#angela is bb
thefrsers · 2 months
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claudia-kishi · 6 months
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Hey look, I'm sorry, Ang. You know, it's first case back, you know, it's been a long day. Maybe I got something to prove.
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lacathhtf2023 · 9 months
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daigah · 6 months
thoughts and opinions on Trixie Collins?
I really like her ! She's so sweet and a very charming character, I really enjoyed reading her in bg 86. She deserves financial compensation for the amount of shit she's been through being Booster's secretary
Her friendship with Booster is also very endearing to me, they really care about each other a lot. In that same vein I hope we get more Trixie content with the b&g restoration stuff... nice to see a mention of her in booster Christmas story (keep forgetting shes called Terri tho 😭)
Also my favourite Trixie scene ever. Shes a lesbian cat lady in my heart
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beingfacetious · 7 months
a hypothesis for no one
I wanted to say that Angela Moss is the Jesse Pinkman of Mr. Robot but I was thinking that was just a Pleasant Beer Buzz thought and anyway it doesn't work because part of Jesse is that he ultimately sees the truth of his reality but is still caught up
BUT!!! The problem is that Angela never got the chance for that to happen!!! If she'd lived in season 4 she would have had a story about knowing the truth and that not being enough to set her free and I DESERVED THAT!!! Sam Esmail should feel BAD!!!
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septembersghost · 1 year
different anon but I've told you before, you are the keeper of Andrew and Austin to me, every time I see either of them I'm like, there's Jess' husband, there's Jess' boyfriend (sunshine? how are we classifying him haha)
🎵karma is my husband karma is a god karma is my golden retriever boyfriend🎵 (completely aware of boundaries and distance while supporting them in their artistic endeavors and their thoughtful kindness and wishing them happiness and success through admiration from afar version) (alternately: delulu will bite haters version 😌)
understand i will live off of these crumbs forever
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look at andrew over aus' shoulder cheering for him!
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sweet boys!
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bouqetofmemes · 1 year
Bro wtf
Spoilers here
"What happened?!" Y/n asked, running down the stairs and barely tripping "Where is lord Barrymore?" You all then heard a pounding on the door of the manor After it was opened, a villager came inside, breathless and looked shocked "The demon hound. The great hound is here!" Said the villager "No!" "The hound?" You all put on your coats and ran as fast as you all could to where the rest of the villagers were They were chanting the song that the old lady sang when you guys first got there "What's happening?" Sebastian asked, disturbed  "Snap out of it! What are you all doing?" Bardroy asked a woman Lighting struck and there he was, lord Barrymore, murdered Sebastian went to go investigate The villagers were asking for forgiveness and Angela passed out
Your mind was spinning, lord Barrymore dead? You all had solid evidence that he made up the demons hound, was it actually real? But he made up the demon hound to keep control, he used it to his advantage! Was he telling the truth and lies? Was he telling the truth or not? Was the demon hound real but not kill anybody and only lord Barrymore? You were shaking, it was all so confusing!  You were so confused, you didn’t notice that the itchiness on your face was pain as you scratched it harshly 
You all went back inside to try and process what was happening 
"Well, this was unfortunate, master, mistress. To think, all this happening after the case was closed. I'm sure you two are a bit annoyed." "Are you quite finished?" "Where is Angela?" "We left her resting up in her bed for now. She seems tired yes she does." "It's to pitiful to watch, the poor bird." "This village isolated itself completely from the rest of society out of fear of the demon hound's curse." "He was covered in bite wounds. Maybe the villagers are right. Maybe it really was the demon hound." "Maybe he's upset at being blamed for lord Henry's misdeeds." "Yes, maybe. For now there's only one thing we know. It wasn't human." "The hound, then."
You were waiting in bed for Ciel to get finished putting on his nightwear when Sebastian asked a question "Is something the matter?" "It's about what you said earlier-"
Ah, yes, those words that Sebastian let out, it scared you, and made you confirm most of your suspicions, suddenly, you got an idea
"Ciel, Sebastian, you know those stories about werewolves right?" Y/n asked sitting up and crawling over to the end of the bed "Yes, why?" "So, what if the demon hound could disguise as a human and be in the village during the day, then at night, it turns into a demon hound and punish the people who broke the rules?" "I guess you could be right. But there is a slim chance of that. I deem it to be a fairytale that’s all.”
"Come on, let's go, you need sleep." Ciel said, pushing you to the bed
It was the next morning, you were eating your breakfast with Ciel, mey Rin and finnian came in and complained about Angela being gone, the servants went out looking for Angela while Sebastian stay with you two.
"You know, I'm quite interested. What color is your blood?" "At any rate, it looks as if we do need to hurry now." Ciel said, drinking from his teacup  "Go out there and put on a good show from me and N/n, am I clear?" "Perfectly, my young lord."
"Come, this is no time to be playing with a puppy, Y/n wants to get things done and over with."  "Master, mistress!" "Certainly, I shall finish it off at once." The demon hound came back up but then started sniffing the air "It's smells irresistible doesn't it dog? This is what you want, right? Inukko, the treat no dog can refuse." "Dog treats?" The servants asked The dog happily jumped towards Sebastian for the treats "Look out, Sebastian!" Mey-Rin warned "There is only one way to properly train a bad dog. You must teach the creature to obey your every commend using rewards and punishments." "Firstly reward!" Sebastian jumped up in the air to bite the dogs nose, making the dog happy The servants took a couple of guesses of what Sebastian was doing "And now... punish!" Sebastian jumped up in the air once again and kicked the dog in the nose, sending him flying Sebastian was giving the dog rewards and punishments left and right "Well I suppose I did ask him to put on a good show." "And finally, a hug!" Sebastian ran up to the dog with wide opened arms and started levitating with the dog, then letting the dog go letting it hit the ground
You and Ciel walked up to the hole that Sebastian had created and told him to come up "Yes sir." You all heard rumbling and Ciel grabbed your wrist to pull you away from the water coming out of the hole
Sebastian came out of the water, talking about how it was a resort of the queen, a luxury need for the central attraction so Sebastian made the hot spring  You were just standing there, wondering how his skin tissues were doing Wait, HE HAS A NAKED MAN IN HIS ARMS, WHO IS THAT? "If I couldn't find a hot spring or two for my master and mistress, well then what kind of butler would I be? The idea simply unthinkable." The naked man started licking Sebastian's face happily, making Mey-Rin bleed and blush "Pluto!" Angela yelled, running for the man and the man running in an.. animalistic way?
"I'm sorry for the confusion, this is Pluto. I found him last month. I've always been a big dog lover, and he was so adorable I absolutely had to take him in." "Adorable?" The two servants asked each other "He does kind of have a bad habit of turning human when he gets excited." Bardroy lost his rocks and started yelling while Sebastian asked Angela a question "I beg you sir, please take him with you. I know it's an imposition, but would you bring him to live at the Phantomhive manor?" Bardroy called the man a monster, resulting in you hitting his arm "He needs a firm hand. I think if Sebastian were there to train him, he would become a good dog." "No, thank you. I'm a butler, not one hell of a dog trainer." "Why not? I'm sure Y/n would like to play with him in his dog form when I'm busy" "Master, is this an order?" Sebastian asked, glaring at Ciel  "It is I think I'll find it amusing in several ways."
"... rate, our work here is done." "I seem to recall you were forced to eat your words earlier. Would you like to say it again now that it's true?" "Why don't you do it for us?" "This case is now officially closed." Sebastian said proudly 
You and Ciel were now bathing in a hot spring, relaxing after the long day. "Excellent, this is just perfect." "Allow me, sir. Traditional hot springs service. You see my lord, this is how the Japanese enjoy hot springs." Sebastian drifted a try with cookies and tea towards you and Ciel, Ciel grabbing his tea cup first and you grabbing the cookies "It is a nice addition." Ciel and Sebastian were talking about worries when Pluto came inside of the water and started swimming like a dog and howling 
"Nice and snug, don't ever forget me, dear Pluto." Angela kissed the dog on the cheek before Bardroy started yelling to Pluto about putting clothes on
After everyone said their goodbye's you all went back home
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dragonsbone · 2 years
I think you know the drill, tell me everything about josana
hehehehehe your wish is my command <3
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josana lannister is the second child and only daughter of jafford lannister and laissa lannister ( née bellard ). she has an older brother, marcellus, and a younger brother, tryton. her mother died while she was rather young of the pox and her father died a few years prior to start of the story. she and her brothers reside in casterly rock under their uncle, tywin’s, protection. 
ever since josana was a young girl, it was clear tywin had favored her greatly. she was a cunning little thing with the ferocious heart of a lion and a strong mind to match. yet, there was a gentleness to her that remained hidden from most, except her family. although, she was a woman and had brothers, who were more “suited” for tywin’s attention and affection ( ya know, bc they’re male ), it never stopped him from specifically catering to his beloved niece. in a way, she reminded him a bit of his late wife, but he would never admit that to anyone. 
they have a very important dynamic, which is extremely pivotal to the story and how it complicates everything. josana loved tywin as if he were a second father and would do almost anything for him. and tywin took advantage of that devotion. when news of jon arryn’s passing, the lord of casterly rock seized a remarkable opportunity. he concocted a plan and presented it to king robert ( with the “help” of cersei ) by raven. the plan was to marry josana off to ned stark’s eldest son and she would attend the king and his family on their journey to winterfell. josana would perform her duty as lady of winterfell, provide heirs and raise them as proper lannisters. my lioness, understandably, is not thrilled at all by this situation. she is a true woman of the south and does not wish to leave her home. but, tywin always gets what he wants in the end. after much “convincing”, she accepted tywin’s command, rode to king’s landing to be with her cousins, and traveled together to the north.
now,,, the fun part,,, the lioness and the wolf. they - and i cannot stress this enough - do not get along. at first, they remain cordial with each other as they know they’d be wed to each other eventually. unfortunately, josana is having the absolute worst™️ time. she misses the warmer weather, the water reaching the shores of casterly rock, and the brightness of the sun shining through her windows in the early morning. in winterfell, she has no friends, no allies, and is truly and completely alone. with the start of the war, the tragedy of ned stark, and the stark sisters captive in the capitol, the familiar cold shoulder and passive aggressive remarks she’d grown used to receiving turned into vicious slander and hostility. the lioness found herself trapped in a den full of wolves with no way to escape and be free. and, of course, the civilness between her and robb became outright hatred and clear disdain.
when robb was presented with the terms and conditions of access to walder frey’s bridge, it was his lifeline and his destruction. he happily agreed to those demands, but josana was truly now a captive of the starks without the protection of a betrothal. yet, fate works in mysterious ways. after all that was deemed broken beyond repair, things began to change between josana and robb. they begin to understand one another and actually hold conversations where they weren’t throwing vile words within every other sentence. 
however, no matter robb’s change of heart or how he made her his wife at the end, the north would never accept a lannister as their queen. 
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honey-gaze · 2 years
poultry in motion
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mrshobbit · 1 year
I'm rewatching black butler and i forgot how FREAKY these angels are
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WEEE WOOO WEEE WOOO "yeah it was that one there thats the one who touched me"
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tinyreviews · 2 years
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Watch this with a kid. Otherwise, skip it.
Bumblebee is a 2018 science fiction action film centered on Hasbro's Transformers character of the same name. The film is the sixth installment in the Transformers film series. The film is directed by Travis Knight and written by Christina Hodson. It stars Hailee Steinfeld, John Cena, Jorge Lendeborg Jr., John Ortiz, Jason Drucker, and Pamela Adlon, and features Dylan O'Brien, Angela Bassett, Justin Theroux, and Peter Cullen in voice roles. It is the first film in the Transformers series not to be directed by Michael Bay, who instead acted as a producer.
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bibyshitsuji24k · 28 days
My headcanon!, ㅠㅠ but I think R!Ciel& O!Ciel and Lizzie’s story is based on the story of King George VI and his wife, queen mom. Back to ch.109 you’ld see the Midford’s manor, it’s the Glamis Castle located in Scotland. (Ch.14 said that Francis was married to Scottish Noble) This castle is childhood’s house of Queen mom. Also Queen mom’s name is Elizabeth Angela Marguerite Bowes-Lyon as if Yana once said that it’s Lizzie’s middle name in guild book!
King George VI was born in 14 December and he has one brother King Edward that is actually rightful heir to be the king. King George was ill often and was described as "easily frightened and somewhat prone to tears" like O!Ciel. He never thought that one day he would become the King.
That’s it! I don’t know how Black Butler will end but hopefully they would be happy like them! Thank you
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Indeed! They weren't just born on the same day but almost in the same year. I know there's a 20-year difference, but what other king of England was born on a similar date?
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Yana probably took some of that information to base the character of Ciel on because I'm pretty sure she's a hardcore royalty fan, haha.
I knew about Glamis Castle in Scotland, but I'm attaching pictures as well.
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Regarding Elizabeth's name, I'm sure it does not match Queen Elizabeth's middle name since Elizabeth's full name is Elizabeth Ethel Cordelia Midford. BUT, Albert's brother's name was Edward, what a coincidence lol
It'd be hilarious if Ciel's real name is actually Albert! But knowing Yana, I think she'd choose a rarer name because it's a very 'English' name (even if its origins are from Germany).
Thanks for the information! I'm not familiar with royalty 'tea' at all, besides what's happening on bb >w<
Well, I wouldn't be surprised if Vincent named Smile with a German-origin name. We know, deep down, he loved Diedrich (??)
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animeyanderelover · 1 month
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You meant BB as in Black Butler, right?
Tw: Yandere themes, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional mindset, paranoia, isolation, manipulation, gaslighting, guilt-tripping, abduction, death
Tags: @lovley-valentine7 @leveyani @chxxz
Words: 1.4k
Prompt 91
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Eyes of deep amethyst narrowed for a split second when she saw the ropes tied around your hands and the rough hand on your biceps which pulled you forcefully closer to the house from which you had just tried to escape from. The look of unbridled hatred which she held for humans, one that could have perhaps been used to convince the policeman that she was the one who was insane.
Unfortunately you were the only one who saw this flashing expression on her face as you were already familiar with the witch behind the mask. Anyone else couldn't have been anything but fooled as large doe eyes shimmered with tears as she quickly rushed to meet you. No trace of the previous hatred was visible on her face, her expression as soft and shy as her demeanor as she took your hands gently.
"(y/n)... Oh, I was so worried about you! What if you would have gotten hurt out there?" The tears in her eyes were true, you knew that much as you saw the salty water gathering in her eyes out of gratitude that you were unharmed and fine. The sweet smile she gave the officer who had brought you back though wasn't but you were the only one who knew that and after everything that had just happened, you felt far too discouraged to argue with the ignorant and easily fooled man once again. You would only waste your breath on him.
"I cannot express how grateful I am to you, officer." she stated as she clasped her soft hands together and looked with large eyes at the older man before bowing her head to feint thankfulness.
Far too easily was the officer swayed by her beauty and submissive charm as you could see the hint of a pink blush appearing on his face as he was yet another one to be deceived by Angela.
"I only did my job, Miss Blanc. If any problems should arise, do not hesitate to inform me."
You had the urge to roll your eyes when you saw how he straightened his back and puffed his chest ever so slightly out in a pitiful attempt to appear bigger to impress the gorgeous woman in front of him. Perhaps you hadn't been able to hide your clear annoyance completely though as you received a quick glare from him when he caught your gaze on him that was clearly patronising him.
He turned his body to your direction, giving you what you assumed was meant to be a stern glare in an attempt to chastise you.
"I do hope that you will not attempt anything reckless anytime soon again, (l/n). You worried Miss Blanc to no end because of your immature actions. Please consider her feelings too if you should try to do it again."
You could only silently clench your jaw as you had to silently endure his words as you knew very well that talking back wouldn't be a good decision right now.
That guy didn't know shit about the world yet he was pretentious enough to believe that he had any right to lecture you about your feeble escape attempt. Blessed were the idiots indeed who didn't have to worry about all what lied beyond the perception of humanity.
There were a lot of things you would have loved to say to him as he finally decided to depict himself as benevolent enough to untie the rope from your wrists. You noticed how Angela took a subtle step closer, her eyes observing your skin for any injuries that would then be the sole responsibility of that officer.
He remained as unaware as ever though as he courtly lifted his head for her before he returned to the carriage with which he had come. You could feel delicate hands on your back, ushering you back inside all whilst the deceiving smile stayed on her lips as she bid goodbye to the officer who was looking at you two through the carriage.
It was only after she had escorted you safely back inside and had locked the door that her face finally morphed and reflected her true feelings. Wrinkles appeared on her normally smooth skin as her face twisted into one of pure revulsion and you were within earshot to hear how she started muttering fanaticallly to herself how she would have to get rid of another insect.
You deemed it to be wisest to let her be as long as she was like this yet your yearned solitude was short-lived as her eyes found yours and the disgust was partially replaced by worry as she grasped your hands in her own, inspecting your wrists closely now.
"How dare he to tie a dirty rope around your wrists like you are some livestock!" she ranted angrily as she pushed you with the palms of her hands onto the armchair, the gentleness of her touch a sharp contrast to her harsh and infuriated voice.
You could hear her seething even as she shortly disappeared from your sight only to appear with a bowl of cold water and a towel. When she grabbed your wrist to clean you from whatever stench she thought was on your skin right now due to the rope, you actually rejected her as you pulled your arm away from her.
Amethyst eyes gave you an incredulous look before she hid it behind a composed and sweet mask, her soft voice jarring to listen to as she suddenly treated you like one would a scared baby deer.
"Oh, I know that you must have been so scared all alone out there. I'm forever sorry that I couldn't search for you personally, I should have chosen you over my other task. You do not have to be scared anymore though, I'm here right now."
It struck all the wrong cords within you to hear those words from her as you knew too well and that made you hate her and the entire situation even more.
"And just what makes you think that you know me best?!" you hissed at her, clearly pissed about constantly being asked to sit down and let her do everything just because of her misguided assumption that she knew you better than you knew yourself.
Many other people would have fallen for the shocked and hurt look appearing on her face when she heard your words, for the tiny gasp escaping her soft lips as you targeted her with your cruel words.
"I only ever desire the best for you! I have always protected you and guided you from the very moment I laid my eyes on you!"
A tender touch graced your face as her hands cupped your cheeks, her eyes a mirror to her inner turmoil. Your words always shook her yet she would always excuse it for you were pure deep down, an attribute that made you worthy of safety and protection. She knew that you weren't the one speaking those harsh words and showcasing such bad manners. You were merely copying what you had been exposed too.
"Have I not freed you from the chains of that unworthy and sinful man? Have I not done everything in my power to erase the lingering traces he has left in your mind and heart?"
You visibly recoiled when she asked you this, although not necessarily because of the question but more because of the memories it brought back.
Your father had been a terrible man even before your mother had passed away but after her death you had been the sole victim to his indifference and drunken aggressiveness. His only saving grace had been his wealth or otherwise he would have been thrown into jail a long time ago.
He was a shadow from the past now though as Angela had freed you from his torment, his body missing even months after his disappearance. Still, you found yourself having a hard time letting his memories go as it had been the only familiarity in your life for many years. Silently, without letting Angela know, sometimes you even wished him to be still here as his indifference and aggressive behavior had all been aspects you had learned to handle.
"Your pure heart is truly admirable. You still seem to believe that other people outside are better than he will be. Believe me, they aren't. People are self-centered and egotistic."
You didn't know how to handle Angela though. Your father had been a terrible human but ultimately he had been nothing more. Only a silly, mortal human whose liver would have eventually given up on him.
“They are going to hurt you. They are going to leave you, mock you, betray you, abandon you. But not me. I’ll be here for you. I’ll worship you, love you and protect you from the world. Just you and me. Forever.”
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sisterofficerlucychen · 2 months
my favorite reactions from my best friend watching the rookie for the first time (she's almost at the s1 finale):
lucy you can do so much better bb
tim has no business being that fine
lmao talia and lucy proving boys are dumb
is the captain and nolan going to be a ship
i love how angela is like nah the law is sometimes not the law 💅🏽
the way i'm not even mad at like the bad guy, i'm mad at the writers (at captain andersen being killed off)
a shot for every time they don't wear vests when they should, double shot when they accidentally wear a vest and it actually saves their life
is it genuinely expensive for them to wear vests or what
me heart eyes at tim pushing for over time
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cantstayawaycani · 1 year
I'm so happy for Angela getting her flowers (and my bb Tenoch as well 💓) but I also can't help but be sad and resentful that Letitia's beautiful performance is being largely ignored by critics, some fans, and her peers.
She's so talented though it's only a matter of time before she can't be ignored.
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bition-boyz · 2 months
It’s finally finished! The first chapter, this took me a little while but I think it turned out pretty good. This story will possible have another chapter in the near future. No use of Reader/yn. I don’t know the exact word count. -BB
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Ashaf x F! Reader (1/?)
Ashaf= Blue
Guideau = Green
Reader = Pink
18+, minors DNI
(Suggestive content, cursing, eventual smut?)
All Ashaf wants to do is go home to the one who holds his heart, the one who makes living and even breathing that much more tolerable. These missions are taking a toll on not just Ashaf but also Guideau no matter how much they denied their injuries that get little to no time to heal.
Ashaf was-to put it simply as exhausted, Guideau and him were dealing with countless witch after witch searching for Angela, the witch who placed the curse upon Guideau. Tensions are high, were both in pain and were not any closer to finding Angela,he thought.
“We have another letter from The Order Guideau.” Ashaf asked. “If it isn’t a black envelope for a witch I don’t give a shit about the damn letter” Guideau barked out. The envelope was a purple color, one that neither of them have ever seen before. The letter read that due to the tremendous help Ashaf and Guideau have provided with the magical fiascos the magical attacks are now at an all time low and it will be some time before they have more intel on when or where the next witches will be. This is perfect, I have some down time that I can use wisely
“Well? What does the shitty letter say” Guideau questioned. “They’re giving us off time, we’ve dealt with all of the Magical affairs they had on hand” Ashaf explained while handing the letter to Guideau.
Ashaf brought his hand to the cuff of his shirt and pulled his locket chain from underneath his shirt. Inside is rather scandalous a picture of his sweet girl, Reader. Her lying naked underneath him lightly coated in his spend from the activities from that night. His face a bright red as he recalled the precious sounds he coaxed out of you, the delicious way you called out his name, the way you- “ASHAF!!” Guideau called out to him breaking him from his erotic daze. “a-ah Yes, Guideau?” He attempted to bounce back from his previous memories. “I’m leaving. I’m going to find something to do while we wait for everyone to do their damn job” Guideau said while stomping away. “Okay, stay safe” Ashaf said.
Now time to make a well deserved visit to someone I’ve been so shamelessly deprived of my sweet, sweet girl. Ashaf thought. “There are quite a handful of of Order agents around so she should be-“ Ashaf was cut off by a pair of hands covering his eyes, he knew it was you and your playful nature brought a smile to his face.
“Guess who?” You questioned, a giggle leaving you. “Hmmm let’s see, is it Phanora?” Ashaf asked. “Nooooo try again~.” You said in a singsong tone. “Is it Guideau?” Ashaf guessed. “Nope wrong again” you laughed out. As much as Ashaf loved your games he was getting a little ansty so he removed your hands and dragged you to the nearest alley way from prying eyes. “Ashaf you’ve gotten a little bold” you voiced bashfully. You looked ravishing, the slight pink tone that grazed your cheeks, the way you avoided his intense lustful gaze, Ashaf knew it was a facade hiding the little minx that you are.
Ashaf has you pinned against the wall, his head buried in your neck as he kissed and licked you leaving the skin more sensitive than before. His hands planted firmly against your waist. “I missed you greatly my dear.” He said as inhaled your perfume, he can feel himself losing his composure. “Show me” you whispered. Ashaf smiled and asked teasingly “What was that dear?” “Show me how much you missed me Ashaf, I need to know if you feel the same.” Ashaf took a step back and looked at his work on your neck before locking eyes with you. You can see his lust clouded eyes. It’s been so long since you had him to yourself and you plan to make the most of it. “You know exactly how to get me going angel in the best ways” Ashaf grabbed you hand and placed it on his now visible bulge. “I have room booked on top floor of The Manor Hotel I’ll be waiting for your arrival.” He said as left the alley leaving you stunned at his newfound bold behavior.
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