#another season pls
ihearth0rror · 2 years
(spoilers for s2 of aib !!)
omfg…i am literally hyperventilating right now bcos of the joy i am experiencing on ep8 of s2 is insane. karubae and chota 🥹🥹. ik they aren’t alive but atleast i get that one wholesome little scene. i’m actually crying happy tears rn :DD also kuina??? 26:50 ep8 s2??? um i’m a sucker for hand holding and that was adorableeee. and not to mention kota and when he gets to see his parent again was really wholesome. and tatta… babe i love u and you deserve the world, i hope u r ok. this show should honestly be more popular than squid game was, i mean damn… anyway bye <33
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ayo-edebiri · 10 months
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i live here now
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booboobuddies · 2 years
everyone in the toh fandom is wondering “oh what happened to this character, are they a puppet?” or “i hope this character is okay!” BUT ALL I NEED TO KNOW IS MY PRECIOUS OWL BOY OWLBERT OKAY ?? LIKE EDA WHERE IS YOUR PALISMAN !!
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kaythefloppa · 7 days
New Episodes of Wild Kratts
Three new episodes of Wild Kratts will be airing in November of 2024. Salamander Streaming, Bumblezzz, and Chimpanzee and Me.
The synopsis for Bumblezz is yet to come, however we have plots for Salamander Streaming and Chimpanzee and Me.
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Salamander Streaming - Airing Monday November 4th, 2024.
Mysteriously, the Tortuga shorts and powers down while the gang is streaming a movie. Koki says it won't be back today. What are they going to do? Chris and Martin announce they can still do streaming - salamander streaming! The rest of the gang wonders, what in the world is salamander streaming? The bros explain that salamander streaming is getting miniaturized and floating down a stream in tiny little boats looking for salamanders, of course! It's a race to find as many salamanders as they can while Koki tries to fix the Tortuga.
Pre-Episode Thoughts:
This was one of the episodes that the brothers announced at their live shows. I think that they will be focusing on tiger salamanders. Either way, I think it's gonna be cool that we might have a Salamander Power Suit.
WK's pop-culture references in the modern seasons are really hit and miss, but this is actually some good fucken wordplay with streaming.
If the Tortuga really is powered down, then will we actually see Salamander Power? Or is it gonna be like Mystery of the Squirmy Wormy where the brothers don't use any Power Suits? Either way, I'm looking forward to it.
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Chimpanzee and Me - Airing - Airing Wednesday, November 6th, 2024
The gang travels deep into Uganda's tropical forests to uncover the true nature of the chimpanzee, but Chris sprains his ankle at the most inopportune time and can't participate. He is sad and upset. It's the climbing adventure that he's always looked forward to most. He tries to hide his disappointment and gets support from his friends, but it is a young chimp who shows him how to truly make the best of a bad situation.
Pre-Episode Thoughts:
This was another episode that Martin had hinted at the live shows. What's funny is that 2D Martin also expressed the idea of heading into the African rainforests in Rattlesnake Crystal (an episode that IRL Martin wrote). Again, not sure why it took them almost a decade and a half to get to this, but I digress.
Goddamn we are getting a LOT of angst in S7. Between this, No Name Dream, and the most recent episode, A Fish Out of Water, we're getting more character-driven plots, (especially if you count Paisley's redemption in the special). And while this does seem to be similar to Flight of the Draco, this does seem to have an intereting twist. Chimpanzees have many abilities apart from climbing, such as intellect, empathy, craftiness, and communciation. Maybe Chris will discover that and eventually use those skills to rescue the chimpanzees and/or the gang from a bad situation later.
Also, baby chimps are really fucking cute. I so hope that Chris gets to name it in the episode.
I've debated with my friends on this, and I do hope that we see a Chimpanzee Suit.. but knowing how anatomically similar chimps are to humans, and given how uncanny the Power Suits in the modern seasons have been.... I very much wonder.
That being said, if there is gonna be a Chimp Suit, I wonder if Chris will be the one to invent it? Assuming that he's staying behind at the Tortuga throughout this episode and makes the observations, then it would make sense that he'd invent the suit. Martin invented the Ermine Power Disc back in Season 5, so maybe Chris could invent a Chimpanzee Suit. Part of me thinks it'll backfire just as horribly, but after the bullshit that was the Indri-Conda Suit, I'm willing to accept anything 😭😭
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ayzaart · 15 days
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graffiti (pow-pow and jinx)
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jellys-compendium · 1 month
Okay listen, I don't have a type-
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theinfinitedivides · 2 months
category 5 Devil's Minion San Fran '73 moment ('it'll feel like a bath. rest. like honey on your tongue.') vs category 5 Loumandiel Dubai '22 moment ('what's he taste like?' 'i didn't ask that.' 'you were thinking it.' 'stay out of my head.' 'honey and pineapple. he stuffs himself with both for days before he offers himself to me. would you like to sample?')
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arcanegifs · 9 months
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laurancezvhalkisser · 3 months
not to stir the pot but My Inner Demons deserved a Season 2 more than Mystreet deserved a Season 7 imo
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aishazero9i18r · 6 months
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Only posting this one here because i know my audience on other socmed platform will burn me alive :)
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antianakin · 2 years
Unpopular opinion: I think Ahsoka is at her best and most interesting in the first two seasons of TCW and has only gotten progressively less nuanced as the years have gone by.
Ahsoka in TCW intentionally has flaws. They're pointed out more than once, there's ENTIRE EPISODES dedicated to Ahsoka having to fix her mistakes or being punished for disobeying orders or having to learn how to be better after she messes up and hurts people. Ahsoka has to keep learning lessons from Tera Sinube, and Aayla, and Luminara, and Padme, and Yoda.
But by the time you hit around season 4, Ahsoka starts being PERFECT. She is suddenly FLAWLESS as far as the narrative seems to see it. Even if she's doing the wrong thing, you're supposed to recognize that she is doing it for the right reasons. She's constantly level-headed, wise, and often treated as though she's practically an adult Jedi by the other Jedi around her despite having been young to be a Padawan at all and with only 2 years of training tops. It's no wonder so many people were so ready to believe that the Jedi were ready to Knight her at the end of the Wrong Jedi arc, Ahsoka's being written as though she's suddenly 25 years old with a decade of training, similar to how we see Obi-Wan acting in TPM instead of the barely trained child she should still be.
And then you hit Rebels and she's literally making entrances BATHED IN LIGHT LIKE AN ANGEL, incapable of being beaten by anyone except Darth Vader himself, she's got lightsabers of PURE WHITE LIGHT, and the other two Jedi characters treat her like a Master. And then she dies, walks off into the shadows, and comes back swathed in white robes and with a white staff, haloed in light like a wise shaman of some kind.
At least Din manages to push back against her choices in The Mandalorian, it's probably the first time we've seen Ahsoka have an opinion that someone else disagreed with and that the narrative explicitly treats as WRONG, forcing her to reconsider and make a different decision.
But by The Book of Boba Fett, she's schooling Din now, back to being the wise shaman who knows everything and can do no wrong.
In Tales of the Jedi, Ahsoka is practically perfection incarnate: more skilled than any other Jedi, more compassionate and connected to the galaxy than anyone else, someone who tamed and rode on the back of an apex predator before she could walk.
I want Ahsoka to have FLAWS again, I want the narrative to let her be WRONG and reap the consequences of that, I want to see Ahsoka LEARN SOMETHING again, I want to see her GROW as a character for the first time in over a decade.
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thewolvesof1998 · 5 months
Don’t get me wrong I’m devastated that we’re not getting the karaoke scenes (mostly because they said we were and now are not, don’t get my hopes up like that abc) but really the annoying part is that this Madney story is being crammed into one episode. The way I understood it at first was that “oh chimney’s missing but is quick to resolve” but an hour and 45 minutes!?!? (I don’t remember the exact run time they said but it was something ridiculously long) that’s a lot bigger of a story, so why isn’t it a two episode arc?? One, Madney deserve it and two, surely when they were writing this episode they knew how long it was all going to be and then they filmed it and still thought it would all fit in one episode??? And then to know you have a lot of footage and promise people that a certain scene was going to be in it when there was a high chance it might not?
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barissoffee · 6 months
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dozenssporks · 7 months
All For The Bit
okay so, bear with me here
When Trigun came into the world the typical shonen protagonist was the loudmouth cheery guy who shouted a lot about friendship, generally had a lot of feelings and wasn't too bright but they had HEART
And this was kind of Vash's Bit in the manga and '98 anime. This is the role he presented himself in. Not an entirely false personality, often exaggerating his own traits, but still a deliberate choice. He's modeled after the harmless, nonthreatening Loudmouth.
Now we come to present day. Now the prevalent shonen protag tends to be The Wimp. Soft-spoken, the ultimate doormat, essentially decent and kind but weak-willed. Earnest, but no one takes them seriously. Eager to please. Belittles themself.
*looks pointedly at Trigun Stampede Vash*
Vash has updated The Bit. He now presents himself as The Wimp because that is the common type of protagonist in recent times. That is the type of protagonist viewers will be most familiar with. He's not like 90s Vash because he is 20s Vash, he's this generation's Vash.
I have no idea if Orange did this deliberately but I think it's cool. It's a new show made by a new generation of creators who want to tell new stories about characters they love.
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that-sarcastic-writer · 2 months
I need to say that Ewan and Matt absolutely ate this season. Like I’m dead, deceased, perished. Because LORD not only do they look absolutely gorgeous this season, hello them in this press tour. Matt’s soft and perfect hair, his chaotic and comforting energy. And Ewan, ugh, his soft calming voice, his sophisticated and insightful thoughts, his pretty face. I just can’t get enough of them. Like I can’t think straight.
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jiiniix · 24 days
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redraw from (from bee & puppycat) , caradamon made this face and made me instantly think of tails
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