#anti Meteora
You know...
If ever you draw like, a loving family dynamic and you think ... Some people.... might interpret your depictions the wrong way....... There is absolutely no need nor is there ever an obligation to like...... Do a goddamn fucking death glare directly into the camera at your audience and just start screeching directly into your own blog post, not to dissimilar from a snake just eating it's own tail, about how you're gonna like break their kneecaps and kill them if they .... Put an unwanted tag your posts....... So to speak.
And if someone does do that, the absolute best thing you can do to preserve your own work from that sort of "interaction" is to just completely ignore it, pretend it's not there, block it without any acknowledgment, and move on.
Because if you don't, you know what you're doing? You are directly projecting both your insecurities and intrusive thoughts about the way you draw your own art, right into the lovely piece you just drew and thus ruining your own piece, ruining things for yourself, and ruining things for your audience, because now we're all bummed thinking about it, and now the only person we gotta block is you for directly sabotaging your own intentions by projecting your own bullshit moral panic onto your own art and your own audience, bruh.
That says way more about you than it does about your work. Maybe you should work on yourself, first.
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cherrylng · 4 months
Muse Disc Guide - Absolution [STYLE Series #004 - Muse (August 2010)]
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IN MUSIC Having established the basic structure of the ‘Muse style’ in the ‘guitar rock’ format (with piano) with their previous album, the band entered the phase of developing it with this album. In order to try something new, they entered the studio with Paul Reeve, who had been involved with Muse from the beginning, while looking for a replacement for John Leckie, who had been the main producer of the previous two albums. They recorded four songs that they described as ‘Queen-esque’, with a 32-piece orchestra and 98 layers of chorus work. The band recorded two more pieces, the lush (9/ Blackout), with a graceful mandolin sound, and (10/ Butterflies & Hurricanes), inspired by Rachmaninoff's piano concerto.
However, in the process of finishing those two songs, and with Rich Costey as producer, the band reconsidered a return to an over-the-top, yet hard-hitting sound, keeping in mind that they were a three-piece live band. In addition, the sense of crisis in the world situation at the time began to cast a shadow over both lyrics and sound, and the overall direction shifted towards a darker one. The result is a heavier, more solid, more three-dimensional album with strong contrasts between each song, and an increased scale in all aspects.
The most striking thing on first listen is the change in the drum sound, which has become tighter, heavier and more crisp. Interestingly, the guitar sound itself is more layered and complex. Based on his live experience, Matthew emphasises the expression of a single guitar playing with gusto and power, rather than layering parts to create a thicker sound on this album. Even the piano sometimes evokes the roar of a thunderclap, and in (4/ Sing for Absolution) he places metal objects on the piano strings to create that sound. With multiple climaxes, including their quintessential ‘aesthetics of excess’ (2/ Apocalypse Please), (6/ Falling Away With You) and the emotionally-charged development of Muse's verse (3/ Time Is Running Out), (8/ Hysteria), (14/ Thoughts Of A Dying Atheist), they finally achieved their first UK No.1. —Sumi Imai
2003 Hit Albums
The year 2003 was a year of unrest, partly due to the start of the war in Iraq. Many musicians expressed their opposition to the Bush administration in the USA. However, when Natalie Maines of the Dixie Chicks said during a London show that she was ‘ashamed of George W. Bush’, she was met with a general slap in the face from the Republican-leaning country community, which led to a furor that lasted for several years. Madonna sent an anti-war message in the video for her single of the same name from (A/ American Life), but the video was eventually taken off the air. Meanwhile, in the UK, Blur's Damon Albarn and Massive Attack's 3D [aka Robert Del Naja] launched an anti-war campaign.
In the US charts, the hip-hop/R&B groups were as strong as ever, but Outkast's (B/ Speakerboxxx/The Love Below) was the most distinctive and was highly praised even by non-hip-hop listeners. Among rock bands, (C/ Fallen) by Evanescence, a gothic metal band fronted by the red-hot Amy Lee, and (D/ Meteora) by Linkin Park, one of the biggest heavy rock hit-makers, were big hits. The latter in particular became a monster album, selling 10 million copies to date.
The male version of the UK's leading artists of 2003 was The Darkness. Their catchy hard rock sound, influenced by Queen and Aerosmith, and the friendly character of Justin Hawkins made them explode in popularity. The female version is Dido, whose album (F/ Life For Rent) stayed at number one for a total of eight weeks after taking the number one spot from Muse.
IN LYRICS Novelist/Poet Jorge Luis Borges has said many times that he could see traces of his writing slowly appearing in the real world, and as Matthew says in an interview at the time of release, the synchronisation of imagination and the real world also occurs in this album. (2/ Apocalypse Please), originally about religious fanaticism, was written before the Iraq War, but when Matthew witnessed the anti-war movement in London, which coincided with the recording, he couldn't help but juxtapose the Iraq War with the lyrical content of the song.
The coincidence of what he wrote invaded the real world in unexpected ways - which is interesting because it can also be explained by the themes depicted in (10/ Butterflies & Hurricanes). (10/ Butterflies & Hurricanes) refers to the ‘butterfly effect’, where the flapping of one butterfly's wings causes a storm in a completely different place, and it is not unnatural to replace this with the coincidence of words written in London coinciding with the Iraq War, which is a world apart in time and place. It is not unnatural. What is more, there are coincidences in which the worldview in (10/ Butterflies & Hurricanes) is not unrelated to the war. In this eerie connection, one cannot help but see the chaos dynamics on which the ‘butterfly effect’ is based.
In terms of chaotic connections, one cannot help but be reminded of Matthew's statement about the making of the album: ‘The process of giving an easy-to-understand narrative to what I feel’. The neurologist Oliver Sacks, whose work Matthew has acknowledged as an influence, said that ‘every person with a coherent identity tells himself a story about his life every moment’, which Matthew puts into practice in the tangible form of music. The chaos of love is no different, and "Falling Away With You" transposes the pain and frustration of an unresolved love affair into the vessel of a story, making us - and Matthew himself - understand the pain and frustration of it. —Kaoru Abe
YEAR 2003 January - Yokozuna Takanohana retired and Ozeki Asashoryu became the first Mongolian to be promoted to the 68th Yokozuna. February - Space shuttle Columbia broke up in mid-air over Texas on its return and crashed. March - The US military launched an attack on Iraq, starting the Iraq War. - Spirited Away won the 75th Academy Award for Best Animated Feature Film. April - A new pneumonia outbreak, SARS, in China kills 774 people by the time the new pneumonia is declared under control in July. - Grand opening of Roppongi Hills. May - US President George W. Bush declared an end to the war in Iraq. June - The first ‘Candle Night for a Million People’ was held. July - Record-breaking heat waves hit France, with more than 11,000 deaths announced. (T/N: Wikipedia states that the death toll in France was more along the lines of 14,802-19,000.) - Vancouver, Canada, was chosen to host the 2010 Winter Olympics. - Noto Airport opens. August - Major power outages in the USA and Canada. - The first six-party meeting with the US, Russia, North Korea, Japan and other countries is held in Beijing, China, to discuss issues such as North Korea's nuclear programme. September - Third album "Absolution" is released. It tops the UK charts. October - European tour begins. - Shinagawa Station opens on the Tokaido Shinkansen Line. - Actor Arnold Schwarzenegger was elected Governor of California, USA. November - ICOCA use begins in JR West Japan. - Michael Jackson arrested on charges including sexual abuse of a minor. December - Digital terrestrial television broadcasting started in Tokyo, Osaka and Nagoya.
Translator's Notes: I will admit, I'm about halfway through the STYLE Series magazine, and I feel as though I keep getting this feeling that the Japanese really, really loves Muse's Absolution album a lot. Of course, given that this special magazine was released back in 2010, I'm not sure how strong this bias is held until I translate Crossbeat's special book for Muse that was released in 2015.
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chorus-the-mutate · 1 year
Actually I hate how bad toh was at making villains not a joke. Everyone except Belos were treated as some goofy sillies that were even let of the hook at the end of the show. And also they all were outdone by some kids.
Like wow I've never seen a show have such a joke villains before
To be fair I don't think the villains being defeated by children is a problem since it can be done in a reasonable, well executed manner. Slade and Trigon from Teen Titans, Fire Lord Ozai from Avatar the Last Airbender, Toffee and Meteora from Star vs the Forces of Evil and the monsters of Sym Bionic Titan are all good villains that are defeated by children (not entirely counting Octus). And the reason why all of these villains work while most of the villains of the Owl House don't is because they were all written consistently. Trigon, Slade and Toffee all have a consistent presence that weighs on the protagonists and are all shown as legitimate threats to the characters and the worlds around them. And while Fire Lord Ozai and Meteora are presented comedically at times their behaviors are consistent and their development correlates to the main themes of the show. The harm of imperialism is embodied by Fire Lord Ozai and the harm that mewman discrimination against monsters can cause is embodied by Meteora. And their presence causes lasting conflict and developments for Aang and Star because Aang has to find a way to grow into the avatar while sticking to his morals and Star has to confront the fact that her family's legacy was built on a lie because of anti monster sentiments. They can never go back to just being naive kids again. Even the monsters of Sym Bionic Titan all have a consistent purpose of being sent to assassinate or generally incapacitate Ilana before she can rightfully take back Galaluna (even if we'll never see that happen 🥲).
Belos has a consistent presence and consistent development throughout the show that pays off relatively well. He is shown to be a charismatic manipulator and a man who despises witches because of the misplaced blame that they 'took' Caleb from him. His plan for the Day of Unity made sense and him going back to the boiling isles to finish the job after the Day of Unity fails also makes sense. His characterization is perfect for the kind of villain he is and the biggest problems with his death relate more its anticlimactic nature, the logic gaps involved and the theme about what makes a person evil being a bit oversimplified.
Unfortunately villains like Terra, Lilith (initially) and Kikimora aren't given such grace. While Terra has a really strong introduction in Follies at the Coven Day Parade and is given a purpose to control Raine she really falls flat during the Day of Unity. She feels very underutilized in the latter half of season 2 even though she does get a fair bit of attention and we don't get to see much of the work she put in to stop Eda and Raine's plan. Hell Odalia Blight is shown to be taking more of an active part in the Day of Unity than Terra and Terra is the most imposing coven head we saw. Then season 3 rolls around and she doesn't do much aside from being forced to impersonate Eda and vie for the throne in a sort of one off gag/explanation. Then we have my sweet, beautiful summer child Kikimora. At first she's shown to be a composed but fanatical assistant to Belos but she eventually cracks once Eclipse Lake rolls around. And although the change was sudden it could've been salvaged if Kikimora's issues with rejection stemming from her family was expanded upon after she was manipulated into disowning her family for a promotion. Even when she was demoted she did get a chance to develop more once she helped King release the Collector after realizing that Belos didn't care about her. But season 3 kinda writes her off as a one note villain again instead of giving her a bit more moral complexity she could've reasonably gained in the year our main crew was on earth for. I am happy that she did get to live and atone with community service but I wanted more for my girl.
The villain I have the biggest problem with is Lilith and that stems from the fact that she was not a villain for long enough. Her presence, motivation and behavior is consistent throughout most of season 1 but the last episode ruins her arc by putting it on fast forward. I honestly think that Belos should've never tried petrifying Eda and if he was still going to he should've known better than to tell Lilith. Not only does the end of season 1 bottleneck Lilith towards her redemption but she also gains the owl curse, a trait that is quite underutilized for her. Lilith is forgiven very quickly after season 1's end even though cursing Eda permanently is a huge violation of trust. That should've been expanded upon more before she was forgiven, even if it was written in a way where Eda only 'forgave' Lilith to keep the peace but felt resentment after finding out that Lilith ruined her life. If my older sister pulled the shit Lilith did I would make her grovel for my forgiveness and prove how remorseful she was until the day we died. Yet Lilith is made to sacrifice very little, only losing her magic at the end of season 1 and temporarily being turned into a puppet. Even Lilith's curse is only shown to be a problem for one episode thanks to Gwendolyn being a shitty mom and once that episode ends Lilith blips out of the plot to live with her for a while. And the worst about all of these mistakes is that it makes Lilith a fundamentally flawed character even though she's really enjoyable overall. But Lilith is only enjoyable, she's not consistent and she doesn't have enough impact on the plot to justify her being a redeemed, major player in the Owl House.
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starrypawz · 1 year
So I was thinking a bit about Linkin Park recently since essentially they are like my emotional support band that carried me through my teenage years and beyond and I listen to them constantly basically if I had to be honest and find it interesting how they basically swung into a more outwardly political bend/protest music for their albums released between 2007-2014
Minutes to Midnight: The title is a reference to the Doomsday Clock and the album is actually quite a noticeable 'Fuck you Bush' album with two particularly noticeable songs, Hands Held High (Iraq war/Conflict in the middle east) and Little Things Give You Away (Hurricane Katrina)
I think it's just generally their 'angriest' album with a degree of that being sort of self directed anger and frustration and also just general themes of regret but also a desire to like move on from past mistakes and do better it's ultimately just a little hopeful like it's early days and it's big emotions and complicated topics you can't quite grasp yet all you know is you are waking up and getting angry but you're maybe not quite sure at who or why you just know shits wrong.
Thousand Suns: This album is just broadly about the horrors of nuclear war/nuclear apocalypse and uses samples from Oppenheimer, Martin Luther King and Mario Savio (which this was actually my introduction to the 'bodies against the gears' speech) and I'd broadly class this one as a protest music album this is the album of like very loudly expressing your disapproval and starting to direct your anger outwards rather than inwards you are learning . There's still anger here but the sound is softer
Living Things: I'd say less of an outright target/theme compared to MtM and TS but it is generally a protest song album, lots of just general 'fuck the system' energy like wanting to hold those who harm accountable like this is an album of frustration really like of railing against systems holding you back as you can't quite break through yet and you're hurting. The sound here is very different broadly it's a noticeable departure from old Linkin Park
The Hunting Party: Like LT I think this album has like less of a focused theme, but I'd class it as protests all the same I think if MTM is anti Bush and TS is anti nuclear war this is... I think just broadly an anti war album if you look at it.
Like it's an album of frustrations again against systems that held you back and systems that made you complicit in harm and have also hurt you those themes of self directed anger and outwardly directed anger come through and I think it's... a lot of precise directed anger as it's sort of... that earlier angry sound you find in their early but more refined, a little softer like by this point you know anger is a tool and you know how to wield it properly and you want answers and you're taking someone to task like you're going down this fucker is coming down with you for what they did. The sound here is like between the two styles it's refined
Also I'd say that the band has always had something as Hybrid Theory and Meteora have that like angry thread of protest but I think it was more... adolescent like that kind of 'yeah fuck the man/the system' that was really popular in a lot of early 2000s music and from 2007 it felt more focused towards specific targets.
Also not to mention how a lot of the songs have themes of like anger against the self, and the frustration of knowing something is wrong with you but you don't know what.
Basically the band grew up I think.
And when you look at it it does sort of follow that pattern of being young, you get angry, you want to yell at the man but you don't really know what the man is and then you learn what the man is and you get angrier about it and want to do something and realise the structures you're stuck in that are holding you back and how they've maybe made you commit harm and you're angry at yourself but you're more angry at the people up top who mislead you and now you're taking names and taking people to task
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theliterarywolf · 2 years
Explain to me how destroying the magic would magically destroy the anti-Monster racism coming from Mewmans, just try, because it makes no goddamn sense. Yeah is destroys the Solarian warriors... and? From a storytelling perspective it's just a weird road to go. + One thing I haven't seen anyone point out, is how Star AGAIN took away the throne and future of Meteora. Also, I was more upset about Meteora and Mariposa's future, since they wanted to grow up together, and then Star decides no.
But anon, it wasn't about ending anti-Monster racism because Eclipsa was already on her way to doing that by falling in love with Globgor and having Meteora.
Destroying all magic really was just a 'how do we destroy Mina -- oopsie-doodle, it still didn't work out because she's still off stoking anti-Monster racism somewhere because, thanks to Solaria and Moon, she CAN'T FUCKING DIE'
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My third thing for Star vs is themes.
I've only mostly seen s4, but from what I've gathered, a theme is recognizing mistakes of the past and fixing them in the present. I think we could roll with this.
S1 - The core issue is Star and Tom's breakup before the series. The first season is about them recognizing how their relationship failed and learning to be friends first before romantic partners. Then enter Toffee.
S2 - Toffee has history with Moon, and their conflict is foreshadowing to the larger issue of Mewman prejudice toward monsters. This season is about defeating Toffee the right way for good.
S3 - This is where Meteora and the rest of the Butterfly family lore starts to come into play. Eclipsa's release reveals the truth about the Butterfly family, and sets Star and the gang on the path to fixing the monarchy.
S4 - In the final season, it's all about second chances. Eclipsa gets a second chance to have a life with Globgor and raise Meteora. Star and the gang figure out what they want, and condemn Solaria and Mina's anti-monster philosophy so Mewmans and Monsters can be equal.
All excellent ideas and interesting ways to work in a theme for each season. I especially love the implication that in this version of events, Globgor is freed much sooner and thus actually has a reason to exist in the modern time other than simply being there for a scene where he gains favor by saving his own kid, which doesn't actually amount to much because like two episodes later, the fact that it seemed like people were mostly fine with him and Eclipsa was more or less forgotten about.
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hii dear, tell me, what song/which songs do you listen to when you need your head to be quiet?
i like to listen to linkin parks meteora album for this
depends on the kind of noise
if i'm super annoyed or angry and can't seem to get it out i tend to listen to loud music and scream - currently 2020 division from anti flag, or any iron maiden album ever, or redeemer of souls from judas priest
if it's just fucking overwhelming and i can't pinpoint it and it's driving me mad, i like something to just listen to, like dire straits (esp telegraph road and brothers in arms), or pink floyd (dark side of the moon is that famour for a Reason) or enya
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julayla · 3 years
JusSonic's Good Idea Bad Idea #3 by JusSonic
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sepialunaris · 4 years
I'm beating a dead horse at this point but I never saw anyone bring up on how SVTFOE just conveniently made "to reverse the Solarian transformation you must destroy the magic" and somehow Meteora is still a baby and not back to Heinous or even dead if her essence sucking was magic-based?
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neogirlart · 4 years
Lizards and Dragons in the Nutshell
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For @julayla & @wildtige429
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I was wondering what the fuck this "Book of Bill" shit is since I do have it blacklisted but it's apparently officially infiltrating the Hazbin Hotel tags now and not just from people I'm following so I finally (unfortunately) looked it up:
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Excuse me? How is it that The Tumblr Sexyman Dorito gets an entire YA novelization for himself now but Eclipsa's Secret Sex Diary/backstory where it's confirmed that Globgor/Toffee/Eclipsa polycule, Meteora did use Rasticore's claw for a masturbation tool during her off screen Little Space growth spurt week of horny wonders, and Gemini was King Shastacan's reanimated corpse hell bent on grooming and fucking his ex wife's and her lovers daughter and rightful heir to the throne before dying a by her own hand, has yet to be released?
Why is it when I look up Gravity Falls on Hot Topic I get this:
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But when I look up Star vs. The Forces of Evil, I get this?
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It's like, not even on the drop down menu anymore ...
...I hate Alex Hirsch and men like him so much I swear to Globgor...
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ranmagender · 7 years
list of svtfoe grievances
Why was Marco’s evil arm heavily hinted at being still within him and then they never did anything with that?
Why are Marco’s original friends so expandable as soon as he starts hanging with Star? they just slowly vanished into the background
Why did Toffee infiltrate Ludo’s gang when he could’ve started his own gang?
What did the horse whisper into Star’s ears that made her cry after she performed the whispering spell the first time?
Why was the whispering spell the first thing Moon taught her daughter if it was so dangerous?
What are the origins of Glossaryck?
How did Toffee corrupt the magic? How did his mere presence corrupt it? What supernatural abilities does he have? If any?
How did Star just manage to all the sudden get the ability to turn into her butterfly form with a bit of magic at the exact right moment?
Why does Mewni hate monsters yet deal with demons and other beings? What separates monsters from any other fantasy species? Especially when the “monsters” seem to be really varied in shapes, size and form?
Why does Marco not stop talking about Mewni and act like he can’t get over being back on Earth when he spent 16 years in Hekapoo’s dimension adventuring and got over that pretty quickly?
Why did they crystalize Eclipsa without due process for running away with a monster?
Was her husband a monster even, he looks similar to Dave’s wife and they seem fine with that? What’s the difference ? ?? ?
Why does Marco seem to not see Star as a romantic interest for 2 and a half seasons yet a small talk with someone saying that he may have interest in him sends him into a spiral of “realization”?
What did they do to Meteora?
Why can’t she remember until she sees her room?
Is Eclipsa evil or just misunderstood?
What happened to Moon’s hand and was that Eclipsa’s doing?
Why did Star start traveling to different dimensions to find the realm of magic? Her horse says that it’s because she wanted to be called but what does that even mean?
Why does she all the sudden manage to change into the butterfly form at will, what changed between her going there and her leaving?
Is Meteora evil or just a victim or circumstance?
How did she become the head mistress at St. Olga’s?
Who founded the school?
Why does Glossaryck never tell anyone things directly if he knows so much about the future? (as in, before he came back)
There’s so many unanswered question and having spent the majority of season 2b and a lot of season 3a on this high school ship drama tends to make me annoyed with how much they don’t explain or gloss over as if it’s not important!
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numetaljackdog · 2 years
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album ranking september 2022
this time i made the bold decision to increase the number of albums ranked from ~40 to a full 100. i only somewhat regret this choice.
album list under the cut
Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory (Bonus Edition)
Rina Sawayama - SAWAYAMA (Deluxe Edition)
Linkin Park - A Thousand Suns
Bring Me The Horizon - Sempiternal (Deluxe Edition)
100 gecs - 1000 gecs
Linkin Park - Meteora
Laura Les - i just don't wanna name it anything with "beach" in the title
System Of A Down - Toxicity
Linkin Park - Minutes To Midnight (Deluxe Version)
Tallah - Matriphagy
Chevelle - Wonder What's Next (Expanded Edition)
Linkin Park - Reanimation
100 gecs - 100 gecs
Black Dresses - Forget Your Own Face
My Chemical Romance - Three Cheers for Sweet Revenge
My Chemical Romance - The Black Parade/Living With Ghosts
Left At London - t.i.a.p.f.y.h.
Bayside - Interrobang
Breaking Benjamin - Dear Agony
Motionless In White - Creatures (Deluxe Edition)
Against Me! - Transgender Dysphoria Blues
food house - food house
Bring Me The Horizon - Post Human: Survival Horror
Chongo - Mad Rat Monday
Three Days Grace - One-X
Nirvana - Nevermind (Deluxe Edition)
Bring Me The Horizon - That's The Spirit
Torres - Silver Tongue
The Used - The Used
Bring Me The Horizon - There Is a Hell, Believe Me I've Seen It. There Is a Heaven, Let's Keep It a Secret
Toby Fox - DELTARUNE Chapter 2 OST
Black Dresses - Forever In Your Heart
Kittie - Spit
Laura Jane Grace - Stay Alive
Linkin Park - Living Things
Three Days Grace - Human
Hozier - Wasteland, Baby!
Limp Bizkit - Three Dollar Bill, Y'all $
We Are The Union - Ordinary Life
Go! Child - Coffee and Ramen
Demon Hunter - Storm the Gates of Hell
My Chemical Romance - I Brought You My Bullets, You Brought Me Your Love
Linkin Park - Hybrid Theory EP
Limp Bizkit - Significant Other
Holy Grail - Ride The Void
Radiohead - Kid A
Chevelle - This Type of Thinking (Could Do Us In)
For the Likes of You - Withered
Radiohead - OK Computer
Will Wood - The Normal Album
Kendrick Lamar - DAMN.
Limp Bizkit - Chocolate Starfish and the Hot Dog Flavored Water
Linkin Park - Live in Texas
Anti-Flag - Die for the Government
Limp Bizkit - The Unquestionable Truth (Pt. 1)
Motionless In White - Infamous (Deluxe Edition)
Judas Priest - Screaming for Vengeance
Spineshank - The Height of Callousness
Bob Dylan - Bob Dylan's Greatest Hits
Jamie Paige - Bittersweet
Nine Inch Nails - The Downward Spiral
Nirvana - Bleach
Bring Me The Horizon - Suicide Season (Cut Up!)
grandson - A Modern Tragedy Vol. 1
Jared Dines - The Dark
Jared Dines - The Light
Tenacious D - The Pick of Destiny
Alexisonfire - Crisis
Baroness - Yellow & Green
Mike Shinoda - Post Traumatic (Deluxe Version)
Ice Nine Kills - The Silver Scream
Death Grips - The Money Store
Talking Heads - Remain In Light (Deluxe Version)
Laura Les - REMIXES 2017
a-ha - Scoundrel Days
Evanescence - Fallen
Indigo Girls - Indigo Girls (Expanded Edition)
Hayley Williams - Petals For Armor
Kate Bush - Hounds of Love
Dorian Electra - Flamboyant
Limp Bizkit - STILL SUCKS
Brian David Gilbert - songs with videos without videos
Architects - Holy Hell
The Cardigans - Gran Turismo
Stone Temple Pilots - Core
Masakazu Sugimori - Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney OST
Rico Nasty - Nightmare Vacation
Bring Me The Horizon - amo
Brian David Gilbert - AAAH!BBA
Lena Raine - Celeste OST
Black Flag - Damaged
Kesha - Rainbow
Dorian Electra - My Agenda
Motionless In White - Disguise
Skeletonwitch - Devouring Radiant Light
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also while skimming the Orion solo for panels to back up my last meta post I was immediately reminded of how good it is.
anyway I really adore these parallel panels of Orion mindcontrolling the population of Apokolips into peace, and Lightray being mindcontrolled into convincing the population of New Genesis into war.
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[Image: Orion speaking to an extremely large crowd of people, using the anti-life equation. He is standing before them, back towards the viewer, one arm behind his back, raising one hand as he speaks. The narration says: “Apokolips, the great square of martyrs... as Orion speaks the words of command to the crowd.” Orion says: “There shall be no more destruction, no more war. The arms of Apokolips will be beaten into plowshares, and peace be upon the land. Return to your homes. Be good to each other, and to yourselves. You are dismissed!” The narration returns: “And slowly, silently, the crowd begins to disperse.”]
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[Image: Lightray speaking to an extremely large crowd of people. He is standing in the exact same position as Orion, his panel framed and drawn in almost the exact same way as his. The narration says: “Shortly, at the great square of heroes...” Before Lightray says: “Word has come back from Apokolips, terrible word, that Orion, like Darkseid before him, is seeking the anti-life equation, so he may destroy free will everywhere and rule the universe. Citizens of New Genesis! This must not happen! Everything we believe in will be obliterated if this spawn of Apokolips is allowed to complete his terrible mission! Orion is a traitor who was nurtured at the breasts of New Genesis and has turned on us to strike like the venomous snake he is! He must be killed before he destroys us and all we hold dear! Let the word go forth! Burnish your armor, shoulder your weapons, and join me! Today! This minute! There is no time to lose! Orion must die!” In the corner, Meteora is seen, Lightray’s text bulbs leading to her as well, as she smirks.]
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Deciding to do the remaining MHC for the character meme, starting with Hekapoo. Next with probably be Omni, then Glossaryck, unless anyone wants Glossaryck first.
First impression: “Oh, so she’s the one who made the dimensional scissors? I kind of just assumed they were...just a thing in this world, something completely mundane to most dimensions. Well, she seems interesting enough, and I like the design.”
Impression now: “Why is the member of the MHC who comes across as the most anti-Monster and honestly seemed to show the least remorse over the Meteora cover-up the one who got the ‘redemption’ and was willing to let herself die to give Star a way to stop Mina and save the Monsters?”
Favorite moment: While her calling out other characters usually annoys me, I did actually like her pointing out to Moon how messed up it was to keep the fact that the Book and Glossaryck were stolen from the MHC? Mostly because I’m always a fan of conflicts where I can see the points of both sides, and that was definitely an example of that. 
Idea for a story: This is admittedly only somewhat related to her, but considering it seems like the Avarius family was given dimensional scissors, I’d love to see how Hekapoo would have responded to being told she had to give them a pair? Because she was pretty consistently shown to be the most on board with war when it came to dealing with Monsters, so I couldn’t imagine her being happy about having to make scissors for a Monster family. 
Unpopular opinion: Since everyone already knows that I think she’s kind of overrated, I’ll just say I don’t think she has any real attraction to Marco? I mean, I do think she likes him, but she is presumably at least a thousand or so years old, if not older, and regardless of his psychical body, he is basically always under 16 in terms of maturity and mentality. 
Favorite relationship: I mean, I feel like the default answer to this is Marco? She really doesn’t interact with any other characters in a noteworthy way, not even her own “brothers”. Heck, I barely remember her talking to Star directly. 
Favorite headcanon: This might basically be canon, but she’s the only member of the MHC who’s really had any kind of relationship, even if they didn’t really last and regardless of if they were platonic or romantic, outside of the rest of the MHC or the Butterfly family. However, she barely remembers any of them, since most of the lifespans of the others in those relationships are basically a split second to her. 
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“The fact that Star vs the Forces of Evil has continually always undermined its own anti-racism theme has always bugged me. The first villain Toffee, a monster, gets brutally gets killed off and has little to nothing revealed about his backstory and why he caused the fritz, yet Meteroa the more mewman-monster hybrid gets a second chance at life after destroying Butterfly Kingdom and Moon gets forgiven by Star and Mina basically just gets to walk away despite the fact that their actions nearly caused a monster genocide. This even extends to the Magical High Commission. 
Rhombulus was shown to be guilty about getting rid of Meteora yet he and Omnitraxus Prime, who are basically monsters in appearance, are killed off with what could be considered their corpses shown as a joke yet Hekapoo, who basically looks like a mewman with facepaint and some accessories and has never been shown to have any sort of guilt or regret for her actions, gets a slapdashed “redemption”.”
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