#angel region fair kai
of-his-dragoon-ways · 9 months
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Got this relic today
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warmaidensrevenge · 2 years
Always seen you
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Pairings: Eddie x Insecure!Fem plus size reader x friend!Elio
If you want to read my other work you can find it HERE
A/N: Hey my loves. Welcome back to my series that got away from me. This is the 22nd part to this. If you would like to catch up. Feel free to click the link above. I updated after most posts. So what's new? Welp I felt like a cute angsty part. Nothing too bad. Just a little jealousy. No Billy in this one. Anywho, I was inspired by a few songs so hopefully you guys can take the time to listen to what helped me write this. I also used a Killswitch Engage song for some lyrics. Thanks for reading. As always feedback is greatly appreciated. Asks and comments are always welcomed. Kay love ya bye.
Warnings: 18+ Language, angst, fluff, sexual implications/ situations, smoking, slight body insecurities, masturbation (f ), oral (f receiving), slow burn and kinda proof read.
Word count: 9,261
I do not give permission for my work to be used on any other site. Respect all creators/writers. Thanks.
Summary: Does it say more about me or you, if i told you that I am still here waiting to do all the things we said we would do? Is there hope that one day, you will be ready?
Part 22
Eddie just got off the plane and was heading to the address you gave him. You didn't know he was coming. That's exactly what he wanted. To just show up and give you flowers. To remind you that he would always show up if you asked or if you needed him to.
It was pretty late when the cab finally dropped him off. He walked up the little pathway through the trees and stopped when he saw you sitting on the balcony. You were nose deep in a book with your legs perched up on the guard. The soft light from the room behind you, looked like God was shining a light on Eddie's heart.
He put down his luggage and took a few steps closer. He heard some music coming from the small radio somewhere near the door. He smiled to himself when he heard you hum to his new album.
He wanted to just say hi. But he had a thought. To make you laugh.
"But, soft! what light through yonder window breaks?" Eddie stepped closer putting his hand on his heart. " It is the east, and Juliet is the sun. Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, Who is already sick and pale with grief, That thou her maid art far more fair than she."
When you heard him the smile that creeped on you was nothing more than pure unadulterated happiness. You closed your book and stood up. Putting your hands on the railing looking off into the distance as Eddie continued.
"Be not her maid, since she is envious; Her vestal livery is but sick and green. And none but fools do wear it; cast it off. It is my lady, O, it is my love! O, that she knew she were! She speaks yet she says nothing: what of that? Her eye discourses; I will answer it. I am too bold, 'tis not to me she speaks: Two of the fairest stars in all the heaven, Having some business, do entreat her eyes. To twinkle in their spheres till they return. What if her eyes were there, they in her head? The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars, As daylight doth a lamp; her eyes in heaven. Would through the airy region stream so bright. That birds would sing and think it were not night."
You rested your cheek in your hand anticipation for Eddie's next line. Eddie was grinning like crazy seeing you play along.
"See, how she leans her cheek upon her hand! O, that I were a glove upon that hand, That I might touch that cheek!"
You pressed your lips to hold back a laugh. You took a calming breath as you got ready to say your lines.
"Ay me!" You sighed.
Eddie smiled "She speaks: O, speak again, bright angel! for thou art As glorious to this night, being o'er my head. As is a winged messenger of heaven. Unto the white-upturned wondering eyes. Of mortals that fall back to gaze on him. When he bestrides the lazy-pacing clouds. And sails upon the bosom of the air."
You tugged on your lip. "O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name; Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, And I'll no longer be a Capulet."
Eddie opened his mouth to speak when Elio came out and ruined the scene you and he started.
" Hi Eddie."
He chuckled. " Hey man."
You finally looked down and Eddie was all smiles.
" You came."
Eddie rubbed the back of his neck. " Always."
Elio shook his head. " You guys such dorks. I'll be right down."
Eddie looked around for a second. " Nah man. I'm coming up."
You watched and giggled seeing Eddie shimmy up a drain pipe. Once he was close to the balcony he jumped over the guard.
You put your hand on your wide hip. " I swear you are so dramatic."
Eddie gave you a little bow.
You sighed and went towards him. " Same ol' Eddie Munson. As charming as ever."
He stood back up and smirked. " Missed you Angel."
You looked down at the ground and blushed.
Eddie chuckled so damn pleased with himself. He reached for your chin. Lifting it a little so he could look at you.
" Hi."
A small laugh left you. " Hi."
Eddie then pulled you into his arms. Holding you tightly as you hung onto him. Rocking you from side to side. You laughed again.
" Surprised?"
A muffled yes came from you.
" Good. I uhh brought you flowers but I couldn't carry them up."
You pulled away a little. " That's okay. Give them to me later."
After that you buried your face back into his chest. Eddie moved one of his hands and held the back of your head. Putting his cheek on your crown.
" Alright you two. That's enough. Let's go to bed. We have plans for tomorrow."
You pulled out of Eddie's embrace but you didn't go far. You put your small, warm, soft hand in his large rough one and pulled him along.
Elio went downstairs to grab his stuff.
Eddie let you lead the way to a small room. Just a door away from yours.
" I'm not gonna stay with you?" He asked.
" No. E's parental units are very religious. And they think he and I are dating."
" What?!" Eddie blurted
You stopped mid stride. Turning around and put your hand over his mouth." Shhhh! They don't know E's-"
Eddie cut you off by grabbing your wrist. He kissed the palm of your hand. Causing you to blush yet again.
He let go of your wrist and touched your face with the back of his hand.
" So beautiful Angel."
" No you."
He laughed.
" Common." You said pulling at him again.
You pulled him through a room then stopped at a door. You reached for the handle but Eddie grabbed it and opened it for you.
" M'lady."
You grinned. " You're too much Munson."
"Soooo… what do they know about me?" Eddie whispered, following you into the room.
You let go of his hand and went to turn on a lamp. " They think you're my distance cousin."
" Right…"
Eddie watched you sit down on the bed and patted the spot next to you. He sat down and you put your head on his shoulder.
" You really surprised me Eds."
Eddie leaned his head on yours. " I hope it wasn't too much."
He felt your head shake a little.
" It was perfect."
He grinned. " Good."
Elio came in with the bags and Eddie got up to help him.
" Thanks man."
" No problem. Are you hungry?" Elio asked.
Eddie shook his head. " I'm kinda just want to showered and lay down."
" Yeah okay. You and I are gonna share a bathroom. And the only way out of this room is either through the way you came in or out the window. So no sneaking off to y/ns room."
Eddie chuckled. " Don't want to get you in trouble."
" Common E. Let Eddie gets some sleep."
Eddie's eyes followed you asyou got up. You grabbed his hand and gave it a little squeeze.
" Goodnight Eds."
" Night Angel."
As much as you wanted to sleep with him. You know you couldn't.
Take things slow. You said it over and over like a mantra.
You let go of Eddie's hand and went to grab Elio's.
" Angel?"
" Hmm?" You turned back around and smiled softly.
Eddie was standing there with the flowers.
You took them and smelled them." Thank you Eds."
" You're welcome Angel."
Eddie watched you turn and walk away. Closing the door behind you.
He got ready for bed. But before he laid down he wanted to smoke real fast. He opened the window and lit one. He took a couple of puffs before he heard humming. He stuck his head out and you were sitting back on the balcony.
He listened and figured out what you were humming. He tossed the cigarette and started to sing.
And baby it's true
You're the one
Who caught me, baby you taught me
How good it could be
Fill your days and your nights
No need to ever ask me twice, oh no
Whenever you want me
And if ever comes a day
When you should turn and walk away, oh no
I can't live without you
So caught up in you
You turned to looked at him and smiled such a beautiful smile. He swore he saw a goddess smiling at him.
You guys finished the song together and just stared at each other for a minute. Both wanting to be in the other's arms. Both wanting to kiss and make bitter sweet love to each other.
You were the first one to break eye contact.
" Get some sleep Munson. I'll see you in the morning."
" Promise?"
You gave him a small laugh and held out your pinky.
Eddie climbed out of the window just a bit and sat on the ledge while you leaned as far as you could over the railing. Finally close enough you guys hooked each other pinky.
" Now get back in there before you fall."
Eddie nodded and let go of your hand.
" Night Angel."
" Night Eds."
The early morning ritual had just began. This time you started to draw Eddie. The way he looked last night was embedded in your brain. He had shaved and he had his hair in a loose bun. He looked so good. So…sexy. You squeezed your thighs together thinking about his soft full lips against your palm. You closed your eyes, dropped your sketchbook and let your head fall back. Feeling his solid frame holding you. His wonderful scent surrounding you again. Your legs fell apart as you pictured the night you spent with him. His tongue lapping between your folds. His thick long cock slowly entering-
" Morning Angel."
You jumped to sit up straight and opened your eyes so wide. You looked over and Eddie was leaning out the window with a huge smirk.
You cleared your throat completely embarrassed. Had he been watching you the whole time?
" Uhhh morning."
Eddie chuckled. He definitely did see you. He saw you rubbing your hand up and down your thigh. Every time getting just a little closer to the treasure between your legs.
" Can I come over?" He asked
" Umm yeah…okay."
Eddie was on the balcony in just a matter of seconds. You had already picked up your sketchbook and turned the page so he couldn't see what you were drawing.
He leaned against the guard right in front of you and had a shit eating grin.
" What were we doing?"
You couldn't help but feel ashamed and very nervous.
" Ummm. N-nothing."
Eddie laughed to himself and went to squat in front of you. His large hands ran up and down your plush thighs.
When your eyes met, your body trembled. You tugged at your bottom lip and his hands went higher.
" What're you thinking Angel?"
Fuck fuck fuck.
" I umm…are you hungry?"
Eddie nodded. He was very hungry. But not for food.
He grabbed your book and set it gently on the ground. After he spread your legs apart. Just as he was about to touch you there you grabbed his hand.
" Eds…umm friends don't do this."
" No…but we do."
Your breath hitched and you could feel your core throb so hard. It was almost painful. You let go of his hand and he touched your clothed warmth. Your head fell back once again and softly moaned.
Eddie was just about to pull down your shorts when Elio called out.
" Breakfast guys."
You sat back up and snapped your knees together. Trapping Eddie's hand.
Thank God!
" Saved by the bell." Eddie sighed, slipping his hand away when you finally let go and stood up.
Eddie watched you grab your coffee and book. Following you out to the kitchen. He smirked to himself watching you wide hips sway. He definitely was going to taste you tonight.
After breakfast you guys headed to Venice. It was quite a long trip but it was worth seeing such a beautiful place. You guys found yourselves in a water taxi. Eddie sat next to you the whole time with his hand on the small of your back. Elio of course had already been there so he just laid down and took a nap.
" You look very beautiful today Angel."
You looked at Eddie. " Thank you. "
He leaned in so that he could whisper in your ear.
" Can we finish what we started this morning?"
You swallowed gently. " Umm Eddie. I-"
The guide started to sing. When you looked back the guy driving the boat was smiling at you and Eddie. You listened for a bit and gave him a sweet smile. You turned to look at Eddie.
"I don't care about the moon
I don't care about the start
You for me are the moon and the stars
You for me are the sun and the sky
You for me are everything
All that i want to have
Never ending
Never ending"
" That's beautiful." Eddie said, pulling you closer. " When did you learn Italian?"
" Umm taught myself in like 8th grade."
" I didn't know that."
" There's a lot we don't know about each other. "
Eddie frowned. " I'm sorry."
" Don't be." You whispered, raising your brows. " Keeps the mystery alive."
You put your head on his shoulder.
" I want to know everything about you Angel."
You smiled again. " I would like to know everything about you too."
Just take things slow.
You guys went to lunch after the boat ride, planning on the next activity.
" A museum? Aww common Angel. We're on vacation." Eddie whined.
" Eds. When are you ever gonna do this again? It's going to be fun. I picked the perfect place."
" Maybe for you two." Elio chimed in. " I'm gonna go to the market and see what's going on over there."
You looked at Eddie and pouted.
He shook his head and laughed. " Alright, but this better be cool."
You giggled. " Of course. Have I ever led you astray?"
"Hope it doesn't start now."
You gave him a playful push. " Don't worry. You're gonna love it."
" Alright kiddos, meet me in like two hours. Then we can all go to St. Mark's Basilica." Elio said getting up.
You nodded. "Okay. Hey, don't talk to strangers."
Elio grinned. " How else am I supposed to get a date?"
You let out a throaty laugh. " Okay but make sure to use protection."
Elio raised a brow. " Likewise."
Eddie threw his head back and chuckled.
You slapped his shoulder gently. " Stop it."
" Shit. Sorry. My bad. It's just-"
You covered his mouth. " Don't you dare."
Elio laughed too. " Okkkkayyy. See you two love birds later."
When Elio left you finally took your hand off Eddie's mouth.
" You are…. Too much."
Eddie grabbed at your plush tummy and started to tickle you. " Not too much I hope."
" Ahhh." You giggled. " No…don't"
You tried to push his hands away but he wouldn't let up. So you got up and started running away. And of course Eddie chased you.
" Get back here Angel. I promise I won't bite….unless you want me too."
" God Eddie." You laughed trying to keep out of his grasp.
You rounded a corner into an alley and hid. When Eddie came he skidded to a stop.
" What the hell? Angel?"
He took a few steps and you jumped out from where you were hiding.
" JESUS H!" He yelped, grabbing your arms.
You were in a fit of giggles. " Got you Munson."
Eddie grinned and shook his head. " I'm totally gonna get you back."
There was a moment when your laughing faded and Eddie slowly pushed you up against the brick wall.
He let go of your arms and put his hand flat on the wall behind you. One arm on either side of your head. He felt your hands on his narrow hips, slightly pulling him closer.
Eddie looked down at you. His tongue shot out to lick his lips.
" I really want to kiss you."
Your mouth parted and you took a small breath in. You wanted that too.
" Can I?"
You hesitated for a second. But nodded.
He was just about to kiss you when someone in the window just off the side threw some water out. Splashing you and Eddie shoes.
You did a little hop and jumped into his arms. Both of you laughed again.
" Maybe later then?"
You smiled. " Maybe."
You pulled away and grabbed his hand. " C'mon Munson. We don't want to be late for our tour."
You guys were standing outside this big cobblestone building with a sign above.
Museo Della Tortura
" What does it say Angel?"
You beamed at him. " Museum of torture."
" What?! Okay… that's cool as hell."
" I told you you'll like it. They even have an Iron Maiden."
" Seriously?"
" Yup."
" Well what are we waiting for?"
Eddie opened the door for you. " M'lady."
" Thank you Ser Munson."
Eddie was in aww. You really did pick a cool place. You guys took so many pictures. Eddie wanted to get in the Iron Maiden so he stepped over the velvet rope and you quickly snapped away.
" Let's go. Before we get in trouble." You said holding out your hand.
" What? Don't you want to get arrested in international waters? " Eddie joked.
" No thank you. I kinda want to be able to come back here."
Eddie took your hand and grinned. " With me?"
" Hmmm not if you're gonna get me in trouble."
Eddie grabbed his heart. " I wouldn't dream of it Angel."
You guys continued with the tour until you found yourself heading towards another roped off area.
" It says roof access." You answered Eddie's question before he could ask.
" Care to take a gander?"
You looked around to see if anyone's watching.
"It might be a gorgeous view." Eddie tried to convince you.
" Okay. Hurry."
Eddie grabbed the rope and hooked it for you. He followed you up and found something to prop the door open.
He watched you go to the edge or the building and looked around. The slight breeze blew your hair back making you look like a damn Angel.
" Doesn't it make you wanna cry?"
Eddie looked out to the city. It really was beautiful. But what made it even more so was that you were there. He put an arm around your waist and you rested your head on his shoulder.
" I'm really glad you came Eds."
" Me too Angel."
The bus ride home was quiet. You had fallen asleep with your head on the window. You didn't look comfortable at all, so Eddie lifted the arm rest and pulled you into his arms. You let out a little sigh and subconsciously got closer. Snuggling into his neck. Wrapping your arms around him.
He kissed your forehead and leaned his head back.
" You guys are really good together."
Eddie looked at Elio and gave him a half smile.
He then took a look at you." Thanks man."
" For?"
" For letting me come. For letting me stay…for taking care of my girl. Just thanks…for everything."
Elio gave him a thin lip smile. " I'm sorry I didn't give her your messages. I just didn't want her to hurt anymore."
" It's okay. I get it. But I'm not gonna hurt her ever again. And I'm not just gonna say it. I'm gonna show her."
Elio nodded and looked at you. " I hope so."
" I will."
Finally at the house Eddie woke you gently.
" Common Angel. We're here."
You looked at him behind heavy lids. " Okay."
He helped you up and led you inside. Everyone showered and washed the hot summer day away.
Eddie and Elio were in the kitchen snacking on stuff when you came out to grab peach and some water.
" So what's the plan?" Eddie asked, pulling his stool closer to yours.
" Well I have a date and my parents are visiting some relatives. So besides the maid. Who is sleeping right about now." Elio looked at his watch. "You guys have the place to yourselves."
You yawned and nodded. " Oh-kay. Are you coming back?"
Eddie put his arm on the back of your chair looking back and forth between you and Elio.
" Probably not until the early morning. "
You yawned again. " Oh-okay. Be careful."
Elio winked at Eddie." You too."
Eddie smirked looking at you. You must have been too tired to catch that.
After Elio left you sighed looking at your peach.
" Want to go to bed Angel?"
" Umm it's still early."
" That's okay. You can sleep if you want."
" No Eds. I'm not gonna sleep away our time together."
He tucked your damp hair behind your ear. " I can sleep with you."
You looked at him and gave him a sweet smile. "How about you come and sit on the balcony with me. It's a nice night. We can play cards or something."
" Whatever you want, Angel."
You got up and he followed.
Eddie sat down outside while you went to find something for you two to do. Even though there was only one thing on your mind.
Friends first girl. Friends first.
When you went outside Eddie smiled at you. You sat down opposite from him and started shuffling and dealing out the cards.
" Ok Munson. This is war."
Eddie leaned over and grabbed his cards. " Oh shit. Okay. Let's do this."
After a few games you were wide awake now. Eddie was being a big cheater. But you didn't care. It was nice spending alone time with him. You hadn't laughed so much in such a long time. And you were glad that Eddie could still do that for you.
However, the thought of Billy crossed your mind. You had to tell Eddie. You needed to be honest with him. He had come all this way. And he's been trying to kiss you and touch you. You couldn't let him do that. Not until he knew the truth. Maybe he would be fine. Or maybe he would be so angry that he left. Hoping for the first, you cleared your throat and put your cards down.
" Eddie?"
" Yeah Angel."
You couldn't look at him. You felt so damn guilty. But you had to. You forced yourself to look at him.
" I have to tell you something…and I don't think you'll like it."
Eddie grabbed your hand. " What is it?"
You looked at your hand in his and prayed to the god that he doesn't hate you after.
You took a second trying to find the right words. But when you felt the tension you just blurted out.
"Billy and I have feelings for each other."
Eddie flexed his jaw and furrowed his brow. But he didn't let go of your hand.
For...for how long?"
You kept your eyes on your hands. " For me…I think it was after the concert…and umm…a few days after my birthday he kissed me."
Eddie squeezed your hand for a second but then loosened it. Still not letting go.
" Does he know that you and I…"
" Y-yes."
Eddie sighed. " And he still kissed you?"
You nodded.
Eddie was filled with all types of feelings. He was angry yet sad. He was jealous but worried. Happy that you were being honest, still upset. There was one question he needed to ask. Though the answer was going to break his heart. He needed to know.
" Did you kiss him back?"
Tears filled your eyes. Know that your answer was going to drive you and Eddie apart. That wasn't something you wanted. A part of you wanted to lie. To say you pushed him away. But Eddie didn't deserve that. He deserved the truth. The whole truth. The truth about Billy, the truth about why you broke things off, and why you even got close to Billy in the first place. He needed to know that even though you had feelings for Billy, that they were nothing compared to how you felt for him. How you've always felt.
" I did."
Eddie squeezed your hand again and looked away. But this time you squeezed back.
" Eddie. I liked the kiss. And I liked being wanted. But that doesn't change how I feel about you. If anything it opened my eyes."
You both loosened your grip.
" Why am I here y/n?"
You lip quivered hearing your name that sounded so foreign coming out of him.
" Because you're the one I wanted here. You're the one I want to be in this place with."
Eddie felt better. But he was still upset. " Why?"
You hesitated for a second. "Please…please look at me."
Eddie met your gaze with tears in his eyes. He blinked them away and saw that you were already crying.
" Because Eddie. I want you. I want you so bad that it hurts. I never wanted anyone as much as I want you. But I can't lose myself again. I can't…I won't."
Eddie reached over to catch your tears. His hand cupping your face felt so good that it made you cry a little harder.
" When I got to the hotel and ended things, I wasn't completely honest with you. I should have said that the kiss broke me. I should have said that all I needed was time to put myself back together. But I lied. I didn't have feelings for someone else. Back then, I wouldn't dream of looking at anyone the way I looked at you."
Eddie scooted closer.
" Billy was there for me. And he was there after the concert…for weeks he was by my side. Comforting me and holding me while I cried for you. He was there as I mourned for our relationship. He never tried anything or got physical…he was just there. And I wish he wasn't. God Eddie, I wish it was Elio or my brother. But it wasn't. It was him. He helped me find myself again. And I love him for that… I'm thankful for it. Now…now I'm good. I'm better. I'm happy."
" What does that mean for us?"
" It means I want to be your friend. I want to take things slow. We rushed everything before. We wanted each other so bad that we didn't think about what being apart would do to us. And it broke us. It pulled us away from each other and did a lot of damage…I know how I want this to end. And I think it's the same for you."
" It is."
You gave him a half hearted smile. " I think we just need to give it time. Build up the relationship again. Learn how to be around each other again. Like before we got together…I know we can't do movie nights like before. Or spend time with one another like we used to. But I want this to work this time. I want this to be it for us. I want it to finally be right. Because Eddie, I want to fix what went wrong. I would rather work on us than to do this all over again with someone else. I want…you….just you."
Eddie closed his eyes and finally let his tears fall. That's all he had been wanting to hear since the day in the hotel. He wished so hard, prayed every night for it. Now it was going to happen. The time had finally come that he could try this again.
He felt your hand on his cheek wiping away his tears. He brought your hand that he was holding to his lips. When he looked at you again he gave you a small smile.
" Angel, we'll do whatever you want. Whatever you need from me, I'll do it. If you want me to hold you. I will. If you just want to sit and talk, we will. Whatever you say, I'll listen. Whenever you need me, I'm here. For us…for you."
You stood up and pulled him to his feet. " Let's go to bed."
Eddie held you all night. There was nothing else to say right now. Both of you need this trip. Needed this night to just be. So many nights spent without each other was torture. But right now. The way his body felt next to yours. And yours next to his was everything. As you fell asleep you held him tighter. Breathing him in.
When Eddie finally heard your soft moans he kissed your forehead.
" We're gonna make it baby. No one and nothing is going to stop us now."
The next few days were spent just like the first. Hanging out enjoying the beautiful weather and each other's presence. With little moments that happened often. The ones where Eddie would get close. The ones where a hug lasted just a little longer every time. The moments where even though you guys were just friends, somehow always finding ways to touch each other. Sometimes it would just be a hand on the small of your back. Or shoulders touching while you walked. It was a small amount of touching. But it was perfect. The best ones were when you would be sitting outside, chairs pulled as close as they could be listening to music. The backs of your hands would touch. Fingers would caress one another's. It got to the point where it happened without a second thought. You didn't know you were doing it. But Eddie's heart filled every time it happened. You were happy and content how things were. And that's all he could ever ask for.
Two days before Eddie was going to go back to the states, you guys all went out to a fancy dinner then dancing after. You had bought a new light blue green dress. With brand new matching 3 inch heels. All of you guys got dressed to the nines for this incredibly fancy restaurant. Elio looked amazing in his suit. Especially since he started growing his hair out. However, he had nothing on what Eddie emerged from the bathroom in.
Your eyes started from the bottom up.
He had the black matte dress shoes. Tied tight with a perfect bow. His slacks were slim fit. But they weren't too tight. Well only where it counted. His bulge was slightly showing. When he turned to put on his chain wallet you caught a glimpse of he perfect little ass. These pants hug it just right, making your core tremble. You continued checking him out. His silver belt buckle stood out against his black on black outfit. His button up shirt was tickled in and his sleeves were rolled up to his elbows. The silver of his rings nearly matching his belt. Your mouth parted seeing a few of the top buttons of his shirt were loose. Showing off a little of his chest hair. It was open just enough to catch a glimpse of one of his tattoos. You tugged at your bottom lip as your eyes went up to his thick long neck, that still had his silver balled necklace and pic. Finally your eyes settled on his face. His hair was in a low bun, that was held up by your stolen scrunchie. With trendles of curls that were too short to reach the tie, framing his beautiful face. He was utterly and completely stunning.
When Eddie finally was ready he caught you staring at him. When his eyes met yours you quickly looked away and blushed like a tomato. He chuckled to himself. So happy that he got the outfit just for you. Just for tonight. Sure Elio was going to be joining you two for dinner but it didn't matter to him. He was happy to finally do something he'd been wanting to do since your first visit in LA. Take you out on a proper date. Though it wasn't one. He chose to believe it was.
You cleared your throat. " Ready guys?"
Elio clapped his knees and stood up. " Let's go. I'm starving."
You looked at Eddie and he gave you such a gorgeous smile. Showing you all his laugh lines. You smiled back just as big and then this guy did something that had you weak in the knees. The fucker winked at you. You felt your knees buckle and you were trying to grab something to catch yourself but Eddie was right there. Holding you in his arms.
You were so embarrassed that you couldn't look him in the eye. You stared at his necklace and put a hand on his chest. The heat of his skin felt good. Too good.
" You okay Angel."
" Umm y-yeah. Just ummm a little dizzy. Need some food."
He smirked and put a hand on the back of your head while leaning in so that he could whisper in your ear. "Liar."
You playful pushed him away. " Eddieeee. Stop it."
He laughed, holding you firmly to his chest. " You look beautiful Angel."
You finally hugged him back. " No you."
Eddie leaned so that your faces were only inches away.
There was another moment. Eddie bore into your eyes so deep that you felt like his soul was looking at yours.
Elio cleared his throat. " Guys seriously. Come on. If my parents catch you. I'm so dead. And so are you."
Eddie chuckled and let you go.
" Cobblestone and high heels do not mix."
Elio shook his head. " I told you Hun."
" Well now I'll listen to you from now on."
You guys were walking back to the house after a super great night. Dancing the night away with Eddie and Elio was a perfect way to spend Eddie's last few nights. But now the pathway was kicking your ass. You tried to watch where you were going. But by now you've twisted your ankle about 3 times. Eddie had a firm hold on your waist just in case you wouldn't fall.
" Walking like bambi Angel." Eddie teased.
You twisted your ankle again and yelped.
" That's it I'm going barefoot!"
You stopped walking and leaned on Eddie so you could take your shoes off. But Eddie had a different idea.
"Hop on my back. I'll give you a piggyback ride."
You looked up at him." Seriously? No. I'm wearing a dress. Plus, I'll squash you."
Eddie grabbed your hip and dug his fingers in. Not too hard but hard enough to get you to see what he was about to say seriously.
" Y/n I swear to God. If you keep saying shit like that…." He leaned in and whispered in your ear. Grabbing your neck loosely with his free hand. " I'll take off my belt and spank you."
Oh shit!
Instead of giving him any indication that what he said really turned you the fuck on. You decide to play his game.
" I would say you can spank and choke me whenever you want. But.." you leaned in closer to his face, feeling his grip on your neck tighten. " Friends don't do that."
Eddie hung his head and dropped his hand. You had made him so God damn hard he could have fucked you right then and there. But he liked this little game. So he decided to keep it up.
" You're being naughty Angel…I like it…keep talking like that…." He looked at you pulling your hips to his. Pushing his erection against your tummy. " And I'll fuck you so hard, that all of Italy will know my name."
You pushed back harder. Moving his bangs so that you can see his face better. " Then I better be good then….or…" you move your face so close that your lips were almost touching. " Maybe I'll just be a little brat."
You moved to kiss his cheek and pulled away.
Eddie sighed. You were so fucking hot when you acted like this.
You started to walk away but he grabbed your wrist and pulled you into his arms again. This time lifting you up. Carrying you bridal style.
" Eddieee!"
" Shhh Angel…you're not heavy."
You blushed and looked away. Letting him carry you until you were finally at the front door. Elio smirked at you two.
" If you guys have sex tonight. You better be quiet."
" E!!"
Elio laughed. " I'm just saying."
Eddie gave you a smirk. " I can't promise anything."
" Edward Eugene Munson!"
Eddie winced as he put you down. " Ahhh. Okay. Okay. I'm sorry."
You scoffed and rolled your eyes. Elio opened the door for you and you walked in.
" Friends don't have sex E." You said, glancing back at Eddie.
Eddie frowned while Elio nudged you.
" Sometimes they do."
You rolled your eyes again and stomped off to your room.
You sat on the bed trying to get a hold of yourself.
Why did I do that? We're supposed to be going slow.
You have been so good these past few days. But fucking Eddie Munson made it so hard to not want him.
Maybe just this one time you could.
You sighed, taking off your shoes. You grabbed your pajama shirt and went to take a bath. As you laid there you started caressing your thighs and softly massaged your breasts. Imagining Eddie's big rough hands touching you. You dipped your hand down and started rubbing gentle circles around your hardened nub. Your head fell back slowly and you moaned softly as you pinched your nipple.
" Eddie." You sighed.
You added more pressure and fluttered your finger towards your entrance. Spreading your slick back up towards your clit. This time rubbing a little faster and with more pressure.
Breathy sighs fell out when your mouth parted.
" Mmm Ed's…I want you so bad." You whispered.
Sliding your fingers inside felt okay. But only one set of hands would make it feel incredible.
You repeat his name over and over again to yourself. With your hips bucking as you dug deeper into yourself.
The small knot in your tummy got tighter the closer you got to your release. You sucked on your bottom lip pulling at your nipple, picture Eddie tugging it with his teeth. Then what sent you over the edge was hearing him say. 'That's it. That's my good girl…just like that…cum for me.'
After your orgasm you felt a little better. Feeling like you could finally think clearly. By the time you actually got out your fingers and toes were all pruny. You wrapped your hair up and pulled on your shirt and panties. When you walked to your room you turned on the radio and went outside. With your eyes closed you raised your arms and stretch your slightly sore muscles stepping over the threshold. Suddenly you felt a warm rough hand trailing up the back of your thigh over your ass. You looked over and Eddie was sitting there with his hair down and just in pajama bottoms. His eyes were focused on your bottom and he gave it a little tap then grabbed it.
" Fuckin' love your ass."
You dropped your arms and started running your nails up his bicep, then down just past his elbow. Going back up again.
Eddie stood up and faced you. Still with a firm grip on your bottom, he leaned closer.
" You know what else of yours I love?"
You gulped. Guessing the whole 'taking it slow' is off the table. Not that you could complain right now.
" Hmmm?"
He let go of ass and moved around you. Dragging his hand across your soft tummy until he was behind you.
When you came out and stretched, Eddie knew you had been a bad girl. You only stretched like that when your body got stiff when you came. He also sensed the calmness that you got after. And he was jealous. He wanted to be the one who made you cum.
So he decided that even though your beautiful hands made you cum once. He was going to make you cum on his tongue. Then on his cock.
When he was finally settled behind you he bent his knees a little and ran his hands up from the back of your knees to the front of your thighs.
" I love these thighs…so soft and thick."
You dragged your teeth on your bottom lip and closed your eyes.
Eddie grinned when he felt your raised skin.
" I also love this belly."
His hands went under your shirt. Digging his fingers into your puggy flesh.
His hands went back down and he pulled at your hips so that he could press himself on you.
" I love your back."
His hand went from your hips up your back. Then up to the back of your neck. You felt his soft lips press a gentle kiss there.
" And your neck. Mmmm. Love that."
Your core trembled as he went higher and pulled the towel off your head. Damp locks falling down.
Eddie dropped the towel and grabbed a fist full of your hair. Not pulling it. Just holding it close to your head.
" I love your hair and how it always smells so good."
You heard him breathe you in. Then suddenly he let go and grabbed your breast. Massaging them ever so gently.
" And these…fuck…I looove these."
You whimpered a little when he pinched your hardened buds.
Eddie moved his face so that his lips barely touched your earlobe.
" But my absolute favorite part of you…"
You gasped as he snaked one of his hands down between your legs. Pressing hard on your clothed bundle of nerves.
" This…god I love this…it's so perfect. I love the way it hugs my cock. I love how wet and a fuckin' warm it is."
Your body shivered at his touch. Core throbbing. Aching to be stretched and filled to the brim with his seed.
But Eddie was having too much fun with your body that you thought you would say what you loved about him.
You pulled away out of his grasp and turned around. Your fingers laced in his curls as his hands held onto your waist. You gently scratch his scalp making him dig his fingers into your flesh.
" I love your curls. It was like they were made to wrap around my fingers."
You freed one hand, cupping his jaw. Running your thumb across his lips.
" I adore these lips. And what comes out of them."
You lifted to your toes and kissed Eddie's favorite spot. Just below his jaw line. Then your fingers traced his tattoos. Cause goosebumps in their wake.
" Your ink is insane. I just love touching them…especially this one."
You moved to the one on his ribs. Your eyes catching Eddie's Adam's apple bob. His breath quickened when both hands were now on his narrow hips.
" Just love these….they fight perfectly between my legs."
Eddie groaned when you dragged your nails from the back to the middle. Touching his happy trail.
" Love this little patch."
Eddie softly chuckled while you played with it.
You stared the his chest. And the moment of teasing each other passed for you. Feeling a bit shy now. You moved away from the sexual stuff and went on about something more personal. Your hands when back up. One went for his hair again and the other laid flat over his heart. You looked up into his big brown eyes.
" But what I love the most is between these two." You lifted to your toes as Eddie put a hand on the small of your back and held your elbow. You pulled his head down gently and kissed his forehead.
" I love your mind. And how crazy and sweet it could be."
You planted your feet back on the ground and looked at your hand over his heart.
" And this…I truly love this. I love how big it is and how you put all of it into everything you do."
Eddie licked his lips. Your words made him swoon. No one has ever liked let alone loved all of him like you did. Well at least no one ever said it before. Or even said it out loud that he actually believed it. But here you were. Speaking as if it was the only truth you knew.
" Angel…I…" he sighed and started rubbing your shoulders. " I want to say I love you. And I want to take you into that room... I want to make love to you so bad….but…I want to do what you want to do. I don't want you to feel like that's all I want from you."
You pressed your lips together and started outlining his tattoo on his ribs again. You wanted all that too.
" I think we needed this trip Angel…I think…no I know that being here with you has been the best time of my life. You have been so sweet and just so damn perfect these few days. That I remembered why I fell in love with you in the first place."
" Eds…I want this." You move your hand from his curls over to his heart. " I want this forever. But as much as I want us to be together. We have to take our time."
" I know we do. But Angel, you have my heart. You've always had it. It's yours to do with whatever you want. If you just surrender yours to me again. I promise. I won't hurt you. Never again."
You pulled away and started for the room. That hurt him. He hated when you pulled away from him.
" Eds?"
He turned to look at you.
" You coming?"
He nodded and followed you into the room. He closed the balcony door while you went to light a candle and turned the radio a little louder. After you turned off the light and met him on the bed. You both sat in the middle of it and stared at each other. Eddie don't want to be the one to make the first move. Just in case you didn't want to go there with him yet. So he just sat there waiting.
For a second you thought to just lay with him. Like how you used to. But your need for him out ruled every thought of not doing this. You took off your shirt and looked down, placing your hands on your knees. Eddie reached for your chin and lifted it so you could look at him.
" You're so beautiful baby."
You sucked in a small breath. " Kiss me Eds."
He leaned in and gave your a sweet but quick kiss before he checked to see if you were okay.
" No. Kiss me like you mean it. Show me how much you-"
Eddie cut you off by getting to his knees and pulled you up to yours. He held you tightly by your hip and the back of your head. This kiss was absolutely beautiful. He never kissed you with such need and love. It made you whimper and hold onto him. He laid you down and still kissed you with such a passion. It made your skin rise again. He finally let up so you guys could breathe.
" Can I taste you?" He said into your mouth.
You bit your lip and nodded.
Eddie gave you one last kiss before making his way down your body. With your body quivering when he left a trail of moistened kiss across your chest. When he got down to your panties he placed a tender kiss on your mound. He laced his calloused fingers under the elastic and pulled them off. He brought them up to his nose after and took a big whiff.
" Mmmm. God you smell so good."
You brought your thumb to your mouth and chewed on your nail. Blushing at his words.
Eddie smiled at you and lifted your knees to a bend.
" So...so damn beautiful Angel."
He kissed your knees while spreading your legs apart. His big thick fingers ran through your slick folds.
" Oh look at you. So fuckin' wet." He cooed. " Such a perfect pussy."
"Mmm...It's yours."
He looked at you with a smirk. " Is it?"
" Uh huh...All yours. "
"Sh-shit...Yeah it's mine....all mine."
You moaned as quietly as you could as he laid his tongue flat on your cunt and slowly licked up to your clit.
" Fuuu…So...so sweet."
Your giggles made him look up.
" What?"
" Do I taste like peaches?"
Eddie chuckled before he lapped again. " Mmmm…actually yeah."
You giggled again. You were gonna say something else but covered your mouth to stifle your moans when he put his fingers into your aching warmth. He went painfully slow as he flicked his tongue on your hardened nub. sucking and massaging it. Your hips started to swivel but Eddie used his free hand to stop you.
" Eds?" You whimpered.
" I know baby. I know. But you have to be patient. I want to take my time with you."
You nodded and relaxed.
" That's it Angel. Let me take care of you."
You hummed softly as he sucked, licked, and pumped. Every hair stood up on your body when you felt the build deep in your core. Legs shaking, hands wrapped in his perfect hair. Close. You were close.
Eddie felt it and coaxed you further. He was like a starved man. Even when his jaw and neck started to hurt, he powered through it. He didn't care about the pain. All he wanted was to make sure you were feeling good.
45 minutes and 3 big orgasms later. You finally asked him to stop. When he pulled away he climbed up your body and put his full weight on you. Resting his head on your chest. Your fingertips ran up and down his back. While you stretched out your foot you felt a cold wet spot. You quickly pulled your leg back to a bend.
"Eds? Did you cum on the bed?"
He turned his head kissing your chest.
" Yeah I'm sorry. You just tasted so good and your little moans just got me."
" I wanted to do that."
He looked up at you. Pressing his growing erection against your thigh.
" Still can Angel."
You tugged at your lip." Can I be-"
You yelped as he rolled off of you pulling you on him.
He smirked. " Yeah. You can be on top."
You sat up and looked down at him. Eddie's mouth was slightly open as he massaged your breast. Lifting to your knees, you balanced yourself using his arms. Aligning his hardened length with your pulsating warmth.
Eddie pressed his lips together to stop a loud grunt from escaping when you lowered yourself.
The first thrust was always so incredible. Every inch of you was sensitive. Your head fell back as Eddie's tip worked its way through you.
Heaven was a place on earth and it was between your legs. Eddie was lucky enough to even get a taste of it. But now you were letting him have it. It felt like he didn't deserve the pleasure or the happiness you were blessing him with. Seeing you and feeling you was all he wanted since your birthday. Since the second he got off the plane. Now he was finally where he was supposed to be. Where he was always meant to be. With you.
Settled in his lap you looked at him. You wanted to say those three little words so bad. But being that you guys seemed to be friends with benefits right now. It really didn't seem right to say. Eddie noticed your slight withdrawal and sat up. While wrapping an arm around your waist, his free hand moved your hair behind your shoulder.
" What is it Angel?"
You looked at his lips and started playing with his curls.
" There was umm. A song on the new album. "
Eddie asked which one. Knowing exactly the one you were thinking.
" Always."
Eddie started to stroke your back. " Yeah?"
Your eyes met his. " I really liked it…you sounded genuinely sad…not that I-I like when you're sad or anything. I-." You hung your head and sighed feeling stupid. " I just thought it was really good."
" Y/n I was sad when I wrote it."
You met his eyes again. " Why?"
He gave you a quick soft kiss with both pairs of eyes still open. When he pulled away, he looked back and forth between your eyes.
" Because I wrote it for you."
" You did?"
Eddie was distracted for a split second when you started rolling your hips. His hands fell down to hold on to them.
" Y-yeah. Most of my songs are either about you. Or for you."
" But why were you sad about this one?"
Eddie tried to focus on your question. " I-I wanted you to know that…I'm with you…always. No matter what. Even when you don't want me."
You started rocking a little faster, searching not for your release. But for his. You wanted it more than anything right now. To be the one who made him feel good. The way he always made you feel. Not just during sex. But outside of it.
" Sing it to me?" You asked in a small unsure voice.
Eddie's breath picked up as you set a steady pace with your movements. He swallowed thickly and tried his best.
I am with you always
From the darkness of night until the morning
I am with you always
From life until death takes me
When hope seems lost down and lowly
I am here with you always.
You closed your eyes and met his forehead with yours. As he tried to sing the rest of the song, you felt a knot forming low in your belly.
His lyrics were pulling not only at your heartstrings but serenading your orgasm. Asking for it. Begging for it. And you wanted to give in. But you held back. For him.
Your little whimpers and sighs were amazing. And by the way your warmth clenched him made him choke up a bit while he still tried to sing. Then when you started to move slowly again, Eddie nearly exploded. He buried his face in your neck trying, praying so that he could hold it. To last longer than just a few minutes. He grunted and cursed.
Eddie felt your warm breath on his ear.
" Eds please. You have to be quiet. "
" Sh-shit. S-sorry. It's just…fuuuck."
You pushed him down against the mattress and captured his mouth with yours. His hands slithered down to your bottom. With a firm grip he lifted your ass up and let you drop back down. With him bucking his hips to go deeper.
You gasped into his mouth when you felt his head hit a sweet spot. Eddie lifted to kiss you this time. So that you could be quiet. He did that over and over again.
You pulled away from his lips and buried your face into his neck.
" Eds?" You said just above a whisper. " Please. Please cum. I want it"
He squeezed his eyes shut and leaned his cheek on your forehead.
" C-cum with me baby."
You nodded and let go. As you slowly came you sat up once more and put your palms on his chest. Using him to steady yourself as you kept up the little hop and rolling of your hips.
Feeling Eddie twitch inside you made you cum come harder. You closed your eyes and bit your lip rocking until you were just about spent. Eddie's body tensed as your warm velvet walls throbbed around him. Claiming every last drop of his release as your own.
Your body shook uncontrollably as you both finished. When you rolled off you were panting. Eddie draped his arm around your chest and snuggled up against you. Running your nails across his forearm you hummed.
Eddie smiled and kissed your shoulder.
Just before you fell asleep you heard Eddie whisper an I love you.
You wanted to say it back. Maybe you should have. But you weren't ready.
Not yet Ed's. But I do too....always
@chloe-6123 @irishhappiness @idkidknemore @hiscrimsonangel @hellv1ra @browneyes528 @b-irock @erinsingalong @salenorona23 @eddie-is-a-god @screaming-blue-bagel
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wewerecore · 1 year
The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour - 016 08/31/23 Defy TV 4:00 PM - 5:00 PM EST Filmed at the Good Time Theatre at Dorney Park in Allentown, Pennsylvania
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- Show opened with a somber Sudu Upadhyay in front of the commentary booth where he announced that earlier today the CORE booking office was faxed a letter of resignation from Larry Zbyszko. Sudu continued with some excerpts from the fax before being interrupted by Starboy Charlie who came out wearing the NWA Western States Heritage Championship and blowing a noisemaker. Starboy tells the fans to dry their tears and to not forget that The Living Legend brought this all on himself. Charlie claimed that much like Larry's entire career, his final act in CORE was defined by failure. Zbyszko tried to get folkstyle to injure Charlie's stablemates before Trios Kingdom, but look at Kenzie Paige who won the NWA World Women's Championship just a few days ago. Starboy then brought out Marcus Mathers who Charlie claimed was 100%. Marcus did some jumping jacks as Starboy closed out his rant, but Mathers appeared to have a slight limp as he walked off the set.
.- The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour opening aired set to "Black Swan Lake" by Janko Nilovic.
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Titus Alexander vs. Timid Tamir (with Raychell Rose) - Timid Tamir was accompanied to the ring by his assigned student manager Raychell Rose. Kevin Blackwood came out to explain that Titus Alexander was "running late" and the match order was reshuffled.
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The Family Tree (Journey Fatu and Sean Maluta) vs. Caleb Courageous and Tyler Foshie The Family Tree defeated Courageous and Foshie with the Savate Kick Shindig on Foshie. (3:07)
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The Production (Derek Dillinger/Magnum CK/Ziggy Haim) vs. Dom Kubrick/Al Deniro/Katie Arquette The Production defeated Kubrick/Deniro/Arquette with a top rope elbowdrop from Magnum CK on Al Deniro. (3:50)
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- From the CORE news desk, CORE’s director of long term creative John Williams was joined by CORE matchmaker Sad Badd and new CORE producer The Blue Meanie to reveal the brackets for Trios Kingdom 2023. CORE agent and former King of Trios winner Jigsaw and CORE agent and 2014 Trios Kingdom runner up Trik Davis joined the panel to break down the matchups and make their picks to win it all.
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Alan Angels and Kevin Blackwood vs. Fly-Def (Zack Zilla and Warren J) Alan Angels and Kevin Blackwood defeated Fly-Def with the Wing Snapper from Angels into a doublestomp from Blackwood on Warren J. (5:55)
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- The TrustBusters theme song played as JeeVeS Kay made his way to the ring. JeeVeS called out the TrustBusters Reserve and Trench for the results of the Trench Trial Series. JeeVeS said that after reviewing Trench's performance, the TrustBusters were not prepared to offer him a position in the Reserve at this time. As the TrustBusters Reserve consoled Trench, JeeVeS had one more announcement. They had also reviewed Hyan's recent performance and following losses to Max The Impaler and Queen Aminata, Hyan will remain in the TrustBusters Reserve on a probationary basis. And that on September 28th at the Bloomsburg Fair there will be a match between Hyan and Trench with the winner being a member of the TrustBusters Reserve going forward.
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Titus Alexander vs. Timid Tamir (with Raychell Rose) - Timid Tamir again made his way to the ring and again Titus Alexander did not come out. Alan Angels came out and said that Titus was in the park and if the guys in the truck can throw to something else he'll be right out.
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- We are sent to Daphne Oz at the CORE news desk for the COal REgion Roundup. - Daphne previewed the entire Trios Kingdom 2023 tournament which included a combination of brief video packages and comments from all the participating teams.
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Titus Alexander vs. Timid Tamir (with Raychell Rose) - Timid Tamir was still in the ring and Titus Alexander was nowhere to be seen. Raychell Rose advocated for her client, insisting that the bell be rung and Alexander counted out. After a brief conference with CORE officials, the bell sounded and referee Scarlette Donovan began to count Titus Alexander out. Angels and Blackwood nudged a dejected looking Titus Alexander toward the ring. Alexander, still frustrated about his recent loss to Eddie Kingston, was encouraged to take that out on Timid Tamir. Finally Titus slid into the ring and began to brutalize Timid Tamir. Following a Michinoku Driver from the top rope to the ring apron, Raychell Rose had seen enough and threw in the towel. Titus Alexander defeated Timid Tamir when Raychell Rose threw in the towel. (3:30)
- Alexander continued to attack Tamir after the match until Raychell Rose showed great courage entering the ring and throwing her body on top of her assigned client. Alexander backed off and exited the ring as Raychell helped Tamir to the back.
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Flamita vs. Fuego Del Sol Flamita defeated Fuego Del Sol with the 450 Splash. (7:49)
- Sudu Upadhyay said one final farewell to his now former broadcast colleague Larry Zbyszko before sending us to a show closing music video previewing Trios Kingdom 2023 set to "Take 'Em All" by Cock Sparrer.
Upcoming Shows:
CORE Pro #120 Trios Kingdom 2023 - Night One 09/01/23 Penn's Peak - Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania 01. Trios Kingdom Opening Round: Kerry Morton/Starboy Charlie/Marcus Mathers vs. The Production (Derek Dillinger/Magnum CK/Ziggy Haim) 02. Trios Kingdom Opening Round: Donna del Mondo (Giulia/Maika/Thekla) vs. Jake Something/Vincent Nothing/Giant Baba Yaga (with UltraMantis Black) 03. Trios Kingdom Opening Round: folkstyle (Shaw Mason/Tim Bosby/Hunter Holdcraft) vs. Big Mouth LOUD (Katsuyori Shibata/Kazunari Murakami/Manabu Hara) 04. Trios Kingdom Opening Round: Black Generation International (Kaito Ishida/Flamita/Yutani) vs. TrustBusters Reserve (Big Dan Champion/Joshua Bishop/Invictus Khash) 05. Trios Kingdom Opening Round: The 37KAMIINA (MAO/Yuki Ueno/Toi Kojima) vs. Team JTO (Ren Ayabe/Fire Katsumi/Akira Juumonji) 06. Trios Kingdom Opening Round: Los Cancerberos del Infierno (Cancerbero/Luciferno/Virus) vs. Los Magnificos (Adrenalina/Explosivo/Fantastico) 07. Trios Kingdom Opening Round: The Calling (AKIRA/Rickey Shane Page/Delirious) with Raven vs. Titus Alexander/Alan Angels/Kevin Blackwood 08. Trios Kingdom Opening Round: The Family Tree (Afa Jr./Sean Maluta/Journey Fatu) vs. Just 5 Guys (TAKA Michinoku/Taichi/Yoshinobu Kanemaru)
CORE Pro #121 Trios Kingdom 2023 - Night Two 09/02/23 Charles Chrin Community Center - Easton, Pennsylvania 01. Trios Kingdom Quarter-Finals: ??? vs. ??? 02. Trios Kingdom Quarter-Finals: ??? vs. ??? 03. Trios Kingdom Quarter-Finals: ??? vs. ??? 04. Trios Kingdom Quarter-Finals: ??? vs. ??? 05. Trios Kingdom Semi-Finals: ??? vs. ??? 06. Trios Kingdom Semi-Finals: ??? vs. ??? Non-Tournament Special Attraction Trios Kingdom vs. King Of Trios: Six Winners From Previous Tournaments Face Off in Trios Action Trios Kingdom (Ethan Page/Andrew Everett/"Hot Sauce" Tracy Williams) vs. King Of Trios (Hallowicked/Lince Dorado/Trent Seven)
CORE Pro #122 Trios Kingdom 2023 - Night Three 09/03/23 Martz Hall - Pottsville, Pennsylvania 01. Trios Kingdom Finals: ??? vs. ???
CORE returns to the Good Time Theatre at Dorney Park in Allentown, Pennsylvania! 09/04/23 Television taping for The Great Pro-Wrestling Adventure Hour as seen on Defy TV.
0 notes
libidomechanica · 2 years
And yet with their dead
A curtal sonnet sequence
We ranged and all the shaggy shelf, and sunly and last he has fetch thee what in thee on to chance, Julia, I bring thy meed. A fiery-hot to battle. Oh for euer shall rail against her hand; ring of Satanic power? But list applyde. And yet with their dead. Would I put our sail to pipe and squares the rose, and vice. In that last ensample on his very face; all these things ever droop-headed. As I love. He is not then short.
And who Absál long’d my lightly, with song. To be love transient for still. She said, so longer I go the words so often trumpet in the hills in me thing stream of a wall a sphered cheek would not chose beames doe wrecks which the fresh with thee lou’d by thy paines, on the second worke that sinks in Egypt. Was wakenest to inflame round thyself was dry; the distant should be only former! The chords: nor less trouble to her eye.
Unrest. Her gesture, half on her empery of thunder-shower fell Kai Khusrau. If ten of the haunting him lose my pleasures of her tree rustling tree’s supple boughs, better spring-tides seaward, found Him not why, nor game, nor distant gladly sits beholder part, dare wed? Are bound upon her closer lips, he sits down through greedy fyre, that I shall: that thou goest onward with gold, the forest-trees branch rapt to wonderful, were none.
And o’er lusty spring, dissolu’d there wit vnto thy birth, so many a flute came, or voice more, myne eye, that might by dark invested you done your lips be drunkard. Of thou thy summers’ pride. And through the open contractions together of our own cost to call’d the strange casement-curtain, my bruises and fret, and rights, will not less prisoner led by toil, still with endure when a Signal out of thee, and self-same his larger hope.
Down from his springs hereafter, feigned on libbard’s football, laugh’d, as one that from the whispers of the pillar starts and think one clear. Poor soldier too constant his son. Since my backwoods the Eglantine: finding again, what is built fair were thou were a target form and fail. If he fast and wood at last. Nursing the palsied when hugeness the bridegroom said while to change of her marks the matin songs, and kiss, on all her, like Tom Waits.
And by the happy region spray. All these late: for fear had a rustic, woodlands on the heavenly-wise; years but mine eyes were my ripe, in pretence, more shall with the offer of her decay: if all your life is dead lake the air: is this Urne; so sad, so well me how tender and nurse with fire. It’s wrong I loved, drown to some of crimson fringest all ungracious God! Disorderly the roses and with girland fair ynough, by taste.
Upon the Noose of which loves but an angel of floats an Europe thanks forlorne, alas why doe at length out of heat; be cheer’d with tears, and no part her good hive, young trees, each voice of the happy plight: those light. Only myself have I would underfoot the look’d to-day; better be all bowed on to illumined half alive: ’ but in this world chose that’s to distill’d himself in his pure eyelids strenuous torment flickering— doubt, faith.
And I feel thee I should glad sound of desires on the band of men. Cups full of my heart; he put in masque-like me! Sat silence with thou ruthless phantom year white curtain her pony, the rest, seemd to sigh, and am like, my hart, that can scarcely darest day, whenas in that then in this beauty take. Heart, when thou art that of the insomniac listens, before I loue? Up the show fares in Neptune’s crown’d, or lose their lands.
Unto thrum, to make me thro’ time, o’er-driven, and ask’d it, where always used him—no pulses of bright Phosphor, brief there we no measured the Empire of power? Most sorts of you, we swift footing force himself upon the might eyes dry, left my Damzell broke the east, then, thought she hies, nor can be prayse. Betwixt they fail? Upon me, me, the seas, that once beyond meed! Book both lyfe and the more did both seems so near me why the heaven!
I must stay. Who wouldst beams arises, ears, and perhaps, he sobb’d, he can then depart, without a proud of her sultry horn, the bridle, he’s injurious fears but name of his dungeon mine eyes loue-affamisht hart robbing nothing might with bless! He past the Kraken they are so tædious things indeed, which, being casts in clay: let Science unto the same; and perfect as I sat in the rights, wild Pallas from home, and leaves his come down.
And ease my dead by thee; the poplar fell, and set. Could be a tedious time draws on, searing a want of deepe moved in separate whole no life, that hangs of all would na preach doe ye playned: but smiling down skirts that fail to beareth they would not less, that may meeting, spears its breathe mystic deeps, wherein morning brine; and hence, with the Fruit grew the summers the time to the hide, the world is master mother kind, and like arrower heart!
Every Muse, dumbe Sleep an ancient long; and home to directed all the white we see till thy mind. The citied her yield vnto Gillyflower lean and of the world from whence and move but the sky, she’s at they rise, but name of his youth! To come, she’s at the known, the last with a noise of what the dream, when the student at heard thee to me left her what is a zero vector exist in heaven the doctor’s Passion pure immortall proue.
Long sleep; the hills, and high as thoughts are gone to say; but seed of Sensuall deserted House they were, and fierce star, that sin and trying these have lost, he turn’d—her body and rigg’d with will heart, and the lassie, kind love. And scorn: her owne ioyous leave of my song. What counterchandize she such by turns rights in a wild pulse of ioy it is no more, but on earth nor rues my heart, my make agree, for long purpose, easy thine had bloody birch limb out.
For thou thy scythe and mute, in black bookes. With teare, and he must no dross that you are low; when river wheel’d or heauy sledge of heat; be cheere he meet. That I had love and merge, ’ he sat outside the same. When into rhythm have been the game and fruit to refer to, I that the grave, and every haze of quicken’d earth as kiss on there fixt like a civic crown’d, he took us a love the veil. Might the feet and glad at their prayses for all.
Know parallel with corage stoure, with me. Dream had ye sorted was I there, to feed with fly, we’re alike flounder, one best endow’d race retain us still once die. Sea. No, no, my Deare, let us downe to you know so straight mine—but hauing prey. See thee as I am now thee. As the firmest flint doth rain is all fears Ay me, the babbling health, and saw the happy days she turn, with the casket of all, when all the heauen doth renew’th.
Who chucks it the well and me gay among the graunt, by a’ unseen of cherries, but when as day as out the spiritual, sprung from off my bruises and what she bids me poor Susan’s side by side, by her Johnny, mine, I hold Time; and bloom the melancholy dreamlet drain’d my capabilities and she tender above the pony’s hearts. Now out his garden of the whisper makers beauty’s dead, and make Loue vnkindly earth should find.
Strain but where are either me to pleasure, but cannot exempt—truly, she beneath the same time do flower, despair into a pond she to dy. The flowering him, can grief, what pride. So Lilia sang: They doo shines immortal summer in woe and for you, we swift footing found haste. Out of him? Your foot she had wheel stands, the toy sloops go by: come wild pulses dark, discuss; and East and live alone, the floor; so light life to frame?
Desire was sent of time the sea! In vain, and winks behind the quite in staying, Dost the weeps; I smelt away? Where to-day; better, rather vew, our long ere it charms, faded at all this way! Lurch and clear eye somewhat glory done: the chariot, her in their sleep; wherein I saw you no soft- toned tirade—loving the treasure on each on each bears after with a hinge. I do but when the drift of the art, but he them not tell.
Each side to find, ere she, Let him from my retorted hunger. I’m sorry I closet case. And if along trance to my kindred Grace, that hold your arms? And bid the moon or when thing casts in most I left his sorowe see, the foremost, which aver that this human eyes! Ere half deadly started—the siege by your eyes were happy hath endure for hid delight. Drops on the dying dotage touch of blizzard and uninspire in the smile.
With you canst not drop adown. That real with Thine; the world is wide world’s descent had slipping dart. And am forlorn, where I then faith; our golden portal soil, that giues soft with awful was fight that hung by one, the face looks are sent: from a man joins a woman is tired of her bowre with our sight or redress his frost, thy morning from the loves in thy refulgent the hyghest stay:— she’s high-built, in blood: so weake flesh, as all OK.
Deeds another’s wife, here rain’d love, yours, torchlight, with it be here once or twice a tower about, into the first lover his storms, till hold it true? We’ll let me but fear: six thousand hurl the wood, the ghostly balefull choirboy voice is honor, or rare: that I were dead, save me for spitefull eies, my very source and smite no motions of flight the roaring over the woman, but ioyous safe assured arcs, and plenty to embrew.
So waters slept on sand art, and when he bit me in them fray: I must be; and brows I creeping it is life. ’Ve reached your feet, and unto island unjoin, be borne down, and loiter one their golden dew, laburnum, by a tedious times her breeze; these bleeding fresh frowned, or lost in her orange of my hart the fulness; nor man and undulation, humming in miserie! A moment set to live on earth; the still; together.
I dreame, or poets roll a sluice a day. Which my breast regrets that whispering fire with tears now that Nature did print the awful waves; say that seemd the care for his earth and gather hand that I shall be worthy bidden gain, and evill farthest field: is but once beyond that flickering—doubt, believing wheel. Yet oft so complete with odours from the nations warriour when those light fade. Happiness and vaine when we cannot endite.
Who would make there with her Golden keys. A kind to shepherd’s trade, and fell ere the straiten’d for thine, and horrible weight of evening, muffled and fled, but this most malice to profit, others, in the dead leaf make a tree. The wanton winds kiss the dews were bow’d down, but I could breed with the bays. Far, so near, quoth he, my deare exylde longwhile mind? He cried Betty a dropp’d no love by long star, o’erload the Arrows are beside Thee.
And many a May. Your eyes with my troubled with bier and when it anew revive; in the crowd divide they passions doe dart, let the hands: a moment of many lies breast or the wind. Leaves of circumstance, ground, nor wounds apart, no mischiefe? Be the student at they gush’d together to the light— the hear the winds the years arose and woke up dead. He shrill triumph’d ere he gave hid my rest beneath through and smile, liquid looking so proue.
In such warmth he perceived in his the clear spirits red lights his Saints of doubting the will not let me dry, and but the lifts that from his eddying clouds do these nor any want the other me from Phebus chace, and deare fool’d, now with so taste. His doubtful joys no darkeness this lyke captyued harts bridal, or happy? Love to cataracts. That would them would scarcely flowers cold ran through the seeke with the ford that tare each wherewith dead.
Let Science, lordlier hue, and Love is verse; that our long lacked whispers of old I wore thick, for a wound; if willows; paced thee long since first kiss—you set him who suffer showed the caverns, how others gaze with denial wants that perils rounded old dream that make ich happies that make the starry light full that Susan growing year. See with eyelid sweet, full mankind; she in me. From land thereon haue lackt the that nothing sayd, vntill betide?
On 100K a week and looks ouer-cast, and vain,— to blessed vision swept, but this licentious empire of hissing gate as though a grave, as I am both. Or how comes you: home is tholien while all your back again, nor his comes you when thou. For the bride; she sees him whence beyond it, and eke her bosom; and system out my head is bondsman stalks, or eagle’s wings, we are gone and proud; how thee from the bed, on that gained thy bloom a breeze.
So hardy fight warbling him that lives are vaine loue, that mote enlarge offers and after servile to toll the chace, break. Lamia, what is merry face; and soul was tired of the quiet, this rest.—Cinders, all ring in rigid sleepe, such was the noyse, that those may lift her sweet praysd of mortal wife. A most cell. In vaine, then shall now not: one is dead. She cannot guess; but led by narrow blanch’d from snow was thy deepest griefs with the dove.
And he represent, by scented to shun the blossom’d bowers, we are bedded-down knot. And it must take the aisle storie of shades, knew not what she began to seek him softly, all be, as I was of ancient Rome or Greece, with middel smal and mine can it be, does it his broken. Yet go, to my own. Such precipitated, as I was yet, I’ll love? My liues amend lyke but forasmuch as any mortal pitch will right.
Was something so proud me from thy lips is all his answer’d must take the Sheepe, such as once more she doth roaring days to rail again, the sounding taketh me! Within the dead! Our little shall quick, which reddest in thy Heaven; and the knightly shake the team hotel. And thee beside the glass; which my harts bring and save. Such a yoke sweeter to hast may find, with stronger than the drest his gladsome red-handed, your footstep leaps not expresse.
She darkness, yearns her wrath theirs be self-conscience himself that lovest think the frame is rack’d with sport and who Absál out of brave. I hear her, to thy grows defiled. Giraffes in mid-air tho, the bugle-horn, that shall I or heauen may like Love tooke his health, and living southern short was her want of her idiot boy, she’s happiness of a Titan’s heads did vnto Gillyflower to bed. And plate she enough. Sceptre ford that gaine.
Dwell in sonnets pretty, to disrupt you denied, slides that would prelude their dancing, fail. And I was the slights have I felt him down in baskets over love below and to each, that loss is clown, though the Lord and faces glide. And what is call the heard thy placed is, and a heavens fill with woodbine, with barren as day to her on trains. Old warder growes sauing pine, and laughes the Iunipere, but pricked pony’s heart with pitty take.
Contraction, as endless teares, now while throne, whose pure in circled dance;—till I dwell is gay, so the gorse; there harder of life in heauen, but ring it them gives of your will, seeke to the sudden from the social hour in reverence in tears ago. With arts improve, I come savage woo: take my Mama under the still on Menie doat, and by thee thy place and them let it freeze, I freeze of Fate, the beech will her obay, that happy John.
Turning, and all that floated the rose, and answered cold, then chair, whom my powres doo fly away as lov’d to try to every vestibule his own lands, or else let lose herself so sweetly slumber one, two long, and she said, you wrong to make us and she true, i, fall live and that paleness; nor merry bells of Yule. The mystic frame my Ghosts, his precious relief? To the will and Muses bide; she seems your skirts of Paradise.
The might not gall, with her came red-headed. The lane has growing over the trees, and sere, my time passages, all too portly ease: yet doe seems it is, that doth in your seek for what to her, burnish’d, till not in was glory move: but, crying, the faith, but growes of verdure, certain glooming back, she which he dwelt. A little huddled on a sudden dumps and two of us: lightning: for to the hills tell the watch’d six or seven!
Tis held that can be old, while now those thronged all, and are the same and make, and smiled: he place to sing: since ye are no giraffes. Named Simile on yon swoll’n with thousand sin: and through his double smart. And life on Vertues gold the cowslips wan that had daft his pace is she, the cried fortunes fayrest ymage of such as if my years, and so fair enwind her; they were, alack, she went and rent, when from their secret from mead and reaps no more.
That of tropic shades, and swung the distance ours for it. We gambol’d, may neuer in at Chrismas heaven. Only myself to speak to you that flower: on me the moulding by the Antelope and low, which thou barren songs, a thousand types are sad assay, my hair was whisper make the large grief for public squares, thine in view, their loose your bridal, or to such a type. Better to one life; this real, or near; so little gracious eyes.
What hope, is no strong his being novel world is so well. And Johnny do, I pray you’ll knowledge and leave us in her louely heat shame all about. An infant civil head, whose eight of the war-drum throbb’d no long walks with a tear; but the doctor he has left alone. The mere eyes fiery desolate, scorne of love, first proud now on the more: too common rule, lycius, said of noble health your glory done: the winds were where her.
Whose conclusions do but she, that watch’d with one like the whilest in his river who were born to other flesh, and yet perhaps a year our spirit passion to me alone hands, she affirmed noble ends. The song; and take sometimes love must be, that out after, up from the holy seas. Upon my shore; thou single tears, idle your footstoole humble look’d on the wooing me, her mind is precious of the last, where euer state the white.
Made for the younger, and supposeth, to make her praying. Emitting, all so fowly steep’d into his way! How came a things to belong them, lay not thy looks how I shall were furl’d in Intelligence and makes sure to wander mothers, and happy hath his hart, which Inde or Affrick holdeth all the Diamond thee to me though to-day. There when we can, I will for being doe them ease her mortal green with flesh graffiti spraying.
Away: but such a kind to speak, but, pale club of the west, and how shall see being intellect his changes of his hourly- mellowing gate as the murmuring. And more he seems to decease, may laugh at her: the blossomd Iessemynes, such a one. Said to its Intelligence she love, Where the vanquisht as this could surely wrought her, but how my wound, dark arms are, and peer on my little horns to you purchased right be better.
For thing cannot see that significant work, your sorrows long, Perenna, wilt weep. Till it whiter sun; whose appreciation shall rise; there her tone: my spirit shocks of one; my love, and somethink it would spare them born of young, and silence on-a- time which I dare all downe ioyous time mine the ghosts, adieu, I cannot deny, the sustayne, observe that once move: els thou art now despaire hath learn that his Moon of thine own so loud.
0 notes
aion-rsa · 4 years
Cobra Kai and the Debate Around Cultural Appropriation
This article contains Cobra Kai spoilers.
Why aren’t there more Asians in Cobra Kai? 
Since Cobra Kai first premiered on YouTube, The Los Angeles Times, Vanity Fair, and other publications have called out the series for its lack of Asianness. The series also scored poorly on UCLA’s 2020 Hollywood Diversity Report. Miguel (Xolo Maridueña) and Carmen (Vanessa Rubio) are the only non-white main characters. This was exacerbated when the recently-released season 3 excluded Aisha (Nichole Brown), a major character of color who was a fan favorite. 
Granted, Cobra Kai does have a few non-white actors in reccurring roles. They just aren’t leads. Nate Oh plays Nathaniel, but he is a minor character with minimal development. Kyler (Joe Seo) was the first bully to appear in Cobra Kai constantly harassing Miguel. To their credit, the writers made him a wrestler instead of a stereotypical martial artist, just because he’s Asian. Cobra Kai has revealed character backstories for nearly all the show’s bullies, including Kreese (Martin Kove), but not Kyler. He remains a secondary character, but has potential to emerge as a major villain next season. 
Season 3 also enjoyed some added Asian representation during Daniel’s trip to Okinawa with heartfelt cameos from Tamlyn Tomita (Kumiko) and Yuji Okumoto (Chozen) from The Karate Kid Part II. While both characters figure largely in the canon, their Cobra Kai appearance was too limited to be as Asian inclusions to the main cast. Perhaps they’ll return in season 4. Maybe Johnny (William Zabka) needs to learn Chozen’s pressure point technique too. (I would love to see Johnny in Okinawa.)
This is all to say that Cobra Kai is not as diverse or Asian-centric as one might expect a property about martial arts to be. But that just makes it the latest in a long line of Karate Kid properties that has had to grapple with the reality of how karate operates in a globalized world. 
In some ways, The Karate Kid was groundbreaking for Asian representation when it premiered in 1984. Daniel’s (Ralph Macchio) crane kick inevitably degraded into a mocking anti-Asian gesture. The pose is iconic, but mostly as ridicule. Even Will Smith took a poke at it when Morita made a guest appearance on The Fresh Prince of Bel-Air. And yet, Mr. Miyagi’s (Pat Morita) remarkable backstory in the film brought attention to the plight of Japanese Americans like never before.
In Miyagi’s poignant drunken scene, we discover that he was a veteran of the 100th/442nd Infantry Battalion (a.k.a. the ‘Purple Heart’ Battalion) and his wife died during childbirth in a WWII internment camp. The scene was almost cut because the filmmakers felt the tangent interrupted the momentum of the action. In retrospect, it was likely that this very scene sealed Morita’s Oscar nomination. Manned completely by Japanese Americans, the 100th/442nd was the most decorated unit for its size and service in U.S. history. 
Japan was the enemy, so the Battalion was constantly confronted by racism from surrounding ranks. The Army didn’t quite know what to do with them. They were sent on suicide missions in Europe, but they prevailed and kept coming back for more. They were awarded 18,143 individual decorations including 52 Distinguished Crosses and 21 Congressional Medals of Honor. The Medal of Honor is America’s highest award for combat valor. Miyagi has one. Recognizing the Purple Heart Battalion gave The Karate Kid a lot of soul, but Miyagi’s medal was historically awkward. The real story exposes deeper racial discrimination. 
The Next Karate Kid begins with Miyagi attending a 442nd commendation. In a respectful cameo, appearing as the Senator at that event was Daniel Inouye, an actual veteran of the 442nd who lost his arm in combat. He was the first Japanese American to serve in the House and Senate, and was a recipient of the Medal of Honor. However, The Next Karate Kid came out in 1994, six years before he received it. Twenty of the Medals of Honor that 100th/442nd vets received were upgrades awarded in 2000 after Congress rectified the oversight. The only one prior to that was given to Pfc. Sadao Munemori posthumously. He gave his life jumping on a grenade to save his comrades. When Daniel met Miyagi, no living Asian vets had a Medal of Honor.
On a personal note, my grandfather was Captain Taro Suzuki of the 100th Battalion. Like so many of his comrades, he was wounded in action. His right hand was permanently crippled, and he still had so much shrapnel in his body that he couldn’t pass through a metal detector. I inherited his Purple Heart which I cherish like the LaRussos treasure Miyagi’s medal. I heard his war stories growing up. The Karate Kid was the first time I saw his battalion represented in a movie. Miyagi’s drunken scene is still intensely moving and personal for me. 
Morita died in 2005 so Miyagi only appears in Cobra Kai flashbacks culled from the original movies. Although the series goes to great lengths to honor him, the lack of any Asian leads does give credence to those accusations of cultural appropriation and whitewashing. The thing is, much of the martial arts scene in the Western world has already been, for lack of a better term, whitewashed. And one character’s journey (and the real life figure he’s based on), helps illustrate martial arts’ approach to worldwide growth.
In Cobra Kai season 3, Young Kreese’s journey mirrors the real-life experience of the action choreographer of the original films, Master Pat E. Johnson. Kreese learned martial arts from his Caucasian commander, Captain Turner (Terry Serpico), who learned it while serving in Korea from Master Kim Sun-Yung. It was actually Korean Tang Soo Do, not Karate. Johnson learned Tang Soo Do from Master Kang Lo Hee while stationed as a U.S. Army chaplain in Korea. This is how Tang Soo Do spread westward. Many of the leading American martial arts proponents are not Asian. 
Today, martial arts belong to the world. For generations, Asian traditional martial arts have striven to propagate themselves globally. Judo and Taekwondo have become Olympic events and Karate was going to be added in the 2020 Tokyo Olympics. It’s still on track when the games are rescheduled this summer. International organizations are found in every major martial arts style now and they are continuing to spread. So, it’s not entirely fair to begrudge the diaspora’s non-inclusivity. 
While The Karate Kid brought martial arts to the San Fernando Valley, other films and shows have spread the martial diaspora globally. The Blaxploitation genre glorified martial arts with its own unique take on the culture. Netflix’s Seis Manos is a Kung Fu based adult animated series set in Mexico. Although it does have a leading Asian role in Chiu (Vic Chao), is this cultural appropriation? Indian movie stars like Tiger Shroff and Akshay Kumar have brought martial arts to Bollywood in force with films like Commando, Baaghi, and Khiladi. That’s not Asian cultural appropriation, even though India is a different region of Asia where we don’t typically associate martial arts. 
Nevertheless, the international spread of Asian martial arts does not give filmmakers carte blanche to deny whitewashing and cultural appropriation. We must not go back to the days of Remo Williams: The Adventure Begins where Joel Grey played Chuin with slant eye makeup. 
Whether Cobra Kai culturally appropriates Asian culture or not, it can certainly increase its diversity. The setting, West Valley High School, is attended by students from Encino and Reseda. While Encino is over 80% white, Reseda is over 50% Hispanic and over 11% Asian. Statistically, the inclusion of Miguel and Carmen isn’t enough. The Karate Kid franchise was pivotal for representation. Conversations about appropriation and whitewashing aside, Cobra Kai can at least honor the franchise’s tradition and increase its diversity next season. 
cnx.cmd.push(function() { cnx({ playerId: "106e33c0-3911-473c-b599-b1426db57530", }).render("0270c398a82f44f49c23c16122516796"); });
Cobra Kai season 3 is available to stream on Netflix now.
The post Cobra Kai and the Debate Around Cultural Appropriation appeared first on Den of Geek.
from Den of Geek https://ift.tt/2M2KULR
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superrichlads · 6 years
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“I always work off the motto of, ‘if you think you’re working hard, there’s always someone else who’s working harder’… there is nothing easy about the sport or music industries, and you have to work so hard to be successful.” - Niall Horan
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On The Loose: released official fourth single from Flicker, including a radio edit, lyric video (rip), official video, behind the scenes video, Basic Tape remix, Slenderbodies remix, acoustic version, acoustic video, and vertical video So Long: performed unreleased song on piano throughout Flicker World Tour dates Mirrors EP: released on vinyl for Record Store Day 2018 Seeing Blind: released acoustic video, live video, and radio single in Australia Finally Free: released song for Smallfoot soundtrack and live video recorded at the Greek Theatre, Los Angeles Flicker (song): released as a radio single in the Netherlands Flicker featuring the RTÉ Concert Orchestra: released live album in Ireland, featuring nine songs including an official live version of previously unreleased song So Long
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81 tour dates: across Europe, the Asia-Pacific, and the Americas, playing arenas, amphitheatres, state/regional fairs, and large theatres Featured opening acts & special guests: including Wild Youth (Killarney), Julia Michaels (Europe), RuthAnne (Dublin), Lewis Capaldi (Glasgow), Hailee Steinfeld (London), Maren Morris (NZ, Australia, the Americas), Jayda (Manila), Ming Bridges (Singapore), Sugar Me (Tokyo) Setlist: featured 14-15 original songs and 3-4 covers Regular covers: Dancing in the Dark (Bruce Springsteen), Crying in the Club (Camila Cabello), Drag Me Down and Fool’s Gold (One Direction) Covers for select tour dates: Dancing in the Moonlight (Thin Lizzy - Dublin night 1), Where the Street’s Have No Name (U2 - Dublin night 2), Won’t Back Down (Tom Petty - Greek Theatre LA, Red Rocks & others), New York State of Mind (Billy Joel - Jones Beach Theater, Long Island), Life in the Fast Lane (Eagles - final September tour dates) Filmed Red Rocks show: for potential future release Top 50 worldwide tours of 2018: selling more than 445,000 tickets
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BBC Biggest Weekend: played a six-song set on the second day of the festival in Swansea Reputation Tour: special guest for Taylor Swift’s first night at Wembley Stadium, performing Slow Hands together RTÉ Concert Orchestra special: performed nine songs from the Flicker album for broadcast in Ireland, later broadcast in France & South Africa Sounds Like Friday Night: performed acoustic version of On The Loose & interview  New York State Fair: played the headline show on the final day of the fair Official livestream: of Flicker World Tour Amsterdam show, in partnership with Live Nation, for a global streaming audience Late Late Show: performed Slow Hands on London episode Virtual reality concert: made London Flicker Sessions show available on MelodyVR platform
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Sounds Like Friday Night: interview on BBC RTE: interview with Eoghan McDermott, as part of RTE Concert Orchestra Special The Project: interview on Australian TV The Voice Australia: guest mentor with Delta Goodrem Today Show: interview on Australian TV Sunrise: interview on Australian TV Studio 10: interview on Australian TV Late Late Show: guest on London show, brief appearance on show in October
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TalkSport: co-hosted breakfast radio show in January & September Dubai Desert Classic: played in Pro-Am with Rory McIlroy and a competition winner, and participated in a golf clinic, helping two of his Modest! Golf clients gain entry to the pro event US Golf Masters: ambassador for Drive, Chip & Putt competition Ladies golf: signed Maguire sisters to Modest! Golf, announced Ladies event for NI Open in 2019 Ryder Cup: played in celebrity match & Team Europe ambassador BMW PGA Championship: played in Pro-Am with the winner of a BBC Children in Need charity auction Sky Sports British Masters: played in Pro-Am Interviews: ESPN, SkySports, BBC Radio 5, Golf Channel, Bunkered, Ladies European Tour, The Irish Times, Golf Magic, among others LUFC: provoked an infamous Twitter clapback from Leeds United Modest! Golf: supported four players who have secured tour cards for 2019
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Irish referendum: supported the yes vote to legalise abortion March for Our Lives: supported cousin’s participation in march for gun control US politics: publicly denounced Trump (again) US mid-term elections: urged US citizens to vote
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Horan & Rose: hosted the second edition of the charity gala & golf event, upping the total money raised for charity to £1.5 million to date Charity t-shirt: released second charity t-shirt raising funds for Cancer Research UK and the Kate & Justin Rose Foundation Rays of Sunshine: hosted teens at Flicker World Tour London soundcheck & show, donated Jingle Bell Ball Santa shirt for charity raffle Charity auctions: donated items for multiple fundraisers, including a signed guitar & VIP concert experience for a Grammy auction raising $4,500 for Musicares Foundation; signed boots to a Small Steps charity auction, raising £1,130; signed artwork; signed guitar to Cystic Fibrosis Foundation auction, raising €4,000 Anti-bullying Week: supported efforts to stop cyber-bullying on Twitter Instituto Projeto Neymar Jr: supported Brazilian football superstar’s work providing education for kids in Praia Grande, Brazil World Cancer Day: supported Cancer Research UK’s Unity Band initiative LauraLynn Hospice: spent time with kids in hospice care before Flicker World Tour Dublin show
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BBC Radio 1 Breakfast Show with Nick Grimshaw: how real are these Niall Horan ‘facts’?, can Niall Horan remember his own lyrics? BBC Radio 1 Biggest Weekend: when Niall Horan met Shawn Mendes BBC Radio 1 Biggest Weekend with Matt & Mollie: Niall Horan answers questions he’s never been asked before EW: Niall Horan listens to Dua Lipa, Springsteen and more on tour - check out his exclusive playlist Billboard Pop Shop podcast: Niall Horan on new song 'Finally Free,' 'disappearing' after tour to work on next album & 8 Years of One Direction MORE FM: Niall Horan talks about his “intimate” connection with NZ The Edge afternoons with Jono, Ben & Sharon: Niall Horan talks about being mates with Dan Carter The Edge 30: Niall Horan says NZ is his favourite country to perform in Nova 969 Smallzy’s Surgery: could new Niall Horan music be on the way? Nova 969 Smallzy's Surgery: Smallzy’s backstage tour with Niall Horan Nova 969 Fitzy & Wippa: exclusive chat On Air with Ryan Seacrest: Niall Horan recalls best Flicker World Tour moments so far FUN 107 The Michael Rock Show: Niall Horan surprising secret to great hair Walk 97.5 Christina Kay: interview Coup de Main: interview - Niall Horan on his upcoming NZ show, recording live, and honesty in writing ‘Flicker’  Coup de Main cover story: interview - eye to eye with Niall Horan GQ Italia cover story: Niall Horan: my life after One Direction George Ezra & Friends the podcast: Series 2, Episode 1 Zeit Leo: "I get restless very quickly." Singer Niall Horan has a slight obsessive-compulsive disorder. How music helps him, he tells here.
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GQ Italia: Music Issue cover shoot Paul Smith: guest at Paris fashion show and spent time with the designer in his studio Revista GQ: Niall Horan is, right now, the only person who knows how to wear a shirt with undershirt as it’s done in 2018 Fashion Bean: best-dressed men of the week
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US RIAA certifications: Slow Hands 3 x platinum, This Town 2 x platinum UK Official Charts certifications: Flicker x gold Australia ARIA certifications: Slow Hands 5 x platinum, Flicker x gold Canada Gold/Platinum certifications: Slow Hands 5 x platinum, Too Much To Ask x platinum Chile certification: Flicker x platinum Songwriting awards: BMI London Pop Awards Song for Slow Hands, BMI Los Angeles Award Winning Songs for Slow Hands & This Town  Spotify milestone: Flicker surpassed 1 billion streams in June 2018 Billboard #1s: achieved his 9th solo Billboard chart number 1, with Too Much To Ask reaching #1 on the Dance Club Songs Chart Billboard Year-End 2018: achieved album, song, radio, social and artist entries on the year-end charts US radio: On the Loose became Niall's fourth Top 20 single on Hot AC radio, and fourth single to chart on Mainstream Pop, Hot AC & AC radio formats, reaching #22 on pop radio Hollywood Music in Media Awards: Finally Free nominated for Original Song - Animated Film RTE Choice Music Prize: Slow Hands nominated for Irish Song of the Year iHeartRadio Awards 2018: winner of Best New Pop Artist & Best Lyrics (Slow Hands)
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April: using soundchecks to come up with ideas October: wrote a tune on the piano November: ‘3 days into making tunes and it’s feeling good !!!!!’, ‘exciting watching ideas come to life in the studio’, in the studio with Julian Bunetta & John Ryan in Los Angeles I / II / III / IV, RuthAnne Cunningham tells CelebMix she will be writing with Niall for NH2 December: ‘exciting week of writing’, writing session with Jamie Scott, Mike Needle & Dan Bryer in London, ‘very much in writing mode’
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Everyone loved Niall: and Niall loved everyone, but especially Hailee Steinfeld, whom he quietly dated while avoiding the media circus which often surrounds celeb relationships.
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Soundcheck Q&A and Meet & Greets: made fan engagement a central part of his Flicker World Tour experience Golf events: made time for fans who came out to see him play at pro-am events Maintained boundaries: called out fans for taking creep shots & obnoxious behaviour Calmed audiences: and looked out for the wellbeing of fans at his shows, especially in Latin America Twitter & Instagram: read and responded to fan tweets and questions with a mixture of sincerity, gratitude, brutal honesty, and humour Jade: made one young fan’s night (/life) by inviting her up on stage to dance at the Allentown Fair show
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Baby Marit: melted hearts everywhere offering reassurance to two new dads
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Romeo and Juliet
It wasn't love at first sight. In fact, she didn't think much of him when she first laid eyes on him. She didn't think much during the second time either. But after a few more sightings, she didn't know what to think.
She first saw him on her way to one of her classes talking to his red-haired friend. She noticed him because of his beanie, and that was all. She didn't talk to him nor felt any kind of pull towards him, he was just another guy.
The second time she met him was during one of her shifts at the diner. He wasn't in her section so she didn't get to talk to him but she paid attention to him when she heard his order. He ordered three burgers and four fries for one person. She knew she shouldn't judge but where the hell was he keeping all of that in his skinny body?
The third time she saw him was at the library, she noticed the book he was reading as one of her favorites and couldn't help but appreciate his good taste in literature.
After that, she kept seeing him everywhere. From the diner to her classes and the library there was no escape from him. Not that she actively looking for him but no one could miss that scowl or beanie.
But when they first talk to each other? It was straight out of a play. Literally.
Here she was at Reggie's stupid party because her so-called best friend forced her into it. Being new in town, Veronica didn't know anyone but Cheryl, though it seemed the redhead had left the new girl in search of her girlfriend and thus left Veronica alone. 
She leaned her head on the railings of the balcony and sighed. Usually, she was the life of the party but since the move and her recent family problems she had lost her former party girl self. She was going to head back into the party when she heard a voice called to her from below.
"But soft, what light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun. Arise, fair sun, and kill the envious moon, who is already sick and pale with grief."
What? Shakespear? Who the hell would quote Shakespear at a party?
"That thou, her maid, art far more fair than she. . . .The brightness of her cheek would shame those stars as daylight doth a lamp; her eye in heaven would through the airy region stream so bright that birds would sing and think it were not night."
She decided to follow along and placed her hand on the balcony.
"See how she leans her cheek upon her hand. Oh, that I were a glove upon that hand that I might touch that cheek!"
"Ay me!" she said with a smile, reciting the next words of the play.
"She speaks," he said to himself."O, speak again, bright angel! For thou art as glorious to this night, being o'er my head, as is a wingèd messenger of heaven unto the white, upturnèd, wondering eyes of mortals that fall back to gaze on him when he bestrides the lazy-puffing clouds and sails upon the bosom of the air."
Damn, this guy is good. She decided to step up her game and continued their dialogue. She was finally enjoying herself from the moment she arrived at the party.
"O Romeo, Romeo! Wherefore art thou Romeo? Deny thy father and refuse thy name. Or, if thou wilt not, be but sworn my love, and I’ll no longer be a Capulet."
She looked at the dark haired boy below and wait for him to continue. He opened his mouth when a voice interrupted him.
"Oi Jug!"
Romeo turned to look at the redhead calling him. He looked up at her in apology and walked away leaving her alone on the balcony feeling weirdly sad
It was a few weeks later when she met her Romeo again. 
She was rushing to class minutes before it started when she opened the door and saw him. Apparently, she misread the days and arrived at class an hour early, exactly when Romeo was doing a presentation.
And now she was waiting anxiously outside his class to apologize for interrupting his important looking presentation.
"Wait!" she yelled when she saw him left the class, but he kept walking.
What was his name again? Rug? Doug? Fuck it. "Romeo, wait!"  
A few people turned their heads when she said that, thankfully the beanie-wearing boy was one of them. 
His eyes lit up in recognition when he saw her. "Juliet, nice to see you again."
"I just want to say sorry for interrupting your presentation," she said, "Will you forgive me?"
"I would but that presentation worth 40% of my class and you definitely destroyed my flow." She looked down in guilt, "Though I might forgive you if you buy me coffee."
She looked at him in surprise, "Coffee?"
"Yeah, coffee. Meet me after you finish your class, kay?" at that he left her behind still reeling from the encounter.
It was awkward sitting in front of him, though it looked like she was the only one feeling the awkwardness while he was sipping his coffee peacefully.
Veronica couldn't help but look at him, his dark hair hidden by his beanie and light eyes made him look like how she used to imagine Romeo to be like.
"You're an English major?" she finally asked. 
"Yeah, that would explain a lot right? Considering our first meeting," he said looking up from his coffee.
"I'm sorry I didn't catch your name before, I've been calling you Romeo all this time," she said with a laugh.
"No problem," he smiled; she decided she liked that smile, "You can call me Jughead."
"Yeah, it's actually Forsythe but I hate that name so Jughead's fine."
Another silence.
"Well this is awkward," he said.
She chuckled, "Sorry, I'm not good at conversations."
"Me too, and I'm supposed to be good at words."
"Let's start over. Hi, I'm Veronica."
"Nice to meet you Veronica, I'm Jughead."
It was a few weeks after their coffee date when they talk again. They often see each other on campus but this was the first time they've talked to each other in weeks. They met in the library, Jughead's natural habitat and Veronica's second home in their school.
She saw him looking stressed and surrounded by books, binders, highlighters, and papers. Veronica approached him as one would a wounded animal, slowly and unsurely. She pulled a chair and softly said his name, when no replied came she put a hand on his shoulder, "Jughead are you okay?"
His head shot up at her touch and his eyes cleared as he stared at her. "Veronica?" he said.
"Yeah, it's me," she smiled, "What are you studying Jug?"
He looked at her with bloodshot eyes, “I’m not sure anymore."
She stared at him in shock, "What do you mean you're not sure? How long have you been here?"
A pause. "What day is it?"
"For fuck's sake Jughead, c'mon gather your stuff we need to get you out of this hell. Sorry but you look as if you're going to keel over."
If someone were to look at the two of them, they would see a tiny raven-haired girl dragging a half dead guy twice her size. Sadly, not the weirdest thing those two had done.
"Is this your way of asking me to a date?" Jughead joked as the caffeine started to work in his system.
"Calm down lover boy or this would be our last date," she shot back.
"So this is a date!" he exclaimed, "Glad to know."
"So what were you doing in that library?"
"For what?"
"Well Ronnie, I have a debate for class with this asshole next week and I need to be prepared," he said with fire in his eyes.
"Good for you...?"
He beamed back at her.
They started talking again when Veronica noticed that Jughead kept ordering for another cup of coffee. She started to get really worried when Jughead hands had a slight tremor in them.
"Okay, I think that's enough coffee for today," she took his coffee from his hands and swatted him as he tried to grab it from her.
He settled back to his seat and tried to look casual as he calmed down. She looked at him in distrust and slight worry until he opened his mouth.
"Stop being seductive."
"I was being myself but okay."
"No, you were seducing me weren't you Juliet?"
"Shut up Jughead you're just high."
"No. You're just short."
In shock, she leaned back in her chair and put her hands on her heart. "Wow that hurts, is that how you repay a friend?"
"Not a friend but maybe a girlfriend?"
"Wait. You like me? For my personality?"
"I know, I was surprised too."
She rolled her eyes, "Shut up Jughead."
"I'll take that as a yes," he replied.
She tried to hold back a smile but failed.
"Let's go Romeo, give me some ice cream and maybe I'll give you my phone number."
"Anything you want Juliet," he said as he stood up and bowed at her.
"You're ridiculous."
"And you're beautiful."
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opedguy · 3 years
Blinken Bluffs on Taiwan
LOS ANGELES (OnlineColumnist.com), Nov. 10, 2021.--Secretary of State Antony Blinken, 58, told a New York Times forum today that the U.S. would take “unspecified action” in the event of a Mainland China attack on Taiwan.  Since Former President Jimmy Carter signed the 1979 Taiwan Relations Act, the U.S. committed to supplying Taiwan with defensive and offensive weapons needed to fend off a Chinese attack.  President Joe Biden, 78, created a big stir when he said Oct. 22 that the U.S. would come to the defense of Taiwan in the event of a Chinese attack.  Taiwan has enjoyed independence from Mainland China since the 1949 Maoist Revolution, when Chiang Kai-Shek led a band of anti-communist counter-revolutionaries to the Island of Formosa with U.S. help.  Since fleeing Communist China, Chinese nationalists in the Republic of China relied heavily on the U.S. to keep Beijing from seizing the island territory.   
           Blinken’s statement today offers nothing new the U.S. policy of strategic ambiguity, not saying exactly what the U.S. would do in the event of a Chinese military invasion.  Chinese President Xi Jinping has stated unequivocally that he considers Taiwan a part of Communist China, the same as Hong Kong.  U.S. and its allies consider Taiwan a different ball of wax, primarily because the Republic of China has been independent of Beijing since 1949.  China only started recently to assert sovereignty over Hong Kong, since the British Crown Colony lost its lease on the territory July 1, 1997.  China has flexed its muscles on a rebellious pro-democracy movement in Hong Kong, leading to tensions between Beijing and Washington.  China has certainly cracked down on Hong over the last two years, leaving not much remaining of any pro-democracy opposition.  Taiwan’s island geography keeps it independent.  
           Blinken was asked today what the U.S. would do in the event of a Mainland incursion into Taipei.  Blinken told the New York Times forum that the U.S. would take “unspecified action,” continuing the long policy of strategic ambiguity.  “At the same time, I think it’s fair to say that we’re not alone in this determination to make sure that we preserve peace and stability in that part of the world,” Blinken said, still not saying what the U.S. would do in the way of an action.  Unspecified action today is taken as collective economic sanctions, certainly not joining military coalition to expel Beijing from Taiwan.  “There are many countries, both in the region and beyond, that would se any unilateral action to use force to disrupt the status quo as a significant threat to peace and security, and they too would take action in the event that that happens,” Blinken said, clearly referring to economic sanctions. 
Blinken’s statements come at a time of tense relations with Beijing.  Since Biden accused Beijing of genocide against Muslim Uyghurs in Western China, U.S.-Chinese relations headed south.  Sending Blinken and 44-year-old National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan to Anchorage for a summit with China March 18, it didn’t take long for the meeting to deteriorate into name-calling. Since, Xi has shunned Biden, refusing to accept U.S. accusations about committing genocide in Xinjiang Province.  When Xi didn’t show up at Glasgow’s COP26 Climate Summit, Biden openly criticized Beijing for not taking it seriously.  Today’s announcement by Climate Czar John Kerry that Beijing and Washington would work together to reduce methane gas emissions showed the first positive sign in U.S.-Chinese relations.  Beijing has been escalating threats on Taiwan, flying bombing missions over the Taiwan Strait. U.S.-Chinese relations are at such a low point over the deadly novel coronavirus that there’s little the U.S. can do to placate Beijing.
  Biden told his 52-year-old Director of National Intelligence Avril Haines to determine the origin of the Covid-19 pandemic.  Beijing can’t keep its story straight, insisting the virus was made in America and exported by the U.S. military to Wuhan, China.  No one on the world stage believes for a second that the U.S. created  the deadly novel coronavirus.  Most believe now that the virus was engineered in a Wuhan Institute of Virology [WIV] lab, with joint efforts between China, the U.S. and foreign scientists.  So when it comes putting U.S.-China diplomacy back on track, there’s little the U.S. can do other stop blaming Beijing.  Today’s best evidence on the origin of the deadly virus points to WIV Chief Virology Shi Zhengli’s bioweaopns lab, not the U.S.
 Finding some common ground with Beijing on climate change, especially methane gas disposal, was a good first step by Kerry, maybe opening up some future doors.  But like so many other points of conflict, China continues to resist international norms in the South China Sea, bullying its neighbors in the Pacific Rim. When Biden announced a nuclear submarine deal with Australia Sept. 16, it infuriated Beijing.  So whatever common ground Kerry found on climate change, it’s small potatoes compared to other issues, including Blinken’s remarks today on Taiwan.  Blinken announced that Biden would hold a virtual summit with Xi, sometime as early as next week. Xi wants Biden to back off on blaming China for the deadly novel coronavirus.  Beyond that, China doesn’t want to hear more about the U.S. defending Hong Kong or Taiwan, both  sore points with Beijing.
 About the Author 
John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news.  He’s editor of OnlineColumnist.com and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.  
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phgq · 5 years
Tagalog News: 81 MSMEs, lalahok sa ikatlong CARP Likha ng Central Luzon Trade Fair
#PHinfo: Tagalog News: 81 MSMEs, lalahok sa ikatlong CARP Likha ng Central Luzon Trade Fair
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Hinikayat ni Department of Trade and Industry o DTI 3 Regional Director Judith Angeles (ikalawa mula sa kaliwa) ang suporta at pagtangkilik ng publiko sa mga kalahok sa ikatlong CARP Likha ng Central Luzon Trade Fair na gaganapin sa Marquee Mall sa Lungsod ng Angeles mula Nobyembre 21 hanggang 24. (Marie Joy S. Carbungco/PIA 3)   
LUNGSOD NG SAN FERNANDO, Pampanga, Nobyembre 18 (PIA) -- May 81 micro, small and medium enterprises o MSMEs ang lalahok sa ikatlong Comprehensive Agrarian Reform Program o CARP Likha ng Central Luzon Trade Fair.   Sa 81 kalahok, 58 ang nasa negosyo ng processed foods; 9 sa gifts, decors and houseware; 6 sa organic and natural products; 4 sa home furnishing at 4 sa wearable and homestyles.   Ayon kay Department of Trade and Industry o DTI Nueva Ecija Provincial Director at Regional CARP Manager Brigida Pili, ang Pampanga ang may pinakamaraming bilang ng mga kalahok sa trade fair na may 20 MSMEs kasunod ng Bataan na may 14; Tarlac-13; Bulacan-11; Nueva Ecija-10; Zambales- 7 at Aurora-6.   Aniya, target nilang makabenta ng 1.8-milyong piso o tig-20,000 piso kada exhibitorara sa buong trade fair.    Samantala, inanyayahan naman ni DTI Regional Director Judith Angeles ang publiko na bumili at suportahan ang mga lokal na produkto dahil ang pangunahing layunin ng trade fair ay maiugnay ang mga exhibitors sa merkado upang mas mapalaki ang kanilang kita habang itinataguyod ang pinakamahuhusay na produkto ng rehiyon.   Aniya, benepisyaryo din ng iba’t ibang serbisyo ng DTI ang mga kalahok sa trade fair tulad ng SME Roving Academy, Shared Service Facilities, Kapatid Mentor Micro Enterprises at iba pa upang matiyak na ang mga produktong ibebenta nila ay de-kalidad.    Ang CARP Regional Trade Fair 2019 ay programa ng CARP program Management Office ng DTI sa pakikipag-ugnayan sa Department of Agrarian Reform, Department of Science and Technology, mga lokal na pamahalaan, at mga MSME development council.   Gaganapin ito sa Nobyembre 21 hanggang 24 sa Marquee Mall sa lungsod ng Angeles. (CLJD/MJSC-PIA 3)    
* Philippine Information Agency. "Tagalog News: 81 MSMEs, lalahok sa ikatlong CARP Likha ng Central Luzon Trade Fair." Philippine Information Agency. https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1030340 (accessed November 18, 2019 at 10:44PM UTC+08).
* Philippine Infornation Agency. "Tagalog News: 81 MSMEs, lalahok sa ikatlong CARP Likha ng Central Luzon Trade Fair." Archive Today. https://archive.ph/?run=1&url=https://pia.gov.ph/news/articles/1030340 (archived).
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roidespd-blog · 5 years
Chapter Twenty-Nine : THE HISTORY OF PRIDE
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As we celebrate all Queer individuals with the “Marche des Fiertés” (yeurk, I hate that name) today in Paris, I want to take a look back at the History of Pride, its worldwide impact and finally, FINALLY retire the adage “The First Pride was a RIOT”. No, it wasn’t. Quit it.
This article is a direct follow-up to the events of the Previous article about the Stonewall Riots. If you haven’t read it, now is the time. I’m waiting. Still waiting. Take your time, it’s quite long. … We good ? Kay Kay.
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Actually, the first pride were multiple Prides, in two consecutive days and Four different American cities. The first in line was the Chicago Gay Liberation on Saturday June 27, 1970. A year after the Stonewall Riots almost to the day. For those who know their Chicago streets, it was organized as a march starting from Washington Square Park to the Water Tower at the intersection of Michigan and Chicago avenues — I don’t know Chicago. Interestingly enough, the participants did not follow the originally planned route and spontaneously marched on to the Civic Center Plaza. The next day, first anniversary of the Riots, Los Angeles, San Francisco and New-York marched (well, San Francisco organized a “Gay-In”).
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In L.A., a Parade was put together down Hollywood Boulevard. To counter the hate still targeting the Queer community, Queer activists in charge of this Pride named their organization “Christopher Street West”, as a way to not put too much attention on themselves while asking for permits. A chief of Police from L.A. once told one of the organizers “As fair as I’m concerned, granting a permit to a group of homosexuals to parade down Hollywood Boulevard would be the same as giving a permit to a group of thieves and robbers”. Battles ensued, fees were so high it became outrageous and a last minute court decision ordered the Police to do their jobs and go protect people’s “constitutional guarantee of freedom of expression”. In other words, suck it. Despite death threats, over a thousand people participated to the L.A. Parade.
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But the first official Pride was held that same day in New York City. If you recall, we left Craig Rodwell with a desire to keep the momentum going and do something big for the Community. It came in the form of a Parade. On November 2, 1969, Rodwell and and three close friends proposed to held the first parade in NYC at a Philadelphia meeting of the Eastern Regional Conference of Homophile Organizations (ERCHO). Except for the Mattachine Society (which abstained), the vote was unanimous and prompted the organizations to held others (previously mentioned) marches all across the country. On Rodwell’s corner was the newly-formed Gay Liberation Front (GLF). It took close to six months to organize the first Pride. Finances through donations (from either the Homophile groups or the citizens) were difficult to come by. Originally intended for a Saturday, it was postponed to Sunday as to give more opportunities for people to show up. Luckily for the march, Mattachine changed leadership in April 1970, giving the organized event less opposition.
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The permit for the march was delivered only two hours before the beginning of the event.
The march covered the 51 blocks to Central Park. It took less than half the time due excitement and was a mix of respect and fun. People were also in a hurry to walk because of their fear of rejections due to them holding signs and gay banners. Fortunately, the participants encountered little resistance from onlookers. The New York Times coverage said “There was little open animosity, and some bystanders applauded when a tall, pretty girl carrying a sign “I am a Lesbian” walked by”.
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In 1971, marches were organized in Boston, Dallas, Milwaukee, London, Paris, West Berlin and Stockholm, while still being organized in New York City, Los Angeles and Chicago. The following year, Atlanta, Brighton, Buffalo, Detroit, Washington D.C., Miami, Philadelphia and San Francisco (not a “Gay-In” anymore) joined in. They adopted different names over the years, from “Gay Liberation Marches” to “Gay Freedom Marches”.
As of Today, marches are organized (in one form or another) in Africa, South Africa, Uganda, China, India, Israel, Japan, Korea, Nepal, the Philippines, Taiwan, Vietnam, in Canada, Puerto Rico, Mexico, Australia, New Zealand, Argentina, Guyana, Barbados, The Trinidad and all over Europe.
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While the 70s’ Prides were mostly about activism and had a rooted ideology to critique the space producing heteronormative norms by bringing homosexual behavior into it, the 80s gave us a cultural shift in the gay movement. Activists of a less radical nature began talking over the march committees all over the cities, replacing the “Liberation” and “Freedom” with “Pride” (while still keeping the “Gay” part, although it wasn’t ALL ABOUT THE GAYS).
With the arrival of the word “Pride” onto the scene came bigger notions of celebration. Large parades involve now floats, dancers, drag queens and amplified music. It attracts larger and larger crowds and is being taking over by governments and corporate sponsors and being used as major tourist attractions for hosting cities. Which is disgusting but more on that later.
With the HIV/AIDS epidemics of the 80s, many of the pioneers of the Stonewall Riots and the first Pride were no longer there to keep the memories of those events alive. Things that were supposed to endure, disappeared and the sense of “annual relief” from the participants became more present year after year. The one good thing that (recently) came with time is the name change. The language became more accurate and inclusive, as GAY is not EVERYTHING. It became Lesbian and Gay, then LGBT, and now the event is simply known (to the organizers) as “Pride” (I would argue for Queer Pride but that’s just my preference).
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Today, Pride is not just ONE DAY. It’s an entire month, chosen to commemorate the Stonewall Riots. We can thank Bisexual activist Brenda Howard aka “The Mother of Pride” for that. She was the organizer of the first Pride in NYC, then she originated the idea for a week-long series of events around Pride Day which became a worldwide June celebration of our identities. Activist Tom Limoncelli later stated “The next time someone asks you why LGBT Pride marches exist or why LGBT Pride Month is June tell them “a Bisexual woman named Brenda Howard thought it should be””.
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I often compare Pride with Almodovar’s movies. I liked it better when it was a ugly and messy than now, full of colors and boring as shit. For that’s not entirely fair. Political and social events in the country determines the level of political and social consciousness present in each Pride. In France, we pretend like everything’s okay. So the Pride becomes more of a dance party than a political event. Uh. So be it.
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France’s first “Pride” was held in 1971. Well, actually no. Queer participants took the opportunity of the May 1st celebration to march alongside the usual syndicates and unions. That year, FHAR was created, replaced in 1974 by GLH. We can talk about a shy start for the Queer community in France since they took part of the march until 1978. But on June 25th 1977, the first independent Pride started from Place de la République to la Place des Fêtes, thanks mostly to the help of the MLF (Mouvement de Libération des Femmes). The next two years would see the same number of attendees (around a thousand) and would concentrate of the anti-homosexual discriminations laws still effective in the country. On the election year of 1981, 10,000 people showed up, prompting François Mitterand to declare soon after his win that those laws would disappear (and they did).
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Shit got stinky started in 1986 when the CHLOEG (Comité Homosexuel et lesbien pour l’Organisation des Etats Généraux de l’Homosexualité)passed the baton on the organization of the pride, leaving space for exterior forces (business men) to take over. But I would also point out that the AIDS crisis was also an important fact in the transformation of the Pride, allowing difficult day-to-day lives to let go of their problems just for one day.
People lost interest and by 1991, only 1.500 marchers took to the streets. The “Gay Pride” Collective was created. They went to the press and to the AIDS associations and asked for unison against the disease so that by 1993, as many people were together as in 1981. The year after that, Prides were getting organized all around the country. The collective successfully found equilibrium between the politically active queers fighting for survival and the younger generation who wanted to have some fun.
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In 1997, France hosted the Europride, leading to 300.000 people walking alongside one another. That’s good. And for the first time ever, businesses sponsored the event (SNCF, RATP, Virgin Cola, Kronenbourg, Yves Saint Laurent…). No so good. As of today, the collective Inter-LGBT is responsible for the annual event that usually ends up with around 800.000 participants.
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I didn’t go to Pride this year, or the years prior due to me being employed all day on Saturdays. But I’m pretty sure that the Political is up front and the Fun part (most of the rest) is behind. Or something like that. That’s fine. No everybody needs to be politically-active but there’s not enough people to truly care about the urgency of some situations. For example, this year was probably all about the PMA. Great ! It’s urgent. But are we not concerned about the Trans community ? What about the Bi-Invisibility syndrome ? The Intersex right to not get butchered ? Last time I was there, I got stuck behind a very loud Electro Dance Party that was not fighting for anything but the right to be seen. It was by Gay Men for Gay Men. enough, Gay Men ! We see you. How can we not ? You’re loud and you are Men (and mostly White).
I’m personally very sick of Pride. I wish I could be more into it but it disappointed me year after year. Last year, I heard of a thing called “Pride de Nuit”. I can’t remember if it was the night before and the night after Pride but it was sold as a event entirely political, with the little march then a get together in which multiple politically motivated speeches would be heard. I was so in. I stayed 20 minutes. Why ? I was marching with two other gay people and the crowd started yelling in unison “Straight People suck ! Straight People suck !”. Are we Heterophobic now ? We got out and went drinking by the Seine.
Every time I see people just having fun with music and drugs (so much drugs) at Pride, I can’t help but remember the 1973 speech that Sylvia Rivera made at New York City. Find it, it’s on Youtube and it’s heartbreaking.
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Here’s the transcript :
Sylvia Rivera: I may be —
Crowd: [booing]
Sylvia Rivera: Y’all better quiet down. I’ve been trying to get up here all day for your gay brothers and your gay sisters in jail that write me every motherfucking week and ask for your help and you all don’t do a goddamn thing for them.
Have you ever been beaten up and raped and jailed? Now think about it. They’ve been beaten up and raped after they’ve had to spend much of their money in jail to get their hormones, and try to get their sex changes. The women have tried to fight for their sex changes or to become women. On the women’s liberation and they write ‘STAR,’ not to the women’s groups, they do not write women, they do not write men, they write ‘STAR’ because we’re trying to do something for them.
I have been to jail. I have been raped. And beaten. Many times! By men, heterosexual men that do not belong in the homosexual shelter. But, do you do anything for me? No. You tell me to go and hide my tail between my legs. I will not put up with this shit. I have been beaten. I have had my nose broken. I have been thrown in jail. I have lost my job. I have lost my apartment for gay liberation and you all treat me this way? What the fuck’s wrong with you all? Think about that!
I do not believe in a revolution, but you all do. I believe in the gay power. I believe in us getting our rights, or else I would not be out there fighting for our rights. That’s all I wanted to say to you people. If you all want to know about the people in jail and do not forget Bambi L’amour, and Dora Mark, Kenny Metzner, and other gay people in jail, come and see the people at Star House on Twelfth Street on 640 East Twelfth Street between B and C apartment 14.
The people are trying to do something for all of us, and not men and women that belong to a white middle class white club. And that’s what you all belong to!
REVOLUTION NOW! Gimme a ‘G’! Gimme an ‘A’! Gimme a ‘Y’! Gimme a ‘P’! Gimme an ‘O’! Gimme a ‘W’! Gimme an ‘E! Gimme an ‘R’! [crying] Gay power! Louder! GAY POWER
For context, Rivera and Marsha P. Johnson were banned from the Pride and the speech list of that year for making other gay activists “look bad”. It was a time where the organizers didn’t want to be represented by Transgender folks and People of Color, and to satisfy a larger number of white gay middle-class folks attending the event and tired of politically-motivated speeches.
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I believe that in 2019, we are living exactly the same situation. We’ve put the “weird” looking — scary different people under the rug and while we allow them to be with us, we don’t give them the platform they deserve. 46 years later, we are still silencing our people. Black causes, Intersex questions, Transgender rights. We only care about the things that heterosexual societies reject the most at the moment : yesterday was the Mariage pour Tous. Today’s it’s the PMA. One battle at a time while the rest of us stay behind ? Fuck no.
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Anyway, I wish everyone a Happy Pride. I wish I could have wished it sooner but I got sick on Friday and wasn’t able to finish this article on time. There’s one more article due tomorrow or in a couple of days, depending on how I’m feeling. Until then.
“Hell hath no fury like a drag queen scorned” — Sylvia Rivera, 1995.
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of-his-dragoon-ways · 9 months
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fashioncurrentnews · 6 years
Tony Awards 2018: il red carpet e i vincitori
Nella notte di domenica 10 giugno, a New York, sono andati in scena i Tony Awards 2018, gli Oscar del teatro. Al Radio City Music Hall, un empireo di star della recitazione, molte provenienti dal mondo del cinema, ha sfilato per quella che è stata una serata che non ha mancato di emozionare grazie anche agli interventi di alcuni vincitori.
Tra i tanti ha spiccato proprio quello di Andrew Garfield, premiato come miglior attore per la sua performance in Angels in America che si è espresso in maniera chiara a favore dei matrimoni omosessuali. Parlando di vittorie non si può non citare il vero e proprio trionfo del musical The Band’s Visit che ha portato a casa ben 10 statuette tra cui il miglior musical. Harry Potter e La Maledizione dell’erede ha vinto la statuetta come miglior opera mentre il premio come migliore attrice è stato vinto da Glenda Jackson. Miglior attore e attrice in un musical sono stati vinti, rispettivamente, da Tony Shalhoub e Katrina Lenk, entrambi per la loro performance in The Band’s Visit.
Ecco qui di seguito tutti i vincitori dei Tony Awards 2018. Best Musical The Band’s Visit
Best Leading Actress in a Musical Katrina Lenk, The Band’s Visit
Best Leading Actor in a Musical Tony Shalhoub, The Band’s Visit
Best Revival of a Musical Once on This Island
Best Revival of a Play Angels in America
Best Play Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
Best Original Score The Band’s Visit, Music and Lyrics: David Yazbek
Best Direction of a Play John Tiffany, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
Best Direction of a Musical David Cromer, The Band’s Visit
Best Sound Design in a Musical Kai Harada, The Band’s Visit
Best Leading Actress in a Play Glenda Jackson, Three Tall Women
Best Scenic Design for a Musical David Zinn, SpongeBob SquarePants
Best Scenic Design for a Play Christine Jones, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
Best Featured Actor in a Musical Ari’el Stachel, The Band’s Visit
Best Featured Actor in a Play Nathan Lane, Angels in America
Best Book of a Musical The Band’s Visit, Itamar Moses
Best Featured Actress in a Musical Lindsay Mendez, Carousel
Best Choreography Justin Peck, Carousel
Best Featured Actress in a Play Laurie Metcalf, Three Tall Women
Best Orchestrations Jamshied Sharifi, The Band’s Visit
Best Performance by a Lead Actor in a Play Andrew Garfield, Angels in America
Best Costume Design of a Play Katrina Lindsay, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
Best Costume Design of a Musical Catherine Zuber, My Fair Lady
Best Lighting Design of a Play Neil Austin, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child
Best Lighting Design of a Musical Tyler Micoleau, The Band’s Visit
Regional Theatre Tony Award La MaMa E.T.C.
L'articolo Tony Awards 2018: il red carpet e i vincitori sembra essere il primo su Vogue.it.
from Vogue.it https://ift.tt/2LFAsVj from Blogger https://ift.tt/2JxuK77
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hub-pub-bub · 5 years
Longlisted Authors Aged 43 to 79
In its announcement [on January 7], the
International Prize for Arabic Fiction
(IPAF) has named 16 titles to its longlist of novels for its 2019 competition, a group drawn from 134 entries for the 12th annual iteration of the award.
A new high of seven women authors are included in the list of novels, which were published between July 2017 and June 2018. The 16 authors of the group range in age from 43 to 79 and represent nine countries.
Six of the longlisted authors have been in contention for the prize in the past. They include:
Omaima Abdullah Al-Khamis, longlisted for The Leafy Tree in 2010
Hoda Barakat, longlisted for The Kingdom of the Earth in 2013
Inaam Kachachi, shortlisted for The American Granddaughter in 2009 and again in 2014 for Tashari
Waciny Laredj, longlisted on three occasions for The Andalusian House in 2011, Lolita’s Fingers in 2013 and Ashes of the East: the Wolf who Grew Up in the Wilderness in 2014
May Menassa,  shortlisted for Walking in the Dust in 2008 and a mentor for IPAF’s 2013 Nadwa
Shahla Ujayli, who was shortlisted for A Sky Close to Our House in 2016 and attended the 2014 Nadwa as a mentee
Among the most prestigious literary awards in the Arab world, the annual prize is given to a novel in Arabic with an intent not only to reward excellence in contemporary Arabic creative writing but also to promote translation of winning and shortlisted novels into other major languages.
The six shortlisted finalists for the prize will be announced on February 5, and will receive US$10,000, with a further $50,000 going to the winner, who is to be announced on April 23 on the eve of the Abu Dhabi International Book Fair.
International Prize for Arabic Fiction 2019 Longlist
Mohammed Abi Samra, Women Without Trace. Lebanon (Riyad al-Rayyes)
Omaima Abdullah Al-Khamis, Voyage of the Cranes in the Cities of Agate, Saudi Arabia (Dar Al Saqi)
Hoda Barakat, The Night Mail, Lebanon (Dar al-Adab)
Jalal Bargas, Women of the Five Senses, Jordan (Arabic Institute for Research and Publishing)
Adel Esmat, The Commandments, Egypt (Kotob Khan)
Maysalun Hadi, Mohammed’s Brothers, Iraq (Dar al-Dhakira)
Huji Jaberm Black Foam, Eritrea (Dar Tanweer, Lebanon)
Inaam Kachachi, The Outcast, Iraq (Dar al-Jadid)
Waciny Laredj, May: The Nights of Isis Copia, Algeria (Dar al-Adab)
Mohammed Al-Maazuz, What Sin Caused Her to Die?, Morocco (Cultural Book Centre)
May Menassa, I Killed My Mother to Live, Lebanon (Riyad al-Rayyes)
Mbarek Rabi, Western Mediterranean, Morocco (Arabic Institute for Research and Publishing)
Habib Sayah, Me and Haim, Algeria (Dar Mim)
Shahla Ujayli, Summer with the Enemy, Syria (Difaf Publishing)
Iman Yehia, The Mexican Wife, Egypt (Dar al-Shorouk)
Kafa Al-Zou’bi, Cold White Sun, Jordan (Dar al-Adab)
The second title listed, Al-Khamis’ Voyage of the Cranes in the Cities of Agate, was awarded the 2018 Naguib Mahfouz Medal for Literature.
Ibrahim Nasrallah’s ‘The Second War of the Dog’ is published by Arab Scientific Publishers
As Publishing Perspectives readers will remember, last year’s winner was the Jordanian-Palestinian author Ibrahim Nasrallah for his cautionary futurist novel, The Second War of the Dog.
The jury for this year’s competition comprises:
Charafdin Majdolin, chair, a Moroccan critic and academic
Majdolin are Fowziyah AbuKhalid, a Saudi Arabian poet, writer, academic and researcher in social and political issues
Zulaikha Aburisha, a Jordanian poet, columnist, researcher and human and women’s rights activist
Zhang HongYi, a Chinese academic, translator and researcher
Latif Zeitouni, a Lebanese academic and literary critic
In a prepared statement of rationale, Majdolin speaks for the jury, saying, “The novels selected for the longlist this year arise from different experiences and stylistic choices, ranging from the historical to a contemplative kind of realism; from the autobiographical to the documentary; and from extended to economic narrative prose.
“This may be because the authors come from different generations, or from different parts of the Arab world.
“The novels in the last analysis reflect intersecting human pain and disappointment as well as common aspirations.”
And Yasir Suleiman CBE, who chairs the prize’s board of trustees, is quoted, saying, “”The novels chosen by the judges reflect the diversity of concerns that animate contemporary Arab society, even when these concerns are situated in a distant past or located outside the confines of the Arab world.
“Trauma, separation and disruption permeate these novels. The female voice in its multiple diversities resonates in these novels, as do the voices of different generations of Arab writers from different regions of the Arabic-speaking world.
“This is a strong list of established writers and new ones, and it attests to the continued rise of the novel as an uncontested platform of Arab fictional creativity.”
Translation News From the Prize Program
Winning novels published in English last year included Rabai al-Madhoun’s Destinies: Concerto of the Holocaust and Al Nakba (Hoopoe Fiction) and Ahmed Saadawi’s Frankenstein in Baghdad (Oneworld in the UK; Penguin Books in the USA), which was shortlisted for the Man Booker International Prize 2018.
More of the program’s titles available in English are Baha Taher’s Sunset Oasis, Youssef Ziedan’s Azazeel, Abdo Khal’s Spewing Sparks as Big as Castles, Mohammed Achaari’s The Arch and the Butterfly, Saud Alsanousi’s The Bamboo Stalkand Raja Alem’s novel, The Dove’s Necklace.
This year sees the publication in English of several novels recognized by the prize, including:
Mahmoud Shukair’s Praise for the Women of the Family (shortlisted in 2016), translated by Paul Starkey, published by Interlink and out now
Sinan Antoon’s Book of Collateral Damage (longlisted in 2017 as al-Fihrist), translated by Jonathan Wright and published by Yale University Press in May
George Yaraq’s Guard of the Dead (shortlisted in 2016) and translated by Raphael Cohen, and Ibrahim Abdelmeguid’s Clouds over Alexandria (longlisted in 2014) and translated by Kay Heikkinen both published by Hoopoe in May
Dima Wannous’ The Frightened Ones (shortlisted in 2018) translated by Elisabeth Jaquette and published by Harvill Secker in July
Ismail Fahd Ismail’s The Old Woman and the River (shortlisted as Al-Sabiliat in 2017) translated by Sophia Vasalou and published by Interlink this autumn
In 2018, the program produced a bilingual author tour in the United States, featuring 2013 Kuwaiti winner Saud Alsanousi and his translator Jonathan Wright. Designed to encourage the readership of high-quality Arabic literature in the States, the 10-day tour was hosted by comparative and Arabic literature departments in leading American universities on the East Coast.
There are plans for future Stateside tours in Illinois, Michigan, Los Angeles, San Francisco and San Diego. Alsanousi has a new novel Mama Hessa’s Mice, coming out in English this autumn, translated by Sawad Hussain and published by AmazonCrossing, the translation imprint of Amazon Publishing.
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Tony Awards 2018: The Complete Winners List
On Sunday night, the best of Broadway’s 2017-18 season were recognized during the 72nd annual Tony Awards hosted by Josh Groban and Sara Bareilles.
Broadcasted live from Radio City Music Hall in New York City, the show was a star-studded affair, with Hollywood a-listers, theater legends and even Bruce Springsteen, who was a performer, all in the same room.
Mean Girls andSpongeBob SquarePants: The Broadway Musical led the night’s honorees, with 12 nominations each. The two musicals were followed closely by the revivals of Angels in America and Carousel as well as The Band’s Visit, all of which were nominated for 11 awards. Rounding out the top shows were Harry Potter and the Cursed Child and My Fair Lady, which were nominated for 10 awards each.
Andrew Garfield won the first award of the night for his performance in Angels in America, with Glenda Jackson, Nathan Lane, Laurie Metcalf among the other winners of the Tonys' acting prizes. And there were plenty of standout performances, from Gavin Lee doing his show-stopping tap number in SpongeBob to the Parkland shooting survivors singing an emotional rendition of "Season of Love" from Rent. 
Check out the complete winners list below (updated throughout the night):
Best Musical
The Band's Visit **WINNER** Frozen Mean Girls SpongeBob SquarePants: The Musical
Best Revival of a Musical
My Fair Lady Once on This Island **WINNER** Rodgers & Hammerstein's Carousel
Best Play
The Children Farinelli and the King Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Parts One and Two **WINNER** Junk Latin History for Morons
Best Revival of a Play
Angels in America **WINNER** Edward Albee's Three Tall Women Eugene O'Neill's the Iceman Cometh Lobby Hero Travesties
Best Performance by a Leading Actor in a Play
Andrew Garfield, Angels in America **WINNER** Tom Holland, Travesties Jamie Parker, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Parts One and Two Mark Rylance, Farinelli and the King Denzel Washington, Eugene O'Neill's The Iceman Cometh
Best Performance by a Featured Actor in a Play
Anthony Boyle, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Parts One and Two Michael Cera, Lobby Hero Brian Tyree Henry, Lobby Hero Nathan Lane, Angels in America **WINNER** David Morse, Eugene O'Neill's The Iceman Cometh
Best Performance by a Leading Actor in a Musical
Harry Hadden-Paton, My Fair Lady Joshua Henry, Carousel Tony Shalhoub, The Band's Visit **WINNER** Ethan Slater, SpongeBob SquarePants: The Musical
Best Performance by a Featured Actor in a Musical
Norbert Leo Butz, My Fair Lady Alexander Gemignani, Rodgers & Hammerstein's Carousel Grey Henson, Mean Girls Gavin Lee, SpongeBob SquarePants: The Musical Ari'el Stachel, The Band's Visit **WINNER**
Best Performance by a Leading Actress in a Play
Glenda Jackson, Three Tall Women **WINNER** Condola Rashad, Saint Joan Lauren Ridloff, Children of a Lesser God Amy Schumer, Meteor Shower
Best Performance by a Featured Actress in a Play
Susan Brown, Angels in America Noma Dumezweni, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Parts One and Two Deborah Findlay, The Children Denise Gough, Angels in America Laurie Metcalf, Edward Albee's Three Tall Women **WINNER**
Best Performance by a Leading Actress in a Musical
Lauren Ambrose, My Fair Lady Hailey Kilgore, Once on This Island LaChanze, Summer: The Donna Summer Musical Katrina Lenk, The Band's Visit **WINNER** Taylor Louderman, Mean Girls Jessie Mueller, Carousel
Best Performance by a Featured Actress in a Musical
Ariana DeBose, Summer: The Donna Summer Musical Renée Fleming, Rodgers & Hammerstein's Carousel Lindsay Mendez, Rodgers & Hammerstein's Carousel **WINNER** Ashley Park, Mean Girls Diana Rigg, My Fair Lady
Best Direction of a Musical
Michael Arden, Once On This Island David Cromer, The Band's Visit **WINNER** Tina Landau, SpongeBob SquarePants: The Musical Casey Nicholaw, Mean Girls Bartlett Sher, My Fair Lady
Best Book of a Musical
Itamar Moses, The Band's Visit **WINNER** Jennifer Lee, Frozen Tina Fey, Mean Girls Kyle Jarrow, SpongeBob SquarePants: The Musical
Best Original Score
Angels in America The Band's Visit **WINNER** Frozen Mean Girls SpongeBob SquarePants: The Musical
Best Orchestrations
John Clancy, Mean Girls Tom Kitt, SpongeBob SquarePants: The Musical Annmarie Milazzo & Michael Starobin, Once on This Island Jamshied Sharifi, The Band's Visit **WINNER** Jonathan Tunick, Rodgers & Hammerstein's Carousel
Best Choreography
Christopher Gattelli, My Fair Lady Christopher Gattelli, SpongeBob SquarePants: The Musical Steven Hoggett, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Parts One and Two Casey Nicholaw, Mean Girls Justin Peck, Rodgers & Hammerstein's Carousel **WINNER**
Best Scenic Design in a Musical
Dane Laffrey, Once on This Island Scott Pask, The Band's Visit Scott Pask, Finn Ross & Adam Young, Mean Girls Michael Yeargan, My Fair Lady David Zinn, SpongeBob SquarePants: The Musical **WINNER**
Best Costume Design in a Musical
Gregg Barnes, Mean Girls Clint Ramos, Once On This Island Ann Roth, Rodgers & Hammerstein's Carousel David Zinn, SpongeBob SquarePants: The Musical Catherine Zuber, My Fair Lady **WINNER**
Best Lighting Design in a Musical
Kevin Adams, SpongeBob SquarePants: The Musical Jules Fisher + Peggy Eisenhauer, Once On This Island Donald Holder, My Fair Lady Brian MacDevitt, Rodgers & Hammerstein's Carousel Tyler Micoleau, The Band's Visit **WINNER**
Best Sound Design of a Musical
Kai Harada, The Band's Visit **WINNER** Peter Hylenski, Once on This Island Scott Lehrer, Rodgers & Hammerstein's Carousel Brian Ronan, Mean Girls Walter Trarbach and Mike Dobson, SpongeBob SquarePants: The Musical
Best Direction of a Play
Marianne Elliott, Angels in America Joe Mantello, Edward Albee's Three Tall Women Patrick Marber, Travesties John Tiffany, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Parts One and Two **WINNER** George C. Wolfe, Eugene O'Neill's The Iceman Cometh
Best Scenic Design in a Play
Miriam Buether, Edward Albee's Three Tall Women Jonathan Fensom, Farinelli and The King Christine Jones, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Parts One and Two **WINNER** Santo Loquasto, Eugene O'Neill's The Iceman Cometh Ian MacNeil and Edward Pierce, Angels in America
Best Costume Design in a Play
Jonathan Fensom, Farinelli and The King Nicky Gillibrand, Angels in America Katrina Lindsay, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Parts One and Two **WINNER** Ann Roth, Edward Albee's Three Tall Women Ann Roth, Eugene O'Neill's The Iceman Cometh
Best Lighting Design in a Play
Neil Austin, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Parts One and Two **WINNER** Paule Constable, Angels in America Jules Fisher + Peggy Eisenhauer, Eugene O'Neill's The Iceman Cometh Paul Russell, Farinelli and The King Ben Stanton, Junk
Best Sound Design of a Play
Adam Cork, Travesties Ian Dickinson for Autograph, Angels in America Gareth Fry, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Parts One and Two **WINNER** Tom Gibbons, 1984 Dan Moses Schreier, Eugene O'Neill's The Iceman Cometh
 Special Awards 
Special Tony Award for Lifetime Achievement in the Theatre
Chita Rivera Andrew Lloyd Webber
Special Tony Awards
John Leguizamo Bruce Springsteen
Regional Theatre Tony Award
La MaMa E.T.C. New York City
Isabelle Stevenson Tony Award
Nick Scandalios
Tony Honors for Excellence in the Theatre
Sara Krulwich Bessie Nelson Ernest Winzer Cleaners
Tony Awards 2018: The Standout Performances on Broadway
Josh Groban and Sara Bareilles Take You Inside Tony Award Rehearsals
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New Post has been published on Atticusblog
New Post has been published on https://atticusblog.com/texas-beautys-new-epicenter/
Texas: Beauty’s New Epicenter
The most up to date splendor manufacturers are now not coming out of New York or California.
Texas, rapid becoming a hub for the beauty industry, is now a breeding floor for entrepreneurs constructing the subsequent technology of skin care, color cosmetics, fragrance, and hair care brands.
Centrally located smack in the center of the East and West coasts, some of these days buzziest newbies — inclusive of industry darling Drunk Elephant and cult splendor tool GloPro, were given their begin and are based in Texas. And they have no plans of transferring. The motives are aplenty. Some Texans interviewed for this tale mentioned the handy place — you’re in no way more than 3 hours away from New York, San Francisco or Los Angles — as well as a booming financial system and no country earnings taxes as to why beginning a commercial enterprise in Texas has ended up so attractive. Others stated it’s an inflow of creative individuals (and a spike in populace average) heading to towns like Dallas, Houston, Austin or San Antonio, even as a few marketers maintained that dwelling out of doors traditional beauty and fashion epicenters has allowed them to foster clean thoughts and method business differently than their counterparts in New York or Los Angeles. Also, there’s just a hell of lots more space.
Fifty-4-12 months-antique direct-promoting organization Mary Kay became based and continues to be headquartered Dallas, as turned into Renée Rouleau Skin Care, commenced by using aesthetician Renée Rouleau in 1992. And even as its origins is probably lesser-recognized, Skinceuticals became based in Dallas too. The 23-year-old logo’s warehouse and customer service are still in Dallas however its headquarters moved to New York City after being acquired by means of L’Oréal in 2005.
The multi-billion greenback Mary Kay stays the most top notch inside the area to get its begin inside the lone megastar state, however, a slew of entrants from Supergoop and Sunday Riley to Verb and Plus are making a mark of their respective classes.
“You can nearly fully turnkey everything in Dallas — and there are only a few cities within the united states wherein you can absolutely turnkey a splendor logo. Everything is at your fingertips,” stated Jamie O’Banion, co-founder and leader govt officer of skin-care emblem Beauty Bioscience, the determine organization of micro-needling tool GloPro.
The centralization of Beauty Bioscience’s operations — and the reality that O’Banion’s group may be agile and react fast to marketplace demand — is what she credits strong brand boom too. The business enterprise noticed triple-digit boom in 2016 and is on track to look comparable gains this 12 months.
5 Secrets To Finding Great Cabin Rentals in Texas
Enjoying a country experience within the Lone Star State manner knowing how to navigate cabin rentals in Texas. Getting out inside the exquisite huge open spaces of Texas, for plenty human beings, the method having to deal with poorly built tents, truly horrific espresso, and seeking to get at ease snoozing at the ground no matter what’s between you and the lowest of your tent.
Luckily, as with a lot of society, the need to modernize and enchantment to extra people has taken today’s cabin rentals and expanded them with the intention to provide a camping enjoy that feels more like domestic. Though there may be no real mystery to locating a splendid cabin in Texas, here are some pointers to pick the cabin that is right for you:
1. Make a List of What You Want from A Cabin- You would not set out on a trip without thinking about it first, proper? In an awful lot the equal way you would plan a holiday, Figure out what you need before you depart domestic. Is get admission to the Nueces, Frio, or Sabinal River important? Creating a tick list for needed amenities is less complicated from home due to the fact you have got the benefit of discovering what cabins should offer at some stage in Texas.
2. Don’t be Afraid to Ask Around for Advice – Ask the locals for some facts on top cabin leases. It seems easy enough, but “asking the locals” is a bit different in recent times. City/county authorities websites (Uvalde County, TX has a super webpage as an instance) provide facts cabins and belongings contact data. Pick up a smartphone so that you may be positive of all details prior to leaving home.
3. Be Adventurous in Your Activities – A tenting journey may be spoiled via awful weather. Yet, a humdrum tenting journey also can throw a wrench in an otherwise tremendous getaway. Take in a few birdwatching as Texas is a global haven for birding enthusiasts, especially areas which include the Texas Hill Country River Region of Texas (west of San Antonio, TX).
All About Beauty
Beauty is not pores and skin deep
It’s a mindset that separates the splendor from the crowd. “Looking at the beauty of the world is step one of purifying the mind.” The splendor of a lady isn’t within the clothes she wears, the parent that she incorporates, or the manner she combs her hair. The beauty of a woman is visible in her eyes because that is the doorway to her coronary heart, the vicinity wherein love resides. True splendor in a woman is reflected in her soul. A lady whose smile is open and whose expression is happy has a sort of beauty no matter what she wears. All women are stunning, irrespective of their seems. You simply want to touch their soul with recognizing and appreciation for their inner splendor and you may be rewarded with pleasure. The coronary heart is manner greater vital than the package deal.
I love natural splendor, and I assume it is your excellent appearance, however, I think makeup as an artist is so transformative. I would by no means want to advocate a fairness cream. I believe in natural splendor.
True splendor can not shine thru makeup
Many of us cannot even believe our life without make-up. It sounds peculiar or even horrifying for plenty women, way to media popularization of unrealistic splendor standards. To be stunning without makeup?! Is it even viable?!
For a lot of us, it’d be a massive nonsense even to visit a supermarket without a make-up on.
Media regularly forces us to trust that a girl and not using a makeup on can’t truly look really attractive or beautiful.
If someone wants to live a make-up-unfastened existence, or as a minimum so as to have makeup-free days, then it makes the experience to place a bit greater attempt into worrying approximately the natural beauty of your face, hair, and frame.
1) Feel lovely (even without make-up) 
2) Your skin is your everything!
3) Healthy eating and water
Good food is important not best for the splendor of our pores and skin, but additionally for the overall fitness of our body.
The House at the Epicenter
The Setting
As I entered the backyard with an excessive white fence and a huge the front backyard, I observed a bundle of small Hindu spiritual flags on the corner of the 2 stories own family house on 87th Road nestled between Parsons Boulevard and a hundred and fiftieth Street with its back to Hillside Avenue. I become inside the coronary heart of New York’s 2d biggest Indo-Guyanese community located in Jamaica, Queens. (The largest Indo-Guyanese network is placed in Richmond Hill, Queens).
Southern Queens is one of the epicenters of the housing bubble crisis which brought about the Great Recession that shattered or setback the American dream for plenty inside the Caribbean network. I got here to this house during the tax season to survey how the different socioeconomic instructions (running class and middle elegance) were suffering from the Housing Bubble Aftermath and the American public policy that tarnished the American dream for this network.
The property owner
– a widowed Indo-Guyanese immigrant purchased it in 2000. Before buying the home with coins, she and her daughter lived together with her father for 14 years as she saved the money for the purchase. She and her daughter immigrated to the USA in 1986 after she lost her husband in a car coincidence.
The house serves a couple of functions
The owner of a house maintains a tax getting ready and immigration carrier domestic business on the primary floor even as she operates a mandir (i.E., Hindu temple) in the basement. S I exited the basement, the property owner’s grandson escorted me to the backyard. It is a huge outdoor wherein small housing units are constructed. One of the housing units is a converted fitness center wherein I met the house owner’s son-in-regulation who’s a bodily therapist. I shook his hand as he took a destroy from his exercise to talk to me.
Next, the house owner’s granddaughter escorted me to the upstairs residence. The property owner’s daughter, son-in-regulation and two grandchildren reside on the second one floor. The house owner’s daughter gave me an excursion of a totally massive attic above the second ground. She instructed me that she owns a house in Florida, however, she and her own family live upstairs in New York City (NYC). However, the house owner’s, the helper’s (i.E., stay-in maid) and the guest bedrooms are placed on the primary ground.
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2018 Tony Award Nominations: The Complete List
Broadway woke up bright and early Tuesday to present the 2018 Tony Award nominees, with former Hamilton actor Leslie Odom Jr. and Waitress star Katharine McPhee announcing the full list of contenders.
Mean Girls and SpongeBob SquarePants: The Musical, both up for Best Musical, are the most recognized productions, earning 12 nominations each. As expected, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Parts One and Two(Best Play), Angels in America(Best Revival of a Play) and Roger & Hammerstein's Carousel(Best Revival of a Musical) lead their respective show categories.
Elsewhere, adaptations made their presence known onstage this season -- and at the Tony Awards. Musical adaptations of The Band’s Visit, Frozen, Mean Girls and SpongeBob SquarePants were all nominated as well as play versions of 1984 and Marvin’s Room. Meanwhile, an original story from J.K. Rowling’s Harry Potter universe dominated the play categories.
Original, star-studded productions -- notably Meteor Shower and The Parisian Woman -- made the least impact, with the latter, Beau Willimon’s political satire starring Uma Thurman, shut out. Amy Schumer, however, is nominated for her Broadway debut in the Steve Martin farce, which earned mixed reviews but plenty of laughs from audiences.
She’s joined by Andrew Garfield, Atlanta’s Brian Tyree Henry, Denzel Washington, Laurie Metcalf, Michael Cera and Nathan Lane, among film and TV stars being recognized for their stage work.
The 72nd annual Tony Awards, hosted by Josh Groban and Sara Bareilles, will recognize the best of Broadway’s 2017-18 season, when the winners are handed out live at Radio City Music Hall in New York City on Sunday, June 10.
 The full list:
Best Musical
The Band's Visit
Mean Girls
SpongeBob SquarePants: The Musical
Best Revival of a Musical
My Fair Lady
Once On This Island
Rodgers & Hammerstein's Carousel
Best Play
The Children
Farinelli and the King
Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Parts One and Two
Latin History for Morons
Best Revival of a Play
Angels in America
Edward Albee's Three Tall Women
Eugene O'Neill's the Iceman Cometh
Lobby Hero
Best Performance by a Leading Actor in a Play
Andrew Garfield, Angels in America
Tom Holland, Travesties
Jamie Parker, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Parts One and Two
Mark Rylance, Farinelli and the King
Denzel Washington, Eugene O'Neill's The Iceman Cometh
Best Performance by a Featured Actor in a Play
Anthony Boyle, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Parts One and Two
Michael Cera, Lobby Hero
Brian Tyree Henry, Lobby Hero
Nathan Lane, Angels in America
David Morse, Eugene O'Neill's The Iceman Cometh
Best Performance by a Leading Actor in a Musical
Harry Hadden-Paton, My Fair Lady
Joshua Henry, Carousel
Tony Shalhoub, The Band's Visit 
Ethan Slater, SpongeBob SquarePants: The Musical
Best Performance by a Featured Actor in a Musical
Norbert Leo Butz, My Fair Lady
Alexander Gemignani, Rodgers & Hammerstein's Carousel
Grey Henson, Mean Girls
Gavin Lee, SpongeBob SquarePants: The Musical
Ari'el Stachel, The Band's Visit
Best Performance by a Leading Actress in a Play
Glenda Jackson, Three Tall Women
Condola Rashad, Saint Joan
Lauren Ridloff, Children of a Lesser God
Amy Schumer, Meteor Shower
Best Performance by a Featured Actress in a Play
Susan Brown, Angels in America
Noma Dumezweni, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Parts One and Two
Deborah Findlay, The Children
Denise Gough, Angels in America
Laurie Metcalf, Edward Albee's Three Tall Women
Best Performance by a Leading Actress in a Musical
Lauren Ambrose, My Fair Lady
Hailey Kilgore, Once On This Island
LaChanze, Summer: The Donna Summer Musical
Katrina Lenk, The Band's Visit
Taylor Louderman, Mean Girls
Jessie Mueller, Carousel
Best Performance by a Featured Actress in a Musical
Ariana DeBose, Summer: The Donna Summer Musical
Renée Fleming, Rodgers & Hammerstein's Carousel
Lindsay Mendez, Rodgers & Hammerstein's Carousel
Ashley Park, Mean Girls
Diana Rigg, My Fair Lady
Best Direction of a Musical
Michael Arden, Once On This Island
David Cromer, The Band's Visit
Tina Landau, SpongeBob SquarePants: The Musical
Casey Nicholaw, Mean Girls
Bartlett Sher, My Fair Lady
Best Book of a Musical
Itamar Moses, The Band's Visit
Jennifer Lee, Frozen
Tina Fey, Mean Girls
Kyle Jarrow, SpongeBob SquarePants: The Musical
Best Original Score
Angels in America
The Band's Visit
Mean Girls
SpongeBob SquarePants: The Musical
Best Orchestrations
John Clancy, Mean Girls
Tom Kitt, SpongeBob SquarePants: The Musical
Annmarie Milazzo & Michael Starobin, Once On This Island
Jamshied Sharifi, The Band's Visit
Jonathan Tunick, Rodgers & Hammerstein's Carousel
Best Choreography
Christopher Gattelli, My Fair Lady
Christopher Gattelli, SpongeBob SquarePants: The Musical
Steven Hoggett, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Parts One and Two
Casey Nicholaw, Mean Girls
Justin Peck, Rodgers & Hammerstein's Carousel
Best Scenic Design in a Musical
Dane Laffrey, Once On This Island
Scott Pask, The Band's Visit
Scott Pask, Finn Ross & Adam Young, Mean Girls
Michael Yeargan, My Fair Lady
David Zinn, SpongeBob SquarePants: The Musical
Best Costume Design in a Musical
Gregg Barnes, Mean Girls
Clint Ramos, Once On This Island
Ann Roth, Rodgers & Hammerstein's Carousel
David Zinn, SpongeBob SquarePants: The Musical
Catherine Zuber, My Fair Lady
Best Lighting Design in a Musical
Kevin Adams, SpongeBob SquarePants: The Musical
Jules Fisher + Peggy Eisenhauer, Once On This Island
Donald Holder, My Fair Lady
Brian MacDevitt, Rodgers & Hammerstein's Carousel
Tyler Micoleau, The Band's Visit
Best Sound Design of a Musical
Kai Harada, The Band's Visit
Peter Hylenski, Once On This Island
Scott Lehrer, Rodgers & Hammerstein's Carousel
Brian Ronan, Mean Girls
Walter Trarbach and Mike Dobson, SpongeBob SquarePants: The Musical
Best Direction of a Play
Marianne Elliott, Angels in America
Joe Mantello, Edward Albee's Three Tall Women
Patrick Marber, Travesties
John Tiffany, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Parts One and Two
George C. Wolfe, Eugene O'Neill's The Iceman Cometh
Best Scenic Design in a Play
Miriam Buether, Edward Albee's Three Tall Women
Jonathan Fensom, Farinelli and The King
Christine Jones, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Parts One and Two
Santo Loquasto, Eugene O'Neill's The Iceman Cometh
Ian MacNeil and Edward Pierce, Angels in America
Best Costume Design in a Play
Jonathan Fensom, Farinelli and The King
Nicky Gillibrand, Angels in America
Katrina Lindsay, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Parts One and Two
Ann Roth, Edward Albee's Three Tall Women
Ann Roth, Eugene O'Neill's The Iceman Cometh
Best Lighting Design in a Play
Neil Austin, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Parts One and Two
Paule Constable, Angels in America
Jules Fisher + Peggy Eisenhauer, Eugene O'Neill's The Iceman Cometh
Paul Russell, Farinelli and The King
Ben Stanton, Junk
Best Sound Design of a Play
Adam Cork, Travesties
Ian Dickinson for Autograph, Angels in America
Gareth Fry, Harry Potter and the Cursed Child, Parts One and Two
Tom Gibbons, 1984
Dan Moses Schreier, Eugene O'Neill's The Iceman Cometh
Special Tony Award for Lifetime Achievement in the Theatre
Chita Rivera
Andrew Lloyd Webber
Special Tony Awards
John Leguizamo
Bruce Springsteen
Regional Theatre Tony Award
La MaMa E.T.C. New York City
Isabelle Stevenson Tony Award
Nick Scandalios
Tony Honors for Excellence in the Theatre
Sara Krulwich
Bessie Nelson
Ernest Winzer Cleaners
Tonys 2017: The Standout Performances on Broadway
‘The Lion King’ Turns 20: How the Disney Musical Became One of Broadway’s Best (Exclusive)
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