ohbutwheresyourheart · 6 months
52 for Ada if I can? :3 And I have been meaning to ask you about Unquiet Bones stuff, so 54 for the main cast of Unquiet Bones? :'D
Ooooh, these are such good questions, thank you for asking! :D
(also my 'v' key is choosing this moment to fuck up again so if there are any weird typos, including but not limited to 'ergil', that's why lmao)
52. Do they act on their immediate emotions, or do they wait for the facts before acting?
Ada does her best to wait and get a grasp on the full facts before acting. Growing up as a human (albeit one trained in combat and magic) around demons has taught her a lot of caution over the years just to stay alive, so she would prefer to analyse a situation and come up with a strategy before diving in.
On a personal side, having seen the clusterfuck of "for the love of sparda why will you two motherfuckers not just TALK to each other with your WORDS" that was Temen-Ni-Gru, Ada tries not to jump to conclusions about possible misunderstandings with her loved ones. She's a pro at taking a deep breath and counting to ten before replying, even when she's seething inside.
On the downside, sometimes this caution comes across as holding her cards too close to her chest. In my AU where Ada raises Nero with Dante post-DMC 3, Nero and Ada have a fair bit of tension and spark off each other as Nero grows up and figures out there's a lot Ada isn't telling him, especially about his father. It's not meant out of malice, Ada is just trying very hard how to figure out how to talk about Vergil and Sparda without creating another Vergil if she fucks up and plants a seed in Nero's head that he's safer embracing his demonic side.
This is all adult Ada, however; as a teenager, with all those teenage hormones running through her, PLUS the stress of her boyfriend possibly kick-starting an apocalyptic demonic invasion and/or being murdered by Mundus? She... definitely said some things she really regrets to Dante just after DMC 3: blamed Dante for Vergil's death (so they thought at the time), for not going with him to stand by him, and to an extent even for Temen-Ni-Gru as a whole, because why wouldn't Dante just be the bigger person and TALK to his brother???
Dante, filled with self-loathing and guilt, and more than half-convinced she was right, just took it at the time. Eventually he explained, and Ada apologised, and he forgave her, but... it was a deep wound, and it never quite goes away entirely.
Hence why now Ada is much, much more careful about what she says and does.
(Putting the rest under a read more because Unquiet Bones deals with a lot of dark topics, including suicide and child/religious abuse)
54. What’s their instinct in a fight / flight / freeze / fawn situation?
Antanasia/"Tansy" - As a secret necromancer keeping the king alive since they were both young children, Tansy got comfortable with asserting herself early. This was not entirely intentional (the previous king and the High Priestess of Ysa-Munda the goddess of death would have perhaps preferred her more malleable), but when you take a child, tell them they have special powers and the entire fate of the kingdom and possibly the continent rests of their shoulders... Well, in Tansy's case you get someone who learns the meaning of "immovable object" real fast.
King Damian is not exactly happy with the resurrection carousel that is his (un)life, so Tansy often goes toe-to-toe with the king himself to ensure he gets the care he needs (in her opinion... it's highly debatable whether what she's doing is ethical in the slightest). So in most verbal confrontations, Tansy goes cold and stern and tries to assert herself with logic. She does know when to fold 'em, but usually that means just abandoning the head-on approach and finding a more sly solution.
In a physical confrontation, she would probably be more inclined to flee. Tansy is very tall but thin as a reed and has little to no muscle; she'd go down fast and easy in a fight and she knows it.
Lucia - By the time the story opens, a combination of freeze and fawn. Lucia is intentionally coded as autistic in Unquiet Bones, although it's not explicitly called out in the text, and is based off my own experienced as a neurodivergent individual in an academic setting.
Lucia has a defining childhood experience where she was physically and emotionally bullied to the point of exploding (metaphorically and... kind of literally). The backlash she got for reacting as she did, even when it was to protect herself, was so harsh -- from family, friends, and authority figures -- that she became terrified of ever losing control to that extent again. This means that she has trained herself out of a fight reflex, but at the cost of being so afraid of conflict that she either fawns and tries to resolve the situation ASAP, even when she is the wronged party, or just shuts down altogether and waits for the storm to pass.
Damian - Damian vacillates between fight and freeze. As a king, he's simultaneously aware he holds ultimate power and he has a very specific set of behaviours he's supposed to follow for the good of the kingdom. As someone with what is essentially a deteriorating chronic illness, he's also become normalised to docilely allowing people to do things to him that he doesn't want because it's "for his own good".
So his preference is to roar and fight and defend his boundaries as well as he can, but it's also a question of whether he a) has the physical and mental energy to do so, b) is in a situation where he won't damage his own reputation or undermine the strength of his position by setting a boundary, and c) believes that the person/people he's arguing with will even listen to him, or just disregard what he's saying and physically overpower him.
Sometimes it's easier to just let whatever is happening, happen, and pick up the pieces afterwards.
(And that's not even going into the bodily autonomy horror of being a deeply closeted gay man who is married to a woman and expected to get an heir as soon as possible -- in fact, that's the main reason you're being kept alive, so your bloodline doesn't die out with you.)
He also fights (verbally) much more often with people he trusts, at least subconsiously, not to leave him. His wife from a political marriage gets cool, polite interactions. Tansy and Beladon, both of whom he's known intimately since he was a young child, get the brunt of the yelling and harsh words.
Varnius - Varnius was actually the hardest to answer this for! Partly because he's the least developed so far, I think.
Varnius joined the priesthood of Ysa-Munda, Goddess of Death, when he was thirteen. At the time, the Mother Superior of the priesthood took the word of Mother Death very literally, especially concerning that Her devoted worshippers were considered dead to the world when they took their vows. Varnius experienced very harsh conditions in the priesthood during his initiation and throughout his teenage years, leaving him with a profound lack of self-worth, and a conviction that his only reason for existing was to help others.
This means he avoided conflict as much as possible during his younger years. Questions were punished. Failure was punished. Crying because you were tired and cold and hungry and wanted to rest was punished. So he learned not to complain. He learned not to question the will of Ysa-Munda. He learned that he was as good as dead, a vessel who existed only to tend to the dead.
Then one day he met a priest of Xenith, the God of Life. Emil was warm; he was kind; he was patient; and, little by little, he put the shattered pieces of Varnius's psyche back together until he felt like a person again.
The upshot of this was that Varnius started questioning the priesthood again. Started considering if he could maybe one day find a way to leave. Then Emil died, and the resulting mental breakdown of grief that was then swiftly suppressed to fester turned Varnius into a man who looks far, far more mentally stable than he actually is.
Nowadays he still hates conflict and avoids it as much as possible, but he will stand his ground when it's for the benefit of others, especially those under his care at the convalescent home he founded, and where he defends his patients' rights to decide when, how, and if they end their lives.
Beladon - Beladon has been raised to be a chevalier parfait, the epitome of a chivalrous knight. He serves King Damian as a counsellor and close friend, pays the expected level of chivalric adoration to Queen Saveria, excels at the joust, writes heartfelt poetry... etc., etc.
Beladon keeps himself on a very short leash. Self-control is his primary virtue. He identifies the correct way to act in every situation and does not allow himself to deviate from that. His inclination is to fight, and he will throw down with anyone who insults his king and queen, but even that is done very correctly: a verbal warning, a threat of repercussions, and finally a formal challenge to a duel (to someone of his own class), or removing them from his presence (to someone of a lower class who does not merit a duel).
Interpersonally, however, Beladon fawns and fawns hard. He has been Damian's best friend and confidant since they were ten years old, and knows more about Damian than anyone else. He has been in love with Damian for a not inconsiderable number of the years they've known each other, and he cannot bear for Damian to think badly of him. So if he ever senses he's annoyed Damian, he immediately backtracks on whatever he has done or said, trying to please him.
Unfortunately for Beladon, Damian finds this habit infuriating, and would respect Beladon far more if he stuck to his guns and was prepared to have an honest argument from time to time.
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n0isy-gh0st · 2 years
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A gift for @ohbutwheresyourheart since ae’s been feeling down after some recent life events 🖤🖤 it’s aer lovely OC Antanasia, necromancer extraordinaire!
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welcometohelck · 5 months
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cinalilli · 2 years
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merry belated christmas featuring @buglich and my vampire and noble characters, antanasia and saima
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spookridjer · 10 months
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Antanasia and Josephine
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kaethegoblinsblog · 4 months
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Antanasia lovers please rise because I just drew this 🫡
New chapter will *probably* be out by Wednesday
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sharikovu · 1 year
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Antanasia (OC)
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Teenage Vampires Meet Jane Austen
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There is a danger of decrying all vampire YA books released in the 2000s as mere Twilight Saga clones, but Beth Fantaskey's (and if ever an author had a vampire novel writing last name, she does!) novel was published in 2000, and Twilight wasn't released until 2005. So please, no comparisons between these two books--they're sufficiently different that they deserve to be discussed on their own merits. Honestly, I kind of wish that Fantaskey's books had blown up and become the mainstream YA vampire duology of the 2000s, but a girl can't have everything. Let's talk the marvelous mix of Jane Austen and vampire lore that is Jessica's Guide to Dating on the Dark Side.
Right off the top, this book has startlingly excellent adoption representation. Jessica is adopted, and she has a phenomenal relationship with her adoptive parents. She is unconditionally loved and supported, she is happy, there is great parent-child communication, and there is exactly zero resentment or hesitation once Jessica is ready to explore her birth parents--she is supported in that too. She struggles with her adoption circumstances specifically, but even that is handled well--who wouldn't struggle with being adopted as an infant to avoid being murdered alongside their family? I was pleasantly surprised to find such great representation, and it serves the story equally well, given how objectively abusive and cruel Lucius's biological family is. This tends not to be something I see a lot in SFF (you could argue for found family doing similar things, but this is an explicit adoption story in the 2000s, so I think that gets its own literary area), and I loved how well it was handled.
So who are Jessica and Lucius?
Jessica was born in Romania as Antanasia to the Dragomir royal vampire family. However, she grew up as Jessica Packwood, daughter of a university professor and a hippie in Southern America, a mathelete, and a 4H horsewoman who isn't a half bad jumper. She's not popular at school but she has her best friend, her mathelete colleagues, and even a boy who is a little bit interested in her as she learns to be more assertive with her worth and skills--again, supported wholeheartedly by her parents.
Then Lucius Vladescu rocks into town and pulls a Heathcliff out on the moors at her bus stop on the first day of senior year. That absolutely unmitigated dramatic flair is arguably a combination coping and rebellion methodbecause Lucius is the heir apparent to the Vladescu royal vampire family. He's basically a teenage angst version of a combination of Mr. Darcy and Heathcliff, and that in and of itself is the weirdest combination of chivalrous, assholeish, dutiful, and "let it burn." It's unusual for me to say that the male lead in a YA vampire romance is actually fascinating, but watching Lucius try to burn down the status quo as hard as he can while also trying to stop things from catching fire as hard as he can is never not interesting.
In addition to Jessica and Lucius being genuinely interesting characters to follow, the book itself does the weirdest thing where it combines literary influences and allusions to Pride and Prejudice (in the form of Lucius's letters to his uncle and Jessica's resemblance to Lizzie), Wuthering Heights (in Lucius's *gestures broadly* and direct diegetic references to the novel that get a bit close to the heavy-handed line), and Dracula (in the general vampire aesthetics and the Vladescu vibes--I am super not speaking for the Dragomir family vibes, because that is just...yeah). Vampire and Gothic make sense together, but the Pride and Prejudice vibes just take this story and give it a bit of lightness that I wasn't expecting and frankly think works astoundingly well.
Overall, this book was a favorite of mine when I found it in high school, and I cannot recommend it enough. It's part one of a duology, so be sure to follow it up with Jessica Rules the Dark Side.
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godofthestupid · 1 year
artfight starts tomorrow! It'll be my first tims joining in and I'm quite exited =D
I'll be entering with my OC Antanasia(previously known as Brunhilda) and her new and shining reference sheet!
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ryanlowrie · 11 months
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Antanasia the deflowered Romanian vampire. Created by https://x.com/darkandlight999?s=21&t=8D0z69TFmA94cNTLzRBXQg
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Happy to have her in my list of friends and fiends to my cartoon scene, art journal webcomic PAPER STAGE
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iwishiwasaginger · 1 year
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Some of my dnd characters
In Order:
Arlo, Oath of Vengeance Paladin, Aasimar
Ondine Zora, Life Donain Cleric, Water Genasi
Elke Sentinel, Oath of the Watchers Paladin, Aasimar
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Antanasia Skender, Order of the Mutant Bloodhunter, Dhampir
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ohbutwheresyourheart · 6 months
2, 3, and 23 for Tansy!
Hehehe thank you for giving me a chance to talk about my most troubled daughter. TW for discussions of cannibalism, suicide, and religious trauma.
2. What’s something about your OC that people wouldn’t expect just from looking at them?
Well, for Tansy, the immediate and obvious answer is “she’s a necromancer” haha.
I’m still hammering out the exact lore on necromancy for Unquiet Bones, but so far: it’s a power bestowed on Tansy (so those in the know believe) by Ysa-Munda, the Goddess of Death. Mother Josefina, the head priestess of Ysa-Munda, initially thought it more likely it was a gift from Xenith, the God of Life, on the basis that Ysa-Munda would be shooting Herself in the foot a bit giving someone the power to bring people back from the dead. But… she got shouted down. Because, hey, what would she know?
Some followers of Ysa-Munda have a very mild form of Tansy’s powers: they can search the afterlife for souls and occasionally perform seances to bring the soul briefly back to speak with loved ones. Even this, however, is seen as stepping of Ysa-Munda’s toes and only done in special circumstances -- e.g., if someone died in a sudden accident, then with a sufficient ‘donation’ to the temple, it might be allowed for the deceased’s family to contact their soul to say goodbye. This may or may not also be used to figure out inheritances.
(Sidebar: Ysa-Munda is also an unofficial patron goddess of lawyers/accountants, because nothing in life is certain except death and taxes.)
Tansy, however, can go much further than this: she can bring souls all the way back from the dead and place them back in their bodies. This is how she resurrected King Damian when he was dying as a child (and has done so multiple times since).
The downside to this is that Tansy is explicitly a necromancer, not a healer. The soul gets put back in the body in… exactly the state the body is in. So if, say, she resurrected someone who died of a virulent flesh-eating plague -- well, that would probably be quite traumatising for the soul in question.
The other downside is that Tansy requires a physical connection to the person she is resurrecting. For anyone not related to her by blood, this is satisfied by drinking their blood or, for a full resurrection, eating their flesh.
(Damian, oddly, is exempt from this; his father, King Theodoric, claimed it must be due to Damian’s royal blood: he is, via the divine right of kings, connected to all of his subjects. Nobody in the intervening years has seen a good reason to disclaim this, or an alternate explanation.)
Very few people, even within the cult of Ysa-Munda, are aware of the extent of Tansy’s powers, as Mother Josefina feared that widespread knowledge of a true necromancer would cause either a) mass hysteria and danger of violence towards Tansy, and/or b) that Tansy would be petitioned to resurrect multitudes of people. Mother Josefina , especially given her doubt even now that Tansy’s gift truly does come from Ysa-Munda, fears that Tansy using her powers any more than absolutely necessary would bring Mother Death’s rage down upon them all.
3. What is your OC’s fatal flaw? Are they aware of this flaw?
This is SUCH a good question because I was honestly stumped for a little while!
After mulling it over, I think Tansy’s fatal flaw is ultimately her inability to see situations from the perspective of other people.
For example, when Damian tells her again and again that he doesn’t want her to continue resurrecting him, Tansy assumes he’s just attempting to shirk his responsibilities as king and not realising how grateful he should be for a miracle (possibly because she heard this expressed as a child by other people).
Or when she asks Lucia to leave Varnius’s commune and come back to Haelgavaard, not understanding why Lucia would turn down someone who cares for her and is willing to provide for her material needs and why that wouldn’t be enough to erase her mental health issues.
Tansy isn’t malicious (although she definitely does some awful things), but she is someone who has rigid beliefs that are extremely difficult to change. She considers herself to be logical and is inclined to think people who disagree with her without (in Tansy’s opinion) a good reason are being controlled by their emotions. The solution, then, is to talk the person down until they realise how irrational they are and come around to Tansy’s way of thinking.
23. What emotion is the hardest for your OC to process? How about express?
I think both of these ultimately come back to fear.
Tansy was deeply terrified and traumatised as a child when her first attempt to resurrect her foster mother who died of the plague turned out horribly. Her foster mother suffered immensely until she was killed again to put her out of her misery, the rest of her foster family turned against her and denounced her as a monster, and she was then ripped away from the only family she had ever known and taken to do that exact awful thing again to a boy her own age.
She was then told that the fate of the entire kingdom rested on her doing that awful thing again, and again, and again, as often as needed. Even as the boy she grew to care about grew, in his turn, to hate her for being his tormentor. Even when she fled the kingdom, she was eventually dragged back and the metaphorical shackles put on again. There is no escape from her life except escaping her life, and the thing she is most afraid of in the world is facing Ysa-Munda when she dies.
Tansy has been afraid of so much, for so long, that she’s grown almost numb to it: the fear has been so consistent that it’s become her baseline and she can no longer really tell when she’s feeling it. Tangled up in this is the thread she clings to that as long as she does what she’s told and fulfils her given role then everything will be okay and she’ll be okay and so she just has to keep treading the same path and -- yeah. She’s a mess.
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filmes-online-facil · 2 years
Assistir Filme As Irmãs Vampiras 3: Viagem para a Transilvânia Online fácil
Assistir Filme As Irmãs Vampiras 3: Viagem para a Transilvânia Online Fácil é só aqui: https://filmesonlinefacil.com/filme/as-irmas-vampiras-3-viagem-para-a-transilvania/
As Irmãs Vampiras 3: Viagem para a Transilvânia - Filmes Online Fácil
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Dakaria e Silvania vão para a sua terra natal, Transilvânia, para resgatar seu irmão sequestrado pela rainha vampira, Antanasia.
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welcometohelck · 9 months
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fatestricken · 2 years
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@arcaneprophesied​   asked    :    “   You   could   rattle   the   stars .     You   could   do   anything   ,   if   only   you   dared .     And   deep   down   ,   you   know   it   ,   too .     That’s   what   scares   you   most .   ”    tolie   to   theo
fantasy   rp   meme . status    :    accepting .
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                    THEODOSIA   CANNOT   FIND   IT   within   herself   to   deny   anatolie’s   words .     she   knows   ,   deep   within   her   heart   of   hearts    &&    soul   of   souls   ,   that   he   is   right .     she   could   do   anything .     she   could   put   a   stop   to   all   of   this   madness   ,   this   bloodshed .     but   ,   she    [   ...   ]    she   can’t .     every   time   she   tries   ,   it   seems   the   end   goal   becomes   further   and   further   out   of   her   grasp .     she   thinks   of   how   things   could   have   been   ,   if   dragomir   hadn’t   squirmed   his   way   into   the   picture .     if   she   hadn’t   been   weak .     alexandru   would   still   be   alive .     antanasia   would   still   be   with   them   ,   growing   up   and   living   her   life .     luminita’s   own   life   wouldn’t   have   been   uprooted   ,   she   wouldn’t   have   been   dragged   kicking   and   screaming   into   this   mess .     it’s   all   theo’s   fault   for   not   following   through   with   killing   dragomir   when   she   should   have .     and   ,   now   it’s   too   late .     too   late   for   any   of   that .     too   late   to   be   rid   of   him   now   that   he’s   so   powerful   and   has   such   a   strong   hold   on   them   all .     tears   begin   to   prick   at   golden   hues   ,   chin   lowering   as   she   looks   down   at   the   deep   red   carpet   that   adorns   the   floors .     drip   ,   drip   ,   drip   ...   her   tears   splash   onto   the   fabric   before   she   sucks   in   a   deep   ,   shaky   breath   through   her   nose   and   looks   to   tolie   with   teary   ,   sorrowful   eyes .     a   sad   smile   finds   its   place   upon   her   lips   ,    ❛   you   put   too   much   faith   in   me   ,   my   love   ...   ❜
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askfriskandcompany · 4 years
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