#anthony ramos drabble
dorkszn · 4 months
HAIRCUTS + john laurens
— suggestive content, gn reader, modern-ish au, i know this is gonna get like 2 likes 💀
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The sound of keys jingling outside the door causes you to look up from your book. John had been out for a few hours, telling you how he “had a surprise for you.”
“Babe?! Sweetheart?!” He called out from behind the door. Slightly opening it so you could hear him but not see him.
“Yes, John. I’m here.” You answer, getting up from the couch and stalking over to the door.
“Alright, you ready for the surprise?” He questions.
“Yep, just waiting.” You reply, slightly smiling at his antics.
John fully opens the door and steps in, softly shutting it behind. You scan him up and down and immediately find your “surprise.” His curls cut from his shoulders to near his ears and halfway down his neck.
“Surprise, baby.” He says with his usual stupid grin on his face. You approach him and reach up to touch his hair. You were familiar with his curls, of course, many nights of hair tugging and back arching.
You run your fingers through his tufts, softly pulling on them. His hooded brown eyes fixate on your face as you admire his hair. After a few seconds, you bring your hands down to cup his face. “You like it?” John asks.
You smile and nod. “Not saying I hated your long hair or anything but I could get used to this.” You feel his cheeks grow warm in your palms.
“Yeah? You like it that much?” He hums, wrapping his hands around your waist. You move your hands from his face and wrap your arms around his neck.
“Mhm-mm.” You murmur, closing the gap between the two of you. You take in his lips and he floods your senses; the smell of his cologne hits you and his body presses against yours.
John then pulls back, taking in a few breaths. “Maybe I’ll keep it like this. You obviously love it.” He chuckles.
“I wouldn’t mind,” you snicker. “You know who’s gonna go crazy about this though?”
“Alexander,” you respond.
John laughs at your answer. “Not wrong when you’re right,” He sighs blissfully. “So… what else is this haircut gonna get me, Hm?” He purrs.
“Why don’t you find out?”
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schuylerful-blog · 6 years
A Very Merry Christmas (Anthony x Reader) 12 Days Of Christmas, Day 12
T/W: Nothinggg
If you have a request, drop it here! If you wanna see my masterlist, click here!
“This next ones for (Y/N)!”. Your sister jumped over legs and feet sprawled across the ground and handed you a large box. “It’s from Anthony”, she winked. You smiled and glanced at your boyfriend, Anthony, who was sitting next to you, a hand on your thigh. He looked more nervous than you had ever seen him before.
“You okay there?”, you giggled, squeezing his cheek. 
“’Course”, he curtly replied. “Now open your present”. You turned your attention to the box in front of you. Your whole family watched as you carefully opened the box. You reached in and pulled out...
“An even smaller box. Really Ant?”, you laughed.
“What can I say, I’m cheesy like that”. You opened the next box to find another box. And then another. And another. And another. And another. And another. And yet another. Finally, you reached a small box about the size of your Aunt’s brownies you ate earlier. Before you could grab the box, Anthony swooped in and grabbed it. 
“Just trust me”, he said, before you could complain. He took your hand in his and dropped to one knee in front of you. Your breath caught in your throat. The room went silent. Anthony opened the box to reveal a silver ring.
“(Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N), I love you more than anything in this life. You’re absolutely perfect. Beautiful, smart, talented...”. You blushed as he went on. “From the moment I saw you it was sight at first love. You bring out the best in me. Asking you this question was the easiest decision of my life. You’re who I want to be with. (Y/N), will you marry me?”. Your family erupted into cheers. You felt tears coming up in your eyes. You could barley make a sound, so you just nodded. Anthony grinned from ear to ear and pulling you into a crushing hug.
“Merry Christmas (Y/N/N)”, he whispered.
“Merry Christmas Ant”.
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leslieohdamnjr · 7 years
Why are you looking at me like that? With Anthony please!!!
A changed the prompt just a bit to fit the story I had in mind. Warning: Sexual themes (it’s pretty much just diet smut), implied smut, and embarrassing situations.
You might want to listen to Dead Girl Walking from Heathers before reading. This is Highschool/Theater AU btw. (there’s a read more after a couple paragraphs, I know sometimes you can’t see those so just so you know, it doesn’t just drop off there)
“Alright, are you guys ready to run the scene?” Your theater teacher shouted, “Y/N, Anthony, on stage please.” You jogged up the stairs and onto the far right side of the stage.
You began singing, walking across the stage when you had to, exaggerating your arm movements when you had to, and looking back on queue to see Anthony stripping off his jacket. You’d gotten pretty close to Anthony since you were cast as the two leads of your school musical. You couldn’t deny that he was attractive, and you definitely had a bit of a crush on him, which was why it was going to be difficult for you to do this scene without turning into a cherry from blushing as deeply as you knew you were going to. You climbed the stairs of the set, focusing on singing rather than on Anthony’s pecs and the way the looked in that tight black t-shirt…
“Veronica? What are you doing in my room?” He asked, perfectly on time, like you’d rehearsed so many times. The only difference was that this was your first time singing it through with the choreography. You shushed him over dramatically before moving on with the song.
You walked swiftly up to Anthony, barely shivering when his hands fell on your sides. You pushed down on his shoulders until he fell to his knees. He looked up at you as you continued to sing with your hands placed at the sides of his face. 
You tried to ignore the feeling that jumped across your skin when his palms drew slowly up your legs, moving the skirt of your dress upward with them. It was only the nerves of performing a sex scene in front of your classmates… right?
“Bow down to the will of a dead girl walking!” You belted. “And you know, you know you know…” You sang more quietly, kneeling down in front of Anthony and running your hands over his chest gently. You dropped your cardigan off your shoulders, showing off the bodice of the strapless floral dress you wore and forcing yourself to lock eyes with Anthony as you riffed.
This was the part you were dreading. You tangled your fingers in his long, curly hair, pulling his face to yours in a passionate kiss. He was a good kisser, and you liked the way his hair felt between your fingers. You could focus on that, not on how flustered you were beginning to feel. 
He fell back onto his hands, legs stretching out in front of him as you pulled forward to sit over his waist. Grateful to have a chance to stop kissing him for a minute and catch your breath, you peeled off his shirt quickly and tossed it aside. You pushed him down so he lay flat on his back, leaning down to kiss across his bare chest.
“Yeah!” You sat up abruptly, throwing your arms into the air. “Full steam ahead, take this dead girl walking!”
Anthony propped himself up, arms extended straight behind him, “How’d you find my address?” He looked a little bit anxious, but the expression went along with the line so you forgot about it and continued. You kept on singing the lines at each other, somehow, a light blush crept it’s way onto both of your faces. 
You pretended to slap him and he pulled lightly on your hair as you threw your head back to make it seem like he pulled much harder. This is where he would rip open your blouse, but since you weren’t in costume, he simply moved his hands across your chest. 
His hand accidentally brushed against your bust and you drew in a sharp breath before delivering your next line, “But no more talk-” Your voice dropped off and you froze. No. Way.
“Hey, what’s the hold up?” Your drama teacher asked, the background music coming to a stop soon after he’d spoken.
Anthony groaned helplessly in front of you, face flushed red as you stared at him slack jawed and wide eyed. “Do you have to look at me like that?” He asked, covering his face with his hands.
“Holy shit.” You spoke through laughter, all of your nerves were gone now. “You-”
“Shut up.” He groaned again, shimmying out from beneath you.
“Hey! Guys!” The drama teacher got your attention again, standing up from his seat in the center of the house. “What happened?”
Your laughter only picked up and Anthony’s face reddened even further.
“Ant got a boner!” Jasmine shouted from the wings.
“God, did ya have to Jazz?” Anthony yelled back at her.
“Well, I’m not wrong, am I?” She asked, emerging onto the stage with a smirk on her face.The two of them had broken up not long ago, but now they were closer friends than almost any other pair of students in your school.
“Do you need a minute, Anthony?” The teacher asked, rubbing his eyes exasperatedly.
“Yeah.” Anthony squeaked, scampering out the door and into the hallway before anyone could say anything else.
After a few seconds of deliberation, you followed him out.
“Ugh, why are you here?” He asked when you found him pacing outside the door. 
“Anthony.” You caught his wrist, getting him to stop walking. “It’s fine, relax.” Your hand didn’t leave his arm, instead, you stepped to face him, taking his other wrist.
He stayed silent, looking at you nervously. “Maybe…” You moved closer, your arms shifting to fall around his neck. “We should rehearse the scene a few more times, to…” You rose to your tiptoes leaning in so that you shared breaths with Anthony, foreheads pressed together, noses touching, lips inches away from each other. His hands came to your waist, just like in the choreography from the the song. “I don’t know…” You continued under your breath, “Find a way to avoid what happened…”
“Right…” He said quietly, “That’d be the only reason?”
“Mm-mm.” You hummed, signaling contradiction.
“Oh?” Anthony prompted you to say more, but you just brought your lips to his. That was the only response he really needed. His hands tightened on your hips and he pushed you toward a janitor’s closet. After that, you had only one coherent thought, you were going to be sore tomorrow.
I’m sorry this took me so long! I hoped you liked reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it (which is a lot).
Here’s my ask box!
(If you want to request or send in feedback :) )
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stargazefearless · 4 years
It's been a loooong time since I wrote Hamilton but it seems like it's making a comeback and I love writing for it! I'll be writing over on @hamilsquadwritings so feel free to do some requests, send a ship and I'll write a lil drabble for it!
(this page is going to stay as a memes/whatever I fancy page😂)
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Playground (Daveed x Emmy/ Anthony x Jasmine)
Pt. 1 Pt. 2 Pt. 3 Pt. 4 Pt. 5 Pt. 6 Pt. 7 Pt. 8 Pt. 9
Pairing: Daveed Diggs x Emmy Raver-Lampman and Anthony Ramos x Jasmine Cephas-Jones
Word Count: 2217
Warnings: Bullying, Injury, Hospital, Surgery
Author’s Note: This was originally a short, fluffy fic about the kids playing together at the playground. Then I decided to re-write it while editing today and this was the end result. Whoops!
While Emmy and Jasmine were at work together, both currently working on a new musical, Daveed and Anthony decided to band together to take care of the three kids. Daniele, Callie, and Michael were five now and were all in the same kindergarten class. The two couples tried to get the kids together at least once a week, and they regularly watched each other’s kids so that they could still have date nights and some child-free time. 
On this particular Saturday, Daveed and Anthony decided to take the kids to the local park where they could run around and get some energy out. The park also had a playground where they would be able to play on the jungle gym and swings for a while before heading home for dinner. 
Daveed and Daniele arrived at Anthony and Jasmine’s apartment around two, after a long and messy lunch of mac and cheese and fruit snacks, the only things she would eat when Emmy wasn’t home. Anthony opened the door to reveal Michael running around the apartment in just his underwear while Callie was playing quietly in the corner with her dollhouse. It never ceased to amuse Daveed how different the twins were. He sent Daniele over to play with Callie and then made his way over to Michael and tried to convince him to put on some clothes. After about fifteen minutes, Michael was finally dressed and the group made their way down the street to the park.
As soon as they arrived, all three kids joined a game of tag with a few other kids who were already playing. Daveed and Anthony took a seat on a nearby bench where they could chat while still keeping an eye on the kids to make sure no one got hurt. After about twenty minutes of tag, Daniele and Callie came over to ask if they could go over to the playground now. They called for Michael and made their way over, the girls heading straight for the swings while Michael ran for the sandbox when he saw there was a dump truck that no one was playing with yet. 
After a little while, Daniele and Callie decided to head over to the jungle gym to practice their gymnastics. Their were some older kids hanging out there too, but they stayed on the lower bars like Anthony had told them to so they weren’t worried. Daniele was showing Callie the new flip she had learned in class when one of the bigger kids came over to them.
“Are you babies done yet?” she asked, her hands on her hips, glaring at Dani and Callie. “Why don’t you go play with the baby toys over there?” she pointed at the baby swings across the park.
“M-my Papí says I can p-play here if I w-want!” Callie retorted, her small voice wavering as the older girl stared her down.
“Y-yeah! D-daddy said we could p-play f-flips!” Dani added, moving to stand next to her friend.
“Well, only big kids can play on the bars. Prove that you’re big kids and we’ll let you stay,” another girl added.
“Fine!” Daniele shouted, climbing up the ladder to the higher bars.
“Dani! Papí told us not to go up there!” Callie called after her, looking back towards Anthony and Daveed who were busy talking and didn’t notice the altercation their daughters were in.
“It’s fine, C! We’ve been up here before! C’mon!” Danielle called from the top of the ladder.
Callie hesitantly made her way towards the ladder and began climbing up after giving one more glance towards her father. When she reached the top, she couldn’t help but feel proud of herself for making it up so high. She could see the whole playground from up here. Michael was still in the sandbox, currently dumping sand down another kid’s shirt. She could see Anthony and Daveed, still on the bench, unaware that their daughters had climbed up higher than they were supposed to. But before she could get too comfortable up there, the older girls were back.
“Now you gotta do a flip up here,” the older girl said, demonstrating by flipping herself backwards so she was hanging by her knees, “Your turn,” she said as she flipped back up.
Daniele hesitantly adjusted herself on the bar and then helped Callie adjust herself. They squeezed hands and then let go as they flipped back. Daniele felt her legs slip off of the bar, and the next thing she knew, she was on the ground, searing pain in her left arm. 
“Dani!” Callie called as soon as she realized what had happened, “Hold on! I’ll be right there to help you!” she yelled to her as a tear slipped down her cheek.
“Here, I’ll show you the fastest way to get there,” the older girl said before pushing Callie off the bar, laughing as she fell to the ground next to Daniele and then running off with the rest of the older kids before they could get caught.
Callie hit the wood chips below with a thud. The pain was instant and all she could do was scream. Anthony heard her and he and Daveed went running, shocked to see both of their daughters lying on the ground below the jungle gym. Daveed could tell just by looking that Daniele had broken her left arm, the swelling and bruising already setting in. Callie was in even worse shape. The broken bone in her leg had pierced her skin and she was bleeding. Anthony was using his sweatshirt to stop the bleeding while calling an ambulance. He told Daveed to call the theater and have Emmy and Jasmine meet them at the ER. Michael had noticed the chaos and the crowd that had formed and made his way over. Daveed kept him turned around while simultaneously cradling Daniele so that he wouldn’t see his sister’s injury. After he reached the theater and confirmed that the girls would meet them at the ER, Anthony had him call Stephanie to pick up Michael so he wouldn’t have to be at the hospital with them. He explained to his son that he was going to have a special sleepover with Auntie Steph and that he’d get to watch movies and pick whatever kind of take out he wanted for dinner. 
After what felt like an eternity but in reality was probably only a few minutes, the ambulances arrived to take the girls to the hospital. The EMTs quickly splinted Daniele’s arm to keep it stable on the trip. They took a bit longer with Callie because they had to bandage her wound before they could splint her leg. When they finally arrived at the hospital, they put the girls in a shared room because they had been crying for each other the whole trip. They were both given pain medication so they were super sleepy and a little loopy when Jasmine and Emmy arrived. Both women were in a frantic state, clearly having gotten quickly changed out of costume and jumping into an Uber as soon as they got the call. 
The girls were both taken back for x-rays, Jasmine having to go with Callie who was convinced that she was being taken away from her parents forever. Fortunately, Daniele’s arm was a clean break that would heal with just a cast. She chose purple, to match her new sneakers, and was excited to have all her friends draw on it at school on Monday. Callie, unfortunately, was going to need surgery to realign her bones and place several screws. Anthony and Jasmine were nervous, as was to be expected, but they were grateful to be at a pediatric hospital with a world renowned orthopedic team who they felt would do everything they could to help their daughter heal as quickly as possible. 
Daniele was allowed to go home after her cast was put on, so she said goodbye to Callie and wished her good luck with her surgery. Emmy promised that they would come back to visit the next day once Callie was recovering and that seemed to calm the girls down a bit. The Diggs family made their way home, leaving Callie and her parents to prepare for the long night ahead of them. Despite the heavy pain medications, she was still in a significant amount of pain, which the doctor said was to be expected with her injury. Her surgery had been booked for 7am the following morning, and she would be unable to eat all night, so they tried to come up with some different ways to distract her both from hunger and pain all night. Luckily, the hospital didn’t have a restriction on visiting hours, so Cynthia and Mario came over around 9 with a big bag of supplies they had picked up from the apartment: pillows, blankets, dolls, art supplies, books, stuffed animals, movies, the iPad, and Anthony’s laptop. They also grabbed changes of clothes for all three of them, toiletries, and phone chargers. Stephanie had also stopped by the apartment and grabbed anything she would need to take care of Michael for the few days they were expecting to be in the hospital with Callie and a few days after so she could recover at home in peace. 
Around 2am, Callie was awake and crying from pain, Jasmine doing her best to hold her without hurting her leg while they waited to hear back from the doctor about giving her more pain meds. Jasmine put Lion King on for her, one of her favorite Disney movies, and was singing along to some of the songs, quietly kissing her head, trying to calm her, to no avail. Callie was just whimpering at this point, too tired to fully cry. Anthony excused himself from the room and Jasmine assumed he was going to go beg the nurse to page the doctor again. 
Twenty minutes later, the nurse came in with more pain meds for Callie. Jasmine thanked her and the woman offered her a small supportive smile in return. Jasmine was so grateful that Callie had a nurse who was so attentive to her needs and was helping to make sure she was as comfortable as possible until she had her surgery. With the additional medication, Callie quickly fell asleep. Jasmine noticed that Anthony still hadn’t returned, so she texted him to see if he was okay. When she didn’t get a reply, she decided to go look for him, hoping Callie would stay asleep for a little while.
She found him crying on a bench in the family waiting area. She quietly slipped next to him and wrapped him in a hug, rubbing steady circles on his back to help steady his breathing.
“Bubba, match my breathing. In. Out. In. Out. Good job. Keep going,” she coached him, feeling his breathing begin to regulate, the tension being released from his body.
“My fault,” he muttered into her shoulder, his voice wavering from tears.
“What do you mean, Bubba?” she asked, holding him so she could see his face.
“It’s my fault she’s hurt. I shoulda watched her better,” he said, turning away, unable to look her in the eyes.
“Bubba, look at me,” she said, turning his face so she was looking at him, “I know how hard it is to watch both of them at once. Especially somewhere like the playground. She’s gonna be okay. Let’s go back in there with her before she wakes up again looking for us.”
The next morning, Callie was brought down for pre-op around 5:30. By 7, she was pretty doped up from the medicine the anesthesiologist had given her, but she was excited that when she woke up from her “nap” her leg would be fixed and she would have a purple cast to match Dani. When she was wheeled back to the OR, Anthony and Jasmine were led to a waiting room, where both of their mothers were waiting already, along with Cynthia and Mario. They all waited together, taking turns comforting Anthony and Jasmine until a nurse came out to tell them that Callie was out of surgery and should be waking up shortly. She explained that one parent could come sit with her now and that the other could join once she was fully awake. Jasmine followed the nurse back and took a seat next to her sleeping daughter, admiring how peaceful she looked for the first time since they had arrived at the hospital. 
A few hours later, Callie was back up in her hospital room surrounded by her family. Everyone had come upstairs to see her once she was moved back up and they all brought gifts. Jasmine’s mom had gotten her a new Barbie, Anthony’s mom got her a stuffed pig, her current favorite animal. Mario and Cynthia had stopped at the American Girl store and gotten a set of crutches and a cast so her doll could match her. Stephanie brought her a box of her favorite cookies, and Michael had drawn her a picture. She was still a bit drowsy from the anesthesia and sore from surgery, but Callie was grateful to be spending a day surrounded by her family who cared about her so much.
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jumpingjackets · 6 years
pillow talk (john laurens x alexander hamilton)
Two sleepy, drunk veterans are in love.
Word Count: 410
A/N: Look at me, dropping in suddenly like I haven’t been missing for 7 months. Here’s a cute little thing. Hope you enjoy!
Dim light and the stench of alcohol dictated the atmosphere in the small, modest room. Their presence accompanied by two bodies, lost in the delight of one another. May the world burn down around them, and they’d never leave each other’s embrace.
As he laid his head on the other’s chest, the smaller man’s heart filled with joy at the sound of his lover’s heartbeat by his ear. He closed his eyes, panting, wrapping his arms around the other’s body.
“John,” he said, quietly.
John, a blink away from sleep, looks down at his boy, his love, with a soft smile.
“The war is over.” Alexander said in a small voice.
“It is.”
“We won.” Alexander said, a moment looking overcome by grief, the next a fit of drunken giggles erupted from his body.
“We did,” John said, unable to contain his smile. He wrapped his arms around the other’s small body and kissed his head. Alexander laughed out in result, squeezing his body around John’s as well. Both turned into a ball of drunken giggles.
“Ah, I should drink more. You get prettier when I’m drunk.” Alexander looked up at John, smirk decorating his face. John just sighed.
“I agree. You’re less annoying when you’re drunk.” John said, mirroring the other’s smirk. Alexander gave a fake offended gasp, but soon let it go and once again laid his head on John’s chest.
“I’m glad you’re here, Jack, I’m glad we’re here, together.” Alexander mumbled, eyes half closed as his finger circled an outline of John’s heart.
“I’m glad, too, my dear.” John said simply, running a hand through the knots of Alexander’s hair. “I’m always glad to be with you. Whenever I’m with you.”
Alexander looked up, quiet, studying his lover’s face. “Who knew I would love someone this much? I don’t know if God gave me a blessing or a curse the day he let me cross paths with you, John Laurens.”
John just laughed. Quiet, almost mournful.
“I’m serious,” Alexander couldn’t help but chuckle, “you’re my weakness, Laurens. I love you too much for my own good.”
John looked down into Alexander’s eyes. “I share the sentiment. You will kill me one day, Alexander Hamilton.” John said. For some reason, that sent a shiver through Alexander’s body.
“I’m… tired.” Alexander said, faced buried to John’s chest and eyes heavily hooded from sleep and his drunken state.
“Let’s sleep, darling. We deserve it,” John’s voice trailed out.
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Can i get a hamilsquad x reader where the whole gang is super excited about the super bowl and the reader is really bored and trying to get them to pay attention to her
paring: hamilsquad x readerword count: 430+t/w: cursing & my horrible grammara/n: sorry for not following your request guidelines but i found this ending funnier
“Yo, your Eagles suck ass and they’re gonna lose so when they do I want my money. Simple as that,” Alexander said walking in the living room with Lafayette hot on his tail.
“And the fucking patriots will win? Do you hear yourself?” Lafayette groaned dragging his hand down his face in frustration. You watched the two boys bicker back and forth while John and Hercules brought in snacks.
“Yes because they won before!” Alex shot back.
“You know their referees cheat right? Like they have personal refs, that shouldn’t be allowed,” John shrugged sitting on the couch beside you.
“Who’s side are you on me or Lafayette’s?” Alex scolded narrowing his eyes.
“I think you’re both mad because the Patriots are gonna take home another W,” Hercules chuckled high five-ing Alexander.
You rolled your eyes and rubbed the bridge of your nose. You knew you should’ve gone out with Angelica for the weekend so you wouldn’t have to deal with their bickering but she was busy with John Adams’ football habits.
“I’m leaving, I refuse to listen to you all going back and forth about this stupid football game,” you said getting up and picking up all the belongings that were currently near you.
“No mi amour stay watch the game with us,” Lafayette said pulling you into a hug so you’d stay. “We won’t be obnoxious especially knowing the Eagles will win,” he grinned leaning against you looking directly at Alexander.
Alex was quick to rebuttal but you cut him off and pushed Lafayette away, “Get away from me, you all are the same,” you laughed but was still annoyed by their cocky behavior. “Wait where did John go?”
Everyone looked around and he was nowhere to be found. You looked in the direction of the kitchen when you heard someone clear their throat.
You didn’t know whether to be disappointed or amazed to see John fully dressed in full Eagle face paint where a jersey as well. But you couldn’t help but admire how adorable he looked dressed up like a child.
Lafayette laughed as John tossed him a jersey and paint to get dressed in.
“I have face paint in the car Alex, fuck them. We’re winning. And when we do I want you both making us dinner in little maid outfits,” Hercules smirked at Lafayette and John before walking to and out the front door.
“Y’all are freaks,” you said shaking your head before walking upstairs to your room.
( (Reblog if you enjoyed :) )
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moonlight-prose · 3 years
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(this hot ass fuck gif is by the amazing @buckybarnesj from this set)
a/n: did this gif inspire this small drabble? yes. but can you blame me? this is named after an anthony ramos song, because as of right now his entire album is inspiring me to write things. hopefully you enjoy this random thot i'm chucking into the void before I sleep. there's tons of bucky stuff on the way so prepare for that.
not edited or beta read so there's mistakes.
summary: twenty minutes was all you had, so you were going to do what could to show your husband how much you loved him.
word count: 2.2k
pairing: bucky barnes x fem!reader
warnings: EXPLICIT SO MINORS GO AWAY YOU'RE NOT WELCOME, cussing as always, oral (male receiving), slight face fucking if you squint (not really), masturbation, cock worship, teeny tiny bit of exhibitionism if you really really squint, a fluffy ending. let me know if i missed anything!
You weren’t sure what managed to happen for you to end up in this situation, but you were far from complaining. Not with the way he looked above you, eyes shut tight = unable to handle the sight of you. Sin dressed in all black that had you salivating the second he walked out of the room - his glare lessening at the sight of you in a dress.
Sharon gave you twenty minutes to rest before joining downstairs. Twenty minutes to do what you wanted before you had to inevitably return back to the job, and as you watched him make himself comfortable on the couch you realize - twenty minutes was all you needed. Three weeks you’d been without him, attempting to help where you could around the world and now that you were back to help him it had been painful to keep your hands to yourself.
Three weeks.
Far too long to go without showing him how much you loved him. How much you missed his voice, his touch, every little detail about this man. You thanked the universe for making sure luck was on your side, because as soon as the room emptied you were walking towards him. Watching as he fiddled with his hands - eyes glancing around the room.
“Something wrong?” you asked, drawing his attention back your way - the quick flash of his smile already causing your stomach to clench in need.
“I don’t like new places.”
That you knew to be a fact; memories of him antsy in every new place you went to came back, and you realized why he wanted to go home already. He knew his home. Knew the ins and outs - where the exits and entrances were - in his home, and that created a safe place for him.
He didn’t know this place.
“Bucky.” Dropping onto the couch beside him you took his hand in yours, running your thumb along his wrist to help slow his heartbeat. Something you knew would be racing at a time like this. “If it helps I’m here and don’t plan on going anywhere.”
Another smile brought your own out. “Always helps, baby.”
The pause between you lasted several minutes, drawn out by the way he stared at you. An unreadable expression on his face that had you ready to ask what he was thinking about. What went on in that mind of his. Except you didn’t want to break the silence; peaceful in all it’s anxiety-filled seconds, because it gave you two time to yourselves. No noise of people coming after the both of you, no need to rush downstairs. Just the two of you at last.
“You’re beautiful,” he mumbled, tugging you closer by your wrist until you were practically stretched across his lap.
Twenty minutes. That’s all you had and it seemed he understood that as much as you, because his hands immediately went for the straps of your dress. Yanking them down, his lips collided with yours in a kiss you felt down to the very tips of your toes. You gasped into his mouth as his fingers tugged on your nipple, hands digging into the lapels of his suit jacket to keep yourself steady. The feeling of your stomach twisting in pleasure was enough to have you remain in place. Desperate for anything he’d give you.
You wouldn’t last for that long - that you knew for sure, and he knew it as well. If the way you grinded on his leg let him know how you felt.
“I want to fuck you,” he whispered, chest heaving from the way the kiss left him breathless.
“Later.” For three weeks all you could imagine was seeing him a certain way and you wouldn’t turn that down now. Not when you had a limited amount of time to do anything.
“What do you mean later?” he asked, trying to pull up the skirt of your dress. “Please.”
You shook your head, sliding off his lap and falling to your knees before you, hands already reaching for the button on his jeans. The realization of later finally dawned on him and his mouth dropped open, hips rising as you began to tug on his pants. When you finally returned to the warmth of your home, you’d give into the urge to let him take you however he wanted, but now you’d give him this.
Give yourself the sight of him falling apart before your very eyes.
“You don’t have to,” he said, eyes unable to stay on a single part of you; flashing between your bare exposed chest or your eyes.
“I want to James.”
Going down on him had always been a challenge, something you had to be stubborn about, because knowing Bucky he would do anything to return the favor instead. He would take over faster than you expected and suddenly it was you writhing in pleasure unable to say anything but his name. A feat that he mastered perfectly.
“Baby-” he started, the argument on the tip of his tongue.
Glancing up you let out a breath, hands falling away from his jeans in defeat. “Do you not want me to? It’s okay if you don’t.”
Twenty minutes had turned into ten minutes and you began to tug the top of your dress back up. There wasn’t much you could do in ten minutes, but you were okay with that. If there’s one thing you refused to do it was make him do anything he felt uncomfortable doing. Smiling up at him you kissed the palm of his hand, shifting to stand up and rejoin him on the couch.
Except his hand tugged you back to where you were, a new look in his eyes. One you knew extremely well; one you ached to see. He cupped your jaw quickly, thumb pressing against the seam of your lips to part them. Without question you took it into your mouth, sucking on it well enough to have him shifting where he sat, his own mouth parting slightly at the sight.
“Well,” he said, voice dropping the longer you swirled your tongue around his thumb. “What are you waiting for, pretty girl?”
“Are you sure?”
His lips curved into a smile as he began to pull himself out of his pants, hand pumping his own length slowly enough to entice you. Bucky liked to be stubborn about his own pleasure, but seeing you disappointed because you couldn’t give him something was what changed his mind. You came first, before him, before anyone and Bucky found himself unable to control the way his body reacted to that look in your eyes.
One he had been dreaming about for three weeks.
He turned his head quickly to check for people, more for your sake than his. Something that had become a routine when things like this happened; more often than either of you could control. With him staying home and you being on the run to help people you stole the time that had been allotted to you. Making the most out of every moment.
Even if it was ten minutes on a couch in the middle of Sharon’s place.
“Ten minutes,” he said, smiling at your eagerness. His heart was ready to burst from how much he loved you and he hoped you harbored the same emotions.
You winked at him, moving his hands out of the way and taking the tip of him into your mouth quickly, rendering him a mess already. He hissed in pleasure, his hands digging into the fabric of the cough beside him so as not to force your head down all the way. Ten minutes only gave you so much time to make him finish, but you’d take your time whilst doing it.
He watched, enraptured as you raised your head enough to let spit fall onto his cock, slicking him as you pumped your hand. What the fuck he did to deserve you he had no idea, but he was thanking the universe for sending him your way. Licking at the tip you moan at the taste of him, unable to deny the way your body beared down on nothing. You could feel your clit throb when you took him back into your mouth, sinking down as slowly as possible until your nose was nearly pressed against the base of him.
“Oh - fuck!” he shouted, digging his teeth into the fist of his flesh hand, fighting the urge to thrust upwards.
Only you wanted that. Wanted him to use you however he wished and so you tapped his thigh, breathing steadily through your nose.
“You’re fucking amazing,” he panted out, guiding your head lightly. Placing just enough pressure to keep you in place as he began to slowly fuck your throat.
You were ready to explode, unable to stop yourself from slipping your hand under the skirt of your dress to put pressure on your clit. The taste of him, the sound of him, all of it drove you to the very edge on its own and you could barely contain your arousal. You didn’t want to contain it. Running your along the underside of his cock you pulled off to breathe, catching the fucked out look on his face before moving lower and licking lightly at his balls.
“Babe,” he gasped, head falling against the couch.
“You taste so good.” A moan spilled from your lips as you pushed two fingers into yourself just to satiate the desire to be filled by this man. Right now wasn’t about you; this was his pleasure and you were more than happy to give it to him.
“I’m - shit-” His chin pressed to his chest, watching as you sucked one of his balls into your mouth, laving your tongue over it. “-‘m not going to last long.”
Neither were you if you were being honest. You were right there - waiting for him to fall off the edge with you.
“Cum for me James.” Sucking on the tip you sunk down once more until he pushed against your throat, and you grabbed his hand to press against the back of your head.
It wouldn’t take long and you were certain time was running out fast. Who knows when someone would come check on the both of you - the thought of it exhilarating enough to have you clenching around your fingers. He needed to cum - now - because you could feel your release building up within you. Threatening to be all consuming.
Swallowing around him you used your other hand to toy with his balls, feeling his thighs shake beneath you as he finally gave into his orgasm. A cry of your name echoed off the walls, his head falling back quickly, only to snap towards you at the sound of your moan. He shuddered beneath you when he caught sight of your hand moving quickly as you attempted to prolong your release, even as you swallowed him down.
“I love you,” he breathed out, awe clear on his face at watching you pull off and gasp for air.
You were positive that you looked messy; your lips slick with spit and his cum, your fingers soaked in your own release. It didn’t matter, because he was dragging you up into his lap within seconds, sliding your wet fingers into his own mouth, groaning at the taste of you. Something he had missed while you were gone. Bucky had half a mind to spread you on the floor as he dined on his dessert for the night - a meal sitting before him.
Letting out a giggle you pulled the strap of your dress back up your shoulder, securing it quickly and beginning to wipe at your lips, trying to seem at least semi-presentable before someone barged in. Bucky did the same, tucking himself back into his pants, yanking you closer for a kiss that had you sagging into his chest.
“I love you more,” you whispered, pushing your nose against his.
He smiled. “Impossible.”
“Oh it’s very possible Mr. Barnes.”
“Oh is it now Mrs. Barnes?” he asked, cupping your chin and running his thumb along your bottom lip - cleaning up what you missed.
Right on cue the door slammed open to reveal Sam and Sharon deep in conversation. His outfit had been changed to a turtleneck and leather jacket and you wondered how Sharon knew you were coming to have clothes in everyone’s size ready to go. She stopped in place at the sight of you straddling Bucky’s lap, his metal hand gripping your thigh.
“On my couch? Are you serious?” she exclaimed. “We were gone for ten minutes.”
Apparently it had taken less time than you originally thought. Smiling you buried your face into Bucky’s neck, hearing him say the one word that would definitely get you banned from ever returning to Sharon’s place.
“Oops,” he said, earning a laugh from Sam.
“Fuck you Barnes,” Sharon sighed, pouring herself a drink.
You were content to remain right where you were, the feeling of his hand running down your back as you breathed him in. A moment that was rare with the life you two led, but perfect all the same.
bucky barnes tags:
@karasong @aaliyasaurus @queenbbarnes @charmedbysarge @jenrebloggingfics @princess76179 @spideysimpossiblegirl @intothesoul
permanent tags:
@pamguini @blondekel77 @the-purity-pen @princess-and-pedro @phoenixhalliwell @justanotherblonde23 @autumnleaves1991-blog @Greeneyedblondie44 @amelia-song-pond @ladylothlorien @littlebopper96 @a-little-counter-esperanto @cap-n-stuff @agirllovespancakes
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Take your shirt off and put your hands up against the wall with Anthony please!!
“Take your shirt off and put your hands up against the wall.”
You gasped as Anthony pushed you to the wall, you caught yourself with your hands. You rolled your eyes and took off the shirt, putting your hands back on the wall.
“I don’t think this strip search is necessary. Isn’t a woman supposed to be doing this?” You glanced over your shoulder at Anthony who wore a smug smirk.
“We’re running a little low on female officers today. Face the wall.” He commanded, walking behind you.
You listened to him, holding your breath as you felt his hands pulling on your hips until your ass was pressed against him. The plus to having an actor as a boyfriend was he was really good at roleplay. He could turn from his usual goofy, gentle self into something the complete opposite. 
“Need to make sure you have no weapons that could hurt me. Now be a good girl and stand still.” He growled, hands drifting up your torso to your breast.
You shuddered under his touch, goosebumps appearing everywhere he touched. 
“Hmm, seems like you’re liking this.” 
You could hear the smirk in his voice.
“I’m not. I just want to get the fuck out of here.” You said, rolling your eyes and trying to keep up the act but the moment his hands cupped your chest, you whimpered. 
“You can say what you want but I feel it. It’s alright to like it.” He whispered into your ear, softly squeezing your chest.
He rolled his hips against your ass, already hard. You bit down on your lip, pushing your ass back without thinking about it.
“Tell you what,” He began, hands sliding down your torso and to your skirt.
Your thighs tensed as his hands landed on them, rubbing up and down slowly.
“I’ll let you walk, no charges, no fines. But only if you please me. We both leave satisfied and happy.” He continued, hands moving to your inner thighs.
Your head fell back onto his shoulder, knees buckling a little as wetness started settling between your thighs. 
“What do you say? I could make you feel really good.” He whispered, kissing up your neck until he could lightly tug on your earlobe with his teeth.
You whined, hands dropping off the wall and covering his. You moved his hands up your skirt, a blush spreading on your cheeks.
“Glad we can come to an agreement.”
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bisexualsparksfly · 7 years
28-love confession And 27 for the sentence part. With Anthony... I just love the idea of Anthony awkwardly confessing his love. Like stumbling through it and getting all blushy and akdjfkdsn.
27.Sorry. You’re just…really adorable.
The sigh that falls from your lips seems dramatic even to yourself. You let your phone flop back on the couch and throw your head back against the arm rest and groan. It’s been a full twenty four hours since you texted Anthony. ‘It’s time to face the facts, he left me on read,’ you think to yourself. 
If it was anyone else it wouldn’t be that big of a deal, but it was Anthony. Anthony who since you’ve met you’ve barely gone eight hours with out texting, Anthony who makes everything feel a little better, Anthony who you might be falling for. The day before you sent him a sort of flirty text. Nothing too major just a small thing to try and feel out the situation. Clearly Anthony wasn’t interested. And might even be freaked out.
A pounding on the door interrupts your pouting. You groan as you stand up and you’re a little ashamed to admit you dragged your feet all the way to the door. When you look through the peep hole you see what you think is Anthony. It’s hard to tell he’s looking away and there’s flowers blocking part of your sight.Your brow furrows in confusion and you go to unlatch the door. 
When you open it Anthony jerks his head towards you and shoots you a shaky smile. “Hey, Ant,” you greet him trying to seem vaguely chill. 
“Um, he-hey,” Anthony replies nervously, scratching the back of his neck.
“Nice flowers,” You say nodding towards them as you open the door further, welcoming him into your apartment.
“oh! Oh, right these are for you.” he awkwardly shrugs and reaches out to hand them to you, a slight pink tint blossoming on his cheeks. 
“Aww, Ant that’s so sweet. What’s the occasion?” You ask starting to walk towards your small kitchen to retrieve a vase. You can sense Anthony following you.
“Oh, um well, see the thing is,” He’s struggling to get the words out, tripping over his words a little.
“You ok Ant?” You ask him as you start to fill the vase that you’d just pulled from your cabinet.
“Yeah, yeah. There’s just something I need to tell you.”
“You can tell me anything,” You smile up at him briefly before arranging the flowers in the vase. You feel nerves fluttering in your stomach.
You hear Anthony take a deep breath and from the corner of his eye you see him wipe his palms on his jeans.
“The thing is,” he pauses for a moment, “The thing is…” You turn and look over at him his cheeks are red now and he’s swallowing as if he has bad dry mouth. 
Cocking your hip out and leaning against the counter you focus on Anthony “What is it? I mean it when I say anything.” You shoot him soft, genuine smile.
Taking a deep breath once more he begins again. “The thing is, I like you. And not in a friend way. I-I mean, I do like you as a friend! You’re like, like my best friend.” he’s rambling, tripping over his words and you bite back a grin. “But I want to be more, well not more. Romantic feelings aren’t more than platonic really they’re just different…” He’s rambling once again and you can’t help the giggle that leaks out of your lips. Anthony visibly deflates. “Oh, oh I-I should just go.”
He turns to leave and you grip his arm pulling him back around. “No, no don’t go! I wasn’t laughing at you! Sorry. You’re just…really adorable.” You explain with a reassuring squeeze. 
The blush comes back in full force “Adorable?” He squeaks trying to hide his grin.
“Yeah, adorable. Wanna know a secret?” You ask whispering. Anthony looks confused for a moment and nods, leaning in slightly. “I like you too.”
The smile that Anthony forms is the most beautiful thing you’ve ever seen, and every part of you feels warm. 
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daveeddiggsit · 7 years
23. “Just pretend to be my date with Anthony?
“C’mon, Ant, please? Just pretend to be my date. It’ll be fun!”
Your roommate sighed and took a sip of his coffee, trying to mask the feeling of butterflies in his stomach at the thought of dating you (even though it would be fake). “What’s in it for me?” He asked, watching you from across the kitchen counter.
“Well, you’ll get to spend quality time with yours truly for two whole days.” You proposed with a bright smile.
He chuckled. “You’re my roommate, Y/N, I spend quality time with you almost daily.”
You paused to think. “You’ll get to see my family and their new puppy! I know you have a soft spot for puppies, who doesn’t?”
Anthony smiled behind his coffee mug, watching you with amused eyes. “I don’t think one puppy is convincing enough.”
You sighed. “Alright, fine. I’ll make you brunch every day for a week when we get back and I’ll let you have dibs on the first movie for movie night next Friday.”
“Hmm…I don’t know, Y/N. Seems like a pretty decent offer…” He pretended to think, grinning wider when he saw you roll your eyes.
“Just take the deal, you jerk.”
“Alright, fine.” He laughed. “Deal.”
“Thanks, Ant.” You beamed, leaning over to kiss his cheek before you left the kitchen to disappear in your room to pack. “We’re leaving tomorrow at eight!”
Anthony’s cheek was still warm from where your lips had just been. He truly didn’t know what he had signed up for, but he just hoped he wasn’t making a mistake.
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schuylerful-blog · 7 years
I Can’t Sleep (Anthony x Reader Drabble)
A/N: This isn't the best, but I was just itching to write something (I know everybody and their mother has written an ‘I can’t sleep’ drabble but I had no ideas let me live). Also, it annoys me out of my mind that I put ‘had had’ and it mAKES SENSE?? Ain’t English weird. Oh yeah, also this is gender-neutral.
TW: Nothing! It’s alllll good :)
If you have a request, drop it here! If you wanna see my masterlist, click here!
The soft knocking at the door woke Anthony.
“Ant?”, you questioned. In response, you got a small grumble, then a faint “Yeah (Y/N/N)?”.
“I can’t sleep”
Anthony paused for a second, then pushed himself out of bed. He wandered up to you, then lightly pushed you by your shoulders out the door, following you through. You weren't quite sure what he was doing, but you followed him anyway, down the hall and to your shared kitchen. You were Anthony’s roommate but you had had a bit of a ‘thing’ going on for a couple months now. Anthony flipped the light switch on and set the jug to boil, reaching to the top shelf for two mugs and some hot chocolate powder. Silently, he made two hot chocolates as you watched from the seat you had taken at the breakfast bar. He picked up the mugs and made his way over to set next to you, placing your mug in front of you and lifting his own to his lips. Neither one of you talked while you drank, but rather just enjoyed each others company. Soon you had both finished your hot chocolates. As you rinsed the mugs, Anthony came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist.
“C’mon, let’s get you to bed”, he whispered. Grabbing your hand, he lead you back down the hall, this time to your room. Settling into bed, you expected him to leave. But he didn’t. Instead, he slid in next to you.
“Is this okay?” he asked.
“Of course”.
Anthony took you in his arms, and you quickly fell asleep, completly at ease.
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leslieohdamnjr · 7 years
No More Talkin’
Anthony Ramos x Reader
Drabble- 1050
A/N- @getupoffathathang asked me to make this one it’s own post for you mobile users, so here it is :) (here’s the drabble in ask form if you like that better for some reason)
I changed the prompt just a bit to fit the story I had in mind. Warning: Sexual themes (it’s pretty much just diet smut), implied smut, and embarrassing situations.
You might want to listen to Dead Girl Walking from Heathers before reading. This is Highschool/Theater AU btw. (there’s a read more after a couple paragraphs, I know sometimes you can’t see those so just so you know, it doesn’t just drop off there)
“Alright, are you guys ready to run the scene?” Your theater teacher shouted, “Y/N, Anthony, on stage please.” You jogged up the stairs and onto the far right side of the stage.
You began singing, walking across the stage when you had to, exaggerating your arm movements when you had to, and looking back on queue to see Anthony stripping off his jacket. You’d gotten pretty close to Anthony since you were cast as the two leads of your school musical. You couldn’t deny that he was attractive, and you definitely had a bit of a crush on him, which was why it was going to be difficult for you to do this scene without turning into a cherry from blushing as deeply as you knew you were going to. You climbed the stairs of the set, focusing on singing rather than on Anthony’s pecs and the way the looked in that tight black t-shirt…
“Veronica? What are you doing in my room?” He asked, perfectly on time, like you’d rehearsed so many times. The only difference was that this was your first time singing it through with the choreography. You shushed him over dramatically before moving on with the song.
You walked swiftly up to Anthony, barely shivering when his hands fell on your sides. You pushed down on his shoulders until he fell to his knees. He looked up at you as you continued to sing with your hands placed at the sides of his face.
You tried to ignore the feeling that jumped across your skin when his palms drew slowly up your legs, moving the skirt of your dress upward with them. It was only the nerves of performing a sex scene in front of your classmates… right?
“Bow down to the will of a dead girl walking!” You belted. “And you know, you know you know…” You sang more quietly, kneeling down in front of Anthony and running your hands over his chest gently. You dropped your cardigan off your shoulders, showing off the bodice of the strapless floral dress you wore and forcing yourself to lock eyes with Anthony as you riffed.
This was the part you were dreading. You tangled your fingers in his long, curly hair, pulling his face to yours in a passionate kiss. He was a good kisser, and you liked the way his hair felt between your fingers. You could focus on that, not on how flustered you were beginning to feel.
He fell back onto his hands, legs stretching out in front of him as you pulled forward to sit over his waist. Grateful to have a chance to stop kissing him for a minute and catch your breath, you peeled off his shirt quickly and tossed it aside. You pushed him down so he lay flat on his back, leaning down to kiss across his bare chest.
“Yeah!” You sat up abruptly, throwing your arms into the air. “Full steam ahead, take this dead girl walking!”
Anthony propped himself up, arms extended straight behind him, “How’d you find my address?” He looked a little bit anxious, but the expression went along with the line so you forgot about it and continued. You kept on singing the lines at each other, somehow, a light blush crept it’s way onto both of your faces.
You pretended to slap him and he pulled lightly on your hair as you threw your head back to make it seem like he pulled much harder. This is where he would rip open your blouse, but since you weren’t in costume, he simply moved his hands across your chest.
His hand accidentally brushed against your bust and you drew in a sharp breath before delivering your next line, “But no more talk-” Your voice dropped off and you froze. No. Way.
“Hey, what’s the hold up?” Your drama teacher asked, the background music coming to a stop soon after he’d spoken.
Anthony groaned helplessly in front of you, face flushed red as you stared at him slack jawed and wide eyed. “Do you have to look at me like that?” He asked, covering his face with his hands.
“Holy shit.” You spoke through laughter, all of your nerves were gone now. “You-”
“Shut up.” He groaned again, shimmying out from beneath you.
“Hey! Guys!” The drama teacher got your attention again, standing up from his seat in the center of the house. “What happened?”
Your laughter only picked up and Anthony’s face reddened even further.
“Ant got a boner!” Jasmine shouted from the wings.
“God, did ya have to Jazz?” Anthony yelled back at her.
“Well, I’m not wrong, am I?” She asked, emerging onto the stage with a smirk on her face.The two of them had broken up not long ago, but now they were closer friends than almost any other pair of students in your school.
“Do you need a minute, Anthony?” The teacher asked, rubbing his eyes exasperatedly.
“Yeah.” Anthony squeaked, scampering out the door and into the hallway before anyone could say anything else.
After a few seconds of deliberation, you followed him out.
“Ugh, why are you here?” He asked when you found him pacing outside the door.
“Anthony.” You caught his wrist, getting him to stop walking. “It’s fine, relax.” Your hand didn’t leave his arm, instead, you stepped to face him, taking his other wrist.
He stayed silent, looking at you nervously. “Maybe…” You moved closer, your arms shifting to fall around his neck. “We should rehearse the scene a few more times, to…” You rose to your tiptoes leaning in so that you shared breaths with Anthony, foreheads pressed together, noses touching, lips inches away from each other. His hands came to your waist, just like in the choreography from the the song. “I don’t know…” You continued under your breath, “Find a way to avoid what happened…”
“Right…” He said quietly, “That’d be the only reason?”
“Mm-mm.” You hummed, signaling contradiction.
“Oh?” Anthony prompted you to say more, but you just brought your lips to his. That was the only response he really needed. His hands tightened on your hips and he pushed you toward a janitor’s closet. After that, you had only one coherent thought, you were going to be sore tomorrow.
I’m sorry this took me so long! I hoped you liked reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it (which is a lot).
(If you want to request or send in feedback :) )
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adothoe-blog · 7 years
one small kiss, pulling away for an instant, then devouring each other with anthony (i'm literally in love with this kiss and anthony aLrIgHt)
You stretched your arm out to feel the other side of the bed your boyfriend claimed as his own and sighed when you felt the cold sheets. Anthony had been getting up earlier and earlier for the shoot of his new Netflix show and that, unfortunately, left you little time to spend together.
Footsteps sounded from the direction of the bathroom and you sat up quickly, hoping to at least kiss Anthony before he left for the day.
When he walked in you smiled at him and crawled to the end of the bed to reach him.
Ant grinned and ran a hand through your tangled mess of hair when you reached him. “You’re up early.”
You draped your arms over his shoulders and pecked his lips. “I have to spend time with you somehow.”
He sighed, “Babe-”
“Just give me a proper kiss goodbye, that’s all I ask.” You grinned and leaned in to brush your nose against his. “Ant-”
You were cut off by his lips crashing into yours. His teeth scraped against yours for a second but the two of you were quick to find your groove, melting into each other at every possible surface.
Your chest was pressed against his and Anthony’s arms were holding you flush to him. His mouth completely covered yours and he barely gave you time or space to breathe.
You felt your knees wobble when he pulled away and you were grateful you were kneeling on the bed. As soon as he was there, Ant’s arms were no longer around you.
But he sent you a wink and a playful grin before he left the room, calling over his shoulder. “We have a date tonight. Don’t make plans.”
send me requests from this prompt list
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Mystery Date Night
A/N: I wrote this short fluffy drabble for my friend, @linmanuclmiranda
Anthony x reader
502 words
You took a deep breath as you looked yourself over in the mirror. Anthony had told you to dress casual for your date tonight. It was a special day, your one month anniversary. You touched up your lipstick and left the bathroom, he was waiting for you in the living room.
“Y/n, wow.” He looked at you, adoring your features, and his smile spread from ear to ear. You blushed and looked at your feet as he approached you, wrapping an arm around your hip. He lifted your chin with his other hand and brought your face up to look at him. “You are so gorgeous, y/n.” He placed his lips on yours gently, softly nibbling at your bottom lip, begging for entry. You’re lips parted, as your tongues danced together for a few moments before he pulled away slightly, leaving you wanting more. He rested his forehead against yours and whispered “I love you, babe.” He wrapped his arms around you in an amorous hug, which you returned. You pulled away from the hug and he held your hand and guided you out of your shared apartment and to his car, he opened your door and helped you in like a true gentlemen, but before closing your door he leaned down, with a blindfold in his hand.
“Ooh kinky,” You said with a smirk. He blushed, but tried to mask it with a chuckle, “No, it’s not like that. I just want it to be a surprise.” He wrapped the blindfold over your eyes and tied it behind your head. He kissed your cheek and gently closed your door for you.
The entire short car ride was spent with you trying to guess where you were going.
“A fancy dinner?” You asked.
“Nope!” He replied, cheerily. Confident you wouldn’t guess correctly.
“Hmm… beach?”
This continues for a few more guesses, all unsuccessful. You feel the car stop and reach for the blindfold.
“No no no, not yet babe. Just wait.” Anthony said, taking your hand. The anticipation was killing you though. You hear him get out and close his door, And moments later he gently opened yours and guided you out of the car. You tried to listen and smell for hints, but all you could smell was Anthony's cologne and there were no distinguishing sounds either.
He brought you to a stop and stood behind you. He whispered in your ear, “are you ready?”
You nodded excitedly causing him to giggle as he removed the blindfold and your jaw dropped. You were surrounded by gorgeous shades of blue, and beautiful fish. You were in an aquarium tunnel, fish were swimming above you and in front of you and in every direction. You turned to Anthony, tears in your eyes distorted your vision as you wrapped your arms around his neck. “Its so beautiful, I love it! And I love you!”
He wrapped his arms around your waist, and whispered “I love you too, y/n. I love you so much!”
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jumpingjackets · 7 years
Sugar Baby (John Laurens x Reader)
awkward-silence-turtle said:I don’t know if you’re up for longer requests, but something with SugarMomma!Reader x SugarBaby!Laurens? That would be awesome!
Word count: 1.2k
A/N: Yo, I was originally going to write something short and quick but I got a lil carried away. I really would like to write a full length fic about this at one point. Also, I’m gonna post requests like this from now on. Hope you like it!
Having money was everything it was hyped up to be. Luxury hotels, private jets, weird dog breeds. You were living just about the best life you could imagine. Your hotel chain just continued to grow, and you were practically swimming in money.
Problem is, you were lonely. Excruciatingly lonely.
You tried to fill the hole in your heart with alcohol, sex, and partying, anything that would give you a different perspective, but nothing really filled you enough. Friends were scarce, considering that most people used you for your money, but that didn’t bother you much.
You could always count of your dear friend Angelica. She helped keep you sane.
One particular day, you were lounging in one of the suites with her in one of the most expensive rooms in the building (the perks of owning a hotel company). It’s king side bed in the center, over a (ridiculously) expensive carpet, elegant curtains covering half of the windows and a terrace where you could view over a busy New York. It was Angelica and yours’s favorite place to hang out. Angelica laid back in the bed while you were in the terrace on a phone call.
“Have you heard of SugarMom.com?” She said. You didn’t really hear her from being so focused on a heated business call. You noticed she was glaring at you, and motioned her to wait.
“I don’t care what that useless idiot says, tell him to send me the reports by tomorrow or he’ll be out of a job quicker than he can spell his name.” You shouted at the phone, tapping the screen angrily to end the call. You sighed deeply and looked back to a patient Angelica. “I’m sorry, love. Business things. What were you saying?” You sat in front of her in the bed, and she immediately smiled.  
“You should sign up for those sugar momma’s sites and get you a sugar baby.” She said confidently, laying across on the comfortable bed and wiggling her eyebrows at you. You began to laugh, but quickly shut up once you noticed her expression.
“You’re not serious… Right?” You asked her, half worried, half considering the idea. She shook her head with a genuine look in her face.
“Could be fun, you never know. Want me to help you get started?” She asked, already taking out your laptop and signing in and opening chrome. You weren’t a stranger to that world. You’ve had a few sugar babies, but all of them eventually left you for someone richer or more attractive. You felt indifferent and bittersweet going back into it so abruptly.
You watched as Angelica signed into a strange website and put all your information in. “Oh, dear.” You said with a gulp.
“Don’t you worry about anything. I’m going to make your profile the hottest in the entire site. It will take a miracle for you to not be flooded with young boys.” She said, typing away endlessly with an evil smile.
“How do you know so much about this?” you teased and punched her side playfully. She looked over her shoulder and gave you a wink, which made you laugh.
“Oh! Two already!” She exclaimed excitedly. Angelica is literally a miracle worker.
You laid down beside her to inspect both requests. There was one from a kid named Alexander Hamilton, beautiful in appearance overall and he seemed nice enough, but Angelica did not look pleased with him. You could’ve sworn you heard her mutter “Not this one” under her breath. The other one was a kid about the same age, equally as beautiful.
His picture was a side angle selfie, and he was undeniably breathtaking. His face was littered with freckles and had a smile that reached his ears. His hair was tied back in a tight bun, but soft, loose curls framed his face beautifully. You scanned through his pictures and continued to stalk his profile. It said he was a 20-year-old who had just moved to New York from South Carolina and was looking for an honest person.
Angelica looked over at you with an evil smirk, and quickly typed in a message before you could realize what she was doing.
Hello, Mr. Laurens.
I’m very interested in you as a sugar baby. You’re very beautiful and no doubt have a very interesting personality. I’m intrigued by you. Can you meet up with me at the restaurant in Hotel Abernathy tonight at 8 to discuss further exchanges?
Message back when you can
She hit send before you had the chance to read it fully, and groaned loudly at her direction.
“‘I’m intrigued by you’? You’re so lame, Angelica.” You said in a whine, to which she responded with a laugh.
He had responded.
Good evening, Miss L/N,
You’re very kind. You can expect me there at 8 sharp. :)
You gasped when you read that message, so did Angelica once she did.
“Look at you, Cougar.” She said in a teasing tone, but you could see she was excited, “You have to go now. You won’t keep such a pretty face waiting, now, would you?” She looked at you with a suggestive eyebrow wiggle.
She stumbled out of the bed and headed straight for your walk-in closet.
“You need to look like you have your shit together. Do you have anything that screams ‘I have so much money I practically have to eat it’?” she shouted from the closet. You had to think for a moment. Your wardrobe did generally give that message.
You were about to answer her when you heard her gasp. “Y/N, you are wearing this and there is no arguing it.” She said, holding one of your favorite dresses. It had been a while since you’ve worn it, you didn’t have the body you used to the first years of your wealth ten, maybe 15, years ago. You did take it from Angelica’s hands, though.
You looked over at the clock, it read 6:53 P.M. You still had time.
You couldn’t believe you were actually going through with this.
You arrived at the restaurant at 7:30. Fixing the heavy bracelet that hung from your hand, you looked down at your dress. It was a skin tight, knee length, cream-colored dress with short sleeves that looked unbelievably elegant if worn right. You were surprised to find that it still hugged your body like it did before. You felt a certain level of confidence that you hadn’t felt in ages.
You walked into the restaurant and were immediately greeted by a waiter that lead you to a corner of the restaurant, so you could talk to John in private comfortably.
Sitting down, you scanned over everyone dining in the restaurant. The owner was a man you trusted deeply, and you could see that everyone was having a good time. You really did give yourself completely to your company.
After a while of looking over the restaurant and taking a few calls, you saw a nervous boy approach your table. “Miss L/N?”
You gave him a warm smile, stood up and offered your hand for a shake. “Lovely to meet you, John. Please, call me Y/N.” He smiled, shaking your hand. You motioned for him to sit down.
“I’m sorry if I seem nervous, this is my first time doing this.” John said, with a nervous chuckled.
You offered him a genuine smile and took his hand in yours.
“Don’t you worry about that.” You said reassuringly. “I’m just glad you showed up. I couldn’t believe someone as beautiful as you was messaging me.” You sat back and watched his face get flustered.
Oh, you were going to enjoy this.
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