#hamilcast drabble
schuylerful-blog · 6 years
A Very Merry Christmas (Anthony x Reader) 12 Days Of Christmas, Day 12
T/W: Nothinggg
If you have a request, drop it here! If you wanna see my masterlist, click here!
“This next ones for (Y/N)!”. Your sister jumped over legs and feet sprawled across the ground and handed you a large box. “It’s from Anthony”, she winked. You smiled and glanced at your boyfriend, Anthony, who was sitting next to you, a hand on your thigh. He looked more nervous than you had ever seen him before.
“You okay there?”, you giggled, squeezing his cheek. 
“’Course”, he curtly replied. “Now open your present”. You turned your attention to the box in front of you. Your whole family watched as you carefully opened the box. You reached in and pulled out...
“An even smaller box. Really Ant?”, you laughed.
“What can I say, I’m cheesy like that”. You opened the next box to find another box. And then another. And another. And another. And another. And another. And yet another. Finally, you reached a small box about the size of your Aunt’s brownies you ate earlier. Before you could grab the box, Anthony swooped in and grabbed it. 
“Just trust me”, he said, before you could complain. He took your hand in his and dropped to one knee in front of you. Your breath caught in your throat. The room went silent. Anthony opened the box to reveal a silver ring.
“(Y/N) (Y/M/N) (Y/L/N), I love you more than anything in this life. You’re absolutely perfect. Beautiful, smart, talented...”. You blushed as he went on. “From the moment I saw you it was sight at first love. You bring out the best in me. Asking you this question was the easiest decision of my life. You’re who I want to be with. (Y/N), will you marry me?”. Your family erupted into cheers. You felt tears coming up in your eyes. You could barley make a sound, so you just nodded. Anthony grinned from ear to ear and pulling you into a crushing hug.
“Merry Christmas (Y/N/N)”, he whispered.
“Merry Christmas Ant”.
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leslieohdamnjr · 7 years
Why are you looking at me like that? With Anthony please!!!
A changed the prompt just a bit to fit the story I had in mind. Warning: Sexual themes (it’s pretty much just diet smut), implied smut, and embarrassing situations.
You might want to listen to Dead Girl Walking from Heathers before reading. This is Highschool/Theater AU btw. (there’s a read more after a couple paragraphs, I know sometimes you can’t see those so just so you know, it doesn’t just drop off there)
“Alright, are you guys ready to run the scene?” Your theater teacher shouted, “Y/N, Anthony, on stage please.” You jogged up the stairs and onto the far right side of the stage.
You began singing, walking across the stage when you had to, exaggerating your arm movements when you had to, and looking back on queue to see Anthony stripping off his jacket. You’d gotten pretty close to Anthony since you were cast as the two leads of your school musical. You couldn’t deny that he was attractive, and you definitely had a bit of a crush on him, which was why it was going to be difficult for you to do this scene without turning into a cherry from blushing as deeply as you knew you were going to. You climbed the stairs of the set, focusing on singing rather than on Anthony’s pecs and the way the looked in that tight black t-shirt…
“Veronica? What are you doing in my room?” He asked, perfectly on time, like you’d rehearsed so many times. The only difference was that this was your first time singing it through with the choreography. You shushed him over dramatically before moving on with the song.
You walked swiftly up to Anthony, barely shivering when his hands fell on your sides. You pushed down on his shoulders until he fell to his knees. He looked up at you as you continued to sing with your hands placed at the sides of his face. 
You tried to ignore the feeling that jumped across your skin when his palms drew slowly up your legs, moving the skirt of your dress upward with them. It was only the nerves of performing a sex scene in front of your classmates… right?
“Bow down to the will of a dead girl walking!” You belted. “And you know, you know you know…” You sang more quietly, kneeling down in front of Anthony and running your hands over his chest gently. You dropped your cardigan off your shoulders, showing off the bodice of the strapless floral dress you wore and forcing yourself to lock eyes with Anthony as you riffed.
This was the part you were dreading. You tangled your fingers in his long, curly hair, pulling his face to yours in a passionate kiss. He was a good kisser, and you liked the way his hair felt between your fingers. You could focus on that, not on how flustered you were beginning to feel. 
He fell back onto his hands, legs stretching out in front of him as you pulled forward to sit over his waist. Grateful to have a chance to stop kissing him for a minute and catch your breath, you peeled off his shirt quickly and tossed it aside. You pushed him down so he lay flat on his back, leaning down to kiss across his bare chest.
“Yeah!” You sat up abruptly, throwing your arms into the air. “Full steam ahead, take this dead girl walking!”
Anthony propped himself up, arms extended straight behind him, “How’d you find my address?” He looked a little bit anxious, but the expression went along with the line so you forgot about it and continued. You kept on singing the lines at each other, somehow, a light blush crept it’s way onto both of your faces. 
You pretended to slap him and he pulled lightly on your hair as you threw your head back to make it seem like he pulled much harder. This is where he would rip open your blouse, but since you weren’t in costume, he simply moved his hands across your chest. 
His hand accidentally brushed against your bust and you drew in a sharp breath before delivering your next line, “But no more talk-” Your voice dropped off and you froze. No. Way.
“Hey, what’s the hold up?” Your drama teacher asked, the background music coming to a stop soon after he’d spoken.
Anthony groaned helplessly in front of you, face flushed red as you stared at him slack jawed and wide eyed. “Do you have to look at me like that?” He asked, covering his face with his hands.
“Holy shit.” You spoke through laughter, all of your nerves were gone now. “You-”
“Shut up.” He groaned again, shimmying out from beneath you.
“Hey! Guys!” The drama teacher got your attention again, standing up from his seat in the center of the house. “What happened?”
Your laughter only picked up and Anthony’s face reddened even further.
“Ant got a boner!” Jasmine shouted from the wings.
“God, did ya have to Jazz?” Anthony yelled back at her.
“Well, I’m not wrong, am I?” She asked, emerging onto the stage with a smirk on her face.The two of them had broken up not long ago, but now they were closer friends than almost any other pair of students in your school.
“Do you need a minute, Anthony?” The teacher asked, rubbing his eyes exasperatedly.
“Yeah.” Anthony squeaked, scampering out the door and into the hallway before anyone could say anything else.
After a few seconds of deliberation, you followed him out.
“Ugh, why are you here?” He asked when you found him pacing outside the door. 
“Anthony.” You caught his wrist, getting him to stop walking. “It’s fine, relax.” Your hand didn’t leave his arm, instead, you stepped to face him, taking his other wrist.
He stayed silent, looking at you nervously. “Maybe…” You moved closer, your arms shifting to fall around his neck. “We should rehearse the scene a few more times, to…” You rose to your tiptoes leaning in so that you shared breaths with Anthony, foreheads pressed together, noses touching, lips inches away from each other. His hands came to your waist, just like in the choreography from the the song. “I don’t know…” You continued under your breath, “Find a way to avoid what happened…”
“Right…” He said quietly, “That’d be the only reason?”
“Mm-mm.” You hummed, signaling contradiction.
“Oh?” Anthony prompted you to say more, but you just brought your lips to his. That was the only response he really needed. His hands tightened on your hips and he pushed you toward a janitor’s closet. After that, you had only one coherent thought, you were going to be sore tomorrow.
I’m sorry this took me so long! I hoped you liked reading it as much as I enjoyed writing it (which is a lot).
Here’s my ask box!
(If you want to request or send in feedback :) )
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daveeddiggsit · 4 years
Could you do "I did a pregnancy test" with Daveed?
You sigh as you knock on the door to your husband’s home studio. He’s home today doing some finishing touches on a new screenplay draft he and his best friend Rafael are writing. Your heart beats at an increasingly quicker rate as the seconds tick by; the anticipation to break the news to him eats you up.
You hear a muffled, “come in,” sound from behind the door and you find your body reacting to open it before you realize.
Daveed smiles brightly at you when you walk in, crinkling the corners of his eyes. Your heart swells in your chest when you find that even after years of being together he can still find a way to take your breath away with his beauty. His eyes are kind behind the lenses of his glasses and he turns his swivel chair to you as you get closer.
“Hey, babe, what’s up?” He asks, looking up at you still grinning. You send him a small smile and when you reach him he wraps his arms around you, bringing you closer to him. When you don’t respond, his face shifts into one of concern. “You okay?”
“Yeah.” You let out a small sigh and nod, bringing your hands down to caress his arms. “Yeah, I’m okay, babe. I um…” You cast a look to the side, unable to meet his eyes.
His gaze on you is soft as he waits patiently for you to continue.
“I did a pregnancy test.”
Daveed’s eyes widen slightly at your words, but he isn’t entirely surprised. The two of you have been trying to get pregnant for over a year now; having finally settled down into a home with a dog and with Daveed’s somewhat normal and flexible work schedule, you both had decided that it was time for a family of your own. The only problem is... y’all are having a hard time getting pregnant and it isn’t for lack of trying.
Every time you’d seen the result of the test come back negative you’d lose more hope of starting a family with the love of your life. That’s why this one is so important; if it doesn’t come back positive, then Daveed knows that you’re going to be a wreck (and him as well). Both of you need this win desperately.
Daveed licks his lips nervously before he releases his hold on your waist and tenderly laces his hands in yours instead. He looks up at you, “...and?”
As you look down at him, you feel the tears well up in your eyes and at the sight of your expression, your husband immediately shoots up to begin comforting you. He thinks you’re crying because it came back negative.
“Oh, baby,” he whispers, his voice breaking slightly. He holds your head to his chest and kisses the crown of it before he murmurs, “I’m so sorry. We’ll keep trying. I know it’s been hard on both of us lately, but-”
“It came back positive.” You mumble into his chest.
“What?” His voice is soft and you pull back so you can see him fully. “I’m sorry, what did you say, baby? I didn’t hear you.”
“Daveed,” you say, pursing your lips, but it’s only a matter of time before a small smile breaks through. You breath out a laugh and happy sob before you say your next words. “D, the test was positive.”
Realization, surprise, relief, and excitement show up on Daveed’s face in a rapid succession, and suddenly he’s holding your face in his hands. “Are you… Is this for real?” His eyes search your teary ones before you nod.
“You’re gonna be a dad.”
He laughs and grows teary eyed as well before he leans in to kiss you softly.
“And you’re gonna be a mom.” Daveed softly places one of his hands on your stomach.
As you look up at him, your heart swells in your chest yet again. “I love you.”
“I love you, too, Y/N.”
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serkewen12 · 7 years
drabble w daveed and reader dating and reader really likes it when he has his hair pulled back pls?
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Lazy Sundays with your boyfriend was what you lived for. Daveed was busy with Hamilton and you had your job the art museum. On weekdays he came home late and exhausted but always fell into bed with a smile on his face and slept in until after you left for work. Sunday was usually spent laying in bed together, lounging around watching movies, and on occasion you would venture out and run around the city.
You sat quietly on the couch with a book in your hands with your feet propped on Daveed’s lap as he flipped though the channels on the television. You smirked as he let out a little frustrated sigh and you knew it was because there was nothing on that was of interest to him.
“Let’s go out tonight,” Daveed said suddenly.
“What did you have in mind?”
“Dinner and then we see where the night takes us?” He shrugged.
You smiled and sat your book down, “That sounds like a plan. Can we go to that little Italian spot?”
“Hell yeah.”
Taking a quick shower, putting on a cute but comfortable summer dress, and some light make up you nodded at your reflection. When you walked out of the bedroom you found Daveed standing in the living room waiting for you to finish getting ready. You stopped and watched as he pulled his hair  back and secure the rubber band behind it. Damn…
Daveed turned around quickly, “Is something wrong baby?”
“Huh? No why?”
“You said damn,” he threw you a skeptical look.
Did I seriously say that out loud? He just looks so damn good with his hair up like that…
“No no! Everything is fine,” you laughed, “Let’s go.”
Sitting at the table waiting for your food you became lost in thought. Daveed having his hair pulled back did things to you. His hair being pulled up and him being in that costume for Lafayette was a dangerous combination that may have prompted a few questionable dressing room situations. You smirked at the thought. Now here he was looking handsome in candle light with his hair all gathered up again.
“(Y/N). (Y/N)?” Daveed waved his hand in front of you a bit and raised his eyebrows.
You jumped slightly when you realized you had zoned out and hadn’t even noticed Daveed had been talking to you. 
“Are you okay? You seem distracted and a little tense,” Daveed said with concern.
“Nope I’m good. Sorry about that,” you said with a blush, “Just remembered something that’s all.”
“Baby you are a terrible liar,” Daveed said, “What’s wrong?”
“Well um… I just…” you mumbled, “You just…”
“I just what? Did I do something wrong?” Daveed looked worried.
“No! No of course not. I just…” you took a deep breath, “I just really like it when you have your hair pulled back like that.”
Daveed stared at you for a moment and started to laugh. You huffed at his amusement and pouted a little.
“What’s so funny?”
Daveed’s eyes turned serious and a wicked smirk crossed his lips, “How much do you like it?”
“Oh I think you know how much I like it…,” you said seriously, “You did it on purpose didn’t you?!”
You watched him sit back in his seat as the waiter put the food down in front of you. He looked you right in the eye as he thanked the waiter and he casually took a bite of his food.
“I bet I know what you were thinking about… mon amour.”
You sucked in a breath and your eyes widened when he added on his accent when he called you ‘my love’. He knew exactly what he was doing. Damn it, damn it, damn him!
“Diggs…” you said in a warning tone.
“You just wait until we get home,” you muttered under your breath.
You pushed your food around feeling more frustrated than hungry and didn’t notice Daveed wave down the waiter. 
“We need two boxes and the check please.”
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Okay, so I made this drabble because I couldn’t work the idea into a full fic. Enjoy it anyway!
Summary: Daveed puts you in a clipping. song but not in the way you thought he would. 
Tags: @butlinislin @daveeddiggsit @nadialinett14 @librarychild @spidey-boii @me-hoy-me-trash @serkewen12 @daveedish @anthonyramosobc @autistic-alien @runnerriley @hamilsquad-writings @thegirlonhamilton @hamiltonwrotetheother51 @thehamiltonpost @patron-saintof-sluts
“Shockingly, Daveed was the one to start this track off but it’s become one of our favorites.” Bill said, clicking through his gallery on his computer.
You were being shown new songs that clipping. had been working on and everything you heard so far was gold. This new album they were working on would be their best yet.
“Let’s hear it.” You said, smiling and leaning forward in your seat.
As the beat kicked in and the lyrics started you knew it was an extremely sexual one. These were your favorites because Daveed always went full out and to be honest it was a huge turn on. You nodded your head to the beat, getting deep into the song when a certain noise element caught your attention. You froze and listened in closer, paling as you realized exactly why it sounded so familiar.
It was you.
“Daveed can I speak to you in the hall?” You said as soon as the song ended, trying to keep any emotion out of your tone.
“Of course.” He responded, standing and following you out into the hallway.
Once the door shut behind you, you punched him in the arm.
“You put my fucking moans into one of your songs?” You hissed, glaring at him.
“Ow! Damn.” Daveed rubbed his arm, “It fit in perfectly and it sounded so good. You have to admit it makes the song sound dope.”
“Where did you even get the moans from?”
“Remember that time Jon and Bill left and we had a quickie in the recording booth? We accidentally left the mic on and it picked up our noises. Neither of them noticed the extra recording but I did. I checked it out and realized what it was. I was going to delete it but instead I stored it away in a secret file and then I started messing with it. I found a chunk where it was just your moans and it had a steady rhythm and I liked how it sounded so I let it build from there.” Daveed explained, rubbing where you punched him the whole time.
You tried to figure out what to say but nothing came to mind so you just stared at him incredulously.
“I wasn’t going to publish it anywhere without you hearing it first. I can take it out and erase the whole song if you’re really mad about it.” Daveed offered, leaning against the wall behind him.
You thought about it for a second, it was a bit flattering to have you in a song, even if it was just your moans.
“They don’t know it’s my moan, right?” You asked.
Daveed shook his head, “Nope. Only me and you know.”
“So it’s our little secret, huh?” You said, a small smirk spreading across your face.
“Mhm.” Daveed replied, mirroring your smirk.
“Then I guess it can stay. No wonder you were so into this song. I was gonna say you were rapping more aggressively than usual.” “Yeah, well when you have your girlfriend’s moans on a loop in your ear for a few hours, it can get you a bit riled up.” Daveed chuckled, licking his lips.
“Is that so?” You raised your brow, wrapping your arms around his neck and leaning on him.
“Mhm.” Daveed nodded, hands sliding to your ass.
“Will this be added to the list of clipping. songs we fuck to?”
“Definitely.” He agreed, leaning down and kissing you.
Part of you wanted to deepen it and thread your fingers through his hair but the rational part of you remembered his bandmates were only a few feet away from you. You pulled away, sliding his hands off your body.
“Nuh uh. That’s the last time I fuck you in the studio.” You giggled, starting to walk back towards where Bill and Jon sat waiting for you.
“You don’t mean that, do you?” Daveed responded, following you down the hall.
“Didn’t think so.”
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Mystery Date Night
A/N: I wrote this short fluffy drabble for my friend, @linmanuclmiranda
Anthony x reader
502 words
You took a deep breath as you looked yourself over in the mirror. Anthony had told you to dress casual for your date tonight. It was a special day, your one month anniversary. You touched up your lipstick and left the bathroom, he was waiting for you in the living room.
“Y/n, wow.” He looked at you, adoring your features, and his smile spread from ear to ear. You blushed and looked at your feet as he approached you, wrapping an arm around your hip. He lifted your chin with his other hand and brought your face up to look at him. “You are so gorgeous, y/n.” He placed his lips on yours gently, softly nibbling at your bottom lip, begging for entry. You’re lips parted, as your tongues danced together for a few moments before he pulled away slightly, leaving you wanting more. He rested his forehead against yours and whispered “I love you, babe.” He wrapped his arms around you in an amorous hug, which you returned. You pulled away from the hug and he held your hand and guided you out of your shared apartment and to his car, he opened your door and helped you in like a true gentlemen, but before closing your door he leaned down, with a blindfold in his hand.
“Ooh kinky,” You said with a smirk. He blushed, but tried to mask it with a chuckle, “No, it’s not like that. I just want it to be a surprise.” He wrapped the blindfold over your eyes and tied it behind your head. He kissed your cheek and gently closed your door for you.
The entire short car ride was spent with you trying to guess where you were going.
“A fancy dinner?” You asked.
“Nope!” He replied, cheerily. Confident you wouldn’t guess correctly.
“Hmm… beach?”
This continues for a few more guesses, all unsuccessful. You feel the car stop and reach for the blindfold.
“No no no, not yet babe. Just wait.” Anthony said, taking your hand. The anticipation was killing you though. You hear him get out and close his door, And moments later he gently opened yours and guided you out of the car. You tried to listen and smell for hints, but all you could smell was Anthony's cologne and there were no distinguishing sounds either.
He brought you to a stop and stood behind you. He whispered in your ear, “are you ready?”
You nodded excitedly causing him to giggle as he removed the blindfold and your jaw dropped. You were surrounded by gorgeous shades of blue, and beautiful fish. You were in an aquarium tunnel, fish were swimming above you and in front of you and in every direction. You turned to Anthony, tears in your eyes distorted your vision as you wrapped your arms around his neck. “Its so beautiful, I love it! And I love you!”
He wrapped his arms around your waist, and whispered “I love you too, y/n. I love you so much!”
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kipsbay · 7 years
Words: 326
Note: Literally nothing happens, this sucks. 
From the prompt: Something gets lost.
 “Can you change the channel?” you asked, looking up at Daveed.
Lazy Sundays were your favourite, hanging out around the apartment, not having to do anything or go anywhere. Right now you were lying on the couch with your head in Daveed’s lap, his hand stroking your hair.
“Hand me the remote,” Daveed said, holding out his hand.
You glanced around and, not seeing the remote, said “You have it.”
“No, I don’t.”
“Well, I don’t have it either.”
“You’re probably lying on it, get up,” Daveed said.
“I’m not lying on it, I would’ve felt it.”
“Just stand up, we’ll look for it.”
You reluctantly sat up and Daveed looked at the place where you were lying. He stood up, glancing at where he was sitting. “Get up, you’re sitting on it.”
You got up off the couch and picked up one of the cushions.
“I told you I wasn’t lying on it,” you said.
Daveed picked up the other cushions, but still no remote. He got on his knees, looking underneath the couch.
“Did you find it?” you asked.
“It’s not here… Where’s the damn remote?” he responded, looking confused.
You walked over to the tv and changed the channel using the buttons on the side.
“We’ll just do this until we find it,” you said.
“You do that. It’s not like we have 500 channels or something,” Daveed answered, the sarcasm clear in his voice.
You huffed, but kept changing the channel. As Daveed walked into the kitchen, he called over his shoulder. “You want a drink?”
“Water’s fine, babe!”
For about ten seconds, all that was heard were the different channels, not getting an entire word out before you changed it again. All of a sudden, you heard Daveed’s loud laugh.
“Y/N! Get in here!”
As you walked into the kitchen, Daveed pointed into the fridge. “Found it!”
There, resting between a carton of milk and some cheese, was the remote.
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Mascara - Lin-Manuel Miranda x Reader
Prompt: Small fluffy drabble - Y/N gets home from an event with Lin one night and doesn't take off her make-up before going to bed. When she wakes up, Lin is taking off her make-up and singing quietly to her.
TW: N/A.
Word Count: 437
A loud yawn escaped Y/N's lips as she and her fiancé exited the Uber. Though they could've easily driven to the event they had just attended, the two had planned on going to bed as soon as they got home and didn't want to argue over who would drive half-asleep.
"G'night, Lin," Y/N yawned, again, beginning to walk up the stairs before she felt a pair of arms wrap around her. Lin offered a tired smile, walking upstairs alongside the sleepy love of his life. Once they had made it into bed, the two didn't even take off their shoes before collapsing onto the soft mattress that enveloped them in warmth. Though extremely uncomfortable in their formal attire, neither of them made an effort to A) get out of their clothes, or B) get under the comforter. Instead, Lin and Y/N slept tangled together on the foot of their bed until the next afternoon.
"Let me be a part of the narrative, in the story they will write someday," Lin quietly sung to his fiancé as he gently removed her eye shadow and mascara with the bottle of make-up remover he had found in their bathroom, "let this moment be the first chapter, where you decide to stay~"
When she began to stir, he moved away and let her process what was going on, "Lin?"
"Sorry, hon, you just didn't look comfortable with all that make-up on. Let me get the rest off and then I'll make breakfast?" a bright smile overtook both of their lips and Y/N nodded, allowing her fiancé to finish taking off her make-up.
"Thank you for doing this, Lin, but sorry you have to see me without somethin' to cover up my face," even after a decade of knowing one another and years of being together, Y/N had never gotten over her insecurity about her outward appearance. However, no matter how many times she did this, Lin never hesitated with his answer.
"Y/N soon-to-be-Miranda, you are the most beautiful individual I have ever had the honor to lay my eyes on. Never think otherwise," Lin placed his hand under Y/N's chin and moved her face close to his, gently kissing her lips before helping her up and out of the bed.
"I love you so much, Lin," Y/N said, eyes brimming with a loving passion that had never gone away since the moment she met Lin. He returned the gaze as they walked down the steps, lacing their fingers together and bringing the two of them close together again.
"I love you too, Y/N, more than anything in this world."
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chuckisgod · 7 years
Master list
Edited: April 23, 2017
Lin x Reader
The Claw
Wives Know Best
Just a Walk In the Park
Part 1  Part 2
Going Away for Awhile
Part 1
Deals With the Devil
Part 1 Part 2
Of legacies and Overdue Books
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leslieohdamnjr · 7 years
"Ok, maybe I am a little jealous" with Oak please?
Warning: I don’t know how to salsa dance. pls don’t be mad.
It hadn’t taken you long to teach Lin the dance, he was a quick learner and already had some knowledge of dance. Still, it surprised you when he was ready a full week before your chosen day to perform. It had all started when you’d told your friends you could salsa dance. They all seemed intrigued and wouldn’t let you go until you promised to perform for them. You told them you needed a partner, and Lin volunteered. Soon everyone had made it into some huge production, inviting other friends, giving you several music suggestions, and Jasmine even bought you a dress.
“This is stupid.” You muttered to yourself, watching as your cast mates and their friends clustered on stage around you and Lin. You always had fun dancing, but before you got going, nerves were common.
“Hey, we put this much work into it, why back out now?” Lin spoke next to you.
“I guess you’re right.” You shrugged. 
“You guys ready?” Jasmine asked, smiling excitedly and leaning into Anthony as her finger hovered over the play button on her phone. A wire ran from the top of her phone to a pair of large speakers in the wings.
Lin took his mark a few feet away from you, “Yeah.” You answered. The song started with an energetic marimba tune. You stepped quickly, Lin’s movements matching yours exactly. When, the vocalist began singing, you moved to take Lin’s hands. You stepped together for a few seconds until the brass instruments came in loudly, Lin’s signal to spin you. You spun once more, in the opposite direction before leaning back into Lin’s hand -which was pressed against the center of your back- and kicking high into the air.
A short applause rolled through your small audience as your foot came back to the ground. A familiar feeling ran through you and you grinned. Nothing could match the feeling you got when dancing, whether it was on stage for Hamilton, messing around in your living room, or performing salsa like this, it was a rush you just couldn’t find anywhere else. Your feet almost moved on their own accord, gliding across the wooden stage, supporting each step you took, guiding you through turns and lifts.
With Lin standing right behind you, you spun and leaned toward the ground. One of his hands fell on your leg to lift it high into the air, the other taking your hand to support your weight and keep you from falling to the ground. Your back was to Lin’s waist, arm outstretched toward the floor and legs spread into a split position with Lin’s arm holding your top leg to his shoulder. Jasmine hollered excitedly and everyone else clapped, Oak with a deep frown on his face. More feelings than he could keep track of were flowing through him. For one, he was watching you dance in a dress that barely covered you. On the other hand, you were dancing with Lin. And Lin’s hands were the ones on your skin.
“You’re jealous aren’t you?” Daveed smirked beside him, not tearing his eyes away from the dancers.
“No.” Oak grumbled as you returned to a standing position. Lin spun you again, this time landing in a position where Lin dipped you deeply, your hair hanging toward the floor and your foot hooked around his knee and hips flush against his.
“Okay, maybe I am a little jealous.” Oak admitted, as everyone cheered and clapped loudly at the last blaring note from the speaker. You and Lin bowed and were soon flooded by many people in the group. 
“Good to know.” Daveed disappeared into the crowd before Oak could question him on his slightly enigmatic response.
“Hey, Y/N?” You turned to Daveed at the sound of his voice.
“Yeah?” You grinned.
“First of all, that was pretty damn awesome. Second of all, Oak is super jealous of Lin right now. Which is further proof of my claim that he definitely has a huge crush on you.”
You laughed, “Thanks.” You rolled your eyes fondly, looking past his shoulder to see Oak. He definitely had the jealous look… Maybe Daveed was right about him. 
You pushed past a few people to meet Oak. Maybe it was the rush of dancing, or maybe it was that you’d finally realized what Daveed had been telling you for weeks, either way, as soon as you reached Oak, you wrapped your arms around his neck and kissed him.
He kissed back immediately, almost as if he’d expected it, which he definitely did not. This drew more cheers from your cast mates than the dance did.
“I told you!” Daveed yelled.
“Still jealous?” You whispered against Oak’s lips seconds after the kiss came to an end.
“Absolutely not.” He replied under his breath, almost as if he was under a trance. “I’m pretty sure the orchestra pit is empty right now…”
“It’s also made to amplify sound.” You giggled before kissing him again quickly.
“I’ll stay out of the dressing room.” Daveed said as he walked past you, situating a snap back on his head casually.
“That works for me.” You leaned away from Oak and took his hand to lead him to the dressing room he shared with Daveed. “Thanks Diggs!”
I’m sorry this took me so long! I hoped you enjoyed :)
Here’s my ask box!
(If you want to request or send in feedback)
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daveeddiggsit · 7 years
23. “Just pretend to be my date with Anthony?
“C’mon, Ant, please? Just pretend to be my date. It’ll be fun!”
Your roommate sighed and took a sip of his coffee, trying to mask the feeling of butterflies in his stomach at the thought of dating you (even though it would be fake). “What’s in it for me?” He asked, watching you from across the kitchen counter.
“Well, you’ll get to spend quality time with yours truly for two whole days.” You proposed with a bright smile.
He chuckled. “You’re my roommate, Y/N, I spend quality time with you almost daily.”
You paused to think. “You’ll get to see my family and their new puppy! I know you have a soft spot for puppies, who doesn’t?”
Anthony smiled behind his coffee mug, watching you with amused eyes. “I don’t think one puppy is convincing enough.”
You sighed. “Alright, fine. I’ll make you brunch every day for a week when we get back and I’ll let you have dibs on the first movie for movie night next Friday.”
“Hmm…I don’t know, Y/N. Seems like a pretty decent offer…” He pretended to think, grinning wider when he saw you roll your eyes.
“Just take the deal, you jerk.”
“Alright, fine.” He laughed. “Deal.”
“Thanks, Ant.” You beamed, leaning over to kiss his cheek before you left the kitchen to disappear in your room to pack. “We’re leaving tomorrow at eight!”
Anthony’s cheek was still warm from where your lips had just been. He truly didn’t know what he had signed up for, but he just hoped he wasn’t making a mistake.
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Character x Character
Character x Reader
Hamilcast x Reader
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Take your shirt off and put your hands up against the wall with Anthony please!!
“Take your shirt off and put your hands up against the wall.”
You gasped as Anthony pushed you to the wall, you caught yourself with your hands. You rolled your eyes and took off the shirt, putting your hands back on the wall.
“I don’t think this strip search is necessary. Isn’t a woman supposed to be doing this?” You glanced over your shoulder at Anthony who wore a smug smirk.
“We’re running a little low on female officers today. Face the wall.” He commanded, walking behind you.
You listened to him, holding your breath as you felt his hands pulling on your hips until your ass was pressed against him. The plus to having an actor as a boyfriend was he was really good at roleplay. He could turn from his usual goofy, gentle self into something the complete opposite. 
“Need to make sure you have no weapons that could hurt me. Now be a good girl and stand still.” He growled, hands drifting up your torso to your breast.
You shuddered under his touch, goosebumps appearing everywhere he touched. 
“Hmm, seems like you’re liking this.” 
You could hear the smirk in his voice.
“I’m not. I just want to get the fuck out of here.” You said, rolling your eyes and trying to keep up the act but the moment his hands cupped your chest, you whimpered. 
“You can say what you want but I feel it. It’s alright to like it.” He whispered into your ear, softly squeezing your chest.
He rolled his hips against your ass, already hard. You bit down on your lip, pushing your ass back without thinking about it.
“Tell you what,” He began, hands sliding down your torso and to your skirt.
Your thighs tensed as his hands landed on them, rubbing up and down slowly.
“I’ll let you walk, no charges, no fines. But only if you please me. We both leave satisfied and happy.” He continued, hands moving to your inner thighs.
Your head fell back onto his shoulder, knees buckling a little as wetness started settling between your thighs. 
“What do you say? I could make you feel really good.” He whispered, kissing up your neck until he could lightly tug on your earlobe with his teeth.
You whined, hands dropping off the wall and covering his. You moved his hands up your skirt, a blush spreading on your cheeks.
“Glad we can come to an agreement.”
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Send me prompts!
I’m in the mood to ignore all my inboxed requests and write some drabbles, so send me a word or a bit of dialogue and a person and I’ll write a drabble with it! My only request is that there aren’t any swears included (I still have my swear-ginity and intend to keep it that way!)
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New Series Announcement!!!
Hello children
Yesterday I was working on the series I was supposed t start posting this week. I got halfway through the first part, and decided to take a break for a little while and scroll through Tumblr. As I was going along, I came across a beautiful moodboard created by @ham4fan-fiction and instantly wanted to write a drabble for it. I asked her if that was fine with her, and our conversation turned into the creation of a new series! So now get ready for…
We Could Be Heroes (hamilcast mutant AU)
The meta-humans were a genetic mistake. A government-run test on a group of terminally-ill subjects led to genetic mutations unlike anything the world had ever seen. At first, there wasn’t much cause for worry. But as time goes on and more meta humans fill the earth, the governments of the world realize the potential threat of a meta human uprising.
That's when the oppression begins. Meta humans are secluded from other humans, placed in separate towns, sent to different schools...They are tested on, which is more like torture than anything. They are forced to check in everywhere they go. Their towns are overrun with military persons, who are cruel to them. They are paid just barely enough to survive day to day. The government creates various drugs to "fix" them, but the drugs only succeed in killing them. Some meta humans who can't handle the hardships turn on their own kind, suppressing their powers and working for original humans in exchange for money and power. Most others simply struggle to make it to another day. The oppression goes on for generations. Very few meta humans have ever made an attempt to oppose the brutality, but all have been made examples of. But the whispers of revolution are going around, and they're stronger than ever before. The meta humans are restless. They've been too silent for too long. The time has come for them to rise, to be their own heroes and save themselves. But will they succeed? Or will they too become mere reminders of what happens to those who try and rebel? So this isn't a reader insert, but this idea has me so pumped I just had to write it. @daveeddiggsit @imagineham @secretschuylersister @musicalmiranda and @maybe-mikala I know you all have moodboards too, so if you would like to be in this story, message me at @marvelous-hamilfan and let me know!
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pandaherbologo14 · 7 years
I'M UPSET. How is it that there is Hamilton/Hamilcast fanfic/imagine/drabble about literally anything but there is not ONE fanfic/imagine/drabble about Lin-Manuel Miranda or any other person from the cast going back in time and meeting their own character(s) or just everyone in general. Obviously shenanigans may happen. I'm doing this myself 'cuz I wanna be satisfied. Dunno if I'm going to post or not
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