#anti Silvaze
dracarialove · 5 months
📄 F it, I'm posting my finished fics here, too 📄
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*Check the 'rouge's heart' tag if you haven't read previous chapters
[Chapter 5: Violence]
Blaze was clipping up her hair in her signature ponytail when the doorbell rang; before she could call out to Silver, he was already telling her he would answer it. The white hedgehog opened the door and greeted Rouge, inviting her inside.
"Lookin' sharp," she said, pointing to the teal blazer and black bowtie he was wearing.
Silver tightened his tie and smiled. "Thanks. Blaze should be out in a minute."
They chatted briefly until the lavender cat walked into the room, her slim figure presented in a knee-length magenta dress with a single ruffled strap crossing over to one shoulder. Red strappy heels covered her feet, and she had applied a nude gloss to her lips.
"Wow, Blaze!" Rouge exclaimed, impressed. "I've never seen you so stylish."
The princess shot her a sly look as she slipped one gloved hand around Silver's arm. "It's not often that I get dressed up. Besides, we're not all like you, hoarding outfits for every occasion!"
The bat rolled her eyes and swatted the air, grinning as she turned back toward the door. "You guys ready to go?"
The couple followed, Silver grabbing his keys. "Let's hit the town!"
Shadow's stint at the coffee shop was almost over, the grumpy hedgehog having worked a rare morning shift. His mood was sour as he and his coworker blasted through a rush of customers. The hour of repetitive labor left him irritated and ready to clock out, continuously checking the time once his coworker had gone outside for a short break.
He let out an aggravated sigh when another customer walked in only a few minutes after the rush had subsided. The red echidna stomped his way over to the counter, a steamed expression plastered on his face.
Shadow's eyes narrowed slightly as he watched the angry patron approach the register. Knuckles stopped at the counter, staring across at Shadow with an unflinching frown stamped across his tan muzzle.
Hyper-aware of the echidna's hostile body language, the neutral hedgehog remained on his guard as he held eye contact, then dully mustered a customer-friendly phrase. "Can I help you?"
"Stay away from Rouge," Knuckles growled.
Shadow responded with the furrowing of his brow and a quiet scoff. "You're looking for trouble, threatening me. I don't care who you are – if you think you can scare me, you're sorely mistaken."
"I'm not trying to scare you, tough guy. I'm warning you. You back off of my woman if you don't want a problem!"
Knuckles raising his voice set off Shadow's growing frustration, the dark hedgehog refusing to accept the disrespect. He replied in a sharp tone, "You're the one who needs to back off. You must have a death wish – or maybe you're just stupid – to challenge someone whose capabilities go beyond your comprehension."
The echidna started to ball his fists, the two men staring each other down. Shadow continued, "Besides, if Rouge is 'your' woman, and she's taken a liking to me, what does that say about your inability to keep her interest?"
He didn't know if it was true, if Rouge really was in a relationship with the angry stranger in front of him; but he hated being talked down to, and had easily pegged Knuckles' weakness when it came to insults. The redhead's frown turned into a toothy scowl as he suddenly raised his fists and swung.
"Chaos Control!"
The telekinetic hedgehog was the driver for their night out, all three of them hopping into the silver Camaro that boasted two bright teal stripes down the hood. They headed downtown, soon being surrounded by countless bars, clubs, and restaurants – all brightly-lit with energetic music pouring from the windows. Per Blaze's suggestion, they pulled into the parking lot of a restaurant bar, Silver scooting his car into an empty corner spot.
A human hostess met them when they walked through ruby-colored double doors, then led them past a number of tables filled with a mixture of diners; some human, some Mobian, all enjoying their meals and drinks with their personal groups.
She sat them at a booth near the back, Blaze and Silver sitting on one side while Rouge took the other. The woman handed them menus and offered to provide a pitcher of water for the table, which they graciously accepted before she left them to decide on entrées.
"The salmon sounds good," Blaze commented, drawing Silver's attention to her menu, "but it's kind of expensive."
He skimmed the price and smiled up at her. "Get whatever you want – it's a special occasion. I think I'll have the pasta salad. See anything you like, Rouge?"
"Hmm..." the bat wondered, tapping an index finger against her chin. "Maybe fettuccine, that's always a safe choice. Although, it might be worth it to try the grilled chicken."
Blaze perked up as she closed her menu. "Oh! I can vouch for the chicken. Certainly worth it."
"I'll take your word for it, then," she responded, snapping the menu shut with one hand.
When the waitress came by to place their pitcher of water on the table, the triad put in their orders and each poured a glass for themselves. The uplifting orchestra music playing through the restaurant's speakers coupled with the soft orange lights to set a positive mood for their evening, even as Silver brought up a subject that was still considerably sore.
"Hey, so, I know it just happened," he started, addressing Rouge, "and you don't have to talk about it if you don't want to... but I wanted to ask how you're holding up since the whole debacle with Knuckles."
Blaze lightly slapped his arm, but the strong-willed bat was determined not to let the breakup get to her; if she was going to get over him, she did need to talk about it. No amount of crying alone would help her completely heal from the pain, so Rouge smiled and made eye contact with Silver.
"You know, it still stings – and maybe it will for a while – but I think I'm coming more to terms with it as the days go by."
"I don't think I've ever met another woman as emotionally strong as you," Blaze commented, picking up her water. "Already starting to get over Knuckles, when Amy bursts into tears every time Sonic doesn't answer her calls!"
Silver chuckled and Rouge shrugged. The bat didn't want to mention her new love interest just yet, thinking it would be better to get her frustrations out first. She could save the good news for last and close out their dinner with happier thoughts.
So, while they waited for their food to arrive, she recounted the hurtful events while sprinkling in complaints about both Knuckles and Julie-Su. A cathartic experience, it allowed the treasure hunter to fully enjoy her meal once their waitress came around with the dishes and drinks.
Time was frozen, Knuckles' balled fist hovering in the air above the coffee shop counter. His mouth was agape, canines exposed in a display of aggression, fierce eyes alive with rage. The powerful hedgehog walked around the counter, trying to remember if he'd seen the echidna before.
The only instance he could pull forth was a mere possibility; a red BMW speeding down the street as he and Rouge enjoyed warm beverages outside the shop. Although it could've been anyone driving such a vehicle, it was the only conclusion he could draw, as there hadn't been anyone around the first time he'd spoken to her.
"Pathetic," Shadow mumbled to himself as he rolled along his skates to stand behind Knuckles.
As time began to speed back up, the Ultimate Lifeform hooked one foot under the echidna's legs and pushed them out from under him. Knuckles dropped, the forward momentum of his punch slamming his jaw onto the countertop as he fell. He let out an agonized shout as he tumbled to the floor, then clutched his muzzle and grabbed the counter to pull himself up.
Shaking, the echidna's eyes watered and he continued to groan in anguish. A splitting headache shocked through his skull and he remained kneeled on the floor while Shadow stood away from him, his baritone voice cutting through the otherwise quiet coffee shop.
"Get out of here. I don't want to have to expend any more energy on you."
Knuckles turned and glared up at him, attempting to speak but immediately clutching his mouth again before finally standing. Shadow remained on the defensive as the echidna chose to leave, his crimson gaze following the attacker until he was out the door.
He watched Knuckles climb into the same BMW that he had seen the evening before – initially invisible as he had parked in the farthest spot from the entrance – and made a mental note to speak with Rouge about the enraged echidna.
As the three of them were eating their respective meals, Blaze prodded Rouge about where she had run off to the previous day. "You said it would be good, so let's hear it."
"I met someone interesting the other day," the bat answered, trying to keep her smile from turning into a grin.
Silver's eyes widened a bit. "Woah, already? I knew you were quick about picking up new guys, but that has to be a record."
"Hey!" she retorted playfully, stabbing a piece of chicken with her fork. "This one doesn't count, okay; probably the first time I wasn't trying to find a lover after a breakup."
The hedgehog argued through a mouthful of pasta salad, "Well, it's extra impressive, then."
He covered his mouth when Blaze made a disgusted face, using his telekinesis to pull a napkin from the dispenser. The lemon-eyed cat turned to Rouge and said, "So, tell us about him."
The bat swallowed her food as a faint pink shade flushed across her cheeks. "He's this hedgehog who works at a coffee shop in town; small place, never been, so I'd never seen him before."
"Right, because you only go to clubs," Blaze interjected, chuckling.
"Exactly," Rouge smirked. Her gestures became more expressive when she started describing Shadow. "Anyway, he's kind of mysterious and moody – has 'grump' written all over his face. But he seems like a quiet guy, sort of reserved. Black hair with bright red highlights, the most striking cherry-red eyes I've ever seen; and handsome like you wouldn't believe!"
"Aw," the princess piped, her expression softening as she placed a hand on Silver's arm. He continued eating and nodded along to Rouge's story.
"I met him right after I dumped Knuckles. Just stopped at a random shop for a cup of tea." She purposely lowered her energy and took a sip from her champagne glass, then chuckled a little. "He made the most awkward small talk while I was sitting there; just had my heart broken, and there was a guy I would've never expected to approach me, talking so calmly that I actually felt like the world was slowing down. He had invited me to go back, so that's where I went after Knuckles picked up his stuff."
"Sounds like a connection to me!" said Blaze, returning to her meal. "Are you going to see him again?"
Rouge couldn't stop herself from grinning while she stabbed another chunk of chicken. "We have a dinner date tomorrow. It would've been tonight, but I already had plans with you two."
"Well, Rouge, you could've gone out with him tonight!" Blaze protested supportively. "We would've completely understood."
The bat shrugged and rolled her eyes in lieu of a response, her mouth full. Silver took the opportunity to cut in with a comment of his own.
"I'm glad things are looking up so quickly for you. You really deserve it, after the shit Knux pulled?" He shook his head. "Man, I'm just glad he got double-dumped."
Blaze laughed, making the hedgehog smile and chuckle as well. Rouge thanked him earnestly, then the three of them finished the last bits of their meals. They decided to order dessert, and the jewel hunter shifted the conversation over to Silver and Blaze. They discussed new developments over tiramisu, talking about the renovations they were making to their home, as well as a trip they were planning.
At the end of the night, Silver brought them home again and made sure Rouge was alright to drive. Her single glass of champagne hadn't impaired her enough to crash, so they said their goodbyes and the bat drove home with the window down. She enjoyed the rushing wind flicking through her hair as the radio played a smooth jazzy beat accompanied by inspirational lyrics; and when she arrived home, she pulled out her phone and quickly deleted every picture of Knuckles from her gallery.
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xeonetrlight · 21 days
Sol Dimension World Building Ft Silvaze
Hey there everyone, Xeon here and I am here to share a few headcanon ideas that I wanted to go over and share with all of you. So basically, I wanted to review a power scaling thing for the Sol Dimension. So while the Chaos Dimension(Sonic's Dimension) uses Chaos energy to bend reality to their own whims, I have decided that the Sol Dimension's main power is the abundance of elemental users in that dimension. This means that Blaze's world is teeming with people with cryokinesis, pyrokinesis, and aerokinesis, as well as many other elemental users living in the Sol Dimension. While there are elemental users in the Chaos dimension, compared to the Sol Dimension, it's a lot rarer due to the abundance of other abilities and technological advancements I also wanted to add more to the world-building itself by adding characters and locations to this world. As I will talk about later in other posts, there are many other nations besides the Sol empire. However, I wanted to talk about two characters that are tied to Silver and Blaze in this headcanon world-building Khione (Blaze's rival)- I wanted to make a rival for Blaze in her dimension since she is technically an alternate universal counterpart to Sonic so meet my Oc Khione. Khione is an artifical being created to destroy the Sol royal family by her creator and was infused with cryokinesis to make this goal a reality. Since Khione was never given a name by her creator Dr. Abaddon (My Oc who is the Sol Dimension counterpart to Starline), she lacked a sense of agency as Dr.Abaddon spent a decade trying to find ways to bring her to life but was unable to due to Khione lacking memories and as a result, being completely lifeless. However, after Dr. Abaddon studied and copied Blaze's memories onto Khione after he captured her, Khione was finally complete. However, due to having Blaze's memories, she often confuses herself with the original. This idea was originally made by Snow_Cloud4 on Twitter but I wanted to make a slightly different version but this idea is from them. Metal Silver(as a robot)/Prototype Argentum(Bio-android)- For this creation, I wanted to copy what Eggman did for Sonic but for Eggman Nega and Silver. So basically if I'm going the drone route, Nega creates an artificial copy of Silver using Anti gravity technology to copy Silver's psychokinesis but if I go the bio android route, this false Silver will have gravity powers that mimic the original Silver. However, just like with Metal Sonic, this false Silver will often believe he is the original and try to destroy him. For @sonicartisx and @sonicblog
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greenyvertekins · 5 months
Hearsay that isn't actually in the Japanese manuals spreads lie wildfire in the Sonic fandom, I still hear: Eggman is a womanizer according to the Japanese heroes manual and Drift's manual says Sonic hates cars and is only reluctantly driving a car to make the race fair for everyone.
Neither are actually true.
Have you hear those particular ones or similar "this fact is totally in a Japanese source even though it isn't at all" style facts?
Yep. There’s a widespread claim that Sonic’s age of 10 being in the JP Sonic 1 manual. In reality, Sonic’s age isn’t mentioned whatsoever in said manual. Hell, he doesn’t even have a profile in it (Neither does Dr Eggman for that matter.)
I’ve also seen refutations to my very accurate translation of Blaze’s profile in the ‘06 manual from rabid Silvaze fans who are leery about the fact that it states that she sees Silver as something akin to a younger brother. I think they reject the fact that it doesn’t say “Lover.” instead. The accusations that I had an anti-Silvaze agenda by fucking accurately translating official material was honestly pretty hysterical.
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ok this will sound weird but,,,thank you for sharing your thoughts on the sonic archie comics 🥺 I always want to talk about mine as well and share my ships but I get worried of getting dunked on by antis lol
if you don’t mind asking, what other ships from the comic you like aside from mighty x ray and snivegg?
Hey, that's okay! And very understandable, for the record
Hehe I definitely don't mind answering! It's like ahsbsbns so many though 😂
So definitely Snivegg and Mightray as you already mentioned
Lienouge (Lien-da x Rouge)
Julouge (Julie-Su x Rouge)
Sallamy (specifically well into the comic or like post the sgw)
Minally (Mina x Sally)
Minacole (Mina x Nicole)
Geofflias (Geoffrey x Elias)
I do like Geoffrey/Sonic (but I most enjoy it when Prince Elias is involved)
Espighty (Espio x Mighty)
Honamy (Honey x Amy)
Omegixit/Fixitmega (Omega x fixit)
SpeedJet (Speedy x Jet)
Eggwily/Wilegg (Dr. Eggman x Dr. Wily)
SonMega (Sonic x Mega Man)
Knuckles x Proto Man/Break Man
Rotommy (Rotor x Tommy)
Adails/Adamails (Adam the ai x Tails)
Shardlias (Shard x Elias)
Silvlias (Silver x Elias)
Lara-Su/Sonia (specifically the 25 yrs later timeline pre King Sonic's messing with the timeline)
Scourgiles (Scourge/Anti-Sonic x Miles/Anti-Tails)
Mileails/Taimiles (Tails x Miles/Anti-Tails)
Soniles (Sonic x Miles/Anti-Tails)
Fionic (Fiona x Nic)
I actually did enjoy Team Chaotix + Knuckles + Mighty as a ship pre SGW
Is there a ship between Sonic or Tails and that copy of Tails Mammoth Mogul made? Because if there is, then that.
Roseamy (Rosie the Rascal/Anti-Amy x Amy)
Mammoth Mogul x Ixis Naugus
Chuck Thorndyke and the scientist who made the shrinkray in the comic (He was like an old roommate/partner)
Razonic (Razor x Sonic)
Geoffilver (Geoffrey x Silver)
Metal Sonic/Tails Doll
Metal Sonic/Metal Tails
Metal Sonic/Metal Knuckles
Shardetal (Metal Sonic x Shard)
SonSpike (Sonic x Spike the porcupine)
Chaonic (Chaos x Sonic)
ChaoKnux (Chaos x Knuckles)
Strikeonic (Sgt Striker x Sonic)
Black Doom/Black Death
Mecha Sally/Nicole
Znively/Zobotnik (The variants of Snively and Eggman from the horizontal dimension of Zone cops)
Sonkhan (Sonic x Monkey Khan)
Monkey Khan/Tails
Bunnalicia (Bunnie x Alicia/Anti-Sally)
Muttails (Muttski/Ben x Tails, post SGW)
Sonic/Muttski (post sgw specifically)
Storm of Clovers (Clove x Conquering Storm)
Julamy (Julie-su x Amy)
Cuorb (Cubot x Orbot)
Sheriff D'coolette/Antoine's Father x Rob o the hedge
Dimitri x Eggman
Eggman x Dr. Light
Coral x Amy
Razor x Blade
Coral x Undina
I hope I didn't miss any since I put these ones down off the top of my head
Really, thank you for the ask! And if you'd like to ask about any ships I like specifically (headcanons/thoughts/whatever), or if there was a pairing you were curious if I liked in any capacity, feel free to shoot me another ask😊
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beevean · 7 months
Whisper and Tangle being intended to be the ultimate pure lesbian UwU ship becomes even more hilarious/disturbing when in the more recent issues, Tangle basically tramples over Whisper's feelings and desires with as much subtlety as a rhino about to take you down with it. Funny that some members of the Sonic fandom are absolutely foaming at the mouth at Sonamy or Silvaze or Knuxouge or whatever*, but Tangle and Whisper being written with serious issues in their relationship when it comes to respect and such is apparently not seen at all, if it's not outright gushed at instead. I find it very strange.
*(Speaking of, is it just me, or do the hetero ships suffer from this far more than the gay ones? Now that I write this, it just suddenly popped up in my head. I have seen the "Shadow is 50 ewwwww🤮!!!" debate as well, but I feel like most people know that's just plain bullshit on various fronts. But the most common/most teased hetero ships I can think of (Sonamy, Knuxouge, Silvaze) are either indeed """pedophilia""" or """incest cuz manual says siblings""", whereas the same argument is not held up for the gay ships like Surgeamy and so on despite meeting similar conditions such as their respective ages.)
Because Tangle trampling over Whisper's trauma wasn't really meant to be seen as a serious conflict in their uwu relationship. It was just another occasion to make Whisper angst :) they're fine now. Whisper even apologized for having PTSD, so it's all cool.
Anyway, the difference in treatment between M/F, M/M and F/F ships is palpable. F/F ships are the best and purest and if you ship one of these you are a good person (as long as you keep it safe and uwu). M/M are the standard, nothing special, they're mid, at worst you might be accused of being a fujoshi. M/F is the worst, disgusting and cringe, how dare you bring heterosexuality into this, don't you know it's inherently problematic because anti mentality is only a degree removed from radfeminism?
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misstalwyn · 1 year
the way a 5th grader saw the sonic stickers on my water bottle, screamed “YOU LIKE SONIC????” in complete disbelief as if he’s not a character that was created before I was born, and immediately asked me who my favorite was, then told me she’s a silvaze anti?? And then I found someone else’s silvaze fanart on the drawing table like these elementary school kids are really bringing ship wars back to the playground 😭😭😭
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listieshadows · 1 year
I remember when I was younger (like, the early, early 2010s) the only ship I truly disliked was Silvaze. Couldn't stand it! I'd be scrolling through the Sonic section of FanFiction.Net, and every time I'd see it mentioned in the description, it'd really sour my mood for a few minutes.
Back then, I remember the reason I'd always give to myself for disliking it was Sonic 06's negative reception. Y'know, "This game sucks! Why would you wanna be reminded of it by pairing up Blaze with Silver? Stop doing that and just ignore it!" Really, that was the reason I gave for hating Silver in general.
I only realized years later that I hated Silvaze for the same reason I wrote an anti-Sonamy parody of a parody of The Beatles' "Let It Be" (yes, really). In short, I liked Sonaze. For reason I can't 100% remember, either, but that was just it. Subconsciously, I realized what everyone else who hates ships like that does—that these ships are an obstacle to my ship becoming a thing, so of course I didn't like them. I was engaging in shipping wars without even really truly realizing it.
These days, I'm a lot chiller about it. In general, y'know, I find it kind of dumb to hate any ship that much, and in the cases of Silvaze and Sonamy I get their appeal. They're neat. Of course it's no skin off my back if anyone likes them. And far removed from the game where he's like "It's no use!" (and the days where I felt like if I disliked something I had to be 110% about it), Silver can be pretty good. Excited lil' nerd-type.
And, I mean, what's fun to me is that these days I don't even ship Sonaze that much anymore these days. Not just because I've come to see Sonic as aromantic, but more because, honestly, I've been way more into Blazamy. Largely for the aesthetics, too—pink and purple look good together, y'know?
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masterstaff · 5 years
Sonic the Hedgehog: The Metal Virus Slog
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I can only see this tiresome arc ending one of five irritatingly predictable ways:
1. Dr. Robotnik is forced to find a way to cure the planet, starting with Sonic. He'll have to BS his way back into Sonic's temporary good graces and accept that -he took things too far, whilst struggling with thoughts of what could have been as Mr. Tinker. Along the way, Eggman will need to apologize up and down to everyone he cures and keep Shadow, Omega, and Espio from killing him. Eventually, the day is saved and the villain scrams.
2. Dr. Starline finally deposes Eggman and takes control of the Earth, with the Deadly Six at his heel. He does better than Eggman ever did and begins plans to expand to the cosmos when Zavok and the others make their move. Starline and Eggman bury the hatchet, cure the planet, and disappear to scheme another day.
3. The Deadly Six strike early and brutally, taking out Starline after putting Eggman out of commission. They spread the Metal Virus all over the Earth and make everyone their bitches, humiliating Sonic and Eggman in particular. One of 'em, however, screws up and gives Sonic an opening.
4. A while after succumbing to the virus, Sonic manages to asspull some way to break free of his Zeti mind control (BECAUSE HE'S SONIC) and has to slowly take the Deadly Six' rule apart from the inside, angsting all the way about how wrong he was for letting Mr. Tinker live (at least without heavy supervision).
5. The currently unaccounted for Blaze and Silver being the only ones left to save the day, and ultimately doing so with their respective Super forms...with plenty of OOC (and pointless) ship teasing en route. As if they weren't forced at the hip already. ¬___¬
However this ends, two things are certain: the Resistance will never be disbanded, and Sonic will never live this nightmare down...because NO ONE will stop bringing it up for the remainder of the comic's run.
And that I am beyond sick of this arc. It wore out its damn welcome 10 issues ago and needs to END already.
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kornymotherfucker · 2 years
shoutout to blazamy. im not wlw but i know gay and these bitches gayyyy.
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dracarialove · 5 months
📄 F it, I'm posting my finished fics here, too 📄
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*Check the 'rouge's heart' tag if you haven't read previous chapters
[Chapter 7: Excitement]
The next week dragged on, Shadow and Rouge keeping in touch while they went about their days doing their own thing. The hedgehog searched for a new job and the jewel hunter continued her work as an agent, asking her aloof friend to join her at a night club after she successfully completed a mission.
"I'm not normally one for clubs..." he said over the phone, an upward inflection in his voice.
"Trust me, it'll be fun." Rouge twirled a lock of hair around her index finger. "I'll help you come out of your shell a little; if you want, I can invite a couple of friends to make it a group thing."
Shadow thought for a moment, then replied, "Alright. If you're going regardless, then I guess it wouldn't hurt to get out of the house."
"That's the spirit," the bat said encouragingly. "There's a lively place down the street from me. I'll text you the address and we can meet there tomorrow at 10pm – that's when they start playing the best music."
"As long as you promise not to abandon me halfway through the night," responded Shadow in a subtly playful tone.
"Of course. I'll keep my wits about me, and if you want to leave early, you have every right."
The hedgehog appreciated her offering a way out if the night went sour, concluding their conversation and continuing on with the rest of his day.
When it came time to leave his apartment, Shadow took one last look around to make sure his home was tidy; on the rare chance that he decided to drink, he didn't want to have to clean the next day while his head might still be swimming.
The hedgehog decided to take his motorcycle, the deep rumble of the vehicle thumping through the streets on his way to the club. When he arrived, he parked in the lot behind the musical building, looking around for Rouge's car. Not seeing it anywhere, he sat idly on his motorcycle for a few minutes before deciding to go inside.
Even if she wasn't there yet, he could at least sit at the bar for a bit. As soon as he opened the door, Shadow saw the bat standing near the entrance and looking at her phone. She lifted her head and her teal eyes left the screen to meet with his. A smile spread across her pink lips, the hedgehog returning it and approaching the solitary woman.
"Where are your friends?" he asked.
"On their way. We can grab a drink until they get here!"
"Sure." Shadow turned in the direction of the bar, his eyes remaining on Rouge as he bent his arm at the elbow and stuck it out towards her.
Pleasantly surprised at the gesture, Rouge blushed lightly and wrapped her gloved fingers around his bicep, the two of them approaching the bar together. They each ordered their own drinks and sat chatting until the bat heard her name being called. She turned to see Silver and Blaze walking in, the lavender cat waving.
"Hey, guys!" she greeted, standing from the bar stool.
Shadow turned just enough to speak with them, not jumping up to meet the couple as Rouge was. She introduced him as her friend, the hedgehog unaware that the treasure hunter's friends had already been informed of his presence in her life. He politely nodded towards them instead of shaking hands, mostly remaining quiet as he wasn't ready to converse just yet.
As the four of them grouped together at the bar, Shadow primarily listened to their conversations, giving his thoughts only when asked and not offering up new topics. He designated himself as the one to order more drinks when they'd finished a round, the loner grateful for a few moments of respite from the near-constant chatter of the three friends.
At times, Rouge wondered what the hedgehog was thinking, finding it a bit unnerving that he was so quiet throughout the hour that they spent just talking. She figured he wouldn't be staying long, preparing herself for the moment when he would stand and excuse himself for the night.
But when her favorite song started playing through the speakers of the bustling blue-lit room, the bat saw an opportunity to get closer to Shadow and hopefully entice him into staying a bit longer. She couldn't tell if he was having fun up to that point, but hoped to get another smile from him out on the dance floor.
She turned to him and held out her hand with an eager grin. "Shadow, would you dance with me?"
She saw the hesitation in his eyes – colored a deep purple from the effects of the blue light – but felt giddy when the stoic hedgehog's gloved hand fell into hers. He rose from the seat, Blaze and Silver covertly sharing a knowing look and following them to the dance floor.
Rouge picked a spot that didn't have as many people around, letting the electronic music influence her movements as she and Shadow faced each other. The hedgehog didn't match her energy, mostly tapping his foot and swaying rather than actually dancing.
The bat's friends focused on each other as they grooved nearby, silently bonding over shared dance moves while they avoided bumping into other patrons. Rouge made sporadic eye contact with Shadow in between scattered hip sways and occasional twirls, the man becoming more mesmerized by her as the song went on.
After a while, he got into the rhythm a little more, and a smile slowly spread while his moves started to complement hers a bit better. The woman was ecstatic seeing him jive with the upbeat tempo, biting her lip in excitement and moving in tandem with the hedgehog.
When the song was over, Shadow's movements slowed again and Rouge guessed that he was disinterested in continuing the dance, despite the fun he seemed to finally be having. They left the floor together while Silver and Blaze kept each other company on the vibrant flickering tiles.
The hedgehog declined having another drink as she ordered one, him leaning his back against the bar while she sat on the stool. He lounged with his elbows resting on the bar top, looking at Rouge and contemplating a question as the bartender prepared her drink. When she noticed his lingering gaze, the bat lowered one eyebrow and smirked.
"What?" she asked playfully.
He shook his head a bit, smiling more naturally. "I was just sort of wondering: I didn't see your car in the parking lot – how do you plan on getting home?"
When her drink was set in front of her, she used the small straw to stir the liquid, answering before taking a sip. "I flew here. Didn't really think it was necessary to drive when I live down the road."
"Ah," the hedgehog responded, his head cocking upward in an understanding gesture. He was starting to feel more confident from the couple of drinks he'd had. "Well, if you need a ride back, I don't mind dropping you off."
Rouge grinned again at his offer, catching on that it meant he was willing to stay as long as she did. But it was his next statement that made her eyelids raise as her interest in him skyrocketed.
"I have my motorcycle, so it would be a quick trip." The words tumbled smoothly from his mouth, Shadow not immediately privy to the joy sparking in his company's heart.
"You have a motorcycle?" she asked, stirring her drink again. "I would love to see it."
His eyebrows crept upward as he read her expression. "Really? I can take you for a ride, if you like. I mean, not to leave your friends behind, but I wouldn't mind making a quick spin around the block."
Without another word, Rouge spun around in her seat and looked toward Blaze and Silver, waving her hand to get their attention. She gestured them over and sipped her drink down to half while the couple made their way to the bar. Shadow was feeling more comfortable, the warmth in his chest growing as he and Silver shared a brief, respectful smile.
The bat started, "Hey, we're gonna leave for just a minute – Shadow has a motorcycle and he offered to give me a ride, but we'll be back."
Before she could head to the exit, Blaze spoke up, "You know the drill, Rouge."
"Oh, right." Looking at Shadow, she added, "Just a second, I'll meet you at the door."
The hedgehog nodded, pushing himself from the bar and walking away from the group. Silver casually crossed his arms as Rouge faced them, the fire princess using one finger to outline invisible patterns in the air. The bat copied one after the other, earning a smile from Blaze.
"Alright, you're sober enough," she stated. "Still, be safe."
The jewel hunter nodded, then handed the cat her drink. "I will. Here, you can have the rest."
"Score!" Blaze uttered, briefly stirring the alcohol before removing the tiny straw.
Rouge met Shadow at the door and followed him outside. They walked around the building to reach his motorcycle, colored jet black with bright red hubcaps. The bat clasped her hands behind her back, heels clicking on the ground and her hips swaying flirtily as she took steps around the vehicle.
"Wow, customized and everything," she said, spotting the spiky ruby-colored symbol stamped on the bike's body.
"Yeah, I probably prefer my chopper over the car," the hedgehog admitted, looking down at the vehicle and crossing his arms. "Faster, easier to handle..."
He trailed off as he walked around the other side of the motorcycle, raising one leg and swinging it around to sit on the seat. Rouge joined him, placing her hands on his shoulders as he started the engine.
Shadow's voice rose to be heard over the ignition. "Wrap your arms around me – it's the safest way to hold on."
The bat blushed, her palms leaving his shoulders and slinking under his arms. Her fingers hugged his torso, instinctively pulling herself closer to his back. Once his passenger was secure, the confident hedgehog drove his heel against the kickstand and took them out of the parking lot, turning to drive towards the first traffic light.
Rouge tilted her head up a bit to feel the wind rushing by, Shadow's thick quills fluttering next to her face. She gripped his chest a bit tighter, making the man's heart beat faster as a wider smile tugged at his lips. He made a right turn as the green light turned yellow, the bike's deep growl rattling underneath them when Shadow sped up.
They flew down the long street, the young woman glancing at familiar surroundings while her hair whipped around her cheeks. It was a freeing feeling, riding behind her new friend on a vehicle she'd never experienced before; something that may have never happened had she stayed with Knuckles.
Meanwhile, Shadow couldn't explain why he'd never allowed himself to get out like this before. Having Rouge's arms wrapped around him as they raced down the smooth road felt daring and fun, his smile sticking for the entire ride.
Three more right turns brought them back to the busy night club, the hedgehog finding a new spot as his previous space had been taken. When he stopped the engine, Rouge pulled back and he turned to look over his shoulder – her eyes were sparkling, full of life and elation while she complimented the short ride.
"That was incredible!" Her hands clasped together as they sat for a bit longer. "I haven't had so much fun in a while!"
Shadow couldn't help but glance at the bat's lips as she spoke, the forbidden urge to kiss her rising once more. He had to leave his seat to avoid screwing up his own suggestion of taking things slow. Rouge followed, the pair walking together to re-enter the club.
After meeting up with Blaze and Silver, they each got another drink and stayed a while longer; this time, Shadow felt more comfortable joining the conversation and was able to get on well with the couple until they decided it was time to head home.
They said their goodbyes and the dark hedgehog politely insisted on bringing Rouge home; when they arrived at her place, he idled in front of her yard as she left the motorcycle and turned to face him.
"Thanks for coming out with me tonight," she said, stars in her eyes. "It wouldn't have been the same without you."
A faint blush crawled across his cheeks, Shadow looking up at her with a peaceful expression. "Thank you for convincing me to come along. I had a good time."
The treasure hunter gave him an earnest look before placing one hand on his shoulder, leaning in to kiss him on the cheek. He didn't pull away, enjoying the gentle affection and feeling a flush of warmth spread across his muzzle.
Rouge looked radiant to him as her posture straightened, backing up onto the stone path that led to her front door. He raised one hand to match her wave, watching her stroll down the walkway and breathing a bit heavier through the thumping in his chest.
The enamored woman allowed a piece of him to linger in her heart as she heard the bike's engine start up again, peering through her front curtains to catch a glimpse of Shadow driving away.
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xomeiiluv · 6 years
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nuttyrabbit · 6 years
What's funny is that most Sonic antis don't realize that almost every "mainstream" ship is "pedophilic". After all, Sonic's 15 and Amy's 12. Tails is 8 and Cream is 6. Shadow's over fifty and Sonic's 15, whereas Rouge is 18. The only "mainstream" one that works is SilvAze and that ship really works on a more platonic level. (talking of course about the games alone)
Bruh, I’ve seen people go off on this shit like nothing else, like, do you really have NOTHING better to do than scream at people shipping Sonic the Hedgehog characters? Listen, I don’t like quite a few ships either, but I’m not going to start autistically screeching and demanding people stop shipping it or they’re bad people.
It’s just....I don’t get it man, what makes people go “Yes, this is the noble cause I will fight for, I will make the Sonic fandom free of sin and ‘problematic’ elements. This is clearly the absolute best use of my time.”  It’s like they never learned the idea that just because you don’t like something, that doens’t mean nobody else should be allowed to enjoy it. I get people that are disgusted by like, Tailsouge and Tailsnilla and shit like that, I do, I personally dislike both as well. But instead of screeching about it, I ignore it and move the fuck on.
You want my advice? Ship and ship away my friends.. 
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k9ofchaos · 6 years
K9′s Ramblings #14: Sonic Rivalries
Here in this installment of K9′s Ramblings, I’m gonna set up a cross continuity list of important rivalries within the Sonic franchise. Now let me lay down the law a bit here. The criteria for this list is rivalries that either already exist or should exist based on how anime they would be, spinoff potential and other factors I haven’t thought about yet. With that out of the way, let’s get started:
Sonic the Hedgehog:
Shadow the Hedgehog: The Arch-Rival of Sonic himself. A rivalry which is super anime.
Knuckles the Echidna: The OG rival to Sonic before Shadow, Silver and everyone else came along. Nowadays is just a friendly rival to Sanic, which is a natural progression for both their character arcs.
Silver the Hedgehog: Another friendly rival to Sonic who started out as a more antagonistic rivalry due to circumstances out of each party’s control. Considering how Silver, Sonic and Shadow are often labeled as the “Triple S Trio”, I could argue that Silver would either be a great secondary arch rival to Sonic or co-arch-rivals with Shadow to Sonic. I’d definitely like to see him and Sonic act more playfully cocky towards each other, especially in the IDW comics.
Jet the Hawk: Sonic’s primary extreme gear rival, and nothing else to be honest. 
Metal Sonic: This rivalry is more on the antagonistic side than the intense (Shadow) or friendly (Knuckles) side. But I guess this is what happens when a boss battle is so iconic that the character transcends boss-hood.
Johnny: I don’t see much in this rivalry to be honest. It was only around during the Sonic Rush games and I just view Johnny as a glorified second-in-command pirate to Captain Whisker.
Antoine D’Coolette: He (at least his Pre-SGW counterpart) was listed as one of Sonic’s rivals (especially when it came towards winning Sally’s affection) in the Sonic Wiki, so if the Freedom Fighters ever come back to the comics (or hell, maybe even make their own game debuts), I would like their rivalry to be explored more. I could see Twan himself working well with sword play mechanics similar to the ones from Sonic and the Black Knight.
Ash Mongoose: Not so much of a rival but more of a guy jealous against his girlfriend’s former boyfriend. Just adding him here for the sake of completion.
Monkey Khan: Similar to Ash, except these two have actually fought in combat before from what I can tell. If they ever resumed making Sonic Storybook games, he’d be fitting for the role of Sun Wukong in a Journey to the West adaptation. Or a game covering all four of the great classical novels of Chinese literature for that matter.
Geoffrey St. John: Similar to both Khan and Ash in that while I see his squabbles with Sonic over the love of Sally as more petty than anything else, at least I could see him hold up in a fight with Sonic unlike Ash.
Scourge the Hedgehog: Ah yes, the green evil clone of Sonic himself. I kinda like this jackass enough to feel a bit sad that he got purged during the Pendering. Hopefully Penders loses the copyrights/trademarks to what were essential his glorified Donut Steels and is forced to give them back to Sega.
Bean the Dynamite: I honestly have no idea why Bean is considered enough of a rival to Sonic to be included the rivals section of in his Pre-SGW Archie article.
Sam Speed: This rivalry is exclusive to the confines of the Sonic X continuity and is only listed here for completion’s sake. Couldn’t stand this guy’s ego. If the only way you can go fast is through a race car and a Hedgehog speedster can break the sound barrier, then you are already outclassed.
Swifty the Shrew: Just like the guy mentioned above, this rivalry is exclusive to the confines of the Sonic Boom continuity. I honestly cringed while watching the episode because his dialogue was so corny they sounded like an old man executive’s idea of a cool guy. But I’m pretty sure that was what they were going for as a joke. But still. *shivers*
Mighty the Armadillo: I wouldn’t mind or be surprised if Mighty and Sonic had a friendly rivalry going on. Hell, in one of the comics I have, Mighty was teasing Sonic over his big ego. So it’s not like such a development wouldn’t come out of nowhere.
Fang the Sniper: Out of all of what I like to call the “forgotten furries”, I see Fang (along with Mighty) as the strongest contenders to be rivals of Sonic. Though I’m not sure if Fang should remain a villain or be turned into a super reluctant anti-hero. Perhaps Bark could be the moral conscience of Team Hooligan that would ultimately convince Fang to do good deeds if the circumstances are dire enough. (Like if some ancient evil is planning to wipe out all of existance or something.) Bean would go along with whatever because he’s a true wildcard, he doesn’t care much about normalcy whatsoever.
Shadow the Hedgehog:
Sonic the Hedgehog: Not much to say that was already said in Sonic’s section.
Silver the Hedgehog: If there were to ever be an anime style training montage, I could see Shadow giving pointers to Silver (and Sonic as well) how to better harness Chaos Control as a contingency plan against whatever threat they’d be going up against during that particular story arc, be it game, comic, cartoon or whatever medium it’s taking place in.
Jet the Hawk: I’m honestly surprised Jet was listed as one of Shadow’s rivals in the first place. Must’ve been related to the plot of Sonic Free Riders or something.
Knuckles the Echidna: I really liked how their rivalry was depicted in the Post-SGW Archie Comics. But remember that thing I mentioned in the Shadow-Silver rivalry section? Well for that particular training session, I can see Knuckles and Shadow as sparring partners in that regard in order to strengthen each other’s innate Chaos related powers. While Shadow would focus on general chaos emerald usage by fine tuning his Chaos Spears and Chaos Blasts, Knuckles would focus more on strengthening his connection to the Master Emerald. Which I assume would give him the ability to manipulate green Master Emerald energy like in that fight he had with Doctor Finitevus or his All-Star Move from Sonic & Sega All-Stars Racing Transformed.
Eclipse the Darkling: Shadow’s primary antagonist/rival hybrid from the comics. I see Eclipse as the Metal Sonic to Shadow’s Sonic. Plus if Shadow gets his own comic book (or game) spinoff from IDW (or Sega), he would make a great addition to Shadow’s rogues gallery (a subject I will touch upon in a future “K9′s Ramblings” entry.)
Fang the Sniper: Headfanon time! Honestly, I could see Fang and Shadow hanging out at their local shooting range arguing over whether the pistol (Shadow’s preference) or the revolver (Fang’s preference) are the best handguns like the firearms nerds they truly are. This rivalry was inspired by this piece of fanart ( https://www.deviantart.com/tigerfog/art/SegaSonic-Sunset-Showdown-112185195 ) of the two having a good old-fashioned Mexican Standoff.
Geoffrey St. John: Honestly, I could see a rivalry between Shads and Geoff working better than the one Geoff had with Sonic. Especially since ones a government agent working for the Kingdom of Acorn while the other works for the G.U.N. organization (which is very S.H.I.E.L.D. like now that I think about it). A case of democracy versus monarchy if you will.
Silver the Hedgehog:
Sonic the Hedgehog: I’d like to see Silver act more cocky towards Sonic, but in a good teasing way. Plus, I could see these two pulling off a “fastball special” very well.
Shadow the Hedgehog: You know what, maybe Silver would make a great sparring partner with Shadow as well. Since they could practice their own special abilities (Psychokinesis and Chaos Powers) towards each other. It doesn’t necessarily have to be a one-sided deal of Shadow teaching Silver (and Sonic by extension) how to not fuck up the basics of Chaos Control.
Knuckles the Echidna: Can’t think of a clever way to distinguish the Silver-Knuckles rivalry section from the other Triple S entries on Knuckles. I guess Hedgehog/Echidna rivalries go as deep as their Saiyan/Namekian counterparts?
Rouge the Bat: I’m pretty sure she was listed in Silver’s rivals section of the wiki article because of the Sonic Rivals game. But whatever.
Miles “Tails” Prower: Same deal as Rouge above.
Metal Sonic: This one’s kinda more believable considering how headstrong Metal can be with basically anyone he encounters.
Espio the Chameleon: I know they’re good friends and all, but I could see them as friendly rivals towards each other.
Blaze the Cat: During that training session for that hypothetical apocalyptic encounter with a powerful enemy, Blaze would be Silver’s primary sparring partner as a way for both of them to unlock the potential of their latent kinetic abilities. *cough cough cue silvaze moment cough cough*
Knuckles the Echidna:
Rouge the Bat: Knux’s primary rival since the Sonic Adventure 2 days. Though it’s gotten friendlier as the years progressed nowadays. If Knuckles were to ever get a treasure hunting spinoff, I could see their rivalry get more intense in that regard.
Sonic the Hedgehog: Pretty much covered in Sonic’s section.
Emerl the Gizoid: Don’t know much about Sonic Battle’s story, but I’m guessing that the events in that game made them rivals when it came to conflicting goals.
Storm the Albatross: Just like Sonic and Jet, this is Knux’s primary extreme gear rival, other than that, not much going for this rivalry. 
Silver the Hedgehog: I could see Knux and Silver as being secondary sparring partners towards each other. Perhaps they could have a similar relationship to the one depicted in this Sasso Studios ( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vu28DwBwSDk ) video.
Shadow the Hedgehog: One thing I will say that I didn’t say in the other sections is that their rivalry works on so many levels since both of them are headstrong assholes whose stubborn attitudes can lead to conflict if their goals are conflicted and/or inconvenienced in anyway shape or form. 
Thrash the Tasmanian Devil: Knuckles’s primary antagonist/rival double whammy whose origins lie strictly within the comics. Like I mentioned before, hopefully Sega wins back the rights to all the characters Penders created like how Hasbro won the rights to Shockwave’s name back after that period where he was referred to as “Shockblast” during the Energon show.
Fang the Sniper: Again, if Knuckles got his own treasure hunting spinoff, I could see Fang having a rivalry with both Knux and Rouge over who gets the berried treasure. In terms of occupations, Knux is a Guardian of the Master Emerald, Rouge is a Spy/Thief and Fang is a Bounty Hunter/Mercenary.
Miles “Tails” Prower:
Wave the Swallow: As with Sonic and Knuckles, she is Tails’s primary extreme gear rival and nothing much more.
Doctor Eggman: While the Eggmeister himself may be Sonic’s arch-nemesis, he and Tails are definitely worthy opponents to each other when it comes to being men of science.
Battle Kukku XVI a.k.a. “Speedy”: I would say that Speedy is to Tails what Metal Sonic is to Sonic. In that both of them are minions to a prominent member of their respective rogues galleries. (Something that I will dedicate another “K9′s Ramblings” to sometime in the near future.)
Amy Rose:
Rouge the Bat: Going by the wiki, they really don’t get along well, at all.
The Babylon Rogues (Jet, Wave, Storm): Whoa, I guess Amy really hates these birds as a collective. I wouldn’t blame her, considering how much of a smarmy douche Jet tends to be.
Sally Acorn: I said in the previous post that I like both Sonamy and Sonally, so let me be clear that I think their rivalry would be friendly and on good terms. Okay? Okay. Moving on.
Rouge the Bat:
Knuckles the Echidna: Not much to say that hasn’t already been said in the Knuckles section, that’s for sure.
Miles “Tails” Prower: Well, she did teasingly kiss Tails in the Sonic X adaptation of Sonic Battle, so I could see it working in that regard.
Wave the Swallow:
Amy Rose: Same as in Amy’s section, these two don’t get along very much. 
Vector the Crocodile: I was not aware the Vex and Rouge had a rivalry going on until after browsing the wiki a bit. So here it goes.
Blaze the Cat:
Amy Rose: I see them as friendly rivals. Mainly because I was inspired by this image ( https://www.deviantart.com/mitzy-chan/art/Keijo-Amy-vs-Blaze-667017201 ) by Mitzy-Chan/Blue Chika parodying the Keijo anime/manga series.
Silver the Hedgehog: I can see these two being friendly rivals of sorts. Especially if they’re the kind to tease each other about it. Plus they’d also probably be the types to do some sparring matches as a form of training.
Shadow the Hedgehog: I can see Shadz respecting Blaze’s power/fighting ability and vice versa. Both of them are the serious types after all.
Sonic the Hedgehog: The wiki does list them as “partners in combat”, so there’s that. Plus the Blaze vs Sonic boss battle is super duper anime as hell. It was like a boost/spin dash beam struggle.
Bunnie Rabbot: Honestly, I only put her here because of this shitpost image I saw one time where Blaze got jealous of Bunnie’s... *ahem*... “assets”, if you know what I mean. 
Vector the Crocodile (and the Chaotix Detective Agency in general, but mostly Vex):
Rouge the Bat: If the Chaotix got their own Phoenix Wright style detective crime drama visual novel, then I could see Rouge being adversaries towards them when it comes to breaking the law by stealing jewels.
The Babylon Rogues (Jet, Wave, Storm): I’m guessing this was from the time when Vex filled in for Big on Team Rose during the events of Sonic Free Riders. 
Shade the Echidna: Since she may or may not be based on Julie-Su, I figured I put her as a rival to Vector as a nod to that trivia piece. Plus I was kinda inspired by this fanart pic ( https://www.deviantart.com/knockabiller/art/Throwing-Shade-681549963 ) of them interacting. And look, they’re even doing a fastball special in that piece.
Team Hooligans (Fang, Bean, Bark): Just like with Rouge, if the Chaotix got their own detective spinoff games, then the Hooligans would definitely be adversaries to them. Whether they’d be criminals on the run or gruff bounty hunters working with the law is (somewhat) up for debate.
That about covers it for now. Next time I’ll be covering potential rogues galleries for IDW Sonic spinoffs if they ever decide to go down that road. But until then, take care now.
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xomeiiluv · 6 years
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beevean · 5 years
Rouge/Wave is a thing because antis are desperate for a wlw Rouge ship with both characters canonically over 18 and Wave is the only other female character other than Vanilla. Those same people often don't have a problem with Silvaze even tho it's canonically a brother/sister relationship and therefor just as "incestuous" as, say, Sontails
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dude please no one would seriously compare silvaze to sontails
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