#another space trip
vurelly · 2 months
how am i meant to ha wahoo yippee through life in these conditions
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puppetmaster13u · 6 months
Prompt 268
Fright Knight sighs, running a clawed hand through his hair in an attempt to stop the flames from flickering into being. It had been far too long since he had taken a human-ish form. His human-ish form. Ugh. He didn’t exactly care for his human form after so long as a ghost, but needs must he supposed. 
Especially with the whole, we’re going to punch a backdoor into the literal daycare part of the Infinite Realms and be surprised when literal toddlers go exploring. 
Well, at least it got him off of guard duty for a bit, which was relieving. Not that he didn’t love the darkness, but it got boring in the shadow of his sword for literal centuries with nothing else happening. He was a warrior for Realm’s sake! Borderline an Ancient in both power and age! He wasn’t meant to stay so still for so long. 
So while ghostling wrangling wasn’t exactly in his area of expertise, he could definitely gather them back up to the Realms. And deal with the curs who had decided to attack literal babies. 
The Daycare area was already understaffed due to just how large it was, and the one in charge of this section had practically sobbed to the Council (In another world they would have been put on hold for a century in line for their concerns, and then more once a Sarcophagus was opened, but they had told the other ghosts in distress, causing others to let them go up in said line) how they were almost certain they had felt at least one core form Outside the realms thanks to the breach. 
Which had understandably put everyone at an uproar. 
So here he was slipping between shadows to do reconnaissance and take stock of if any Ghostlings had left the city. And gently scruffing those he comes across in exasperation because what are you doing, ghostling? Look at the mess, what would your caretaker say? 
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panharmonium · 1 year
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Man, these past few days...so many thoughts. About my life then, my life now. What I missed. Thoughts about what I'll never have. And what I want to have.
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bitethedustfools · 29 days
Crossover Ideas pt 2
Danny Phantom X Omniscient Reader's Viewpoint X Honkai Star Rail
Where 3 unlikely God/Ancient/Aeon meets.
Fate is quite strange, quite like the beings that Kim Dokja had met. Still, despite all odds, they became friends. Or not. It is hard to describe their relationship.
Akivili just barged his way in for reasons unknown and treated him like a child despite Akivili being smaller than he was and he is pretty sure that he's older than Akivili anyway, with eternity and all.
Akivili refuted that he's definitely older and his warm golden eyes were filled with wisdom that's not fitting his age.
As for Danny, his were more curiousity in nature. He had intruded the train because he saw a train travelling in space and into different worldlines.
And he's definitely not a kid. Well, he used to and KDJ can see and felt various reasons why he is the same as they both.
Yep, totally a normal group here with 2 young adults and a teen and definitely not a trio whose age span is infinite
Nevertheless, it is nice to have companions once again.
Somehow, the two of them stayed in that train of his, travelling from worldline to another and KDJ had come to read another story.
A place where Akivili had came from and unknowingly, KDJ had stuck around that place for so long along with Danny to the point that his train had converted into the first Astral Express for the Nameless, guided by Akivili the Trailblaze, to be made a home and travel to everywhere.
Even if they are a common sight in the astral express, not many know their name nor see their true face, only recalling a a face blurred as though covered by a fog and that creepy looking kid that does not look like a person at all.
In fact, even Aeons themselves failed to distinguish their appearance nor did they ever recognized that they arent humans nor Aeons but something else similar (but powerful)
One day, the group slowly fell apart starting with the explosion of the first Astral Express.
Kim dokja was nowhere to be found.
A system notification just popped out of nowhere and it read, "Constellation Demon King Of Salvation is looking at you" and you can feel the heavy gaze burdened on your soul for a few moments and then its gone. You dont understand whats going on and who this is.
All you knew is that the gaze pressured you terribly.
"The Oldest Dream is looking at you". Sunday and Adventurine flinched for the first time.
Someone saw Danny doing the most eldritch thing and ran to tell the others and they replied, "what kid? we dont have a kid here"
Danny being a menace and a prankster.
Akivili have favourite peoples and thats KDJ and Danny but those two are weird but theyre not going to comment on that.
Is KDj powerful than Aeons? Maybe. He did dreamt a world(s) and bring it to life. Certainly cunning. No doubt will disguise as Aeons if given the chance.
Danny? Pretty sure he got some hidden powerful abilities that he doesnt know exist and he rules the domain of the death/afterlife. Often got mistaken as "Terminus the Finality" (Or did they get that right..? just different Danny?)
Is Trailblaze something of an acheivement, marked in history to be remembered? Is it a burning will that is passed from one to another? A hope that burns brightly in the dark? The star guiding you to the right path?
What exactly is the Path of Trailblaze that Akivili thread upon?
Thats the idea for now.
How they meet basically (dont mind my train's design. I'm too lazy):
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Headcanon that Akivili had an Empty Nest Syndrome, very fitting for Akivili (Eagle).
Akivili spotted a lost child in the distance and want to take him under his wings but ended up taking the train and invite more children. Not that KDJ is complaining, its been awhile afterall.
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rule #231 on the invincible: never. EVER. mess with a girl's hair products.
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pseudospectre · 2 months
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landwriter · 2 years
Hounds of Love by The Futureheads. Oh! What a gem!! I first loved this song when I was a wee bab and rediscovered it this past summer. It, along with all my top songs, was on a summer driving playlist which is why it is so insanely high haha. There's a sort of lovely pastoral wildness to this and I think that suits our lads so well.
An outdoorsy AU with competence kink out the wazoo, where Dream is a bird specialist at a wildlife rehabilitative centre, who becomes a minor TikTok celebrity (much to his enormous apathy) when the centre starts doing interpretive meet-birds events and the internet falls in love with this dour hottie who only smiles when he's talking about birds (Matthew, naturally, runs the account). Hob is a hunter - bow, mostly - who is regrettably very on TikTok, very on all social media - he hates the term but he is unquestionably an 'influencer'. He just likes sharing his knowledge and passion, alright? And the gear sponsorships are nice.
He sees Dream, and sees, mostly, a really great collab opportunity, so he messages him, and Dream (who is Matthew, and just shouted HOB FUCKING GADLING? IN MY DMs? at his phone when he got the message, immediately sets up a meeting at the centre. Then he breaks the news to Dream, specifically when Dream is holding Jessamy, so he can't be murdered.)
Dream, of course, expects Hob to be some like, swaggering font of red-blooded machismo talking points, and suspects Hob is only popular because he looks like an advertisement in Outdoor Living. (Matthew showed him pictures.) He disregards Matthew, who says Hob is actually super cool, because Matthew has terrible taste and would be the first to admit it. But his interest is piqued when Lucienne also knows who Hob is. It turns out Hob is deeply involved in nature and wildlife conservancy. Gives talks at schools. Gets involved with land protection initiatives. Teaches orienteering to youth. But everyone seems to expect him to hate Hob, which he would find faintly insulting except that he also expects himself to hate Hob. He doesn't. Not that much. Even when he shows up in a plaid shirt that is made of 'technical' fabric, because he's smart and excited to talk to Dream about birds, has an encyclopedic knowledge of the history of falconry, and most importantly, Jessamy takes to him immediately.
They run into each other again at a renaissance fair, another thing Dream hates but has been strong-armed into doing, and so they are both dressed in very silly clothes when it happens: the first time Hob watches Dream demonstrate falconry, the first time Dream watches Hob use a longbow made from a yew tree he fell himself, the first time they go from a wary sort of respect for one another to a wanting.
Dream, who has a recurring fantasy about running away from it all, listens to Hob tell tracking stories and thinks, If I went into the woods, you would find me. But he doesn't want to run from Hob - except sometimes, when he sees Hob chew on his lip consideringly before giving a thoughtful answer about the guiding industry, or when Hob grins wildly at the crowd after his archery demonstration, and most of all, when Hob phones him out of the blue one day - he doesn't text, he phones - sounding a little breathless with excitement, and asks Dream if he wants to come with him for a week in the mountains, on "probably a wild goose chase" and promises "all sorts of birds if nothing else." (Hob had meant to only share the news with Dream. Fuck, he thinks. I am so fucked.)
He says yes, for the birds, of course, and tells Matthew the next time he's at the centre.
"So what's the wild goose chase?" asks Matthew.
Dream plumbs his memory of the phone call and says, "Hob told me he received a bighorn sheep tag." Matthew gapes at him.
"Holy shit," says Matthew. "He's in love with you."
"He is certainly not."
"Uh, no, respectfully boss, he 'certainly' is. Lucienne!" he shouts, "Hob invited Dream to come out on his Dall sheep tag. What the fuck, right?"
Lucienne comes in and raises her eyebrows. "Oh dear," she says. She's smiling.
"What," says Dream. "It's a sheep. I don't understand."
Lucienne and Matthew exchange a glance.
"Him. I cannot believe Hob chose him," says Matthew.
"Love works in mysterious ways," says Lucienne.
"I am right here," says Dream.
Matthew turns to him, "Have fun in Alberta," he says.
this would ft. nights of wild stars, rugged terrain, type ii fun, sexual tension around a campfire, homoerotic form checks, tent sharing, dream glassing beautiful birds with hob's $3000 binoculars while hob stares at him in abject adoration, dream watching hob strip off his clothes and jump into an alpine lake, and refusing to join him out of pretended prudishness when it's really because he's suddenly so hard it hurts, camp coffee, confessions about themselves instead of confessions about their feelings for each other, sore muscles for a VARIETY of reasons, and lots of allegories about wildness and taming and running away from things, and SO MUCH COMPETENCE KINK, friends. so much. i would probably write it like - act one them leading their separate lives, their desires and aches etc., act two - meetcute and circling one another, act three - The Trip. this one has a very happy ending i can tell
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lisharchivez · 4 months
NEW EVENT chat with Zayne :Trip Invitation[Event]❄️ all possible outcomes
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Login during zayne's new myth solar pair related event Yunshan's Charm to unlock this chat. The chat will follow after the following new post that will appear in your feed as well.
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Zayne will share the post and start the chat, and theres only one option to reply with
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So after replying, its gonna look like this
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Heres your options after this
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Outcomes :
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Next round of options
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Outcomes :
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P.S. zayne is only going to use the first name that picked for yourself in the game. if your first name is Joe and last name is Mama
he will call you Miss Joe
Curious about other posts and chats outcomes? Checks more here 
Like & follow for more
The end ;)
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muppetbyers · 2 years
"the entire point of the cali gang road trip was finding el" yeah, finding el. lgbtq
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thefrogdalorian · 7 months
I'm working on a little Din x reader oneshot for Valentine's Day and I can't wait to share it 👀!! I'm finally going to fulfil a solemn duty as a Din writer by having a fic set on Naboo. That whole planet is just made for a romantic getaway, I swear.
Anyway it's entirely fuelled by listening to Across The Stars on repeat and slight deliriousness induced by my head cold lol. I'm excited to post it tomorrow!!
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girleboy · 6 months
i am americanised and only found out like this year that british english generally uses single quotes for quotations and you're not meant to put full stops after latin abbreviations (etc, eg) or titles (ms, mrs, dr). obviously i am not a copy editor and it doesn't matter. i will however be memorising the oxford style reference so that i never make a mistake again.
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Boy oh boy am I so glad I use my online space how I want and have the wherewithal to not cave into guilt trippy posts about how you should always all day every day 24/7 subject yourself to the horror of the world wide news and also make your entire blog about it
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tag-if · 10 months
can mc and marin become the ultimate killer duo? unstoppable from anyone and anything?
AWW that's an oddly cute idea omg
i will say that Marin is the only RO who won't discourage you from continuing your job once together, either in romance or just close friends (the other RO's reactions will remain a secret)
so...technically yes!
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sleepsmackdown · 1 year
Does anyone know an easier way to reach the first post I made than scrolling through the entire blog?
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nie-narzekam · 2 years
So hold me when I’m here
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Right me when I’m wrong
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Hold me when I’m scared
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And love me when I’m gone
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(3 Doors Down, “When I’m Gone”)
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i think pretending i’m jeeves in order to motivate myself to finish packing my suitcases and boxes would be going a lot smoother if i didn’t completely lack the spatial reasoning abilities to estimate how many boxes are needed to fit a specific number and volume of things
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