argrigory · 2 years
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Старый конь,борозды не испортит…
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balajihospital · 2 months
Balaji Hospital | Nephrology Specialists for Kidney Diseases
Balaji Hospital's Nephrologist providing expert care for kidney health & diseases including diagnostic tests & advanced treatments like dialysis & transplantation
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𝑨𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒂 𝑨𝒅𝒎𝒊𝒏𝒊𝒔𝒕𝒓𝒂𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏: Anesthesiologists are responsible for administering anesthesia to patients undergoing surgery or certain medical procedures. 𝑻𝒚𝒑𝒆𝒔 𝒐𝒇 𝑨𝒏𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒔𝒊𝒂: Anesthesiologists use different types of anesthesia based on the nature and duration of the procedure.
Visit @ https://symbiosisonlinepublishing.com/anesthesiology-painmanagement/
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let-us-rain · 1 year
Doctors like my veins
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melorinshoop · 1 year
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‏‎بیهوش توام مرا هوشیاری ده..🌱 لطفاً با لایک و کامنت هاتون بهمون انرژی بدین 🙏 ماگ های زیبای طرح هوشبری 💉💊 امکان چاپ دو طرفه امکان چاپ اسم و متن دلخواه شما ارسال به سراسر کشور با پست پیشتاز 🌱 #ماگ_هوشبری #هوشبري #هوشبری😷💉 #هوشبر #بیهوشی_میلر #بیهوشی #بیهوشی_عمومی #بیهوشی_استنشاقی #میلر #لارنگوسکوپ #بیحسی_موضعی #اسپاینال #هوشبری_تهران #anesthesiology #anesthesiologist #anesthesia #anesthetist #anesthesialife#ارشد_هوشبری‎‏ https://www.instagram.com/p/CdYvhQaodZH/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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Get treated with utmost care at Sandgate Bayside Dental!
As gentle dentists, we look after every patient of ours with diligence. Our dentist and anesthetist are highly experienced in treating patients with anxiety and fear. At every step of your journey, you will be supported by experienced staff in practice.
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remyfire · 5 months
I think Leo Bardonaro is an anesthesiologist.
One, because an anesthesiologist's job is to take the 10 or 15 minutes max they have with a patient and essentially convince them to put their entire life in their hands. Other doctors and surgeons typically get a significantly longer chunk of time to interact with the patient and answer their questions, but at the end of the day, it is the anesthesiologist who will be keeping the patient alive, stable, and safe while the procedure is going on. For better or worse, Leo has the kind of relaxed, companionable personality that would not only be able to leave a patient laughing, but also to feel entirely at ease—he's confident, he's collected, and if he's not worried about this, why should they be?
Two, because I think he would've had way too much fun making jokes about laughing gas.
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ghostzzy · 7 months
got a good grade in top surgery, something that is both normal to want and possible to achieve :^]
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* Dr Carl Coppolino - Deadly Anaesthesist
I know it's been a while so here we are;
Carl Coppolino was born in 1933 in Florida, USA. Coppolino graduated Fordham University in 1954 in the Bronx and worked at the SUNY Downstate Medical Center during 1958 in Brooklyn. Coppolino’s health was so poor that by age 30 he had already suffered several heart attacks, retired as a practicing anesthesiologist, and was collecting sizable disability pay. A true polymath, Coppolino had also written several books and scientific papers on anesthesiology and was considered an expert on the matter.
He met his wife whilst working at Riverview Hospital in New Jersey. The connection between the two was unmatched, his beautiful wife Carmela was also a Dr and she understood how hard the job of being a Dr and the work schedules could be. Dr Coppolino's health was deteriorating so poorly that he ended up having to give up work earlier than expected. Other than Carmela's shifts at work and Carl's failing health, the couple seemed happy. But as we all know looks can be deceiving. Inside Carl something was boiling and he was losing his grasp on reality. In 1965 they moved into a home in a retirement community called Longboat Key just off Florida's Gulf of Mexico's coast by the time they were both 32 due to his fragile health.
Back in Middletown, New Jersey, Coppolino began having an affair with his neighbor Marjorie Farber, a stunning woman 14 years his senior. Her husband retired US Army Colonel William Farber was unaware of the passionate rendezvous' that his wife and Carl were having. In 1963 Colonel Farber died suddenly after suffering a heart attack. Marjorie followed Carl to Florida in August 1965 and their secretive affair resumed as if nothing had happened, as if she had not just suffered the huge loss of losing her husband.
On August 28th 1965 Carmela Coppolino was dead. A late-night phone call to a physician, Dr. Juliette Karow headed to Longport Key, Florida, home of Dr. Carl and Carmela Coppolino. Carl had called for Dr. Karow’s assistance as Carl believed Carmela was dying of heart attack. Dr. Karow arrived to find Carmela sadly was already deceased. She was just 32 years of age. Her death was ruled as a Coronary Occlusion (the partial or complete obstruction of blood flow in a coronary artery) on her death certificate. Her body was sent to Boonton, New Jersey. Dr Carl Coppolino did not attend her funeral citing "My heart is weak and my personal physician said it may kill me."
Just 40 days after Carmela's death, Carl was married again. Not to his mistress Marjorie but rather his second mistress. A 38 year old divorcee called Mary Gibson whom he had met at Maxwell Bridge Studios. They became bridge partners and from there a passionate love grew. Marjorie Farber was seething, a woman scorned indeed. How dare he marry someone else when their trysts were more than sex for Marjorie, she loved Carl and would have done anything for him. This included helping him murder her husband.
Marjorie couldn't allow Carl to marry someone else, he couldn't get away with it. Marjorie walked into Sarasota County Police & told them that Carl murdered Carmela using deadly quick metabolizing succinylcholine as well as using this on Colonel Bill Farber, her husband. She confessed her own involvement in the murder of her husband and so the police believed her, after all why would she implicate herself if there wasn't some truth to what she was saying.
Marjorie alleged that on 29th July 1963 under post-hypnotic suggestion from Carl, she had taken a hypodermic needle that he had provided her She began to inject her husband she claims "I couldn't stop myself, it was absolutely over and beyond my control." According to her, unable to continue injecting her husband she called Carl, it was the middle of the night but Carl left his sleeping wife Carmela and went to the Farber's to finish the job. He drugged his victim, William Farber, before smothering him with a pillow.
Upon investigation, Investigators were able to prove that Coppolino had obtained a supply of succinylcholine right before Farber's death. And again just 5 weeks before Dr Carmela's death. Carl's excuse for having this supply of succinylcholine was he was getting rid of a 'troublesome dog" and that he was planning on conducting research into a way of measuring the concentration of the drug in the blood during surgeries.
Due to the circumstances and the confession from Marjorie the police decided to exhume Carmela's body. Dr Milton Halpern, NYC's Medical Examiner at the time & Toxicologist Dr Joseph Umburger examined Carmela for any proof of Marge's claims. After observing Carmela, a small puncture wound was found on her left buttocks, which was consistent with a hypodermic needle. He decided he wanted to test for succinylcholine chloride, however no such test existed. This made it the perfect murder weapon. Dr Umburger refused to let Coppolino get away with the murder of his young, beautiful wife and so he set about devising such a test.
In June 1966, after spending months taking samples from Carmela's organs and the injection site, he had finally succeeded in isolating both succinic acid and choline, this was proof Carmela had been killed in the way Marjorie had described. This revelation proved Mrs. Farber's credibility and she requested the exhumation of her husband, Bill. The police complied with this request due to her proving her reliability in telling the truth and giving her confession.
On July 14th 1966 Colonel William Farber's body was also exhumed, unfortunately Dr Umburger's test could not be used on the Colonel's body as he had been in the ground for too long. The medical examiner could prove William Farber had been murdered though due to the detection of severe fractures of the cricoid cartilage in the larynx. Halpern deducted Farber had die due to strangulation. Just 9 days later on July 23rd 1966, Carl was arrested for the murder of Farber. 4 days later he was informed he was to be indicted for the homicide of his wife, Carmela. Coppolino would have two trial, one for each homicide. The first trial was to be that for Colonel William Farber. It was to be in Naples, Florid and secondly in Freehold, Florida would be his trial for the murder of Carmela.
For both of his trials, Carl used a well known public figure, lawyer F. Lee Bailey, despite using him twice however both trials had different conclusions. Carl was very charismatic, he was able to convince the jury in Freehold County Court that he was simply being a good physician on the night Colonel Farber was killed, which was roughly 29th/30th July 1963 according to the M.E. In response to what exactly he did in his role/duty as a Dr he claimed he had given Farber a tranquilizer and then Pronestal to correct his uneven heart. He reported that he recommended Bill attend hospital but both Bill and Marge refused and so were asked to sign a form declaring such. According to Dr Coppolino the damage exhibited in Farber's neck could have occurred during the exhumation. A defense expert, Dr Spelman theorized that Bill had perished from a heart attack. His theory based on sufficient arteriosclerosis clogging Farber's coronary arteries enough to cause a heart attack. The jury at Freehold County Court deliberated for just four and a half hours before deciding to acquit Carl Coppolino of all charges, releasing him on bail He was free and so Carl and his new wife Mary travelled back home before taking off on holiday!
Overconfident Carl & his defense lawyer, F. Lee Bailey, wholeheartedly believed that he would also be acquitted of charges regarding Carmela's death. They thought this due to no eyewitnesses and them convinced they could prove Marjorie wasn't credible. Marge however was growing concerned about Coppolino's second wife, Mary, she didn't want history repeating itself.
The experts for the prosecution included Dr Joseph Umburger whose newly devised test would no scrutinized because other experts claimed succinylcholine was untraceable. This is because of how rapidly succinylcholine is broken down within the body. The succinic acid Dr Umburger had discovered was in Carmela's brain rather than the injection site. Coppolino's lawyer implied the M.E Dr Halpern had doctored the autopsy report in order to make Carl appear to be guilty.
Dr Umburger unexpectedly confessed that he only said it was possible that Carmela had been poisoned with succinylcholine chloride. He claimed Dr Halpern had insisted he removed the word possible from the report. This only helped Coppolino's case because if the report was altered what else could have been amended or doctored. These circumstances led Coppolino's lawyer, F. Lee Bailey, to believe the case was a home run. He was so confident he didn't even put his client on the stand to deny the accusation of her murder. This would be his downfall.
At 9:30am on 28th April 1967, the jury announced their verdict - Guilty! The all male jury decided this wasn't premeditated murder but rather 2nd degree murder, this meant Coppolino couldn't face the death penalty. Personally I find this appalling how is poisoning not premeditated? Carl was sentenced to life imprisonment, sadly though due to 'good behavior' from the shamed doctor he served just 12 years. Upon his release, his wife Mary greeted him beaming with happiness after having fought and protested for his innocence.
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jctshirtsandmore · 9 months
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opalsiren · 9 months
anyway my radiographer and anaesthetist yesterday were both soooo hot i was lying there like 'anaesthetise me zaddy 🤤'
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balajihospital · 2 months
Balaji Hospital | Gastroenterology for Digestive Health Issues
Balaji Hospital's Gastroenterology showcases a team of gastroenterologists specializing in diagnosing & treating digestive health issues to enhance quality of life
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𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐫𝐚𝐥 𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐚: This type of anesthesia renders the patient unconscious and pain-free during surgery.
𝐑𝐞𝐠𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐚𝐥 𝐚𝐧𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐬𝐢𝐚: This type of anesthesia numbs a specific area of the body, such as the arm or leg.
Visit: https://symbiosisonlinepublishing.com/anesthesiology-painmanagement/
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youngpettyqueen · 11 months
trying to find a name of an anesthetist on MASH that wasn't Ugly John and wanting to bang my head against my wall
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mythgirlimagines · 1 year
ultimate anaesthetist Korekiyo?
I think that's a pretty fitting talent tbh
Anesthesia was one of the most important parts of many procedures, and from a young age Kiyo found himself drawn to the field. He asked many doctors about it, even while in elementary school.
Although he doesn’t have a medical doctorate- that would make him an anesthesiologist- he’s incredibly dedicated and passionate, and doesn’t allow even tiny mistakes in his practice.
Because of his talent, or maybe it simply helps his talent, Kiyo is incredible and paying attention to small tasks for hours. That’s what he has to do as an anesthetist, after all.
There are a lot of times he works with kids, and he’s very skilled at calming them when they’re scared to go into surgery. He makes sure they understand what’s happening and are comfortable first.
Being at Hope’s Peak takes him away from his talent, but he still goes back during breaks. He’s surprisingly as comfortable at school as he is there, though, which was surprising to him.
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deancaskiss · 2 years
This week has sucked. I’ve had a really rough week on rotation and worked late almost every day this week and had to be at work super early most days this week too. Just feeling really crap and exhausted and stressed and really upset and generally just so worn out and burnt out. This has been Thee worst week on primary care rotation so far and I just… need something good right now because if one more bad thing happens this week I’m just going to lose it
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