#anti Darvey
ishkabibblethings · 2 months
"Donna loves and accepts Harvey no matter what"
Friend what? You mean the woman who manages, manipulates, punishes, gaslights, and guilts him into everything? She's loyal, yes. She loves Harvey, I'll allow it if we use the broader definition. (But her entire life and livelihood has been completely wrapped up in him for ages in ways she didn't even understand for a decade, so I'd imagine it's complicated to untangle that.) But her basic function is telling a grown man how he feels and how to behave. (He ran to Paula when Donna left because he needed the same treatment.) Her entire botched character arc is getting over Harvey and it's just undone the moment he's mopey again.
"Harvey realized who he really wanted to be with"
Friend cmon. This is embarrassing. If I pined for someone for almost twenty years made multiple attempts to make something happen, finally got my shit together to move on again and then he randomly showed up at my door while I was in another relationship looking to bone? Red flag, I've got more growing to do if I think that's going to end in a real relationship. In the earlier seasons, I could have seen this- keeping Donna from prison was pure romance trope goodness I was all in. Dating the baddie Harvey stand in? Sure, go for it. His not-boyfriend isn't returning his calls and all his Donna-Managed relationships failed and he's facing his worst fears and he finally settles for the one who's been waiting the whole time? Yikes. Yikes. If it actually took him that long, I'm sorry not sorry that's just sad. That's not romance that's a tragedy. She should have said no. She should have made him court her and earn it. He's not having a revelation, he's finding his safety blanket. Harvey somehow only realizing how amazing she is in one of his loneliest moments has the same flavor as remembering how acceptably attractive your ex is when you're looking to get laid.
Nope. No thanks.
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//A lot of focus on here surrounds Mike and Harvey more than Darvey. Why is that?
[I love Darvey of course, they're a great pair. But Harvey wouldn't have started to realize his love for Donna if it wasn't for Mike. Mike really helped Harvey slowly get in tune with his emotions.
They've been referred to as family many times throughout the series, whether it's father/son or brothers. And obviously for this blog it's more so as brothers. One of the main reasons I watched Suits, if not the main reason, was for the bromance between Mike and Harvey. Darvey just happened to be a side benefit.
Found family is honestly one of my favourite tropes and watching these two develop their brotherly (or father/son) relationship was great. Mike is a very important person in Harvey's life and I really want to showcase that. I'll always put platonic bonds before romance.
If you don't like that, then you can leave if you want. It's okay.]
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statusquoergo · 5 months
why do people post anti-ship things in the ship tag? why would you do that? why are you coming into my house to criticize the furniture? "so my post reaches more people!" no but for real like. get the fuck out of here.
seriously, what do you think you're accomplishing? a poll about darvey is not going to reach the right audience in the marvey tag. not to say there aren't people who ship both, but the venn diagram has a very small area of intersection compared to the sizes of the respective fandoms and you are much more likely to annoy and/or piss people off. and, i dunno, i have this sneaking suspicion that even people who are fans of both don't go into the tag for one of them when they want content for the other.
also, thinking that marvey fans are on drugs because mike and harvey "were like brothers" is...fine, i guess? as an opinion? i mean it's a little rude, seems kind of unnecessarily aggressive, but if that's the level of passion you have for your perspective, well, congratulations on your life choices. kindly get the fuck off my lawn.
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...i've not been having a great week.
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lesbiandarvey · 6 months
harvey specters midnights tracks
- lavender haze: harveyscottie song
- anti hero. self explanatory
- you’re on your own kid: i looked around in a blood soaked SUIT and saw something they can’t take away
- midnight rain: i really do think mike is sunshine and harvey is midnight rain. whether he knows it or not mike really is looking for the next Mrs Ross and harvey… can’t be that<3
- vigilante shit. unfortunately i think he’d think this song was good
- bejeweled!!!! harvey is still bejeweled! marvey divorce vibes
- labryinth: darvey song! finally we have arrived at some blessed #darvey harvey is falling in love again….
- karma: on harvey’s workout playlist and he doesn’t know how to remove it
- you’re losing me: thee marvey divorce song. joever. how long could we be a sad song till we were too far gone to bring back to life?
- would’ve could’ve should’ve: i mean i’ve talked at length that i think harvey’s history with cameron dennis was sexual and that he was in love with cameron and cameron took advantage of him “and now that i know i wish you’d left me wondering”
- dear reader: this is like twofold like it’s harvey as the Mentor to mike and the wisdom he can impart to mike how to be a lawyer, but it’s also about harvey as the Character and what he can teach the audience “burn all the files / desert all your past lives / and if you don’t recognize yourself that means you did it right”
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laufire · 3 years
I did a ~selective viewing of some Suits episodes to do a refresher before jumping in and finally watching the last season... I'm determined to do it because I want to see where a lot of these people's stories went (Louis, Louis/Sheila, Samantha, Katrina, Alex...).
But just the premiere has made more aware than ever of how much I LOATHE Donna. And Darvey. Neither can be on screen without me making this exact face:
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[ID: the queen on Brave making a disgusted involuntary expression at her food’s taste.]
I hate her Karma Houdini ass more than ever istg. She massively screws up like once per season, yet nothing happens to her as a consequence, because she's Awesome TM and people aren't allowed to disagree or dislike her, ever (that investigator who refused to work for the film when Donna was a bitch to her and then refused to be convinced to talk in their favor... where are you babe ilu. Same to Anita Gibbs and oh so many
delightful antagonists. Hardman deserves to ruin her life for what she did to Robert, period. The bf she just cheated on should get to be a bitch at the very least).
What's worse, her last stunt not only didn't have negative consequences for her, but it caused MY MAN ROBERT ZANE to be disbarred and damage his reputation (likely irreparably, though I’m hoping that’s not the case and I’m going to choose to believe it even if it’s post-series) to save her and Harvey's asses.This in turn harmed the firm that Alex and Samantha just put their names on, hurting Samantha’s reputation as Robert’s right hand, and caused Louis to lose control of the firm. But none of them are allowed to even be mad at her for it, because It’s Donna. Samantha is within her fucking rights to tear into her but she must make peace with her; it must be understood that Louis worships the ground she walks on (although thankfully lately it’s just words, as he relies far more on literally everyone else -Sheila, Katrina, his therapist, Alex, Robert, Harvey...), Robert can’t be mad and instead must be seeking ~redemption, etc.
One thing that made me FURIOUS though, it’s her call to Rachel at the beginning of the episode. Rachel, her so-called closest friend, and the daughter of the man whose life she just ruined. And she calls her and leaves a message in her voicemail (which I’m choosing to believe as Rachel not picking up because as far as she’s concerned, they’re not on speaking terms), to cheerfully inform her that’s she’s finally worn down the man she obsessively obsessed about for over a decade to fuck her a second time. Hoo-fucking-ray. What the fuck is wrong with her that she calls Rachel to tell her that, right now??
Which leads me to what I can’t stand about the situation. It’s not like the show is pretending that Donna and Harvey are the Ultimate Romance, the writing is consistent and all (LOL at the fact that Louis caught them the morning after, saw Harvey in last night’s clothes... and thought they’d being working all night because the idea is so unthinkable lmao. And some narrative choices are VERY ON POINT, like the fact that things happen in Donna’s appartment and not Harvey’s -where everything about his romantic life has been front and center-, or how Harvey isn’t even allowed to be mad that Donna was still involved with another man without his knowledge when they slept together, something that to the Harvey we knew in the show, would’ve made him feel like shit and angry as hell), but the narrative of Harvey Finally Sees How Awesome Donna Is And That She’s Always Right And Should Be In Charge of Every Facet of His Life... jfc. I hate it here!!
They are living proof of the fact that I hate the Relentless Pursuer trope no matter what genders involve it, I guess, but at what cost. AT WHAT COST I SAY DDDD: I feel terrible for him ugh.
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I dont even know the character but if your Donna rants are as amusing as your Dumbledore rants, then Id love to hear them
Your kindness is much appreciated, anon. Honestly, Donna Paulsen isn't nearly on the level of someone like Albus Dumbledore. She would probably hate him. Hard to say, given how different their worlds are. Still, there are many different ways for a character to frustrate the audience. Donna isn't a horrible person. She's just...very annoying.
The main issue is that she is one of those characters that the show simply refuses to call out on her nonsense. In fact, it really, really wants you to like her, and attempts to portray her as this flawless superhero, this total badass...and it does this mostly through her own mouth. Half of her lines are just her stating that she's "awesome" usually because she figures things out or already knows things about other people. She always acts like she knows everything and tells other people what's right and wrong. So it's sort of like BBC's Sherlock in that sense. This would already be something that could get old after a while, but what truly kills Donna's likeability is how she totally doesn't actually meet that standard, like, at all. She massively fucks up all the time. At least once per season. It would be one thing if she grew from these incidents, or her portrayal changed because of them. But this doesn't happen. Every time, the show either A) treats her as the victim, B) tries to argue that she was right, or C) goes with the interpretation that yes, she was wrong, but it's a one time thing, and shouldn't be held against her with all of the good that she's done. Seriously, the line "One mistake in thirteen years." Comes up in Season 7 and I have to say...really?
In Season 1, she goes behind Harvey's back on the Cameron Dennis case, a betrayal that upsets him so much that he considers firing her. All she says in response is "You're welcome." In Season 2, she shreds that document and gets fired for it. She never accepts responsibility for this and to the end, keeps insisting that she did it for Harvey. In Season 3...eh, I'll give her a pass on the whole Stephen thing. He fooled everyone. But Season 4, oh boy. The Liberty Rail fiasco is one of her worst outings, especially considering that at the end of it all, Harvey got her out of it...and then she left him and went to work for Louis. And all because *checks clipboard* he wasn't sure if wanted to be more than friends? She literally just hires herself back as Harvey's secretary when Mike gets caught. "You saying you're coming back to me?" Uh Harvey, you do realize that you get a say in that? In Season 6, she has the whole "The Donna" storyline, which is...probably the worst arc on the show. It is just so beyond pointless. It reeks of seasonal rot. In Season 7, she gets herself appointed C.O.O. by using reverse psychology and asking for a Partnership she knows she can't have, and causing all kinds of drama...instead of just, y'know, asking. Then she kisses Harvey while he's dating Paula. And has the nerve to criticize how he reacts, and the choices he's made in his relationship. In Season 8, she breaks privilege for personal, selfish reasons...and gets away scot free. Harvey doesn't even care that she betrayed him at this point, he just minds that she "lost faith in him." And this? This is what ultimately gets them together? Please.
I stopped caring about Harvey and Donna's "will they/won't they" in Season 5. It was definitely the season that gave them the most development, before hitting the damn reset button by having Donna hire herself back. Because every "will they/won't they" ends the same way - yes, they will, in the last few episodes or the finale. Harvey and Donna's relationship in Season 9 was wholesome, sure. But it was too little, too late. In general, Donna has a lot of issues about her contributions to the firm. She feels unappreciated, clearly, because half of her lines are just her demanding other people (usually Harvey) recognize what she's done. Even after she found out that he paid her salary and even gave her raises that no other secretary got. There's definitely something to be said about Donna being led to believe she was more important than she is. That clearly affected her and they could have done something interesting if they explored it more. But I think all of the examples I provided are proof that she can be selfish. She loves to dig in her heels and insist that she's put Harvey first again and again for years. Trouble is...I can remember a lot of times she said this, but not that many times that she actually did it. Her actions speak louder than her words. She just feels like a very clear example of a character who the story really wants you to like, and practically instructs you to. Rose Tyler also comes to mind. Yet I don't feel like Donna came close to earning the pedestal that she was placed on.
The other characters made mistakes as well, but they were treated as human beings, not superheroes.
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thequeenofsastiel · 4 years
Finally got around to finishing Suits. It really suffered after the loss of Mike. Not just because his relationship with Harvey was the best part of the show, but because Mike’s ability to care about the vulnerable balanced out the fact that most of the show was just garbage capitalist propaganda that glorified the people who are most responsible for the fact that we live in a country with horrific wealth inequality that doesn’t even slightly try to take care of a large majority of its people. Without Mike, that was all that was left, which is one of the reasons I lost interest. Literally the only reason I decided to finish it was to get to watch the episodes in which Mike came back, which were honestly the only ones that were even slightly good. 
The last half of season nine, which was what I had to finish, was less than great. I think the show was trying to get me to think of Faye as the villain, and I just couldn’t. Her whole reason for being there was to get them to stop pulling shady shit, which they genuinely did, over the course of the entire show. Hell, the whole show was based on Mike being a fraud at the beginning. The point is, that was her purpose, and everyone treated her like the bad guy. The ending was especially egregious. Samantha fabricated evidence to help cover for her client who literally said that he didn’t care how many factory workers in China committed suicide due to the horrible conditions they worked in thanks to him. And I was supposed root for her to retain her license? No. She 100% should have been stripped of it. I was absolutely on Faye’s side, and I’m crushed that the last thing everyone, including Mike, did was collude against Faye to let Samantha keep practicing law.
All of the D*arvey parts were painful, naturally. She should have stayed Harvey’s secretary and friend. Her role and their relationship suffered once those things changed. They were a great team, and they were great as friends. Making them romantic partners has always felt forced to me. 
The only parts I actually enjoyed were the parts with Mike, mainly when he and Harvey were being friendly to each other(I never like watching them fight). I guess I’m glad that he’s going to Seattle to work with Mike again, and actually help people who need it, but knowing him he’ll keep pulling that same shady shit and putting the people around him in legal danger.
All in all, I’m glad the show is over. I’m glad I saw it to its end, but I’m glad it’s over too. I might still rewatch some of the early seasons at some point, at least the Marvey parts, and I’m about to read some Marvey fics, because I do genuinely like them together. But other than that, I’m done with Suits.
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mcmusing · 4 years
If my Alpha King Harvey Specter has to have a love interest, I vote Zoe Lawford every single re-watch 💋
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girlwithonegoal · 5 years
all i'm getting from the finale is that harvey was so in love with mike that he gave up new york and pearson hardman, which he loved so much, to follow the most important person in his life to seattle. and i will die on that hill.
on a side note, having 'perfect' by ed sheeran and 'viva la vida' by coldplay in the finale episode was truly cursed, for a show with great music, historically speaking. and marvey never ended up being canon. this really is the worst timeline.
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missbrunettebarbie · 5 years
shipping ask: 17,13,5.
Sorry for taking so long nonny, your questions demanded more ti.e to think about them ^-^
What is/are your least favorite trope(s)?
Hmm, I guess I dislike soulmates tropes (I am actually writing a fic where I want to turn this concept on its head and show how horrifying it is. I also dislike slow burns, friends to lovers or any kind of pining.
Is there anything you ship but refuse to interact with the community for?
I don't really interect with any fandoms outside of my mutuals (it's a combination of shyness and knowing how terrible fandom can be.
Are there any popular ships that you just don’t like? What are they?
Oh, boy, quite a lot of them: Donna/Harvey in Suits, Jon/Sansa in GOT (thankfully this one is not canon, but the fandom insistance it is....yeah), Rey/Kylo in SW, Alec/Magnus in SH (I am ok, even enjoy the ship itself, but their fandom is something else), any non-Caroline ship in the Plecverse (tho, idk how popular those ships are since a lot of people seem to ship them just because they dialike KC), Chloe/Clark in SV and probably others I forgot.
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redgoldblue · 5 years
Anyway Donna and Harvey slept together once in the first like, year of their friendship, woke up in the morning, looked at each other, went ‘okay fun times. Felt like I was having sex with my cousin. We’re never doing that again.’ and then they didn’t.
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ninetyninemangoes · 5 years
Donna Paulsen has done more damage to that law firm than anyone else on the show. How many times has she screwed up and had everyone else sacrifice and cover for her? She never takes responsibility for her own stupidity and selfishness.
Also I miss Jessica!
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elloras · 6 years
Sory, no tumblr account for me. I still dislike 90% of the fandom hive mind that it encourages. Plus, I can already think about a simillarity between DH and CK: "I do love you, you know?", "You know I love you, Donna". At the end of the day, I think I hate CK more bc not only it drags Klaus down, but it was introduced with the singular goal of making Caroline look cheap and unworthy. And Donna is so, so Logan. Someone save Harvey!!!
Haha, understandable. AND LMAO YES. What I meant was more irl stuff but in canon, yes, absolutely that. And I wouldn’t know much about it because I’ve never been actively involved in TVD fandom, but I do think it’s funny that Camille had to be derived from Caroline and that’s the only reason she exists and even then it didn’t work.
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gaiamakesitshin · 6 years
maybe in s8 I’ll ship new girl x Harvey aha. Of course Jarvey stays my OTP and in the spin-off I want Jeff gone even thou Harvey/Jessica can’t happen and Darvey is endgame ugh
Paula was cool with Harvey and Scottie
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grapecase · 7 years
Ships ask: 1, 6, 8, 9, 10.
1. what is your absolute favorite ship?
What a terrible question to ask an indecisive person. Ummm. Maybe Ron and Hermione? Even though a lot of Hermione fans (and JK and the films) have made me kind of bitter toward Hermione … and the ship and I’ve become overly protective of Ron, as a result. This ship was my childhood ship. And they were my second thought - and the thought that stuck. So I guess them. 
6. is there a ship that you used to ship, but don’t anymore?
ROMIONE? ROFL. Um. Karolsen. I still like it, I guess. And I like the potential of what could have been. I’ll read it. But nah.
Also, Bamon.
8. what’s a ship you hate that most people like?
Hate is such a strong word. Probably Sterek. I’m trying to think of a ship that I went FUCK NO. And other people love it. Rather than that fandom has become so terrible, I can no longer abide. Oh, wait. Yes. Um. Donna / Harvey.  … and sorry, but Karoline. Or is it Klaroline?
9. what is the most underrated ship, in your opinion?
I was going to say Kira and Scott. BECAUSE I LOOOOVE SCALLISON. But I ship them too. And the show could’ve done so much more with them. I have so many. A lot of my ships are underrated by either the show or the fandom. (Karolsen. Sara/Jax. Gwen/Morgana - though that is understandable toward the later Merlin seasons. Braeden/Derek. TBH. Most of the teen wolf ships. /huffs).
BUT I am going to go with Fred and Gunn. I am always delightfully surprised to find people who ship them. And not people who ship them ‘too’ (though kudos for your good taste). But people who appreciate how they were together and feel they were done so dirty. That remember that Fred actually loved Gunn and Gunn loved Fred. And it wasn’t all about Wes. (Also, wow now I’m just sitting here feeling irritated over how dirty ATS did a lot of the relationships in the end and I’m so glad I never rewatched s4 and barely watched s5)
10. what is the most overrated ship, in your opinion?
Where do I start? I am going to go with ship I feel overrated via the text and not ships the fandom made me bitter about or I never thought was worth shit (IE, supercorp, sterek, … others). I’ll have to go with ALWAYS AND FOREVER. Just fuck the Mikaelsons. I’m sorry. Except where I’m not. Especially the Klaus and Elijah faction. Like even though SOMETIMES they got me feeling some type a way (in the brotherly sense, I didn’t ship it romantically … though I did see the subtext). I’m just so mad about the number of characters that got screwed over narratively - bc the writers really don’t know how to care about poc or not screw women over - but bc Elijah just never fucking learns. It’s so boring. It’s so annoying.
Also the fandom could be so sanctimonious. LOL. THEY’RE ALL MURDERERS! STOP! There is no high ground. None of them are your woobies. They’ve all screwed each other over. PFFBT.
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laufire · 3 years
I forgot to mention that I DID finish Suits' last season this week btw. it was... largely forgettable, which is something I never thought I'd say about this show. If gave some of my faves good moments here and there (Louis, Samantha, Katrina, Alex, even Robert as little as he appeared). but it was all disconnected and unmoored.
I blame it on the fact that that Harvey was a pod person all thought the season. it was like they'd replaced him with Donna's fantasy bimbo, parroting every line she wanted him to say without conviction. if s1-8 Harvey could see him... the actor didn't seem to be even putting an effort in their scenes which made it so much worse smh.
well, I'm done. now I'll just imagine they'll divorce soon enough xD. Litt Wheeler Williams Bennett is going strong and that's what matters most to me (besides the fact that nothing -that icr- in the season contradicts my headcanon that Rachel is refusing to pick Donna's calls after what happened with Robert lol).
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