#answering runes
akanemnon · 3 months
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We didn't even get an answer, and we never will (at least it's not determination)
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wikitpowers · 3 months
just in case ya'll didn't notice -> in the newest official kitty art ty has a love rune on his neck. let me repeat that - A FUCKING LOVE RUNE! [ROARS]
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i remember bloody screeching when @theamazingwhizzo made this mindblowing discovery bc like actually what the hell is this??!!?1//?
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Do you have any screenshots of Leo's portals closing? I can't seem to find any and desperately need a reference lol
OP has probably long found the refs, but if anyone else needs them (I'm going to add the portals opening as well:
Test animation:
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The Show:
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The Movie:
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aashiyancha · 3 months
Since you're doing kiss prompts, I'd love to see #8 a gentle kiss on the back of the hand. But i cannot pick which ship i want to see more. Frey/Forte or Frey/Arthur 😵‍💫 I'll let you flip a coin and decide.
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She has 2 hands 😌
I'm still down to do a couple more of these so if anyone feels like seeing a ship they like in a cute kissy scenario feel free to plop an ask with the pair and a prompt from this list
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pixierainbows · 8 months
does pixie like getting recommendations for simple and easy games with no death or guns or anything? i love games like that :)
yes! Pixies last new game, Fae Farm, got too complicated so Pixie only can play when guardian Wizard home and willing help Pixie :(
Pixie do good playing without help animal crossing and Rune Factory (Pixie usually just avoid the monsters in Rune Factory but any ways, is not about kill monsters, is just send monsters back home !)
Pixie only have Nintendo 3DS and switch , and could maybe get access to playstation 5 .
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wimbledonstrawberry · 2 months
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Down the T | Carlos honest answers
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tru-chulainn · 2 months
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The guys the dudes the bros the-
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dyingstars-if · 7 months
Hypothetical situation. The Ro and MC live together and it’s been years since the main story. Ro is just chilling in the living area, and suddenly MC just kicks down the door and runs in with a duck under one hand, a flaming tree branch in the other, soaked in water, no shoes or socks with the most panicked expression on their face. And when ask wtf is happening MC hurriedly yells “NO ONE’S DEAD-“
How would each RO react?
as if krios wouldn’t have been diving feet first into all your mayhem with you. ‘there’s need for you to look so panicked, my love…if anyone has an issue with what we did, i’ll remove them from existence 🥰’. xe’s your babygurl fr !!
rune is so used to you at this point, they’re just like ‘that’s nice, dear, but you should put the duck back before it gets stressed and then come take a bath with me’. would then loving wash your hair and let you talk their ear off about your adventures.
ez is too busy trying to work out the logistics of this because the duck and you being soaking wet correlates, but where tf does the flaming branch come into it? my baby is going to go prematurely grey at this rate from mc’s antics 😔 (at least they’d make a sexy silver fox/vixen).
aren’s just there like ‘that’s a shame, we should rectify that’ and then kills someone. just like that they’ve taken the attention off of you so you don’t need to explain anything. aren’t they a good partner?
faolan has accepted duck as new pet.
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gorogorogorochan · 20 days
if you play games like Harvest Moon, Rune Factory, Stardew Valley, or other games with dating aspects, what type of candidates do you tend to go for? i plan on making a Harvest Moon like game someday and i have some ideas but i'd like some inspiration, so please fill out this form if you're interested!
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interrogatormentors · 1 month
s)(-Elly m-E for forg-Ettin those -Es.
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oh don't be so glubbin' P---EDANTIC, peasant. you WIS)( you could fuckin' be me. can't even get my FLIPP---ERIN' QUIRK right, which is just a straight up INS)(OALT. )(----ELMSMAN.
My Empre22 may II rot eternal for forcIIng you two addre22 thII2 your2elf. What do you de2IIre of me?
dispatch the drones for capture, and R-ESC)(-EDUL-E my damn appointment with ritoly. the interrogatormentors need to be reassigned schooner with these pathetic scum all up in my fuckin' krill with their petty inshoalence. i want to watch this S)(RIMP squirm befoar it dies.
Thy wIIll be done and may your mercy coagulate IIn theIIr throat2. Drone2 are en route now and your apoIIntment change notIIce ha2 been 2ent two IInterrogatormentor RIItoly. Long may you reIIgn.
good buoy. i'll be by S)(OR---ETLY.
II get a 2econd vII2IIt? Your grace know2 no bound2.
damn fuckin' STRAIT.
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akanemnon · 4 months
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Ghosts. How do they work?
MASTERPOST (for the full series / FAQ / reference sheets)
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elliespuns · 3 months
what do ya think Joel smells like 👀
I think it depends. If we talk about Joel on the road, I think he smells like a man who hasn't been showering for a while and is forced to wear the same sweaty clothes over and over again. But damn, we all know that it's still good. Dirty, smelly, and soaked in sweat with a hint of campfire and wilderness on his clothes—that's Joel on the road.
In Jackson, though, I think he smells like leather, mint, and cedarwood, with a hint of a cheap soap that he uses not only for his body but for his hair too. Idk, why, but this is my idea of clean Joel. When he's on duty in town, imagine all that, but with a hint of strong sweat.
He probably tastes very similar (except for the smelly part). I think in Jackson, his taste is really nothing but mint and coffee or whatever that man just ate or drank (add a hint of whiskey to it if he's been drinking). On the road, though, I think there would be less mint and coffee in his taste. He'd probably kiss with a flavorless tongue most of the time since they had limited options when it came to food and drank just water, but all that with a hint of salty sweat on his lips.
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Do you have any screenshots of the symbols on Leo’s katanas? I need them for fanart purposes
I could only find one scene and it’s just the handle lol
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Not a perfect angle, but here are some
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dog-teeth · 1 year
Excuse me whomst is the little isopod in your adventure time self and gf???
thats bathtub!!
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her name comes from the latin name of giant marine isopods, Bathynomus Giganteus. shes also a member of my gf's band.
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duck-noises · 9 months
in honour of the dlc dropping today
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click image for better quality
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pixierainbows · 1 year
What does Pixie do in their free time? Any games, shows, or books that Pixie likes?
Pixie not often watch TV . Pixies body need to move too much to Sit still is very difficult for Pixie .
reading books very hard for pixie too , too many and too complicated words make pixies head hurt .
Pixie like rock climbing , alpine ski , kayaking , hiking , outdoor activities.
Pixie also very like Art and painting . and photography . and crafts . But have to get up and move walk around often take breaks lots .
Pixie only play 2 games , on Pixies switch . Animal crossing and Rune Factory . pixie Not like violent things not like kill anything is all that very not fun for Pixie very upsetting .
Thank you for ask !
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