make sure there wasn't anything toxic left in her blood. He said that they couldn't use the cradle because it could harm her further so there would be a scar. But Y/n didn't mind much a little bit of meditation and it would be long gone.
Wanda gave Y/n her phone but had to go because Vision needed some help. Y/n was checking some emails and she heard a little sniffle. She looked up to see a red-eyed Peter peaking into her room. She set down her phone and motioned him over. "Hey, Peter what's wrong?"
Peter seemed a little unsure of himself hesitating to speak. He once again sniffles wiping his face with his shirt. In a little voice, he mumbled, "I was scared you were going to die."
Y/n's heart broke into a million little pieces. She didn't know what to say to him. She wanted to comfort him but she didn't know-how. Y/n did the only thing she knew how. Made a joke out of it. "Oh, Pete you know some half-ass assassin can't get the best of me."
Peter chuckled also while hiccuping. He looked down then back at her. He rushed toward Y/n wrapping his arms around her. Y/n slowly wrapped her arm around him the stayed like that for a few seconds. She rubbed his back and patted it. "Can't breathe. Super strength." She choked out.
Peter pulled back standing next to her bed and rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly "I forgot sorry."
"Don't worry about it. And hey get some sleep I'm the one in the Med-bay and you look worst than me."
Peter promised he would. He gave her a get-well card that he bought with his aunt May. He turned to leave. Bucky was standing in the doorway. Peter told him he could go in and left.
Bucky walked into the room. Y/n's face lit up when she noticed him standing there. "Well look who it is. My savior."
Bucky gave a small chuckle. He looked her over. He can't get the image of her lying limp in his arms out of his head. He doesn't think he's ever been that scared or panicked in his life. It became blurry to him after she passed out. He vaguely remembers carrying her the few feet to the med bay and Bruce ordering someone to get him out. Funny how someone can change your life within a few months of knowing them.
"How are you doing." He breathed out turning serious. He sat in the chair next to her bed setting her clothes on the tabled next to them. He couldn't explain it he felt like it was her fault she was in here. Even if he hasn't done it personally.
"Good, I'm good. How's Alpine? I know she has separation anxiety."
"Well, last night she somehow got into my room again. And right now I think she's with Wanda. I'm pretty sure she sneaks her extra treats."
Y/n and Bucky continued to talk. She genuinely enjoyed his company. There was a feeling that she didn't want to name that started to open up whenever he came around. They decided to watch a movie. Y/n was sitting crisscross applesauce and Bucky had his feet kicked up onto her bed while laying back in the chair.
"You actually liked this movie," Bucky exclaimed. Y/n got to pick the movie and she picked newsies. She thought it was the right thing to choose considering it's about young boys in New York. Though it was a little before his time it was basic Bucky and Steve.
"Yes, it was my favorite movie of my teen years. Believe it or not, I thought their New Yorker accents were really hot."
Bucky laughed. He couldn't believe what he was hearing "No way. They are so bad. They aren't even accurate."
"Hey don't judge. I can't help what my teenage hormones find attractive." She jokingly kicked his feet and he put his arms up defensively.
"I'm not, I'm not. It's just that I don't see you like that type of girl. Back in my day, they use to associate accents with thugs or gangs."
"It's the 21st-century hun. Times are different." She put her non-injured hand on her hip.
Bucky raised his eyebrows and smirked "So I'm seeing."
The buzzing of Y/n phone interrupted their conversation. The caller ID read Anthony Y/n put up a finger to signal to give her a moment. She clicked the accept button and a nervous sounding Tony picked up "Hey Y/n how are you? I heard what happened."
Y/n? He never uses her real. That only means one thing. He did something that could potentially piss her off. She was out for one day and this is what happens. "What did you do Tony."
"Okay look so don't be mad when I tell you. Meet me in the debriefing room in 10." He hung up before she got the chance to object.
Y/n slide to the edge of the bed. She swung her feet over. She attempted to stand up but when she put pressure on her foot she nearly collapsed. Y/n didn't remember hitting her foot or anything but it must have been when she dove over her desk. Bucky put his hands on her waist to steady her. "Woah you okay there doll?"
"Yeah. Can you like?" She made a turning motion with her hand. Bucky immediately stood up and turned around.
Y/n took off her hospital gown. Buck caught a glance of 2 long scars crossing her stomach and what looked like to be a burn on her hip through the reflection of the window. He quickly turned away out of respect. Y/n slide on her pants and cleared her throat. "I'm done."
Bucky turns around and sees her supporting most of her weight on her right foot. "Do you want me to get you crutches or a wheelchair?"
"Why would I do that when I have a perfectly good super soldier right here?"
She hobbled over to Bucky and wrapped her good arm around his waist. He rolled his eyes at her being difficult but put his arm around her. He wouldn't admit it but he secretly liked it and thought it was sweet.
They got down to the debriefing room. Tony was pacing around the front muttering something to himself. Y/n and Bucky took up the last two seats. Y/n's foot was throbbing so she put it on the table to elevate it. They waited a couple of minutes for him to start. Natasha finally decided to speak up getting annoyed "You want to tell us what this was about before you burn a hole in the carpet."
Tony stopped to look at them and started to pace again "Okay so I didn't tell you guys everything. That meeting I had was with the UN. They are trying to get General Ross to be ahead of the Avengers instead of Nick Fury."
He paused to let them take it in. Some were confused, and a couple were mad. "Wait are they just trying to do this since we didn't sign the Sakovia accords?" Steve said what most were thinking.
"See that's what I said but they were talking about some bullshit about us being unorganized and dangerous. And the only way they'd stop it is if someone took a truth serum and I said Y/n would."
Oh, this is why he told her not to get mad. She had to take a deep breath so she wouldn't pull off her shoe and beat him with it. Is he stupid? He's a genius but he can't think before he speaks. "So how does it work?" Clint asked.
"Well, they will hook you up to a lie detector machine and inject you with the truth serum. The way it works is that every time you lie the serum will start to burn and your heart rate will start to accelerate."
"So what all do I have to lie about." Y/n finally questioned. She was chewing her lip in contemplation. She's pulled off worst than this and has had more on the line than this.
"What I know for sure is that I said you've been with us for 2 years, you can't tell them how you got that cut and anything that can potentially get us into trouble. Also, you can't take any strong pain meds."
"So basically she has to have one hell of a poker face," Bucky concluded.
Y/n sighs and rubs her head."How long do I have."
"12 hours until wheels up." Tony better buy me so many boxes of pizza she thinks.
Bucky watched as Y/n sat on the floor crisscross applesauce. Her back is the door and the only light in the room is the light from the hallway in the quinjet. Y/n could hear the soft buzz of Bucky's metal arm with her eyes still close she says "You know you can come in Sarge."
That startles Bucky. He walked into the room and sat on the floor taking up space next to her. He looked at her "I came to tell you we are almost there. Are you nervous?"
Y/n thought for a few seconds. Most people in her position would probably be pissing their pants at this moment. Having to go in front of the United Nations and lie straight to their faces. So she answered truthfully "No, no I'm not."
Bucky was surprised. She was genuine in her answer. If it was him he would be having a near stroke. "Really? Anyway so why do meditate it doesn't actually help with anything."
"Actually it does. It helps with my heart rate and it helps me heal faster."
"Oh?" He looked at her expectingly obviously not believing her.
She kicked out her leg and lifted the pant leg to her suit. The bruise was gone and she rotated her foot and wiggle her toes to prove she wasn't in any pain.
Y/n grabbed his shoulder as a crutch to help her get up and grabbed her heels. Bucky looked up at her. "You know I can't seem to figure you out."
Y/n paused and pursed her lips in thought "Somethings are better off left as mysteries." She patted his shoulder and walked out.
Wanda, Natasha, and Y/n broke off from the rest of the Avengers, having to go to the medical room so she could get a mini medical exam.
The girls walk through security. Natasha dropped all of her weapons in a bin so she could pick them up later. They put a device around Wanda's neck so she couldn't use her powers. Y/n could see how uncomfortable it made her. She walked over to Wanda and whispered "I feel bad you have to wear that. You didn't have to come."
Wanda looked at her and have a small sad smile "What you're about to do is worst than this. It's the least I can do for you helping us."
Y/n nodded to her. Security officers escorted them to the medical room. They had Y/n sit on a bed. They made her pee in a cup, took her blood, and checked her medical history. Natasha was giving her advice. While she knew most things it was still nice having someone coach her through and remind her of it.
When they finished Wanda went to join the rest of the Avengers. Natasha walked her to the door she adjusted Y/n's suit "You've got this. We'll be supporting you in the crowd."
"Thank you Nat for everything really." She hugged her and Natasha gave Y/n's arm a reassuring squeeze.
Y/n took a deep breath. She stepped into the room. The room was a half-circle shape with large windows behind it. In the back were journalists and reporters. And in the front were the UN personnel were located. Y/n walked past the Avengers and took her seat in the middle of the room.
Y/n could feel everyone's eyes on her. She got blinded momentarily from the flashes of the cameras. She looked over to the Avengers. Tony, Bruce, Clint, and Steve at the end. Bucky in the middle. And Sam, Natasha, Wanda, and Vision on the other end. Wanda gave her 2 thumbs up and Y/n smiled back at her.
Staff came over and started to unpack and hook her up to the lie detector machine. They took off the jacket to her suit and connected wires to three fingers on her right hand. They put a blood pressure cuff on her left tricep and inflated it. Ross stood up and cleared his throat being the room's attention on him.
"Good evening ladies and gentlemen. I'm General Ross and I will be doing the questioning on the behalf of the UN."
He turned his gaze to Y/n. "We're going to test the lie detector first."  Y/n nodded to him and he began.
"Is your legal name Y/n Y/l/n?"
"Yes." Y/n states.
"True." The man in the chair next to her says.
He looked down at the paper he had in his hand looking for his next question. "Very well. Were you born Y/B/D 1995?"
"Are you nervous?"
Natasha's words come back to Y/n. Lie once. Lie about something small. So they don't get suspicious. Y/n let her heart rate pick up a bit and purposely avoided eye contact. "No."
"It's okay to be nervous. God knows I would." Ross joked a few people chuckled and Y/n had to physically hold back an eye roll. He thinks he got her but in reality, he's right where she wanted.
He nodded to the staff and they walked over to her and began to prep her. They cleaned a small area of her arm with an alcohol pad. "This might hurt a bit." One muttered.
They stuck the needle into her arm and injected the serum. At first, it felt cool but then it hit her all at once it felt like someone poured a pan of grease on her. Y/n's skin was on fire, she bit her cheek so hard it nearly drew blood.
Bucky watched as Y/n closed her eyes and took a deep breath. If it was anything like the Super Soldier serum he knew it burn. She opened her eyes and if he didn't witness it he wouldn't even know it happened seconds ago.
General Ross walked back to the front and began to speak "We are ready to proceed. Did it hurt? I've never tried it."
"Yes." Like a bitch.
"What role do you play for the Avengers? Tony mentioned you've been there for 2 years."
"I'm their Chief Physician." The second part of his sentence was a statement so she missed lying by an inch.
He asked questions like that for a while or worded them differently. The questions were getting repetitive and Y/n was getting bored and impatient. She hasn't had to lie yet not that she wanted to. Especially not when she has the truth serum from hell injected in her veins.
"Have the Avengers ever put you in any unnecessary danger?" Ross questioned.
"Never." She replied trying not to bounce her leg.
"Tell me Miss Y/l/n how did you get that cut? It looks pretty deep." He paused seemingly watching for her reaction.
"My cat. She has some pretty mean claws." Y/n stated without missing a beat. She felt the burn of the serum. It wasn't as bad as the injection but damn did it fucking hurt. Despite that Y/n kept a straight face starting to get annoyed with him. She could hear the flutter of the cameras.
"Would you consider Miss Maximoff unstable in any way, shape, or form?"
Y/n has to stop her eyes from going wide. What the hell kind of question was that besides rude. It's like he wants her to lash out at him. "No."
The man watches the monitor for a few seconds "True." He finally says.
"Would you consider Mr. Barnes dangerous?"
The audacity of this man. You want to see someone dangerous? Let's see how dangerous I am when I choke you out with this cord that's wrapped around my finger- "No"
"Are you aware of his past?"
"Very much so. And that where it should stay the past. I don't know what you're trying to get at general."
"Were you aware that we are starting a search for Lilith and anyone with information on her that doesn't come forward will be sent to the raft? And were you aware that if we find her we are ordered to kill on sight?"
Y/n gets a bitter taste in her mouth. This cannot be happening. She can't freak out right now. She clenched her jaw "No I was not aware of either."
"Very well that's all." Ross returned to his seat among the UN.
The staff came over and unhooked her from the machine. Y/n felt like she could finally breathe. She stood up and walked out without glancing back. The Avengers did the same meanwhile getting swarmed with paparazzi.
Part 8
My mini taglist
@theashlynbarnes @writingonabrokenwall
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roselen-mylady · 4 years
the game
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"First one to kiss Thor wins." Wanda suggested. Y/n tried to hide her scoff but judging by Nat's elbow in her ribs, she hadn't been successful. "Come on, Y/n!" Wanda groaned, rubbing her forehead in frustration. 
"Oh, you come on! What? Are we going to play 'would you rather' after?" Y/n joked, earning yet another jab from Nat. The two red heads glared at her annoyed but Y/n didn't care as she took a sip of champagne.
Pepper had convinced Tony to hold another party in hopes of boosting the team's morale and while it wasn't the first time he'd done it, the parties were still enjoyable. Y/n couldn't help the enthusiasm and joy that came with drinking, dancing and mingling. Everyone came, at least everyone she knew, along with a hundred other people Tony knew. Even Peter had started to attend the last few parties, granted Tony only made him a frequent attendee once he'd reached 18.
The parties were fun, yes, but still being the drama and excitement addicts they were, Y/n and her closest friends craved the thrill of their little games. They played them at every party. The first was a simple game of truth or dare and the second had been the cliche spin the bottle. But with each gathering their dares and games grew more and more risky. And Y/n loved it. They all did.
But tonight was different.
Tonight was boring.
"You're just upset that Bucky didn't want to make out in the closet with you last time we played." Nat accused. A deep frown settled on Y/n's lips from the stab at her pride but she quickly waved off Nat's insult with a dismissing hand.
"That's because he knew I was drunk off my ass. I didn't really wanna make out with him either, he's my friend. You know what alcohol does to me." She argued, getting a short disbelieving nod from Wanda in return.
"Uh huh. Or maybe cause he knows you're into his best friend." Nat suggested, sipping her own drink with a smirk as she narrowly dodged Y/n's threatening hand. Wanda giggled at the interaction, knowing there was truth behind Nat's words. She had seen into Y/n's mind and her fondness toward Steve practically screamed back at her.
"I'm not into Steve. The man is too self righteous for his own good and you know I'm into bad boys." Y/n shrugged, her attempt at hiding her feelings becoming transparent in her friends' eyes.
Yet before either of them could argue further and perhaps bring up the kiss she almost shared with Steve during spin the bottle, Sam and Bucky arrived. "Who's into bad boys? You've come to the right place ladies, I'm the baddest of them all." Sam flashed a charming smile to which they all rolled their eyes.
"I'm sorry, Sam, but I think Bucky has you beat on bad boys." Y/n challenged, sending a playful wink toward the soldier. Sam gasped, mocking hurt while Bucky rolled his eyes rather unamused with the discussion.
"That's right, weren't you the second shooter in the JFK assassination? That's gotta be as bad as it gets." Nat commented causing a dark flush on Bucky's face. A short flash of guilt appeared on his face but he instantly brushed the comment off deciding not to dig into his cloudy memory for the truth. The second shooter was just a conspiracy theory anyways. But then again, so was the Winter Solider...
"What are you, a cop?" Bucky let out a strained chuckle, bringing his drink to his lips subtly trying to pull himself from the conversation. Y/n offered an apologetic smile and he returned it gratefully before she turned her gaze away.
Despite his closed off nature she'd actually become a sort of friend to Bucky and while at first it was rocky, she rather enjoyed her friendship with him. Through Bucky she heard stories about Steve when they were growing up and she saw another side of him that she wished she'd known.
"You ladies up to another game?" Sam questioned suddenly. Nat nodded sharing a look with Wanda but Y/n's focus had been drawn away. While lost in her thoughts about him, her gaze had drifted to the man of her fantasies and she shamelessly watched as he talked with Tony and another man she didn't care to remember.
He was smiling, a sight that she cherished even if he'd never notice. The blue of his eyes seemed to shine brighter than any fireworks she'd ever seen and her heart skipped a beat just looking at them. His blonde locks had grown out while she had been snapped away but not enough to make him appear drastically changed. In fact she wasn't sure if anyone else had really noticed. Maybe she was just a stalker.
"Well, we were going to play one but Y/n thinks it's not big enough." Wanda replied, giving Y/n a glare as she turned back to the group.
"Well, it wasn't. I feel like everyone's used to our shenanigans so there's no challenge." Y/n shrugged, peering at the others with a bored stare. Sam shook his head, refusing to let the tradition die.
"What did you guys have in mind?" He asked, looking over the three women as they glanced around the party.
"Wanda suggested a competition to see who could kiss Thor first." Nat explained. Bucky scrunched his nose in disdain at the dare, exchanging a exasperated look with Y/n.
"Thor would do anything, if you asked him." Sam sighed, drinking whatever liquor he had requested. Y/n remembered him saying something about woman being attracted to a man who can handle hard liquor but she had chosen to ignore him. Though she did have to admit it must've been hard for him to compete with both of his best friends being able to drink without the effects of the alcohol they consumed.
"That's what I thought! Thor would gladly abide anything if it made us happy. He's too kind for his own good." Y/n playfully rolled her eyes as they looked over to said god. He had slimmed down significantly during his time with the guardians and Y/n could almost swear that there wasn't an ounce of body fat left on the man. His hair had been cut as well, returning to his signature length and his beard had been trimmed down to a reasonable length. In other words, the Asgardian had almost every girl swooning once more.
But Y/n was swooning for another.
The same man she had for years.
"We could make it more of a challenge." Nat proposed. The group turned to her with interested eyes, the only one who hadn't seemed to match their intrigue being a very grumpy Bucky. "We could expand the dare to all Avengers. Unless you guys wanna be pussys and limit it only to men." Nat winked.
Wanda's face flushed at the suggestion and quickly shook her head. "I have a hard enough time kissing the people I've known for years let alone all the new Avengers." She squeaked. Sam chuckled nodding in agreement.
"Yeah, not that you guys are pussys I'm just saying that is a lot of people. That'll take forever. Let's just stick with Avengers pre-snap." Sam's laughter grew at Y/n and Nat's disappointed expressions, having reaped them of the extra challenge they'd been searching for.
"How about this?" He began realizing without a catch the game wouldn't be that much fun for any of them. "You have to get them to kiss you but only using cheesy ass pick up lines." Sam explained, looking rather proud of his game plan.
"What type of kiss?" Y/n questioned suspiciously.
"Any." A buzz of laughter and eagerness flooded over the girls and Y/n smirked knowing she'd been born for this challenge. "Are we all in agreement?" Sam asked looking to each for affirmations. Once everyone was on board they put their hands in the middle, a sort of ritual they had developed as a way to insure everyone's commitment.
But another presence had been added to their usual group and they turned to Bucky to see what he would do. He had never been on the scheming side of the games and usually was a victim but now he had a choice. Though he'd rather be removed from the plan all together he figured he'd might as well get it over with while he still knew what was happening.
"Yeah, alright but I'm not doing make outs. You guys do your lines or whatever, get your kiss, then I'm out." Bucky told them, putting his vibranium arm into the middle along with the rest. With childish grins on their faces they let their hands fall as Sam stepped forward.
"As per tradition, you all start off with a good luck kiss from moi." Sam explained, putting a dramatic hand over his chest as he turned to Wanda. She scoffed at his attempt at charm allowing him to peck her lips with a teasing smirk. Turning to Nat, he hesitated allowing her to quickly kiss him, learning the hard way that coming onto her was an easy way to get a black eye. The smack of her lipstick made Bucky shake his head, his 40s mindset unable to grasp how easily they'd all accepted the concept.
Sam then turned to Y/n, noticing the way she subtly glanced in the direction of Steve as his arm came around her waist. "Looking for someone? Cause your prince charming is right here." Sam flirted earning an eye roll from the woman before him.
"I thought we were supposed to do the crappy pick up lines." Y/n raised a brow, keeping a hand on his chest to get some distance.
"I said cheesy not crappy. I'm offended." He frowned playfully only to have it wiped off his face by the soft peck of her lips. She pulled away just as quick, slipping out of his hold and shaking her head.
"Oh, how will you ever recover?" She replied sarcastically, making the girls laugh quietly beside her. He smirked turning to Bucky.
"Alright, Buck. Let's get this show on the road." Sam announced patting Bucky's shoulder roughly as he urged him forward. Surprisingly Bucky seemed more nervous than he did annoyed so Y/n decided to take the lead this time, stepping closer to the brunette.
Deciding to keep it simple for Bucky's sake she trailed her fingers along his forearm, giving him a gentle smile. "Hey, can I borrow a kiss? I promise I'll give it back." She spoke smoothly. Sam cackled behind them but Y/n paid no mind instead smiling back at Bucky as he chuckled softly, grateful she hadn't used one of the dirty lines he was sure she had.
Shaking his head he leaned down, placing a gentle kiss to the corner of her lips. Though he made it seem like he was annoyed by the games he was forced into every party, he found Y/n made them more enjoyable, being one of his only friends.
"Go on. You better win since it's your fault I'm a part of this." He grumbled and Y/n laughed, nodding before running off to claim more lips.
On the other side of the room a certain blonde had caught sight of her, his eyes narrowing slightly in interest as Tony leaned closer to him. "I think Y/n's playing another one of those games. I swear that girl is going to be the death of me. Let's just hope Morgan stays innocent." Tony mumbled, bringing his glass to his lips as he surveyed Steve's expression.
"Yeah." Steve replied dully, his focus directed at the only girl in the room he couldn't keep his eyes off of. Tony smirked knowingly, deciding he'd allow Steve to ignore him just this once.
Y/n had this in the bag.
Thanks to Sam she had a wide range of pick up lines to try out and she planned to use the right one with each.
The first person she recognized in the crowd was T'Challa and she made her way to him slyly, his gaze falling on her as the crowd parted. "Ah, Ms. Y/n. To what do I owe the pleasure?" He questioned, a bit of mistrust in his eyes when he recognized the smirk on her face.
"Just seeing how my favorite pussy cat is." Y/n replied with an innocent shrug. He squinted suspecting her ulterior motives. He'd been to enough of Tony's parties to know that she along with Nat and Wanda usually had some kind of game and while he was entertained by it he also knew he needed to maintain decency being a King.
"He is very happy you're here to make things interesting. He was just telling me about how boring this party was. Also he was telling me he should ask you when you're going to bring Peter to Wakanda, that boy won't get off my back." Shuri spoke up, stepping closer to the pair with a pleased smirk. T'Challa didn't seem to share her amusement but knew most of what she had said was true.
"Well, you'll be happy to know that I have to be in Wakanda next week, I'll see if he's free to tag along." Y/n replied, turning her gaze to the spider boy. He still seemed to follow Tony around like a lost puppy but Y/n hoped maybe their field trip to Wakanda would break him out of his shell.
"Would it be wishful thinking if I hoped your visit to our kingdom is the only reason for your presence now?" T'Challa questioned. Shuri and Y/n laughed answering his question. There was another game going on. "What's the challenge now? Let me guess, I should be expecting Ms. Romanoff and Ms. Maximoff next?"
"More than likely. But there's a twist this time." Y/n explained, noticing the bit of curiosity in his eye as she sipped her drink. "If you like my pick up line, you have to give me a kiss."
Shuri giggled next to them excited to hear whatever line Y/n had planned. The young princess was always up for some mischief especially if her brother was the victim and this was what made her adore Y/n so much.
"And what if I don't?"
"I'll just have to try again, I suppose. You know how persistent I am." Y/n winked. T'Challa shook his head, catching sight of Wanda across the room having already collected her kiss from Thor. With a silent sigh, he turned back to Y/n figuring he'd best not hold her up any longer.
"Fine." Y/n smiled, locking eyes with Shuri for a moment before turning back to T'Challa. She stepped forward, the soft click of her heels sending a chill down his spine as she put a hand on his upper arm. Her lips curved into a smile and he braced himself for the line that seemed to bring her so much pride.
"Meow you doin'?" Y/n smirked, her voice smooth as velvet as her eyes stared into his. Laughter erupted from his sister and he turned to her as Y/n burst out into her own fit of giggles.
"I don't get it." T'Challa told them, dumbly trying to use the little bit of context he was given to understand the joke.
"Oh, brother! As soon as we return home we are watching Friends! Now give her a kiss so that she may have a chance at winning!" Shuri spoke through laughs. T'Challa shook his head but lifted Y/n's hand nonetheless and placed a soft kiss to her knuckles.
"I feel cheated." He grumbled but the laughter from both girls was enough to take his mind off the pick up line that went straight over his head.
"Pleasure doing business with you, King T'Challa." Y/n curtsied before turning away to find her next victim, leaving T'Challa and Shuri with entertained smiles.
Next on her list was Bruce Banner, the most lost out of all of the men who had experienced the game. The first time they decided to target just one person, he had been the focus and while he enjoyed Nat's kiss, Y/n and Wanda following in the act seemed to put him in a daze for a week.
"You got T'Challa right off that bat? Sometimes I hate how good you are at this." Nat's voice cut into Y/n's thoughts as the two stood together surveying Bruce.
"There's nothing to it, my friend. Give a line, get a kiss. It's science. Did you already get Clint?" Y/n questioned, trying to see where she was at as far as the competition went.
Nat shook her head softly, glancing over at the other men they'd still needed to kiss. "No. He's not here. He says he wants us to take his retirement seriously so until then he won't be at the parties, I guess." She explained and Y/n nodded quietly. One less guy to convince, she reasoned.
"You know I'll never get used to his transformation thing." Y/n commented, gesturing toward Bruce with a nod. Nat followed her gaze, leaning into Y/n to see past the crowd of people in front of her.
"Yeah, me either." She replied. Y/n's eyes narrowed suspiciously as she glanced at Nat through the corner of her eye but ultimately decided it wasn't something she really desired to question further.
"You better save your best pick up line for Steve." Nat warned, the smile on her lips all too knowing for Y/n's liking. Her mouth ran dry and the familiar rush upon hearing his name coursed through her making her face burn.
"For the last time, I'm not into-"
"Yeah, yeah, I know. Too bad though. He's been watching you ever since the game started." Nat whispered, turning Y/n's head in his direction with a poke to her chin.
The red on Y/n's face grew darker at the sight of Steve looking back at her, his eyes locking with hers over the rim on his glass. A soft shade of pink settled on his cheeks to match her own and his gaze faltered before returning to the man he'd been talking to.
"Save the best for last." Nat teased softly as Y/n turned back to her. She tried to brush off Nat's words as she stalked off toward Bruce but she couldn't get the image of Steve out of her mind.
Had he ever looked at her like that before? Was she losing her mind?
A long sigh escaped her as she tried desperately to focus on racking her brain for any science puns she had.
"Y/n! Hey, long time no see!" He cheered, pulling her into a side hug. The laughter that bubbled out of her chest was involuntary as she practically disappeared under his good arm.
"It's nice to see you too, Bruce. How's the arm?" Y/n questioned gesturing to the cast that seemed to be permanent on the larger than life limb. Bruce offered a tentative shrug, looking down at it.
"Tony and I aren't sure if it's ever going to heal. He's been looking at the possibility of getting a prosthetic but I don't really mind it. We beat Thanos, that's all that really matters to me." He replied. Y/n smiled kindly at him, putting her hand on the cast as her fingers trailed Steve's signature. She couldn't help the racing of her heart when she realized he'd signed right below her own.
"So, Nat tells me you guys are doing another game. Why do you guys do that anyways? Don't you get embarrassed?" He asked, genuinely interested. Whatever Nat had told him seemed to make him more aware and Y/n found herself open to his questions.
"I don't know. I trust everyone on the team so kissing them isn't a big deal. If anything I think it makes us more open to one another. Not to mention half of us are touch starved and probably need a kiss every so often." She laughed thinking back to her poor Bucky.
Bruce laughed too, "Well, maybe next party you'll find a way to get everyone to play. That'll be a sight." He chuckled imagining everyone competing against one another in some intimate game. Y/n nodded perhaps taking the suggestion maybe a bit too seriously.
"Maybe...I've gotta win this game first though. I'm sure you know the rules." She raised a playful brow and crossed her arms. He nodded remembering Nat's line with a loving smile. "Good. Let's see."
Her hand rose to her chin, staring up at the ceiling for a moment as she thought. Bruce watched with a entertained smile as her eyes lit up before looking back at him.
"Hey, baby. If you were an enzyme I'd be a DNA synthase so I could unzip your genes." She nudged Bruce's side making him laugh.
"That was the worst." He chuckled and Y/n laughed as well, nodding in agreement.
"Yeah, but you laughed so..." He nodded wrapping his free arm around her shoulders and leaning down to press a kiss to the top of her head, the most accessible spot from his outrageous height.
"I'm gonna remember that one." Bruce told her, his head bobbing unconsciously as he already began practicing the line in his head. Y/n bowed proudly before disappearing into the crowd once more.
"Who's next?" She mumbled to herself, running her hands along her dress, absentmindedly flatting the bunching in the fabric. The dress had been her favorite, hugging her perfectly as many of the tailored clothes Pepper sent her did. But this one was different.
This one was blue. But not just any blue. It was the same dark navy Steve wore on every mission. A color she found herself buying more often, whether it be on a folder or on a dress. She was almost attracted to it as much as she was to Steve and while it seemed a little silly, it made her happy knowing she could express her hidden feelings through little things such as that. She truly was head over heels but she could never tell him that. She could never risk the rejection she feared she'd be met with if she dared make a move.
So she loved him from afar.
"Oh no. Not pick up lines." Tony groaned next to Steve, his eyes nearly disappearing into the back of his head as he rolled them. Sam chuckled, nodding his head.
"It's true. Everyone is going to get hit on in the most undesired way possible tonight." He grinned, his lips still buzzing from the kisses he'd recieved.
"Yeah, you have bird brain here to thank for that." Bucky grumbled from Steve's left. Sam frowned, glaring at the semi stable hundred year old man.
"That's not what you said when you kissed Y/n." He retorted.
Steve tried to fight the jealousy that boiled in his gut but Bucky had already noticed the frown that reached his best friend's face.
"Only because I want her to win. She's my friend." Bucky explained, hoping his emphasize on 'friend' would put Steve at ease but the super soldier would never truly be at ease unless he had her in his arms.
He'd lost so much over the years including her and now that he had it all back-had her back, it felt wrong that they weren't together like he hoped. But he couldn't just tell her. What if she didn't feel the same way? What if he lost her in a way that no infinity stones could reverse?
"Personally I'm rooting for Wanda. That girl's smile would make you wanna kiss her. Not to mention her mind control stuff." Sam argued, using his hand to mimick Wanda's powers.
"Is this going to happen at every party?" Fury remarked from behind them making them turn to him, some with annoyed glances.
"You're not allowed to say anything about this, 'Mr. Off-Limits'." Sam proclaimed, feeling a tad responsible for keeping Fury out of the games. Especially after what happened last time.
"I won't be forced to partake in childish games like that. Y/n had it coming." Fury explained, any remorse he might've felt long gone.
Steve crossed his arms, his shirt tightening around his arms as he tried to bite his tongue. "You nearly broke her arm." He suddenly spoke up. Sam's suggestive smirk made him regret it instantly but thankfully Sam chose not to say anything.
"Gotta admit. Her resolve is pretty firm. It's actually pretty hot." Sam wiggled a brow at Steve. The poor blonde wanted to curl up and die in shame but Sam wasn't wrong.
Perhaps it was her determination and strong will that had attracted him. They were characteristics he was known for as Captain America but yet somehow her will was more powerful than his own.
It was one of the many things that he had loved her for. And one of the things that kept him going during the five years without her.
"Ugh. Can we please not talk about my niece like this?" Tony groaned, hating the idea of them sexualizing the girl he'd practically raised since she was a teen. Steve agreed, unsure how much longer he'd be able to stand them talking about her.
"Ooo, look. She's onto Thor now." Peter piped up pointing a finger toward Y/n as she made her way to the golden haired god. Yet the warning glare he received from Tony was enough to make him quiet again and he silently sunk back into the crowd behind them.
"I've got too many kids."
"Thor!" Y/n cheered. Upon hearing his name, the Asgardian turned returning her smile with a brilliant grin. The flask in his hand was opened yet there was no flush to his face signaling he was either only mildly buzzed or close to it.
"Lady Y/n. I was beginning to wonder when you'd come around. I do cherish our time together." Thor's smile was kind and radiant but she couldn't help but think there was still one smile that could outshine even that of a god's.
"Oh, you know I'd never miss a kiss from you." Y/n returned the charm, allowing his arm to come around her waist, resting at a comfortable distance from her hips. Thor had been the most accepting of their games and never seemed to go through the confusion that the rest did. Or maybe that was just her.
"I was just telling Valkyrie of your little games. She finds them truly amusing. Perhaps I'll convince you to accept her into the tournament." Thor explained, gesturing the hand holding his flask toward Valkyrie.
"Well, it's not exactly a tournament, just a little fun to keep things interesting. You're welcome to join if you're up for it." Y/n smiled, offering a small nod of acceptance toward the warrior woman.
"A competition among women where men are the victims? Sounds like my kind of crowd." Valkyrie replied, an excited smile landing on her lips as the two woman shared a look of mutual approval.
"Wonderful." Thor praised, the joy in his tone seeming to radiate off of him, infecting Y/n with each passing second she was in his grasp. "Now Lady Wanda spoke of this night's challenge. I believe you have a suggestive comment in which to lift me yes?" He spoke, looking down at Y/n as she began to giggle uncontrollably.
"Yes, Thor. In return for the pick up line, I get a kiss. But only if you enjoy it." She recited the rules earning a heartfelt smile from him in return.
"If it is spoken by you I'm bound to enjoy it." He told her earnestly. There was something in the way he would speak that made a girl's knees weak and while Y/n was able to withstand it better than most, she wondered if he was striving for that reaction from her.
Y/n shook her head at him, giving him a half-hearted glare as she looked up at him. "Alright, here it goes." She warned him, taking his attentive gaze as a confirmation to continue.
"Hey, gorgeous. Was your father a thief? Cause someone stole the stars from the sky and put them in your eyes." Before Y/n could even offer a wink or a smirk, thunderous laughter sounded from the man beside her, drawing the attention of everyone around them.
A flush of pink bloomed on her face, slightly embarrassed under the eyes of so many, especially Steve, yet she wasn't able to dwell on it for long as she was swept up into the air. Ever the enthusiast, Thor had excitedly boosted her into the air and spun her before allowing her feet to reach the ground again, a little unsteadily from how fast he'd acted.
"You've certainly lifted me, Lady Y/n." Thor told her, bringing her smile back as she regained her balance. "Are you ready for your kiss now?" He inquired, his hand resting comfortably on her waist as he insured she was still willing to welcome a kiss.
With a small nod she leaned up accepting his lips in a teasing yet modest kiss not unlike the one they'd shared before. They pulled away a moment later, smiling at each other as Thor's hand easily slipped away from her waist.
"I'm afraid I must send you off in order for you to return victorious." Thor said, a hint of reluctance in his tone yet in a taunting way similar to friendly banter.
"And that I shall. I'm the best, you know." Y/n declared. Valkyrie laughed beside her, lifting her own glass toward Y/n in a sort of cheers.
"For now. We'll see next time who's the best." Y/n clinked her empty glass with Valkyrie's nodding respectfully as she made a note to get more champagne.
"May the best woman win." Y/n smirked, oblivious to the eyes on her as she walked off toward the bar.
Part Two
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fanfiction-funtime · 3 years
Spritefather and Selene Interaction
A fan drabble for @clouds-rambles, I hope I characterized Selene right
Without much prompting it's a tad hard to write like this, but I hope it works.
Also I hope you don't mind me mentioning Cael amnesia anon.
(Selene was hanging out with Cael when Venti makes trouble, bringing the night to a close)
(Selene pov)
Yet again, I had to drag Cael's boyfriend out of the bar. This time because he thought someone was insulting his father and punched them, but he was just talking about some mythological person called 'Spritefather'.
I haven't thought about that story in a long time, not since I was a kid. Something about him being able to "use all elements" or something and how he "taught Barbados about freedom", maybe I'll ask Lisa about it.
"Excuse me madam, my father needs to speak to that man you're carrying. Please, hand him to me." I heard a voice from behind me say, the accent was a thick Schneznayan one.
I turned around to meet the person, a woman in an outfit that wouldn't look out of place in a family portrait of old Schneznayan nobility, they also held a vision.
A cryo vision.
I three Venti into a hay pile and summoned my spear, "your a pretty bad liar, LA SIGNORA!"
"No wait! You've got it all w-" I jabbed at her with my spear, using conduct to increase it's power, "I said wait!-"
"I don't bargain with people who hurt my friends!" Hehe, that was a cool line, nice one Selene.
"W-WHAT!? HOW DARE YOU INSINUATE THAT I WOULD HURT MY OWN BROTHER!" The woman gasped and pointed behind me.
I looked back and saw an abyss mage sneaking away with Venti.
The mage noticed and bolted away. We chased it all the way to star conch cliff, where it threw Venti over the edge.
"Haha! Do your worst human! I have already completed my mission! Now without your precious archon, mondstadt will-!"
A tornado of water sprouted up from the sea, then froze in place. From the newly formed spiral of ice rose a cloaked man, and around him were 6 wisps of every element but cryo.
The mage turned around, and were it not for the dendro tendril crushing it's windpipe they would have screamed in horror.
"First you threaten to kill my son," the cloaked man stepped off the spire, the air polarizing itself with electro to form a step, "then you kidnap him while my daughter is trying to retrieve him," another step, this time the air simply pushes him up to form a step, "and now you have followed through on that threat. It tried to," the man took one last, powerful step, to which a geo platform met his feet and lifted him to the hanging abyss mage, "how truly foolish must you be."
He man then lit the tendril on fire, burning the mage like a furby in a campfire.
The man lowered himself down, Venti in his arms, and said, "I'm sorry Barbados, I should have gone to get you myself. Viktoria, what happened?"
Then he noticed me.
"EEEEP!" He shouted as he dropped Venti with a thud.
(3rd person limited, Spritefather pov)
'Oh celestia, a person! No no, keep it together. You love interacting with humans in a controlled manner. This is just as controlled, just...a suprise.' Spritefather thought.
"By Barbados' hairy nostrils! You're the Spritefather!" The human Selene shouted.
Spritefather straightened himself out and cleared his throat, "y-yes, I am. But I am not 'the' Spritefather, I'm just Spritefather. Saying 'the Spritefather' is like calling you 'the Selene'. But now isn't the time for such trivial bickerings," Spritefather gave a gentlemanly bow, "thank you for attempting to rescue my eldest child, and for taking him home everytime he indulges a bit to much on vices."
Viktoria facepalmed, "dad! They aren't supposed to know that!"
"Well why not? They're friends with him, and best friends with his boyfriend. Which by the way I STILL need to meet-" he noticed Selene was seeming kind if pale, "you ok?"
"Oh dear."
(3rd person omniscient pov)
(There's no good point to explain this, but they're in a serenitea pot)
Selene woke up in a very confused state, and on a cloaked woman's lap.
"Please do not be alarmed, neither me nor my daughter did anything to you." The woman said.
Selene, in response, punched the woman and scrambled away, "who the abyss are you!?"
"Well I'm not particularly loved by celestia but I'd hardly say I'm abyssal.."
"Father, people here are not as accustomed to the divine as Liyue or Inazuma." The woman from before, who Selene thought was La Signora, said as she approached them with some tea.
"Wait, fa-no, no. Don't do that Selene, it's rude."
The cloaked woman shook her hands to dismiss Selene's concern, "it's fine, however I thank you for your accepting nature. Though it is to be excepted given your personal identity."
"How do you know me?"
"Heh, have you forgotten already? Though I suppose the change in form is not common among you humans. And nonexistent in the way me and the wisps can do."
The woman got up and started twirling, then surrounded themself in elemental power, and when it cleared stood the cloaked man Selene saw in her dream...
"That wasn't a dream...holy shit that wasn't a dream! You're the Spritefather-I mean-you're Spritefather! Your real!"
"Indeed I am. I would think everyone in mondstadt believes I'm real, but atleast that leaves less for that misconception."
"What misconception?"
"Ask Barbados, shouldn't be too hard since you two are close."
"Barba-wait Venti is actually Barbados!?
"Oh dear I'm making this worse."
The still unnamed woman sighed and shook her head, "how about we focus on why my dad decided to be a woman? Surely that would be a far more easy thing to understand."
"It's because she likes women, and I don't blame her. World cold and hard, titty warm and soft."
"Dad who taught you that!?"
"You do realize I can hear the lives of all in my home yes?"
"I guess I'm at fault." Selene laughed.
"I will have my revenge upon you for this." The woman responded.
Spritefather chuckled, "oh? And how about you get your revenge over a date. Anastasia."
"What? She's single, friends to someone who can teach her proper tea ceremonies, and uh....they have....hmmm..." Spritefather was trying to think if what he could say to convince his daughter, "look I just want to see grand kids!"
"Look I'm pushing fifty million! If one of you doesn't get me kids in the next ten million years I'm going to grow grey hair!"
Anastasia starts forming an ice throwing knife, "REBEL'S-"
"Papa, what happen?" Came a childish voice.
Selene gasped, they were looking at probably the cutest thing EVER!
"Yes that's my child Flameo-"
Selene, already having picked up the the baby, "they're so CUTE!"
They hugged the little flame close to their face and nuzzled them, to which Flameo quickly responded to with their own.
"Smell like..." they thought for a moment, "big Bro Bardos!" They flew around Selene excitedly, "friend!"
Spritefather sighed, "Oh dear, now the rest will be coming out. And I just got them to sleep aswell."
It wasn't long before Selene was surrounded by six Sprites.
The Electrosprite landed on her vision and started vibrating happily.
The Geosprite asked, "are you strong!? I think I could be you!"
"Oh I'm sure you could." Selene said to appease the little Sprite as she chuckled chuckled.
The Anemosprite and Pyrosprite flew around her head like children.
The Hydrosprite was inspecting her clothes, "how utterly bourgeois, has my Brother and father been teaching you how to dress? Honestly, the people of mondstadt should learn from the reconnaissance captain of the knights. Now there's a woman who knows how to dress."
"Oh you mean Eula?"
"You know her?"
"Oh yeah, she's invites me to tea every now and then."
"SHE...invites....YOU...out for TEA!?-"
Anastasia puts her hand over the Hydrosprite and tries to hold her back
"Sorry about that," the woman replied, "kids and their crushes."
Selene couldn't respond to that as they felt a prick in her spine, causing them to yelp.
A Dendrodsprite slinkied up her back and put it's head on her shoulder, "just sampling...never seen blood like yours...so intertwined with the...divine....yet so distan-"
Spritefather picked up his child, "please forgive Leafy, they're in their...adventurous stage. And their adventure is to learn things. Often things that involve pins and needles."
This was going to be a looong night
The next day, Vanessa's tree
Selene yawns and falls on the statue, Venti doing the same. The difference between them is one is hungover and waiting for his boyfriend to take him home after the fifth assassination attempt this week, the other has to deal with the consequences of being loved by children and being there to try and stop the most recent assassination
"Holy shit....this hang over....I thought Decrabain's hailstorms were bad..."
"You shouldn't try watching after Leafy.....but I think half the pains are from Agua's jealousy bites......"
"You think that's bad?.....you should have seen them when they realized Cael and I....were dating....."
"...archons I hope I was never like that as a kid...."
"Oh cherry up you two!" Spritefather said, a bit too loud for the two, "it's a new day and-"
Venti hit his father with a clump of grass using anemo
"Ohheythere'sCaelgottagobye!" The archon said as he ran off.
Spritefather sighed, "he's always like that, running from responsibilities. But he always means up when it counts, so I can only say I'm proud of the man he's become," he thought for a moment, "except for when he turns into a woman for whatever reason, then I'm proud of the woman she's become...you know, after being around single form life for so long stuff like that feels so strange. I mean you humans are born with one form and cant naturally change it. But if you feel it's wrong you'll go through so much trouble just to get close to what us shape changers can get. While to humans it is inspiring purely because of the person's determination to take the form they so deserve, that they were truly meant to have. But for me it's so much more! The human spirit and will is oh so inspiring, but the amount humans go through! So much money, so much time, and in many places simply enduring life! Why even I couldn't get the...uh...transphobia is it?...out of Inazuma!Terribly sorry human language changes so much. Oh and on language! To think that I was there when the first cave man was trying to mimic the grunts of the gods, only to make something so much superior to them to the point that the gods copied THEM! And speaking of copies have you ever heard of the time Dainsleif-" he paused as he saw Selene's bored face, "sorry. One little thing and I start ranting and rave...no, it's info dumping. And I should thank you humans for making that term, and all the other wonder words you've made, and the medical advances. They've helped me understand myself....ah but look at me, rambling on again. You know what? For entertaining my kids the whole night, and listening to an old man's ramblings, I'll give you a boon. Anything you want, if I can get it you shall have it."
Selene thought for a moment. She thought about asking him to bring back her father, but they knew he couldn't raise the dead. She even thought...of her mother, to see her again, but they knew that it wouldn't help. A selfish part of her even wanted someway to reignite her's and Rosaria's relationship, after all that part of her life was, but she knew it would be wrong and that they both agree they just didn't work.
Perhaps just ask for mora? She did need some for a good night's rest, but that felt wasteful. What was one night's rest for what could be a lifetime of amazing power. But maybe it would be wrong to ask for something like power. Ah! She's got it!
"How about a spear? A really powerful one that compliments my powers perfectly! Oh! And make it look really cool!"
Spritefather blinked, then laughed, "well, that's rather simple isn't it? So amazing you humans. You expect them to make something big and/or selfish, like taking control of a country, or killing someone. Yet never once has one of my boons been used for anything bad. Even when they're selfish. Like one time I met a very selfish person who I granted a boon, and all he did with it was ask me to make sure the kids of Inazuma were never hungry. Ah, now that. That was ranting, sorry." Spritefather walked over to the statue's base and knocked three times, "hello Vanessa. It's been a while since I last called you, but I was hoping you could give me a hand? And perhaps a very sturdy branch off your tree?"
A light shown down from the heavens and the ground shook, causing a skeletal hand to rise from the depths.
Selene would have screeched if she weren't so tired, "I'd prefer my weapon to be less...body part-sy."
"Nonsense! Everyone knows that bones make the best weapons! You know why it's called a prototype rancor?! BECAUSE NOONE WANTS TO ACCEPT THAT THE PERFECTED VERSION I, THE INVENTOR, MADE INCLUDES THE SHINBONES OF MITSCHURLS! YOU EVER SEEN A-*ahem*-sorry, rambling."
As he was ranting, a branch handed Spritefather a sturdy branch from the tree.
"Perfect, now a bit of magic and-" the two items blew up in Spritefather's face before reforming into a purple and black spear that ended in a feathery sleeve like pattern that was attached to a sharp blade that looked very much like a hand made into a spear blade. Mainly because it was.
A brilliant light shone down on the Spritefather as he floated up and presented the spear to Selene(mumbled: thanks Venessa)
His voice became that of s god's, filled with power and compassion, booming across windrise.
He leans imup to Selene and whispered to her, "do you like the eternal father moniker? I thought it up myself."
"Oh yeah, 10/10, really keeping with the Inazuman background."
Selene took the spear, "uh...thanks?"
"Oh your very welcome. By the way how was that delivery? I've been working on the whole 'I am a powerful being' delivery for a few centuries."
"A bit hard to understand, but overall gets the vibe across. Maybe 8/10? Low seven probably."
"Yeah, I kind of expected that. Wonder how else I could get that effect, you know without the whole can't understand thing."
"Well, I've got teo other immortals to meet. Ones I need to question."
"Ah yes, I'm sure Cael and Barbados have much to answer for to you."
"Yes they do. I don't suppose 'see you around' would be appropriate here?"
"On a sense? It's appropriate. After all I'm your friend now aswell, and I prefer a life without isolation. So...see you round?"
"Sure, see you around."
Admittedly didn't know how to end this. I like it but I'm a tad worried I made it to focused on my character and didn't give Selene enough attention.
Regardless I hope you enjoyed it cloud! I really tried to get Selene right. And sorry it took so long, sleep kept getting messed up, and then covid shot+forgetting to hydrate kicked my ass.
(Tagging: @storytravelled, @golden-wingseos, and @clouds-rambles)
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retphienix · 4 years
I did it :)
So, I cried. That's a given.
Also this might be the most overwhelmingly happy ending in the series so far, you know, if you're used to every entry ending with "KIRYU DIE?????"
Bonus points because this ending DID NOT immediately reveal that he lives! I know my intro here is all unserious and the like but genuinely, that does a lot for making the scene so much more impactful and it worked here even though I know he returns for Y6.
So, I'm gonna do this post like the last big post because there's too many thoughts to expel.
Timestamps as I rewatch so I can share my thoughts. Then a short conclusion because honestly? This game has taken all my words multiple times.
I just want to calmly and happily say my final piece at the end :)
0:39 - Spoiler, this ending SUCKS because it doesn't include a final rhythm battle for Haruka! Now I think I read somewhere that there's a member of that assassin clan she can dance battle as a final challenge but I clearly didn't do that right and missed out and that's beside the point- THERE'S NO RHYTHM GAMEPLAY IN THIS FINALE >:(
13:00 - Spoiler for later, Shinada doesn't get to say this from what I recall. Instead Baba gets a different wake up call, but that works out :)
17:00 - Not now, but this will come up, I offer to you my johns for what happens in the first boss fight. My eyes were dry as hell so I missed some QTEs which means I didn't get the flashiest stuff to happen. This actually happened at the end of Y4 also but I restarted just to capture good footage- not this time.
17:30 - MOUSE. MOUSE MOUSE, A LITTLE RAT, MOUSE. Love to see it.
19:00 - The audible sigh I let out when they played the same song I've heard like 40 times in my playthrough was palpable. I do dig the song! But there are what? 4 Idol songs? They really needed more or to not saturate their use so much :(
19:40 - I legitimately gasped and went "Oh no... of course it's you!" at Baba's role in this. It added a lot of weight to the way he practically begged Haruka not to show up.
20:50 - So here's the gist. Majima's plan didn't work out, we know that. Majima has a REALLY good line and motivator moment where he says he's following orders now to protect Haruka because she means more to Kiryu than anything (and that's how Majima rolls), Majima then reveals some shit which can be amounted to "I think you've gotten weak and wanted to protect you!!!!" which does ring slightly hollow since we saw Majima at a ridiculously low point earlier. So either his low point was him contemplating Saejima's survival chances, or his low point was sincere (it sure sounded it) and his worry over Saejima being weak was just also happening at the same time. I don't really mind either way to be honest, we beat him up. I fail some QTEs.
33:00 - Baba deciding not to fulfill his orders on his own accord is actually extremely important and good as hell. It shows that all this changed him and gave him the motivation to forge his own path- or rather it began to though he's overwhelmed with doubt. It's extremely good.
33:50 - The fact he intentionally leaves evidence shows how much doubt he has though, he's giving up entirely more than forging his own path, he's just refusing to follow the orders of another but hasn't found the strength to continue on his own. It's really good is all.
38:00 - This was the first cry I had beating the game x.x Shinada is just a phenomenally likeable character, and watching him accept where his life has gone and what it's meant to others is way more touching than I'd assume considering it's a tale of a baseball star.
40:50 - THIS WAS HYPE AS HELL AND LEAD TO MY SECOND CRY. THIS PRISON FAMILY HAS NO RIGHT BEING THIS ENDEARING. Also, more or less, they get to deliver the message Shinada was supposed to lol.
42:50 - THIRD AND BIG AS HELL CRY. SHINADA YOU FOOL, YOU'VE A FOUND FAMILY AFTER-ALL!!! I genuinely adore this moment so much is all. It's such a wonderful payoff for this loveable fool. After all the runnin' away he has a home.
43:36 - I love Shinada so much the silly fuck.
46:00 - I got a laugh out of Akiyama KICKING ASS in the news footage (didn't mention but the first brawl cutscene was rather lacking wasn't it?) and Kiryu just like... punches a guy. It's hilarious to me. Also you best believe- I UNLOCKED IT, I'M USING IT!!!
48:00 - Now this is a, well, it's a bad reveal. Like look, there is a metric ton of good going on in this finale- but the reveal that Aizawa is his son and is evil and is the final boss is just too much zero-build-up-payoff. It's the worst part. It's not like extremely detrimental or anything- like it doesn't take away from the good stuff- but it's just entirely uninteresting and bad. It makes Aizawa's interest in Morinaga bizarre and uninteresting since he got no payoff, he had buildup with Saejima and then in the final scenes he's just like "Yeah, Mori was nice but who gives a fuck I am the one who killed him (I think he said) and I aspire to be strong as fuck because all of YOU IDIOTS have FRIENDS and CHARISMA >:(" and like, who fuckin' cares bud.
52:00 - Now I'll more or less sum up all of Akiyama's payoff here. 1- I unlocked it so I'm gonna use it! 2- He offhandedly says he wants to be a legend in this town, which in Y4 he already was- he was a myth, a city mystery- but of course he means like Kiryu not the loch ness monster. 3- He gets to be a legend by being the only civilian (or person in general) the Omi would bow to. It's kind of not built up at all and is a bit lame, but to be honest Akiyama has a pretty bit part in this entire game. He's kinda just a convenient returning character with motivation to assist Kiryu and a career that allows motivation to get involved through Park. To be blunt, his part in the story is weak. I wish it was stronger. But it's inoffensive and he at least gets something- as minor as it is. Getting to say he's king of the world is something, you know?
56:00 - I will say that the build up of "Oh shit, these are Kanai's men!" and the reveal that "Oh shit! They are WATASE'S men and all the clans who the Tojo were seeking alliances with!" is a good one. Watase is a fine enough character which I bring up only because I was told he was a standout- but he wasn't for me. His scenes are great, his growth with Katsuya is nice, but he's barely in the game and really only exists to be betrayed and then to be like "I'm one of the good yakuza despite being a war-lusting one because being a good yakuza is just complicated enough to allow this overlap" which is interesting for sure, but I don't know. Unless he does stuff in the subsequent games I didn't catch much in this one. Maybe he does- I assume he runs the Omi now!
1:00:00 - I kinda summed it up but yeah. Here's the final boss, Aizawa, a character we were mislead on and who's motivation is empty as fuck. It's, whatever. It's not the good part of the ending. The good part is everything prior and directly after. Like his entire deal is anti-silver-spoon talking points but also he includes being charismatic or capable as silver spoon-isms??? He pretty much just wants to be leader because he's strong. He'd arguably be more interesting if he just said it that way.
1:11:00 - The lyrics to Dream are anything but subtle and I love them and I love Haruka. Sliding this in here- Majima gets no payoff >:( Park's dream is accomplished in seeing her star on the stage, but no Majima moment? No sight of him accepting her loss? Lame.
1:14:00 - I genuinely LOVE that Aizawa focuses in on Kiryu's gunshot wound. He still accepts it as a fair fight because Kiryu presents it as one, but even then he pays mind to it as you'd expect someone wanting to fight at their strongest would- he wants to fight Kiryu at his best and he's accepting this because Kiryu presents as his best even when wounded- it's pretty cool. Fight happens. It's fine stuff, flashy and fun. Still maybe the weakest final boss yet because he has no build up. I'd be the first to admit without looking it up I can't list every final boss thus far, but like, Nishi was built up, Mine was built up, Goda was built up, I just, in this moment, don't recall having a big "WHO THE FUCK, THIS MEANS NOTHING?" fight in yakuza and this is certainly one of those.
1:25:00 - I cried AGAIN. Haruka just hit me with a truck of emotion here is all.
1:41:15 - This is a beautifully shot, emotional, and tragic looking ending. Heck, at 1:43:00 I initially thought he was being awoken in a hospital bed and I was like "Heh, there's the old Kiryu dies fakeout!" but no! They hammer home, they go for broke, they give a TRAGIC AS FUCK bitter ending on top of an ending that's like 99% happy as fuck in terms of offering everyone involved hope for the future. This was a good end :)
So then, some overall thoughts I maybe didn't get out- I mean there's no way this post touches everything but I want to at least try to because I like sharin' the experience and what I got out of it.
The fighting styles were mighty uneven as far as strengths or fun factor. To be blunt,
Kiryu has an overpowered counter attack and heat mode and since heat mode is underwhelming as hell that means he has JUST a counter attack- his strikes don't really hit all that well considering the improvements other characters saw this time around, so he's a bit one note here.
Saejima feel even meatier than before, nothing particularly 'stands out' but the fact that he has super armor as long as he has heat is a pretty big factor in making him feel good to use.
Akiyama got the short end of the straw this time around. His new gimmick is the launch combos and they are... well... less than shit at least from what I could feel during gameplay. They don't hurt much, they burn heat like crazy, and they can MISS, all while being a move that targets just one enemy- has no counter to blocking or armor- and provides no armor in turn.
Despite not losing anything, he kinda got screwed.
(I'm lead to believe Akiyama is invulnerable during his aerial combos which my blurb in my finale post complained felt worthless and cited that as a reason.
If so then I was wrong but I still hold all my other complaints towards it, just not the 'it has no armor or invuln' bit assuming that's true.)
Shinada wins out for being unique and being a weapon oriented character that actually does well with weapons. Weapons have always been something I pretty much ignore in Yakuza and the series itself has always desperately tried to make them interesting with things like weapon skills, Kamiya works, and the like. But other than the god weapons like the golden gun weapons just never felt good to manage.
Using them, sure, that's fine, but managing them? Durability and skills and limited movesets and all that? Nah. But Shinada really does a lot to make them less shit! His innate abilities that raise durability a metric ton REALLY make weapons feel better to use with him- and his unique movesets with weapons are pretty damn good (mostly. The pipe/'normal one hander pole size object' moveset is worthless as heck, it regularly misses).
He's fun.
Revelations were a miss this time around for me. Since you couldn't have seen them if you tried on my blog let it be known- I ONLY got the quest related revelations for each character- which is to say- ONE rev per character.
Revelations in 5 are weapon based, and not just 'bat or pole or gun' or whatever- they are DISPOSABLE TEMPORARY weapon based.
What you are supposed to do is go to the specific place on the map where that one revelation weapon spawns, hope like hell you find an enemy, and wail on them like crazy. If you use a weapon x amount of times then you'll get a revelation according to the internet. This is beyond ridiculous and means a normal playthrough will get none of these, while a focused one will be bored out of their mind GRINDING to get these.
I did not bother.
Yakuza 5.
This might be my favorite Yakuza overall.
I still think 0 is probably the best overall for most people, it has the best style, it has from what I've experienced the best gameplay, it's story is tear jerking and exciting and fun.
But as a yakuza game overall, I really have to give it to 5 personally. Because 0 tried to work within its bounds- it made itself a great entry point to the series or a great addition to Yakuza 1 / Kiwami as background.
But 5 is building on 4 previous games and it does so fucking phenomenally.
There's something to be said about a later entry in a series gaining extra payoff thanks to multiple entries of build up and character depth and 5 fucking does it.
I just. It explores the motivation of some fan-favorites so well, it expands characters so fucking well, I know I've harped on about it but just Saejima- man! Saejima goes from a run of the mill "Decent" character to a fully fledged and explored entity! And I LOVE him!
And no he's not the only shining spot, like hell he is, but he's such a posterchild for what 5 does right in my eyes- take something that's already good and breath some life into it. Also I adore it's laser focus on a singular theme and all the ways it wanted to explore it.
Like. I think Kiwami and Zero take the cake for the most fun I've had " 'playing' Yakuza so far, but 5 takes the cake for the most fun I've had 'in general' like gameplay and me just thinking about it because there's so much to think on.
More time will tell as I compartmentalize my thoughts and perhaps forget some details as one does, but right this moment- this might be my favorite Yakuza game.
I love it.
Also, woot! I beat Y5 before Monhun Rise came out :D Now I can start that game without putting a story on hold!
Except I also told my sister that I'd start Omori after Y5. So I guess alongside monhun I'll be playing through a game with a hefty and wonderfully done story. Which is what I didn't want to do with Y5.
I just can't win, lol.
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zoffra · 4 years
Chapter 4 - What is betray
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The taxi brought Machi, Nobunaga, and Kortopi back to the hotel in a tense atmosphere.
'But yes, he's with us... Stop roaring, Phinks!... I can't understand a word, see you later.' Nobunaga hung up and sighed deeply.
He glanced at Kortopi in the rear-view mirror, sitting in the back seat, 'You should have left a note, at last! What the hell is wrong with you? Leaving one of your copies, Sharnalk almost had a stroke!'
'You're losing sight of what's important. He shouldn't have gone out at all.' Machi answered in a tired voice.
Faced with Kortopi's silence, the swordsman lost what little patience he had left, 'Answer when someone speaks to you, kid.'
'Leave it, Nobu,' Machi intervened and tapped the child's thigh, 'He'll speak when he's ready.'
Nobunaga bristles, 'Stop always defending him, you're not doing him any favors. I can tell you he's lucky we got to him before the others. And drinking too! Phinks was so pissed that he lost his words, and the ones I understood don't sound good.'
Machi grinned at the thought of the trio waiting for their return.
No sooner had they entered the hall doors than Feitan and Phinks rushed at them. Feitan lifted the child by his collar, shaking him hard enough to make his teeth tremble, while Phinks blocked the way of the swordsman who wanted to get in his way.
Kortopi opened his mouth to speak, but Feitan cut him off. 'Don't bother,' he scolded 'Your fault. Party ruined. '
Kortopi, mortified, hung limply in his arms as tears streamed down his cheeks. Feitan softened immediately and put him down again. He ran his thin fingers through his own hair, embarrassed, 'You going to kill us. Lot of concern for you. Don't redo.'
He walked to the elevator and gently pushed the child down his lower back, inviting him to walk with him. Machi deactivated his Nen and followed them, closely followed by Nobunaga who released his fingers from the handle of his katana.
The next day, Kortopi woke up with a start.
In three days, meet at 5 pm in front of this subway station, alone. I repeat it to you one last time, I forbid you to speak about our interview to your friends, if you try to deceive me I'll know.
Kortopi, consumed with guilt, had followed Wedy's instructions and hadn't picked up a word since the day before.
Am I betraying the spider?
At this thought, he thought of his dead companions. Uvoguine had died for the spider by refusing to pass on information, and ironically, Pakunoda committed suicide in order to bring it to the other members. Korutopi's thoughts were reorganized around a single goal.
I must protect my comrades, even if it means betraying the spider
The child wondered how he could fool the troops when he saw Sharnalk's head sticking out of the doorway, 'How about a game of cards, Sleeping Beauty?'
'Revolution.' Shizuku revealed his four cards as his friends pulled the grin.
'Eh, we said we don't play with wild cards!'
'You're making it up, we never said that!'
'Forget it Bono, Shizuku never remembers something she's forgotten.'
A little later, Kortopi went to a secluded room, feverishly pressing the keys of the phone he'd borrowed from the manipulator. The misunderstanding that troubled their card game had given him an idea.
'- ...Hello? ♠'
'- I-it's Kortopi, I'll be quick. I know you've left the troupe, but as a former companion I-I'd like to ask you a favor.'
'- It has the merit of being direct... but no. Only the fight with Chrollo interests me and I've negotiated with the exorcist to that end. Don't delude yourself into thinking it was for the brigade. Bye ♠'
'- W-Wait! Just give me the number of the needle-man, the one who passed himself off as you in York-shin, that's all I ask!'
Hisoka had never intended to hang up, Kortopi's direct call had already aroused his curiosity but he wanted details.
'- Oya, oya... ♥ I listening you.'
Kortopi gave him a detailed report of the situation. He told him about Wedy, the notebook, and the fact that the brigade was potentially next on Kira's list. The child couldn't see him, but on the other end of the phone, the room the magician was in was filled with a sinister aura.
She wants to break my toys?
Kortopi's little voice brought Hisoka back into the conversation.
'- Done deal ♦ I'll contact him for you, but don't call me from the blondie's phone anymore.'
Kortopi breathed a sigh of relief when a new realization hit him, 'Will you ask him... if I can pay in installments?'
'- Little boy ♠ Even if he let you pay in a hundred times, you still couldn't afford it. I told you I'll take care of the rest. Just get a phone.'
'- 'Hello, this is Illumi Zoldyck. Apparently, you need my services.'
When he heard his identity, Kortopi felt an icy wind go through his body. To the world, the Zoldyck family is a feared and respected family of assassins, but in the spirit of the brigade, the patriarch is still the one who killed a comrade in the past.
Faced with Kortopi's silence, Illumi spoke in a reassuring tone, 'Listen to me, I know the brigade has a history with father. But he had his mission, and I've mine. I'm calling you to set up the terms of my contract, nothing more.
* Three days later, day of the meeting *
Illumi came out of the bathroom of the hotel dressed in Kortopi's clothes. He looked at his new appearance in the mirror, mumbling to himself, 'You're really tiny...'
The child couldn't help but stare at Illumi with admiration, appreciating his talent for transformation. However, there was still a hint of doubt in his mind. He wondered why an assassin of his rank had accepted such a mission. He would be paid, but much less than an assassination contract. The higher the risk, the more he was paid, Kortopi knew that.
'If you have something to ask me, now is the time.' Illumi glanced in the mirror at the child while readjusting his tunic and pants.
'Why are you giving me a hand?' The question had been burning his lips for hours.
'It's not a helping hand since I'm getting paid.' The murderer replied instantly, in a neutral tone, combing his hair to reveal only one eye.
'I'm pretty sure you had more interesting contracts on hand. You had nothing to gain by accepting this mission.'
Illumi sighed, resignedly, 'Let's say this is my way of thanking you for what you did.' The child looked at his double with even more curiosity.
'Remember the kids you took hostage at York-Shin? One of them is my brother, I saw you when you stepped in to protect him.'
Thank you
He doesn't say.
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ma-gic-gay · 4 years
There's definitely marks in the flooring by now.
Carly's been pacing the hallway for what seems to be inching closer and closer to infinity each time she checks the time.
In reality, she's only on hour three of pacing and anxiety and picking fights with Sonny and random paperwork being filled out. There's also the fact she has no clue where Josslyn, Michael, Willow, or Wiley are but they're all legal adults or a toddler with a legal adult, so of course she's going to have to trust that everything's okay with them.
Her head snaps up when she hears Trina's voice. "Where's Joss and Cam?"
"They're in the cafeteria," Dante answers, looking up from his phone. "I need something to eat; I'll go with you. Do any of you need anything?"
They all shake their heads, Sonny grumbling something Carly can't quite catch. "What was that, Sonny?"
"I was saying I need a faithful wife," he says, loud enough even Michael and Willow are broken out of their little bubble of marital... Emotions? Attraction? Neither knew what to call whatever they're in.
"Sonny I'm not fighting with you like this," Carly sighs, running a hand through her blonde locks. "When he's in the clear, we can consider a fight."
"Because god forbid that you prioritize our marriage over a single thing that involves Jason Morgan," Sonny shouts back at her.
"Enough! Grow up, Sonny! That's your goddamn best friend in there! On an operating table!" Carly exclaims, voice breaking. "He's been there for you and me through everything, no matter what. Even when neither of us have deserved his friendship. If you're gonna be pissy like this and throwing a tantrum, then leave. I don't want you here when you're like this, or at home."
"Then where the hell do you want me to go, Carly?"
"I don't know, somewhere where I and our children aren't. Anywhere!"
"Mrs. Corinthos, I'm going to take your husband in for questioning now," Chase says calmly, businesslike and everything. It's very formal, though it does cause an eye roll from Michael.
"Thank you," Carly smiles at him softly before Portia comes over. "Do you have any news? How's Jason?"
"I'm not going to lie to you, it was a hell of a shot. But luckily, we were able to remove the bullet and don't foresee any major issues happening with him in the meantime. However, this surgery took a lot out of him. He's going to need to stay in the hospital and when he gets out, nothing too active. There won't be bed rest, but he will be restricted at first. I understand Mr. Morgan has a tendency to not follow precautions or check himself out, but if he doesn't follow these, he could die," Portia explains to them in a medical voice.
The relief can be felt through everyone's loud sighs of relief. Michael and Willow engage in a hug, breathing each other in much to Chase's anger. Sonny softens slightly, though it's doubtful that'll last past lunch. Carly starts crying tears of relief and happiness and all of her emotions at once as she texts Joss and Dante. Every single emotion is coursing through her veins.
Joss and Dante run upstairs with Monica trailing slightly behind them, everyone smiling with relief through their tear stained eyes. "He's going to be okay?" Joss asks again for confirmation and Carly nods.
"Yes, he will be. Provided, of course, he's under very strict supervision and doesn't break out of the hospital," Carly smiles at her daughter and stepson. "Portia, can we see him?"
"One at a time. Be careful, he's still under the anesthetic but he is coming out of it so god knows what he'll say. Don't confuse him or do anything life changing; chances are, he won't remember it," the curly haired woman says. "He's room 3722."
"Thank you," Dante thanks her before hugging his sister and stepmom. "I don't feel like going to a funeral."
They all laugh at that, the energy having changed from a rather somber one (provided you're not Willow or Michael) to a happy one, full of happy tears and laughs in a matter of minutes.
Clapping his hands together, Michael says, "Mom, we all know you're waiting to go in there. Go."
"You sure? I can wait," she offers half-heartedly.
"Do you need to get checked out while we're here? Carly, we'll be fine. After all, I'm very responsible and I'm here so everyone will be well taken care of. And if I accidentally get someone injured, well, Monica's here too," Dante jokes. "Run."
That proves to be all she needs before she walks to his room, entering without so much as a knock to see Elizabeth monitoring his vitals. "Thank god, he made it," she smiles at the blonde.
"Thank god is right," Carly agrees, wiping her tears.
"Well, I've done all the monitoring I need to do, so I'll let you two be alone," the younger says before leaving the hospital room to go back to the nurses station.
Tears she attempted to push aside come back, slightly more powerful. However, she doesn't surrender to the tears as she sits at his bedside, grasping his hand in hers. There's a weird feeling of deja vu associated with this, probably because of how many accidents he gets into.
That's one hell of a bad habit he needs to break.
"Carly?" He asks and a smile appears on her face.
"I'm here."
"What the hell happened to me?"
"You got shot in the parking garage of the Metro Court," she answers calmly, wiping her tears that are spilling out of her eyes. "The gunman is still unknown."
"And you think it's your fault?"
"How couldn't it be my fault? This happened after I told you my feelings and it happened in my parking garage and some people for either my husband's enemy or my husband shot you! I'm pretty sure this is 100% my fault and there's no way to twist the situation so it's not," she says, silent sobs leaving her body as she tries to keep herself from full on breaking down in a hospital room.
"How could it be your fault? Carly, this would've happened even if you didn't tell me. Hell, it probably would've happened hours sooner. Look, Cyrus's people have been trying to take me out for months now. It started with my motorcycle crash and then the Floating Rib and now this. They keep missing," Jason says, trying to comfort her. "Minus the fact I'm in a hospital I'm fine."
"You got shot! That's not fine, that's possible death!"
"I keep missing death," he answers.
"And you narrowly make it out alive! You could've died! You could've been hooked up to a ventilator your whole life, not breathing on your own until I unplugged you! You're in a hospital bed right now recovering from surgery! Not fine!" Carly exclaims.
"You couldn't do anything to stop this."
"Yes, I could," she says, voice barely above a whisper as she breaks into sobs. "I could've done something! I could've gone down there when we heard the sirens instead of sending Olivia down there or hired better security or something! You have gotten me out if every mess I've ever made and I can't even offer you protection in the parking garage! A parking garage! What shooter is thinking that's the best place to shoot someone?"
"It's not your job to save me or prevent me from getting shot. Last I checked you're not bulletproof either," he reminds her gently. "Nothing you could've done would've stopped this. Delayed, sure. Prevented it? Never. They're not gonna stop until they're taken out, their boss dies, or I die."
"Are you trying to tell me pacing the hallway is going to become a regular pastime of mine now?" Carly asks, horrified.
"Not if I can help it, but you've got to remember, it's impossible for you to protect me from all bad things. No matter how hard you try."
"That's true but I could've helped you with this one! This is the time you needed my help and I couldn't because I was inside, in cloud 9. Whether or not you'll let me accept responsibility, it's my fault," the blonde continues, sobbing in between words.
"If you were out there, you could've gotten shot too," he says, dropping his voice several levels. "I wouldn't have been able to live with myself if that happened because of an attack on me."
"It's my fault."
"No, it isn't! I got shot because someone got instructions to take me out. They failed, like they keep doing."
"Maybe you're immortal. Then, you couldn't ever die and I could take it off my list of anxieties," she smiles at him as he wipes away her tears.
"It's possible. Promise me one thing: that you'll stop blaming yourself for this," he requests.
"Why couldn't the promise be anything else?"
"Do you honestly want to have gotten shot too? It's pretty painful and I'm not a fan, personally," Jason smiles at her.
"It's not that I wanted to get shot too, it's that I don't want you experiencing this alone," she explains quickly.
"Well I'm not. I've got you and the rest of my family, so I'm okay. I'll make it out alive of the third attempt on my life in a few months."
"You need to stop this madness about assassination attempts. I'm thinking bulletproof clothing, hat, shoes, everything."
"Then I'm thinking we add some color to your wardrobe."
"Black isn't the only good color to wear, Jason," Carly sighs dramatically. "You need more variety in your outfits than the blue jean, black t shirt, leather jacket look because while it looks great on you, variety is the spice of life."
"There's variety to the ways people try to kill me."
"Healthy variety that doesn't end you up in the hospital."
"Maybe there's minimal variety in my life."
"You're not taking me shopping."
To be continued (possibly)
Oh thank gods he's ok!
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raven-black102 · 5 years
Imagine saving John Wicks Puppy.
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My first Ever John Wick One-shot or imagine. Hope you guys like it.
(Y/n)'s POV
I know everything about John Wick. Even before he was married to my close friend. He didn't know I knew about his work, his business, and I never told Helen about it either. When she died I remember how much she begged and pleaded me to watch over John for her.
I told her who and what I was. And I knew deep down if John would have told her about his job. She would have still loved him all the same. Helen didn't seem surpise when I told her I was an Assassin. I was after all very protective of her ever since we were kids.
Now that she's gone I could tell how much pained it brought to John. How much I wish to tell him that he wasn't alone. So when I went to his house with the last remaining gift that Helen wanted to give John I could see the hope filled his eyes again. They weren't empty and cold anymore.
"You know Helen would still love you if you told her about your past right." I said as we both sat down on his couch the puppy was laying on Johns lap. "She would worry and tell me that she thinks you were cheating on her." I said softly as I look down my hands.
"So you knew about my job?" John asked a bit tensed. "Kind of figured it out. You just give off that vibe of killing anyone who hurt the ones you love." I said as I look up at the ceiling. "I didn't tell her." I added as I look at him. That seemed to calm him down a bit causing me to slightly smile. "I just told her that you were looking for a special gift." I said shrugging my shoulder.
"That's why she thanked me for the necklace." John said causing us both to laugh softly. "Yeah. I just saved your ass." I said grinning slightly. "I would tell her that you found me following you and that you were still on your trip and that you wanted me to give her those gifts." I said as the puppy moved away from John and walked towards me.
"Well, thank you." John said as I started to pet the beagle dog. "But you still never told me how you found out about my job." He said as he scouted closer to me. "You won't push me away if I tell you?" I asked look at him through my long lashes. "Depends." John jokes causing me to smile sadly.
"I promised Helen I would watch over you. Make sure you don't do something stupid." I said then looked away. "My father own the Continental Hotel." I said as I moved the dog away and got up. "What?" John said shocked as I look out the window. "My father was worried about you too. And I was still close friends with Helen. Not that my father ever knew that." I said as I glared at the floor.
"I remember seeing you there. Everyone calls you the Baba Yaga. The Boogeyman." I said sharply as I felt my shoulders tense up. "Winston." John said causing my breath to slightly hitch. "Yeah." I said nodding my head as I continued to look at the window. "I told her what I was." I said as I turned to look at him. "She accepted who I was." I said as I walked towards John. "She would have accepted you the same way. You just need to give some people faith." I said as I kissed his forehead.
"Take care of the dog. If you need anything just call me. I'm only a phone call way." I said softly. John tensed as I moved away and gently pet the dog before I left.
Time Skip
I frown slightly sending a quick text to John as I snuck into his house. It was strange how the lights are on yet I know John wasn't home. "Find something valuable." I heard as I looked for Daisy. I saw her hiding causing me to gently tap my nail on the floorboard getting her attention. "Come on." I said softly as she quietly walk towards me.
"Someones here." I heard as I picked her up and shot the man with my silencer pistol. "I got to keep you safe." I mumbled softly as I remember where everything is in John house and went to the bathroom. "Stay here. I'll be back okay." I said softly as I gently kissed Daisy head before putting her in the bathtub.
She whimpered and whine causing me to smile slightly. I pulled out my phone as I started recording a video. "Hey John. I hope when you find this. You don't go back to being who you once were. Helen wouldn't want you to do that for her sakes. Your house has been broken in. I came in to save Daisy. I'm kind of rusty so I don't really thing I'll survive." I said as tears rolled down my cheeks.
"Someones is here. Stay alert!" I heard causing me to look at the locked bathroom door. "If I do survive this. Just know I'm doing this because I wanted to. You've lost everything. This dog, Daisy, is all you have. You can find another friend to replace me. I just hope dad doesn't blame you for this. I choice to do it." I said as I look at Daisy who was looking at me.
"Just know that. I've always liked you. And, I wish I could help you stay strong. I wish I can help you take away the pain and to be loved again." I said softly then I heard someone come into the room. "I hope you can forgive me." I said then softly smiled at the camera before turning it off. "This is goodbye." I mumbled as I pulled out some towels for Daisy and place a gentle kiss on her head. I place my phone beside him as I got up an hold my gun.
I slowly opened the door and lucky it didn't squeak as I turned off the light. "Everything's cleared." The man said just before I shot him.
Time Skip
3rd Person POV
John drove as fast as he could to his house. After reading a text from (Y/n) he could hear his own heart beating in his ears. Once he got there he didn't even bother to shut off his car as he ran inside. There was blood and body's around the house but so far none belong to (Y/n).
Once he made it to his bedroom he saw the light are on in the bathroom. "It's okay girl. I'll be fine." John heard (Y/n)'s voice. "(Y/n)?!" John yelled as he opened up the door only to see (Y/n) covered in blood while holding their side. "Hey John. Welcome home." They said smiling softly before groaning in pain.
"What the fuck where you thinking?!" John yelled as he can hear the sirens in the distance. "I saved Daisy." (Y/n) said softly as Daisy continued to whimper and whine. "I know what I signed up for ever since I met you John." (Y/n) mumbled as John started to put pressure on their side to stop the bleeding.
"Why?" John asked in rage and saddness. "Cause I love you." (Y/n) whispered before slowly closing their eyes. "No! Open your eyes (Y/n)! You can't leave us! You can't leave Winston!" John yelled as the ambulance came. "Please don't leave me." John whined as Jimmy the cop hold John up and off (Y/n) so the ambulance and take (Y/n) away.
"Their heart is still beating but its faint!" One of the medic said as they take (Y/n) away. "What happened here?" Jimmy asked as the dog went to the bathtub. "I don't know. I wasn't home when this happen." John said sadly.
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neoarchipelago · 5 years
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Blood Red Marker and Binary Code (John wick x reader one shot)
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AN: where was I even going with this? Idk, Anon, I hope you enjoy it ! 
Request: John comes to the reader with a marker, they both love each other but none seems to realize it.
Word count: 3 910
Warnings: cursing, alcohol?
You walked through the enormous hall of the Louvre. The wonderful stone walls, the beautiful ceiling, everything was perfect. The sound of your heels on the floor made you feel powerful, your black dress hugging your curves perfectly. It was after all handmade by one of the best tailors in Paris. You walked through the empty halls, watching every sculpture, every painting that adorned the walls of the museum. You had recently finished a contract and instead of accepting money, that clearly you were tired of having, you asked for another reward. Something unique, that only you would have the right to live, you and maybe Beyonce in her clip, having the Louvre at night only for you. 
You've always enjoyed it, you spent hours watching the numerous pieces of art that made your mind travel through history, time and space. You enjoyed the fact that your work made you able to witness such things with such privileges. You watched as you spun around in the middle of such perfect masterpiece, you felt blessed, you felt powerful like a goddess. That was your name in the underground world. The Goddess. You knew how to fight and you were good at it but that's not how you earned your nickname. You were the best hacker in the world. Nothing could escape you, you were omnipotent. You knew everything, saw everything you had proof and files about everyone in the world, even the High table. Even the most confidential files of the underground that were kept written by hand had to, at some point, be sent through computers linked to the satellite. 
You sighed closing your eyes for a second. You listened to the deafening silence of the building. You only opened your eyes to sit down on a bench, and then closed them again. Yes you were lucky. You had been an assassin for quite a while now. Your phone suddenly rang as you opened your eyes again. You took the phone in your hand and softly smiled at the name. 
"Caleb, why aren't you in bed yet?" You asked a soft smirk on your lips. 
"Oh come on (y/n)! It's not that late!" You chuckled at your brother's whining tone. 
"You have school tomorrow, you have to go to sleep. I'll be home in a minute alright?" You said as you stood up. 
"Wait, I called cuz I need to tell you that someone's here, he wants to see you." You froze and you heart dropped. 
"Who's there Caleb?" You said in a cold tone. 
"Your friend John Wick, remember the one from a few years ago?" 
Your breath hitched and you closed your eyes. How to forget a man like John exactly? He was quite unforgettable. 
"Alright, hand him the phone will you Caleb?" 
You heard the phone being passed to someone and you closed your eyes, letting out a shaky breath at the sound of the voice you heard.
"John. I need to ask you. Are you here to kill me, or my brother?" You said in a cold voice. 
"No. I'd never..." You sighed of relief. 
"Alright, i'll be home in 5 minutes." You spoke, cutting him off.
"I'll be waiting." 
You hung up and walked back to the hall of the museum, the sound of your heels on the floor echoing through the halls and staircase, the only thing breaking the peaceful silence. 
You reached your car, a jaguar F-type, that of course you weren't driving but you had someone driving it for you. After all you've been through you earned it. You smiled at the man. Anyone would have been weird out by him, a tall slim man, with half long hair to the side and completely cut short on the other, tattoos and piercings, and wearing a white shirt with rolled sleeves and a black waistcoat. 
''On part déjà madame?" He asked with a smile yet a confused look. (Are we already leaving miss?)
"Oui Jay', je dois rentrer le plus vite possible, tu peux faire ça pour moi s'il-te-plaît ?" You asked as he opened the car door and you sat down. (Yes Jay, i need to go home as fast as possible, could you do that for me please?)
"Je pensais que vous ne me le demanderiez jamais madame!" He answered with a naughty smile as he closed the door, and you rolled your eyes. (I thought you'd never ask miss!)
He sat down on the driver's seat and turned on the car making it roar. You decided to put on your seatbelt because clearly you might have asked the devil to play with fire. The fast start made you groan but you had asked for it after all. The ride home didn't took long, firstly it wasn't that far and secondly Jay had taken your request very seriously. You felt a bit nauseous when you stepped out of the car, but a few deep breaths and you were back on your heels. Jay' threw the keys to another one of your assistants, and opened the building door for you. You had bought an apartment here on the 6th arrondissement de Paris, in a luxurious building, where the two last floors were yours. You reached the elevator with Jay' and he introduced the key that allowed you to push the button to your apartment. 
You took another deep breath as the elevator made his way up, and looked at Jay' who gave you a wink. You smirked at him. When the elevator doors opened into your hallway you didn't hesitate a second, stepping in, the sound of your heels clicking on the marble floor. You could hear people talking in your living room, and made your way to the two open french doors. You froze at the entrance watching, amazed, the scene that displayed before you. Your little brother Caleb was on the couch, sitting next to John Wick, THE BABA YAGA, playing Mortal Kombat on PS4. You leaned against the door frame, folding your arms and arching a brow at the scene. Jay' suddenly appeared next to you and you shared a look before softly chuckling. Caleb was a sweet boy, he'd make even the worst killer on this planet turn into a child. 
You cleared your throat making your brother jump and John turn to you. Your eyes met his and you tried to avoid blushing as you quickly looked away. 
"I thought I told you to go to sleep Caleb?" You asked while arching a brow at the boy. 
"I know I know, but wait, I just want to finish this with J-" before he could finish his words the screen displayed a large, red 'Game over'. Caleb groaned at the unfairness of the fight before turning off the console. You smiled softly at him as he passed next to you, mumbling a 'good night' to you and John. You took a few seconds before looking back at John, who had now stood up and was staring at you. You felt his eyes roam over your body and you couldn't deny the heat it raised through you. 
You could easily remember how you two had met, in the bar of the Continental. You remember the mess you were in and how things unfolded after that. 
You stepped inside of the living room as Jay' vanished quickly. You got closer to John.
"John…" you said staring at him. 
"(Y/n)." He said sharing your look. 
"What may I owe this pleasure exactly?" You said with a smile. 
He smiled back at you. Jay' entered the room, a wine bottle in hand, and two wine cups. He put them down on the marble and gold coffee table in between the couch and the fireplace where the TV hang. 
"Merci Jay'." You said nodding as he left the room, closing the two french doors. 
"Take a sit, I feel like we have a lot to talk about." You said turning back to John, this time with a serious tone. 
He nodded as you both sat on the couch. You poured two glasses of wine and took yours in hand. John was hesitant and you started to worry when he refused to take his and stared at you. No words had been exchanged yet and you felt the air getting heavier. John reached for his pocket and your breath hitched at the sight of the marker he put down on the coffee table. What exactly were you expecting? That he would never ask for a returning favor ? That he was here for you perhaps? 
The last thought made your heart ache. John would never be here just for you. After all… you were the only one in love here. You looked at him in the eyes as you sighed. He still looked as perfect as the day you asked for his help. Your heart fluttering at the thought. 
"I'm sorry (y/n)." John's raspy voice brought you back to reality. 
"Don't be. That's the deal of having a marker I suppose. It had to happen one day." You said taking a sip on the wine and leaning back on the couch. 
"Your brother has grown." He said again, with a smile. 
You couldn't keep yourself from smiling back. 
"He has, hasn't he?" You said sharing a look. 
"He looks a lot like you." He added.
"Like me?" You said in a chuckle. 
"Yes. He's determined, kind-hearted." John listed as you blushed at the compliments. 
"He is the most important thing in my life John." You said in a whisper, looking directly into his obsidian eyes. 
"I know. I remember." He said in the same tone.
It had been a few years after all those awful events. You were even younger then, alone taking care of a small blue eyed boy that you were trying to keep safe. You and your brother were orphans, and you had quickly put your talent of hacker into the underground world to win as much money as possible. Many appreciated your work and you had won a lot of clients but you also made a lot of enemies. At some point it had become too dangerous to even leave the Continental where you and your brother had a room. He had been a target to get revenge on you and you would have done anything to keep him safe, even get a marker with the Baba Yaga. 
You had met John, who had accepted your marker and helped you get rid of any enemies that wanted you or your brother dead. You remember how you two had become friends, your little brother adored him and you had felt your heart beat faster when you looked into his eyes. You had spent many months together even after that, as friends. Taking care of your brother as you were slowly building your empire. Eventually your paths had gone separate ways, and your heart still aches at the thought. You couldn't deny the feelings that had grown for him since the first time your eyes met. 
The way he made you shiver under his gaze, the way he made you feel safe. You remembered the way it almost felt like you three were a family during those moments. It felt like the world was alright. And then he had vanished, saying he had work to do. You weren't angry at him, after all you knew him for being the Baba Yaga, and you didn't expect him to change at all. 
"So tell me. What do you need me to do?" You asked, pushing away every thought that roamed your head. 
John sat a bit more straight and took a more serious tone. It made you almost shiver to hear his husky voice. 
"I have a contract on a target here in Paris. But he is in a very high security building. Cameras and alarms everywhere." 
You nodded. 
"You need me to help you get through those?"
"Exactly. Is there any way for you to help me through it?" He asked, watching you intensely. 
You thought for a minute thinking about the different possibilities and plans you could go through. It didn't sound that hard, it was perfectly manageable. You nodded to him.  
"When does it need to be done?" You asked again taking a sip of your wine.
You slightly choked on your beverage and remembered how John could sometimes be impatient. You sighed, throwing him a dark look. You still had to help him as best as you could. 
"Alright. Follow me." You said standing up. You quickly took off your heels though, after all your brother was in bed, and it was no point on waking him up. You walked out of the living room, being greeted by Jay once again. 
"Aide moi s'il te plaît. Je dois équipé Monsieur Wick avec une oreillette."(Help me please, I need to equip mister wick with an earpiece.) You said, walking to the far end of the hallway, to the door on the right.
Jay followed you nodding as John stood right behind as well. You looked at the digit pad and threw in a your code as the door finally unlocked. 
You stepped into your little cave, your perfect little place. The room was dark, only lit by many screens who displayed various places, people, maps, entire files or even some had just some 0 and 1 running across the screen. A desk was set with a comfy chair, and various monitors were neatly spread across the room with other types of electronics. You sat down on your chair, taking a glance at John who was looking around the room.
"John?" You softly called. 
"I'm going to need the address of the building."
He nodded as he walked towards you. You gave him a pencil and a notepad for him to write down the address for you.  You quickly started to do your thing, looking for the IP addresses nearby that location, any possible entry or information on the security the building was provided with. 
"What are you doing?" John asked. 
"Checking if I can grant your wish tonight. I'm checking the difficulty of a possible breach, if the security is high or low. If I can do it tonight or if i'm going to need a bit more of time." 
John stayed silent, but you were too focused on your task to even notice him staring at you in fascination. Jay had noticed, and was smiling from the corner of the room. 
After a few minutes you managed to get enough information on the security system and overall it wasn't so hard to break in. 
"Alright. Let's do this." You said turning your chair to John. Jay approached him, ready to equip him with the necessary attire. 
"You will have this device on you. It's an earpiece. You will be able to hear everything I say, and I will hear you as well. I will guide you with my view on the cameras, as I break down the system bit by bit, or otherwise they'll notice me. Do not advance if I don't give you the order to. John. Are you listening to me?" You asked slightly exasperated. 
"This looks like the matrix. Was is that?" John asked pointing at the black and green screen that had 0 and 1 running all over.
"That is from the matrix. That is my live screensaver John." You said slightly amused. 
He looked at you slightly frowning as you snickered. 
"Are you ready?" You asked. 
"Do you have your guns?
"What kind of questions is that?" He asked smirking. 
You rolled your eyes, but smiled nonetheless. You took a deep breath as Jay nodded your way again, notifying you that John was equipped. 
"Alright. Let's get started. Shall we?" 
010101 •
John had finally reached the building when you heard him speak through the device. 
"I'm here." 
"Alright. Give me 5 minutes and you can walk in." 
You took a deep breath and got to work. You were used to this, but somehow you were slightly shaking as your fingers pushed the keys on the keyboard. John's safety was in your hands. 
"You can go." 
You watched through the many screens, John's path through the building as you, step by step, hacked the security system and the cameras to make it look like nothing was happening. You watched John get rid of every security guard you could warn him of as he slowly made his way up to his target. Your heart was beating unusually fast for the task, as you were more anxious than any previous contract you had worked on. You couldn't deny how seeing John work was turning you on maybe just a bit. He looked powerful. But you quickly shook that feeling away, now wasn't the moment. 
Reaching the level where his target was situated, he stopped right after stepping out of the elevator. 
"Alright. This has much more cameras John. You're going to need to wait a bit longer…" you spoke, getting to work immediately.
"I don't have time (y/n)." You heard him say. 
"Be patient please…" you tried. 
"Thanks for helping, but I got this now." 
You froze as you quickly looked at the screen, seeing John take off the earpiece and… run. You gasped. 
"You...PERFECT IDIOT!" you yelled to yourself. 
It took you a second to react after your sudden outburst of anger. You still managed to get your mind focus on your work. Thanks to John you had to change the plan. You quickly took the task to completely shut down the security system and cameras, leaving perhaps enough time for John to leave the building. One by one each barrier of the security system shut down and finally the entire building was now completely out of security cameras. You left a small virus as a gift, making sure that it would take time for even the best hackers to fix everything. You were out of breath without even really knowing why. You looked around at the room, at the mess you had created. Even you couldn't see where John was now. You just stared in silence, before whispering a few last words. 
"I don't know what would I do if something happened to you John…" 
You stood up and left the room. There was no point in staying there anymore. You heard the distinct sound of the door locking itself behind you. You leaned against it for a second, taking a few deep breaths. Should you go check on him? Was he alright? Was he even going to tell you if he was? Or was he simply going to vanish? You shook your head and walked to your room. You were definitely getting sick of being into that stupid dress that seemed to have lost all it's charm to you in the mere time of an evening. You got into pajamas, some shorts and a matching top. 
You found yourself unable to lay down at all. You just walked back to the living room where you sat on the couch, sipping on that bottle of wine from earlier. The minutes seemed to stretch like hours. You glanced a few times to your phone, hoping for a message at least. You didn't know how to feel. Angry, furious, anxious, or break down into tears. You wanted to kill the man but also kiss him as if it was the last thing you'd ever do. Tears began to overflow when Jay walked into the living room. 
"Oui Jay?" You spoke trying to hide your current mood. 
"Monsieur Wick est en bas et désire vous voir." (Mister wick is down stairs and wishes to see you) 
You jumped up when you heard him speak. 
"What?" You asked in disbelief. 
"I let him in. Just in case." Jay said, his voice tainted in a heavy accent, and a smirk on his face. 
You stared at the spot where Jay stood a few seconds ago. John came back? The marker had been fulfilled though. Why? You were lost in thoughts when John's figure finally showed up at the living room's entrance. Your actions spoke faster than your brain and you found yourself throwing him the nearest pillow as tears finally began to fall down your cheeks. 
"What the fuck (y/n)?" John asked, slightly confused by the attack.
"What the fuck? I'm not going to yell because Caleb is sleeping, but you are the biggest idiot I've ever had to meet, do you know that?" You spoke out, trying to sound as angry as possible without yelling, frowning as the tears soaked your cheeks.
"And yet you still wouldn't know what to do if something happened to me…" 
You froze staring at him wide eyed. How in the whole world had he heard you? 
"How..?" You asked confused but unable to move as he stepped forward, still holding the pillow.  
"The device still worked. I had taken it out of my ear but put it back in when I realized you put up a mess in their system."
He spoke as he kept walking to you.
You were staring at him, feeling him get closer and closer. 
"John…" you tried. 
"How long? How long have you been feeling like this?" He asked, now only a few inches from you. 
"What, that I've known that you are an idiot?" You whispered, trying to throw the last remains of your pride at him. 
He simply smirked and wiped one of your tears with his thumb. You closed your eyes at the feeling, too afraid to open them again as you spoake again.
"Since you helped me a few years ago…" 
You knew he was going to reject you, but there's nothing you could do to avoid it now. 
"Silly girl." 
Yes you were stupid, but hearing him say it hurt more than you thought. It was however completely confusing to you when you felt his lips on yours. You forgot how to breath for a moment, or even how to react. His arms had wrapped around your waist, letting the pillow fall down on the ground with a soft 'thud'. You finally responded to his kiss when your mind started to embrace reality again, your hand reaching to touch his cheek. You felt him pull you in closer as he softly bit your lower lip, making you gasp. The taste of his tongue made you feel dizzy, as the passionate kiss seems to sweep you off your feet. You didn't exactly know how long it lasted, but when you pulled apart you were both slightly out of breath. It took a minute before anything was spoken. 
"I never thought you did…" he whispered. 
"Why not? You are the one who got away…" you said, feeling your heart ache at the memory.
"I did… because.. I was getting too attached to you and caleb. And I didn't think you would ever see me the way I see you." His words made you smile. 
"And how do you see me John?" 
"I… love you." You smiled even brighter at his words. Cupping his face with both of your hands. 
"You really are an idiot John, cuz I really love you too." 
John immediately pulled you back in for a kiss that you have been craving for way too many years. Perhaps this time he'd stay.
@thatbemyhouse @magdazwolska
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