outworldgay · 5 years
Imagine Kuai Liang x reader headcanons. Seeing S/O hugging his toned chest ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) (that outfit looks hot)
Kuai Liang isn’t one for pda so when you come at him full force with a big hug while nuzzling into his chest in front of a bunch of his students, it’s safe to say he’ll be a little embarrassed. In public, he’ll briefly return the gesture in hopes it will get you off of him. It’s not that he doesn’t love your affection, he’s just a little shy.
In private he’s much more receptive of your hugs. When you come to him for a hug, he’ll take you into a nice soft embrace. He’ll gently wrap his arms around your back to bring you in closer but not to the point where it’s too tight.
When you start to nuzzle up to his chest it brings him a sense of pride. He loves that you love how strong he is. It makes him feel more confident in the fact that he can protect you.
He’ll take the opportunity of your head being on his chest to play with your hair. He’ll gently run his fingers through it or pat his hand over it, gently wrap a strand around his finger. It keeps his hands busy but also he loves to show you anyway he can that he loves having you in his arms.
Kuai Liang is actually quite the fan of cuddling this way. The minute you rest on top of his chest he might as well cancel any plans he had that day because he does not want you to move off of him. He loves the feeling of your weight on top of him and if you fall asleep on him? You just melted this ice man.
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bihansthot · 5 years
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Annabelle, girl, this is the second time I’ve answered this for you, and I get it, you’re thirsty AF for Kuai and muscle worship, so I added on from my first answer and added smut for you, but this is the last time I’m answering this specific ask. 😂 So don’t go getting all cute on me and asking for it from a gender neutral or male perspective too.
You work your thumbs along his spine, exploring the valley of his powerful back where the massage oil pools. As he breathes, you feel the strong fibers of his muscles tense under your palms. With a groan, you find and release the knots in his back, and you can’t help but smile when you rest one weary hand on the broad small of his back.
Your hand lingers there, gently caressing Kuai Liang’s taunt muscles, you can’t hide your soft sigh of desire. “Mmm Grandmaster,” you lean forward to whisper in his ear, “perhaps there’s a better way to relieve your stress and tension.”
Kuai Liang opens one of his chocolate colored eyes to peer at you sleepily and suspiciously, “Oh?”
“Here, roll over on your back,” you can’t contain your grin as you eagerly scramble off his well muscled back. You nearly catch yourself drooling as the cryomancer readjusts and the full glory of his bulging pecs and rock hard abs is now at the tips of your fingers. You purr as your hands rub greedily over his pecs, unable to restraint yourself for grabbing a handful as you knead the firm flesh.
Kuai Liang leans his head back and lets out a sinful groan while folding his hands behind his head, allowing you to do what you wish. He was a little embarrassed and unsure when the two of you got together, what with your seeming insatiable appetite for his body; but he was used to it now. As long as you respected his wishes to keep your physical affection behind closed doors he was more than happy to let you do as you pleased.
You make quick work of his pants and your clothes as you straddle the cryomancer, you can’t help but moan as you reach back to stroke his member to stiffness and guide it into your soaking entrance. “Ah Kuai,” you breath loving the stretching sensation, the way the Grandmaster’s cock filled you entirely. You don’t move yet though, for now you just enjoy adjusting to his girth, you run your nails down his firm obliques, delighting in the cool hard flesh.
“Y/N,” Kuai Liang sighs, loving the way your tight warmth hugs his cock perfectly, he jerks his hips unexpectedly as you find a particularly sensitive patch of flesh.
You gasp at the action, unable to resist any longer you as you splay your hands out on his perfectly sculpted abs and raise your hips up ever so slightly. You’re in no rush, it’s just the two of you, you love nights like this, when you and Kuai can just enjoy being intimate with one another. You start to move your hips up and down, back and forth, slow practiced movements.
You’re rewarded as Kuai Liang moans your name, hands coming to rest on your hips, helping to guide your actions. “You feel so perfect around me, like you were made just for me,” he praises.
You feel your face flush at the compliment as you moan embarrassingly loud, as the Grandmaster’s velvety hard member brushes against that spot that makes you see stars. “Oh Kuai,” you whimper, despite your slow pace you’re already starting to fall apart. You grind your hips shamelessly against his rock hard abs, whining at his hard thighs flexing under you.
“Come on little one, that’s it. I know how close you are, I can feel you trembling and straining with every movement. I’m right there too, just a little more,” he encourages, his grip on your hips tightening as he bites his lower lip, trying to stifle his deep moan.
“Ah-Ah! K-Kuai!” You cry out loudly, nails biting into his hard abs, as you clench around him reaching your peak, feeling glorious and light headed.
He bucks up into your wetness a few more sporadic times before crying your name and painting your insides white. He holds you close as the two of you drift off into a blissful, comfortable slumber.
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cakerollk · 5 years
If Pizza and B-52 sees Whiskey and Spaghetti are like evil duos
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@food-fantasy-shitposts thank u for this terrible idea 
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mkconfessions · 5 years
I wanna rest on Kuai Liang’s chest
He's husband-shaped, it would be soooo nice to take a nap on him.
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saphirune · 5 years
I would imagine Red Wine put his head on Steak buff chest
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yes of course this is a given!!
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*carry Sub Zero up* (thinking: So light and short)
“I request that you put me down.”
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mewkwota · 6 years
I would imagine that Simon’s thighs to crush them
Oh uhh, I’m not sure I understand. Are you trying to say that you can imagine his thighs can crush things? Assuming you are, that is 100% the case here.
And if not, well, I can at least say: “Yes.”
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asktempura-ff · 6 years
Tempura did you ever carry MA with your strong shoulders
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Of course! It’s important to be able to get them out of danger- I often just pick them up to train myself.
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fromthewifecage · 5 years
Grandmaster Kuai Liang/lusting after Sub-Zero
tealbella2000 - aka annabelletsu2000  asked a question Can you do h/cs for Kuai Liang. Touching his toned muscular body
Yes I can! I am very sorry this has taken longer than it should have. I started out trying to do a straight forward headkanons list but I felt a drabble suited this better. It’s not gender or sexuality specific so everyone can enjoy, yay! It became over 1100 words so I hope you like some of it :D Kuai really does have a Godlike body, and he knows we love it, that’s why he’s all about the sideboob. Show off :P
Using his cryomancy and hefting around hugely heavy spikes of ice has resulted in Kuai Liang having the most stunning figure you have ever seen. And what makes it even better is that he loves to show it off and give everyone glimpses of his chest, though he will deny this. He’ll wear a tunic cut just to show the curve of his pecs, the ripples of his obliques and those bulging biceps with prominent veins outlining his incredible arms when he’s been working hard. You’re staring at him again instead of doing your work, and when you blink yourself back to reality he’s staring back, one eyebrow raised, his mouth curved into a devastatingly sexy smile, and fuuuuuuuuuuck, too many tingles all tingling in places that have your face burning with embarrassment at your lust being so spectacularly obvious. You go back to whatever you were doing, trying so hard to hide your face, trying even harder to ignore Kuai who has now moved closer to you, the shit! After your work is done and you’re able to return to your quarters, you stubbornly try to think about anything else but Grandmaster Gorgeous, but it’s impossible. You try distracting yourself, tidying an already tidy corner of your bedroom, reading an article on … you’ve no idea what it was on, all you can think about is that body, how it would feel to just be able to touch him, to kiss those pecs, your mouth and tongue on those abs… oh shit, you’re obsessed. This isn’t gong to end well. Sigh. 3 long and arduous days later, you stomp back to your bedroom, lower lip jutting out into a pout. You haven’t seen Kuai since …. ugh, he must have found your gawking revolting and not wanted to have you near him or his magnificent… no. No more thinking about him. No more daydreams about touching him, your hands on his smooth skin…. You’re brought to by a rapping on your door. One of the younger Lin Kuei trainees nervously peeps his head around the door, spits out that “The Grandmaster asked to see you immediately” and disappears off, probably to go stab a training dummy or something, or laugh with his friends about “that idiot with the crush on the Grandmaster”. Great. You’re going to be told off for being a pervert. Probably frozen into a lump of ice and left outside the training hall as a warning not to spend your time thinking grossly inappropriate thoughts when you should be punching wood or learning how to kill someone with a shoe. You quickly practice a “I’m sorry for being a pervert face” in the mirror by the front door, but it’ll never be convincing enough. Because you’re not sorry, in the slightest. So you trudge along to the Grandmaster’s quarters, your heart hammering harder and harder in your chest. Would a heart attack get you out of this? Unlikely. You hear a quiet whining and shamefully it takes you a few seconds before you realise it you, you’re making that noise. That’s it, it’s the ice-block for you. Crap. With a trembling hand you knock on the Grandmaster’s door, your hand trembling a little so even your knock is pathetic. “Come.” Any other time you’d make a cheeky joke but you’re too worried and too nervous. Your hand is still trembling so you fumble the handle before entering the room. Maybe you could just make a joke about Raiden and have a bolt of lightning crash through the room to kill you before you get told off, that would certainly be preferable. Stepping into the chilly room as you take a deep long breath to start apologising, you turn and fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuck. Fuuuuuuuuuuuuck. Grandmaster Kuai Liang stands by his large mahogany desk, his work arranged in neat piles, a smirk on his beautiful beardy face. And wearing just a pair of loose deep blue training trousers. No top. His chest could be carved from ice it’s that perfect. You try to speak but can’t get anything incoherent out. It’s all a jumble of consonants and vowels with the occasional squeak thrown in for extra cringe, so you quickly turn to face the doorway, out of modesty for the Grandmaster, and to hide your face that must surely be a bright red as fresh blood on snow. You cough to clear your throat, then manage to mumble an apology at disturbing the Grandmaster. “You seem rather flustered.” Silent as snowfall, he’s moved to stand behind you, so close you can feel the chill he exudes. Goosebumps prickle over your scalp, down your spine and arms, you can’t help but shiver. The lightest touch of his hands down your arms intensifies the shiver, your eyes close and you can’t help but gasp. “I’m sorry, please forgive me this intrusion.” “But I asked you here.” His laughter mixes with his words, his mouth close to your ear, deliciously cold. “You did, yes, I, I’m sorry, for, things, everything. Sorry.” “Look at me.” He doesn’t give you a choice, he turns you to face him and uses a crooked finger to nudge your chin up. “I thought you liked to look at me?” “Well, I, yes, of course, I can’t not, well I tried not to be that failed, and, you’re, well you’re beautiful and...” His lips are on yours before you start to make any sort of sense. His lips are soft, the kiss delicate like the brush of a snowflake on your cheek. He’s cold at first but quickly becomes warm as the kiss deepens when you eagerly kiss him back, melting into his thickly muscled arms. Your hands find his chest, touching him everywhere as if you’re afraid he’ll disappear, wanting to know this is really happening. He’s cold and warm at the same time, like ice that’s too cold, so dangerously cold you feel warm. His tongue slides over your lips, begging entrance to your mouth. When your tongues meet you moan, and he pulls you harder to him. Your fingers map out each curve and plane of muscle. He’s marble smoothness over iron muscle and he feels so much better in your embrace than you’d ever imagined. His pulls back from the kiss, chuckling at your indignant whine. His mouth stretched wide with a smile on lips kissed red and his eyes are bright and sparkling. “Are you still sorry you came?” You shake your head in reply, your smile matching his own. He sweeps you back into a tight embrace, chuckling again when your hands slide eagerly up and down his strong back, impatient to learn just how he feels, everywhere.
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ask-fujin · 5 years
Fujin has a nice beautiful white long hair
“That is very kind of you, annabelletsu2000. Thank you!”
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ask-edenian-prince · 5 years
Seems like she’s more royalty than you
"Who are you speaking of, annabelletsu2000? No matter. No living being holds more royal blood in their body than I do. I am a son of Argus, an Edenian halfgod. Must I continue to repeat myself?"
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ff-tempered-rain · 6 years
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[[@busybiscute and @annabelletsu2000]]
Raindrop: I mostly spend time by myself in a quiet place to... let my thoughts wonder. However, Tempura would always include me in the group so I don't feel left out and encourage me to be more sociable in the group. I will admit that I do enjoy their company and they're quite fun to have converstions with, but I don't want to take up too much of their time. I would go to them if I feel sociable or just have someone to hang around with. How I spend time with each one is based on who is available at the moment.
[[Oh look! Another long post! More undercut.]]
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Raindrop: I would most likely go to Bonito since I'm more familiar with him than others. Not all the time but he's there when I want to hang out with him. Bonito would often ask if I need anything which I would politely declined his offer most of the time. If I do want something, I ask him and he would bring me what I need. Sometimes he forgets what I want and would come back asking what I wanted again. I don't mind reminding him but he would apologize for forgetting something important. I would often tell him not to worry about it because I don't want him to become like me. He suffered enough as is so I try my best to cheer him up as much as I can.
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Raindrop: Since Bonito knows Sanma pretty well, I was able to be friends with him pretty easily. He doesn't talk too much but he would ask if I wanted to play with his cats which I always say yes. I mostly pet them since their fur feels soft and warm through my fingers. Also, it does make me feel at peace but only for a bit. Sometimes we chat for bit but other than that, we just play with cats in peace.
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Raindrop: Miso Soup doesn't mind me being in his company. He would do his own routine like reading literature and meditation whenever I visit him. He would read his Buddha literature pretty loud for me to listen to. I will admit he does sound bored when he reads it sometimes but I do enjoy listening him nonetheless. I sometimes ask him what they mean and he would try to explain in simple terms for me. I'm not a monk so hearing it from an actual one is interesting to listen to. Other times, I would mediate along with him and we would sit there in silence. We do chat about other things time from time but it's mostly him complaining about work or something else.
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Raindrop: I don't visit Tom Yum quite often because he's always busy with one thing or another. He would go somewhere important with Master Attendant or training with Tempura. If Tempura isn't there for any reason, I would take his place and help Tom Yum with his training. I don't necessarily fight him head on but I do give him some suggestions on how to improve his fighting skills. Every time I see Tom Yum unleash his special attack, I would be amazed on how powerful his attacks are. He has imporved a lot every time I visit him and continues to do so. After every training, we would chat about whatever topic that Tom Yum wants to talk about. I don't have too much to say to start a conversation so hearing Tom Yum talk about his interest makes it a bit easier for me to start a conversation with him. He's really enjoyable to have conversations with.
[[Oof sorry for taking this so long to post these asks but I'm starting to get the hang of it! Just bear with me please, ok?]]
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bihansthot · 5 years
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Ok I’m done being nice and @feistyfandomthings this is absolutely not meant against you at all, I think you’re wonderful, but this is some straight bullshit.
See it’s stuff like this that makes me have no fucking confidence as a writer. I literally JUST posted a 6,500+ word ask about both of these things TWO DAYS ago. So, WTF was wrong with mine @annabelletsu2000 ??? Huh?? What was so shit about mine that you turn around and immediately ask Feisty the same thing? Don’t think I’m stupid enough to not realize that’s you, you phrase all your asks the same way. Are you pissed because I had Kuai with a man instead of you? Is that the problem? Like seriously do you have any idea how hurtful it is when you spend so much time and put so much effort in to an ask, a TWELVE FUCKING PAGE ASK; only to see “someone” ask another writer for the exact same thing? That’s literally like saying “Well fuck you Tomoka, you’re shit and never do anything right so I’ll just ask someone else!”
I’m really sorry to drag you into this Feisty, but I just can’t take it anymore. This is not the first, second or third time this shit had happened and usually I’m an extremely laidback, level headed and rational adult, but everyone has their breaking point and this is it, I just can’t sit back and be quite about this kind of shit anymore.
So Annabelle stop recycling my shit over to Feisty, stop using my headcanons and pet names with other writers and fucking THANK someone for writing endless asks for you for once in your life. You at least owe @feistyfandomthings and @fromthewifecage numerous thank yous, I don’t expect them at this point but they DESERVE them.
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ask-alcoholicsweets · 6 years
Kiss Master Attendant
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Kyou: “There two can get very affectionate at times…”
kiss 9/10
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mkconfessions · 5 years
Erron/Reader headcanons. Reader cute screams and landed like a cat
You saw a bug while making dinner and the squeal you let out made jump slightly
He wasn't paying attention to you because of the book he was reading so when he turned around from the table he was puzzled as to why you were on all fours, looking scared like a cat
You tried to get out words
"Spider, stove, so many legs,,,,,,,,,so many legs"
He quickly spotted the creature and squashed it with his boot
"There, can you stop being a scaredy cat now?"
You rose up and hug him, quietly giving your thanks
"Don't worry about it, I crush critters for Kabal all the time."
"Although his squeals aren't nearly as cute as yours, sweetheart."
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saphirune · 5 years
Chocolate, Boston Lobster, and Steak
pledge: steak
snacc: chocolate
expired: nothing against boston lobster i just like the other two more ;;
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