#another f.u. song
itscauseimbatman · 5 months
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I started my Tumblr blog about a dozen years ago. Since then, it has grown exponentially. I’m estimating here, but I think I have upwards of 12 million followers. And that is just the followers from Australia. I haven’t calculated the rest of the world. As you can imagine, I get so many comments that it is impossible to keep up with them all. As a result, I have had to hire a full time staff to monitor the comments and send auto replies that make you think you are being noticed. The staff also tracks the comments by category. (Just like a real corporation that would like you to think that they genuinely care about your opinion.) To that end, the comment that we see most often is “more swearing.” Apparently, my followers really like the swears in my blog. Especially if it is the F-Word. Since I am all about giving my followers what they want, I am kicking off the weekend with Reel Big Fish performing Another F.U. Song. I think you will all be happy because the song packs more swears into one minute and 5 seconds than any other 65 second song you have ever heard in your life. So to all of my followers, I extend a hearty Fuck You. And if you are not following me, then Fuck You The Most!
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madameaug · 1 year
F.U. {JJK x Black Reader}
Pairing: Jeon Jungkook x Black Female Reader
WC: 996
Summary: Just a little drabble of Jungkook and one of my favorite Little Mix songs.
Context: established couple, implied JK cheating, anniversary, slight suggestive
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All damn night I was here waiting.
You watched the steam disappear from the dinner plates you had worked so hard to make. It was his favorite. A dish that he begged you to learn. A dish that he cherished from his childhood, yet the man was no wear to be seen. You felt silly sitting at the table of two all dressed up in your satin high slit dress. Your hair was perfect, the braid out was a success and every curl laid perfectly framing your face.
Sorry Babe, running late!
Jungkook was 'running late' thirty minutes ago. He was two hours late to the homey date you prepared for the both of you at your shared apartment. How could he be so careless with your time? You kissed your teeth finally having enough of his absence. You went into your bedroom, grabbing a pack of makeup remover wipes. Gently you wiped all the layers of your makeup onto the cool wipe. Ignoring every buzz from your phone. You flipped your phone over, hoping not to flip your lid if your eyes got a glimpse of another seemingly worthless apology from your boyfriend.
Had my breakup speech ready. Then you kiss my face; it's the way you persuade me
Right as you finished twisting your hair, Jungkook stepped into the bedroom. You both made eye contact, but neither said a word. It was best for you to remain quiet to avoid ending the relationship on the spot. All you wanted to do was close your eyes and block his stupidly handsome face from your thoughts.
"Baby, I'm sorry."
I'm sure you are.
"Jungkook, save it, seriously." You put a hand up, signaling you were done listening to him talk. He tried to grab your hand to pull you into his grasp, but you stepped away, anticipating the move. But your nose picked up a floral scent completely foreign to you.
"Tell your girlfriend that her perfume stinks."
Following you into the bed, Jungkook didn't bother to take off his sweaty shirt. The shirt was white, and the sweat clung to his toned body like a second skin. Even in the dim room, your eyes were ogling his impressive physique.
"You are my only girlfriend, and I'll tell my mother you think her perfume stinks." He snorted playfully at the last part. A chill went down your body.
"After practice, I went to my mother's house to pick up your gift 'cause I knew you would be too nosy if I had it delivered here." His hand rubbed your hip soothingly. You let out a deep sigh you weren't aware you were holding. Biting your pride, you flipped over, now face to face with your boyfriend. Your anger dismantling, watching the moonlight glow cover his face. His recent haircut removed the dangly strands you loved playing with. His current style suited his face more than the 'Dora the Explorer' cut he had before. He chewed his lips, waiting for your response.
"Here." He moved the cover back and pulled back a black box.
"Jungkook, you must be joking." Your heart leaped in your throat, and speaking was becoming more difficult.
"Open it, baby."
Taking the box out of his hands, your hands shook nervously. Mind racing on what could be within the box. Jungkook had a small smile watching you slowly peel open the box. Covered in diamonds was a necklace with Jungkook's name and your anniversary date. It glimmered beautifully, making you somewhat emotional.
"Jungkook, I-I don't know what to say. It's gorgeous."
"Let me put it on you." You got up from the bed before walking to where Jungkook was standing. His eyes never left your face as he took in your beauty. While you didn't model professionally, you could. Your looks were stunning, with or without makeup. Jungkook's loving gaze made you feel small as you remembered the breakup speech you had prepared in the back of your mind. You never thought that the night would end like this. Surely you were expecting you and Jungkook to argue, say things you will later regret, and watch your relationship go up in flames. That was the heartache you were prepping for. Now that ache was replaced with the guilt of ruining your own anniversary.
Your bodies completed each other like a puzzle piece as your back was now facing his front. His warm hands removed the simple gold necklace you wore, replacing it with the new one.
"There." Jungkook kissed your neck, moving his hands to your stomach. You both rocked side to side as he showed your affection. Time moved slowly as you closed your eyes, living in the moment. Jungkook whispered sweet nothings, relaxing you.
"You should shower so we can celebrate properly." You suggestively looked at your boyfriend. Catching the hint, he smirked before giving a two-finger salute.
"Don't take too long, handsome." You playfully slapped his behind before getting back underneath the covers. Once the shower started running, you kicked your feet happily. Thanking the heavens that the night would end on a positive note. You entered your closet, got Jungkook's anniversary gift, and placed it on the bed.
Standing in front of the mirror, you took pictures of the necklace. It brought out the warm undertones of your skin. It must have cost an arm and a leg. Nothing about the necklace screamed cheap or basic. It was designed for you. You gushed, thinking about the effort Jungkook put into this gift.
Muffled buzzing drew your attention to the living room. Jungkook's denim jacket lay on the couch. You searched his pockets finding another phone in the left pocket. The number wasn't saved, nor was one recognized.
Jungkook has two phones? Weird. Making a mental note to ask him about the extra cell phone. You went back into the bedroom, having a hard time ignoring the queasy bubbling feeling in your stomach.
I know that your hiding two cellphones.
A/N: I don't think JK would cheat on his partner like at all. But this was simply for the plot. I know he would be loyal :)
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damagedintellect · 2 months
Kenny McCormick x reader
💌 As Long As I can Remember: Chapter 4  💌  
Summary:  You moved to south park in the 4th grade. You weren't expecting what came next. After seven years of friendship you were about to make a move but what happens when Cartman's OTP gets in the way of what you desire most.
Notes:  Overall Kenny x reader but also some Craig x reader, I wrote this over a decade ago but I'm feeling nostolgic, this was written for a friend a long time ago
💌 Word count: 837 💌  <= Previous | Chapter 5 =>
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It was finally the talent show and you were back stage looking at the audience from one of the alcoves and you instantly find Kenny, Kyle and Stan. You also located Clyde and Craig not that they were of any importance but thanks to Craig you picked out the real song you were going to be singing.
“(Y/N) you should start getting ready now and by that I mean sit in the chair so I can do your make up.” Bebe said and Wendy set everything they needed on the table. Yesterday they didn’t like your dress so in the end they did take you shopping. They said your dress made you look like you were attending a funeral. They picked out something more, showy but at least you thought it was cute. Once they were done you looked in the mirror.
“Hehe my work here is done.” Bebe said happily while Wendy added “Now go break a leg and kill it.”
“Thank you guys.” You smiled and waved as they left.
 Shortly after the talent show started and Jimmy was nowhere to be seen. First up was Billy turner, who did terrible. Next were the Goth kids, who actually were pretty good. After that were the magic team of Clark and Laura, you didn’t really pay attention to them though. Butters you felt bad for because he pee’d himself. Ike went before Cartman for some reason even though in the order of the show they passed out his name was after Cartman’s.
It was finally Cartman’s turn. You smiled and as he approached the stage you said break a leg and he put on a fake smile and went on stage.
[Another F.U. Song by Reel Big Fish]
Kyle and Stan turned to Kenny who just gave them a thumbs up. As soon as he started to sing it everyone in audience gasped and stayed silent. Everyone's jaw was on the floor, as Cartman walked back off stage. 
"Beat that bitch." Cartman said to you as Mr. Mackey walked up to him "Saying the F world is not mmmm'kay! Cartman you have detention for a week. You’re disqualified!" With that Cartman was dragged away by the ear. Now that the plan worked out it should be smooth sailing from here on out. You took a deep breath before you were handed the mic and walked on stage slowly as the intro to your song played.
[Safe and Sound but the Megan Nicole & Tiffany Alvord version]
Craig instantly recognized the song and a light grin graced his face, Clyde looked at the rare occurrence and smiled "So this girl managed to break your wall huh" Clyde thought to himself and listened to the song. Kenny didn't see (Y/N) anymore he saw an Angle from heaven, "She's so perfect" he whispered to no one in particular   
“OMG! Why didn’t you tell us that you could sing like that!” you just giggled “No one asked”
“And last we have Jimmy” Who gets a boner and runs off stage. “Well now the judges will take a few minutes to score the contestants. And it looks like we have the results. In third place we have the magic duo of Clark and Laura. In second place the Goth kids. And now in first place, (Y/N)! Congratulations to all the winners and let’s give it up one more time for all the performers!”
You did it! Yay you! You met up with Kenny, Kyle and Stan “That was awesome!” you gave them all hugs and Kenny gave you a rose that was from all of them “Thanks you guys!”
Craig and Clyde walked up to you while you were still talking with the guys “Hey (Y/N) that was a good show. Here’s the money from the bets by the way.” You looked at him confused “And why are you giving it to me?”
“Don’t you know that you get 10% of all the bets that were placed against you where else do you think the money goes? Plus I was the one marketing all the bets and if I didn’t do this much people would start talking” Fair enough you guess. Considering no one else said anything this must happen often.
“Okay well thanks I guess. Also thank you Craig.” 
Craig just nodded and started to walk away again and Clyde had to catch up to him again. The other three boys just stared at you wondering why you thanked Craig. “Honestly I will never understand but I don’t care we should go out for ice cream with my winning money!”
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Got any music recs Craig? (absolutely adore this blog btw <3)
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Craig: Yeah I have a few that are pretty good, here.
-Another F.U Song by Reel Big Fish
-Bad Day by Darwin Deez
-Cigarette Daydreams Cage The Elephant
Craig: Hold On To The Nights By Richard Marx is also really good.
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Clyde: Craig? What are you doing??
Craig: …
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ask-sebastian · 1 year
The audacity to come into my house and harass my friends.
Do fuck off.
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Watching Con O'Neill's Filmography Day 8- The Last Seduction II (1999)
Warnings: Women in lingerie, on-screen clothed sex, drug use, phone sex, violence against a pregnant woman, voyeurism/public sex acts, gore, gun violence, murder, blood, stabbings, etc.
I did not bother to watch the first one, though I've only seen good things from people online. Again, it doesn't feel like I've missed anything by skipping to Con content.
As always, live reaction below the cut, review overall at the bottom.
Quick message before we start. We've all seen the gifs of what Con does here. He has a weird short 90s haircut and acts in what could be described as soft-core porn. We're both going to pretend we didn't see each other here, seeing this shit, right?
I didn't see you, you didn't see me.
Good. Now, let the show begin-
Opening logo reminds me of my school mascot, not a good start.
Joan Severance, you deserve better. I don't know who you are, but please get another agent.
I actually love the opening font here for some weird reason. It's all swirled, and silly.
That attorney looks like Patrick Bateman from a distance, honestly, that would be great. This movie couldn't afford Christian Bale in the 90s.
I know the point of the movie is that she's hot. So I'm getting it out now. She's hot. The all-black style is a type of mine, and I'm not mad.
Smoking is bad for you. At least she's considerate, actually throwing out the cig...Nvm, she's an asshole. Not so hot anymore.
This takes place in Barcelona and our main cast will be Brits? Sounds about right.
Did she put on lingerie in the hotel, then take it off, and get dressed to go meet someone?
I hope Con got a good vacation out of this at the very least. If this was filmed in Barcelona. Which- (Editor Me can't find anything about this movie, I'm assuming just establishing shots?)
F.U.2 is a fun bar name. Real Izzy vibes
(my brother called his 90s shaved look 'adult Greg Hefley'-Diary of a Wimpy Kid. Honestly, I can't unsee it)
Is this his 3rd character that meets the protag at a bar (Scarborough Ahoy, maybe Dancing Thru the Dark if that wasn't a diner)? That's a pattern.
The hesitation over calling Con a gentlemen is funny
TROY FENTEN okay, that's a name. sure. let's just move past that.
'FAGS FROM A FAG'. Oh, this is going to be a movie. You know, most straight movies from this era didn't even have queer characters. But in Con's bad movies, they're added so Con can bully someone. The bad Con movies just make him a homophobe. I'm connecting these dots-
Again, the whole 'Have you been in love?' thing. Dancing, This, 3 steps to heaven. There's a pattern. In an interview for 'Telstar' Con said Joe Meek was obsessed with writing puppy love in all his songs, when this fucker can't escape 'longing' in his own career.
This looks like the start of a porno. (kinda?)
This is a weirdly subservient foreplay? The taking orders, voyeurisms, etc...Odd? Well, at least we know Troy is willing to go down on someone, which is something that will surely affect the plot.
Don't undo a condom wrapper with your teeth.
What is that position? She's braced up over the arms of a chair. Seated on the floor would be more comfortable. For both of them!
Who says 'frisky' in day-to-day life.
I WANT HIS WARDROBE(Editor Me, it's literally just a suit. I don't know, I'm easily impressed). The Gomez and Morticia look to their outfits is great.
How do you run a sex phone line surrounded by people in the same room. At least he employs everyone and anyone, icon.
Real 'ugly' people can tell when you're flirting with them to get shit. We're trained from middle school age for survival. Also, that travel agency guy is hiding a British accent poorly.
(This is the point where my brother (he's 18 don't worry, I have a brain) wanted to watch, so we restarted. He's seen Dancing, OFMD, Vengeance, and Telstar. He's a trooper and being their for my Con O'Neill phase. The bullying of Con commences.)
My favorite comment of his was "I hope this guy gets shanked in Barcelona" after his sexist line about women. Valid.
OH MY GOD. That computer design is awful, Graphic Design is my passion, indeed
Just tell her exactly how the business runs. That's a smart idea you won't regret later.
(About him being able to be on any call) That's a consent violation
"Dumb bitch." Okay! Ew
This seems like a shit place to work if he can just casually stand and watch over you perform like that
(about one of the phone people using company time to talk to her boyfriend) Could he have a system to block calls from people who don't pay or suspicious numbers? Why didn't he just do that?
HE JUST PUNCHES A PREGNANT WOMAN? (blood on her face, not on her fists) Okay? Like, why would anyone stay?
("naughty boy.")WHY IS SHE INTO THIS? Red Flags? NAHHHH
SHE JUST TRIED TO KICK I PIGEON! ("Pigeons may be flying rat's but you're the real skum of the city" - My Brother Everyone)
'This is the woman incels think exist'-Again, he's just rocking it tonight
Oh so 'he's falling in love' WHY? Why do you do these roles CON! So far she has let you fuck her, been kinda dodgy about anything with her past, and rude.
Okay the older couple not yelling at them, but stealing a peak made me laugh.
IS THAT A CLOCKWORK ORANGE MANIQUINE IN THE BACKGROUND (yeah, he has mannequin wall art. No, it's never mentioned)
Good, he got blue balled, deserved for being a bastard.
Why is she doing all this? Just to get a sliver of the profits?
(While he's buying drugs from a seller, he gets in all close.) Con shouldn't be allowed to smile like that at men in sniffing distance while playing a homophobe.
It's a good thing he's high, and not clearly able to see how badly she's lying/bluffing. It's not even a convincing performance, like...why?
I don't like him saying good girl, not at all. Which is surprising for me. I'm proud of myself for not thinking Con acting like this is hot.
(She just kind of leans over, unzips his pants, leans in, and goes for it. Awkward pan up to his face) Was he commando? Was he already hard? So many questions.
(At a strip club) What's with that pole? Her hand goes around half of it! Thick as a telephone pole!
Why did she even come to this bar for info? OH, she's buying a gun.
This isn't hot, like, at all. It's just gross.
(bastard gets stabbed with the straw)GOOD FOR HER
She did just walk past people, covered in blood.
This false phone call thing is somehow isn't gay. Sad.
-Catching yall up, it's been 10 minutes and nothing fun has happened. She shows Troy the tape. He somehow doesn't hear that she entrapped a guy and got him in jail. They set up a trap for blondie who was threatening her life.
Troy saying sexist shit only to immediately get shut down is so funny.
the hitman from earlier isn't going to fight blondie cause he expects to fight a man, not a woman, right? Yep, called it.
Based body guard
I-what was that fight? Just a few punches then overkill?
(Body guard gets shot up)What did he do to deserve that man?
Can no one hear a gun going off?
What do you mean by 'that looks nasty'? She looks fine.
So Troy gets semi-framed? Like, he was a piece of shit, but still, that doesn't solve anything really. The business might stay afloat but since none of the people know how the computers work, or can reroute funds to their pockets, what's the point? They just lost their jobs! Same with the bar.
The two leads smugly flirting and smoking it's not gay at all actually, they're enemies! (banging my head into a wall) WHEN WILL IT BE MY TURN
Why does this Troy get called a 'naughty boy' so often in this movie. We should bring this energy to all his roles...especially Izzy-
So she just gets away with it? That's a shitty ending, I didn't even like her in this movie. I barely tolerated Troy, but I wanted her to get caught.
The movie just...ends.
Writing: 3/10 Sloppy, I couldn't follow why our characters were doing what they were doing half the time. Also, there were points where the writers realized we might be starting to like Tony, so they just made him do/say something shitty. Like a marvel movie making a villain have a good point, then making them kill a bus full of children. Just so we know who to root for. Who was our protagonist? I will remember this movie for the (somehow stylish look at the time) 90s Con, and the weird sex scenes. Again, I love a strong female lead but she just didn't do anything fun.
Cinematography/Editing 5/10: Nothing memorable, nothing subtractive. Meh. It was, in fact, a movie.
All actors besides Con: 4/10: Forgetable or just bad. Again, it's not their fault, it's the writing. I didn't know who the story wanted us to root for. So I'd start to like a character just for them to do something confusing or shitty. Again, it's obvious they were trying. I hope these people got to work on something better.
Con: 6/10 He can't save a movie. He is having the most fun here, which isn't saying a lot. Troy is Con's most homophobic character in his filmography to date. Con plays him all bark with no bite. It's fun to see him play a totally irredeemable jackass. Again, the whole 'falling in love' plot was introduced and kind of dropped, but I'm glad they didn't really commit to it? Troy is way worse than Angel (from 3 Steps To Heaven), Angel was fun in his shitty behavior and stayed consistent in the story. Here Troy's an abusive dick. I was having fun until he punched a pregnant lady for shock value, then it was hot/cold the whole film. Good performance, shit script.
Overall 5-6/10 Not a strong recommendation, his worst film by miles. If you go in knowing it's shit, however, you can have a great time! I did! My brother and I got to watch a shitty movie and just take it for what it was! If I was watching this alone it would be a 4/10. It's no 'The Room', thank god, but it's nothing groundbreaking.
There are two POV characters and the story couldn't make me care about either of them. The setting felt like it could have taken place in London, Seattle, or Amsterdam. Con was fun, but this movie is really only worth it if you want to see Con play a homophobic weasel of a man.
Only higher than the projects he was barely in. (Link should be updated for those who want to rerank anything, ill post it in the comments if needed)
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I hope everyone has an amazing holiday season. This time of year is shit, but you're already this far in!
@ivegotnonameidea Thank you so much for your recommendation and assistance!
I would love to hear everyone else's opinions on this shitty film!
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Gimme song
Another F.U. Song by Reel Big Fish
(not for children)
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garyfischy · 12 days
YEAH I'll listen to reel big fish...I used to listen to "another f.u. song" a lot, and I like candy coated fury too. I just gotta get into more of their stuff..hehehe. I WILL!!!! 🫡
most of their stuff sucks im ngl i consider them a real moneky typewriter band
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steadystudyparty · 2 years
Tuesday 29.11.22
Mood of the day:
Better version ~ Fletcher
I woke up early to grab coffee with the ex loml before we both went to the library. She told me about her shitty friends and it gave me murder urges. Her friends are so terrible and awful it pisses me off I want to floor them with my car or something. Total assholes all of them. It’s really nice because I realize that I am no longer in love with her and that she is just my friend and nothing more. I really appreciate it. It took me so long to accept it and let her go. Now I think that it’s done and I am incredibly proud.
I then walked to the library as usual, just another day in uni. My friends were all there as well, just like every single day this year. We did not plan on staying long this time because we decided to go to the Christmas market before the city is hit by a wave of tourists by the end of the week.
We went to the Christmas market with my friends. I was surrounded by my favorite people, all of my babies. We all grabbed something different to eat for diner and finished with some crepes for dessert. It was delicious. We joked around and laughed and called each other out over just anything because we are close and know each other very well. If people told me one year ago that all those friends of mine would get along I wouldn’t have believed it because half of them had some kind of beef but I think they are all willing to let go because they know it makes me happy to see them being friendly with each other. I really appreciated the effort.
One of my besties walked back home with me so I could give him back the plate his mum gave us the other day for his birthday.
During the evening I talked with my roommate a lot and played a little bit of guitar. I also gave her a little guitar lesson because she wanted to learn how to play. It was more difficult than she expected apparently.
I really want to learn again how to play the guitar properly. By the end of the year I should be able to hold a 1H long concert of difficult pieces. I started making a list and suggested a duo to my brother, he agreed!
Also, my music wrapped dropped today, and I am the same as always. My top artist is BTS, obviously. Then Taylor Swift, Fletcher, J-Hope and Louis Tomlinson. Seems legit. Sounds like me.
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Lmaoooo I am in the top100 of Fletchers listeners. That’s huge sapphic behavior 🫣
My top song is Better version by Fletcher. Then Stay alive by Jungkook (prod Suga), then More by J-Hope, F.U. anthem by Leah Kate and finally Black swan by BTS. Once again seems legit.
All the tracks from Jack in the box are in my top playlist. And I have all the songs from the rapline in that top as well. All the cyphers, tear, ugh, all of them. It’s a little bit funny, we are in 2022, I am not moving on I guess. My babies 💚
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watermelonsugacry · 2 years
So I’ve been going through a Little Mix revival lately and when I got to the Glory Days album I couldn’t help but think if bandmember yn helped write some stuff for the girls, the album came out in late 2016 so she would’ve had some time after the break at the start of the year to get involved before heading to Jamaica with H for HS1
first off: as you should
second: she totally did, those girls are her sisters so it was super duper fun to help produce some of their songs. Little Mix was also one of yn's biggest clients (aside from h of course) that she first got hired for as a producer. not to mention how much all the girls live for harmonies
Salute 2013
Move: YN's first song with the girls which she not only helped produced but was featured in.
Weird People 2015
The End: YN wrote about her ex boyfriend she had during 1d and was the first song she produced/vocal arranged in full accapella
Glory Days 2016:
Shout Out To My Ex: just a good ol' poppy break up song that my or may not have been inspired by a certain ex 1d band member
F.U. : not only was yn's pen game was strong on this one -> "A, B, C, D, E, F.U." (um aRE YEH KIDDIN ME?!) but her vocal arrangements for this one was one of her favorites.
Power: it's songs like these that makes yn feel like a badass being surrounded by strong women. AND to have Stormzy (one of her favorite rappers) feature in on it later on was something she crossed off of her bucket list
Beep Beep: the guitar playing in this song was yn
LM5 2018:
Woman Like Me: if this song isn't about yn literally explaining her on and off relationship with H during this time then i don't know what is
Strip: one of yn's favorites (she also made a cameo in the music video, dancing and singing with her step mum, Penny)
Joan of Arc: another song that she helped write that made her feel like a badass. Like while LM was in the recording room singing the bridge and the harmonies for it, yn was on the other side of the glass dancing and hyping them UP. I'm talking up on the couch pressed against the wall, arms in the air, hips swiveling and screaming the lyrics back.
Wasabi: a fun, sassy bop. enough said.
Motive: a song that the LM girls let yn have creative freedom for how the track was going to sound and she really popped OFF
Notice: a sexy bop with a sexy bridge.
The Cure: this was a song she really collaborated with the most with the girls on an intimate level. it has such a powerful message that they all agreed was important to share and an experience they've all lived through being their line of work
Confetti 2020:
Sweet Melodies: yn was mainly in charge of their vocal arrangements for this song
Rendezvous: a song wrote and gave to the girls inspired by her and h's secret relationship before it was exposed.
Bounce Back: a fun, sassy bop #2
Breathe: the song may or may not have a snip bit of harry yelling "hey!"...yeah yn had a blast when the fandom went crazy and claimed that it was him and the LM girls were denying it every chance they got
Since 2010 Masterlist
@wobblymug @be-with-me-so-happily @ashtongivesmebutterflies @kiwiskiwiskiwi @darlingdesire @obsesseddd @hopefulwastelandcreation @cacapeepee @breezie-b00 @harrysfolklore @theekyliepage @sunshinemoonsposts @nervousspiderling @tbslonelyhes @tenaciousperfectionunknown @harrystylesrecs @certified-nalayak @itsjustsel @iknowyouthinkimbulletproof @gviosca @behindmygreyeyes @twobluejeans @allisonxmcu @theemeraldbutterfly @jean-love @marvellover-sam @b-reads-things @reveriehs @rach2602 @thurhomish @perrypughstyles 
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lovefrommaxie · 3 years
Things I love about the I Bet You Think About Me (Feat. Chris Stapleton) (Taylor's Version) (From The Vault) music video:
directed by blake lively
the people in the video premier chat on YouTube who were commenting Ryan Reynold's name in all caps, even though his only role in the video production was supportive husband to the director (aka "our families who supported us as we dream impossible things.")
the use of the word "wowza" XD
the person in the skirt at the urinal (@ 0:42) and the other examples of non-gimmicky representation, like POC wedding guests, wheelchair user guest, etc.
the groom going insane, seeing taylor everywhere (bathroom mirror @ 0:42, server @ 1:08, best man replacement @ 1:56, bride replacement @ 3:19-4:20)
the depth and symbolism that exist in him seeing taylor everywhere. like, she's willing to bet that he still thinks about her (hence the name of the track lol) AND HE DOES!!!!!! also, it shows just how much she affected him as well!!! he's at his WEDDING to ANOTHER WOMAN and yet HE STILL THINKS ABOUT TAYLOR THE WHOLE TIME
how everything goes from white (the bride's color) to red (taylor's color) as the video progresses, to show (1) just how much she is infecting his thoughts (2) how little thought he gives to the bride despite marrying her, which parallels how little he thought about taylor when they were together but now that they are never ever getting back together he can't stop thinking about her
THE LAYERS OF THE CAKE ARE THINGS WE NEED TO TALK ABOUT: (1) the birds on the bottom layer. they symbolize freedom, but more importantly for our clowning asses, they symbolize 1989. IS THIS YET ANOTHER EASTER EGG FOR 1989 Taylor's Version??????? (2) next layer up with the crest from the RED ring!!! how it alternates between the Red ring and a variation that just says "Love" in a way that reminds me a lot of Fearless and Speak Now eras. (3) the top layer that just has 13 and 26 repeating all over the cake. because 13x2=26, bringing in taylor's lucky number but also since it's a wedding cake it adds to that "they're a pair" thing. also, maybe 26 is an easter egg indicating a potential drop date? 0_0 but I don't want to be the first clown out here claiming that...
taylor being a bad influence on the children LMAO (@ 1:24 cake stealing, and @ 3:00-ish teaching them about flipping the bird)
THE CHILD'S REACTION @ 1:34 TO TAYLOR GRABBING A FIST FULL OF CAKE 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 It's just screaming the line from later in the song "OH MY GOD SHE'S INSANE" 🤣🤣🤣🤣
taylor falling off the stage like a drunk best man @ 2:23 🤣🤣🤣
taylor casually corrupting the children with red (red apples on white juice boxes, red balloons and toys, etc) 🤣
also, taylor pulling the rabbit from the hat feels like a "rabbit hole" joke
the RED ring being on her middle finger so when she flips the bird at the groom, she's also flipping the RED ring at him. which i read as the red album is a big F.U. to him 🤣🤣🤣 also, a big F.U. to 🛴
also, @ 3:15 taylor taking the place of the bride gives me strong speak now "but i know you wish it was me / you wish it was me / don't you?" vibes
@ 3:58 right after a shot that shows the groom's wedding band on his finger, you can see what looks like a diamond ring on taylor's left hand, and it took me a few watches to realize that it's on her pinky and not her ring finger. I feel like that has to be some type of symbolism or message or something, but i have yet to determine the meaning
OKAY, OKAY, OKAY, THE RED CONVERSE. (1) the fact that the red era was originally ruled by Keds and yet Taylor/team chose converse to be the sneakers underneath the dress. there has to by symbolism there, right?!?!? (2) HOW SHE PICKS UP THE DRESS AND THEN WALKS OFF IN A WAY THAT IS VERY MUCH REMINDING ME OF A LITTLE KID STORMING OFF. MA'AM YOUR 'SEVEN' ENERGY IS SHOWING. (3) THE WAY IT REFERENCES "HE DIDN'T LIKE IT WHEN I WORE HIGH HEELS" AAAAAAAAAA
the shot at @ 4:29 reminds me of expensive perfume ads, Taylor's ad for Wonderstruck, and the Speak Now album art that accompanied the lyrics for Enchanted
@ 4:58 aaaayyyyeeee it's Aaron Dessner!
THE WAY THE GROOM IS FRAMED @ 5:17 LIKE HE'S A SAINT 🤣 (1) reminds me of the Better Than Revenge lyric "she's not a saint" but it's 1000000x better because he's the one being called out (2) "so you were never a saint" lyric from State of Grace
@ 5:20 how he goes to put a white pocket square in his breast pocket, but there is already a red one there AND HE DOESN'T SWAP THEM. AAAAAAAAA!!!!!!! like, no, guys, it's so meaningful. red is Taylor's color, and white is the bride's color. AND IT'S OVER HIS HEART. HE'S CHOOSING TO KEEP TAYLOR ON HIS HEART INSTEAD OF HIS BRIDE.
@ 5:32 the = symbol taylor digs into the cake being shown on the director's credit is a CHOICE. i feel like there are layers of meaning there too and I have questions. is it an easter egg related to Ed? is it a symbol for equality bc female director? what's up with this, taylor? I want more information
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just don't. fuck you.
punk rock barbarian : a playlist for ashton greymoore
Listen on Spotify here
Hot Topic Is Not Punk Rock (MC Lars & The Matches) + Queer As In Fuck You (Dog Park Dissidents) + They/Them/Theirs (Worriers) + Dicks are For My Friends (Mindless Self Indulgence) + Ass Backwards (Mindless Self Indulgence) + Have A Nice Day (The Ramones) + Thanks, I Hate It (Simple Creatures) + Another F.U. Song (Reel Big Fish) + Bottom Is A Rock (Mother Mother) + Me Against the World (Simple Plan) + Bleed It Out (Linkin Park) + I Don't Care - Single Version (Fall Out Boy) + Give 'Em Hell, Kid (My Chemical Romance) + Underclass Hero (Sum 41) + Headstrong (Trapt) + Riot (Hollywood Undead) + Lights Out (Mindless Self Indulgence) + Rat a Tat Tat Tat (Fall Out Boy & Courtney Love) + The City Is At War (Cobra Starship) + Pretty Handsome Awkward (The Used) + Milkshake (Goodnight Nurse) + Wrecking Ball (Mother Mother) + In The Hall of the Mountain King (The Offspring) + Hammer (Dirtyphonice & Sullivan King) + Chaotic Neutral (Yandel Avant) + Kintsugi (DROELOE) + My Friend Robot (Regurgitator) + My Little Robot Friend (Sorry Gilberto) + Ride or Die (The Knocks & Foster the People) + They/Them (Dream Nails) + Non-Binary Little Bitch (Gendered Dekonstruktion)
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danelah · 3 years
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c0mmencement · 3 years
album review: avril lavigne’s love sux
the musical components are fun and upbeat, which is so refreshing in this era of ballad music, but her lyrics seriously do not support the fun and upbeat nature of the music. this is literally a break up album, but without any of the heart necessary to make it relatable or emotionally evocative. it’s just really juvenile sounding angst that signals to listeners that she has had no emotional growth or development since she started making music 20 years ago (when she was a literal teenager). throughout these 20 years, one of her strong points has always been her vocals, given that she can sometimes support up to a C6, but i can’t say that she really showed her range at all in this album. in the songs where she tries to dip her toe in higher octaves (eg. avalanche, bite me), she sounds incredibly strained. lastly, when it comes to the actual structure of the songs, they follow the very predictable ABABCB pattern and seldom stray from it. i’ve mentioned before that i prefer more risk taking when it comes to song structure, but that’s a personal preference
song breakdown:
the opening song, “cannonball,” is awful. just so bad. the intro was a really bad and transparent attempt at being edgy and it came across as very cringey. it’s musically interesting, at least, by incorporating a few different types of genres, but that’s where the intrigue stops. it’s not like i had high hopes to begin with, but this somehow was a worse kickoff to the album than i even expected. she’s never been a great lyricist, but this was next level bad and made me nervous to listen to the rest of the album
he titular track, “love sux,” is bad. full stop. no other commentary. “bite me,” and “dare to love me,” are similarly bad, with no other commentary necessary. the machine gun kelly featured track, “bois lie,” is also quite bad. i don’t even like machine gun kelly (like, at all), but he is unquestionably the best part of the song
i won’t comment on, “déjà vu,” other than to say that she literally has an “i’m not like other girls” line lol like, what kind of pick me girl bullshit is that? in 2022, no less. i also won’t comment on, “F.U.,” other than to say that she has a line that says “there’s no point in talking shit” when the entire album is just her talking shit about her ex lol [unrelated, but: if you want a breakup song called “FU” that’s actually good, look no further than miley cyrus’ “FU” from her bangerz album]
the blackbear featured track, “love it when you hate me,” is…fine. i guess. musically, it’s not very impressive, but it calls back to her “best damn thing” album, so it’s definitely upbeat and fun. it’s not good, but i don’t hate it, either. this track’s analysis can also be applied to the track, “break of a heartache.” not bad, not good; very upbeat and reminiscent of her past work, but lyrically stale
the track, “kiss me like the world is ending,” is probably the second best track on the album. it’s quite fun, the lyrics are very slightly better than the rest (not saying much, but hey, i’ll take it). it’s another one that follows a very predictable structural pattern, but i think the other comparatively better components make up for it a little bit. her bridge at the end of the track isn’t very good and felt out of place; the song would have been a lot better without it or if she’d even just approached it differently
and, finally, the mark hoppus featured track, “all i wanted,” is the best track on the album. mark hoppus just brings a different energy to the song when compared to the other tracks on the album. it honestly sounds more like a blink 182 track in which avril is featured, rather than the other way around. it was smart of her to leave this song towards the end of the album to end on a strong(er) note
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guide-to-the-groove · 3 years
Psychology: Stuck In Your Head
If you haven’t heard of Pigeons Playing Ping Pong, I wouldn’t blame you. Silly name aside, they are a funk jam band that started in 2009, and they are known for their funky rhythms and catchy lyrics. Thier 2014 album Psychology has no shortage of either of these. The thirteen track release is a mesmerizing experience that will keep you listening throughout the whole thing; in fact, the only thing better than listening to these songs is realizing the band has produced four other studio albums, and two live albums. Truly a smattering of funk rock, and Psychology brings a lot to the table.
Released four years after their first album, Funk E P, Psychology aimed to capture an old-school style while still putting out an original sound. Their first track, “F.U.” is a perfect opening. The essence of funk is all here: with groovy basslines, catchy, flowing lyrics that weave in an out of the music itself, and a little bit of ska influence in their usage of horns. It all comes together in a great song, as if to say, “This is what we’re all about”. I mean, they say so right in the song: “All I wanna do is / F-U-N-K.” And funk they do. The album maintains this feel throughout the entire thing, and to great effect. Even songs devoid of lyrics, like the tracks “Schwanthem” and “Horizon” (This one has only a few lines, but may as well be an instrumental) encapusulate the concept of “stuck in your head”.
The raw jamming performed in each and every track is enough to give one the telltale goosebumps of a damn good song. Furthermore, it exemplifies the skill and talent put into the music by the musicians. My favorite song of the album, the previously mentioned “Horizon”, is laden with masterfully played guitar riffs that make you want to sing along to something that has no lyrics. Even in the presence of lyrics, like in the case of second track “Melting Lights”, you hardly notice the singing has faded out in lieu of the funk rock jam. It stimulates the brain, and the band knows this: each song crafted specifically to evoke that hypnotic feel. It is a beautiful blend of modern fuck rock and the hallmark roots of funk music.
Another note to make of this album is its track length(s). Nearly every track is over four minutes, save for one (”Schwanthem”). The musicians are dedicated to the jam, and completely unapolagetic in making you listen to even ten minutes of masterful fingerwork on the guitar (”Horizon”). Each track brings something new to the album as a whole, and with a run time of an hour and sixteen minutes, you can say goodbye to that hour: you will be lost in the album until the last track, Upfunk (Interestingly, the first track produced on the album) in which you will question why it ever ended.
I’m no professional music critic, so I’m just writing about an album I love. And Psychology is it. I listen to Horizon at least once per car ride, and I recommend you do as well. The music was made for it. Or, well, technically it was made for dance, as most funk music is, but you can dance in your head. It is called Psychology after all, and it would be false advertising to claim it didn’t get stuck in your head. While Pigeons Playing Ping Pong might not be your commonplace band playing on the radio, you will not be disappointed in this album: Psychedelic, catchy, and steady funk accompanied by the absolute destruction of the instruments make for an unforgettable release.
Thanks for reading.
Sources: https://liveforlivemusic.com/news/pigeons-playing-ping-pong-psychology-review-stream/ https://glidemagazine.com/120485/pigeons-playing-ping-pong-psychology-album-review/ https://www.gratefulweb.com/articles/pigeons-playing-ping-pong-psychology-new-music-review
The album itself: https://open.spotify.com/album/27wYCoAJYIyymo5LIe6Jz8?si=Sa8oRj8WQ7KaLCCbzu1m4A&dl_branch=1
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