#animorphs mini bang 2020
c-rowlesdraws · 4 years
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When the last age ended and our age dawned, the Ixilan were lost within ourselves, dreaming. It was not an evil thing, to dream, but we dreamed for so long we forgot what the world outside ourselves was like, each of us wandering a solitary island.
Balinoor, a split-hearted daughter-son of the last age, tested the boundaries of themself. [...] They shaped their own spirit to take this form, too, abandoning the ever-shifting form of a dream. For a long time, they tested their new form, stretching the spirit-legs, honing the spirit-blade.
Then, they swung their spirit-tail back and split the boundary of their body with their blade, shattering it from the inside. And through the many cracks, the light of the world came in.
here’s my art piece for the 2020 Animorphs Mini Bang (@animorphs-mini-bang), drawn for @featherquillpen‘s beautiful fanfic “Shattered”! It’s a blanket/tapestry depicting the Ixilan myth from the fic, with a look inspired by traditional Jewish paper cutting and Batik wax-resist dyeing. It was fun to imagine what Andalite folk art might look like!
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wheatart · 4 years
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So I participated in the Animorphs Mini Bang this year! An awesome project where artists and writers combined to add to the Animorphs fandom! I was lucky enough to do an illustration for @c-rowlesdraws short fic (You can read it over heeeere: Third Grade Brain Slug Saves the Earth https://archiveofourown.org/works/25679572  )
This was such a fun fic to illustrate for, and I loved the interactions between the characters! Really delivers the whump in a fantastic way!
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Summary: In which Marco breaks a library, Ax defaces a ceiling, Rachel wastes three pencils, Tobias attempts to read a book, and no one actually serves out their detention the way the administration intended. AKA the obligatory Breakfast Club fusion.
Genre: Realistic fiction, no-aliens AU, enemies to found family
Word count: 14,478
Status: Complete
Warnings: Bullying, stereotyping, mentions of neglect
Written for the @animorphs-mini-bang.  Accompanying art by @taswp-ayawd. 
UPDATE: Art is located here!
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animorphs-mini-bang · 4 years
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A Princess, a Treehugger, and a Space Cadet Walk Into a Library by Solomoon
In which Marco breaks a library, Ax defaces a ceiling, Rachel wastes three pencils, Tobias attempts to read a book, and no one actually serves out their detention the way the administration intended. AKA the obligatory Breakfast Club fusion.
Art by Lemonhorse
Brain Stealing Aliens by FrenchRoast
After Estrid and the other Andalites leave, the Human Controllers start craving human hosts in a whole new way...
Art by Raven
Cash, Connect, or Call by LilacSolanum
After the war, Marco became an actor. A real actor, hiding from paparazzi and also calling the paparazzi to let them know he'll be at Musso & Frank Grill and would like some photos, please. Lights, camera, action. This is a Hollywood story.
Art by Cedar
Date Night by BlondieSheep
A look into the romantic lives of the Animorphs, because even their dates are just a little strange.
Art by Sarifel
How A Hawk Throws A Bouquet, and Other Amazing Wedding Facts by LilacOunce
Years after the liberation of earth, one of earth’s Animorphs historians posits that when Rachel survived the final battle only to disappear eight months later at the height of her celebrity, it wasn’t suicide. Turns out it was something with a few more feathers and a little more Hava Nagila.
Art by Jalen
Just a Place We Have to Settle For by PoliticalBloodTea
The arrival of a Marco from a universe just slightly to the right of their own gives the Animorphs insight to Marco that he never wanted them to have.
Art by Leo
Marco The Best Wingman by Ender Valentine
Ax asks an awkward question, as he often does. This one’s about romance. Marco takes it with a dash of compulsive heterosexuality and a heap of presumption, and it all goes downhill from there. Cassie misconstrues multiple signals and gets it in her head that Marco likes Ax. Ax is interested in neither of them. He only has eyes for one boy: Jake.
Art by poisonbite01
Shattered by Poetry
How Mertil and Gafinilan fought each other, gardened together, shared a secret, and fell in love.
Art by Catie
Art by Lerl
The Reward by Sarifel
Tobias has vanished after Rachel's funeral. He's found a new meadow to call his own, and he's happy that way. No, really. He is. But maybe that's not what he's supposed to be doing after all.
Art by Ifer
Third Grade Brain Slug Saves The Earth by Catie
Aftran 942 promised Cassie that she would set her human host free, and never take another host again, if Cassie became a caterpillar forever. Now, held in the Yeerk Pool for questioning, she needs to figure out how to keep that promise, or else the Animorphs—and the Earth—are doomed.
Art by Kara
Art by Max Allen
Urban Arcana-morphs by poisonbite01
In the late 90s, a group of junior high kids head out from the arcade to a little after-school dungeon crawling. What they find is not what they expect, and they are pulled into a conspiracy, an alien invasion, and a fight for their world that they were not ready for.
Art by Alexander Teel
V-Y Day by ChekhovsDormantSupervolcano
Almost five years after they win the war, the four Animorphs left on Earth aren't all on speaking terms. As the anniversary of their fraught victory rolls around again and the rest of the world celebrates, they each grapple with their own trauma and alienation, and some of them reach out for each other's support.
Art by LilacOunce
When Is Morphing Like An Elevator (When It Goes Bad It Goes Really Bad) by Cavatica
Marco has a special power none of the other Animorphs have. One might even call it a reverse super power. If he didn't have to save the world every few weeks, he might think that being able to morph two animals at once was a neat party trick. And if not for the fact that it could be triggered by something as stupid as a bad dream. Or an ill-advised crush.
Art by Ace P. Cambrian
Art by Moe
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acavatica · 4 years
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The @animorphs-mini-bang 2020 Edition went super well, and I was so happy to help out. I drew a few pieces for it, and here���s one I drew for @featherquillpen‘s incredible fic Shattered. 
(it’s a .gif!) 
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lilacsolanum · 5 years
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A minibang is a fandom event where writers write fic, and then artists illustrate a scene from their story. It’s an amazing way to meet and work with new people! Sign ups will run through April 1st, 2020.
RULES AND FAQ SIGN-UP FORM Header art by @c-rowlesdraws​.
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heartstitch · 4 years
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My contribution to the 2020 Animorphs Mini-bang, companion to the fic Cash, Connect, Call by the lovely @lilacsolanum! its been a long time since i’ve done digital art and even though i got it in last minute I had a lot of fun. Check out the whole collection on Ao3!
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c-rowlesdraws · 4 years
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I wrote a fanfic for the 2020 Animorphs Mini Bang organized by @lilacsolanum​ and co-modded by @acavatica​! 
Summary: Aftran 942 promised Cassie that she would set her human host free, and never take another host again, if Cassie became a caterpillar forever. Now, held in the Yeerk Pool for questioning, she needs to figure out how to keep that promise, or else the Animorphs—and the Earth—are doomed.
Alternate Summary: Two human-Controllers playing doubles tennis with a single brain cell save the life of one very, very tired little girl.
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animorphs-mini-bang · 5 years
Animorphs Mini Bang!
A minibang is a fandom event where writers write fic, and then artists illustrate a scene from their story. It’s an amazing way to meet and work with new people! Sign ups will run through April 1st, 2020.
Rules & FAQs Here Sign Ups Here
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