#annalise tag
sleepsart · 1 year
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Hi this is Saoirse (any prns), Bryne (they/them), and baby Annalise (she/her) . They r soooo special 2 me. They r also sleepin
[ ID: A drawing of Saoirse, Bryne, and Annalise on a poorly drawn couch. Annalise is a baby in a onesie asleep on Saoirse. She has short curly hair. Saoirse is stretched out asleep on the couch, across Bryne's lap. She's wearing a hoodie, gym shorts, and ankle socks. She has long curly hair in a ponytail, and she has multiple piercings, freckles, and tattoos. Her face is mostly tucked into her hoodie and har hands are on Annalise's back. Bryne is awake, leaning on one hand and smiling down at Saoirse and Annalise with a soft expression. Their other hand is on Annalise's back and Saoirse's hands. They're wearing a t-shirt, shorts, and a smiley-face patterned sock. They have a prosthetic leg and a pair of glasses. Their hair is long and in locs, which are mostly pulled back into a ponytail aside from a few loose ones. End ID ]
Tag list: @luna-spacedoodles @convexers @renchanters @cuuno @grey-nova @chimbamuerto @gardenergulfie @oakskull @sadgeish @im-troublesome @griancraft
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useragarfield · 2 years
i just wanna thank @darcyscarden for being the only crabbie in this bitch i ever did love trust and taylor swift respect
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art-donaldson · 2 years
7 and 16 :)
7 - jet song from wss 2021
16 - the bttf overture :jerrycry:
send me a number 1-100 and i'll tell you the corresponding song
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siobhans-roy · 1 year
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I will think about you every day for the rest of my life. I love you. Both.
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alfred's twist is one of the few things in any videogame that genuinely made my stomach turn
i. completely forgot what his mission was the first time i finally reached cainhurst so you can imagine my surprise :)
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vik-the-prik · 2 years
Nathan: I trust Gabriel.
Annalise: You think he knows what he’s doing?
Nathan: I wouldn’t go that far-
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mobvla · 2 years
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DECIMATION • “The Undoing” for @muscosus
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sleepsart · 1 year
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Gaymers and their child
[ ID: A drawing of Saoirse, Bryne, and Annalise on a poorly drawn brown couch, which has a white and green blanket laid on the back. Annalise is a baby in a light blue onesie asleep on Saoirse. She has short brown curly hair and light brown skin. Saoirse is stretched out asleep on the couch, across Bryne's lap. He's wearing a green hoodie, brown gym shorts, and mismatched neon yellow and pink ankle socks. He has long orange curly hair in a ponytail, and he has multiple piercings, freckles, and tattoos. He has tan skin. His face is mostly tucked into his hoodie and his hands are on Annalise's back. Bryne is awake, leaning on one hand and smiling down at Saoirse and Annalise with a soft expression. Their other hand is on Annalise's back and Saoirse's hands. They're wearing a light purple t-shirt, dark purple shorts, and a black and yellow smiley-face patterned sock. They have a prosthetic leg and a pair of glasses. Their hair is long, brown and green, and in locs, which are mostly pulled back into a ponytail aside from a few loose ones. They have brown skin. The background is orange. End ID ]
Tag list: @luna-spacedoodles @convexers @renchanters @cuuno @grey-nova @chimbamuerto @gardenergulfie @oakskull @sadgeish @im-troublesome @griancraft
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heraldofcrow · 1 year
Cainhurst Aesthetic Playlist
(Part One)
Enjoy! <3
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art-donaldson · 2 years
mars i know this will shock you but…….kaz brekker 🐦 OH ! and also blue <3
again, re my type being "wet dog of a man": kaz is a prime example of this like. that's literally such a good way to describe him
what do you associate me with?
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ayazuri · 2 years
I just finished rewatching The Bastard Son & The Devil Himself and let me tell you
I loved it even more than the first time around
And the main trio, holy guacamole, they're just peeerfeeeect. The level of affection, the love...
I'm out, bye, if we don't get second season I'm gonna cry my eyes out, byeee
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siobhans-roy · 1 year
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#in my head they’re happy and safe and going on roadtrips together
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wandering-tides · 12 days
Help me out here a bit y'all...
I am writing a research paper thats gonna be graded,,, so I need this for research purposes.
Please reblog and vote
Help a poor college student
*flops tiredly*
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lilypixels · 8 months
Seven Sins Challenge
@simlit tagged meee <3 thanks Jade
Envy - I could see both Morgyn and Victor for this one but maybe more Victor Wrath - this feels more Morgyn lol Sloth - hmm maybe Silas? Pride - Razzumor (he literally a pride demon) Lust - Archerrrr of course Greed - Ulysses Gluttony - mmm maybe Abel aka Vamp uncle
uhhh tag @void-imp, @morgynemberisagenderfluiddaddy , @simmingonthelow @rollingsim and anyone else who wants to do this cause i am unsure who has enough ocs for this aaa
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butchladymaria · 11 months
11, 12, and 16 for the violence asks!! I need to know
11. number of fandom-related words you’ve filtered
actually all 36 terms i have filtered are fandom-related lmao. honestly i use the filtering system as a way to clean up my dash. i sometimes filter a tag if someone i follow gets into a new thing that i’m ambivalent about or unfamiliar with. it means i can keep following them without seeing stuff i’m just not all that interested in yet but also (and especially) to avoid having something spoiled for me if i want to check it out in future! it also means that i can click the “show” button if i’m in the mood for something specific or want to learn more about it — go to their blog and just look for anything filtered :) this is literally the only way i know of to search a tumblr account for specific shit because the actual search function is Actually Useless Shit
16. the unpopular character that you actually like and why more people should like them
man there’s so many picks here but i’d have to say annalise. she’s not unpopular as in actively disliked afaik, just more generally overlooked. i need to post more about her but like — she’s such a key piece of bloodborne’s themes around gender and motherhood and its a goddamn shame it doesn’t get talked about more!!! she feels like a foil to miss doll in many ways (editor’s note: i Went Off on this but it needs to be its own post, so rest assured i will elaborate lol). she’s such a goddamn tragic character. in so many ways it feels that she retreated into the role of the queen to cope with the loss of her people: there’s nothing left of her home besides that. she calls herself “we”, not “i”. she is the queen of cainhurst before she is a human being and it feels like a very visceral reaction to the bigotry of the church. she is trapped in the throne room in a nightgown — evidenced the fact that her portraits show her wearing period-typical gowns, and the attire she wears looks like historical sleepwear. it makes me fucking insane. she was wearing her nightgown when the executioners attacked. despite seeing everyone she ever knew and loved be butchered before her eyes, despite being reviled as a corrupted subhuman monstrosity, despite being imprisoned in complete solitude for god only knows how long, she still fucking demands your respect and i love her for it. she is canonically some flavor of queer on account of the fact she rejects your marriage proposal in an identical way regardless of gender. i am able to fulfill my fantasy of a beautiful vampire woman bossing me around thru her questline. what is not to fucking like!!!!
17. you can’t understand why so many people like this thing (characterization, trope, headcanon, etc.)
hands down probably the defanging of the women characters: chiefly maria, miss doll, and adella/arianna. like, i know WHY it happens (misogyny) but it’s still baffling to me. why are you making them waifus. follow up question is your taste honest to god just that boring, and if so get better soon. they’re so much cooler than that. shut the fuck up. maria is such a complex character and if i see another clown reducing her to some soft maternal wifey because… what, she was compassionate to the research hall patients and felt bad about doing uhhh *checks notes* A Whole Ass Genocide???? i will staple myself to the ceiling. like some folks will do the most absurd mental gymnastics to call a woman in any media maternal for the most basic things 😭. in a similar vein are the people who shit themselves to death trying to claim that she TOTALLY COULD HAVE BEEN a femmey little uwu housewife even though she has a canonical and marked preference for masc presentation, and actually a woman conforming to victorian gender roles and being attracted to men is an EPIC FEMINIST WIN, actually. usually this comes from cis and/or hets who are convinced they are personally oppressed because like 3 queers on tumblr said maria is a butch lesbian. having said that there are so many amazing artists and theorycrafters that when i was trying to link specific posts/art the list was actually a million years long. some people are annoying but MORE people are so cool and thoughtful and creative!!!!! shoutout to nishihii saintadeline butchjolyne and pretty much all the lgbtqs in the mariadeline tag, all of your work is like oxygen to me 💕 yall are amazing :)
it’s the same with miss doll. either their complexity is painted over by making her the butt of those insufferable sex doll jokes or they’re made out to be this pure innocent mommy/housewife. usually this is hand in hand with just blatantly ignoring the misogyny inherent to the dynamic between her, maria, and gerhman and i just have to wonder how anyone manages to so spectacularly miss the point. i wrote a forty page paper on this. needless to say it makes me insane. i’m also a big fan of YOUR theories on the matter for a different yet equally neat perspective :) also i think marble did a post on it but i cannot for my LIFE find it
also i cannot stress enough how lame it is that adella gets reduced to a flat stereotype. they took a violently traumatized woman who was groomed into loathing herself by the catholic blood cult and who desperately clings onto the hunter for showing her justo the most basic decency of not Leaving Her To Die and decided instead of any of that it would be way cooler to water her down into a “yandere”. same can be said for arianna. like istg if they were men ther would be ESSAYS. but then again if they were men their themes would literally not even be half as cool AND they couldn’t be lesbians so i am writing the essays myself. tl;dr i am absolutely OBSESSED with both @/jurasicass and @/undefeatablesin’s portrayals of both these ladies. finally some good fucking adella/hunter/arianna dynamics‼️‼️‼️
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