#anons mischaracterizing characters in my inbox
eunchancorner · 29 days
But let me raise you this
Aria will shock you and play innocent
Ethan will be cheeky and smug
And streber will run away giggling like a gremlin
Again I don't see Streber doing that as much as I see Liv doing it.
Streber would probably go 'Lesson on conduction' before he does it
Also I don't see Aria doing that as much as I see Leon doing that
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zombu7 · 1 year
I like drarry... it just sucks I got into it so late. (rant)
I've been looking away and avoiding getting into them for the looongggest time but finally started appreciating them more as a serious couple. I realized what kept me away is because sooo much of drarry fanwork is mischaracterized to hell and back. Also, I've been learning about personality/behavior recently so it's just opened my eyes to characterization more.
Most people like bttm DM more so they want HP to chase after him, make HP the one that's bothering draco, etc. When in canon it's the exact opposite... Draco was always the one looking for opportunities to bully and go after Harry.
They always turn HP into an extroverted Jock too, which, Harry definitely isn't HAHA. Harry's introverted, he's a lovable brat with authority issues, his personality type is ISFP. Draco’s the extroverted one (ESTJ) he’s just flustered easily and picky about people because of his status. Look up an ESTJ male personality and that’s him.
I realize they essentially just have James Potter but give him HP's name... which is funny because James' personality is closer to Draco's (ESTP). So, they actually give HP more of draco's qualities alksdfjksd. Literally just making HP have all the traits draco canonically has?? What's with the personality switches?
One of the topics in canon was about how HP kept being seen as a carbon copy of his father when he rlly... isn't. There was so much of this, I didn't like it, I avoided it like the plague. I'm here to read about Harry, not his dad.
In the end, I think it's because people actually just like the idea and "look", rather than the actual characters. Which, when you're trying to find good characterization because you actually like the characters and the ship, sucks.
It's funny because I actually think the only one's who characterize Draco properly are dramiones, and it's probably bc Hermione and Draco both have the same personality type. Meanwhile in drarry it's hard because they either woobify DM too much, or make him too much like Tom Riddle.
Talking about this bc I got rude anons on twitter shitting on my characterization because I drew HP not liking draco and referred to Draco as a tsundere simp, canon btw, LOL. (bully pulling on crush's pigtails)
You can like whatever but if you’re going to complain abt my portrayal in my inbox, when you swap their personalities and turn HP into some jock cut-out that wants to get his dick wet after shy tsundere “actually nice” DM, then maybe think twice. Just mind your own business.
Anyway, If Harry not immediately liking Draco & Draco actually being the one who's after Harry pisses you off (again, canon) then maybe these aren’t the character cut-outs you have of them in your head :) wake up call <3
I draw HP disliking DM and suddenly it’s “Ur ruining Harry’s character” I’m about to ruin his tight little hole stfu
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nukacourier · 8 days
hi sorry i was the booncade anon. im new to the fandom and i had no idea ppl treated arcade like that, what the hell. its v strange to me bc my perception of them as a ship is entirely different from the dynamic u described, namely that i see arcade as a more dominant and active role in their dynamic vs boone who is a little more subdued (speaking generally lol). not to say i see them in specific top or bottom roles (imo i think they switch) but boone as some angry daddy dom top and arcade as a subby hairless twink is just wildly out of character to me
anyways sorry to go on a tangent in ur inbox but i like their parallels a lot with both feeling a certain type of way about their past. with your permission i would love to go off in more detail but for now i hope the fandom heals from that gross mischaracterization
Nahh it's fine. And honestly like I said, it's gotten better, haven't seen a lot of that type of ship art with them in a while. I agree they could have some decent chemistry, both men stuck in their pasts who are too scared to get attached to anyone? Lots of potential there
And also if I'm being honest I'm partially biased when it comes to Arcade ships because I just really love shipping him with my Courier
But either way I'm actually starting to enjoy Boonecade content
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^Me with the not mischaracterized Boonecade art and stuff
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sunnysatori · 5 months
Hi there - I really hope this isn’t overstepping but I noticed your posted recently about how putting ‘not bait :)’ at the end of obvious baits isn’t convincing. I submitted an ask about Latula recently because I was kind of curious and I haven’t seen all that much discussion of her character - particularly negatively - and I honestly would love some more character critiques for the ancestors. I really hope you didn’t think that was meant to be some kind of trap - I struggle with tone sometimes and I’m autistic so I might’ve just phrased it badly but I hope it didn’t upset you!! I’d come off anon but I Am. Anxious. Sorry. Either way, I just wanted to make it clear that that particular ask was in good faith, I’m really sorry if it wasn’t written right. I like your blog but I rarely interact with strangers, and I don’t think I’m great at it. Anyway, sorry, have a good day :)
dw, that wasn’t about you! it was about a different ask i got (i think your original ask actually got eaten by tumblr bc i can’t find it in my inbox…very functional website we have here :/)
anyways, to answer your question…i guess it’s not really so much about latula as a character as it is about the insane mischaracterization of mituna that tends to crop up in latula-centric fan content
a lot of times people (not everyone obviously) will have her basically act as mituna’s mom and treat him as if he’s completely incapable of doing anything himself which is yknow. pretty fucking ableist
again, not everyone does this but it happens frequently enough that i’ve just sort of developed an instinctual negative response to her and especially to the mituna x latula ship
hope this explanation makes sense and sorry for not responding sooner, i’m pretty tired atm
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eggtwobroes · 1 year
big post explaining/apologizing for my (eggtwobroes/theyhitthepentagon) behavior under the read more
sorry for maintagging this i just. think its important
i dont really kniw how to word what im thinking so im like. going to type it as im thinking. but i wanted to make a real genuine post explaining my behavior over the past year, because ive been a dick there is no avoiding it!! this post is going to be about how ive acted from june up until now. im mostly going to be explaining the situations and apologizing. if you see this please feel free to share it around, i know it most likely will not reach alot of people because i have like. a loot of people blocked. and alot of people have me blocked. idk please share this ok thank u
back in june 2022 (specifically one year tomorrow, june 16th) i got like. really worked up after i had foundout that most of my adult mutuals (and some people i followed) were drawing hlvrai nsfw! the only post i had made about it (at least from what i remember) is liiike a not Kind post that basically said "hey if u like hlvrai nsfw please block me i thought that was common sense". after i posted this a large hlvrai artist (either by chance or caused by me) posted like "hey if u shit on hlvrai porn ur homophobic! sex is an important part of gay relationships etc etc"
this caused a Massive out break of discourse over hlvrai nsfw and me getting alot of adults in my inbox being weird towards me. here i feel its important to mention that:
when i was 12, i was around Ex Friends that posted a lot of porn of media i liked. even though most of them were teenagers and not that much older than me it Greatly Impacted Me and how i act, both related to what i saw and how i was treated
i used twitter from ages 12-15 (recently left) and you know how they handle conflict there. its not good
i dont think either of these excuse how i acted (but they may explain it)
the combined pressure of getting a bunch of adults in my anons being (from my perspective) really weird about this 14 year old kid who doesnt want porn artists to interact, and the unhealed trauma of Being Exposed To Homestuck Porn When I Was 12 (a devastating situation that everyone goes though all the time) i didnt really. handle it in a Good Way. which Means i sent horrible anon hate to people.i dont clearly remember if i made alot of public posts about the situation at the time (beyond answering the anons i was getting) but if i did im very very VERY sorry.
i feel like. alot of how i acted during this time (june-early august, mostly) was extremely Dickish and rude. as much as i justify or explain why i acted the way i did, i was still causing issues and handling the situation in a way that was unhealthy for not just myself but for everyone else around me. for this i really genuinely do apologize as much as i can, to the people ive hurt (melonsharks, xenodogz, many other artists) and to the people who were annoyed by me rehashing 3 year old drama. ever since the situation i have been working towards learning to block people and move on if they make content that makes me feel nauseous.
As for how ive acted in recent months, mostly over characterization, im not going to pretend that im already a new person. because im not! as much as i say im trying to be less of an asshole im just Not. it takes effort that i feel like im not putting in.
for those who just Dont look at my pages often enough, i will occasionally make posts about how hlvrai fans treat or characterize the. characters. and lets behonest these posts are really rude and ive been working on at LEAST being more vague or keeping it in private or like. just Not Posting it. but of course i HAVENT done all of those things! ive been really unvague!
ive posted direct screenshots of authors writing (someone younger than me, ive recently learned) to shit on it for being mischaracterized. i should Not have done that. at the very least i should have kept my thoughts to myself, not even shared with my friends.
after reading how other authors and artists have felt about the things ive said, and looking at the way ive come to think of other artists or authors in the community, ive realized that even though i thought i was targetting mischaracterization and poor treatment of the characters, i was harming and discouraging artists and authors who are still learning and growing as creators.
for this, im VERY very sorry to all of the artists and writers ive hurt or discouraged with my posts. i want to personally apologize to joyflameball, for publicly posting about and hating on your writing and the discouragement i caused as a result. i should have never put mischaracterization over your own feelings, and i definitely should not have put your work on blast, especially because we are (i think) around the same age. i will be trying as best as i can to deconstruct the way ive come to think of other creators in this community and support other creators as best i can.
i dont expect to be forgiven for the way ive acted, since alot of this is VERY very recent and so far i dont think ive shown any signs of improvement. i am writing this post now because i want you all to know that i will be trying my hardest to become a better person, change the way i think of other people, and change the way i act in public. i dont think my actions can be excused, as much as i try my best to explain them from my perspective. ive undeniably hurt many people. if i havent addressed something important, or if you have any questions/things to say, please feel free to send me an ask or dm me at wretched yaoi lich#9564 on discord. im most likely going to be queueing this post alot so my followers see it. thank u for ur time
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ovaryacted · 7 months
hope you don’t mind this being anon since we are not moots but I just want to say that I agree with your latest post and as someone who was in the fandom before re4r I have noticed the decline since March with the sudden boom of attention on Leon. I no longer write or read for him because the stuff in the tags just isn’t him anymore. I stg some people have one set of harmful headcanons they apply to whatever character is popular at that time and Leon was a victim of that. It ruined him for me and I sincerely hope you are able to look past it and keep enjoying Leon as a character in a way that I can’t anymore 🥲 and I hope no one attacks you for having your opinion because you are completely valid in that!
I don’t mind this being anon it’s okay! No worries, I value your input.
And yeah, I get what you’re saying 100%, because the same thing is happening on my end. I’ve been a fan of resident evil as a kid, like always with the games and the movies, but never really got interested in the individual characters until 2019 when the RE2 remake came out, and that was when I loved Leon. Unironically btw, my favorite character was actually Chris for the record, it took me a while to actually like Leon but when I did there was no turning back.
I didn’t formally get into the fandom until after RE4R as a content creator and let me tell you, it’s been a ride. I made my tumblr I think back in April, but I was still a part of the fandom on TikTok. And they tore Leon apart up there, from the ai voiceovers to the mischaracterizations to the ship wars, I couldn’t really do it anymore. When they started to sexualize the actual face actor for Leon, that was when I had to bounce. And it really is sad that Eduard wants nothing to do with Leon or RE because fans have ruined it, and I’m worried about how they manipulate Nick Apostolides’ voice for these ai voice overs (I’ve also seen the same with Matt Mercer). They made Ada’s RE4R voice actor go into hiding, and now I also see that happening with Astarion’s voice actor in BG3. It was fairly toxic so I moved over here and started writing, but my intentions of writing were to really explore Leon as a character in different dynamics on top of exploring versions of him where he will be out of character. Because again, that’s the power of fiction, anything can happen if you allow it.
But I’ve been noticing just a lot of things in certain corners of the fandom that kinda make me want to hide. I haven’t vocally said anything about this, cause the last time I did I got jumped in my inbox and just ignored it. I love Leon, I really truly do, and I’ve done character analysis on him and put a lot of time into understanding him because I see myself in him as an individual. He’s my comfort character, and has been for a long time. So it is sad to see things you don’t really want to see and how the fandom has shifted since the remake dropped in March particularly by Leon-crazy fans. (I will say I’ve been in fandom spaces for a very long time, and if you’ve been in an anime fandoms before you know that shit can get real ugly, so trust me I’m not new to this).
I am trying to stay motivated and not let others ruin Leon for me, because RE2 Leon legit got ruined for me by TikTok and I felt so disconnected, then I liked him again so all good. It just gets discouraging sometimes when you want to write in a fandom space is all.
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sctir · 2 years
Honestly you joking about people writing essays to prove that they understand Han Yoojin’s characterization is really funny, and kinda making me want to write a long meta post about him and how his relationships have changed over time. Also why exactly anyone who cuts Yoohyun out of his story isn’t understanding him, because hyj as we know him simply wouldn’t exist without Han Yoohyun. There’s also his relationship with Yerim to talk about, and his inherent need to protect those younger, and who he deems himself to be responsible for. Then there also also is his views on Sung Hyunjae, and how over the course of the story he makes a slow climb into personhood from hyj’s perspective. Going from this unreal unstoppable *being* in his mind, to another person that he cares for, who he actually wants to be around sometimes.
It’d probably be fun to talk about these things, with included quotes from the book lol
ah see, i am actually not joking!! please submit all hyj/sctir essays to [email protected]; MLA or APA format, minimum 500 words excluding citations page, no cover page required. i will read them. i will comment on them. i will mark them. i have a lot of free time.
more sctir insanity under the cut:
that being said anon im giving you a sweet kiss rn, i sincerely think that a lot of people leave off incredibly vital parts of hyj's character when posting about sctir n suchnot? like reducing him to an overpowered loner mc or a sweet cinnamon roll too good too pure for this world (sorry it hurt me to type this out too) is just such a gross mischaracterization that we might as well be reading different stories. like people are just missing fundamental aspects of who he is and how he ended up where he ended up. it really is impossible to remove other characters from his story too because he like???? hinged his self worth on his ability to protect and raise/support the people he loves, and then even more so after he loses all the people he loves. like i cannot stress enough that all the people under his care preregression fucking DIED!!! that fucked him up!!! anyways.
again, my email and inbox are open to submissions, i do not have office hours but reach out to me anytime and we can work something out. and i will take your essay so so so seriously even if u write it as a joke and don't meet the requirements above. there's something wrong with me.
professor wei
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t4tails · 1 year
last anon so true <3 wish other comic fans knew this because so offen do i see ppl get mad about mischaracterization and just sometimes that blame goes to the writers for fucking up the character
although yes sometimes it's the person woobifying or demonizing the character all on their own, sometimes it's the writers doing it and the ppl following. and personally i can't blame casual fans for getting some characters wrong if the most popular media depicts them that way because of course they're not gonna look for the original
like spider-man! in recent media (cough cough, mcu, msm/2017, etc, cough) they've basically woobified him and? uhm no??? and then jason todd or talia al ghul? uhm are you sure they're that bad??? and just every character has been fucked up at least ONCE
then the argument that the characters can't be mischaracterized because of how much the canon contradicts itself. DON'T get me started with that oh my god i can't tell if i agree or disagree because they were obviously characterized at the start but characters also change (character arcs) so i mean?? but??? ughhh
just mischaracterization in media that lasts forever with a VERY weird subject so i just go with the flow for characteration in fanon because god whatever (although tim drake has been woobified to an annoying extent to be fair. i don't think i've ever seen any media where he's that unflawed or gets along with jason or damian that much. c'mon...)
sorry needed to rant somewhere it's just such an annoying subject forever and always (and if you think i'm at all incorrect feel free to correct me just been avoiding comics because everything is so stupid to me)
dont worry i have not read a single dc comic ever in my life all my knowledge is 2nd hand through shit ive learned in the past month while watching movies + posting online. and i love getting inconsequential rants in my inbox <3
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disfrutalakia · 8 months
Hi it's evillous AU anon again!! Now i've got time and it's not 11pm so I'm going to try and dump all my thoughts on it in your askbox >:D I started conceptualizing this while the election arc was still ongoing and something i've learned is that it's really difficult to make a complicated au of a story with characters that are constantly developing. several times i've assigned characters to one role only for the literal next day have a new plotline start that makes them fit a different role so much better and then i have to change everything around again. So this is 100% going to be outdated in like a week tops lmao. I've also taken a lot of liberties with things like who reincarnates into who and what order some events happen in, so it doesn't 100% fit the structure of either story. For reference i leaned toward making the relationships line up more with the QSMP storyline rather than evillous canon and its still heavily a WIP so things are going to be changed around a lot probably even while im writing this ask. I put a lot of thought into how the original sin arc would go in this au and there's a lot of details to it so to shorten it just a little bit i'll just explain that the federation serves as an overarching force/government/scientists thing throughout the entire story. they're conducting an experiment on the islanders where they're stuck in a cycle of reincarnation for 1000 years and their lives are going to be extensively documented to see what changes about them and how their society develops. The seven sins are something dropped into the world by the codes in order to mess with said experiment rather than being created by one person's soul like in the original story because tbh i hated that. I put ElQ in the role of Irina and Bad in the role of Elluka. I think they fit really well because I can then interpret The Song I Heard Somewhere as ElQ vowing revenge on Bad for assassinating him (in canon, at least. for AU purposes he kills all the other election candidates and wins) and Bad REALLY fits the role of the morally grey immortal whos creation is marked by a catastrophic event that destroys a whole civilization and they carry the guilt of that for their entire lives. As for the sinners themselves I haven't entirely figured them out yet? but for a couple of them i've got really detailed thoughts. For reference I also made it so each of them can reincarnate as many times as needed even if they've contracted with a sin before because I didn't want to remove characters from the story entirely. so: - Lust: I have no idea who i'm even going to begin to put into this role but the most likely candidate would be Pierre i think because of the whole bed thing? - Gluttony: I had Cellbit as this because of the whole cannibalism history thing he's got but other than that I hadn't really thought about it too much. I am sad to report however that the more BBH talks about eating living beings and inedible things he may fit better. it'd also be funny for the immortal assigned the task of gathering the sins to be the demon of gluttony itself. - Pride: tbh this one is pretty difficult to assign a role to because of how specific the original arc is and how it technically involves two characters. It's not something I could've put many characters in without really mischaracterizing them and I was thinking my best bet was probably Forever but then the happy pills happened and there's no way i could've not made him sloth. So my most recent idea was to change the pride story almost entirely and put Pac in the role? But more in the sense of 'two criminals are always fucking things up for the federation get a bit too cocky and have a warrant out for their arrest, Mike getting Pac to flee and as the feds are able to get at least one of them they're like "eh fuck it watching as your platonic soulmate dies is good enough torment for the other one."' but also idk. (1/2)
Ohhhh anon so sorry I forgot to check my inbox to reply to this BUT NOW I'M HERE AND AGH THIS SOUNDS AWESOME
First of all, I love Bad as Elluka (also i'm listening to survival ma, really sets the vibes I think) and also he is such a perfect choice for the demon of gluttony, like he would die by eating himself like Conchita (also who would be Carlos I wonder? Have no clue but someone gotta sing the best Kaito song ever made, drug of gold I love you so much)
And hum lust is a difficult one to pin down, especially cause like there is not many people I can see going the Duke Venomania route and having a fucking harem? Trying to remember who I saw being attacked by the lust mob more than once in the server and I think it was Bad (he really is Elluka hum, constantly finding sins left and right)
I think that Forever could fit well on pride actually, he is not like Rilliane was of course, but he is prideful in a way. Waiting to be the best president he can and not really accepting that sometimes his ways could be wrong.
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admirableadmiranda · 2 years
i pray people realize that wwx's love isn't as fickle as they think it is. no, he does not need to "experiment" and find himself. yes, love does grow with time and effort but wwx only sees one person as the most compatible person with him.he doesn't consider anyone else ever for whatever reason (not even wq or whoever these anons tend to bring up).
im lighting some incense for you, sangsang,,, what is with these bad faith asks lol
ship xyz and let ship,,, but i don't understand why fanon and oftentimes mischaracterization is taken as the gospel truth when you have the goddann novel + other adaptations right there
Thank you anon, for these kind words and your lighting the incense for me. It was a needed balm after the other thing that showed up in my inbox.
I just wish people didn't feel the need to justify their shipping by bashing the story and characters themselves. By all means, go ahead and ship and let ship, but when you waltz into the inbox of other people to bash their ship, you lose all high ground immediately.
Some people just choose to take popular fanfic as their way of understanding the characters. If they want to take it as their truth, so be it. Oftentimes it's more boring and flat and trite than the actual book, but if that's what people like, then that's fine. But I won't do it and I have no respect for people who want me to like it that way.
I'm gonna stay here in my corner with my favorite people and write my fics of happiest Wangxian and just do as I please. Here's hoping that my bad faith anons can learn to do the same.
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calzonekestis · 2 years
I'm sorry you're getting anon hate for defending Grace, some people really love to waste their time Karen-ing on tumblr dot com 😐 I thought it might cheer you up to see something positive in your inbox so, I hope you have a lovely day/evening!
It’s sad and pathetic, but I don’t let it get to me. I turned anons off when they first started like back before Vol. 2 dropped, and I was Thinking it might be time to turn them on again but. Lmao.
People just legit have nothing better to do with their time, apparently. I’m so sorry to see that you’ve been dealing with more hate as well, which - ok, absolutely no one deserves that sort of crap, but pls know/don’t forget that there are tons of people who love seeing you on their dash and you bring them joy.
I absolutely love seeing the positivity and passion you have, and like with fix - you take the time to write it and share it and people like it and respond to it. That’s good, lovely, productive fandom. That’s fandom done right. More people should look to you as an example fwiw~
And like, ok, here’s an example; I’m someone who isn’t letting myself buy into the Kas theory personally. I don’t want to be disappointed if he doesn’t come back, and as sad as it would be if his end was truly the end… I’ve personally made peace with it/am ok with it. I would be mildly disappointed if the theory came true bc it wouldn’t really be Eddie for much of it. Like I’d love it for Joe, and him having a job lol, but it’d just be excruciating to watch if he wasn’t the character we loved for much of it…and if he ended up just dying again at the end… I’d be a wreck. Again. But that’s just me!
All that to say! I’m not big on such theories, and yet… I still love your blog? I don’t see it as “grr they have Different Opinions!” I see it as “an Eddie friend! That means Friend!“
Like. It’s that easy? People can enjoy the things they things mutually… mutually, and when the tastes diverge, just. Leave each other to it? No one’s hurting anyone, they’re having fun, why be a dick?
Like, despite not being big on the theory - I love seeing your speculations, and you and your mutuals going over his reactions in various interviews?
Like. Again, this should be an obvious thing to people and idk why it’s not - you don’t have to be on board with every single thing. Every Want for a character, every interpretation, every ship.
That does not make you My Enemy, and I (hope you know lol) nor does it make either of us “less of” a fan which. Again, is a bs way of going about fandom.
Taking ownership and gatekeeping from other fans. I used to be like that with the Marvel fandom like a decade back. I was a seventeen year old white boy who thought he was straight (lol) and didn’t know what to make of his Comfort thing becoming popular. I got over myself, grew the fuck up, and gained some perspective. I hope that the antis can do the same.
Like, yes, it’s annoying when a character you like is mischaracterized - but like. Just unfollow and move on, if it bothers you that much? And like I’m the case of Joe - when it’s the actor telling you how he went about his craft - what he had in his head and and how he played it… you’re gonna sit there and tell him he’s wrong?
It’s. Ridiculous. Or it would be, if it hadn’t gotten to this point.
There’s no reason to send a person hate, be they a fan or actor. For what purpose? To tell them that they’re wrong and stupid and don’t get a character like they do? Because you don’t they should enjoy a thing, because things can only be enjoyed in the way you yourself enjoy them? That makes things… very boring.
And if you’re so threatened by a person enjoying a thing, why is that?
And why do you feel the urge to try and make them feel bad about themselves, and get them to Go Away?
It all says more about them than it does us.
This has been a whole long tangent, for which I apologize, but. Thank you for the kind words, and right back at you.
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lektricfergus · 1 month
Yeah you can't demand that someone read all three books in a trilogy before criticizing the writing? That's really weird. If they're talking about the plot or the like characterization sure, but the writing being so hard to get through that multiple people give up on it? That's worth pointing out.
this is actually the fairest anon i’ve gotten on this so far so thank you for that. i do admit i was kind of hasty to say you need to read all the books and i think that is from me being annoyed that the person sending me the asks was acting as if gideon is the only book in the series or something
gideon being the “lightest” and “funniest” book however doesn’t make it any less deep and you do have to read past the surface. if it doesn’t interest you enough to do that then that’s fine but don’t start arguing in my inbox about it and especially do not woefully mischaracterize the main character to justify your accusation of racism. colorism i’ll accept, and i do think tazmuir should have been textually clearer about character appearances if she wanted to do coding, but to say It’s A Racist Series is way out of proportion imo
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kozh-lucium · 10 months
saw ur post on p5r and wanted to say. yeah maruki is heavily underappreciated and mischaracterized, theres a dedicated group of us that adore his character tho, if you ever want to talk, theres a discord with appreciators, artists and writers!!! its small tho (25) but we are dedicated and are on a mission to have others appreciate him
Wow, I'm sorry for the super late reply. For some reason my tumblr doesn't show notification for inbox :/
Considering you message me as anon, I don't know if you will see this reply. But yes I would love to join that discord if possible :)
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celamoon · 2 years
hihihihihihihi 🂱 anon is BACK here to interrupt YOUR inbox with another annoying question! woo!
out of mild curiosity, what made you decide to do the ouma fic? afik hes not one of your usual characters so...yea. how was the writing process? <- trying not to sound awkward
ack i feel like im being so pushy -w- i just like hearing about how my fav fanfic writers...write yk??? like yes tell me about your struggles with the writing process ofc i wanna hear more. obv you dont need to answer and you can ignore this ask if you dont want to but uhm, yeah.
🂱 anon!!! Welcome back!! You're always welcome to interrupt my inbox (I'm putting a readmore I rambled a bit)
The Ouma fic was requested! I opened requests when I hit 900 followers and someone requested that I do Ouma with the gambling au, so here we are haha.
I went to Venus (chihirolovebot) for some help bc Venus is writing Sleep Awake and it's an Ouma x reader so I thought it'd be good to hear from the professional on how to characterize, and the writing was... okay. I think I mischaracterized him and made him a little too childish, but the more I write a character the more I characterize him better ig. Practice makes perfect!
As for my usual writing process... I usually start off crying screaming throwing up and then someone throws a brainworm at me and I, like a newborn bird, gobble it up and spit out a fic.
But in less flowery words, it usually starts with an idea, which then I will send into the discord, and then my mutuals contribute ideas, and then I start writing it. I don't think much while writing, and I usually write everything in one breath until I'm out of ideas, then I forget about the wip and then come back to it later if it wasn't finished.
Before the discord server, I usually wrote everything in one breath? I don't think much while writing in case I overcomplicate things and accidentally screw things over. I'd love to explain my writing process but it's really just writing whatever comes to mind and then going back to adjust it when I finish or run out of ideas (which we have seen in my dead dove fics that it isn't always the best)
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gerrydelano · 3 years
hey i just wanted to say that you've had a positive impact on so many people and that's incredibly important
Like, but your choice to write gerry with your personal experiences? Incredibly brave, and it inspired me to write characters with my own experiences, while I'm able to have a look at someone else's life. I get to understand what it's like to be a different kind of person! It's great!!
Also, the fandom metas that you write/share?? Such a gamechanger to the way I write now. When I first started writing it was chockfull of mis-characterisations that I look back on now and just,,, wince at. I haven't had time to rewrite my drafts lately but I'm actually really looking forward to it! Because now I'm writing characters that feel authentic and real that make mistakes but aren't like,,,, Fandom Archetype No.69 lmao. And I can also apply these skills in original writing to, so thank you so much!!
I like,,,, check your blog daily. Not in an obsessive way, and I hope I'd doesn't come across like that, but like a typical American dad checks the newspaper. Either for some big brain take or a cheer me up or a good old cathartic cry about tsp (man,,,, the impact that fic has in me to this day,,,,,) or just a reminder that the g in gerry stands for gender, anything really!!! And I'm not upset if there's nothing new bc i can just scroll thru your blog and read old stuff!! It's great!!!
Anyway I just broke into your inbox and wrote you a whole ass essay without wiping my feet in the doormat, but I just wanted to say you've had a huge impact on me, and I'll forever be grateful!! Hope you have a nice day!!!
crumples under the weight of the love i feel,,, thank you, anon, this was incredibly kind of you to send to me.
for the few things i gave gerry that i deal with (DID and EDS, namely,) i actually don’t have a lot in common with him overall! that’s probably what’s so compelling to me about writing him, like. emphasizing the inherent differences there even if i can pepper in some experiences that i think make sense for his story as it’s given to us in canon. projection in moderation is definitely a useful tool to help make simple things more organic, and to understand yourself better, so i hope you have a lot of fun with it! and learn where to draw lines, too.
don’t beat yourself up for past mischaracterization, either! we’ve all been there. i know i’m really passionate about certain takes of mine but not all of them are actually me saying “rargh i’m right you’re wrong do it like this or else blaaargh.” if a bunch of people are pointing out something actually harmful, then yeah, pay attention to that, but make sure you’re still having fun! it’s nice to see you’re excited to revamp some of your old stuff, i hope it’s a rewarding experience for you, whatever you end up doing with it :’-)
american dad jhkdfh i am honored to be a column in your newspaper! (cries with you about TSP,,, owww i can’t believe so many people still have feelings about that one augh) YES the g in gerry DOES stand for gender! damn right!
i think things will start looking up soon, i mean, they have to eventually! this did put a smile on my face when i first read it, thank you again for taking the time to send me this. good luck with all of your stuff!!!!
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cassiestephensart · 5 years
I'm going to end this circle false heroines lesbians genocidal maniac murderers thieves rapists and womens misandrists and I'm threatening harley quinn and poison ivy and we will see him kal-el clark kent superman son of krypton break your neck incinerate your plants kill eco-terrorist like injustice 2 and Will you say it or not where is the truth bisexuality bisexual and honesty?
Hi anon! Thanks for sending this ask three times.
Poison Ivy is a lesbian. She hates men and has only shown interest in Harley. Harley is bisexual (as am I). This isn't false. Just as someone who claims their identity in real life isn't lying. And like it or not, they're together and they love each other.
If you think the Injustice 2 storyline was good in regards to what it stood for, please block me immediately. In that storyline we saw the grossest mischaracterization of all the DC heroes except Batman. And if you are implying that Clark will break my neck, or the neck of any other content creator who doesn't adhere to your twisted misogynistic viewpoints in regards to strong female characters, I'm sorry to break it to you sweetheart, but he would never kill anyone. And the fact that you think he would do so, even more so to someone who has done nothing wrong, then you are worse than Lex Luthor.
Kindly stay out of my inbox with your grossly negligent negativity and go bother someone who cares.
You will get nothing more from me.
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