best-fictional-cat · 2 years
In Empires season 2 Lizzie's character is more of a cat pretending to be human than the other way around, actually :3
if i misunderstood the previous response abt her ignore me lol ^^;
You're almost making me want to get into SMPs, this here sounds like a fun concept 👁️👄👁️ I guess, you could call it media restriction (the reason for exclusion, that is)? I mean, you can't really have a non-human model as your Minecraft character (as far as I know, at least), and then there's not a lot you can do with that, because boy do Minecraft skins like being flat... So for my unfortunate lack of knowledge I had to go off the looks and whatever was the first thing that came up on Google upon search (btw the only good and broad wikia in this field is apparently and not really surprisingly the DSMP one which is a real shame)
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mintsenhere · 3 years
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Let's be real, Techno always joins at the most unexpected and cool moment
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aetheras · 3 years
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hnnh-almond · 3 years
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awkward-someone-a · 3 years
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mcc 15 is on july 24th at 3 pm EST !!
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ensivii · 3 years
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a mothers wrath is unmatched, puffy no exception 
the speedpaint i’ve posted on my twitter 
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idiocymybeloved · 2 years
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“See you on the other side.” “Til we meet again!”
6 friends saying goodbye before fighting as enemies for the next few hours
Me trying to figure out how to draw completed drawing while overdramatizing pp crew members in mcc
Ok, this was the last mcc post I promise-
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HBomb, Grian, Antfrost and Geminitay are in a call, and are testing a SoT puzzle in a server. This is the best collab.
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terra1ncognita · 3 years
I wanna see a 2 person Manhunt, like 2 runners vs 5 hunters but the same rules apply; the runners can't die. Like maybe Dream and George run and they can add Punz to the hunter to balance it out? Might be pretty epic because I think it's harder to keep 2 people alive; they would now target George and Dream has to keep both alive in order to win.
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glitchyfrills · 3 years
An Overdue Meeting
((GlitchNote: Possible spoilers if you are not caught up with streams/lore involving Las Nevadas/Prison Break on the DreamSMP))
A storm was brewing.
Punz could see the dark angry clouds rolling through from where he was perched. Out of all the towers Tommy had built this was the only one Punz found to be of some use. The tower was built just high enough that he could see the prison’s perimeter. Before the tower was built by the trio and the ghost Punz had to resort to enderpearling onto the roof of the prison. He would pace around the roof and linger in the watchtowers and suffer the result of the elder guardians underneath. The Warden had yet to catch him up on the roof.
One evening BadBoyHalo had seen him in one of the watchtowers but thankfully since he had made an alliance with this so-called Eggpier the demon had just kept on walking. Punz knew Awesamdude wasnt stupid but the fact that the warden had chosen BadBoyHalo and Antfrost, two open members of the Eggpier, to be guards was a question that circled his mind. He chose not to overthink it and accept the advantages XD had granted him.
A loud crash of lightning caught his attention. The sky was dark and angry. The clouds above began to release the rain. Retrieving his trident from his inventory he was about to head back to his base when an enderperal shattered beside him. Purple enderparticles flurry around for a moment before the one who threw the pearl teleported into the tower.
“Pearling?” Punz scoffed as he lazily looked over his shoulder to the purple hooded figure that appeared beside him. “That’s not the best way to sneak up on someone. Thought I taught you better.” He rolled his eyes as he shifted his gaze back towards the prison.
“Sure you did, Punz.” His voice was dripping with sarcasm.
“Still a little shit. Isn't Quackity your boss now? He hasn't driven the sass out of you yet?” Punz turned to face Purpled as he leaned against the cobblestone wall.
Purpled took a few steps towards Punz; making the space between them smaller. His face was emotionless. He looked Punz up and down before he said through gritted teeth, “Quackity is NOT my boss.”
Punz scoffed and rolled his icy blue eyes. “Keep telling yourself that, kid,” Punz muttered under his breath.
Purpled reached out and quickly swiped Punz’s trident from where he had it resting against the wall he was up against. Punz tried to stop him but the younger one seemed to have quicker reflexes.
“What's wrong Punz,” Purpled teased as he shifted the trident from one hand to the other. “Not as fast as you used to be, huh?” He laughed as he examined the trident in his hands. It glowed with whatever enchantments Punz had given it. The details that were engraved on the trident caught his eye. He tried to make out what it said but his knowledge of speaking; let alone reading, Ender was limited. He knew enough to get by but whatever was engraved on Punz’s trident was way too advanced. Purpled made out a few letters but couldn't make out the word or phrase. The trident definitely mirrored its owner. Where the staff met the prongs there was an enderpearl embedded into it. The fact that an enderpearl; a way of teleporting from one place to another, was permanently adorning the trident; another way of travel as long as some form of water was around, made him chuckle. Before he had his trident, Punz always had stacks of enderpearls. So many in fact that he even had one on the back of the gold coin he wore around his neck.
Punz took advantage of the fact that Purpled was distracting himself by looking over his trident. He swiftly swiped back the trident.
“Hey!” Purpled called out as Punz stepped back and returned to leaning against the tower wall with his trident firmly in his grasp. Punz laughed as Purpled frowned at him.
“I was looking at that!”
“Was,” Punz emphasized.
Purpled huffed and walked over to where Punz was leaning and looked out the tinted window. Punz playfully bumped Purpled’s shoulder with his to hopefully lighten the mood. Purpled always carried a serious front around everyone. Punz was the only one that had seen him relax.
“In all seriousness, Purpled, how are things with Quackity in Las Nevadas? Is he treating you right?”
Purpled side eyed him. “When has that ever been a requirement in our line of work?” He scoffed as he returned his gaze out the window.
He wasn't wrong, Punz thought.
Their line of work was basically to do what they were paid to do and have no emotional ties. Permanent jobs were rare. When he had found himself committing to working solely for Dream Purpled at the time had some concerns. Looking back now he wasn't completely wrong, which annoyed Punz, but working for Dream had had its benefits.
Working as Dream’s unknown eyes around the server had seemed like the perfect job when it was presented to him. Reporting to Dream when and if there were whisperings then being rewarded seemed like an easy and comfortable gig. Even guarding George for the short time that he was King of the SMP was an easy job. Punz knew he wouldn't last long. George was unpredictable and Dream had no control over him even if he thought otherwise. George may have been Dream’s weak spot but he wasn’t stupid and when he saw that George couldn't remain neutral he removed him as King and returned the crown to Eret. Not before he called for Tommy’s exile for crimes against The King of The SMP.
He always wondered if he made George king in hopes that Tommy would do something stupid enough for Dream to get rid of Tommy somehow. But Tommy isn't easy to get rid of. Which led to Dream’s strangest request: to act as if he had no allegiance to him. As long as he paid him he didn’t question his request even if he thought it was unordinary.
“How did you even know that I was even with Quackity?’ Purpled interrupted his thoughts. “It's not like you have contacted or checked in with me in months.”
The younger one's words were harsh and full of spite that had been building over time and they stung. Punz did his best not to let it show on his face. Calmly he answered,” Whispers travel and I hear things.”
“Way to be vague, Punz,” Purpled scoffed.
Pushing himself away from the wall forcefully and taking Purpled by surprise; Punz loomed over Purpled with soul fire eyes. “Have you always been this much of a brat?”
The shock of the surprise faded quickly and a smirk creeped its way onto Purpled’s face as he answered his old mentor's question. “Yup.”
Punz lightly shoved Purpled away from him and returned to looking out the window of the watchtower.
Purpled composed himself and watched as Punz took his position back near the window. “What are you looking for,” he asked as he walked to stand next to him. Looking out the rain-covered window he could make out the burry image of the prison.
“Then why are you up here looking at the prison like you are waiting for something to happen.”
Punz whipped his head to face Purpled who was still looking out the window.
“I may not be around you all the time anymore, Punz, but I can still see past your ice cold exterior.”
Punz let out a chuckle and placed a light hand on Purpled’s shoulder and gave it a light squeeze. Purpled’s instinct was to shrug him off but he let the kind gesture be just that.
“How are things in Las Nevadas?”
Purpled could feel Punz’s gaze on him as he asked.
“Gonna continue to ignore my question from earlier I see. Okay. Uh,” he stammered, thinking of what he could tell Punz. Quackity built Las Nevadas far from the Greater Dream SMP for a reason. He wanted things to remain secretive until everything was ready for others to come and explore the many things the area had to offer. He also didn’t want anyone else coming around and claiming the area around Las Nevadas either. There was already enough trouble with that as it is. “It’s fine. Different.”
“Different?” Punz repeated.
Purpled ignored Punz and continued, “Started building a new UFO. It's a slow process but I'm not in too much of a hurry.”
Punz knew why he was building a new one; everyone knew. The original UFO had been blown up by Quackity. There were a few rumors floating around as to why but no one had solid evidence as to the real reason. The thought crossed Punz’s mind to ask but he knew it would frustrate Purpled. He spent so much time and effort on that original UFO. He could only imagine the hurt he felt when he saw it blow up.
“New one, huh? Gonna make this one out of obsidian,” Punz joked.
The question confused Purpled. “Obsidian?” He looked at Punz like he was crazy. “Why the hell would I build the UFO out of obsidian?”
“To keep it from being blown up again.” The words left Punz’s mouth without a second thought but when he realized what he had said he looked away from the window to Purpled to see the displeased look on his face.
He walked away and was about to open his inventory to retrieve an enderpearl but Punz stepped in front of him with his hands raided. “Hey, I'm sorry. That was a low blow.”
Purpled glared at him as he closed his inventory and took a few steps away from him.
Punz continued, “I know how much work you put into that UFO. Honestly,” he paused and put his hands down and relaxed his stance, “I'm surprised you even joined Quackity in Las Nevadas after what he did.”
“I almost didn't,” Purpled admitted with a sigh. “But I saw an opportunity and I couldn't pass it up.”
He looked up at Punz and met his gaze with his, “You know what that's like…”
Punz looked away. He knew what Purpled was hinting at.
The Egg.
Punz claimed to others who have been brave enough to ask that he doesn't remember much of his time under the Egg’s control but he couldn't lie to himself. He remembers agreeing to join the Eggpire. Thinking at the time the server was in need of chaos. A different kind of chaos then the server had already been experiencing. Chaos created job opportunities.
“Was Dream not paying you enough?” Purpled’s laugh intruded on Punz’s thoughts and drove the memories away for the moment. “You joined those eggheads before Dream got locked up in that obsidian monstrosity behind you.”
“My income is none of your business,” Punz replied flatly without looking Purpled.
The clap of thunder made the silence between them more frantic then it should have been.
Purpled turned away from looking at Punz. His gaze fell on the prison that held the one that everyone on the server saw as the villain.
“It used to be,” he paused. He could feel Punz’s icy blue eyes on him again. “We used to be a duo. It was us against the server but—,”
“But you went and changed all that.” Punz’s voice had no emotion. “You went off on your own. You didn't like that I was willing to work exclusively for Dream. I tried to reason with you and explain how it would be beneficial for BOTH of us but like I told you that day ‘I don’t fight losing battles, I’m way too smart for that shit’.”
Purpled was stunned.
The rain was starting to fall in sheets. Lightning illuminated the sky.
“I wanted you to stay with me. I wanted us to remain a team but you wanted to go off on your own. You thought you knew better. You…,” Punz stopped as he looked at Purpled. He looked shocked.
Punz sighed, “What does it even matter now.” He relaxed his stance and leaned against the stonewall of the tower. The rainfall had cooled it enough to where he could feel the chill through his white hoodie. “You are a part of a rising country that supposedly is going to rake in millions. Or so I've heard.”
Purpled was about to ask who he heard that from but Punz raised a hand to him and said, “My sources are just that… mine.”
The younger one couldn't help but laugh. The tension that was one hanging in the air was slowly dissolving. Purpled moved closer to where Punz was leaning.
“I didn't want this first meeting after so long to go the way it has,” Purpled confessed.
Punz nodded in agreement. He had missed Purpled. Sure he was annoying at times but being in this line of work was isolating. Punz had a long term job but that ended up being complicated. But he didn't want to think of that at the moment. Instead what he wanted was to maybe have their interaction start over so that's what he decided would happen.
With a slight perplexed look on his face he said, “Pearling? I thought I taught you how to sneak up on people better?”
It took Purpled a few moments to realize what Punz was doing but once he caught on followed Punz’s lead.
Rolling his eyes dramatically, “Yeah, sure you did, Punz.”
They two began to laugh together at their lame attempt at starting over. The laughter eventually stopped and the two stood in a comfortable silence between with the only sounds coming from the rain hitting the tower windows and the thunder.
“I'm sorry for leaving the way I did.”
Punz looked towards Purpled and he shrugged and sighed. “I didn't expect you to stick with me for very long if I'm being honest.”
“Did I hope that you would? Sure,” Punz nodded. “But I knew deep down one day you would want to go off and do your own thing. Didn't make it hurt any less,” he chuckled half heartedly.
“Punz, I–,” Purpled began.
“It’s okay, Purpled. All that matters is that you have a place to call home and that you are safe.”
Punz didn't see Purpled flinch. He looked away as he quietly said, “Sure, yeah.”
He perked up, clearing his throat. He met Punz’s eyes as he repeated, “Sure, yeah. Las Nevadas is great. Got Foolish hanging around. You've heard of him right?” Punz nodded. “Of course you have. I swear you have bat hearing or something. Did you have Sam rig some hidden recorders out of redstone for you?”
Punz laughed, “If I had, why would I leak that information. Would cause people to be more cautious about what they say out loud.”
Purpled couldn't argue with that, “Ture.”
“But yeah, Quacity basically has Foolish around as a guard dog.”
“Pretty scary guard dog if the stories are true.”
“Yeah, so the place is pretty safe and Quackity…,”
“Quackity?” Punz repeated. “Is he treating you right?
Purpled saw Punz’s fit start to tighten into balled fists. He needed to say something quickly to calm him down.
“He’s been helpful.” There was a long pause before he continued. “Sure the guy blew up my UFO but I get to build a new one now that will supposedly make me money.”
Punz eyed Purpled as he spoke. He could hear something different in his tone but couldn’t put his finger on what or why. He was about to say something about it when a blaring siren rang out causing the tower to shake.
“What the hell? Where is that sound coming from?” Purpled lifted his hands to cover his ears and attempted to muffle the obnoxious sound.
Punz knew what, where, and even why. He hadn't expected to wait this long to hear the alarm of Pandora’s Vault. He needed to get Purpled away from the prison.
He grabbed Purpled by the shoulders making him look directly into his eyes. “Purpled, you need to get out of here. Get to Las Nevadas as fast as you can.” Punz released him and pulled up his inventory to retrieve his enderchest and placed it down on the floor. Opening it he retrieved half a stack of enderpearls and dropped them for Purpled to take. “Here, take these and go. Don't stop until you reach Las Nevadas and stay there.”
Purpled looked up at his old mentor confused as he took the enderpearls. “What is going on, Punz?”
Punz didn't have time and couldn’t explain to his young friend what was going to happen. “Please Purpled, just go!”
Punz shouting at him startled him. He quickly pulled an enderpearl that Punz had given him from his inventory and held it in his hand. He looked to Punz and then out the window behind him. He wasn't too sure but he thought he saw someone running out of the prison entrance and heading towards the path past BadBoyHalo and Skeppy’s Quartz Mansion. If it was who he thought it was he did need to go. Without much more thought he turned away from Punz to the window on the opposite side. He broke the glass easily and threw the pearl towards the steps leading to the Big Innit Hotel. Before the pearl hit the ground he turned to Punz and nodded. Punz, with his trident in hand, nodded back as he watched purple enderparticals furry around where Purpled had once stood. He watched as he appeared near the top of the steps and throw another pearl towards the bamboo forest. Punz thought it was strange that Purpled didn’t throw it towards the Prime Path but he didn't have time to find a reason for Purpled’s actions.
Instead he turned to face the prison. With his enderchest still on the floor he opened it again but this time pulling out the shulker box that was gifted to him by one of the gods of the server and checked to see if he still had the armor and weapons.
With a deep sigh he closed the shulker and returned it to its slot in his enderchest. With his silk touch pickaxe he picked up his enderchest and placed it back in his inventory. He surveyed the area and made sure no one was around to follow him. He had made the journey to the snowy tundra area a few times before but this time might just be different. Holding his trident he aimed it in the direction that he needed to go and used the falling rain to his advantage leaving behind the blaring alarm warning the server of someone escaping.
((GlitchNote: I REALLY HOPE YOU ENJOYED THIS NEW FIC! I always get super nervous posting stories for different fandoms. I get so comfy writing for one fandom and run with it but I’m not just active in one fandom. So why just write for one fandom? I’ll be honest writing for the DSMP/MCYT fandom is a little scary because oh my goodness are the antis ruthless. Hopefully this will reach those that can appreciate it. AGAIN THANK YOU FOR READING! There maybe a few WIP for this fandom. But you didn’t hear it from me. Also Samantha and Miles will be back soon!)))
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fuck pogtopia and manberg, who are you rooting for to find the 10k gift card for taco bell
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starlyte-writes · 3 years
Bro I wake up to Tommy lore then get sent to Sam lore and NOW we get Ant lore JEEZ WHY WE GOIN SO FAST
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halfblood-demigods · 4 years
Ponk Lore
A while ago Ponk participated in something called the estate conflict. The estate conflict is a small conflict between the duo of Purpled and Ponk and Jack Manifold and Antfrost. Purpled had started a “real estate” business and recruited Ponk to be his business partner. The two planned on scamming the server by claiming they owned the land of peoples build and getting them to pay money for the land. Their plan kinda backfired but the two have been business partners since then.
Bad and Ant have also tried to get Ponk to join the egg. Ponk isn’t the biggest fan of the egg. He doesn’t have an active hatred for it but he does dislike the egg and it’s vines. The only known exception to this so far is lil red, the vine that sprouted in his casino. Lil Red has been doused in Prime water, which turned it green.
To try and get Ponk to join the egg, Ant and Bad locked him in with the egg. Ponk was able to escape but pretended like he didn’t so that they would trust him and believe that he was working for the egg. To further this idea, Ponk wears Red contacts when around the Eggpire so that they believe he is under the influence of the egg. Believing that Ponk was loyal to the egg, the eggpire hired Ponk to get information about Puffy, as she is very vocally anti-egg. Ponk then got in touch with Purpled and figured set up communication between Purpled and the eggpire. The eggpire then hired Purpled to bring Puffy to a location set by the eggpire.
Outside of the egg and that lore, Ponk has also been developing his individual lore, but I will be posting that tomorrow because something is wrong with my computer and it keeps crashing when I try and write this so I want to post the first part before that happens again. I have literally written this 3 whole times and then my computer crashed so I lost it all and ad to write again.
here are the @. for the people who showed interest or asked to be:   @danique7 @softotacoo @mangobubbletea7 @minecrafttubeyou @derp-a-derpy-derp
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hon3yblad3 · 3 years
Man hunt… heh
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itmightbeneb · 4 years
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maggie-mcnugget · 3 years
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Gorillaz anyone? I made this during the last 4 person manhunt, I’ve gotta make another piece with Sam for sure!
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