#anon i will literally be printing this out to stick on my wall
kae-karo · 8 months
This is not much of a question, but a token of appreciation. Your writing makes my day, always. I found you through your ryurin works, they’re works I reread whenever I need a little kick of comfort, and to add on—
when I found your profile and saw your age… I was thrilled. As someone who’s just brinking onto 18, it’s terrifying to see ageism in fandom, people saying it’s ludicrous to like media after a certain age. But to see someone so adept in their craft with writing, and using it to their own enjoyment, sharing it with the world… it makes me so happy. I hope to be like you one day, I hope I can hone my skills in writing and art, and continue to love the fiction that keeps me alive no matter how old I may become. The world seems so bleak and so damp some days, I wonder when my clock of liking fic will run out— I have more than a fair handful of people who already call me childish for my hobbies. This is just a very long way of saying I look upto you. I look upto you so greatly and your work never fails to put my heart at ease, a small token that keeps me alive, the gentle thought of ‘if you die, you will never be able to read Kae_Karo’s works again’ (and that’s such a silly line of thinking! So unserious! But it really is true. Your work truly does keep me alive and breathing).
Thank you, thank you for writing, thank you for sharing, thank you for.. everything. You will never know me, but I will always know you through the work you’ve written.
hey anon dear i am. so unbelievably touched by this, i can't even begin to say how much it means to me that you feel this way
first and foremost, thank you more than i can put into words, it's beyond all i could ever hope for that my stories are a bright spot for you, something to look forward to when you need it. beyond that, though, it is unbelievably humbling and an honor to be someone that you look up to. and i will also add that there is nothing at all silly about having something that helps you when you feel that you need a reason to keep going through darker times!!
i could probably take this as an opportunity to go on some ramble about how star trek housewives created modern fandom or how the concept of fanworks has been around for ages (dante's self-insert virgil fanboy story?? shakespeare's historical rpf??) or any number of other comments regarding the fact that there is (or should be) no age limit on fandom, but honestly...that's beside the point, in my opinion
the truth and the thing that i hope sticks with you as you get older is that you deserve, always, by virtue of being here in this world, to pursue the things that bring you joy. today, tomorrow, and fifty years from now
and if that's fanworks or just hanging out in fandoms, all the more power to you!!! enjoy what you enjoy - and know that there is no age limit, there's no ticking time bomb to signal the end of your enjoyment once you hit 18 or 21 or 25 or whatever the current 'too old' age is these days
i'm speculating a bit as to this phenomenon of perceiving fandom as childish, but i think a lot of younger people, esp on that cusp of 18/early 20s, feel a need to be seen as a True Adult - they've reached the age of freedom from parents/guardians and crave the autonomy and respect they've been promised. i suspect that some people believe that continuing to pursue or enjoy anything that they enjoyed prior to this Magical Age would somehow signal that they aren't truly worthy of that respect or autonomy that 'adulthood' promises. which is so fundamentally untrue, but it's a hard lesson to learn (and i think some folks never really do). i think often of these quotes by c. s. lewis on childhood/childishness:
Critics who treat adult as a term of approval, instead of as a merely descriptive term, cannot be adult themselves. To be concerned about being grown up, to admire the grown up because it is grown up, to blush at the suspicion of being childish; these things are the marks of childhood and adolescence. (x)
When I was ten, I read fairy tales in secret and would have been ashamed if I had been found doing so. Now that I am fifty, I read them openly. When I became a man I put away childish things, including the fear of childishness and the desire to be very grown up. (x)
it's hard to be brave and push back against the idea that finding joy in fiction (in fandom, in 'childish things') is something you'll eventually outgrow, especially when the people around you have bought into it, but i promise that so long as you continue to find joy there, you will find others that understand and share your excitement. there is no expiration date waiting for you, and i'm genuinely thrilled that i can be an example of that for you!!
for you or anyone who doesn't know, i've had a professional office job since i graduated from college eight years ago and i have been heavily invested in fandom and writing fic for about seven of those eight years. i didn't even start getting into the very fringes of fandom until i was in college, and it wasn't til after i graduated that i got invested enough in something to try my hand at writing (prior to this point, i had been told it was a 'miracle that i passed my english classes' bc of my lack of writing skills, and thus the idea of writing as a hobby wasn't even something i had considered)
fandom (and fic) have done more for me in discovering aspects of my identity (mental health, sexuality, gender, passions and skills) than any other facet of my life, not to mention the fact that both fandom and fic have led me to the most important friends and loved ones i have today, including my gf of five years
all of which to say - pursue your joy (in fandom and anywhere else) and it will bring you to wonderful places and wonderful people. the only ones worthy of the term 'childish' are those that seek so desperately to avoid the things that bring them joy. i may not know your name, but i do know that this message will stay with me for a very long time (and i'll probably be deep in fandom for all of it)
again, thank you more than i can put into words, it means the entire world to me that my writing has meant so much to you <3
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Okay I'll be honest with you... Being morbidly curious I opened the link to your fic not really expecting much.. having the idea that it was just going to be a vapid retelling of the Sabbat route in cqm with a Soulmate AU slapped onto it, but oh my damn stars did you prove me wrong, miss Macaroni/Vida! Your writing is so clever, descriptive and more engaging than I had first initially thought. You balance out grittiness with humor just as well as the game itself does (Mitsoda would be proud). Yesterday I finished reading all of the chapters so far in 1 sitting.
I'm in love with Gretchen's wit, her sarcasm and her occasional gaming references. Her personality is so entertaining despite her 'bratty' nature and now when I look at your art of her I have more of an appreciation towards her character than I did before going into Soul Inmates and I can say the same for the Andrei/Gretchen ship itself. Before going in I thought it was just a fun little crack ship until your writing dragged me deeper and now I've also grown attached to the idea of them as a couple (I hate and love you for it)
And may I add that I've never read any story that contains the kind of soul marks you've put in. Maybe there are some out there but I still haven't come across anything like this. Anyway, It's so interesting to see how they treat each other before and after finding out. Simply bravo for nailing the characterization of every included character and literally everything else I've read so far! Gretie and Andi earned a new fan and I'm looking forward to reading more content of them in the future <3 <3
Anon, I can't begin to express how gleeful and over frickin jubilant you've just made me!!!!! I'm SCREAMING WITH JOY and I'm also quite close to crying!!! 🥺🥺😭😭 I'm so happy and speechless that I don't even know what to say because just saying "thank you" doesn't even begin to cover it, but let me tell you just how grateful I am that you've taken the time to even give my silly monsterfucker fic a chance! It fills me with absolutely colossal joy that not only you started liking Gretchen more, but the Grandrei ship itself too! AND OMFG SHUSH! Brian Mitsoda would be rolling his eyes at my attempts to be both funny and dark. That's still very bold of you to claim that, legend (and I may end up printing out this ask and taping it to my bedroom wall beside my head for motivation). Tbh I'm also highly unsure if the kind of soul mark I implemented has been written anywhere, but I don't mind if it ends up being un-unique (also huge thank you for not spoiling the soul mark for anyone that happens to be interested in reading). Anyways, I could go on forever, but I should keep this short. Huge thank you for reading and liking my fic and my cringe crack ship. Gretchen and Andrei have been my favorite losers for 2 years now and I'm slowly entering my 3rd year of Grandrei madness. The next chap might take a while, but I hope you'll stick around regardless. LOVE YOU!!! 🖤🩷💘💝💖💗💓💞💕🖤
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Okay but literally spent the past 2 hours thro the whole blog being a creep bc omg
This story is. So. Ducking.amazing
Omg like ur writing is just 🫠✨ WOOOOOOOHH
And like ik we're supposed to romance the Ros but like ummm I kinda may have fallen in love with you dear author 👉👈🥺 hope your okay with this sudden love confession
Cause like ur so funny and confident and it shows in ur writing so well, it literally gives life to your characters and scenes so beautifully ❤️
I love YOU dear anon MWAH!!! 😚
I love a love confession lemme print this out and add it to my wall of validation (along with my parent teacher conference notes and nice emails from my professors)
I’m so happy you’re liking the story and the characters!! And my writing too!
I’ve taken exactly one (1) creative writing class in my senior year of college and other than that, all my writing style and ability comes from..I have no idea.
I read a lot as a kid and still do. My favorite subjects in school were always English and writing intensive courses.
Mind you, I got my undergraduate degree in Neurobiology ooo my holistic slay!!
So my writing style is just kinda doing whatever I want and whatever feels right.
I’m god awful at sticking to plans, I type with my eyes closed so I can fully visualize the scenes I’m writing, and I adore run on sentences. Grammar and organization? Who is she? The key is saying “fuck it we ball” at every corner.
I’ve been having a blast creating this silly world and sharing it with y’all. It means the world to me that you took the time to send me such a sweet message. Thank YOU sunshine!!
Sending you a million virtual hugs!!
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dojunie · 9 months
idk i think im in love w u
definitely need to put this under a read more bc i have been SCREAMING!!!!!!! OVER THIS ASK FOR THE LAST FEW DAYS!!!!!!! when i tell you im going to print out this message and stick it to the wall in front of my desk so i can see it every time i sit down to write najkdajdjsklajd nckdsn i love this ask i love u i love this ask i love you!!!!!!!!! im so happy the lil stories i write about kpop boys grabbed u hard enough to make u stay up on a school night, dying phone and all 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭 as i was writing ch4 and starting ch5 i was thinking of this message like 'i cant let colorful anon down i have to get this shit out BEFORE 2024!!!!!!!!" AND SO BE IT IT SHALL BE DONE
its crazy to think that its Literally been an entire year since the last update and people are still so invested........... like im cryin a little yall are seriously the realest
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i love u im not kidding this is my favorite ask of all time. i almost dont want to answer it so it can stay in my ask box forever but u clearly went all out in writing this so i simply cannot allow the world to not see your work of art
screenshotting to make it my wallpaper as we speak
i am dubbing you colorful anon, pls come back whenever you want even if its just to leave an emoji in my inbox when ch 4 drops
im going to staple this message to every wall of my house i am so honored to be ur first ask
going to OPEN the misdial google doc and write some more for YEW!!!!!!! CAUSE U DESERVE IT!!!! MUAH MUAH KISSES I AM TUCKING U INTO BED LOVINGLY!!!!!!!!!!
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s-horne · 4 years
I’d give you a pretty flower A bowling ball A trophy A personal handwritten letter Bug spray A pack of socks A new door A phone charger Or even a lock of my hair Just to prove that your writing is so fucking good and makes me all happy and feel lovely
okay THIS made me cry too much for the heatwave we’re in right now. thank you so much... i am SOFT 🧡💕
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cheesus-doodles · 3 years
I’m not here to say anything much, just want to tell you how much I enjoyed your fics! You’re such a great author!! Also i was just imagining in the red dragonflies AU that mikey prints out photos of you and your old gang friends that you post on social media only to replace their heads with a taped-on photo of his in sheer jealousy, just going, “Yeah, I look waaaay better with her than those bozos.”
Link to relevant post!
asjkndljsa thank you for your kind words anon! super happy to hear you like my fics <3 thanks for hanging around!
BAHAHAHAHHA I completely agree with this, definitely sounds like something that Mikey would do! Even the thought of you having fun with - god forbid - friends other than him makes the jealousy start churning in his gut, he can't take it out on those same people without getting you involved or upset. Not yet anyway.
So the next best thing he can do would be to try and discredit them as much as possible - to you, but more importantly, to himself. This baby boy literally cannot live with himself every time he sees you hanging out and laughing with your Red Dragonflies friends, even more so when Furusawa swings you up to sit on his shoulders. You probably know that Mikey, of all the Toman founders, would be the most upset at you returning to your old gang, since he sees it at you betraying him and the rest of the Toman founders for people that let you walk away (if you ask him, they can't even be called friends after that), but this wasn't a battle you could bring yourself to pick a side for.
You make your special taiyaki for him every time you see him get especially upset but refuse to talk to you about it, and that's usually enough for Mikey to start whining and complaining about "them" stealing your time away from him, accusing you of favouring your old gang over Toman, insisting that you tell him that you liked him better than that pink-haired bastard.
Of course you just let all his whines and complains and anger wash over you. You being you always somehow manage to soothe Mikey out of his spiralling fits, but the Reds are still a highly sensitive subject that you don't really know how to fully settle. So when Mikey one day asks to borrow your camera and your phone to look at some of the pictures you have taken, you are more than glad to lend it to him. But what you didn't know was that he was after your old photos that were taken before you had met Mikey and Baji, of you in your old life (since all this takes place right at the dawn of social media or even pre-social media).
Brings them to a special printing shop to get the photos developed and printed - picking those that had you clearly visible and preferably the rest of the Reds blurred or not in the picture. Mikey definitely starts off trying to just cut you out, but realizes that he doesn't quite know what to do with a cut-out picture of you, and it didn't help deluding himself into believing that you had been his friend and only his friend for your whole life. Decides that instead, he would stick his own face to cover up whoever else was actually in the picture. Tries it out with one of you and Furusawa laughing together over an ice cream sundae, picture instantly looks 100 times better (no bias).
But the red jacket sticks out like a sore thumb so Mikey colors it black with a permanent market and boom - you were actually hanging out with him. Its tedious work, but Mikey is so careful to make sure his art and craft doesn't touch you. Even as a picture, this baby boy doesn't want to disrupt your happy self immortalized in the picture, just want to get rid of the eye sores.
Sometimes the picture ends up with you and 5 Mikeys, but doesn't matter, he looks wayyy better with you than those bozos ever did. Plus he takes care of you better too.
Puts up these doctored pictures across the wall right next to his bed so that Mikey can look at them whenever he was free and especially when he has to fall asleep all by himself. Even becomes part of a ritual for him to come back to look at these photos when the Reds annoyed him a bit too much. He did show you one of the photos he did, but you just laughed and teased him a little about how cute he was and how neatly he colored within the lines, which only just validated Mikey even more that yes you were best by his side after all.
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mha-quotes-and-such · 3 years
im judging 1-a's hero costumes and want to share them with you :) just as a general base for this assume im judging everyone for not having the appropiate amount of padding on their costume
aoyama: sir, this isnt a modern fashion show this is crime fighting.
ashido: look, i know her whole schtick is like, 80s (90s??) era, but i am on my knees begging her to at least choose prints that go with each other.
tsuyu: honestly? its good. i think she should maybe add some blues and browns into it if shes going to be fighting in water so she can blend in a bit more, but its very nice already.
iida: sir, sir, why are you wearing the equivalent of a medieval suit of armor. he can run fast, yeah, but that wont do much if they can hear him coming a mile away.
uraraka: another one i really like. the color scheme is cute, you cant tell what her quirk is just by looking at it, and she has a face protector!! you go you funky little hero.
ojiro: i mean, it fits his personality? i look at his character and go ehhh. and then i see his hero costume and go ehhh. very on brand.
kaminari: the jacket is a grabby hazard. maybe he could fix the ends to the rest of his costume so they arent flapping around? other than that its good.
kirishima: look, i love him as much as the next person but god please put on a shirt. take a leaf out of mirio's book and make a suit out of your hair, that way it hardens with you and adds an extra layer of protection. also the skirt thingy is a grabby hazard.
koda: gonna be honest, i had to look it up because i could not remember what it looked like BUT when i saw it it was a little confusing? the mouth. why. he couldve put anthing else on his shirt in relation to his quirk but goes with a set of teeth. get it ig?
sato: its solid. a little boring to look it which must be a pain to market off but its reliable? i mean it compliments him well so. king.
shoji: so theres nothing really wrong with it, but i just dont like it. i mean he doesnt have much to work with to be fair and it feels a little plain. not like i could do any better though.
jiro: her costume looks like street clothes. the jacket, again, should be fixed to the rest of her costume so you cant grab it. her boots might weigh her down? idk maybe theyre made of lightweight material who knows.
sero: another one i dont necessarily have a strong opinion about. it works well with his quirk, he sticks to a few main colors, and his helmet thing looks like a tape dispenser. hes easily marketable and its efficient.
tokoyami: haha edgelord. but its useful. his cloak helps dark shadow if theres too much light and it just fits his aesthetic. another easy market (esp towards teens)
todoroki: why.
hagakure: see above, but more stressed. please, just copy mirio and make a suit out of your hair. we are all begging you.
bakugou: oh boy uh. green and orange are So Ugly together. they just dont work and the black background theyre on only accentuates this. another note: his gauntlets are too big for him to open a door. this man would never be able to do stealth missions unless he lost the gauntlets.
midoriya: i like his, honestly. he adapted it to work well with his quirks and he also reinforced the places and he needex extra support (wrists/hands). stuck to a color scheme.
mineta: i genuinely do not understand what the thing around his waist is for?? what is it. also cape: garbby hazard. id tone down the yellow a bit, just so it doesnt scream out his position because its eye catching.
yaoyorozu: you are a child. i cant believe i am reiterating this point so much but make a suit out of your hair. your hair is a surface on your body ergo, you should be able to produce your creations through it without exposing yourself.
+aizawa: i mean, it works for an underground hero. he doesnt have to worry about his appearance, just practicality. he has his goggles, his scarf. the only thing bad is the bagginess. some villain is going to grab the extra fabric and yeet him into a brick wall.
I’ll be honest. Whenever costumes are involved I always get a little scared. But you anon? You’ve managed to be OSHA and the fashion police all at once. I literally can’t add anything to this you are objectively correct
And THANK YOU for bringing up the ‘make costumes out of your hair’. Sure it might not work 100% of the time. But at LEAST Hagakure could! I would like to see it for all the ones you’ve mentioned tho, it’s incredibly practical and also way more protective for these children
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midnightseonghwa · 4 years
𝐄𝐲𝐞𝐳 𝐎𝐧 𝐔 | 𝐩.𝐬𝐡
✕ 𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Solo Idol!Seonghwa x Staff!Reader 
✕ 𝐆𝐞𝐧𝐫𝐞: Idol au and fluff 
✕ 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝𝐬: 3.7k+
✕ 𝐖𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐬: Cliche k-drama themes, Seonghwa is a solo idol, mentions of overbearing fans and some sneaking around. 
✕ 𝐄𝐝𝐢𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐒𝐭𝐚𝐭𝐮𝐬: Unedited
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✕ 𝐀/𝐍: This was requested by anon! Well, welcome to the fandom once again and I’m very glad you decided to give my writing a try. Here is your very fluffy piece~~ I hope you like it! Do let me know what you think! ♥️ 
✕ 𝐀𝐞𝐬𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐭𝐢𝐜: here 
✕ 𝐓𝐚𝐠𝐥𝐢𝐬𝐭: @teeztheflag​
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Girls and boys alike crowded in front of your office building, the eager fans holding posters and light sticks, their love for their idol drawn in hearts and love declaration as you stood against one of the windows, observing the entire scene.
"Some fans," Yeosang said, handing you a cup of coffee and standing next to you, "Are not sane."
You rolled your eyes, throwing your colleague an odd look before raising the small paper glass of mix-coffee to your lips.
"Let them be, idols exist for a reason," you replied and Yeosang hummed, sitting at the table and flicking through the schedule for today.
The crowd seemed to grow thicker as the security team started putting up barricades to prevent fans from trampling over people who were entering the building.
"Yeo?" You asked, turning to face your friend and colleague, the same one who told you that getting into the entertainment industry would be profitable and a good idea.
You've never listened to any of his ideas again...
"Who's on the schedule today?" You asked, setting the paper cup down and leaning over the small plastic folder Yeosang was looking through.
"Uh...we had a couple in the morning but the only interview left for the afternoon slot is..." he trailed off, flicking through the numerous pages before landing on one.
"Park Seonghwa," he said, finger, pointing to a name that was highlighted in yellow and marked as important.
"Park Seonghwa?" You asked, turning the file around to look for yourself.
"Yeah, it says so right here and look, you're on the interview staff," he said, tracing over your name with a blue ball pen that was in his hand.
"He finally agreed?" You asked, a look of bewilderment coming across your face before you re-read Park Seonghwa's name and then yours, written in the same line.
"It took forever but apparently boss managed to get his agency's approval," he said and you opened your mouth to say something when screams suddenly erupted, shaking the entire office building.
Out of the windows, you saw a black van pull up to the front, windows tinted black so that nothing from the inside was visible. The security team crowded at the front of the van, some holding back screaming fans while others were given the responsibility to clear the way to the front entrance of the building.
"(Y/n)!" A voice came from the door and you turned around to see San, another one of your colleagues calling you.
"Let's go! He's here!" He yells and you throw Yeosang a quick look before getting your jacket and id card.
"Good luck," he whispers, sipping on his coffee again.
"Thanks," you breathe out, "I'm going to need it."
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The tray of water bottles felt heavy in your hands as you walked towards the dressing room that was currently being occupied by none other than THE Park Seonghwa.
You stopped at the door, hands trembling ever so slightly as you felt his famous aura literally suffocating you.
Raising your hand to knock, you steadied the bottles in your hand before the door was swung wide open by Seonghwa's manager, Jung Wooyoung.
"You are?" He asked, asking for your id to make sure you were part of the interview staff and not some fan who was stalking Seonghwa.
"(Y/n)(L/n), part of the interview staff. I've come to brief you and Mr Park about the interview schedule?" You said, catching a peak of blond hair moving behind Wooyoung before the smaller male moved over to cover the dressing room from your view again.
"That's perfectly fine, you can brief me and I'll make sure to relay the same to Mr Park," he said and took the tray of water bottles from you, handing to some stylist who was passing by.
"Uh, alright. Here are some of the questions that we have prepared. It's completely up to Mr Park if he wants to go through them or not. The interview will begin in a short while and I will be the one to escort Mr Park  to the interview room," you finished, handing Wooyoung some files with the questions along with a few more documents your boss had asked you to hand over.
"Thank you for the information, (Y/n)(L/n), you are free to go," Wooyoung said, turning around and shutting the door right in your face.
You stood there stunned, not quite sure how to react to the ever-mysterious Park Seonghwa that you had only ever got the privilege of seeing on the internet or tv.
Cocking your head to the side, you walked down the corridor and towards the main interview room.
Maybe the actual interview will be better?
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Despite the soundproof walls of the interview room, you could still hear the fans screaming and it was starting to cause a bit of a headache for you.
"Hey," San said, nudging your side in a whisper, "Did you pass on all the files like boss asked?"
"Yeah, but Seonghwa's manager is oddly protective. None of the other managers I've interacted with has been so...protective," you said, fiddling with your fingers that were clasped in front of you as everyone set up filming equipment around you.
"Honestly, if I was Park Seonghwa's manager, I would be protective too. I heard that some fan even broke into his hotel room and stole his socks," San whispered, leaning scandalously close as if he was telling you some dirty secret.
"Oh..." you trailed off, a frown settling on your face before the camera crew signalled five minutes to shoot.
"That's my cue to go and inform Park Seonghwa's manager," you said, dragging yourself out the room and into the corridor.
Arriving in front of Park Seonghwa's dressing room again, you stared up at the black letters before knocking on the door again.
"Back so soon?" Wooyoung asked, arms protectively caging the door as if you were even interested in viewing the probably uptight and snobby celebrity who was sitting inside it.
"Well, it's been half an hour since I came and I'm here to inform you that there are five minutes left for shooting to begin," you said, not really interested in exchanging any more words with Wooyoung than what was required of you.
"I see," Wooyoung said and peaked into the room behind in before giving you a nod.
"Wait here while Mr Park finishes," he said and jutted his chin out to the opposing wall of the corridor.
"Sure," you said, lip twitching in distaste as you sauntered to the corridor wall behind you and leaned against it.
You were sure you actually waited those five minutes to shooting in the corridor, staring at Park Seonghwa's name printed over the door.
Clicking your tongue, you pushed yourself up the wall, raising your fist up to knock again when the door swung wide open and Wooyoung gave you a disapproving and irritated look.
"Someone should really teach you patience," he said, moving to stand beside you as the styling team filed out and lastly, the man of the hour, Park Seonghwa.
You had only ever seen him on tv up till now. The angled cheekbones that could probably kill with skin that seemed to be blessed by the angels, it was true; he really did look better in person.
Who would've thought...?
"If you'd follow me," you said, leading them down the with a sigh, the feeling of a headache overwhelming your senses completely.
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Walking into the interview room, you saw Yunho, the interviewer and a dear dear friend of yours already seated on set, filming the introduction and opening.
San came up, holding up a mic as he hooked it up to Seonghwa backside before attaching the small black mic to the front of his shirt.
"Be careful," Wooyoung hissed and you could've sworn that for a second, you saw Seonghwa flinch.
But just as you imagined the whole ordeal, his eyes returned back to their previous look and the smile that he put on his face that your colleagues normally gushed about.
"It's done," San said, checking the mic once before moving away to check other equipment.
"I hope you've read the script. Best of luck," you said, trying to ease your own nerves.
"Thanks, maybe I'll need it," Seonghwa said, moving past you with a breeze of cologne that had you move back and really rethink your life decisions.
Had THE Park Seonghwa really just talk to you?
Did he reply to your empty greeting of luck?
San stared at you wide-eyed from the corner of the room before quickly turning away when you looked his way.
Perhaps, Park Seonghwa had some human words left in him.
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Yunho started off with the basic questions, the concept for his most recent comeback, why that specific concept was chosen and all that jazz.
Throughout the whole interview, you were standing behind one of the cameras, holding the script and making sure everything was going according to plan when you couldn't help but shake the feeling that Seonghwa was unfocused on the interview, completely lose in some other universe.
Making direct eye contact with the interviewer was something every celebrity usually did; to show that they were interested and focused on the interview at hand but for some reason, Seonghwa's eyes kept flicking over to the camera you were standing behind, the action looking hidden and quick but you caught his gaze every time.
"It is all thanks to my shine-stars, my fans. I wouldn't be able to stand here today without them," he said, gaze flicking nervously over to you when the red light was blinking on some other camera.
You offered him a smile back to comfort him but that only seemed to unnerve him further as he stuttered over his words, his sentences coming out muddled and botched.  
Yunho did the closing, thanking Seonghwa for joining one last time before thanking the viewers who were watching from home.
The crew called it a wrap for the day, some of them extremely annoyed at the fact that Seonghwa couldn't keep his gaze focused on the correct camera. Most were annoyed about the long night of editing they would have to sit through.
"Hey," San said, handing you and Yunho a can of coffee, still warm to touch.
"Ah, thank you," you said, taking it from the lanky boy and popping it open.
"So, how was it interacting with the infamous Park Seonghwa," you teased, nudging Yunho in his stomach with a little teasing smile on your face.
"Millions of girls would be dying to take your place right now," you said, adding to tease the taller.
"I think...I think I overestimated Park Seonghwa's professionalism," Yunho muttered, taking a sip of the coffee before sighing.
"What do you mean?" You said, eyebrows furrowing at his words.
"I mean, you were there. You saw how unfocused the man was and if this is how he usually does his interviews, the crew must be doing a darn good job at editing him to look so top-celebrity-like," Yunho explained, San nodding along at his words.
"I'm sure he's had a tiring day," you reasoned, getting touchy out of nowhere about Seonghwa's professionalism.
"Oh, he definitely had a tiring day staring at you throughout the whole interview even when the signalled camera was another," San snorted, hiding his teasing smile behind his can of coffee.
You quieted down at his words, his intentions not quite hitting you right. Seonghwa wasn't staring at you...he couldn't have been.
An idol? As big as Park Seonghwa nervous and staring at a typical entertainment staff?
"Yeah right," you said, a laugh falling from your lips at how ridiculous San sounded.
"But it's true, even I-" Yunho started, only to quickly get shut down by you.
"Let's call it a night, boys," you said, thanking San for the coffee once again and then picking up your jacket before exiting the interview room.
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The walk to your apartment was cold, the wind blowing hard as it whistled past your ear and into the freezing January. Your shoes hit the unruly pavement with a loud noise and you rubbed your hands together, trying your best to produce some heat.
It was almost midnight, the interview taking longer than expected with some hitches here and there with equipment, and you wanted nothing more than to just melt into your bed.
Snow hadn't fallen this year but the temperature had still fallen close to the negatives and you were one step away from freezing your toes off.
It was in these situations where you wished you owned a car or at least lived far enough to use public transport but the ambiguous distance to your house and everything around it gave you the option of none.
You crossed an alley, the yellow light of the streets hitting you in the face before you were stopped by a calling of your name.
The voice was whispered, but loud enough for you to hear it. It had a tone of urgency under it and currently, turning back to face this person was the last thing you wanted to do.
There is was again, the calling of your name by a voice that seemed horribly familiar.
"It's me!"
You stopped in your tracks, the voice clicking and it's owner clicking in your head until it was too late for you to turn around.
"Park Seonghwa?"
His name came out louder than intended and you quickly clamped your hand over your mouth and looked around, trying to spot any rogue paparazzi members.
You stepped further into the alley, hidden by the shadows of two buildings as you came face to face with a sunglassed idol clad in a white sweater and jeans.
"How are you here? Did you follow me? Does manager Wooyoung know about this?"
Questions after questions spilt from your mouth and at least Seonghwa had the decency to look a little bit shameful.
The male sighed, pulling his sunglasses off before facing you with his deep brown eyes that were just barely visible in the dim light.
"No, I didn't follow you here and no, Wooyoung doesn't know about this. I can't keep up with his nagging anymore," the male sighed, pinching the bridge of his nose before leaning against the brick wall behind him.
"You didn't answer my first question. How and why are you here?" You asked again, trying your best to maintain some friendly distance in case you were ambushed by fans or the paparazzi out of the blue.
You didn't have the time or money for a scandal.
"I...I saw you during the interview-"
"Yes, I noticed. Actually, the entire crew noticed. You sure aren't subtle for a celebrity," you huffed, crossing your arms over your shoulders.
Seonghwa visibly blanched at your words, heat taking over his body as it turned his white cheeks a red.
"Uh...yeah, I-" he stuttered, rubbing the nape of his neck before shrinking into himself even more.
You watched the idol's personality take a full shift from what he was usually portrayed as, the strong, very in-your-face character and fewer words, letting his good looks and charisma do the work for him.
But here, standing in front of you in a dim alley with the cold January wind blowing, you saw the cold celebrity replaced with a hesitant boy, one who was probably just caught by his mother stealing cookies from the jar.
"It's alright," you smiled, feeling as if it was your responsibility to put Seonghwa out of his embarrassing misery.
"I'm sure the crew will do a good job at editing."
Seonghwa smiled back at you, his row of perfect teeth on display.
"I wanted to wait around for you but Wooyoung pushed me to go. Something about my image or whatever...but I...I really wanted a chance to just...talk to you," he admitted, visibly deflating at how inhumane he sounded.
You stood straighter at his words, the reality of him being in a completely different social status from you hitting you right in the face.
"But you're an idol," you said, the words coming out before you could stop them and you wished you could've at the way Seonghwa flinched at your words.
"Yes, yes I am..." he trailed off and offered you a weak smile, this one not quite reaching his eyes.
Silence enveloped the both of you in a bubble, the outside world muted and numbed.
"But I..." Seonghwa started, a bashful but determined tone to his voice.
"But I am human before I am an idol. So if I want to make friends and date then it's completely up to me," he finished, eyes shining as if he had some new scientific discovery.
"You're absolutely right," you said, feeling rather proud that he could come out and say those things, despite knowing how much backlash he was going to receive from his fans and company.
"And I would really like to get to know you," he said, trying his luck again before you tilted your head to the side, weighing your options.
"Then you best follow me," you said, walking in the direction of your apartment and then looking back at Seonghwa who had already slipped his mask and sunglasses back on.
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"I haven't had these in ages," Seonghwa said, holding the crispy hotdog coated with powdered sugar, ketchup and mustard in his hand as if it was some kind of treasure.
"How long is ages?" You asked, curious about how someone could voluntarily abstain from heavenly foods.
"Ever since my trainee days...so maybe like four or five years now?" Seonghwa said, trying to count the years of his training and then post debut.
Your eyes bulged out of their sockets, jaw falling limp around the hotdog that was in your mouth.
"Four to five years of eating grass? For what?" You asked, tone absolutely exasperated, already feeling exhausted at hearing Seonghwa.
"At that time, it was my passion. To sing, dance and have so many people love you. I didn't quite realise how vile the entire industry was at that time," he admitted, taking a bite out of his hot dog before.
You quieted down, his words hitting you deeper than you thought it would. You barely knew this man, but somehow, more of him was exposed on the internet and you would be able to know him just by clicking a few links.
But how well exactly?
"So, Mr Park, tell me about yourself," you said, picking up a stick of fish cake and pouring some soup into a paper cup.
"I'd like it better if you just called me Seonghwa," he said, discarding the empty hotdog stick into the trashcan and picking up some chicken skewers.
"Okay, Seonghwa, tell me about yourself," you said, handing the lady at the stand some money.
"Why? You can just find out by going on the internet," he said, eyes curious but also slightly distant.
"But I want to know the real you. You said you wanted to talk and what better way for two strangers to talk than to introduce themselves?"
Seonghwa nodded, pulling a piece of chicken off the stick.
"I don't actually like jalapeno flavoured chips," he said, scrunching his nose up.
"Oh?" You asked, amused at the random piece of information he decided to start with.
"Yes, Wooyoung likes them and he was spotted buying them once and everybody just assumed it was for me," he said shaking his head while laughing.
"Continue," you said, ladling some more soup into your paper cup.
"Fans started giving me jalapeno flavoured chips at fan signs after that and I..." he trailed off, not quite sure of what to say.
He glanced warily at the lady at the stand who seemed disinterested in your conversation but you can never make out a prying ear until everything is exposed.
"Let's go, I know a place we can talk," you said, handing the lady the last bit of money before giving out your hand.
Seonghwa looked at your slightly perplexed before he slid his hand into yours and was pulled into the night by you.
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The night air was crisp, the cold biting at your face and hands as you set the small blanket you had grabbed from your apartment onto the terrace floor.
"Are you sure no one will see us here?" Seonghwa asked, sitting down on the blanketed floor.
"I mean, see for yourself," you said, gesturing to the wide expanse of empty space that looked as if it hadn't been used in over a century.
"Fair enough," he said and pulled his legs into his chest.
"I take it you're not the most flexible?" You teased, taking a seat in cross-legged position next to him.
"No...that's one fact they got correct about me," he said breathing in the night air while marvelling at the city lights.
"You have no idea how boring it is being cooped up in my apartment. Like at least if I was in a group then I would have my members to keep my company but it gets so lonely sometimes when you're a solo idol," Seonghwa ranted, his nose turning a cute shade of pink from the cold.
"Well, after everything you just shared, I'd say we're friends now," you said, leaning into his side in a friendly manner.
"If everything goes well, I hope we can be something more," Seonghwa said, twisting his fingers together.
Your words got stuck in your throat at his confession. You literally saw him for the first time today!
"Hm...maybe if you play your cards right and don't accidentally out yourself first," you said, playing it off cooly.
"Does this mean you'll see me again?" Seonghwa asked, eyes hopeful, twinkle resembling the night stars above.
"If you promise to come and do more programmes with me," you answered playfully but the speed at which Seonghwa nodded almost made you want to kiss him there and then.
"Of course, as long as I get to see you," he said and you swore your heart almost leapt out of its chest.
You responded with a smile, placing your hand over his.
Seonghwa seemed a little taken aback by the action but turned his hand over to his palm and interlaced your fingers together.
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newobsessionweekly · 4 years
Full of surprises🌿 -part 2
Part 1
anon said:  Could you write something with Aron where you guys are newly engaged and going to dinner with the cast mates from elite and they see the ring and you and Aron are all cute and shy at dinner? xx a/n: thank you for your idea, it inspired me for this part!! Guys, part 2 is here and I am really excited!! I hope you like it. Stay safe and lots of love! 🌿❤️
warnings: none, i guess. word count: 1.470
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Arón Piper x reader 🌿
Arón’s car slowed down in front of a big white fence and a wooden gate; the unrecognisable sound of cars passing by cannot be heard, and comparing to the crazy part of Madrid your apartment is located, this one is maybe too quiet. The sun is gently caressing your skin as you accepted the cold, reassuring air coming out from the car’s air conditioning system before Arón turned it off. This year, spring is warmer than usual and this warmth plus the morning sickness equals a disaster.
Not much time passed since you have told Arón about the positive pregnancy test and it’s been almost a week since you’ve been proudly wearing that beautiful engagement ring. Arón is the happiest you’ve ever seen in the last three years together, he’s proud and also too worried. Despite the fact that you are living in the same apartment, he calls every time he arrives somewhere, just to check on you. He texts you whenever he have some break, no matter how small and he calls again when he is about to leave some place and come back home to you. You continued going to work, though Arón insisted it’s good for you and the baby to stay home and rest.
Though you started to develop a very serious phobia about mornings based on the sickness you still feel every day, this one is different. He wasn’t sleeping so peacefully, with a hand under his pillow and the other one between the two of you, like every morning. He was the first to wake up, made you a glass full of fresh orange juice and bring it to you in bed. He caressed your skin and surrounded your body with small kisses, while one of his hands rested on your stomach. Every night, after a long talk about everything and nothing specific, he liked to caress your belly and talk to his daughter, eventually falling asleep with a hand on your womb. You are convinced that is a boy, but it’s far too early to determine the gender. At your first ultrasound, you could see it; a little spot painted on a strange picture. He stopped the engine and surrounded the car to help you get out. You tried explaining him a million times you have no disability, you are perfectly capable to do things by yourself, but he is so stubborn, he will ignore you and continue only to tease you. “What are we doing here?” you asked as he opened the gate and let you inside the courtyard. There is a stone path leading to a white house, surrounded by a big, green yard, with many trees and flowers enchanting your eyes.   “I saw an announcement a few days ago and when I came over here, I literally saw your name on it. It’s perfect for us, now that we are expecting a little you to come around and mess up with our nerves. Do you like it?” Arón laughed a little and faced you.
Arón is a big tornado filled with so much love and kindness for everything and everyone, despite the grave expression he is showing off. You understood that to remain this way in a world full of suffering and misery, sadness and wickedness, he had to put on a mask to protect himself. From the first time he opened up to you, you knew he is the sunshine that the world needs the most. He is the only one that could light up this world with his smile, his laugh or even with his presence. He emanates this amazing vibe that everyone loves.
“It’s beautiful, Arón. But how much is it?” You love this house, it has everything you’ve ever wanted. It’s a white and simple storey house, with balconies, outdoor terrace and large windows for more natural light. But it’s a traditional Spanish house, it’s old with so many great stories from the past embedded into its walls and it means it’s expensive as hell. Arón waved his hand at you and turned, so he could admire the house, “Come on, don’t worry about the price, I already bought it anyway.”  
“You did what?” your anger instantly popped and you started feeling some strange warmth covering your entire body. “Why would you make such an important step all by yourself? I’ve always wanted to go house hunting.” You whimpered like a little kid.    “You are mad that I went house hunting without you?” he laughed at you and came closer to hug you. “Yes. This house is almost perfect...” you again searched the yard and tried to find the thing that is missing, but it is fucking perfect. “But it doesn’t have a pool!” you sticked it out at him just to not look a fool for being upset for no reason. “You are crazy!” he laughed, joking, and led you to the back yard through the bushes. There were a beautiful and small pool, and another terrace with a table and some chairs, perfectly to drink coffee in the morning or for a dinner with friends at night. “I’m not crazy, I am just pregnant.” You faced him and paired your hand behind his neck, sticking your head on his chest. “I pray the lord to give me patience if the hysteria of a pregnant woman starts from now. But I still love you so much.” He kissed the top of your head and rubbed your back as the both of you admired the beautiful house.
------- The sun is slowly going down, gently kissing the ground, getting lost behind the tall buildings from the Centre of Madrid as you went to the toilet for the fourth time since you arrived. Your clothes are getting tighter around the waist, and you barely find some loose dress to wear tonight. The subject changed again since you’ve been gone and you just stayed quiet and enjoyed some natural mix of fruits. Dinner with the cast members from Élite is interesting and funny under other circumstances, but this time you are too tired to pay much attention. You've been having trouble lifting your head off the pillow in the morning and dragging your feet all day made you excited to arrive home as soon as possible and crawl into bed. You rested your head on Arón’s shoulder and yawned as you caught Danna smiling at the picture in front of her eyes. You haven’t talked much and definitely haven’t told anyone but your parents about the pregnancy and the engagement. You are undoubtedly wearing the ring Arón gave to you, you are neither trying to hide nor to praise around about it. “It’s hard indeed to move into a new house.” Arón agreed to Jorge on the new subject someone randomly picked. “It’s even harder when are two people.” He rubbed your palm that was resting the handle of your chair with his finger and smiled. You showed him a lazy smile and when the waiter came with your dessert, you reached out after it. “So you finally proposed!” Miguel spoke up, smiling brightly at you glancing at your left hand. That made you froze with your hand clenched on the plate with pancakes. “He did what?” Danna and Ester both jumped from their sits and over the table, the blonde girl reached for your left hand to admire the ring. “Why haven’t you told me? Oh my god, congratulations!” “Congratulations, man!” Omar addressed to your fiancé and came closer for a handshake. Everyone approached to congratulate you and your cheeks were so red, they could be confounded with the cherries from your plate. “Wait, hold your congratulations!” you frowned as Arón reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. You immediately recognised it was your most recent scan and the only one you have at the moment. At nine weeks. He gets out the printed photo that was safely tucked into one side of the leather casing and lended it farther so that everyone could see it. Álvaro looks at it in awe and mentions something about how tiny all of its features are as Itzan leans over to look too. You instead turn to Arón and see how proud he looks. “She is as big as that green olive from that cocktail.” Arón pointed Mina’s drink. He still has a small smile on his lips and he’s leaning over the table to admire it one more time and to explain everyone what your doctor explained. He looks brighter,his eyes warm.
“You wanted to say <<he>>, he is exactly 2.54 cm now.” You corrected him with Danna’s hand hanging around your neck as she tried to hug you. He leaned over to kiss your forehead before he went back to the conversation, “This time I won’t contradict the pregnant woman.” 
Tell me what do you think 🥺🥺
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staysocky · 5 years
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answering a handful of asks under the cut !!
answers & replies here are generally:
brush settings
misc. responses
Anonymous said: Hello friend may I ask about your brush settings? Because I am in love with your colouring and line work!
Anonymous said: Your art is so cute! What brushes do you use?
Answer: i main SAI2 now, but here are the same settings when i was using them in the original SAI!! 
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(i just copied my own settings in SAI2 now so they should work the same... also sometimes i use the marker tool for doodling nowadays)
Anonymous said: do you post speedpaints anywhere? i'd love to see your painting process! your art style is phenomenal hngh 
Anonymous said: Do you have a youtube channel? Just wondering, since I can't seem to find it. I'd like to watch some speedpaints or something .u.
Anonymous said: could do you a tutorial on how you color hair??? its so pretty and baffles me all the time
Anonymous said: Would you ever do a tutorial showing how you draw? I've see you post on how you color but not lineart (ps your style is super duper cute!!)
Anonymous said: Ayy ;3c hello stocky, your art is amazing ;; how is your process for color your drawings? Plz need to know! God bless you♥
Anonymous said: How do you color soooo well? Can I get some tips? ( ;n; )
Answer: i’ve sometimes done lil art streams for friends before! i could use the same capture software to make speedpaints sometime.... i’ve been considering it for a while actually! 
my process can be a lil sloppy when i try to break it down into steps for tutorials so i think the best way to show + explain is through art streams (& video process)... 
i was thinking of starting art streams on twitch in the near future too... it’s just when i’ll finally be able to get setup finally that i’d be able to set a streaming schedule
Anonymous said: I never played Megaman but I used to watch my older brother play it, and I finally started playing it because of your art too lmao (i love it)
Answer: MEGAMAN GOOD!!! im so glad you’re enjoying the series now too!!
Anonymous said: Socky, will you restock the sanic charms (the knuckles and tails link one) or make other characters?? i love them !
Answer: THANK YOU i’m glad u like em!! each time they sell out i do plan to restock them so no worries!! 👍 I AM AIMING TO MAKE MORE CHARMS OF OTHER SONIC CHARACTERS TOO they’ll come eventually when i’m able to make the designs & get them ordered!!
Anonymous said: ((whispers, this may have been asked before and I wasn't sure where to ask it, but what does "i tried my best x5" mean? is it a reference to something? ;;))
Answer: OH NO WORRIES I’LL CLEAR IT UP!! it’s in reference to a youtube user’s rp comments as “kagamine len”. i’ve seen it MANY years ago & at that time it became sorta an inside joke between me & my friends. 
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later i referenced/used it as a response a few times on my len askblog to keep it going.
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it’s a small lil thing i guess but i’ve sorta adopted the saying now haha
Anonymous said: socks r gr8 doncha think
Anonymous said: ookay im going to sleep now sorry
Answer: no come back you are valid !!
Anonymous said: your aRT gives me heARTATTACKKKS
Anonymous said: Wanted to say I absolutely love your art and how you draw the Kagamines. Please keep it up!
Anonymous said: your art makes me cry out of joy. I am actually crying because your style makes me so happy!!!! keep up the good work!! <3
Anonymous said: your artstyle. CUTE
@transjackatlas​ said: you art style is absolutely adorable 💙💚💕
@emmi-san​ said: I only wanted to say that I love your art style and the cute representations of the vocaloid songs ✨💕
@tyranart​ said: Your arts wonderful and I hope your day is full of nothing but enjoyment
@thekillermarti​ said: how do you draw so cute?!
@dumiz-hyper-saiyan​ said:  Hiya! I wanted to ask, how is your art so great!? You are so so talented (I know it’s not really a question but I love your drawings so much! I hope we can be friends cause you seem to be a amazing person!) hehe!♥️
@seraphofivorylight​ said:  ( ̄▽ ̄) i just found ur blog today and i want to say i really love how soft ur art is !! its super pleasing to look and i definitely wish i could have some of these as prints to slap onto my wall of posters ✨ keep doing ur good work !! i hope ur doing well !!
Answer: THANK YOU SO MUCHHCH!!!!! i’m glad y’all are enjoying my art u folks are the MVPs & it’s super motivating to get your nice feedback _(┐「ε:)_ 💕 💕 //sends you all my lov e
@moderndayoutsider​ said: Just thought I'd shoot a message and say that I absolutely ADORE your art and you're one of my inspirations <3 God bless! Keep on doing what you're doing! :D
Anonymous said: ahh i wana say that ive been a fan of you for years and youve inspired my own art sm T_T... bout time i told you how much i love ur stuff 💖💖💖
Anonymous said: Woah, I'm a bit new to your blog and I just want to say how cute your art is. I'm literally so glad this was on my recommended. If I hadn't clicked on your blog then I don't know where I would be. To be honest, I would send you this on my real account but I'm actually really afraid to talk to you, and plus I'm really shy heheh. But keep up the good work! You're an inspiration to us all.
Anonymous said: Hi socky!!! I just wanna drop by and say that I love ur art so so so much !! The coloring and shape of it is so appealing and sometimes I spend hours at a time on your social media just marveling your art. It's really pretty!! Keep up the good work ✨✨✨
Answer: sdfgFDGDdsf knowing that u folks are inspired by my works makes it all worth it, i hope u know (;__;💕 💕 thank you so much for sticking around & enjoying!!! it really means A LOT pleas y’all have a lovely week!!
Anonymous said: Do you take commissions?
Anonymous said: Commission?
Answer: I SORTA HAVE COMMISSIONS OPEN tho i take them by a commission form which puts you on a waitlist. i’m more active on my twitter and tweet updates, & handle most contact about them there...
here’s a link to the tweet about my current commission info + the link to the form is inside --> [comm info]
Anonymous said: Where are you from? Your art is so clean and stylish!! 💖✨
@mysticmangaanimepainter​ said: What year u start drawing???😮 
Answer: started drawing wayyy back when i was able to first hold a crayon haha. tho i sorta started paying attention to what i was doing around middle school? started drawing digitally between middle & high school iirc... im from the US also !!
but to all who’s sent me nice messages & words of encouragement, thank you so much 😭💕💕💕 i rly appreciate em all & even tho i’m not very responsive here on tumblr i rly like to look at and read the messages from time to time;;;💖
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pruzan · 3 years
ohhh liv! 💛💛 this is the ballot anon! i just wanted to drop by and say THANK YOU for your sweetest reply 🥺
you are literally the loveliest angel and i just know there is a heaven waiting for you. i agree with everything you said! i also believe everything happens for the better and that what's meant to be will find me, and although this time it was really hard to stay positive despite my belief, you helped me to have faith in myself again. i appreciate you for more than words could ever express!
actually i've been following you for about two years now and honestly i'm always in awe of your kindness and wisdom! seriously liv how are you even real, you are such an inspiration and we are all so lucky to have you here! tbh i've always wanted to befriend you, but didn't have enough courage to do so, (sending anon messages from time to time on your side blog was all i could do afsttdt) but if i ever get successful in the next ballot i'd take it as a sign to dm you off anon, only if you're okay with it! i'm afraid of bothering you but i'd love to have a chat with you one day! 😳💓💓
thank you for being you, i hope miracles and happiness follow you everywhere💗 please take care of yourself and stay safe, dearest! i'll update you in summer!! love u xx
💗 my lovely anon!!!!! 💗
i'm in tears!!! i wanna print this ask out. i wanna fold it up and stick it in my pocket to keep with me at all times and i wanna frame it and hang it up on the wall above my bed. i wanna hold onto it while i fall asleep like it's a teddy bear or a safety blanket. i can't stop rereading it!!!
thank you so so so much for being here!!! for knowing me!!! for caring about me!!! for trusting me enough to write to me and share your hopes and your fears with me!!! i'm grateful for you and for every interaction we've ever had, whether i knew it was you or not. i am a better person because of the kindness that you show me and you've shown me, and that's something i don't think i will ever be able to thank you enough for!!!
i want you to know that you are always welcome here!!! you are always welcome with me!!! every day i wake up and i hope that i get to meet someone new, to get to know someone new!!! it's one of my favorite parts of being human!!! so you'd never bother me by reaching out. not ever!!! tell me about this program you want to be involved it, tell me about yourself, tell me about your day, tell me about the sunset you saw or the meal you made or the song that you can't get out of your head. all of you is welcome here!!!
thank you for everything, sunshine!!! i love you!!!!! 💗💗💗 and i'm looking forward to the next time we get to talk!!! 💗
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evenshands · 6 years
just had to say that i love your fics so much. i have so many of them bookmarked on ao3 that i stopped bookmarking them because there is no point since i would end up bookmarking every single one of them anyway. i literally just check your profile now instead. 👀
i’m????? crying???? this is the sweetest message ive ever recieved omg literally when i opened it i just stared in shock for ages because oh!!! my goodness!!!! i am so so happy that you like my fics this means so much to me!!!!!!!!!! brb gonna print this ask out and stick it on my wall forever
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