#andrew burford
Meet the Stars of Doctor Who and Get 10% Off Tickets to The Bedford Who Charity Con 8
Meet the Stars of #DoctorWho and Get 10% Off Tickets to The @BedfordWho Charity Con 8
With little more than a month to go, Bedford Who Charity Con 8 is coming up on Saturday 18th March 2023 – and, once again, we’re offering 10% off tickets to DWC readers! Details about how to order them are below. While I don’t like blowing my own trumpet, it’s probably fair to say that Bedford Who Charity Cons are rather special. Colin Baker’s been to two of them, and he says they qualify as…
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bluebellofbakerstreet · 5 months
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Number 50 in a series
Others in this series: Basil Rathbone (Fox), Martin Freeman,  Jude Law,  Benedict Cumberbatch, Rachel McAdams,  Jonny Lee Miller, Vinette Robinson, Jeremy Brett, David Burke, Andrew Scott, Nigel Bruce (Fox), Robert Downey, Jr., Jon Michael Hill, Two Violets, Mark Gatiss, Basil Rathbone (Universal), Nigel Bruce (Universal), Rupert Graves, Evelyn Ankers, Louise Brealey, Lucy Liu, Edward Hardwicke, Christopher Plummer, James Mason, Una Stubbs, Gayle Hunnicut, Hugh Laurie. Robert Sean Leonard, Yasmine Akram, Ronald Howard, Martin Freeman (TAB), Benedict Cumberbatch (TAB), Howard Marion-Crawford, Archie Duncan/Richard Larke, Peter Cushing, Nigel Stock, William Gillette, Edward Fielding/Burford Hampden, Kay Fielding, Rosalie Williams, Andrei Panin, Ingeborga Dapkunayte, Igor Petrenko, Rosalyn Landor, Gareth David-Lloyd, Ben Syder, Millie Bobby Brown, Henry Cavill, Jared Harris, George Zucco/Ida Lupino
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l-just-want-to-see · 4 months
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something in the static by @bonerot19
on the American tragedy, rivers, parents that loved you up until the time they couldn’t save you, friendship, Hamlet, the seemingly unending darkness at the end of the tunnel and then, nevertheless, the light.
nodus tollens definition, Eunoia / Sisyphus, Andrew Bird / THE NIGHT BEFORE I LEAVE HOME, Elisa Gonzalez / After the Movie, Marie Howe + Ivan the Terrible and His Son Ivan, Ilya Repin / The Great Gatsby, Francis Scott Fitzgerald / Grief Lessons: Four Plays by Euripides, Anne Carson + Van Gogh Never Watched The World Burn, Aja Trier / A Little Life, Hanya Yanagihara / @/bitsbyt3s on Twitter / An American Tragedy (1931) movie poster / Rivers, Nicolás Guilén + Ophelia, John Everett Millais / Funeral for Unreturned Ashes, Travis Chi Wing Lau / Homesick, Noah Kahan / “The world is a beautiful place,” Lawrence Ferlinghetti + Hamlet’s ‘Antic Disposition’, Reviews Rangs and Rambles / The Holdovers (2023) / Nothing Changes, Hadestown / Another Day, @/lesley-oldaker on devianart / Some days of wine and pastry, Samiya Bashir / First Light Last, Paul Mariani / Poster by Despair, Inc. / My Own Private Idaho, @bellamysgriffin / Disco Elysium / @catadromously / Dead Stars, Ada Limón + phot from pexels by cottonbro studio / The View Between Villages (Extended Version), Noah Kahan /@catadromously / An Incomplete List Of Platonic Soulmates, Molly Burford / énouement definition, eunoia
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panda-grenade · 1 year
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Panda's Doctor Who adventure
My name is Panda and I’m undertaking a self made challenge. First thing about me, I’m autistic and coming out of lockdown has been very stressful for me. Another big thing about me, is I’m a big fan of Doctor Who. 
So it challenging myself to be around people more and travelling on different forms of public transport, places and all the sensory overload. As its the 60th anniversary of Doctor Who, I challenged myself to get as many autographs as possible from the series as possible, while trying to learn to be around other humans (not necessarily to engage but to be out of my little bubble). The autographs I collected will be raffled off for two charities. The National Autistic Society and Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome Support UK. 
So far, I’ve pushed myself to: 
Signing Spectacular 
John Levene (Sergeant Benton), Peter Purves (Steven), Carole Ann Ford (Susan), Nicholas Evans (Monsters) and Julian Glover (Multiple)
London Film Fair 
Milton Jones (Multiple), Michael Troughton (Guest), Nick Hobbs (Monsters), Mike Kent (Monsters), Derek Chafer (Cyberman+), Prentis Hancock (Multiple), Daisy Beaumont (Guest) 
Who’s at the Playhouse 
Nicola Bryant (Peri), Mark Strickson (Turlough), Colin Spaull (Multiple), Trevor Cooper (Multiple) and Jeff Rawle (Multiple) 
London Film and Comic Con 
Mandip Gill (Yaz), Sacha Dhawan (The Master), Christina Chong (Guest), Christopher Fairbank (Guest) and Brian Blessed (Guest) 
Dublin Comic Con 
Michelle Gomez (Missy) 
Bedford Who Charity Con 
Wendy Padbury (Zoe), Frazer Hines (Jamie), David Gooderson (Davros), Christopher Ryan (Sontarans), Andrew Burford (Cyberman) and Derek Martin (Stunt man) 
I don't always remember to take photos of the guest signing, or I'm not allowed. I've got a lot more to go.
How the raffle will work, there is a tier system, with level of donations. 
£50 per ticket for Doctor Who autograph bundles - These are split in Doctors 1-4, 5-7, 8-10, 11-13. These bundles currently include 7 Doctors,  2 Masters, 13 companions, 10 guests stars, 6 Monsters. There is at least 1 Doctor in each bundle, there is 4 bundles to win. (When making donation you can choose with bundle.) 
£30 for mystery box filled with lots of Doctor Who related stuff. 
£15 for a hat signed kindly by Frazer Hines 
Under £15 will get to choose a future stream from the TARDIS mug
It will run on my twitch channel, in November with a celebration of two weeks of Doctor Who's 60th.
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if-you-fan-a-fire · 1 year
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“PLEADS GUILTY TO THEFT CHARGE,” Brantford Expositor. February 15, 1933. Page 2. ---- Sentence Imposed on L. Earl— Two Elect Higher Court --- Leslie Brewerton and James Andrews and Leonard Earl were before Magistrate S. A. Blake and a large pile of drygoods in the county police court to-day. The drygoods, which are alleged to have been stolen from the stores of P. A. Sprowl and F. F. Balston, Burford, in recent robberies made a large heap in the court room and indicated the thieves were going in business in a wholesale way.
Leonard Earl pleaded guilty and was given a good record by both Crown Attorney W. M. Charlton and Provincial Officer Milligan. The court dealt with this case at once imposing a sentence of not less than three months and not more than two years. 
Brewerton and Andrews elected to go before a higher court and waived examination being committed by His Worship. Both men were convicted of thefts in Norfolk county and were sentenced to serve five years in a recent court held in Simcoe. They also are wanted in Hamilton and were brought from that city to Brantford by Provincial Officer Oliver who will take them back to face charges in that city.
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petnews2day · 2 years
Whitstable mum shares video of bird poking through living room wall in her Canterbury City Council property
New Post has been published on https://petn.ws/n9wu
Whitstable mum shares video of bird poking through living room wall in her Canterbury City Council property
A mum living in a council property with five children has shared a shocking video of a bird poking through the living room wall. Lauren Burford is desperate for long-delayed repairs to be made to the home in St Andrews Close, Whitstable, where her toddler’s bedroom “streams with water every time it rains”. She moved […]
See full article at https://petn.ws/n9wu #BirdNews
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thewidowstanton · 3 years
Josie Stone: costumier
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Costumier Josie Stone was born in London and lived and worked there most of her life but is now based in Rochester in Kent. She’s been in the business “going back to the Flower Power days of the sixties” in London’s King’s Road, and worked for a lot of up-and-coming pop groups, selling clothes to Tommy Roberts’ Kleptomania in Carnaby Street. She made fashion samples for designers Paddy Campbell and Katherine Cusack, and one Christmas Liberty’s department store had windows showcasing Cusack’s dresses – including one for Diana, Princess of Wales – all of which Josie had made. She also created samples for adverts in the boutique Medusa near Sloane Square. 
Later Josie moved into the entertainment industry, making outfits for both the children’s and adults’ Royal Variety Performances, as well as doing TV work for the Des O’Connor Show, the Michael Barrymore Show, the Lesley Garrett and Frank Skinner shows, TFI Friday and for organisations such as Butlins and Bassline Circus. She’s made costumes for shows on cruise ships and for films such as Mamma Mia: Here We Go Again, and has made those for Thursford Christmas Spectacular for many years. Even though Thursford always credits her work, her considerable contribution to the industry has largely gone unrecognised. 
She is performer Becky [Rebecca] Burford’s mother, and her son-in-law is stunt man Andrew Burford. The Widow’s Liz Arratoon has always regarded costumes as a vital part of any show and was delighted when Josie agreed to chat about her impressive – and lengthy – career. 
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The Widow Stanton: Have you always loved clothes and fashion? Josie Stone: It was always in me. I was one of these kids that when my mother and father bought me a sewing machine I made all my dolls’ clothes.
Was this skill in your family background? No, my mum was very good at sewing… very good. But no they didn’t do this. My father was a printer. I learnt a lot at school and a lot from my mum. I didn’t go to college; we had lessons at school for making… millinery classes and also sewing classes.
That’s amazing! We had sewing classes at school but we never learnt anything worthwhile. How did you start out actually working in the industry? I left school and went to a couple of places making shirts but that didn’t last long. Then I met up with this guy who had his workroom above Tesco’s in Victoria. He was very keen to start making… it was like Flower Power days but you couldn’t buy shirts and trousers and things like that for the pop groups. Those sort of things just weren’t around. So I went to work with him. It was a rented flat he lived in and we were all working in there making these things. Then he suddenly got this place down King’s Road in Chelsea called The Potato Shop; on the corner in World’s End. At the time Granny Takes a Trip was just down the road from us, with this American car sticking out the window that appeared to crash through on to the step. It was great! I mean good fun, great fun!
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Do you design as well as make? No, I don’t design. I get a drawing and that’s it. It depends on who the designer is… sometimes you get ‘I want that at the bottom, I want the skirt to look like that and the top to look like that’. 
Can you remember any of the pop groups you worked for? [Laughs] No! You’re talking a lot of years ago, lots of years ago. It was any group that was starting out in that industry and they had nowhere to buy their things. We would buy Indian bedspreads and make them into kaftans, sailors’ trousers, dyeing them all different colours and altering them, and frilly shirts that would be sold to the antique market at the Sloane Square end of the King’s Road, near the town hall. We had one floor in The Potato Shop and there were crazy carryings on downstairs in the basement. We didn’t really know what it was all about but it was a bit naughty. One night we sneaked back into the place and worked all night so this guy could get his order out. 
We always hear about the Swinging Sixties… how much fun was it?  Oh, King’s Road was lovely. Beautiful, beautiful. It was a wonderful place to be in the sixties with all the Flower Power, then the punks. It was great fun; it was wonderful fun. It was all unknown to me; it was all new and that was the start of me getting into that type of work. My dad worked just off of Carnaby Street and he got us work from Kleptomania, a big, big place where all the pop groups used to go. We’d be making more kaftans and shirts with frills all down the sides and the centre. There still weren’t many shops around that were selling that type of thing. Tommy Roberts would sell to people like Jimi Hendrix and The Who. It was just fun. [Laughs] I was a single girl having great fun going from one place to the next, really. 
After that I worked in a boutique called Medusa. I was downstairs making samples all the time. I didn’t used to do much production. Mainly I’d make a sample up and then if they liked it it would go off to wherever, to a factory or somewhere like that to do production. Medusa was a swinging place, it was in a little alleyway off the King’s Road next to Sainsbury’s. I believe it was called Elystan Place. It was an up-and-coming boutique. That was at the time when Zandra Rhodes was big, and those sort of people. One time we made some samples for Apple Records, the Beatles’ label, but it never came to anything. 
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What was the best part of your life then? I was young and having fun and it was all the unknown. I lived then in Wandsworth Road with my parents, and these were all Chelsea people and they were different, completely different to the life I’d led, and it was just really way out, anything went. It didn’t matter what you wore, anything went. And I loved my job. I’d work any hours because I loved it. I didn’t always like the places, I’d go from job to job, but I did love my work and I then started having my own workroom. I decided I’d work from home. I worked with a friend from my first mother-in-law’s house and we were still doing the kaftans… a guy used to pull up in this black cab that was all painted with psychedelic patterns. It was at Tulse Hill – they were very quiet there – and the neighbours used to look in absolute amazement at everything going on. But we loved it, my mother-in-law loved it and it was good fun.
So, let’s jump ahead, how did the Liberty’s window display come about? I worked for somebody called Katherine Cusack. That was just when Rebecca was born and I was working from home. I think Katherine advertised in The Stage and she wanted to start doing semi-couture work. I’d make her samples and then she’d have a party and invite all these quite wealthy people to her lounge. It was a beautiful Edwardian house in Grafton Square in Clapham Common. Then she managed to get into Liberty’s and that Christmas the whole front had all the dresses that I’d made. 
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Which of Lady Di’s dresses did you make?  It was a beautiful silk velvet in a beautiful deep blue. It had long sleeves and rouleau loops with little buttons all the way down. I think Di went into Liberty’s and bought it. I believe she was photographed wearing it for The Lady. Katherine was over the moon. But it was real pain to make because silk velvet takes its own route. It’s not the easiest of fabrics to work on because it’s so soft. It is beautiful but it’s not easy to make. You’ve go to have the right feed on your machine otherwise when you’re joining the seams up you’ll lose it and it will be longer one end. Josie! That dress was later auctioned for thousands and thousands! £48,000, I believe.
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How did you make the move into showbusiness?  I moved into that when Rebecca started at Sylvia Young’s. They used to put on shows all the time because it’s a theatre school and I started making costumes. Then I went on to doing the children’s Royal Variety. 
Is that how you got on to the adults’ Royal Variety Performance? I’d got into a workroom at Acton doing samples for someone I met on the children’s Royal Variety. Then I went into my own workroom at Acton and I used to help her out. Various different designers got my name and we took on the work. That’s how we gradually started doing all the shows. She didn’t want to go on the shows so I used to go to the studios or anywhere where the work was and I’d fit the costumes and then come back and we’d finish them, but she stayed in the workroom to do whatever needed to be done there. 
Can you tell us about any really nice celebs you worked with? Oh God, who haven’t I met? [Laughs] I worked on the Royal Variety for years with a wonderful designer called Linda Martin. That’s years and years so that’s one helluva lot of people I’ve met. Des O’Connor was sweet. He was lovely, lovely, absolutely charming and so was his wife. We used to do a lunchtime show with him. I did that for a lot of years. Michael Barrymore was also lovely. I was really upset when he went off the scene because he was a nice guy. 
Does anyone else stand out? There’s very few that weren’t nice. They were all very nice. No one was horrible. I worked on Michael Barrymore’s show at Wimbledon Theatre and there were so many celebs on it that they had to share dressing rooms. This one particular share was with Warren Mitchell and Chris Eubank. And Warren Mitchell didn’t want to share with Chris Eubank at all. At the time Chris Eubank had this electric scooter that he would go all round the corridors on it. I could understand Warren Mitchell not wanting to share with him because he was a bit wild at this point. He’s the only one I can say wasn’t very pleasant, but I think it was because he was unhappy about sharing because he and Chris were complete opposites. 
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Do you know how many years you’ve done Thursford for?  If we go this time, probably 20 years. The designer I work with there is Stephen Adnitt; he was Cilla’s designer. I worked with Linda Martin for 12 or 13 years doing Thursford. I’d never met Stephen, I knew of him, and he asked me to join his team. The designer gets the job and they’ll have a team and usually they keep that same team all the time. I’ve worked with him for eight years. 
How many costumes might be involved in its Christmas show? We have to dress everybody at Thursford, even the orchestra. So you have 56 singers, 23 dancers and almost two full orchestras. 
So when would you start to plan something like that? We – I work with Rita Best – would start end of May, beginning of June. Our designs would come in before then. We’d measure people and make the costumes and fit them in September. There are probably eight or nine sets of costumes to make. It’s enormous! Enormous. It’s the biggest show I think in Europe. We’d spend three weeks in Norfolk just making sure that it all works on the set; making sure that sequins don’t come off – I mean it’s covered, absolutely covered in sequins – and we’ll be sitting for hours and hours sticking them on. But again, we love it. We’d see the rehearsals and the preview and the day the show starts we’d come home. Our job was done. When I was working for Linda there, I’d be there working late at night. That didn’t happen so much with Stephen. He’d be like: “We’ve got to finish now.” 
You mentioned doing millinery at school so do you do headdresses and that sort of thing? No, I would have liked to have done but for Thursford we have a milliner who comes with us; Shirley Davis, who has also been in the business a very long time.
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What advice would you give to someone wanting to follow in your footsteps? Get into a workroom and learn how it goes. Learn how people work because what they learn at college is not how a workroom works. And really to earn any money at it, you’ve got to have a bit of speed on the machine. You can’t hang about. You can’t take a week or two or three weeks to make something. It’s nice if they can get into a workroom and see it first hand. I mean I get my work through various designers that I’ve known over the years or another maker who will ring me up completely out of the blue. Last week I helped someone out on a film. I’ll work on anything that needs a costume. I did Red or Black? at Wembley Arena, a game show developed by Simon Cowell. You could win a £1 million. It was massive. I worked with another designer called Scott Landridge, who did the children’s TV series The Worst Witch, the TV series Mile High and the sitcom Citizen Khan.
Have you had any costume disasters? Not really. [Laughs] I’ve had a lot of late nights or working all night to finish a costume off. You get the occasional broken strap and you have to quickly run down to the stage or on to the set and pin them up, or something doesn’t fit when they arrive. But no major disasters.
Have you been doing anything during the lockdown?  Just before the lockdown we had all these shows on cruise ships lined up but that all went. At first I was making scrubs for the hospitals. I did loads of voluntary work for anyone who needed them. Sometimes they gave me the material and sometimes I’d provide it. They were using all kinds of material in the end, even bedspreads. I did that for a while and I also made these little pairs of hearts. They were to send to hospices and hospitals so the patient could have one to hold and the family would have the other one. I made them out of all the material I have here. I also did masks, but I’m not doing so many now.
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Do you ever think about retiring? No! [Laughs] I love what I do. But the work will get less and less and that will be it. I mean we’ve had hardly anything this year. We did a few bits for Butlins and a big Dame’s costume, which I don’t think ever got used because that show was cut. 
Can you pick out a few career highlights? I loved working on the Royal Variety at the Royal Albert Hall. I loved doing it in there. I did that quite a few times. Beautiful, beautiful. It’s a beautiful building and it’s just lovely to work in. If you look back at all the names that have been on the Royal and I did it for more than twenty years, there are a hell of a lot of names I’ve met. And that was quite fun. 
Josie is hoping that Thursford Christmas Spectacular in Thursford, Norfolk will go ahead this year. If so, it will run from 9 November – 23 December 2021 at 2pm and 7pm. 
In the meantime she can be contacted on 07956 832261 for commissions.
For Thursford tickets click here
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badmovieihave · 5 years
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Bad movie I have The Last Showing 2014
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pwlanier · 2 years
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A parcel-gilt ebonised and grained rosewood luthier by Andrew Dipper, early 19th century
ebonised and grained rosewood
with a label to the interior Andrew Dipper / Luthier / 42 Tanton Burford / Oxon together with a rosewood and metal inlaid concertina by C. Wheatstone
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mary-tudor · 3 years
Selected documented sources concerning Henry VII, King of England (1485-1509), part I: the battle of Bosworth(¹).
(a) Proclamation of Henry Tudor
“‘And moreover, the king ascertaineth you that Richard duke of Gloucester, late called King Richard, was slain at a place called Sandeford, within the shire of Leicester, and brought dead off the field unto the town of Leicester, and there was laid openly, that every man might see and look upon him. 
And also there was slain upon the same field, John late duke of Norfolk, John late earl of Lincoln, Thomas, late earl of Surrey, Francis Viscount Lovell, Sir Walter Devereux, Lord Ferrers, Richard Radcliffe, knight, Robert Brackenbury, knight, with many other knights, squires and gentlemen, of whose souls God have mercy.”
(b) Parliamentary Record.
“The act of attainder records that ‘Richard, late duke of Gloucester, calling and naming himself, by ursurpation, King Richard the Third.’ John late duke of Norfolk, Thomas earl of Surrey, Francis Viscount Lovell, Walter Devereux late Lord Ferrers, John Lord Zouche, Robert Harrington, Richard Charlton, Richard Radcliffe, William Berkeley of Weobley, Robert Brackenbury, Thomas Pilkington, Robert Middleton, James Harrington, knights, Walter Hopton, William Catesby, Roger Wake, William Sapcote, Humphrey Stafford, William Clerk of Wenlock, Geoffrey St German, Richard Watkins, Herald of Arms, Richard Revel of Derbyshire, Thomas Poulter junior of Kent, John Walsh alias Hastings, John Kendal, secretary, John Buck, Andrew Ratt, and William Bramton of Burford, on 21, in ‘the first year of the reign of our sovereign lord, assembled to them at Leicester … a great host, traitorously intending, imagining and conspiring the destruction of the king’s royal person, our sovereign leige lord. And they, with the same host, with banners spread, mightily armed and defenced with all manner [of] arms, as guns, bows, arrows, spears, ‘glaives’, axes, and all other manner [of] articles apt or needful to give and cause mighty battle against our sovereign lord’. 
Keeping the host together, they led them on 22 August to a field in Leicestershire, and ‘there by great and continued deliberation, traitorously levied war against our said sovereign lord and his true subjects there being in his service and assistance under a banner of our said sovereign lord, to the subversion of this realm, and common weal of the same.”
Link to access these sources: http://www.r3.org/richard-iii/the-battle-of-bosworth/bosworth-contemporary-tudor-accounts/
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milliondollarbaby87 · 4 years
Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture Parasite
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Leading Role Joaquin Phoenix, Joker
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Leading Role Renee Zellweger, Judy
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Supporting Role Brad Pitt, Once Upon a Time in Hollywood
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Supporting Role Laura Dern, Marriage Story
TELEVISION Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Drama Series The Crown
MARION BAILEY / Queen Elizabeth the Queen Mother HELENA BONHAM CARTER / Princess Margaret OLIVIA COLMAN / Queen Elizabeth II CHARLES DANCE / Lord Mountbatten BEN DANIELS / Lord Snowdon ERIN DOHERTY / Princess Anne CHARLES EDWARDS / Martin Charteris TOBIAS MENZIES / Prince Philip, Duke of Edinburgh JOSH O’CONNOR / Prince Charles SAM PHILLIPS / Equerry DAVID RINTOUL / Michael Adeane JASON WATKINS / Harold Wilson
Outstanding Performance by an Ensemble in a Comedy Series The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Drama Series Peter Dinklage, Game of Thrones
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Drama Series Jennifer Aniston, The Morning Show
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Comedy Series Tony Shalhoub, The Marvelous Mrs. Maisel
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Comedy Series Phoebe Waller-Bridge, Fleabag
Outstanding Performance by a Male Actor in a Television Movie or Limited Series Sam Rockwell, Fosse/Verdon
Outstanding Performance by a Female Actor in a Television Movie or Limited Series Michelle Williams, Fosse/Verdon
STUNT ENSEMBLES Outstanding Action Performance by a Stunt Ensemble in a Motion Picture
AVENGERS: ENDGAME Marija Juliette Abney Janeshia Adams-Ginyard George “Gee” Alexander Derek Alfonso Nate Andrade Christopher Antonucci Randy Archer Brandon Arnold Steven S. Atkinson Ben Aycrigg Jennifer Badger Christopher Balualua Danya Bateman Loyd Bateman Kelly Bellini Joanna Bennett Carrie Bernans Felix Betancourt Gianni Biasetti, Jr. Mike Bishop Tamiko Brownlee Troy Butler Jwaundace Candece Marc Canonizado Janene Carleton Elisabeth Carpenter Sean Christopher Carter Kevin Cassidy Hymnson Chan Courtney Chen Anis Cheurfa Fernando Chien Alvin Chon Tye Claybrook, Jr. Marcelle Coletti David Conk John A. Cooper Brandon Cornell Thomas Joseph Culler Jahnel Curfman Gui Da Silva-Greene Chris Daniels Keith Davis Martin De Boer Robbert de Groot Isabella Shai DeBroux Holland Diaz Josh Diogo Jackson Dobies Justin Dobies Cory Dunson Jessica Durham Justin Eaton Jared Eddo Katie Eischen Kiante Elam Jazzy Ellis David Elson Jason Elwood Hanna Tony Falcon Guy Fernandez Mark Fisher Alessandro Folchitto Colin Follenweider Glenn Foster Simeon Freeman Shauna Galligan Monique Ganderton Johnny Gao Jomahl Gildersleve Denisha Gillespie Daniel Graham Ryan Green Carlos Guity Califf Guzman Dante Ha Akihiro Haga Garrett Hammond Lydia Hand Daniel Hargrave Kandis Hargrave Sam Hargrave Regis Andrew Harrington III Thayr Harris Zedric Harris Jimmy Hart Alex Hashioka Zachary Henry Danny Hernandez Mark Hicks Maria Hippolyte Bobby Holland Hanton JT Holt Crystal Hooks Niahlah Hope Damita Howard Justin Howell Jacob Hugghins Lindsay Anne Hugghins Michael Hugghins Tony Hugghins Scott Hunter James Hutchison III Pan Iam CC Ice Sarah Irwin Mami Ito Duke Jackson Michael Jamorski Kirk Jenkins Preshas Jenkins Floyd Anthony Johns Jr. Richard M. King Ralf Koch Khalil La’Marr Matt LaBorde Danny Le Boyer Matt Leonard William Leong Bethany Levy James Lew Marcus Lewis Jefferson Lewis III Eric Linden Scott Loeser Rachel Luttrell-Bateman Adam Lytle Tara Macken Dave Macomber Julia Maggio Ruben Maldonado Richard Marrero Rob Mars Andy Martin Aaron Matthews Tim R. McAdams Taylor McDonald Kyle McLean Crystal Michelle Mark Miscione Heidi Moneymaker Renae Moneymaker Chris Moore Tristen Tyler Morts William Billy Morts Marie Mouroum Spencer Mulligan Travor Murray Jachin JJ Myers Anthony Nanakornpanom John Nania Nikolay Nedyalkov Carl Nespoli Paul O’Connor Marque Ohmes Olufemi Olagoke Noon Orsatti Rowbie Orsatti Jane Oshita Leesa Pate Natasha Paul Gary Peebles Nathaniel Perry Josh Petro Lloyd Pitts George Quinones Taraja Ramsess Greg Rementer Antjuan Rhames Meredith Richardson Bayland Rippenkroeger Ryan Robertson Christopher Cody Robinson Donny Rogers Carrington Christopher Eric Romrell Michelle Rose Corrina Roshea Marvin Ross Elena Sanchez Maya Santandrea Matthew Scheib Erik Schultz Jordan Scott Joshua Russel Seifert Brandon Shaw Bruce Shepperson Joseph Singletary III Tim Sitarz Dominique Smith Dena Sodano Robert D. Souris Jackson Spidell Daniel Stevens Jenel Stevens Diandra Stoddard Milliner Granger Summerset Phedra Syndelle Mark Tearle Hamid-Reza Thompson Tyler J. Tiffany Aaron Toney Amy Lynn Tuttle Tony Vo Todd Warren Kevin Waterman Amber Whelan Aaron Wiggins Joseph Williams Matthew M. Williams Thom Williams Zola Williams Mike Wilson Tyler Witte Michael Yahn James Young Marcus Gene Young Woon Young Park Casey Zeller Keil Zeperni
Outstanding Action Performance by a Stunt Ensemble in a Comedy or Drama Series GAME OF THRONES Boian Anev Mark Archer Kristina Baskett Ferenc Berecz Richard Bradshaw Michael Byrch Andrew Burford Yusuf Chaudhri Nick Chooping Jonathan Cohen David Collom Christopher Cox Jacob Cox Matt Crook Matt Da Silva Levan Doran Dom Dumaresq Daniel Euston Bradley Farmer Pete Ford Vladimir Furdik David Grant Lawrence Hansen Richard Hansen Nicklas Hansson Rob Hayns Lyndon Hellewell Jessica Hooker Gergely Horpacsi Paul Howell Rowley Irlam Erol Ismail Troy Kechington Paul Lowe John Macdonald Leigh Maddern Kai Martin Kim Mcgarrity Carly Michaels Nikita Mitchell Chris Newton David Newton Jason Oettle Bela Orsanyi Ivan Orsanyi Radoslav Parvanov Oleg Podobin Josh Ravenscroft Andrej Riabokon Zach Roberts Doug Robson Stanislav Satko Paul Shapcott Mark Slaughter Sam Stefan Jonny Stockwell Ryan Stuart Gyula Toth Marek Toth Andy Wareham Calvin Warrington Heasman Richard Wheeldon Belle Williams Will Willoughby Leo Woodruff Ben Wright Lewis Young
WINS BY STUDIO Disney – 1 Neon – 1 Netflix – 1 Roadside Attractions/LD Entertainment – 1 Sony Pictures – 1 Warner Bros – 1
WINS BY NETWORK Amazon – 3 FX – 2 HBO – 2 Netflix – 1 Apple – 1
SAG Awards 2020 – Winners MOTION PICTURES Outstanding Performance by a Cast in a Motion Picture Parasite HYAE JIN CHANG / Chung Sook…
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bluebellofbakerstreet · 5 months
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Number 51 in a series
Others in this series: Basil Rathbone (Fox), Martin Freeman,  Jude Law,  Benedict Cumberbatch, Rachel McAdams,  Jonny Lee Miller, Vinette Robinson, Jeremy Brett, David Burke, Andrew Scott, Nigel Bruce (Fox), Robert Downey, Jr., Jon Michael Hill, Two Violets, Mark Gatiss, Basil Rathbone (Universal), Nigel Bruce (Universal), Rupert Graves, Evelyn Ankers, Louise Brealey, Lucy Liu, Edward Hardwicke, Christopher Plummer, James Mason, Una Stubbs, Gayle Hunnicut, Hugh Laurie. Robert Sean Leonard, Yasmine Akram, Ronald Howard, Martin Freeman (TAB), Benedict Cumberbatch (TAB), Howard Marion-Crawford, Archie Duncan/Richard Larke, Peter Cushing, Nigel Stock, William Gillette, Edward Fielding/Burford Hampden, Kay Fielding, Rosalie Williams, Andrei Panin, Ingeborga Dapkunayte, Igor Petrenko, Rosalyn Landor, Gareth David-Lloyd, Ben Syder, Millie Bobby Brown, Henry Cavill, Jared Harris, George Zucco/Ida Lupino. Yuko Takeuchi
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thecraggus · 4 years
After a confident take-off, can Chibnall land the plane in Doctor Who: Spyfall Part 2 (S12E02)?
After a confident take-off, can Chibnall land the plane in #DoctorWho: Spyfall Part 2 (S12E02)? #Review
There’s something quite reassuring about how the cliff-hanger is resolved, especially for Ryan, Yaz and Graham as it taps into one of the strongest themes of previous seasons of the show: the Doctor always assumes she’ll win, so of course she’ll already have taken care of the plummeting aeroplane quite nicely, thank you. There’s even something of an echo of ‘Blink’ in the…
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nsula · 5 years
Spring 2019 Honor List
NATCHITOCHES – One thousand forty-three undergraduates were named to Northwestern State University’s Honor List for the Spring 2019 semester. Students on the Honor List must be enrolled full-time and have a grade point average of between 3.0 and 3.49. Students listed by hometown are as follows.
 Abbeville – Annemarie Broussard, MaKayla Lewis, Zabrinia Spates;
 Aimwell – Jonathan Poole;
 Alexandria – Markeyla Anderson, Gavin Arabie, Sharenthia Chew, Angel Christophe, Josyf Das Neves, Joshua Dorsey, Alexis Flowers, Kelvina Ford, Zuleika Fountain, Vanity Givens, Kyle Guillory, Khloe Jasper, Whitney Joffrion, Gustov Johnson, Martavius King, Ashley Koestler, Kasey Lacombe, Taylar Lee, Kelli Leone, Jimmie Magee, Dean Mayeux, Jason McDaniel, Jalyn Mcneal, Ashley Mitchell, John O’Dell, Madison Ogorek, Tiffany Ore, Sadae Polk, Alyssa Rivers, Mart Sampson, Brandy Sayer, Shakera Shorts, Kizzy Slaughter, Kiaijah Thomas, Hailey Urena, Jenna Wade, Alysha Walker, Aalyiah Williams;
 Amelia – Renwick McPherson;
 Anacoco – Rachel Fournier, Angela Guy, Andrea Halladay, Tristan Harvey, Madeleine Hensley, Aaron Norris, Jason Ortiz, Ireland Slocum, Amanda Sorg, Tyler Stephens, Emily Williams, Rhonda Perry,
 Arlington, Texas -- Mariah Denson, Devin Gipson, O’Shea Jackson;
 Arnaudville – Macey Boyd, Bailey Dautreuil, Maddison Janice;
 Athens – Jacob Ellis;
 Atlanta – Ashley Mitchell, Jackson Teal, Jamie Wagley;
 Aurora, Colorado – William Mccullough;
 Avondale – Mikala Clark;
 Bastrop – Alisha Bolton;
 Baton Rouge – Jordan Hall, Melvin Hudson;
 Belcher – Loriann Long;
 Boyce – Lane Robinson
 Baker – Devante George, Cherish Netter;
 Ball – Angel Chavez, Christopher Constance, Bryan Sayes, Vanessa Toney, Alice Wilson;
 Bastrop – Allenicia Arbet;
 Baton Rouge – Mark Alexander, Chloe Castello, Ricky Chatman, Shelby Christian, Briyonna Collins, Madison Harris, Mckane Kinchen, Griffin Lundin, Cydni Millican, Rachel Monsour, Katie Pham, James Steelman, Jharon Whitfield;
 Beacon Falls, Connecticut – Stacey Brown;
 Bedford, Texas – Katina Booker;
 Belle Chasse – Hayley Barbazon, Denim Reeves;
 Belmont – Kelly Bass, Ashley Hill;
 Bentley – Heather Jones,
 Benton – Bryanna Cooper, Steven Gardner, Milla Gonzales, Grayson Isom, Colby Ponder, Blaine Reeder, Hannah Schott, Jackson Mathews, Megan Russell;
 Bermuda – Michael Vienne;
 Bienville – Sarah Macynski;
 Big Spring, Texas – Kristin Wilson;
 Birmingham, Alabama – Emma Wallace;
 Bogalusa – Amanda Crawford, Taylor Johnson;
 Bossier City – Yetunde Adegbovega, Austin Averitt, Abigail Castillo, Kendall Corkern, Cameron Davis, Daniel Dial, Kimberly Eloby, Ri’Kaela England, Khairig Frost, Hannah Gaspard, Margaret Gates, Jacob Guest, Tangy Heilbling, Ashlynn Henderson, Jordan Hunter, Shane Kaiser, Alyssa Kidd, Seth Lowery, Jordan Markle, Rebecca Markle, Jennifer Martinez, Rance Mason, Coby McGee, Alexa Montgomery, Yuridia Olea, Sabri Parks, Shelby Peebles, Brittani Phillips, Rachael Pierce, Cierra Rachal, Litzy Rivera, Gabriela Rodriguez, Madison Rowland, Rheagan Rowland, Dakota Schudalla, Makayla Strother, Trevor Tackett, Kellie Toms, Bobby Trichel, Madalyn Watson, Pamula Whicker, Elizabeth Zanca, Nour Zeidan;
 Boutte – Jose Del Rio;
 Boyce – Savanna Budnik, Timothy Glass, Kaitlyn Miller, Jessie Turner, Julia Watson;
 Brownsboro, Texas – Brice Borgeson;
 Buffalo, New York – LeTerrance Reed;
 Bunkie – Izola Williams;
 Bush – Serena Bonnette;
 Calhoun – Marissa Barentine;
 Campti – Paige Cason, Damarte Fisher, Kourtney Horton, Malachi Lester, Pepper Lloyd, Madison McLaren;
 Canton, Texas – Tiffany Cayson, Jack Dyre;
 Cape Coral, Florida – Karleigh Acosta;
 Carencro – Malik Babin, Chaney Dodge, Harold Williams;
 Cartagena, Colombia – Samantha Arellano Chavz, Edwin Castro Frias, Jalima Dias, Miledys Jiminez Vasquez, Daniel Racero Rocha, Gabriela Forero Salcedo, Sadoc Silva Calderon;
 Cartagena Bolivar, Colombia – Alejandro Dager Carrasquilla;
 Castor – Loxlie Dodd, Hogan Nealy;
 Center, Texas – John Harrington;
 Chalmette – Isaiah Carpenter, Gabriel Ernest, Sara Mendoza;
 Chatham – Jonathan Gill;
 Cincinnati, Ohio – Terry Brewer;
 Clarence – Quintarous Coleman, Kimberly Reliford;
 Clinton – Arianna Parrish;
 Cloutierville – Alexia Gistarb;
 Colfax – Camren Bell, Kensey Knight, Paidin Luneau, Kaitlyn Slalyter, Ontavius Williams;
 Colorado Springs, Colorado – Sarah Wagner;
 Columbia – Jackson McCann;
 Columbus, Mississippi – William Taylor;  
 Converse – Zachary Faircloth, Nicolas Farmer, Victoria Gasper, Wade Hicks, Jared Jagneaux, Skyler Laroux, Ashley Sims, Delia Smith, Triston Waldon;
 Coppell, Texas – Jada Freeman;
 Cottonport – Jacob Harris, Joneshia Jacobs, Christine Lemoine;  
 Coushatta – Journi Brown, Faith Cason, La’Zaria Clark, Jon Hester, Tawanda Johnson, Amey Sepulvado;
 Covington – Madison Blanks, Sarah Shiflett, Jennifer Vo;
 Coyolilla Veracruz, Mexico – Guadalupe de Jesus Mendez Zaragoza;
 Crowley – Mc’Kayleen Milson;
 Cullen – D’Agurelle Epps;
 Cut Off – Zachary Breaux, Kaelyn Musgrave;
 Dallas – Nadia Carney;
 De Berry, Texas – Sarah Britt;
 DeQuincy – Hayden Robertson;
 DeRidder – Carson Brown, Lauren Callis, Maygin Chesson, Sheridan Douglas, Sarah Fulford, Katherine Goodman, Michelle Green, Alexis Holland, Elliott Jones, Ethel Jones, Jordan Mack-McNair, Presley Phelps, Richard-Jayson Puzon, Morgan Smith, Heather Sorton, Madison Tilley, Tyler Wright, Airiuna Satchell;
 Delhi – KeDiejah Cooper;
 Denham Springs – Samantha Burgess, Joni Burlew, Caleb Callender, Zyneshia Jennings;
 Deville – Emily Bonial, Courtney DeVille, Amy Henderson, Ashtyn Knapp, Karlee Littleton, Morgan McCrory, Caleb Rhodes, Marcia Rogers, Garrett Sellers;
 Dodson – Nolan Griffin, Brendan Thomas;
 Donaldsonville – Jermaine Collier, Natalie Landry;
 Doyle – Mackensie Ulrich;
 Doyline – Carmesia Russell;
 Dry Prong – Ethan Lewis, Shian Murrell, Lindsey Weatherford, Ashley Webb;
 Dubach – Oilvia Hancock, Kayla Loyd;
 Dubberly – Audrie Dison;
 Duson – Alexandra Broussard, Desmond Prejean;
 Edmond, Oklahoma – Ravon Nero;
 Elizabeth – Hannah LaCaze;
 Elmer – Victoria Coleman
 Elton – Maia Lacomb;
 Eunice – Tanner Thibodeaux, Emily Deshotel;
 Falfurrias, Texas – Marco Arevalo;
 Farmerville – Adrianna Loyd, Jalissa Loyd;
 Fayetteville, Arkansas – Cody Coleman;
 Ferriday – Dalenesha Wimley;
 Fisher – Hayden Courtney;
 Flatwoods – Lindsey Willis;
 Florien – Katelynn Alford, Danielle Anthony, Gabrielle Bryant, Braelyn Calhoun, Magon Lester, Ashton Remedies, Jordan Weldon;
 Flower Mound, Texas – Randall Ruffner;
 Folsom – Monique Basse, Shaylee Laird;
 Forest Hill – Adrianne Dore;
 Forney, Texas – Kaymi Wheeler;
 Fort Polk – Brittany Chadwick, Mara Eifolla, Jayla Hart, Andrea Marquez, Madison Popp, Amanda. Ridenhour, Shiela May Tabonares, Whitney Tipton, Kiara Turner, TeKweena Wilson, Alexie Sarabia;
 Fort Riley, Kansas – Breanna Bryan;
 Fort Worth, Texas – Charles Gregory Meade;
 Franklin – Zachary McEndree;
 Franklinton – Randy Garza, Brittany Sanders;
 Frierson – Mason Barnes;
 Frisco, Texas – Hallie McCarroll;
 Geisman – Rylee Leglue;
 Guin, Alabama – Taylor Porter;
 Garland, Texas – Joseph Goodson, Kobe Poole, Nia Randall;
 Geismar – Elijah John-Baptiste;
 Georgetown – Kaleb Hudson;
 Glenmora – Reagan Humphries, Abbie Johnson, Kerstyn Johnson;
 Gloster – Caitlyn Burford, Paris Gillum;
 Goldonna – Brianna Calhoun;
 Gonzales – Julie Breaux, Chaquera Caldwell, Ashlyn Chenevert;
 Grand Cane – Sandra Kimble, Ciana Mcintyre, Emily Miller;
 Grand Isle – Abigail Frazier;
 Grand Prairie, Texas – Stephen Garrett;
 Greenwell Springs – Morgan Bellot;
 Greenwood – Leah Evans, Tamera Harris, Trenton Starks;
 Gretna – Braxton Brown, Leroy Holmes, Nadia Johnson, Michael Wilson;
 Gueydan – Hannah Sedatol;
 Hackberry – Lexie Stine;
 Hahnville – Cierra Puryear, Colin Vedros;
 Hammond – Kaylon Wiloughby;
 Harlengen – Frances Knight;
 Harvey – Destiny Johnson;
 Haughton – Deitric Alexander, Shakayla Bell, Katelynn Edwards, Anitra Fayad, Camry Heath, Kylee Jackson, Timothy Newell, Angie Nguyen, Makenezie Rains, Licentra Randolph, Bailee Rattanachai, Kaylee Sanford, Joshua Steele, Megan Tilley, Laura Waldroup, Katherine Weeks, Kacie Wilkinson, Chases Woltz, India Wright;
 Haynesville – Jmarquiez Robinson, Sabrina Sowell, Michael Turner, Allysa Dodds;
 Heflin – Kendall Brunson, Simiuna Cook, Kyle Smith;
 Henderson – Andrew Blackmon;
 Hessmer – Daren Dauzat;
 Hineston – Victoria Carroll;
 Homer – Francene Ferguson, Keyana Mccoy, Mariah West;
 Hornbeck – Lane Alford, Ariel Rodgers;
 Houma -- Courtney Chancellor, Rhiannon Dean, Venessa McKinley;
 Houston – Rafael Bonilla, Jennifer Hitt, Casey Irvin, Natashia Jackson;
 Humble, Texas – Toiquisha Johnson, Furquan Shorts;
 Independence – Maria Thomas-Alfaro, Chloe Whiddon;
 Iowa – Keiona Guy;
 Jasper, Texas – Linsey Guthrie;
 Jeanerette – David Blakesley;  
 Jefferson – Emily Ricalde;
 Jena – Tiara Brown, Braegan Burlew, Candace Decker, Madison Erwin, Jasmine Furlow, Chelsea Redd, Tyler Thomas;  
 Jennings – Destiny Brown, Anayah Joseph;
 Jonesboro – Ashlyn Gaines, JaVonna Lawrence, Alex Toms;
 Kaplan – Chris Hebert;
 Katy, Texas – Brittnay Cecil, Floyd Turner;
 Keatchie – Sarah Plaisance;  
 Keithville – Germany Jones, Shelby Loftin, Cara Lorenen, Maya Porter;  
 Kenner – Emily Bennett, Willie Soniat, Parul Sharma;
 Kentwood – Iris Travis;
 Kernen – Antonia Blattner;
 Kinder – Teralyn Plumber;
 Konarskie, Poland – Elzbieta Iwaniuk;
 Labadieville – Jacellynn LeBlanc, Logan Simoneaux;
 Lacombe – Amy Schneider;
 Lafayette – Taylor Aucoin, Ashanti Alfred, LaToya Bellard, Emma Burlet, Jared Dore, Reagan Guillory, Jacob Hawkins, Qualantre Jackson, Michele Kramer, JaKayle Lee, Paul Martin, Skylar Mccoy, Robert Middleton, Sarah Palmintier, Aishwarya Patel, Tylar Senegal, John Touchet, Ireland Williams, China Young;
 Lafitte – Helen Kassahun;
 Lake Charles – Landon Dore, Camren Green, Joel Moreaux, Jordan Mulsow, Destany Washington;
 LaPlace – Caitlyn Turnbull;
 Las Vegas, Nevada – Caitlin Schweighart;
 Le Mars, Iowa – Shannon Smith;
 League City, Texas – Lacee Savage, Blake Tessitore;
 Leander – Karissa Boswell;
 Lebeau – Sharissa Tanner;
 Lecompte – Logan Cheek;
 Leesville – Dakota Abrams, Cecilia Alfaya, Kimberly Alwell, Jebediah Barrett, Hailey Brantley, Kaylee Buby, Victoria Butler, Anthony Cantrell, Charlotte Cassin, Joseph Cryer, Cameron Davis, Marlee Dowden, Payton Gordy, Caleb Hillman, Hanna Johnson, Zachary Keeton, Lauren Kreyenbuhl, Mahala Lewis, Christina Lluvera, Gerard Lord, Brianna Maricle, Billy McGhee, Amy McKellar, Ashley McKellar, Kaitlyn Pajinag, Chloe Rouleau, Destiny Sanders, Cesar Santos, Dalton Schulte, Erin Schwartz, Megan Trask, Tabitha Vasquez, Marissa Weldon, Lana West, Cheyene Wise, Mikayla Zills;
 Lena – Dillon Guin, Courtnee Hamberlin, Cortland Smith;
 Lettsworth – Landon Benton;
 Little Elm, Texas – Daniel Larin;
 Little Rock, Arkansas – Whitney Jinks;
 Livingston – Jay Gentry-Pace;
 Livonia – Ryann Bizette, Shanyia Haynes;
 Lockport – Malaina Falgout;
 Logansport – Rebecca Tomlin, Shelby Woods, Kendoyle Cox;
 Loranger – Cambree Bailey;
 Lubbock, Texas – Miranda Stroud;
 Mansfield – Tremeon Allen, Latyeauna Goodwin, Nicolette Hogan, Canessia Johnson, Demetric Preston, Madylin Sullivan, Kyah Wilson,
 Madisonville – Zoe Almaraz, Bailey Perrilloux;
 Mandeville -- Mya Holmes, Jalen Willis;
 Many – Jocelyn Cannon, Patrick Colston, Sarah Cross, Timothy Early, Sydni Easley, Kyle Elliott, Tiarra Frazier, Brittney Garcie, Moses Gonzales, Jessie Johnson, Clayton Kelley, Lathan Meyers, Darion Miller, Matthew Peace, Andrew Penfield, Tanner Rains, Madison Rutherford, Aubrey Sepulvado, Mallary Veuleman;
 Maringouin – Laura Scronce;
 Marksville – Regan Balius, Nichole Dauzat, Leah Dupuy, Kayle Gaspard, Olivia Johnson, Victoria Lucas;
 Marrero – Kelsey Brooks, Lius Escobar;
 Marshall, Texas – Alexis Balbuena, Abagale Godrey;
 Marthaville – Dylan Daniels, Veronica James, Thomas Lirette;
 Meraux – Sophie Stechmann;
 Merryville – Kyleah Franks;
 Mesquite, Texas – Eric Renova, Curtis Williams;
 Metairie – Kathryn Bancroft, Madysen Norra;
 Midland, Texas – Channing Burleson;
 Minden – Erin Dotson, Layla Easley, Abby Greene, Karasha Harris, Kiara Jenkins, Donna Law, Asata Sylvas, Jorge Zaldivar;
 Missouri City, Texas – Cayla Jones;
 Monroe – Demonta Brown, Kennedy Butler, Jansen Chisley, Kiara Drumgo, Taylor Edwards, Jaronda Griffin, Prettyunje Hunter, Diamond Knox-Jackson, Ashley Murphy, Keldrick Ward;
 Montegut – Stephanie Cohen;
 Monterey – Rebecca Womack;
 Montgomery – Tabatha Bowlin, Payton Carroll, Gerald Chelette, Hailee Skains, Laryn Graves;
 Monticello, Arkansas – Kamilah Kelley;
 Mora – Gracy Rowell;
 Moreauville – Reginea Alexander, Ashley Dunnam;
 Natchitoches – Jeremy Aaron, Cass Arnold, Aaron Averett, Thomas Balthazar, Adam Barnes, Blake Bechtel, Terrius Bell, Kacy Bonds, Matthew Brown, Charles Bouchie, Santaurus Burr,Ladiamond Burrell,  Dominitra Charles, Kaleb Chesser, Lane Clevenger, Jessica Coleman, Kaia Collins, Christian Cunningham, Sean Day, Moises Florez-Perez, Hannah Forsythe, Eric Fredieu, Abbie Garner, Peyton Graham, Denetria Green, Pamela Gross, Thomas Hadzeriga, Jalen Hall, Jasmine Hall, Samantha Hall, Deshon Hayes, Jett Hayes, Saul Hernandez, David Holmes, Jasmine Howard, Kanika Irchirl, Rachel Jeane, Emily Johnson, Karlee Laurence, Robert Lee, Emily Leone, Christopher Lewis, Helen-Lois Mancil, Wesley Manuel, Savannah Maricle, Brooklyn Martin, Tyler McCain, Lamarr McGaskey, Kristin McQuillin, Joshua Minor, Jair Morelos Castilla, Jakori Morris, Katelyn Murphy, Tori Neitte, Matthew Nelson, Donovan Ohnoutka, Christian Owens, Leilani Padilla, Kenneth Penrod, Eryn Percle, Veronica Pikes, Kenneth Poleman, Katherine Rachal, Michael Raymond, Jeffrey Remo, Devin Reyes, Kayla Rokett, Taylor Rutledge, Shelbi Ryan, Jalon Sangster, Chandler Sarpy, Gabrielle Scarborough, Natalie Sers, Anna Sibley, Athena Smith, Blake Teekell, Joseph Thibodaux, Margaret Thompson, Lantz Vercher, Elizabeth Vienne, Garrett Vienne, Huey Virece, Laurin Waldrip, Jacob Ware, Brianna Watermolen, Anna Waxley, Emma-Leigh Webster, Ellen Wells, Deondra White, Nicholas Wiggins, Leah Wilkins, Shavon Williams,
 Natchez – Victoria Bradford, James Rougeou, Lauren Seawood;  
 Navasota, Texas – Shelton Eppler;
 New Iberia – Mia Bashay, Dainell Ledet, Alex Romero;
 New Llano – Deja Castille, Laura Cowell, Kendra Jones, Earnesta Riggins, Gabriel Vargas, Caden Wheeler;
 New Milford, Connecticut – Lisa Rosenberg;
 New Orleans – Demetrius Boulieu, Nyasha Brown, Damon Carter, Jeron Duplantier, Darlene Fairley, Matthew Gonzales, Omar Hall, RyShaneka Kirsh, Maxwell Martello, Phallon Robinson, Jonae Skinner, Rishard Winford;  
 Newellton – Chasity Glasspoole;
 Noble – Shelby Etheridge, Tiffany McMillion, Krista Rivers, Thomas Rivers;
 North Richland Hills, Texas – Cody Germany;
 North York, Ontario – Alexander Comanita;
 Oak Ridge – Kelly Futch;
 Oakdale – Clayton Ashworth, JaQuanda Evins, Dylan Hamblin, Destani Johnson;
 Olla – Morgan Barbo, Amanda Fenoli, Savannah Kirl;
 Omro, Wisconsin – Jason Kralovetz;
 Opelousas – Keylee Boone, Jordan Brisco, Kenya Gradnigo, Kayla Pitre, Lashante Richard, Kallie Zeringue;
 Paris, Texas – Cody Vorwerk;
 Pelican – Tyler Howard;
 Pensacola, Florida – Mallory McClain;
 Pierre Part – Blaise Crochet;
 Pineville – Savannah Hope Andries, Melissa Barnhill, April Cain, Erika Carter, Korey Cleveland, Luke Conway, Sydney Duhon, Selena Ferguson, Ameera Ghannam, Ollie Gossett, Leia Graham, Megan Jacks, Trey Joseph, Ethan Lachney, Brooke Leger, Rodney Lonix, Sierra Matney, Sonya McClellan, Autumn McSwain, Abby Nichols, James Perry, Hannah Pusateri, Christina Rachal, Amaria Sapp, Elizabeth Shuler, Laikyn Slusher, Robert Tabor, Emily Wiley, Sarah-Elizabeth Wilkes;
 Pitkin – Braydon Doyle, Jayce Doyle, Jessica Jones;
 Plain Dealing – Nicholas Cason;
 Plano, Texas – Asher Van Meter;
 Plaucheville – Alexis Casarez;
 Pleasant Hill – Makenzi Patrik;  
 Pollock – Krystal Bennett, Sarah Hunt, Dalton Kopp, Allyssa Zemp;
 Ponchatoula – Keyadda Brim, Kaitlyn Hawkins;
 Pontotoc, Mississippi – Elizabeth Murrah;
 Port Allen – Evan Daigle, Kaleb Gauthier;
 Port Barre – Danielle Schexnayder, Kristen Sonnier;
 Prairieville – Hannah Beason, Donesha Blount, Lauren Breaux, Claire Credeur, Kristen Prettelt, Lysia Varisco, Elllise Vice, Brady Wilson, Faith Wilson;
 Pride – Ashlyn Johnson;
 Princeton – Katelyn Nattin, Ariell Shield;
 Provencal – Taylor Craft;
 Puyallup, Washington – Aine Oh;
 Quitman – Cindy Crawford;
 Raceland – Emily Adams;
 Ragley – Katherine Greenmun;
 Rayne – Bishop Breaux;
 Reno, Nevada – Sydney Oren;
 Richardson, Texas – Riley Cantrell;
 Richfield, Minnesota – Leah Barnes;
 Richmond, Texas – Ebonie Francis;
 Ridgecrest – Melissa Kelly;
 Ringgold – McKenzie Davidson, Autumn McCoy, Olivia Prado;
 River Ridge – Rachel Chimeno;
 Robeline – Chad Berly, Patricia Goodwin, Hannah Hennigan, Kristal Lachney, Kacy Morae, Ember O’Bannon, Laura Olguin, Morgan Rachal, Hannah Schoth;
 Rosepine -- Emilee Johnson;
 Ruston – Paul Bryant, Tekiren Evans, Jalen Garrison, Seth Hartsfield, Christopher Letendre, Aujani Richburg;
 St. Amant – Larson Fontenot;  
 St. Bernard – Ashlie Kieff, Emily Snyder;
 St. Francisville – Emeria Jones;
 St. Martinville – Belinda Alexander, Jacoby Fontenette, Destiny Simon, Maleik White, Cassandra Zenon;
 St. Rose – Crystal Jones;
 Saline – Makayla Jackson, Isabella Jones, Malayna Poche, Aaron Savell;
 San Antonio, Texas – Matthew Aguilera, Anthony Renteria;
 Sarepta – Katie Ingle;
Scott – Hannah Durgin, Tayla Soileau;
 Shreveport – Aubrey Allen, Katelynn Benge, Frances Boggs, Leta Broome, Makayla Bryant, Shatericka Christor, Kesherion Collins, Naterria Davis, Reonia Davis, Hailey Deaton, Miya Douglas, Daja Easter, Deadrian Egans, Meghan Fry, Cassidy Giddens, Savon Gipson, Ellen Grappe, MIzzani Grigsby, Lindsey Hagan, Adrianne Hampton, Katelyn Householder, Shelby Hunter, Jazzmine Jackson, John Jefferson, Drake Johnson, Korynthia Johnson, Zachary Johnson, Nathan Jones, Summer Jones, Alicia King, Lauren Lee, Samantha Lyons, Tiffany Mack, Caitlyn Malloy, Christopher Markham, Andria Mason, Ashley Mason, Tifphany McClinton, Rici McDonald, Claire McMillan, Samantha Metoyer, Najah Mitchell, Brittney Nicleso-Rayfus, Megan Osborn, Tara Pair, Tierry Perry, Christina Peterson, Kalyn Phillips, Hayden Pilcher, Sierra Prelow, Shelby Reddy, Grayson Roberts, Jalisa Roberts, Savonya Robinson, Madelyn Ruiz, Amanda Rushing, Breanna Samuel, Angelica Satcher, Shermaine Shorter, Jackiesha Simmons, Ciara Sipes, Richard Sloan, Kendria Smith, Jessica Sowers, Jamie Stewart, Somer Stratton, Lindsey Stroud, Khalil Sumlin, Destini Sweet, Hailey Thomas, Anne Tibbit, Katerina Vargas, Khamaria Vaughn, De’Andra Washington, Lakayla Whitaker, Gaylin White, Jamisa Williams, Lajayda Williams, Tre’Darius Williams, Kristy Wilson, India Wright;  
 Sibley – Madison Mouser;
 Sieper – Emily George;
 Simmesport – Lexi Gremillion, Elise Normand;
 Simpson – Katelynn Martin;
 Slidell – Terran Cole, Noah Glass, Tristan Johnson, Rachel Reed, Maci Walgamotte, Thomas Garner;
 Sondheimer – Anna Marsh;
 Springfield – Tyler Pigott;
 Sterlington – Catherine Trichell;
 Stonewall – Bessie Cable, Dawson Cranford, Emma Delafield, Emmy Hinds, Robert McAllen, Mackenzie Panther, Maguire Parker, Heather Schiller, Tehya McDonald, Chassidy Sutton;
 Sugar Land, Texas – Jake Gore;
 Sulphur – Andrew Stephens;
 Sunset – Zachary Linville, Lauren Pope;
 Tallahassee, Florida – Edward Clarke;
 Tallulah – Anna Boney;
 Taylor, Texas – Jake English;  
 Texarkana, Texas – Daphne Hammett, Kristin McDuffie, Jasmine Neal;
 Thibodaux – Beth Olin, Cierra Winch
 Tobyhanna, Pennsylvania – Brianna Morosco;
 Tomball, Texas – Natalee Henry;
 Toms River, New Jersey – Jacqueline Manza;
 Toronto, Ontario – Rhea Verma;
 Trout – Makayla King, Haley Lisenby, Kalee Mcguffee, Andrea Walters;
 Troy, New York – Kasey Whitmore;
 Tupelo, Mississippi – Bailey Griffin;
 Ville Platte – Gabrielle Chapman, Nicholas Blood, Andrea Bradley;
 Vinton – Shae Cramer, Toby Stanley, Alayna Zaunbrecher;
 Violet – Callie Maschmeyer;
 Vivian – Kaylee Scott, Chase Lewis;
 Vossburg, Mississippi – Chequira Bonner;
 Walker – Madison Arnold;
 Walworth, New York – Devonne Seelig;
 Washington – Kyeishia Evans, Catherine Stevens;
 Waskom, Texas – Blakely Canfield, Zink Kiper, Laken Thompson;
 Welsh – Autumn Hanks;
 West Helena, Arkansas – Brittani Arana;
 West Monroe – Abigail Beck, Austin Dodson, Brianna Fife, Kennedy Ford, Allison Freeman, Aubrey Gamble, Jasmyn Johnson, Eva Sanford, Madison Shidiskis, Melissa Taylor, Christopher Wynn;  
 Westwego – Tja’h Edwards;
 Wilmington, Delaware – Amy Bourett;
 Winnfield – Annalise Austin, Harli Austin, Rhonda Duff, Kara Grantadams, Rakeen Williams, Caroline Womack;
 Winnsboro – A’Lexus Johnson;
 Woodworth – Lexus Weston;
 Youngsville – Devin Forestier, Devyn Shores, Sophia Toranto;
 Zachary – Laney Davis;
 Zwolle – Kierstyn Cartinez, Dayton Craig, Trenton Malmay, Ariana Martinez, Treveon Perry, Autumn Wyatt.
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goalhofer · 3 years
2021 IIHF World Championship Canada Roster
#21 Nick Paul (Ottawa Senators/Mississauga, Ontario)
#22 Brandon Hagel (Chicago Blackhawks/Morinville, Alberta)
#27 Michael Bunting (Arizona Coyotes/Toronto, Ontario)
#28 Connor Brown (Ottawa Senators/Toronto, Ontario) A
#44 Max Comtois (Anaheim Ducks/Longueuil, Quebec)
#88 Andrew Mangiapane (Calgary Flames/Caledon, Ontario)
#8 Liam Foudy (Cleveland Monsters/Toronto, Ontario)
#11 Jaret Anderson-Dolan (Los Angeles Kings/Calgary, Alberta)
#13 Gabe Vilardi (Los Angeles Kings/Kingston, Ontario)
#14 Adam Henrique (Anaheim Ducks/Burford, Ontario) C
#17 Justin Danforth (K.K. Vityaz/Oshawa, Ontario)
#73 Brandon Pirri (Rockford IceHogs/Toronto, Ontario)
#91 Cole Perfetti (Manitoba Moose/Whitby, Ontario)
#2 Braden Schneider (Brandon Wheat Kings/Prince Albert, Saskatchewan)
#5 Jacob Bernard-Docker (Ottawa Senators/Canmore, Alberta)
#6 Colin Miller (Buffalo Sabres/Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario) A
#25 Owen Power (U. Of Michigan Wolverines/Mississauga, Ontario)
#26 Sean Walker (Los Angeles Kings/Keswick, Ontario)
#38 Mario Ferraro (San Jose Sharks/King Township, Ontario)
#70 Troy Stetcher (Detroit Red Wings/Richmond, British Columbia)
#74 Nicolas Beaudin (Chicago Blackhawks/Châteauguay, Quebec)
#33 Adin Hill (Arizona Coyotes/Comox, British Columbia)
#35 Darcy Kuemper (Arizona Coyotes/Saskatoon, Saskatchewan)
#65 Michael DiPietro (Vancouver Canucks/Windsor, Ontario)
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conanaltatis · 3 years
Dami Im song 'Lonely Cactus' released; Korean-Australian singer influenced by Emily Sandé, James Arthur, Benee, Julia Michaels
Dami Im song ‘Lonely Cactus’ released; Korean-Australian singer influenced by Emily Sandé, James Arthur, Benee, Julia Michaels
Dami Im Dami Im, 25, just released a new single titled “Lonely Cactus.” The song was written by Bri Clarke and Andrew Burford also known as One Above. “While I was working on promoting my last single ‘Paper Dragon,’ I became obsessed with cacti,” Im shared. “I really wanted to write a song about a cactus and it started off as an idea about myself.” “On one hand, I feel lonely and want to be…
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