#aftran 942
c-rowlesdraws · 1 year
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thanks @thejakeformerlyknownasprince for this post making me think again about my not-one-but-two AUs of Aftran deciding to stay in the fight instead of becoming a whale.
Left - human nothlit AU; right - morph-capable yeerk AU (she lives in a tank in Ax's scoop in the woods). Number One animorphs side character appearing in only two out of fifty-four books of all time.
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Why didn't the animorphs just let Aldrea join them and just have her keep the ability to morph??? Is there any good in universe reason that makes sense?
Yes there is one! The Animorphs can't feed her. There's only one kandrona source in the area, in the yeerk pool. As Aftran herself says: "We both know I will be dead in three days no matter what you do" (#29). She can't go back to the yeerk pool now that she's a known traitor, and she can't eat without the yeerk pool. Morphing doesn't prevent starving (#49), but becoming a nothlit can permanently switch you to a different food source.
Ergo, whale time. Not a perfect solution, but Animorphs isn't a series with perfect solutions.
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Psstpsstpsst Aftran 942 appreciator community: I'm about to embark on a whale watch
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featherquillpen · 2 years
"a world of indescribable beauty": an animorphs meta
In Book #19 The Departure, we finally hear a perspective from a Yeerk, Aftran 942, about why the Yeerks left their planet and began conquering other species as hosts. One of the reasons she gives is Andalite imperialism, which makes a lot of sense: the Andalites began occupying and building military bases on the Yeerk planet before the Yeerks posed any kind of threat to them. This obviously doesn't justify enslaving other species, but it is certainly a reason why the Yeerks won't just go home to their pools: they would be submitting themselves to utter Andalite domination.
But there's another reason Aftran gives that is given a lot more emphasis within the story. It goes like this:
“In our natural state, we have an excellent sense of smell. We have a good sense of touch. We can hear. We can communicate, using a language of ultrasonic squeaks. But we cannot see. We are blind, until we enter a host. Over the millennia we have moved up the evolutionary chain to more and more advanced hosts. Eventually, the Gedds became our basic host bodies.
“They are clumsy, slow creatures. But they have eyes. Oh, you can’t imagine! You can’t imagine the first time you enter a Gedd brain and seize control and suddenly, you are seeing! Seeing! Colors! Shapes! It’s a miracle. To be blind and then to see!”
Suddenly she stooped down and snatched up a caterpillar from a leaf. “Do you see this? This is what I am, without a host body. Helpless! Weak! Blind!” She spun and pointed at the meadow. “Do you see those flowers? Do you see the sunlight? Do you see the birds flying? You hate me for wanting that? You hate me because I won’t spend my life blind? You hate me because I won’t spend my life swimming endlessly in a sea of sludge, while humans like you live in a world of indescribable beauty?”
Aftran says that Yeerks want to infest host bodies because Yeerk pools are disgusting and vision is magical. She takes Cassie on a journey in this book of becoming a caterpillar, nearly blind, and coming to appreciate once more the glory of her vision.
For years I have known that this narrative is contemptibly ableist, positioning a blind life as a terrible life worth enslaving others in order to escape. But after reading the book An Immense World by Ed Yong, a book about how animals perceive the world through a dozen different senses, I think this narrative presented in book 19 and throughout the Animorphs series is not just ableist, but also betrays disdain, ignorance, and contempt for the astonishing and beautiful diversity of animal perception - a very poor move for a book series very much about the beauty of animal diversity.
The sensory world of a Yeerk
Aftran tells us about the senses Yeerks have, and we see them from Cassie's point of view in book 29 and Visser Three's point of view in The Hork Bajir Chronicles as well. They have an excellent sense of smell, a good sense of touch, they can hear, and they can echolocate. They may have other senses that Aftran didn't list, such as heat-sensing (to find Kandrona rays, perhaps) or electroception. But let's stick to the ones we know they have.
Smell, as shown in the books like book 1 and 21 where a point of view character morphs a dog, is a remarkable sense. While our eyes can only detect three colors in various combinations, a sense of smell could differentiate thousands upon thousands of unique scents. In aquatic environments, like where a Yeerk lives, a strong sense of smell can be used for navigation: different areas of water with different dissolved nutrients will smell different, creating a scent-scape. Smell also has a time dimension that vision does not. People and things leave trails of smell behind, which means a keen sense of smell can delve into the past. Approaching beings have a wave-front of smell in front of them, so you can also smell what's coming, sometimes from a very long way away, if the scent molecule is very small and volatile. More than any other sense, smell gives you access to the past, present, and future of a place.
In water especially, a sense of touch can create a fantastically nuanced sense of the world around you. Since Yeerks swim, they likely have touch receptors that give them a sense of flow, like the lateral lines of fish. In the ocean, everything is touching each other at a distance through the medium of water, via the currents created by swimming. The same would be true in a Yeerk pool: a Yeerk would likely be able to feel everything and everyone moving around it, each wriggle of a fellow Yeerk felt on the skin like a caress.
Our closest template for the Yeerks' underwater sonar shown in book 29 is the sonar of dolphins, which is even more remarkable than Applegrant showed in the various books where the Animorphs become dolphins. If Yeerk sonar is like dolphin sonar, then they are living medical scanners: their sonar can penetrate flesh to internal organs, as long as they are underwater. They would be able to perhaps hear the brain of a submerged host, or at least the skull. They would sense the contours of things buried in the sediment below the water. Sonar is very finely tuned because those who use it can adjust the frequency, length, pitch, and volume of their calls depending on what they want to detect. Imagine if you could "tune" your vision to different wavelengths: that's what sonar is like.
From all this, I think we can draw only one conclusion. That "world of indescribable beauty" where Aftran says that humans live? The Yeerks lived in one, too. It was just a different world with different indescribable beauty.
The problem with centering vision
First of all, let me be clear: the worst part about this narrative, in book 19 and throughout the Animorphs series, is that it's ableist. It's incredibly cruel to blind readers to suggest that they live in a world without beauty. This cruelty shows in the way book 49 treats a human blind character, Loren, who is also depicted as having an impoverished life-- not so much because she is literally dirt poor, but because she's longing for sight, which Tobias provides her via the morphing power.
But there is another big problem: this narrative undermines a lot of the key themes that Animorphs is trying to communicate.
Within book 19 itself, the passage I quoted above is trying to make Aftran more sympathetic. She's not just a monster who enjoys controlling and dominating others; she infests hosts for a supposedly good reason: because her sensory world is devoid of beauty and joy and hosts give her access to it. It's a turning point in the story for how we view this character. But if we reject the premise that a Yeerk's life in a pool is dreary and joyless because it is not sighted, Aftran here becomes very unsympathetic. Like a colonizer who already has a countryside manor but also wants a cottage on a tropical beach, Aftran already lives in a world of indescribable beauty, but she wants to exploit other people so she can experience the beauty of their worlds in addition to her own.
One of the core themes of Animorphs is the beauty and wonder of biodiversity. Aftran celebrates the beauty of the meadow in the passage above from book 19. When the Animorphs morph dogs (book 1), their sense of smell is a wonder; when they morph dolphin (book 4), their sonar is a miracle. But when Yeerks rely on those same senses, they’re inherently inferior to vision.
For a long, frozen moment of disbelief, I did not know what was happening. I didn’t understand what my brain was receiving.
How could I? How could any Yeerk who has not had a host?
Objects - not felt, not smelled, not reflected on sonar - but seen. It was like a sonar image, but oh, so much more. So much!
(The Hork-Bajir Chronicles, Chapter 5)
Which one is it, Applegrant? Is the diversity of perception a good thing, or is vision the best sense and everything else a distant second? You can’t have it both ways.
The third problem is that this narrative undermines another core theme of Animorphs: anti-imperialism. This deserves its own section for a deep dive.
Anti-imperialism and the diversity of embodiment
Anti-imperialism is a core theme of Animorphs. K.A. Applegate’s father served in Vietnam. Parallels are drawn throughout the series between the Andalite-Yeerk war and proxy wars between the U.S. and the Soviet Union: the Vietnam War (in The Andalite Chronicles) and the first Gulf War (in Visser.) The Andalites and the Yeerks are like the Americans and the Soviets, causing immense suffering on other planets in their proxy wars over species that they consider either slaves or necessary sacrifices.
One of the ways that empire works is that the bodies of imperial subjects are designated inferior and in need of correction. For example, in the U.S., natural Black hair is considered to be inherently “unprofessional,” and in many professions it must be shaved down or chemically straightened to be “professional.” Now, the Yeerks are themselves imperialists, but before they became the Yeerk Empire, they were occupied by an Andalite military force that considered their bodies to be disgusting and inferior before any Yeerk had ever raised a weapon against them:
«Orders are to avoid incidents,» another Andalite said. «Don’t you know these parasites are our brothers?» This was said with a sneer.
The Gedds moved closer.
«Orders or not, these filthy slugs are not touching my ship.»
(The Hork-Bajir Chronicles, chapter 1)
This is exactly how empires work. It’s good writing. But then we run into a problem, which is that every Yeerk we meet in the series agrees with the Andalites that their bodies and their senses are inferior. Aftran speaks disparagingly of “swimming endlessly in a sea of sludge,” which is the Yeerks’ natural state, but humans and Andalites consider disgusting. Aftran, Visser Three, and other Yeerks think vision, an important sense for Andalites and humans, is superior to sonar, an important sense for Yeerks. In the entire series, we never meet a single Yeerk who enjoys being a slug, living in a pool, and perceiving with Yeerk senses. They are all eager to either enslave host bodies or use the morphing power to permanently change their bodies. The series justifies the Andalites’ imperialist beliefs: the Yeerks agree that their bodies are in need of correction.
Celebrating the diversity of embodiment, lifting up all bodies as different and equal, is an anti-imperialist message. What Animorphs gives us by depicting (abled) human and Andalite bodies as enviable and Yeerk and Taxxon bodies as hellish prisons to be escaped at any cost, is an imperialist message.
How to fix it
The series has been done for twenty years now, but we’re all fans here, and we like to transform our favorite works. I’ve done a lot of work in my series Dæmorphing to fix this narrative, and I think there are a lot of opportunities to do so in fic and fanart.
Be realistic about animal perception. Applegrant do a much better job than most authors on researching animals and trying to depict them realistically, but they still tend to overplay the role of vision in the various animals the Animorphs become. For example, when Ax and Marco morph wolf spider, vision is emphasized as an important sense for them, when in fact touch/vibration is much more important to them when they hunt.
Depict aliens (and humans!) who prefer other senses to vision. There’s an opportunity to do this with Loren, a blind human given an ableist narrative in canon, and Elena, a blind girl the Animorphs rescue in book 51. You could also depict a Yeerk who experiences vision via a host and decides they like their own senses better.
Show Yeerks as victims of empire, not victims of their own bodies. I think this interaction that Ax has with a Yeerk in book 52 is very revealing. He’s caught a Yeerk in falcon morph who wants to stay in that morph and become a nothlit.
«I will be free,» the falcon insisted. «I will fly. I will see. No more need for Kandrona. No more orders, no more of this horrible war. I’ll just fly away.»
I understood. This creature was like Tobias, my true shorm. What a human would call my “best friend.”
Tobias was once a human boy. A very unhappy human boy. He stayed in red-tailed hawk morph for longer than two hours. I suspect he did it on purpose. It was his way of escaping the complexities of human life.
Tobias was abused and neglected and lived in poverty and chose a hawk body to escape the miseries of his life. This is exactly what this Yeerk wants. And it’s not just about wanting to see: it’s about wanting to escape the horrors of the Yeerk Empire. This is fertile ground to reframe the Yeerk desperation to escape into a host body or a nothlit form.
The average Yeerk did not ask to become a foot-soldier of empire. Throughout the series we meet Yeerks who do not like the role they were given. If Aftran lives in a world without beauty, then it’s not because of her senses; it’s because she lives under empire. Think of the Yeerk pool on Earth compared to how a pool must be on their own planet. The Yeerk pool on Earth is a giant concrete tub. A pool on their planet may have teemed with other life. It may have had all kinds of differences in sediment, rocks, water composition, sunlight. The Yeerks on Earth are like rats in a barren cage. Their senses didn’t deprive them of “a world of indescribable beauty”: the Yeerk Empire did.
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princeseerow · 1 year
*plot relevance may vary
for the purposes of this poll i only want to consider characters with relatively little screen time, so no toms, evas, or ereks, but they may show up in a poll of their own depending on how this one goes
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jceh-art · 2 years
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au where instead of fucking off to be a whale, aftran becomes a human nothlit instead. feat my human design for her and also rachel dragging her and cassie along to buy her a wardrobe. yes i will be writing a series of fanfics about this au and nobody can stop me
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If Aftran can find out where Ax’s brain appendix is from inside his head do you think Yeerks could find where the deficiencies or excesses causing various mental health issues/neurodivergence originate? Imagine how much quicker diagnosing stuff would be. The advances in medical science. Is my ADHD causing my depression? Almost certainly, throw a Yeerks in real quick and we’ll ask them. You want definitive proof that vaccines don’t cause autism? Our Yeerks expert has been inside the heads of 5 different (consenting) groups diagnosed by humans and has found the patterns quicker than we can even now. Do I want Yeerks to be real simply for this opportunity? Yes.
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lorenfangor · 3 years
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@squiddity3 asked for an Aftran 942 aesthetic lockscreen and I hope I have delivered! This was a lot of fun trying to find her vibe - I can’t escape the whale, but I feel like that’s a good choice for her regardless.
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datasnake · 3 years
You know what I’d really like to see? An alternate version of book 19 where Aftran is a bit better informed about the inequalities present in human society (I mean, her primary job is to spy on a billionaire), and instead of making a questionable comparison between humans and pigs, she responds to Cassie’s criticism by pointing out how the average American’s comparatively high standard of living is also built on a foundation of human suffering, and they don’t seem much more bothered by it than the average Yeerk. And by the time they part ways, they both agree that while the Yeerk Empire is still the first thing that needs to be overthrown, it’s nowhere near the last.
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chlorentine · 4 years
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Animorphs Mini Bang Entry
Third Grade Brain Slug Saves The World by @c-rowlesdraws
I definitely suggest you all go and read their fic! It gives a glimpse of how things might have turned out from Aftran’s perspective and shows some of the internal goings-on of the Yeerks. I was so excited to get Catie’s fic! I’m a huge fan of hers, and her Animorphs designs are all so beautiful. She brings so much freshness and life to the series!
I didn’t draw a particular scene and instead opted for an illustration. I did a lot of things with this that I don’t normally do, and it was a lot of fun to work on this!
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c-rowlesblogs · 4 years
In the human nothlit AU, has Aftran ever asked Cassie to morph Yeerk and infest her for a little while just because she misses having that kind of mind-to-mind connection?
I don’t actually know that she would! Maybe she’d ask Cassie to Yeerk her if it was part of a mission they were on together, but I feel like she’d feel kind of skeeved out at the thought of being infested, even by someone she trusts. She knows better than most exactly how complete the Yeerk’s control of the host can be, and how easily the Yeerk can read the host’s every intimate detail and memory.
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c-rowlesdraws · 4 years
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I wrote a fanfic for the 2020 Animorphs Mini Bang organized by @lilacsolanum​ and co-modded by @acavatica​! 
Summary: Aftran 942 promised Cassie that she would set her human host free, and never take another host again, if Cassie became a caterpillar forever. Now, held in the Yeerk Pool for questioning, she needs to figure out how to keep that promise, or else the Animorphs—and the Earth—are doomed.
Alternate Summary: Two human-Controllers playing doubles tennis with a single brain cell save the life of one very, very tired little girl.
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Ships you don’t ship, how about Cassie and Aftran?
@c-rowlesdraws has thoroughly convinced me this could be awesome in a world where Aftran morphs human and joins the team!
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DYNAMIC ACTION SEQUENCE from my whale watch
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Everyone imagines Aftran as a Human hanging out with Cassie, but imagine Cassie morphing Yeerk to go for a swim with Aftran and the other members of the YPM in their natural state.
I like the idea of Cassie doing diplomacy this way. She'll just have to learn a few alien languages. Or get a translation chip.
Wait! Aftran or another Yeerk could probably dump the language skills into Cassie's brain before she morphs!
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jeneco · 5 years
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I recently finished the David trilogy and oooooooh boy that kid sucks so hard :’) but drawing him is so much fun for me lol edgy rat boi with a baseball bat hell yeah good aesthetic
I also LOVED aftran so much aaaaa  ;0; the departure was a beautiful collection of my favorite tropes!
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