#anon you're Funny uwu
goldenpinof · 5 months
Dan and Phil often give me the vibes of two people who everyone believes is dating, like friends and people around assume they're dating. But actually they're both oblivious idiots who don't realize yes they've been dating for several years. They believe what they do are just friend things but it's clear normal friends wouldn't do those things.
yeah, like eating ass
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lesbianjodie · 2 years
The "are you winning son" but it's Conan to Jodie
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It took me so long to answer this bc I love seeing galaxy brained things in my inbox and this is just. Perfection.
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randomnameless · 6 months
And people still think Supreme Leader's whole spiel of "weak must be rely on themselves instead of others" is not social darwinism.
Which is even more ridiculous, all things considered given how heavily Supreme Leader herself relies on others - or the "gifts" she "received" from Uncle to launch her war or just - but well, we know how the game is regarding Supreme Leader.
There won't be any situation where she says this and someone, Dimitri or Dedue, ask her if she didn't rely on Hubert and her soldiers/generals to conquer Fodlan... And it's really frustrating, because we see glimpses here'n'there that she doesn't want to take Hubert for granted in their supports - so she knows he trusts and supports her... and yet we still have this nonsensical line.
Sure, Supreme Leader and Hubert can't reach those supports in AM since they're not playable, and that's the kind of artificiality I was berating FE16 for - if Billy didn't pick class X, members of class X will be in some sort of limbo where we don't even know, as a player, what kind of relationship they have with each other - bar the Lions who have lines for each others if one of them is killed, or mourn on screen.
Is Supreme Leader suddenly caring and wondering if Hubert follows her because he wants to and not because it's his duty - because Billy is her teacher, or Supreme Leader, when Billy isn't her teacher, dgaf about Hubert despite him being her right-hand man and more or less managing the war and the Agarthans? I'd say we're closer to the second option, given how she has no fucking line when he died, no mourning, no "they even defeated Hubert... No matter what, I cannot let them win!", nothing.
I mean, after Uncle's fireworks in Tru Piss, Dimitri mourns Rodrigue, Felix and Ingrid (if they weren't recruited). Tru Piss!Claude even doesn't understand and is pissed/upset/saddened because Hilda didn't retreat, Rhea laments the fall of Cyril and Catherine (in GM but not in her IO form for some reason?) and Seteth'n'Flayn's deaths...
Anyways, back to your ask, anon, we're not at the only one "for thee not for me" contradiction with Supreme Leader, but that's her mindset, only using part of what she went through (tfw the "Goddess" abandonned her by not rescuing her from Uncle... which is why she sides with Uncle to get rid of those pesky lizards and their goddess) to justify and motivate her conquest and imperialism in a few words : Git Gud.
Hell, it takes Ferdie's end supports in Tru Piss to have her realise that randoms cannot "Git Gud" if they don't have the means to "Git Gud"!
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allastoredeer · 4 months
What funny for me it's when I see some people in radioapple fandom saying why they can't see Alastor as a bottom is because "he would never be a bottom because of his ego!" (and right under a post with b!Alastor content, the nerve)
Meanwhile Lucifer, King of all Hell, Sin of Pride personified, the man who stole Adam's first wife and claimed to do the same with the second, and had two songs about how great he is compared to others: am I a joke to you?
EXACTLY! Preach Anon!
Lucifer's ego is just as big, if not bigger, than Alastor's. I was rewatching the show recently, and during the "Dad Beat Dad" episode, literally the only person he was nervous, bumbling, or awkward around was Charlie (and Vaggie, to a certain degree considering she's Charlie's girlfriend).
In every other interaction he was smug, arrogant, indifferent, unimpressed, or downright dismissive. His whole song with Alastor was just him flexing his power and getting more and more insecure & angry about how "close" Alastor and Charlie were. I think people forget that Lucifer is the Sin of Pride, and you can 100% see it in his behavior towards the other characters. Obviously, he got closer to the Hazbin Crew, especially during the last song in the finale, but that doesn't make his ego magically disappear.
And I love that about him.
I find his huge capacity to love (both Charlie and creation) so endearing, but it's better and so much more interesting, when it's paired with the fact that his ego gets bruised so easily. He's the most powerful being in Hell, while also being insecure as fuck, while also being the personification of Pride itself. Is that not the tastiest, most delectable character to ever character????
Look, yes, Lucifer is depressed. He and Lilith got divorced. He and Charlie were estranged to each other for years. He lost his will to dream after being cast out from Heaven. He spent all his time making little rubber ducks, locked away in his room. But that doesn't, by any means, make the man humble.
If you look at Alastor and say he's got too big of an ego to bottom, and then turn around and make Lucifer the most bottomy bottom ever, then I say go back and rewatch the show, cuz you're missing a few very important factors. Especially if you're basing someone's capacity to bottom on ego alone. (I, personally, love it when prideful, egotistical characters bottom. It's so much fun).
Mostly just...hhhhhh, please stop stripping away all of my short-kings most interesting characteristics. I don't want a small, wide-eyed, easily manipulated little UwU soft boi. I want snarky, powerful as fuck, insecure, egotistical, provocative short-king who gets pissy when his daughter talks to a homicidal deer man with a silly haircut instead of him (while also being very soft, loving, and caring). He's multi-faceted, and that's what makes him interesting.
Once again, this isn't me getting after people who enjoy top!Alastor and bottom!Lucifer. Do what you want, I hope you're having fun. Just don't go commenting below other people's posts with shit like "Alastor wouldn't bottom because of his ego," when Lucifer is just as much of an egotistical little shit as he is.
Thank you for coming to my Ted Talk.
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olderthannetfic · 10 months
re: anon who got people mad at them for referring to rape as sex
That happens all the time IRL. I've had therapists chide me for referring to it as sex and tell me I'm a virgin even though 1. I'm not and 2. I hate the way that erases my actual lived reality, it's super common to hear people in support groups say it's not sex/doesn't count/you're still a pure virginal thing uwu, and I recently had to argue with my doctor that yes, it is okay to say I had sex, as putting 'I've never had sex' and 'I've had a miscarriage' on medical forms seems, to me, to be a pretty stupid thing to do. He asked if I would consider crossing out 'sexual intercourse' on the form and writing in 'rape', and I told him no, I would not, because then everyone who handles my medical files gets a very personal piece of information about me that they did not consent to receiving and did not ask for, which is kinda shitty towards them. He still seemed to regard me with the oh-you-poor-victim eyes afterwards, as if acknowledging that sex was involved = hating myself, blaming myself, being a bad victim, not being a strong badass proudly declaring it didn't effect me, etc.
People get very angry if you acknowledge that there's anything sexual about someone having sex with you against your will. The hardened cock, the orgasm, all of it is reclassified not as sex but as violence, as if those are two circles on a Venn diagram that are never allowed to touch and there's zero overlap.
I don't get how their minds work and I never have. I don't become less traumatized if I pretend there was nothing sexual about what happened. I guess it makes them personally feel comfy? And that seems to be the thing prioritized over the survivor's happiness in this context, because that's what's prioritized in most contexts, but it feels incredibly pedantic. It's like when people refer to periods as "ladies days" or "shark week" and then look at me funny when I call it a period. Sorry if I made you uncomfy but the facts remain the facts by any other name.
Yeah. It's from the "rape is about power, not desire" thing, which, okay, fair. But this particular imposing of power on another person still takes the form of sex.
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luckyarchivist · 7 months
You're Mhin hcs are so fun to read!! Do you have any Vere hcs you'd like to share as well? (No pressure 😅😅)
Gonna be honest with you, anon: I never have ANYTHING in my head to share. It's empty in there. But since you asked, here's some things that came to mind!
General Vere HCs
Because he's literally a fox Monster, I think a lot of my HCs are based around that! For example:
He's destructive. Yeah. He destroyed Kuras's office because he hates him, but I also think he can't help it. His own place probably has scratches and bite marks on appropriate posts, too, though not as many—it is his space after all, he wants it to be good enough for him.
He will sometimes bite (not too hard) as a sign of affection. Very "rawr XD girlfriend who nom :3 uwu"-coded of him.
Yes, he does like to be pet, and scritched. However, he doesn't like 99% of people who try to, so best not to attempt it. For any brave soul out there: Scritches on the sides of his neck, where his hairline is, will get him super relaxed.
He can get the urge to "laugh" if he's really happy or excited about something, which he tries to suppress—he's better at keeping a lid on it than he is about hiding his tail wagging. This "laugh" sounds different from his sultry, cultivated "ha-ha~ you're funny~" laugh; it's more like a high-pitched, hiccupy giggle. It can make him sound a little crazy. Shame he won't weaponize it to be even more evil.
I also have non-fox-related headcanons for Vere, though, lol.
We already know he's a talented artist; I think his preferred mediums are pencil and charcoal.
This is a shippy headcanon, but I do think he has a lot of drawings of Ais's side profile in his sketchbook—one of the reasons why people are not allowed to leaf through it. Other things in his sketchbook include figure drawings, rough sketches of people who catch his fleeting interest, and symbols or beings from his dreams.
On the subject of dreams: Vere puts some stock into their contents. Maybe because of his unique constitution, he feels his dreams can have hints, warnings, and premonitions mixed in with the shit that doesn't make any sense. That's why, if something sticks out to him in a dream, he'll draw it.
Even with his heeled shoes off, Vere prefers to walk primarily on his toes. He's like a Barbie doll!
He generally likes slower, soothing music. In the modern day, he'd probably be a fan of old-school ballads and even ambient music.
This is a weird one, but I think Vere is really good at imitating people's voices. His voice is too unique to sound exactly like other people, but he can get pretty damn close, enough to fool someone on a first listen.
Thanks so much for your ask!
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chaos-of-the-abyss · 2 months
im sorry but i find it funny how you went from tolerating feanorians and those apologists to just straight up admitting your disdain for them. seriously, i feel you on that, because its those type that pushed me away from liking the feanorians, and sadly, it drove me away from liking elrond as well (i know, i'm horrible) because of the many times he's been used as a weapon to shit on elwing or any of her family like y'all i can see the bs from miles away with that
let me tell you anon, i've reached my limit for "everyone can have their own opinion uwu" after the continuous slew of """opinions""" that have zero canon basis and are obviously trying to make the feanorians look better and more moral while simultaneously condemning their literal victims. it is funny too bc like i've said they used to be some of my favorite characters - and i still very much enjoy them as they are in the story - but the refusal of so many of their "fans" to engage with the people they actually are is frustrating and ridiculous. you'd think if you like a character you wouldn't feel the need to sanitize their actions. at that point just write your own original story of misunderstood "forced by circumstance to commit mass murder" tragic heroes, because whichever characters it is you're stanning there, it's not the feanorians
i still do adore elrond (the canon version of him, not the fanon "maglor is my real dad!!11!1! also i hate my parents bc they Abandoned Me" knockoff), but i do steer clear of content that's not from my mutuals lol. like you said some characterization choices are so blatantly just using him as ammunition for their "we want m&m to be elrond and elros' real parents, so we have to make elwing as bad as possible so m&m become better caretakers by comparison despite being the reason elrond and elros no longer have their family, home, and friends" pipeline. it's transparent as hell and especially annoying considering that elwing lost her family and home and was displaced as a toddler thanks to the feanorians' actions. then when they come back and take everything from her a second time you want to vilify her while glorifying them? using her sons who in canon clearly loved and respected her? lmao
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lu-lus-dicks · 6 months
@huskers-bar x @nunalastor chapter 3
Tags: enemies to lovers, angst?, eventual fluff, yearning?, soft huskers-bar, both mods are separate people, no beta we die like i do in this fic (not yet though), minor character death, ooc, au: hellaverse (hazbin hotel), nunalastor is head of the marketing department of the hazbin hotel (lucifer grabbed them randomly), jealousy?, huskers-bar is an employee at voxtek, lulu as a villain, lulu is a dog, huskers-bar is a liar, secret dating?
chapter: 3/? / chapter Word count: 1,659 / total word count: 4942
nunalastor as a single entity is nunalastor, traumatized mod dickmaster and cursed mod nun. and huskers-bar just husk/huskers. babygirl anon will be babygirl anon. I will be lulu. Angie will be angie but is meant to be read as angel dust.
A/N: peepee poopoo nunalastor lore drop uwu. thinking of removing the enemies to lovers tag on this because the plot has changed so much from what I originally planned. lulu is losing the funny so less funny stuff this chapter
As Huskers stood there, frozen in the doorway, their eyes widened with a mix of surprise and mild anxiety. They couldn't believe their luck-or was it misfortune?-to stumble upon them at a place like this. All the while Dickmaster kept staring at them with that unwavering gaze. One that could only belong to a cat that had too much catnip
"And who are you?" Dickmaster hissed, finger pointed directly at the huskers, their eyes narrowing and emitting an intense glare. "some kind of stalker?"
Huskers cleared their throat, trying to break the awkward tension they had accidentally created. If only this was a normal meeting. "Um, hey there! Fancy meeting you both here... I am not a stalker, actually. I work at voxtek and Angie, who I had to work with, informed me of the hotel and I liked the idea... didn't think I'd see you here" They choked on their words, offering a nervous smile while fidgeting with their fingers and displaying a toothy grin that seemed too wide to be genuine. They grabbed the hem of their shirt and started tugging excessively. Their hands felt way too sweaty.
"You're avoiding my question, who are you?" Dickmaster retorted, taking a step back and finding support on the nearest surface, which happened to be the bathroom door. Their eyes narrowed, radiating skepticism and cautiosness.
This was a once in a lifetime opportunity for huskers. Nunalastor genuinely didn't seem to know who they were, which why would they? It's funny to even think that. This meant Huskers had a golden ticket, a second chance. Maybe they'll get to know them and change their mind on hating them? It was in the realm of possibility. At least they hope so.
"oh just one of the anons" Huskers lied through their teeth, waving a hand awkwardly and dismissively. The nervous chuckle was the last cherry on the top for their fabrication. "Love your blog by the way" Huskers offered the compliment, attempting to salvage what was left of the already a horrifying first impression.
Dickmaster though, seemed to loosen up a bit after that answer, though still kept their guard up. One could never know about these things and it wouldn't be the first time their instincts were right.
"ah, there's too fuckin many of you... have some mercy on my lil ol askbox sometimes" They added, slipping back into their online persona. Brushing off imaginary dust from their attire and examining their hand closely, it became apparent that this was probably a nervous habit of some sort.
The atmosphere grew increasingly awkward, leaving Huskers unsure of how to continue the conversation. However, they couldn't just... give up. Their desire to get to know Nunalastor better was the reason behind hiding their identity after all.
"uhm yeah... what, are you even doing here?" Huskers asked, after an uncomfortably long minute of just staring at the wall directly behind Dickmaster. The lump in their throat was starting to annoy them and he was starting to sweat.
"None of your buisness, Stalker" Dickmaster retorted, instantly stiffening up in response to the questioning. Was this turning into an interrogation? how dare someone ask something about them! They are a private person damn it! What'll they ask for next? Their favorite color?! Disgusting
Huskers recoiled, taken aback by the response which felt way more aggressive than it needed to be. The fact that they had just been called a stalker didn't even register in their mind.
"oh sorry, uhm... I should just leave then huh?" huskers asked, gesturing back to where they had come from, their nervous smile faltering to a saddened but genuine expression.
The flushing of the toilet was a lot louder than it needed to be and so was the sound of the door slamming open. Finally, Nun had decided to leave the bathroom, with an emotionless stare towards Huskers. "you should" They said.
Dickmasters eyes sparkled with joy as they reached for the bathroom door. Finally, inner peace-except their mood was immediately spoiled as soon as Nun picked them up bridal style.
'We'll be leaving now" Nun said, not even sparing a glance in Huskers' direction. They turned and started heading towards the direction of their shared hotel room without a second glance.
"Right, see you later" Huskers waved a little dejected, definitely startled but what could he do? ... Besides, they'd probably get more opportunities to interact with them if they decided to stay at the hotel. Though it's back to square zero as it seems, or square negative one.
Dickmaster unapologetically sexily started squirming and thrashing in Nuns grip "what?! wait-Nun-HOLD ON I STILL NEED TO USE THE-"
"Pee on me instead" Nun didn't even hesitate
"i need to shit-"
"sorry, shit on me instead" Nun corrected themself before dissapearing behind their room.
Huskers stood there confused and kind of amused. "What the fuck?" They said, pulling out their phone. They just need to know. They had to kno. They opened nunalastors inbox, hit the anonymous switch and wrote out their question. Within moments, a ding went off on their phone
what are the mods relationship with eachother? - anon
lulu we know this is you - nunalastor
"What the fuck was that, Nun?" Dickmaster angrily shouted as soon as the hotel room door was locked behind them. Managing to wriggle free from Nun's grasp, Dickmaster regained their footing, assuming a stance that demanded attention and respect, one that was clearly not showing.
Nun immediately switched their usually nonchalant or sassy tone to a more serious one. Their eyes were understanding but nevertheless a little angry. Who wouldn't be in their shoes? The annoyance of the demand was very much palpable. "You know you can't be seen out in public like this!"
This response only served to further enrage Dickmaster. They deserved their personal space! They weren't a child! This overprotective behavior was getting out of hand and becoming too unbearable.
"But Nun," Dickmaster began to explain, their voice a mix of frustration and determination, "they were here seeking redemption, I'm sure it's—"
"they could be another one of those stalkers! not like it hasn't happened before!" Nun interrupted, their voice filled with a mixture of frustration and caution. They knew all too well that encounters with obnoxious fans were not pleasant ones, especially considering they were in hell. It didn't even stop when they were out for snacks once in a blue moon. They never wanted a repeat of that incident with that crazy one, Lulu or whatever the fuck his name was, something stupid like that.
Dickmaster though was not budging. Despite the awkward tension of the encounter with huskers, they didn't think the anon was any danger to them. Either of them. Their gut feelings were always trustworthy "They didn't seem like it, they said they worked at voxtek and that Angie invited them, they wouldn't be here if not for Angie"
"That doesn't prove anything," Nun countered, equally stubborn, refusing to give an inch and provide Dickmaster with even a sliver of space. They were aware of how annoying and frustrating their protective stance might be, but their conscience simply wouldn't allow them to come to any form of harm.
This disagreement triggered a hissing fit from Dickmaster, who refused to accept Nun's ridiculous behavior. It had been a month since the last extermination and since Nun had started acting overly protective. Dickmaster paced back and forth in the room, desperately trying to channel their frustration into anything other than punching the nearest wall. "IT SHOULD! I can't be monitored like a hawk! this is ridiculous!"
Nun grumbled, fully aware that this confrontation was inevitable. It was time to employ their ultimate weapon. They put on their most sexiest face, placing a hand on Dickmaster's shoulder and attempting to physically ease the tension. "Sorry, babygirl. Let me apologize with my tongue."
"no" oh no. It's worse than Nun thought.
Nun took a deep breath and let it out, now it was time to get serious, as much as they despised doing so. They locked eyes with Dickmaster, offering the most sincere expression they could muster. Their voice adopted a soft, low, and soothing tone, oozing with genuine concern. "listen, dickmaster, you know I'm just looking out for you right?"
"Maybe" Dickmaster avoided looking at Nuns eyes, they were angry and Nuns eyes were the last thing they wanted to see. Instead, their eyes found comfort in the apartment floorings unusual patterns, refusing to look up.
Nun didn't like that, but didn't try to force it. "And that I want what's best for you?"
Dickmaster scrunched up their nose, not even hesitating with their response. "Debatable, considering you—"
"Please!" Nun interjected, their grip on Dickmaster's shoulder tightening as they cut off their sentence. They didn't need a reminder of what they did. "please, let me get your soul back for you first, let me make it up to you and then I can leave you alone, promise"
Dickmaster was in a whirlwind of thoughts, most of them screaming to slam them against the nearest wall and feed them worms but that was besides the point
"not like you're giving me a choice" Dickmaster very reluctantly gave in, clearly not happy about it, not one bit. They crossed their arms and put some physical distance between them. "fine."
Nun decided not to push further. A heavy sigh sounded throughout the room. "Thank you." Nun finished, finally happy they got through. They opened up their ask box and started answering more headcanons as a distraction.
Back at the hotel, a sinner, looking a little too much like an imp sits at the stairs of the entrance of the hotel, humming a tune to himself. A pair of footsteps could be heard behind him, along with that of a cane, commonly mistaken for a dildo.
"Ah. Lulu my dear, what brings you here this lovely evening?"
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angellic-critique · 8 months
Honestly my biggest fear is to end up writing my characters the same way vivzie does, I feel like she doesn't even try on certain characters(female characters and literally any other that isn't her "uwu baby boi must be protected at all costs" characters like stolas, angel dust). Like imagine completely missing the point of your own character/srs
to everyone pre-release worries and anxieties just as much as I have-- Please take this time to read or explore different interests of books or authors of subjects and genres you like ! In the era of internet where the golden age of information is rusting into brainrot, the less time online anymore the better. I've been taking javascript/python tutorials for myself attempting to make a dating simulator for literal years at this point and its bounced around to the point of where I branched off to develop my own murder mystery 2-d sidescroller !
I wish for this to be a farewell letter to the crushed hopes and dreams I had for the original hazbin pilot and crew has moved on to other things whereas viv attempted to spitefully keep a story she clearly doesn't have any passion over- it is very evident over her lack of care for her own characters purely for the monetary gains of attempting and sadly wriggling her way into industry the way she did is so abhorrent to the world of genuine art and animation I grew up with.
Has Vivzie ever read a Felix the Cat comic strip or Dilbert even Hägar The Horrible? Does she even know about the history and strive of depth that animation has been at for hundreds of years? Does she even like comics, clearly not if she doesn't even have the patience to write her own and horribly rush whichever story she's interested in that day. I've never seen a careless writer be this selfishly unashamed to write literal garbage and surface level 'intrigue' of design and then falling flat face first at EVERY step. Hope she becomes as unbearable of a director as John K. is because honestly even though I'm cringing making that comparison, it's pretty fair in my book considering the outright ABUSE she has always trying to talk or hoard artists into her 'pet project' I recommend above anything else to watch Dan Stamanolous' 'Moral Orel' if you want an actually funny dark comedy or Christy Karacas' fast paced dark horror comic-come-to-life Superjail! for good animattion that doesn't belittle its audience... *[Trigger Warnings for Adult Swim-esque outdated 2007 humor and light transphobia, read for your own triggers if you dont want to though, please!]
The fact that Stollitz is written so flimsily like a wattpad fanficiton of tropes rolled into one is astounding to me, I used to like the dynamic pre-season 2 as I've mentioned on here and @tired-hellowl so I really don't want to get a headache going into how I USED to like it-Realizing the problematic consent issues all of STOLASS is, I physically cannot watch another Helluva or Hazbin promo anymore without rolling my eyes into the back of my head.
To the anons and people who used to also enjoy vivs work, there are other artists and there are other stories to tell. If you wish to be inspired from Dante's Inferno/Hell or WESTERN CHRISTIAN BASED RELIGION keep in mind what source material you're doing because I don't even think vivzie has picked up the bible once in her life.... And I say this as a drifter in the world who believes in reincarnation I don't really vibe with the athiest stereotypes however, I don't believe in most religion but more power to people that do get hope and love from their teachings and cultures.
She entirely missed the mark for several years, nearly a decade. Viv has had time and time again chance and opportunity to give a chance of storytelling with demons and what does she do? Adult Cartoon that has the demons scream 'FUCK SHIT DAMNIT DAMNIT LOOK IM SO HORNY AND SILLY AND WACKY WOAHH THE SCREEN IS CONSTANTLY MOVING YOU CAN NEVER HAVE A SECOND TO BREATH IN ANY AMOUNT OF WORLBUILDING OR SETTING BECAUSE FUCK. YOU.'--
I have said this time and time again- there is no substance or worth about Helluva Bosses or Hazbins writing, even without the show not being released because Amazon seems ashamed about it, I know it'll be a shitshow.
Honestly at this point I agree with the redesign community, take any character you used to like and rewrite them until it's unrecognizable from the original source material, let those fuckers in space fight alien pirates or hell take them out of the heaven and hell trope and just flip it on it's head entirely out of earth or wherever you want to set your story! I'm personally redesigning angel to be a slight aid to my addiction help via rewriting him into my murder mystery heheh while keeping the sexual abuse and recovery in mind because woah that shit happened to me too man !!!
I wish the best to any future writers, animators, programmers, lovers of animation or art, you can do what you put your mind and hands to! Spread more positivity and love then hate in this world please guys, this'll be the last time I pop in I promise I'm trying to get a better job and hopefully get accepted in a community college that i've been on the fence over trying to do more online coding ! The sky is the limit!<3
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enha-cafe · 2 years
YOU are a MENACE i want more details pwetty please uwu *flutters eyelashes*
- millie's 🦩 anon
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^ for reference
okay but meeting hyuka and him being this really cute and funny guy you fall in love with and you really like him for his personality and stuff. you hear him making a bunch of small dick jokes with his friends and honestly you really don't care because you're not at that stage with him yet and even when you do get to that stage you wouldn't leave a guy just over his dick.
one day having time alone with him for the first time in a long time and deciding a little kiss won't hurt. the kisses slowly become needier and needier as he grabs your hips trying to drag you closer to his lap. his touch alone shows you how badly he wants you and crawls into his lap. wanting to feel the friction and being taken back the second you feel his bulge against your core.
he's always made jokes about him being small and skinny but you're realizing those jokes were all lies. dragging your hips across him makes you even wetter. it almost feels like his dick never ends and the girth alone is making you drool. you can't help but wonder why he'd ever joke about his size when in reality you're scared you might not even be able to take him. the thought of taking such a monster both scares you and arouses you.
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that-bisexual · 6 months
genderfluid= at best very confused at worst attention seeker, which are you?
i know your a kid so im saying this out of trying to help you (though i know you'll take this as hate and think im an evil tRAnSpHoBe)
I promise you that people who know about this are laughing at you. The majority of people in the real world think people who make being queer a personality or take on try hard identities are a joke. They may not say this to your face, but they are making fun of you behind your back.
and tbh, this *not like other genders* stuff is very white girl coded lol
It's a harsh truth, I was like you once. But I grew up and became very embarrassed of my former self. If youre LGB, thats fine. If youre actually trans (FTM or MTF) with dysphoria thats fine. But "genderfluid" or "demigirl" are looked at like ~not like other girls~ or pick me stuff....
you probably have interests and hobbies that are actually interesting, I definitely recommend developing a personality and leaving this uwu special identity stuff behind
I know you wont take this seriously right now, and you'll probably think im attacking you and being mean, Im legit trying to help though and I hope you keep this on the back of your mind
at the very least keep doing what your doing and keep the gender fluid/demigirl stuff private IRL, it'll be less cringe and you'll be thankful in 10 years that you werent the laughingstock of your school
Ok normally I delete things like this in my ask box but I find this one funny actually. So I'm going to dissect why this is funny for you all. Ok the first thing that made me laugh was the fact that it's anon. Like you're really not even brave enough to show your face lol. Number two the first SENTENCE sounds like the intro to a 500 word essay I would find on a transphobic blog. And the next paragraph...ok I laughed out loud. "evil tRAnSpHoBe" are you not? You're telling me I'm confused about my identity. Why would you care unless you're transphobic? Even if not about all trans people but specific identities. Third paragraph, I haven't come out to many people so nobodies laughing at me in real life just to clarify. If people are sitting here scrolling through my blog and laughing at me I really don't care. I hope they keep wasting their lives doing this really. Ok next paragraph, white girl coded, not like the other genders. What? What? I'm laughing what? I have never said that I'm "not like the other genders" What does that even mean? I'm laughing so hard I'm crying. Ok the pick me girl stuff I do not give a shit what other people think. I don't. I label myself as genderfluid because it makes me happy. Ok and the "actually trans" That is some transphobic shit right there. Just sayin. And I do have dysphoria thank you very much. uwu special identity?? What? Where did you pull that from?? Again I only label myself as genderfluid because I fit there, that is how I feel, and because it makes me happy I DO NOT CARE WHAT ANYONE THINKS ABOUT IT. And the pretend like you're helping stuff transphobic shit that happens too often. The keep it private shit. No. No thanks bitch :) I run this blog because it obviously makes nearly 400 people happy. I run this blog as a safe space for people. I don't care. Ok? But thank you anon for making me laugh today.
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morganaa-writings · 11 months
could be either on his real or uwu pharmacist persona but like, giangio pretending to be a gynecologist for an afab reader..and it gets sexy (i cant believe ive typed this with my own hands)
Dear Anon, I can't believe I wrote this with my own two hands lmaoo but thank you for the ask! Hope you like it!
Warnings: getting dicked down/eaten out by the alchemist and Reader is afab so they have a cooter.
Minors DNI
Doctor!Giangio x GN!AFAB!Reader (NSFW)
You couldn't believe you're doing this...actually going to get checked down there, you knew you shouldn't have went on that one night stand, even your friend warned you but nope! You listened more to your junk than you did to your own common sense, curse being a desparate single loser. You sighed, better safe than sorry your friend said and you agreed with them. You looked around the waiting room which was oddly empty, your friend recommended this doctor that was said to be quick and efficient and good at what he does so of course you made the phone call.
Sighing again you sat down and only had to wait a few minutes before you heard footsteps approach the room you were in, turning your heard you saw a man dressed in black, wearing a top hat and had green/bluish hair that fell just onto his shoulders- what an odd looking man. He greeted you with a small smile, "H-Hello...you must be (Y/N)? Come this way please..." his voice was soft yet shaky, he sounded almost nervous which then made you nervous, this was the guy examining you? Oh dear.
You got up and followed him, it was silent with only the sound of you and the doctors shoes against the clean floor, you felt nervous and the doctor turned to you a little and gave a small smile which probably was his way of trying to calm you as you gave a small smile back.
Finally reaching the room he let you in first and followed after you, "please take a seat, this will only take a few minutes...don't worry. My name's Giangio by the way" his shaky voice spoke as you nodded and looked at the table as you then saw the doctor take off his hat and place it on the table and turned away to give you some privacy. You took off your coat and slipped of your pants along with your underwear, you gulped as you laid on the long chair.
"Ready..." you said as Giangio turned around and made his way to you, "so, I've been informed you think you may have a STI?" you blushed, "y-yes, a friend of mine suggested I go as I've been feeling funny..." he nodded, "better to be safe than sorry, your friend is right." He place gloves onto his hands before gently placing his hands onto your knees to separate your legs, cold air hit your warmth making you shiver a little. "Everything will be okay, dear..." the doctor said with a small smile, despite being dressed odd the man was quite attractive. You shook the thoughts out your head, really? Thinking of how hot your doc is WHILE getting an exam? For shame, (Y/N). Giangio looked up at you as you were silent, "shall I give you something to help calm you?" he asked, you thought for a second before nodding "sure..." he nodded and got up before going to his desk and taking something out, it was blue and in a syringe. He walked up to you and took a hold of your arm gently before injecting you with whatever liquid was in there. "this will...calm me?" "mm-hm!" he hummed as he took out the syringe and wiped the area with a cleaning wipe.
You took a deep breath as you watched him go back to the position he was in between your legs, you felt two of his fingers gently touch your warmth as you bit your lip, maybe it was the injection he gave but you felt aroused at the man doing this. You peeked at him between your legs as he was focused on examining you, you gasped a little as your felt his cold finger touch your enterance. "Oh my... are you okay?" his voice spoke up as you nodded, "y-yes...I'm fine." he stared at you a little longer before going back to his work. It took a few minutes before he proped himself back up, "everything seems to be okay! No infection!" he chuckled as you let out a sigh. "T-Thats good..." Giangio glanced at you, "hm...do you feel hot?" he asked, the shyness in his voice slowly disappearing making you furrow your eyebrows, "a little...uhm...what did you put in me?" you asked, sitting up slightly looking at the man between your legs. "Just...something to keep you calm..." he gave a small smile but it was a little different than his usual smiles that he had given you.
You gulped, despite the fact this was a weird situation to be in you couldn't help but even feel more aroused especially with the look he was giving you and honestly? You wouldn't mind if something did happen. You saw him chuckle as he leaned closer especially to your groin making you bite your lip, "the effect of the injection will last for a bit...so how about I help you, dear..." he said coyly.
You felt your cheeks go red but was intrigued with the idea, might as well...your aroused and Dr. Giangio was good looking. "Fuck it..." you grumbled as you leaned up and pulled him by his coat before pressing your lips against his making him gasp before feeling him deepen the kiss. Pulling away a little he narrowed his eyes at you, "let the examination continue..." he mumbled as you felt a finger slowly rub against your clit making you squirm a little, you pulled him in for another kiss, feeling his tongue against yours as you felt a slight pinch against your senstive part. "A-ah...rub a little faster..." "what do we say, my dear?" he questioned with a smirk, little bastard. You huffed, "please..." "what a polite patient you are" he chuckled, as he rubbed against your clit faster causing you to leaned back onto the chair as you felt the senstation go through you.
As you were distracted you gasped as you felt something soft and wet rub against your folds, you glanced down to see Giangios head between your legs- oh, he was eating you out...interesting. You felt a bit giddy as you felt his tongue taste you, you ran your fingers through his greenish hair making him softly moan against you the vibrations against your skin making you shiver again. "A-ah...mmgh...!" you felt a finger go into your enterance as the tongue that belonged to the man eating you was tasting you. You wrapped your legs around his head as he used his free hand to grasp your hip, your heart rate increasing. You felt him insert another finger slightly stretching you out, "everything okay, my dear?" He asked, looking up at you with narrow eyes, seeing that made you blush as you nodded again. "Yes...this f-feels good, Dr Giangio..." you whimpered making him chuckle, "you're so cute..."he pulled away making you look down at him. He sat up, removing his now wet fingers out you and took a seat at his desk and turned his chair at you, "come here..." he said softly, you followed his request and made your way to him before he took your hand and pulled you onto his lap. You blinked as you felt something hard against your wetness, good to know he's enjoying this too, you thought.
He leaned in and softly kissed the crook of your neck before biting it, not too hard to draw blood but hard enough to leave a mark. You softly moaned as you gripped his hair at the back of his head pushing him closer to you. You felt his tongue roll over your new found mark before he pulled back and looked at you, "would you like to...?" he started off, taking a glance at his groin. You nodded as you undid his zipper feeling more aroused before pulling out his member, it was hard and slightly leaking. "Pretty sure this isn't part of the exam?" you asked with a slight smirk, his lips matched your smirk "hmm thats true but...I only do this to special patients of mine..." "oh, am i special? How many people have you said that to?" you asked, eyebrow raised. "Very few people, my dear..." he replied as he leaned in and kissed you.
You gasped as he slipped his tip between your folds and stretching you a little, he was average size and yet you still weren't open wide enough for him. You huffed, you were going to power through this and wipe that smirk off his face that he was giving you. You leaned in and bit his neck and leaving a love bite making him moan softly, "a-ah...(Y/N)..." he wrapped his arm around your waist as you looked down at him, "lube. now." you demanded making him raise his eyebrows a little before he went into his draw and pulled out a clear bottle before passing it to you. You smiled as you place some lube onto your hand before wrapping your fingers around his member, you felt him shiver at the sudden coolness of the liquid and once that was done you slowly placed yourself onto him before moving faster and managing to have all of him inside you, filling you up and hearing him softly moan at the sudden warmth.
You panted as you wrapped your arms around his neck, hugging him close with his face in your chest, you moaned and panted softly as you felt him give you love bites on your chest. You began to bounce on him feeling his member hit your sweet spot, "my...I have such a vocal patient" Giangio chuckled into your soft skin as he grasped your hip and thrusted into you, hair sticking to his face as his face grew hot from the activity. You clenched yourself around his member causing him to moan and gripping your hip tightly, "m-mm...such a good patient..." he panted as he could feel himself edging, he picked you up and placed you on his clean desk before suddenly picking up the pace, thrusting in you as hard as he could causing you to arch your back and throwing your head back too. "A-ah! G-god! Faster...faster..." you panted out as you could feel yourself coming to an end, gripping onto his coat as you moaned out his name as you suddenly released, your juices coating his member as you felt a warm liquid seep into you- he had came too.
The two of you panted as you came down from your high, you sat up as Giangio straighted up himself. "Well, that was a thrilling experience", you nodded "one question...what the hell did you put in me?" you asked as Giangio tilted his head innocently, "just something to help you relax-" he coughed, clearing his throat "-but it appears everything is all okay down there however...just to be safe, I think you should come in more often" he smirked slightly making you raise an eyebrow, "I think I shall..." you got off the desk and placed your clothes back on. You felt finger tips under your chin making you look up at the doctor, "how about I see you next monday?" you nodded, "till then" he leaned down and kissed you before pulling away and sitting at his desk, you made your way out of the office with a smile on your face.
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weirdestcornelius · 2 months
I am SO glad that someone mentioned the whole "fictosexual kids" thing because literally my first reaction when I saw it was "what about live-action actors" and seeing no-one talk about it made me feel like I was going insane.
With the caveat that I know this is all fake and that none of this could ever happen in real-life, I think my anger stems from more of a storytelling standpoint. I personally LOVE horror and in a vacuum this seems like SUCH an interesting concept to explore, but of course this is Sparklecare so it's just-- not??? It feels like the only explanation this gets is "Emem recognizes that sexualities are valid so anyone that's a good person can get an egg uwu" without doing ANY actual thinking about the possible repercussions this can have. It's all just hand-waved away as some "ideal world" bullshit that completely ignores the actual implications because if kit did, one person would feed bad about it and we can't have that.
I just-- okay. Here's one situation. You're a live-action actor on Spinch. You're the protagonist in some big movie and maybe even if you weren't popular before, you're sure as hell popular now. Like a lot of actors, you get fans. Well, whatever, everyone has fans! And some people have a crush on you, but everyone gets crushes, and it's only on the fictional character, so it's okay! But then you start seeing photos popping up of CHILDREN that people had with YOUR CHARACTER, and all of the sudden it's not some funny harmless fan thing anymore, those kids look like you and they may have the personality traits of your character but they still fucking look like you. And everyone says that they're the kids of the fictional character, it's not real, but that boundary was crossed the second that egg was created and now you can't even think about starring in another movie in case you have to deal with MORE kids that look like you but aren't.
(You know, for someone who doesn't want people shipping with Ally or Howie at all, you woulda thought that Kneeby would have put a little more thought into this.)
Or like-- imagine it from the kid's POV! You're born and you have a loving parent and you're happy for a short time. But then you realize that you only have one parent, while most other kids your age have at least two, so you wonder if maybe your other parent is dead or maybe you only have one because that happens sometimes. But then one day your parent turns on a movie or TV show and points at someone that kinda looks like you and goes "there you go, that's your parent!" and you're happy for a moment because maybe your other parent is just off doing important adult things! So you ask your first parent when you'll see them, but then they tell you that you can't. Your other parent doesn't exist. There's someone out there that looks just like your parent, but they don't even know you exist, and probably never well.
So you have one parent that you'll never be able to hold or talk to, but it's different then having a parent that's dead, because this one never existed in the first place. Half of your entire being is the result of some show, the result of some one-sided infatuation where you technically have another parent but you also don't. You'll never get to meet them because they don't exist-- not even in death. That other parent is never going to love you, no matter how much your first parent pretends otherwise. Even the closest approximation of them would never even give you a second glance. So you watch that same show or film over, and over, because that's the closest thing you will ever get to having quality time with them, but in the end it's never enough. It's always hollow.
Sorry I was having a moment.
--Faerie Anon
This. This explains my feelings perfectly.
It's different but also kind of the same with objecthries. Sure, you can look at and maybe even hold your other parent because they ARE real; but you'll never be able to have an actual parent-child relationship with them. They'll never be able to comfort you when you're upset, you'll never be able to truly bond with them via conversation, and you'll never be the same as anyone else because your body works completely differently than others.
Think about going to the doctor because you're sick, and the entire time they can't figure out how to help you because you have wires or stuffing (just examples) on the inside instead of organs. You're not sure how your own body works and nobody can give you an actual answer. When biology comes up in school, you always feel awkward because little to nothing is the same for you. Your anthry parent can't explain to you how your own body works and neither can doctors, teachers, or scientists. You're stuck having to live in a body that you will maybe never feel at home in because you'll never fully understand how it all works.
Yeah these kids are gonna be messed up.
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skaruresonic · 10 months
The idw discourse is so bad, I feel caught in the middle because each time I express how bad the storytelling is, in a new issue or how off model the characters are drawn, idw fans gang up on me. But on the other hand I don't want to be associated with the people who think think it's funny to tweet how Flynn should die or make weird assumptions about Stanley being a bad person ? Like that's weird and cruel. Hate their work not them as people.
I just decided to pretend the comic doesn't exist and it helps lol.
I'm sorry that happened to you. Idk if anyone else will tell you that, but I will, because I know how much it sucks.
One time, I saw a guy on Twitter blame us for his inability to criticize the book in what he believed was a much more "balanced" manner without getting harassed by people.
Digest that for a moment. It's our fault for other people's reaction to us. And instead of rubbing his brain cells together for a moment and questioning the reasons why this knee-jerk reaction occurs, or even reflecting on the fact that it occurs at all and perhaps realizing that the call is coming from inside the house, he fell back on old biases and decided it was the haters who were wrong.
The mental gymnastics on display here are unreal.
In this case, I think people are stumbling into the usual fallacious trap of assuming both sides carry equal weight, and thus believe that defaulting to a position of "neutrality" makes them morally superior somehow.
That's kind of what I hate about this fandom - the utter superciliousness. The rotten shit we as a fandom get up to (and no, being a little snarky in a reblog does not count as harassment) while proclaiming love and light uwu. Be nice to everyone, except those freaks over there.
"Neutrality" is in scare quotes here because it's not true neutrality, but a way of posturing to the in-group that you're not Like Us. As demonstrated by my Twitter-user anecdote, people around here don't want to say anything hater-flavored because it risks intense ostracization. That's why you have people jumping down your throat for presenting even mild criticisms. It'd be pathetic if it weren't so annoying.
I'm not talking about people who let well enough alone. I'm talking about centrists who sneer "both sides are bad," as if by distancing themselves from the situation in a smug manner, they're declaring themselves more enlightened than the rest of us.
Honestly, the other side should be just as insulted, but they're not, because this attitude only helps them in the long run.
In reality, this is more like the fishhook situation centrists have with antis vs. proshippers. Saying "this whole thing is stupid" really only benefits antis because they now have grounds to reply, "Yes, this IS stupid, don't you think proshippers are crazy for being upset at something so trivial?" while conveniently omitting the part where antis routinely send proshippers death threats and other heinous material.
Look at it from this angle: the most concrete harm I have seen their side say they've suffered is a deep discomfort and estrangement from the book. Which, yeah. That sucks. But it's also kinda on you to just click away if it makes you uncomfortable.
On the other hand, I have had legitimate crying fits because of horrible messages I received and have told people multiple times about the anon who mocked my recently-deceased mom. Which, unlike clicking away from a blog, I had no choice but to see sometimes because I was still naive enough to believe people would behave themselves in my inbox. In fact, a mutual were recently discussing our anxieties over retaliation should IDW be cancelled. There's stuff about this that you just don't want to think about because dwelling on it will freak you out.
"Both sides are bad" stings, especially in light of knowing the measures I have taken to walk on eggshells and draw proper boundaries. I literally cannot know if someone in this fandom will consider my explanations harassment and dogpiling, so I try not to reblog with commentary. On the reblogging site.
Reflect on how fucked-up that is, to feel uncomfortable adding a tag to someone's fanart because you're worried they might realize you're One of Them(tm) and shun you on that basis alone.
I won't sit here and say I've always been perfect in my conduct, but at the same time, it's just the infuriating experience of double standards all the way down. Somehow it never occurs to them that if I held them to the same standard they hold me, I could call them all out on intellectual dishonesty for refusing to engage with any of our points no matter how calmly or clearly stated because "lol ur just a hater," and tar them with the same brush as those who sent me death threats.
But ofc, things don't work out like that in the calculus of Le Sonic Discourse. It's just a rotten experience to the core.
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https://www.tumblr.com/real-total-drama-takes/753580616505868289/dude-i-think-i-hate-harold-but-thats-because-i?source=share No bc you're actually so correct notepad anon I see so many fucking people in this fandom defending the white boys because of the hc that they're autistic while shitting excessivley on the female autistic coded characters esp the POC ones I don't hate or even dislike Harold (he's a like, B tier character ig) and I do strongly agree he's autistic coded but yeah he made some really gross comments about Leshawna yet I see *constant* "awwww the skrunkly" type comments about Harold
I strongly beleive people should be able to headcanon whatever they want without backlash so long as they're not activley problematic hcs. With that being said, as an autistic trans man, seeing people hc cody as neurodivergent and/or trans actually kinda irks me ngl because those are like, direct stereotypes. I also consistently see comments about Cody of him being a "skrunkly" or some other infantilizing shit. Cody fans make me so ashamed to say that he's in my top five favorite TD characters And then the same fucking people who defend Cody and Harold and say that shit about them being "autistic beans uwu" proceed to turn around and shit on Sierra. Now as I've stated several times I do not condone Sierra's actions and what she did to Cody in WT was not ok but it's *incredibly* hypocritical of these people to say that Sierra is some sort of irredeemable monster while defending the white boys to hell and back And you'd think the fandom would maybe improve with time, but no! I have seen so much hate for Millie since the release of the reboot it's not even funny. Yes what she did to Damien isn't excusable but like she apologized and he forgave her she doesn't deserve fucking jail time 😭 yet another case of an autistic coded POC woman who would probably be a lot more liked if she were male and white
TLDR this fandom has a racism and ablesm problem and I'm sick of people acting like it doesn't
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Ok so. I'm in the DBZ fandom-- shocking I know-- and a fairly prominent anti just got some... Very pointed hate. Now I'm forever in the camp of NEVER SEND ANON HATE. Sending anon hate is DISGUSTING. But the way this person brushes it off and the cognitive dissonance is just *chef's kiss* like good lord imagine being this far out of the loop.
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My brother in christ that anon is right you are very much having a proshipping opinion right now. I'm so sorry but your definition for proship is so fucking incorrect. By most anti standards, thinking it's okay to ship with a genocidal world-destroying galactic emperor because he's not real and villainy is hot is VERY MUCH a proship thing jsjwksndjd the fuck😂 I get death and doxx threats for shipping with a NON-GENOCIDAL villain. Who are you trying to fool? How have you gotten to this point without getting bodied? You're like those Furry antis who are shocked when other antis send them hate about smooching animals.
As an aside... Waving away "child exploitation" (you cannot exploit someone who doesn't exist! Jwjsjwodjdn) by saying some shit like "oh we only give the kids we trained to be murder monsters BABY JOBS so it's not ACTUAL exploitation UwU their whole race are forced into being warriors at a young age so Vegeta doesn't actually count as a child anyway" is just... That's so fucking funny to me. "I have decided that this kid, who I choose to believe is never given dangerous jobs despite any and all canon evidence to the contrary, is not being exploited because the man who killed his friends and family and forced him into indentured servitude is BETTER THAN THAT". Like buddy they sent a newborn Saiyan baby to conquer a planet by himself and don't bother even going to check on him until he was old enough to procreate. You have picked one hell of a hill to die on. Laughing so hard I'm crying. Shit like this is the reason I bother following the "#fri//eza" topic/tag. As a fellow Lord Freeza enjoyer I am begging y'all to stop making weird excuses for him before I die laughing.
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