#anteros edit
whoredmode · 10 months
very real scenes from a very real game
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masschase · 7 months
Rowvember Day 5: Rebuild.
This is a short fic (1.5k words) from Dex's perspective, set in mid-2023. Dex faked his own death in 2013 in my headcanon, and was one of very few people who changed their records so successfully that not even Zinyak had him stored under his real name. He is eventually removed from the pods in one of the final waves of humans. Hopefully that's all the context needed for this!
I'm not going to do the usual description and stuff for this bc it's short and I don't want to spoil things, but it's SFW!
Down to earth.
That's how everyone's always described him. Pragmatic. Level-headed. Grounded. Down to earth. He was never too sure whether he liked that. It felt like a responsibility he'd never signed up for. A mould he was forced into.
Be the anchor, Dex. Weigh us all down so we can go off doing our dumb shit and know you'll still be there. Keeping us down to earth.
Yeah, actually, for a long time, he didn't like it at all.
Maybe that's why after he faked his death he was always moving around. He always told himself he was just being smart. There were Saints in so many cities now. If he stayed too long, he’d be recognised for sure. Deep down though, he wasn’t just escaping people who knew him. He was escaping himself. The very essence of who he was. Dex was an anchor, not a ship. Dex never would have left Stilwater. That Dex was dead.
He survived that way for three years until a moment of serendipity changed that aimless drift. His car had broken down for no god damn reason. He hated shit like that, shit he couldn't plan, couldn’t account for. There was no cell reception on that route either. His tendency to go down the least travelled paths had backfired.
There was a diner within walking distance. The waitress, a kind older lady, told him sympathetically that no-one really came this way. Once she’d poured him some coffee she headed into the back to see if she could find her phone to charge for him. As he'd sat there, sipping in silence, wondering where the hell he was going to go from there, the cheap plastic door had swung open like a saloon door in an old western, appropriately followed by a cowboy. Or a biker. Or both.
The only objective observation Dex could make of the man was that he was clad head-to-toe in magenta leather, perfectly matched to his long curls. He didn’t suit a drab, lifeless, silent place like this. He was bold and lively and it wasn't long before he became pretty loud, too. He immediately started talking, talking a little too much, and yet somehow Dex didn’t mind that he could barely get a word in edgewise. Because he’d left his world behind already. But he knew then and there that something about that guy was otherworldly.
He spent four years bathing in the light of that man’s smile, and yet he still remembers the first time he experienced its warmth. When he sat there, trying to decide whether to wait for the waitress’s phone to charge to make a call, or accept a ride from a relative stranger, and did what he did best. He questioned everything.
Did this guy really just happen to be here? On this barely travelled route, at the same time as him? A guy who had allegedly just come up against the Saints and lived to tell the tale? A guy from Stilwater? A guy he may well have glimpsed in the street years ago? He asked his barrage of questions, expecting another continuous stream of words in response.
Instead, the reply was surprisingly understated. Because the other man listened carefully, thoughtfully. “I guess just...” he began, and that’s when the beautiful smile lit up his features. “Right place, right time.”
For four years, they ran together. Travelling. Exploring. Falling in love. Suddenly Dex didn’t mind being down to earth anymore, because his lover’s head was so high up in the clouds and it was everything, everything they both needed. Together they were the earth meeting the sky. A beautiful sunrise breaking on the horizon, just like the ones they watched together wherever they happened to be.
But like a sunrise, it was fleeting.
Four years flew by in an instant, two more in a simulation, and now earth is lost, replaced with the closest thing they have to a facsimile. It doesn't sound the same. It doesn’t feel the same. It doesn't smell the same. One part, though, looks the same. Almost exactly. So he has to admit, he's spent every morning there ever since it moved. The first rebuilt church was used as their HQ. He didn’t go near it. He wasn’t ready to face the Saints again. He certainly didn’t know how Case would respond to seeing him alive after years of thinking otherwise.
He’s proud of what she’s become, he really is. He always knew she had a good head on her shoulders. It used to mean a lot to him to have a younger Saint around. After he quickly unpicked her bullshit it turned out she was the same age as one of his sisters. But unlike his sisters, she actually seemed to listen to his advice.
But he’s not sure he can call her down-to-earth anymore, even as he lives within the infastructure she and the rest of the Saints have built for humanity. She’s down to New Earth, or Ragnarok, or her earth. This planet has multiple names but whatever you call it, she’s moved on. All the Saints have. They've moved on with their lives. To them he's dead, and has been for near enough ten years.
His heart might as well have stopped when he processed that his partner was gone.
He’s back to aimlessly drifting.
He's a ghost now. Haunting this place.
It isn’t for anything now. Not since the town was relocated, the thing re-rebuilt. He’s heard whispers. They’re too scared to make it the HQ again after the last one was destroyed. Scared it’s an easy target. So it almost feels like they rebuilt it for nothing. No one. No one but Dex, sitting there every morning at sunrise like a recurrent sinner.
He sighs and closes his eyes, tilting his head up into one of the first warm rays of sunlight beaming through the stained glass. It casts a dancing array of colors down onto the former Saint’s face. But with that ray comes a change. A break in the routine. A slight jangle of the door.
There’s a knack to it. You have to push down the handle, but not too hard, just short of all the way down. He knows it.
Casey probably knows it too.
He turns his head towards the noise, trying to make out a shape in the glass. The dawn is still breaking, it’s not the easiest to see. About the right height; 5’9” or so, maybe a little taller with heels on. A lot of hair. The shoulders look a little broader. But then he’s seen her wearing her boyfriend’s jacket before, when he’s been watching from afar. It looks like a Boss alright.
This might just be judgement day.
Maybe it’ll be OK. Maybe she’ll just be glad to see him alive. He knows she’s not the most forgiving type, but she has a great deal of dedication for her friends. He can’t tell where he sits between those two extremes. He’s an anomaly.
He’s going to have to talk fast. He has no weapon, despite the fact that in the back of his mind he already knew she’d come one day. While he didn’t seek death, he wasn’t actively resisting it either. Perhaps he’ll make a joke out of it. “Yeah, yeah, I know, I ain’t Jules.”. The sort of thing she’d love. He’s not exactly coming up with the smartest shit right now, but he has to come up with something.
But the door opens, and it’s definitely not the leader of the Saints.
The magenta hair remains but it’s cut a little shorter. The man dressed entirely differently to how he dressed before the earth was lost. Stylish as ever, but nowhere near as colorful. Like something has been stripped from him. Ivory shirt, black pants and boots, long black coat. The stetson remains but it’s a new, pure black one, not the one Dex was never entirely keen on because it had belonged to the dead boyfriend. He almost looks like a vampire hunter.
Or... maybe... maybe a ghost hunter.
There’s a stunned silence between the two. It seems impossible. It should be impossible. But still their feet are advancing in a quickening tandem across the floor and the feel and the sound and the range of emotions overcoming Dex as they near each other make it all seem so real.
He doesn’t quite believe it. He tries to be lighthearted about it as he moves closer, but his voice is trembling. “Let me guess. Right place right t-“
He is interrupted as the other man closes the gap and smashes their lips together passionately, wrapping him in a desperate embrace.
Dex's heart and mind trade places at that moment. The former races incessantly and the latter just... stops. Stops focusing on the what and the why and the how of what is going on. The time doesn’t matter. The planet doesn’t matter. Even the church doesn’t matter, because all that matters is the earth and the sky colliding into a perfect sunrise.
Anteros is here.
Dex is alive again.
Look, Dexteros isn’t just a ship, guys, it’s poetry.
So... Ted if you read this, hiiiii! I didn't tag you yet but will later because I thought you'd probably read a thing about Dex anyway and that it would be a nice surprise just to see your own OC pop up! Happy (early) Birthday! xD
Tagging/crediting now: Anteros and his dynamic with Dex are very much the creations of @whoredmode
Everyone else, for further clarification, here are a few posts about Anteros’s place in Casey’s universe! There are probably gaps that I’ve probably thought about but not written anywhere but I’m always happy to answer questions!
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ipso-faculty · 5 months
Proposing some intersex gender modality & transition terms
So there are a whole bunch of different ways that intersex people can be/identify as trans. I've been thinking about what names would be useful for articulating these differences and in this post I'll list what I've got so far. 🧑‍🔬
I'm hoping to get feedback on these, so if you have feedback let me know! 💛 I expect to edit this post, to incorporate feedback and further ideas.
CW: mention of IGM and forced HRT
Types of transitions
Distransition: a medical transition forced upon an intersex person, such as through IGM or forced HRT. Dis- to indicate the negative aspect of the transition being coercive, as well as to connote disability since this process is so frequently traumatic and/or disability-causing. In disability studies language it's a form of debility (disability caused through systemic violence).
Mistransition: a distransition (forced transition) that is not in alignment with a person's gender identity. Mis- to indicate the incorrectness of the alignment as well as to maintain a negative connotation because this is a coercive transition.
Entransition: a consensual transition done by an intersex person. Contrast to distransition. En- acts as an opposite to dis- and also to me indicates a level of intent (e.g. envision, enact, enliven). It also serves to indicate that transition is different for intersex bodies than for perisex bodies.
Retransition: an entransition done by an intersex person who previously had been distransitioned. I.e. when an intersex person does a second transition to undo, alter, or improve a forced transition. Re- to indicate a second transition, but also that it's a revision of the first one. EDIT #1: This term is not intersex exclusive, and may also be used by perisex trans people who have transitioned multiple times. EDIT #2: For an intersex-exclusive version, I suggest "re-entransition", combining re- and en-.
Retrotransition: a retransition that is done to undo the effects of forced transition. So an intersex person who, after being forced into a binary gender, then transitions their body towards a best approximation of what their body's natural state would have been without forced transition. Retro- for backwards to indicate undoing that is worth differentiating from detransitioning.
Laterotransition: a retransition done by an intersex person to a gender that is neither the gender externally imposed by a distransition nor what their body's "natural state" would be. For example, an AFAB AIS person who was coercively transitioned female, who then later transitioned male. Latero- as contrast to retro- (latero- is to the side, antero- is forward) as well as to indicate the turn away from the path set forth externally by parents/doctors.
Anterotransition: a retransition done by an intersex person that continues the direction set forth by previous forced transition. So additional transitioning done by somebody whose gender is in alignment with what was externally imposed. While this will probably be somebody's AGAB, it doesn't have to be - some times intersex people are forcibly transitioned to a different gender than their AGAB.
All of these transitions would have an analogous gender modality. So an entransgender person is somebody who has/is undergoing/intends to entransition. And a retrotransgender person likewise has/is undergoing/intends to retrotransition.
I see distransition and mistransition as potentially useful for intersex people talking about trauma and structural intersexism. I think entransition might be useful for talking about how being intersex and transitioning is frequently different than for perisex people, especially if it is a retransition. And perhaps distransition and anterotransition may be of use to exparium folks.
Personally: I was distransitioned as an adolescent and have recently started a process of medically retrotransitioning.
Feedback welcome! A list of revisions will go at the bottom of this post. Will make flags for terms once I feel satisfied with them.
2024-01-16: I've been informed by @chipbutbetter that retrans is already used by some perisex folks with complicated transition patterns, so I have edited to say this term should not be intersex exclusive. Thanks! 🏳️‍⚧️
2024-01-16: thought about an intersex-specific version of retransition and landed on "re-entransition". A little awkward but combines both retransition and entransition! Flexible on whether to include a hyphen (reentransition).
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noisytenant · 5 months
Guy can't stop uploading detailed MS Paint drawings of a specific surgery to Wikipedia; Gets banned
On April 1 2023 a user by the name of Jhnnyboy341325 uploaded a drawing, ChestSurgery.png, to the "Resuscitative thoracotomy" Wikipedia page to illustrate the technique, citing a "Jeff B." from "pixiv" as the source of the image. "A clamshell thoracotomy is depicted in the art to the right." This was quickly reverted by JBW two hours later:
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The picture can be traced to jeffbozos43's drawing "Katie's Thoracotomy", which is viewable with a Pixiv account (warning for gore and... odd vibes). On June 9 the picture was removed from Wikimedia Commons for copyright violation (uploading from Pixiv without explicit consent).
On April 28, Hahnuggt322114522 uploaded Clamshellincision.jpg, captioned, "An emergency clamshell thoracotomy is shown below."
On May 3, Drwallace491582859 replaced the inline text with a caption: "Depiction of a clamshell thoracotomy or two antero-lateral thoracotomies," preserving the image.
On June 8th, "depths of wikipedia" noted the odd manga-style edit gracing the page:
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This is an edit of Pixiv user 春千代 (Haruchiyo)'s suggestive guro art "心臓" (Heart)
A day later, an anonymous IP user reverted the edits.
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On June 10, Drwallace4194 added an image, "Clamshell_Surgery.jpg" to the general "Thoracotomy" page. This image is an edit of "Katie's Thoracotomy" that covers more of her body and is currently still on Wikimedia Commons (archived).
On June 13, Myoglobin reverted, but applauded Drwallace4194's creativity:
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October 13, Jamessavage299119 replaced both the general Thoracotomy page and the specific Resuscitative Thoracotomy page's primary images with Clamshellexample42.jpg and adjusted the caption accordingly. This image is currently lost.
Reverted by Stryx9876 October 22:
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November 18, Doctorwallace34195124 replaced the primary image with ClamshellThoracotomyXample.jpg, viewable on Wikimedia Commons here (archived).
On the same day, Larry Hockett reverted these, politely indicating that the contributions did not appear constructive on Doctorwallace34195124's talk page.
The surgery pages have remained the same since.
The accounts were flagged as potential sockpuppets for "adding manga" in June, though only Clamshellincision.jpg was in a manga style. In November 18, the accounts were banned for being sockpuppets of Jhnnyboy341325 and arguably vandalizing.
Only time will tell if Jhnnyboy returns with any more of their beautiful vision. I hope they will.
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a-d-nox · 5 months
Hi! I love your blog, i read the fall things series, do you have a 4 season planning? i would LOVE a winter or summer astro things. :)
a-z how they are represented in astrology: winter things edition
now that winter is officially underway let's do this!!! warning: i can be harsh, please don't take everything i say as predestined, astrology is possible outcomes not guaranteed ones. plus let's not forget orbs matter, dominance matters, etc. it's never just one planet or one asteroid that rule over an outcome or how things effect you. this is just a starting place for when examining singular objects in an entire galaxy. take what resonates and leave what doesn't!
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lucifer (1930)
why this is useful information: angels typically are put on the top of trees to ward off evil and because they are a higher power. neptune and lucifer are likely indicators of where you have to ward off evil evil and where you are guided by a higher power (even if that higher power is just your brain's ego).
venus / neptune
why this is useful information: the nutcracker is one of the most popular winter ballets and ballet tends to be popular in the winter time because of it. venus and/or neptune can showcase your grace and elegance just like ballet can.
bitterness & the cold
why this is useful information: i live in a northern region, and everyone who travels to this area is always like "how can you stand this cold", and i am like "its only going to get colder". frost, cold, and bitter winds are bound to happen in the winter, so saturn is likely to indicate where you are most vulnerable to that coldness and how it effects you.
read about it in the fall post
read about it in the fall post
read about it in the fall post
jupiter / saturn
lacrimosa (208)
why this is useful information: something about the winter holidays causes all of us to reconnect with our traditions. i find that those that rarely go to religious gathering places frequent churches this time of the year to likely reconnect with their family traditions / childhood memories. so by examining cathedral like planets/asteroids, you can see what are physical symbols of your traditions.
abundantia (151)
why this is useful information: this is an infamous time of the year where all the very sad commercials play about donating to animals, children, elderly, sickly, etc. jupiter and abundantia in your chart could indicate where you like to share your abundance.
venus / jupiter
why this is useful information: "the best way to spread christmas cheer is sing aloud for all to hear" haha but no. for real - these planets can indicate cheerfulness and what can provide cheer, not only at christmas, but year round.
anteros (1943) / cupido (763) / amor (1221)
why this is useful information: cherubs on trees and in our homes during the holidays are meant to act as guardians and life-bringers during the cold, treacherous winter months. cherub objects in your chart can indicate what brings you life and protects you during these harsh winter months.
chimney / fireplace
aries (1°, 13°, 25°) / leo (5°, 17°, 29°)
why this is useful information: the chimney was designed to let hot toxic gases and smoke out of the home so that no one would get smothered by the air in their own house during colder months. these symbols of the chimney/fireplace in your chart can indicate what toxic and smothering things need to be released from your space during the winter, so that you can survive without internal strain/stress.
sagittarius (9°, 21°)
why this is useful information: "something about the winter holidays causes all of us to reconnect with our traditions. i find that those that rarely go to religious gathering places frequent churches this time of the year to likely reconnect with their family traditions / childhood memories. so by examining church like planets/asteroids, you can see what are physical symbols of your traditions."
capricorn (10°, 22°)
why this is useful information: originally, coal was a heating element during the winter months that kept a home warm. later the tradition of coal in a stocking came to pass. namely the poor would put coal in their children's stocking claiming that a higher being was punishing them and made them poor, but at least they would be warm given this simple gift. ever since it has been a trend that santa would give coal to a bad child (typically a greed one) to teach them a lesson regarding the need to reexamine the world around them - such as noticing they weren't as bad off as they originally thought, they don't need as much as they previously assumed, etc. capricorn and saturn can thusly indicate where you can find warmth this season, and/or where you should be grateful for what you have and not be too greedy.
read about it in the fall post
why this is useful information: cabin fever is real in the winter months. this is the most popular time of the year for people to feel trapped in their own space. they often find themselves trapped and isolated from others. the 12h can help you better understand who you are when confined, how you can better cope with being isolated from others, and/or what makes you feel isolated/alone.
read about it in the fall post
pandora (55) / santa (1288)
why this is useful information: gift giving is the name of the game at the end of the year - these gift objects can better help you understand the gifts you have in your life, what you like to receive, and even what you tend to gift to others.
gift giving/receiving
why this is useful information: this is when we give and receive the most because it is post-harvest season. post-harvest suggests that we have reaped plenty of rewards throughout the year, and thusly we find we don't need it all so when share our goods with others. hence the season of giving and receiving. your 2h can help you better understand your tendencies of giving and receiving and you willingness to do so.
why this is useful information: the holidays. it stands to reason that the holidays are plentiful at the end of the year, thus my associating them with winter. venus in your chart can tell you about how you like to spend your holidays, what your holidays are like, and/or how you can have the best holiday possible.
aries (1°, 13°, 25°)
why this is useful information: holly was originally believed to promote protection and good luck. thus when decorating your home with it, holly was thought to provide those who lived within to be protected and have good luck during the harshest part of the year. it was the prickly spines on the holly leaves that were thought to snag evil spirits before they could enter a home. what symbolizes holly in a chart can indicate where you have good luck and/or are protected during hard times.
capricorn (10°, 22°)
why this is useful information: the most common part of the winter. it's cold, rigid, indifferent to our cause. it can really cause you to get off track, and prevent you from getting where you need to go. but ice is also a symbol of purity and even clarity... while it can cause you to get off track, or prevent you from getting where you need to go, it can also teach you to adapt. it is ultimately your choice as to how you approach ice - do you stay off course, do you let it stay in your way and prevent you from moving forward - it is up to you. what symbolizes ice in your chart can indicate where others my find you cold, rigid, or indifferent - it can also symbolize where you get off track or feel prevented from getting where you want to go.
saturn / neptune
why this is useful information: icicles are a sort of surrealism - they were once dripping water, because it was warm enough, but then it was suddenly cold and the dripping water froze slowly but surely. and now way above, sometimes unseen, are these sharp ice picks. my grandmother, when she little, was outside looking at icicles when one very suddenly detached and narrowly missed her eye - she does have a tiny scar on the bridge of her nose. icicle planets can show you where illustrious danger lies in your life and where the unseen can be dangerous in your life.
why this is useful information: TIMBER! a lumberjacks job is to harvest and transport trees. the wood of trees is what keeps us warm - no matter it's form, be it a home or a fire. mars in your chart can indicate where you facilitate warmth for yourself and others.
mercury / venus / saturn
why this is useful information: they always say to keep your hands and feet warm in the winter because if you aren't doing so, you can risk frostbite and thus permanent nerve damage. mittens are one of those hand coverings that everyone despises because your dexterity is limited because of a lack of available digits but with mittens your fingers can actually share warmth. these mitten planets can tell you about where you might feel like you lack proper mobility in life, but at least you can preserve warmth.
why this is useful information: nutmeg is often considered a symbol of romance and affluence. there are a lot of stories surrounding why people use to carry it around. when going to gentlemen's clubs, in the 1800s, men would carry the whole spice gem in their pocket to promote luck both with women and with gambling. even earlier than that people would carry nutmegs in the middle ages to ward off the plague. jupiter the nutmeg in your chart can show you where you can have increased luck.
venus / jupiter
why this is useful information: peppermint is thought to soothe and refresh - which is why i'll assume that it's popular during the winter months, where nothing is really fresh or soothing naturally. peppermint planets can indicate where you can find refreshing and comforting things when all seems bleak and monotonous.
pine tree
capricorn (10°, 22°)
mars / saturn
why this is useful information: these trees are conifers - they don't drop leaves to preserve their energy in the colder months. instead they preserve energy in their spines, which are more efficient to retaining water. what symbolizes the pine tree in your chart can help you to better understand how you can persevere during the harsh winter months, and how you can maintain your energy.
why this is useful information: the ribbon that adorn your presents are merely the garnish on your presents. no matter what research i do, it appears as though the ribbon was implemented in the 20th century and that is the extent of it. ribbon in your chart can show where your are meant to promote aestheticism.
why this is useful information: the sunsets earlier in the winter where i live and an early sunset is often associated with seasonal affective disorder for the majority of those living on this side of the united states. the 7h and it's ruler can tell you how an early sunset will effect you.
wool clothing
why this is useful information: wool is one of the best materials for promoting warmth, thus jupiter in your chart indicating where you can keep warmth in your life.
author asteroids
why this is useful information: it's the most wonderful time to sit down and write - often people will take up creative writing or journalism this time of the year to better cope with the hardships of the season or feeling trapped inside in general. what symbolizes writing in your chart can tell you about your writing styles and habits.
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© a-d-nox 2023 all rights reserved
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littledigest · 2 years
⭐️ little digest's master list
STUDY IN PROGRESS 👉 The Long Game. Personal Experiences with Planetary Transits and Returns.
Lesser Known Asteroids for Synastry and Composite Charts:
PART 1 - Helen and Paris - infidelity, epic affair
PART 2 - Apollo and Daphne - unrequited love
PART 3 - Pyramus and Thisbe - Romeo and Juliet, forbidden love
PART 4 - Orpheus and Eurydice - longing, losing faith
PART 5 - Beatrix and Dante - love at first sight, lasting impression
PART 6 - Deucalion and Pyrrha - dutiful to each other and the world
PART 7 - Tristan and Isolde - sudden attraction, forbidden affair
PART 8 - Quasimodo and Agnès/Esmerelda - boundaries between friendship and love, protectiveness
Asteroid Clusters:
Asteroids for Sleep and Dreams - When your subconscious takes over your life... (here)
Asteroids Related to the Mind, Body, and Soul - A Different Perspective of Your Self in Your Birth Chart (here)
Asteroids for Happiness and Humor (here)
Asteroids indicating Activism and the Rebellious Spirit in your Birth Chart - PART 1 / PART 2
Asteroids for Heavenly Places - Your Utopia (here)
Asteroids for Memory - the Power of Recall (here)
Asteroids for Truth, Trust, and Lies - Truthfulness, Deception, Withholding Information (here)
Asteroids for Womanizer vs. Knight in Shining Armor (here)
Asteroids for Eternal Youth and Life - Your Celestial Fountain of Youth (here)
Inescapable Past, Present, and Future - Interpreting the Fates and Norns in Birth Chart (here)
Asteroids for the Rejected and Abandoned Lover (here)
The Muses in Astrology - Inspiration and Creative Talents Personified (here)
The Graces and Charites in Astrology - Charm, Grace, and Beauty Personified (here)
Asteroids for Marriage and Weddings (here)
Asteroids Related to the Night (here)
Asteroid Highlights:
Varuna 20000 (dwarf planet) + Mithra 4486
Orcus 90482 (dwarf planet)
Eros 433 + Anteros 1943
Daedalus 1864 + Perdix 8758 + Talos 5786
Midas 1981
Astro Observations:
Chiron in the Birth Chart - personal experience
What astrological observations are true time and time again? - based on real people in my life
Astro Observations from personal experience
Mixed bag of Astro Observations - based on people in my life
Synastry Edition
Evidence that Astrology is Real Post # 1 , 2
Mini Astrology Studies:
Commonalities in Serial Killer charts
Commonalities in Billionaire charts
Commonalities in Film Director and Auteur charts
Beauty and Attraction: Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor, Grace Kelly - PART 1 / PART 2 / PART 3
Commonalities in Well-Known Beauties charts
Astro Lessons & Theories:
"Genetic" Astrology - similarities between family members' charts
Famous People Analysis:
Joaquin Phoenix + Rooney Mara = extremely Martian relationship
Welcome! 🥳
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njamil21 · 4 months
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Happy Late Valentine's Day!
This is incredibly late but I wanted to just finish this properly and get this posted. I was doing research and came across Erotes and got interested in making some designs and as I'm currently taking an online course on UI/UX designers so I thought it would be fun to create modern versions of them as developers on a dating app.
First is Anteros, the Erotes of requited love and the head UX designer of the app, Cupid Connect. He's very eager to help as many clients get their happily ever after so he helps manage deadlines and making sure the app runs smoothly. Anteros may not be in a relationship himself, but he's very excited to see people find their happily-ever-afters through the app! Hedylogos is the Erotes of flattery so naturally he's their PR manager and UX researcher, connecting directly with clients to get their honest feedback so the app can be easily used and understood by all. He's a sweet talker and likes to keep the atmosphere light by bringing homemade candies to the office to pick everyone up. Hedylogos tends to lay it on thick when it comes to compliments but his friends learned to understand that's just how he operates.
Hermaphroditus, as an Erotes of androgyny, was hard to pin down as to what their role on the team would be but I thought having them be the UX designer overseeing the safety features of the app would be best. Love is meant to be safe in the end and they would like to make sure all clients can experience their app and avoid any potential dangers when using it. In their free time, Hermaphroditus likes to garden and will occasionally bring flowers to the office. Hymenaeus is the Erotes of marriage so he does a lot of the heavy lifting of UX development in managing clients' information and helping Anteros in the match-making department. I like to think he worked as a wedding planner before so Hymenaeus also works as an event planner for the app, so couples can meet on safer grounds to get to know one another. People tend to look at Hymenaeus when it comes to throwing the best parties.
Pothos is the Erotes of yearning so as the UI designer, he makes sure that not only does the app look pleasing to the eye, but that also the client can navigate the app and get the love they long for. He can relate to wanting to be with the one you love, as he's in a long-distance relationship at the moment so he enjoys this aspect of the job. When Pothos isn't video chatting with his sweetheart, he likes to go drinking with the rest of the team. Last but not least, is Himeros, the Erotes of unrequited love and desire, so he works as another UI designer. Himeros will sometimes add articles regarding intimacy tips on the home page so clients can use that as they will but he'd like to upload advice on what happens when finding love is difficult, especially given their clientele. It hasn't been approved since that might be a bad look for the app but Himeros still tries.
This was insanely long and I'm so sorry about that. It's all just been rattling around in my brain for two months so I just wanted it out and posted before February was done. I hope you all had a great Valentine's day and enjoying some now half-priced chocolates on sale!
Please do not edit or repost without permission. (I edited my commission prices!)
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2023 Annual Wrap-Up!
Here’s the 2023 wrap-up, in case you missed it…
Current word count: 1,386,078  
(up 103,887 words from last year) 
2023 Events:
Snap My Choker (BruJay Zine)
A Love Story (BruJay Zine)
Service, Please (Riddlebat Zine)
Vulnerable (Jonathan Kent/Damian Wayne)
Minimum Wage (Fast Food Zine)
Maturity (Damian Wayne Zine)
Incentive (DCU Rarepair Exchange)
Ceasefire (DCU Rarepair Exchange)
Extraction (WilsonDick Winter Exchange)
Chiaroscuro (Batfam AU Zine)
You're holding the knife, I wish you would cut to the chase (Batfam Kinkmas Exchange)
New Fics:
Perspective (Jason Todd & Bruce Wayne)
Shoot Your Shot with Nightwang & Scandalsavage (Roy Harper/Jason Todd)
I'm Afraid Of All I Am (My Mind Feels Like A Foreign Land) (Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson)
Convalescent Vow (Retributory Shroud)
Pleated (Hockey RPF: Travis Konecny/Nolan Patrick)
Borrowing (Stephanie Brown/Tim Drake/Jason Todd)
Caught Red-Handed (Jason Todd/Bruce Wayne, Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson)
Viscera (Retributory Shroud)
I'm The Bottom If I'm Not On Top (David Cain/Slade Wilson)
New Art:
Adonis (Dick Grayson)
Pothos (Tim Drake)
Anteros (Damian Wayne)
Zephyrus (Conner Kent)
Flash Fics:
Appeal (Jonathan Kent/Damian Wayne)
You Are Enough (Tim Drake & Jason Todd)
Private Show (Dick Grayson/Bruce Wayne)
Reclamation Project (Tim Drake & Jason Todd)
Gentle Enough To Bruise (Joker/Jason Todd)
Sweater Souvenir (Roy Harper/Slade Wilson)
Loose Tongue (Tim Drake/Jason Todd)
Thigh Highs (Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson)
Run-In (Dick Grayson/Slade Wilson)
Taking Turns (Tim Drake/Slade Wilson)
Star-scarred (Tim Drake/Jason Todd)
Rougher (Tim Drake/Slade Wilson)
Two For Flinching (Harvey Dent/Jason Todd)
Open (Jason Todd/Bruce Wayne)
Delicious Predicaments (Stephanie Brown/Talia al Ghul)
Vertigo (Dick Grayson/Clark Kent)
Fountain (Apollo/Jason Todd)
A Short Jump (Tim Drake/Tim Drake/Slade Wilson)
Claim Me (Dick Grayson/Bruce Wayne)
Kettlebell (Dick Grayson/Roman Sionis)
Give Me Your Worst (I'll Take It) (Dick Grayson/Roy Harper)
Model (Tim Drake/Jason Todd)
Partition (Dick Grayson/Bruce Wayne)
Eggplant (Stephanie Brown/Jason Todd)
Tundra (Dick Grayson/Clark Kent)
Eyes On The Road (Jason Todd/Slade Wilson)
Idol (Tim Drake/Bruce Wayne)
Distance (Apollo/Midnighter/Slade Wilson)
Bring To Heel (Talia al Ghul/Slade Wilson)
Scope (Tim Drake/Slade Wilson)
Updated Works:
Stripped, Chapter 5
Check Yourself: Art Collection, Chapter 7
An Honest Mistake, Chapter 7 & 8
The Agency Maid, Chapters 2 to 7
Gift Works:
Guilt (Retributory Shroud, for arsenicgreen)
Tying Knots (Retributroy Shroud, for snowinthestars)
Regurgitate (Tim Drake/Jason Todd, for Anonymous)
Read & Recommended:
In the Desert by forestgreen
Acquisition by boyswonder
Kiss, Kiss, Fall in Love by walkerofthestars
Inferno by cadkitten
Skull by clarityhiding
eat your young before they eat you by sharpbluejay
Mistress by Reagy_Jay
Date Night by Anoonie
Winner's Room (Holiday Edition) by cadkitten
Blue Eyes Shining like the Sea by anotherDeadRobin
Ribbons and Bows by khthonicEcho
Come and open yourself up to me by Reagy_Jay
Salt And Copper by OkayAristotle
broken the same way by LizzieMack
A natural by forestgreen
Control by Valmouth
love to praise me, hate me, shame me by LizzieMack
Pretty Boy by JupiterMelichios
your bets on red by kuro49
Related/Inspired Works:
Seasonal Ficlets by arsenicgreen, inspired by Retributory Shroud
Meditations on the Nature of Ice by arsenicgreen, inspired by Retributory Shroud
Thomson AU by arsenicgreen, inspired by Retributory Shroud
No Atheists in the Foxhole by arsenicgreen, inspired by Retributory Shroud
Minimum Wage by litrapod, a podfic of Minimum Wage
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reggieblk · 1 year
hi i just wanna drop in and say i absolutely LOVE equals in life (partners in death)!! your writing is top tier and the relationship just… so good. i absolutely adore it and i know it’ll be a favorite for years to come
any other fics coming up in the future?
hello! thank you so so much!! I can't believe the feedback I've gotten on this fic it's mind-blowing! <3
Concerning my other fics in progress here you go (the keep reading is bc it's long):
WIPS (multi-chaptered fics)
you’re the only friend I need (sharing beds like little kids)
Premise : Tom and Harry grow up together in Wool’s Orphanage and are inseparable from the time they are placed together in a cot as babies. Retraces some of their childhood and their years at Hogwarts.
Current writing status : Mid third year, around 80k words, Chapters : 14/?, Rating : E, POV : Tom 
Pirate!Harry/Prince!Tom AU (untitled for the time being)
Premise : Harry, born on his ship, is made Captain of his crew on his eighteenth birthday. Tom, Heir to the English throne, hates his father, the King, and is constantly denied the succession. 
When Sirius gets arrested on the British shores and taken before the Crown Prince who locks him up with promise of the Death Penalty, Harry devises a plan to break his Godfather out. Maybe falling in love with the pretty Prince wasn't part of the plan, but it’s something. 
Current writing status : Chapters 7/9 (?), 30k words, Rating : E, POV : alternating (Harry/Tom)
ONESHOTS (completed) 
It will come back
Summary : 
Tom staggered back, letting go of him. His eyes snapped back to Harry’s and the look in them was suddenly very crazed, his grin feral. He took a step back towards Harry who was in awe at the sight of Tom, hair dishevelled and face covered in blood, shirt rumpled. 
Tom sank to his knees. Harry blinked, Tom had never done this before. Such a deafening hush fell over the Great Hall, everyone halted in their movements, students and teachers alike. Tom Riddle was kneeling before someone in something that could only be classified as worship.  
The words he spoke rang out throughout the entire Great Hall.“For you, Harry Potter, I would burn the whole world to the ground.” 
Status : Complete, 4k words, needs editing, Rating E, Porn without plot, POV Harry
let the light in
Summary :
Harry Potter. Harry Potter was standing on the threshold of Lord Voldemort’s door. 
 Lord Voldemort considered slamming the door in his face but steeled himself. The boy looked strange, his eyes a bit wild despite the dullness that inhabited them that had never been there before, eclipsing the brightness fuelled by fierce determination that usually resided there.
Status : Complete, 8k words, Rating E, Porn with plot, POV LV
love is such a dreadful thing (and dread is so lovely)
Summary : 
Sometimes a petty lover's quarrel between two Gods is all it takes to put an end to a decade long war. (Deimos!Tom, Anteros!Harry)
Status : Complete, 2.3k words, Rating T, POV outsider 
to hold your life in my decaying hands
Summary : 
“There is beauty in this place, life, existence.” I peered into his eyes as I admitted this, admiring the masterful swirl of his crimson irises. 
 “And is that what you seek, wanderer?” he asked in a whisper. 
 “It is,” I replied, leaning into the peaceful feeling of serenity the atmosphere brought.
Status : Complete, 3.7k words, Rating M, First person POV 
Please feel free to ask any questions about upcoming works whether it be for snippets or to request which oneshots you would like me to post first ! xx
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torizss · 2 years
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ANTEROS | pedido pessoal (19/07/22)
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whoredmode · 9 days
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masschase · 1 year
Like I said, totally normal about @whoredmode's new 'fit for Anteros.
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I have so many Bosses to attempt to draw digitally haha.
Had to slightly edit this post twice now (drawing issue then cropping issue) haha but w/e 😅
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ipso-faculty · 5 months
Umbrella term for being intersex and your gender isn't your AGAB?
So right now, we have an established term, ipsogender, for an intersex person whose gender is the same as their gender assigned at birth.
To my knowledge, there is not an umbrella term for an intersex person whose gender is not the same as their AGAB. Right now we have the established term, ultergender, for an intersex person whose gender isn't their AGAB and doesn't identify as trans, and the category of trans-intersex for those that do.
EDIT: I have been informed by @interarchive that ultergender was coined to be an opposite of ipsogender, and is not actually exclusive of trans people. So the umbrella term is actually ultergender! 💜
I am crossing off the rest of the text of this post to make clear the poll is no longer needed for this purpose. Ty <3
In the world of anatomy, the opposite of ipsi- (same) is contra- (against), which is what to me would be the obvious choice. Unfortunately, the term contragender is already taken. 😭
Here are some options I'm considering, and want feedback on. Sorry Tumblr only lets you vote for up one thing so let me know in the replies if you like multiple, dislike any, etc.
Countergender has a previous coining but from what I can tell it didn't take off? If people are using this way please let me know, right now. It also seems to have limited use in sociology as shorthand for counter-stereotypic gender things. 🤔
Let me know what you think of the options! I'd especially like to hear from ultergender people and trans-intersex people whose gender isn't their AGAB. 💛
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silencehq · 4 months
mods, filhes de quem vocês mais querem por aqui?
Eolo, Hebe, Demeter, Anteros, Tiquê, Psiquê, Thanato, Ares (por favor, queremos semideuses tretosos), Melinoe, Selene, Nyx.
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edit da mamãe: eu quero muito semideuses de Eros, Perséfone e Quione!
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danpuff-ao3 · 6 months
for ao3 wrapped! 29?
Hi, thanks for the ask!
29: Favorite line/passage you wrote this year?
ACK! That's one of the hardest ones to think about. Hmm!
I've written so much this year, so I sort of have to narrow it down to my personal favorites of the year, which are Devotion, Cruel Summer, and The Curse of Anteros. From there, thinking to favorite scenes, and seeing if any writing especially pops out.
Sooo...maybe I'll grab a snippet from each?
The Curse of Anteros:
There are things worse than death.  Plenty of curses are. The worst affect not only you, but the one you love. To be ripped away from your heart forever. To never have them again. To suffer, and to know they suffer, too.  It’s nearly as bad to look into the eyes of the man who loves you, and know that you can’t return his love.  Because the moment Delphi pronounced his sentence, Harry's heart and mind return where they always do: to Severus Snape.
The light of him transforms Spinner’s End. In the way of dreams, every wall is familiar and strange. Every book, every shelf in its place. The sofa is still lumpy, the lights still dim. The wallpaper still peels at the edges. The colors are changed. Just a shade off, he thinks. The air is crisp. Sweet and fresh as an apple. Cold and biting as a winter breeze. Harry is the soft warmth of a flickering flame. The heavy heat of a raging inferno. He is the blazing sun. The harsh light beneath which nothing can hide, and nothing survives.
Cruel Summer:
“Potter!” Snape shouts. “Control yourself!” Isn’t this control? Power, and anger? The rush of adrenaline. The need to pound Snape into a pulp. And if not Snape, maybe he’ll damage himself enough to — to —  There is a fracture, somewhere, deep inside. Harry falters. It’s enough for Snape to grab Harry’s wrists, to stop his assault. But Harry perseveres through his weakness. He finds a second wind. He frees one arm to hit wherever he can.  His throat hurts. How long has he been screaming?
ao3 wrapped [writer's edition]
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lomemarsupial · 7 months
this is a desciption i wrote elsewhere i can edit this for youtube in a few or in a while. multi tasking madness occuring.
hello negentropy, I mean, hello this is another preview. "It's A-OK to EMP" is the title. It's spoiling the later finished version of the track. But yet again I don't know how many can be fully finished out. SO I may have fun along the way. This short video was randomly put together the same way most others have been. Digging into the random image archive from my photo adventures. The media collage library.
Song was fun to record. I'm going to need to take about a week somewhere and have percussive tools and toys and just go thru track to track and fill in all the percussion I need for these many songs. If you click my 'reels' or are on youtube the Bright Blue Hill demos also apply to this task. I dont expect this to WORK because my account is shadow banned! unless you prove to me other wise! Its annoying! after a while! maybe I joked about Daarpa or some shtuff! or Cern! God Particle replication this or that. heh!
Antero Alli has passed away, Rip to him, a lovely brain and wonderful gift of studies for tarot, media art, and the 8 Circuit System of Consciousness which is an amazing study. and also so much more. thank you for existing
It's 11/11/2023. I have to add some 'tags' now. Im exhausted, but never tired. support independent artists like literally aye! music/video all rights reserved ltg music
garagerock #songwriting #indieart #musicvideo #creativity #songwriter #rawmusic #rockmusic #electricguitar #psychedelicrock #americanblues #bluesfolk #makingmusic #fingerlakes #lomemarsupial #indiemusic
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