#and- madoka just
zeugiz · 6 months
i stumbled upon a comment on youtube with scenario where homura dies and i cannot stop thinking about it. we often talk about the love that homura has for madoka, but we often overlook the fact that madoka loved homura as much, and in many cases and timelines she made a wish just to stop homura's suffering, not even mentioning madoka loving homura in a romantic way. how devastating it would be for her to witness homura die - with having her memories back - without even a slight chance of bringing her back? homura could revert time back to the month they met, over and over, but madoka? how heartbroken she would be to watch homura die? I'm not even talking about madoka being the only one who really knows homura, who cherishes her existence while everyone else has been praying for her downfall lol (maybe except kyoko). she would be so alone in her feelings of loss and despair. damn.
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watermelonsloth · 7 months
The push and pull of “relationships can be very affectionate and still be platonic” and “those are the gayest motherfuckers I’ve ever seen”.
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arielluva · 4 months
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god's favorite
redraw of this :3
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ghostdeals · 2 months
It bother me so much that people misunderstand sayaka miki's descent into madness in madoka magica. She doesnt become a witch "just because of a boy." Sayaka is a character who ties all her self worth into being in service of others. We can see this right from the start with her idolization of mami and everything that she was. She saw mami as this "perfect hero" even though mami i would say is mentally the weakest of the holy quintet. In the timelines where mami finds out about the incubator's true goals she always immediately breaks and goes crazy, trying to kill the other girls in her own twisted way of trying to "save them". Instead of seeing the fragile person that mami was, sayaka instead sort of treats her as a martyr, a goal to achieve. We continue on to sayaka's magical girl wish. Instead of wishing for something for herself, she instead sells her soul for the sake of kyousuke. Then when he starts dating hitomi she spirals not because she's sad about the rejection but because she feels replaced in his life, that he doesn't need or want her around anymore. Then she throws herself into her magical girl work not seeing that she's harming herself because she justifies it with "well im saving people that means what im doing is a good thing." She doesn't see that she's becoming more sloppy, more ruthless until its too late. It's only in the end when she turns into a witch that her story gets resolved.
Sayaka Miki is an incredibly sad character to me. While her actions have the illusion of being selfless and "for the greater good" she is actually incredibly selfishly motivated. Everything she does is in service of wanting praise and admiration from the people she cares about. If she helps kyousuke he'll appreciate her and love her, if she becomes a hero she'll receive praise and admiration for being a good person. This is why it is important that of all people it was kyoko that fought sayaka in the end. To homura, sayaka is someone to be saved. To mami, sayaka is her sweet apprentice/younger sister figure. To madoka, sayaka is her energetic and happy go lucky friend. Kyoko is the only one who from the start called sayaka out on her bullshit, seeing straight through her. And at the end, kyoko is the one who truly accepts sayaka. Sayaka as the witch Oktavia von Seckendorff is stated multiple times in official material to be "looking for love." In the end it it kyoko who gives her that love. Even when sayaka has lost her humanity it is kyoko who accepts her for the entirety of who sayaka is with all of her selfishness and desires. She is the one who sees what sayaka has become and stays together with her till both of their ends. Kyoko choosing to die with sayaka is her saying "I'm here for you, i know all of you, and I will love you regardless."
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mikufanclub · 19 days
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some homus
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pxnecoffee · 24 days
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“I want to erase the tears of all those who trusted in hope. I want them to be left with a smile on their faces.”
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starstorm74 · 3 months
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phenomen0ms · 2 months
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a promise fulfilled
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misteriwist · 2 months
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Homura Akemi as she appears before and during the ending scenes of movie 3.
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kkbardd · 5 months
solace in you
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aceptical · 8 months
I love characters that tear themselves apart for something. I love characters that would willfully destroy themselves for their goal. Characters that have moved past the point of caring what happens to them because all that matters is this one goal and it’s fine if they’re destroyed or maimed or anything else because as long as they fulfill that goal they think they’ll be fine.
Even better if they gradually start to doubt this goal. What have I been pouring myself into this entire time? But by now they’re too far gone to stop so like clockwork they just keep walking towards this goal. They’ll constantly destroy themself for this one goal and they can’t change that fate no matter if they can recognize their original goal has been twisted beyond any recognition.
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starsisstars · 14 days
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I love and cherish all of these and wow a lot of them are gay now that I'm looking at it idk if that's coincidence or not
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eclrrtwo · 5 months
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twt yuri recs full canvases… whew !
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miniyellow5 · 2 months
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Drew god
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shsl-roomba · 8 months
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new movie predictions
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