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Yeah I made a pantheon for my kirbyverse. Pantheon of paradise.. Listed here are: Nyebreus, god of dark matter, Anichi, god of soul matter, Corluv, god of heart matter and Somiro, god of dream matter
Faye, goddess of light, Kerivika, goddess of war, Floranya, goddess of planets, Aradite, goddess of beauty, Lazoliph, god of oceans/water, Avia, god of winds, Raver, god of trickery, Magiajam, banished god of magic and Fehaili, goddess of sleep
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blue-jester · 1 year
matter gods [mostly corluv]
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dandeliondee · 11 months
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sillays with @blue-jester's anichi
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izfruitcake13 · 2 years
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New Game Character Design #SneakPeak Let's make the lighting, a little darker #copyright #OC #originawork #patreon #ldptrilogy #queen #new #nueve #game #character #design #Deca #princezi #anichi #anichi #quen Ain't sure if that's a cape or what XD making her look like a queen, gown superhero! :P #gown #winter #knight #winterishere (at London, United Kingdom) https://www.instagram.com/p/Cgvi1QJJ2AL/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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karmaalwayswins · 6 months
Anichi Perez and Bersy Cortez dance salsa at Cologne Salsa Congress 2023.
Song: Barbaro Fines y su Mayimbe "Intro del Mayimbe"
Video Credit: Star Mambo Video
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peter2020 · 3 months
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mnovenia · 7 months
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OCTOBER = 3 more months to 2024
Welcoming october 1st with many messages from God. Of course my selfishness want to highlight the progress of my convo with GwangHui. However, God also find a way to purify my heart, to think from His perspective instead of mine, to not be too easy in making conclusion or to fall into Satan's trap that want to take benefit from this situation.
I think from the last update we're about 2-3 day being in communication. I was so busy and so he was. I was going to Ubud with the youth, met Dede & his fam, getting to know his fam/perspective, also with Reno & Yuni. I'm glad to be able to go to the dentist, fulfilling my duty with Dentist, meeting w Arian, Fanie, Levina (testify all God's work), showing with Tommy, in the meantime maintain communication with Pak Ferry, Pingkan, June, Ko Wilson n gank, Tere, etc. I was also glad to spend time with Pat&Yogi, share about expectation in leading smallgroup, also with Levina to see God's wisdom in their marriage and growth of their child, that encourage me to still believe that marriage can work too.
On the same week, GH told me about his chuseok activities, how he told his relatives regarding his plans, his thought and fear about working in Bali. However, in all steps that he makes, I have so much trust and believe that he is doing it prayerfully, righteously (even to not send a wrong signal on messages to me, he is being careful), I believe that God who protecting us both are giving us wisdom of what to do upon this journey. I believe He also equip and urge us to do His will while He keeps us being single ~ as the song says:
The Youth’s Prayer: Let me give thanks for all He gives me Let me choose the gospel over wealth Let me walk the way of truth than fame The holy youth of Jesus Let me rightly give up all blessing gained through unjust ways, Let me be a clean pot in His eyes Let me live for His glory, As he willed in sending me on this earth Even in my weakness, let my faith in you be strong, Let me not be discouraged by the great waves of the world, When my youth passed by Let my life have looked as my Lord willed A life worshiping of God A life proclaiming the gospel I pray that is the life I will live Let me lay down my name and lift His high Let me lay down my name and lift His high Let me be a light in a dark world Let my life be used in saving a precious soul Let me grow in likeness to Jesus
The more I pray for Gwuang Hui the more I feel the weight and fear and the giants he might face. I'm sure as we share this burden, it will feel lighter. For the first time in a while I feel someone's burden on my shoulder. I know that's its not my time to be a hero or rely on my power nor strength, however I understand from human's perspective of how obeying God's command can be scary too. So at this time, I'm trying to place myself in Gwanghui's shoes. I'm sorry that he will spend less time with his father, he must gives up his fav foods/places/activities/familiarities/church families that's been supporting him to a new one, his stable job and financial resources. He has to face all the unknown without people that used to support him all his life. Gwanghuiya, nunaga nomu ihaehae, na ddo ara, geundae gokjonghajima, da gwaenchana, hananimi issemyon, da halsuichi, nuna ddo neo gajok anichi? hehe..
I beg and ask God to reveal the message clearly to him, speak to him softly in peace and straightforwardly through sermon, songs, prayer, people, devotion, kakaotalk, his family, I pray for he will have courage to face the fear and security in God's prefect plan for His plan, I pray that he will obey and seek God's will first before his own comfort or what he can gain from the world's perspective, I pray that he will not get discouraged and can enjoy this walk of God's process, I pray that he will witness God's might through his weakneses, I pray that Kim Gwang Hui will stand firm in his faith, for nothing can withheld what God has prepared for Him, no power will snatch him out of God's hands. In the meantime, he will prepare wisely, seek Godly counsel and be earful to listen of what to do, he can still be attentive to his father and his family, his colleagues, peers, sun members and everyone around him. I pray that in days to come, things will fall into places according to God's will and it will be his testimony of how God provide to His obedient child, who is willing to be sent for the sake of the Gospel, to live the life of Youth that's pleasing God's heart, I pray God will provide financially and repay what he gives up in order to follow this new path. I pray that Gwuang Hui can also enjoy this given new way, embrace this as God's gift instead of sacrifice, something to enjoy not to endure, he will realize that this opportunity doesn't come for everyone, so as God trust in him, put in his heart, he should just accept and embrace it with open arms, he will see slowly see God's hand making a way for Him everywhere he goes, I pray that he knows that he is so loved by God to be given this privilege, I pray that he will enjoy sharing his experience and be a real witness of how God treasure His son. Feel the depth of God's love, who gives Gwang Hui grace upon grace on the cross, give him understanding of the gospel and reveal to him who He is, and how God wants Gwang Hui to share this precious love to those who never heard before, to help where God needs extra hand in faraway country (where the works are plenty). May he be encouraged knowing that: 'though he may be weak, but God knows ALL he needs, He believe that God is still working for him, fix his eyes to Him that's taking care of His son, personally, specificly, Kim Gwang Hui is the one that the world truly needs, you are the very one that the Father seeks, and there is nothing else Gwang Hwi seeks than the name of Jesus Christ' - Amen
Also I want to talk about today's semon and how God speak to me.
Coram Deo: SAME PAGE, you and I are on the same page. A man according to God's heart. #sampaiakhirhidupku #chongnyongido
Absolute Bartizan that comes from faith
Acts 27: 20-26
-don't let opportunity of sharing the gospel goes out of you, no regret, even if it risked your relationship.
-Paul was having a hard time as a prisoner to share the gospel in Rome. Plus there was unpredicted storm happened. However only Paul stay and act peaceful, why? Because he has the absolute bartizan.
Faith that overcome your understanding (Iman yang menguasai)
-they went as a team community who grow biblically together, but when the ship was wrecked and they're stuck in a storm, a lot of them were panic and anxious in the midst of crisis.
-but Paul said calm down, do not be afraid and have joy in the midst of it all. How? Because he has his own personal special relationship with God the Father. He can confidently said the message he got from God's angel, and he hold on to that only.
-this should happen in our lives as well, we can hold on to firman mimbar only and seek nothing else, don't stop praying when you're in the midst of the storm.
-how could our faith be increased? Is it by your own power? Jesus said John 16:33 I have told you all this so that you may have peace in me. Here on earth you will have many trials and sorrows. But take heart, because I have overcome the world.
He is with us always, fear/anxiety will vanish when you're surrounded by our faith. And God love when things happen miraculously, not according to the world's cleverness.
2. Time to recall your calling that God has given (Jadwal untuk mengingat kembali akan amanat)
-God instructed Paul that he has to spread the gospel in Rome. This is the heavenly call for Paul that he cling unto, even in the midst of the storm.
-While you're still alive, you still have a purpose that you have to accomplish. Remember God's covenant and calling for you. Push other distractions that makes you lose focus on the goal God wants you to accomplish (Kristus, Kerajaan Allah, Kekuatan Roh kudus).
-be like Paul, just 1 person/individual but can bring out impact that so bright to allow us, not because that we're capable but because of God's command.
-God's power first that we need to prioritize then see where it leads. You're chosen by God alone, made suitable for your situation, with God's own reason and purpose. Don't lose the value that you have in Jesus. Amen.
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buysmartaccs · 1 year
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latangerina · 1 year
Milonga Anichi (verano 2022...)
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444names · 2 years
french, norse deity and tolkienesque forenames + german towns + norwegian fjords + scottish surnames + theological angels and demons BUT i removed all diacritics
Abronge Adenheim Adrah Aeldord Aermsdeall Afjorfjorg Agdurgulin Agoladt Aidhonn Airch Alant Alderf Almodar Alzhaudil Ambon Amillerg Ammeckerk Anaciraurg Anadra Ancordin Anden Andfjorden Anichied Annhein Anthain Anthausch Aragariarn Arassiaron Areudil Aschl Aussir Azravarick Baccur Bacil Ballau Benbuch Beruinies Biedenburt Biendaig Bilinach Bincuar Binner Bisais Bjorfjord Blaegg Blauseenn Bliongen Blitzi Boben Bocoe Bohlar Borden Bordern Borsten Bremmen Brenacheg Brenech Brunn Brurgolig Brutein Bruth Buckelin Buhlecken Buruedt Caide Caldordean Caley Calgh Callde Caoli Ceacguelyn Celedear Claken Clantinn Cluidh Colzho Corden Coriose Crandor Cronita Cutanorde Daniedt Darinchla Delatharg Denbuil Diehringen Drata Duibstalte Easslitsch Eatheim Ebhee Ebieden Egrobhain Eilig Eimbel Einfurg Elefjord Elfin Ellrahau Enmax Eothan Ephen Eppealsse Ergeim Eseesin Eshenrahte Esmold Ethen Fannain Felach Finigadt Flaig Flemies Floui Forothain Freab Frebniel Freitzin Fremen Fretade Frieck Friswald Frottste Fuingen Gaicion Gamun Gearamach Gefjorde Genherg Gennie Gerbenbach Gilleberg Gillvelden Giser Glail Glatadhrd Glebsta Golkar Gremy Groibershe Gromfjor Grottli Guhlil Gunzigratu Gusenstrid Hagannord Haichleon Haingen Hallgte Hammen Hande Haonfenfen Hardethal Harieriock Hathbuhl Haven Heacludr Heandorden Heathaon Heice Heidrudren Heimacille Heimacre Heingen Heiserg Heitt Hemenheim Heusen Hjarchein Hnausewald Hofen Hohleamber Homachon Hombren Honden Honndord Hordeft Hordenau Horfimir Hovdsfjor Hrden Huben Huden Iburg Ifhau Imrongen Ingern Ipzilingen Isfenauerd Issieben Jealas Jefjorg Jenber Jorden Jugeden Kaelephis Kamacil Karau Kaubber Kauchweidh Kauestel Kenst Kiettwie Killeselz Klantinz Klock Konadarna Kondeori Konge Korde Koriar Krairnstre Kroingen Lacim Ladang Ladine Laing Lanau Larajjar Larden Lasth Laull Laussen Lauztan Lefjorfoid Lenboben Letadt Licheing Linber Linfenz Loberae Lochsas Lodinn Lordeschrd Lorshausen Luburg Lucain Luccurg Luchadh Luthail Macabis Maccair Maccan Maccedh Maccen Maccol Maccus Macdh Macdhenn Maceden Macfhen Macfhil Macgie Macgilld Macgins Macgol Macgorter Machaide Macheitz Machenes Machicherg Machlas Machordair Machridh Machwen Macil Maciloh Macmhaich Macneusen Macnin Macphommen Macshen Macuin Magillen Magoravala Mahlin Maintadow Maldorgk Mamstarg Mangfjorf Mannraum Marazra Marebhuten Marein Maritteld Marryar Marth Masser Maugeld Meangerd Mebha Meppir Merli Merst Mertasgim Michst Minefjorf Miteg Monitsburg Morfjorde Mornd Muhla Mundorg Munne Munzlivile Nachwe Nairy Nebinich Nefjor Nefjordeim Neubh Neutkir Niarg Ningenburg Niser Noraidr Norlias Nuserg Obeinen Obelycheim Oberben Oberg Ocomback Odillana Oebarch Oferg Onngeizen Osbus Ossee Osweidh Othof Pauen Pazra Penfearitz Perzen Phailauns Pherbriste Pleoig Ploksfjon Plonn Ploringen Polteisim Priamen Pudien Querg Ranrin Recamlin Redel Reghuruc Rettsch Reuthain Rheber Rheingen Ritzen Roden Romhie Romhlada Roniert Ronstal Roppen Runken Sabiebuse Saborde Sachell Safjord Sagde Salfel Sanosen Scatts Schan Schaus Schen Scherg Schia Schian Schor Schsen Seadt Seanamen Senburg Sesen Sgarey Sgeis Snitz Soyfjor Sparkren Statad Stedtgaste Sterunste Sting Sucka Sunleden Susbette Tenhubi Tetalis Thein Thridethen Tohlachild Tomach Tosten Trien Tursanch Tuten Tysten Ughdenbuin Ulzazen Umhafen Uordenber Vaccurg Vachaich Vaenie Valanfer Valdene Vanneurg Varick Vedenoweim Vesheilln Vettliedt Vichen Vidrim Vileidh Viriellda Vrath Walandan Walardan Wallee Waltvill Weill Weimberd Weinger Wereuen Wesee Wijden Wohriel Wolainstin Wolauslais Wolfin Wunzop Xanden Yeqonberg Zacgil Zaptich Zietteisch Zoavieln
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infopresse · 3 years
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Locations vacances Guadeloupe : Jardin d’Anichi
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Dark... Soul... Heart... And dream,
As little babies!!!!!!!!!!!
These guys are the four matter gods in that other post I made with all the gods, [but they're little baby and also small and NOT bastards yet]
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blue-jester · 11 months
Alright! We know the most popular and most attractive. But who are the top 5 WORST (By personality) Kirby oc's? (Matter gods have to be grouped together)
This ones pretty easy!
1. Matter gods [Corluv, Anichi, Nyebreus, Somiro]
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2. Raver
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3. The Fortune Teller
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4. Abbadon
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5. Mapolor
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mythgirlimagines · 4 years
Since Shuichi's birthday is soon, I have a Fusion idea! Shuichi Saihara and Angie Yonaga shall make Anichi Sainaga, the Ultimate Criminal Sketch Artist!-Fusion Anon
The thing about Anichi is that they actually work really well under pressure. It’s kind of their job; they need to focus and produce accurate sketches as quickly as they can.
When they’re not on the job, though, they’re a little more reclusive. If you manage to become their friend, they’re a lot more talkative, but before that, it’s just small, light conversations.
Something that always manages to frustrate them is that they can’t seem to be able to draw much other than police sketches. Not trees, not houses, not animals, nothing.
They do put a lot of work into their talent, though. They’ll have their friends come up with features for them to sketch, and then it’s a matter of how accurate the drawing is to their friend’s mental image.
When they started out, they didn’t have a lot of confidence in their talent, but it’s obvious to them now how much their talent has grown since then. They’re so much more confident now.
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izfruitcake13 · 2 years
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We got a visitor, guess who? ' @soohyun_k216 ' #dunkindonut #thankyoubrother #oppa #kimsoohyun #midnightsnack #bonsoirée #foodie #foodlover #sweets #architecture #gahamsabnida #donut #doughnut #dough #cofee #chocolate #bavarian #parisian #sweets #desserts #deliciouso! #muybien #delnoche #bellissima!! #konbanwa #anichi #pink #orange #moderndesign *** Thanks for my brother who visited 감사합니다 #oppa #감사합니다 *** #oppakimsoohyun https://www.instagram.com/p/CiISAPRJ6wc/?igshid=NGJjMDIxMWI=
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