#and.. some other things ahem
acoraxia · 5 months
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leafyboii · 9 months
I think what makes asoryuu interesting to me is that Kazuma and Ryunosuke knew each other very little, since they only met one year before the game starts, they knew each other at a very superficial level.
From Kazuma's perspective this is probably the first time in his life where he could finally be around someone without feeling the weight of the 'mission' that ended up consuming his entire life. He can act his age and be silly around Ryunosuke, someone that doesn't know anything about his emotional baggage, and someone he's starting to form an emotional attachment to (and boi does this guy have emotional attachment issues), and he probably wanted to hang onto that for a little longer, hence his hesitation about telling Ryunosuke the truth about why he wanted him to come along to England in the first place.
But from Ryunosuke's perspective it's a little different. At first, he didn't ask a lot of questions (probably out of respect for Kazuma's privacy), he just waited because he trusts Kazuma to explain everything to him whenever he's ready. But then Kazuma 'died' and that was it. There was nothing he could do other than carry out his friend's legacy. And in doing so, he was pretty much creating (and hanging onto) an idealized image of Kazuma: someone who's perfect and noble and who would never do anything Bad. So when he finally gets to see what Kazuma is really like, it was only natural for him to be shocked. He's learning that Kazuma is none of those things, he's realizing that he never really knew him to begin with, and it's a lot for him to process.
It's not out of the question that one of his first thoughts is "maybe I was wrong about him all along, maybe he really did kill Gregson. He lied, after all. Who knows what else he's lying about." Ryunosuke is not an omniscient narrator that knows everything, and Kazuma was already hiding a lot of things from him, it's only natural for him to be suspicious.
I just don't think blind devotion works for their relationship? The last thing Kazuma needs is someone who will agree with him no questions asked and lets him do whatever he wants, what he needs is someone who's not afraid to call him out on his bullshit, someone who will help him stay grounded and level-headed, and that's why he needed Ryunosuke to be there as his rival in Barok's trial. He's the perfect person for this.
In conclusion: this ship makes me insane.
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skrunksthatwunk · 1 year
something he can't put into words.
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#ANOTHER DAIGO POST!!!! <333#also sorry for being like teehee yaoi dojima anyway daigo can't/probably shouldn't be close to his bio dad and latched onto this random#20 year old but Doesnt Quite recognize what is so wrong about sohei and so right about kiryu and how he should feel about either#meaning he cant fulfill his true desire (baby duck around kamurocho with his babysitter who's probably got better things to do bc people#always have better things to do than take care of him but at least kiryu pretends he enjoys it#for hours and hours and hours. some of the others ask him how he is or what he's up to at school but they don't really reach him like kiryu#does. he wants to impress him soooo bad. aughhh baby daigo you're annoying but you're also so emotionally neglected#haha latching onto mentors bc they're more involved/easier to connect to than parents haha who would do that not me ahem uh anyway#(skrunks be normal about and not project onto a kiryu + child dynamic challenge: impossible)#anyway he can't just say sohei's his father bc he's a big crime daddy but he hasn't really.. accepted? whats going on with kiryu yet either#i dont think he knows kiryu's his dad is my point#rgg#ryu ga gotoku#yakuza#dojima daigo#like a dragon#daigo dojima#ykz#i accidentally saved over soo many versions of this so i had to be like fuck it we ball. thats the final version of that panel now#gonna schedule this for later today bc i dont wanna stifle the kazumi posts but i also uh. am impatient#anyway more little daigo content he's such an ass but it makes so much sense why he's like that and he deserves a whole lotta love#also i just realized i used different name orders for kiryu and yayoi... sorry idk im just incapable of writing kazuma kiryu#uhOOPS POSTED IT EARLY NVM#yer gettin a loootta skrunk content today ig#skrunkart
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yurki-posts · 4 days
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The Nopony
(I made the eye wrong on the upper right aaaghhhhh)
#PONIFIED ROB ATTACK!!!!!!!!!#the amazing world of gumball#tawog rob#mlp#my little pony#character desing#my art#OoOok so#As I said in other posts before I had this crossover in my mind for a looong time#I already had somethings in mind like Rob being an earth pony (since he's “boring”)#Gumball would also be an earth pony qnd he would complain not being an unicorn or a pegasus because they have magic and can fly#BUT THIS IS ABOUT ROB DON'T GET DISTRACTED YUR#*ahem* so back on earth#I was struggling I tiny bit (a lot) with his head in different angles (that's something every Rob has in every Au. His head is complicated)#I was having a hard time too deciding how I wanted the static to look like#I wanted to make it the way I draw static normally (black lines that change depending on the emotional state of Rob)#but it looked off compared to the rest of the drawing#I also thought of a png but I wanted to suffer a little bit so I made it myself#For once I went with harsh shadows with very strong colors (like shadowing with red for yellow or fuccia for red)#and I really really really like it :3 i'm so proud of myself!!#i'm still unsure about the lore but I tgink it would be just Tawog but every character is a pony or a species from Mlp#like for example Penny being a Changeling and discover her true form thanks to Gumball#amd because she's a Changeling some things would change compared to the original series so it matches up with this universe#but i'm talking too much now lol#I may or not also make pre-void Rob#ixbsosbdiwbfisbabdbjd
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hecksupremechips · 2 months
Shinjiham is cute when it’s romantic but tbh I think i vastly prefer the idea of them being best friends instead. Like, neither of them really saw it coming and weren’t really looking to get another best friend (Shinji has Akihiko, Kotone has Junpei and Yukari respectively) but it happens anyway. Kotone takes a liking to Shinji much faster than she does anyone else and I’d say a big reason is just the fact that he’s so reserved that it allows Kotone to do most of the talking while he just listens and they love this arrangement cuz Kotone doesn’t get to talk about her own interests very much. Though I think some of her needs to talk to Shinji stems from this insecurity that he isn’t happy in the group and she has this people pleasing problem and wants everyone to be happy so she makes a much bigger effort to talk to Shinji. And it’s very unfortunate because Shinji intentionally acts cold and distant because he doesn’t want to form any attachments because he wants to die soon, but aaaaaaaagh dammit this girl just keeps talking to him and being sweet and encouraging him to engage in his interests and share them with the others and he just can’t seem to say no when she’s got those damn puppy eyes. And Kotone is just able to get him out of his shell by being persistent but not in an overwhelming way, she’s very cheerful and supportive of him. And Shinji is able to offer her support by encouraging her to talk about herself and by making sure she’s taking care of herself. They just click really well and make such a positive dent in each other’s lives and it’s all about basic acts of kindness going a long way you know?
#persona#persona 3#kotone shiomi#shinjiro aragaki#i uh. probably didnt do much here to prove that their relationship is best when its platonic akjsks i mean idk how to convey it#that these two are just so good for each other but that im just not feeling it romantically#and why should i honestly like cant a guy and a girl just be platonic soulmates like me and jackie aljsks#plus i just have other ships with these characters i like better ahem akishinji and mitsuham yall already know#and i just feel really comforted by their relationship being best friends cuz it makes the pocket watch a lot more power of friendship#and it just. irks me the idea that its romantic love that saves shinji and its romantic love that gave him a will to live#cuz first off you can save him without romancing him and also like if you think kotone is the only person he wants to live for#youre just wrong like in fact its very clear in his social link that he feels this strong love for everyone#its literally like why other characters are so ingrained into his link he loves everyone and they love him back#its just kotone who organizes the time for them all to get together plus like idk when ppl say shinji only wants to live after romancing#kotone its like. well hes not gonna have a good time post coma then huh#and i suppose the point being made is he has to learn to live even if his gf isnt there but again like. shes not the only thing he has#idk i just hate this like pedestal romantic relationships are put on and i hate the implications that like#akihiko has been trying for years to protect shinji and his love doesnt matter cuz it isnt some heterosexual romance#grrrrr it just irks me is all and yeah i just think theyre besties who do everything together#kotone is like shinjis emotional support animal that guides him through the scary crowds and shinji is off putting enough to scare away the#meanies that come their way and they have a dress up montage and make cookies
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oldfashionedmorphine · 6 months
oh what’s this?
a lil peek of ch 21 for iawwyh??? 👀
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@across-thestars @boahey @magentamee @daydreams-in-the-moonlight @greenfiend @rebellius @booksandpaperss @castelobyers @total-serene560 @karenchildress @sparks-olivarpente @hazmatazz @suzieburself @krakoansam @mandycantdecide @robin-therobber @foodiewithdahoodie @soyboystan @trvbblemaker (if you want to be added or removed, let me know!)
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paperrcrownss · 11 months
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bread and circuses.
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 2 months
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britneyshakespeare · 1 month
Man is saying weird things to me again
#help mom he's oversharing about drinking scotch every evening#that's very on brand for Man#tales from diana#i literally did Nothing to reach out to him i don't know what he wants#i was just thinking in the shower literally not even half an hour ago about how you know it's strange#he used to always have this way of talking to me like he was trying to impress me which is just kinda silly honestly#like i was a 20-21-year-old in awe of him and he was a retired male model eight years older than me w more life experience#and some rather exotic and interesting experiences at that#i think he somewhat envies that i seem (at least to him) like a self-possessed 'intellectual'#thats how he talks to me at least. it's funny tho#not that im not. like. smart. i think the both of us know i'm better-read than he'll be in 3 lifetimes#and i'm not quite self-possessed but i certainly don't have the open-wounded insecurity he does#while also being rather more confident than most ppl in some areas (and it's not ALL unearned)#he's got much more ambition than i do though. more ambition than i'll have in 10 lifetimes#and he seems to do everything with a motivation of external validation and approval.#so i think he has a chip on his shoulder. poor little Man#the two of us could not be more opposite. but i don't really strive to be like him in the ways he strives to be like me#he chases this dream of what he thinks the perfect man is and it's quite inhuman so of course he falls short.#i on the other hand am if anything much TOO accepting of my own faults and shortcomings. ahem#these are all things i will never say to Man. he's too silly to hear it#besides. im rather sure he likes me (? in some way) and i am these days just very ambivalent to him#i can't NOT say i find him attractive bc i do but he's just. sooooo not the one lol#he's a fascinating creature all flaws aside but i never find myself studying him at my own volition#Man just comes outta the woods sometimes to tell me about his travels or women or whiskey. he's odd#he's very eccentric but between the two of us i think i'm the better eccentric. no wonder he visits me sometimes#but he brings gifts and prayers like he's coming to a devotional shrine or something. i'm like sir this is not a temple#he'll never be normal but he is so strange in the ways i'm too good for. if i do say so myself#(and that's saying something bc i'm not too good for ANYTHING)
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bittybeanie · 2 years
Business As Usual (reigen x reader)
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it's finally done, y'all! this fic has gone through so many different versions before ending up as what it is now, which is basically a collection of snippets that i connected together with some plot. i really wanted to explore aspec reigen but wanted to keep him in character AND still have a gender neutral reader which is VERY hard to do when you need to describe... where hands are going, but i think i finally did it!
also on ao3 here!
Your head rests against your palm as you stare blankly in Reigen's general direction, letting the sound of his voice from the doorway float over to you as a fond smile takes over your face. One of his legs is popped forward, his knee bent so his foot can rest flat against the wall behind him, and he slips his hands into his pockets. Your gaze lingers on his thumb, tucked over the top of his pocket, and your face slips off your hand before you can come to your senses. You're already scrambling for a pen by the time he glances over at you and raises his eyebrows in a silent question of "everything okay over there?"
You give him a shaky smile and a thumbs up, weakly holding up the pen and pulling the abandoned stack of papers on your desk toward you. He beams at you and turns back to Serizawa, casually switching to stand on his other leg like he didn't just make your heart skip a beat. You resist the urge to look back at him for all of a couple seconds, the embarrassment of almost getting caught staring not as strong as how distracting he is. He's already using his hands again, one flying through the air as he draws a square in what you think is his attempt to explain the layout of a room. The other hand hangs by his side, his thumb crossed in front of his index finger.
You prop one elbow on the desk, holding up the same makeshift heart shape as you pretend to return to your ignored work.
You find yourself leaning against the front of Reigen’s desk often. With Mob on a school trip and Serizawa at his class for the night, there's no need for you to keep up the act of office secretary, so you've settled into a sort of half-sit, one leg propped up so you can turn to face him without putting your full weight on the surface.
As he listens to you talk, he twirls a pen between his fingers, flipping it back and forth before stopping to spin it around his thumb, only to catch it and do it again. His other hand traces the trim of his desk - over the scratch in the edge from the arm of his chair, down the scuff mark on the corner from the time you'd both dragged it against the door frame on the way in, back up the slice in the surface from a time when he'd still taken dangerous clients on his own and a "stray" pocket knife had gone flying from a "possessed" man's hand. You make a mental note to buy Mob and Serizawa each something for all their hard work.
You trail off, trying to retrace your conversation to find the original point of your story. In the quiet that follows, you can hear the sound of his fingers along the wood. He's being so gentle, just barely making contact, like he's handling a precious artifact. In its own way, you suppose, the desk is an important part of the office's history, in the same way that every plant, every poster of his face, every picture with a client was a part of the journey here, to this moment.
You wonder if he'd handle you the same way.
"Everything okay?"
"Yeah, just... lost my train of thought there." You blink and give your most convincing spacey chuckle, mentally yelling at yourself to get a fucking grip already. "How did we end up talking about this again?" You're sure that he'll see through you in a second. Instead, he shrugs and stretches his arms above his head.
"Hell if I know." He drops his arms and rolls his shoulders. "Think it's safe to shut down for the night, though, so..." He stands with a flourish and jerks his thumb in the direction of the door. "Wanna get food?"
Despite your best efforts, you find yourselves at the same quiet bar as always, both of you too indecisive and habitual to pick somewhere else to eat. Both of you nod when the bartender asks if it'll be the usual, then shake your heads when she asks about drinks. She rolls her eyes at you, but it's good-natured, and she disappears around the corner to start your order.
There's something about the environment that sweeps you up in it - the dim lighting and the scratchy record player in the corner - and you think Reigen might have actually forgotten he hasn't had any alcohol. "Loose" is the only word you can think of to describe him in this moment, his face softer, his pinky over yours on the counter, his posture and his filter more relaxed. He doesn't even jolt when the bartender calls the two of you lovebirds, something that always made him scramble to defend himself before you officially started dating. Now, although his hand still gets a little clammy, he just looks over at you and smiles, and he presses a kiss to your temple. 
She asks how things are going at the office (boring but peaceful), if you've told the others yet (Serizawa figured it out on his own, just like she did, and you're not sure how to bring it up to Mob yet, but you have a feeling he knows), if you have any fun plans. She raises her eyebrows on the last question, leaning forward to give you a meaningful stare, her face breaking out into a smirk.
You and Reigen freeze up at the same time, looking in opposite directions.
"I mean we're-"
"Yeah, it's, y'know, we-"
"Not that it's any of your-"
"Just what are you implying anyway, I mean-"
She waves her hands to cut you both off, laughing loudly at your awkwardness.
"Just teasing you guys, sheesh. But, seriously, nothing fun this weekend?"
"Ah, no, just business as usual."
She goes on a rant about how you two should really relax, take a vacation, you spend so much time in that damn office of yours, how do you two even-
You settle in, thankful for the change of subject, and chuckle quietly, not sure how to explain that, at this point, the office feels more like home than your apartment does. When she turns around to grab something, you press a quick kiss to Reigen's cheek, reveling in the way he always looks surprised no matter how many times you've done it before. He unlinks your pinkies and puts his whole hand over yours, giving a light squeeze. You bump your head against his shoulder just as she turns back around, and she makes a theatrical gagging sound.
Reigen had told you before that he was thankful to have a new regular bar, but it's moments like these that you really see it- dropping his pretenses bit by bit with every night you come in, asking her questions and talking to her not as a composed business man, or even as somebody that you've dragged along with you, but simply as himself.
You think this is your favorite way to see him.
He gets up eventually to use the restroom before you leave, and the bartender jumps at the chance to tease you some more. It's always a little embarrassing, despite how many times she's done it, but it's also strangely comforting in its familiarity.
"You know you look at him like a lovesick puppy, right?"
"So? We're dating, how am I supposed to look at him?"
She looks concerned. "No, it's not that, just... I think he's the only one that can't tell you wanna do him. Are you seriously gonna wait around forever?"
"I'll wait as long as I need." You know what she's getting at, and you admit that you haven't been the most straightforward with him, but you don't want to run the risk of making him uncomfortable. He's never officially told you outright, but you get the impression it just isn't something he's interested in, and you decided you were fine with that long before you asked him out. Your lingering stares and imagination would just have to be enough.
"And if he never-"
"Then I wait forever." You finish the last bit of your water in one go and set the glass down a bit too harshly, trying to distract her from your obviously flustered state. "In the meantime, I’ll keep enjoying what I have."
She considers you for a minute before glancing over your shoulder. Apparently she's satisfied with your answer, because she rolls her eyes again and takes the plates from the counter. You startle a bit when you feel Reigen's hand on your shoulder, and he presses a kiss to the top of your head as an apology before asking if you're ready to leave.
He slips his coat on and waits by the door as you hand the bartender your card.
"I'm not gonna stop teasing you about it," she whispers. "But I think you two are gonna be just fine." You're not sure what to say. You glance over at him as he readjusts his scarf, his tongue peeking out as he fights to get the sides even with each other. He stands up straighter to lean against the door frame when he notices you looking, clearing his throat loudly and giving you a wave. The bartender hands your card back.
"Yeah. Thanks."
You reach for Reigen's hand and link your fingers together as he swings the door open, turning around to give the bartender one last wave goodbye.
"Be safe! If you ever bang, that is!"
"Oi!" The door swinging shut behind you cuts off your noise of protest. You can see her laughing through the window, one hand covering her mouth as she waves you off.
"Actually, um..." He bumps his hip into yours. "I... I have something to ask you about."
"So, um." Reigen clears his throat. His hand is practically slipping out of yours from how sweaty it is, and that fact does nothing to calm your nerves about what he might say next. You tighten your grip. "Ekubo... brought something to my attention."
"O-oh? And what would that be?" Though you've never been able to see or hear the spirit for yourself, you've learned from Mob that he's incredibly blunt. Your worry increases.
"Well. He told me I was an 'oblivious asshole' and that even he knew I was 'wasting an opportunity', if that gives you any clues." Based on the context, you're pretty sure you know where this is going. This time, it's Reigen that tightens his grip.
"He was all," he makes his voice more nasally and tilts his head, "I definitely shouldn't have to be the one to tell you this but nobody else is going to do it and I'm sick of seeing them make googoo eyes at you all the time, so I'm just doing what needs to be done! Reigen! They totally wa-" He chokes a bit, trailing off into something you can't hear. "Well, I can't remember exactly what he said, but, um, he basically told me I should ask if there was something... more that you were hoping for. In our relationship." He slows his walking, staring down at his feet.
"I... don't know how to answer that, honestly." He seems surprised and a little relieved at your answer. It makes you all the more uncertain whether you should say anything. "I guess there is, but it's not- I mean it's definitely not a dealbreaker. I figured you weren't- I mean I'm not saying you- that you're not- it just seemed like something you didn't really... care about. Or... care for. That much."
He considers lying, but dismisses the idea quickly. The million excuses die on his tongue, the half-baked stories of his fake experience erased as his mind goes blank. He knows there's no need for him to lie, sees in how nervous you are that you mean it when you say it's not a dealbreaker, but he doesn't know what to say instead. He has no idea what will come out when he speaks, and that's a terrifying prospect.
"Well, I don't, I guess." You nod. "I care about you, though." He taps the back of his hand against your thigh, dragging your arm along with it. "You don't need to keep things from me. If that's- if I'm... something you- I mean, if you're- I'm-" He sighs harshly and stops walking to look up at the stars. "Honestly, I'm not the best at this sort of thing. I've never really thought that somebody would want me, so I hadn't considered it. But if you're really interested, if you... want..."
"I do."
He snaps his head down to look at you, like he's surprised to hear you say it even though he already knew it was true.
"The same goes for you, too, though. You don't need to keep things from me." You tap your elbow against his side. "And you don't need to give things just for my sake. Whatever Ekubo said, you're not 'wasting an opportunity.' I'll be here if you want me, and if you don't," you shrug, "I'll still be here anyway. No pressure. No offense taken."
He nods. You start walking again in silence, his eyebrows pulled together as he considers his options. He pulls his hand away from yours to wipe his palms on his thighs, and you barely conceal your laugh in time.
When you stop in front of your apartment building, he leans down to kiss you as usual. Your hands linger on his jaw, and you give him another quick peck before you fully pull away.
"You coming up?" He blinks at you, and the extra implication finally registers. "For tea! I mean."
He laughs and kisses you again, grabbing your wrist to pull you up the stairs.
You're turning to hang your coat - just barely holding onto to the end of one sleeve - when you hear the sound of your door clicking shut behind you and you find yourself pressed against it, Reigen's lips against yours. You drop your jacket on the floor in favor of steadying yourself, both hands on his shoulders as you lift yourself onto your toes. His fingers fidget with the hem of your shirt, and you pull back just in time to keep your breathing even.
"Where's all this coming from?"
He presses a kiss to your jaw. "I've decided," another kiss, just below your ear, "I want to give you what you want." His breath against your jaw is admittedly distracting, but something still feels off to you, and you're determined to figure out what it is before you let him get too far.
"Is that so?" He hums against your neck. "You really want to?" He hums again, pulling back so he can press his forehead against yours.
"Well, while I appreciate the effort..." You pull on his arm as you spin out into the room, and the door rattles when you push him back against it. "This is more like what I had in mind." All his preparation goes out the window, all the lines he's memorized "just in case" rendered useless, and he's left standing there gawking at you. You take a step back, suddenly unsure of yourself. "If... that's okay."
"Yes!" He clears his throat and waves a hand vaguely in the air. "Yes, that's... probably better. That way you can- exactly what you- y'know. I'm a little surprised, is all." He points in several directions as he talks, eventually settling on pressing his index finger lightly into your shoulder.
You breathe out a laugh and reach up to thread your fingers through his hair.
"Well, you know, you're just so darn handsome. Can't help but think about how you'll look in... other scenarios."
"Is that what you were thinking about while you were staring me down earlier? While I was talking to Serizawa?" He smirks like he expects you to laugh it off, to roll your eyes, to knock your head against his shoulder and exhale with that same half-laugh, half-scoff you give him when he tells a bad joke. You lean up to kiss him, instead, and his breath catches in his throat.
"Yeah, pretty much."
"Oh." He seems to realize he's still poking you in the shoulder, and he moves his hands so they both rest on your hips. You can feel them shaking. "Oh."
"Is that okay?"
He looks like he's genuinely considering it this time instead of just telling you what he thinks you want to hear. His shoulders relax, and he slides down the door. You chuckle at the way his jacket bunches up.
"Yeah. Yeah, it's okay. It's nice, honestly."
"Well, good thing there's way more where that came from, then."
"You're sure about this? Still okay?"
His fingers pull at your hair as his hand shakes, and his nails are pressing into your hip a little too tightly, and he's biting down on his lip so hard that you're sure he's gonna draw blood any second now, but he's nodding and looking at you like there's nothing else in the world. His hair is sticking up at the top and there's a faint red mark just below his collarbone, and he looks so perfect that you'd be the stupidest person in the world to stop now and give up the view.
But being an idiot is worth it if it means he's safe, so you stop again after you undo the last button of his shirt, looking back up at him when you slip your fingers under the collar. He nods again and kisses you, quick enough that you don't get a chance to deepen it but long enough to leave you chasing his lips when he pulls away. His fingers wrap around your wrists as he guides you to pull the sleeves down his arms, and the shirt falls to the bed with a quiet rustling of fabric, almost drowning out the way your heart is attempting to leap out of your chest.
"Hey. I know you said you, um- but..." He leans forward, shuffling so he's propped up on his knees. "Could we go back to this? It's a little easier."
"Of course. Whatever you need." His hair brushes against your forehead, and you can feel his breath across your nose as he pants. Moonlight streams in through your window, the corner of it lighting up the side of his face enough for you to see just how red his ears are. "I want you however I can have you, anyway, so it's not like it matters to me."
"Well, it's not gonna work if you keep saying things like that."
You laugh and flop backwards onto the bed, doing your best not to kick your pillows. "What, do you have a script up there or something? Am I going off book?" You tap a finger to the center of his forehead. He purses his lips and looks off to the side.
"Not... No. I don't need a script." He scoots closer to you, settling in between your legs as he puts one hand on either side of your head.
"Good answer." He shakes his head as he leans down to press his lips to your collarbone, but pulls back immediately when you let out a startled squeak.
"Sorry! Sorry, I don't know why that caught me so off guard." You laugh and wrap your arms around his waist. "Just nervous, I guess. You c- you can keep going, though. S'nice." You shift awkwardly when he doesn't move, glancing off to the side. "You... still okay? We can-"
"You're nervous?"
"Well, yeah. I mean... man of my dreams? Over me? About to do me? It's a little overwhelming, y'know? Good overwhelming, but still."
"Right. Yeah." He sits back onto his knees, and you follow by propping yourself up on one arm. "Wait, man of your dreams?" His voice cracks, but he doesn't bother clearing his throat.
"Y- uh. Y... Yes?" He opens his mouth, but you cut him off before he can say anything. "I mean, think what you will, but I have had dreams about you, so it's literal if nothing else."
He straightens at that, and you can practically see the light bulb go off above his head when he snaps his fingers. His smirk gets dangerously wide, and he leans back into your personal space, wrapping one arm under you to keep you from laying back down.
"Why don't you... tell me about those?"
"A mirror?!" He presses a kiss to your hip, muffling a laugh. "Certainly starting off strong."
"It was just the most recent one!" You squirm as he sneaks his thumbs into your waistband, looking up at you for confirmation. You lift your hips, and you hear him take a sharp breath before he yanks them down. "I can always pick a different one."
"No, no, I asked. Talk away." He presses a kiss to the inside of your thigh, lifting your leg on top of his shoulder. "What was the appeal, do you know? Or was your brain just looking for ideas?"
"Ah, both, I think. But I certainly know what the appeal was."
"Oh?" He licks a stripe up your thigh before sucking a section of your skin into his mouth, stopping just before he thinks it'll leave a mark to move to a new spot.
"Yeah, your h- mm. Uh, ha, w- um. Actually, that might be too embarrassing."
"What? Come on." He slides his hand up your other thigh, fidgeting with the waistband of your underwear as he steels himself to pull those off too.
"No, I'm- go ahead." He nods, but keeps fidgeting with the elastic for now. "I'm picking something else. You won't be able to look at me the same after."
"Is it really that bad?"
"It's not bad exactly, just- oh!" He pulls your underwear down a bit too fast, and they get caught on your foot, sending them slingshotting across the room. Your head falls back against the bed as you laugh from the sheer absurdity of it, and you grab the sheets to anchor yourself. "Anyway, it's just very specific. I don't want you to feel weirded out."
"I think I'm more weirded out by not knowing. You're scaring me a little." He takes your hand and guides it to the top of his head, not moving until you thread your fingers through his hair with a shaky sigh.
"Fine, fine, y- hmm." He sticks his fingers in his mouth to get them wet, mostly because it's something he'd read once that you were supposed to do, and you hear the loud pop when he pulls them out. "It's your hands."
He eases one finger inside you so slowly that it seems like he's waiting for something terrible to happen. All he gets is your satisfied shiver and a light tug on his hair to encourage him to move his head up.
"In a case like this, I can feel your hands but I can't see them. A mirror let me do both."
"What's so special about my hands?"
"You say as your fingers are literally inside me."
"Other than that, o-obviously." He closes his mouth around you, and your hips buck up before you can stop them.
"S'fine." He readjusts your hand in his hair so you can have a better hold. He hums lowly when you give a test pull, and you can feel the vibration of it in the very core of your body. "You were saying?"
"Oh, right, y- they're distracting. I mean, you just ha- oh, have nice hands in the first place, but- y- you use them so much that it's like... oh, Jesus." He slips another finger inside, crooking them up in a blind attempt to get a better reaction out of you. "I think about them a lot, I guess. And you're always fidgeting, so, w- they're super obvious. And it's a little more subtle than just... eye fucking you in general. Fuck!" You can feel his smirk when the shiver racks down your spine, and you press your nails against his scalp in a half-hearted protest. "Not subtle if you know about it, though."
He pulls his fingers out and slides his hand under your leg to drag you further down the bed so he can focus on using his mouth. You whine at the loss, but you can't really complain when it feels like ice is making its way through your veins, your skin tingling with electricity every time you feel his breath against you. What he lacks in skill - not that he lacks much in the first place, despite his concerns - he makes up for simply by being him, with you, in this moment you thought you would never get to have. Your free hand tightens around the sheets before coming up to lay across your eyes, and you gasp as you roll your hips up against him. He taps lightly against your ribs in a reminder to keep talking.
"A-and then there was the whole p - ha - part where y - oh - you were talking right in my ear but I could still see your face. Fuck, I bet you look so good right now. And, shit, f- I love your voice so much. S'really, the- the best of both- ah!"
Now that he's gotten the hang of it, he slips three fingers inside you again, trying to focus on how good you must be feeling based on your reactions instead of just how tight you feel around them. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't turned on by now, with the way you're gasping and trembling, quiet whines slipping out between words and your thighs shaking on his shoulders, but he's not ready to deal with the consequences of that just yet. He can't afford to think right now for fear that his nerves will start to creep in through the gaps, so he forces himself to focus on your voice, letting your words take over the space in his mind where his own thoughts should be.
He gives a particularly harsh suck right as his fingers bend to hit just the right spot, and you actually moan at that - not a whimper, not a hum or a sigh - and any resolve he had to keep listening to you is replaced with the desire to get you to make that noise again.
"Wow, I am not gonna last long if you- oh! Fuck, Rei- mm, Ara- fuck, fuck, fuck! Arataka, god, so perfect, you're so- ohh, shit, I-" He doesn't let up until it's almost impossible to move his hand, revels in the way you clench around his fingers, in your broken cry only slightly muffled behind your hand, even in the way your ankle digs into his back as you pull at his hair and press your hips up into his face.
When he sits up, your leg falls onto the bed with a thump, causing you to descend into a fit of giggles as he licks his lips and swallows, thumb swiping across his bottom lip.
"What, was it-" You shake your head and make grabby hands, rolling one wrist in an invitation for him to lay down beside you.
"I'm just really happy. You did great." He leans over you, seemingly debating if he's allowed to kiss you. You close the distance for him, cupping both sides of his face, and he shudders when you run your fingers through his hair in an attempt to fix it. "Want me to help-"
"Nope! No, no need, thanks." You raise an eyebrow, but you're too tired to put up a real fight.
"Alright, just come here, then."
"We're backwards. Your foot is on your pillow."
"It happens." You shrug. He looks like he's debating picking you up and flipping you around himself, but he eventually lays down beside you, albeit not before grabbing a spare blanket to drape over you.
"Maybe next time?"
"Next time?" You roll onto your side and drape one arm over him as he settles in, pressing your face into his chest.
"Yeah. Next time you can... maybe, I mean. It's still- but, I think I do want..."
"Yeah?" You smile and lay a hand flat on his lower back to pull him closer, the other hand tracing light heart shapes just under his collarbone.
"Yeah, unless you-"
"Maybe next time sounds perfect."
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thedeadthree · 6 months
-ˋˏ .·:·. ⊱ ❦ ⊰ .·:·. -ˋˏ
i need to add colorings and things to these tissaia screenies but LOOK AT SHEE !!
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bonetrousledbones · 5 months
Wait do you make comics or something????? If so where can I find
GOD I WISH.......... ran outta spoons for that a while ago but i love making comics so much 😔
the thing i've been working on lately is a special event for my soon-to-be-dead ask blog @ask-the-bone-boys! its gonna be a half-canon thing as a send off to the ask blog format before i fully reboot & convert it into a big ass fanfic series
it hasnt even been two weeks since i reblogged that one thing with me infodumping on a few of the characters in it so i'm just gonna link it here if you want a bit of an idea what's going on, i also recommend looking through my atbb tag tho its a hell of a lot less organized lmao
here's the last comic update i did for it right before i put it on hiatus, i really do wish i had the time & energy to keep that format up tbh it was so fucking fun
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qqueenofhades · 1 year
Okay, well, pending the actual booking of things and so forth, it looks as if I will indeed be going to the UK for 10 days at the end of June/early July. I will have a few relatively open days in London, so if any followers are around there at that time (and obviously if I would recognize you/your username etc), I am down to clown.
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keeps-ache · 8 months
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you're making me anxious!!
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purgetrooperfox · 10 months
12, 14, 19? >:-)
[choose violence] >:)
12. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
who is unpopular these days.......... unpopular or just obscure?
I'd say Dooku but he had a little popularity boost a while back. good for him he is the best. name a more interesting story arc you can't
Fox used to be the easiest possible answer bc I'm brainrotten about him but. gestures tiredly at the new wave of extremely annoying girlies
you know who was cool? Dum Dum CP2077 and I'm not even kidding. I wanted to be bffs at the end of the first mission with him and it was so disappointing that he never called
JACK KRAUSER. there we go. people should like him because he's soooo fucked up and mean and sexy, and because his backstory is upsetting, and because he is objectively a homophobic homosexual
14. that one thing you see in fics all the time
caf-dependent clones who have no other personality traits and it becomes really obvious when their only role in the story is to be tired in the background. reader inserts that have nothing to do with the character At All and brutally mischaracterize them for the sake of whatever fantasy. tippy toeing around how terrible things would actually be during a lot of wartime, especially for enslaved soldiers. poorly written women who are only there to cause interpersonal conflict. They Would Not Fucking Say That incidents.
oh you said ONE thing
19. it's absolutely criminal that the fandom has been sleeping on...
sw fandom I dare you to go consume media from any other franchise that has some actual honest to god moral nuance
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agrebel18 · 1 year
 does anyone else have that feeling when you’re good friends with someone and you genuinely love them but don’t like mentioning them to specific people because you’re afraid they’ll start shipping you guys or something
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