#answered. squirrel.
egophiliac · 8 months
I got a really tough question.
What’s your favorite Twst event of ALL TIME?
I like Harveston
this truly is the hardest question. :( but after much consideration, I think Endless Halloween Night wins out for me, because it's nonstop Characters Being Silly the whole way through. the whole thing is just lots of these little dorks having the most ridiculous interactions, which is always my favorite! and of course the big twist is SO delightfully stupid and doubles down SO hard that it becomes AMAZING and I 100% unironically adore it. AND it's Halloween! everyone is in their cute little costumes and having a spooky adventure! it's great!
however, I am ALSO a big fan of the Harveston event! how can I not be! everyone is wearing comfy winter outfits and getting along really weirdly well with Epel's grandma and he's getting a little worried about that! my terrible loud son sews a plush squirrel and then gives it a silly little nickname and refuses to leave it behind when it breaks! the ending shot with the sled! I LOVE IT.
obviously we need the best of both worlds now
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iridescentpull · 6 months
Shelby said this is not the last time we will see team esquiletes!!! The team are already talking about doing something in the future since they had so much fun with their team. Esquiletes forever!!
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jkpng · 1 month
day 152/547 of missing jungkook
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sleepis4theweak · 7 months
Ooo uh- hmmmm
Squirrel? I don't think I've ever seen a squirrel drawn by you!!
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Listen whoever decided to put squirrels in Disney movies as these friendly little creatures is WRONG, and whoever put them in TMNT 2012 as the little demonic creatures of your nightmares was RIGHT.
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000marie198 · 3 months
Do you think Sonic and Tails even knew what the concept of siblings is when they first met? Like, what if one day during a hangout session, Mighty proudly brags about Ray being his little brother, and suddenly everything clicked for the Unbreakable Bond?
Tails probably did, Sonic probably didn't.
Tails would've watched siblings play together, have fun together, push each other around without hurting or pain, do everything together.. maybe a part of him wanted what they had. Someone to fall back on, to play and joke around with without being misunderstood, to be loud and roudy or silent and busy without being yelled at or made fun of for it. He would've seen siblings and would've understood the concept but never experienced it.
And since Sonic materialized out of nowhere and we don't even know his canon backstory, it's hard to say if he would've known about the concept of siblings beforehand. But he definitely does now. They're not just siblings but also family, he is not just Tails' big brother, he's also the kid's Mom, Dad and Picket Fence.
He is Tails' entire family unit and that's what is so beautiful about this bond they have.
When does he actually learn enough about the word to know that yes, they are brothers, they have been brothers? We can only guess. I love the headcanon of him learning about it from Mighty and Ray.
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urdadsceilingfan · 7 months
Hey! I am absolutely in love with your art, I've been recently falling back into the fandom and I am being FED rn, lmao.
If you're still taking requests, maybe Bim and KotS just chilling together? If you don't wanna do that, then consider this freebie, I guess, lol.
Please have a nice night or day or whenever you see this!
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A very chill interaction, Kots preceding to run off with a jar of peanut butter in his mouth while Bim charges at him with a broom
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sergle · 8 months
Okay but if you WERE a furry what are like, the top 3 fursona species you might choose?
I Have Thought About This. I feel like a sheep, a deer, or some type of mouse/rat would HAVE to be the move
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planetbeanie · 1 year
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My Nuts the Squirrel teanie beanie/beanie baby collection. I must have at least 50 of them, probably more!
I was done posting for the day cos my head hurty, but I went to see how full the ask box was and saw this and now I’m smiling.
Ideas: At this point you can tape em to a tree and call it a nut tree or ​stuff them in a pillowcase and whack someone over the head
Sneaky egg wanted in the picher too I see🤭
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moonflower-rose · 5 months
Aren’t you embarrassed about publicly saying your buying a vibrator? I would die 😳🫣
Not even slightly, look how fricken sick this little guy is!
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I hope he shakes one of my teeth loose, honestly
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Hello~ I ummm... I think I messed up. I umm... tried to see if I could um... grow something poisonous. I ummmmm.... think it's flesh eating? @nrcgardens what should I umm... do?
Ummm... @nrc-therapist does this umm... count?
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soaps-mohawk · 4 months
Hey fav author^^ Would the difference in military ranks not count in the A/B/O universe? I’m pretty sure in most militaries they don’t allow people of different ranks to date, as it might cause like a sort of disruption in the work, but since it’s A/B/O would it technically not count? Since packs are meant to bond and have close ties regardless of the A/B/O ranks. Sorry- this was just a random question that came into my head while I was on my break- hopefully it isn’t confusing-
Also thanks for clearing that up for me earlier^^ I was really scared you were gonna follow canon events- I genuinely cried when I found out Soap died (I was in an Uber going to the airport when I watched the cutscene and I’m like 97% sure the driver saw me crying 😭) Anyways, I hope you had a good day^^
Hello wonderful anon!!!
Fraternization is a tricky subject in this universe, because technically, if we're looking at it literally, there's fraternization going on between TF141 too. Gaz and Soap are Sergeants and they're fraternizing with Ghost and Price, their superiors, in this fic and that's a big no no irl.
That's a tricky line to draw in a fic like this, especially at this point in history where bonds are being encouraged again. I think in more standard military packs, fraternization would be taken a little more seriously, versus with TF141 which was created with the idea of them being a bonded pack.
I'll give a tiny (like microscopic) spoiler of sorts that in this universe TF141 was created not just as a specialized task force, but also as a bit of an experiment to see just what would happen if standard bonds were allowed in military packs. I mentioned briefly in another ask that most military pack bonds are more based on camaraderie (and I touched on it a little in the fic too for a second). While romantic bonds do happen, it would be more common between members of the same ranking than just straight fraternization. That's why TF141 gets to have the bonds like they do and no one brings up the fact that there's clearly fraternization happening.
That's partly why the reader was put with TF141 out of everyone else. The Omega Initiative is still very much in an experimental phase as things are happening in the fic. That's going to be important later, and unfortunately I can't really say much else in that regard without risking spoilers, but yeah.
I'd say, in simple terms, fraternization is still a concern, but they're a little more willing to overlook it in certain instances. And in TF141's case, it's actually been encouraged. 💚
I was so upset when I found out they killed Soap. I legit got pissed off when I watched the cutscene. (I refuse to play MWIII for that reason.) Like why? It was so stupid, so we're ignoring canon in this house.
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lesbianspeedy · 2 years
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Bart Allen/Kid Flash & Mia Dearden/Speedy Green Arrow Vol. 3 #46 Teen Titans Vol. 3 #21 - #34
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ask-n · 5 months
I know this is begging but pleeeeease pleeeease when will momma zoroark tell us why she hates humans? Anything just to satisfy this curiousity. Anything at all.
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Oh haha goodness you and the many many many questions I get asking the same thing from momma zora ; > don’t worry. I’m not ignoring those on purpose - I’m saving it for quite the plot point in the story. It’ll make sense soon, just keep reading~!
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theanoninyourinbox · 1 year
New challenge? Let’s go-
I got a funny one for you.
Squirrelflight can mind control squirrels or other small rodents. Rodent army!!
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TFW you witness you BF and his half brother about to kill your dad, soon-to-be-ex-BF double crosses his half brother and shreks him, and pretends to everyone else that he's a hero. And you have a telepathically controlled Rodent Army.
Wait that's not how canon goes?
(This was supposed to be funny where did I go wronggggg)
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shiftythrifting · 2 years
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Shells, mini Taj, squirrel picnic at VV, Scarborough, ON
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cryptidclaw · 1 year
Maple helping leaf and squilf with the events leading up to the birth... her standing in solidarity with Squilf during the fire scene.... graaah
OMGGGG i just realized ... just like Maple they were forced to lie/keep their kit's parents a secret bec of the Order laws GAAA it makes sm since that Maple would aid themmmm
also I love the idea of Maple watching Squilf chuck Ashfur into the fire... Maple be like "huh, I would have done that for you but good for u girl". OUGH what if Squirrel sees a glimpse of Maple and that is what gives her the confidence and determination to fight Ash!!!
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