#anime pl
wolf-chas3r · 5 months
getting lvl. 100 with sung jin woo | solo leveling playlist
gott// simon dominic, moon sujin, woo, jvcki wai
mass suicide // piri, damien luci
uh-uh // huh, kid milli, gaeko
c.e.o freestyle // superbee, uneducated kid
grow back // gwangil jo, brown tiger
논산 // mushvenom
cliche // huh
microtrip // jjangyou
get money i love it // bloo
no name // yezi
itachi mode // paul blanco
another level // zico, phenomeco
taiji // changmo
swoosh flow - remix // changmo, 365lit, zene the zilla, chamane, paul blanco, damndef, kemm hyo-eun, northfacegawd
the fearless ones // the quiett, sik-k, beenzino, changmo
high risk high return // since, polodared
spotify: https://open.spotify.com/playlist/4YKTEhL0VHd9yU4IWpcK1X?si=U1nK5iHqSTC732UAS9K2yQ&pi=e-ac5r77Y0RTCj
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Unrelated but I just wanted to show you guys this cool thing I did :3
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vmkhoneyy · 1 year
“People are inherently terrible” no!!! Have you ever seen a child wait for their friend while they tie their shoelaces? Have you ever known someone who would bring hurt squirrels and rabbits and mice to the nearest vet just so it doesn’t suffer? Have you seen someone grieve? Have you ever read something that hit your heart like a freight train? Have you looked at the stars and felt an unexplainable joy? Have you ever baked bread? Have you shared a meal with a friend? Have you not seen it? All the love? All the good? I know it’s hard to see sometimes, I know there’s pain everywhere. But look, there’s a child helping another up after a hard fall. Look, there’s someone giving their umbrella to a stranger. Look, there’s someone admiring the spring flowers. Look, there’s good, there’s good, there’s good. Look!!!!
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sillyfairygarden · 1 month
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a stranger with a sly smile.... i caught the hades brainworms so obviously i had to draw scarlet pearl (now with a companion bigb!)
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outragedslime · 2 months
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When the first Archaeopteryx fossils were found, some people thought they were angels. They were right
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saeiken · 6 months
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solardrake · 8 months
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Delivering mail to the furthest corners of the server ✉✈
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shesnake · 1 year
Spider-Verse Artists Say Working on the Sequel Was ‘Death by a Thousand Paper Cuts’
Why don’t more animated movies look this good? According to people who worked on the sequel, Across the Spider-Verse, it’s because the working conditions required to produce such artistry are not sustainable.
Multiple Across the Spider-Verse crew members — ranging from artists to production executives who have worked anywhere from five to a dozen years in the animation business — describe the process of making the the $150 million Sony project as uniquely arduous, involving a relentless kind of revisionism that compelled approximately 100 artists to flee the movie before its completion.
While frequent major overhauls are standard operating procedure in animation (Pixar films can take between four and seven years to plot, animate, and render), those changes typically occur early on during development and storyboarding stages. But these Spider-Verse 2 crew members say they were asked to make alterations to already-approved animated sequences that created a backlog of work across multiple late-stage departments. Across the Spider-Verse was meant to debut in theaters in April of 2022, before it was postponed to October of that year and then June 2023 owing to what Entertainment Weekly reported as “pandemic-related delays.” However, the four crew members say animators who were hired in the spring of 2021 sat idle for anywhere from three to six months that year while Phil Lord tinkered with the movie in the layout stage, when the first 3-D representation of storyboards are created.
As a result, these individuals say, they were pushed to work more than 11 hours a day, seven days a week, for more than a year to make up for time lost and were forced back to the drawing board as many as five times to revise work during the final rendering stage.
"For animated movies, the majority of the trial-and-error process happens during writing and storyboarding. Not with fully completed animation. Phil’s mentality was, This change makes for a better movie, so why aren’t we doing it? It’s obviously been very expensive having to redo the same shot several times over and have every department touch it so many times. The changes in the writing would go through storyboarding. Then it gets to layout, then animation, then final layout, which is adjusting cameras and placements of things in the environment. Then there’s cloth and hair effects, which have to repeatedly be redone anytime there’s an animation change. The effects department also passes over the characters with ink lines and does all the crazy stuff like explosions, smoke, and water. And they work closely with lighting and compositing on all the color and visual treatments in this movie. Every pass is plugged into editing. Smaller changes tend to start with animation, and big story changes can involve more departments like visual development, modeling, rigging, and texture painting. These are a lot of artists affected by one change. Imagine an endless stream of them."
"Over 100 people left the project because they couldn’t take it anymore. But a lot stayed on just so they could make sure their work survived until the end — because if it gets changed, it’s no longer yours. I know people who were on the project for over a year who left, and now they have little to show for it because everything was changed. They went through the hell of the production and then got none of their work coming out the other side."
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comradekatara · 6 months
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it's national draw your sibling day
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cireks · 3 months
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You're drunkenly stumbling home one night and from the duckboards through the booze haze you see the most scrumptious ass teasingly glide away deeper into the dark swamp. You follow, legs getting heavier and orientation more difficult by each step.
How many times that scenario has played out in Ditovo is not easy to calculate but it's likely not zero. The more sober locals will tell you that the slamreta, also known as "harlot of the lake", is not a malicious creature, it wants nothing to do with you in fact. This animal uses inflatable sacs on its hind legs to float on the water's surface perfectly still as it looks for fish or other small things to eat. It hunts using its sharp vision and plunges its long neck to reach prey. It's long tail is curled up to act as a stabilizing anchor. At sign of danger the slamreta can deflate the hind leg sacs to dive and swim away. It spends most of its time in water and will build a nest in-between reeds or other shore vegetation.
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kamitv · 2 months
Thinking about Choso who…
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Loves any and all sorts of attention from you, even when you’re upset with him.
He’d love the way you frown at him or how your brows tense, finding you nothing more than cute— especially if you’re shorter than him, that just makes it even more amusing to him.
And if you happen to be taller than he’s lowkey ready to get down on his knees and apologize by putting his head in between your legs, even if you’re the one in the wrong.
Enjoys being seen out in public with you.
PDA is probably one of his favorite things, especially when he notices someone looking at you too long.
There’d be a time where a little boy or girl compliments you and suddenly he’s jealous even though it’s just a harmless child that’s admiring you.
If you had an ex that won’t leave you alone, would make it his mission to send him (consented) videos of you cumming on his cock.
Nine times out of ten, you’re on top of him, riding him til’ his eyes are to the back of his skull and he can’t stop himself from groaning. Asking you things like, “You’ ever ride your ex this fuckin’ good?” To which you’d respond with a quiet whine of no.
And next he’s got you bent over for him, hips snapping forward into you, heavy balls smacking against you with his ever thrust, and thick cock filling you up perfectly. All as he’s still mocking your ex, “He never fucked you this good, huh?” “Probably not, right?” “Oh shit, you can’t talk too well, can ya’?” “That feel good baby? Hm? Go ahead ‘nd tell the camera who’s fuckin’ you to tears.”
Loves showering you in compliments.
“You look so pretty in that, kinda like a princess.”
“I love your eyes, never stop lookin’ at me please.”
“You’re so beautiful.”
“I’m the luckiest man in the world, aren’t I?”
“You’re so cute, baby.”
Could get off on your smell alone.
It’s perverted, yes, but sometimes he gets really needy for you. He’d shove his face into your pillow, smelling a mixture of your perfume and last used soap and using that to get off— fisting his cock desperately as each whiff of your scent makes his thoughts blur together and his body twitch.
Would do anything you ask of him.
He doesn’t care what it is, as soon as you have that requesting tone in your voice, the word yes is rolling off of his tongue without second thought.
Who’s not the richest man in the world but works hard just to spoil you.
Choso loves giving you gifts. The way your eyes light up and a beautiful smile plasters across your face, it makes his heart throb in desire and he can’t help but have the urge to give you more and more.
He’d give you the world if he could.
Shuts you up by telling you to get down on your knees.
He doesn’t get mad at you often but when the argument gets to a certain point and he can tell you’re being a brat on purpose, he’s punishing you by fucking your throat.
His cock would be stretching your throat open too, filling your mouth up with cum after a few minutes because he still can’t always last too long with you— you’re still as pretty as ever on your knees with tears running down your face and a mouth full of his cock, the sight makes him fold every time and suddenly he can’t even remember what he was upset with you for.
Apologies to you by drowning in between your legs for hours.
Literal hours too. He doesn’t care if you told him you forgive him a thousand times already, once he’s down there it’s hard for him to get up. His jaw could lock while he’s nose deep into your pussy and he wouldn’t care, your taste is too addicting.
Then there’s the way you moan and whine out his name, begging him to give you a break— yet it only makes him more eager to get you off. Even if you squirt on his face, he won’t care, if anything he’s begging you to do it again. Groaning a simple, “Gimme another one, princess. Please?”
Blushes when you compliment him.
He’s not used to it so whenever you call him handsome, his ears are turning red and he’s mumbling out a cute thank you in response.
You once praised him and called him a good boy and he moaned, begging you to call him that again and again. It made his cock so unbelievably hard that he was aroused for practically the rest of the night.
Another time you said you were proud of him and he started showering you in kisses and telling you that he’s only doing good because he has you.
Brags & yaps about you whenever you’re the topic of conversation.
The second your name is said by someone nearby, his mouth is on auto-response. He’ll tell people how hard working snd perfect you are, how he doesn’t really deserve you but he’s so happy to have you as his lover.
Calls you specific pet names.
Baby, princess, love— they all slip out of his mouth before he even realizes he’s saying it.
If you told him you liked being called “mama, mamas, or ma” he’d settle on calling you ma.
Sometimes he just calls you his. His girlfriend, his partner, his wife. His anything and or everything.
In the rare case that he’s degrading you because you’ve asked him to— he’s calling you a slut. His slut, a dirty slut, pretty slut, his good slut, doesn’t matter.
Loves you more than he loves himself.
He’d cherish you like no other. Every kiss from his is filled with love and every time his eyes meet your face, his pupils dilate.
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A/N: In honor of my lover Choso. Please come home, the kids miss you baby. :( Gege Akutami when I get my goddamn hands on you its a wrap.
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conspicuous-clown-car · 2 months
uhhh this is really messy and took me like 8 hours, but i feel like if i don’t finish this whole 6 minute animation im never gonna share a single thing of it, so im making sure i do not do that
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thornysort · 3 months
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The Murderbot Diaries (2024) Season 2 Episode 1
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circuscountdowns · 3 months
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@lambment it’s their foolish day!!!! fr fr
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ghostlypanda · 1 year
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it's the BOY (。ᐤヮᐤ。)
pls go watch it
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saintmaryoliver · 2 months
stop everything you're doing and go read about rakus, the wounded sumatran orangutan from indonesia that was seen using plant as medicine
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give it up for rakus, the wounded sumatran orangutan from indonesia that was seen using plant as medicine
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