#answered asks ( rem ).
xfriskfannumberidk · 11 months
50 notes and I will write an entire story about every single one of my oc's backstories :3
(this is not happening, but I'm going to tag anything I can think of im sorry..., and if you reblog, add anymore pls :) )
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the-three-shepherds · 6 months
Full refs of each lambsonas?
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your wish is my command :]
Roll Call:
Mal is Gillan's☀️ Rem is Blue's🌙 Lambe is Nyx's🪶
knitpick any details you see! we'd love to hear your thoughts<3
for some extra info; Mal is the last— or rather, was the last of our kind. at least, until we arrived. -🌙
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Okay, so one of my Weird Plant Stories is a tradition among high-level engineers that began on Old Earth but has adherents in... probably every SEEDS ship. Let us call it "Spontaneous Machine-Religion." If humans are not given a religion to follow, it seems like they'll inevitably make it up and Plants HELP. No, I am not talking about out and out Plant-cults you might have heard of, but something far stranger and coming from SCIENTIFIC minds. So, some Plants are open to receiving sacrifices. I've seen it myself. What I mean is, some caught on that some Plants will have a higher output of their specific creation if the people who are watching them do something a little superstitious. This stuff always starts as pranks and jokes. The "Let's tell the guy who's a virgin that we need to prick his finger because the Plant runs on the blood of virgins" or "We need to burn this donut from our morning work-dozen at the foot of the Plant bulb on an altar to show her that she is our co-worker." Maybe they do not eat and technically do not require anything in tribute, but the Plants become USED to it. I think they develop a feeling of contentedness to their engineers this way, it makes them feel acknowledged. Because it WORKS. Whenever - down to the last Plant - a Plant that has been given little tributes stops receiving tribute for whatever reason - a hard new boss, a lack of resources, the office virgin getting a girlfriend, whatever... the Plant lowers their output. Without fail. Sometimes they even do less output than original programming or they get...finicky... and problems arise in the system. Older engineers try to tell newer ones "don't even start" with the silly altar-tribute games because once it starts, it will not end. _ R. S.
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eemamminy-art · 2 months
If you're still doing these: Fordolyse (or anything Lyse!) hc + 👻? (I am in a spooky mood and there is so much weird stuff in the Lochs :3)
hc + 👻 for a headcanon about supernatural occurrences
There is so much spooky stuff in the Lochs, I always wished they would explore that more in the game 👀 I don't feel confident enough in the lore of the Lochs or Ala Mhigo more generally to think of something related to that, but here's something!
So I like to headcanon (or maybe it's close to the actual canon in the 4.1 msq echo scenes, I'm not entirely sure if it's just my interpretation or not) that Fordola's resonant causes her echo to be basically on 24/7. She's hearing thoughts, she's seeing memories, she's just haunted by other peoples' pasts and presents and tormented by it more often than not.
With that in mind, can you imagine how often she must see Yda and Papalymo? Lyse brings them both up often, so you'd have to figure they're both at the forefront of her mind at any given time. Probably the first time she sees Yda in Lyse's memories it turns her pale white, recognizing Yda as the freedom fighter who gave her some glimmer of hope as a child before that hope was crushed yet again. She sees Yda in every possible context that Lyse ever did: all her best and worst moments, times of laughter, joy, and sorrow. Her giving speeches to Lyse to inspire her to never give up, and telling her fondly about the Ala Mhigo that once was before Garlemald invaded. Rallying Fordola from beyond the grave, just like she did all those years ago.
Likewise, Papalymo was always a stern voice of reason for Lyse, but would give her comfort when needed, too. I think the first few glimpses of him would anger her, maybe causing her to stand up and shout at the phantom, leaving Lyse totally puzzled as to who she was talking to. Over time she would see the logic in some of his lectures, how he was always the one to keep Lyse grounded and keep her from flying off the handle. Something that rubbed off on Lyse and made her a more mature and level-headed person now, recalling his words and living by his values.
Seeing the ghosts of Lyse's past helps Fordola to understand the amazing person she is now, and to recognize how much room she has to grow still herself.
Thematic headcanon ask meme
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chibivesicle · 1 year
I would love to see an in depth breakdown of Stampede’s reworkings of Trigun’s female characters and how they compare to their original counterparts. Because although I’m not normally one to cry “misogyny” but I can’t help but feel like whoever decided to turn multifaceted characters like Meryl, Luida and Elendira into cutesy waifus and reduced Rem to the classic ‘dead mother’ trope has some explaining to do. There’s also the matter of the plants in Stampede being forcefully impregnated via Knives violating Vash, complete with swollen pregnant stomachs, which to me is just straight up, well, cursed(although something similar happened in the manga).
I can’t help but feel like there’s a lot of unspoken misogyny here.
Now that Trigun Stampede is over and the dust has settled, I can 100% say that I agree with you. The level of lazy misogynistic writing in Stampede was high. When I was doing the weekly videos, I kept thinking, "Well, it isn't that bad. Is it?" until looking at the entire show and realizing, that "Yeah. It was terrible."
I'm not even going to touch on the entire sexual/impregnation of the plants via Knives by violating Vash at all! I'm sure one could write an entire meta about it and how cringe it is but I'm not feeling that vibe.
I'll focus on the female cast and how they were shortchanged from the original work to this 're-imagining'. I will say that the Trigun manga, focuses less on the female characters. But they are all totally competent individuals who are not driven by the romantic need to marry some man. Overall, the '98 anime was even better by creating the quartet of Vash, Meryl, Milly and Wolfwood. I mentioned it from time to time in my reviews but the original anime passed the Bechdel test. Which on paper isn't a high bar for media to clear but soooo many things fail that test.
For overall female character significance and roles in the Trigun universe (multiverse?) the '98 anime is top. Meryl and Milly play a major role in how Vash and Wolfwood behave and also bear witness to their actions and support them. Yet, they are not weak but instead demonstrate how four people, will have four different ways to solve the exact same problem.
However, the manga has a greater cast of women and cannot be ignored. As you mentioned, Luida and Elendira appeared in Stampede from Trimax and both are great characters. Aaannnnddd, Stampede ruined them for me.
The best way to approach all of the key women of the series, we'll break it down by character.
Meryl Stryfe - insurance adjuster/reporter
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Trigun manga - secondary character. Acts as human viewpoint watching Vash, reacting to the power of his angel arm, contemplating what it is like to kill someone with a firearm. Age at the start of manga 21. Age after time skip, 23. By the end of the series 24-25 ish?
Trigun '98 - main character. Acts as human viewpoint in observing Vash [again] but also feels compassion towards him as their friendship grows. Senior and experienced insurance adjuster both a friend and mentor for Milly. Competent on the job, hard worker, gets things done, leans for logic over emotions. Age not mentioned in anime, but likely similar to manga. Vocal, opinionated, and ready to take on any situation.
Stampede - main character. Newbie reporter for November news under Roberto. Older starting age of 23, yet acts like she's 16 or something. Her character is a disappointment in this version; with her being junior to Roberto there is no senior female in the cast and it shows. By no means is Meryl supposed to be a perfect person (this is Nightow after all) but he does not write cutesy female characters. No female character in his cast is like how she is in Stampede.
Milly Thompson - insurance adjuster/reporter/???TBD
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Trigun manga - secondary character. Strong, emotional, a bit naive but still able to help Wolfwood out during a fight. Continues to be the junior to Meryl and follows her to their secondary career as journalists.
Trigun '98 - main character. Foil to both Meryl and Wolfwood. Besides Vash making Wolfwood change his viewpoints, she also pushes him to think about things differently. Most importantly, she doesn't judge him based on his actions and only shows that she cares. Emotionally intelligent, naive and honest to a fault.
Stampede - next season?
Enough said right there. Why was Milly replaced by lame ass old man info dump Roberto?
Rem Severem - Key team member of Project Seeds/Vash and Knives adopted mother
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Trigun manga - Rem is the mother/moral guidepost for Vash in the manga. He tries to uphold her ideals and moral code to not kill anyone. She told him about the death of her significant other which left her feeling lost. However, a dream about her taking a train with a origin station but no destination created her philosophy that everyone's ticket to the future is blank.
She is an incredibly compassionate individual and even tries to stop Vash from committing suicide being injured herself in the events. It causes him to snap out of it as he put her in medical care. However, her philosophy is impossible to practice on the planet where the ships crashed. Yet for ~150 years Vash is able to not kill another person.
Trigun '98 - The exact same role as in the manga but with less backstory fleshed out. However, her quote of one's ticket to the future is blank is the same. Additionally, the anime adds in her love of a creation song which becomes a musical motif in the anime linking Vash to her and to the present day humans as they try to create a new world. Hence the creation myth song as Project Seeds was to allow for them to restart.
The anime links Rem to Meryl when Vash finds himself lost as she supports him before he heads off for his final showdown with Knives. It shows that a very similar philosophy still exists within humanity and that Vash can continue on with his personal moral compass.
Stampede - At first, we learn who Rem is, unlike the anime or manga. She shows us that she saved Vash and Nai and that she loved them. However, that was it. We never hear her personal philosophy. The flashback only focuses on how she tries to raise them as her own children but no deep moral discussions are had like in the manga or even the anime.
Again, this is a huge determent to her character in Stampede; the series very much went for tell not show. So to try to convey Rem's character through showing when the default was tell made it a disappointment. I waited, waited, waited for her to say at least some version of her quote about the ticket being blank. Nothing.
Rem barely spoke in the scheme of things. Nor did Vash have dream or one sided conversations with her in Stampede which also made it hard to understand why he wouldn't kill.
Elendira the Crimsonnail - 13th Gung-ho Gun/nail producing child-plant hybrid who doesn't age
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Trigun manga - A trans woman and the strongest of the Gung-ho Guns. Truly a witty and fashionable individual with her briefcase that allows for her to pierce opponents with a rain of oversized nails. Elendira's character is quite nuanced, watching the fall of humanity on the planet while having complex conversations with Legato. The two of them are frequently at odds but both see their roles to assist Knives in his goals.
I found her character to be the most sane/rational viewpoint into Knives and his organization. She always has a witty remark or comment and seems to have chosen to work with Knives thinking that this would be the winning side.
After she's revealed to be trans, that's pretty much it. It isn't brought up time and time again, nor does it define her character - you know with the whole ending of humanity on the planet taking more precedence.
Her final battle against Livio is epic and overall, I liked her character. She was badass in the best way possible.
Stampede - Ugh, where do I even start. . . . Elendira appears to be a perma-prepubescent child being a human-plant hybrid. We see her with Grey the Ninelines when they steal a plant in episode 3 wearing a pink dress. So maybe a girl? Maybe a boy? No gender?
But then, when we get the Monev the Gale/Rollo flashback, she speaks to young Rollo calling herself an angel and appears the same age. Present events put her fight with Vash, Wolfwood, Meryl and Roberto 25 years later and she looks the same. Apparently, being a human-plant hybrid makes her inferior to Vash or Knives since she still has to plug herself into one of the glass aquariums to regulate her 'gate'. So, not a plant plant, but lacking the skills of an independent plant. Sort of a crappy outcome the more you think about it.
Despite her age being at least 35 (say she was 10 when she met Rollo) or even older than that - she acts like a child. Gets angry like a child and has not mentally matured at all. Again, didn't get the rapid aging bits of Vash so still mentally a child? Unless I am told otherwise, I'm gonna stick with she/her pronouns and based on the rest of writing for Stampede, they likely want us to see her as cis not trans.
You cannot even compare Trimax Elendira to Stampede. They are not the same character other than the name. They don't even use nails the same way! As far as I'm concerned, she's pointless in Stampede. A cutesy angry girl who will kill you with her gate manifested nails.
Luida - Leader of [un]crashed seeds ship/botanist
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Trigun manga - leader of humans from the Project Seeds ship that had been in hiding with several generations of humans living on it above the barbaric planet below. As events worsen, becomes the de facto leader of all the humans resisting Knives and coordinates with the NML cavalry. Wise, straight shooting and in charge. Brad works for her after the death of the Sensei by the Leonoff the Puppet master situation.
She never really steals any scene but is critical to the success of their plan and acts as the link between the humans from Earth and the people on the planet's surface. Always framed in a strong position of leadership. A very androgynous appearance with spiked black hair, and simple clothing.
Stampede - Simplified to the second stand in mother figure for Vash. She also gets aged up with her first meeting Vash when he was a teenager and brought him into their home. Instead of being older than Brad, she is a peer with him and both of them are considerably older in the current time point. A plant biologist expert - something which is not even close to the role that she played in Trimax.
She also elicits the anti-mother anger from Knives in Stampede, meaning that Knives only wants Vash to himself. No women allowed to be mothers for them! Compared to the manga, she again like Elendira is a totally different character. We don't see a whole lot of that natural leadership and commanding presence from the manga.
Therefore, of this list of key female characters their fates are as such in Stampede:
Meryl - aged up but down in maturity and experience.
Milly - missing.
Rem - dead mother trope. Never said anything to convey why Vash is the way he is.
Elendira - infantilazation to a perma-child.
Luida - kind older lady/second mother.
Therefore, two female characters have been relegated to mother figures; Rem and Luida. Meryl was made less mature to be the junior to an old asshole. Elendira is as far as we know a perma-child.
All mature women with years of experience have been removed from the story. Yeah, I enjoyed the previous versions of Trigun for their killer girls, uwu-waifus, and doting mothers. Really connect with these sorts of characters. . . .
I'm sure you can tell I'm being sarcastic. Thus, I will rewatch the '98 anime, or reread the manga and turn my attention to Kekkai Sensen. Where there are more excellent female characters - shocking! K.K., Chain Sumeragi, Luciana Estavez, Aligura, Michella Watch (a blind woman in a wheelchair took out a Beyondian mad doctor remember?) and in the anime, White.
If Stampede wanted to do scary cute well, they only needed to look at Aligura. One of the 13 kings and a gothic lolita. It takes ovaries to liquefy your boyfriend and inject him into your crush. But hey, it works. 'Cause based on her dismissal of Leo thinking that he was important to her, she's not one to cry like a perma-child like Elendira in Stampede. When one's monster truck, car eating vehicle of destruction causes thousands of casualties, you are pretty badass.
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That pic made me cry suguru is so 😐😐 to me I think suguru and Gojo would be jealous of your plushies but for different reasons like when you wake up with either of them you dont have your plushie anymore, but for suguru it’s cause he tosses it to the floor and then Gojo ends up taking it halfway through the night and you wake up to him cuddling it instead he’s unreal
PHDJDHDH THIS IS KILLING ME REM……. no one understands stsg like u do i’ve said it before and i’ll say it again 😭😭😭 THEY’RE SO SILLYYYY sugu has zero sympathy for the plushies i think he’s such a possessive little man…. not in a toxic way to be clear but like. why would you hug a plushie when his soft pillowy chest is RIGHT there 🤨❓probably glares at the plushies when you’re holding them lmao HE’S SUCH A POUTY BABY 🥺🥺….
AND SATORU….. oh my goddd that’s so perfect 😭😭 i feel like he does it just to give you a taste of your own medicine at first but then he’s like… oh….. this little plushie is so soft….. oh…… it’s kinda nice to cuddle……….. and now suddenly you have to fight your silly little bf for the custody of your own plushies 🤨🤨 he calls himself their papa and everything. claims that he has a right to cuddle them bc he ”carried them for nine months himself”… sigh. he’s annoying but he’s too cute to get mad at. imagine him all sleepy hugging a fluffy sheep plushie :((( he’s just a little baby!!
obviously the solution here is just to have a big ol cuddle pile with plushies and blankets and entangled limbs <33 and luckily for you that’s satoru’s favorite thing ever!!! :33 …. gl with sugu tho LMAO he is NOT befriending your plushies… they’re his enemies…. (mightttt be more lenient if the plushie you’re cuddling is one he got you himself… just pull out the puppy dog eyes and tell him that you like hugging it bc it reminds you of him and he’ll get all mushy. he’s a Loserboy at heart <3)
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queen--of--maggots · 11 months
I don’t like human x Shinigami ships in general. Remisa is the one I dislike the least, mainly because of the cute fan art. While I don’t like it romantically, I really like it as a mother/daughter dynamic. I think this fits better with what we get in canon: Misa as the ungrateful daughter and Rem as the unconditionally loving mother who sacrifices her life for Misa.
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occasionalsnippets · 1 year
I think the reason behind loving Smith is because they are blank which meeeaans we can project our own shits into them! Plus gotta love an enigma y'know y'know
ASdlkjh ig but that's also mc's role
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lots-o-doodles · 9 months
Hi! I'm @needle-noggins, we probably don't run in the same trigun circles but whateva - I just wanted to say that I just stumbled on your Rem comic after I LITERALLY wrote a fic about the same thing last night… WHAT. It is incredible and I'm so happy your comic exists! Thank you for sharing the same brain worms with me about Rem!
Hi hello! I'm so sorry this reply is so late, I had a busy end of the year and then my brain did the thing and I forgot because I wanted to read your fic before I replied.
It actually got rec'd to me by a friend, too! 🥺 It was SO GOOD thank you for giving me Rem feelings again, we shared some synergy from across time!! 🤝 The formatting on your fic was super cool, too, I've never seen something like it on Ao3!
If you're reading this and you're a Trigun fan you should check it out:
Thank you so much for your kind ask! It really made my day.
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eyecicles · 2 months
Rem and Light?
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thatcoolguyeli · 4 days
um. evanreg. i need to know more im afraid. i havent heard a single thing about them ever and im already obsessed
hey rem:)
evanreg is just evan and regulus learning together how the world can be kind to them, they both were hurting so much and leaving their families at similar times created this bond where they understand each other to a scary level. they are this reserved couple you wouldn't assume are dating as they are still very scared of outside judgement. sometimes their love for each other is suffocating but they both are too say anything as the fear of losing each other is worse. its not codependent to the point of never seen without each other but they just enjoy each others company too much they wont change, they both live separate lives and they are very happy to finally not be controlled every step of the way.
i like to imagine evan doesn't like to stay in a job for too long as he cannot settle, constantly searching for something he can't find as the only thing he knows he enjoy is music and weed which doesn't pay the bills. regulus is in some cooperate job actually using his degree and is enjoying it. feel like in a modern au it would be compute science or business. they live in the city in this skyrise with beautiful views all refurbished but very cosy, they take pride on their space as its finally theirs
i could go on for ages
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Is it possible for ghosts to haunt Plants? My brother's been on edge these days & he told me it's because he swears he sometimes sees a little girl staring at him as he checks on the Plant in his peripheral but the moment he turns, she's gone.
And here's the thing: none of his coworkers are a blonde little girl, nor are they related to one.
BUT! To be fair, so far she hasn't tried to like, kill him or even purposely scare him. She just shows up. And he swears that whenever he does, the Plant looks "happier".
Soooo thoughts?
What a fun story! To be honest with you, I do not know if ghosts even exist, much less haunt Plant facilities. I suppose that if they do, they might find those areas as easy to haunt as anywhere else. Are you sure that some local kid isn't just sneaking in from an unsecured location (DANGEROUS!) or that your brother isn't just pulling your leg to spin a good tale? ... Little blonde girl, though... I am feeling uneasy at the moment... I think I need to sit down... _ R. S.
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eemamminy-art · 6 months
character ask game - 20, fordola!!! Give fordola a very best friend
20. Which other character is the ideal best friend for this character, the amount of screentime they share doesn't matter?
Lyse!!!!!!! 🥰 She's her best friend and her girlfriend...!! I want to think it's one of those friendships where Lyse is just so persistent that eventually Fordola is like "okay. you win." with a small smile at the corner of her mouth. You know? And that they have a long and deep friendship before they ever entertain the idea of being something more!
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ratedremington · 14 days
picklef the drumber...
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kukurubean · 1 year
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coworker worsties <3
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revenantlore · 4 months
🤝 - If you and your best friend wrote a book together, what would it be about?
@reeseweston and I have been writing together for … well, the canon stuff started in late 2019, apparently. Feels both longer and not.
We write about jackasses and morons [jams] getting into stupid situations and digging their way out.
All started with writing alternate universes with their best boys, Ryan and Nakoa, getting together with my belovèd jackass, Rem, and then we somehow invented Ronan and Dakota, a ruthless killer for hire and the drug addict thief he inevitably falls in love with.
There have since been … a lot of additions. Paranormal investigators Felix and Casper, one of which believes in everything until proven otherwise and the other is a skeptic. A post apocalyptic future where a refugee falls for the scientist that accidentally set off the apocalypse. A pirate captain and his first mate. Various contemporary romances, some set in the same setting and timeline as Nakoa and Ryan. Vampires and cowboys. Idiots in space. Dozens others.
There are no limits to the jams.
Have we finished writing any of them yet? Well. No. You see. New jams are shiny snd exciting and distracting! :p
from this ask game
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