#ro: rune
dyingstars-if · 4 months
pov: you’re the ro’s
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wings-of-ink · 16 days
Crushing ROs reactions to a very touchy MC just being so casual and free with (emotionally) intimate touching? Fixing hair, hugging their arm, grabbing their hands, cheek kissing, head on shoulder, etc.
Awe, sweet MC!
Oswin:  At this stage, it is bad for his heart. It's difficult enough even with a non-touchy MC. He's going to be torn up about it to an extent - a little shy, flustered, and very unsure. It's not that he doesn't like it, it just stirs a lot of conflicting emotions.
Zahn:  All about that. If MC is up in their grill, they're going to be all over MC and accepting any physical affection they get.
Duri:  Getting cute-aggression real bad. 
Rune:  Very accepting, but keeps a firm boundary when they're done. With a door of affection open, though, they'll reciprocate. They may give a gift of jewelry just so they enjoy putting on MC and sneak in a little touch.
???:  "You know…my pockets are probably big enough to fit you in and just carry you around with me…"
Thank you for the ask, Anon! ^_^
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sheigarche · 1 year
Blue Boy X Red Girl
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bloodandrunes · 1 year
Could you do the Ro's reaction to the mc dying to protect them? I'm feeling a bit angsty today.
Sorry this took so long, anon. Answer beneath the cut.
When you die, so do the last vestiges of Aariz’s humanity. He cradles your body as he desperately puts pressure on your wound. The wound that would have been his, had you not dove in front of him. That should have been his.
“Hang on,” he says, panic clawing at his throat, “Tamys will be here soon. You’ll be fine.” Your breathing is shallow and your chest rises weakly, and anger and terror and disbelief fill him. “Stay with me,” he repeats, snarling, pleading.
Your grip on his hand slackens. He blinks, nudges you, presses his face into your neck, feeling almost like a child again. Memories of that day flash across his mind and he sobs. When your body goes cold, he throws his head back and legs out a blood-curdling howl, too savage and broken to be human.
Dalia is consumed by helplessness as she tries to stop the bleeding. You smile at her through bloodied teeth, eyelids fluttering, and she grits her teeth and tries to reassure you.
"You're going to be fine," she says, smoothing down your hair. "Help will come soon." Even as she makes that promise, she knows it is a lie. A bitter self-loathing scorches through her as your breath rattles in your chest. It should have been her, she thinks feverishly, she can't lose anyone else. If the gods were good, if they had any mercy, you would not have thrown yourself in front of that blade for her.
Suddenly, she notices that your smile as dropped. You aren't breathing. "No." The words come out as a gasp, a prayer. "No, please."
The gods do not hear her pleas. You still in her arms. And as Dalia feels the warmth leave your body, she shatters into a thousand tiny pieces.
Shock numbs Adys' reaction. He doesn't understand, at first, why there is red spreading throughout your chest, why you are gurgling on what looks like your own blood, or why there is a dead man standing a distance away.
Then you begin to fall, and he's going to be sick.
He tries to catch you, but with his bad leg, it's a lost cause. The two of you go tumbling to the floor. You let out a choked, pained noise, and he cups your face in his hands. The bile rises in his throat, and he barely manages to turn his head away from you before he vomits. He hasn't fought in a long time, but he knows what a wound like yours means. You won't be surviving this.
He wants to scream, wants to bare his teeth and burn this damnable world down around him, but instead he presses a kiss to your forehead and tries to sooth you. "There, there," he murmurs, blinking away his tears with a shaky smile, "be still, love. It's alright."
He holds you until the end, and when you're gone, he finally lets the tears fall.
Ralys is in a place somewhere beyond rage. Her assailant has been apprehended, but she couldn't give half a damn about that. Instead, her attention fixed on you. You, with you body weak from blood loss, your grip on her hand weak. Her father's best physicians work to help you, their faces pinched.
"There isn't much we can do for them, Your Highness," one of them says.
The cold look Ralys sends him cuts him to the bone. "You will save them," she replies too-calmly, gripping your hand tighter, "or I will have your head."
He pales and hastens to do as he's told. Ralys presses her lips to the back of your knuckles. "All will be well," she promises, meaning it. "You will not die here."
Your smile tells her that you do not believe her, and she grits her teeth and repeats her words. Distantly, she thinks that she will kill your murderer for this. No, not just that. She will make him beg for death.
The palace is haunted by the blood curdling screams he lets out after you die.
Idar's knuckles are stained with blood and mangled flesh. He slams his fist into his assassin's face again and again, his vision bleeding red. The man is long dead. His face caved in on itself within minutes. Still, Idar keeps on, something primal and vicious and all-consuming burning through him. Desperation, too. If he keeps punching, he doesn't have to turn his attention away from getting you justice. Doesn't have to see your twisted, lifeless body on the floor--
In the background, he can hear someone calling to him. "Idar," Fal is screaming, "Idar, that's enough!"
Hands grip at his shoulders and yank him off. He howls, claws at the person who's dare to touch him, and meets Fal's concerned eyes. "Idar," his best friend says, eyes soft and pitying, "the man is dead. This won't bring back your lover."
Idar swallows hard. Looks down at his hands and his shirt and the man who dared you to take you from him. His eyes slide to your corpse.
Then the dam breaks and he's falling into Fal's waiting arms.
Zara's vision is blurry with tears. She curls into your arms, burying her face in the crook of your neck. Your skin is cold to the touch, the floor around the two of you sticky with blood. If she were to look into your eyes, she would be met with blank emptiness.
She knows this, and yet she cannot bear to leave you.
She needs to eat something, to drink, or at least call for help, and yet she cannot bring herself to get up. "I will soon," she promises herself. The lie leaves a bitter taste on her tongue. She burrows further into your hold.
She is tired. So tired. Her eyelids begin to droop. Maybe, she thinks, when she opens her eyes, this will all be some horrible dream. She will wake, and you will be lying beside her, mouth curved into a smile, skin warm, and eyes bright with life.
Yes, she thinks, that's it. This is just a terrible nightmare.
They find her like that, intertwined with your corpse.
Against her better judgement, Arassa almost hates you for your sacrifice. "Why would you do that?" she demands, voice straining against the lump in her throat.
You wheeze against her as she leads you to the bed, struggling to support your wait. "Had... to... save you," you gasp, and part of her wants to slap you.
How dare you die on her. How dare you bring light to her life, only to leave her to live with the guilt that you died for her. Do you not understand that she will live with this guilt, this grief, for the rest of her life? It will seep into her skin and burrow into her bones until mourning you is the only thing she knows how to feel. Until it consumes her and there is nothing left.
"That isn't fair," she chokes out, pressing her forehead to yours. A sob tears from her throat and she hugs you tightly. "I never wanted you to die for me. I would never have asked you to."
She waits for your response for one second. Then two. Then three.
When no reply comes, she slowly raises her head, only to meet lifeless eyes.
And then she screams and dies with you, if not in body then in soul.
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legendaryskyscale · 2 months
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Here's my dragon-corrupted Kudu
Hmmm I'm tempted to get an Aurene Legendary Hammer just to have a Kralk skin for my Kudu toon... But I'm currently working on like ten other Legendaries... Ay dilemma -.-
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4reezy · 11 months
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Chaos - Ragnarok Online based off the "sakray" launcher.
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esfiart · 11 months
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taking a break from ffxiv but started playing RO again, so i drew my viera in the rune knight outfit. was torn between her short hair or long pony tail, i like both....
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skeletinmoss · 9 months
There's gonna be drawings, stay tuned.
You may be a fan a Raven Poetry fic that I'm working on with @lovelivingmydreams . You also may have noticed that we have a second fic named Storm Dove that is basically swap au of Raven poetry. Both stories exist in Raven poetry multiverse. Little did you know we have more aus in this multiverse, and I'm here to talk about them.
They all are based on the ship Prinxiety, so Roman and Virgil are main characters. They have one of the 3 roles: Hero, Civilian and Villain.
Raven poetry has Hero Ro and Civilian V. Classic banter between hero and his regular damsel in distress.
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Storm dove has opposite roles Hero V and Civilian Ro. Same but a little different storyline.
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Full moon. You may have heard about that one before. Take this if you missed it. Roles: Hero Ro, Villain V. A little bit more spicy. V as a villain seeks revenge for his brother, later with a help from hero comes to light and even starts to work along side his crush. His Star Knight design:
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Coming up next! Partners in slime. Hero Ro, Hero V. A lots of sexual tension between colleagues. V is a slime and with his healing abilities he works in the guild patching up heroes and villain victims. Sometimes he goes on missions with hero Elemental Blade where his unsolid body is more useful.
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Also one of my favorites. Vampire diaries. We already saw hero/hero au, but how about villain/villain? Virgil can't physically live without blood. Buying it is too expensive, not to mention someone might need it more than just for food. His life of starving himself and feeding of random street people is suddenly turned upside down when one of his victims decide to date him. Roman is a very dedicated boyfriend who will even kidnappe some people for his darling's snack
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Last one we have so far is Eclipse. Villain Ro, Civilian V. Falling under mind control former hero is forced to be a puppet in villain's hands. His only hope is his new roommate - tattoo artist with power of runes that can make him invisible or incredibly lucky. Dark atmosphere with a little detective story. Will V be able to notice Ro's hints or will Hero be trapped forever?
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ataleofcrowns · 1 year
okay but what clothes do the ROs wear to bed? i imagine X or maybe even D just sleeps in their normal clothes a lot
Assuming they're not on the road and safely resting somewhere in a town or a city, in a private bedroom-
R - A long, fitted silk nightgown, including a sheer robe for when they're walking around. It's as pretty and embroidered as you'd expect from R, but also warded with runes to regulate their temperature while sleeping.
A & D - A loose and shapeless long-sleeved gown at about knee-length, it's the most common kind of sleepwear. Comfortable fabric, but otherwise plain.
X - Nothing ;)
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dyingstars-if · 4 months
Hypothetical situation. The Ro and MC live together and it’s been years since the main story. Ro is just chilling in the living area, and suddenly MC just kicks down the door and runs in with a duck under one hand, a flaming tree branch in the other, soaked in water, no shoes or socks with the most panicked expression on their face. And when ask wtf is happening MC hurriedly yells “NO ONE’S DEAD-“
How would each RO react?
as if krios wouldn’t have been diving feet first into all your mayhem with you. ‘there’s need for you to look so panicked, my love…if anyone has an issue with what we did, i’ll remove them from existence 🥰’. xe’s your babygurl fr !!
rune is so used to you at this point, they’re just like ‘that’s nice, dear, but you should put the duck back before it gets stressed and then come take a bath with me’. would then loving wash your hair and let you talk their ear off about your adventures.
ez is too busy trying to work out the logistics of this because the duck and you being soaking wet correlates, but where tf does the flaming branch come into it? my baby is going to go prematurely grey at this rate from mc’s antics 😔 (at least they’d make a sexy silver fox/vixen).
aren’s just there like ‘that’s a shame, we should rectify that’ and then kills someone. just like that they’ve taken the attention off of you so you don’t need to explain anything. aren’t they a good partner?
faolan has accepted duck as new pet.
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wings-of-ink · 1 month
Have i asked this? Maybe??? Idk... good morning! Hope you stayed red shoes free! 👠
Also i for some reason, can't flippen find my previous ask from you. Like, i got the notification, but every time i click on it, tumblr tells me to go away, and it diverts me to a whole different ask 😭
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Hello, my dear! No red shoes for me today, whoo!
Do you remember what your previous question was? I can find it and send you the link to it. I see a couple from the last week or so from you.
I haven't answered one quite like this before, but jealousy has come up here and there. In an effort for wholesomeness, they're not going to be toxically jealous and such, of course, but some are more prone than others. A couple rankings might change depending on experiences with the RO, like if there is an established relationship/closeness. I'll give the baseline and then a list adjusted to account for a special connection to the MC:
But after a deep bond forms:
Thank you for the ask, Liz! ^_^
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indeepertidesif · 7 months
Could you please tell us what are the ROs love troupes?
Rune: Royal/Commoner, arranged marriage (but it’s not you they’re arranged to marry)
Thorne: Outcast/Outcast, he’s rich but his birth was a scandal, likes causing problems on purpose
Llyr/Llyra: A political nightmare, forbidden romance, second chance romance (optional)
Talya: Doesn’t realize she’s in love, cold but secretly very emotional
Malak: Suspicion at first sight, only soft for you, slow burn of the century
Aster/Astra: Doomed romance (or?)
Yan: Human/Supernatural, marine biologist exploring the wildlife
Haakon: Monster/Non-Monster, touch starved
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apollohears · 4 months
Care to share some facts about the ROs?
without spoiling much here are some other silly things that could go along with the romance character bios I've already posted!
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✸ character inspo song: Goodbye Yellow Brick Road — Elton John. ✸ he refuses to learn how to read written music and, having taught himself how to play the lute when he was younger, has perfect pitch, which makes it simple for him to perform music entirely by ear. ✸ adores satin and lace shirts, especially those with a cute ruffled cuff hem and a silk robe with an eye-catching pattern. His mother's closet serves as his sole source of fashion inspiration; he won't part with any of her items and finds comfort in dressing in the same robes he remembers her wearing as a child. ✸ cannot even save himself by throwing a punch or fighting without somehow hitting or harming himself in some way.
✸ character inspiration song: Abbey — Mitski ✸ has a very bad staring problem, it doesn't help while their always wearing that damn helmet. ✸ they appear to have an odd and profound fascination with nurturing outside wildlife and bugs, for whatever reason. ✸ their stance is so rigid and firm that it appears as though they were born with the heavy, bulky metal armor on.
✸ character inspo song: When Will My Life Begin (reprise) — Mandy Moore. ✸ her favorite genre besides poetry and fantasy to read is nonfiction biographies written by mad men since she lives for a good conspiracy theory. Her second favorite genre is horror, especially horror stories about creatures and supernatural sightings. Her favorite thing to do before bed is light a candle and read tucked away in her pillow fort. ✸ her collection of knives and daggers is derived from antique weapons that she would conceal from her brother's belongings. Nestled amidst her heaps of vintage writing journals is a small trunk that houses a great assortment of more than twelve. She developed an obsession/hobby when she was younger after reading a tale about a female knight. She also secretly trains herself in swordplay and knife skills by observing her brothers in action during their training. ✸ she detests it when her maids are told to do anything with her hair. Her mother believes that her hair is embarrassing, even though Annette simply loves to have her curls out and feels most beautiful when she isn't wearing her mother's tight, pulled-back styles.
✸ character inspo song: Gilded Lily — Cults. ✸ just might be a sadist with how many times they get into fights with complete random people, doesn't help that they have a very cocky mouth. Insulting someone like it's almost like second nature, they refuse to have a filter. Their favorite word being "fuck" with how many times they say it in a sentence. ✸ almost every creation and weapon they have ever made has a name and a personality, and they expect you to be familiar with them all as well. ✸ has an issue with overworking themselves to the bone, pulling all-nighters, and refusing to give up on projects since they like to sit down and get everything done in one sitting. will be hyper-fixed on everything, revolving around whatever they are working on until they move onto the next thing and start the cycle again.
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cyn-if · 2 months
Hello! Can I ask what the dynamics with the ROs are like? Also, I love your writing! :D
Thanks, glad you liked it!
Hmm, I wouldn't exactly trust myself answering this question exactly, but I can give some of my current insight on the dynamics. A lot of this will continue to be fleshed out as I write the "romance" tinted scenes. (I'm also not certain about what exactly you are looking for so hopefully my answer helps!) (I'm also going to try not to spoil much in these answers, but all the same they could give insights that you don't get with the game and by extension spoil certain things. You have been warned.)
Everix: Everix is very caring, in a soft way, preferring subtle gestures and displays of affections. They have a noble upbringing and some traditional views on relationships as a result, reigning in their emotion as most nobles are taught to do. More specific to the MC, the rune that gives them power over the MC unsettles them quite a lot. Furhermore, the situation the MC is in Everix sympathizes with quite a lot. They worry for the MC and see themself in them (at least at the start). The exact details of how the relationship will be a little up in the air depending on the MC. Any same sex relationships will furthermore be Everix's first relationship of that type and will be addressed.
Hayes: Hayes is a lot more forward with their intentions, preferring to "live a little" while they still can. They, like Everix, have a noble upbringing, yet buck against most of the decorum they were taught, but not necessarily the "keep your emotions in check" part. While Hayes may be quick to flirt with people and even enjoy one-night stand type relationships, they do not actually open up any more then that (at least haven't in their past). For their relationship/attraction to the MC, they are interested in the thrill that pursuing the MC gives them. The fear they experience around the MC brings something to their attraction that is different from the other people Hayes has had interest in. Hayes themself is a very physical person, showing affection through touch, both platonically and romantically. A lot of how Hayes will address their fears and desires for the MC will come later as the relationship develops.
Sam: Sam completely avoids emotional attachment to people and has since the MC was imprisoned. (This goes doubly so for a Sam that the MC admitted they loved romantically in the past). It will take a lot for the MC to get Sam to be willing to open up, let alone actually commit to a relationship. As the MC can learn, Sam has never been in a relationship (outside of a possible one with the MC). As you might be able to glean, Sam before the MC's imprisonment was fiery, passionate and a overbearing optimist and in their past possible relationship Sam would've been eager to do just about anything with the MC, as long as they did it together. But if that Sam will return is a mystery.
Quinn: Quinn has very different approaches to relationships then the other characters. Mainly stemming from her species. Being an Estriel, she outlives most of the other mortals around her and since she has chosen to leave her home she rarely associates with other Estriel. This of course has made it so that she doesn't truly connect with those she dates or gets with. At least not openly, most of the time hiding her true feelings or masking them, to attempt to save herself later. This was the case with Morganna's parents, despite the fact she did care for them a lot, she knew that they'd die long before she did, so tempered her own feelings for them. With the MC, she sees opportunity. The MC being something she has dedicated her life so far to studying, spending as much time with and learning as much as she can about the MC is something she wants. She is more then willing to enter a relationship with the MC to learn more. But at the same time, while it hasn't been proven, Quinn hypothesizes that Corruptants are immortal, so potentially she wouldn't need to temper her feelings towards them.
Maverick: Growing up surrounded by "family" in the cult cell he was in, isolated Maverick from a proper experience surrounding all things relationship. Add onto the alienation he faced due to his visions and status in the cult and Maverick has absolutely zero experience and similar levels of knowledge on dealing with feelings of attraction. The Cult's "sex-ed" is unsurprisingly not really focused on and thus Maverick is partly unaware of how/why he feels a lot of the way he feels. Mavericks own quiet and anxious personality don't really help him when it comes to admitting or addressing those feelings, and like Sam, a relationship with the MC will be the first/only one he has had up to the point. A lot of the relationship will be exploring that but even more specific to the MC is his worship/deification of the MC. Maverick will do basically whatever the MC says, but views the MC completely "untouchable"/out of his league. A romance with him will have to explore these types of themes.
Again, I'm not sure exactly about these types of things, and a lot of expansion will come when I write the scenes. Hopefully this answered your question!
I'll also add that while this story has character interaction and will have more romance, it is not a romance story, so I apologize in advance if I'm not that good at writing that type of stuff.
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bloodlegacies · 10 months
Hi guys! Here I am! With the update I said I'd bring, and here it is. 37,000 words, including the code. I intended to extend this, but soon I'll update again, with a lot more added and continuing the events of this chapter into a second part ? I'm still going to bring the pov of nix into the demo as well and a few others, small snippets but I will.
In this update I've also added the option to change creatures, so you can see other options and things, depending on the creature you choose, just be careful, it may cause a bug. And speaking of bugs and errors, I tried to see all the errors and fix them, my testers helped me find some, but 17,000 words are the ones they haven't seen yet, so it's new for them too, because I'm posting here earlier and for everyone, but I checked if there were any bugs so you can enjoy the rest of the chapter without any problems. If you find any bugs that I haven't noticed, variable errors or anything like that, you can let me know and I'll fix them (some I'll even fix tomorrow, errors in [i] too).
In this update you'll be able to:
-Fight together with or without your creature.
-You can either manipulate or be direct and honest, the choice is up to you.
-Officially meet Princess/Prince Nix of Akalis.
-Fight as you wish, using runes, ice powers or hand-to-hand fighting skills.
Tomorrow I'll talk to you about a few things and update the ro's options, including Nix now.
Constructive criticism and suggestions are always welcome, thank you in advance for your attention. Talk to you soon!
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apollo-gate · 3 months
These RO asks are putting my brain right into the gutter lol. So here, nsfw. Relationship stage
So, ROs are quite busy, going on their usual work, maybe subduing bad guys or messing with the good guys, perhaps having an exhausting meeting or dealing with a bunch of irritating people/hanger-ons when their phone suddenly vibrates/rings.
MC sent them a message.
"What time are you coming home?"
With an attachment.
A ✨risque✨ picture of MC on the bed, with wet hair and a small towel enough to show off their toned skin.
RO reactions?
MY lord just imagine haveing a serius meeting than getting that kind of picture. AND THE MC IS HOT LIKE ANYONE WOULD BE LIKE DAMN....
Alice: You're asking for like pentup gym guy energy. Like she's ready to just punch and slap anybody in her way like seriously hope you don't get in her way. Alice will be ready to drop her clothes as soon as she sees the front door.
Helena: She be doing dance practice and honestly wouldn't be able to focus she would definitely go take a few pictures and send them and be like wait till i get home use these till I'm there in person
Lisa: she.... she gasp so loud that it would draw attention and would be red face and throw her phone into the wall or out the window then would have the panic over shit I just threw my phone.
Becca: this woman you just gave the cat her creme. you messed up. Becca would say that the punishment will be worse when she got home and the MC isn't ready. And yes Becca is getting the blindfold.
Daniella: She would go and get off to it anywhere she can because she already knows she gonna get it. Shes a lawyer so shell have the time.
Vanessa: Vanessa might shoot out an ice shard just a tiny one. the phone would be destroyed then the frustration of I only had 2 seconds of happiness. (Not like she keep a damn photos in her office)
Azalea: She would just stare. The girl would in the middle of the Embissy and just study Mcs body-like artwork. and have a little bit of drool too just lost in the body.
Kent: Man would be in the middle of an interrogation and break some poor dude's bones simply because he wants the Mc like ima be there soon.
Naamah: On one hand she is impressed. Why are you ending pictures where someone else can see them. She's gonna be taking you into the dark room. and at the same time going to erase the picture from existence. No one can ever see Mc but her.
Blaze: Would do two things run to you immediately to see if the Mc is in fact dressed like that then would message be there in 2 seconds. After all, ever he's doing isn't that important.
Zero would be doing some R&D project and just be like wow. He had to leave because he just ended up putting your name in the code or somehow making a really big mistake like the time he had the Ai say I love you over and over.
RF RO: She is pissed.. like blood and a few other things. but not you no. no harm will come to you. but she is rough. like really rough later that night.
Rune: Aish you're asking for a whip and a few other things. She sends some very dirty naughty texts and it's not at all like Rune would be turned on before she gets to you.
Rene: She be like extra quiet and the only one who would notice is Rune. Rene is a big pillow princess, so she would overthink what to say and even think if that is ok to send. But overall she gets home as fast as she can. Just expect a hard crushing kiss and a tall girl being very neddy.
Jade: She probably screws up a spell she is practicing. Might make a moan sound who knows. But all her acolytes will know someone has her attention.
Psyche would be bouncing off the walls staring at the clock like a child ready to get out of school. She might forget she has a truck and run or get stuck on the subway in her rush. Not her fault you sent her something unexpected.
Atargatis. would start her siren song and not realize it and the MC would be in a state of bliss till she walks in. Yeah, she got you back and you get a state of bliss and pleasure.
Atlas: she is teleporting like a jumping frog to buildings and crash into the bedroom and just do the best sexy pose of I'm here.
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