#anti Nate heywood
afaimsarrowverse · 2 years
The Top 25 Things the Arrowverse gave us:
25.  Elseworlds
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This Crossover-Event will always remain extra special, because it saw Oliver and Barry swap identities, an evil would-be Superman, the introducting of both Gotham City and Kate Kane to the Arrowverse and Kara finding sisterhood with another version of her sister Alex by just knowing her. Oh and Gary was there too, totally random in the Elseworld Version of Earth-1 but still totally Gary, while Cisco was kind of evil and Oliver’s enemies were all cops.
 24.  Crisis on Infinite Earths
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„Crisis of Infinite Earths“ was the biggest Crossover-Event of Television, because not only did it crossover all Arrowverse-Shows including the not-yet-green-lit „Superman & Lois“ and the first footage from „Stargirl“, it did crossover all of DC Television and Film. We had „Lucifer“, „Smallville“, „Birds of Prey“, „Titans“, „Doom Partol“, the 60s Batman-Show, the 90s Flash-Show„Superman Returns“, the Burton-Verse and Ezra Miller in there, as well as Kevin Conroy and a lot of previously unfilmed Comic Stories on the top of that.
 23.  The Annual Crossover Events
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Starting with the launch of „The Flash“ the Arrowverse started doing crossover episodes and most of them did occure just before the Mid-Season Break and featured episodes in more than one of the shows. Soon more and more shows got invovled in these crossovers, and they got bigger. The Annual „Autumn“ Crossover Event was something to look forward too as long as it existed.
 22.  The Olivarry Friendship
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When it got announced that Stephen Amell would return to „The Flash“ for its final season the Internet almost broke. This shows how much the friendship between Oliver and Barry did impact the viewers and how special it was for everyone, who got to watch it grow and change over all these years. And why we will never forget it.
 21.  Ray Palmer
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Brandon Routh may have played Superman, but the superhero who really had an impact on the cultural landscape was his Arrowverse Role, Ray Palmer aka the Atom. Introduced in „Arrow“, becoming a main character in „Legends of Tomorrow“, Ray showed up in almost every Arrowverse-Show, and the likeable nerd was very much missed when he was written out of the Arrowverse. Since then he has returned, but sadly the end of Arrowverse does also mean that we won’t ever see him again.
 20.  Steelatom
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The Arrowverse presented us many forms of male friendships, but out of all of them the friendship between Ray Palmer and Nate Heywood undoubtable was one of the most special ones. Two soft male nerds becoming BFFs and in many ways much more each others significant other than their respective better halfs is still not something we are used to see.
 19.  Black Lightning (The Show)
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Yes, „Luke Cage“ came first, but without „Black Lightning“ the MCU Show would have been the first and only not-animated Superhero Show with a black lead involving the Black Community. „Black Lightning“ did for DC what „Luke Cage“ did for Marvel, and it even got to go out own its own terms. So „Black Lightning“ will always be that Black Superhero Show with a Lebsian Female Lead, that came, did what it set out to do, and finished the narrative despite everything.
 18.  The Power of Goodness
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Certain so called fans tend to see DC as this dark and broody and egdy Anti-Marvel Brand. The Arrowverse however did very much not fall in this trap. Yes, early episodes of „Arrow“ might have fooled you into thinking they were going there, but as soon as Barry Allen speed into the show, the Arrowverse showed us that, no, no matter how dark life becomes these shows and that whole franchise actually is a story about how in the end there is more good than evil out there, and how goodness can inspire other people into becoming good themselves. In all the shows our heroes did inspire others to do better to become more and to never give up. Instead of an edgy story about gloom and doom the Arrowverse was a story about how one’s inate goodness can overcome anything and can inspire everyone around to listen to the goodness inside themselves.
 17.  Soft Males
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Sure, we got Alpha Males like Oliver Queen or Mick Rory, but the Arrowverse also held a significant number of Soft Males, that were even more fun and frankly more inspirering to watch. In the end people like Barry Allen, Ray Palmer, Winn Schott, Cisco Ramon, Nate Heywood, Behrad Tarazi, Querl Dox or Luke Fox do appeal to people much more than the typicial male macho, we get to see everywhere else. And when people like John Constantine, Oliver Queen or Mick Rory find it in them to also step out of their own shadow and discover their softer side, it is even more beautifiul.
 16.  Female Friendships
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Many ensemble shows treat us with outstanding male friendships but not all of these shows are „Friends“. Most shows have to fight for their female characters to have a relationship with each other. So it is an accomplishment to actually see a postive female relationship outside of familial bonds and sexual interest flourish. Most of the Arrowverse managed to produced more than a couple of strong female friendships over their run. Bookclub matters, and so does the fact that, no Kara does not want to pounce her female friends, that Ryan is not ready to give up on Mary, this shows us that women actually care about each other. Something that especially male writers often forget about.
 15.  An Ace Superhero
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The biggest moment of seventh season of „Legends of Tomorrow“ was the moment in „The Fixed Point“, when Spooner came out to Zari as asexual. After admitting that she did not think about anyone „that way“, Zari explained to her that she is probabyl ace and that there is nothing wrong with that, and that there are many people like her and many of them still have happy relationships. This moment is even bigger because it was a latinx woman coming out, and it did give us the first asexual superhero on screen ever and one of very view openly ace main characters on a Television Show.
 14.  A Trans Superhero
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Season 4 of „Supergirl“ did introduce Nia Nal, who would go on to become the superhero Dreamer, the ancestor of Nura Nal from the Legion of Superheroes. Played be Nicole Maines Nia Nal is the first transgender superhero on our screens, serving us an inspiration for many by coming out about her true self in the show and fighting hate and even her own family for who she really is.
 13.  Sara Lance
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In the beginning there was Sara Lance. Long before characters like Nia Nal or Spooner Cruz or even Alex Danvers or David Singh would grace the Arrowverse Laurel Lance‘s little sister kissed boys and girls on screen, fought and overcame trauma, and never gave up on finding herself. Sara Lance proofed to us that you can come back from everything and that strong bi-sexual females can be lead characters on action shows.
 12.  Avalance
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Because of the rotating cast „Legends of Tomorrow“ did not really have a central romance for its long run. Changing up characters and romances, there was however one that stuck with us and the Arrowverse for most of its run, and that is the relationship between Sara Lance and Ava Sharpe, which did include getting married and having a baby. Even more important while same-sex-relationships were only secondary ships on „Supergirl“ and „Black Lightning“ Avalance, since it involved the lead character of the show, was the central ship of the show.
 11.  Westallen
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People tend to overlook that taking after the New 52 Idea of making the Wests Black during casting was a gamble for „The Flash“. But it also was one that payed of. The only Arrowverse Show that actually had their central couple for all of its run, took an iconic couple from the comics and made it real and did stick to it. Westallen is also a mixed race couple in Prime Time Television and sadly that is still not something viewed as normal today.
 10. Diversity
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The CW did make „Dare to Defy“ their motto, but in the end they did give in, gave up their identity even before they were sold, because no one would buy them, if they would actually live up to their motto. Which is why half of the Arrowverse Shows was cancelled when they were. However while it was alive and prospering the Arrowverde did dare to defy. The Arrowverse had women, POCs, LGBTQ+ Persons, Non-Americans, Aliens and Non-Confermists as their protagonists and antagonists from the get-go. So of course I could not stay around.
 9.      Same Sex Weddings
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Having celebrated their first Same Sex Wedding Of Screen during Season 1 of „The Flash“, the Arrowverse did feature no less than 3 [!] Same-Sex Weddings between Females in the year 2021, with Anissa and Grace getting married on „Black Lightning“, Sara and Ava finally tying the knot at the end of Season 6 on „Legends of Tomorrow“, and Alex marrying her girlfriend Kelly Olsen in the Finale of „Supergirl“.
 8.      Strong Female Characters
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Yes, it all started with a man, but even the late great Anne Rice noted that she was intrigued that Oliver was surronded by women rather than men after the Pilot. Since then „Arrow“ always tried to aim for a strong female presence as well as female characters in general. The same is true for the other Arrowverse Shows, most notably of course for „Supergirl“ and „Batwoman“, but with Season 2 „Legends of Tomorrow“ switched Rip Hunter with Sara Lance as their main protagonist and Captain, and more than one critic has noted that „Black Lightning“ actually is much more about Jefferson’s daughters Anissa and Jennifer than about Black Lightning himself. And „The Flash“ tried really hard to keep both Candice Patton and Danielle Panabaker around until the very end, adding more female characters to their main cast over the years. And let’s not forget that the never picked up Backdoor-Pilot „Green Arrow and the Canaries“ would have centered around the daughter of Green Arrow and no less than two Black Canaries.
 7.      Season 8 of „Arrow“
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Sometimes fans get something back. The short final season of „Arrow“ was very much a season tailored for the fans, a homage to the show’s history, that also aimed straight at the future of both the show and the franchise. Not as strong as Season 2 and not as shocking as Season 5, Season 8 of „Arrow“ still was something very special, which only the Arrowverse at that point of its existence would ever give to the viewers.
 6.      Season 1 of „The Flash“
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While everyone might have their own personal favorite Arrowverse Season, Season 1 of „The Flash“ ist arguable the best out of all of them, most people would agree. The first real Superhero Show since „Heroes“, „The Flash“ paved the way for the rest of the more comicbooky Arrowverse, DC- and MCU-Shows, and probably even stuff like „The Umbrella Academy“. The show made people, who are not really interested in superheroes, interested in watching the show by putting the characters and their feelings and relationship first, but backing it up with an engaging story that relies on superpowers and time travel to work.
 5.      Legends of Tomorrow
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The Arrowverse had a whole bunch of very different shows appealing to different audiences, but the one ouf of all of them that stood out was „Legends of Tomorrow“. After a luck-warm first season the writers threw out everything that didn’t work and went full in, embracing the fact that this was supposed to be a time travel show with superheroes and villains about a bunch of screw ups. They did not shy awawy from the crazy any longer but ran towards it instead. They made an outsider show for outsiders, that was beautiful and unique und very much not your average television show.
 4.      Coming back from Trauma
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„Arrow“ very much had the message that in the end, no matter what happened to you, you can not only learn to live with it, you can come back from it. Oliver Queen’s whole journey is about becoming a new person, that is not ruled by his past anymore. And he isn’t the only one. When „The Flash“ started we learn about the murder of Barry’s mother and how he was able to come back from that, and how he had to learn to stop looking back and start looking forward. Supergirl’s whole planet was destroyed, almost everyone she ever knew died. And still she managed to go on after that und flourish. In some shape and form most Arrowverse Characters are shaped by trauma – and their shows tell us that this does not have to rule them.
 3. The One where they are stuck on TV
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The best Arrowverse Episode out of all of them probably was „The One Where We‘re trapped on TV“ from „Legends of Tomorrow“s fifth season. Not only that, it was also the best Television Episode of the year 2020. Honoring TV that came before as well as the main character of the show, the episode also did include a valuable lesson. In the end that little TV Episode did more than most shows are capeable doing in years.
 2.      A Voice
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If we are talking about the question what the Arrowverse gave us, we should not forget to menton the most important thing it gave us: A Voice. Yes, the producers listened to the fans, but that’s not what I mean. The Arrowverse gave us a voice – the not privileged not white not straight not cis-males who were not brought up by a loving parental figure - it gave a voice to everyone else, to the damaged, the overlooked, the ridicouled, the bullied, the loners, the persons on the fringes. It gave a voice to those, who think no one ever listens to them, by having the heroes listen. For those magicial years of television all of us were heard. By going for Green Arrow, the Flash, Supergirl, Batwoman, Black Lighning and John Constantine the stories told by something with the DC Lable on it were finally about us.
 1.      Hope for a better Tomorrow
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When Oliver Queen came back to Starling City, he was a broken man, but when „Arrow“ ended he had been healed, something he never would have thought possible. Kara Danvers might have lost her planet, but she found a new home on earth, a new family and her calling. Barry Allen might have lost his mother and his father, but he found a future, where he has a new family, that flourishes and grows. Gotham may be a crap hole, but the Batwomen stepped in, when no one else did and made it a better place. While the Pierce Familiy fought to do the same for Freeland. Everyone who ever stepped foot on the Waverider came out stronger and more whole when they left the ship again, even those who did not leave alive, ironicially enough. In the end the most important thing the Arrowverse gave to us, is hope – hope that this will also pass, hope for a better tomorrow. Hope for a tomorrow, periode.
The franchise saved lives – with every show, ever episode at a time, probabaly many more lives than most people realize. And then it all came crashing down after a decade, when it became clear it had all been a lie.
So maybe they shouldn’t have bothered to give us ten years of lies in the first place. Or anyhting else on this list for that matter, because giving someone something only to take it away again without warning or reason is cruel, but giving someone hope and then taking that away, well that is just criminal. So in the end the Arrowverse was just that: A Crime against Humanity, because they told us life could be a certain way, only to end with the clear notion, that it actually in reality can’t.
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hanorganaas · 4 years
mick pushing nate out of a movie car is so me.
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coldtomyflash · 5 years
Why do you think the writers love propping Nate so much? I think his character comes across as either boring or an irritating, sometimes chauvinistic a**. While on a mission to rescue Mick/history, he convinced Amaya to sleep with him and later did the same thing with Zari while his supposed best friend Ray was in danger. And Klemmer asked if new Zari will be worthy of him? She and almost every other character are far superior. I wish the writers would have gone with the plan to kill him off.
I don’t hate Nate as much as all that, but I do think it’s a bit weird that he was introduced as like... here’s the only guy who can figure out history and that the Legends exist... here’s a guy who they need to decipher history as if Gideon doesn’t exist... here’s a guy who can steel up and save them... here’s a guy that all the girls fall for... here’s a guy who is rich but a rebel(?)... here’s a guy who’s in touch with his emotions (honest, we promise, just ignore him seducing teammates when other teammates are in danger). Here’s a Progressive Icon (TM), don’t you all love him?
haha okay so that’s a bit harsh. I just do find it odd. i found him at first to be basically a ray clone, but more bro. his narrative beats followed a very similar path to ray’s in the season in which he was introduced. he gained powers, which stripped him of being different in a way that made his brain more valuable than his brawn, which would have kind of been a neat addition to the Legends dynamic at that point. he has a personal history which ties in to their missions etc thanks to his family, and his family gets all this focus over time thanks to his dad, when we barely get to explore the families of any of the other Legends, and only ever for a one-off?
I do like Nate. I should clarify - i like him as a character and as a person it’s like “dude’s trying his best and is aiming to be nice and is mostly harmless. good on him.” I like how open he makes the rest of the team.
but ultimately to answer your actual question - 
i think the writers love Nate so much because they see themselves in him.
nate is designed as if he’s supposed to be an audience-insert character. he figures out the legends are real. he’s a history nerd. he geeks out over the time periods they go to. he starts out without superpowers. he starts out as a liability, often overlooked.
the problem is they jumped the rails with him super fast, from the potential to be an audience insert who helps highlight the absurdity of the narrative, to instead being propped up because the writers (i suspect, because this is just speculation) fell in love with nick zano and with the character he portrays way too quickly. they want the history nerd to get the girl. they want the team to need him. they want powers for him, they want him to be important, his family history to be explored, his ability to get others to open up to him to be unparalleled. they want for nate what they want for themselves.
there’s nothing inherently wrong with that, but the problem is that nate’s never been the most interesting character on legends, not by a long shot, and by propping him up, they take away the things that do make him interesting, and wash his flaws as if they’re positives (see: seducing teammates, being irresponsible paying off for him, etc). the team is only as interesting as their dynamics together, and nate contributes to those dynamics, but i wonder what else we could have got if they’d written him without powers, a little less sure of himself, a little less good guy james bond, y’know?
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alecmagnuslwb · 5 years
Alright, now that I’ve caught up on Titans I’m thinking about getting back into Legends of Tomorrow…I saw most of S3 and only really dropped it because I got tired of Nate and the crossovers, so I need opinions is it worth going back?
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The writers were originally gonna kill Nate off for good and then they didn't have the heart to. Cowards.
Remember when we had characters dying in the most heartbreaking way ever? Where was the love magic when they died???
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dimplesridley · 5 years
a year later and i still hate n*te and he’s still alive at the expense of one of my favorite characters on this show
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anansixpowered · 6 years
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lastoftheboyscouts · 7 years
Little things that brought me great joy
The disco outfits
Zari catching damsel in distress Ray Disney prince style
Ray making tea
Mick walking around in long johns while he does laundry
N@te stepping in a bear trap
Ray and Mick doing laundry together
Zari’s reaction to N@te and Amaya’s nonsense
Ray complimenting Mick on one of his shirts
N@te getting electrocuted
Zari watching Ray and Mick with her signs 
Zari reading Mick’s story while shoving an entire honeybun into her mouth
Tiny!Ray and tiny!Zari
Zari playing dress-up
Rip recruiting Wally
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eyyitsash · 6 years
Me an intellectual: on LoT I ship everyone with everyone except N@te/Amaya. Honestly N@te could disappear and I would feel zero emotion.
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romeo-oh-nomeo · 7 years
Petition to change Nate's name to "dodo”
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hanorganaas · 5 years
nate is still annoying
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deputy-ajay-ghale · 7 years
Actually Amaya: *sees Mari on the news doing what she wants to do, continuing her legacy, giving hope*
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vainocean · 7 years
"look at your outfit" ??? honestly I've been starting to dislike him and this isn't helping. I wish he would stay away from Amaya and Zamaya would happen already
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There's still time. Crisis is coming. They can kill off Nate and free us from him. I'm being too optimistic cause I know he has an arc in s5 which happens after Crisis *tears hair out*
Well, we have plenty of time that we can go without nonsense from Nathaniel Heywood.
The happiness I had when I found out the Legends were getting a historian is like a distant memory now.
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dimplesridley · 6 years
i mean ok i feel bad for n*te bc his family backstory n all but i still wish he didnt have such a huge backstory in the first place
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anansixpowered · 6 years
Everything’s Fine (Please Help) || Neighors AU Amaya and Mick
Amaya was arriving back to her apartment from another shift at the clinic. However, as she came up the stairs, she saw a familiar face she hoped she’d never see again. Her ex-boyfriend, Nathaniel Heywood, leaning against the wall next to the door.
Things had been great between them, until she’d learned he was cheating on her, at which point, she’d ended the relationship and kicked him out of the apartment they’d shared when she asked him to move in with her.
“Nathaniel, you need to leave.” She said simply.
“I miss you, Amaya.” He responded.
“Well you should’ve thought of that before you cheated on me, huh?” She kept her voice low as she unlocked the door of her apartment. “I don’t want to talk to you, okay, so please, just go.”
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