#another letter!!!!!
moth-yknowtheartist · 2 years
[this letter is dated two weeks after the first one. it is significantly heavier. there is a scribbly drawing of moth and nat holding hands on the envelope.]
dearest moth,
hey again! it's been a while since I sent my last letter and, well, you haven't replied yet but that's okay! figured I'd write this one anyway to keep you updated, I guess? assuming you aren't actually dead like everyone says haha.
first of all, remember how I said I was going to make gingersnaps? I went to the store after sending out my last letter to get some and the molasses was all sold out! pretty strange, huh? I had to buy the boxed ones instead :( they're not as good as homemade, but they still tasted wonderful.
how have you been? I guess I already asked that in the last letter... oh well, never hurts to check in on a friend. I've been missing you a lot lately, you know? I found a google doc while looking through old files the other day for what looked to be a draft for a buzzfeed unsolved musical we were trying to write? god, it would've been so cool if we had gone somewhere with that haha. I'd love to do more stuff like that with you, too, when you get back from, I'm, wherever you are
I tried messaging a couple friends of yours the other day to ask about you. all I got back was "they're dead" and "they're in Nebraska". no pressure, but please let me know how you're doing okay? after that conversation about the moths you sorta ghosted me and it's making me sort of anxious.
anyway! sorry to bring the mood down. I hope school's going alright! if you see gale again sometime soon, tell them I'm sorry for how awkward I was when we met a while ago haha. it's always so weird to meet a friend of a friend!
I'm tucking some dried flowers and a teabag into this envelope as little keepsakes for you. peppermint tea is tasty and refreshing anytime of year in my opinion :) enjoy!
lots of love, see you soon
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[This letter is, like the last, smudged with small stains of molasses. Doesn't seem like it can be helped. This envelope's heavy, too, with two flat-ish rocks inside- a tiger's eye and an amethyst.]
dear nat,
thank you for the keepsakes, and the drawing. you're the sweetest, nat. I have them taped up on my wall now :) besides the tea. I'll keep that one on me!!!
i'm hoping you'll have gotten the letter I sent from nebraska soon, I'm so so sorry I never meant to leave you hanging so long. things have been complicated? I'm home now though. I'm sorry I made you wait.
that's.um. odd. with the molasses. maybe it's for the better? gingersnaps are good but there are even BETTER cookies out there right!! gale might even have some recipes. did I tell you gale bakes? I know they might have seemed like more of a bug expert last time you talked haha but you guys should really share some recipes sometime. was hoping to maybe properly introduce you!!!
I almost completely forgot about that musical- I still vaguely remember one of the songs you wrote!! god we had the whole storyline planned out I think or at least mostly I remember being SO excited about it!! I still stand by it being as good as I remember hahaha. good times. we'll have plenty of time to work on that kind of stuff again soon, right? long nebraska trip, but I swear I'm not going anywhere now anytime soon. hopefully.
I'm sorry to have um. ghosted you for so long. I'm okay though, people just don't know when to let up with a joke haha!! I'm alive. I'm sorry, I swear I'll make it up to you. now that I'm home.
there's a little gift in here for you, too!! meant to give these to you a while back- some cool rocks I thought you might like :) something cool to show you until I can show you my knives, right?
hope to see you soon! sorry I worried you.
-moth <3
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umblrspectrum · 21 days
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the Solver of the Absolute Fabric, the Void, the Exponential End acting like an entitled toddler is the funniest thing
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bubblingsteam · 5 months
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zivazivc · 6 months
do you think freesia and jd would ever get back together? or will they stay sort-of friends?
I'm not going to lie, I kinda like the idea of them starting to date again and seeing where it takes them. 🙈 freesia sneaked into my heart for some reason (she kind of started this new trend of mine where i make ocs that were created to be dicks and then me just getting protective of them and trying to reason out their awful behavior kasjsdj)
also their ship already has a #1 hater and #1 supporter, both of which are doing it for the wrong reasons...
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blindbisexualgoose · 5 months
You guys don’t understand…. Amerie never got the letter
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heartorbit · 9 months
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stay warm! 🌟🍬🤖🎈
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wavesoutbeingtossed · 5 months
No but the wild thing about TTPD and how HUGE the set was is how it totally subverts the expectations of the woman scorned. It IS female rage and she's leaning into it full stop.
After everything that's detailed on the album -- the slow and agonizing death of a relationship, the blurry lines of infidelity, the gaslighting of a new lover, the mind games, the trauma of living in the public eye and of being a woman with power that threatens the patriarchy -- it would be easy to guess she'd lean into the sadness. Hell, before TTPD came out I thought so too, because I thought this was going to be a heavy, painful album she might want to roll out quietly on stage!
And it is painful, but she has galvanized it into the most theatrical production of her career. She is not going gently into the night with this. She's not letting past slights against her roll off her back and act like they didn't affect her or like it rolled off her back. She's not sitting in the "shame" of being conned by a man who used her. She's not hiding away the fact that she fell for his lies and blew up her life in the process. She's owning it and she's making A GODDAMN SPECTACLE out of it. She's channeling this very private hurt into the loudest woman the WORLD has ever seen, and show the performance of the idea of love for what it really was -- an act of the highest order.
You think you can break me? You think you can play with me as inspiration for your own art? You think you can use me for your content? THINK AGAIN. I'm going to put on the biggest goddamn show of my life and everyone will know it.
You'll never get away from the sound of the woman that loved you.
They (all the theys) may have kicked out the stage lights, but SHE is going to be the last one performing.
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starwarjotta · 1 year
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Day 5 - caf since my scribbles can be totally illegible, here’s a transcript Obi-Wan: Here you go, Cody Cody: Oh, thanks, sir Cody: this... it’s caf? Obi-Wan: Ah, yes! I’ve noticed my teas are not really to your tastes, so I stocked up some caf for you instead! I hope it’s okay Cody: ... oh Cody: ...thank you.
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bigfatbreak · 4 months
Hey, i love your art and aus 💕!
So, sorry if this is a dumb question, but there is a reason why the blasphemous kwamis dont follow the rule of the double letter? (Ex: tiKKi, plaGG, xuPPu, triXX, poLLen, etc)
Sorry for my bad english, but that detail really got me curious tho
its an indicator of whether or not they might've been previously selected for a miraculous (you'll one or two blasphemous with doubles in their names, that's because the sage liked them on some level or was initially planning on letting them have a corporeal state before something fell through) or,
I simply did not want to add an extra letter
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paraphwrites · 23 days
my favorite thing about edwin and charles is that edwin just hands charles shit all the time, and charles is so ready to hold it like the ultimate wifeguy he is. and also that whenever edwin is threatened (eg, the night nurse during ep 4) he does not move an inch because charles is there to save him. now these might sound like two seperate things, but they are not
both of these things show that they are so in sync and have such a fundamental trust in one another, both in the mundane and the extreme. edwin KNOWS charles will hold the envelope opener, and edwin KNOWS charles will protect him from the night nurse. they have utter confidence in one another, and it is utterly deserved, and i just. really love that
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lobslobslobs · 2 months
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* alright gang . new (as in it existed before bur it just wasnt named apparently) ship cuz i've been rotating these 4 in my mind since last night ... i present to you - shark-infested waters (artificer x rivulet x spearmaster x hunter) (named by my partner @voldkat !!!!)
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* name explanation Lol . two shark one infested one waters
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bts-trans · 11 days
240912 Weverse Translation
RM's Post ❇️
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안녕 사랑하고 사랑하는 여러분! 저 서른이네요. (벌써..)
스스로조차도 종종 하잘것없다 느꼈던 이 날에 진심�� 꾹꾹 눌러담은 축하를 보내주셔서 너무나 고마워요. 덕분에 잘 버티고 있다는 거. 알고 계시죠? 불가에 이런 말이 있습니다. '너는 오직 너 스스로를 등불 삼아 의지하며 살라.' 멀고 먼 화천에서 마음이 위태롭거나 이유없이 분노가 치밀 때면 이 말을 떠올립니다. 지금 이 순간 해버리고 싶은 말들이 많지만 오늘은 대신 인스타에 올리는 사진 몇 장으로 대신할까 하여요. RPWP(혹은 그 다큐멘터리ㅡ)처럼 더 아름답고 멋진 방식으로 토로할 때와 장소가 반드시 있겠죠. 지금 여기가 아닌 곳. 제 군생활은 이제 반환점을 돌았습니다. 논산 훈련소에서 3km 뜀걸음을 할 때마다 숨이 턱까지 차오르던 그 반환점이네요. 무상하죠. 눈이 쏟아지고 해가 바뀌고 날이 또 따스해지고 벚꽃이 핀 다음에 그 다음에 씩씩하게 찾아뵐게요. 좋은 날, 좋은 말들과 좋은 마음 부디 건강만 하셔요. 사랑합니다 (https://weverse.io/bts/artist/4-178740527)
Hello My dear, beloved people! I've turned thirty. (already..)
On a day when I often feel insignificant, I'm so grateful to you for sending me your wishes, so full of sincerity. I'm able to endure thanks to you. You know that, right?
There is a saying in Buddhism. 'Be a lamp unto yourself, be a refuge to yourself.'
Here, far away in Hwacheon, when my heart feels unstable, or fills up with rage for no reason, I think of these words.
In this moment, there are a lot of things I want to just let out and say. But for today, I think I'll post a few pictures to Instagram instead.
Just like RPWP (or its documentary), there will no doubt be a time and place for me to speak my mind in nicer, more beautiful ways. A place that's not here or now.
I have now reached the halfway point of my military service. It's just like the halfway point of the 3km run we do at the Nonsan training camp -the point where I'm gasping for air. Absurd, isn't it?
After the snow falls, the year changes, the weather becomes warmer again, and the cherry blossoms bloom; After that, I will come to you, full of life.
Good days, good words, and good hearts Please stay healthy. I love you.
Trans cr; Aditi @ bts-trans © TAKE OUT WITH FULL CREDITS
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occulee · 5 months
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Mr. Mind
[Versions w/o text below!]
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hellsitegenetics · 6 months
Hello hellsitegenetics! I gotta tell you, you are my favourite blog in this digital jungle and your work really brings a smile to my face (: it's very cool, keep it up! Every time I see the phrase "string identified" i imagine a robot voice saying that (as a lead up to an output) which makes it very funny when it appears in a reblog - just wanted to tell you that. Anyways, I actually have a real question for you: What's your favourite "string identified" so far?
Greetings from a biology nerd!
String identified: tgtc! gtta t , a at g t gta g a a g a t ac (: t' c, t ! t t a "tg t" ag a t c ag tat (a a a t a tt) c a t t aa a g - t at t t tat. Aa, acta a a a t : at' at "tg t" a?
Gtg a g !
Closest match: Neoneuromus ignobilis isolate Gutianshan chromosome 5 Common name: Dobsonfly
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(image source)
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remyfire · 6 months
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I'm in agony.
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pettyprocrastination · 2 months
I'm sorry to the gang but I think initially Aemond is a bad lover.
Like, to actually think about it.
His first ever sexual interaction is with a prostitute twice his age that he was coerced into by his older brother, and it seems like he's never seen that woman again until season one when he returned to the brothel in search of aegon hence her speaking on how much he's grown since she last saw him which he seemed visibly uncomfortable within.
It's likely that his interaction with Sylvie was his first and only sexual interaction.
Which means that when he married you and it comes time to consummate your marriage and try for an heir. The sex is...less than ideal.
It's methodical and routine. Your husband above you rutting into you until he cums and then some because the maestro said his seed must "settle" for a child to take hold.
In his mind, sex is done out of obligation and dedication. It's an expectation for a man of a noble house to sire a son to continue the name. And what does he know of pleasure? The vile whispers his brother croons with no intention other than to see his younger brother uncomfortable? The prostitute he laid with before he was even a man himself? Those situations did nothing but make his skin crawl- it's no wonder that his sex is nothing further than noble obligation to his wife and his lineage.
It's less than an issue in your eyes until a knight tasked with standing guard by your door each night speaks I'll of the prince to his brothers in arms.
It spreads like wildfire before the day is even finished. What was once gentle ribbing between men in arms became vile wishes towards you- the dragon prince's wife. Conversation of how it's "a damn shame to let a pretty little thing like her go to waste" and how if they had their chance they'd show you how a proper man lays with a woman.
And maybe one idiotic son of a lord brought into the kingsguard, egged on by too much wine and the racacous laughter of his brethren jests that perhaps one night he'll slip into your room and show you how a proper man fucks when your husband is a way.
"Let the cyclops ride his dragon if it means the princess will ride mine."
Unfortunate for him that our husband happened to be entering the training yard just in time to hear his promise to his brothers in arms.
Now the thing with Aemond is that he's deeply prideful, but also so, so, so desperate for approval. He's spent his entire life chasing it and getting so little in return. His mother was insistent on what makes a good husband- loyalty, dedication, listening to ones wife unlike the way he watched his father wave away her concerns all throughout his childhood. He was adamant about being the proper husband in every strict tradition and stiff display of affection he offered you-
but nobody helped him with sex. So to learn through the vile words of some idiotic guards that he has left his wife wanting becomes the only thought in his mind and must be rectified.
You've only just begun your day when your husband slips into your room, telling whoever is stationed by your door to leave as he locks it behind him before standing before you, hands twitching and eye looking anywhere in the room but you.
So nervous, like a little boy all over again.
When you ask him gently what's wrong he does not hide it from you.
"I have left you wanting, haven't I?"
You let out an incredulous laugh, so taken aback by the blunt question you don't know what would be an appropriate response.
To say he hasn't would be a lie.
To say he has could harm his ego, further spurring his rage.
Instead, you gently cup his face where a pale hand envelopes your own.
"Most men do not concern themselves with the comfort of their wife."
Your blaise response hurts more than saying yes.
"I am not most men."
Your husband, the crown prince and rider of a generations old war hardened beast, looks at you with eager eyes and tells you- asks you to show him how you wish to be touched.
How to fuck you.
You spend the night In his arms, gentle guiding him on where you wish to be kissed, bitten, and licked. How to hold you, where to touch and how hard. Your husband is a receptive one, content to go for hours upon hours until your legs are trembling and there are tears in your eyes because once he learned the utter euphoria of seeing your sing his name in the breathy moan there was nothing he desired more in this wretched world to hear it again and again and again.
When you do finally rest, bodies slick with sweat and exhaustion creeping through your veins, you find yourself wrapped in his arms and his head tucked into the crook of your shoulder. He says nothing about siring a child, or the maestros advice, but simply kisses the spot just beneath your ear before letting himself slowly drift into a deep sleep, the first moment within your marriage that he is truly relaxed in your presence.
The next morning his family is kind enough to say nothing of the bite marks lining your neck as you eat breakfast, just as they are mindful to not ask of the head that once belonged to a member of the kings guard that now belonged on a spike before the castle walls.
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