#angel turn into a fallen angel
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🖤 Another human version of my Fallen Angel from the cuphead show, She will do anything to remain the queen of hell and those no matter what 🖤
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panthermouthh · 2 months
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“When I run over the frightful catalogue of my sins, I cannot believe that I am the same creature whose thoughts were once filled with sublime and transcendent visions of the beauty and the majesty of goodness. But it is even so; the fallen angel becomes a malignant devil. Yet even that enemy of God and man had friends and associates in his desolation; I am alone.”
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c-hrona · 1 year
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Fallen Angel
Inspired by this tweet
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brewing-mischief · 4 months
Imagine you finally meet up with the guy who stole both your wives from you
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And his first threat to you is "now it's your turn"
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Like Adam sure did hesitate with his attack for a hot minute there and can you blame him? Man was having his world wrecked before the fight even started.
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aengelren · 3 months
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the way he’s desperately grabbing onto Armin knowing it’s their final time
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valorianknights · 3 months
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Here's my take on Emily's Demon form.
Ya know, if she falls.
(I feel like she will tbh)
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merilles · 3 months
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The Fallen Knight 🖤🗡️
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little-red-fool · 4 months
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This is what D would have probably looked like if he kept his appearance as a baby into adulthood.
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faeriegirl · 6 months
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triptychofvoids · 1 year
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obsessed with this guy but i refuse to look at this background anymore xD
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fyncherly · 28 days
listen. hear me out. no don't run.
Lazarus from The Bible = Uncle Lazarus from The Suckening
i shall leave it at this for now.
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mellifluousoctopus · 10 months
Am I the only one that wanted to see what would happen if Gabriel actually did Fall and become a demon
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chuuyrr · 1 month
i should be writing fics instead of digital notes for anatomy & physio.. also new series coming soon !! hopefully i'll finish a series this time <3
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melverie · 1 year
About the current vampire event
Why was Satan affected??
Isn't he like
A full demon???????
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tanith-rhea · 1 year
Could I request Lucifer x champion reader?
Can be sfw or nsfw👀, little bit of hurt/comfort, missunderstandings, them being reunited and maybe love confessions?
Much like Lucifer R used to an angel, knowing Lucifer back then aswell, R being considered a Golden child but also a trouble maker because they craved freedom, R remained and mourned when Lucifer fell but was prevented from following after them by their parents, R becoming kinda like a replacement for Samael in heaven since they were both the best and favorites despite their trouble making nature. Eventually R rebels against heaven and chose to leave and revisit their “best friend” you can chose how it continues and ends.
Your Feelings True
Oookay so that was a bit of a rollercoaster. I loved your request and as soon as I read it I had two different plots in my mind. Since I liked both so much, I thought why not do both! So we have the same premise but with two endings: one Happy with a hint of corruption and one Angsty with cruel Lucifer and sad feels. I hope you enjoy it! Also, it is sfw, but I liked the happy ending very much and will probably do a small continuation for it especially because I want LUCIFER SMUT. Sorry, Gwen's Lucifer just does things to me...
Anyway... enjoy!
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You remembered what had brought you there, in front of the Ruler of Hell. How could you forget? Their beautiful face could never fade from your memories, no matter how many millennia passed. Their laughter whenever you toyed with your siblings’ creations, how delighted they looked when the others discovered your shenanigans. You could never get rid of the feeling they blossomed in your celestial, immaterial and hypothetical heart. Angels were made of something else, not flesh and bones, certainly not organs, but your chest still hurt as if something inside it clenched every time you thought of your best friend; the one who got away.
“Anael?” their voice was still soft, but more calculative than when last you spoke, “I thought my demons had it wrong when they claimed seeing an angel fall to our doorstep.”
You had rebelled. The Silver City didn’t have anything for you anymore. Since you were forced to battle on opposing sides with the monarch in front of you, Heaven lost its appeal, it also lost its righteousness to you. How could it be right to fight the ones you loved? Forget ineffability, it simply made no sense.
“I came for you, Samael-”
Their laughter interrupted you. You could not fail to notice the stark difference from the ones you were used to hear when you were young, just two mischievous archangels fooling around in creation, crafting the most breathtaking stars and cosmical explosions to fill the universe with beauty.
“I haven’t been called that for a long time,” if you didn’t know them your entire existence, maybe you wouldn’t have noticed the sliver of disappointment behind their practised cordial façade, but you did.
“Would you prefer I called you Lightbringer? Morning Star?” you smiled tenderly at them “Lucifer?”
Nothing changed much on their face. It saddened you that the being you loved, once full of mirth, seemed now a sealed vault, keeping everything away from view. You could not look at them without sorrow.
“Lucifer, I came here for you. I rebelled against our creator like I should have done all these years ago, to be with you,” you reach for their hand, and they let you take it.
“I seem to remember you cowering and betraying me,” they caress your hand in theirs, smiling faintly to themselves, for which reason you could not tell “You knew I would be cast here, didn’t you?”
“I overheard God and Gabriel talking of your rebellion. God certainly knew I was aware of your fate but didn’t seek me to explain. I knew you would be cast to the farthest place from Heaven, but I didn’t know of the existence of Hell, I only thought we would be so far away that no light would ever kiss our skin again, and I could not let you do that to yourself.”
Their grasp on your hand loosened, and they brought both their hands to your face, caressing your cheeks free of the few tears staining them. They were so gentle, their face so compassionate that you were overcome by your feelings, covering their hands with yours and looking deep into their eyes.
“I love you, Lucifer. I could not live a second more away from your presence. The Silver City in all its glory pales in comparison to my feelings for you.”
At that moment, Lucifer closed the space between your faces, coming down to meet you in the middle. They kissed you feverously, ferociously, as if their life depended on it, and you responded with just as much. You felt their fingers holding your head strongly, if you were a different being you might have felt searing pain from the sheer force they held you with, the desperation in them almost too much, too overwhelming.
Suddenly you screamed, parting from them in a panicked thrashing. Your wings were burning.
Happy Ending
Immediately, Lucifer held up their hands, deep sorrow and resentment twisting their face. They stepped close to you while you screamed and thrashed like a wounded animal, eyes wide with no understanding of what was happening and why your feathers had simply combusted.
“Shh, calm down, my love,” they walked carefully in your direction “It will end soon, I’m afraid I can’t make it stop but let me help you with the pain.”
The fire was slowly subsiding, in their place blackened leathery wings like a bat’s were becoming visible. The smell of burnt flesh was not uncommon in Hell, but somehow you could tell the smell of your own body from the others.
You fell to the ground, all strength was gone from you, and Lucifer encircled you with their wings, pulling you to their lap in a protective bubble. Their touch was oddly calming and you felt yourself give in to their soft words.
“I must admit I thought you would have burned in your fall. Perhaps Heaven is a bit more vindictive than we give it credit for.”
You could not believe they would do this to you. You saw it happening to Lucifer, but somehow you thought it would be different now, you thought your wings would remain dove-white and gentle. It appeared you were wrong.
“Come, I’ll take care of you,” they lifted you in their arms, taking you to what you could assume was their chambers “I will make you the strongest ruler to ever exist. No real shall be unaware of your power, fierceness, and wisdom. You will rule by my side, and we will bring those bastards to dust.”
As they whispered in your years, you felt a slow smile twisting your lips. Maybe it was the fall, maybe you resented The Presence since the first rebellion, but the thought of burning it all to the ground sent you into a satisfied sleep, in your dreams, you saw Hell the only remaining realm in the universe.
Angsty Ending
“Do you think I believe for a second that you chose to come to me? To abdicate the cold comfort of the Silver City for your supposed ‘affection’ for me?” their voice was cold and cruel, their smile just as kind and comforting as before. You could not understand how such bitterness could be hidden by so perfect of a mask.
When your guard were down, Lucifer manipulated the flames in the throne room to burn you, making your wings as black as theirs.
“Bitterness has consumed everything good in you, Samael, you’re a shadow of who you were, you’re not free, you are a slave to your resentment!” you shouted, infuriated. The rage building in your body enough to power a hundred smites. However, you had just fallen, your wings were just burned, and even with the power for a very decent battle against Lucifer, you lacked the strength to wield it.
“Mazikeen, please escort our guest to their cell. Make sure it’s the right one, where they’ll be able to contemplate what a foolish choice it was to betray me,” they said, gesturing with their hand to summon the archdemon.
You didn’t have a way of escape, Lucifer would make sure you were securely held in their claws, so you simply accompanied the creature to your new abode, a windowless cell of hot obsidian. It was just your luck you discovered that now you could burn.
After hours of introspection, sitting in your hellishly warm and uncomfortable cell, you realize why Samael were entitled “Prince of Lies”. Because in the throne room, when you looked into their eyes, you could swear on your life and the life of all living beings that they loved you just as much as you did them. It appeared you were wrong.
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bonefall · 10 months
It would be funny if people channeled aither Appledusk or Frecklewish for protection against Mapleshade SPECIFICALLY. They protect cats that are haunted by her for no other reason then petty spite.
I lean towards Frecklewish on a more general level because she is spiteful in the dark forest
With Apple I got the idea that it is a sort of unspoken dark secret in river clan since that's where his bloodline is. It just exists as an old ghost story that is told "If you are ever haunted by a ghostly Calico Cat, go to the old apple tree and say a damned man's name three times." And everyone just thinks it as a weird folk story.
Anyways, main point is that ghost curse horror movie Mapleshade is a really good idea
Frecklewish would RELISH the chance the beat the snot out of Mapleshade. Mostly the thing that would stand in the way is that Frecklewish shares no relation to the Applekin and even has a bit of a grudge of her own, but she is totally the sort of person who would put that aside for the chance to beat Maple's face in.
Appledusk could probably be channeled easily, just find a crabapple tree and strip its bark at sunset, but BB!Apple is kind of a pushover. He has a lot of regrets about his life, and hopes for atonement so that he may one day join StarClan. He may have mixed feelings on granting requests.
I'd say that he's good for undoing Maple's curses, but not going to town with her.
Frecklewish is DEFINITELY hard to get ahold of for some reason. You probably need something that adders produce... but if you call for her, she's there immediately.
Not to mention, though, the StarClan cats who are open for invocation. Maybe I should give Stormpaw's Demon a bit of a theme of "information loss" between generations as a result of neglect... Duskwater taught Rainflower how to cope with her curse, but Rainflower did not pass on the information to her own children, and they have to "re-discover" the wisdom that she should have given them.
Will make for a pretty awesome moment when one of them is able to get the attention of Petalstar.
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