#answered: lena luthor
incorrect-supercorp · 28 days
Supercorp & kitchen
lena: what happened?
kara: nothing!
lena: the spaghetti sauce on our kitchen ceiling says otherwise
kara: the saucy ceiling is just a testament to my culinary creativity. its unintentional art!
*cue the sauce splattering on kara from above*
lena: ...
send in a ship + random word for a quote
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lenakluthor · 5 months
If you could choose a moment for Kara to tell Lena she's Supergirl, without considering what happened in the Super life episode... Which moment would be best?;
okay i've thought a lot about this and i think the moment in 2x15 when kara is on the phone with lena, hears her get attacked, and then catches lena when she's pushed off her office balcony would be a really good moment to tell her. she just recently spent an entire episode (so, what? a week or two?) adamantly defending lena's honor and goodness when lillian broke her out of prison and manipulated her to get into lex's vault, and kara was ultimately proven right about lena (because, duh). she's had a little bit of time to breathe and let the reality of that really sink in- she was right. she was absolutely validated and justified in putting her entire faith and trust in lena. lena came through. lena did not let her down. so, when she hears lena get attacked and doesn't really have a great excuse as to how supergirl knew the exact moment lena needed saving, i think when lena asks "how did you know?" kara could've easily been like "i was on the phone with you when it happened," or something along those lines. cue her putting on her glasses, big reveal. it's early enough that it probably wouldn't feel like a huge betrayal of lena's trust, but it's been long enough for kara to completely trust lena and feel solid in that trust. i also think this is an especially good moment in time, because then when they do have that moment in lena's office a few episodes later, the impact of "i'm not going anywhere. i will always be your friend. i will always protect you." is even greater. like yeah, she's saying that as kara but there's also the weight of supergirl behind it. i just think it would've been even more meaningful with lena having the full knowledge of who kara really is as she hears that promise.
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lgbtimelords · 3 months
a fanfic i'll never write, part 1:
is a mirror just a reflection (or is it the door to a parallel universe)
Dreams are a weird thing.
The lapse between unconsciousness and consciousness. The moment fleeting images show up in your mind and sometimes, they quickly leave. You’re not supossed to remember them, books say. It’s repressed memories, repressed ideas, some that are kept that way for a reason. Most people don’t want to know what they mean. They don’t want to dive into the depths of their minds.
Not her, thought.
The dreams, the weird and inconsistent dreams she has every night, are the only thing she has any autonomy over. Her mind is hers. Even if sometimes it feels like her body isn’t.
They train her. Guide her. Mold her into turning into what they want, into what Alex wants. But not her mind. They can’t take away her mind, her thoughts, her dreams.
And even though part of her knows these aren’t her dreams. She still holds them close, thinks about them. Tries to analyze them, for a lack of something better to do.
She dreams of darkness. And solitude.
She sees punch after punch land against her face, seconds from each other, even though the person above her always has a different face.
She dreams of bodies falling on top of each other, unmoving and pale as they fall to the floor. Althought she never recognizes any of the faces.
She feels pain, always, in one way or another, across her entire body. Nails cursing through her blood and she’s unable to make it stop. Except it does stop, when she wakes up. Even if her beating heart and the residual pain she can almost-feel are still there.
She doesn’t know what they mean and the classic literature books that are mailed to her bring little answers. Just more questions. Just more ideas and thoughts they want to carve into her mind. She doesn’t let it. She tries to argue back with the books that offer no feedback and when Alex arrives, she tells them she agrees with the books- lets him smirk satified as she puts on her clueless face.
She wasn’t always like this. She did fall for his games. She did let him mold her mind. At first. It wasn’t until her tenth reread of The Great Gatsby that she realized it was the only act of defiance she had done against Alex- reading a book. She realized how much he hated her thoughts on it, even though her outlook was a nice one.
Why wouldn’t Alex want me to see beauty?
But she wanted to see beauty. Beauty outside of the compound she’s been confined in. But beauty seems like such a foreing concept to her. What is beauty? The dresses women describe in her books? The money and lavish jewels she’d never seen? The music she’d never heard? The beautiful people her guards describe during their breaks?
She’s not sure she has ever seen beauty. But she wants to. She desperatly wants to.
But she can’t get out.
Her life is just the couple hundred of miles that belong to this section of the Kaznian army. Her sleeping cuarters are not more than four old and empty walls. The training grounds are not more than snowy ground and thick cold air.
And she spends, day and nights, training and reading and studying. For what? She’s never told.
She learns to control her powers to the fullest. Reach their limit and know when to stop right before they leave her body completely.
She learns every language on this planet, Alex quizzing her on all of them until she’s better than him. She learns to mimic every accent and dialect under the sun- for what? She’s never told.
And months pass. Months after months after months. Alex comes and goes, like always.
He comes and goes, but the dreams are always there.
The ground is shaking. A lot. She faintly hears objects falling to the floor. Glass breaking. People screaming. She hears pain- like when she heard Mikhail call it out. But she cannot move now. She cannot fly away into the sun and offer her help.
She hears pain. Her feet are stuck on the ground unable to move. And she hears pain, a lot of it.
Someone tugs her arm, forces her legs to move and follow after them. She looks up- and it’s the first time she realizes how close to the ground she is- and finds the back of someone’s head. A man, looks like.
He screams words over his shoulder in a languaje she can’t understand because all she hears is pain. And she notices, when the tall man kneels in front of her, that she’s the one screaming in pain. Fear. Sadness. Confusion.
The man, eyes that she’d seen in her own reflection before, soothes her with his words. And even though she cannot know what he’s saying, she understands the meaning. “Stay calm, inah. It’ll be over soon.”
He picks her in his arms, and she hides her face in the crook of his neck. Hides away the screaming and breaking of estructures she knows they shouldn’t be falling, and takes comfort in the man’s colony and his soft clothes.
But the small comfort is ripped away when suddenly she’s not in his arms anymore. She’s alone. And it’s cold. Everything is so cold. The chair she’s sitting in is cold. Her clothes, which are supposed to bring her warmth, are cold. Her hands are cold. And when her fingers slowly trace the glass in front of her, it’s cold too.
Although the cold isn’t the worst part. It’s the darkness. There’s nothing to see. Nothing to feel. Just her. Alone. Looking forward and never backward to empty darkness.
And then there’s a light. It’s big and blinding. And fear spikes throughout her body even though she’s not sure why. She does not know what the flames are for.
The flames get closer and closer and closer. The surrond the small crystal box she’s in. And so, she screams.
Red daughter, they call her.
Or snowbird, for a lack of a better name.
But after a year of her solitude- or, at least, solitude surrounded by people that only spoke to her for a couple of second- Alex tells her her name is Kara.
That her life was taken by an impostor, and that he’ll help her get it back.
And if there’s a shadow behind Alex’s eyes that makes her schomach turn, she doesn’t mention it.
She’s flying, faster than she’s ever flown. She’s flying with a clear direction, closer and closer to her target.
She doesn’t really know what her target is until she sees the plane in front of her eyes. She quickly realizes something is wrong. The couple of planes she’d seen in the sky always flew flawlessly and at a constant speed but this one, this one moves through the air carelessly and speedily. There’s no direction, the plane only falls and falls, closer and closer to the city buildings.
She knows she has to save it. There’s people there. She knows it. But most importantly, her heart is telling someone even more important than all of them is there too.
She keeps on flying. Her limbs feel heavy. She feels disorientated. But she keeps on flying.
When her hands touch the base of the plane, there’s a small jump of exciment on her heart but then-
It’s like her hands run out of strength and the grip she had on the plane gives out and she watches as it goes down and down and down.
The plane hits a skycrapper in an explosion and she cannot move. She watches as the fires burn, the building falls, the few people still alive scream. And she doesn’t move.
Her heart is screaming for something, someone. She doesn’t know who.
The tears cover her face in and out of the dream.
Alex starts to show her the world.
“Again,” he says, “because Kara Danvers stole your life and memories from you.”
He shows her one city a day. She sees the children dying of hunger while rich men drown in their riches. She sees little towns burn because of big factories.
“So,” she starts, uncertain, “I am Kara Danvers?”
“Not yet. Once you kill her, you will be.”
She sees so many awful things in this world, she begins to understand why Alex is so full of hate. But the only thing keeping her from following him blindly is not his hatred, but his refusal to see the beauty, the love, the hope.
His face at the mention of the last word leaves a heavy weight on her heart.
She hears Christmas music.
She hates this one.
She’s standing in the middle of an empty street. She looks around, wondering which one will show up first this time.
The man in the black suit shows up first. He’s always wearing the same thing- a black piece of clothing that covers his entire body, with a symbol on his chest. She always gets a sense of deja-vu when she looks at it, but she never remembers what it means.
“I win,” he says. And even though she cannot see his face, all she sees is a blurry silluete where his face should be, she can tell there’s a smirk in his face anyway.
He punches her, making her lip burst out with blood. She falls to her knees.
When she opens her eyes again, a woman that looks like her is above her. Dirty blonde hair but blueish skin. Her voice always sounds distorted but she also says “I win.” before punching her too.
A red robot is next. He sends a wush of wind her way, making her fall to her knees. She sees someone’s shadow on the broken floor below her before she feels them kick her in her back- it makes her fly again, it’s another woman this time, one with a dark clothes and a mask covering her face.
Her punches hurt the most, they leave her gasping for air and wishing she’d finally wake up. And she does wake up, once they reach the top of a bulding and the other woman lets her drop.
She falls and falls and falls until she’s consious again and screaming in fear, waking up her guards.
Alex leaves her alone in a cute little apartment- her apartment. The one that was stolen from her by the impostor that looks just like her.
The apartment is nice. Homey. Just one big space divided into kitchen, dining room, living room and bedroom by the setup of the furniture and one big curtain. And it feels weird and painful that, when she walks around and touches what it’s supposed to be hers, she finds no familiarity in them.
She finds that sense of deja vu only twice; when she sees that picture in the fridge, the one of two women together- herself or the impostor, she’s not sure, and someone else. Brunette, short hair, kind smile. Alex.
Why does the impostor have an Alex? Was there always two Alexs? Which one is the real Alex? Which one is the real Kara? The real her? Is she the impostor?
There’s a thightness in her chest- it takes her a while to realize it’s just emptiness. Empty like her memories. Empty like the walls in her room. Empty like her heart. And there’s nothing to fill the hollowness in her except maybe wish, hope, pray that she is actually real and this impostor has stolen everything from her.
Except it doesn’t look like it. Except she’s only got Alex’s words to believe and she’s not sure how much of them believes anymore.
She feels nothing, absolutely nothing, as she walks around her own things. She guesses she should feel recognition, maybe a sense of deja vu or of belogning. But all she feels is nothing, only curiosity and anger at best. She could be anywhere, an apartment that isn’t hers, and feel the same. She doesn’t know if that’s good or bad.
But then. She sees it.
The portrait sits on the right bedside table. It’s modern, white background and small red hearts all over it. But it’s not that that catches her attention, it’s the picture in it.
The smile on her face- her impostor’s face- is so big, so happy, so excited. She didn’t even know she could smile that big. The blonde’s got her arms wrapped around someone else, a woman, who’s sutting comfortably atop her lap. She’s all dark hair and pale skin, she’s got one arm around her shoulders, pulling each other as close as possible.
Her smile is as big as her double’s and she’s the most beautiful woman she’s ever seen.
And that’s when she feels it. The pang. The ache.
Right in the middle of her heart. As if seeing this woman had suddenly pulled a thread, making her walk closer and closer and closer to the picture until she’s picking it up. Her fingers slowly tracing her face. The sharp line of her jawline, moving to her cheekbones and stopping as soon as her own eyes land on green ones.
It’s like they’re magnetic. Hypnotic, perhaps. And she wants more. More of those eyes and that face. She needs to see in more than a picture, she needs to find the woman because, if only a mere picture could cause such a reaction on her, then what will the real thing do?
She needs to find the woman. She needs to see her. She needs to find her name.
She does so in the pages of Kara Danver’s dairy. She finds it rather quickly. Pages and pages written about Lena. Over and over again. Only interrupted from time to time but other names like Cat, Brainy, Nia, Kelly, Alex. But Lena is the one that catches her attention the most, because every time she reads it, her heart jumps in a way it doesn’t do with anyone else.
And she knows, deep down part of her knows, this woman help her. Will fix her. Give her back her memories.
In the last pages of the diary, she finds a quote written by her (but which her? The impostor? Or herself, before she lost her memories?) on a ripped out magazine page that supports her own hunch.
Lena doesn't realize how much potential she has. I hope now at least the world will.
“Lena Luthor,” she whispers, wonder runs through her veins at the name.
And it’s enough. It’s all she needs. The name and a location.
It’s not long before she’s walking down the streets of National City, stolen glasses on her face and borrowed clothes on her body, moving through the sea of people as she heads to L-corp.
The people at the front door and desk do nothing to stop her nor ask her any questions. They just wave at her, all smiles and excited hellos. She knows they think she’s the other Kara, the one that knows what her place is here. But she is Kara, right? Or at least she was.
A part of her is thankful they do nothing to stop her, her journey to Lena easier than she thought it’d be as anyone that crossed her pointed her in the direction of the woman. While part of her is annoyed that her security is so lacking. What if she was an enemy? What if she was here to hurt Lena?
The rush of protectiveness is sudden, it creeped on her like Alex’s name had. It hadn’t been there and, suddenly, it was. And she couldn’t make it disappear. It only defeates once she sees Lena, safe and sound as she finishes talking to someone and walking into the elevator.
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gay4katiemcgrath · 1 year
So on this week’s episode of Ted Lasso, Jack fills her GIRLFRIEND Keeley’s office with flowers as a love bomb gesture in OH…the same way that Lena did to Kara’s office and we weren’t supposed to see them as romantic gays??? Sighs
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idkaguyorsomething · 3 months
I see you have chosen violence
i was so terrified of what this could possibly mean until i remembered tagging you in an sad superhero tv show lesbians edit 😭
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autisticlenaluthor · 7 months
2 for Lena and 6 for Kara please :)
2. Favorite canon thing about this character?
SO many things for lena!!! she is my everything
but my absolute favorite is that even though so many horrendous things have happened to her, she continues to have hope and she continues to keep pushing. there are so many moments where lena mentions little hopes she has. like with kara, “i hope this won’t be the last time we speak” and how she tells supergirl she hopes to work with her again, she tells the public she hopes she can earn their trust.
she’s been beaten down so many times, she has every reason to be the most cynical, down right miserable person there is. and even though she is cynical and untrusting, she actively tries to see the good in people.
she also has so much growth. she makes a conscious effort to move away from her families anti alienation xenophobic views. like she goes from making alien detection devices to making technology to keep aliens safe and help them mask their identities. out of every character on the show, i feel like she has the most positive and realistic development.
my other favorite canon thing is how fucking gay she is
for kara, my favorite canon thing is that she acts (or even is) kinda ditzy and clumsy and shows a lot of neurodivergent traits. and at the same time, she’s incredibly intelligent and capable, even if she doesn’t believe she is in the earlier seasons.
i feel like i see myself in her physical mannerisms - like how she moves around and misses social cues and the ways people underestimate her. i love that kara is able to be all of those things and that it doesn’t take away from how incredible she is.
6. What's something you have in common with this character?
with kara, i relate to feeling like an alien. always being too much of one thing or not enough of another. i, like kara, also have the tendency to have my feelings for someone immediately disappear once they start reciprocating them LMAO
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jadedloverart · 1 year
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I made a character expressions sheet for Lena :)
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luthwhore · 5 months
So Lena is Lex's daughter and Kon is half Lex DNA that means they're basically siblings... Do Kon and Lena know about each other yet or talked to one another?
they haven’t interacted yet, no. in the 90s when lena was first introduced, kon hadn’t been retconned to be cloned from lex’s DNA yet, and he hasn’t been super present in williamson’s superman run thus far. (they have technically been in the same room together a couple of times but they haven’t interacted, so it’s unclear how much they know about each other.)
given lena’s complicated relationship with her father, i would love to see them interact, though. i’m not sure how much williamson is using from the geoff johns canon re: lex and kon’s relationship, but if he is keeping any of that, it would definitely be interesting to see them talk to each other about lex. for all her issues with him, lena does seem to genuinely love her father and want his approval and affection, whereas kon at this point — understandably — wants fuck all to do with him.
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rachelsfav-queer · 11 months
Do you think Lena or Kara have a little space as well? Hope you're doing well!
Kara, definitely!!! I think Lena does too! They’re ✨deep childhood trauma girlies✨
There’s actually a fic that I used to read about this, though I don’t think it’s been updated in a while. Hold on, lemme find it!!
Also, heyyy! I’m doing okay! Life in general kinda sucks right now but I’m riding the high of hyperfixation lol
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s-nebul0sa · 2 years
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Someone at the door: "Knock-knock! 😌" / Kara: (suspiciously) "Who's there? 🤔" / Person at the door: "Your wife! 🙄" / Kara: "Hmmm... 'your wife' who? 🤨" / Lena: (grumpy) "Damn it Kara, my hands are full with your potsticker and pizza order! Open the door! 😤"
[after kara opens the door]
lena: 'your wife' who's about to deprive you from cuddles if you took a second longer to open the door
kara: noo bby you wouldn't we both know you love cuddles as much as i do 🥺
lena, knowing kara's right: hmph!
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lenakluthor · 5 months
Who would get frustrated first with the constant supercorp pining and obliviousness: Sam, Andrea or Alex?
Would they spill the beans and be like "just ask her out already!", or would they take a soft approach?
alex would get frustrated first because she's around them both the most, followed pretty quickly by sam. andrea seems like she's not around them both together very often so she would take the longest. alex would be soft about it. she wants them both to be happy, but she also knows how much they've both been through and understands how hard it is for them (even if it does make her want to bash her head against the wall). sam would be the one to snap and be like, "just ask her out already!" probably to lena. i can see lena getting drunk one night and sam just loses it like "oh my GOD lena i can't deal with this. i love you, but you need to say something before i smack you." and i can see andrea just watching it all unfold, honestly. smirk on her face and all.
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mcgrathandwives · 1 year
OMG tell us your thoughts on baby Danvers…
Idk if I have all that many other than a few:
Love the idea of them finally finding some peace with themself and settling into a nice healthy routine with work
Part of me thinks BD would be out there finding themself, trying different pronouns, finding their colours (since they dyed their hair alot)
Definitely has a pet axolotl they coparent with Nia
I like to think the pandemic happened in BDs AU, but I also love to believe that Lena was all over that, but the idea of BD taking up cooking again for fun is cute
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dudewotheck · 1 year
im estimating my fic to be like 15k - 20k ish words. most of the smut is at the end. break into 2- 3 chapters or long one shot?
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natalievoncatte · 4 months
She doesn’t answer. Lena’s presence doesn’t surprise her; Kara Danvers always knows where Lena Luthor is, at least as long as there’s a way for the sound of her heart to find Kara’s ears, no matter how soft or faint it might be. In her ruminations Kara thinks on that before she speaks. Even when they were at their worst, when they were hurting each other in every way that mattered, Kara would stop and listen.
It was a secret and sacred thing, a transgression that she would never admit. She would confess to scoping Lena out with her x-ray vision first. She’d never actually done that, but she’d pretend-admit before confessing that, sometimes, she’d listen to Lena’s heart as she slept and drift off to its slow and steady beat.
They’re by the sea, at the Danvers family home. It’s been a year since Alex and Kelly married and a small, core group have gathered here in this house by the waves to celebrate the anniversary. It’s just Alex and Kelly of course and Esme, and Lena and Kara. And Eliza.
She lives here, after all.
Nia and Brainy are in town in an AirBnB, and they’ve been by the house but are mostly doing their own thing. They’ll marry soon, Kara thinks. They have that air about them, the way that Alex and Kelly did before the proposal.
There is a sense of finality to it all that has fallen over Kara like the shadow of a passing storefront, and she sits where she can watch the ocean waves roll in, chin propped on arms resting on knees, curled up and watching the waves reach the high water mark and roll back.
Lena stands beside her now, seemingly unconcerned that Kara hasn’t answered her. This happens a lot now. There are companionable silences. Lena spends half her days in Kara’s home, working from a laptop on Kara’s kitchen counter while Kara writes at the kitchen table.
A lot has happened. Cat Grant offered her the role of EIC at CatCo; Kara rejected it. She’d mad furtive plans to reveal her identity, then canceled them. She’d told Cat but asked that it end there and Cat had respected it, then gone on an esoteric retreat at an eel farm or… something. Kara still submitted articles to CatCo but on a freelance basis, and she was submitting more articles elsewhere lately.
Actually, very little had happened. Kara had more time to really write, now. She put on her suit and flew out the window less and less, being less needed.
Lena sits down next to her and assumes a similar pose. Kara can’t help but look at her; she has never been able to resist looking at Lena Luthor. That too has changed. She doesn’t steal a glance this time, she studies, lets her gaze linger. She looks at the way the light of the golden hour plays with Lena’s soft, easy beauty. Her sort-of-roommate skipped putting on makeup this morning and her hair is down in a mop of air-dried dark curls, some of them lazily riding the breeze around her head. Some of it falls across her face and Kara fights the urge to sweep it back with a soft brush of her fingers.
Lena is beautiful. The warm light makes her pale skin glow, brings out the sparkle in her blue-green eyes, as deep as the sea they watch. There is a soft playful hint of a smile on her lips, but her brows are furrowed.
Kara thinks back to the last time she spoke to J’onn. She told the man, the closest thing she had left to a father in the world, about how she was wearing the cape less and working more, about Lena, about how Alex and Kelly seemed to be moving on, both of them now retired from the insanity of her lives and Alex actually planning to practice medicine.
“That’s what happens,” J’onn told her. “Things pass. Stories end. The great deeds are done, the archenemies vanquished, the miracles all performed. After that is just life.”
Kara wasn’t sure what that meant. In her life -almost sixty years, that she’d experienced as less than thirty- she’d packed in the experiences of a hundred lifetimes. She’d watched her world die, found her family, lost them, made a new one. She’d loved and lost and she’d even died- twice. She’d spent two eternities in her own personal hell.
Kara lets out a slow sigh. She’s still looking at Lena.
They have to have this conversation. Kara just doesn’t know what to say or how to say it. The problem is obvious. Lena and Kara had arrived this morning a few hours after Kelly and Alex, and found that Eliza had, as to be expected, already planned out who was bunking where.
“Alex and Kelly have Alex’s old room,” Eliza had told them, after hugging Lena. “Esme has Kara’s old room, and you and Lena can take the guest bedroom.”
When the words left her foster mother’s mouth, Kara’s heart raced. If Lena thought anything of it, she gave no sign. Kara was on the verge of panic.
Eliza had given the two of them a room with one bed. A small room, a shared room that would give two people no privacy.
Does she think we’re…?
Kara had considered the possibility before. She wasn’t blind or oblivious to a fluttering heart beat or lip bites or long stares, but…
“I’m scared,” Kara says, and she looks away.
She can feel Lena looking at her, gaze unwavering.
“What about?”
Kara swallows hard. She doesn’t know if Lena realizes what Eliza has assumed yet, if she’s put it together. She must have, because she came out here looking for Kara. Kara hadn’t run away exactly, but she had fled. She needed to think.
“One thing I’ve learned,” Kara says, “is that once you say something, you can’t un-say it. You can’t change the truth once it’s been told.”
Lena nods softly. She knows. They learned the same lesson from the same cruel trick.
“Do you know why I held on to my secret for so long?”
“You always said it was to protect me, and I didn’t accept that. Then when…” Lena pauses heavily, “when we moved on, I never really asked again.”
Kara swallows. “I lied. I did it for me.”
Lena says nothing.
“I was scared. I was afraid that once I told you, it would be the same with you as it was with everyone else. Once people know Kara is Supergirl, then Kara stops being Kara. Kara is just Supergirl’s real name.”
Kara’s breath hitches. She glances at Lena, who watches intently.
“I was wrong. I should have known better. I should have trusted you.”
“Yes,” said Lena. “You should have. I should have tried to understand you. To understand why instead of projecting my own insecurities onto your choice. But it doesn’t matter anymore. I forgave you.”
Waves crash in the silence.
“I would forgive you anything.”
“Even beating the last potsticker?”
“I’m serious, Lena.”
Lena sighs. “Are we going to talk about it?”
“You saw the room.”
Lena nods.
“Your mom seems to be assuming that we share a bed,” Lena says.
Kara swallows hard.
“The last time I was with Nia, she asked when I’m selling the penthouse, because she assumed I’ve been planning to move into your loft.”
Kara groped her knees because her hands are shaking. She grips her knees to stop them but it makes her legs shake instead.
Lena shifts closer, scooting across the grass. She’s not touching Kara but it feels like she is. Her touch becomes and threatens. They share space, the sea breeze passing over them as one. Lena looks at her through a tangle of inky curls and her eyes are infinite, searching Kara for something.
“I have deemed a dream,” Kara whispers. “I fear if I dream it too deeply I’ll suddenly wake, and when I wake it’ll be gone the way dreams always are, and it will fade as fast as any dream. The thought of losing it hurts so bad it makes it feel like my chest is caving in.”
Kara looks at Lena now. She looks so young, she is young. Her power suits and makeup and air of command and defiance all make her seem almost matronly but here with Kara that mask is gone and beneath it is her true self, her secret self that not even their friends see, a young girl who’s never been young.
Just like Kara.
“What if you woke up and the dream came true?”
“Sometimes,” Kara admits, “I wonder if you’re real. I used to dream of things when I floated in my pod and they seemed so real…”
“It’s real, Kara,” Lena whispers, soft and breathy. “It’s real and I’m not going anywhere. Nothing has to change. It’s just going to evolve. I know what you want to say and I’ve been scared of it too. What you’re saying, I can feel it in my soul… when the Luthors took me in, I used to dream that my mom was alive. I’d wake up smelling breakfast and hearing her sing and when I realized it was just a dream it was like she died again every morning.”
“I love you.”
Lena stares at her. Kara hears Lena’s steady pulse flutter and begins to stammer.
“I know I’ve said it before. I mean I’m in love with-“
Lena presses a finger to her lips.
“I know. Stop telling me and show me.”
Kara freezes, not sure what she meant. Lena twisted languidly and leaned towards her. Kara freezes briefly and then just lets go, moving on instinct. Using a little strength she pulls Lena into her lap, gently touches her chin, and tilts her back a touch, to kiss her.
It is at once tentative and soft and absolutely explosive. Kara forces back tears, as Lena embraces her with all her strength, molding herself to Kara as if she means to climb inside her. For all her urgency, her kiss is just as delicate, just as tender and exploratory.
It is as it has always been. They compliment each other perfectly, moving together without a word needed, Kara breaks the kiss because Lena needs air and lowers her to the grass, fully on top of her now, brushing lose strands of hair back from her face to kiss her again and again and again, each kiss ah apology, each brushing of lips a lament for time lost.
They could have been doing this for years.
Lena arches under her, grinding hungrily, kissing her furiously. She moans softly as Kara’s hands find bare skin and Kara murmurs a Kryptonian prayer against her lips, and her thighs rise to bracket Kara’s hips.
Kara feels it all. The desire, the lust, the need, and above all the unbridled joy. This is no dream. It’s real. It’s happening. It’s…
“Eww,” Alex says.
Kara snaps up, acutely aware that her hand is halfway up Lena’s now-askew top, and that Lena has leg-locked them together. Lena lets her head fall back and peers up at Alex.
“Eliza sent me to find you two. Dinner is ready,” Alex sighs, then turns, muttering,
“Get a room. Sheesh.”
Lena cracks first, unleashing a gale of laughter.
“Let me go,” she protests.
Kara lets her…. briefly. Play-wrestling ensues, and Lena just know that Kara is letting her win as they roll in the grass, but it no longer matters. Lena is flushed and grass-stained and joy burns her in her eyes and-
“Come on!” Alex bellows.
Kara helps her up, and they head for the house.
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everlastingdream · 20 days
The first time it happened, all agents took their weapons out the moment Lena entered the building like she owns it.
Alex considered firing everyone who let her past the guard post and then shoot her. In the leg. Maybe.
"Take it", Lena threw something at Brainy, who somehow was completely calm. It relaxed Alex too, since Brainy was an expert on calculating danger level of everyone.
And then Lena just turned around and exited the DEO, like she was dropping of their lunch or something. And she was still fighting with Kara!
"What the hell, Luthor!?" Alex shouted to her back, only to recieve resolute "Shut up!" in return.
Alex sputtered, because: excuse me, but you came to the secret underground goverment facility like to your own office! Brainy muttered something, tinkering with the thing Lena brought.
"It's anti-kriptonite suit", he said in wonder, already running some simulations on his tablet. "She shouldn't has figured this out for ahother five years".
"Brainy, test this thing in every way you can, and if it's safe, take it to Kara immediately", Alex grumbled, but her sister's safety was more important than Luthor's strange wims.
/ / / / / / / / / /
Next time everyone still grabbed their weapons, but wasn't ready to shoot just yet, as Lena angrily stormed into the building. Perhaps it was because despite her stare she complied with every security measure guards asked of her.
Which didn't stop her from slamming thick file into Alex's chest.
"What the hell, Luthor!?" Alex saw how Brainy grabbed Nia's hand to stop her from standing up.
"Shut up", Lena returned, as she went back without any explanation.
Alex was left with papers and strange sense of deja-vu.
Looking through evidence on their resent villain and drafts of some devices to counter his powers, Alex thought about how Lena always choose time when Kara was absent from the building.
/ / / / / / / / / /
When they reached fifth visit like that no one was surprised anymore. Because everytime they would be stuck, Lena will miraculously appear with what they need. But she still stubbornly refused to talk with anyone besides Brainy and only about science behind her inventions.
This time she confidentely walked into the building, but Brainy instantly stood up. Everyone around them tensed, powers and guns ready. Lena opened her mouth to protest but he forced her to sit under bewildered eyes of everyone in the room.
"She's injured", was the only thing Brainy said, as he pried another helpful thing from Lena's hands.
"Am not", Lena replied, and Alex noticed how she slurred her words a little. "Take this shit and let me go".
Nia was already out of the room, fetching medical supplies, when Alex moved Brainy to the side to check on her.
"Left side, one inch lower than her ribs", he told Alex. Nia, who put Alex's medical bag down, gently rubbed his back, even if it was almost invisible that he was worried.
Alex pressed her hand under Lena's jacket where he instructed, and her fingers returned covered in blood.
Lena was still swearing, when Alex cleared her wound - bullet hole - and dressed it.
"You need medical attention, Luthor", Alex said quietly. After everything she was still angry at the other woman but it didn't mean she wanted her dead.
"If I show it to someone, I'm as good as dead", Lena chuckled, cleary half-delirious from pain and pain-killers. How she managed to get there on the sole willpower was beyond understanding. "Even if you want it, I would like to live a little longer".
Alex didn't answer. Couldn't. Even if she knew it wasn't true, some part of her wanted Lena to believe it. To suffer.
It was a shameful, selfish thought.
/ / / / / / / / / /
"Lena?" Kara's weak voice sounded incredibly loud in the quiet of their usual exchange.
Lena stiffened and promtly turned to flee in the middle of her conversation with Brainy.
"Lena!" Kara could catch up to her in the blink of an eye, but somehow near Lena she always forgot she has powers.
Lena spent too much time talking over some sort of mathematical models and Kara wrapped up her mission early.
"Please, wait!"
"Leave me alone", Lena gritted through her teeth, but even Alex saw tears in her eyes, as she sped up.
"She's hurting", Brainy supplied from Alex's side, as they both watched this strange chase.
"She's injured again?" Alex asked with small pang of guilt.
"No, she's hurting emotionally. More than she shows."
He didn't add anything else. They watched door slamming into Kara's pitiful face.
/ / / / / / / / / /
"Why are you helping us?" Alex asked her about a month after Lena and Kara's dramatic meeting.
"Shut up", Lena answered, tired as hell after three all-nighters they pulled to rescue Kara from another dimension.
"It's getting old, Luthor. Spill the beans".
Perhaps it's exhaustion, perhaps it is somehow sisterly look in Alex's eyes, but Lena is silent suddenly, before almost pushing words out.
"You said you will turn over the world for your sister, didn't you? I had someone like that once. My big brother, who would be the only one to treat me like a person in the place that was supposed to be my home. Who protected me from everything he could. And whom I admired so much I wanted to be just like him".
Alex tensed, as always when talking about Lex. But Lena's voice was quiet, and her face already wet from tears she seemed to hold for so long, and Alex shut her mouth this time.
"When he did all that he did, I was disappointed. But I still loved my big brother. But when he first tried to kill me? I was heartbroken. The person who withstood father's beatings in my place tried to kill me", Lena chuckled through her sobs.
Alex never allowed herself to think about Lex past his atrocites. She couldn't afford any pity for the person who tormented her sister and her family. But right now there was another little girl beside her who lost her only family.
"You said you will turn over the world for your sister, didn't you?", Lena turned to her. "I killed my brother for her".
She didn't said anything after that. Just cried herself to sleep. And Alex was just sitting there, left alone with shocking news and even more shocking realizations. Lex was dead. Lena was the one who killed him. He told her Kara was Supergirl and she still killed him.
/ / / / / / / / / /
"Don't pity me, it makes my skin crawl", Lena said the next day, when she was given her own pass to the DEO. She threw it on the table right in front of Alex, and agent considered asking 'what the hell, Luthor' just for the fun.
"I'm not. But after what you did for my sister and what you continue to do, the least I can do is to give you free entrance".
Lena sat beside her, tired and feverish from overwork.
"Don't care about me either".
"When will you talk to Kara?" Lena scowled when Alex ignored her, but still took the pass.
"Never, perhaps. I look at her and see the dead body of my brother. It's not something a little talk can fix. And she will blame herself, burdening me with another endless boundle of her apologies".
"She will learn of his death eventually, and then she'll found out how he died. It will happen anyway. And yes, of course, nothing will be fixed just because you too will talk. But maybe you can relieve some of your burden, and maybe several small talks will help you both".
Lena didn't lift her head from the shiny surface of the table. But she nodded tiniest bit.
/ / / / / / / / / /
Lena kept coming to help. Kara kept trying to talk to her.
One day Lena conceded, and then she screamed at Kara for an hour in the empty conference room and stormed out.
They had reverse situation later, when Lena came injured once again. Kara screamed about her being reckless, and they eventually reached her past sorrows.
They screamed, then talked, then whispered. And slowly started to smile again. Later came tentative touches, lunches and game nights.
So when almost two years later Alex found them in the kitchen doing something she would prefer to erase from her mind, everything finally became as it should.
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