#that could WORK
lenakluthor · 28 days
If you could choose a moment for Kara to tell Lena she's Supergirl, without considering what happened in the Super life episode... Which moment would be best?;
okay i've thought a lot about this and i think the moment in 2x15 when kara is on the phone with lena, hears her get attacked, and then catches lena when she's pushed off her office balcony would be a really good moment to tell her. she just recently spent an entire episode (so, what? a week or two?) adamantly defending lena's honor and goodness when lillian broke her out of prison and manipulated her to get into lex's vault, and kara was ultimately proven right about lena (because, duh). she's had a little bit of time to breathe and let the reality of that really sink in- she was right. she was absolutely validated and justified in putting her entire faith and trust in lena. lena came through. lena did not let her down. so, when she hears lena get attacked and doesn't really have a great excuse as to how supergirl knew the exact moment lena needed saving, i think when lena asks "how did you know?" kara could've easily been like "i was on the phone with you when it happened," or something along those lines. cue her putting on her glasses, big reveal. it's early enough that it probably wouldn't feel like a huge betrayal of lena's trust, but it's been long enough for kara to completely trust lena and feel solid in that trust. i also think this is an especially good moment in time, because then when they do have that moment in lena's office a few episodes later, the impact of "i'm not going anywhere. i will always be your friend. i will always protect you." is even greater. like yeah, she's saying that as kara but there's also the weight of supergirl behind it. i just think it would've been even more meaningful with lena having the full knowledge of who kara really is as she hears that promise.
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harunefrog · 5 months
I drew some sonic isat characters as well. Drawing in the sonic style helps soothe my anxiety for some reason so this was fun. I'll do more later maybe
Sif the Cat and Mirabelle the Mouse
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graycious-tea · 1 year
I’m done fourth wing… my heart fucking hurts and why did no one warn me about the Xaden POV!? I SHOULD HAVE BEEN WARNED! The theories are buzzing rn y’all feel free to hit me with your favs
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episims · 1 year
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"—Connection failed. Like with the other one! No programming. Null. There's still electricity? Energy. Must be! For functioning. Where does it come from? What controls it?"
"Unclear question. This shop sells: bracelets, necklaces, watches, earrings-"
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"Jewels! Glimmering stones, shaped, polished. Meant to look like flowers, or tears? Tearing flowers? So many colors! Very pretty. Very necessary for looking pretty! A problem with the design; no plug to attach. Meant for ears? A minor modification-"
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"-Many shapes and colors. Even more than jewelry had. Complexity carries more meanings? Or are images easier to understand? The purpose seems the same. To appear unique! To look like itself?"
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"Scanning… skin tissue not detected. Error: tattooing not possible."
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amtrak12 · 7 months
Off topic question: Is pre-ordering the NanoWrimo winner shirt a good idea or a bad idea?
Cause it's that time of year again where I psych myself out about Nano. Which is particularly ridiculous this year given that I'm going to be writing all month anyway because I'm in the middle of the next Great Fanfiction Novel (or something that's on track to be A HUNDRED AND NINETY THOUSAND FREAKING WORDS D:), so like what do I have to be worried about? You think I'll fail? I have chapters getting posted on 11/10 and 12/1 that still need at least one more round of rewrites. Of course, I'll be writing nonstop in November.
But like also... what if I failed at Nano? It'd be so embarassing :S
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womanofwestminster · 1 year
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Duane Dibbley 🤓
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loki-hargreeves · 2 years
I’m gonna try to make Steven’s apartment in the sims but I’ll probably turn it into a house because the apartments in San Myshuno are awful
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mystery-star · 11 months
It's funny how one of the only reasons I am not posting about Hobbit/LotR despite being somewhat back in the fandom is because Fíli was the very reason I started this blog.
Like before I even was very active and came to where I am now over like 3 fandoms. I've come full circle now.
Anyone even interested in Hobbit/LotR posts?
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shinysoroka · 7 months
In all honesty, I was all in on Korg, Jane, Thor and Val becoming the new Revengers. It would have been perfect and the fact that we didn't get that still makes me sad. Sure, 3/4 of that group is still kicking around, but I miss Jane. And I legitimately do not understand the Korg hate.
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williamshamspeare · 11 months
I think you should repost that tweet onto twitter. Stealing your own tweet in a sense. I think abt the damn weed ytp added onto it a fair amount.
'a fair amount' being not that much but its bc my heads so full of stuff a lot
I already tweeted it once I could just retweet it
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profic-kiibo · 1 year
Hello everyone!
I am K1-B0, the Ultimate(or SHSL, if you prefer) Robot. I would rather everyone address me as Kiibo(or Keebo) instead to keep it a little less formal.
I made this account in response to hearing about people getting harassed by others just because of what they like in fiction. To be honest, when I first encountered such, I didn't quite understand what it all meant. Tsumugi and Miu(in a sense) explained it from their perspectives(Miu pretty much said "haters gonna hate" and "do whatever I want". The second sentence is paraphrased but it was basically that but with swearing.) and I looked online for more opinions.
From studying other perspectives and through my own calculations, I figure that I fall within the "proship" crowd. I don't like most "problematic" things in fiction but I still feel that people should enjoy whatever they like in fiction so long as it doesn't hurt real people.(unlike what Team Danganronpa did to us...)
You may be wondering, "why make this blog then?" Well, I wanted to spread more positivity since there seems to be so much negativity as of late.
You may send me asks if you have any inquiries. However, I WILL NOT tolerate any sort of hatred. Whether it's against robots such as myself or others based on their own race, ethnicity, sexuality or what have you. Any such messages will be deleted. I also do not accept death threats even in a "joking" way.(Seriously, how are death threats treated as jokes?)
I don't know if these 'Do not interact' warnings work in any capacity but just in case:
Bigots of any kind(racists, robophobes, LGBTQA+phobes, antisemitism, etc)
*Antis(Fandom Police, Feelings Yakuza, whatever you want to call them), Those that think that harassment and bullying are good things(this goes for everyone, not just antis)
*That being said, I don't mind if any self identified antis come into my inbox for any questions so long as they're being civil.
I'm new to this thing and I tend to struggle with words and have been known to sound insensitive but I'm trying my best! Please be patient!
[I am role playing as Kiibo]
[this is a side blog so I can't follow with this]
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queenofmistresses · 1 year
I can’t wait to be 18. I’m gonna put my amazon wishlist up here and find a way for you guys to give me money and pray that you guys will donate stuff to me so that when things happen like my headphones break or I need a pan for uni, I don’t have to fully fund it myself
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stanleypollable · 1 year
…wait. there’s a LOT of stuff in the office made specifically for 432, because of the whole. you know. experiment thing. there’s gotta be something, right??
actually, yeah... that would explain why they had an account for 432 in the first place! it was for a computer dedicated to logging information about the experiment! if we find that computer, you should be able to go in there no problem!
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cuuno-moved · 2 years
Oh! Im trying out a new name
My mother doesnt like Marvin, but its what ive eent by for years
But i was talking about gotham and mentioned the name Oswald and my mother was like, that one could work, eo im trying it out
James is gonna be my niddle name no matter what
But idk
Marvin feels very me but i like how distinguished Oswald sounds
oswald james von raum...
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mcpe · 2 years
i need to have a clip tag on this blog forreal
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sylvies-kablooie · 4 months
i do unironically think the best artists of our generation are posting to get 20 notes and 3 reblogs btw. that fanfic with like 45 kudos is some of the best stuff ever written. those OCs you carry around have some of the richest backstories and worldbuilding someone has ever seen. please do not think that reaching only a few people when you post means your art isn't worth celebrating.
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